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QA Program
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1983
Shared Package
ML20076G925 List:
NUDOCS 8309010195
Download: ML20076G932 (94)


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_ CONTENTS D.11 1 PillLADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY OPERATIONS PilASE OUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (Format fron NRC Standard Review Plan, Section 17, NUREG-75/OS7) 17.2.1 Organization 17.2.2 Progran l 17.2.3 Design Control  !

17.2.4 Procurenent Docunent Control 17.2.5 Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings 17.2.0 Docunent Control 17.2.7 Control of Purchased Material, Equipnent, and Services 17.2.8 Identification and Control or Materials,  !

Parts, and Conponents 17.2.0 Control of Special Processes i 17.2.10 Inspection i 17.2.11 Test Control 17.2.12 Control or Measuring and Test Equipnent 17.2.13 llandling, Shipping, and Storage 17.2.14 Inspection, Test, and Operating Status 17.2.15 Non-Conforning Material, Parts, or Conponents 17.2.10 Corrective Action 17.2.17 Quality Assurance Records 17.2.18 Audits App. 17.2A Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards -

Electric Production Departnent App. 17.2B Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards -

Engineering and Research Departnent D.12 PilILADELPl!IA ELECTRIC C0\fPANY MAINTENANCE AND MODIFICATION OUALITY ASSERANCE PLAN D.12.1 General D.12.2 Organization i

l l

I B309010195 830608 PDR ADOCK 05000277 P


D- 1 i



_ APPENDIX D OUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM EXIIIBITS Exhibit No. Title i I Executive Organization Chart, Philadelphia Electric Conpany i II Organization Chart, Electric Production Departnent, Philadelphia Electric Conpany i III Functional Organization Chart, Peach Botton Atonic Power Station, Electric Production Departnent, Philadelphia Electric Conpany i IV Organization Chart, Quality Assurance Division.

Electric Production Departnent, Philadelphia Electric Conpany i V Let ter fron J. II. Austin to J. S. Kenper and S. L. Daltrorf, dated March 15, 1983 i VI Letter fron S. L. Dattroff to f G. R. Conover, Jr.; M. J. Cooney; W. C. Whi tfield; R.11. Moore;


1 A. J. Weigand; and W. B. Willsey, dated January 7, 19S0 i VII Organization Chart, Engineering and Research Departnent, Philadelphia Electric Conpany i VIII PBAPS Vol. III - Adninistrative Procedures l

l D-2 3/11/83 h.

1 D.11 Philadelphia Electric Company Operations Phase Ouality Assurance Pronran (fornat fron NRC Standard Review Plan, Section 17, NUREG 75/087)


1 17.2.1 Organization - (Exhibit I)

The Philadelphia Elcetric Company corporate structure is shown on the company organization Chart. The I twelve departnents are directed by Vice Presidents who report to the Offlee of the Chief Executive. The following Departnents are involsed in the quality I assurance related activities in operations, nalntenance, engineering, design, stores and procurenent, fabrication, inspection, testing and I auditing: Nuclear Power, Electric Pro'uction, d

! Engineering & Research, Purchasing & General i Services, and Legal.

i i Office of the Chief Executive The Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer, and the President and Chief Operating Officer comprise the Office of the Chief Executive.

The President of PECo has the ultimate responsibility for the Quality Assurance Progran. The President delegates to the Vice President - Electric Production Departnent and the Vice President - Engineering and Research Departnent, the responsibilities for instituting and maintaining the QA programs. The Senior Vice President - Nuclear Power acts as the direct agent of executive nanagement in inplenenting conpany policies relating to nuclear power and in ensuring their accomplishnent.

I Electric Production Departnent - (Exhibit II) i i

The Depar+nent is under the direction of the Vice President - Electric Production, assisted by the Manager - Electric Production. They are responsible i for the operation and naintenance of the Conpany's electric generation facilities and establishnent of Electric Production Department's Quality Assurance progran, goals and objectives.

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l 1

The Electric Production Department is composed of ,

seven Divisions: Nuclear Generation, Fossi l-llydro,  !

Generation, Quality Assurance, Services, Steam l

' IIeating, Maintenance and Systen Operation. l The Electric Production Department is responsible for Quality-Assurance in plant operation from the I acceptance of each systen fron AE/ Constructor-(Startup Phase), at least 90 days prior to initiation j of fuel loading, through the life of the plant. The Departnent is responsible for all phases of operation

' and maintenance. The Department is supplied


procurement services, engineering design services, and other support functions fron other Philadelphia

! Electric Company Departments. The Department, itself, is divided into functional units, thereby allowing centralization of expertise, which also

' provides econonics of operation. This centralization i lends itself to Quality Assurance activities, since l l

It provides, in varied fields, checks and balances by 1 organizations who are administratively independent of (


each other.

i I Nuclear Generation Division

! The Nuclear Generation Division is under the direction of a Superintendent, who reports to the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production Departnent. The Nuclear Generation Division is conprised of Nuclear Generating Stations and Nuclear Services. Nuclear Services is under the direction of l a Superintendent, who reports to the Superintendent I of Nuclear Generation, and is conposed of five Sections; Licensing, Nuclear Safety, Nuclear

' Training, Radiation Protection, and Energency Preparedness.

I i

i Licensine Section J

l The Licensing Section is under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the i Superintendent, Nuclear Services. The Section is responsible for: licensing: other regulatory natters; special projects relating to the operation and safety of the nuclear generating stations; and fuel managenent such as fuel utilization, operating strategy, and fuel perfornance analysis for safe and econonic operation.

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I Nuclear Safety Section The Nuclear Safety Section is under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Superintendent, Nuclear Services, on natters of a routine nature, and to the Chairnan of the Operating and Safety Review Connittee on natters of a safety-related nature. The Section is responsible for independently exanining the safety related activities at the nuclear plants operated by the Philadelphia Electric Company, and providing support to the Operating and Safety Review Connittee.

I Radiation Protection Section The Radiation Protection Section, under the supervision of a Director who reports to the i Superintendent. Nuclear Services, has the prinary responsibility for overview and consultation for the corporate radiation protection progran.

I Nuclear Traininn section The Nuclear Training Section, under the supervision of a superintendent, reports to the Superintendent, Nuclear Services. The Section is responsible for:

the training programs for licensed operators (qualification and requalification), replacenent training for licensed operators and senior licensed operators, non-licensed operations personnel and general enployee training. The Section shall supervise, conduct and keep records of the necessary training and shall be responsible for the preparation of and updating the training progran.

The Section shall naintain records showing who has conpleted training or retraining, test scores showing results of this training, a course outline showing the details of training, and a record of attendance at the training.

I Enernenev Preparedness Section The Energency Preparedness Section, under the supervision of a Director, who reports to the Superintendent, Nuclear Services, is responsible for D.11-5 3/11/83

the developnent and update of the Energency Plan that describes the resources and actions for dealing with nuclear incidents. Additionally, the Director -

Energency Preparedness interfaces with other response organizations to ensure proper coordination in the execution of energency response actions.

I Station Organization (Exhibit III)

The station organization, duties and responsibilities are described in Section 13.2.1.

I Fossil-IIydro Generation Division The Fossil-llydro Generation Division is under the direction of a Superintendent, who reports to the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production.

The Fossil-llydro Generation Division is conprised of Fossil-llydro Generating Stations and Fossil Services.

Fossil Services is under the direction of a Superintendent, who reports to the Superintendent of the Fossil-llydro Generation Division, and is composed of four Sections: Perfornance, Training, Methods, and Fuels.

I Training Section The Training Section, under the supervision of the Superintendent, who reports to the Superintendent, 1

Fossil Services, is responsible for preparing and conducting various training prograns in fossil / hydro operations and supports Nuclear Training Section. In I

addition, the Training Section adninisters the PECo operating qualifying exanination progran for i personnel of the Generation Divisions.

I Methods Section The Methods Section, under the supervision of the Superintendent, who reports to the Superintendent, 1

Fossil Services, is responsible for the preparation and distribution of rules and procedures that D.11-6 3/11/83

I l inplenent the Departmental Policies that are necessary to provide adequate industrial safety protection to personnel and equipment in Electric Production facilities.

These rules and procedures are directed at the protection or personnel, in, on, or around nachines or equipnent during repair, naintenance, operation, i and associated activities, fron injury, due to unexpected energization or start-up of the equipment process. These rules are inplenented by affixing appropriate lock out/ tag-out devices to the nachines

or equipment energy isolation devices.

r The Methods Section is responsible for the preparation and control of the book entitled ' Rules for Permits and Blocking'.

I Ouality Assurance Division - (Exhibit IV)

The Quality Assurance Division is responsible for the overall Quality Assurance Progran of the Electric 1 Production Departnent .

The Division is headed by a Superintend--t, who I reports directly to the Office of the Vict President, Electric Production Department, and is conrosed of:

Site Engineers, Engineers, Technical Assist,nts, Junior Technical Assistants, and QA Assistants who report to the Engineer-QA; Supervisors, Site Supervisors, Senior Auditors, Auditors, and Assistant Auditors, both on and off-site, who report to the General Supervisor-QA.

The description of responsibilities and function of the Superintendent, Engineer-QA, Engineering Staff, Site Engineers, General Supervisor-QA, Site and Corporate Supervisors and Auditors are as follows:

Superintendent - Ouality Assurance The Superintendent, Quality Assurance, reports directly to the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production.

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t Qualifications for_this position are established by the Vice President, Electric Production Department, l based on recommendatior.s of the Manager, Electric Production Department. At the time of appointnent, the Superintendent, QA shall have a bachelors degree or the equivalent in an engineering or science subject and shall have a minimum of 10 years of responsible adr.inistrative or operating experience in the Electric Production Department of which a minimun of 3 years shall be in the field of power plant operation, maintenance, or engineering, and/or quality assurance. A maximun of 4 years of the remaining 7 years of experience may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of acadenic or related technical training on a one-for-one time basis. The education and experience requirements specified should not be treated as absolute, as management retains the right to evaluate alternate experience and adninistrative training to qualify for this position. The Superintendent, QA Division, has the following responsibilities and authorities.

I 1. Fornulate, develop, and establish Quality l

Assurance policy in the areas of Operations, Maintenance, Modifications, In-Service Inspection, Surveillance Testing, llealth Physics and Chenistry, Security, Training, Procurement, Audits, Records, Non-Confornance and Corrective Action.

2. Adninistration and coordination of the Operations Quality Assurance Progran (0QA Progran).


3. Furnish overall direction for inplenenting the OQA Progran.
4. Review and approve adninistrative procedures I which inplenent the 0QA Plan.


5. Approve all Quality Assurance Division procedures and audit instructions for the inplenentation of the OQA Plan.

i l

C. Require verification of corrective action and

' problen resolution for itens affecting quality.

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7. Initiate and reconnend corrective action or i provide solutions through designated channels.
8. Direct cessation of work when such work is considered by the Superintendent, Quality Assurance, to be a serious quality degradation.
9. Determine the on-going status and adequacy of the OQA plan through regular review of QA Division Audits, identification and investigation cf problem areas, deternination of timely and effe etive steps taken to correct deficiencies, nnd the evaluation of general plant QA perforn.nce through such other inputs as are available ce are deemed necessary to make a reasonably objective and confident judgement.
10. Apprise the Office of the Vice President of the
Electric Production Department periodically of the status of the Quality Assurance aspects of the Peach Botton Units 2 and 3 operations, and

= ediately of significant problems affecting

} quality.

1 i 11. Control contents and revisions of the OQA Plan.

12. Assure that personnel involved in the inplementing of the QA Division procedures are i trained and/or qualified.

I 13. Contract for consulting rvices as necessary.

I 14. To assess, through QA Audits and Surveillarces, the adequacy and effectiveness of procurenent documents, nodification and naintenance procedures.

i 15. To approve audit and surveillance reports and l, noncompliance reports (NCR) and responses thereto.

1G. Delegation of portions of the Quality Assurance i Progran during the Operational Phase of PBAPS to the Engineering & Research Departnent (e.g.

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major modifications, evaluated suppliers list, etc.).

I Encireer-Oualltv Assurance i The Engineer-QA is responsible for the following:

I -1. Prepare and maintain PECo OQA Quality Assurance plans and procedures.

1 -2. Inplenent and docunent PECo EP quality assurance plans, programs and procedures, as applicable, i

i E. Keep the Superintendent, Quality Assurance, inforned of status of quality assurance effort  ;

and of significant problem areas. ,

1 A. Provide technical direction of QA activities of the Quality Assurance Division Engineering Staff.  !

1 l

l 5. Maintain a liaison with PBAPS Staff in order to be apprised of the needs of quality assurance l activities during plant operations and l naintenance. l l

l l

1 G. Assure, in conjunction with the General Supervisor-QA, that deficient areas which i require corrective action, identified in audits or surveillances, are included in re-audits or l I


i l

I 7. Review audit and surveillance reports.

1 1 8. Control the distribution of the OQA Plan and I revisions thereto.

9. Review the OQA Plan and Quality Assurance Division Procedures and Instructions Manual to deternine if revisions are required.

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10. Maintain a controlled filing systen (Nuclear Records Managenent Systen) of work pertaining to the Quality Assurance Division's inplenentation of the 0QA Plan.

I 11. Maintain current codes, standards and regulations pertaining to the Quality Assurance Progran.

I 12. Keep the Superintendent, Quality Assurance, advised on the status of regulations, codes and standards which may effect the content of the I OQA Plan i 13. Review procurement documents initiated by Electric Production Department organizations for safety related equipnent and services to assure that adequate quality requirenents are included.

Engineering Staff i The Engineering Staff and Site Engineers shall be under the direction of the Engineer-QA to acconplish i

the technical and administrative requirenents of the QA Division as assigned.

General Supervisor-0A f


i The General Supervisor-QA has the following responsibilities:



1. The adninistrative supervision of the Quality Assurance activities of the Quality Assurance Division Auditors.
2. Direct the perfornance of audits and surveillances in accordance with written i procedures to assure conpliance with the 0QA plan.

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3. Oversee the preparation of Quality Assurance audit check lists.
4. Consult with the Superintendent, Quality Assurance, and Engineer-QA on significant problens.
5. Review results of audits and surveillances.

G. Review with Engineer-QA, deficient areas identified by audit or surveillance.


7. Assure that itens requiring corrective action, identified in audits or surveillances, are included in rescheduled audits or surveillances.

1 i

8. Scheduling audits and surveillances to assure I conpliance with the OQA plan.

D. Reconnend to the Superintendent, Quality Assurance Division, the issuance of nonconpliance reports (NCR) as a result of i reviews of QA Division audits and surveillances.

I Site and Corporate Supervisors Under the adninistration of the General Supervisor-QA, the site and corporate supervisors have the following responsiblities: Supervises and perforns the functions required for the preparation, conduct, and reporting of audits and surveillances of Peach Botton Plant activities as required by regulations, conpany policies, and QA Division procedures.


Auditor - OA i

q Under the adninistration of the General Supervisor-QA, the Auditor-QA has the responsibility to:

1. Provide a continuing progran of audits and surveillances in accordance with the QA Division 1

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Procedures and Instructions Manual to assure I compliance with the 0QA plan.

2. Provide continuing awareness of plant conditions I and status of daily on-site QA activities in order to inforn the General Supervisor-QA of plant activities affecting quality.

