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2017 Byron Station Initial License Examination Administered Simulator Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/14/2017
From: Jesse Seymour, Bielby M
Exelon Generation Co
Seymour J
Shared Package
ML17152B380 List:
50-454/OL-17, 50-455/OL-17
Download: ML18043B028 (77)


Facility: Byron_______ Scenario No.: N17-1__________ Op-Test No.: 2017-301__

Examiners: __________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is at full power, steady state, MOL, 845 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon.

Turnover: 1A CV pump is expected to be returned to service by end of shift from an oil change. Tech Spec 3.5.2 Condition A (ECCS trains) and TRM 3.1.d. Condition A (Charging pumps-operating) have been entered. 1BOL 5.2 and 1BOL 1.d have been initiated. 1A FW Pp is Out of Service for maintenance. Online Risk is Yellow. Protected Equipment: 1B CV Pump, 1B DG, ACB 1423, 1VD01CB, 1B FW Pump and 1C FW Pump.

Generation Dispatch will be requesting Byron U-1 to reduce load by 100 MWe at 4 mw/min Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 N (BOP) Generation Dispatch requests Byron Unit 1 to lower power 100MWe R (ATC, at 4 MW/min due to grid demand.

SRO) 2 MF RX21A 1700 I (ATC, 1PI-455A fails low; causing PZR heaters to energize and sprays to SRO) close if open. The RO will implement BHC 1-RY-P and select an TS (SRO) operable PZR pressure controlling channel. 1BOA INST-2 will be entered and TS 3.3.1, TS 3.3.2, and TS 3.3.4 will be entered.

3 IOR ZAI1SK509C C (BOP, 1C FW Pp Speed Controller fails low then swaps to manual; Flow 25 120 SRO) from 1C FW Pp will lower causing high flow from 1B FW pump. The IOR ZDI1SK509C crew will adjust 1C FW Pp in manual per BHC 1-SG to restore normal MAN feedwater flow. The controller will be operated in manual for the remainder of the scenario.

4 MF CV10 200 30 C (ATC, 1CV121 fails open; 1CV121 will slowly fail open. ATC will establish 135 SRO) manual control of charging flow per BAR 1-9-D3.

5 MF RP10B C (BOP, Inadvertent Containment Phase A isolation; the crew will refer to BAR ZLO1FP0102 ON SRO) 1-5-B7 and implement 1BOA PRI-13 Recovery from an Inadvertent TS (SRO) Phase A Containment Isolation. BOP will attempt to manually close ZLO1FP0101 failed open 1FP010 Fire Protection Outside Isol Vlv. Crew will then OFF continue to reset CNMT Phase A, establish Instrument Air to Containment and regain normal PZR pressure control. US will enter TS 3.6.3 and TS 3.3.2.

6 MF TP01B C (BOP, GC pump trip; 1B GC pump trips, 1A GC pump will not auto start.

RF TP14A SRO) BOP will perform actions of BHC 1-18-A14 to manually start the 1A GC pump.

7 MF NI08G 0 M (ALL) NI channel N43 detector failure causing an OTT reactor trip signal MF RP09A and Train A FW isolation occurs; the reactor will fail to automatically MF RP01 trip. The crew will enter 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection and (preload) manually trip the reactor (manual reactor trip is successful.)

8 MF CV01B M (ALL) Loss of Heat Sink / Feed and Bleed MF FW43 The following occur when the reactor trips:

MF FW44 1B CV pump will trip (preload) Aux Feedwater pumps will not start ZDI1RY456 1RY456 will not open AUTO (preload)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor 1

SCENARIO OVERVIEW Unit 1 is at full power, MOL, steady state, 845 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon. 1A CV pump is tagged out and for an oil change and is expected to be returned to service by end of shift. Tech Spec 3.5.2 Condition A (ECCS trains) has been entered in addition to LCO 3.1.d. Condition A (Charging pumps-operating) 1BOL 5.2 and 1BOL 1.d have been initiated. 1A FW Pp is Out of Service for maintenance. Online Risk is Yellow. Protected Equipment: 1B CV Pump, 1B DG, ACB 1423, 1VD01CB, 1B FW Pump and 1C FW Pump.

Generation Dispatch will be requesting Byron U-1 to reduce load by 100 MWe at 4 mw/min.

After completing shift turnover and relief, Generation Dispatch will request Unit 1 to lower power 100MWe at 4 MW/min due to grid demand.

1PI-455A fails low; causing PZR heaters to energize and sprays to close if open. The RO will implement BHC 1-RY-P and select an operable PZR pressure controlling channel. 1BOA INST-2 will be entered and TS 3.3.1, TS 3.3.2, and TS 3.3.4 will be entered.

1C Main Feed Pump Speed Controller fails low then swaps to manual Flow from 1C FW Pp will lower causing high flow from 1B FW pump. The BOP will adjust 1C FW Pp in manual per BHC 1-SG to restore normal feedwater flow. The controller will be operated in manual for the remainder of the scenario.

1CV121 fails open 1CV121 will slowly fail open. The RO will establish manual control of charging flow per BAR 1-9-D3.

Automatic operation of 1CV121 will not be available for the remainder of the scenario.

Inadvertent Containment Phase A isolation The crew will refer to BAR 1-5-B7 and implement 1BOA PRI-13 Recovery from an Inadvertent Phase A Containment Isolation. BOP will attempt to manually close failed open 1FP010 Fire Protection Outside Isol Vlv. Crew will then continue to reset CNMT Phase A, establish Instrument Air to Containment and regain normal PZR pressure control. US will enter TS 3.6.3 and TS 3.3.2.

GC pump trip 1B GC pump trips, 1A GC pump will not auto start. BOP will perform actions of BHC 1-18-A14 to manually start the 1A GC pump.

NI channel N43 detector failure causing an OTT reactor trip signal and inadvertent FW isolation occurs.

The reactor will fail to automatically trip. The crew will enter 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection and manually trip the reactor (manual reactor trip is successful.)

Loss of Heat Sink / Feed and Bleed The following events will occur when the reactor is tripped:

1B CV pump will trip.

Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps will fail to start (automatically and manually).

The crew will transition to 1BEP ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response. The STA will monitor status trees and identify a RED path on HEAT SINK and notify the US. The crew will transition to 1BFR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink. Due to no CV pumps running the crew will be directed to initiate bleed and feed.

When bleed path is initiated PZR PORV 1RY456 will not open. The crew will open Reactor Head vent valves to complete the bleed path.

Completion criterion: crew has initiated RCS bleed and feed so that the RCS depressurizes sufficiently for intermediate-head injection to occur per 1BFR H.1.

Critical Tasks

1. Manually trip the reactor from the control room prior to exiting 1BEP 0. (ERG Critical Task number -

CT-1) (K/A: EPE 029-EA1.08; importance - 4.5/4.5)

2. Initiate RCS bleed and feed so that the RCS depressurizes sufficiently for intermediate-head injection to occur prior to 1200 oF [Red Path condition for Core Cooling C.1]. (ERG Critical Task number - CT-
46) (K/A: 010-A4.03; importance - 4.0/3.8) 2


  • Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Appendix A, Simulator Ready for Training Checklist.
  • Establish the conditions of IC 171, full power, MOL, steady state, equilibrium xenon.
  • Verify / Place 1B CV pump in operation
  • Verify / Place the following control switches in PTL
  • 1A CV pump
  • Verify / Close 1FW002A
  • Place clearance order INFO tag on the following control switches:
  • 1A CV Pp
  • 1A FW Pp C/S
  • 1FW002A
  • 1FW012A
  • Place Protected Equipment placards at the following locations:
  • 1B CV Pp C/S
  • ACB 1423 C/S
  • 1VD01CB C/S
  • Change online risk placard to YELLOW
  • Open SimView file s:\opensim\Monitor\NRC.uvl and collect data
  • Open and run caep file N17-1.cae
  • Verify the following are inserted: (from summary page)

Malfunctions Event Delay Initial Ramp Final Current FW43 AUX FW PP FAILS TO START 1A None 00:00:00 True True FW44 AUX FW PP FAILS TO START 1B None 00:00:00 True True RP01 AUTOMATIC REACTOR TRIP FAILURE None 00:00:00 True True FW03 S/U FW PP FAILS TO START None 00:00:00 True True Lights ZLO1FP0102 None 00:00:00 On On ZLO1FP0101 None 00:00:00 Off Off ZLOMLB337 None 00:00:00 Off Off ZLO1FW002A1 None 00:00:00 Off Off Switches ZDI1RY456 None 00:00:00 Auto Auto Remote Functions TP14A None 00:00:00 Open Open Triggers Event 3: ZLO52BRKA(2).GT.0 Command 3: IMF CV01B 3

Turnover Information:

  • Unit 1 is at full power, MOL, equilibrium xenon
  • 1246 MWe
  • Control bank D 221 steps
  • 1A CV pump is tagged out and for an oil change and is expected to be returned to service by end of shift. Tech Spec 3.5.2 Condition A (ECCS trains) has been entered in addition to LCO 3.1.d.

Condition A (Charging pumps-operating) 1BOL 5.2 and 1BOL 1.d have been initiated.

  • 1A FW Pp is Out of Service for maintenance.
  • Online Risk is Yellow
  • Protected Equipment:
  • 1B CV Pump
  • ACB 1423
  • 1VD01CB
  • 1B FW Pump
  • 1C FW Pump
  • Generation Dispatch will be requesting Byron U-1 to reduce load by 100 MWe at 4 mw/min.
  • Reactivity plan and reactivity brief to be performed by crew prior to taking the shift.


INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE Event 1: Lower power 100 MWe at 4 MW/min As Generation Dispatch, contact the MCR by phone (call x3812) and request Unit 1 lower power 100 MWe at 4 MW/min due to grid demand.

Acknowledge as chemistry/rad protection requests for RCS samples (if required).

Acknowledge as Generation Dispatch initiation of ramp.

Event 2: Pressurizer pressure channel 1PT-455 fails low IMF RX21A 1700 to fail 1PT-455 low As SM acknowledge the failure, E-Plan evaluation, LCOs 3.3.1, conditions A, E and K, 3.3.2, conditions A and D, and 3.3.4, condition A entries, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

Note: If the crew requests the Shift Manager to determine if the ramp should continue: report the crew may continue ramp when plant has been stabilized.

Event 3: 1C Main Feed Pump Speed Controller fails low then swaps to manual IOR ZAI1SK509C 25 120 to cause 1C FW Pp speed to lower WHEN 1B FW Pump High Discharge Flow alarm is received:

IOR ZDI1SK509C MAN Wait 5 seconds:

DOR ZDI1SK509C If dispatched as EO to investigate the cause of the failure, report there are no visible problems at the 1C FW Pp.

As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

Event 4: 1CV121 fails open IMF CV10 200 30 135 to cause 1CV121 to slowly fail open If dispatched as EO to investigate 1CV-121, report valve is responding normally.

If contacted as Radwaste Operator to check abnormal sump run times: report no abnormal sump run times.

SM acknowledge failure, online risk evaluation and IR initiation 5

Event 5: Inadvertent Containment Phase A isolation IMF RP10B to cause an inadvertent Train B Phase A CNMT Isolation Wait 5 seconds DMF RP10B As SM acknowledge the failure, E-Plan evaluation, LCO 3.6.3, conditions A entry, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

Event 6: 1B GC pump trip with 1A GC Pump autostart failure NOTE: If crew initiates a reactor trip due to this event, continue by inserting malfunctions for next event.

IMF TP01B When dispatched to investigate tripped GC pump:

MRF TP15 ACKN to reset the H2/Stator panel alarm If dispatched as EO to investigate cause of 1B GC Pp trip, report the 1B GC pump motor is very hot to the touch, but is not burning. Report 1A GC pump is running normally.

As SM, Acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications Event 7: NI channel N43 detector failure causing an OTT reactor trip signal IMF NI08G 500 to cause a failure of PR N43 high resulting in an OTT reactor trip signal IMF RP09A to cause an inadvertent FW isolation As SM Acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations, and STA to monitor BSTs, and begin to monitor BSTs.

As SM Acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 8: Loss of Heat Sink / RCS Feed and Bleed IMF CV01B (inserted via trigger)

IMF FW43 (preload)

IMF FW44 (preload)

As SM Acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations.

As EO dispatched to investigate equipment:

1B CV Pump breaker: Overcurrent relay has target up 1A AF pump breaker: Overcurrent relay has target up 1B AF pump: Engine appears to be seized 6

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __1__



____ Lower power 100 MWe at 4 mw/min _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Direction from Generation Dispatch to lower power 100 MWe at 4 MW/min US

  • Acknowledge request to lower power 100 MWe at 4 Mw/min.
  • Implement actions of 1BGP 100-4, POWER DESCENSION.


  • Review applicable Precautions, and Limitations and Actions of 1BGP 100-4.


  • Verify rod position and boron concentration.
  • Initiate boration as required per BOP CV-6 or BOP CV-6T1.

o Perform boration boundary calculation per 1BGP 100-4T3.

o Refer to Rema for ramp.

  • Perform the following at 1PM05J:
  • Set 1FK-110 BA Flow Control to desired boration rate.
  • Set 1FY-0110 BA Blender Predet Counter to desired volume.
  • Place MAKE-UP MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Place MODE SELECT SWITCH to BORATE position.
  • Verify proper operation of valves and BA transfer pump (1CV110B open, Boric Acid Transfer Pump running, 1CV110A throttles open, proper BA flow indicated on recorder).

o Turn on PZR backup heaters o Monitor for boration affects BOP

  • Lower turbine load at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210 by performing the following::
  • Select SETPOINT.
  • Enter 1168 MW into REF DEMAND window
  • Select ENTER.
  • Enter 4.0 MW/min into the RATE window.
  • Select ENTER.
  • Select EXIT.

o Notify US and RO of pending ramp.

  • Select GO/HOLD.
  • Verify GO/HOLD button illuminates.
  • Verify HOLD illuminated RED.
  • Select GO.
  • Verify GO illuminates RED.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __1__



____ Lower power 100 MWe at 4 mw/min _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO/

  • Monitor reactor power and turbine load lowering:


  • Monitor NIs, Tave, I, Axial Offset, PZR press/level at 1PM05J.
  • Monitor MWe and DEHC system response at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210.
  • During boration, monitor the following at 1PM05J and HMI:

o Monitor VCT level.

o Verify boration auto stops at preset value.

o Return Reactor Makeup System to automatic at current boron concentration.

After measurable change in power and lead examiner concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __2__



___1PT-455 fails low __________________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Identify heaters are on and spray valves are shut
  • Report failure to US.
  • Perform the following at 1PM05J per BHC 1-RY-P:
  • SELECT Operable PZR Pressure controlling channel (Place PZR pressure control select C/S to CH-457/CH-458) o Actions may be completed per 1BOA INST-2, Attachment B:

CREW o Refer to BARs.

  • Identify entry conditions for 1BOA INST-2, OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL.

BOP o Refer to BARs

  • Monitor secondary panels
  • Assist RO as requested US
  • Monitor NSO prompt actions using BHC 1-Summary
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry.

o Direct placing load ramp on hold RO

  • Perform actions of 1BOA INST-2, Attachment B:
  • Check PZR pressure at 1PM05J:
  • PZR pressure - normal on 1PI-456, 457, & 458.
  • Manually restore PZR pressure using 1PK-455A.
  • Verify operable PZR pressure control channel selected o Place 1PK-455A in manual and restore PZR pressure to normal.

BOP o Place load ramp on hold CREW o Discuss change in logic operation of PZR PORVs 9

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __2__



___1PT-455 fails low__________________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO

  • Check PZR PORVS, spray valves, and heaters at 1PM05J:
  • PZR spray valves normal for plant conditions.
  • PZR heaters normal for plant conditions.
  • Check PZR pressure control in auto at 1PM05J:
  • Check the following components in AUTO:
  • PZR spray valve 1RY455B
  • PZR spray valve 1RY455C
  • Master PZR pressure controller 1PK-455A.
  • If 1PK-455A is in manual from initial response, place in AUTO.
  • Place loop T recorder select switch to 1B, 1C, or 1D.
  • Check P11 interlock at 1PM05J:
  • RCS pressure >1930 - P11 NOT LIT CREW o Request NSO support to bypass bistables EVALUATOR NOTE: The bistables will not be bypassed to make the upcoming events work properly.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __2__



___1PT-455 fails low__________________


  • Determine applicable Tech Specs
  • Function 6, Overtemperature T
  • Function 8a, Pressurizer Low Pressure
  • Function 8b, Pressurizer High Pressure
  • For Function 6, CONDITION E, RA E.1 (channel in trip) CT 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> OR E.2 (Mode 3), CT 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br />;
  • For Function 8a, CONDITION K, RA K.1 (channel in trip) CT 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> OR K.2 (reduce power below P-7) CT 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br />;
  • For Function 8b, CONDITION E, RA E.1 (channel in trip) CT 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> OR E.2 (Mode 3), CT 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br />).


  • Function 1d, Pressurizer Low Pressure
  • For Function 1d, CONDITION D, RA D.1 (channel in trip) CT 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> OR D.2.1 (Mode 3), CT 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> AND D.2.2 (Mode 4, CT 84 hours9.722222e-4 days <br />0.0233 hours <br />1.388889e-4 weeks <br />3.1962e-5 months <br />; NOTE: The following may also be identified as an entry for the Degraded Equipment Log though more than the required number of channels remain operable:

o Function 8b, Pressurizer Pressure P-11

  • Function 4, Pressurizer Pressure
  • For Function 4 CONDITION A, RA A.1, CT 30 days; o Contact SM to perform risk assessment, initiate IR, and contact maintenance to investigate/correct instrument failure.

EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for the pressurizer pressure channel failure are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __3__



___1C Main Feed Pump Speed Controller fails low then swaps to manual____

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1B FW Pump flow high
  • 1C FW Pump flow lowering
  • 1C FW pump controller in manual CREW
  • Identify lowering speed of 1C FW Pp
  • Identify raising speed of 1B FW Pp
  • Identify 1C FW pp speed control swapped to MANUAL BOP
  • Raise demand on 1SK-509C in MANUAL to restore 1C FW Pp discharge flow US o Direct NSO to stop ramp / reactivity changes (if in progress) o Notify SM of failure, request IR EVALUATOR NOTE: The crew may perform actions of BHC 1-SG, Steam Generator Level to restore FW flow to normal BOP
  • Perform actions of BHC 1-SG
  • Adjust parameter to pre-failed value o CLEAR integral from FW Reg Vlv controllers as required o Place controllers to Auto as required US
  • Monitor NSO prompt actions using BHC 1-Summary RO o Monitor RCS Tave and reactivity effects caused by secondary feedflow changes.

o Assist BOP with BAR response BOP

  • Check Feed Flow restored EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions to control feed water flow are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __4__



____1CV121 fails open____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Charging flow RISING
  • VCT level LOWERING NOTE: Crew may enter 1BOA PRI-1 for Excessive Primary Leakage US
  • Direct manual control of 1CV121 RO
  • Lower charging flow
  • Balance charging flow with letdown to restore and stabilize PZR level BOP o Review BARs
  • Monitor primary and secondary panels as RO responds to CV malfunction US o Notify SM of failure, request IR o Direct NSO to stop ramp / reactivity changes (if in progress)

If Crew enters 1BOA PRI-1 for Excessive Primary Leakage US * (If 1BOA PRI-1 is entered) Notify SM for procedure entry and EAL evaluation RO/BOP

  • Check Charging Pumps running
  • Throttle 1CV121 and 1CV182 to maintain PZR Level If Crew isolates and bypasses 1CV121 (May use P&ID or BOP CV-26)


  • Direct EO to open 1CV8387B while RO/BOP closes 1CV121 RO/BOP
  • Adjust 1CV182 to maintain proper seal injection flow RO/BOP
  • Direct EO to close 1CV8384A & B to isolate 1CV121 EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions to control charging flow are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __5__



______ Inadvertent Containment Phase A isolation_____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Group 3 CNMT isolation monitor lights LIT
  • Phase A CNMT isolation valve indications -CLOSED CREW
  • Identify CNMT isolation valves closed
  • Recognize inadvertent CNMT Phase A Isolation CREW
  • Acknowledge report of inadvertent CNMT Phase A Isolation.
  • Contact SM to perform E-Plan evaluation, risk assessment, initiate IR, and contact maintenance to investigate/correct failure.
  • Implement 1BOA PRI-13, RECOVERY FROM INADVERTANT PHASE A CONTAINMENT ISOLATION" and direct NSO to perform actions of 1BOA PRI-13.

o Direct NSO to stop ramp / reactivity changes (if in progress)


  • Take manual control of charging
  • Control 1CV121 to minimize PZR level rise
  • Turn off PZR heaters BOP
  • Start available RCFCs in HIGH speed
  • Determine actuated Train:
  • Identify Train B actuated
  • Check affected train isolated -
  • Refer to ATTACHMENT B to verify associated valves CLOSED
  • Identify 1FP010 indicates open and report to US US
  • Determine applicable Tech Specs
  • 1FP010
  • CONDITION A, RA A.1 (isolate penetration ) CT 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> AND A.2 (Verify flow path isolated), CT Once per 31 days


  • Function 3a(2), Containment Phase A Isolation Automatic Actuation Logic and Actuation Relays
  • For Function 3a(2),, CONDITION C, RA C.1 (restore to OPERABLE) CT 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> OR C.2.1 (Mode 3), CT 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> AND C.2.2 (Mode 5), CT 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br />.
  • Place PZR spray valve controllers in MANUAL at ZERO DEMAND 14

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __5__



______ Inadvertent Containment Phase A isolation_____________


  • Open instrument air to CNMT isolation valves 1IA065 and 1IA066 RO
  • Control heaters and sprays to restore PZR pressure to normal EVALUATORS NOTE: The scenario may be continued with the next event after CNMT Instrument Air isolation valves are open RO / BOP o Establish normal charging and letdown
  • Open 1CV8105 and 1CV8106
  • Verify Regen HX isolation valves open - 1CV8324A or 1CV8324B o Establish letdown per 1BOA ESP-2, RE-ESTABLISHING CV LETDOWN EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for restoring CV charging are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __6__



_______1B GC Pump Trip with 1A GC pump auto start failure___

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Annunciator H2/STATOR CLG PANEL TROUBLE (1-18-D13) is LIT
  • 1B GC Trip light lit BOP
  • Perform actions of Hard Card BHC 1-18-A14
  • VERIFY/START the standby GC pump - start 1A GC pump o Refer to BAR 1-18-A14 o Dispatch operator to investigate the 1B GC pump trip RO
  • Monitor primary and secondary panels EVALUATORS NOTE: The unit will trip if the 1A GC pump is not started within 45 seconds.


  • Monitor NSO prompt actions using BHC 1-Summary o Direct NSO to stop ramp / reactivity changes (if in progress)
  • Notify SM of failure, request IR EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for the GC pump trip are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __7__



_ NI channel N43 detector failure causing an OTT reactor trip signal _

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • TSLB-3 RC LOOP 1A OTT - TB411C light LIT
  • TSLB-3 RC LOOP 1A OTT - TB411C light LIT CREW o Note failure of PR N43 channel
  • Note RED FIRST OUT alarm LIT
  • Note failure of reactor to TRIP CREW
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry
  • Enter/Implement 1BEP-0 and direct operator actions of 1BEP-0 RO Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:
  • Step 1: Verify reactor trip o Rod bottom lights - NOT LIT o Reactor trip & Bypass breakers - NOT OPEN o Neutron flux - NOT DROPPING


  • Verify reactor trip:

o Power range channels <5%

o IR SUR is negative BOP Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:

  • All Turbine throttle valves - CLOSED
  • All Turbine governor valves - CLOSED
  • Step 3: Verify power to 4KV busses
  • ESF Buses - BOTH ENERGIZED (141 & 142)


  • Step 4: Check SI Status o SI First OUT annunciator - NOT LIT o SI ACTUATED Permissive Light - NOT LIT o SI Equipment - AUTOMATICALLY ACTUATED o Either SI pumps - NOT RUNNING o Either CV pump to cold leg isolation valve NOT OPEN -


  • Recognize SI is NOT Actuated
  • Check if SI Required
  • Pzr Pressure - NOT < 1829 #
  • Steamline Pressure - NOT < 640#
  • CNMT Pressure - NOT > 3.4#
  • Recognize SI is NOT required 17

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: _7___



_ NI channel N43 detector failure causing an OTT reactor trip signal _

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US

  • Direct STA to monitor BST
  • Notify SM of procedure entry
  • Direct the actions of 1BEP ES-0.1 EVALUATORS NOTE: The sim booth communicator will act as the STA and monitor status trees. When NR level in all SGs is < 10%, the crew will be notified to implement 1BFR-H.1 RO
  • Step 1: Check RCS temperatures
  • Maintain RCS temperature at 557°F
  • Step 2: Check Shutdown Reactivity
  • All rod bottom lights LIT
  • Step 3: Control charging to control Pzr Level at normal level
  • Step 4: Check Pzr pressure trending to normal pressure BOP
  • Step 5: Check FW status
  • If RCS < 564°F, verify FW isolation complete and trip running FW pumps
  • Check SG feed flow - NOT > 500 GPM EVALUATORS NOTE: The crew may pursue any of 3 different methods of restoring feedwater flow per 1BEP ES-0.1 Step 5 RNO. They are listed in RNO order below (FW will not be restored)


  • Attempt to manually start AF pumps.
  • NEITHER AF pump will start from MCR CREW
  • Implement Attachment C to restore FW
  • Check Bus 159 - energized
  • Check at least 2 CD/CB pumps - running with recirc valves in AUTO
  • Check FW recirc valves 1FW012A/B/C - closed
  • Place FW Reg valves, Bypass Reg valves and tempering valves in MANUAL at Zero demand
  • Reset FW isolation
  • Press both FW ISOL reset PB
  • Press both FW ISOL AUX RELAY PB
  • Check FW ISOL AUX RELAY lights - NOT lit
  • Start S/U FW Pp Aux Oil Pump
  • Open 1FW059
  • Place 1FW076 in MODULATE
  • Start S/U FW Pp - Fails to start
  • Close 1FW059 and 1FW076
  • Stop the S/U FW Pp Aux Oil Pump CREW
  • Locally start AF pump(s) per 1BOA ELEC-5, Local Emergency Control of Safe Shutdown Equipment, Att A for the 1A AF Pp and Att D for the 1B AF Pp
  • EO to report 1A AF Pp breaker will not close locally
  • EO to report 1B AF Pp will not start locally from 383 or 364 18

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: _7___



_ NI channel N43 detector failure causing an OTT reactor trip signal _

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATORS NOTE: The crew will continue in 1BEP ES-0.1 until NR level in all SGs is < 10%,

and the crew is notified to implement 1BFR-H.1. Actions for 1BFR H.1 are on page 20.


