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Reactor Bldg Tendon Surveillance,One Yr Surveillance. Operating Procedures Encl
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1975
From: Cochrane F
11406-014, 11406-14, NUDOCS 8004170587
Download: ML19326B759 (375)





1-1 2.0


AND CONCLs alONS 2-1 2.1 Summary 2-1 2.2 Conclusions 2-2 3.0 GENERAL 3-1 t 4.0 ANCHORAGE AND SHEATHING FILLER INSPECTION 4-1 4.1 Sheathing Filler 4-1 4.2 Anchorage Components 4-1 5.0 TENDON LIFTOFF FORCE 5-1 6.0 TENDON WIRE INSPECTION 6-1 6.1 Discontinuous or Missing Wires 6-1 6.2 Wire Inspection and Testing 6-2 O(/ 7.0 TENDON RETENSIONING AND RESEALING 7-1 Appendix A- Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance Procedure, Operating Procedure No. 1304.91, Arkansas Nuclear One, Arkansas Power and Light Company. Appendix B - Location and Identification of Surveillance Tendons. Appendix C- Sheathing Filler Removal and installation Data. Appendix D - Laboratory Analysis of Sheathing Filler. Appendix E- Tendon End Anchor Data. Appendix F - Calibration of Hydraulic Jacks. Appendix G- Detensioning and Retensioning Force and Elongation Data. Appendix H - Wire inspection Data Sheets. l I i _m, , ,_, _ _ _ _ . _- - - . . - , . :--

f. i Appendix ! - Wire Test Apparatus and Caliu. .' ion. Appendix J - Tendon Wire Test Data, a 2 Appendix K - Index of S;6 natures and initials on Data atteets. 4 Appendix L- Failure Analysis of Tendon Wires, frona Arkansas Nuclear One Containment Building Post-Tensioning System. 1 }. i e I t i i i 3 { t s83 f i i e i m


i i i t


l9 i ' i- i ~ L 1 , I'  ! i  ! l  ! I i i  ! t i ! ILLUSTRATIONS t Figure Page ,

'.. 1 . Normalized Liftoff Force - Vertical Tendons S3  ;

2 Normalized Liftoff Force - Dome Tendons -S-4

3 Normalized Liftoff Force - Hoop Tendons S5 l

!O c 4 i k i { L t l l 1 i- !:9 e i-i. i.


[- ,-.,w,- ,m,--,,,--e. . - - , . . . . - - * - - , . - - -w~~.,-*ve-e----. ~-b---

A 1.0. INTRODUCTION The Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance program is a systematic means of assessing the ' continuing quality and structural performance of the containment post-tensioning system. The surveillance consists of periodic inspection for physical condition of a pre-selected group of surveillance tendons. This provides confidence in the condition and functional capability of the system and an opportunity for timely corrective measures if adverse conditions are detected. This report covers the one-year tendon surveillance for Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1 as specified by Plant FSAR, Section 15, Paragraph 4.4.2, Tendon Stress Surveillance. This report w0s prepared under the Continued Technical Service Agreement designated under Purchase Order No. 11406-014. Equipment, manual labor, and materials required for the tendon surveil!ance were furnished by Conesco Midcontinent, Inc., under contract with Arkansas Power and Light Company, o 9Y&a n U l l I I l O 1 -1



AND CONCLUSIONS i ( 2.1 Summary The one-year tendon surveillance of Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit No.1 containment post tensioning system was conducted from Februey 1975 to June 1975. The surveillance was done in accordance with " Reactor Bunding Tendon Surveillance Procedure", Operating Procedure No. 1304.91 Rev. No.1. The group of surveillance tendons selected for inspection was composed of five vertical, six dome, and ten hoop tendons. The tendon inspection consists of anchorage and sheathing filler inspection, tendon liftoff force measurement, tendon wire inspection, and retensioning and resealing. The anchorage and sheathing filler inspection showed the following: e The anchorage components are 5 an "as installed" condition with either bright metal or reddish brown appearance with no pitting apparent. e No cracking of anchor heads, shims, or bearing plates has occurred. The only cracks observed are limited to a relatively small number (six out of more than 8500 buttonheads inspected) of cracked buttonheads. e The sheathing filler from every surveillance tendon meets the acceptance criteria in Operating Procedure No.1304.91 for chemical composition. Every tendon tested had liftoff force greater than the minimum design prestress force A which was used as the acceptance criterion. In general, the tendon liftoff forces were Q greater than the predicted liftoff force based on the anticipated loss of stress with time. Eleven discontinuous or missing wires were found in the surveillance tendons, but the distribution was such that no abnormal degradation of the containment structure is M indicated. None of the vertical or dome tendens had discontinuous wires. Three dome / tendons and one hoop tendon had one missing wire each. One hoop tendon had three discontinuous wires which were broken during original installation. Two hoop tendons had two discontinuous wires each. Three or fewer discontinuous wires in one endon is considered acceptable according to Operating Procedure 1304.91. Thus the tendons are acceptable with regard to broken and missing wires. During retensioning of one hoop tendon (31H28) three buttonheads broke off the field end at a load equivalent to approximately 72% of minimum ultimate wire strength. An investigation followed which > involved detensioning the tendon, removing and tensile testing the broken wires, retensioning the tendon, and subjectinig the two adjacent hoop tendons to full surveillance testing. The subject hoop tendon was detensioned and retensioned with normal behavior. The wires removed had ultimate tensile strength exceeding the guaranteed minimum ultimate strength of 240,000 psi. The two adjacent tendons had no apparent abnormal conditions. Thus the conclusion is reached that the buttonhead failure during retensioning of that hoop tendon is a unique, anomalous situation and dws not indicate an abnormal degradation of the containment structure. Inspection of tendon wires which were removed revealed no apparent corrosion. All wire samples (100 inch length) tested had ultimate strength exceeding the guaranteed minimum ultimate strength.



All surveillance tendons were retensioned to a stress level equal to or greater than (all 4 were within 2.6%) that indicated by the litt-off force measurements obtained during detensioning. The grease cap was reinstalled on each tendon, and new sheathing filler was pumped into the tendon sheath to replace that which was removed during the surveillance test. 2.2 Conclusions Based on the results of the one-year tendon surveillance test reported herein, the , conclusion is reached that no abnormal degradation of the containment structure is indicated for Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit No.1. I f i O i 1 2-2

                                               -         -                   - - , - - ,   -<------m--- . . . - - - , , -

s- ,_ 3.0 GENERAL

 \s    The one-year tendon surveillance of Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit No. I containment post. tensioning system began in February 1975 approximately 15 months after completion of the containment structuro-l integrity test performed in November 1973.

Tendon inspection consists of anchorage and sheathing filler inspection, tendon liftoff force measurement, tendon wire inspection, and tendon retensioning and resealing. This surveillance was conducted in accordance with " Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance Procedure", Operating Procedure No. ,1304.91, Revision No.1. That

operating procedure is included in this report as Appendix A.

The group of surveillance tendons selected for inspection was composed of five vertical, six dome (two from each of the three dome groups), and ten ho 'p tendons in compliance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.35 (Rev.1, June 1974). The location and identification of the surveillance tendons are shown in Appendix B. l O 1 l l n v 31 l

4.0 ANCHORAGE AND SHEATHING FILLER INSPECTION D V 4.1 Sheathing Filler A sample of sheathing filler was removed from each end of each surveillance tendon. Chemical tests were made on one sample from each tendon according to Paragraphs 5.1.3 and 9.3 Operating Procedure 1304.91 (see Appendix A). Chemical tests on the second sample from a tendon were required only if the results of the tests on the first sample failed to meet the acceptance criteria of Paragraph 11.0 of Operating Procedure 1304.91. All samples tested except one (tendon V19 - field end) met the established acceptance criteria. For tendon V19 the field end sample had 12.7% water content (water content of 10.0% is the maximum allowed by the acceptance criteria). The sample from the shop end of tendon V19 had only 3.5% water content. Thus, the theathing filler for tendon V19 is considered acceptable according to Paragraphs 11.0 and 9.3 of Operating Procedure 1304.91. l Detailed results of the chemical analyses are given in Appendix D.  ; I 4.2 Anchorage Components j The anchorage components were inspected after end cap removal to determine whether i tendon filler coverage is adequate. In every case the anch_orage components were completely covered by the tendon filler, e ( ' After the tendon filler was cleaned off, the anchorage components were inspected for corrosion, cracks, and buttonhead size and condition according to Paragraph S.2 of Operating Procedure 1304.91. Corrosion of anchorage components was found to be either corrosion le' vel No.1 " Bright metal, no visible oxidation" or corrosion !cvel No. 2 l

           " Reddish brown, no pitting"in every case.The only cracks observed were limited to                     !

a relatively small number (six out of more than 8500 buttonheads inspected) of cracked j buttonheads; no cracking of anchor heads, shims, or bearing plates was apparent. Detailed results of the anchorage component inspection are given in Appendix E. O \ 4-1

5.0 TENDON LIFTOFF FORCE O s t V The tendon liftoff forces were measured in accordance with Paragraph 6.3 of Operating Procedure 1304.91. The liftoff force of the vertical tendons was measured on the dome end only. The liftoff forces for the dome and hoop tendons were measured simultaneously on the two ends of each tendon. The jacks used to measure liftoff force were calibrated using a load cell calibrated by the National Bureau of 5tandards; detailed calibration results are given in Appendix F. The liftoff forces are converted to normalized force per wire to account for the following effects.

a. Structural deformations during the tendon installation post-tensioning sequence
b. Initial liftoff force deviation from the nominal value of seventy-three percent of the minimum ultimate wire strength
c. Reduction in number of effective wires I
d. Changes in liftoff force resulting from detensioning and retensioning of the tendon during previous surveillance tests.

The normalized liftoff force is obtained by multiplying the measured liftoff force by a normalizing factor calculated according to Appendix C of Operating Procedure 1304.91. Normalizing factors for the surveillance tendons are given in Table G.1 of Appendu 3. The normalized liftoff forces are plotted in Figures 1,2, and 3. The value plotted for each dome and hoop tendon is the arithmetic average of the normalized liftoff forces at the j two ends. Liftoff forces were also measured for hoop tendons 31H27 and 31H29 i, addition to the preselected surveillance tendons. The results of those additional liftoff measurements are included in Figure 3. The reason for the additional measurements is discussed in Section 6.1 of this report. In every case the normalized rftoff force was greater than the minimum design prestress force in the tendon. Thus every tendon tested is considered to have acceptable liftoff force according to Paragraph 11.0 of Operating Procedure 1304.91. The data of Figures 1,2, and 3 also give a direct comparison of measured liftoff force to predicted liftoff force. The predicted force is based on a stress loss of 30.5 ksi for the dome tendons and 28.5 ksi for the hoop and vertical tendons over a period of 40 years assuming that the force decreases logarithmically with time and that 70% of the forty year losses occur during the first year. The predicted losses with time are a result of creep and shrinkage of the concrete and relaxation of the steel tendon wires. With two exceptions (hoop tendons 31H27 and 32H32), the normalized liftoff force was greater than the predicted liftoff force. For hoop tendons 31H27 and 32H32 the normalized liftoff forces are less than 1% below the predicted values. Thus, the stress loss is generally occurring less rapidly than predicted. ,

       . The difference between actual and predicted stress loss is accounted for by shrinkage and creep effects being different from the values assumed in the design. In calculating the

v 5-1

predicted losses, tendon installation was assumed to occur 180 days after concre te

!- placement. Tendon installation actually occurred 450 to 800 days after pouring the concrete. Thus, both the shrinkage and the creep stress losses are less than the values asumed in calculation of the predicted force-time curve.

  • I The force and elongation data during detensioning are summarized in Table G.1 of i Appendix G.

1 4 t i 4 1 o' t i I

q 4

l i a i 6 i i ' 5-2 'e +

          'v/                                                                 -

V ' 9.0 UPPER BOUND PRE! FRESS FORCE (0.75 x fpux A=8.84MIPS)

                                                                                                          @ V19 8 Vw g                                                                                                     a vm g                                                                                                    @ V80 m                                              g                                                    W V100-E 8.0

v, w  % .

    $       ~~_-


u. ~ _
                                            ~ ,.

o 7.5 -- ' ' ' - W ~_

                                                                         '-      ~-  .
                                                                                              ~  ~  _
g '


9.0 PPER BOUND PRE TRESS FORCE (0.75 x pf uxA= 8.84 KIPS) 8.5 5

                                                                                                                       @ 1D320 g

8 1D328 j A 2D207 m

                                                                                                                       @ 2D210 t'                                          gb                                                                    P 3D110 U

z 8.0 E b I 2 8 (n m b $ -- --

     <  7.5

N  %

                                                                           ----~   .
                                                                                                             -EXPECTED PRESTilESS FORCE


    -o                 '                         -                                                                                  -. s 2                                                                                                                                   -~- -


f f (~

                                                                                                                                                                             \                                                                                           ())'

9.0 UPPER BOUND PRESTRESS FORCE (0.75 x pf u xA= 8.84 KIPS) 8.5 E @ 21H24 5 3;H40 E @ 21H30 @ 31H52 m

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     @ 21H36 @ 32H10
    "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                @ 31H27 @ 32H2O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     @ 31H28 @ 32H32 h                                                                                                                                                                                                                                8 31H29 @32H44 m                                                                                                                                           W         @

e O 2 e@m y- 8 8 w __'~- g m .,

                                                                                                                                           '~   g
                                                                                                                                                -   _ g) b               '

N - o -

                                                                                                                                                                                                          --                       ~

d_ ' '~ - _ , _s . . ~ .




6.0 . TENDON WlRE INSPECTION 6.1 Discontinuous or Missing Wires .

'I              Eleven discontinuous or missing wires were found in the surveillance tendons, but the distribution was such that no abnormal. degradation of the containment structure is
            ' indicated.

None of the vertical surveillance tendons had missing wires. One wire was missing from each of three dome tendons: 1D328111,2D210212, and 3D110322, and one wire was missing from hoop tendon 32H44. In each case the installation records showed that a

            - wire was removed for inspection during the installation process.

The vertical and dome surveillance tendons were free of discontinuous wires. However, three' of the hoop tendons had discontinuous wires. Tendon 31H10 had three discontinuous wires which were broken during the original installation and were recorded on the installation records. Tendons 31H52 and 31H40 had two discontinuous wires each. The discontinuous wires from tendon 31HS2 failed at the buttonheads. i Examination of the fractures revealed that the failures occurred from combined tension and bending. Such eccentric loading could have been caused by offsized or misshapen buttonheads. For tendon 31H40 the discontinuous wires failed as a result of stress risers occurring from mechanical notches near the inner surface of the stressing washer. One possible explanation for that wire damage is deformation of the peripheral layer of tendon wires due to shearing r-tion in the wires resulting from contact with the bearing i plate as the stressing washer is pulled out of the tendon trumpet during installation. Three j or._ fewer discontinuous wires .in any tendon is considered acceptable according to j Paragraph 11.0 of Operating Procedure 1304.91. All discontinuous wires encountered m during the surveillance test were removed from the tendons. ' l During retensioning of tendon 31H28, three buttonheads broke off the tendon wires on the field end at a -load equivalent to approximately 72% of minimum ultimate wire-strength. Those three buttonheads and eleven additional ones had been determined to be smaller than specification earlier in the surveillance inspection. Shims were installed, and the tendon was relaxed to its previously measured liftoff force without stressing to 80% }' of ultimate wire strength as prescribed in Operating Procedure 1304.91. The tendon was j. subsequently (approximately three ' weeks later) detensioned, the defective wires were } removed, and the tendon was retensioned in full accordance with Operating Procedure

           .1304.91 with no' abnormal behavior. 'In addition, the tendons on each side of 31H28 (31H27 and 31H29) were subjected to full surveillance inspection without revealing any abnormal conditions. Thus the conclusion is reached that the butte.$d failure during retensioning of tendon 31H28 is a unique, anomalous situation and does not indicate an

! abnormal degradation of the containment structure. All three wires broken during retensioning of tendon 31H28 had fractures typical of loading in combined tension and bending. Althougn a complete explanation cannot be given for the cause-of the wire failures, two conditions can be pointed out as possible contributing factors. Four work days after the problem with tendon 31H28, the bearing

'          surface of the chair on each ram was observed to be deformed with use such that the
         . force applied to the ' tendon. w , not perpendicular to the bearing plate. The resulting
          ' eccentric loading of the tendon may have contributed to the breaking of the three wires.


'  V 6-1 i


             ,             _,   . . , , .                , , ,       . y ,v.,      ..- m , ,_ y . , , . _ _ . _ _..,c-. g.4,,,.. , . -., _ . - .., ,   . ~

Once the deformation of the ram chairs was discovered, they were resurfaced before

 /O. continuing with the testing. The second factor is that the three wires broke at the

( ,) buttonhead, and in each case the buttonhead had previously been found to be smaller than specification. One wire was removed from each of the following three tendons for inspection: V19, 2D207212, and 32H20. During the cutting of the inspection wire in tendon V19, a second wire was inadvertently nicked with the cutting tool, so that wire was removed also. 6.2 Wire Inspection and Testing The wire inspection revealed that no corrosion has occurred. All wires removed from the tendons had corrosion level described as corrosion level No.1 " Bright metal, no visible oxidation." Every wire sample tested had ultimate strength greater than the 240,000 psi guaranteed minimum ultimate strength for new wire. The range of values is 243,000 psi to 270,000 psi with the mean for the 23 samples of 252,000 psi. The elongation at failure is strongly influenced by the location of the fracture with respect to the ends of the wire sample. All samples had typical cup-and-cone ductile fractures. For samples which fractured at least one inch from the buttonhead, the ultimate elongation is from 4.1 to 6.4 percent of the 100 inch sample length with the mean equal to 5.2 percent. For the samples which broke at the buttonhead, the ultimate elongation data are in the range from 1.5 to 4.7 percent. The elongation figures where Q fracture was at the buttonhead are not considered as representative of the wire properties but result from the means for holding the wire sample in the test apparatus. Details of the wire test results are given in Table J.1 of Appendix J. U-6-2

7.0 RETENSIONING AND RESEALING The surveillance tendons were retensioned to the stress levelindicated by the liftoff force measurements obtained during detensioning. The force in some cases is slightly greater than the 1iftoff force during detensioning to allow insertion of sufficient shims to obtain the needed force. Elongation measurements were also taken during retensioning. A summary of the force and elongation data during retensioning is given in Table G.2 of Appendix G. After each tendon was retensioned, the grease cap was reinstalled and new sheathing filler was pumped into the tendon sheath to replace that which was removed during the surveillance test. The data sheets for sheathing filler removal and installation are included ' as Appendix C. 1 }


O 7-1

1 i ( 1 i m 2 0 I e t J 1, h l

                                - _ _ _ _ _ .        . . - . . _ _ , _ . ._ .. _ _ _ _ _ . . _ ____. . . . . _ , . . _ - _ _ - _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . ._, . . ~ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ , _ _ _ . ,

O APPENDIX A Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance Procedure, Operating Procedure No. 1304.91, Arkansas Nuclear One, Arkansas Power and Light Company, O 9 . l i

t Operating Procedure 1301.91 ARKANSAS P0h'ER fi LIGilT C0i!PANY ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE 4 UNIT 1 4 i REACTOR Bull. DING i TEND 0;; SURVEILLA!;CE PROCEDURE l l 4 1 l I 1 I


l i l l l l

                .Rev. 1                                                                                                                                                    February 21, 1975                                   )


Operating Procedurc

                                                                                                .'304.91' TABLE OF CONTEhTS 1




Rev. 1 i February 21, 197S v -

w , -,_,- - - - - - - - , - - - - n >,-r,

                                                                                                      *   ,,e
                                                                                                                  -,   w-

Operating Procedurc 1304.91 LIST OF FIGURES f


Figure Title 1 Tendon surveillance Go, No Go Gage 2 Tendon Surveillance Wire Puller , 3 Tendon Surveillance Wire Puller Details , s 4 Normalized Average Tendon Wire Force VS Time-Plot i i. i 1 1 l i i

  • i i


,                   Rev. 1                                        11               February 21, 1975  l j.
      ,e-+.                n-e   -

Operating Proceduro 1304.91 (~ ks _, . 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure specifies the work to be performed and the equipment to obtain the data necessary to assess the continuing quality and structural performance of the containment post-tensioning system. 2.0 SCOPE Each surveillance shall consist of the following: 2.1 Visual and laboratory examination of sheathing filler sampics from cach of the 21 surveillance tendons. 2.2 Inspection of 'the anchor assembly of each of the 21 surveillance 1 tendons for deleterious conditions such as corrosion, cracks, i missing wires or offsize buttonheads. ' l 2.3 Measurement of the liftoff force for each of the 21 surveillance  ! tendons. 2.4 Detensioning of each of the 21 surveillance tendons and diecking wire continuity by pulling wires and observing their movement at the opposite end. , O 2.5 Removal of a minimum of one wire from 3 selected surveillance tendons for examination and testing. 1 l 2.6 Rotensioning of each of the 21 surveillance tendons to the lift-off force measured in Section 2.3 above Icss the effect of any wires removed, and measuring the corresponding tendon clongation. 2.7 Visual inspection of wires removed from tendons. 2.8 Testing of wires removed from tendons for yield strength, ultimate strength, and percent clengation. 2.9 Evaluation of test and inspection results to assess the general condition of the post-tensioning system and evaluate time dependent factors such as prestress losses and corrosion. 3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Tendon surveillance shall be performed 1 year,' 2 years, 3 years, and 5 years from the date of the structural integrity. test (November 14, 1973) and at five year intervals thereafter. t V Rev. 1 1 February 21, 1975 e

upcrating Procedurc

     ,                                ,                                          1304.91 O
  \~-           3.2 Tendon surveillance may be conducted during plant operation.