S. Prepare audit and surveillance check lists and reports.

4. Identify problems adverse to quality through audits and surveillances and notify management I of the audited organization in accordance with applicable procedures. Initiate or reconnend corrective action through designated channels.
5. Verify implementation of corrective action of problems adverse to quality.

G. Verify conpliance with quality-related procedures and instructions.

7. Keep the General Supervisor-QA advised of status of the QA progran through audits and surveillances, i

l 8. Conduct independent flydro and Fossil Plant Audits of operations and maintenance activities affecting quality and reliability as required by departnental or divisional managenent.

i l Services Division

,i The Services Division is under the supervision of a Superintendent, who reports to the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production. The Division is conposed of the Chenistry Section, Costs Section, and i Conputer Applications Section, and has responsibility for administrative and production engineering support.

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I Chemistrv Section The Chenistry Section is under the direction of the Chief Chenist, who reports to the Superintendent, Services Division. The Chief Chenist is responsible for assisting the plant staff in the perfornance of routine and special tests of a chenical nature.

I Costs Section The Costs Section under the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Superintendent, Services Division, is responsible for the function of Electric Production Department budgeting, cost analysis, and interconnection accounting. Econonic analysis of overall systen operation is also a function of this Section.

I Computer Applications Section The Conputer Applications Section is under the supervision of an Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Superintendent, Services Division. The Section is responsible for naintenance and inprovenent of existing conputer installations within the Electric Production Departnent and software design of new installations.

i Maintenance Division The Maintenance Division, under the supervision of a Superintendent, who reports to the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production, is responsible for naintenance activities at all generating stations and stean heating plants. The division is conposed of a Staff Engineer and five sections: station, nechanical, electrical, engineering, and adninistrative. Maintenance activitics are perforned undce the cognizance of the PBAPS Engineer-Maintenance.

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J m.W-a h

i Station Section The Station Section, under the direction of the

  • " Superintendent, consists of qualified craftsneu and _, -

supervision to carry out naintenance functions at-the stations.

I Electrical Section 4 The Electrical Section, under the direction of the

,, Superintendent, is responsible for the inspection and naintenance of electric equipment and conponents.

I Mechanical Section The Mechanical Section, under the direc' tion of the Superintendent, consists of qualified craftsnen and ~ '

"7 supervision who support naintenance functions at-the station.

s i Engineering Section The Engineering Section, under the supervision of.the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the General Superintendent, Maintenance Division, is located at Maintenance Division IIcadquarters. This Section is administratively independent fron plant operations and station maintenance and is responsible for the perfornance of QC inspections of quality-related naintenance activities and nay stop any naintenance

' work it judges is being conducted so as to be a serious quality degradation. The QC personnel will be qualified in accordance with llegulatory Guide 1.58 as described in Appendix 17.2A. Inspection personnel have sufficient authority and organizational freedon in order to: identify quality problens; reconnend

' corrective action through desigr.ated channels; and verify inplenentation of corrective action. One or more nenbers of the section shall be designated to provide technical assistance and engineering support to PB Maintenance personnel.

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, , .r 1 ~,.1 , Inservice Inspection Croup

- ~

The,In-Service Inspection Group, under the

'N supervision of tlie Engineer-in-Charge, Engineering Section, is responsiole for directing, controlling, and coordinating'NDE activities performed in t accordance with the ASME B&PV Code, Sec' tion XI.

s 4

e /

> l Adninlstrative Section

- The Administretive Section, under the direction of ih'e Adninistrative Assistant consists of the Training and Testing Group, Clerical Group, and Safety Group.

The Training and Tes_ ting Group provides for the j, training of-helpers and craftsnen an.d qualification of craftsmen in4the various crafts. The Clerical Grou'p supports the paintenance funct_ ion. The Safety Group is responsible'for the adninistration of Safety and the, Maintenance of safe working conditions for all Maintenance Division enployees.

I Plant Operation Review Connittee (POR Connittee)

t ,

The POR Connittee is an advisory group organized on theLdlant level to review general plant operations.

The Chairman of the coenittee is the Plant Superintendent or his designated alternate. The


>nenbers of the connittee are: Assistant )

Superintendent', Engineer-Iechnical, Engineer-i Maintenance, Senior llealth Physicist, Engineer-3 Chemistry, Engineer-Instruments and Controls,

, Engineer-Results, Engineer-Reactor, Engineer-

- - , Operations, and Shift Superintendent.

i i

The POR Connittee is knowledgeable in Quality  ;

Assurance policies, procedures and requirenents. The POR Connittee reviews proposed tests, inspections, i

procedures, changes to safety-related equipnent, l

structures and conponents, proposed changes to the plant Technical Speelfications or operating license, and both nornal and abnornal plant performances.

' Changes of a safety-related origin are referred to

- the Operation and Safety Review Connittee. This assures the quality of Activity Prograns.

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, i; j

x 'The POR Connittee shdn'l- review pinnt operations to detect potential safety hazards. The POR Connittec

' shall take innediate' steps to correct any actions which are found to conpronise the quality of the activity. The status of any actions taken by the POR Connittee shall be incorporated in the Connittee

( meeting minutes, copics of the ninntes shall be sent I to Departnental Manageraent, the O&SR Connittee and the Superintendent, QA. Other duties and responsibilities are' defined by the Technical Specifications.

1 I

i Operation and Safety Review Connittee (0&SR C_ ogni t t ec )

1 The.0&SR Counittee is advisory to the Vice President, Electric Production. The Connitiec reviews p oposed changes to, or violations of the Technical Specifications, changes or nodifications to plant r

systens which night effect plant safety, and licensee events which are reportable under 10:FR20 or 10CFR50.

The Connittee also conducts periodir. nudits of plant operations and reviews Plant Operation Review Connittee action.

The members of the O&SR Connictec are technically qualified enployees of the Philadelphia Electric Conpany appointed by the Vice President, Electric i

Production, and are not nenbers of the station staff.

The Connittee also has as a nenber an independent outside qualified consultant. The duties and responsibilities of O&SR Connittee are defined by the i Technical Specifications and the Connittee Charter.

1 1 Engineering & Research Departnent - (Exhibit VII)

The Engineering & Research Departnent is responsible P's E'y for quality assurance in plant design, construction ', O'4 and pre-operational testing riuring initial construction of PBAPS and also during najor nodifications to PLAPS as described in the FSAR. The Department enploys nearly 1,000 technical personnel 1

to accomplish this task. In addition to this nornal staff, the Department engages consultants to supplement and extend its capabilities in fields of speciaIized technology.

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The Departnent is directed by the Vice President-Engineering & Research. lie has responsibility for the activities of the six divisions which comprise the Department; nanely - the Mechanical ~ Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Systen Planning, Construction', Engineering Design, Researph and Testing Division, and the Quality Assurance Section.

The Engineering & Research Department interfaces with the Electric Production Department in that it furnishes engineering services 'to the Electric Production Department in the areas of vendor Quality Assurance evaluation and surveillance, and najor nodification work as requested by the Electric Production Department. Also, technical natters relating te station operation and station nodifications can be referred to the Engineering &

Research Department where they are analyzed by specialists in various disciplines.

The Engineering & Research Departnent nay delegate work to consultants in a nanner sinilar to that of the Design and Construction, and Pre-op Phases of the plant.

The activities of the Engineering and Research Departnent are coordinated by the Mechanical Project Engineer and the Electrical Project Engineer. The Project Engineers are responsible for:

1. Assigning responsibilitics related to Modfications to the appropriate Divisions, Sections, Branches, and Groups.
2. Acting as the prinary interface between PECo and najor contractors (such as the original NSSS and A/E) when such contractors are enployed.
3. Coordinating plans and schedules.
4. Certain adninistrative aspects, such as docunent distribution and coordination and naintenance of the project file.

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I Mechanical Engineering Division The Mechanical Engineering Division, under the Chief Mechanical Engineer, has prine responsibility for the design, construction and pre oj.crational testing of company facilities, and acconplishes its purpose through project coordination and design review of nechanical plant equipment and components. Five Sections (Nucle'n and EnIironnental, C1 61, Power Plant Design, Power Plant T~ervices, and IndusErial) comprise the Division.

I Nuclear and Environnental Section The Nuclear and Environnental Section is under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge who reports to the Chief Mechanical Engineer. The Section is conposed of two Branches, the Nuclear Branch and the Environnental Branch.

I The Nuclear and Environnental Section is responsible for:

1. The interface between the Electric Production Departnent and the Engineering and Research Departnent for activities related to nuclear fuel and special nuclear naterial
2. Establishnent and inplenentation of the PECo Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Quality Assurance Progran including:

(a) Review and evaluation of the fuel fabricator's nuclear naterial accountability and QA progran against applicable NRC regulations (b) Conduct of audits of the fuel fabricator's QA and nuclear naterial accountability progran. including audits of fabrication, design control, and packaging activities (c) Review of QA/QC docunentation and records of non conforning naterials related to fabrication of nuclear fuel for PECo D.11-10 3/11/S3

(d) Review of QA/QC documentation and data generated by the fabricator during fabrication of PECo fuel (e) Special testing and inspection of fuel components as deternined to be appropriate (f) Reconnending receipt inspection criteria to the station superintendent or his designated representative 3.f Deternination of fuel cycle requirenents including vraniun ore conversion, enrichnent, fabrication, and spent fuel shipping and disposal. Evaluation of offers to supply fuel cycle services

4. Administration of fuel cycle service contracts
5. Calculation of fuel cycle costs and burn-up charges G. Nuclear naterial accountability prior to receipt of fuel assenblies by PECo
7. Reload licensing services
8. Establishing and maintaining a steady-state computer nodel of the reactor core D. Coordination and review of licensing docunents 1 Civil Section The Civil Section, under the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Chief Mechanical Engineer is conposed of two Branches: the Structural Branch and the Ilydraulics Branch. Reviews of applicable plant design are nade by the two Branches, i Power Plant Design Section i

l The Power Plant Design Section is under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Chief Mechanical Engineer. The Section is responsible for reviewing the design of najor i ncchanical power generation equipnent and systens.

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i i ~

i Power Plant Services Section The Power Plant Services Section, under the direction

' of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Chief Mechanical Engineer, is conposed of two Branches:

i The Station Services Branch and the Energy Services Branch.

The Power Plant Services Section is responsible for reviewing the design of auxiliary nochanical equipment and systens.

i Industrial Section The Industrial Section, under the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Chief Mechanical Engineer is conposed of two Branches: the Architectual Branch and the Building Facilities Branch. The Section is responsible for reviewing the ,

design of ventilation, heating, air conditioning, and fire protection systens.

i Electrical Engineerine Division I The Electrical Engineering Division, under the Chief Electrical Engineer, has responsibility for electrical design of the company facilities and acconplishes its purpose through the design review of '

plant electrical equipnent and conponents. Five Sections (Station Engineering, Electrical Equipnent, Field Engineering, Conputer and Controls, and Transnission and Distribution Engineering) comprise the Division.

i Station Engineering Section The Station Engineering Section, under the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Chief 1

Electrical Engineer, is conposed of four Branches:

the Nuclear Generation Branch, the Fossil /llydro l Generation Branch, the Substation Branch, and the d Custoners Engineering Branch.

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I Electrical Equipnent Section The Electrical Equipment Section, under the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge who reports to the Chief Electrical Engineer, is conposed of four Branches:

The Overhead Equipnent Branch, the Underground Equipment Branch, the Station Equipnent Branch, and the Structural Equipnent Branch.

l FicId Engineerine Section q

The Field Engineering Section, under the direction of 4

the Engineer-in-Charge who reports to the Chief Electrical Engineer, is composed of three Branches:

the Fossil flydro Branch, the Substation Branch, and the Nuclear Branch.

a The Field Engineering Section is responsible for the following:

1. Reviewing the design docunents for the Modification and deternining, for the Electrical Engineering Division, the testing to be perforned by the Field Engineering Section to denonstrate that the Modification will perforn adequately in service. The Field Engineering 4

Section nay also determine electrical equipnent testing to be perforned by the Research ar.d Testing Division.

2. Providing instructions / procedures for the performance of testing by Field Engineers
3. Evaluating and accepting or rejecting test results unless another organization is specified
4. Maintaining a log of reports of nonconfornances i intitiated by then i Conputer and Controls Section The Computer and Controls Section, under the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge, who reports to the Chief Electrical Engineer, is conposed of three branches; the Computer Applications Branch, the Plant Control Systens Branch, and the Protective Relay Branch. The branches are responsible for:

engineering review, design and consulting functions as they apply to process conputers; for engineering review, design and consulting functions as they apply ,

i D.11-22 i 3/11/S3

to instrumentation and control equipnent; and for engineering review, design and consulting functions as they apply to protective relays, i Construction Division The Construction Division is headed by the General Superintendent, who reports to the Vice President -

Engineering and Research, and the Assistant General Superintendent to whon f ac Electrical Construction-Section Superintendent, Mechanical Construction Section Superintendent, and Construction Division Engineer-QC report.

The Electrical and Mechanical Construction Sections' Superintendents are responsible for construction activities perforned by their personnel and I contractors at PBAPS. The Field Force Branches of the Electrical and Mechanical Construction Sections, headed by the Supervisor - Field Construction, consist of supervisors, forenen, subforenan, and skilled craftsnen of various trades who are responsible for the installation of Modifications inplenented by the Construction Division. The Construction Engineers Branches, headed by the Supervising Engineces, consist of group leaders, construction Engineers, and field assistants who are responsible for planning and scheduling Modifications, and for following work performed by the Field Forces or contractors.

The Construction Division Engineer-QC is responsible for establishing and inplenenting the Construction Division QC inspections. The Engineer-QC has no responsibility for scheduling and cost. The qualification requirenents for Engineer-QC include a background in construction practices and procedures and a working knowledge of applicable codes and specifications. The responsibilities of the Engineer-QC include: preparing, revising and controlling distribution of Construction Division procedures; providing QC indoctrination and training, and overseeing the QC inspection activities of the Construction Division Quality Control Group and providing a liaison between Construction Division and The Construction Division Quality the QA Section.

Control Group is responsible for inspecting work perforned by the Field Force Branches and for perforning receipt inspection of procured naterial.

D.11-23 3/11/83

I Research and Testinn Division The Research and Testing Division is under the supervision of the Director of the Research and Testing Division who reports to the Vice President -

Engineerir;; and Research. The Division is conposed of five Sections: the Energy Distribution Research Section, Energy Conversion'Research Section, Gas Researc%'and Laboratory Tests Section, Systen Tests Section, and Station Tests Section.

I Enerny Conversion Research Section The Energy Conversion Research Section is under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge who reports to the Director of the Research and Testing Division.

The Section supplies consulting services in the areas of netallurgy, nondestructive testing, and welding.

I Station Tests Section The Engineer-in-Charge of the Station Tests Section, who reports to the Director of the Research and Testing Division is responsible for conducting tests as assigned to then by Construction Division or by Engineering Work Letter, and the provision of instructions and procedures needed to acconplish assigned tests.

I Quality Assurance Section The Quality Assurance Section is under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge, Quality Assurance Section, who reports directly to the Vice-President - Engineering and Research. Adninistrative support is provided by the Chief Mechanical Engineer.

