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Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binders EB-51 & EB-67
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1982
From: Fielder J
To: Saltzman J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8203230477
Download: ML20042A481 (3)




MSL nnan Marsh & McLennan, Incorporated 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1(341 3

March 16,1982 [f 'LtLLP, ' \,

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Mr. Jerome Saltzman, Chief ,

Office of Antitrust & Indemnity 'q u \ "A Nuclear Reactor Regul ation Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Washington, D. C. 2055 Georgia Power Company E. I Hatch Nuclear Plant ANI SFP Policy Binders EB-51/67 Endorsements #8 to each CERTIFIED COPIES

Dear Mr. Saltzman:

Enclosed for your records are two certified copies each of Endorsement #8 to ANI Secondary Financial Protection Excess Binders EB-51/67 to Georgia Power Company's E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant.

Sincerely, -

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'n Fielder MUi Nuclear Consultants cc: D. B. Cochran J. L. Collins jf Enclosure OO I


8203230477 820316 PDRADOCKOSOOOg J




1. It is agreed that with respect to (i) bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii) contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or more binders with respect to such bodily injury or property damage is not paid:
a. The word " companies" wherever used in the means the~ subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy.
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from lhe beginning of the effective date of. this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft Master Policy, or this binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.

(see reverse side for list of subscribing ' companies)

Tnio la to certiry tnat Inic is a true copy or tne original Endorsonent having the cado:co cat =bor and being made part of the Nuclear Energy Lif.ility Polley (Facility Form) an des-igq ated hereon. No Innurance is afford d hereunder.

Jm tn o .. n iwathty < ns Effective Date of January 1, 1982 this Encorsement- Binder flo.

12:01 A.u. si To form a part of M3HQMX EB-67 n*

l 1ssued to Georola Power Company, OMEhorpe* Electric Membershi C - -

l Electric Authori ty of Georgia ana Li ty or vai""' "~" 9 '"

, Date of lasue - March 5. 1982 For the su scriolng cargpanies By hl Jr~



Endorsement No Countersigned by (1/82)

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PecPeaflC4 0F lect Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., ine 151 Farminston Ave. Martford. Cf 06156 Aetna lasurance Company. 55 Cle 5t., partford CT 06115 9.957349 3.153160 af flitated FM lasurance Co.. Allendale Part. P.O. Dos 7500. Jonastoa. 81 02919 0.248934 Allisar lasurance Compaar. 6435 Wtishtee tivd.. Los Angeles, CA 90054 Allstate lasurance Co.. Allstate Plaza 5cuth - Gl. hortnarook, it 60062 1.327647 r 4.978675 American home Assu ance Co. 102 Ma s den Lane. hew fort. Nf 10005 0.8712L4 American Motorists tasarance Co., Lon9 Grove. IL 60G49 8ttemenous Casualty Corporatloa. 320-18th 5t.. Aock Isidad. IL 61201 0.414890 0.414890 Ceateaatal laserancer Co..

Commerc tal Untoa lase Atlantic 8vildla9. 45 Wall 5treet. New fort. hv 10001 ance Co.. Cae Seacon St., Sottoa. PA 02808 0.2489)4 Coaaetticut Indemalty Company, the. 9 Fare springs Ad., far=ta9toa. CT 06032 3.319116 Coatinental Casualty Co.. ChA Plata. Chica90 IL 60685 0.414890

  • Coattaeetal Insurance Co.. Tae. 80 Maidea te., new York. hv 10038 4.148895 .

f ederal lasurance Co. 51 Joka F. nearedy Short utils, nJ 07074 7.675457 Ftreman's Fund lasurance Compaates. P.O. Bos 3395. 54a Francisco, CA 9a s19 1.493602 .

