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Testimony of Wc Payne on Contentions V-3a & V-3b Re Site Mapping of Arco Pipeline
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/1983
From: Payne W
Shared Package
ML20082A708 List:
NUDOCS 8311180239
Download: ML20082A748 (11)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULA'IORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )


Philadelphia Electric Company ) Docket Nos. 50-352

)30-353 (Limerick Generating Station )

Units 1 and 2) )

Tes*4 many of Walter C. Payne With Regard to Contention V-3a A V-3b Ql. Please state your name, title and business address.

My name is Waltsr C. Payne. I am employed by Philadelphia 1

19101. My title is Survey Electric Company, 2301 Market Street, Phila., Pa.,

Coordinator. As such, I am responsible for the direction, supervision and coordination of all land surveying and photogrammetric activities performed by or for Philadelphia Electric Company.

Q2. Please state your qualifications and experience as a surveyor.

I have had over thirty years experience in land surveying, I have been a cartography and the survey-related aspects of photogrammetry.

registered Professional Land Surveyor in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania f

since 1965, and have been the Survey Coordinator for PECO since 1972.

I have been trained by members of the National Geodetic Survey in the field and office aspects of geodetic surveying, including First-Order surveys, and an a past chairman of the Pennsylvania Geodetic Survey Committee.

I am a member of the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors and I have taught various have served as a member of their Standards Committee.

surveying courses co-sponsored by the Society and Pennsylvania State University.

I I have also had extensive experience in the utilization, reading l

and interpretation of aerial photography. As aurvey coordinator, I have l

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l prepared specifications for photogrammetric surveys of varying types, including high-accuracy digitized urban mapping. I am the former Vice


Chairman of the Regional P.apping and Land Records Stiering Committee and j

former Chairman of their Mapping Technical Committee.

Q3. Have you prepared a plan showing the relationship of the ARCO and Columbia pipelines to the Limerick Generating Station?

Yes. As a base map, I utilized the 1"=200' version nf the This is the same map which eas reduced topographic site map prepared in 1969.

in scale to produce FSAR Figure 2.2-4.

Q4. How did you establish the location of the ARCO pipeline and confirm this location to be accurate?

The topographic site map, property lines, ground structures and all other important plans and features of the Limerick Generating Station are These plans and related to the Pennsylvania Coordinate System, South Zone.

features are all accurately related to the surface of the earth, and to each other, by being tied to a system of highly-accurate ground monuments which l

were established to National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Specifications, Procedures and Standards of Accuracy, i

The topographic site map was prepared by photogrammetric methods l

l At this I in 1969 as a series of eight sheets at a scale of 1"=100' .

compilation scale, 90% of all clearly defined planimetric features such as A

roads, buildings and drainage would be expected to scale to within 2.5 feet of their true relationship to the Pennsylvania Coordinate System grid, while the remaining 10% should not be more than 5 feet from their true position.

I Woodlands and tree are usually defined by the outline of their foliage.

In 1970 the eight sheets prepared in 1969 were consolidated into a si.igle map

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at a scale of 1"=200' . This map is the base map utilized by me.

On the topographic site map, the path of the ARCO pipeline is readily visible as a cut swath through some of the wooded areas shcwn on the extends northerly map. One of these cut swaths, the nearest to the plant, front Longview Road for approximately 800 feet, to within approximately 150 An ARCO pipeline marker feet of the pipeline crossing of Possum Hollow Run.

Another cut swath is placed In the center of this cut swath at Longview Road.

begins approximately 1100 feet south of Longview Road and extends in a These cut swaths, when southerly direction for approximately 1050 feet.

coupled with plans of the pipeline obtained from ARCO Pipeline Co., provide a good initial approximate location of the pipeline in these areas.

As survey work on the site progressed, and it became necessary to know the pipeline location more accurately, large segments of the pipeline l t d to the were accurately tied to the system of accurate ground monuments re a e 2ennsylvania Ccordinate System in the same manner as described below.

h in Computed coordinates of the pipeline full in the centers of the cut swat s d the all instances when plotted on the topographic site map, and also verifie location as shown on the ARCO maps.