The Ouality Assurance Section has the following responsibilities during the operational phase of Peach Botton Units 2 and 3.

1. Establish and naintain the list of Evaluated Suppliers (ESL).

D.11-24 3/11/83

2. Audit / surveillance of the vendor's services as appropriate, to support Evaluated Suppliers List.
3. Establish, udninister and coordinate the Quality Assurance Progran associated with najor nodifications, capital equipnent installation or renewal, in accordance with PBAPS Quality Assurance Plan, Vol. I, Design and Construction Phase.

I Engineering Design Division The Engineering Design Division is under the supervision of the Chief Design Engineer who reports to the Vice President of the Engineering and Research Departnent and is responsible for the following work on Peach Botton Units 2 and 3:

I 1. Receiving and distributing drawings and drawing change notices and vendor drawings which have been issued for construction.

2. Providing or approving drawing quality requirenents.
3. Reviewing inconing drawings for quality and taking corrective action when drawing quality is unacceptable. Inforning Project Manager of corrective action taken.
4. Assigning PECo nunbers to drawings.
5. Obtaining pernanent record drawings on Mylar and/or nicrofiln.

G. Establishing and naintaining a pernanent drawing storage and retrieval systen.

7. Perforning detailed design work based upon criteria provided by the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Divisions
8. Preparation and resicw of Modification and as-built drawings D. Initiating procurenent request letters and procurenent request specifications as required by Engineering D.11-25 3/11/S3

3 1 Purchasinn and General Services Departnent Purchasing and General Services is under the supervision of the Vice President, Purchasing and Cencral Services who reports to the President and Chief Operating Officer of the Conpany. Purchasing j

and General Services is conposed of five sections:

i Insurance Division, Fuel Procurement Department, Service Operations #Departnent,' Purchasing, Division, and Real Estate Division.

1 Purchasing Division The Purchasing Division, under the supervision of a Manager, is responsible for purchasing all equipnent, material, spare parts, and services as requisitioned by the Stores Division or other requisitioning departnents.

I Service Operations Departnent Stores Division, under the supervision of a General Superintendent, who reports to the Manager, Service Operations Departnent, is responsible to requisition, I receive, document receipts, store, issue, and to inventory supplies, spare parts and other naterials.

I Legal Department The Legal Departnent is directed by the Vice President and General Counsel with the aid of the Associate General Counsel. They have responsibility for the activities of the two divisions which conprise the Departnent; nanely the Legal Division and the Clains - Security Division.

i Clains - Security Division The Clains - Security Division is under the supervision of the Manager, Clains - Security Division, who reports to the Associate Cencral Counsel - Legal Departnent. The Clains Division and D.11-2G 3/11/83 I

the Security Division comprise the Clains - Security Division. The Director of Security, who reports to the Manager, Clains-Security Division, is responsible for the overall security on a conpany-wide basis.

17.2.2 Pronran PECo has the responsibility for assuring that the operation of Peach Botton Atonic Power Station is conducted in a safe manner. The Conpany's long I standing policy and practice required that the plant be conservatively designed and constructed utilizing applicable codes, specifications, and regulations, I including those related to QA. This practice should nininize the probability of conponent failure and greatly enhance reliability and operational safety.

Furthernore, in the case of the nuclear power plant, certain systens, structures, and components which are described in th'is Final Safety Analysis Report have been incorporated into the plant to prevent or nitigate the consequences of accidents which could cause undue risk to enployees and the public health and safety. This conbination of the conservative design prantices, the utilization of nationally accepted codes and standards, and the incorporation of special safeguard systens coupled with a quality construction progran is the foundation on which the operational safety progran rests.

The post-connissioning operation and naintenance of the power plant is done in a high quality nanner utilizing Philadelphia Electric's operating experience, guidance and reconnendations fron USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Nov. 1972; ANSI N18.7 - 1972 and ANSI N45.2 - 1971. Additional guidance has been obtained through infornal discussions with SRC conpliance representatives and other nuclear power plant operators. Philadelphia Electric Conpany is l

convinced that, when activities associated with the operation, naintenance, repairing, fueling, and nodifying are properly prepared, executed and verified, operational safety is assured.

The quality assurance progran for operations is presented herein and describes the nanagerial and administrative controls to be used to assure safe nuclear power plant operations. This, together with the Engineering & Research Departnent's Lesign and Construction Phase OA plan, described in the PBAPS D.11-27 8/11/S3

Quality Assurance Plan, Volune I, neet the requirenents of 10CFR50, Appendix B, through all phases of plant design, construction, operation and naintenance. The coordination of QA activities between the Engineering & Research Departnent and the Electric Production Departnent is.acconplished at the Departnent Vice Presidential level, working through the Departnent lleads. Portions of the Quality Assurance Prograu during the Operational Phase of PBAPS nay be delegated to the Engineering & Research Departnent (e.g. najor nodifications). Questions concerning inplementation, conduct of progran or progran adequacy fron the company standpoint will be resolved at this level. The President of the conpany is kept informed of the QA progran, plans and perfornance, and directs the overall company policy with regard to QA, resolving questions brought to hin by the respective Departnent Vice Presidents. This general plan of QA Adninister. tion is in accordance with the directives issued by the President of the conpany, dsted March 15, 1903 (Exhibit V) and the Manager, Electric Productio- Dept. Jan. 7, 1980 1 (Exhibit VI). The Quality Assurance Progran for the Operational Phase of Peach Botton Atonic Power Station is described in the PBAPS Quality Assurance Plan, Vol.

III. The QA plan inplenents Philadelphia Electric Conpany's policies and objectives by addressing the nanagerial and administrative controls in various operational activities such as; Training, IIea l th I Physics, & Chenistry, Fuel llandling, Shif t Operations, Surveillance Testing, Maintenance, In-Service Inspection, Procurenent, Physical Security, Energency, Fire Protection, Environmental Monitoring, and Modification. Each of the activities address the eighteen criteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and describe how each activity is in conpliance with Appendix B. For each of the activities, major QA progran procedures are written to inplenent and docunent all aspects of the QA Plan.

A natrix of the Adninistrative Procedures versus the 18 criteria of 10CFR50 is presented in Exhibit VIII to denonstrate that Appendix B provisions are fully inplenented by docunented procedures.

D.11-2S 3/11/83

l Appendices A & B to Section 17.2 of the FSAR describe the structure of the quality assurance progran with '

respect to the guidapee and reconnendations included in WASil docunents 1283 (Rev. 1), 1284, 1300 and/or Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards not included in Wash docunents. The progran shall be reviewed, to determine the status and adequacy, by the Superintendent, QA, Station Superintendent, on a continuing basis and the O&SR Connittee annua _1_ly in order to deternine any changes or nodifications necessary to maintain the standards of safety required by 10CFR50, Appendix B. The Orrice of the Vice President of the Electric Production Department is informed on a continuing basis of the status and effectiveness of the quality assurance progran through Vice-Presidential Staff Meetings and receipt of Qaality Assurance Audit Reports, Surveillar.ce Reports and Non-conpliance Reports. The QA Plan applies to activities conducted on i

systens, conponents, and structures installed to

' prevent or nitigate the consequences of an accident which could be harnful to the public. These are i designated safety-related equipnent and are listed in the latest revision of the PBAPS Project Sunnary Q-List. Although the neasures discussed apply prinarily to Q-listed equipnent, they nay also be applied in varying degrees to non-Q List equipnent, such as fire protection, security and rad waste. The

application of these quality assurance neasures to non-Q systens will additionally enhance operational safety. The Superintendent, Quality Assurance, has the responsibility for naintaining, controlling and I distributing the PBAPS OQA Plan to responsible personnel or organizations who perforn quality-related functions.

l The PBAPS OQA Plan is approved by the Superintendent, QA; Superintendent, Nuclear Generation Division, and D.11-29 3/11/S3


cc the Vice President or Manager of the Electric Production Department.

I Revisions to the Plan will be nade by the reconnendation of the PBAPS Superintendent; i Superintendent, Nuclear Generation Division Superintendent, QA; with nutual approval, and will be approved by the Vice President or Manager of Electric Production prior to issue. The Quality Assurance Division is staffed with trained and qualified personnel, both on and off site, who are independent of the Nuclear Generation and Maintenance Divisions. The QA Division has the prinary responsibility through planned and periodic '

audits and surveillances of work-in progress to verify through ol;jective evidence that thiu Quality Assurance Progran is being accomplished in accordance with PBAPS QAP Volune III, Operations Phase. The Superintendent, QA Division, is responsible for developing and naintaining a quality assurance I indoctrination and training progran to establish proficiency in quality assurance and to qualify Q4 1 Division personnel in accordance with Division requirenents and procedures.

I 17.2.2.G The QA Division nay involve itself in the planning of quality related activities to assure that adequate quality assurance requirenents are provided I consistent with their inportance to safety.

i l Resolutions resulting fron differences of opinion l

regarding deficiencies or nonconpliances identified I

fron audits or surveillances by QA Division shall be nade by the Office of the Vice President, Electric


I l The QA Division has been given the authority to require the stopping of work in the event that such work could result in a degradation of quality.

D.Il-30 3/11/83

1 l The quality assurance progran is docunented by l 1

written policies, procedures and instructions and shall be carried out throughout the life of the plant.

I The Superintendent, QA Division, reviews and approves all Adninistrative Procedures that inplement the QA Plan for Operations. The adninistrative and inplenenting procedures and instructions pertaining to quality-related activities l

are written to acconplish those activities with appropriate equipment under nuitable environmental

! conditions.

i Operating personnel selection and training complies with PBAPS Icehnical Specs., which is in accordance with ANSI Ni~d.1 - 1971.

L i


! The training progran assures competent naterial

( selection and instruction. The retraining progran is designed to maintain current operator conpetence and uses current NRC recertification proposals as a j

i guide. Training aids and materials are utilized.

l Fornal classroon and individual study periods are scheduled. Evaluation of trainee's progress is l docunented.

I l

l l

j The training progran also includes provisions for non-licensed personnel and general enployee l indoctrination. General enployee training includes:

i l

quality related plans and procedures appropriate to l

the specific job related activities; radiological j 1 health and safety (ALARA Progran), industrial safety I and first aid; plant controlled access areas and security; and the use of protective clothing and equipnent. Personnel perforning quality related activities are trained and qualified in the principles and techniques of the activities being performed. These areas include technical training, on shift training, qualification or certification requirenents, and qualifying tests as appropriate for the job position. Adninistrative procedures l delineate the scope, objectives and nethods l

r 1

D.11-31 3/11/83

associated with the training progran along with requirenents for retraining and documentation of the training acconplished.

i l The menbers of the Engineering Section, Maintenance Division, serving as QC Inspectors, are responsible for inspecting work perforned by the craftsmen.


, 1 The Engineering Section, Maintenance Division, is adninistratively independent of the plant operating staff and station naintenance force and nay stop any l

maintenance work it judges is being conducted so as to conpromise quality.

J Quality Control inspactions of instrument naintenance are perforned by tha Engineer I&C or his designec as required to verify compliance with instrument naintenance procedures. ,

i , The Quality Assurance requirenents of 10CFR50 ,

Appendix B as applicable during the manufacturing phase are invoked on vendors, suppliers or I contractors through procurenent docuner.t requirenents.

17.2.3 Desinn Control i Design and design control neasures are established for plant nodifications and are controlled and administered by PBAPS Adninistrative Procedures.

' Plant nodifications are categorized into najor and ninor classifications.

i Major nodifications are defined by the PBAPS i Adninistrative Procedures and are referred to and acconplished by the E&R Departnent in accordance with 4

PBAPS QAP Vol. I, and E&R Departnent design and design review neasures.

D.11-32 3/11/83 i

. , . . = ~ -

I l The Engineering and Research Department has developed a series of procedures which are used to control the design of najor nodifications. These procedures specify requirenents and controls for design reviews, including approvals and issuance thereof, for design interfaces, for docunents, for coordination among participating design organizations, for preparing safety evaluations to nect 10CFR50.59, and for insuring inclusion of applicable design requirements such as design bases, regulatory requirenents, codes, and standards. The procedures provide for the original design and design verification to be either assigned to an cutside consultant or perforned within PECo. For work performed by PECo, specific procedures have been developed to control design and design verification. , The Engineeriva and Researtt Departnent follows Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards, specifically ANSI N45.2.11, an indiented in Appendix 17.3B, Instructions for design of ninor nodifications are writter to require compliance io regulatory I requirements as c'erined in 10CFR50.2. 10CFRCO.50, and as defined in the license application in recordance with the desig, basis of the structures, systens, or conponents. Measures are established and docunented to assure

' that the applicable design requirenents, such as l, design bases, regulatory requirenents, codes and standards are correctly translated into

specifications, drawings, procedures, or instructions. These neasures include provisions to l assure that appropriate quality standards are specified and included in design docunents.

l Quality standards at least as conservative as those applied to the original equipnent shall be specified and deviations fron such standards shall be controlled. Connercially standard (off-the shelf) naterials, parts or equipnent which have been previously approved for different applications are reviewed for suitability in the design process.

D.11-33 3/11/83 Minor nodifications are nornally of a scale which do not require design interfaces and coordination anong different design organizations. Design adequacy is verified by independent design review in accordance with PBAPS Adninistrative Procedures. These reviews are perforned by cognizant I engineers in the Station Engineering Section, in the appropriate Division of the E&R Departnent or in sone I cases by the Engineering Section in the Maintenance Division of the Electric Production Departnent. The reviews consist of reviewing the design, spot checking the calculations or analysis, and assessing the results against the original design basis and functional requirenents. Design controi neasures aro applied to itens such as the following: reactor physics, stress, thernal, hydraulle, and accident analyses; cocpa t i* ell it y of nater ia ls ; accessibility for in-nervice inspection, waintersace, and repair; and inclu3e a delineation of acceptance criteria for inspections and tests and other design work on Q-listed itens or syntens. Cases nay arise when the nadification is designed to l

specifications somewhat different than the original design (as when equipment necting the original specifications is no longer available). In these cases, deviations fron the original specifications shall be specifically noted along with the technical basis for the deviation and evaluation that the new l

design continues to nect the original design basis.

i i Minor nodifications nay be acconplished by PEco f Operating and Maintenance personnel in accordance l

with the neasures established for the Maintenance l Inspection of activities and procurenent.

nodification work is included in the controls established for these activities.

I l

1 l Measures are established to assure that the nodifications neet design, installation, inspection, testing and quality assurance standards. Testing of i

l l

D.11-34 3/11/83

modifications assures systen integrity and provides for evaluation of performance prior to operation. Approval of ninor modifications is delineated in PBAPS Adminictrative Procedures pertaining to Plant Modifications.

I Design documents for minor modifications such as proposals, records, procedures and approvals are administered, nalntained, and controlled through the use of a Plant Modification Control Sheet in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures.

17.2.4 Proceresynt Docunent Control 4

i l Measuses are estab!!shed in accordance with PLAPS Adninistrative Procedures tc. contre.1 the preparation, '

mpprovt.1 and 1ssaance of peccurement doesnents.

17.;'. . 4.1.1 Material and Services required for the Operations Phase of PBAPS are procured in r.ccordance with Adninistrative Procedures, Eudget and Control Division, Purchasing Division, and Stores Diviclor.

