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Forwards ANI & Maelu Secondary Financial Protection Certificates of Insurance N-51,N-67,M-51 & M-67
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1982
From: Duck J
To: Saltzman J
NUDOCS 8212280222
Download: ML20079J456 (41)


_ -- . . .

W ennan .

Marsh & McLennan, in<orporaal 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 73201 Tekphone 214 742-1941 December 20, 1982 Mr. Jerome Saltzman State & Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Georgia Power Company E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Secondary Financial Protection ANI and MAELU Certificates

Dear Jerry:

Enclosed are the below listed items pertaining to the ANI and MAELU Secondary Financial Protection Certificates of Insurance N-51, N-67, M--51 and M-67 for the Georgia Power Company E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Excess Binders previously submitted to the NRC.

1. Two certified copies each of ANI Certificate N-51 (Pages 1-6) and Endorsements 1, 2 and 3.
2. Two certified copies each of ANI Certificate N-67 (Pages 1-6) and Endorsements 1, 2 and 3.
3. IVo certified copies each of MAELU Certificate M-51 (Pages 1-6) and Endorsements 1, 2 and 3.
4. Two certified copies each of MAELU Certificate.M-67 (Pages 1-6) and Endorsements 1, 2 and 3.

In accordance with instructions received from ANI, these Certificates together with the Endorsements fulfill the NRC requirement to provide evidence of Secondary Financial Protection for E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant.

Should you have any questions, Jerry, please give me a call.

Very truly yours, t 4L

! John R. Duck, Jr.

Assistant Vice President M&M Nuclear Consultants


cc: D. B. Cochran J. L. Collins j f/ enclosures ' 8212280222 821220 PDR ADOCK 05000321 J PDR

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  • B g'd'f , Certificate No. N- 51 h Forming Part of Master E~ u s' $

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ga Policy No. I


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E5WgW 52 EM eG&at eggma Egg Certificate of Insurance EoEss 8><

This is to certify that the persons and organizatiions designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Master Policy -

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection),herein called the " Master Policy", issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association. ,

Such insurance as is provided by the Master Policy applies, through this certificate, only: -

(a) to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Declarations, (b) for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations, (c) to bodily injury or property damage '

(1) with respect to which the primary financial protection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for exhaustion of its limit of liability as described in Condition 6 of the Master Policy, and (2) which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor described in Item 3 of the Declarations, and NSFC-1 (1/1/83) Page 1

~ - _

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(3) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than ten years after the end of the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations.

However, with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused by an extraordinary nuclear occurrence this subparagraph (3) shall not operate to bar coverage for bodily injury or property damage which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinary nuclear occurrence.


! Item 1. Named insureds and addresses:

(a) Georgia Power Company -P.O. Box 4545, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 4 i

l (b) Oglethorpe Power Corporation -3951 Snapfinger Parkway, Decatur, Georgia 30035 (c) Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia -800 Peachtree Center, South Tower, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (d) City of. Dalton, Georgla - Dalton Water and Light Conmission, P.O. Box 869 Item 2. Additional insureds: Dalton, Georgia 30720 I

Any other person or organization who would be insured under the l primary financial protection identified in Item 4 of' the Declarations l but for exhaustion of 'he limit of liability of such primary financial protection.

~ '

Item 3. Description and location of nuclear reactor: Unit 1 of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant located in Appling County, Georgia. _

Item 4. (a) Identification of primary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) of liability thereof:

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy NF- 215 $108.500,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters' Policy MF- 78 $ 31,500,000 Page 2 of Certificate No. N 51

t-(b) The following endorsements, attached to the primary financial protection policies listed in Item 4 (a) also apply to the insurance afforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were attached heret9:

(1) Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence) and (2) Supplementary Endorsement - Waiver of Defenses - Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c) The limits of liability provided under the primary financial protection specified in Item 4 (a) above are not shared with any other reactor except as follows:

Uni.t 2 of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Item 5. Limits of Liability: The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the' amount of the companies' con-tingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.

Item 6. Certificate Period: Beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first day of August,1977 and continuing to the ' effective date and time of cancel _

lation or termination of the Master Policy or this certificalie, ,

whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.

Item 7. Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for. ?remium taxes) payable pursuant to Condition 2 of the Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident: $3,875,000.

Item 8. Premium payable pursuant to Condition 1 of the Master Policy for the period from August 1,1977 through December 31 following:

$ 1,948.35 Page 3 of Certificate No. N- 51

E -


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7 l .' - ,


1 Know All Men By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations. The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Nuclear t Energy Liability Insurance Association subscribing the Master Policy (hereinafter called the " companies") to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date pay-ment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid; And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other evidence of 'such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts; And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees) which the companies may sustain or incur (1) by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2) in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an original.