Geaeral Acctdent lasurance Compaay of America. 414 valnut St.. Philadelpata. PA 19105 5.310586 Ma nover Insurance Co., ine. 440 Lincola St.. borcester, "A 0~ 605 1.327647 Martford Accideat and inde= atty Co.. kartford Plaza. Martford. CT 06115 0.497867

  • ma rtford Steam Baller lass. 6 las. Co.. ike. 56 Prospect St.. martford, CT 06102 , 7.053122 r 0.497867 Mt9nlands f ase ance Co. i 600 Jef fersea 5t.. Novstoa. is 77002
  • 0.414890 Hoae Inde= atty Co.. The. 59 Mandea Lane, he. vors. Nf 30038 lasurance Co. of horta America. P.O. Bos 7728. Philaselpata. PA 19101 3.651028 1.659558 Monaren f asurance Co. of Onto. The.19 sector 5t.. New fort 48 10006 0.331912 morthera lasurance Compaar of New fort. P.O. los 1228. 8altwere. MD 21203 .

2.240404 -

horth.estern ha ttonal las. Co. 731 he. Jacksoa 5t.. Mtimavsee. WI 5320! 0.663823 Chlo Casualty las rance Company, ine. 336 horts fated St., weatitoa. OH 45025 Pacific laderatty Co. 51 Jona f. senaedy Pace.ay. Short utils hJ 07078 0.165956 Peerless lasuranc e Co., 62 =aole Ave. seene, hw 03414 0.331912 -

Protecttee f asu r ance Co. 3I00 he. Meridian St., Indianapolts. th 46208 0.124a 67 .

Provideace wasnte9toa lasurance Co. 20 hashta9 ton Place. Providence, al 02903 0.248934 Aeltance lasuraace Company 4 Pena Ceater Plaza, Pattadelanta. PA 19103 0.165956 Royal lasurance Company of America.150 Wtiltae Street. New fort. 27 10033 0.995135 St. Pael fire & Mariae las. Co.,185 washea9 ton 5t.. St. Paul. M4 5510) 3.319116 teaboard Surety Co. 53 Willia = 5t., Ne. Fort. Mr I00 38 4.69sa69

  • State f are F ere 6 Casvalty Company, 0.165956 -

til Cast washta9toa St. 81oomin9tDa. IL 61701 Iraase* erica laturance Company. P.O. Boa 54256. Los Angeles. CA 90054 0.829779 0.829779 I)

Travelers Indeanity Compaar. fae. Dae Square. Hartford. Cf 06815 galted States F toeltty and Guaranty Co. 100 LI9ht St. Saltimore, MG 21202 10.187128 10.455217 united fursch States r 8tre las rance Co.. P.O. Bos 2387. morristo-a kJ 07960 3.3t 9116 lase sace Co., 231 ho. Martin 9 ale Rd.. Schewe6 erg. IL 60196 h(-6! 1.244669 e

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Nuclear Energy Llability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIA814.lTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION

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1. It is agreed that with respect to (i) bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii) contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or more binders with respect to such bodily injury or property damage is not paid:
a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy. -
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from t'he beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft Master Policy, or inis binar, whichever tirst occurs, eastern standard time.

(see reverse side for list of subscribing ' companies)

This is to certify that this in a true copy of the original Bndoraoment having the endorcement nu: tor and being made part of the Nuclear Eneri;y Liability Polim (Facility Form) as des-1 nated heroon. No Incurance is afr a led horeunder, r

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s $*er$e'$en't_ n5ar)l',$82 Binder flo.

1 01 A.M. To form a part of MBHgyp( EB-51 issued to GeorgiaPower[o: mpany, d71*doD5 Electric Membership Corporation, Municipal l Authority or beorgia ano cit.y viUuit. uni, Gi:vi g .e Date of issue _ March 5, 1982 por the su scribing co panies By A 01 Endorsement No _ 8 "*"'

Countersigned by 1 _.

l (1/82) t .


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. e sue 5C2'81% CoppA4f C5 Pe0Postlog CF 1005 Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. The 151 Farntagtoa Ave. hartford. CT 06156 9.957349 Aetna Insurance Ccuapany. 55 Elm St.. Hartford. CT 06115 3.153160 Af filiated Alltaar FM Insurance lasurance Co..