3.3 If tendon surveillance is conducted durir.g plant operation, no more than one surveillance tendon shall be detensioned at any given time. In the event that adjacent tendons must be checked, the original surveillance tendon shall be retensioned to 80% its specified minimum ultimate strength which is (.8)(240 ksi) before y any other tendon shall be detensioned. 3.4 1he elapsed time between removal and replacement of sheathing filler from a tendon shall not excced 2 uceks; during this period, tendon and anchors shall be protected with Viscosity Oil Company Visconorust 2090P-2. , , 3.5 All instruments used for the co11cetion of data must be calibrated prior to and after the tendon surveillance. 3.6 No changes will be made in t?-is procedure without the written approval of the ANO Plant Superintendent. 4.0 SURVEII. LANCE TENDONS Twenty-one (21) tendons have been designated as surveillance tendons. The surveillance tendons consist of ten hoop tendons at least diree in each of the three 240 sectors of the reactor building; five vertical ( , tendons located at approximately equally spaced intervals; and six doce tendons, two in each of the three groups of dome tendons. The following tendons have been designated as surveillance tendons: Region Tendon Number 32 H 10 32 H 20 21 H 24 31 11 28 HOOP 32 11 32 21 H 36 31 H 40 32 H 44 21 H 30 33 11 52 V20 V40


VERTICAL V60 V80 V100 k L ,) ' Rev.. I _ 2 February 21, 1975 9 -. . . - . _. .- -

Operating Procedure 1304.91 (3 ii G Region Tendon Number ID 328 111

 .                                             1D 320 111 DOME                   2D 210 212 2D 205 212 3D 110 322 3D 120 322 The tendon numbering system and tendon locations are defined on the design drawings for the post tensioning system. An index to these drawings is provided in Appendix D.                                            1 5.0 ANCH0llAGE AND SHEATHING FILLER INSPECTION 5.1 Sheathing Filler The sheathing filler may be in liquid, gel or solid form.

Complete removal of sheathing filler is not required provided that all filler which has drained out or been renoved during surveillance is replaced. Provisions shall be made to collect all filler which is removed in such a manner that the volume 1 removed at each tendon is known and recorded on Data Sheet #1. O 5.1.1 1he containment exterior concrete and interior containment air temperatures near the tendon shal) be recorded on Data Sheet #1. 1 5.1.2 Two identified one quart sampics of sheathing filler shall be obtained from each of the 21 tendons to be inspected (one from each end) . 5.1.3 The following chemical tests shall be iade on one of the samples from each tendon. The test methods outlined in Appendix A of this procedure shall be used. Results of these tests shall be recorded on forms provided by the 1 testing laboratory.

a. Water Soluble Chlorides
b. Water Soluble Sulfides
c. Water Soluble Nitrates
d. Neutralization Number
e. Water Content by Weight 5.1.4 The test results shall be compared with the acceptance cri-teria outlined in Section 9.3. The second sample from each l

tendon shall be. tested only if the test results from the first sample do not meet the acceptance criteria. O> x-- l Rev. 1 , , 3 , February 21, 1975 ,

Operating Procedure 1304.91 1 (vD . 5.1.5 %c filler caps shall be removeu from both ends of the tendon and the color of the filler shall be compared to that of unused filler. If tan colored fi'1cr is found, a representa-tivo 1 quart sampic of it shall be obtained. If after 24 hours of storage the filler is still tan colored, it shall be analyzed as described in Section 5.1.3. De results of 1 this test shall be recorded on Data Shoct #1. 5.1.6 De completeness of sheathing filler coverage on the i,nside of the filler cap, bearing plate, buttonheads, anchor head, and shims shall be observed innediately after removal of the filler cap and recorded on Data Sheet #2. 1 5.2 Inspection of Anchorage Components i The tendon end anchorage components shall be cleaned using ANO Plant QC approved solvent. After c12aning, the components shall be inspected. 5.2.1 Buttonheads shall be .spected for shape, cracks, corrosion - and general appearance. During the initini surveillance, each buttonhead shall be inspected using a Go, No-Go Gage as shown 1 e in Figure 1 and data recorded on Data Sheet #2. 5.2.2 The anchor head, bushing, shims and bearing plate shall be inspected for corrosion and cracks. Data shall be recorded on Data Sheet #2. 1 'f 6.0 TENDON DETENSIONING 6.1 Ram Calibration All gages and rams used for tensioning and detensioning surveillance _ tendons shall be calibrated in accordance wit!. the calibration require , ments presented in Appendix B. After initial calibration gages and , rams may be used throughout the surveillance without additional cali-  ; bration. Recalibration'will be. required in cases where repairs have

                    .been done on damaged equipment.       Calibration will be verified after the completion of all tendon surveillance.                                          :

6.2 Safety i All personnel on work platforms during tensioning operations shall l

                . be familiar with and observe the following safety precautions:                      1 l

6.2.1 Personnci shall not stand behind the rams while the rams are l ) pressurized. l 6.2.2 Personnel shall keep hands and fingers away from the tendon j i (] (/ and rar.s while the ram is pressuri:cd except as required to remove and install shims, take liftoff'rcadings, and make 1 j elongation measurements. t  ; I 1 Rev. 1 4 February 21, 1975

Operating Procedure

          .                                                                              1304.91 4       )

N/ 6.3 Detensioning sequence e Vertical tendons shall be detensioned from the done. In the case ' of hoop and dome tendons, where tensioning and detansioning are done from both ends of the tendon, a reliable means of communication . between the crews on both ends of the tendon shall be porvided. Ram force shall be increased or decreased at the same rate at each end of the tendon. i The detensioning sequence shall be as follows: ' 4 6.3.1 The containment exterior concrete and interior containment air temperatures near the tendon shall be recorded on Data Sheet #3. 6.3.2 The number of effective wires shall be determined and re-i corded on Data Sheet #3. 6.3.3 The initial liftoff elongation shall be measured within -

                                      + 0.02 inches and recorded on Data Shoot #3. Elongation       .
 ,                                    Ts the change in distance between the bearing plate and       j the anchor head.                                              ;

6.3.4 The ram shall be attached to. the tendon anchorage. The pres-()N s_,. sure gage shall be attached to the ran, checked for damage, and the dial adjusted to zero pressure reading. l 6.3.5 The liftoff force shall be measured repeatedly until three  ; j consecutive measurements show a variation of + 50 psig or 1 css. Liftoff force is the minimum force at Ehich all shims can be moved by pounding with a hammer (approximately 24 oz.). The average of those three consecutive measure-

                                     'ments shall be recorded on Line 5 of :he Detensiening Section of Data Sheet #3.


    .           .            .6.3.6 The shims.shall be removed and the tensioning force shall       ,

be reduced to zero. j i 6.3.7 The tensioning force shall be increased to 1000 lbs. per wire and the tendon force and corresponding elongation shall bc . l measured and recorded on Data Sheet #3. This is necessary because the ram is calibrated for increasing loads' only. 6.3.8 The ran force shall be reduced to zero, the pressure gage '. detached from the ram, and the ram detached from the tendon and anchor. l k, Rev. 1 5 February 21, 1975 i

e Operating Procedure 1304.91 () 7.0 TENDON WIRE INSPECTION 7.1 Broken or Bussing Wires A portion of the wire: in each surveillance tendon 2 hall be inspected for continuity by pulling one end of each wire to be checked and observing the movement of the buttonhend at the other end. Any broken or missing wires shall be shown on Data Sheet #2. Broken wires shall be removed and examined to dete.rnine cause of breakage. The number of wires checked for continuity shall be determined in the following manner: 7.1.1 A minimum of 62 wires in each surveillance tendon shall be checked for' continuity. The wires checked shall be located in two 600 segments which are 1800 apart as illustrated by segments A and B in Data Sheet #2. If no bruken wires are found in the first 62 wires checked in particular tendon, no further checking is required for that tendon. 7.1.2 If one or more broken wires are detected-in the first 62 wires checked in.a particular tenden, the number of wires checked in that te:: don shall be increased to 124. The

  /                         additional wires checked shall be located in two 600

(,_,N) segments 180 apart as illustrated by segnents C and D in Data Sheet #2. 7.1.3 If two or more broken wires are detceted in the first 124 wires checked in a particular tendon, all the wires in that tendon shall be checked for continuity. 7.1.4 If 3 or more broken wires are detected in a particular tendon, all the wires in the adjacent tendons on each side of-the deficient tendon shall be checked for continuity. Caution: Note Section 3.3 l 7.1.5. If both of the tendons adjacent to the deficient tendon contain less than three broken wires per tendon, the deficiency shall be considered to be unique and acceptable. 7.1.6 If either or both of the tendons adjacent to the deficient tendon contain three or more broken uires, an engineering evaluation of possibic degradation of the post tensioning system shall be made and documented. I

          - Rev. ,1 '

hva s..r ,_ , c . ,, . . . ,3

                                               .. .; 6    . .= r ;    *
                                                                        . February 21, 1975  '

o .

  • Operating Procedure 1304.91

(?% 7.2 Ifire Removal

                          %rce tendon wires, noe cach from a horizontal, der.e, and vertical tendon, shall be removed for testing and inspection. De procedurc            '

for wire removal and inspection is as follows: 7.2.1 Both ends of the wire to be removed for surveillance shall , be marked and its location shall be recorded on the end  : anchor sketch form Data Shect2. Le corresponding wire ends shall be identified by pulling at one end and observing  ; which buttonhead moves at the other end. l 7.2.2 he wire shall be pulled toward the end to be cut and a file shall be used to notch it approximately two inches form its end. Le end which is to be cut shall be re-corded on Data Sheet #4 and the distance from the notch  : to the outside of the buttonhead shall be measured within i

                                  + 0.02 inches and recorded on Data Sheet #4.

l 7.2.3 he wire shall be cut between the button'icad and the notch. l-n I-7.2.4 he remaining portion of the wire shall be removed using the

   '('v)                          wire puller shown in Figures 2 and 3, and cleaned with solvent.   .

We wire shall be inspected and any damage or corrosion shall , be recorded 'on Data Sheet #4. De corrosion icvels are de-  ; fined on that sheet. We distance from the notch to the  ! outside of the buttonhead at the uncut end shall be measured  ! within ,+ .25 inches. 7.2.5 3e new and previous corrc,sien ratinge shall be compared, and , significant differences shall be note l. 7.3 11 ire Testing Tensile and elongation tests shall be performed on the 3 wires removed. One tensile test specimen shall be taken from cach end of the wire and one at mid-length. Length of wire specimens shall . l be approximately 100 inches long. Additional specimens shall be

  • taken from arcas which have a corrosion rating two or more levels greater than the average description of the wire. Tensile tests ,

shall also be made on at 1 cast one specimen from each broken uire removed. The test specimen shall be taken from near the wire break and shall be approximately 100 inches long. Data shall be recorded on Data Sheet #5. I y

                        .      4  ,                                .                    .         ,.
     \     <
       'ud Rev. 1                                  7                     February 21, 1975

Operating Procedure 1304.91 p. ( ) v > 8.0 TENDON RETENS10NING NID RESEALING - 8.1. Rctensioning i Retensioning of the hoop and dome tendons shall be accomplished by

  • stressing from both ends. %c vertical tendons shall de retensioned by stressing from the donc. All data and events which occur during retensioning shall be recorded on Data Sheet #3. %c retensioning procedure shall be as follows: l i

8.1.1 %c number of effective wires in the tendon during retension-ing shall be determined and recorded on Data Sheet #3.

  • 8.1.2 Re ram shall be attached to the tendon anchorage. He pressure gage shall be attached to the ram, checked for damage and adjusted to zero pressure readir:g.

8.1.3 he contaiament exterior concrete and interior containment air temperatures near the tendon shall be recorded on Data

  • Sheet #3.

8.1.4 he tensioning force shall be increased until average wire l force is 1000 pounds per wire. Le tendon force and corres-n ponding elongation shall be recorded on Data Sheet #3. .- 8.1.5 De tensioning force shall be increased until the average  !

                      .         wire stress is 80% of the specified minimum ultimate            l

_strength of the wire which is 0.8 x 240 ksi. Tne  ; maximua tensioning force and the corresponding clongation ' shall be recorded on Data Sheet #3. 8.1.6 Sufficient shims shall be installed to obtain a liftoff force equal to, but not less than, that monured as per Section 6.3.5 less the effcet of any reduction in the number of 4 effective wires. If tensioning force drops below the desired liftoff force, the tendon force shall again be increased and j recorded until average wire stress is 0.8fpu (which is 0.8 x 240 ksi)' before installation of shin. Any changes in the shim thickness shall be recorded on Data Sheet #3. 8.1.7 Liftoff force shall be recorded on Data Shcot #3 and f'.nal liftoff elongation shall be measured and recorded within

                               + 0.02 inches.

8.1.8 no ram shall be detached and a coating of Viscosity Oil y Company's 2000P -2, which is presently in the tendon sheathing, - 4 shall be applied to the tendon end anchorag,. l l

             . ,                                                                                      \
                                                                      +-             .   - - -

f k)/ Rev. 1 8 February 21, 197S l 1

Operating Procedure 1304.91

  ,a '

IV) 8.2 Rescaling Tendons . The tendon rescaling procedure shall be as follmes: . 8.2.1 Tendon fillcr caps shall be installed using new gaskets, I washers, gasket scalant and teflon tape. 8.2.2 The tendon shcathing shall be refilled with Viscosity Oil ' Company's Visconorust 2000P-4 shcathing filler. The tempera-ture of the filler at the filler pump shall be 120 F minimun. Filler which has been removed from the tendon shall not be reused. Filler material shall be replaced by pumping through - a hose attached to the grease cap filler plug. All  ! available valves, vents and drains shall be used during this , operation to avoid the entrapment of air in the sheath. Pump- 1 ing shall continue until at least five gallons of filler with-  : out any air bubbics or visible foreign substances has come out of the outlet or vent farthest from the pump. 8.2.3 If less than 5 gallons of filler has been removed at each tendon cud, filler may be replaced by pumping or pouring into each end provided each end is vented to bleed out air.

 /N                           8.2.4     The temperature and volume of shcadting filler installed in          I

(__) each tendon shall bc estimated and recorded on Data Sheet til.  ; 9.0 EVALUATION OF DATA AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 9.1 Liftoff Forces The liftoff readings, taken as specified in Section 6.3, shall be normali cd using the formulae as presented in Appendix C and evaluated in the following manner: 9.1.1 If the normalized liftoff force is equal to or greater than , die minimum design prestress icyc1 in the tendon, as stated - in Figure 4, the readings shall be recorded and surveillance continued. 9.1.2 If the normalized liftoff is Icss than the minimum design prostress icyc1 in the tendon, as stated in Figure 4, the j adjacent tendons on cach side of the defective tendon shall  ; be checked for liftoff values and these recorded on Data  ! Sheet #3. -l, Caution: Note Section 3.3 9.1.3 If the normalized liftoff forces obtained from the two tendons adjacent to the defective tendon are equal to or greater then .

                                       .. the design prostress icyc1 in the tendons, as stated in


       ,, : ~ ,

s l.3 . . 1 -c Figure 4, the readings 'shall b'c recorded on Data Sheet #3 and' l N/- the deficiency shall be considered to be unique had acceptab~1e. , Rev.'1 9 February 21, 1975

Operating Procahn e 1304.91

,m (v) 9.1.4      If either or both of the normalized liftoff forces obtained    -

fron'the two tendons adjacent to the defective tendon are less than the design prestress icyc1 in the tendons, as s stated in Figure 4, abnormal degradation of the post tension-ing system shall be assumed and reported to t.hc Nucicar Regulatory Commission. 9.1.5 A plot of the normalized average tendon wi re force vs. time shall be prepared for cach surycillance tendon. Bis plot is illustrated in Figure 4. then a reasonabic trend has been established, the forco-time plot shall be extrapolated over thc'40 year life of the plant. If the extrapolated curves for two or more tendons extend beyond the maxinium or minimum design prestress levcis, as stated in Figure 4, an engineer-ing evaluation of possibic degradation of the post tensioning system shall be made.  ; i 9.2 Wire Tests Failure below the guaranteed ultimate tensile strength (11,780 lb.) of any of the wirc samples tested in accordance with Sectiva 7.3 nall be considered to be an indication of abnormal degradation of the post tensioning system,- and shall be reported acr Section 10.0 of this , p- procedure. , V 9.3 Sheathing Filler Inspection l j ne sheathing filler material shall be considered to be acceptable provided that the results of the tests performed on the sampics fall within the following limits: Test Limits j Water Solubic Chlorido. Less than 10.0 ppm i Water Solubic Nitrates Less than 10.0 ppm j Water Soluble Sulfides Less than 10.0 ppm l~ Water Content Less than 10% Dry h'eight l Neutralization No. Greater than 1  ; t If the results of these tests fall outside the specified limits, one extra sample from cach end of the tendon in question shall be taken and tested. If similar results are obtained, the sheathing i filler from which the unacceptable sampics were taken shall be replaced. As stated in Section 5.1.3, the results of these tests shall be recorded on forns provided by the testing laboratory.  ; [\ .qf Rev. I 10 February 21, 1975

                                                                        . Operating Procedure 1304.91 p

V 9.4 Evaluation of Previous Surycillance Records The ten' don surveillance record for each tendon shall be compared with previous records to deternine if: . a) Additional wires have broken since the last inspection; b)- The liftoff wire force for cach tendon has changed signifi-cantly; c) A change in wire corrosion status or sheathing filler has occurred; or d) A significant change in yield or ultimate strength or elonga-tion under load at ultimate strength has occurred. If any.of these conditions are present, a report shall be prepared indicating any reasons for observed results and recon:aending any remedial action necessary. . 9.5 Corrective Action If any indications of abnormal degradation of the post tensioning system are detected according to the above criteria, a program for further investigation shall be initiated, the extent of the degra-s dation determined, and the necessary corrective action implemented. 10.0 DATA REPORTING AND RECORDING Any indication of abnormal degradation of the post tensioning system shall be ' reported by provisions of the Technical ' Specifications. 11.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The Acceptance Criteria shall be defined as meetin : the requirements of. Sections 7.1. 5, 9.1.1. , 9.1. 2. 9.1.4, 9.1.5., 9.2, 9.3, with the exception of neutralization number, and 9.4. D

         < ~           .
  .                             .                       .m
            ;Rev. 1:                                   11                   February 21, 1975
           .                                                                             oppovrivc pon pnoen 1 spi 07
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                                                    'GO, NO-GO G AGE                                       FIGURE I

OPFMTTNc rennmimi: 130t.01 _. (3 () . HEAD SEE DET. SLEEVE SEE DET. M SAW CUT' i 5/8"UNC -

                    $                                                             i             #

drt_[ I

                              '-J t
                                     'l e                                 i          #

y L,7-- l .- .so" & + .10 .

                                                                                                     .oo STO. NUT WELD TO EYE /                     w                       I' - 0"

_ i' _ ia l i m I'- 4"  ; I NOTES". -

                                                              ~                                                                          l
   ^                                                                                                                                     !




                          ' VERIFIED BY:

l a i

i e


OPlillATING Pl!OClilRJilli 1303.91 . _ . 6 . 39 5* + .008 DIA. .000 REAM TO SUIT BUTTONHEAD N A

 .                                                                                                          b                         .


o. o
        .                                      /               y _ __.-, _ _                                         -. .

O o o i

        + i                                  !                                                                             +                   4 y                                              s                                           bN    i        .

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                                             \                                                                                                .

l }' u < . 9 s , p__... - -- . s 3 $ $ 4 \_jL _ _s o

     .      5'                                                            .

f N. N - V Y SAW CUT i i O G3"__ _


t.005'~ ' t

                                 .375" _ _
                                                   .75"     ,_   _         .375"__         . 2 5"_

1.Os ~

                                                  + .12            ' i . 7 2 '" + .Os~   _                                                                      j HEAD                                                       .

DETAll/ i ) i O V  : 9 ol ,o  ; Q o. 4 o.

                                                                                                                      +     8 5    +1                 .

9 5 m

                                                                                                                                        *y                      I

__.- - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ bVo .




                                                           ..cCORDED BY:

O Operating Procedu O 1304.91 DATED: APPROVED BY: DATED: TENDON NO.

                                             ~ 9.00
                                                .8.84 UPPER BOUND PRESTRESS FORCE (0.7S+fpu+A) 8.50 E

S 5 E.i 8.00 a - 5 [j -

                                                            ~~_[ ~~~~

5 ~ ~ ' '

                                             '7;50                                                                                                        --

2 a

                                                                                                                                 ~_ ' _ ' ' ~' ~' '~                - - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                               ~-     _ ._           EXPECTED PRESTRESS FORCES

G 7.'20 " ' - _ ' ' ' ' -~~.-. __

                    $ f;7.10                                         k                                                                                                                                                            ' ' ' -- < ~__              t U                          -
.'7.00 N
                                                                                                  % LOWER BOUND PRESTRESS FORCES
                   $                                                                                              1100P G VERTICAL: 7.20 KIPS M                                                                                              DOME:                             7.10 KIPS
                                          ,6.50 1                                  2                                3       4      5      6     7    8 9 10                         20            30        40 TIME AFTER INITIAL TENSIONING (YEARS)

NORMALIZE!) AVERAGE TENDON WIRE FIGURE 4 FORCl! VS. TIME Pi,0T l'. v i:. i..n 1 3a.,,,.. .: e.. ,

l l I j * . Operating Procedure

          ,                                                                                                             1304.91

.i l i . f a J APPENDIX A i l , l i l

                                   .                                                                                            I I

I i i j 5 1 l i i 1

j. Revision 1 February 21, 1975  !

i i Operating Procedure 1304.91 i l PROCEDURE FOR LABORATORY TESTING OF SilEATHING FILLER MATERIAL 1 1 4 Revision 1 Febrtnry 21, 1975 i .l - ' i'

                      - _ .                                              _ __-. . . ~ _ . -
    .                                                                                                               1304.91
  .        1.0   GENERAL O        "

This document specifies the procedures which shall be used for laboratory testing of sheathing Tiller . *lho laborntory to be used must be approved by Ap6L.

a. De amount of water soluble chlorides, nitrates and sulfides which are leached from a given contact arca between water and shesthing filler under standard conditions.
b. The water content of the sheathing filler.
c. The reserv alkalinity of the shcathing filler.
                 *lhis document does not relieve the testing laboratory of responsibility for conducting the necessary laboratory tests in a manner consistent with industry standards.

2.0 WORK INCLUDiiD 21 one-quart test samples will be sent to the laboratory for testing in accordanco with Section 3.0. 'Ihe concentration of water solubic impurities and water in these samples should not exceed the following: 2.1 Chlorides - 10 ppm 2.2 Nitrates - 10 ppm 2.3 Sulfides - 10 ppm v 2.4 Water (11 2 0)- 10% Dry Weight A report meeting the requirements of Section 4.0 shall be prepared. 3.0 TEST DESCRIPTIONS Each sampic of sheathing ~ filler shall be mixed and then tested as follows: 3.1 Water Soluble Impuritics A water extraction of each sample of sheathing filler shall be made and tested as follows: 3.'l.1 Using a sp$tula, coat the insideibottom and sides) of a i liter glass beaker with a 1/4-inch layer of sheathing filler. 3.1.2 Fill beaker with distilled water at room temperature.