Peq@ 4 @f C@rtifice%@ 93@o 93- M

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I The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Master Policy. Cancellation or termination of the Master Policy i or the Certificate of Insurance shall not affect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the Bond to pay the retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.

IN WITNESS WHERE0F, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, .

these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective August 1,1977 eastern standard time.

Attest or Witness Named Insureds:

Georgia Power Company (Named Insured - Type or Print)

X d_ # '

& m Z ___- By

) - {() v w. d , @ Al-)-

(Signature of fficer)~ , '.


. VICE PRESIDENT (Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)

Date: July 30, 1982 Oglethorpe Power Corporation (Named Insured - Type or Print) i

< By -


V (SignadreofOfficer)

Eugen licckl -

i Division Manacer. Corporate Finance (Type or Print Name & Titie of Officer)

Date: August 31, 1982 Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia O ,/ 0 (Na I , sured - Ty E Print)~

sir qi -

bh ,

(Ntv By g,,,A,/ ' / # C .(SEAL) ,

{ %na ture of -: Gene)a' . r) l, ,

Donald L. Stokley, General Man'a ger ' '

(Type or Print Name & Title). br 4 \N' Date: August 6, 1982 Page 5 of Certificate No.N 51 l

c- .

-,. }

s l Attest or Witness Named Insureds:

City of Dalton

. (Named Insured - Type or Print)

" - By WD I o (SEAL)

(Signature of 0,ff'/cer)

. V. D. PAP.ROTT, JR JOINT VENTURE REPRESENTATIVE (Type or Print Name 5' itle' of Officer)

'J Date: August' 31, 1982 (Named Insured - Type or Print)

By -


(Signature of Officer)

-_ (Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)


(flamed Insured - Type or Print)


(Signature of Officer)

(Type or Print Name & Titfe of Officer)

Date: _

(Named Insured - Type or Prin't)


(Signature of Officer)

(Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)


Page 6 of Certificate No.ff 51



. ;.~: "

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the companies subscribing the Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and the Declarations to be signed on their behalf by the President of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance l Association to be effective August 1,1977 eastern standard time, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.

Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of NUCLEAC ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION


h hY h/>Nb- ~

~ ' '

BY: b -

Butt C. Proom, President MARSH & McLENNAN, INC.

Countersigned by #AY '

( Authogjggggseghg), g,- i ATLANTA, GEOF:GiA 3C026


Page 7 of Certificate No. N-51

o -

j Nuclear Energy Liability insurance.

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ENDORSEMENT TO CERTIFICATE No. N-51 Forming P " d Master Policy No.1 Nuclei Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection)

ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that the Annual Premiums applicable to the periods designated below are as follows:

For Calendar Year 1978 Effective Date January 1, 1978 Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1979 Effective Date January 1,1979 Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1980 Effective Date January 1, 1980 Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1981 Effective Date January-1, 1981 --

Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1982 Annual P e 465.05 This is to certify that this is a wuu copy of the original Endorscaent having the endorsement number and being maoo p trt of tN IIuolcar Energy Liability Policy (Facility Formi r. sa hereon. No Insurance is afforded here

.T .

UhW gn t., chi, Vice PresidenkLMJ AmenenaNudearInsurers EffIctive Date of this Endorsemen, as stated above To form a part of Certificate No. 5j 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Genraia Power Corocration. 0alethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia Date of issue nornmhor 1R- 14R2 For the su scribing co panies By 4

/# General Manager Endirsement No Countersigned by NE-S-3

Nuclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ENDORSEMENT TO CERTIFICATE NO. N-51 Forming Part of Master Policy No. 1 Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection)

It is agreed that Item 4.(a) of the Declarations is amended to read as follows:

Item 4.(a) Identification of primary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) of liability thereof:

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy NF- 215 $124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Undervriters' Policy 17- 78 $ 36,000,000 T is is to certify that thic h a trm com of the original

..idorsement having the c. 'o c ' ad boia; carlo p'trt of the Nuclear Energy Liu / 10 ' Alb Form au des-ignated hereon. No Insuranco la aiivaa 1 ?cunder.

.M .

Mn L. Qwthi. VI"' I"ggg,.Listi ty U derwn, ting American Nackar trauars Effective Date of this Endorsement May 1, 1979 12.01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Certificate No.

issued to Georaia Power Corporation, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia Date of Issue norombor 15. 1982 For the su scribing co panies By

  • General Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by ,



ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 4,650.00 .

f l

f A

This is to certify that this is a true copy of the origina.1 Endorsement having the endorsoava: .u. abor and being reade part of the Nuolear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form) as des- -

16aate hereon. No Insurance ia a orded hereunder.