Procedures. Plant Adninistrative Procedures require a i cognizant engineer deternine the technical and quality assurance requirenents for a Quality Assured iten. lie deternines the applicable specification, I drawings, details, and code requirenents to be applied to the purchase order. Ile also determines special controls to be applied such as vendor controls, hold points, tests to be perforned, along with acceptance or rejection criteria, sub-vendor controls, vendor check points, test data, test results, special labeling, storage instructions, requirements for reporting nonconfornances, shipping instructions, receipt controls, and QA docunentation requirements.

D.11-35 3/11/83

O The final requisition is prepared by the Stores )

Division, based on requests furnished by the ordering rroup. A cognizant Plant Staff nenber reviews all

'~ Quality Assured" requisitions with approval by the Station Superintendent or his alternate in accordance with plant Adninistrative Procedure,s. The procedures outlined above are followed with the addition of a QA Division review of the requisitions I to assure that ((cplacenent parts]have equivalent quality requirenents invoked on the purchase order as required by the QA Plan.! Spare or replacement parts shall be of a quality level equc1 to or better than that of the original equignent.

I If the (A lbvision procurenent document review deternines simt a deficiency or an unsatisfactory iten assvelated with quality requirenents exists in any part of the procurencat document, then connents shall be transnitted to the responsible requisitioning personnel for apprcpriate corrective action. The reviwed ccquisition shall then be reviewed by QA Elvision to deternine that the conner.ts have been resolved to the satisfaction of QA Division. Material, equipment, and services shall be purchased fron vendors or contractors having an acceptab!c quality assurance progran which is consistent with regulations as set forth in applicable regulatory requirenents, and 10CFR50, Appendix B. The Engineering & Research Departnent Quality Assurance Section is responsible for establishing, naintaining, revising, and issuing an " Evaluated Suppliers List" for Nuclear Power Plants in accordance with PBAPS QAP Volune I, Appendix L.

I The Engineering & Research Departnent purchase orders for najor nodifications shall be controlled and D.11-3G 3/11/S3

distributed in accordance with Volume I of the PBAPS Quality Assurance Plan.

I Tee Stores Division and Purchasing Division process only approved requisitions in accordance with PECo Procurenent procedures and policies. The Purchasing Division shall not alter the information on a requisition of any Quality Assured iten without prior approval of the requisitioning orgarization.

, j The procurencet doeuncat for quality assured items l l Ir2nludes a previs tor, for the right of-access to j vendor faelillies for in$pec+ ion or audit porposes, i

I i Precerenart docucentn are nalntained in accordance with Sectice 17.2.17 of this Plan.

a 17.2.5 Instructions, Procedu-es- ard Drawings Activities associated with the inplementation of this Quality Assurance Progran are prescribed and accomplished in accordance with appropriate

' instructions, procedures, and drawings.

Adninistrative Procedures are written by the plant i staff, approved by the POR Connittee and the l

Superintendents of the Station and QA Division, and distributed to predeternined personnel. These I Adninistrative Procedures contain provisions which clearly delineate the sequence of actions for the preparation, review, approval, and control of I activity inplenenting procedures, instructions and drawings. Exhibit VIII delineates the nanner in which the criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B, are l

inplemented. Activity inplenenting procedures, instructions and drawings, where appropriate, include quantitative and i

qualitative acceptance criteria, sign offs. hold D.11-37 3/11/83 f

y w w,- , - , ,- ww ---,,,r,e ,-r-,o,-e- g-:e -, w - n --_ we arw -m-e ---v.,- >m-m v-,,4m-,--r .v m,--- r,~,--vvr,-vm-~

points and witness points to assure that inportant activities are satisfactorily acconplished. The POR Connittee, who is knowledgeable in quality assurance i , requirements and adninistrative controls, reviews implenenting procedures, such as tests, special processes, naintenance, and nodification procedures, to assure adequacy and effectiveness. Appropriate recording documents such as log books, work request forns, check-off lists, or data sheets, shall be used to assure compliance with the instructions, procedures and drawings.

17.2.5,2.2 Procedures shall also include, where applicsb!c, reference te vendor equipnent manuals, design drawings and r.pecif ications, prerequisites, special precautions and the delinnation of the work to be accomplished.

17. 2. fi . 2. 3 Equipnent u.ancais and nanufoeturers' instructions shall be rearilly ava ilable for use. Maintenance Adninistrative Procedures for the control of work perfor.ned at the Central Maintenance Shop shall be prepared, approved by the Superintendent, Maintenance Division, and Superintendent, QA, and distributed to predetermined personnel, to assure quality of the work. Systens Division, Budget and Control, Purchasing Division and Stores Division procedures which are applicable to the stores and purchasing activity are reviewed by the QA Division, i Quality Assurance Division personnel shall, in the course of audits and surveillances, review the C# adequacy, conpleteness, and effectiveness of inplenenting procedures, instructions, and drawings associated with activities perforned under this QA Plan.

D.11-38 3/11/83

i 17.2.5.G Engineering and Research Departnent instructions, procedures, and drawings are controlled in accordance with Volume I of the PBAPS Quality Assurance Plan.

17.2.0 Docunent Control 17.2.G.1 Measures are established through the requirements of the Quality Assurance Plan to control the issuance of instructions, procedures, and drawings, including changes thereto. These docunents are reviewed and approved in accordance with Administrative Procedures. They are procedurally controlled through the use of naster registers or indices wh;ch are updated with the issuance ci revised procedures, instructions and drariags. Adninistrative Procedures and revisions thereta are reviewed an 3 appi-oved by 5 the Supt. QA Division. Distribution as to '

I predeternined responsible persuanel to preclude the use of superceded documents.

17.2.G.1.1 Changes to any of thene doctnants still be reriewed fcr adequacy and ecleased by the ssne ruthorized prsonnel who perforred the original review or by a designated replacenent. -

t 17.2.G.1.2 Tenporary and energency procedure change ncchanism is i provided in the Adninistrative Procedure controls.

17.2.G.2 PBAPS QA Plan Volune III and Quality Assurance Division procedures and revisions thereto are i

controlled as per QA Division Procedures and Instructions Manual under the authority of the Superintendent, QA Division. PBAPS activity instructions, procedures, and drawings, delineated in the docunent control I requirenents of the QA Plan, Volume III, are procedurally controlled and approved in accordance with the PBAPS Adninistrative Procedures under the authority of the Station Superintendent or his alternate. These controls establish individual

' responsibilities for the preparation, review, D.11-39 3/11/83

.._ , -. ~. .--- _ _ - - . _ _- - _ _ _ _ . _

, approvals, and distribution that apply to the various quality-related activities which include: Training, Shift Operations, Fuel Handling, Radwaste, IIea l th

- Physics & Chenistry, Surveillance Testing, Fire Protection, Environnental Monitoring, Energency, Physical Security, In-Service Inspection, Maintenance, Modifications, and Stores and Purchasing.

17.2.G.3.1 The control of documents apply to those records delineated in section 17.2.17 of this subnittal. Revisions to other quality-related docunents, such as PBAPS Technical Specifications and FSAR are
controlled by the use of distribution lists and
indices to predeternined personnel to preclude the

, use of superceded docunents. Engineering and Research Departnent document control is in accardance wita Volune I of the PBAP5 QA Plan.

17.2.7 Cor-trol cf Furch,ased Material, Equipment, and Services Measures are established for controlling purchased naterial, equipnent, and services to assure that tl.e naterial, equipment or services conforn to the procurenent document specifications and quality assurance requirenents established in Section 17.2.4. Material, equipnent, and services are purchased fron vendors, suppliers or contractors having an acceptable quality assurance progran which is consistent with applicable regulatory requirenents.

The E&R Departnent Quality Assurance Section shall naintain an up to date listing of such vendors, suppliers or contractors in accordance with the requirenents PBAPS QAP Vol. I, App. L.

Procurenent of itens or services fron other than

" Evaluated Suppliers" shall be controlled and shall have the concurrence of the Superintendent, QA i

D.11-40 3/11/83

4 i

l l

' Division, or his alternate for establishnent of procurenent requirenents to assure the quality of the 4

product. Evaluation of vendor, supplier or contractor 1

capabilities are based on records of previous supply

! or performance or review of quality assurance prograns or audit of supplier facilities, practices, or a combination thereof.

3 1 Review of vendor, supplier or contractor qualifications shall be assessed at periodic intervals connensur ate with the inportance, conplexity, qur.ntity of the product or services being ;

pu rc!4ased. Requisitier.s for huelear Safety Related Qualif y

- Assured fiens s5t!! contain a phrase that clearly i indicates the Qca11ty Status of sucli itens- ,

a f


, Precurenent docenents incluie the identification of renconfornances that require approval by PECo for ,

dispcsttion. j j


, Documentary evidence that naterial and equipment conforn to the procurenent requirenents shall be available at the site prior to installation or usv of such naterial in accordance with PBAPS Adninistrative Procedures. Receipt inspection is the responsibility of a Staff QA engineer in the activity affected, and shall be perforned in accordance with PBAPS Adninistrative Procedures. Receipt inspections are perforned to verify that naterial components or parts received conforn to the purchase order requirenents.

D.11-41 3/11/83

l 1

l l

l 1 Receipt inspection includes, as appropriate, visual examination of physical properties, determination and i identification of marking or labeling, review and j inspection of quality assurance documentation to verify confornance with the purchase order specificcticins and requirements. Control and identification status of the receipt ,

material, parts or components are accomplished in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures.

I Nonconforning naterial, parts, or conponents are identified, segregated and controlled in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures. <

f Procurenent docunenta laclude, as appropriate, hold I points for PEr0 in verify inspection points to verify coupliance with Purchase Oeder Specifications. ,

$ Shop inspection of vendors who perfora naIntenance

- i service work on conponents fron P2APS nsy be i performed by the Engineer-Maintenance, Enganeering I

I Section, ot!:er cognizact personnel of PECo or a ,

qualified consesitant retained by PECo for this

, purpose, when verification of procurement i requirenents cannot be deternined upon receipt.

i 17.2.7.G Engineering and Research Departnent control of purchased material, equipnent, and services is in accordance with Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

i i

17.2.8 Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and

' Conponents Measures are established to identify and control materials, parts or conponents in accordance with written procedures and instructions and apply to the fabrication, storage, installation or use of the i

material, parts or conponents.

I l


i D.11-42 s/l1jg3 f

- -c,. -e_, ., -w- - - , - - , --- - - , - - -----n--..,- --,-v,,-n,nnn,--,e- ,n,.,nn,---ewaw.n,--n.,~-n--,,---,-n - , - - - - ,


r i.

4 The identification and control of naterlal, parts or conponents associated with design change activities are delineated in Adninistrative Prncedures and cover such itens as traceability to specifications, purchase orders, quality assurance docunentation, fabrication and installation inspection, and functional verification' tests prior to use or placenent in operation. i > <

f i ~ All components associated with_the operation of-safety-related systens shall be appropriately, identified, so as to pernit ready reference to plant

) procedures, docunents avd dravings.

A The Maintenance and Modification f.ctivities shall conform to the procedureu ests,blished to control materials, parts, and conponents as prescrthed in

'dainistrative Procedures.

t i Q naterial, parts or conponents nre identified and controlled by the sse of a quality contro1 confernar,c w tag which have inforw.stion referenced sud irner:2ble to tl'e pur e'hsso order and applicable quality assurance reqrstrocents, t Material or equipment thus tsgged rennins in the Storeroen until required for use. Engineering and Research Departnent identification and cotnrol of naterials, parts, and components is in accordance with Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

17.2.9 Control of Special Processes The Maintenance Division in coajunction with other departnents within the conpany, and outside consultants when necessary,.are responsible for development of special processes such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive testing. These D.11-43 3/11/83

y /

processes and the personnel inplenenting then are i s_ qualified for th;se activities.


' Measares are est'ablished to control special processes in accordance with written procedures, instructions and drawings. Review and approval is accomplished in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures.

17.2.D.1.1.1 Special instructions,' procedures and drawings are furnished in accordance with applicable codes, standards, specificat;ons, criteria, and other supplenentary requirements. Special processes nay be reviewed by cognizant PECo personnel or outside consultants. The Maintenance Division is responsible f or the control of the Special Process initiated by the EP Pepartnent. Arklit M .61 control and assistance is ruraished by personnel frcu the Er.gineering and 1 Pescarch Departnent. ,


, Certifiestien of velders is' kept current through records of qu. fifying tests, recording of welds on current wo*k, retraining and qualifying for specialty work in accordance with Maintenance Adninistrative i Procedures and Section IX of the ASME B&PV Code. The nondestructive testing procedures for the In-Service Inspection are written in accordance with applicahic codes, standards and specifications.

i NDT procedures require that personnel perforning tests be qualified in accordance with the

' recon,endations of the Ancrican Society for Nondestructive Testing Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, "Reconnended Practice for Nondestructive Testing

Personnel Qualification and Certification" - 1971.

n D.11-44 3/11/83

s . .

i .

17.2.D.3 Results of special process'es performed are docanente'd in accordance with approved instructions and i

4 procedures.

t s s l 3 Engineering and Research Department control of

- i special processes is in accordance with Volume I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

. 17.2.10 Inspection ,. A progran for the inspection of quality-related activities is . established through adninistrative and implementing procedures to verify conformance with applicable procedures, instructions and drawing requirenents.

i The preparation and control of procedures, I instructions and drawings for inspection are in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures. The inspection progran for nodifications and non-routine or major maintenance work is accomplished by personnel independent of the group or individual perforning the work.

I Procedures for nodifications, najor and non-routine i

nalntenance include appropriate hold points or inspection points with acceptance criteria to verify compliance with procedure requirenents. The procedures include the characteristics to be inspected and the identification of the individual or group responsible for verification.

I Verification of satisfactory conpletion of inspection points are docunented and are included in the docunentation associated with the perfornance of the work.

t D.11-45 3/11/S3

i i Verification of equipment operability following maintenance and modification work is accomplished along with inspection of the work area for safety, cleanliness and health physics practices. A surveillance test is perforned to verify conformance with documented instructions, procedures and drawings. The progran for inspection of activities affecting quality in the design of minor n,odifications to verify confornance with documented instructions consists of the following:

1. Inspections are carried out during the I nodification to assure inplementation of the procedures, drawings and instructions for each modification. Inspections are in accordance with the original design bases requirements or acceptable alternates.
2. Both inspection and process monitoring shall be provided when control is inadequate without both. The code authorized inspector assures that the ASME B&PV Code inspection requirenents are performed in accordance with written approved procedures and acconplished by qualified personnel in accordance with the PBAPS QAP Vol. III, and Adninistrative Procedures.

! Personnel performing Quality Control inspections are qualified in accordance with applicable industry standards and company training prograns.

Certifications of inspector qualifications are naintained in accordance with Administrative Procedures. Quality control inspections of work perforned by the Maintenance Division shall be perforned in accordance I with Adninistrative Procedures by individuals other than those who perforned the activity being inspected.

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~ Quality control inspections of work performed by the Construction Division shall be performed in I accordance with Administrative Procedures by individuals other than those who perforned the activity being inspected. Quality control inspections of instrunent maintenance shall be performed in accordance with Administrative Procedures by individuals other than those who perforned the activity being inspected.

