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Forwards Endorsement 72 to Maelu Policy MF-78 & Endorsement 88 to Nelia Policy NF-215
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/1984
From: Duck J
To: Saltzman J
NUDOCS 8405090040
Download: ML20084J227 (3)


. . .

~4 Marsh &

MGlennan I Marsh & M(Lennan, incorporated 1300 San la< into Tower '

j 2121 San Jacinto 5treet Dalla,. Tesas '5201 Te!cphole 214 742-1941 N p


, b May.2, 1984 Mr. Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State & Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Georgia Power Company E. l. Hatch Nuclear Plant ,

Nuclear Liability insurance ANI/MAELU Policies NF-215/MF-78 Endorsements A R Juul R -

Dear Jerry:

Enclosed for your records are eight certified copies each of Endorsement No. 88 to ANI FAlicy NF-215 and Endorsement No. 72 to MAELU Policy MF-78 to the Georgia Power Company E. t Hatch Nuclear Plant Very truly yours, i -

ohn R. Duck, Jr.

Assistant Vice President M&M Nuclear Consultants s


cc: J. Wyman Lamb '

O. D. Cochran J. L. Collins jf/ enclosures 1

8405090040 840502 0k0 PDRADOCK05000g ,

l l



1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endo rsement
3. Additional Premium Due
1. Advance Premium '

It is ag reed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1983 is $ 98,284.04 .

2 Standa rd Premium and Reserve Ft .mium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the S;andard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above a re:

Standard Premium $ 98,284.04 ,

,020.87 Reserve Premium ,

3 Additional Premium $ 1,177.66 ,

9 Effective Date of.. To fo rm a pa rt this endorsement enuary 1, 1983 of Policy No. MF-78 Issued to Georgia PcNer Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and City of Dalton, Georgia ~

Date of Issue April 24, 1984 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOM C ENERG Y LIABILITY UNDERF,RITERS By ' S . C- 2 _-.Y e . _

Endo rsement No. 72 countersigned by Authorized Representative This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original nidorsemont having the endorsement number and being cade part ME-36 of the Nuoloar Energy Liability Policy (Faci 1My Form) as des-Ignated hereon. No I surance is afforded heregder.

. z . c Ps % f C Jatm .Qw. < chi, Vice Preside'nt Wability Underwnting Ame' un Nuc! car Insurerv 9

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Nuclear Energy Llability insur:n:o NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1983 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 82 are amended to read:

la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 338,533.90 .

Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Piemium and the Reserve Premium is: $

254,960.76 .

ADDITIONAL PREMIUM: $ 4,056.35 This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement numb'er and being made part of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Fapility Form) as des-l ignated hereon. No Insurance is affordedpreunder.

l John L 4

.2. c2eWK chi. Vice President-lMJ1ity Underniting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1983 To form a part of Policy No NF-215 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and City of Dalton, tieorgia Date of issue Anril 24. 1984 For the su scribing corppanies By A

,/F' General Manager Encorsement No 88 Countersigned by fiE-36

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