JAtAm w icm3 L. Qua:m,x N ,;cj y g ,,j,, yg., l'rce 9,,:'r*I k* LW*r=Tkg Effective Date of tnis Encorsement Januarv 1 1983 To form a part of Certificate N-51 12.01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Georola Power Corporat ion , Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authori ty of Georgia and L. ty of Dalton, Gegthe ia su Date of issue December 15. 1982 icribing co panies By IA

/I' General Manager Endorsement No Counters!Oned by ,

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8gs:t eeQ g Certificate No. N- 67 a$$$g s=

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Forming Part of Master Policy No. I sas. . 4>oh


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  • EN

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._y $,a?4ENN Certificate of Insurance

( This is to certify that the persons and' organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Master Policy -



Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection),herein l

called the " Master Policy", issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association. ,

Such insurance as is provided by the Master Policy applies' , through this certificate, only:

(n) to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Declarations, (b) for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations, (c) to bodily injury or property damage '

(1) with respect to which the primary financial protection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for exhaustion of its limit of liability as described in Condition 6 of the Master Policy, and (2) which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor described in Item 3 of the Declarations, and NSFC-1 (1/1/83) Page 1

(3) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than ten years after the end of the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations.

However, with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused by an extraordinary nuclear occurrence this subparagraph (3) shall not operate to bar coverage for bodily injury or property damage which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinary nuclear occurrence.

I Declarations Item 1. Named insureds and addresses:


(a) Georgia Power Company, P.O. ' Box 4545, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 (b)0glethorpe Power Corporation, 3951 Snapfinger Parkway, Decatur, Georgia 30035 (c) Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, 800 Peachtree, Center, South Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (d) City of Dalton, Dalton Water and Light Commission, Box 869, Dalton, Georgi Item 2. Additional insureds: 30720 l

Any other person or organization who would be insured under the l 1

primary financial protection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such primary financial protection. -

Item 3. ' Description and location of nuclear reactor: Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 located in Appling County, Georgia.

Item 4. (a) Identification of primary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) of liability thereof:

, Nuc1- 3r Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy NF- 215 $108,500,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters' Policy MF- 78 $ 31,500,000 Page 2 of Certificate No. Nf7

t, (b) The following endorsements, attached to the primary financial protection policies listed in Item 4 (a) also apply to the insurance afforded by the Master Policy through this though they were attached hereto:

(1) Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence)and (2) Supplementary Endorsement - Waiver of Defenses - Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c) The limits of liability provided under the primary financial i

protection specified in Item 4 (a) above are not shared with I any other reactor excep't as follows:

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1.

Item 5. Limits of Liability: The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies' can'-

tingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.

Item 6. Certificate Period: Beginning at 12:01 a.m. on June 13,1978


and continuing to, the effective date and time of cancel-lation or termination of the Master Policy or this certificate, ,

whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.

Item 7. Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes) payable pursuant to Condition 2 of the Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident: $3,875,000.

Item 8. Premium payable pursuant to Condition 1 of the Master Policy for the period from June 13,1978 through Decembe- 31 following:

$ 2.571.45 Page 3 of Certificate No.Ng


' * [- -


1 Know All Men By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge 1 that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations. The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association subscribing the Master Policy (hereinafter called the " companies") to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be ccmputed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date pay-ment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid; And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other evidence of'such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts; And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsbever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees) which the companies may sustain or incur (1) by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2) in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an original.

Page 4 of Certificate No. N67 - - -

The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Master Policy. Cancellation or termination of the Master Policy or the Certificate of Insurance shall not affect the named insured'2 obligations under the policy or the Bond to pay the retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, .

these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective June 13, 1978 eastern standard time.

Attest or Witness Named Insureds:

y Georgia Power Company s < ..

(Named Insured - Type or Prict) n . '<

[ ~ ~ ~

l i' (  !

' % Bb.(,)5 (Signature of Officer)<< s J. WYMAM LAMB s bb VTCE PRESIDENT (Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)

Date: July 30, 1982 Oglethorpe Power Corporation '

(Named Insured - Type or Print) * '

/ '

, By f -

(SEA!. ) -

(Signfifture of Officer) ,.

Eugen Heckl -

Division Manager, Cornorate Finance (Type or Print Name & litle of Officer)

Date: August 31, 1982 Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia 1

[ }

(Na Insured-ppforPrint) .'