I The QA Division perforns surveillance of selected quality-related work-in progress activities connensurate with the importance to safety to verify that certain aspects of the Quality Assurance Progran are performed adequately and in conpliance with progran and procedural requirenents. Procedures are reviewed in the course of QA Audits and Surveillances to assure that necessary inspection points are included and that a mechanism is provided for the docunentation of inspection results. For major nodifications, inspection procedures address the original inspection criteria which were used during the construction of Peach Botton Atonic Power Station. These original inspection procedures or updated or nodified inspection requirements nade necessary or desirable due to changes in the state of the art or upgraded Codes and Standards are followed in the inplenentation of najor nodifications. Engineering and Research Departnent inspections are in accordance with Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

I 17.2.11 Test Control A test progran shall be established to assure that all testing required to denonstrate that an iten will perforn satisfactorily in service is identified and D.11-47 3/11/83

documented, and that the testing is performed in accordance with written test procedures which incorporate or reference the requirements and acceptance limits contained in the applicable Technical Specifications and design docunents. The test progran shall cover all required tests, including, as appropriate, qualification tests, post maintenance or modification tests, and operational surveillance tests to verify continued satisfactory performance during operation.

I The surveillance test progran is established to assure that the instruments, conponents and systeas shall perforn satisfactorily in service and are in conformance with the requirenents and acceptance limits contained in applicable design documents.

I Testing of instruments, components and systens are perforned by qualified personnel in accordance with I the Surveillance Testing Activity, inplenenting procedures and industry standards. Instructions, procedures, and drawings are documented to give those perforning the surveillance tests the proper guidance and prerequisites for accomplishing the required work.

c Overall control of tests is accomplished by the Shift i Operations personnel in order to assure that components, systens and instruments being tested do not affect the safe operation of the plant.

I Testing requirenents include provisions for assuring that all prerequisites are net, that proper and calibrated instrunentation is used and that suitable environnental conditions prevail. The surveillance test instructions, procedures, and drawings are designed to pernit evaluation of the systen's perfornance based on acceptance-rejection criteria as outlined in PBAPS Technical l Specifications.

I D.11-48 3/11/83 1

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17.2.11.G The surveillance test instructions, procedures, and drawings include provisions for adequate and appropriate test instrunentation. Results of surveillance tests are docunented on approved forms and evaluated by cognizant staff personnel to assure that test requirenents have been satisfied. Unsatisfactory test results are documented and corrective action taken in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures. Tests required to prove safety systems, which have had preventive or corrective naintenance or modifications perforned on then, are delineated in procedures to assure that these structures, systems, and components neet required and acceptance limits.

These tests are generally those detailed in the Technical Specificatons as Surveillance Tests. The intent of the In-Service Inspection Progran is to assure that plant conponents perforn satisfactorily under all conditions. The progran shall include baseline exaninations and periodic exaninations in accordance with Technical Specifications and shall extend through the life of the plant. Engineering and Research Department test control is in accordance with Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

17.2.12 Control of Measuring and Test Equipnent Procedures, instructions or drawings are provided for proper control and periodic calibration and adjustnent of neasuring and test equipnent.

Measuring and Test Equipnent shall be identified such that calibration data records are traceable.

D.11-40 3/11/83

~ Equipment included in this progran include measuring instrunentation, test instruments, tools, gauges, and standards used in conjunction with safety-related equipnent and instrunentatio.s. Reference standards used for calibrating neasuring and test equipment have an accuracy level, acceptable calibration ranges, and precision that are equal to or better than those required of the measuring and test equipment.

1 The accuracies of neasuring and test equipment and the reference standards are chosen such that the equipment being calibrated can be calibrated and maintained within the required tolerances.

l Measuring and test equipnent are calibrated utilizing reference standards whose calibration has a known valid relationship to nationally recognized standards or accepted values of natural physical constants. If no national standards exist, the basis for calibration is docunented. Tools, gauges, and instruments required by the i Engineering, Mechanical, and Electrical Sections are a

identified and shall be calibrated and adjusted to assure accuracy. j

,% e ' 'fjL hd (, i f. L W d The nethod and frequency of calibration of instrunents is docunented and shall be based on the type of equipnent, stability characteristics, required accuracy and any other conditions affecting neasurenent control. When tools, gauges or instruments are found outside the calibration tolerance, a review shall be ,

perforned and docunented to deternine the effect of i the deviation on plant equipnent and instrunentation since the last calibration date.



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i I

l Records of instrunent calibrations and tests shall be maintained and all equipment marked in accordance with instructions, procedures, and drawings to indicate calibration status. Engineering and Research Departnent control of measuring and test equipment is in accordance with Volume I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

17.2.13 Ilandlinn, Shippinn and Storane Measures are established by instructions, procedures and drawings to control handling, preservation, storage, cleaning, packaging and shipping requirements with regard to plant conponents, equipment, materials, special nuclear materials and

radioactive wastes. These measures shall be accomplished by qualified individuals.

1 Storeroon handling and storage of material and equipnent is in accordance with standard Stores practices and procedures which comply with the Quality Assurance Plan.

i Purchase requisitions include, as appropriate, 4 I specifications and instructions for adequate marking to identify, naintain, and preserve the shipnent including indication of the presence of special environnents or the need for special control to l

preclude damage, loss, or deterioration.

1 l

Packaging requirenents are delineated, as necessary, 1

1 to avoid deleterious effects of shock, vibration, physical damage and protection against environnents.

i Shipping requirenents are delineated, as necessary, to provide adequate protection during loading and I transit; labeling requirenents are to be applied in a nanner that is clearly visible and rennin legible to 4

specify special controls or handling instructions.

i D.11-51 3/11/S3

- - - e . . , -. --. .,,_.,--,,-nn.----n, - . , ,-- . , , - - _ , , . . - _ , . . -.-._-n._, - , - - - , , . - Engineering and Research Departnent handling, shipping, and storage are controlled by Volume I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

17.2.14 Inspection, Test, and Operatina Status Measures are established by instructions, procedures, and drawings to indicate through the use of narkings such as stanps, tags, labels, routing cards or other means, the schedule or status of inspections and tests to be, or-being perforned upon individual systens or components of the station. These measures provide for the identification of itens which have satisfactorily passed the required inspections and tests as scheduled to preclude inadvertent bypassing of such inspections and tests. Implenentation of these neasures is verified through I QA Division audits and surveillances conducted in accordance with the QA Plan. These activities assure I that the required inspections and tests are procedurally controlled as required by the QA Plan. The operating status of components under test or inspection are indicated and controlled through the use of the book entitled ' Rules for Pernits &

Blocking', procedure check list, and logs to prevent I inadvertant use. Inspection status and test status for the receipt and storage of naterial or conponents is through the application of the " Quality Control Conformance Data" tag to itens which have satisfactorily passed receipt inspection. Inconplete receipt and storage status of I itens is noted by application of " hold" tags and 1

segregating. Defective naterial, parts or conponents are pronpfly identified, tagged and recorded to indicate operating D.11-52 3/11/83

- ~.

a status of such equipment and to prevent its inadvertant use. The PBAPS Technical Specificatons establish the requirements for the safe operation of the plant, including provisions for periodic and non periodic tests and inspections of various structures, systens and components. Periodic tests are those tests delineated in the Surveillance Testing Activity and non periodic tests are those proof tests performed following modifications or najor naintenance. Inplementation of these neasures shall be verified through the QA Division auditing progran conducted in accordance with the QA Plan. These activities shall

assure that the required inspections and tests are procedurally controlled as required by the QA Plan.

3 Engineering and Research Department inspection, test, and operating status are controlled by Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

i l

17.2.15 Nonconforning Materials, Parts or Components I

( Measures are estabished and inplenented by neans of Adninistrative Procedures, to control naterials, parts, or components which do not conforn to requirenents to prevent their inadvertant use or j installation. These neasures include activities such as procurenent, receipt insepetion, document control, equipnent repairs, testing and operations.

l Procedures require the use of appropriate forns such I as the MRF (naintenance request forn), "QA IIold Tag" for receipt inspection, docunent change forns, QA i

Nonconfornance forns and operating report forns. The control neasures established shall include, as appropriate, prodedures for the following functions:

j 1. Identification

2. Segregation where necessary and possible; otherwise identification shall serve this l


l l

i 1

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-n .-

3. Disposition covering:

(a) Restoration to conforming status, or (b) Replacement with conforming material, or (c) Acceptance for interin use until replaced, or (d) Acceptance for use "as is".

4. Procedures require docunentation of each of the above items fron identification to final disposition. Reviews and approvals of the above are delineated in appropriate procedures. Nonconforning materials, parts or conponents identified during receipt inspection are tagged, segregated and controlled in accordance with Administrative Procedure to prevent their inadvertant use. A "QA IIOLD" tag is utilized for control on I nonconforning material which identifies the nonconforning'itens, describes the nonconformance and indicates the status of the disposition.


, It is PECo's policy and intent that nonconforning safety related materials, parts, or conponents not be installed in the Peach Botton Units 2 and 3.

ilowever , when the non confornity is due to the lack i of documentation and, where technical adequacy is denonstrated to PECo's satisfaction, sone i i nonconforming naterials, parts, or conponents may be i pernitted. Adninistrative Procedures identify the responsible individual and authority for disposition

and approval of nonconforning naterials, parts or components.

i 1 Nonconforning naterials, parts or conponents identified by QA Division Personnel shall be reported l to Station Managenent in accordance with applicable j procedures.  ;

l l

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r-r 4

1 Nonconformance reports are reviewed and analyzed on an "as occurring" basis by the responsible i Superintendents, POR Connittee and 0 & SR Connittee.

Results of these reviews are reported to the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production Departnent.

l Vendors supplying materials, parts, or components are required to notify PECo of a nonconformance to the Purchase Order requirements and to obtain approval fron PECo prior to disposition.

, i Engineering and Research Department nonconforming materials, parts, and cenponents are controlled by Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

17.2.1G Corrective Action 17.2.1G.1 Measures are estabished, by means of Adninistrative Procedures, to assure that conditions adverse to quality are pronptly identified and corrected. PECo t

defines conditions adverse to quality as failures, ~

{ malfunctions', deficiencies, deviations, defective

material and equipment, and nonconformance to specified requirements. The measures estabished are consistent with the inportance to safety and include the following
1. In cases of conditions adverse to quality, the cause of the condition is deternined and documented, and corrective action taken and docunented to preclude repetition.
2. Reports to appropriate levels of nanagnent of j each condition adverse to quality and docunentation of such reports. The responsibility for the above is assigned to a cognizant staff nenber in the affected activity. It is the responsibility of these cognizant staff nenbers to identify and correct conditions adverse to quality and inforn Station Managenent.

a l

i D.11-55 3/11/83

17.2.1G.2.1 Administrative Procedures require that modification and repair procedures include the reworking of conponents, systems or structures in accordance with original specifications, instruction nanuals, instructions, prints, codes and standards.

Appropriate testing and inspection requirenents are included to verify acceptability of the repairs or modifications.

I The QA Division through its audits and surveillances may identify conditions which require corrective action and shall report to Station Management for corrective action in accordance with applicable procedures.

I The status of nonconformances or nonconpliances identified by QA Division as a result of audits or surveillances are reported to the appropriate I supervision and the Office of the Vice President, Electric Production Department.

I The QA Division follows-up corrective action to deternine the adequacy and effectiveness of such action. Corrective action taken in response to an iten identified by QA personnel reported in accordance with Section of this Progran is reviewed or approved by QA Division.

I l

17.2.1G.7 Engineering and Research Departnent corrective action controlled by Volune I of the PBAPS QA Plan. j 17.2.17 Oualltv Assurance Records I 1

l Sufficient records shall be naintained in accordance with the Adninistrative and inplenenting procedures to provide docunentary evidence that activities affecting quality are perforned adequately and in compliance with the quality assurance progran. The l l

l D.11-5G 3/11/83 1 1


requirements shall include collection, filing, storing, naintenance and disposition of records that are required by the QA Plan and by other codes, standards, specifications, or regulatory requirements. QA records shall include operating logs, naintenance and modification procedures, and related inspection results, reportable occurrences, and other records required by technical specifications. The procedures to be enployed to perform the required activities shall be planned and documented. The significance of the event covered by a record type and the contribution of the record to the ability to reconstruct significant events shall be considered in establishing retention periods.

Retention periods shall satisfy applicable statutory requirements. Storage requirenents for the maintenance, preservation and protection of records fron the time of entry into the receipt control systen until their ultinate disposal shall be established.

The records shall be stored in predeternined locations as necessary to neet the requirements of applicable standards, codes, and regulatory agencies. Applicable design specifications, procurenent docunents, test procedures, operational procedures or other docunents shall specify the quality records to be generated. All such records shall be legible, filled out to the extent required by procedure and adequately identifiable to the iten or activity involved.

The applicalbe quality records shall be considered valid only if stanped, initialed, signed or otherwise authenticated and dated by authorized personnel.

These records nay be either the original or a reproduced copy. Types of quality records with nininun retention periods are listed in PBAPS Technical Specifications.

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, - - _ - . - - . , - ~ - - - - - , ~ - - - , . , - .,..----,-.e_,m--,,_.n ,, , - . . , , _ , . . , , , , , , , . , . - _ , _ , , - . . . , _ - - - , . , - - - - , , , _ , , - . - _

It should be recognized that the nomenclature of these records may vary. For records not listed in the Technical Specifications, the type most nearly describing the record in question should be followed with respect to its retention period.

The QA Division and other organizations responsible for record control are defined in the administrative and inplementing procedures.

I Original design, manufacturing, installation records and specifications are controlled and maintained in accordance with PBAPS QAP Volune I.

17.2.18 Audits Compliance with the requirenents as set forth in the Operation, Maintenance, Training, Surveillance i Testing, Plans, Stores and Purchasing, Ilealth Physics and Chenistry, In-Service Inspection and Security Activities is assured through a planned and periodic progran of audits and surveillances and corrective action as required by audit findings. Auditing of this quality assurance progran complies with the guidance provided in ANSI N45.2.12 - 1974 as described in Appendix A, FSAR Section 17.2. Audits and surveillances are perforned by personnel from the Quality Assurance Division, who are independent of the Generating Divisions personnel.

The QA Division nay request assistance of personnel fron other disciplines who are independent of areas being audited. These personnel are trained and indoctrinated in quality assurance policy and inplementing audit procedures and forms.

D.11-5S 3/11/83 s- - The audits and surveillances are perforned on the basis of the status and inportance to safety and in accordance with written procedures and check lists to confirn by objective evaluation of work areas, activities, processes, items, reviews, approvals and records, that the QA Progran is inplenented in accordance with instructions, procedures and drawings. The results of audits and surveillances are docunented by the Superintendent, QA, and distributed to the Office of the Vice President, Electric I Production Department, Superintendent, Nuclear Generation Division, Station Superintendent, and other concerned supervision. The Superintendent, QA, is responsible to assure that I tinely corrective action of nonconpliances, as identified in QA audits or surveillances, is taken by responsible nanagenent. When corrective action neasures are indicated, reaudits of applicable areas is conducted to assure inplementation and effectiveness of corrective actions. Surveillance, as indicated above, is provided as directed by the Superintendent, QA Division, to assure goality during the work activity. In addition to the surveillance of quality-related activities, fornal audits are conducted on the basis I of status and inportance to safety. The frequency and scope of audits are in accordance with the QA Division Procedures and Instructions Manual. The Superintendent, Quality Assurance, is responsible for the perfornance of audits and surveillances of the various aspects of the Quality Assurance Plan to deternine the adequacy and effectiveness of the Plan.