The location of that portion of the ARCO pipeline between fest, Longview Road and Possum Hollow Road, a distance of approximately 20 31, 1993. Thie was verified by field survey during the week of October d the two stretch of pipeline includes the crossing of Possum Hollow Run an d to in testimony of nearest high spots of terrain along the pipeline referre Mr. John D. Walsh of Bechtel Group, Inc.

This was accomplished The pipeline was first staked out by ARCO.

location by electronically locating and verifying the underground pipeline

through electronic instrumentation and placing stakes at all locations so verified at frequent intervals, over the pipeline.

A closed loop survey traverse was then performed under my direction.

The term " closed loop traverse" refors to a traverse which began and ended on accurately-related monuments based upon the Pennsylvania coordinate System and utilized to control the location of other features of Limerick Generating Station. The traverse points of this survey were located in such a fashion whereby the stakes set by ARCO could be easily and accurately tied to the traverse.

The mathematical closure of this closed loop traverse was one part in 16,000, or a total error of less than 4 tenths of one foot in the 5,586 feet of traverse.

The stakes set by ARCO Pipeline Company were all tied to this traverse in such a fashion as to provide a double check on the location of each stake, thus assuring that all stakes would be truly and accurately related to the Pennsylvania Coordinate System and thus to all other important features of the Limerick Generating Station sire.

Pa. Coordinate System coordinates were computed, and checked, for all stakes set by ARCO Pipeline Co. , and were utilized by me to place the location of the pipeline on the site topography map in this 2,000 foot stretch.

The ARCO Pipeline Company plans were then enlarged by me to the same scale as the topographic site map. When ov'r laid on the site map, this enlarged version of the ARCO maps fit all surveyed locations and matched perfectly with the location of the pipeline as shown on the map prepared by me.

1:24,000 The ARCO pipeline is not shown on the Phoenixville, Pa.

Quadrangle, and, therefore, a comparison could not be directly made between

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the location as developed on the site topography map and the U.S.G.S. Quad.

t In order to assure that no major errors existed in the ARCO Plans, field measurements were made at seven road crossing locations between ARCO pipeline markers and features connon to both the ARCO plans and the U.S.G.S.

Quadrangle. These measurements were made in both directions to preclude the occurence of any major errers. The pipeline markers so measured, and others located during the course of survey work at the generating station site, were then plotted on the U.S.G.S. Quadrangle utilizing the measured distances, and The a 1"=2000' reduction of the ARCO maps was overlaid on the Quadrangle.

reduced version of the ARCO maps matched the road crossing locations as measured in the field. This negated the possibility of any major errors in distance or angles in the pipeline as shown on the ARCO maps.

Q5. How was the location of the Limerick Generation Station structures shown on the plan established?

The location of the Limerick Generating Station structures are These los as accurately related to the Pennsylvania Coordinate System.

to shown on the topographic base map were personally checked by me and i be plotted accurately within the scale limitations of the subject plan.

Q6. Approximately how many feet from the Unit 2 reactor enclosure and the unit 2 diesel generator building is the ARCO pipeline located at is closest approach? >

The ARCO pipeline is located approximately 1603 feet from the unit 2 reactor enclosure and 1665 feet from the unit 2 diesel generator building at its closest approach.

Q7. How were the distances from the ARCO Pipeline to the unit 2 reactor enclosure and diesel generator builcing determined?

The distances were mathematically computed using survey data.

The ARCO pipeline in the area in question and the unit 2 reactor onclosure and diesel generator building have been field surveyed and accurately related to the Pennsylvania Coordinate System. Thus, the inverse between these known coordinates will provide the distances indicated.

Q8. In your response to question 6, define what tolerances are meant by the term "approximately".

" Approximately" refers to a potential error in the neighborhood of 1 foot more or less in the computed distances between the pipeline and the two structures at the pipeline's nearest approach. This potential error may or may not exist, as the locations of the stakes set by ARCO Pipeline Company as determined by electronic locating instruments have a possible error of 6" more or less from being exactly over the center of the pipeline.