  • Verify SG blowdown isolation valves are closed
  • Check SG levels
  • Check AC Power status
  • Verify Generator Trip
  • Verify PMG breaker open
  • Verify all AC busses energized by offsite power
  • Transfer steam dumps to Steam Pressure mode
  • Check steam dumps available: C9 NOT lit and MSIVs open
  • Place MS header pressure controller in manual and reduce to 0
  • Place steam dump mode selector to STM PRESS mode
  • Adjust MS header pressure controller to control steam pressure RO/BOP
  • Check 1D RCP running
  • Align SR instrumentation
  • Place Boron Dilution Alert alarm bypass switches in NORMAL
  • Place Scaler Timer power to ON
  • Verify audible count rate
  • Shutdown unnecessary plant equipment
  • Trip running HD pumps
  • Shutdown FW pumps per BOP FW-2
  • Check SX tower operation, NDCT operation, CW System
  • Maintain plant stable
  • PZR Pressure at 2235 psig
  • PZR level at programmed level
  • SG levels - cannot be maintained
  • RCS temp - stable at 557°F US
  • Direct an NSO to perform 1BEP ES-0.1, Attachment D CREW
  • Go to 1BGP 100-5, Plant Shutdown and Cooldown 19

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-1_ Event No.: __8___



_ Loss of Heak Sink / RCS Bleed and Feed _

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US

  • Implement 1BFR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink
  • Notify SM of procedure transition and request EAL evaluation CREW
  • Check RCS pressure > SG pressure
  • Check RCS temperature > 350°F
  • Check at least 1 CV pump running - NONE RUNNING
  • GO TO Step 14 CREW
  • Establish Feed Path by actuating SI
  • Verify RCS Feed Path:
  • ECCS pump status - At least one SI pump running
  • ECCS valve alignment - Group 2 Cold Leg injection lights LIT


  • Establish RCS Bleed Path
  • Verify PZR PORV isol valves energized
  • Verify PZR PORV isol valves BOTH OPEN
  • Identify 1RY456 failed to OPEN
  • Verify adequate RCS Bleed path
  • Both PZR PORVS OPEN Identify 1RY456 failed to open
  • Both PZR PORV isol valves OPEN
  • Open Reactor Head Vent valves on 1PM11J
  • 1RC014A
  • 1RC014B
  • 1RC014C
  • 1RC014D EVALUATOR NOTE: Terminate the scenario after the crew has initiated and verified RCS Bleed and Feed or at lead examiners discretion.


Facility: Byron_______ Scenario No.: N17-2__________ Op-Test No.: 2017-301__

Examiners: __________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is at 10-3% power, BOL, 1343 ppm boron, Reactor startup in progress Turnover: CBD @ 118 steps, ready to raise power to 2-3% using control rods. SM directs raising pressure in 1B SI accumulator prior to raising power. Online risk is green.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 None N (BOP, The BOP will raise 1B SI accumulator pressure using BOP SI-8.


TS (SRO) 2 None R (ATC, Raise power to 2-3% using control rods; The crew will establish a SRO) startup rate to raise reactor power and stabilize at 2-3% power.

3 MF ED11B TS Loss of instrument inverter 112 will occur; Inst bus will be (SRO) powered from CVT. US will determine TS 3.8.7 applies.

4 IOR ZDI1VP05CA C (BOP, Reactor Cavity Vent Fan Trip; The 1A Reactor Cavity Vent fan trips.

STOP SRO) The BOP will take action of the BAR 0-33-C5 to start the 1B Reactor Cavity Vent fan per BOP VP-7.

5 MF RX13A 100 I (ATC, Pressurizer level transmitter 1LT-459A; the controlling channel, SRO) fails high. The RO will select an operable channel per BAR 1-12-B3 TS and the crew will re-enter 1BOA INST-2. The US will determine TS (SRO) 3.3.1 applies.

6 MF FW22B C (BOP, 1B CD/CB pump trip; the BOP will perform actions of BHC 1-17-A9 SRO) to start the standby CD/CB pump and the crew will enter 1BOA SEC-1, Secondary Pump Trip.

7 MF RD02M12 C (ATC, Control rod M12 drops into the core; the crew will enter 1BOA SRO) ROD-3 for a dropped or misaligned rod. The crew will be directed to trip the reactor at step 3 with a dropped rod and less than 5% reactor power.

8 ED15D M (ALL) Loss of all offsite power when the reactor trips a loss of offsite power will occur for Unit 1. The crew will enter 1BCA 0.0.

9 EG08A C 1A and 1B DG will fail to automatically start. The crew will enter EG08B 1BCA 0.0, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER. When safety injection is actuated at step 5 of 1BCA 0.0 the 1B DG will automatically start energizing Bus 142.

10 MF TH11B 15 10 C PZR PORV 1RY456 will open when the loss of offsite power 30 occurs. The crew will close the PZR PORV to stop the loss of RCS inventory.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor 1

SCENARIO OVERVIEW Unit 1 is at 10-3% power, BOL, 1343 ppm boron, Reactor startup in progress. Online risk is green. CBD

@ 118 steps, ready to raise power to 2-3% using control rods. SM directs raising pressure in 1B SI accumulator prior to raising power.

The BOP will raise 1B SI accumulator pressure using BOP SI-8 The will request raising 1B SI Accumulator pressure to 625 psig prior to raising reactor power.

Raise power to 2-3% using control rods The crew will establish a startup rate to raise reactor power and stabilize at 2-3% power.

Loss of instrument inverter 112 will occur.

Inst bus will be powered from CVT. US will determine TS 3.8.7 applies.

Reactor Cavity Vent Fan Trip The 1A Reactor Cavity Vent fan trips. The crew will take action of the BAR 0-33-C5 to start the 1B Reactor Cavity Vent fan per BOP VP-7.

Pressurizer level transmitter 1LT-459A The controlling channel Pressurizer level channel fails high. The RO will select an operable channel per BAR 1-12-B3 and the crew will re-enter 1BOA INST-2. The US will determine TS 3.3.1 applies.

1B CD/CB pump trip The BOP will perform actions of BHC 1-17-A9 to start the standby CD/CB pump and the crew will enter 1BOA SEC-1, Secondary Pump Trip.

Control rod M12 drops into the core The crew will enter 1BOA ROD-3 for a dropped or misaligned rod. The crew will be directed to trip the reactor at step 3 with a dropped rod and less than 5% reactor power.

Loss of all offsite power When the reactor trips a loss of offsite power will occur for Unit 1. The crew will enter 1BCA 0.0.

1A and 1B DG will fail to automatically start The crew will enter 1BCA 0.0, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER. When safety injection is actuated at step 5 of 1BCA 0.0 the 1B DG will automatically start energizing Bus 142.

PZR PORV 1RY456 will open after the loss of offsite power occurs.

The crew will close the PZR PORV to stop the loss of RCS inventory.

Completion criterion: The scenario is complete when the crew has transitioned from 1BCA 0.0 to 1BEP 0.

Critical Tasks

1. Energize at least one ac emergency bus before placing safeguards equipment hand switches in the pull-to-lock position.

(ERG Critical Task number - CT-24) (K/A: EPE 055-EA1.02; importance - 4.3/4.4)

2. Manually close the open PZR PORV prior to completing step 4 of 1BCA 0.0.

(ERG Critical Task number - CT-22) (K/A: EPE 009-EA1.15; importance - 3.9/4.1) 2


  • Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Appendix A, Simulator Ready for Training Checklist.
  • Establish the conditions of IC 172, 10-3% power, BOL, equilibrium xenon.
  • Verify online risk placard to Green
  • Verify Feed Reg Bypass valves are in AUTO
  • Provide the crew with copies of the following mark-up as appropriate:
  • 1BGP 100-2
  • 1BGP 100-2T1
  • Startup REMA
  • Open SimView file s:\opensim\Monitor\NRC.uvl and collect data
  • Open and run caep file N17-2.cae
  • Place simulator in FREEZE until the crew has entered the simulator
  • Ensure the following are inserted: (on summary page)

Malfunctions Event Delay Initial Ramp Final Current EG08A DG SEIZURE DG- 1A None 00:00:00 True True EG08B DG SEIZURE DG- 1B None 00:00:00 True True RP15R SAFEGUARDS SEQ FAILURE T9B None 00:00:00 True True Triggers:

Event 1: ZLO52BRKA(2).GT.0 Command 1: IMF ED15D Event 3: ZDISIA2.GT.0 Command 3: DMF EG08B Event 5: ZDISIA1.GT.0 Command 5: DMF EG08B Event 7: ZLO52BRKA(2).GT.0 Command 7: IMF TH11B (from summary page)

Event 9: ZDI1RY456(3).LT.1 Command 9: DMF TH11B 3

Turnover Information:

Unit 1 is at 10-3% power, BOL, equilibrium xenon Online Risk is Green Reactor startup is in progress, currently at step 17 of 1BGP 100-2 BGP flowchart 1BGP 100-2T1 is in progress All secondary and turbine actions of 1BGP 100-2 have been completed.

A REMA has been provided to assist with the continuation of the reactor startup.

Currently Control Bank D position is 118 steps RCS boron concentration is 1343 ppm During a board walk down it was noted 1B SI Accumulator pressure indicating 605 psig. The Shift Manager directs raising 1B SI Accumulator pressure to ~625 psig prior to continuing with the reactor startup.

The crew is to review 1BGP 100-2 Precautions, Prerequisites, and Limitations and Actions, and Startup REMA prior to taking the shift.

The crew is directed to establish conditions of 2-3% reactor power using control rods.

The crew does not have permission to enter Mode 1.


INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE Event 1: Raise 1B SI Accumulator pressure When directed to align high pressure nitrogen:

MRF NT78 OPEN Report nitrogen Tube Trailer Manifold Discharge Valve is OPEN Report 0NT078, High Pressure Hookup Isolation Valve is OPEN Is asked, report nitrogen pressure is 2000 psig.