Dd L MitA By. _ g (SEAL) ,

Signature of General' r)

Donald L. Stokley, General Manager -

(Type or Print Name & Title) .' P'\-

Date: August 6, 1982 t

Page 5 of Certificate No.N. 67

a Attest or Witness Named Insureds:

City of Dalton (Named Insured - Type artPrint) s' d % By hh (SEAL)

(Signature of 4)fficer) 'a', s V. D. PARROTT, JR.'s '


JOINT VENTUP.E REPRESENTATIVE (Type or Print Ncae & Title of Officer)

<es: $s Date: Aunust 31, 1982 (Named Insured - Type or Print)


(Signature of Officer)

_ (Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)


(Named Insured - Type or Print)


(Signature of Officer)

(Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)


i (Named Insured - Type or Print)



(Type or Print Name & Title of Officer)


Page 6_of Certificate _ No.N- 67


.e- ', -l ,

IN WITNESS WHERE0F, the companies' subscribing the Master Policy have ,

caused the Certificate of Insurance and the Declarations to be signed on their behalf by the President of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association to be effective June 13, 1978 eastern standard time, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative. l Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of NUCLEA NERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION

% .A /h

~ ~ ~"[

1 Buft C. Proom, President MARSH & McLENNAN, INC.

Countersigned by' _ /##f<

(Auttroff21FRep'relEntative) d a-'


p Page 7 of Certificate No. N- 67 1


Forming Part of Haster Policy No.1 l 1

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Seconda'ry Financial Protection)

ANIMAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that the Annual Premiums applicable to the periods 1

designated below are as follows:

For Calendar Year 1978 Effective Date June 13, 1978 Annual Premium $2,571.45 For Calendar Year 1979 Effective Date January 1,1979 Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1980

  • Effective Date January 1, 1980 Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1981 Effective Date January 1,1981 Annual Premium $4,650.00 For Calendar Year 1982 Effective Date January 1, 1982 Annual Premium $4,650.00 This is to certify tnat thic is a true copy of the original Endorseaent having tne e morcoaent nunbor and being mano p,rt of the Nuclear Energy Liu 111ty Policy (Facility Form) aa des-ignated hereon. No insurance is afforde hereunder.

.T .

John L ttmecht, Vice Presider.t-Liebility Underwriting Arnetican Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement as stated above To form a part of Certificate No. N-67 12:01 A.M. Standard Tirve issusd to Georgia Power Company, Ogelthorpe Power Corporation. Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and' City of Dalton, Georgia cate of issue December 15. 1982 For the su scribing co panies By

_/ . c.n...I o.n...,

1 Endorsement No Countersigned by .


Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ENDORSEMENT TO CERTIFICATE NO. N-67 Forming Part of Master Policy No. 1 Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection)

It is agreed that Item 4.(a) of the Declarations is amended to read as follows:

Item 4.(a) Identification of primary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) of liability thereof:

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy NF 215 $124,000,000 l

Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters' Policy FT 78 $ 36,000,000 This is to certify that this is a true ocpy of the original -

Endorsement having the endorcceent number and being made part of the Nuclear Enery Liability Policy (Facility Form) as des- '

ignated hereon. No Insurance is afforded ereunder.

John L Quanroceni. Vice President Liability Underwriting American NuclearInsurers Effective Date of this Endorsement May 1, 19 9 To form a part of Certificate No.

Issutd to Georgia Power Company, Ogelt$orpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and City of Dalton, Georgia Data cf issue- December 15, 1982 For the su scribing .co panies By A

/# General Manager End;rsement No __ 2 countersigned by NE-S-2

O Nuclear Energy Liabillty insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1983 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 4,650.00 .

This is to certify that this is a tr;n ..copy of the original

ar and boi c :aade part Endorsoment having tua endora. . a + .

of the !!uelear Energy L2.t.n. sits i o!.ia t (Lc111ty Fore:; as des-ignated hereon. No Insurance is airorded hereunder.

A John L. Q.


medi. Vice P -

  • e "a vnting l Acan Nudear Inswers Effective Date of tnis Encorsement January 1. 1983 To form a part of Certificate N-67 12:01 A.M. Stancaro Time i

Issuedto Georgia Power Cornpany, Oqelthorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and City of Dalton, Georgia For the su icribing co panies Date of issue December 15. 1982 By l A

/F~ General Manager Endorsement No Countersioned by

y; .. w

. ,, E

' ; . '. * *g


  • 5sWsf hkY , Certificate fio. M- 51 o c a: o I

Eh E

j i Forming Part of Master gIc p '

wU Policy fio. I v> o5 ew scan: . $$ =w gEggg g CERTIFICATE OF IriSURAriCE PEEO EE

>- tie

  • W 2 85g DECLARATI0tlS AtlD

$ B0fl0 FOR PAYMEf4T OF RETROSPECTIVE PREMIUMS o " '- M 8 g ar d Certificate of Insurance mBass !!!sa This is to certify that the persons and organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Master Policy -

fluclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection),herein called the " Master Policy", issued by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters.