                         ,    3.1.3, IIcat the, water to.a controlled temperature of 100 0F and maintain for.four hours. Do not heat on a hot plate. Ilcat either in an oven or by use of an Immersion heater so that the water will remain clear for tests.

a . Revicion 1 A-l February 21, 1970

o Operating Procedure

                     '.                                                                                                           1304.91 m                                3.1.4      Run a blank on distilled vater, if titrate, use a microburet,1 ml or 5 mi, with
               )                                       0.01 - 0.05 mi graduation intervals.

J 3.1.5 Decant water and analyze for soluble ions. Test only for salts in leached water. The water analysis sha!! be as follows: 3.1.6 Chlorides (Cl) by ASTM D-512. 3.1.7 Nitrate (NO3) by ASTM D-992 Brucine Method or Cadmium Reduction

                   ,                                   Method ~

3.1.8 Sulfides (S) by APHA (American Public IIestth Association) Standard Method

                                                       - Methylene Blue                                                                             i i

3.2 Water Content Wat'cr content (H2O as percent of dry weight) shrill be determined in accordance with ASTM D95. 3.3 Neutralization Number Neutralization number shall be detenuined in accordance with ASTM - D664. p 4.0 REPORT Two copies of the report on laboratory testing of sheathing filler shall be submitted to 1 Arkansas Power & Light Company, Little Rock, Arkansas, and Bechtel project Engineer l Job No. 6600-1, San Francisco, California. This report shall contain the l a 'following information: t l 4.1 Sample identification. 4.2 Concentration of wat(r solubic chlorides, nitrates and sulf. des within an accuracy of 0.1 ppm. 4.3 Concentr:: tion of water (H2 O) within an accuracy of 0.1 percent o.f dry weight of filler. 4.4 Neutralization number within an accuracy of 0.01 mg reagent per gram of filler. 1 i

      ...                   .  ..       ...c. nr      ,
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t " ~-  ;'* '

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                                                                                                                         \   ~'
                                                                                                                                     !~'*' Y  'I' (g) llevision 1                                               A2                            February 21, 197; e
                ,                                                                                                                                                                 Operating Procesture 1304.91 l

l t 4 1 j i l d I i 1 4 1 i 1 e i APPENDIX D t I 1 1 i i' r I l l Revision 1 February 21, 1975 t l

1 r

       *-                                                    Operating Procedure 1304.91 g

1 l RAM CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS , l 3 I i l t i Revision I February 21,1[,75 l

Operating Procedure 1304.91 "g

 %./ I 1.0 ' GENERAL The ram calibration arrangement is defined. on Drawing C-98, Rev. 2 which is-included in this Appendix. Also included in this Appendix is the Ram Calibration Procedure. The arrangement shall be located on the concret.e slab shown on FSK-C-975 Rev.1. Die,following equip-ment is required for calibration:    *
a. Two tendon washers, one on each end of a 50 inch length of 186 wire tendon. The ram will be coupled to the tendon washer during calibration. The details of the tendon washer are shown on the post-tensioning system design drawings. An index to these draw-ings is provided in Appendix D.
b. One load cell bearing plate. The details of this bearing plate are shown on Drawing SK-C-518, Rev. B which is included in t ais
                      -Appendix.                                                           -
c. One 2 million pound capacity load cell and MDX-8 indicator for reading load cell force. The load cell is shown in Drawing C-55070 which is included in this Appendix. The load cell shall be supported by the support shown on FSK-C-974, Rev. O.
d. One 3 inch shim as shown on the post-tensioning system design


 \--                   drawings,
c. Timber blocking as shown on Drawing C-98.

The above equipment is in the possession of Arkansas Power G Light Company, and may be used for ram calibration. i i f3

 'u.-) .                                                                                                  l l

l Rev. 1 B-1 February.21, 1975

s Operating Procedure 1304.91 () RAM CALIBRATION PROCEDURES 1.0 Fit ram to bearing plate and couple stub rod with tendon washer. 2.0 Connect MDX-8 indicator to load cell and balance and calibrate indicator according to instructions on inside face of indicator cover. 3.0 Connect strain read out instruments to strain gage connector on stub rod. Moments in stub rod shall be monitored during calibration. 4.0 Adjust shims in back of ram so that piston is positisacd at 1/4 of its total travel distance from front of ram cylinder. 5.0 Gradually increase ram pressure and record MDX-8 indicator readings at ran pressures of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, and 7450 psi. All data recording shall be taken to the nearest 2000 lb. and recorded on Data Sheet #6. 6.0 Gradually decrease ram pressure and record MDX-8 indicator readings at ram pressure of 7000, 6000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000, and 0 psi.

            .7.0   Perform steps 5.0 and 6.0 three times.

8.0 Repeat step 7.0 with ram piston positioned at 1/2 and 3/4 of its total

 /"'%              travel distance.

9.0 After all data has been taken, construct a graph of Force vs. PSI Reading, and plot all points of the data. Find a straight line through the center of the points. Using the straight line, find the corresponding implied forces for each psi reading.


10.0 Acceptance Criteria Calibration shall be completed in such a manner that the implied force readings to the nearest 2000 lb. shall be obtained for their respective gage pressure rea lings. l s 4 g p/L

  . c .      ,


                                '                                                           ..                             . t
          .R$visionl'                            1 81 2 February 21, 1975
  • 2 :i= nortaTP:c rnorFDURF 1301.91 _
  .      .fl                 DRtLL et TAP 1% - 7 UN C 2                                                                                          10 Y THO. DE PTH 3" D{;3

I"& E'fE BOLT h. DRll\ & TAP (*-6 UMC 2 (T'IF) THD. DEPTH 2" e lO', M tu. ,, ,


9 %= ~ 9 %n AFTER M ACHINING 5 t ~ E5 ' E004L . EQUAL 1  ; & F.2 O "' ggg  ! O ii / NOTE-!

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                          *u s                                    x gl.                -                                                                                 @4 9                             M#         _

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                                                                                                                                       = .5/

j? p.t^ I.w, / W i 7 T (Y f "'// [ ' (./ .

                                               -gyg.         g y ..                                  g                   1 LOAD CELL
                                                                                                   *E =-
  • i
* -C).  ;

sa BEAR \MG SURFACE 8Y( m  : \ i {2 _. 12"  ; 11" , RAM BEARit4G SURFACE--- M e&

                      -ORiu. 4 TAP 3#'-lo ONC-Z ao                               TRD. OEPTR Z" sa   ,"                      NOTES *
      -i                                         I. PLATE MATERIAL SH ALL CONFORM TO A.I .S.I,
      .". t                                          4340 Qw                                                            COMMERCI                        AL GRADE (ROCKWELL HAROME.5% Rc


                                                     .025" & PARALLEL w tTHtM .115" 22                                          4. BE ARlRG SURFACE SM ALL BE FREE OF ? \P \%




' s 6. DOCUMENTATION VERIFYING THii LINTI3-%8cilim;D IN NOTES 1,2,3,. f 5 Qr:nirInow 4


                                                                                                                      ~      ~
                -70 %     2/      ,3 REvi%EO-\S%uED POR RAM. C A uBR ATtoN                                                                                              ,.
                                                                                                                                       ' yJ          Az; gh        1/30 73 IM t1ED FO R PU RC H AS E f.71-                i

[m} e. oars . navisions

                                                                                                                                     '?gd            )!E              k%                   l

'd onicm av cw n 1 ace. .  ! s LOAD CELL son .. % oo - l l ' I Mpf BE AR \MG P L AT E

                                                                                                                                         ,,w,. Tu o ..                  ! no S K-C- s l a          _


1 I 1

      ,'.,                                                                                                                         Operating Procedure 1304.91 l

l l 1 l I 1 1 4 1 I 1 e i APPliNDIX C i i i 1 1 f l

  .               Revision 1 February 21, 1979
    -   . _ . .    ._-     _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ - .        _   - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . -           . . .                           -                        ~ ..

i; .. l -

                    ,                   ,                                                                                                                 Operating Procetture 1304.91 i
  • I I .

i 4 i I I 1 i = l .

i. i t

l FORMULAE FOR NORMALIZING FACTORS  ! ,i 1 i i' I r I i . i k 1 \ Itevision 1 . February 21, 1975 <

  . . _ - _ _ . - _ _ . - . _ _ _ . - _ -          _ _ _ _   . _ - - -  . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ , . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _                       _ _ , _ - . _ ~ . .

Operating Procedute. 1304.91 1.0 NOMENCLATljRE J'~s


L=e Initialliftoff force of surveillance temlon (kips) L(; _ g) = , Liftoff force obtained at the i- 1 surveillance (kips) Lr (i - 1) = Liftoff force during retensioning at the ! - 1 surveillance (kips)

                                        . nh =                       Number of hoop tendons tensioned prior to tensioning surveillance tendon (a vertical or a hoop)

N= h Total number of hoop tendons n=y Number of vertical tendons tensioned prior to tensioning surveillance tendon (a vertical or a hoop) N=y Total number of vertical tendons t nd = Number of dome tendons tensioned prior to tensioning surveillance tendon (a dome) . N= d Total number of dome tendons NwC * ' * ' " "" " "I " "" Nw = . Ntmber of effective wires in tendon at th surveillance


Nw( r

                                                                 ' Number of effective wires in tendon when retensioned during the - 1 surveillance SEh =                       Total elastic stress loss in hoop tendons during initial tensioniig (ksi)

SEv = Total clastic stress loss in vertical tenc' ms during initial tensioning l (ksi) 4 sed = Total clastic stress loss in dome tendons during initial tensioning (ksi) y= Poisson's ratio for concrete f = pu Minimum specified ultimate strength of tendon wire (ksii

                                     , A, =                       Cross sectional area of one tendon wire (in )

2 Fwc = Lift ff force per wire when initially tensioned during construction (kips) . F Fw;= Liftoff force per wire at ith surveillance (kips) ! . - o . ,, , O O * . . . Itevision 'l C-1 February 21, 1975 1 1 __ ,, . - . - - - ~ -

i,, i. i: . .

                                          '                                                -                                                                                 i g'g,                         .
                                                                                                                 'j                 :s;.:tf. 3 1'focet!ttrc                  E 1304.91         !
                                                                 ;:                                          :                                                              i
  • Liftoff force per wire after ictinsic : /

Fwr(i 1)" . i 1 suncillance (kips) { NPi":/

                          .. .. et.. j                                      Normalizing factor for the ithjurw i,:.    .-

j .. t

                          <;;. ,                    ~ Npgpy' =
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I 4


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_ Revision.1~ *
                                                                                         ,                                   i4 : .3 .r ;f 21, 1975                       .[
   . . . . - -  .-,-..=.n                                   --                   - '
          . .y Operating Procedurc 1304.91

[ 20 GENERAL , To provide a common base for comparison, liftoff forces must be normalized to account for i F clastic stress loss during initial installation (a function of the post tensioning sequence) and liftoff force deviation from the base value. The base value for initial liftoff forces (at time of initial tensioning) is taken as the force producing an average wire stress of 0.7f, u.The base value for the ith surveillance is the normalized force for the i - I surveillance. The') normalized f force is equal to the measured fora multiplied by the normalizing factor. 4 4 3

t. ,

f 1 i i a [ t l l l i .i i j i l 4 l 4 i i i Rievision 1 C3 February 21,.1975' l ,

Operating l'rocedurc

          . ~s .                                                                                                                                                                           1304.91 3.0       FORMULAE 3.1          Normalizing Factors for First Surveillance (i = 1) 3.11         Dome Tendons               .
  • Np, 0.7 rbtt Eq.C1 Le -

N d ~ "d I

                           -                                                                                            lS N ,c A,                                        Ed Nd )

3.12 lioop Tendons Np = 0.7 rou Eq. C-2 Lc Nh - "I + V (Ny-ny S SE li N*c w Nj3 l ( Ny 4 3.13 Vertical Tendons 0.7f Pu Np=L. /Ny Eq. C-3 O 1 e N*c ^* j

                                                                                                      -n Ny y

Spv + v N h - ni3)j Nji j SE h 3.2 Normalizing Factors for Subsequent Surveillances (i >l) Hoop. Vertical and Dome Tendons: Lfi - II N wr(i - 1) Np,= Np!-Il x Eq.C-4 I. br (i - 1) Nw(; _ j) or j Np =N p , . F,g; _; g j ' s. Fw'r(i -

1) -

3.3 Normalized Liftoff Force per Wire - ~ '

                                                    .               'FNi . = F,; Np                                                                                                 Eq. C-6~
       . p.          .             .    .,..       . . . .            ,- .,                 *-        o O                                                                                                                  .

3 .. l

           ,                  Revision 1                                                                 C-4                                             February 21, 1975 l

l i 4 . , Operating Procedure 1304.91 l l 4 l 1 . i i i i* i 1 4 i t 1 1 i i APPEllDIX D 1 4 l l l d J l Revision 1 Fe h ar'/ A 19U

   ... .. . -                                - , . _ , _ _ _ _ , ~ . - - - - .             ... , - -- ., --                                                                      .

a Operating Procedure 1304 91 l i' l 1 1 l INDEX TO POST-TENS 10NING SYSTEM DESIGN DRAWINGS i 1 f 4

    '            "                                                                     February 21, 1975
               ,,   *.                                                                               Operating Procedurc
   . .                     =


 -g                     1.0   GENERAL
  • The following drawings describe.the elements of the post-tensioaing system relevant to tendon surveillance. These drawings are available from Arkansas Power G Light Company.

Prescon Dwg. No. DWE. Description A04, A05, A06 Anchor details A07 ! Tendon washer and shim details AOS Deadend plate-bottom vertical Pil02, PH03, P1104 Horizontal tendon numbering system PH06, PH07, PH08 and tendon locations DPO4, DPOS, DP06. Dome tendon numbering system and DP07, DP08 i tendon locations , . . PV01, PV02, PV03 Vertical tendon number system.and PV46, PV41 tendon locations Bechtel Dwg. No. ' Dwg. Description A-501 Architectural - O Reactor Building Developed Elevations 4 Details 4 i bl

           =,         l Revision 1                         E-1                                     . February 21, 1975

Operating Procedure , 1304.91 1 , ] , l l i i i APPE11 DIX E i i j 1 \ 1 I I l 1 Revision 1 February 21, 1975 l

                -- --          ,--                 - - - - . - - , . - - , , , , - . . - -             . , . - . . , - - - , . _ , _ . , - - - . . . - - . . , _ , , - . ,         ---n.,-                     , _ _ , ,    ,_,..,n.,,   , , - - , , , - _ , , , , , . , . , - -

4 . Operating Procedure ' 130h.91 9 t


i l

                              - SURVEIfirics pA7A 333373 1

l d i Revision 1 February 21, 1975

1 l l l OPERATING PROCEDURE 1304. : lA} ~ ~ ' ARKANSAS UNIT 1 , ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE l SHEATHING FILLER REMOVAL & INSTALLATION Tendon No. ., Location DATE FILLER REMOVAL BY (1) Date Removal Started. (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) (5) Color Change Observed (6) Sample Taken

  /~ '%

('~') DATE FILLER INSTALLATION BY (1) Date Filler Cap Installed (2) Date Filler Installed (3) Exterior Concrete Ter[ rature (*F) (4) Containment Interior '.ir Temp. (*F) (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (O F) (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (O F) (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) (8) Installation Pressure (psi)

   , __)

DATA SilEET #1 Approved by: Date Rev. 1

    .                                                  Fchraary 21, 1975 A

i I;


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                                                    .ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE
                '(1)      Tendon No.                  (2)       Location                (3)    Date (4)    . Jack No.                    (5)       Gage No.                (6)    By DETENSTONINC                                                                                                        -

DESCRIPTION ACTUAL MEASURED (1) ~ Ext. Concr. 6 Int. Air Temp. (*F) Ext. Int. (2) No. Eff. Wires (3) Check' Gage.a (Zero) (4) Measure Shims i (5) Obtain Lif t-Off Pressure (psi ) (6) Depressurize to Zero (7) Pressurize to 1000 lb/ wire ( psi) (8) Measure Elongation ** (9) Depressurize .o Zero (10) Remove Ram (11) Was Inspec. Wire Cut at This End? (12) Length Outside Bil to Notch (13) Check Continuity _RETENSIONING (1, Ext. Concr. 6 Int. Air Teup. (*F) pxt, 7,,_ (2) No. Eff. Wires

             -(3)        Check Gages (Zero)                                                                                                  l
;               (4)      Pressurize to 1000 lb/wi.rc (                psi)

(5) ~ Measure Elongation ** ' l 1 (6). Pressurize to .8f ,-( psi) l (7) Measure Elongation at .8f (8). Shim to New Lift-Off*

             .(9)           a) New Lift-Off u..-

^ (10) 'b) New Shims

                  *  lift-off is approximately equal to that measured during Detensioning less the v'            effect of any reduction in the number of effective wires.
                ** Elongation'is tho distance .from the outside face of the bearing plate to the inside face of the anchor head.


    ,         _                                                                   Approved by:                               -Date Rei.' 1 February 21, 1975
u. ___ ._ , _. . .__ ___ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . _

OPERATING PROCEDURE 1301.91 M ARKANSAS UNIT 1 ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE WIRE INSPECTION DATA Tendon Identification Da r a. Tendon Inspected By: l wue Length (Uncut Bil to Notch) Location Miere Bli Cut O' 50' l l  ! l l l33 END 50' 100' l l l l l 100' 150' l l l l l I 4 150' r 200'

l l l l l 4

200 250'

l l l  : l l

250' 300' ' l l  :  :  :

             *Specify locations of the three wire test samples on Data Sheet #2 1/8" = 1'-0" CORROSION        #1 Bright Metal, No Visibic 0xidation                                       i LEVEL            #2 Reddish Brown - No Pitting                                               l l                                                                 #3 0 < Pitting < .003" l      \                                                          f4 .003" < PittiEg < .006" l
   ' V                                                           #5 .006" < Pitting 3 010" 1

DATA Sl!EET #4 I Approved by: Date Rev. 1 February 21, 1975

er- .v. V^

     .                                                                                                l ARKANSAS UNIT 1 O

ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE i TENDON WIRE TEST l (1) Tendon. Identification " (2) Sample Number (3) Date Wire Tested . (4) Data Recorded by: (5) Measure Wire Diameter (in) (6) Measure Cage Length (in) - (7) Calculate 0.9%-of Gage Length (in) (8) Measure Distance I.D. Tag to Ram End of Specimen (in) (9) Increase Pressure to psi * (10) Zero Load (11) Increase Pressure to psi ** and Set Dial

   /~'}               Indicator at -0.9% of Gage Length N/         (12)    Increase Pressure Until Dial Indicator Shows 0.00" Extension. This is the 1% Yield Point Pressure.

(13) Record 1% Yield Point Pressure (psi) _( }4) Record Ruler Reading at 1% Yield Point (in) (15) Record Pressure at Wire Failure (psi) s (16) Record Rule Reading at Failure (in) (17) Record Distance Between Wire Break and Ram End of . i Specimen

  • The pressure applic'd in Step (9) seats the stressing washer onto the EH.
              ** This pressure equals 0.1% of Cage length (0.1% Yield Point Pressure).

a 1 b a ~ Rev. 1 DATA SilEET #5 Approved by: Date: l February 21, 1975

Operating Proc, - 13 4.91 RAM CALIBRATION DATA SHEET Recorded by Date Approved by Date Test with ram piston at its total travel distance. GAGE PSI READING 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60'JO 7000 7450 Tensioning Force

1st Pressurization Detensioning Force Tensioning Force 2nd Pressurization Detensioning Force
'                               Tensioning Force 3rd Pressurization

, Detensioning Force l l 1 Revision 1 Data Sheet #6 February 11, 1975

4 r v,. a n i (f?f .? :3

                                    '1.,.      0     I
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                                                              . - - il d c} hO r..: 'd'on x.L.: lie. ..: Codpaq/

d Arkansas Nuc1 car One RECORD OF REVISIONS AND APPROVAL 4 - Procedure Number: 1304.91 R.v Procedure


Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance SRC Review Required? Yes R No C REV. REVIEW RECGDENDED FOR NO. CO3DIITTEE DAT$ APPROVAL BY CO> DENTS l ?D(. Yk 73 Y /Y4!!-l - > benk 010 ,Ur. 0->,2 .n m. 1

                                                                                             </              u o


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                                           - Arkan::as Pouar & Light Company
     ~                                             Arkansas Nuclear One
  '--                                 Internal Procedure Developnent Record a

PROCFDURE NO. 1304.91 Rev. 1 PROCEDURE TITLE Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance Handwritten Draft Prepared By 'M & ' i ( b-n o u- c. Date ') . /8, /77 5 Typed Draft Reviewed By  ?# M .[ 's . o Date > Rl /7' 5 - Supervisor's Approval By -

                                                            . !N O%D Date             _ _ _

ry - f rb . When this form is completed, the procedure should be free of typographical, spelling or format errors. Supervisor's approval here indicates that the (N procedure has been checked for conflicts against the Technical Specifications 0 and to his knowledge contains none. This procedure is now ready for submittal to the Plant Sa ? ety Comittee. 88 s O .

                                                                                                                                ..,p.-                       g           -',,,,,
                                   ,a    -

es e ...---me- ,, --,e,,- - ., , . ,

m PEOCEDURE REFERENCE M\TERIALS Ptrcedure Nt:nber: 1304.91 Rev. 1 Procedurc


Reactor Building Tendon Surycillance 4 Ltem___ Reference Used in Procedure Development None s l l O V  : M 1 I I l V -' l l l I


                  .1         4.0                       Changed reference from'                                       3-5-75 Appendix E to Appendix D 1         5.1, 5.1.1                Referenced Data Sheet #1                                      3-5-75 1      '

5.1.3 Allowed use of standard 3-5-75 laboratory forns 1 5.1.5 -Deleted conjecture en why 3-5-75 filler could be tan colored 1 5.1.6 Referenced Data Sheet #2 . 3-5-75 3-5-75 O. y_ 1 5.2.1, 5.2.2 Deleted 5.2.3, reference for data recording 4 added reference to Sheet #2 in these sections 1' 6.0 thru 11.0 Added sections 3-5-75 I

                                  -                                                                                                                     I l




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O 0 Arkansas Power & Light Co p,.ny. ,

                                                                                                          ,   3     ,      :     .pn Arkansas Nuclear One
                                                                                                    ' '\         - '. v .;                 I gg*

bo u,~ U l Record of Temporary Changes and i ' Procedure Number 1304.91 Revis .D 9 iporary Change Number l _+


R$NbW N~ -


Paragraph ..p' i Number (s) Description of Temporary Change  ! Affected . App. B Change 7450 psi to 8000 and add pressure of 8200 psi l j <

   . Page 2 Section 5.0                                                                                                                        !
                                                                                                                                        . 1 i

Section 6.0 Add pressure reading of 8000.  ! I Dat.1 Sheet Add pressure readings reflecting new settings.