As SM acknowledge entry into LCO 5.1 when filling the 1B SI Accumulator Event 2: Raise power to 2-3% using control rods As SM acknowledge changing power level Event 3: Loss of instrument inverter 112 will occur IMF ED11B to cause a loss of Instrument Inverter 112 If dispatched to check Instrument Inverter 112:

Light lit: P2 - Bypass Source Supplying load Light NOT lit: P1 - Inverter supplying load As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

Event 4: Reactor Cavity Vent Fan Trip IOR ZDI1VP05CA STOP Wait 5 seconds DOR ZDI1VP05CA To trip 1A Reactor Cavity Vent fan (MCC 133X4 Cub C1)

As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests Event 5: Pressurizer level transmitter failure 1LT-459A IMF RX13A 100 to cause PZR level channel 1LT-459A to fail high.

Respond to requests for NSO support to bypass bistables - Note: Bistables will not be bypassed.

As SM acknowledge the failure, EAL evaluation for BOA entry, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests 5

Event 6: 1B CD/CB pump trip IMF FW22B to trip the 1B CD/CB pump As EO, if asked to investigate the cause of the pump trip, report an overcurrent trip. Report the pump that was started is running with normal parameters.

As SM acknowledge the failure, EAL evaluation for BOA entry, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests Event 7: Control rod M12 drops into the core IMF RD02M12 to cause rod M12 to drop into the core As SM acknowledge the failure, EAL evaluation for BEP entry, on line risk assessment, and IR requests Event 8: Loss of all offsite power IMF ED15D (preload)

Acknowledge as U2 NSO to enter 2BCA 0.3 Event 9: 1A and 1B DG will fail to automatically start IMF EG08A (preload)

IMF EG08B (preload)

When SI is actuated:

DMF EG08B (Via trigger)

Event 10: PZR PORV 1RY456 fails open.

IMF TH11B (via trigger) 6

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __1___



____ Raise 1B SI Accumulator pressure _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE Direction from SM to raise 1B SI Accumulator pressure to 625 psig prior to raising US

  • Initiate 1BOL 5.1 when notified by BOP
  • Notify SM of LCO entry
  • Direct EO to open 0NT078, High Pressure Hookup Isolation Valve
  • Perform the following at 1PM06J:

o Verify 1SI943 CLOSED

  • Open 1SI8880, N2 Supply Isolation Valve
  • Inform US to initiate 1BOL 5.1
  • Inform US to exit 1BOL 5.1 o Close 1SI8880, N2 Supply Isolation Valve o Direct EO to close Nitrogen Tube Trainer Manifold Discharge Valve.

o Direct EO to close 0NT078, High Pressure Hookup Isolation Valve.

EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for filling the 1B SI Accumulator are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __2__



____ Raise Reactor Power to 2-3 % using control rods _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Direction from SM to raise reactor power to 2-3% power CREW
  • Review applicable Precautions, and Limitations and Actions ( may be performed prior to taking the shift)


  • Direct power ascension per 1BGP 100-3
  • Placekeep procedure appropriately
  • Approve reactivity changes for RO RO
  • Raise reactor power appropriately to 2% to 3%.

o Withdraw control rods as necessary

  • Select MANUAL
  • Withdraw control rods to desired height o Dilute as necessary
  • Select DILUTE or ALT DILUTE on the RMCS Mode Select Switch
  • Enter the desired dilution amount in the PW Flow Totalizer
  • Turn ON RMCS Makeup CS o Operate PZR Backup heaters as needed BOP
  • Assist with peer checks and control panel monitoring EVALUATOR NOTE: After a measurable change in reactor power and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __3___



____ Loss of instrument inverter 112_____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Refer to BAR 1-4-B5.
  • Dispatch an EO to investigate status of Bus 112 Inverter and check local alarms
  • Verify Instrument Bus 112 energized US o Refer to 1BOA ELEC-2, LOSS OF INSTRUMENT BUS - BUS 112
  • Notify SM of plant status, Risk Evaluation, IR initiation, and notifications.
  • Determine applicable Tech Specs
  • CONDITION A, RA A.1 (Restore to OPERABLE), CT 7 days Evaluators note: The crew may enter 1BOA ELEC-2 due to the failed instrument inverter. Steps of 1BOA ELEC-2 are in italics below.


  • Implement 1BOA ELEC-2 "LOSS OF INSTRUMENT BUS" and direct operator to perform actions of 1BOA ELEC-2
  • Notify SM of procedure entry and EAL evaluation, RO/BOP
  • PZR Pressure
  • PZR Level
  • Tave
  • Delta T
  • Pimp
  • Steam Flow
  • Feed Flow
  • Direct EO to check bus not damaged
  • Check bus energized
  • Direct EO to shutdown Instrument Inverter 112 per BOP IP-2 EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for loss of instrument Inverter 112 are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __4__



____ Reactor Cavity Vent Fan Trip _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Annunciator REACTOR CAVITY VENT FAN TRIP (0-33-C5) is LIT
  • 1A Reactor Cavity Vent Fan Amber light LIT CREW


  • Direct the BOP to manually start 1B Reactor Cavity Vent Fan
  • Notify SM of failure, request IR BOP
  • Refer to BAR 0-33-C5
  • Start Reactor Cavity Vent Fan per BOP VP-7
  • Refer to BOP VP-7
  • Start 1B Reactor Cavity Vent Fan 1VP05CB EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for 1A Reactor Cavity Vent Fan Trip are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __5__



____ Pressurizer level transmitter failure 1LT-459A_____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Annunciator PZR LEVEL HIGH RX TRIP STPT ALERT (1-12-A3) is LIT
  • Annunciator PZR LEVEL HIGH CONT DEV HTRS ON (1-12-C3) is LIT
  • Charging flow lowering CREW o Refer to BARs.
  • Identify entry conditions for 1BOA INST-2, OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL.


  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry.

Attachment C "PRESSURIZER LEVEL CHANNEL FAILURE" and direct operator to perform actions of 1BOA INST-2 RO

  • Perform actions of 1BOA INST-2, Attachment C
  • Check PZR level NORMAL:
  • Place 1FK-121, CV pumps flow control valve, OR 1LK-459, PZR master level controller, in manual.
  • Raise demand on 1FK-121 OR 1LK-459 in conjunction with controlling demand on 1CV182 to raise charging flow.
  • Operate 1FK-121 OR 1LK-459 in manual to minimize PZR level drop and maintain 8-13 gpm RCP seal injection flow.
  • Select an operable PZR level channel for control
  • Select an operable PZR level channel to the recorder
  • Check PZR level >17%
  • Check Letdown ESTABLISHED
  • Check PZR Heaters NORMAL
  • Check PZR Level Control in Automatic
  • Place 1FK-121, CV pumps flow control valve, OR 1LK-459, PZR master level controller, as appropriate, in automatic.

EVALUATOR NOTE: The bistables will not be bypassed during this scenario.


  • Request extra NSOs to bypass bistables for the failed channel
  • Determine applicable Tech Specs.
  • Function 9, Pressurizer Water Level - High
  • For Function 9, CONDITION K, RA K.1 (channel in trip) CT 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> OR K.2 (reduce power below P-7) CT 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br />.
  • Determine TS 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 are NOT applicable - minimum channels operable requirement is met.
  • Contact SM to perform risk assessment, initiate IR, and contact maintenance to investigate/correct instrument failure.

EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for PZR level transmitter failure are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __6__



____ 1B CD/CB pump trip _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1B CD/CB pump amber trip light LIT
  • Perform actions of Hard Card BHC 1-17-A9 BOP
  • Start aux oil pump for the standby CD/CB pump
  • Start the standby CD/CB pump
  • Go to 1BOA SEC-1 US
  • Enter and direct actions of 1BOA SEC-1, SECONDARY PUMP TRIP, Attachment B, CD/CB PUMP TRIP
  • Notify SM of procedure entry and request EAL evaluation BOP
  • Check turbine load: NOT > 700 MW
  • Verify standby CD/CB pump running
  • Close recirc valve on tripped pump (1CB113B)
  • Check CD/CB flow restored Evaluators note: The scenario may continue with the next event after the crew has closed the recirc valve on the 1B CD/CB pump and with the Lead Evaluators concurrence.


  • Check Plant Status o PDMS INOPERABLE alarm (1-10-D8) NOT lit o 1BOL 3.h NOT implemented o Check PDMS Limit Exceeded NOT lit o Control DI near target o Rod bank RIL alarm (1-10-B6) NOT lit o Turbine RB Light (OWS graphic 5501) is NOT lit o C-7 (1-BP 4.6) NOT lit CREW
  • Restore Plant Conditions
  • Adjust RCS boron concentration as necessary
  • Verify controls for running equipment in - AUTO:

o TDFP o HD pump discharge o CB pump recircs o CD pumps recirc o GS condenser bypasses 12

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __6__



____ 1C CD/CB pump trip (contd) _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CREW

  • Complete shutdown of tripped CD/CB pump per BOP CD/CB-2, CONDENSATE/CONDENSATE BOOSTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN
  • Adjust SG blowdown flows and calorimetric inputs as necessary
  • Verify DEHC feedback loop in service
  • Notify Chemistry to monitor secondary chemistry o Complete applicable section(s) of 1BGP 100-4 (if runback performed)
  • Notify Chemistry and RP to perform the power change surveillances EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for the CD/CB pump trip are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __7__



____ Control rod M12 drops into the core _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Rod M12 DRPI rod bottom light LIT CREW
  • Identify rod M12 dropped into the core US
  • Enter and direct actions of 1BOA ROD-3, Dropped or Misaligned Rod.
  • Notify SM of procedure entry and request EAL evaluation RO
  • Verify rods in manual
  • Stop boration or dilution in progress
  • Check DRPI not faulted
  • Check reactor power
  • Power is less than 5%
  • Manually trip the reactor EVALUATOR NOTE: The crew may enter 1BCA 0.0 directly when Loss of All AC Power is identified (event 8, page 15)


  • Enter/Implement 1BEP-0 and direct operator actions of 1BEP-0
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry
  • If DRPI is available:
  • Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT
  • Neutron flux - DROPPING
  • If DRPI is not available:
  • Manually trip the reactor at 1PM05J and 1PM06J
  • Verify Power range channels <5% or IR SUR negative BOP Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:
  • All Turbine throttle valves - CLOSED
  • All Turbine governor valves - CLOSED
  • Step 3: Verify power to 4KV busses
  • ESF Buses - BOTH DE-ENERGIZED (141 & 142)


  • Enter/Implement 1BCA 0.0 and direct operator actions
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-2_ Event No.: __8__



____ Loss of all offsite power _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • BOTH 4KV ESF bus alive lights NOT LIT.