Compaay. Alleadale 6435 kelshirePark.

81vd.P.O. 80s 7500. Jonaston al 02919 0.248934 Allstate laswrence Co.. All: tate Plaza South . Los Angeles. CA 90054 1.327647 -

41. Nortabrook. IL 60062 4.978675 American home Assurance Co. 102 Maiden Lane. new York NY 10005 0.871264 American Motorists Insurance Co., Long Grove. IL 60049 Sitwatacus Lasvalty Corporetten. 32018th St.. Rock Island. IL 61201 0.414890 0.414890 Centeantal taserance Co.. Atlantic 8etidtag. 45 Wall Street. new York, hv 10005 0.248934 Coasaerctal Unton Insu r ance Co.. Cae 8eacon 5t. 80ston. MA 02108 3.319116 Coaaecticut Indemnity Company, the 9 Farm Spriags ad. Farataston. CT 06032 0.414890 Coattavatal Casualty Co.. ChA Plaza. Chicago. IL 60685
  • 6.148895 .

Coattneatal Insurance Co.. The. 80 Matdea La.. hew Tork NT 10038 2.675457 Federal tasurance Co. 51 Joha F eeanedy Partway. Short Mtils. NJ 0707a Fireman's Fund lasurance Compantes. P.O. See 3395. San Francisco. CA 94119 1.493602 -

General Acetdent Insurance Company of America. 414 palavt St.. Philadelpata. PA 19105 5.310586 Hanover Insurance Co.. The. 440 Ltacola St., hortester. MA 01605 1.327647 Martford Accident and f edeanity Co.. Martford Ptara Martford. CT 06115 0.497867

  • Hartford Steam Soller lasp. 4 ins Co.. The. 56 Prospect St.. Martford. Cf 06102 . 7.053122 MignBands lasurance Co.c 600 Jef ferson St.. Houston is 77002
  • 0.497867 Haae lademaity Co.. The. 59 Maiden Lane. New York. NY 10038 0.414890 3.651028 Insurance Co. of North America. P.O. Bos 7728. Philadelohta. PA 19101 1.659558 Monarch Insurance Co. of Ohio. The.19 8ector 5t.. New York hf 100C6 hortnera Insurance Comoany oc kew York, P.O. Bos 1228. Sal ttsere. M0 21203 0.331912 -.

2.2404C4 horta=estera hattonal las. C4. 731 he. Jackson St.. Mtl=aukee. WI 53201 0.663323 Onto Casualty Insurance Company, the.136 North third St.. Wantitoa. OM 45025 Pac tf fc f ade=at ty Co. 51 Jona F. reaaedy Park.ay. Short Mills, NJ 07078 0.165956 Peerless f aserance Co. 62 Maple ave., seene. hH 03431 0.331912 Protective lasur ance Co. 3100 he Meredtaa St., ladianapolis.14 0.124a67 46208 0.248934 Provideace Washington lasurance Co., 20 hashtagton Place. Providence, it! 02903 Reliance Insurance Company. 4 Pean Center Plaza. Palladelonia. PA 19103 0.165956 Royal lasurance Company of America,150 W611 tan 5treet, new York. N7 10033 0.995735 St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 385 washtagton St., St. Pagi. Mg $5102 3.319116 5eaboard Surety Co. 90 Wili ta= 5t., he. Fort. hv 10038 4.699869

  • State Fara Ftre & Casualty Company, 112 East Nashingtoa St., Sloomington. IL 61701 0.165956 Transamerica lasurance Company. P.O. Son 54256. Los Angeles. (A 90054 0.829779 j ,'-

Travelers lademat ty Company. The. One foser Square. Martford. Cf 06115 0.829779 United Sta es 7 tdellty and Guaranty Co. 100 Light St.. Baltimore. M0 21202 10.787128 United States Fire Insurance Co.. P.O. 80s 2387. Morristowa, NJ 07960 10.455237 Zurich lasurance Co., 231 No. Marttagate Rd.. Schau m burg. IL 60196 3.319116 hC-82 8.244669 f