ML20085J128 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Ohio State University |
Issue date: | 05/03/1995 |
From: | Marlone Davis OHIO STATE UNIV., COLUMBUS, OH |
To: | Bennington G NRC |
References | |
NUDOCS 9506220016 | |
Download: ML20085J128 (2) | |
Similar Documents at Ohio State University | |
MONTHYEARML20217P6721999-10-26026 October 1999
[Table view]Informs That Effective 991026,CH Bassett Will Be NRC Inspector for Engineering Experiment Station at Ohio State Univ,Due to Retirement of Previously Assigned Inspector ML20204F3971999-03-16016 March 1999 Informs That Mj Davis,License SOP 30847-1,no Longer Employed at Osur.License May Be Terminated ML20204B2031999-03-0404 March 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-150/99-201 on 990208-12.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Organization,Periodic & Special Repts,Operations & Maint,Procedures Requalification Training,Surveillance,Experiments & Physical Security ML20248A3501998-05-13013 May 1998 Informs That Kr Herminghuysen,SOP-70125,no Longer Requires License to Operate Reactor,Effective 980430 ML20199H9951997-11-18018 November 1997 Informs of Change in Person Serving as Director of Engineering Experiment Station as Required by TS 6.6.2(3)(C) of Oh State Univ Research Reactor ML20217P3201997-08-22022 August 1997 Informs That Responsibility for Non-Power Reactor Insp Program Has Been Transferred from Nrr.All Related Repts, Correspondence & Inquires W/Docket Number Specified Should Be Directed to Listed Address ML20136D6651997-03-0606 March 1997 Forwards Amend 17 to License R-75 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Revises License Condition 2.B to Increase Possession Limit from 10 G to 30 G of Highly Enriched U-235 in Form of Fission Chamber Linings,Foil Targets & Other Applications ML20138K8831997-02-11011 February 1997 Discusses Review of Changes to Ohio State Univ Research Reactor Emergency Plan Submitted by .Changes IAW 10CFR50.54(q) ML20133F7011996-12-19019 December 1996 Forwards Revised Emergency Plan,Per & Recent Discussion W/R Myser of Oh State Univ & Cohen of NRC ML20135B1451996-12-0202 December 1996 Advises That Proposed Changes to Operator Requalification Plan Acceptable ML20129H8281996-11-0101 November 1996 Forwards EPA Referral Form Re Effluent Releases to Ambient Air from Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor,Iaw 1992 MOU Between NRC & EPA ML20129H8631996-11-0101 November 1996 Forwards Insp Rept 50-150/96-01 on 961007-11.No Violations Noted ML20128P8551996-10-0707 October 1996 Forwards Rev 7 to Administrative Procedure AP-09, Ro/Sro Requalification ML20129E7061996-10-0101 October 1996 Forwards RAI Re Changes to Research Reactor Emergency Plan. Response to Be Submitted within 60 Days of Ltr Date ML20117C8201996-08-19019 August 1996 Forwards Revised Requalification Program Ro/Sro Requalification ML20094B5941995-10-10010 October 1995 Discusses Proposed Deletion of Physical Security Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance or Low Strategic Significance ML20091S1501995-08-28028 August 1995 Informs That During 950720 Meeting Reactor Operations Committee Reviewed & Approved Listed TS Changes ML20086A3571995-06-14014 June 1995 Forwards Trtr Peer Review for Oh State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, for 950214-15 ML20085J2361995-05-19019 May 1995 Submits Advance Notification of Shipment of Category II Matl from Ohio State Univ to Westinghouse Savannah River Co to Meet Requirements of 49CFR173.22(C),10CFR73.67(E)(1)(i) & 10CFR73.72(A)(3) ML20085J1781995-05-19019 May 1995 Submits Advance Notification of Listed Category III Matl,Per Requirements of 49CFR173.22(C),10CFR73.67(E)(1)(i) & 10CFR73.72(A)(3) ML20085J1281995-05-0303 May 1995 Requests That Shipping Window Extending from 950530-0603 Be Assigned for Licensee Category II Shipment as Per 