  • Enter/Implement 1BCA-0.0, "LOSS OF ALL AC POWER", and direct operator actions of 1BCA-0.0
  • Direct operator actions of 1BCA-0.0.
  • Notifies SM of plant status and procedure entry.
  • Notify Unit 2 to enter and perform actions of 2BCA 0.3.

RO Perform immediate operator actions of 1BCA-0.0:

  • Manually trip reactor at 1PM05J or 1PM06J.
  • Neutron flux - DROPPING BOP Perform immediate operator actions of 1BCA 0.0:
  • Manually Isolate Steamlines at 1PM05J or 1PM06J:
  • Actuate main steamline isolation.
  • Verify all MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves - CLOSED.


  • Verify AF flow at 1PM06J:
  • AF flow >500 gpm (1B AF train only)


  • Verify RCS isolated at 1PM05J:
  • BOTH PZR PORVs closed - Identify 1RY456 OPEN


  • Close 1RY456
  • 1CV8149A, B & C closed.
  • 1CV459 and 1CV460 closed.
  • 1CV8153A & B closed
  • Try to restore power to any/both Unit 1 4KV ESF buses at 1PM01J:


  • Actuate SI
  • Verify 1B DG starts and energizes Bus 142
  • Check DG support loads AUTOMATICALLY STARTED
  • Verify Bus 132X and Bus 132Z - ENERGIZED
  • Verify 1B SX Pump running US
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry
  • Request evaluation of Emergency Plan conditions Evaluators note: when the crew has transitioned from 1BCA 0.0 to 1BEP 0 terminate the scenario.


Facility: Byron_______ Scenario No.: N17-3__________ Op-Test No.: 2017-301__

Examiners: ___________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is operating at 75.0% power due to Advanced Nuclear Dispatch, MOL, 919 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon.

The shift manager requests the BOP to perform a partial RV/IV quarterly surveillance per 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 as a PMT for the RSV L1 (1MS5001A) and IV L1 (1MS5003A) pair.

U-1 Boric Acid Transfer pump is running to recirculate the U1 Boric Acid Tank to support Chemistry weekly sample.

Generation Dispatch is expected to request Byron U-1 to raise load by 50 MWe at 1.6 mw/min.

Event Malf. No. Event Type* Event No. Description 1 None N (BOP, SRO) BOP will perform Monthly IV/RV Surveillance; 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 as a PMT for the RSV L1 and IV L1 pair.

2 MF CV03 C (ATC, SRO) Boric acid transfer pump trips; the RO will align U-0 boric acid transfer pump to support U1 using BOP AB-17.

3 None N (BOP) Power Team will request Unit 1 raise power. Crew performs reactivity calculation and begins power ascension 50 R (ATC, SRO)

MWe at 1.6 MW/min.

4 MF RM02U TS (SRO) Rad Monitor Failure 1PR11J CNMT atmosphere rad monitor will fail due to a loss of sample flow. Unit Supervisor will determine TS 3.4.15 applies.

5 MF MS04B 100 C (BOP, SRO) 1B SG PORV will spuriously open in AUTO and PORV low fluid level alarm is received; the BOP will manually Close MF PB2411 ON TS (SRO) valve. The valve will not completely close and Unit Supervisor ZLO1MS018B2 will determine TS 3.7.4 and 3.6.3 applies.

ON 6 MF CV09 50 I (ATC, SRO) 1TI-130 fails low; causing letdown temp control valve to close resulting in actual letdown temperature rising and diverting letdown around the demineralizers. The RO will place 1TK130 in manual per BAR 1-8-C5 to control letdown temperature.

7 MF CH03D C (BOP, SRO) 1D CRDM Exhaust Fan trips; BOP will refer to BAR 0-33-A5 and start an additional CDRM Fan per BOP VP-9.

8 MF FW16 1500 I (BOP, SRO) FW HTR Discharge Pressure 1PI-508 fails high. MS/FW HDR P will rise. The BOP will take manual control of FW pump controller 1SK509A per BHC-1-SG and control in manual.

9 MF TH03A 400 M (ALL) 1A SG develops a 400 gpm tube rupture. The crew will trip the reactor, and actuate safety injection. The crew will enter 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, and transition to 1BEP-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.


10 RF TH09 0 C Pressurizer Spray Valves fail to operate during SGTR, the crew will attempt to establish PZR spray flow to depressurize RF TH10 0 the RCS, when determined unavailable the crew will utilize at ZLO1RY455B1 least one PZR PORV to depressurize the RCS and minimize ON break flow and refill PZR ZLO1RY455B2 OFF ZLO1RY455C1 ON ZLO1RY455C2 OFF

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor 2

SCENARIO OVERVIEW Unit 1 is operating at 75.0% power due to Advanced Nuclear Dispatch, MOL, 919 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon. Following completion of turnover, the shift manager requests the BOP to perform a partial RV/IV quarterly surveillance per 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 as a PMT for the RSV L1 (1MS5001A) and IV L1 (1MS5003A) pair. U-1 Boric Acid Transfer pump is running to recirculate the U1 Boric Acid Tank to support Chemistry weekly sample. Generation Dispatch is expected to request Byron U-1 to raise load by 50 MWe at 1.6 mw/min BOP will perform Monthly IV/RV Surveillance BOP will perform 1BOSR 3.g.3-1 as a PMT for the RSV L1 and IV L1 pair. (1MS5001A and 1MS5003A)

Boric acid transfer pump trips The RO will align U-0 boric acid transfer pump to support U1 using BOP AB-17.

Power Team will request Unit 1 raise power Crew performs reactivity calculation and begins power ascension 50 MWe at 1.6 MW/min.

Rad monitor Failure 1PR11J CNMT atmosphere rad monitor will fail due to a loss of sample flow. Unit Supervisor will determine TS 3.4.15 applies.

1B SG PORV will spuriously open in AUTO and PORV low fluid level alarm is received The BOP will manually close valve. The valve will not completely close and Unit Supervisor will determine TS 3.7.4 and T.S.3.6.3 applies. The crew will direct isolating the SG PORV using manual isolation valve 1MS019B.

1TI-130 fails low This causes letdown temp control valve to close resulting in actual letdown temperature rising and diverting letdown around the demineralizers. The RO will place 1TK130 in manual per BAR 1-8-C5 to control letdown temperature 1D CRDM Exhaust Fan trips BOP will refer to BAR 0-33-A5 and start an additional CDRM Fan per BOP VP-9.

FW HTR Discharge Pressure 1PI-508 fails high. MS/FW HDR P will rise. The BOP will take manual control of FW pump controller 1SK509A per BHC-1-SG and control in manual.

1A SG develops a 400 gpm tube rupture The crew will trip the reactor, and actuate safety injection. The crew will enter 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, and transition to 1BEP-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.

Pressurizer Spray Valves fail to operate during SGTR The crew will attempt to establish PZR spray flow to depressurize the RCS, when determined unavailable the crew will utilize at least one PZR PORV to depressurize the RCS and minimize break flow and refill PZR Completion criterion is RCS depressurization to match ruptured SG pressure, and SI termination in 1BEP-3. The lead evaluator may end the scenario when pressures have been matched, or after SI has been terminated.

Critical Tasks

1. CT-18 Isolate feedwater flow into and steam flow from the ruptured SG before a transition to ECA-3.1 occurs (ERG Critical Task number - CT-18) (K/A: EPE 038EA1.32; importance - 4.6/4.7)
2. CT-20 Depressurize RCS to meet SI termination criteria before water release from ruptured SG PORV or safety occurs (as indicated by 1B Steam Generator Levels greater than 100% and by Monitor Parameter THLECELL(202) greater than or equal to 0.99).