                                                             .                                                                          l r
                                                                                                                ?                       l' i



Reason for Change: Creater range of pressure required for ram calibration.

i I

t i Approval by /[. / Date3(/~5 Position (L .u nk r o X- / ' f Approval by Date I Position l 1 Removal:

                                                           . Authorized by                                            Date                 l Date
     *This. Temporary Change is automatically remoced if the proceddre is revised.

() () Operating Proctdu- ( b4.91 RAM CALIBRATION DATA SHEET Recorded by Date Approved by Date 9 4 Test with ram piston at its total travel distance. - CAGE PSI READING

                                                               - 1000   2000       3000  4000    5000      6000    7000    8000-   8200 J

Tensioning Force 1st Pressurization Detensioning Force Tensioning Force 2nd Pressurization . Detensioning Force

                            ,         Tensioning Force 3rd Pressurisation Detensioning Force


 .                                                                                                                     ]

Revision 1 ~1 Data Sheet #6 February 21, 1975 4 e i

From A-23 , t n as o (dg gg ght l  !

                                                                      ; 33YTA              n .,i i.I !::' j .i
                                                                                            'p,e '
                                                                                                          $ 9,i, , ,7 Arkansas Nuclear One                     ? ;     .. -
                                                                        .J J \;;.;!y C: i          . i.. p      > .

s <m...

                                                                                                      -  t..e % g d Record of Temporary Changes and Ap Procedure Number 1304.91
                                                                    /               y:

Revision * . Ic O ~' Ws or:ry Change Nu=ber 2

 -                                                     e,; ,        -

ugv j rC g.gij 44 Paragraph ^ j '.t g4$5> ~ . Number (s) Affected [nQ Description of Temporary Change Item 1 App. B . Sect 1.0.a Change length of tendon from 50 to 69. Change number <f wires from 186 to 206 Sect 1.0.c Change Drawing # from C-55070 to 97052.

  • Sect 1.0. Increase requirement to 5 sets of 4" and one 3" shim (Total of 6 shima.;

Item 2 App. B O Sect. 2.0 Make page B-2 Section 2.0 Ram Calibration Procedure b Renumber follcwing section numbers , Item 1 To match requirements of equipment to be used for ram Reason for Change: calibr. tion. . Item 2 - There were two sections 1.0 in Appendix B.


l. k ((\ h, / Approval w \WK q tar v-j te 3-I7 m


7 Positi d R.Jd) -l Approval y Date Position p Removal: Authorized by Date \v) - Date

       *This Temporary Change is automatically removed if the proceddre is revised.                                       .

cron A- ;

                                              .                                Page 2  of    6 O

v Arkansas Power & Light Company Arkansas Nuclear One ) Record of Temporary Changes and Approvals Procedure Number 1304.91 Revision

  • 1 Te=porary Change Nu b r 2
                                                                                 .w   a4 m Paragraph Des sq:-)Q w-ohgP.Q~ M.,.ange 4'. ' mv -

Number (s) P Te=p.o , Affected c 'pi *g' l MD ' S* I Item 3 Sect. 2.3 Delete Section, r h W' I,rement for strain gauge connector on stub rod. n . l


j Item 3'- This requirement was for original tensioning due to Reason for Change: problens with stub rods breaking. The pull rod of the ram had introduced a moment force on the stub rod. These pull rods have been redesigned to eliminate this effect; therefore, deleting the requirement of monitoring the strain on the stub rod. Approval by Date Position Approval by Date Position p Removal: Authori::ed by Date \.b Date

       *This Temporary Change is automatically removed if the proceddre is revised.
                                                            .                                      Page                                               3                       of 6 i          t

(/ ' Arkansas Power & Light Company Arkansas Nuclear One . Record of Temporary Changes and Approvals

                                                                                                                                                                              *3       2 Procedure Number 1304.91                  Revision
  • 1 .

Temporary p h % i ber e Q. Y$ Paragraph ,, 7,,a', 9t t,yN' k %W'  : w I Number (s) sioncq

                                                                              .e. t,f
                                                                           - 3a 4, JN      rary Change                                                                               :

Affected , , .. 'n, p* {t g  ! f .A 1 Item 4 App. B Yhh I . Sect. 2.6 Add "r.nd exact pressure gage" after "MDX-8 indicator." Item 5 -

  • Sect. 2.9 Replace section with the following:

After all ' calibration data have been re' corded, determine the appar- i ent ran area as follows: l a) Using the nine readings at 7000 psi with force increasing, cal- [ culate the arithmetic average for force and pressure. Then j (n) calculate an apparent ram area by dividing average force by average pressure. l 3 b) Repeat Step a tising the nine readings at 8000 psi with force ,' increasing. j c) Calculate the arithmetic average of the two estimates of ram i area calculated in Steps a and b. d) Correct the area found in Step c by multiplying by the ratio of . load cell sensitivity as found by NBS to the nominal load cell Item 4' Not possible to detension to exact required pressures. Reason for Change: Actual readings required for evaluation of ram calibration. Item 5 - The calibration factor calculate'd in this section used in determinatien :i tendon lift-off force. All tendons, unless in a degraded state, will lift-off a: l a ram pressure between 7000 and 8000 psi. Therefore, the calibration f actor shou _i have its highest degree of accuracy la this range of pressures. The error at lcwe- i pressures during tensioning and detensioning will be no greater than 2.4%, as , j calculated during the pre-calibration check of the ram. l Approval by d Date l Position l Approval by Date Position l Removal: Authorized by Date O . 1 () , Date

              *This Temporary Change is automatically removed if the proceddre is revised.

From A-23 h%%. - Page 4 of 6 [m \j

                      \          Arkansas Power & Light Company Arkansas Nuclear One Record of Temporary Changes and Approvals                      *$                 j Procedure Number 1304.91           Revision
  • 1 Temporar mber 2 j$ c'
  • Paragraph ^l % N'-  !

Number (s) \ Description,$f .Teg9ary Change l Affected

                                                           . . O,qg*

i , t'Uf  !

                                                                                                         ;  l Continuation        sensitivity and by'thes              ction factor for MDX-8 instrucent     I Item 5              error.                  -

Sect. 2.9 e) The corrected r a calculated in Step d is to be used as the calibrat tor in converting ram pressure to force. I Item 6 k App. B.


Drawings Replace drawing #C-55070 with Transducer Company drawing #97052.  ; l / Item 7 Data Sheet #6 Replace Data sheet #6 with one attached. . l I t Raason for Change: Item 6 - To match change to section 1.0.c. of Appendix B.  ; Item 7 - To provide space for exact pressure gage readings taken per section i

        ; 2.6 of Appendix B.



Approval by_ M i Date Position Approval by Date Position p, Removal: Authorized by Date (U) -Date

         *This Temporary Change is automatically                                                            l removed if the proceddre is revised.                                                               l l

f- p - h Operating I . w J 1304.:

                                             ,                                         RAM CALIBRATION DATA SIEET Recorded by                                     Date t

Approved by Date Test with ram piston at its total travel distance. - GAGE PSI READING 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8200 ist Prsssurization Detensioning MDX-8 Reading ' Exact Gage Reading ' Tensioning MDX-8 Reading 2nd Pressurization Detensioning MDX-8 Reading Exact Gage Reading Tensioning MDX-8 Reading 3rd Pressurization

                            * """ " '" E MDX-8 Reading

. Exact Gage Reading i i Revision 1 2 Data Sheet #6

                                                  .-                                                                                         February 21, 1975 P

O yY E - 4 .- -

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                                                                                                                                            ,            a*

Procedure !! umber 1304.91 Revision

  • 1 Temporary Change 1: umber .:

Paragraph -

                 .,                  liumber (s)                                                               Description of Temporary Change Affected
                                                             .                   .     ,.    ^

Appendix A-

                                                                      "Visetin'o rusk 2090) T 2)" sh'ould' be '"(Viscondrust' 209015)"

Page i Section 3.3 Delete "to 80*. its specified minimum ultimate strength - Page 2 which is (.8) (240 ksi)" Add in its place "by the. method as described in Section 8.1 of this procedure"

                                 $ection 3.4                          "Visconorust 2090P-2" should be "Visconorust 2090P" (si Page 2 3       /

s- .. v Section 8.1.8 Page 8 "2090 P-2" should be "2090P" y g.. ..s.: .. m .

2. g ., ., ;;. q .,, . g ,,.' .s,. p. . , . , . . ,,.,
                                                                                                                                                        ,.. ..       ,,,    ...,..o.             .. .
              .z ?                              .         -
                                                                                                        ,      . ,                                                                                                              ~

Reason for Change: In I.ppendix A, Section 3.4.and Section 8.1'.8 in'orrect c

                                                        ,                  .information.was used. This changes the-. sheathing fiDer 6: f. s ;/J                           .- :     .       ..     , . , .
                                                                    ,     . ,the on,e. ,'ently,                       in ).the .shcathing.,.              ..,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      .j ,

Section 3.3 was changed to provide a more outlined procedure to follow.

  .: L- . H.; : .                                                                                                             sn
                                  .. . a . . a .,-                      .        e-   ....n:,:r.,.;.
                                                                                                                                                      ._ .. .       4...,..,., ..

Approva1 v. .T Positf or P_(+ g &,hR.o. (' d , yv_ fQD..:c ;- :.

                                                                                                                                    , , . fn A u g<s.,%

Approval by_ Date

 % . s.*y n : L* Q j'; .. { .:. .". '            . s n s ,. < m Q . . * . . v.y . . . .} * .a . 4. .~, .}sog}yJon l

Removal: Authori :cd by . Date I Date v ,

                              *Thi n Ter,iporary Chany.e. in; antoma t ica                                                                         . ~                                ,

r(moved il the prm cifate i . revi:. d.


   ,                                                                                                                                                                                    Par,c 2                     of     t' A'rkansas Power & Company
 /N U :.               -
                                                                                       . .... .:       pns g %, :gnq ;- r ,qt,p. , .

i Recor po th y Procedurc !! umber 1304.91- Revision

  • 1 Temre ary C1'ange 1: umber 2 i

Pa r'agraph Ilumber (s) Description of Temporary Change Affcetcd

                                                                                                                             ....w..a,                           ..       ..

Page~ii In. the u'pper' right hand cbrne r305.91" should be "1.304.91" Section 6.3 Page 5 "porvided" shou'Id be "provided" . Section 6.3.8 - Page 5 the phrase " tendon'and anchor" should be " tendon end anchor" Section 7.2'.2 the phrase "two inches form its end". should be "two inches from its end." m> . V Appendix C

  • v Page C-4 .- " 2 " should be deleted from Section 3.2 4.: y. .. . .>.: . . . .... ...,.,..:-..  :
                                                                                        . ; ,; . 1 5 .._-g;.;<_ , ; ,. . ._; .' 7
                                                                                                                                                              .      ..       3,..~.  ,
                                                                                                                                                                                         ..;.  ,,y,..       . , . .


               .a >                                       +~                            ...                                   .

Reason for Ch'ange: These are all typographical errc,rs which were inadvertently 1cft. uncorrected during rev.iew. H ..J9.',.>c 6 . n. ; ;. . :. . , ' g . . ,' . ,.,e

                                                                                                                                          .( . , . . ;. . . f.; .g . .. 47
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ._,,,               .j,           .

.;-).Hnkt : :-.i ; .

                                                 . a . .v . < c.. :         ...       .. .        .
                                                                                                      . . . :.: .g. . ,. .; : . .         ., . , .        ..

Approva1'by .k . .. ' Datc Position \ Approval by Date .:f. ;...4 .v :, - c;. y . , c u ,. . . - sr. ., o. , a-Position * - .. . Removal: Authorized by Date I p)

  • Datc
  \._j                                ?

U -

  • Thin Teinporary Change in automatically remov6d il clai pr6cedure in' revised
     ,                                                                                                                                                                             Page 3             of 6 m                                                                                                       Arkansas Power & I.inht . Company
   /            \
                  . . .                       :[ . .              ..        .-


                                   .-       Pu,cedure.!! umber 1304.91                                            .


  • 1 Temporary Change Nu.iber 3 Paragraph -
  • Ilumber(s) Description of Temporary Change Affected i

Scht. ion 5.1.'5' 'RemoYe "th[, . .sint'eneb'Tfie $esu'Its o'f thi's test sh' a'll bi.. ~ Page 4 recorded on Data Sheet #1." from its present position and place it in this section after the sentence which ends with "obtained." and before the sentence which starts with "If". . Section 5.2.2 Delete the word "bushihg". Page 4 g . (v/ .. J  : - N f , .w.: .. : ~; . . , .... ..  :: ,. 4 , ., .j . . .,s,. t7 g.,.,..,....

                                                                                                                                                                ,f         .j,,,,.., , ,,s  ,         , . .
                  .r-                                        ~      -
          *                                                                                                          .            ~ ..         c.       .

Reason for Change: Section 5.1.5 was altered to add more clarity to the l

                                                                                                   . par,t concerning t,h.e.use of Data Sheet #1.

i f.ff. c'.;

                                                 '. .; . .            c.          ,~ ,' , ,
                                                                                                  . ..." Sect.i.on . 5,2. 2.was, chaggedcto .d ol et e th.c.:. refer. enc,e , to ,

bushihg". .Bushin'gs are ssed on otlicr' types of post" - . , ~ tensioning configurations, however, our post tensioning system does not have these components and therefore all .::,'.; W ': i'-

                                                                                                . . .ref ercup.c.s.:tv. Luc. 7 bus,hingi . ,hv.ui.); .Lyj l,1...ligt.34,, . .

Approval by Position M' Date l 1 a:~. . .,n / :e c. Approval by Date

                                              .:. . .       . . v u ,. , . . .                                                    l'oaition Remova1:                                Authar1 zed by
                                         ,                                                                                                                                                      i)a t c I
   's. s'                                .

Date _ l l v - l

  • Thin Tempor:n y..Chr ni;c in aut omat Ic:.11y ,
                                                                                                                                                                    .s         r                            .      .-

r eim >v ed il the proccitute i:. revineil.

4 6 Page of ,q Arkansas Power & Light Company b - Arkansas Nucicar One Record of y a rgenna/Appr%da[li. '. .$h Proccdure Number 1304.91 h 5 WR kvi k khhhh a

                                                   - ~~

C1 mber 3 Paragraph Number (s) Description of Tenporary Change Affected . Section 5.1.1 Delete "and interior. containment air" - Page 3 Change" temperatures" to " temperature"  ! Section 6.3.1 Delete "an interior containment air" - - Page 5 Change " temperatures" to " temperature" i


Section 8.1.3 Delete "and interior containment air" - Page 8 Change " temperatures" to " temperature" ' Data Sheet #1 Delete the two references to " Containment. Interior Air Temp. (OF) ." b) c Data Sheet #3 Delete "5 Int. Air" and also delete on the same line " Int." froa t'.3 two places these appear on this data sheet.

                    .                       .                                                                                                    l I

l I 4 Reason for Change: These sections were originally incluced due to a reference of j temperature made in Regulatory Guide 1.35; however, this Regulatory Guide only l mentions temperature, and does not specifically require this measurement. Due to the inability to obtain interior containment air temperatures exactly at the elevations needed these should be deleted. Approval by e Date Position


1 Approval by Date i Position l Removal:

  • Authorized by Date Date
     *This Tenporary Change is automatically removed if the proceddre is revised.
v. . .

Page 5 of 6 ("'h ' Arkansas Power & Light Company

   wl                              .
               .'                   , +.
                                                                             , .,- s -l ',* Arkansas N'ucicar 'One                                                      '
  ,,)                                                                                                                                                                .        ;. 9         O.-;tl-(tfipN Record of' Temporary Chan                                           -

o ..O 7, \ % ' . I. ,1

                            . Procedurc Number                                   1304 4)afY R@lr                                        h 3%kM1% b hkN hemporary Change                                                                                         l' w a =- -

IV s.d. Paragraph Hunber(s) Description of Temporary Change Affceted

    . .          .                    .         ,                                      z.               ..

Section 7.2.2 Delete the second sentence of this section and in its place add: "The end which is to be cut shall be recorded on Data Sheets #3 and #4 and the distance from the notch to the 1 outside of the buttonhead shall be measured with t 0.02 i.nches snd recorded on Data' Sheet #3." 1 t(1 ' l

   'wJ v                                                                 .
                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                                    l
                                .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1
                                                                                                   ; ,. .., ,. ..,..                     .,..;';: , i;.. , .. . . :. . .~                                                          . . .
                                                                                                                               ,          ,.                     . _.               . ;;; , ~ 4                                             ,_
                          .      Reason for Change:                                    This is to add an .cx+.ra                                             Data Shdet referenc'e to the
                                                                                    . first part of the sentchec and correct a wrong reference l

3 3 .. ; 9.~ ./. - .- : -, . . . . , , . ' . . .la s.t! part. of -the s.6ntendge ,

'.* .'[ 5) '.; ihd ' / *.. C . . a . .i.' N .- ? I y ;
                                                                                       .    - ;;. .? . .','. .* .; :r., g .j:; .';   ., . .s .'      ..c,.. -

Approval by k . . ?. Date Position Approval by Date

.... p ;e _e . ;
                                          ..       ..m.,.....       .
                                                                                         .. \ .y .         -y.g..<.  .,    PosiLion                                        -' -                       -

i. i gmoval: Authori::cd by_ Date [mT  !

    \, s/                                                                                                                                                                                                  Date v             -
                               *Thir. Ti nporary Chau:f ir aut rima t ic. ! 1 y removed i! tbr ptu,elute i t. r ev i r.ed .


i l 1

                                                 .                                                                                                                                                                         A-.        l
                                                                                                                                .                                                Page.          6          or 6
    ,-~s                                                                                                        .

1 U'i


Arkansas Power & Light company )

                                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                    1
                                                                               , .,. l TArkansas N'ucicar'One
         . ;'       .            ,2    .
                                         .              , . g,. . ~.
                                                                                                                                                                            . - -                        .-        -     ,            l Recordof'TemporaryChangesandApprovag                                                                 .     .

Procedurc Number 1304.91. Revi!sion* ,le.' # o Change t:enber 3

                                                                                                                     . . &4 f       6. '. 'Lul. ' %.*

5 (N Paracraph g ('W Number (s) . Description of Temporary Change ACfccted Add .the wo'rd'.Vforce. ..... ;t' betwedn the words " liftoff". and "is" .

. . .. c **

Section 9.1.2 . Page 9 Figure 1 The dimension ".3394" in the upper right corner of the . Figure should be ".3594" Figure 1 "Rockew11" should be "Rockwell"

               )                  Figure 4                                 " Force (0.75 + fpu +A)" should be " Force (0.75 x fpu x A)"                                ,
     /                                                                     .

.m t ., . - <.: . . -

                                                                                       . __, . . _ .j__ g. . .g.n . , . , ' ., ., ,_ 7 :
                                                                                                                                                                                            . , .7, . ;.. , . .       ?         -
                 .a r .                                      .                     ...                                        .                         _

Reason for Change: Section 9.1.2 should be changed to add. clarity t the meaning of " liftoff". , ! ) .- ,. .. ... . . .

                                           .       ..          ...:,                 . Figdr.e.1.,a. c. eds . to. '.b'e .':ch,anged due. to
                                                                                                                                                                   . .an
                                                                                                                                                                       , .inc.o'rr. e.c t .d.imehs     , - -        ie.n , '

and a typog'raphicar error. - Figure 4 needs to be changed due to a typographical error. l5j'.yu.t: ; ;. . .:;.a..e.n

                                   ..                           : ; y.                         .  . .. : .; ,.,. . .   -

Approval by- ' Date Position

      .                                                                                                                    Approval by,                                                                  Date                     _

. :., s . , .. . : ,, e. g - .. . . ;. .. n n ,. . . c . . .~ ... . ,;- .., , . a .,. . p o a 1 e i o c, f ( ~S - Removal: Authorized by Date ( o < LJ ' Date v -

  • Thin Temporary Chinir.c in automatically removed il the procciture in revir.ed.


                               '.u M q     q                                                 Frora A-23
l '

J Page of 1 m bb '

                                                       .a    b         a       jf.f,y 1

Arkansas Power & Light Compan) <

                                                                                         ', @p a            jarOne                       Ub{l,'l' ,'l-l Q Pm                   %'         7            a.

Record ph O

                                                                                                              ' f ',% 3 r               ;

( ) li Al'  ;

                                                                                                                      ,a t./f /

Proi.edure Number 1304.91 Revision * , a Isp Iude r /,' '! 4/


Paragraph l __I

  • Number (s)

Description of Temporary Change Affected f 4.0 Change;f designation Tendon V-20 to Tendon V-19.

                                 !                                                                                                  i i                                                                                                   I f                                   -

h L i

                                                 .                                                                                 i
                -                                                                                                                  I Reason for Change:    Tendon V-20 is inaccessible during the shutdown period due to high4r priority work. Completion of shutdown activities                                                      .

would be delayed by the amount of time required to clear V-20 for , surveillance. t Approval  %, \t} - iDa te 4 - :t. ' E Position } {% A- " Approval by Date Position Removall: Authorized by Date . p, 1 Date

      *This Temporary Change is automatically removed-if the proceddre is revised.-                              -                          '                    

n uw nu Thl7nw1[y, @g

                                                 ; U. d,3 ik Q               [C               ' ;   4' '

Page of Od 1 1 q . 10 u)Y $ 10 b h

                                                                                                                           ;%;ki,Q         '

Q. Arkansas Power & Light Compan;,. ' '// -

                                                                                                                              . &, a ;, ,j..3 1.7
  • Procedure Number 1304.91 Revision
  • 1 Temporary Change Number a5 i


                                                                             !                                                                                                                             i Paragraph Number (s)                                      l i                     Description of Temporary Change Affected n .. .r .. . i . . . r        ..       -w . . . .:
                                               .     . : v. . .
                                                              .      .. m r -.
                                                                           .      ~ ~           -    , . ,             -    -

8.2.2 Add "or Visconorust 2090P" to first sentence. i I i

    't                                                                                      .                                                                                                            I   1 l

Reason for Change: 2090P is the original sheathing filler. This would allow to use up the original typt. of filler in stock. 2090P and 2090P-4 is compatible as stated in attached letter. AO i Approval Position.i ,(m f s-j,f- ' .; 1 u.,/ -'eu-3

, , i .: .
                                ,..f,...           . .     . . .j i . > .
                                                                                                             \                    /

Approval by Date Position Removlal: Authorized by Date , 1 {} Date

   '\.       !         '
                      *This Temporar:- Change; is automatically removed if the procedure is revised.                                                                                                                           -


w s tot:C' C1

 ,f N.]             ~
     -'l.   .