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~ w e Audits are conducted under the cognizance of the O&SR Connittee. Engineering and Research Department audits are controlled by Volume I of the PBAPS QA Plan.

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" Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants"; WASil 1100 (5/10/74) Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants"; WASil 1283, (5/24/74) " Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" - Rev. 1; and other Regulatory Guides and Industry Standards applicable for operations of PBAPS as described in Appendices A and B of FSAR Subsection 17.2.

The Peach Botton QA Plan for operations is described by PBAPS QAP Vol. III, Operations Phase, which invokes the Engineering and 1 Research Department PBAPS QAP Vol. I, for najor nodifications which occur during the operations phase. The Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards included in the above listed WASil docunents which are applicable to Engineering and Research Department activities during the operational phase are addressed in Appendix 17.2B.

PECo has conducted an extensive review of the above listed WASil documents along with the Regulatory Guides and Industry Standards.

The standards were reviewed with respect to those activities occurring during the operational phase that are comparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during initial design and construction. The reconnendations and guidance of the regulatory guides and ANSI Standards which are applicable to nuclear Plant '

Operations are incorporated in the PBAPS QA Plan. Adninistrative and inplenenting procedures affected by any revisions of the QA Plan will be revised as required in accordance with Adninistrative Procedures.

Referenced guides or standards addressed by the ANSI Standards are excluded unless addressed separately.

1.s Regulatory Guide 1.8 - 3/10/71, Personnel Selection and Training.

Endorses ANSI N18.1 - 1971.

I Conply D.11-G1

- n as c;

l 1

j l

l 2. Regulatory Guide 1.28 - G/7/72, QA Program Requirenents l See Regulatory Guide 1.33.

3. Regulatory Guide 1.30 - August 1972, Quality Assurance Requirenents for the Installation, Inspection and Testing of Instrunentation and Electrical Equipment. Endorses ANSI N45.2.4 - 1972.

l PECo shall conply with Regulatory Guide 1.30, S/72, and ANSI F45.2.4

- 1972 for those activities occuring during the operational phase that are comparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during the initial design and construction phase, except for the following alternates.

a. ANSI N45.2.4 Paragraph 1.1 Scope - PECo's alternate to classification of Class I and IE instrumentation and control equipment is to apply the guidelines and requirements of this standard to PECo "Q-listed" itens. (Those instrunents, equipment and systens that prevent or nitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public.)
b. ANSI N45.2.4 Paragraph 3, Preconstruction Verification -

Subparagraph (3) requires the checking of records of protective neasures naintained during storage for conformance to storage requirenents. ANSI N45.2.2 - 1972, Paragraph G.4, Control of Itens in Storage, requires inspections and exanination during the storage period. The responsibility within PECo for these inspections rest with the Stores Division. Compliance with these requirenents for checking of records is assured through planned and period audits and surveillances conducted by QA personnel along with nonitoring Stores Division Activities by Stores Division Supervision.

c. ANSI N45.2.4, Paragraph 7, Data Analysis and Evaluation -A progran for processing, reviewing and analyzing electrical equipment and instrunentation inspection and test data for acceptability is provided in the Adninistrative' Procedures which govern the repair, naintenance and testing of electrical equipnent and instrumentation. Maintenance is controlled through the use of a work request forn that has provisions for cognizant personnel sign off after completion of the work.

Functional testing and calibration procedure include provision for review, analysis of data and approval by signature of cognizant personnel.

4. Regulatory Culde 1.33 - Novenber 1972, Quality Assurance Progran Requirenents PECo shall conply with Regulatory Guide 1.33, 11/72, which endorses ANSI N45.2 - 1971 and ANSI N18.7 - 1972 exclusive of other docunents referenced.

..-- _ _ D. .l. ,1 - G 2 , __ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ __ _


5. Regulatorv Guide 1.37 - 3/16/73, QA Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-cooled NPP's.

Endorses ANSI N45.2.1 - 1073,

Decontamination and cleanup of radioactiv, contaninnted systens and conponents are not included in the scope of this response.

PECo shall comply with Regulatory Guide 1.37 - 3/10/73 and ANSI

  • N45.2.1 - 1973 for those activities occurring during the operational phase that are comparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during the initial design and construction phase except for the following alternate:
a. ANSI N45.2.1, Section 3.2, Water Quality Requirements - PH neasurements are not required for conductivity values of less than or equal to 1 unho. PECo utlilizes PH limits.of 5.2 to 8.6 at 25 c, uncorrected for C02 and may apply conductivity neasurenents in place of total dissolved solids.

G. Regulatorv Guide 1.38 - 3/1G/73, QA Requirenents for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Water-cooled NPP's. Endorses ANSI N45.2.2 - 1972.

PECo shall conply with Regulatory Guide 1.38, 3/16/73, and ANSI N45.2.2 - 1972 for those activities occurring during the operational phase that are conparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during the initial design and construction phase except for the following alternates ~:

a. ANSI N45.2.2, Paragraph 2.7, Classification of Itens - PECo does not classify itens into the four (4) levels described in this Standard. However, the specific guidance and reconnendations which are appropriate to each class are applied to those itens packaged, shipped, received, stored and handled through the use of procedures, original specifications, l instructions and drawings as applicable.

l r b. ANSI N45.2.2, Sections 3 and 4, Packacinn and Shippinn - PECo i

utilizes the packaging and shipping requirenents delineated in j the original equipnent specifications as part of our l procurenent requirenents to suppliers or nanufacturers. Those requirenents and reconnendations of Sections 3 and 4 are included in the original specifications as appropriate for the iten being procured. Receipt inspection activities are in

! accordance with Section 5 of this Standard and are sufficient

! to identify packaging and shipping nonconfornities.

c. ANSI N45.2.2, Section G.1, Storage, - PECo does not classify itens into four (4) levels for storage purposes as delineated in Paragraph G.1.2. Stored itens are placed in linited access controlled areas, and are segregated with respect to the Q-list classifiction of an iten(s). The specific guidance and
reconnendations which are appropriate to each class are applied

! to those itens stored through the use of procedures, l D.11-63 _


y specifications and manufacturers recommendations and instructions.

d. ANSI N45.2.2, Paragraph G.4.2 (7), Care of Itens - The rotating of certain electrical motors in storage, which must be energized to release an electrical brake, will be stored and maintained in accordance with manufacturers reconnendations.

Other notors, which can be rotated without energizing, will be maintained in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 6.4.2 (7) of this standard.

e. ANSI N45.2.2, Paragraph G.G, Storace Records - Written records shall be prepared that include such pertinent infornation as storage location, inspection results and protection (care of itens). Personnel access is controlled and limited to Stores Division personnel and visitors who are escorted by Stores Division personnel.
7. Regulatorv Guide 1.30 - 3/16/73, Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled NPP's, Endorses ANSI N45.2.3 - 1973.

PECo shall conply with Regulatory Guide 1.39, 3/10/73, and ANSI N45.2.3 - 1973 for those activities occurring during the operational phase that are conparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during the design and construction phase except for the following alternates:

a. ANSI N45.2.3 - 1973, Paragraph 2.1, Planninn - Zone II requirements for clean gloves, shoe covers, and head coverings will be determined by IIcalth Physics personnel under the Radiation Protection Progran and specific requirenents listed on the Radiation Work Pernit for entry in Zone II areas.
b. ANSI N45.2.3 - 1973, Paragraph 2.1, Planninn - Material accountability for Zones II and III shall be controlled by procedural requirenents, periodic inspections and surveillance of areas for acceptable housekeeping practices. Inplenenting procedures for activities such as naintenance and nodifications of areas and equipnent to clininate foreign naterials that may have a detrinental effect. Post maintenance or nodification inspections for housekeeping and cleanliness shall be conducted and docunented in accordance with adninistrative controls,
c. ANSI N45.2.3 - 1973, Paragraph 2.1, Planning - Personnel accountability for Zone III will be controlled as deternined by the adninistrative controls for locked doors and radiation work pernit requirenents in lieu of specific access registers.

S. Reculatorv Guide 1.54 - June 1973, OA Requirenents for Protective Coatings Applied to Water-cooled NPP's. Endorses ANSI N101.4-1972.

I This Regulatory Guide is addressed in Appendix 17.2B.

D.11-G4 -

9. Regulatorv Guide 1.58 - Revision 1, September 1980, " Qualifications of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Exanination and Testing Personnel." Endorses ANSI N45.2.6 - 1978.

PECo will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev. 1, and ANSI N45.2.0 - 1978 except for the following clarification and -


n. Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev. 1, Section C.1 and ANSI N45.2.G -

1978, Subsection 1.2 states that the standard applies to

" personnel who perform inspections, exaninations and tests."

PECo personnel who inspect equipment as part of routine plant maintenance, in other than a quality control function; and plant staff personnel (as defined in the PBAPS Technical Specifications), who perforn, approve test procedures and test results and direct or supervise the conduct of individual tests, will be qualified in accordance with ANSI N18.1 - 1971 in lieu of ANSI N45.2.G - 1978.

b. Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev. 1, Section C.4 and ANSI N45.2.0 -

1978, Subsection 1.5 discuss the applicability of documents referenced in the standard. In lieu of the latest revision of Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards, PECo connitments are contained in the Peach Botton FSAR, Section 17.2, " Operational Quality Assurance Progran."

c. ANSI N45.2.6 - 1978, Subsection 3.5 presents experience reconnendations for candidates. Experience in naintenance, modification and operating activities is considered related experience rince such experience provides training in the safety aspects of the facility.
10. Reculatorv Guide 1.04 - October 1973, Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants. Endorses ANSI N45.2.11 -

Draft July 1973.

PECo shall conply with Regulatory Guide 1.64, October 1973, and ANSI N45.2.11 - July 1973 for those activities occurring during the operational phase that are conparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during the initial design phase with the following clarification.

a. Plant design changes are categorized into Major and Minor Modifications. Design for Major Modification is provided by the Engineering and Research Department as described in Appendix 17.2E. Major Modifications include the following categories:
1. Changes to the reactor coolant pressure boundary, as defined in the ASME B&PV Code,Section XI and 10CFR50.2(V).
2. Changes in electrical circuitry of the RPS, PCIS or ECCS, except addition of alarns, indicating lights, or other D.11-65 - o ,-

changes which do not change or electrically interface with the safety function.

3. Changes to the nuclear nonitoring systen, except addition of alarns as indicating lanps.

I 4. Changes requiring stress or selsnic analyses.

5. Changes that constitute a change in the facility as described in the FSAR, except addition of vents, drains, sanple points and sinitar ninor piping changes on other than the reactor coolant boundary.

G. Changes which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.

b. Minor plant nodifications are accomplished under the controls of plant Adninistrative Procedures in accordance with the PBAPS Quality Assurance Plan, Operations Phase.
11. Renulatory Guide 1.G8 - Novenber 1973, Preoperational and Initial Startup Test Prograns for Water cooled NPP's. Does not apply to the Operating Plant with full-tern licenses.
12. Draft Renulatory Guide 1.70xx - April 1974, Additional Information, QA During Design and Construction.

This draft Regulatory Guide addresses to subnittal of FSAR Section 17.1 and does not apply to the operating plant with a full-tern license.

13. Regulatory Guide 1.74 - February 1974, QA Terns and Definitions, Endorses ANSI N45.2.10 - 1973.

I Conply

14. Renulatory Guide 1.88 - 197G - Endorses ANSI N45.2.0 - 1974, Requirenents for Collection, Storage and Maintenance of QA Records for NPP's.

I Comply

15. Regulatory Guide 1.116 - June 197G, endorses ANSI N45.2.8 - 1975, Supplenentary QA Requirenents for Installation, Inspection and Testing of Mechanical Equipnent and Systens for the Construction Phase of NPP's.


PECo shall comply with Regulatory Guide 1.116, June 1976 and ANSI N45.2.8 - 1975 for those activities occurring during the operational phase that are comparable in nature and extent to related activities occuring during t'ne initial design and construction phase, except for the following alternates:

a. ANSI N45.2.8, Paragraph 2.2, Procedures and Instruction - PBAPS Technical Specification requires compliance with ANSI N18.7 -

1072, Section 5.8 and Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A. These requirenents along with PECo's connitnent to ANSI N18.7 - 1972 and N45.2 - 1971, provide adequate controls for the procedures and instructions addressed in this paragraph.

b. ANSI N45.2.8, Paragraph 2.3, Results PECo's connitnent to ANSI 18.7 - 1972 provides adequate guidance for the documentation and review of the results of inspections and tests.
c. ANSI N45.2.8, Paragraph 3.4, Physical Condition - PECo's response to ANSI N45.2.1, 45.2.2 and 45.2.13 provide adequate guidance and control for the requirenent that nechanical itens are in accordance with specified requirenents and that the quality has been naintained.

IG. Regulatory Guide 1.123 - October 1976 - Endorses ANSI N45.2.13 -

1976, QA Requirements for Control of Procurement of Itens and Services for NPP's.

PECo shall conply with Regulatory Guide 1.123, October 197G, and ANSI N45.2.13 - 1976 for those activities occurring during the operational phase that are conparable in nature and extent to related activities occurring during the initial design and construction phase.

17. Regulatory Guide 1.14G - August 1980, " Qualification of Quality Assurance Progran Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants."

Endorses ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978.

PECo will conply with Regulatory Guide 1.14G, August 1980 and ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978 except for the following alternates:

a. Regulatory Guide 1.14G, August 1980, Section C.1 and ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978, Subsection 1.5 discuss the applicability of documents referenced in the standard. In lieu of the latest revision of Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards, PECo connitnents are contained in the Peach Botton FSAR, Section 17.2, " Operational Quality Assurance Progran."
b. ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978, Subsection 2.3, states requirenents for qualification of Lead Auditors. In lieu of the stated requirenents, PECo will qualify personnel in accordance with the requirenents presented below. These alternate requirenents will provide PECo with sufficient flexibility to qualify D.11-07 _

conpetent personnel with initial technical experience in a more effective manner.

The proration of credits between initial experience requirements and additional experience gained as an assistant to a Lead Auditor assures that highly qualified personnel will be available as audit personnel in a more timely fashion.

Substitute the following for Paragraph 2.3.1 of ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978:

1. 2.3.1 - Education and Experience. The prospective Lead Auditor shall have verifiable evidence that a minimun of ten (10) credits under the following scoring systen have been accunulated.
2. - Education (4 credits maximun). Associate Degree ,

fron an accredited institution score one (1) credit or if the degree is an engineering, physical sciences, asthenatics or quality assurance, score two (2) credits or, A Bachelor Degree from an accredited institution score two (2) credits or if the degree is in engineering, physical sciences, mathenatics or quality assurance, score three (3) credits; in addition, score one (1) credit for a Master Degree in engineering, physical sciences, business managenent or quality assurance fron an accredited institution.

3. a - Initial Experience Prior to Assignment (G credits maxinun). Technical experience in engineering, nanufacturing, construction, operation, maintenance or quality assurance related to the aforenentioned activities, score one (1) credit for each full year with a naximun of five (5) credits for this aspect of experience.