Such insurance as is provided by the Master Policy applies, through this certificate, only:

(a) to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Declarations, (b) for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations, (c) to bodily injury or property damage l (1) with respect to wh'ch the primary financial protection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for exhaustion of its limit of liability as described in Condition 6 of the Master Policy, and (2) which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor described in Item 3 of the Declarations, and MSFC-1 (1/1/83) Page 1


.(3) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than' ten years af ter the end of the certificate period stated in Item 6 of'the Occlarations.

However, with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused by an extraordinary nuclear occurrence this subpara' graph (3) shall not operate to bar coverage for bodily injury or property damage which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years af ter the date of the extraordinary nuclear occurrence.

Declara tions Item 1. Named insureds and addresses:

(a) Georgia Power Company -P.O. Box 4545, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 (b) Oglethorpe Power Corporation -3951 Snapfinger Parkway, Decatur, Georgia 30035 (c) Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia -800 Peachtree Center, South Tower, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (d) City of Dalton, Georgia -Dalton Water and Light Commission, P.O. Box 869 Ite,a 2. Additional insureds: Dalton, Georgia 30720 Any other person or organization who would be insured under the primary financial protection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such primary financial protection.

Item 3. Description and location of nuclear reactor: Unit 1 of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant located in Appling County, Georgia.

Item 4. (a) Identification of primary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) of liability thereof:

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy NF- 215 $108,500,000 Mutual Atonic Energy Liability Underwriters' Policy MF 78 $ 31,500,000 Page 2 of Certificate No. M41

(b) The following endorsements, attached to the primary ,

financial protection policies listed in item 4 (a) also apply to the insurance afforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were attached hereto:

(1) Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nucl' ear Occurrence) and (2) Supplementary Endorsement - Waiver of Defenses - Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c) The limits of liability provided under the primary financial protection specified in Item 4 (a) above are not shared with any other reactor except as follows:

Unit 2 of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Item 5. Limits of Liability: The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies' con-tingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.

Item 6. Certificate Period: Beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first day of August,1977 and continuing to 'the eff'ective date and time of cancellation o~r termination of the Master Policy or this certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.


I terd* 7. Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes) payable pursuant to Condition 2 of the Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident: $1,125,000 Item 8. Premium payable pursuant to Condition 1 of the Master Policy for the period from August 1,1977 through December 31 following:

$ 565.65 Page 3 of Certificate No. M- 51

BOND FOR PAYMENT OF RETROSPECTIVE PREftIUMS Know All Men By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations. The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwr'iters subscribing the Master Policy (here-inafter called the " companies") to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date payment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid; And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiu's m and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other evidence of such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such aaounts; And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel feet)

, which the companies may sustain or incur (1) by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2) in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; a

For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an original.

Page 4 of Certificate No. M 51

The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Master Policy. Cancellation or termination of the Master Policy or the Certificate of Insurance shall not affect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the Bond to pay the retrospective premiums  !

and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the named insureds have caused this Certificate,  !

these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums,  :

to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective  !

August 1,1977 eastern standard time.

t Georgia Power Company (tiamed Insured - Typ'e or Print) ,'



i I'!,


=. - c a. .

[' t.w u

E (

! 'q'2R't):I (Sig9atureof0 icer);




. VICE PRESIDENT S ' ' A."l' (Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)

Date July 30, 1982 .

r Oglethorpe Power Corporation t [

(llamed Insured - Type or Print) s

. I f


N '

V '

(Signdure of Officer) '

Eugen !!cckl 3 Division Manager, Corporate Finance '

(Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)

Date: August 31, 1982 n Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia {

nf f (if Insured - ep r Print)

.L Mt f hag /  ; 1 (SEAL) y ignature of General Manages,l)" # ' ,

Donald L. Stokley, General Manager l (Type or Print flame & Title').

( Date: August 6, 1982 l Page 5 of Certificate tio. M-5]__

?^ ' '

' . ? :.'.

5 .

~ , .

Attest or Witness flamed Insureds:

l City of Dalton i ! ,

l (ttamed Insured - Type or'- Print)

.[ '

& % By L(yfy] I, -

') ._(SEAL)


(signatur'e of 0(Jdcer) .

V. D. PARROTT , 'JR'.~ f  !

JOINT VENTURE REPRESENTATIVE l (Type or Print fia?.ie F. 'fitle of Officer) I Date: August 31, 1982 i

(flamed Insured - Type or Print)


, (Signature of Officar) t

- (Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)


(flamed Insured - Type or Print)


. (Signature of Officer)

(Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)


(tiamed Insured - Type nr Print)


(Signature of Officer)

(Type or Print riame & Title of Officer)


Page 6_of Certi ficate flo. ti-51

" .l**#

- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th companies subscribing the Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and the Declarations to be signed on their behalf by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters to be ef'ective August 1,1977 eastern standard time, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.

Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of



i ' MARSH & McLEMM2jghAgent

.T hM/[

" ~

Countersigned by Ads #A ~

TAtftf,0-';iEL"'8tt(nHe s 6n ta t1 v e ) / / '


ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30026 Subscribing Companies PROP 0RTION OF 100%

American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, Wakefield, MA 15.0000000 Employers Insurance of Wausau, A Mutual Company, Wausau, WI 15.0000000 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Boston, MA 30.0000000 Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, Long Grove, IL 30.0000000 Michigan Mutual Insurance Company, Detroit, MI 5.0000000 Sentry Insurance, A Mutual Company, Stevens Point, WI 5.0000000 Page 7 of Certificate No. M 51


MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ENDORSEMENT TO CERTIFICATE NO. M-51 Forming Part of Master Policy No. 1 Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection)

ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that the Annual Premiums applicable to the periods y, ,g designated below are as follows:

a d "e For Calendar Year 1978 5 $ .g--

Effective Date January 1,1978 Annual Premium $1,350.00

{"glD SN 3

e oxe ( For Calendar Year 1979 d[SE I t Effective Date January 1,1979

%g3$ % 3 Annual Premium $1.350.00  ;

xuna n Sli 5 1 2 For Calendar Year 1980 ]

l l H D 'E 3 Effective Date January 1, 1980 '

E"O4 7 Annual Premium $1,350.00

  • 2SY "u xn i I e For Calendar Year 1981 EE%7 b Effective Date January 1,1981 ef}g

$j$g Annual Premium $1,350.00 0

oB ea ".3el lV gi For Calendar Year 1982 2

  • S i3 $ J, z Effective Date January 1,1982

.sybg ;l Annual Premium $1,350.00 M$0. i O'

% ! p fi 8e 2 3$:85

  • 851 m

" lEffective Date of To form a part 3,8 hig as stated above J Endorsement of Certific* "O M-51 5do-7 Georgia Power Corporation, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia December 15, 1982 Date of Issua For the Subscribing Companies M UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIAy,ILITY U ERWRITERS Dy ~

v- - vut  %

I Counternignett by Endornement No.

Atristoutze:: lle:rur.<e:N T ATavel ME-S-3

y :v NUCLEAR ENERSY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY. LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ENDORSEMENT TO CERTIFICATE N0. M-51 Forming Part of Master Policy No. 1 Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection)

Nb It is agreed that Item 4.(a) of the Declarations is amended to read M "$ 1 3 0e as follows:

u Li ' 1 Eeh. '

Nj Item 4.(a) Identification of primary financial protection

  • wS g c o- applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) i i

U O '

h$$ 9x4 3

'E of liability thereof:

yaa8 t y t; o Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's a vm 5k$4 o Policy NF 215 $124,000,000

" * -jh ,

Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters'

$ ~,; :- * !!

, h

  • a .- Policy MF- 78

, $36,000,000 h

0* *U $.

O r S $

8;? '*


o w ti d r5 h Effective Date of May 1. 1979 To form a part M-51 this Endorsement of Certificate Nn.

Georgia Power Corporation, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and City of Dalton, Georgia Date of Issua December 15.19R2 For the Subscribing Compa' ics M UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIAgILITY U ERWillTERS Ily -

Endorsement No. Counteraigned by =-



,, 1 1

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE l MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1983 ANNUAL PREMIt4: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 1,350.00 .

This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorseuent nu.nbor and being made part of the Nuclear Enorgy Liability Policy (Fao111ty Form) as des-ignated hereon. No Insurance is afforded hereunder.

  • D . g John L. Quattrocchi, Vice I' resident Liability Underwriting American Nuc!ccr Insurers Effective Date of To form n part this Endorsement January 1, 1983 of Certificate No. M-51 Isaueto Georgia Power Corporation, Ogelthorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and City of Dalton, Georgia Date of Issuo December 15, 1982 For the Subscribing Companics I


Ily u D J d- k<_

uf l'l x s

Endoracment No. 3 Countersigneil by _

A titus Hu/ rte HrritV4EN TATn'M

- - - - , - . _ y- , - - -

' \

. .7, , , ".

. .. c ,, a . 1 t+-

g j r.


$ sb t

i I Certi ficate rio. M- 67 g S Forming Part of Master l ,

<[ 5 L Policy fio. I W3 h 4 g CERTIFICATE OF ItiSURANCE ,

y - a ac DECLARATI0 tis AfiD


  • S3 g g; J Certificate of Insurance
  1. :2 :s 5$E3E (U".c R This is to certify that the persons and organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Master Policy -

fluclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection),herein call ed the " Master Policy", issued by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwri ters .