VIGCOSITY OI1. COi.;P A NY 1.ubricants 3700 $0 WCSTCflN AVE, T L L E P H C '. ! CHl(*AGO, 8LLINOt% C0003 . AFil. A CO O ! .

                                                                     .                    047 022%

January 7, 1975

                                                                                                        ,j 5~ k?

Mr. Claude Frazer Arkansas Nuclear One Bechtel Power Corp. P.O. Box 459 Russellville, Ark. 72801


Visconorust 2090P-4 Casing Filler

Dear Mr. Frazer:

b). (_ We are pleased to confirm for your records, that our Visconorust 2090P-4 and Visconorust 2090P Casing F'111ers used on Arkansas nuclear One Unit 1, are 100% compatible in each other. Initially the little you have in your field storage tank will be mixed with the 2090P-4 by natural convection in the: reheating process, and the 2090P portion will gain the-more cohesive attributes of the 2090P-4 Casing Filler.


Before beginning to heat the Casing Filler in your field tank, "wc suggest you wait until the arrival of a hot load of Visconorust 2090P-4 and then turn on your electric heaters. The neu hot material will help melt the cold material in the tank and the whole system

      .will m.'.x much faster.

Field tank temperatures with the Visconorust 2090P-4 should be kept around 190 F for cool ambient temperatures, in order to keep a high flow rate and allow for temperature loss during circulation. Product will not be hurt by high temperatures, such as 300 F, in

       ' case it is accidently over. heated.
             .=              .        .                            ..              _   .     . - -      ._

Page 2 l We still recommend a minimum of 115-1200 F outlet temperature  ! from the last tendon pumped per series, in order to compensate for expansion after the material is cooled and reheated during plant operation. .

Yours very truly, VISCOSITY OIL C0MPANY
                                                          .             <.        (n                                 !

C. W. Novak i O - i I a ' b* l l l I i CN/ep cc: Rudy Malinovsky 4 l

  's      -[   8*

Se e, e N , = I .

M rage i of 1

                                    , i:nf,,,p;y.


9. E$UUtrae G.P.P.i WJ 6 3 ....-

Arkansas Power & Light Company ,

                                                                     '(-],! ',9.       , '.g.T,J??

Arkansas Nuclear One g , b, V i .

                                                                                . . .s l 'w Record of Tem                                          '

l' Procedure Number p e Number A [ UE k EE E " ' ' ' " " " " ' Paragraph Number (s) Description of Temporary Change  ; Affected .  ! 3.4 Change 2 weeks to 3 weeks. I Phrase "1:endon and anchor" should be " tendon end anchor" . O

  • V.
  • l Reason for Change:

Extension to 3 weeks justified per ind paragraph of letter BL-C 001 and was changed to "end" because of typo. ,e NA 6 Approval c. < ruw ,Da t e '4 - 1 < 7 Position t'1utA1 h t,1- 'l q/ u < Approval by Date Position Removal: Authorized by Date Date

     *This Temporary" Change is automatically removed if the proceddre is, revised.

D,0 ( &. O. '

                                       ' ll dd d L             SJi                '""'

o ArkansaU MfEYIYe Milic[[IC"kp

                                              '!l fh N '( .' :/ I'     ,lo If!!;

Recor Procedure Number l'304.91 Revision

  • 1 Temporary Change Number 7 Paragraph i Number (s) Description of Temporary Change l Affected l

4.0 Change (2 D 205 212) to (2 D 207 212) O . l i Reason for Change: i Permanently installed structural steel framing for the I ring girder siding obstructs mounting of the stressing ram on tendon 2 D 205 212 base plate. Changing to the adjacent tendon 2 D 207 212 will require removal of siding only. . [ .M t Approval ate Y-lo~76 Position hw .Lif ' I Approval by Date Position l l Removal: Authorized by Date Date

        *This Temporary Change is automatically removed if'the procedure is revised.

W.W'OIOi '

                                             @.biCP. 7                               Form A ;;

I li O.;.!?!h.!cuudi.!lmm Page 1 of 1 a &) !!!!

                                                  .ed 3 f                    -


  • 1 TDIPORARY Cll\NGE NO. 8 PROLEDURE TITLE Reactor Building Tendon Surveillance PAMGRAPli hEIBER(S) DESCRIPTION OF TDIPCRARY OLtNGE AFFEClID Item 1 Change length of tendo:1 from 69 to 52. Change number of wire App. B from 206 to 186.

Sect. 1.0a . Sect. Change shim requirements to 5 sets of 3",1 of 1", 2 of 1/2", and 1 of 1/4", from 5 set of 4" and one 3" shim. O FORM OIANGE 'lllIS REVISION: Yes / / No / A/ IEASON FOR OlUGE: Shorter tendon null r.)d was needed for calibration of rams for Unit 2. It cannot be remov'ed wit,out cutting all the wires. The two procedures are equivalent because tht. only function of the shims is to transmit the force from the washer to tha load cell. _.m APPROVAL Bi

                                         . (9) % MDATE (. - I f
  *This temporary change is automatically removed if this procedure is revised.


Q Fom A-23 { { yydj h'j j Mt , { h[ b 3 d b Page 1 of 1

 ;                                          I      ,:

1 j) 'f RECORD OF 6 , S ANIf/ JV 3 PROCEL'URE h4 EER 1304.91 REVICION* 3 TEMPORARY OL*'.,'CE NO. 9 PROCEIURE TITLE Reactor Buildine Tendon Survoi'. lance PARAGMHi hEGER(S) DESCRIPTION OF TEMPORARY OfANGE AFFECTED Appendex C , Sec. 3.1 In equations C-1, C-2 and C-3 delete 0.7 and replace it with 0.73 Page C-4 Sec. 2.0 In the second sentence of this section, delete 0.7 and replace it Page C-3 with 0.73 FORM OIANGS 111IS REVISION: Yes / / No / / REASON FOR GIANGE: During the initial development of this procedure,this factor was adopted from a previous procedure. Due to the particular characteristics of the post tensioning system installed on Unit 1, this factor should be modified to reficct this difference. rh APPROVAI BY L T. 1ou. ATE [-.9-7b^ POSITIO.' Nn.d CW

                                    .                      1


         *1his tenporary change is automatically remved if this procedure is revised.
        ------- - - - - . - - . - - - --,. a _,__,,   _

4 _ - , - - ,-- 1 l 4 i 1 1 m 2 l 1 J w l l I l l m*-- - - -

1 i i l r i I APPENT)lX B 1 Location and Identification of Surveillance Tendons. 4 4 l l 4 + t 4 i ll I 'l l ,r

               ,,.,n         , - - -,-  - - - --

( h_.& _t~2,  % *. _. - -- - a _ - O O O vion (GROUP 3 0*

                                                                                         $        ,S

_. F N. f ( GHOUP 2 x- - -

                                                                                     ~    /             /

ne_ a' _ _ __ _ m _ _S N / 4-x ,, F - N

                                                                                           !    N         N
                                                                                 % xi                '
                                                                                                         's,,, x e ._P ,
                                                     *                           \              N ~



   %J                                                                       %d                                                                                                   O BUTTR ESS 3                                          BUTTRESS 2                                                       BUTTRESS 1 M                                                   1808                                                             60*

BOTTOM OF HING GBRDER E L 615'0" l i sg 31H52 EL 495'4" p e e gg p 32H44 EL 470'4" _ Sg 31H40 EL 459'4" , 21H36 EL 448'4" ' ' GS FC s g3 F 32H32 EL 434' 6" 21 H30 E L 430' CS FC sg _ 31H28 EL 423'4" _ p

               . _ _ _ _ ,  . _ . . 2iH24 E t ai2 -6"                   ,g                                                  ,,


O 1 m O  : 2 0 0 O , s

        .                                   v_,

A. ._ mt a % A - wa a - a _. ._ _m_a a_ - - 1 i f APPENDIX C Sheathing Filler Removal and Installation Data Sheets. l l i f 1 i i l 1 l

                     '                                                                                                        OPl!!!ATING P110Cl!!)Ul;l! 130-1.5 1                               ,
  ,=                                                  ..
  , ps                                                                 ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                        . .
  . \.                                       . .            "ONE YEAR TENDON"SURVP.ILLANCE


                               .                                                                                               .o Tendon No. Y- N 3                                                                    g                       Location                    p i

o .


DATE d= Z~ '75 1 FILLER RDf0 VAL

  • BY PW#
                                                 ,                            ,                                                                                               )

(1) Date Removal Started. 4(, 2 - 7 5" ) (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) ,; f D

  • f (3) Containment Interior Air Temp (*F) - gA -

(4) Total Volume Removed (gal) [2 4A/  ! (5) color change Observed Mfgh/ g/,4 . (6) Sample Taken / m, ,J g /;rfy f m

                                                                                  "                                          DATE' 4 f Zff f f BY St D                  '

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed , g /gf /7g (2) Date Filler Installed , gjgy3-- .


(3) Exterict Concrete Temperature (*F) ' 7g o f (4) Containment Irterior Air Temp. (*F) gg , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) gg*f (6) Filler Temperature at Outle: Cap ( F) fjge y , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) Q %4Q %h Shea.'f (8) Installation Pressu:e (psi) //O ,3 f a . .

            ' Rev. 1                                 ..

DATA Sill!ET Approved by: #1 b 7 [C Date L[7[ Fchruary 21, 1975

                                                                                      .                                                               OPUl ATING Pl!OCEDt!!;l! 1.VJ 1.5*

t . . + ARKANSAS UNIT 1 . .

                                                        ..                ONE YEAR TENDON SUl;VP.ILLANCE S11 EAT!!TNG FIT.LER RI?! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No.                   Y-/S I                                                                 g Location 3
  • b em DATE 4 7 C '


                                Date Removal Started.                                                                          4 2.-pg (1)

(2) Exterior Concrete Tcmperatore (*F) f y a p-(3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) ~gg-(4) Total Volume Removed (gal) gf"" y/ (5) color Change Observed Qbg 4 ")w g/,$/fg (6) Sample Taken / 4 m f. /. 2 p g--- s- . DATE' g - 2 / -7 5"' FILLER INSTALLATION BY G & sJ {h. s (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g ,1 j g / 7 g -- (2) Date Filler Installed 4 / j g pg. (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)

                                                                                                                                                ,ypag (4)             Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F)                                                                   - gg -                           ,

(5) Filler Tempersture at Pump (0 F) ggef (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (0 7) - yA - , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) g g/ ' (8) ' Installation Pressure (psi) N // o J e

  • O .

U. . DATA S!!!!ET #1 Approved by: n _y/C Date,

                                                                   ! ,'                                 February 21, 1975 e        .                                                   _                       .__:

OPlil:ATING PROCElull:1! 1.101. ARKANS/$S UNIT 1 b,o

                                                       .    .              'ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE SilEATilING FTT.T.ER RIO! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No.                 -40 5                                                                             Location                op
                                                                                                                    .-               DATE 4 -/~ 7 8 TILLER RF}! OVAL BY           d 4. a (1)        Date Removal Started.                                                                  4-/.7g (2)        Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)                                                        6g*f                                            i (3)         Containment Interior Air Tei:p. (*F)                                                     .@-

(4) Total Volume Removed (gal) m { g 4l l (5) color Change Observed MyJf . (6) Sample Taken / jaf yg

;                    FILLER INSTALLATION
  • DATE BY M[2//73~
                                                                                                                                                     *ar a
                                                                                                         ,                                                                    l (1)         Date Filler Cap Installed g/7/Af (2)         Date Filler Installed                                                                 ggg7 g-(3)

Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 9'2 a F (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) - gj$. ~ , . (5) Filler Temperecure at Pump ( F) jyge '"* (6) Filler Temper ture at Outlet Cap ( F) Q o f" , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) gee,3.M A44 Shee,t (8) Installation Pressure (psi) /,/ O DS[e l

                                            .                                                                                                                                 1 DATA S!!!!ET #1 A Y. [?.

Approved by: Date L Rev. 1

                                                                   .,                               February 21, 1975                              -


                       .                                                                                                                OPElATING P110CEDunti 1501.. i


                                                  ,.             ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE SilEATilf NC FII.T.ER RIOf0 VAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. Y-MOE                                                                     g Location                                                   Nom DATs 4 ~ l - 1s-FILLER RDf0 VAL                    ,

BY M Lu M l i (1) Date Removal Started. 4 - ] "/ y -


(2) Exterior Concrete Tcoperattire (*F) go*g l (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g4 -  ! (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) Zd qg / (5) Color Change Observed 2 ,*,4 A ,t,, M , 3 s % ( U M 'fjj , (6) Sample Taken / / .F . :r/- 75' . rvn! 4 -a s pr

  ,                FILLER INSTALLATION                                             -

BY 6 5 IS (1) Date Filler Cap Installed 4 . g g . .p y (2) Date Filler Installed g / Q j / p g-(3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 7 y e ;-- (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g4 - . . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) / 2 s ' r~' (6) Filler Temperature at Outle: Cap ( F) -gg- , (7) '1'otal Volume In:.talled (gal) gg ,4 l (8) installation Pressure (psi) r

                                                                                                                             '/jgp h, ,*,             -

l . 73 . Q .


DATA Sill!ET Approved by: #1 -[wy. [b. DatcY.L[f[~' /t

                   "* I                                   **

g . February 21, 197S -

OPEIMTING Pn0CE1411;li 1.101.5 { ARKANSAS UNIT 1 . .

                                            .  .           'ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                                                                       )

SllEATilTNG FIT.LER RIO! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. S ~ Location fo)::n


E DATE F-8/-7f 1 FILLER RFJf0 VAL , BY c u s. (1) Date Removal Started. j 3/~ 7f (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) g /* p-(3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) -p (4) Total Volume Removed (gal)  % 6/ (5) color Change obsctved g ,j , (6) Sample Taken / f / f . //. 7s-

                                                                  '                                                                                                                                 DATE, M / h f

(, . BY a /.m 7 (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g/j gg (2) Date Filler Installed gp/ 7f (3) Er.terior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) '/ gge p*" (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g- , (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) p yog (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (0 F} / / 4 e p*"' , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) l J,, g g gja g(,,g .' (8) Installation Pressure (psi) g/p g. , L', - DATA Sill!ET #1 Appr ved by: 9


Date b/ 2 Rev. 1 .. Y. [C [

                         .                            .,                           February 21, 1975                                                                                                               .

OPl!!!ATING Pl!OCElllll:l! 1301.5

   ,(T                                                                                   ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                              . .
                                                     .   .                   ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE k                                                         S1 TEAT 11TNG FIT.LER RIO! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION
                                                                                                                                                           .                                        1
       .                                                                                                                                                                                            )
                                                                       .-                                                                                                                           l Tendon No.                         F                                                             g                          Location N !o m 5                                                                                                    *
                                                                                            ..                              .                    DA3g f. . yf.73-                  .

FILLER RDf0 VAL - BY vt # (1) Date Removal Started. g. g/ 7,5-(2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) fy d f (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) - g jq ~ (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 7$g (5) color Change observed ff,g/ k's . g . . (6) Sample Taken / g ,y.g g 7 s'


v ' DATE' g - 2. / -27 FILLER INSTALLATION . BY (, & /3 (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g.,/ 77 (2) Date Filler Installed g' f ., 77 (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) pg a g (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) gg , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (O F) g pge f (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) -p= , I (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) gO g /

  .'                  (8)        Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                              jp                 ,,,'                  -

rm - U . DATA Sill!ET #1 v-/ Rev. 1 .. Approved by: T. b. Date7J[ff - g . ., Fchruary 21, 1975 -

OPEl:ATING Pn0CElitll:E 1301 g; ['N ARKANSAS UNlr 1 . .

                                      .     .          ONE YEAll TENDON SURVEILLANCE SilEATitTNG FIT.1.ER RIO! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION
  • d .

Tendon No. Y- 60 . S g Location 7ED DATE .3 75" FILLER RFJf0 VAL - BY .J o A. (1) Date Removal Started. ,f - 2g /g (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) U* (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) -p - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) l/4 gg / (5) color Change observed g,w,/ (6) Sample Taken /gp/ p//g/yf DATE' M 2 / [f,g" . . FILLER INSTAT.LATION , BY W/ m - (1) Date Filler Cap Installed gg/yg (2) Date Filler Installed g gy4-(3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) # geg (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) -g - , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) ggcg (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) gg a p , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) Sn % f b b h R..e (8) Installation Pressure (psi) g g pg

                                                                                                                     '         J
4. .

O - V . DATA S!!EET #1 Approved by: phM gay, y ,, Date / f

                                                  .,                   Fchruary 21, 1975

l OPEI:ATING N:0CE!Xil;!! 150. .5-

     /^N                                                   ARXANSAS UNIT 1                             . .
                                      ..            ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE SilEATitTNG FILLER RDIOVAL & INSTALT.ATION s*

I Tendon No. 'OO ., Location Noru DATE S ~24~ 76~ FILLER RDf0 VAL

  • BY 61. a.

(1) Date Removal Started. 3 24. pg (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 7g * (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) -p-(4) Total Volume Removed (gal) fg gj (5) Colar Change observed ggh  % , w/, Mist (G) Sample Taken *l 3/y/pg *z y/pg/pg

 ~.f)*       FILLER INSTALLATION                                          ,

DATE 8 -2/ - 2.7' BY a A. A j

                                                                                                           .                                   \

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed f g/ 73--- ) (2) Date Filler Installed ' g J'9 ,, y (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) 7 g

  • p-"* l (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) , gg , .

(5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) p yge g--- (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) gg - , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) 7gg/ (8) Installation Pressure (psi) // g 'g , r ~r l . _Q . DATA Sil!ET #1 / Approved by: Y [k. Datc /Y 1 / ff' l, '.,' Fchruary 21, 1975


   ,                                   ,  .                 ONr. YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE
  /                                                                                                                                                                                    i SilEATIITNG FILI.ER RI?! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION 1

Tendon No. s Location p DATE_ $ *E U =7 7 FILLER RFJf0 VAL - BY _ J. A 4. (1) Date Removal Started. J ggp .yp (2)' Exterior Con,erete Te.7peratnre (*F) 7pe fr-(3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) gA - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal)

                                                                                                      %       g, /

(5) color Change Observed g g y /. (6) Sample Taken h j//g/7f /4f , .A . ' FILLER INSTALLATION

                                                                 .                                                   DATE' BY d L'Al Z/)75             /

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed J/7g/ 7,g. - (2) Date Filler Installed ppfyr 3' Exterior Concrete Temperattire (*F) ggdg  !

           >   (4)     Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F)                                                       g-                                               ,              .

(5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) y yf 8 jll"" (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( O F) 77o e pg= , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) M e. M m D lm Me.ei. (8) Installation Pressure (psi) f f g g ~y, J O - -Q . DATA SilEET #1 Rev. 1 . Approved by: b t. [Q, Dat.e 2J[1 (-- Fchruary 21, 1975

l OPEl:ATlHG PROCEI)til:l! 1301.i* (. ARXANSAS UNIT 1 * . .

                                 ..              ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                     I
  -#                                  SilEATilING FIT.LER RD!OVAT. & INSTAT.T.ATION o.

Tendon No. */.40 , Location m l DATE_.5 0 76* FILLER RDf0 VAL ' BY 44 E l (1) Date Removal Started. f/pgp/ff l (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 7f,

  • f (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F)yg - g f) l (4) Total Volume emoved (gal) M gO qa/ '

(5) color Change Observed Lf, Z1 uBw w */[[O75] (6) Sample Taken @ WJ//pr / w' nl. f - r ~ l

 -(                                                                                           DATE 4- 2 / - 76~                   l FILLER INSTALLATION                                          .

BY c4a (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g , y , g. (2) Date Filler Installed , g C y . p g= l (3) Exrcrior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) y y e g= (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) .- gg , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) g pg e p I (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) g _. , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) fg og) (8)- Installation Pressure (psi) //p y *

                                        '.               =


   ,5                   .

l l (v) , DATA S!!!!ET #1 - V/4


[ Approved by: b Y. [L. Date Rev. 1 . February 21, 1975

I OPl.'l:ATil4G l'J:0CI:lilll:l 1.YJ-

       .                                                                               ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                  ..


    )(j)                                    .
                                                           ..              ONC YEAR Tl:NDON SURVEILLANCE SilEATilTNG FTI.T.ER RI'.'f0 VAT.1. INSTAT.T.ATION
                                                                                                                                              .                                l Tendon No.[ D 32Ol/I                                                            g                     Location Sho)                  .


                                                                                                                                                     //$/75 7Pw e                          l
                                                                                                                                                                           ' ~

(1) Date Removal Started. .g//// 7g , (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) gga f j (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) /t/ A- I

   ,                            (4)    Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                             g, J' q 4 )
                       ,        (5)    color change Observed                                                                    gph)

(6) Sample Taken

                                                                                                                   /              gj// //7s-
.. [ mj                       FILLER INSTALLATION DATE' g//7/75-

_" q ,. BY p ev e? (1) Date Filler Cap Installed gj7pg-Date Filler Installed (2) /ggjy3 -- (3) *'g ep-


Extcrior Concrete Temperature (*F) (4) Containment Interior Air Ten:p. (*F) g , . Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) (5) /3g* f"

 *                                                                                                                                                      .)(-

(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) /yg

  • f -)( ,

(7) Total Volume Installed (gal) g, f g / (8) Installation Pressure (psi) g[

                                                    % Nbie '- T A ./;jt-e d   _

by ha pm

       'w/             .                                     .