(ERG Critical Task number - CT-20) (K/A: EPE 038EA1.04; importance - 4.3/4.1 3


  • Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Appendix A, Simulator Ready for Training Checklist.
  • Establish the conditions of IC 173, 75% power, MOL, steady state, equilibrium xenon.
  • Online risk placard is GREEN
  • Ensure copy of 1BOSR 3.g.3-1, IV/RV Quarterly Surveillance is available for the crew
  • Open SimView file s:\opensim\Monitor\NRC.uvl and collect data
  • Open and run caep file N17-3.cae
  • Open Monitor file for Parameter THLECELL(202).
  • Ensure the following are inserted:

Lights Event Delay Initial Ramp Final Current ZLO1RY455B1 1 00:00:03 ON OFF ZLO1RY455B2 1 00:00:04 OFF OFF ZLO1RY455C1 1 00:00:05 ON OFF ZLO1RY455C2 1 00:00:06 OFF OFF Remote Functions TH10 PZR Spray Isol Vlv RY024 1 00:00:02 0 100 Triggers Event 3: ZLO52BRKA(2).GT.0 Command 3: MRF TH09 0 4

Turnover information:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 75.0% power due to Advanced Nuclear Dispatch, MOL, 919 ppm boron, equilibrium xenon.
  • Control bank D is 171 steps
  • 912 MWe
  • No equipment is tagged out
  • Online risk is Green
  • Following completion of turnover, the shift manager requests the BOP to perform RV/IV quarterly surveillance per 1BOSR 3.g.3-1. This is a partial surveillance for 1MS5001A and 1MS5003A only.

An EO has been briefed and is standing by with a field copy of the surveillance.

  • U-1 Boric Acid Transfer pump is running to recirculate the U1 Boric Acid Tank to support Chemistry weekly sample.
  • Generation Dispatch is expected to request Byron U-1 to raise load by 50 MWe at 1.6 mw/min. Do not ramp until called by Generation Dispatch.
  • Reactivity plan and reactivity brief to be performed by crew prior to taking the shift.


INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE Event 1: Perform Monthly IV/RV Surveillance As EO, report you are standing near U-1 Low Pressure Turbines ready to observe IV/RV 1MS5001A and 1MS5003A. (Sim Drawing MS10)

As valves are closed report local indication that the valves went closed then back open.

Event 2: Boric acid transfer pump trip IMF CV03 to trip U-1 Boric Acid Transfer Pump As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

As EO, report U-1 Boric Acid Transfer Pump motor is very hot to the touch.

If directed to check the breaker, MCC 133X3 is tripped and does not appear to be damaged. If breaker re-closure is requested, report breaker is closed. DO NOT DELETE MALFUNCTION. If pump restart is attempted, report the breaker is open.

If contacted as Unit 2, report Unit 0 AB pump is NOT supplying Unit 2 demands and is NOT electrically aligned to Unit 2 If dispatched as EO to align Unit-0 AB pump to Unit 1 per BOP AB-17:

  • Verify w/MCR AB pump 1 + 0 C/S is in PTL (BOP AB-17, step F.1.a)
  • Verify w/MCR makeup C/S is in STOP (BOP AB-17, step F.1.b)
  • Wait approximately two minutes then perform the following:
  • DMF CV03
  • Notify MCR AB pump 1 + 0 C/S may be placed in AFTER TRIP (BOP AB-17, step F.1.j)
  • Notify MCR Makeup C/S may be placed in AFTER TRIP (BOP AB-17, step F.1.k)

Report Unit 0 AB pump aligned for Unit 1 demands (BOP AB-17 step 4 is complete)

If contacted as Chemistry, report samples have been taken for the Boric Acid Tank.

Event 3: Power Team will request Unit 1 raise power As Generation Dispatch, contact the MCR by phone (call x3812) and request Unit 1 raise power 50 MWe at 1.6 MW/min due to grid demand.

Acknowledge as Chemistry/Rad Protection requests for RCS samples (if required).

Acknowledge as Generation Dispatch of initiation of ramp Event 4: Rad Monitor Failure IMF RM02U to cause a failure of 1PR11J.

If asked if anyone is in CNMT, report no one is in CNMT As Rad Protection respond to requests to investigate rad monitor and perform RP-BY-700-1006 As SM, Acknowledge LCO entry, request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications 6

Event 5: 1B SG PORV will spuriously open in AUTO and PORV low fluid level alarm is received IMF MS04B IMF PB2411 ON IOR ZLO1MS018B2 ON to cause 1B SG PORV to spuriously open and low fluid level alarm If directed to investigate report the valve is closed and some hydraulic fluid is on the floor.

Report there is still a slight amount of steam coming through the SG PORV.

If directed to close 1MS019B, wait 3 minutes and report 1MS019B is closed and steam has stopped.

As SM acknowledge the failure, Tech Spec entry, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

Event 6: 1TI-130 fails low IMF CV09 50 to fail 1TI130 low If directed to check local temperature of CV letdown: refer to Sim Drawing CV2 and report value of variable CVTXLTDN As SM Acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 7: 1D CRDM Exhaust Fan trips IMF CH03D to cause 1D CRDM exhaust fan trip (MCC 133X6 C4)

As SM Acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 8: FW HTR Discharge Pressure 1PI-508 fails high Ensure BOP has returned to inside the horseshoe prior to inserting IMF FW16 1500 to cause a 1PI-508 to fail high As SM Acknowledge failure, procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations.

As SM Acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 9: 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm IMF TH03A to cause a 400 gpm SGTR If dispatched to locally open 1MS018B, report the valve will not move.

As SM Acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations.

After transition to 1BEP-3, Acknowledge request for STA and begin monitoring BSTs Event 10: Pressurizer Spray Valves fail to operate after Trip MRF TH09 0 (via trigger) MRF TH10 0 (via trigger)

IOR ZLO1RY455B1 ON (via trigger) IOR ZLO1RY455B2 OFF (via trigger)

IOR ZLO1RY455C1 ON (via trigger) IOR ZLO1RY455C2 OFF (via trigger) 7

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: __1___



____ Perform Monthly Reheat and Intercept Valve Surveillance _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Direction from SM to perform surveillance US
  • Direct BOP to perform a partial 1BOSR 3.g.3-1, Unit 1 Reheat and Intercept Valve Quarterly Surveillance as a PMT for the RSV L1 and IV L1 pair..


  • Perform actions of 1BOSR 3.g.3-1
  • Direct EO to locally observe IV and RV being tested
  • Verify RSV and IV open light LIT
  • Verify RSV and IV closed light NOT LIT
  • Select VALVE TEST on DEHC Graphic 5501
  • Select pushbutton associated with RSV and IV being tested
  • Select EXECUTE on the popup
  • Verify with EO valves closed locally
  • At DEHC graphic verify:
  • RSV and IV closed lights LIT
  • RSV and IV open lights NOT LIT
  • At DEHC graphic verify:
  • RSV and IV open lights LIT
  • RSV and IV closed lights NOT LIT
  • Verify with EO valves opened locally
  • Depress EXIT on DEHC graphic popup RO
  • Monitor plant parameters during RSV and IV surveillance.

EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for performing surveillance for one set of valves are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: __2__



____ Boric acid transfer pump trips _____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Identify/report trip of Unit 1 Boric Acid Transfer pump
  • Refer to BAR 1-9-A4
  • Dispatch operator to Unit 1 Boric Acid Transfer pump and breaker US
  • Direct operators to align the Unit 0 Boric Acid Transfer pump for Unit 1 demand EVALUATOR NOTE: BAR 1-9-A4 will direct the alignment of the Common BA Pump using BOP AB-6. BOP AB-6 contains a NOTE prior to the selection of the applicable steps that states: For U-0 Pp alignment instructions, refer to BOP AB-17. The following steps are per BOP AB-17.


  • Determine Unit 1 Boric Acid Transfer pump is unavailable
  • Align 0AB03P, Boric Acid Transfer pump 0 for Unit 1 demands per BOP AB-17
  • Verify 0AB03P NOT supplying Unit 2 boric acid demands
  • Verify 0AB03P NOT connected to Unit 2 power supply
  • Place Boric Acid Transfer pump 1 + 0 C/S in PULL OUT at 1PM05J.
  • Dispatch operator to align 0AB03P to Unit 1 per BOP AB-17
  • Place Boric Acid Transfer pump 1 + 0 C/S in AFTER TRIP at 1PM05J.
  • Return Unit 1 RMCS to AFTER START at 1PM05J.
  • Request EST for Boric Acid Transfer Pump alignment EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for the boric acid pump trip are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 3___



____ Request Unit 1 to raise power_________________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Direction from Generation Dispatch to raise power US
  • Acknowledge request to raise power 50 MWe at 1.6 Mw/min.
  • Implement actions of 1BGP 100-3.



  • Direct raising load 50 MWe at 1.6 MW/min.
  • Initiate load swing instruction sheet, 1BGP 100-3T5 RO
  • Verify rod position and boron concentration.
  • Determine required PW volume:

Review Rema for power ascension

  • Determine required PW flow rate.
  • Initiate dilution as required (BOP CV-5).
  • Perform the following at 1PM05J:
  • Set 1FK-111 PW/Total Flow Cont POT to the desired PW flow rate.
  • Set 1FY-0111 PW Control Predet Counter to desired PW volume.
  • Place MAKE-UP CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Set MODE SELECT to DIL/ALT DIL position.
  • Place MAKE-UP CONT Switch to START.

Verify proper operation of valves and PW makeup pump (1CV111B open, 1CV111A throttled, 1CV110B open (ALT DIL only), PW pump running, PW flow on recorder).

Turn on PZR backup heaters.