If two (2) or nore years of this experience have been in the nuclear field, score one (1) additional credit.

4. b - Additional Experinence (after assignment) (4 credits naninun). Experience in quality assurance, score one
(1) credit for each full year (2 credits maxinun) or, 1

Experience in auditing, score two (2) credits for each full year (3 credits naxinun) or, Experience in nuclear quality assurance, score one (1) credit for each full year (3 credits naxinun) or, Experience in nuclear quality assurance auditing, score one (1) credit per every six nonths (4 credits naxinun).

5. - Other Credentials of Professional Conpetence (2 credits maxinun). Certification of competency in engineering, science or quality assurance specialities issued and approved by a State Agency, or National Professional or Technical Society, score two (2) credits.


G. - Rights of Management (2 credits naxinum). The Lead Auditor's enployer nay grant up to one (1) credit for other perfornance factors applicable to auditing which may not be explicitly called out in this Standard such as leadership, sound judgement, naturity, analytical ability, tenacity and past perfornance, plus one (1) credit for satisfactory completion of Lead Auditor Training Progran.

18. ANSI N45.2.5, 1974 - Supplenentary QA Requirenents for Installation, Inspection and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of NPPs.

I This regulatory guide is addressed in Appendix 17.2B.

10. Draft Standard ANSI N45.2.12 - 1974, Requirenents for Auditing QA Prograns for NPPs. COMPLY with the following alternates:
a. Paragraph 4.3.1 - Preaudit Conference - A preaudit notification is given to plant nanagenent in an infornal nanner due to daily connunication between QA and plant personnel.
b. Paragraph, 4.3.3 - Nonconfornities are discussed in the exit discussion and are documented and issued to responsible personnel.
c. Paragraph 3.3, 4.2.4 - A formal audit schedule is docunented and distributed to responsible nanagement on a nonthly basis delineating the audit of specific activities for the following nonth. Additional audits are perforned with a frequency connensurate with the activities inportance to safety.
20. WASl! 1284 dated 10/2G/73, Section D Regulatory Staff Connents and Supplenentary Guidance I a. Paragraph 1 - Organization PECo shall conply with WASII 1284, dated 10/2G/73, Section D, Paragraph I for those activities occuring during the operational phase of PBAPS.

I b. Paragraph 2 - Training of Personnel PECo shall conply with WASil 1284, dated 10/2G/73, Section D, Paragraph 2 for those activities occuring during the operational phase of PBAPS.

D.11-CD -

1 21. 10CFR50.55a Codes and Stnndards PECo conplies with the codes and standards delineated in the PBAPS FSAR, Appendix 17.2A and 2B l 22. 10CFR55 - Operators' Licenses l COMPLY

23. 10CFR50, Appendix B - Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants I COMPLY PECo, PBAPS, FSAR Subsection 17.2, Operations Phase Quality Assurance Program, nects the requirenents of 10CFR50, Appendix B.

l l

D.11-70 . J


~. -x .

im i PBAPS , _

~ ,



Regulatory Guides as described below: .-s

1. Regulatorv Guide 1.58, Revision 1, September 1980, " Qualifications of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Exanination and Testing Personnel." Endorses ANSI N45.2.G-1978. /

The Engineering and Research Department follows Regulatory Guide 1.58, revision 1, September 1980, and ANSI N45.2.G-1978 exclusive of other documents referenced therein.

Three particulars of ANSI N45.2.G-1978 are inplemented by the En-gineering and Research Departnent through alternate equivalent means as described in Appendix 17.2A, Section D. -

2. Regulatorv Guide 1.30, August 11, 1972, Quality Assurance'


Requirenents for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing or In-l strunentation and Electric Equipnent. Endorses ANSI N45.2.4 - 1972.

1 l The Engineering and Research Department follows Regulatory Guide

( 1.30, August 11, 1972 and ANSI N45.2.4-1972 exclusive of other I documents referenced therein. -



l ~

l 1 One particular of ANSI N45.2.4-1972 is inplenented by the En-gineering and Research Departnent through alternate equivalent neans

[ described below.

i l


a. As an alternative to ANSI B31.7-1DGD (referenced in ANSI N45.2.4-1972, Section 0, Iten G) PECO follows USAS B31.1.0-1DG7 since Peach Botton Units 2 and 3 were constructed to USAS -



3. Regulatorv Guide 1.37, 3/1G/73, Quality Assurance Requirenents for Cleaning of Fluid Systens and Associated Conponents of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants. Endorses ANSI N45.2.1-1973. l l

The Engineering and Research Departnent follows Regulatory Guide 1.37, 3/1G/73, and ANSI N45.2.1-1973 exclusive of other documents -

I referenced therein, except for the following alternate:


l -


a) ANSI N45.2.1, Section 3.2, Water Quality Re6uirenents pH

' measurements are not required for conducting valves of $ 1 unho. PECo utilizes pH limits of 5.2 to 250C, uncor-rected for C02 a'nd nay apply; conductivity neasurenents in place

's of total dissolved solids, i -

4. Eggulatory Guide 1.38,'3/16/73, Quality Assurance Requirenents for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants. Endorses ANSI N45.2.2-1972.

The Engineering and Research'Departnent foll'ows Regulatory Guide

.1.38, 3/16/73 and ANSI N45.2.2-1972 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein.

'Two particulars of ANSI N45.2.2-1972 are inplenented by the En-gineering and Research Department through alternate equivalent means described below.


~ a. With regard to paragraph ~7.4 ;(Inspections of Equipment and Rigging) Engineering and Research Department has developed an equivalent alternate approach. An internal procedure covering inspect. ion of hoisting and rigging equipnent is being inpinnented. This procedure includes provisions for inspection r of hoisting and rigging equipment prior to use, and periodically thereafter inspection r'equired and documentation of test results.

b. As an equivalent alternative to the four levels of clas-sification established by ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Section 2.7, each conponent is treated cn an individual basis. The Engineering and Research Departwent requires that each specification con-tain handling storage, packaging, and shipping information.

This information incorporates the guidance and reconnendations which are appropriate to each classification for packaging, shipping, handling, and storage of equipnent or naterials described in the specification.

5. Regulatory Guide 1.64, Revision 1, February, 1975, Quality Assurance Requirenents for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants. Endorses ANSI N45.2.11-1974.

The Engineering and Research Departnent follows Regulatory Guide 1.G4, Rev. 1, February, 1975 and ANSI N45.2.11-1974 cxclusive of other docunents referenced therein.

G. ANSI N45.2.8-1975 2 Supplenentary Quality Assurance Requirenents for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipnent and Systens for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants.

The Engineering and Research Departnent follows ANSI N45.2.8-1975 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein. One particular of ANSI N45.2.8-1975 is inplenented by the Engineering and Research Departnent through alternate equivalent neans described below:

1 1


__ _ ___-__..D.11 _72. _ _


n. Section 2.1 - This section requires the establishnent of a for-nal and documented plan for each iten of work. The PECO procedure specifies the issuance of Job Menoranda, which serve the equivalent purpose of outlining najor project requirenents.
7. Regulatorv Guide 1.54, June, 1073, Quality Assurance Requirenents for Protective Coatings Applied to tater-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants. Endorses ASSI N101.4-1072.

The Engineering and Research Departneut follows Regulatory Guide 1.54, June, 1973 and ANSI N101.4-1972 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein. One particular of ANSI N101.4-1072 will be in-plenented by the Engineering and Research Departnent through alter-nate equivalent neans described below:

a. In Paragraphs 5 and G PECO has initiated, prior to coating application, a procedure (s) that will er.sure satisfactory ap-plication and inspection of coatings applied to Nuclear Facilities.
8. ANSI N45.2.5-1974, Supplenentary Quality Assurance Requirenents for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural Steel and Struc-tural Concrete.

ANSI N45.2.5-1974 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein will be inplenented by the Engineering and Research Departnent through alternate equivalent neans prior to placement of any struc-tural steel or concrete at PBAPS Units 2 and 3.

. D. ANSI N45.2.12 -1977 Requirenents for Auditing of Quality Assurance Prograns for Nuclear Power Plants.

The Engineering and Research Departnent follows the guidance of ANSI N45.2.12 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein.

Four particulars of ANSI N45.2.12 (Draft 3, Rev. 4) are inplenented by the Enginaering and Research Departnent through alternate equivalent means described belows

a. Paragraph 3.2.1 requires a nanagenent policy statenent which connits PECO to inplenent the requirenents of this standard.

This statenent by PECO is provided in this Appendix to the FSAR and is not duplicated in the PBAPS QA plan. In order to reduce the workload of naintaining written nanuals and procedures up-to-date, it is our policy not to duplicate such conaitnents unnecessarily. The PEAPS Q4 Plan, Volune I, requires thst audits be perforned according to specific PECO procedures which follow ANSI N45.2.12-1972, Rev. 4, with alternatises as noted in paragraphs b, c, and d below. This QA Plan, Volune I, is I signed by the Vice President of the Engineering and Research Departnent end constitutes the nanagenent policy statener.t regarding inplenentation of the requirenents of this standard. ,

1 l

b. Paragraph 3.4, 3.5.2, and 3.5.3 - For long range audit planning, are placed on the QA Major Activity Schedule which is l D.11-73 1

I i i

issued monthly and covers a 3 month period. Audits are scheduled by the Manager - QA and the frequency of audit is i dependent on the level and importance of the activities which i involve the Engineering and Research Department. The Manager -

i QA schedules sufficient audits to be perforned to be able to

! evaluate the effectiveness and implenentation of the En-

! gineering and Research Departnent activities in support of the

operation of Peach Botton Units 2 and 3.
c. Paragraph '.3.2.5 - PECO procedures require a post audit con-ference with the audited organizatinn to discuss all the audit
findings. Conditions are identified by the audit tean and

[ discussed with the audited organization. For conditions I requiring corrective actions, draft findings are issued and any disagreenents between the audit tean and the personnel of the i audited organization present at the exit necting are recorded on finding report forms. Later a full report of each audit is issued. The audited organization response at the exit necting and subsequent written response to the PECO audit report con-stitutes the necessary acknowledgenent.

l i d. Paragraph 4.5 - The PECO QA progran accepts for closcout of an ,

unsatisfactory audit finding only conpleted corrective action, l -

not a schedule for action or a connitnent for action. The audited organization is required to report to PECO the action taken, nornally within !5 days of the date of the audit report

! transnittal letter. In sone situations action to prevent l recurrence nay involve long range planning. In these cases, interin measures to prevent recurrence or to correct specific ,

l hardware may be reported but the finding is held open until l corrective action is conpleted. The PECO QA progran fully fol-l lows the guidance but not certain epecific schedules of para-I graph 4.5 l

l l


10. Draft Standard ANSI N45.2.13 (Draft 3, Rev. O. August, 1974),

j Quality Assurance Requirenents for Control of Procurenent of Itens I and Services.

l l

l l The Engineering and Research Departnent follows the guidance of ANSI

! N45.2.13 (Draft 3 Rev. O, August, 1974) exclusive of other

} docunents referenced therein.


11. ReguJatorv Guide 1.33, Novenber 3, 1972, Quality Assurance Progran Requier:ents (Operation). Endorses ANSI N45.2 - 1971 and N18.7 -

l 1972 1sornerly ANS 3.2).


! The Engineering and Research Department follows Regulatory Guide 1.33, Novenber 3, 1972, as it applies to ANSI N45.2-1971 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein. ANSI N18.7 is considered ap-i D.11-74 _

plicable to plant operation and, as such, is not applicable to the activities of the Engineering and Research Department.

12. Regulatory Guide 1.30, 3/1G/73, llousekeeping Requirenents for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants. Endorses ANSI N4G.2.3-1973.

The Engineering and Research Departnent follows Regulatory Guide 1.30, 3/10/73 and ANSI N45.2.3-1973 exclusive of other docunents referenced therein. This is acconplished by requiring Engineering and Research Departnent personnel who work at the plant to follow the adninistrative conrols for housekeeping which are established by the Electric Production Department. Therefore, the alternatives to I ANSI N45.2.3-1973 described in Appendir. 17.2A, Section 7a, b and e apply to Engineering and Research Departnent activities at the plant site.

IIousekeeping/ cleanliness requirements for that naterial storage and plant nodification work which is the responsibility of Engineering and Research Departnent personnel are included in the Engineering and Research procedures governing these activities.

13. Renulatory Guide 1.88, October, 107G, Collection, Storage and Main-tenance of Nuclear Po-cr Plant Quality Assurance Records. Endorses l ANSI N45.2.0 - 1974.

The Engineering and Research Departnent will follow the requirenents i of Regulatory Guide 1.88 and ANSI N4G.2.0 exclusive of other

! docunents referenced therin.

l l

l l 14. Renulatory Guide 1.14G - August 1980, "Aunlification of Quality As-l surance Progran Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants." Endorses l ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978.

l l

The Engineering and Research Departnent follows Regulatory Guide l 1.14G, August 10S0 and ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978 exclusive of other docunents referenced therin.

l Two particulars of ANSI /ASME N45.2.23 - 1978 are inplemented by the l Engineering and Research Departnent through alternate equivalent i neans as described in Appendix 17.2A, Section 17.

l 1

l l

l l

l l D.11-75 _

PBAPS D.12 PIIILADELPIIIA ELECTRIC COMPANY MAINTENANCE AND MODIFICATION OUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN D.12.1 General The QA program that governs maintenance, repair, and modification at Peach Botton Units 2 and 3 is described herein and applies to those structures, systems, and conponents of reactor facilities which are es-sential to the prevention of accidents which could affect the public health and safety or to the mitigation of their consequences. Those structures, systens, and conponents which are considered as "essca: ial" are listed in Table D.2.1, "Sunnary Q-List."

Maintenance, repair, and modification of those " essential" structures, systems, and conponents are carefully controlled to avoid violation of the conditions of the license and to preserve margins of safety provided in the original construction.

D.12.2 Organization

', I The Electric Production Departnent, with the advice and assistance of l the Engineering and Research Department, develops a naintenance progran t which includes the following essential elenents:


1. A set of piping and instrumentation diagrans (P&ID's) which l identify components, valves, and instrunents. Diagrans are i marked to show the extent and linits of the " essential" systems.

, 2. A list of equipnent, valves, and instrunents.


3. A current list of spare parts.


4. A cable tabulation.


5. A systen for affixing an identification tag or plate to each l iten of equipnent, valve, instrument, and cable which clearly i relates to the identification used in the above lists and on the P&ID's.

i l

i G. A conplete tabulation or other cross reference which identifies the " essential" systens, conponents of such systens, and spare l parts available.

l D.12-70


7. Delineation of and procedures for performance of routine and ninor naintenance or repair outside the scope of nornal craft capabilities on essential systens and conponents,
s. Procedures describe the maintenance operation and identify l spare parts and other materials used, and identify ap-plicable specifications, codes, standards, and quality control, inspection, and test requirements.

L. Minor maintenance procedures are approved by the Plant '

! Superintendent, or his representative, and authorize initiation and conpletion of such minor maintenance without further approval.


c. A written report of each such naintenance operation is in-

, corporated into the pernanent records of the plant, iden-tifies specially qualified craftsmen and the inspector (if applicable), and is signed by the responsible Supervisor.

l l d. The Plant Operations and Review Connittee reviews the I records and nakes audits of the work.