DATA S!!!!ET #1 d Rev. 1 I,. Approved by: February 21, 1975 wV/C - Date Mff~

                            .                                ',                                                                                          un'esuu lin : nutnpusa: 4 .v i . .-


                                                             ..                 ON!! YEAR T!;NDON SURVI:ILLANCE                                                                ,

1 S1lEATilING FIT.T.1-:R R10f0 VAT. & INSTAT.T.ATION TendonNo.[ 80/// g I,ocation 6/d

                                                                                                                                .                                                                        i DATE .//N/7.g-LY                                                l FILLER RDf0 VAL                     ,

de 2 (1) Date Removal Started. g//g /7S ] (2) Exterior. Concrete Temperatore (*F) j/,;, hje p (3) Containment Interior Air Teep. (*F) -gg-(4) Total Volume Removed (gal) g,g g / ' (5) Color Chen;c observed . g g4g%fg/ M4 , c.' Sampic Taken (6) 4,g g/jj/77

                                                                                                           ,                                         'DATE'4//7/7r (j FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                      .                                                  BY
                                                                                                                                                             . ' 4 c's (1)         Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                g /j g7f
                                                                                                                           '-          '     ,( '

(2) Date Filler Installed , , (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) ggo p- , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g , . (5) Filler Temperature at' Pump ( F) jyg. g (6) Filler Tc:apcrocure at Outlet Cap ( F) gg e  %-

    .                         (7)         Total Volume Inctalled (gal)                                                                    ggj (8)         Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                    gg Y ho'de : ' 50% 47/ed by ANd' puNr.                                                                                                '
            .                                                                                e                                                                                      *

[] t 1 ,' u

                       )                       .

DATA Sill:ET #1 -

     .                      Rey, 1                                    . 's Appr yea 1,y:                              (f, [                    DatcF[8/7f Fel>ruary 21, 1975                                      -
                             .                                       ~                                                                                                                          OPlil:ATING PROCE!1URl! J.101.:


                                                                        ..                          ONB YEAR TF.NDON SURVEILLANCE (s. J                                  .


                  .              Tendon No. I DI28111~
                                                                                                                                                          ..,                                Location _ Sk .9 2 J/h-
                     .                k                        ,
                                                                                                                                                                       .                     DATE FILLER RFl! OVAL                              ,

BY _. M M /7 (1) Date Removal Started. 4/2 2/7#" Extcrior Concrete Teraperatore (*F) g o eg"" (2) (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 7,jf e

                       ,         (5)        color Change Observed A/du/                                                           .

d- Sample Taken (6) /h ( ///2/pf"

                               '                                                                                                                                         a
 '.p  *                                                                                        '             .                                                              .              DATE' g/J3/7J-
                         . FILT.ER INSTALLATION                                                                                   

BY MNW (1) Date Filler Cap Installed 4 fy y/g (2) Date Filler Inctalled , g gy/ g- . . (3) Exterior Concrete Teciperatu're (*F)

  • g og (4) Containment Interior Ai. Temp. (*F) -

jg/A ~ , .

                               '(5)         Filler Temperature at ~ Pump ( F)                                                                                                       jpgap                                        4 (6)        Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F)                                                                                                   f 3 g. . g.                                 4                 ,
       .                         (7)        Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                             ~ggj /

(8) Inc.callation Pressure (psi) ,,[g . 0 R*' N C50 M . eO b $ P & P ' e l .

                                                                                                                                                                                      ,.-                                                            s.
 .m                                                                                                .

Dateb/. / DATA Sill!ET #1 Rev. 1 Approved by: by I.[b. v / LT / 1[

                                         .,                                        .,                                                   Fchruary 21, 1975                                               -

Ol'l! RATING l'EOCEDUI:l! 1.>U 1 l  ; * . . AR}*ANSAS UNIT 1 . .

                                                                                    .;.                    ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCC                                                                                                                       ,


-                                    n                                          .
                                     ; Tendon No. l O 3IO///


                                                                                                                                                                                          .. tocation FTe/d r30                                                            .


                                                                                                                 -- )'           ..                                                                     DATE Y 2 /7s*
','                                      TILLER RDf0 VAL                                                               -                -
                                                                                                                                              ' . '
  • BY 44*

(1) Date Removal Started. 4f '? E - 7.f~ (2) Exterior Concrete Tc=perature (*F) gg e p* - (3) Containment Interior-Air Tc=p. (*F) -g - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) l f* #o 4 /

            .                 ,           (5)        Color Change Observed                                                                                      I  gg ,,                -                        A/p#,,,4 / (o/,,g                                                                    -

(6) Sample Taken /a f- 4 -//-7.r" DATE' 4 /2" A/7r FILLER INSTALLATION

  • BY di#
     .L./ .
                                         '(1)        Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                                                   g                      pg y y-(2)        Date Filler Installed                                                                  ,

g ",,. 7 4 , 7,g. .  ! (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) ~ g oy , l (4) Containment Interior Air Te=p. (*F) .. g - , (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( 7) / gap p (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) j g e p- p , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) 74,j (8) Installation Prescurc (psi) - yh - 6 6..'

                                                                                     $Ndom hI                                              Ea$$ ; b WP
                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                               s.

[v} . g Rev. 1 h oc Fchruary 21, 1975 y . Datc 77l7 ~

                                                                           ,                                                                                                                                                                               i
                      .                                                                                          .                                                                                    va's.not: aivu nvu. sussi: 2.we . : ;
                                                     .                                         l                                                                                              .                           .                                i l                                                                                  '


                                                                            ,f.                 'ONC YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE SilEATitTNG FTI.T.ER RIO!OVAT. & INSTAT.T.ATION                                                                                                                  ,
                    .           . Tendon No. Q D LO%)                                                                           ,,

Location 3kc> p DATE 5-t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '1 S '

FIT.LER RDf0 VAL BY _ 1 C= (1) Date Renoval Started. g- i ~ 7 4 (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) go o (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) At A (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4, q% ,

            .                        (5)       Color Change observed                                                                                                       M o rt. % A I -                                                          -
. O. (6) Sample Taken l
                                                                                                                                                                   \ G V Ms. T'                                S- t - 7 5 p-
                                                                                                                                                                                 .                DATE' T "A. '7 5 BY           Th . c ,

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g,g3g


(2) Date Filler Installed , g 2-76 - (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 'ggo , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) NA , (5) Filler Temperature ae Pump ( F) /gg*


(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) j gg ,

     ..                              (7)        Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                  4            g g e,,,,,     ,

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) N4 -

                                                                      '                                                                                                                       *                                          ~

v . DATA S!!!!ET #1 II*V' I Approved by: I. [M Date g February 21, 1975 - O e .

OPlil:AT!!iG l'l'OCl!!)til:l! 1.V).l.

g. .s ,


                                      '                                       ~                  '
                                                  .                                                          Alu:ANSAS UNIT 1                                                             .     .
                                                                        ...                     ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEII. LANCE                                                                                  ,
  • S1!EATilING FIT.T.ER RD 0 VAT. F. INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. 2D 201 2.12 s Iocation M /cl
                                                      .                                                                               . . ~                                                                                     .

DATE S-/-7.r

                                                                                                                                   '**                                                 BY         d'8

, FILLER RDf0 VAL ' i ..- .. Date Removal Started. g- / - 7.5" (1) (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) go o ;:- (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) NA-(4) Total Volume Removed (gal) ga,g ,q,

        .,                          (5)            color change Observed                                                                                             g, w. )" ofg                                                              .
U- (6) Sampic Taken f4 3./.7f


  • DA*II i- 2-7 g-
.A                          . FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                     -

BY d t. d (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g p . 7g-(2) Date Filler Installed , f. y 7g .


(3) Exterior Concrete Temperature '(*F) gg og (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g,4- .


(5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) gp og g (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) jgo oy 4 ,

  ."                                (7)            Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                 A ,j/,g3 (8)             Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                               ' [g -
                                                          .g                                                    .                           .

M= : ma;~ wii.a wis A-J 7"me-



                                                                                                           -                       $$)ofeYky 33                                     M 9' I" ' '                              Datc          '/9J'
          *                         'Y' I                                *          **

g . Fchruary 21, 197S -

US 8:suu sstu s'uvuwusa: 1.we . .

                                                .                                                                      ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                           .    .


           \J                                          .


                              , Tendon No. 2,D2/02/2                                                                                                          .(                              LocationSlo,3
                                                                                                                                .                  . - ~                          .                                            .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .Fo/7f 5                                                                                                                              .,'                  DATE FILLER RDf0 VAL                                     -
                                                                                                                                                                                             .BY        644F
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~ ~

(1) Date Removal Started. g/yo/76-(2) Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F) M *pa , [ (3) Containment Interior- Air Ted:p. (*F) - g .- I

          ,                       (4)            Total Volu:ne Removed (gal)                                                                                                           g9,,g/

(5) color Chang- Observed gpg j . l

                                ,(6)              Sample Taken                                                                                                          /j ./.           g/fo/pg
                          -                                                                                                                                             "                            '.                                               \
    . p                                                                                                          .                                                                            DATE          #-/-/g*


 ,t g.                                                                                                                                .

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g f. 7g-(2) Date Filler Installed

                                                                                                                                              ,                                       p.,7_yg-                                            .

(3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) - yo e p (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) ,g- , (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) fg ge g As (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) /gg op- 4 , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) Qg (8) Installation Pressure (psi) ._ p ) -

                                            ~y No4c: TLdeu 9'll< d
                                                                                                               '                                                                                                                        '          ~

u s.',f. 14= d T amp. '

                                                                    .                                                                                                                                                                          s.
  .p .

V. DATA S!!!!!!T #1 - Rev. 1 Approved by: . -_ Datqh[7[y/ s Fchruary 21, 197S l

                                                                            . .                                  .                                                                                                OPEl:ATING PROCElitil:1: 1301 ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                                     . . .

i'f% t



.         \ '                                                         ,           .


. - Tendon No.E D 1IO 7 8 % .s
                                                                                                                                                                       . -                                      I.ocation                            i dt \c


                                                                                                                                                                                .                               DATE 4 - 3 0 - 7 5
,                                 FILLER RDf0 VAL                                                            '
  • BY W . C, .

1 (1) Date Removal Started. 4-3eqg (2) E. tcrior Concrete Temperature (*F) iq9 (3) Cont.ainment Interior- Air Tec:p. (*F) N4 s (4) Total v olume Removed (gal) g g 4, , color Change observed

 .                                (S)                                                                                                                                            4foeq % gc                                                                                                         .

2 - ' .s-(6) Sample Taken ( Ovuy 4-. 3 o 15 }~ ' DATE' 6-I-75 ..( . . FILLER INSTALLATION - BY T_*. c, (1) g nate Filler Cap Ir. stalled g g ., g g (2) Date Filler Installed , g[ .j , y . Extcrior Concrete Ter.perature (*F)


(3) 'g g C (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) y4 , . (S) . Filler Temperature at Pu=p (O F) f Lf * '


(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) /05* )k

 ~'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,


 .                                                   Total Volume Installed (gal)
                                                                                                                                                                                            $ @4.

(8) Installation Pressiere (psi) g4


TM dow 44e.d b .

                                                                                                                                                                    .                      Y LM                               p - P -                                                .

U: n . DATA S!!!!CT #1 - I hey, 3 - Approved by: b. V. [L Date 'bf February 21, 1975

                                              '7                                                    ..

e .

                   .                                                                                        .                                                                     OPl!!!ATING l'n0CE!)Ul;l! 1 >01.5
            -                                                                                              ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                        .     .
                                                                      .        .              ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                               ,
                           -                                                       S11EATitTNG FTT.LER R1010 VAT, & INSTAT.T.ATION                                                                                               ,

Tendon No. EWOha ., I.ocation b op E ch A/2f/?.C'

                                  ~5                         .
                                                                                                         .l.           ..                                                       DATE FILLER RDf0 VAL                                                            -                           ~*         *
                                                                                                                                                                              .BY              d '4 3
                               .                                                                                                                                                                                            '~

(1) Date Removal Started. //'zf/pf-

                 ..              (2)       Exterior Concrctc Temperature (*F)                                                                                            ' gg e r=

Containment Interior Air Tei:p. (*F) (3) - g /).- (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) y ,/

      .               ,          (5)       s'olor Change observed                                                                                                  gyg, g}g g                                                  ,

e (6) Sample Taken [04 4 /26/7.f' N *

'. 0                                                                                                   .               ~...                                                     DATE' 4/2.s-/7s
       .                                                                                                                . ~.       .

BY 6tB (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g yy/7f

",                               (2)       Date Filler Installed
                                                                                                                                                                         ei                                                .

(3) _ Exterior Concrete Temperature '.*F) ge g-(4) Containment Interior Air Tecp. (*F) l

                                                                                                                                                                         -g-                                  ,

(5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( 0 F) / g

  • f :-

y ~ (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) / f>O 8 /* g , (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) gg/ (8) Installation Pressure (psi) .l _ [A - - l&,.-Q/cg . htlle k _LA SQ h A ^* S

                                                                                                                                                                                           ."Q -                .

v . Rev. 1 DATA Sill!ET #1 - Approved by: Fchruary 21, 1975

                                                                                                                                                                           .(                    .

Date 7[[7.! ~

us : m a a an, 3 null;lnll;l; 2.10.I . [- . ARKANSAS tlNIT 1 ..

 ,V*                                                                         ..                   ON E YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                                    -

SilEATitTNG FII.T.ER RIO!OVAT. E. INSTALLATION Tendon No. .I bl 5 0.32 2. ,

                                                                                                                                                           .g                                                          I.ocation h edd h d
                                                                        ~.      .                                                    "'.               .        .
                      .                 5
                                                                                                                                                                       .                                            DxTE s/zs/rs-
  , ' ' . .'. -                 FILLER RDf0 VAL                                     ,

BY #4B l


d (1) Date Removal Started. f/2g/7.f (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatnre (*F) M*f (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g4 - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) yqg(

       .                         (5)           Color Change observed                                                                                        l                       M, / Co/,A                                                                           .            )
- ,- (6) Sample Taken /4 & .p-y4-/2;-
~                              '

p -

                                                                                                                                                                                .                               DATEE-2S -15 BY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #4#                                              1 (1)          Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                                                                 g g/7f (2)          Date Filler Installed                                                                     ,                                               gp7g                                                                          .

(3) Exterior Concrete Tecperatu're (*F) l y e g-(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) jg/A - .


(5) Filler Temperature at. Pump ( F) / poe 7-- g (6) Filler Temperature at Outler Cap ( F) j ger W ,

.                                (7)          Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                                     g g; (8)           Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                                    gj-
                                                    .M dele :                   _
                                                                                            % d o n . 9 .'tt e k . u.s,, %                                                       k~~6YW.                                                                            .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .-                                                         i.


                                                  *                                                                              ~


  'h.                              ,

DATA S!!!!ET #1 Rev. 1 .. Approved by: YQ Date (~ ff-February 21, 1975

UI'l:l(AI 1% l'l:Ut.1 llulil: 1.w l .:

  • e . , ,


                                                                                                                                                  .g I.ocation S b d
..                                                                  .                                            ,                                                                                                                              1
                                                                                                                ..                                                                  DATE 4~28 - 75 FILLER RDf0 VAL                                                                                    .
  • BY d44 (1) Date Rec: oval Started. g-2g.7,5*

(2) Exterior Concrete Temperatarc (*F) yfep (3) Containment Interior- Air Tei::p. (*F) -gg (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4 / (5) color Change Observed gg/ . (6) Sample Taken /fJ. g /gp/pg. ~p DATE' g/29A.r

                                                                                                .                                                                  .                                                                            I

BY ced (1) Date Filler Cap Installed ggg7f (2) Date Filler Installed , pg fpf (3) Exterior Concrete Temperattire (*F) M ap (4) Containment Interior Air Tc:::p. (*F) gg . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) y,og e y g (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) gog e p- p , . (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) g g,/ (8) Installation Pressure (psi) , gg , g . hjo+e :

                                                - -~

genga,1 & M 'usoh 5' han '. 9 sim p

                                                                                                                  .                                                      .                                                                      1
                                                                  .        .         .                                          ...                            .                                                                                1 1
                                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                              1 l
                                                                                        .                                                                                                                                                       l
              .                                                                                            '                                                                                                         .                          1
                                                          ,.                        .                                                                                         . , -                                                        s, q                       -
         .                 Rev. 1                                               .'.

Al ove w I. [ Date 7f

                                      .,                                        .,                                              Fchruary 21, 1975                                                      -

a OPl!! ATING l'80Cl:Dunti 1.i' J.1

    ,p                                                  -


                                                                                      .l.                  ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE


                                                                      -                                                                                                                         .  -                                                   [
                            .                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1
                                    ; Tendon No. 3 DI2082 2                                                                                                   .

I,ocation [[C lcl

                                                                                                                                    ,                      v
                                                                                                                          ..                   .~                                .                   .                           .                     ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                           -                                        , 1
                                                                                                                   ^.'        ..                                      .

DATE d*28- i f" FlLLER RDf0 VAL


BY #W AE (1) Date Removal Started. g -2g f.g-(2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 778 g (3) Containment Interior Air Tes:p. (*F) gg - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) y 77 ,,f

             .                            (5)             color Chance observed                                                                                          .gu(f ,                                                              .


- (6) Sample Taken /, .f. g/yg/7f
                               -                                                                                                                                          w IO                                                                                                                                                                                            DATE' 4-29-7f

(, . . (1) Date Filler Cap Installed j .g,73 (2) Date Filler Installed , Q,3,7f . j l (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) ~ yg og ,$ (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) -g , 1 (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) / 7g e j-- p i


(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Ccp ( F) f fg *g g ,

      .'.                                  (7)            Total volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                4 , j,                                                           ,

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) Lh -


C 75 ed h/NW ' at #  ? /* ,

                                                                                                                                                                .                                                                                      \

s * .

                                ' Rcy. 1                                            .

Al ove m f- 6  ! Date 7I]

g. ., ., February 21, 1975 -

l l

                  '                                                                           -                                                                                              Ul'IMllim l'nUCl;lllll*!; 1.3J.1, : !


                    ;                                          ..                ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE v'

SilEATilTNG FT1.T.ER R1010 VAL & INSTAT.T.ATION ' I.ocation b E

                         - Tendon No. 2/ #4-                                                                     ,

g DATE 7- 30 ~75

                                  ~                                                         '

FILLER RDf0 VAL ' - BY 75.C (1) Date Removal Started. g 3 0 -73 (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) gq o (3) Containment Interior Air Tcip. (*F) ,, y A - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4. GA /.

      .                     (5)          color Change Observed                                                                                                 AsogmA/                                                                                                                       .

(6) Sampic Taken / QT . T- So -75 'p DATE %- 2 / 5 BY P3 . G. . l

.i s    f FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                                              ,
                           -(1)          Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                 ,

y eg, 75 (2) Date Filler Installed gf 2 7$ . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're ~(*F) 'gg* , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) -NA- , (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (O F) g ff 5*


(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) g /75 ' , . (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) *S' G4(. (8) installation Pressure (psi) _y, NOTali,*. t 4tN d e (A(gd hhg w ,

               .                                                                                                                    ~

v/. . DATA S!!!!ET Approved by: til [% Y. [b Dated ['M -

         .                Ikcy. 1                                        .'.
                                                                         .,                                        February 21, 1975                                                                                                                            -
                                                .                                                         ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                         .    .
      .(,_h V     *                                     '
                                                                     . .                    ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE S11 EAT 11TNG FTT.LER R1010 VAT. & INSTAT.T.ATION                                                                                                       ,
                     ._              Tendon No. 2/ // 24                                                                    ,

Location /Je /c/ DATE f 30.yg FILLER RFif0 VAL BY G L Telf ._. Date Removal Started. (1) ~ 5 ' 3o . 7 3-(2) Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F) gp g-(3) Containment Interior- Air Teb.p. (*F) gA (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) gg/


(5) color Change Observed gg%j , (6) Sample Taken m

                                                                                                                                                             /J          g . A . 7,s-A                    -

DATE' 4 -2 76-


(1) Date Filler Cap Installed (2) Date Filler Installed , g . 2 . / f' - (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're '(*F) *

                                                                                                                                                                         /ggeg (4)        Containment Interior Air Tc. p. (*F)                                                                                     g                               .                          .

(5) iiller Temperature ac Pump (O F) pyo . j- g


(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) g .7 g ,

    ."                                (7)       Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                              (fl g /

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) g ., $

                                            #$: % ,%i 9thas cl n g a A*af ?"P                                                                                                            .
         ,q                             ,

1 + DATA S!!!!ET If1 Approved by: b Y. /L, _Date.- .r. 7f' Rev. 1 ..

c. ,
                                                                                 .,                                           February 21, 1975                                               -

UI't:Im l a stu t nut.natuhu 1.w . .. ARKANSAS t! NIT 1 . . (^\ s ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE , SilEATilING FTI.T.ER RF.'! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. E/ // So , g Location N O P

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~                                           -'
                                                                                                                              .?               .. .

DATE _ f. 2 9 - 75 FILLER RFMOVAL , BY G . c, . .

        '"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~                ~

(1) Date Removal Started. g_ p -qq (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) 90* (3) Containment Interior Air Te=p. (*F) ~% (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4 g/

           .                              (5)         Color Change observed                                                                                                                             w %g/                                                                      .

(6) Sample Taken [ y, g. 2 9 - 75

    ., n
                                                                                                                                                  . ~,                                                           DATE' 6- 3 o                                    75
             .(                    1 BY 7 "~q~,.

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g. g g ,y g (2) Date Filler Installed , g",,,,. g , . 3 ,


(3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) - gge (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) y _. , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) 4 /38* (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (0 F) 9 /3g* -

           .                              (7)         Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                      g gg[

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) M-W N eTE*. rewe(Cw . {.//ed , Lv La nel rce me ' '


s 0  : .' ' V, .

                                                                                                                        '                                DATA SilHET #1 Rev. 1                                                    ..

Approved by: kY. C, Date[[t[1f- -

                                                                                                 .,                                                      Fchruary 21, 1975                                                              -

v i .. . . . . . . ...,,%........ ...... ARKANSAS UNIT 1 . .

          /                                                                                   ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE
     . \')                   -

SilEAT !ING FII.T.ER RDf0 VAT. & INSTALT.ATION Tendon No. 21 N 30 .g Location M f/ S d

                                          ~                                                                    '

DATE 5.f 9 7f

  • FILLER Rnf0 VAL ,

BY d. 4. 3 e // (1) Date Removal Started. '4" (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) gg * (3) Containment Interior Air Tchp. (*F) gg - (4) Total Volu:nc Removed (gal) g yf

           .                      (5)             color Change observed                                                                                                    go,y/                                                                            .

2 - (6) Sample Taken f,4 7g

  ^                             '                                                                                                                                i ~
                                                                                                         .                                                                                 DATE S.Jo-7g
         ,                - FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                              .

