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Requests That Shipping Window Extending from 950530-0603 Be Assigned for Licensee Category II Shipment as Per 950503 Telcon
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 05/03/1995
From: Marlone Davis
To: Bennington G
NUDOCS 9506220016
Download: ML20085J128 (2)


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  • 11AY-03-1995 15316 OSU NRL 614 292 2209 P.02 06000/50ofoy THE Nuclear Rertor1.aboratory 1298 Kinnear Road M1d Columbus,OH 43212-1154 Phone 614-292-6755 FAX 614-292 2209 Ms. Gloria Bennington 3 May 1995 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Storage and Tresport Systems Branch Mail Stop : TWFN 8 F-5 Washington,DC 20555


Shipping Window for Category II Material from the Ohio State University l

Dear Ms. Bennintgton :

As per our conversation of 3 May 1995, the Ohio State University would like to formally request that a shipping window extending from 30 May 1995 through 3 June 1995 be set aside for our category II shipment. It is our understanding that we are required to give you a mora detailed notification at least ten days in advance of the actual shipment.

We greatly appreciate your help in seeing this project through. ,

Sincerely yours, 04.r.

Michael J. Davis R-Q5 l Senior Nuclear Reactor Operator 1

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OSU tR. 614 292 2209 P.01

.,- M 1995 15216 0500 o /5"cotof Nuclear Reactor Laboratory T*"*8- 1298 Kinneme Rd. AAId fd OHIO columbus,on43212 Phone: (614) 292-6755 STATE Fax: (614) 292-2209 Date: 3 M d+ li W 5'O -l 5' b

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