Such insurance as is provided by the Master Policy applies, through this certificate, only:

(a) to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Declarations, (b) for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations, (c) to bodily injury or property damage (1) with respect to which the primary financial protection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for exhaustion of its limit of liability as described in Condition 6 of the Master Policy, and (2) which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of l or in connection with the nuclear reactor described in Item l

l 3 of the Declarations, and l

MSFC-1 (1/1/83) Page 1

7. : . .}. ~ -

(3) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later thariten years af ter the end of the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Occiarations.

However, with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused by an extraordinary nuclear occurrence this subpara' graph (3) shall not operate to bar coverage for bodily injury or property damage which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinary nuclear occurrence.

Declara tions Item 1. Named insureds and addresses:

(a) Georgia Power Company - P.O. Box 4545, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 ,

(b) Oglethorpe Power Corporation - 3951 Snapfinger Parkway, Decatur, Georgia 30035 (c) Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia - 800 Peachtree Center, South Tower, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 i (d) City of Dalton - Dalton Water and Light Comission, Box 869, Dalton,  ;

Item 2. Additional insureds _:. Georgia 30720 Any other person or organization who would be insured under the primary financial protection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations i but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such primary financial >

protection. ,

Item 3. Description and location of nuclear reactor: Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 located in Appling County, Georgia.  !

Item 4. (a) Identification of primary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s) of liability thereof:  ;

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy NF-215 $108,500,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters' Policy MF- 78 $ 31.500,000 i

Page 2 of Certificate No. M- 67


(b) The following endorsements, attached to the primary _

financial protection policies list'ed in item 4 (a) also apply to the insurance afforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were attached hereto:

(1) Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nucl' ear Occurrence)and (2) Supplementary Endorsement - Waiver of Defenses - Reactor t

Construction at the Facility, l

(c) The limits of liability provided under the primary financial protection specified in Item 4 (a) above are not shared with any other reactor except as follows:

Ed, win I Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Item 5. Limits of Liability: The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies' con-ti~ngent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the

Master Policy.

Item 6. Certificate Period: Beginning at 12:01 a.m. on June 13,1978 I

l and continuing to the effective date and time of cancellation or termination of the Master Policy or this certificate, whichever first occurs, castern standard time.

Item 7. Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes) payable pursuant to Condition 2 of the Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident: $1,125,000 Item 8. Premium payable pursuant to Condition 1 of the Master Policy for the period from June 13, 1978 through December 31 following:

$ 746.55 i Page 3 of Certificate No. M 67



Know All Men By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations. The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters subscribing the Master Policy (here-inaf ter called the " companies") to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable -

in accordance with the Master Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date payment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid; And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other evidence of such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts; And it is '^ ar fxpressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies ga uw. eny and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees) ahkh the companies ney sustain or incur (1) oy reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2) in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy. hereof shall be regarded as an original.

1 Page 4 of Certificate No M-67

. , . . t' . .. ,

The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Master Policy. Cancellation or termination of the Master Policy or the Certificate of Insurance shall not affect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the Bond to pay the retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy. .

IN WITNESS WHERE0F, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective June 13,1978 eastern standard time.

, j

, Georgia Power Company'


i M -


i,' . ,

~ ~ h By ef' t.p L@haQ '

= (Si"[u 9 g U{ ) L, (. .

VICE PRESIDENT (Type or Prin5 tiame & Title of Officer)

Date: July 30, 1982 y u ,,

Oglethorpe Power Corporation 'N (tiamed Insured - Type or Print) Wl, ,

f By M/ '/(S AL (Signature of Officer) ,.,, ,.

Eugen !!cckl Pi vision *fenager, Corporate Cidance' (Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)

Date: August 31, 1982 1 Mun'cipal Electric Authority of Georgia l

( rik / (t!- d Insured -/Type or PriSt)!i f N.

i ~ 1,h((t% By

's , . ( SE,.f.L )

( ignature of Genera. ,

) ,

Donald L. Stokley, GU.eral 'Mamgegg ,

(Type or Print tiame & Titic)' ll' d'A'-

Da te: August 6,1982 Page 5 of Certificate tio. M-67

. .' ~

.~( g o .} , . ,

-Attest or Witness flamed Insureds:

bity of Dalton (itamed insured - Type or' f:rint)

L ' u' '.

/ A o- __

By' ' d ((I (SEAL)

(Signature V. D. PARROTT, of Of(.i/er)l.jpl,'\

JR}.'f, i-JOINT VENTURE REPRESEMTATIVE (Type or Print it6e:a & Title.,of'0fficer)-*

,',i i t.