EY dt. Ben (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g y. 7g  ! (2) Date Filler Installed , g.7 7f ) (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) geg , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) , y pg e g- p (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) fpgoy 9 ,

   .                              (7)             Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                        g/

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) _g_ 4 s /sady4 kn'tlWyRenseelNso . .

                   .                                                                                                                              ~

l . m.

                       )                                 .

DATA SilHET #1 Rev. 1 .'. Approved by: < - Q '. / C Datc /!2/'/{ c ,

                                                                                      .,                                           Fchruary 21, 1975                                                                      -
                                                                                                                                                             ,           , . . . . .                                                         -r

I UI'l:KATlHG l'HOCl:1411:1! 1301.

  ~                                                  '


                   . -                                                              SilEATl!TNG FTI.T.ER R10!OVAI. & INSTAT.T.ATION                                                                                                                        l 1


                                                                                                ,.                                                                                                                                                         l
Tendon No. 21 N 3 6 .g
                                                                                                                                                              .. -                          Location S No P
. ' ' '~ .

DATE S- 2 8 -7 5

'.                               -FILLER RDf0 VAL                                 .

BY G . C. . x'...- ' t .- (1) Date Removal Started. ; f5 -

    ' ~
                     .-            (2)          Exterior Concrete Tccperature (*F)                                                                                                      qg o (3)          Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F)                                                                                               _ g ._

s (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) g CA /.

         .                         (5)          color change observed                                                                                                               no gy4/                                                     .
f.'- (6) Sampic Taken '; p.g , g. 2 8 15


                                                                                                            .                                                                .'             DATE' 6- 2 9 - 7 S BY                 .G.G.

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed 62.9/5 (2) Date Filler Installed p'gq gg . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)

                                                                                                                                                                               ' 'g g o                                   g (4)          Containment Intcrior Air Temp. (*F)                                                                                                    g                                ,                        .

(5' , , Tiller Tc.perature at Pump ( F) 9 g 3n

  • T
  • ~

(6 Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) y (3o' ,

   .                               (7)          Total 'folume Instaliad (gal)                                                                                                      % GAL.

., (8) Installatioe Pressure (psi) nA-n o T e. 9 4 ~ ti o u -C.\t e c\ by bAad p,-p :

                                           -M5                                                                                                                                                                                                       .

s ( 4 N, . . DATA S!!!!ET til Rev. 1-Approved by: fu Y . /C Date "I [1f-- February 21, It975 g .

  • l -


                                                                             ...                   $0NE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                        ,


                                                                                                                                    - -                           4 Location h M                                          .
                                                                                                                                                                            .                           DATE .f-28.-f.f*-


                      .-           (1)           Date Removal Started.                                                                                                          g-yg.7f (2)           Exterior Concreto Temperatore (*F)                                                                                             'gg)" p-(3)           Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F)                                                                                                -gg-(4)           Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                                                  4 p/

(5) Color Change Observed 4 / . (6) Sample Taken j'g/ S . 2 B- 75 _.. DATE' S-29 '. FILLER INSTALLATION - BY 6e AN (1) Date Filler Cap Installed , g gg,y (2) Date Filler Installed , p.yy.g , , (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're ~(*F) ~ g.g , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) p , . (5) Tiller Temperature at Pump (0 F) 2/2

  • f E
    .i (6)           Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F)                                                                                                           y ,7                                               y                            ,
   .                               (7)           Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                      7 yf (8)           Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                     g[-                                               #

4 - NdG: Tiudao 3s.=ec9. e,43 4 b,. 4 p4 9

                             .                                                     .                                                                                                                                                                                                         I DATA S!!!!ET #1                                                                                             /

hY. /4~ Rev. 1 .'. Approved by: Date44//f


February 21, 1975 e . G . ,

                                                                    -                          ._x          . - -                        , . -                                    , - _ .                                     _,           ,_              . . _ _ . , . - , - -

r .

    *                 *'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Di'!. RATING l'n0CE!UI:l!


          ;           .4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               l
   ,                                                     'l                                             '.                                                                                                                      *                                                           .                                          l q                               ~


 .                /                                                      *
                                                                                                         'ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCl0


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -                                                           i f                               Tendon No. 3/ M 2 7                                                                                *
                                                                                                                                             . .                .g.

Location S L p Ewl

                                                                                                                                                                      , ~^                                                                                                  ,


                                                                                          '~.                             -
                                                                                                                                    ..-         :.. ~


                                                                                    .            ..                    -i             .. .
                                                                                                                                                                               ...                                                           DATE 6 75' y~                           FILLER RDf0 VAL                                                                                  -               -                 '
  • BY 42. A //

(1) Date Removal Started. geg-7f (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatcre (*F) 7foj:- (3) Containment Interior Air Te.~p. (*F) - GAP - g . (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) gaf

    '.                            (5)              color Change Observed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .

(6) Sampic Taken 4 g 75


- O ,.' ' DA'II

                                                                                                                                          .                            -                                                                       BY
.M . TIT.LER INSTALLATION (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g g 7f (2) Date Filler Installed g' p yg ,
. (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature '("F) ~

yg ej::- , f, (4) Containment Interior Air Ten:p. (*F) g _. , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) f go p- g


(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) f g g

  • f- g ,
 ".'                               (7)             Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                                   fg/
  /,                                (8)             Installation Pressure (psi)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   .l [ -                                                                                       p 7;dehn. eau.dafiA$'m Ne :

i- . ( DATA Sill!ET #1 - . Datc $[/e/75 Approved by: . Rev. 1

                                                                                                 .,                                                 February 21, 1975                                                                                                              -
                                                                                                   'w..                                                                 ,
                                                                                                     . s                                       .
                                                               .-                                                                                                 ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                                                   . .
                                                                                                          ...                             ONE ' FEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                                        ,


                          ....i                               ,
                                                                                    ....T                                                             .                                              .           .
                                                                                                                                ...,.                                                       .            , , ..                   4                                     .
                                  ; Tendon No. 3/ N 2 7                                                                                                   , . , ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             . ,. y 2.oention -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          /d Esd                .                      .
                         -                                           -                                                                                                         -.1        .          ..~                                  . . .                       .                                                   .


                                                                                                                                                                                 , . .: . . . r . _

__y. A -;. ,

                                                                                                                                                          ..y .             -

DATE 4-d-7F* '.>v - FILLER RFJf0 VAL - ' ' *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            "                 -BY                  /S. K

'a . [. (1) Date Removal Started. ' f f a*fg- - -- -

           ,        ..'                   (2)                    Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)                                                                                                                                                      r/ q *
(3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) ag-
   ". 3                                 (4)                   Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                                                                                             gg p (S)                   Color Change Observed                                                                                                                                                                gwf                                                                                      .
t. 7 (6) Sampic Taken / o y. f -f,J 7,f

'r  : -

                                                                                                                                                                                             .u                  ~"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .'                  DATE' & . 9 71

., ( *: FILLER INSTALLATION ~ ; ' ' '.' , BY #f f. R

  • r.

[. (1) Date Filler Cap Installed f f_7y-(2) Date Filler Installed - f".9_7f . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) *'gaf , (4) Containment Interior Air Tec:p. (*F) -p - .

                  .                       (5)                    Filler Temperature at Pump ( F)                                                                                                                                                gf of                                                                y (6)                    Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F)                                                                                                                                         gg my                                                                 g                     ,

[. (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) gg ,/ (8) Installation Pressure (psi) - MA- g O c* .* h eb . 5t se K u:so ap b **ck sq

  • n . .

i U. . DATA Sill!ET #1 -


Approved by: .-{, Dat 7,- l ROV.

  • 1 .,*

Fchruary 21, 197S .

                     .y                                                    .


                                         ..              Tendon No. 3l H as                                                                                                       ,                  4 I.ocation.5 Aer:. s J
                                                                                                                                                                                                               .-                 DATE d~~/4-75" i,                                                       FILLER RE! OVAL                                                      ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - BY _ ~C t . % u (1)            Date Removal Started.                                                                                                                          3-: yp - 7,g-(2)              Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F)                                                                                                                (, 7 8 F-(3)              Containment In'crior Air Temp. (*F)                                                                                                           - A/ A -

,- v (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) gg/

   '.                                                      (5)             Color Change Observed                                                                                                                    Af,;itg { l go fDR                                                  -

(6) Sampic Taken [A ,$ l t/ .Tg. m

          /                            \          -

DATE S- /S - 7C V ." TILLER INSTALLATION BY di t .s3e t/ (1) Dace Filler Cap Installed p. f g g (2) Date Filler Installed , p. f g . 7 g- , (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) * (, g o p-(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) p- , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) -k 175*F (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (0 F) l 7 go p g ,

     .'                                                    (7)             Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                        fy/
, ,                                                        (8)              Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                    ,,,,,,, g 4 -                             g

0 e. .' T c/ cat g A.eASeck (As $1y khN d ]LLawp. -

                                                                                                                    .~.                    .

Le , ,

  • DATA Sill ET #1 -
-ftcy. 1 . .

Approved by: g (J L Dategh/73' ~ Fchruary 21, 197S

a OPl! RAT 1tiG PROCr.DilRl! 1301. g , ARRANSAS UNIT 1 . .

                                                                                     ..                 ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE
   .G                                                   .


                                  ; Tendon No. 3/ N 2 b                                                                                                                                                 Location                    /d/


                                                                                              ..                 . ? ? .. . .                                                .-

DATE S-/4-7 $

                                     -FILLER RDf0 VAL                                      .
                                                                                                                                                                              -                        BY               Th . d .

(1) Date Removal Started. f"- / 4 / 4; (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatcre (*F) Qg0 (3) Containment Interior Air Tcd:p. (*F) , y 4 ._

s. (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 3 ~ Q /.
         .                             (5)           Color Change observed                                                                                                      Ao A%\                                                               ,

(6) Sample Taken i GT. S.-l4-7S p

                                                                                                                                                                                     .                DATE' C- / S '15
    , V                    .       FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                            .

BY i3. c. . (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g f g ,, g (2) Date Filler Installed , g _ fg ., 3 . (3) Er.tcrior Concrete Temperatu're - (*F) ~ gg* (4) Containment Interior Air Tc:rp. (*F) _g4 , (5) Filler Temperature at' Pump (0 F) jg D y (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( ' F) j q o' g ,

  ,                                    (7)           Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                   g 4Al.

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) MA-e ~o re. w~a.e..e<v.a sy u~s m .

        ,.                                                                                                                                                        .s
                                         .                                            2,            ,
                                                                           ,                                                                                                                          .                                                         s.

C: .


Rev. 1 1 ovc Y. Datc-Y1f Fchruary 21, 1975



              ~                                                                                                            '


                                                                                           , . .                        ON E YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                             ,
                                                                ~                                                                                                                                                                                    ~


                         ...i                 .
                             ; Tendon No. 3I N 28
                                                                                                                                                      .., . . . . ~ .
                                                                                                                                                                           .'               . . c. ' . -

I.ocation SA nn Adl 7 -.

                                                                                                                                                                                       ,,.            *r                          *
                                                                                                                  .                           .          .~,                                                                                                                                                                         ,.,

DATE 2-4 7s*

                                                                                                                                               - -."-                                                                                       BY FILLER RFJf0 VAL                                                                                                                               .'


   " /. '                          (1)                   Date Removal Started.                                                                                                                                                       6 - [, . 7S'                                            -

r- .- (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) 79 *F [: (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) .NA-3 (4) Total Volume Removed (gal). 4/ , (5) _ color change observed g ,/ . Sampic Taken (6) . /op p [ 7 7' . ~ Y *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .                     DATE
                       .         TILI.ER INSTALI.ATION                                                                                                    ~.'*'              .


 ' (~                                                                                                                                                                         .                                                                        .

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g 9 .,, 3 ] g., 9 75-(2) Date Filler Installed ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ..                                               .                l l

(3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)

  • 7gog ,

(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g , (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) gg e p- g (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) gf .,7 g ,

     ,                             (7)                   Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                                               g, , 4 /                                                                           _

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) J[_ Jllf.

                                                                                                      .                                                                                           ...-                                  ..                                                                                                           i l
                                                 ' . g: %L j. D .~=$ M P-4 l

e . . pG' . . DATA Sill:ET #1 l NOV. 1


Approvett by: . I Datch6d. February 21, 197S

                -r                                                                                                    *-


  • U S t* N %8 a5%I S hUL 8.ilU Kl; i .ht . .
                                                                                           .                                                                                            ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                                               .       .


  • v
                                           )                                                   .*'
                                                                                                                               .         .                     'ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                        ,                                                                                         ,
  • l SilEAMITNG FT1.LER R10f0 VAL & INSTAT.T.ATION 4 i .. . .
                                                                    '                                             .~.                                       .                .                             .          ,    . . ,            4                                    .                              .
Tendon No. 3 / N 2 d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -                            1.ocation [se. M 6vap/                                                             I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ;, - l "M.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .,                              ..                               7 ,.
                                                                                                                              ..;.......                                         .. ;                .. ..                          . .. -    .                                  o373              g _.g_ ;'.s .                                                    i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .BY FILLER RDf0 VAL                                                                .
                                                                                                                                                                                                      '*f*-                     -

B d.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~                                                                                 ' *

[.' ' (1) Date Removal Started, f.g. pg --

                ]',.                                          (2)                           Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F)                                                                                                                            ' g p.                                                                                                     ,


                  ,.:                                         (3)                           Containment Interior Air Tehp. (*F)                                                                                                                                      g                                                                                               ]

v (4) Total Volume Removed.(gal) ggj

              .                                             (5)                           Color Change observed                                                                                                                                         gygy                                                                                         ,

i 7 (6) Samplc Taken A /g g 6 '/f (, - (- 7.g'

              .lO ~                                                                                                       *
                                                                                                                                                            ,            . .                               .A_

DATE BY g f. 3, p

              . ( f: FII.LER INSTALLATION
                                   .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i (1)                          Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                                                            ,                                      f ,, y,, 7g                                                                                   .

(2) Date Filler Installed . g..g pg . . 1 (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature ("F) yg*f: - , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) . gjf - , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) b2 'F A ' (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) fj y ep- p , j 1

                             .                                (7)                          Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                                                    g y/                                                                                     j (8)                          Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                                              :

Mi k ) RAdk: fikew gamd su% s Anet y --;i. 1

                                                               .                 a.                                               .


                                                                                                                                .          .               .                                                                                    .                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .                                                                         i.

DATA Sill:E'i' #1

                                              , Rev. 1 Approved by:                                               .

(, Datche[73 l February 21, 1975 l

                                                                                                                                                   ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,                                                                                                      ..         i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                         .                                                       l

us e a .iu ...%,.,i,,,n.,,,...

      .,-                                                                                     . s                                    .
  • a .
                                                             .-                                                                                      ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                                              .         .                                                                       .
                                                                                                   ...                          ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                                            .
        ' ~)                 -


                                                                                                                                                                                                   ..                  s.                 .
                               .-Tendon No. 31 k M
l. .... . ..

2acation sAo D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .u.      .
                                           .. L                        .
                                                                                          .      ..z....,...-                                     ;           ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,...,                             ._ varg s'/4/7,9                                                                     -9 dZ 3*//


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * - IY
 ' [.'                                (1)                  Date Removal Started.                                                                                                                                           N 7f                                                    - - '                                  "
                ,. '                    (2)                  Exterior Concrctc Temperatore (*F)                                                                                                                                       go*                                                                                           -
- (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) _ gg -

( (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) gg/

  .                                     (5)                  Color Change Observed                                                                                                                                              g, f,                                                                                  .

7 (6) Sampic Taken /g f -g- Jg-DATE' tC- 9-?r . .p- '

                                                                                                                                                             ..'5                          . .


                          .            FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                                                       .

BY 4c.4, N (1) Date Filler Cap Installed , g.g.9g (2) Date Filler Installed , j ,.g 7 7-- . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F)

  • gg ,

(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g4- .

    .                                   (5)                  Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F)                                                                                                                                         fg g.y                                                &

(6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Ccp ( F) gag .g. ,

   ,                                    (7)                  Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                                                ,ff a f (8)                  Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                                          i.g4                                                     at.


                                                   *'hk ri%aam d,m a Ma.p                                              -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,p. -
                                                                                                                                             -                                                    ~
s. -
v. .

DATA SI!EET #1 l Roy* Approved by: C, Datedh[/g

     .                                                1                                               *          ..

Fchruary 21, le75

                   ..r                                                                                                        '-

OPl! RATING Pn0CElull;l! 13St.. S -

                                                   .                                                                              ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                               .      .       .

.p)c -(

                                                                                 ...                        'ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                              ,


                     .            Tendon No. 3/ // 29                                                                                ,            ,                       . (.

Location ee/d o  ; , DATE lo 14 '

              '                                                                                                                                             ~*


       ' "'                                         Date Removal Started.

(1) (o. 4/ 14 - (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatnre (*F) go o (3) Containment Interior Air Tei:p. (*F) _NA_

;                                   (4)             Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                                                    A c4 /,
'.                                  (5)              Color Change Observed                                                                                                                      y o g,mA )                                                       .

(6) Sample Taken gg, g - 4 7f ~ f*) - - DATE' 6-$~>$~ BY


(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g .4 7 3-. (2) Date Filler Installed , g_9 g . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature ("F) 7pj::- (4) Conrainment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g_ , (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) yfpog g (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (0 F) y ; .7

  • p- g ,
 . .                                (7)             Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                          g '/, 9 / -

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) gg ' A

                                            ,N ll)( . *)G)" 1R.cos d u.soEry'a b Y 7N"h p                                                                   .

v DATA Sill!ET #1 -


E . Approvett by: .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,.                       Datef,//og/
                                                                                                 .,                                                        February 21, 1975                                                   -


  ,                                                                                           ARKANSAS UNIT 1                                                          . .
                                                          ..                      ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE
SilEATHING FIT.LER RI?! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. 8/ N ~40 Location Soa 5"ud DATE # 7.5" FILLER RDf0 VAL -

BY d t. Y, e (1) Date Removal Started. S-9-7g (2) Exterior Concrete Temperature ("F) @ op- , (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) gg- j (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4, j (5) Color Change observed . g,y/ d /,4 . (6) Sample Taken /44 g/p/7p  ! m

                                                                                       '                                                                           DATE' M/.S/7.s-
                  .      FILLER INSTALLATION                                                        .

BY dre. me//  ;


(1) Date Filler Cap Installed 6'//3/7.5~ I (2) Date Filler Installed , F ,f//g7.s" - (3) Exterior Concrete Temperattire (*F) ' po' op- , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) . gg . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ("F) j74e g g (6)- Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) j 7g of 4 ,

   .                      (7)

Total Volume Installed (gal) f,+/ (8) Installation Pressure (psi)

                                                                                                                                                           .:. h                                              t I
  • NeMiena' peas.ed u.s[Nj e kVWCk PAP e
                                                                                                      ,                                                          .-                                                                                          l
      %                     4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                l
                                                                                    '                     DATA SilEET #1 -

Approved by: R B /,_ Dates [r[7(

                      ""* I ~.                                            ;*                                                                                                                                                                '

g February 21, 1975 - -

                                                              - . . -                                                     , , - - ,             - . ,               ,            --v- - , . - , . - . . , . -          - , , , ,   . . - - - - - - . . - -
                           ,.t                                                          '-

OPl! RATING PROCl:lillRl! 13' J l.

    #                  I /                   **


                                          ,                                             , . .                      ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                               ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                             -                  I,cationdeF:lc[
                      .                - Tendon No. _3/ H 4 0                                                                                           ,
                                                                                                                                                                               .                  a                                                  .                                           ,
                           .                  -3                               ,

DATE 6 75 ' f TILLLA RT7t0 VAL II R 6-( '

           ,;-                            (1)             Date Removal Started.                                                                                                                                  6 *)- 7 5 (2)             Exterior Concrete Temperatere (*F)                                                                                                                            84                                                                     l (3)             Containment Interior Air Tecp. (*F)                                                                                                             - N A-e                             (4)             Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                                                         J G A L. .
    "*                                                      Color Change Observed
            .                               (5)                                                                                                                                          N o R m. A L                            No.CHAudE                                              -

2- - (6) Sample Taken I'6 r. S *f-75 "j" s -

                                                                                                                                                               .                                                               DATE 5'- / 3 - 7 5
                              ; FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                                                  -

BY r3. G

  ,,'                                       (1)             Date Filler Cap installed                                                                                                                          g_f3                    73 (2)             Date Filler Installed                                                                               ,                                              g ', 3 . 7 g                                                         .

(3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're '(*F)

  • jQo (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) _g .

Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) o (5) jg3 4 (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) /83 # M .

    . .                                     (7)             Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                     g c 4 ,,, ,
 .,                                         (8)             Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                            f /4 _

N O T E *. "Tdit e a d o p(\gg w ,3g QQ ', pv %p , .

                                              .                                          s                     .                                                   .

l . e l . l . l .( m . .


As , ' ',* Rev. 1

                                                                                                                                                                       ]] ove                         y                 b Y. [                                     Datef[s[7p               _

February 21, 1975 t , ,

                                                         '                                                                                      ~

f ,. ,

            ,n'..                                .

Ol'lilA' TlHG l'HOCEDlil;H 1.301. e ARKANSAS UNIT 1 . . ( -

                                                                        , . .               ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                ,


.                                 Tendon No. 3/M [2                                                                                       ..,                                     Location Sk 'e
                                                          @ 49s '-f *        .
                                                                                                                                                    ,'                            DATE .5 75'-


  • BY 6. 4. 73 e u Il ,

(1) Date Removal Started. ' S~ *7 7.s-(2) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) ff of-

                                  .(2)             Containment Interior-Air Temp. (*F)                                                                          -M-
,                                   (4)            Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                       ggj g,/v , gg
   .                              (5)            color change observed                                                                                                                                                                    ,

(6) Sarnple Taken /g p S 7. /g ,D DATE S-8-7C

, ,bl - FILLER INSTALLATION BY           6 e G a. N
 ,'                                 (1)            Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                                        g,g,7g (2)            Date Filler Installed                                                 ,                                          y ,,, g , 7 3                                                         ,

(3) _ Exterior Concrete Tenperature (*F) ~

                                                                                                                                                                                ,7 g .

(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) .g . (5) Filler Temperature at' Pump (0 F) /g o j:- g ~~ (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (0 F) yy og g , '. . (7) Total Volume Installed (gal) g g/ (8) Installation Prescurc (psi) gjgI p hohe.j eadoM -Ne pdasec.\lu s;N3 A kE OD ?- s. V, . DATA S!!!!ET III 2.}3 Date5[7[7) Approved by: n'ev. 1 .. g ., ., February 21, 1975 -


    ,                     *]           -


                                                                                  .     .                 ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                  ,


                   .            Tendon No. 3! H S R                                                                                                                .s he^ tion h                                                   ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,  9                                                         ,

7 . . . DATE g- 7 7 g-FILLER RDt0 VAL -

  • BY 'S, Gr .