1 I 8. Delineation of and procedures for initiation, approval, perfornance, inspection, and QA for all najor maintenance, repair, or nodification to " essential" systens.

! a. Requests for approval of najor naintenance, repair, or i nodification work are directed to the Superintendent of Nuclear Power. Requests for nodification work are also directed to the D&SR Connittee. Such requests include l

l justification of the nodification or the reason for l

repair; a description of the operation to be performed;

! replacement parts and other naterials to be used; applica-ble codes, standards, and specifications; quality control, inspection, and test requirenents. i

b. The Superintendant Generation Division - Nuclear reviews i

[ the request; specifies the operations, inspections, and tests which nust be witnessed or otherwise signed off; and assures that procedures and checklists are used to in-plement those QA functions.


c. Using the approved procedures, the appropriate departnent of PECO provides for conpletion of the work by qualified i individuals or subcontractors.



d. The appropriate department of PECO assures and certifies that the maintenance, repair, or modification is perforned, inspected, and otherwise controlled in accord-ance with the approved procedures, and that the conpleted job results in a level of quality at least equivalent to that provided in the original construction.
e. A written report of each such najor maintenance, repair, or modification is incorporated into the permanent records of the plant; identifies specially qualified craftsmen, the inspector, and the responsible Supervisor; and is signed by the Plant Superintendent.
f. The D&SR Connittee reviews the records and nakes audits of the work.

D. Procedures for marking, storing, issuing, restocking, and otherwise controlling spare parts and replacement parts so as to assure that all such parts are purchased, manufactured, cleaned, inspected, packaged, shipped, received, identified, stored, and controlled to provide a level of quality at least equivalent to that of the original construction.

10. Procedures for Energency Maintenance, including a clear '

definition of conditions under which energency naintenance, repair, or modification may be initiated and by whon. Such ,

energency procedures require follow-up action to bring all ap- I provals and docunentation into conformance with the I requirenents for comparable nalntenance perforned under regular l procedures.

l l

i D.12-78 l

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2301 Market Street O March 15, 1983 FIC 4: J. II. Austin, Jr.

'10: J. S. Kemper ~

Vice President Engineering & Research S. L. Daltroff Vice President Electric Production SUBJECP: Quality Assurance Policy The purpose of this memorandum is to reemphasize the importance of the quality assurance activity which has been in effect since the beginning of the nuclear program of the Phtladelphia Electric Company and to formalize the responsibility for administering the QA program within the Conpany's organization, necause of the close association between safety aM quality assurance, it is essential that in all matters relating to our nuclear installations, quality assurance must continue to take precedence.

The responsibility delegated by thin office for instituting and maintaining the QA program rests with the Vice President of Engineering & Research during the planning, design and construction phases of project and with the Vice President of Electric Production when the project reaches the operational stage.

The organization in each of the departments will continue to be administered in a manner that will provide for the reporting of all matters pertaining to quality directly to the management of the departments and to the management of the Company. ,

In order to assure that the effectiveness of, the QA program be maintained, I am directing the Vice Presidents of Engineering & Research and Electric Production to establish close liaison ra that all necessary steps be taken to assure that our QA program continues to be carried out effectively at all times.

Any questions that cannot be resolved batween the responsible Vice Presidents or any situation where there is an unresolved question regarding the quality of any equipnent or system should be imuodiately brought to my attention.

It is essential that the Company maintain the highest degree of excellence in the area of quality assurance so that safe and reliable cocration will be assured throughout the life of all nuclear facilities, m -

President Exhibit V

= . . ..

2301 Market Street January 7, 1980 FROM: S. L. Daltroff TO: G. R. Conover, Jr.

M. J. Cooney W. C. Whitfield R. H. Moore A. J. Weigand W. B. Willsey


Peach Bottom QA Plan - Operating Phase It is the desire of the Management of the Electric Production Department that Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station be operated with the primary consideration being the health and safety of the public and the employees. To that end, a

(' QA activity has been formally established since 1973 by the subject plan and you are directed to follow the requirements therein.

A prime requirement of the QA Plan is that quality deficiencies be identified and that work not proceed until a satisfactory resolution of such problems is obtained. QA is the first priority and work on Safety-Related Systems is to stop forthwith unless established procedures are being complied with. ,

The QA Division has been given the authority to require the stopping of work in the event that Quality Control measures are not satisfied.

No work is to be undertaken on Safety-Related Systems

! unless adequate procedures are available and unless an  ;

l Administrative Procedure is available for control, e

It is my intent that the QA Division be involved in site activities in such a manner as they deca necessary to carry !j i

out their assignments, and I expect Electric Production Department personnel to cooperate to the fullest extent.

,( EXHIBIT V1 l (SHEET 1 OF 2) }

n l

~ * . . . - .-.. - - . - . . . 1


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( l This policy statement is a permanent directive of the '

Electric Production Department and is made a part of'the QA Plan.

1. .

,('Atlw ll\

l-Vice Pr sident

!i Electric Production Department J,

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- ~ _ . - .. . . . . , . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . _


PHAPS Cy\P VOL. III - AFNINISTIMTIVE PIOCEll]RES OlITERIQ1 (10CFR50, APP.8) 123456789101112131415161710 A-1 Preparation and Approval x x of Administrative Procedures A-2 Control and Use of Documents x x A-3 Temporary Changen to xx xx x x Approved Proceduren A-4 Plant Operations Review xxx x x x x Committee Procedure A-6 Control of Drawinqn xx x x and Drawing Logs _.

A-7 Shif t Operatims xx x x y A-8 Procedure for Control xxx x x x x g of Locked Valves :e A-9 Plant Communications x $

Systems M A-10 Fquirinent Location Ccdc x x y List 5 A-ll Alarm Cards xx xx x c2 A-12 Ignition Source Control xx xx xx x E Procedure O A-12.1 Controlling Tech. Spec. xx xx x xy Firewatch and Fire- d watch Patrols a A-12. 2 Control of CcrJxistibles xx xx x x x x[

A-13 Reporting Defects and xx x x Nonmmpliances 22 A-14 A-14.1 Plant Modification Process Canputer xxxxxx xxx xxx x x x$


Modification Procedure A-15 Generation of Health xx xx x Physics Operating

  • and Chemical Operating Procedures A-16 Generation of Heal th xx xx x Physics Analytical Procedures N

i 123456789101112131415161710 4

Exhibit VIII (Sleet 1 of 8)


GITERIG4 (10CFR50, APP.H) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 LG h

A-17 Generaticn of Chemical xx xx Analytical Procedures A-18 Generation of Fuel- xx xx x llandling Proceduren A-19 Preparatim & Distribution xx x xx x x x x x x of Maintenance Procedures A-20 Generation of System xx xx x Procedures a A-21 Generatim of Emergency xx xx y Plan Procedures y A-22 Generatim of Operational xx x x :e Transient, Emergency, &  %

Special Event Procedures M A-23 Generaticn of Special xx x x %

Procedures E A-24 Generaticn of Radiochemical xx xx a Analytical Procedures 5 A-2'i Preventive Maintenance xx xx x x- x $

Program ei A-26 Procedure for Corrective xx xx xx x x< x x x x 5 Maintenance "

! A-27 Procedure for Material xxxxxxxxx x x x x x

! Control System E A-28 Cleaning of Fluid x x x x 5 Systems Cmponents t A-29 Review and Implementaticn xx x x [


of Amerximents to the Tech. Specs.

A-31 Prcxnpt Notificntion x .

x of NRC A-32-A Review, Approval and xx xx x Implementation of Temporary or Permanent Setpoint or Range Changes Y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I Exhibit VIII (Slxtet 2 of 8) f

, , - - - - , . - . - . , . , . - . . - - , , , - . - - - . . . . , , . ,,,,-e_.,- , - . _ , , , , , - - . , ,.,,-r, , ,,..-. _ . - -, - .

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PBAPS Cy\P VOI2 III - ADMINISTPATIVE PIEXEDURPS CRITERICN (10(F160, APP.D) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8


! A-33 Control of By-Product z. x xx Material -

A-34 Generation of Prefire x x x i Strategy Plan "F" Procedures A-36 Periodic Review of xx xx Procedures A-40 Working Ilours Rentricticus xx xx x

  • A-41 Control of Safety-Related xx xx x x x x :i Fquipnent E t A-42 Jumper Log Procedure xx xx x x x x x x=

A-43 Surveillance Testing System xx xx x x x 5 A-44 Special Nuclear Material xx xxxx x x x x x x t; i t Accountability and 5 Safequards Directivos -y A-45 Review and Approval of xx xx Reactor Engineering e Procedures [

l A-46 Maintenance of Records x xM During Comercial Operaticn @

A-47 Generaticn of Surveillance xx x x x x xg
Tests E

[ A-50 Trr.ining Procedure xx xx xg

! A-55 General Requirements for x x x-


ON Procurement and E Receipt Inspectors A-56 General Requirements for x x x5 Radwaste OC Inspectors A-70 Fuel Warranty Data x xx x x Acquisition Procedure A-80 In-Service Inspection xx xxxxx x x x x x x

, i A-81 Generation of Visual xx xx x x x In-Service Inspection Surveillance Tests II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l a i

Exhibit VIII (Sleet 3 of 8)

PBAPS OTP VCL. ] [I - AIFIfUSTPATIVE PIOmiXJRES QUTERIQ1 (10CPR50, APP.B) 123456789101112131415161718 N

A-G2 In-Service InspectioT xx xx x x x x x Surveillance Testing System (ST-IST)

A-G3 N1WA Proqrmu xx xx x x x Administrative Procclure A-84 Coitrol of Ilirth xx xx x Radiation Aren Keys A '36 Cort active Action xx xx x x M1-1 Generation, Control and xx xx xg Revision of Maintenance 5 Division Administrative [

o Procedures MA-3 Documentation an1 Control xx x x x x0 of Maintenance E VA-4 Welder Qualification and xx xx x=-

Welding Procclure Qualification E Calibration and Control xx x m IMA-6 of Measuring and Test E

&]uipnent $

MA-7  !!andling of O-Listed xx x x x 8 Items E MA-B Control of Purchased xx x xx x 5


Material and Services PA-9 Training and Testing of xx xr" Maintenance Division Personnel o I MA-10 Control of Weld Filler xx x x x Metals l MA-11 Preparation of xx xx x x Maintenance Sing Procedures MA-12 General Benuirements for xx x x Quality Control Tnspectors N

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 16 17 19 Exhibit VIII (S! net 4 of 8) t

IEAPS CAP VO[,, III - AI14INISTMTIVE PIOGIIJPJG CRITERICU (10 CPI 60, APP.8) 123456789101112131415161710 1

xx x x x h

l m-15 Use of Contractors on Quality Control Work -

Ma-16 General Requirements for xx xx x x x Training and Certificatim of Nandestructive Testing Personnel i m -17 Generaticn, Cmtrol and xx xx x x x x x Revision of Maintenance Divisicn Standarrl Work a Instruction Procedures E M-18 Otnlity Assurance /Otnlity xx x x x $

Control Training of g Maintenance Personnel  ;-

MR-20 Certification of Inspectors xx x x x M of !!andling Equipaent aryl $

Rigging 5 Mh-21 Processing and Ccupletion xx x x a of a Peach Bottm 5 Maintenance Roquest Form $

Sm-1 Generatial, Ccntrol, and xx x x x E Review of Stores Division 5 j Pro dure E S M -2 Supervising Storekeeper's xx x x x [

Monthly Inspection e S m-3 General Superintendent's xx x y Annual Review S M-4 Procurement of Nuclear xx x x x x x x .,

Safety-Related Parts, Material, and Services, Oregon Maintenance Shops Storeroom No. 331 SIh-5 Storage, Packaging, and xx xx x x x Shipping of Items for Nuclear Pcuer Plants N

123456789101112131415161710 I

Exhibit VIII (Stuet 5 of 8)

_ ,-.,.,.---.--,-_...,_,--_-,-.----w,m.. . - - + e ..v---_-e-.,,vy ,-------1

PDAPS OT VOL. III - AININISTfWrIVE P1XXF.111RES GITERIW (10CFH50, 1234567891011.12131415161718 O

STA-6 Procurement of Nuclear xx x x x x x Safety-Related Parts, '

Material, and Services Peach Bottom Atomic Power Staticn, Storeroom No. 387 Sin-7 Procurement, Storaqe, and xx x xx x x x Control of Shelf-Life Items RT-05-50001 Preparation, Revinicn xx xx x to, aryl Control of d Procedures .E RT-02-50002 Qualification and Traininq xx x

  • of Research and Testing 5 Division Personnel U RP-10-50003 Qualificaticn of Otnlity xx x =

Control Inspectors and C Performance of Otnlity 5 Control Inspections g RT-12-50008 Control of Calibraticn xx x x x x of Portable Test Equipnent y RP-09-50010 Training and Certificaticn xx x x E of Nondestructive Testing y Personnel g RT-03-50013 Calculaticn of Nuclear xx xx x x z Safety-Related Instrument 3 Setpoints  ;;-

PA-1 Generaticn, Control, and x xxx x in Revision of Purchasing g Division Administration Procestures for Quality-

  • Assured Purchases NS-1 Preparation, Review, and x x x Changes to Nuclear Section Procxxlures N

123456789101112131415161718 l Exhibit VIII (Sicot 6 of 8)

PBAPS OT VOI,, III - AlltINISTRATIVE PIOGI1J1ES GI'IT:RIW (10CFir20, APP.n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 AN PE-2 Preparatim of Purchase x xxx x Orders for Nuclear Safety- -

Related Services GA-1 Generatial, Revision, x x x and Control of Claims Security Divisim Procedures GA-2 Control of PECo Physical x xx x Security Plans, Safequards :j Contingency Plan, and ,E Security Personnel Training =

and Qualificatims Plans E GA-3 Background Investigaticos x x x5 for Personnel Requiring E Unescarted Access at h Nuclear Generating Stations -

CL-A-1 Generation, Control, and x x Revision of Chemistry Section x [E Promdures M CL-A-2 Various Procedures for x x x x x x x x5 to Test, Analysis and Control y CL-A-5 of Chemistry Secticn Functicos R SAF-A-1 Generaticn, Control, and x x xz Revision of Safety Department 5 Administrative Procedures s SAF-A-2 Generation, Control, and x x x5 Revision of Safety Department g I Fire Protecticn Equipnent Testing and Inspection

  • Procedures SAF-A-3 Training and Qualificaticn x x of Safety Department ,

Personnel '

SAF-A-5 Ccntrol of Measuring x x x x x and Test Equipnent U

123456789101112131415161718 I

Exhibit VIII (Sleet 7 of 8)

PBAPS GP VG,. III - AININISTlWl'IVE PIOCEIXJRES CRITERIGJ (10WI60, APP.n) 123456789101112131415161710 0 '

SSDN-1 Control of Nuclear Records x x x Management System (NRR9)

Procedures AD-A-1 Generatim, Cmtrol , anel x x x Revision of Training Section and Metirx1s Sectim Procedures CD-A-1 Generatial, Control and xx x x Revision of Procedures for g the Generatim Division E E



.E O


8 2

5 G


5 Y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la l l Exhibit VIII


(Sheet 8 of 8)


3 y




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