950503 Telcon ML20083K7491995-05-0202 May 1995 Forwards Revised Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab ML20082Q1081995-04-24024 April 1995 Forwards Revised Security Plan Re Recent Exterior Environs Changes.Encl Withheld ML20116D8281995-01-0606 January 1995 Forwards Info Which Updates NRC on Matter Re Magnet Amplifiers for Osu Research Reactor ML20083K7581994-12-23023 December 1994 Forwards Revised Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, as Result of Nuclear Reactor Lab Staff Review of Emergency Plan & Responding to Notice of Violation ML20077C7571994-09-30030 September 1994 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-150/94-01.Corrective Actions:Licensee Definding Timely Manner as within Yr Being Audited & Findings Will Be Reviewed within Three Months of Completion of Audit ML20072F1061994-08-12012 August 1994 Responds to NRC 940523-26 Ltr Re Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-150/94-01.Corrective Action:Training Supervisor Will Administer Annual Exam in 1994 ML20069G0191994-05-31031 May 1994 Informs That Jm Hatch Has Terminated Employment W/Oh State Univ Research Reactor,Therefore There Is No Longer Need for License SOP-30214-3 ML20056F7691993-08-23023 August 1993 Forwards Amend 14 to License R-75 & Se.Amend Revises TS to Allow Greater Magnet Holding Currents in Control Rod Magnet Circuit Before Rod Drops Initiated ML20056F2711993-08-11011 August 1993 Forwards Results for Operator Requalification Exam on 930628.W/o Encl ML20045H4281993-06-30030 June 1993 Provides Info That Has Become Available Since Revised 10CFR20 Became Effective on 910620 & Forwards Two Press Releases Re Issuance & Implementation of Revised Part 20 ML20044H4961993-06-0404 June 1993 Discusses Telcon Between W Eresian & Rd Myser Re Performance of Requalification Exam at Pool Reactor Which Is Scheduled on 930628 to Be Performed in Accordance W/Ol Std ES-606 ML20036A2921993-05-0404 May 1993 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Changes to Oh State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab Physical Security Plan.Changes Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable ML20035G1751993-04-21021 April 1993 Forwards Revised Portions of Physical Security Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance or Low Strategic Significance.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20035A7941993-03-24024 March 1993 Grants Temporary Waiver of Compliance from TS to Allow Magnet Currents Up to 100 Ma Before Rod Drop Initiated.Waiver Effective 15 Calendar Days After Date of Ltr ML20035A5941993-03-19019 March 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-150/93-03 on 930319.No Violations Noted ML20034H9021993-03-15015 March 1993 Responds to NRC Request for Addl Info to Support 930203 Request to Test Rod Drop Performance W/Magnet Currents Up to 100 Milliamps ML20034J0121993-03-12012 March 1993 Addresses Several Issues Concerning Recent Malfunction of Shim Safety 1 Control Rod in Response to Slow Scram & Corrective Actions Taken & Proposed in Order to Restart Reactor ML20034H5571993-03-12012 March 1993 Confirms NRC Concurrence for Startup of Research Reactor,Per 930311 Telcon.R Myser Identified Actions Taken to Correct Immediate Problem of Shim Safety Rod Reliability ML20034G2241993-02-25025 February 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-150/93-02,70-0801/93-01 & 70-3005/93-01 on 930209-10.No Violations Noted ML20128K6781993-02-0808 February 1993 Advises That Author Replaced Weislogel as Director of Engineering Experimental Station ML20128K6671993-02-0303 February 1993 Requests Permission to Test Magnets in Reactor at Currents Up to 100 Milliamps.Licensee Will Perform Several Rod Drop Tests to Verify That Reactor Safety Sys Would Still Operate within Design Criteria,Prior to Requesting TS Change ML20044B5731992-09-16016 September 