Date: August 31, 1982 (tiamed Insured - Type or Print)

By (SEAL) 4 (Signature of Officer)

_ (Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)


(llamed Insured - Type or Print)


. (Signature of Officer) i (Type or Print flame & Title of Officer)


a (tiamed Insured - Type or Print)


(Signature of Officer)

(Type or Print itame & Title of Officer)


Page 6_of Certificate flo. ti-67

-.,r - - - - . - . . ~ _ . . . .- _ . - . - - . , , , - -, -y - ._. , _ __

3* n**i' '

  • IN WITNESS WHERE0F, the compani::s subscribing thn Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and the Declarations to be signed on their behalf by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters to be effective June 13,1978 eastern standard- time, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.

Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of q -


r '~ "

MARSH & McL8651ANF#l@.9eI6 ' .

Countersigned by I//

" T398M!fdMit'AR.)N.E.

ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30026 Subscribing Companies PROP 0RTION OF 100%

American Mutual Liability Insurance' Company, Wakefield, MA 15.0000000 Employers Insurance of Wausau, A Mutual Company, Wausau, WI 15.0000000 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Boston, MA 30.0000000 Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, Long Grove, IL 30.0000000 Michigan Mutual Insurance Company, Detroit, MI 5.0000000 Sentry Insurance, A Mutual Company, Stevens Point, WI 5.0000000 Page 7 of Certificate No. M- 67

g .



MUTUAL. ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ENDORSEMENT TO CERTIFICATE N0. M-67 Forming Part of Master Policy No. 1 Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection)


Y, E It is agreed that the Annual Premiums applicable to the periods s A 'l designated below are as follows:


To E i For Calendar Year 1978 .

EQ8 np E $

Effective Date Annual Premium dune 13, 1978

$746.55 a .a e, h

  1. e3g  % 4 For Calendar Year 1979 u5oe Effective Date January 1, 1979 yj$#g- g Annual Premium $1,350.00 1 {

g E s. omg8 dc For Calendar Year 1980 l gggd Effective Date January 1,1980  !

I e g #; d, mo ..

'e f


Annual Premium $1,350.00


", y *"

  • For Calendar Year 1981 gg c h Effective Date January 1, 1981
  • o $1,350.00 e e a$a s. g Annual Premium 3

$0 DO For Calendar Year 1982 gjgE AS Effective Date January 1,1982

g 54 g .g Annual Premium $1,350.00

$ " ** 8 o2 .y Sf=dae "E*3 3e0 e

  • gjRif tivo Date of To form a part this ndorsement as stated above of Certificata Mn M-67 Issue to Georgia Power Company, Ogelthorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Autnority of Georgia and City of Dalton, Georgia Date of Isaua December 15. 1982 For the Subscribing Companies M UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIAy,ILITY U ERWillTERS


-# - vvt  %

Endoraement No. Counternigned by --


o  ?.



(Secondary Financial Protection)

It is agreed that Item 4.(a) of the Declarations is amended to read vb y,g as follows:

n Qa, "8

  • 3 E ii Item 4. (a) Identification of primary financial protection

$P b Se x ,g -

a, 4' y applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit (s)

%S :n y "g a 8 { of liability thereof:


l, y Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's

_ n a $s

{jo,j j Policy NF- 215 $124,000,000 bc $ .

m8 0 8 "t Mutual Atomic Energy Liability U3 derwriters'


  • }p n g

hl Policy MF- 78 $36,000,000 gop g). g; e


u o eu 8 +=> c_,

2 M 3l1a


  • 2 o 5 Effective Date of To form a part M-67
$,8 5 8 this Endorsement May 1. 1979 of Certificato Nn-

".c g u te" Georgia Power Company, Ogelthorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and City of Dalton, Georqia Date of Issua December 15, 1982 For the Subscribing Companies M UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIApILITY U ERWRITERS Uy ~


- nt  %

2 Endornoment No. Counteraigned by Auruoium ste:ru.mrarm:


NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1983 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premiuta due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 1,350.00 .

This is to cortify th'it this is a true copy of tho original  !

Endorsomcat havinc %c ca.lo - + . . .

er and being mndo part of tno Huclcar Laers/ L!a u ;. . ro ; t D icility Forms as des-Ignated heroon. No Incurancu la unordud Loreunder.

.z . k John L. Quattrocchi, Vice Prcsident Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of To form n innrt thia Endorsement January 1,1983 of Certificate No. M-67 ___ ___

Issuo to G rgia Power Company, Ogelthorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authori ty of beorgia ana Ci ty of Daiton, GeortJla Date of Inaue December 15, 1982 For the Subscribing Companies Mt> 'UAI, ATOMIC ENEltGY I,I AllII,lTY 11 ' )RitWillTEllS I1y. -.- [d-- -Q'd ll Endorsement No. 3 _ _ _ _ Countersigne 1 ley - . . . .

A o r minn. i. s t erneue:u u me:

n _ _ .