What are the locations of the nearest highest points of tarrain on the ARCO pipeline route with respect to Possum Hollow Run?

The nearest high point of terrain to the north is tpproximately 1400 feet north of Possum Hollow Run, while the nearest high point to the south is approximately 600 feet south of Possum Hollow Run.

Q10. How were the high points of terrain identified in the preceding aL1wer determined?

The high points of terrain were determined by scaling along the The 1"=2000' topographic site map was pipeline from Possum Hollow Run.

utilized for this purpose. Both distances, which are these which were Inc. in his testimony are, in utilized by Mr. John D. Walsh of Bechtel Group, my opinion, correct for the purposes utilized in the study conductea by Mr.

Walsh, as the distances etually extend beyond the far limits of the high



As a check on these high terrain spots, the contours on the Jite 1:24,000 scale topography plan were compared with the contours as shown on the Phoenixville, Pa. U.S.G.S. Quadrangle. The comparison showed the contour Quadrangle.

locations to be accurate within the limitations of the ".S.G.S.

Q11. Where are the next nearest high points of terrain in each direction along the ARCO pipeline right of way?

The next highest point of terrain crossed by the ARCO pipeline to the north is approximately 2,700 feet north of Possum Hollow Run as scaled f rom the subject U.S.G.S. Quadrangle, while the next high point to the south is appr-)ximately 4,000 feet south of Possum Hollow Run.

Q12. How did you determine and confirm the location of the Columbia Gas Transmission Company pipelines numbers 1278 and 10107 The location of the Columbia pipelines (numbers 1278 and 1010) as shown on the FSAR Figure 2.2-4 was derived through photogrammetric interpretation of the pipeline traces, performed during the compilation of the large-scale topographic basemap. Pipeline traces are photoidentifiable depressions, or humps, in the ground, caused by uneven settlement of backfill over the underground pipe and/or differences in contrast between vegetation growing directly over the pipeline, and that growing a short distance away.

These traces are readily visible in moet areas, even to the naked eye, when present on aerial photography, as are the strips cut through woodlands prior to installation of pipelines.

On topographic maps, pipeline locations are usually less accurate than other features, as the traces and woodland cuts will vary in width and clarity, while other features, such as roads and buildings, are sharp and clear. Nevertheless, a good approximate location is obtained through

The locacion of the Columbia pipelines as shown on photogranunetric mapping.

FSAR Figure 2.2-4 is the photointerpretation of the center-line between the two pipelines traces.

In verifying the location of the Columbia pipelines as shown on the FSAR Figure, an approximate check was first made. The location of the pipelines is also shown on the 1:24,000 scale Phoenixville, Pa. U.S.G.S.

Quadrangle. This map is at a scale of 1"=2000' , and 90% of clearly-defined


features would be expected to be placed on the map within 50'- of their true locations. Pipeline locations could scale within larger tolerances.

Scale comparisons were made at seven locations between the These pipeline locations and planimetric features common to both maps. .

features were road intersections and buildings. The mean difference in the


scaled distance.s at these seven locations on the two maps was 31' , well within the scale tolerances to be expected from the U.S.G.S. Quadrangle.

A scale comparison was then made, at the same seven locations, These plans show with maps furnished by Col.unbia Gas Transmission Company.

tne pipelines superimposed on rectified aerial photography, which cannot be expected to be highly ace: urate in rolling terrain such as exists in the Nevertheless, the scaled distances vicinity of Limerick Generating Station.

from the Columbia plans at the seven locations agreed with the location as


she .n on the U.S.G.S Quadrangle within a mean of 51'- and with the site plan within a mean of 31'1 As a further check on the location of the Columbia pipelines, field measurements were made, personally supervised by me, to locare pipeline These markers set by Columbia co mark road crossings of the pipelines.