1992 Discusses Telcon Between R Myser & F Collins Re Plans to Perform Requalification Exams Scheduled for Wk of 921214 ML20118A7201992-07-21021 July 1992 Informs That Weislogel Has Replaced Rf Redmond as Acting Director of Engineering Experiment Station ML20073P9561991-05-13013 May 1991 Forwards Power Increase Plan for Increase from 10 Kw to 500 Kw ML20029B5791991-03-0404 March 1991 Forwards Insp Repts 50-150/91-01,70-0801/91-01 & 70-3005/91-01 on 910205-07.No Violations Noted ML20065K7491990-11-21021 November 1990 Forwards Rev 5 to Administrative Procedure AP-09, Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Requalification ML20062F0611990-11-14014 November 1990 Forwards Amend 13 to License R-75,SE,notice of Issuance & Environ Assessment.Amend Changes License Condition & Tech Specs to Increase Authorized Steady State Reactor Power from 10 Kw to 500 Kw & to Authorize Possession of SNM ML20056A2901990-07-30030 July 1990 Forwards Decommissioning Funding Plan for Ohio State Univ Research Reactor ML20055H9921990-07-26026 July 1990 Advises That Decommissioning Funding Plan Awaiting Signature by Univ Provost.Provost Due Back During Wk of 900730 1999-03-04 Category:INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARML20204F3971999-03-16016 March 1999
[Table view]Informs That Mj Davis,License SOP 30847-1,no Longer Employed at Osur.License May Be Terminated ML20248A3501998-05-13013 May 1998 Informs That Kr Herminghuysen,SOP-70125,no Longer Requires License to Operate Reactor,Effective 980430 ML20199H9951997-11-18018 November 1997 Informs of Change in Person Serving as Director of Engineering Experiment Station as Required by TS 6.6.2(3)(C) of Oh State Univ Research Reactor ML20133F7011996-12-19019 December 1996 Forwards Revised Emergency Plan,Per & Recent Discussion W/R Myser of Oh State Univ & Cohen of NRC ML20128P8551996-10-0707 October 1996 Forwards Rev 7 to Administrative Procedure AP-09, Ro/Sro Requalification ML20117C8201996-08-19019 August 1996 Forwards Revised Requalification Program Ro/Sro Requalification ML20094B5941995-10-10010 October 1995 Discusses Proposed Deletion of Physical Security Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance or Low Strategic Significance ML20091S1501995-08-28028 August 1995 Informs That During 950720 Meeting Reactor Operations Committee Reviewed & Approved Listed TS Changes ML20086A3571995-06-14014 June 1995 Forwards Trtr Peer Review for Oh State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, for 950214-15 ML20085J2361995-05-19019 May 1995 Submits Advance Notification of Shipment of Category II Matl from Ohio State Univ to Westinghouse Savannah River Co to Meet Requirements of 49CFR173.22(C),10CFR73.67(E)(1)(i) & 10CFR73.72(A)(3) ML20085J1781995-05-19019 May 1995 Submits Advance Notification of Listed Category III Matl,Per Requirements of 49CFR173.22(C),10CFR73.67(E)(1)(i) & 10CFR73.72(A)(3) ML20085J1281995-05-0303 May 1995 Requests That Shipping Window Extending from 950530-0603 Be Assigned for Licensee Category II Shipment as Per 950503 Telcon ML20083K7491995-05-0202 May 1995 Forwards Revised Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab ML20082Q1081995-04-24024 April 1995 Forwards Revised Security Plan Re Recent Exterior Environs Changes.Encl Withheld ML20116D8281995-01-0606 January 1995 Forwards Info Which Updates NRC on Matter Re Magnet Amplifiers for Osu Research Reactor ML20083K7581994-12-23023 December 1994 Forwards Revised Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, as Result of Nuclear Reactor Lab Staff Review of Emergency Plan & Responding to Notice of Violation ML20077C7571994-09-30030 September 1994 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-150/94-01.Corrective Actions:Licensee Definding Timely Manner as within Yr Being Audited & Findings Will Be Reviewed within Three Months of Completion of Audit ML20072F1061994-08-12012 August 1994 Responds to NRC 940523-26 Ltr Re Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-150/94-01.Corrective Action:Training Supervisor Will Administer Annual Exam in 1994 ML20069G0191994-05-31031 May 1994 Informs That Jm Hatch Has Terminated Employment W/Oh State Univ Research Reactor,Therefore There Is No Longer Need for License SOP-30214-3 ML20035G1751993-04-21021 April 1993 Forwards Revised Portions of Physical Security Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance or Low Strategic Significance.