(1) Date Removal Started. 5 'l ) 5 (2) Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F) g 4' (3) Containment Interior Air Tebp. (*F) _., 9 A - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4 GA(,

      .                           (5)                  color Chanta observed                                                                                              g o g gm                                                                                         .

(6) Sampic Taken \ Q T. G ~ ~l.- 7 6


~ '

                                                                                                                                                                                     .'           DATE f - 8'                                            1S
     \. , . FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                                                           -
                                                                                                                                                                     -                             BY         T'h . Cn .
 -t                                                                                                                                                   .                                                     .

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g g gg (2) Date Filler Installed , S' g _ -) g . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperatu're '(*F) gag

  • l (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) --- y A . _ .

(5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) [g g* Q (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap (O F) y gg 8 q ,

 ."                                (7)                  Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                  4 G A\ ,

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) -Ny


N O 'T E. 'T' EE.h1 c\ Q iv f g \\ eLid b Q u' e.\, vg.

                                                                                                                                                 ~                  ~
              *                                            ~                                                                     '
   .e                      .

DATA S!!EET 81 l Approved by: b T. k. Date_ [

                                   "V' I g
                                                                                                 ' ,'                                               Fchruary 21, 1975                                                    -


                                                                                                                                        .-                  ~                                                        .=                                                                                         __ _

e UI'hlmTitm l'nOC);pul g; } yJ.: S .

     ~                                              '

ARKA!;SAS UNIT 1 . . ((

                                                                                              ..                          ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                                                                                                    .'

Sl!EATIIING FIT.T.ER R10f0 VAL t. INSTAT.T.ATION Y. .  : Tendon No. _82 // Io _ Location S//@

       "'                                             ~                                                                                                                                                         '
                                                                                                                  .c-                                  ..                                                 .

DATE 6 - 2 2 ~? S-FILLER RFif0 VAL ,

                                                                                                                             '             -                       -           *                          -                             BY                     G .G .

(1) Date Removal Started. fi-22 ~76 'r ,

  }-           '

(2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) too o (3) Containment Interior- Air Temp. (*F) m _. (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 4 6Al.

              ,                                (5)            Color Change Observed                                                                                                                                     /vo R m AI                                                                                        -
- (6) Sample Taken t Qt. 5^22 '16 F -

DATE' s - 2 3 -7 5 3 ' I., . 7 FILLER INSTALLATION -

                                                                                                                                                                                              .                                         BY                  T3 .C, .

x.* s.

  .',. .                                       (1)            Date Filler Cap Installed                                                                                                    .                      6- M - 7 5 (2)            Date Filler Installed                                                                                    ,                                           g ').% - 7 5                                          -                                           -
  ;                                            (3)            Exterior Concrete Tenperatu're (*F)                                                                                                                        Qo                                                                                 ,

Y.- (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) u . . i

 ,-                                            (5)            Filler Temper'ature at Pump ( F)                                                                                                   g                    g r} g o (6)            Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) g                                                                                                                 (1 g .0 l
        .'                                     (7)            Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                              Q (ggt
    ,,                                         (8)            Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                                    ;~4 N o v e.. - T-etm d o N -(a kk Ed by k 4 MCk "pV M D * *                                                                                                                            ,
 . .                     .                                                                                                                                                                  ~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ,*                                                                                   s, J                              .
                                                                                                    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..                                                                                                                        1 i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Date 24 DATA S!!EET                                             #1         b)/. h.v l                   -

Approved by: j Rev. 1 . .. - - 4 Fchruary 21, 1975

 ,g                            .                         ,
                                                                     -                                                g .
                                                                                                                                                                                             ,.                  .S                                                        .

OPl! RATING Pl:0CUlull:l! 1 >U.! g ARKANSAS 11 NIT 1 . . bh '

                                                                                                  'ONE YEAR TENDON SURVI*ILLANCE
      'i                        -

SilEAT11TNG FII.T.ER RE'.!OVAT. & INSTAT.T.ATION . I  ; Tendon No. 32 N-/0 - Location Ee k & f .

          "~                                ~
                                                                                                             .?       ..
                                                                                                                                                             .' .                            DATE # 2 5*/8" FILLER RDf0 VAL                              ,
                                                                                                                                                                            -                BY           dr W h (1)        Date Removal Started.                                                                                                    y p37f                                                             ~,"

(2) Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F) gga (3) Containment Interior Air Tec:p. (*F) g (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 3 g/

   ?.                                   (5)        color Change observed                                                                                                 4h /' d/pg                                                               .
-- Sample Taken (6) /y f .py . 73-
                                                                                                          .                                                              .'                  DATE' S-21 7.c Q'w%
                 ,                    FILLER INSTALLATION                                                                .

BY vc at v (1) Date Filler Cap Installed f yy. 73 (2) Date Filler Installed g ,g ,

 ,-                                     (3)        Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)
  • g . --
  /                                     (4)        Containment Interior Air Tec:p. (*F)                                                                                                g ._                                 ,                      .

(5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) j g e -- 4 (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) j .jp ep- g ,

        .                               (7)        Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                     g g (8)        Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                   ,
                                                  *CI          7[uc/o, Sheasecl. nsM3 a b4Ald ,7 6*m?.                                                                                    .                    *
                                                                         ?                     .
                                                                                                                            ,                                                           ..-                                                         ~.
          %/                  .

DATA S!!!!ET #1. Itev. 1 .. Approved by: - --

                                                                                                                                                                                         .bb-                               Datefd?/7{
                                                                                        .,                                        February 21, 197S                                                              -

l 1


vi s..v u 4..v,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,. ARRANSAS UNIT 1 . ,

       ,0 Q
                                                           ..                   ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                                             ,

SilEATilING FII.T.ER RD! OVAL & INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. N ., Location h 4/> I DATE S *- Z /- 7S FII,LER RDf0 VAL - -

                                                                                                                                                                           .BY             G . G, .
                  ..-                                                                                                                                                                                                          _ ,        l (1)       Date Removal Started.                                                                                                 g. 2 / . -) f (2)       Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F)                                                                                             f ago                                                                  l (3)       Containment Interior Air Tecp. (*F)                                                                                      _ N A_                                                                       j (4)       Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                                        ,g g f, l
    .                     (5)       color Change Observed                                                                                                          y a o gg, % 4l                                                  ,

(6) Sample Taken g cy, DATE' 5- 2 Z '75

    ,O -                                     _'                                           .                       . .* .

( f FILLER INSTALLATION . BY t:5, c;. . (1) . Date Filler Cap Installed g, g. g (2) Date Filler Installed , gg .,, g , (3) Exterior Concretc Temperatu're '(*F)

  • g g g*

(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) ,94 , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) g \ p,,, o

  • j (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) Q gg* _

(7) Total Volume Installed (gal) Q G A\ (C) Insta11ation Pressure (psi) y4,

     .                             M O T E* M M ck ogg di Ngd                                                                     (jgfjg(                         y          p,
            .                                                                                                                            =                                                                                                l

e ,

  • e p v' ,

j l . l Rev. 1 .'. DATA SIIIIE'I' Approved by: #1 -[eh Date I .5/ff 2

                                                                     .,                                                February 21, 1975                                                    -                      -

t l - h

[. - OPlillATING PROCI:litil:i; 1301.: I 4 s ARKANSAS UNIT 1 . .

                                                              ..                   ONE YEAR TENDON SUI;VF.ILLANCE                                                                                       ,


                              - Tendon No. N N 20                                                                  ,


                                                                                                                                             .                                Location EleId Iwd
    * -                            * *                                               -           .'                                                                           DATE
                                                                           ..                                ..             .                        .                                          f- 2 /15 '                                   .


                                                                                         '                       ~"      .
  • BY d ' /Je //

Date Removal Started. (1) .f- 2 /- 7g (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) 88*T-Containment Interior-Air Temp. (*F)


(3) /t//g - v (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) gg/

   '.                           (5)       Color Change Observed                                                                                                    M,,,.,o / ,                                                     .

(6) Sample Taken /4[ f.yf. yf DATE S-2 2 -7s* O ; FILLER INSTALLATION .

                                                                                                                 . ~.                                                         BY          de. sw/

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g., y 7 , 7f (2) Date Filler Installed 'g,pp,7g . Exterior Concrete Temperatu're (*F) pgep


(3) , (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) ' yg - . (5) Filler Tcmper'ature at Pump ( F) /go a y j(y (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) /80

  • E M .
  . .                           (7)       Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                    fp/                                                              '

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) ,[/ - y

 '               ~

hole ,a %uglcea g)e e ch % s uv g' k eN S '? "'" ?

                                                                                                               '                                                    ~

p v . DATA Sill ET #1 boy. 1 Approved by: 8[,, _ _ Da t o 3-/27 ( February 21, 197S I .. . .,

                                                                                                       -s Ul*l;!al .lf& l'J:UClililll:1! 100-3.


                                                                           .     .                   ONE YEAR Tl:NpoN SUI'VEILLANCE                                                                                          ,


 .                               ; Tendon No. M N                                                                     .,                                   3
                                                                                                                                                                .                                  Location 380P
h. .

DATE 6-I9 ~}$

  ,                                FILLER RDt0 VAL                                                                                            .
                                                                                                                                                   * * ~
                                                                                                                                                                                 -                 BY              D . C7 .
                      .'            (1)           Date Removal Started.                                                                                                            $- l C{ a "If                                       -

(2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) g o'


(3) ConLain:acnt 'Intcrior Air (*F) yA~ (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) 3 Q4/ .

           .                        (5)           Color Change observed                                                                                                              Nopam 41                                                     .

(6) Sample Taken l @,

                                                                                                                                                                              .                  DATE7A. G . ' S- 2/ - 7.5
 , ,V ; FILLER IMSTALLATION                                                                                                      -

BY (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g, g f , 7 g (2) Date Filler Installed , g gj, y . (3) Exterior Coner,ete Temperatu're (*F) iOO' (4) Containtnent Interior Air Terp. (*F) yg , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump ( F) .g*j gg* (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) g g c(o o ,

    .                               (7)           Tota 1 Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                       g QN ,
 .                                  (8)           Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                           ,g
            .                                     -W ncrra. rd,tc\ on .-( M e.d by L Aka pv -p.

O . V ,

  • DATA Sill:ET Approved by: til fg Y $ . . DatcOM/9/}
            *                      "Y*        I                                        *'

Fchruary 21, 1975 - l

UI'I.llATIHG l'nOCEl>Unl 1.TJ.l . . 4 . .

"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~


                                                                       ..                      ONE YEAR TE!! DON S1JRVEILLANCE                                                                                   ,
                                                                                   !!EATitTNG FTI.T.ER RIO!OVAT. A INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No.                                                                                   ,               3 Location [e M N /

DATE f/9-7f FILLER RFitOVAL ' BY 6 t. 'de//

         o                       (1)       Date Removal Started.
  • S- /9-/f -

(2) Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F) gg

  • p".
                                                                                                                                                                         - NA -

(3) Containment Interior- Air Tep. (*F)

,s.                                (4)       Total Volume Removed (gal)                                                                                                      .fc a f
         ,                         (5)       Color Change Observed                                                                                              NogmaY Color                                                             -

i (6) Sample Taken 'l g h S - / 9- 7g

                                 '                                                                                                                                                               ~
~f                                                                                                      ,

DATE S. 2 / - 7f

                         .        FIT.LER INSTALLATION                                                                 -

BY # t. oa# (1) Date Filler Cap Installed , f gf.7g (2) Date Filler Installed , j qf, g . (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F)

  • ygog (4) Containment Interior Air Tccp. (*F) .,, gp .

(5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) ygj e p .:g(-- l (6) Filler Temperature at Outl+ Cap ( F) fgfe p g ,

  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1
 .                                 (7)       Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                      g gf                                                               l (8)       Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                           [p                                 -3K-
,                                        .Y                b  h y e/c d y W .d M W)                                                                                #^'

f" MP - *

   .O v.

DATA Si!EET #1 - htov.1 Approved by: 7@~ Da tef/22./7f

i. . .
                                                                                    .,                                          February 21, 1975                                                         -


                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                         ~. 1

Ul!!!ATING l'j 0C): lits);l; 139.l.i ARKANSAS UNIT 1 . . O '

                                                                                  .;.                          ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                        ,                                                                                                  ,


  • Tendon N.s.N. /N4
  • g Location T/h D
                                                                               *          ~                                                                                             .
                   '                        ~
  • j
                                                                                                                              .]               . . ..                                        .

DATE 6-- &,- 7 4 i I FILLER Rnt0 VAL '

                                                                                                                                                                 *'                          .                             .BY                              .A..

(1) Date Removal Started. .c . j (,, f .; (2) Exterior Concrete Temperatore (*F) in u (3) Containment Intcrior Air. Temp. (*F) - f,, 4 - (4) Total Volume Removed (gal) g gg[

     .                           (5)                  Color Change Observed                                                                                                                            No,2miA/                                                                                           .

(6) Sample Taken j gg g - f G ~7-ji

                                                                                                           ~             . .                                                                          .'                     DATE                     d' / ** - 7 1
     '.                         FII.LER INSTALLATION                                                                                          '.                                                                               LY                    e6            c a                                                                                                                                                    .

(1) Date Filler Cap Installed g_gq_gg (2) Date Filler Installed , g' , g q _ n , . , (3) Exterior Concrctc Temperatu're (*F)

  • _ , , g __ ,

(4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) , , q , (5) Tiller Temperature at Pump ( " F) y q ;;, c' .g < (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( 0 F) j '{ 2 4

      .                          (7)                 Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                                                         g G ,4 /.
 ,'                              (8)                  Installation Pressure (psi)                                                                                                                            _; g _
      ,                                    : 4 . N o r E*. ~ i .G-Nc.kON,                                                                              _fil(Ed'by                                                  N A d r(                                   PU "'P-s                                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .-                                                                                      1
                                                                                                                                                       .                                                                                                                                                              1
(-  : .

i u . DATA S!!!!ET #1

       ,               1 jg,y, 3 -                                             -

Approved liy: hey.M[D Datef.28[7f

                                               .,                                                 .,                                                          Feliruary 21, E975                                                                        -

a Ul'lil'AT1HG l'l:0Cl:1)til; : 1;.U 1. e

          ,,                                                                                               ARKANSAS tlNIT 1                                                     ..
 , (Q -
                                                                      ..                         ONE YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE                                                                              ,

t SilEAT11TNG FIT.T.ER RF.'!OVAT. E. INSTAT.T.ATION Tendon No. 8 8 M M 4 .., 1.ocation k h k s . . DATE S-N- 7[

                                                                        *i-FILLER RDf0 VAL l

BY d c. San (1) Date Removal Started. S ./g .pp (2) Exterior Concretc Temperatore (*F) rfyog (3) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g (4) Total Volume Rercoved (gal) ye,/

          .                         (5)        color Chan;c observed                                                                                         by / C jg                                                        .

f(6) Sampic Taken /g 4 g- / f . 7,5,,-


DATE S-/7-/.7

                      .           FILLE 2 INSTALTATION                                                               .

BY d"4 Wi / (1) Date Filler Cap Installed g g 73-- (2) Date Filler Installed , g fpg (3) Exterior Concrete Temperature (*F) ' g a r (4) Containment Interior Air Temp. (*F) g , . (5) Filler Temperature at Pump (0 F) /g a g- g (6) Filler Temperature at Outlet Cap ( F) / g . p--- g ,

  .                                 (7)       Total Volume Installed (gal)                                                                                             g g,/

(8) Installation Pressure (psi) M g

                  ,                                              Mcjed gweased ub8Ng 2) k1LNd.~"pu.tWP.
       .A                                                                                                               .

D DATA Sill:ET #1 -

           .                     bcy.1                                              *.

Appr ved by: '[ ' (-//. 4 ~ DatoXh/7f February 21, 1975 - -

w--A ---.._ A. _ _ i j i l I,

 '                                                                               l l                                                                               l l

I i 1 1 o N I l


w, O ' i X  ! C l o l 1 l ' l i l

l l l l i 1 , I t 1 s 4 r 1 1 i I APPENDlX D 1 Laboratory Analysis of Sheathing Filler. i


I I k i f 1 . l i I 4


Neutralisation No. Water Solubles Tendon No. Shao Or Total Acid Strong Acid Total Bene Strong Bees Cr (mg/l) S' (mg/l) NO-N Water Field End No. No. Na No. ( l} Content % V19 S 0.236 0.038 0.434 0.063 0.25 0.0 7.0 F 0.301 0.037 1.81 0.056 0.25 0.0 1.0 12. V'9 F 0.501 0.039 2.33 0.062 0.25 0.0 1.0 9.4 LO S 0.07 0.01 0.59 0.19 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Veo S 0.15 0.01 0.48 0.34 0.0 0.0 3.8 1.5 V100 S 0.10 0.01 0.47 0.17 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.2 1032011- 0.22 0.03 0.96 0.14 0.0 0.4 2.0 0.2 1032Si '. . F 0.13 0.06 1.31 0.76 0.3 0.1 7.6 0.0 20207212 F 0.19 0.03 0.47 0.09 0.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 2D210212 F 0.31 0.03 1.17 0.11 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 30110322 F 0.13 0.07 0.52 0.79 0.3 0.1 7.6 0.0

       'tD120322      P          0.10            0.06        0.57        0.74         0.3          0.1          9.0       0.2 21H24          F           0.11           0.03         0.55        0.13         0.0
  • 0.17 2.4 0.3 21H30 F 0.16 0.02 0.75 0.12 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.0 21H36 F 0.36 0.03 1.14 0.15 0.0 0.19 0.0 0.0 31H77 F 0.21 0.04 0.46 0.06 0.0 0.0 5.2 0.0 31H28 F 0. ; 0.02 0.60 0.12 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 31H29 -

0.18 0.04 0.41 0.06 0.0 ! 0.0 4.9 0.0 31H40 F 0.09 0.02 0.67 0.12 0.3 0.0 3.0 0.3 31H52 F 0.06 0.02 0.61 0.12 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.4 32H10 F 0.31 0.03 0.56 0.14 0.0 0.1 3.0 0.3 32H2O F 0.26 0.03 0.65 0.13 0.0 0.1 2.0 0.0 32H32 F 0.42 0.03 2.37 0.13 0.0 0.1 5.5 0.0 32H44 F 0.25 0.03 0.60 0.14 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Acceptance Critens - - - 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 TABLE D.1 - LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF SHEATHING FILLER O v

 -- 2 ,- - _- ,.- - - - -- - -   - -- - _ --,- - - - -      .- _, ,-_ __             _           _ _           --- - ,_ -- - ----

I l 1 I J i I I J i


l i 1 1 m 2 0 1 m l l I 1 i

                                                       ,- -        .--,_ . --, -. -,-, . .,,n.,, , . , - _ - ,          a----,,,-n - ---n-,----c

I I i i I 1 APPENDIX E i Tendon End Anchor Data. I i

           . . _                                  $      -- w----_,.,y_,,,    _   _

7 Filler Coverses Corrosion Level f Misems Wires (./ 1 g,y a w 3 f > E

                         -               1                  1     1                    1       4      . s         a n ti
      }                 I       3        i !         l      I i }               a,     i !            4     4     4! 4i2494                .b.

s V19 S C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 1* 1 0 184 F C C C NA C '? 2 NA 1 186 0 2 0 1' 1 0 184 V40 S C C C C C 1  ? 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 18G F C C C NA C 1 2 NA 1 186 10 0 0 0 0 0 If,6 V60 S C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 F C C C NA C 1 2 NA 1 186 1 0 0 0 0 0 186 V80 S C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 F C C C NA C 1 2 NA 1 186 0 3 0 0 0 0 186 V100 S C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 F C C C NA C 1 2 NA 1 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 10 320111 S C C C C C 1 2 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 F C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 1D328111 S C C C C C 1 1 2 2 185 0 0 0 0 0 1 185 F C C C C C 1 1 2 2 185 0 0 0 0 0 1 185 20207212 S C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 1 0 186 F C C C C C 1 1 2 2 186 0 0 0 0 1 0 186 20210212 S C C C C C 1 2 2 2 185 0 0 0 'O O 1 185 F C C C C C 1 2 2 2 185 0 0 0 0 0 1 185 30110322 S C C C C C 1 2 2 2 185 0 0 0 0 0 1 185 A F C C C C C 1 2 2 2 185 0 1 0 0 0 1 185 l

 \j)  3D120322           S      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186     1    0    >0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 21H24              S      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    3     0     0     0      0      0     186 21H30              S      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 21H36              S      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    t. 0     0     0      0      0     186 31H27              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 31H28              S      C        C     C     C      C      1     1      2      2       186    0     0     0     3    O      0     183 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       1F6    14    0     0     3**    O      O     183 31H29              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       186    0     0     0     0      0      0     186 31H40              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       184    0     0     0     2      0      0     184 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       184    1     0     0     2      0      0     184 31 H52             S      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       184    0     0     0     2      0      0     184 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       184    1     0     0     2      0      0     184 32H10              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      1      2      2       183    0     0     0     3*** 0        0     183 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1     2       2       183    0     0     0     3"' O         O     183 32H2O              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      1     2       2       186    0     0     0     0      1      0     185 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1     2       2       186    2     0     0     0      1      0     185 32H32              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      2     2       2       186    4     0     0     0      0      0     186 F      C        C     C     C      C     1      1     2       2       186    1     0     0     0      0      0     186 32H44              S      C        C     C     C      C     1      2     2       2       185    0     0     0     0      0      1     185      l F      C        C     C O/                                                  C      C     1      1     2       2       185    0     0     0     0      0      1     185      l I
  • Wire was inadvertently nicked with cutting tool while Corrosion Level: C . Covered cutting inspection wire. This wire wee cut and removed also. 1-Bright metal, no visible oxidation N . Not Covered
        ** Wires broke during retenseoning. Tendon was detensioned                2-Reddish brown, no pittmg                  NA . Does not apply and wires eemoved before final retensioning.                           3-0 < Pittieg g.003 in.
      * * *Three broken wires are shown on orginal installation records.          4 .003 <s'ittmgg.006 in.


t t 4 Tendon End Anchor Sketch Data Sheets. i l l l l l i I i I 'l i I I i l i l ! 1 h l I i , l 4 i i 1 1 1 4 i , i t i i a 4 J 4 s

              @                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            l I-i u

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