locations were chosen in ordsr to verify the pipeline locations well boycnd

the Limerick Generation Station boundaries. Measurements were taken to road intersections, buildings, etc. which are common to all the maps utilized in the scale comparison. Locations utilized for these measurements were within


an area extending from 1.5 miles-- southeast of the Limerick reactors to a


point 1.9 milee- northeast of the reactors. The field measurements were made twice, once in each direction, in order to preclude the cccurence of a 7

m4jor error. The distances measured were then compared with distances scaled on the subject maps. It should be noted that the topographic site map and the f

attached plan extends only far enough north and south to include two of the road crossings checked. Comparisons are as follows:

The differences between the measured distances and the distances scaled from the U.S.G.S. Quadrangle at eight road crossing locations meaned out to be 29 feet.

The differences between the measured distances and the distances scaled from the Columbia Gas Transmission Company plans at the same ei'ght locations meaned out to be 28 feet.

The differences between the measured distances and the distances scaled from the PECO topographic site map at the two road crossings available for check meaned out to be 15 feet.

As a final check, the center-line between the Columbia pipelines was enlarged to a scale of 1"=200' , the same scale as the site topography plan. Uhen the blown-up drawing was overlaid on the pipeline location as Therefore, shown on the site topography plan, an almost perfect fit resulted.

based on all the above, the pipeline is shown on my plan as originally compiled by photogrammetric methods.

Q13. Approximately how far from the unit 2 reactor enclosure are the

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Columbia pipelines located at their closest approach?

Based upon the locations shown on the attached plan, the accuracy of which I have discussed previously, the Columbia pipelines are located approximately 3500 feet from the unit 2 reactor enclosure au LLeir closest approach.


How does the plan which you preparea compare with the locations of the Columbia and ARCO pipelines shown on FSAR Figure 2.2-47 The location of the Columbia pipelines is shown on my plan and on FSAR Figure 2.2-4 exactly the same as originally compiled, as all field and office checks performed verified the location as being accurate wi":hin the limits of photogrammetric compilation at the scale originally compiled.

The location of the ARCO pipeline on FSAR Figure 2.2-4 has proven to be highly accurate from the southernmost neatline of the plan northward for approximately 4,300 feet to a point approximately 450' north of Possum Hollow Run. Between this point and Possum Hollow Rcad, a distance of approximately 1100 feet, the pipeline as shown on FSAR Figure 2.2-4 deviates slightly from its true location. The pipeline is shown approximately 50 feet closer to the generating station facilities than it actually is at its maximum deviation, which is approximately at the point where the pipeline exits from the northern boundary of the generating station property. At the small scale of the FSAR Figure, this deviation is barely detectable, but it is discernable on the Extending larger scale site topography plan utilized for comparison.

northward from Possum Hollow Road, for approximately 500 feet, the pipeline is once again shown correctly. From this point northward to the northern neatline of FSAR Figure 2.2-4, the pipelina, as shown, deviates from its true location, being shown as extending farther to the northeast than the location

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as shown by me on the attached topographic site plan. Since I did not originally locate this portion of the pipeline or prepare the FSAR Figure, I undertook to determine the reasons for these variations.

From my investigation, it appears that the location shown on FSAR Figure 2.2-4 in all areas where the pipeline could have been disturbed by construction related or earthmoving activities is based upon survey work and is highly accurate.

In those areas where no construction related activitity was contemplated, no field survey work was undertaken since a highly accurate location was not censidered necessary. Nevertheless, the variation in the location shown on FSAR Figure 2.2-4 in the stretch between Possum Hollow Run and Possum Hollow Road is slight. North of Possum Hollow Road beyond the site boundary to the northeast, the pipeline follows a dirt road, which is depicted on the attached plan as a dashed line, for a distance of apprcximately 500' .

Apparently the dashed line was taken as the pipeline route and, as a result, l

on FSAR Figure 2.2-4 the pipeline is shown as continuing along the dirt road to the northern neatline. Actually, the pipeline turns away from the dirt trail in a more northerly direction as shown on the attached plan.

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