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20034H9021993-03-15015 March 1993 Responds to NRC Request for Addl Info to Support 930203 Request to Test Rod Drop Performance W/Magnet Currents Up to 100 Milliamps ML20034J0121993-03-12012 March 1993 Addresses Several Issues Concerning Recent Malfunction of Shim Safety 1 Control Rod in Response to Slow Scram & Corrective Actions Taken & Proposed in Order to Restart Reactor ML20128K6781993-02-0808 February 1993 Advises That Author Replaced Weislogel as Director of Engineering Experimental Station ML20128K6671993-02-0303 February 1993 Requests Permission to Test Magnets in Reactor at Currents Up to 100 Milliamps.Licensee Will Perform Several Rod Drop Tests to Verify That Reactor Safety Sys Would Still Operate within Design Criteria,Prior to Requesting TS Change ML20118A7201992-07-21021 July 1992 Informs That Weislogel Has Replaced Rf Redmond as Acting Director of Engineering Experiment Station ML20073P9561991-05-13013 May 1991 Forwards Power Increase Plan for Increase from 10 Kw to 500 Kw ML20065K7491990-11-21021 November 1990 Forwards Rev 5 to Administrative Procedure AP-09, Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Requalification ML20056A2901990-07-30030 July 1990 Forwards Decommissioning Funding Plan for Ohio State Univ Research Reactor ML20055H9921990-07-26026 July 1990 Advises That Decommissioning Funding Plan Awaiting Signature by Univ Provost.Provost Due Back During Wk of 900730 ML20043G8781990-06-12012 June 1990 Forwards Proposed Tech Specs & Bases Re Changes to Reactor Operating Power,Per Recent Discussion W/Nrc ML20033E3271990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards Response to 891222 Request for Addl Info Re Power Increases,Consisting of Tables Listing Constants Used in Whole Body Dose Estimates & Proposed Plan for Determination of Ar-41 Concentrations ML20244A4541989-05-26026 May 1989 Forwards Response to NRC 890330 Communication Re Change in Operating Power & Revised Tech Specs,For Review & Approval. State of Oh Ofc of Energy Mgt Consulted W/To Formulate Answers to Questions ML20235Z3361989-03-0707 March 1989 Forwards QA Program for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, Administrative Procedure AP-14, Ohio State Univ Research Reactor Mod Requests & Procedure RS-11, Routine Shipment of Radioactive Matl ML20154Q0051988-05-0606 May 1988 Forwards Responses to Questions Re Conversion to Low Enrichment U Fuel.Modified Tech Specs Which Reflect Initial Operation W/Low Enrichment U at Current 10 Kw steady-state Thermal Power Level Also Encl ML20235U5351987-10-0707 October 1987 Forwards Revised SAR & Tech Specs for Ohio State Univ Research Reactor.Facility Currently Undergoing Conversion to low-enriched U Fuel,Per Recently Passed NRC Regulations & Change in Operating Power ML20216H3891987-06-24024 June 1987 Submits Rept of Safety Sys Failure.On 870618,during Testing of New Safety Equipment,Determined That No Output Voltage from LOG-N to Period Generator.Caused by Broken Circuit Ground at Two Prong End of Cable.Diagram Encl ML20205H2311987-03-23023 March 1987 Submits Proposal for Conversion of Fuel at Reactor from Highly Enriched to Low Enriched U,Including Certification of Availability of DOE Funding & Schedule for Conversion ML20211H5331987-02-17017 February 1987 Forwards Explanations & Mods to Requalifiction Program,Per NRC 870204 Telcon.Section on Document Review Added to Section IV, Precautions ML20215F9681986-12-16016 December 1986 Forwards Revs to Administrative Procedures,Including Rev 3 to AP-03, Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Requalification & Rev 3 to AP-07, Review of Procedures ML20211G9471986-10-27027 October 1986 Forwards Rev 2 to Administrative Procedure AP-09, Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Requalification, for Review & Approval.Procedure Revised on 861020 by Ohio State Univ Subcommittee of Reactor Operations ML20197B2451986-04-30030 April 1986 Requests Deletion of Section 4 of Amend 7 to License R-75 Correcting Discrepancy in Quantity of U-235 ML20205E9461985-10-17017 October 1985 Responds to 850927 Order to Show Cause Re Removal of Excess Unirradiated Highly Enriched U.Provisions of Section III of Order Should Not Be Imposed Since Only Irradiated Fuel Elements Possessed ML20133M8051985-10-0101 October 1985 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Safety Insp Rept.Corrective Actions:Requirements for Calibr of Exit Radiation Survey Instrument & Pocket Dosimeters & List of Items Requiring Notification Will Be Distributed ML20140D2671984-12-0303 December 1984 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-150/84-01.Corrective Actions:Scheduling Procedures for Instrument Calibr & Control Element Tests,Requalification Exams & Reactor Operations Meetings Revised ML20093M2691984-10-12012 October 1984 Advises That Emergency Preparedness Plan Fully Implemented as of 841012.Correspondence Re Plan Should Be Directed to Author.Questions on Contact or Implementation of Plan Should Be Directed to Rd Myser or JW Talnagi ML20090J8071984-05-10010 May 1984 Forwards Addendum to Emergency Preparedness Plan for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, Per ML20069M4471982-11-0202 November 1982 Forwards Public Version of Emergency Preparedness Plan ML20042B2531982-02-26026 February 1982 Forwards Info Re Security Plan.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20032C0691981-10-0707 October 1981 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-150/81-01.Corrective Actions:Procedures Revised to Ensure Maint of Operator Experience Log & Verification of RY-4 Relay Removal ML20031H3131981-09-22022 September 1981 Forwards Revised Pages to Security Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance.Pages Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) 1999-03-16 |
- _ _ _ - _ _
- 11AY-03-1995 15316 OSU NRL 614 292 2209 P.02 06000/50ofoy THE Nuclear Rertor1.aboratory 1298 Kinnear Road M1d Columbus,OH 43212-1154 Phone 614-292-6755 FAX 614-292 2209 Ms. Gloria Bennington 3 May 1995 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Storage and Tresport Systems Branch Mail Stop : TWFN 8 F-5 Washington,DC 20555
Shipping Window for Category II Material from the Ohio State University l
Dear Ms. Bennintgton :
As per our conversation of 3 May 1995, the Ohio State University would like to formally request that a shipping window extending from 30 May 1995 through 3 June 1995 be set aside for our category II shipment. It is our understanding that we are required to give you a mora detailed notification at least ten days in advance of the actual shipment.
We greatly appreciate your help in seeing this project through. ,
Sincerely yours, 04.r.
Michael J. Davis R-Q5 l Senior Nuclear Reactor Operator 1
. ps' 9506220016 950503 PDR ADOCK 05000150-P PDR Coll *6e of Engineenng m___________._ _ _ _________ ____ _____ _ ____________
TnToi o n?
OSU tR. 614 292 2209 P.01
.,- M 1995 15216 0500 o /5"cotof Nuclear Reactor Laboratory T*"*8- 1298 Kinneme Rd. AAId fd OHIO columbus,on43212 Phone: (614) 292-6755 STATE Fax: (614) 292-2209 Date: 3 M d+ li W 5'O -l 5' b
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