  • Raise turbine load at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210 by performing the following:
  • Select SETPOINT.
  • Enter 1.6 MW/min into the RATE window.
  • Select ENTER.
  • Enter 950 MW into REF DEMAND window.
  • Select ENTER.
  • Select EXIT.
  • Notify US and RO of pending ramp
  • Select GO/HOLD
  • Verify GO/HOLD button illuminates.
  • Verify HOLD illuminated RED.
  • Select GO.
  • Verify GO illuminates RED.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 3___



____ Request Unit 1 to raise power (continued)_________________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO/

  • Monitor reactor power and load ascension:


  • Monitor NIs, Tave, I, PZR press/level at 1PM05J.
  • Monitor MW and DEHC system response at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210.
  • During dilution, monitor the following at 1PM05J and HMI:
  • RCS Tave rising/RCS boron concentration lowering.
  • PW/Total flow predet counter responding correctly.
  • Verify dilution auto stops at preset value.
  • Return Reactor Makeup System to automatic EVALUATOR NOTE: After measureable change in power and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: __4__



____ Rad Monitor Failure_____________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Rad Monitor 1PR11J indicates Loss of sample flow on RMS BOP
  • Refer to BAR RMS-2-1PR11J
  • Notify US of failure
  • Check PPC point RP0075 US
  • Determine applicable Tech Specs
  • CONDITION B, RA B.1.1 (analyze grab samples ), CT Once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> OR B.1.2 (Perform SR, CT Once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> AND B.2 (Restore to OPERABLE), CT 30 days.
  • Notify SM of plant status, Tech Spec entry, Risk Evaluation, IR initiation, and notifications.
  • Notify Rad Protection of monitor failure o Direct placing ramp on HOLD EVALUATOR NOTE: After the US has determined Tech Spec actions for the inoperable rad monitor and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 5__



____ 1B SG PORV spuriously opens in AUTO and PORV low fluid level alarm__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1MS018B Position Indication OPEN
  • Increased steam flow
  • Refer to BAR 1-15-B10
  • Identify SER point 2411 is in alarm o Attempt to close 1B SG PORV in MANUAL
  • Determine applicable Tech Specs
  • CONDITION C, RA C.1 (isolate flow path ), CT 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> AND C.2 (Verify flow path isolated), CT Once per 31 days
  • CONDITION A, RA A.1 (restore to OPERABLE), CT 30 days o Direct placing ramp on hold (if still in progress)
  • Notify SM of failure, Tech Spec entry, request risk evaluation and IR initiation.

EVALUATOR NOTE: After 1B SG PORV failure has been addressed and with the lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 6__



____ 1TI-130 fails low __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1CV129 diverted to VCT
  • 1TK130 at minimum demand CREW
  • Direct manual control of 1CC130 using 1TK-130 o Direct placing ramp on HOLD (if still in progress)

NOTE: BAR 1-8-C5 will not alarm due to temp indication failing low. BOP should first refer BAR 1-9-E2 to mitigate the event. 1-9-E2 eventually refers the operator to 1-8-C5, where 1CC130 will be placed in Manual if not done previously.


  • Refer to BAR 1-9-E2, Letdown Temperature High
  • Refer to BAR 1-8-C5, Letdown HX Outlet Temperature High
  • Verify 1CV129 diverted around demin to VCT
  • Take manual control of 1CC130 and raise demand Crew o Dispatch EO to locally check letdown temperature BOP/
  • Monitor panels and assist other operator as required.


  • Notify SM of failure, request risk evaluation and IR initiation.

NOTE: If the Crew is slow to diagnose the failure, they may isolate letdown, and may also put on excess letdown. Steps for each follow in italics.

To isolate letdown

  • Close 1CV8149A/B/C
  • Close 1CV459/460 To place excess letdown in service per BOP CV-17
  • Verify/open 1CV8100 & 1CV8112
  • Open 1CC9437A/B
  • Verify closed 1CV123
  • Open 1RC8037A/B/C or D
  • Open 1CV8153A or B
  • Open 1CV123 while maintaining outlet temp <165 EVALUATOR NOTE: When High Temp alarm clears or at lead examiners discretion, continue with next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 7__



____ 1D CRDM Exhaust Fan trips __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Identify failure of 1D CRDM exhaust fan and report to US US
  • Direct starting standby CRDM exhaust fan
  • Notify SM of failure, request risk evaluation and IR initiation.

o Direct placing ramp on HOLD (if still in progress)


  • Refer to BAR 0-33-A5
  • Start standby CRDM Exhaust fan using BOP VP-9 EVALUATOR NOTE: The BOP should be allowed to return to inside the horseshoe prior to continuing with next event.

EVALUATOR NOTE: When standby CRDM exhaust fan has been started or at lead examiners discretion, continue with next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 8__



____ FW HTR Discharge Pressure 1PI-508 fails high __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1B and 1C FW PP flow indication lowering
  • Perform actions of BHC 1-SG
  • Verify/Place 1SK509C is in manual
  • Adjust controller to pre-failed value
  • Clear integral from FW Reg Vlv controllers as necessary
  • Go to 1BOA INST-2 CREW
  • Identify lowering speed of 1B and 1C TDFPs
  • Identify entry conditions for 1BOA INST-2, OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL.


  • Monitor NSO prompt actions using BHC 1-Summary
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry.

Attachment J "FW PUMP SPEED CONTROL MALFUNCTION" and direct operator to perform actions of 1BOA INST-2.

o Direct placing ramp on HOLD (if still in progress)


  • Perform actions of 1BOA INST-2, Attachment J" FW PUMP SPEED CONTROL MALFUNCTION"
  • Verify / Place 1SK-509A in MANUAL and raise demand
  • Check feed flow greater than or equal to steam flow
  • Check FW pump Dp
  • Check Feed reg valves stable RO
  • Monitor reactor power.

o Monitor RCS Tave and reactivity effects caused by secondary feedflow changes o Assist BOP with BAR response BOP

  • Check Feed Flow restored
  • Feed flow > steam flow
  • SG levels at or trending to normal EVALUATOR NOTE: When the crew has addressed the FW Pp issue or at lead examiners discretion, continue with next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9___



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • 1A SG FW flow lowering
  • PZR level lowering EVALUATORS NOTE: The crew may initially enter 1BOA SEC-8, Steam Generator Tube Leak. The actions are listed in italics below.


  • Direct the actions of 1BOA SEC-8 RO
  • Throttle open 1CV121 and 1CV182 attempting to maintain PZR level
  • Lower letdown flow to 75 GPM
  • Report that PZR level can NOT be maintained >17%.


  • Order crew to trip the reactor, verify the reactor trip, and actuate SI.


  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry
  • Enter/Implement 1BEP-0 and direct operator actions of 1BEP-0 RO Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:
  • Rod bottom lights - ALL LIT
  • Neutron flux - DROPPING BOP Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:
  • All Turbine throttle valves - CLOSED
  • All Turbine governor valves - CLOSED
  • Step 3: Verify power to 4KV busses
  • ESF Buses - BOTH ENERGIZED (141 & 142)


  • Direct manual SI actuation RO/BOP
  • Manually actuate SI
  • Step 4: Check SI Status
  • SI ACTUATED Permissive Light - LIT
  • SI Equipment - AUTOMATICALLY ACTUATED o Either SI pumps - RUNNING o Either CV pump to cold leg isolation valve OPEN - 1SI8801A/B
  • Manually actuate SI from 1PM05J and 1PM06J 17

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9__



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm (continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US

  • Step 5: Direct BOP to perform Attachment B of 1BEP-0 EVALUATOR NOTE: US and RO will continue in 1BEP-0 while BOP is performing Attachment B. Steps for completion of Attachment B start on page 23.


  • Verify Total AF flow:
  • AF pumps - BOTH RUNNING
  • AF alignment:
  • 1AF013A-H OPEN
  • AF flow > 500 gpm
  • Check S/G tubes intact - 1A SG level rising in an uncontrolled manner /

Secondary rads NOT normal

  • CLOSE 1AF013A and 1AF013E
  • CLOSE 1AF005A and 1AF005E RO
  • Check PZR PORVs and SPRAY VALVES at 1PM05J:
  • 1RY455 & 1RY456 CLOSED
  • PORV isol valves - 1RY8000A & 1RY8000B BOTH ENERGIZED
  • PORV relief path - Both PORVs in AUTO, Both isolation valves - OPEN.
  • Normal PZR Spray Valves CLOSED RO
  • Check RCS temperatures:
  • Verify RCS average temperature stable at or trending to 557oF.

o If required: throttle AF maintaining >500 GPM until SG minimum level is met RO

  • Check if RCPs should be stopped:

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9__



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm (continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP/

  • Check if SG secondary pressure boundaries are intact at 1PM04J:


  • Check pressure in all SGs:
  • NO SG dropping in an uncontrolled manner.


  • Check S/G tubes are NOT intact at RM-11 console:
  • 1PR08J SG Blowdown
  • Notifies SM of BEP entry
  • Request STA to come to the control room RO Check status of RCPs and determine all running o If any running, Check trip criteria NOT satisfied
  • High head SI flow >100 gpm OR SI flow > 200 gpm AND
  • RCS pressure > 1425 psig CREW Identify ruptured SG o Unexpected rise in NR level o Main steamline rad monitor o 1RT-AR022 Grid 1 4AA122 o 1RT-AR023 Grid 1 4AA123 o High activity for any SG sample
  • Reset CNMT isol Phase A
  • Notify Chem to locally sample
  • Open SG blowdown sample valves at Chem request
  • Identify 1A SG ruptured 19

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9___



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm (continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP/ Isolate flow from ruptured SG by verifying RO

  • Verify closed when SG pressure < 1115 psig
  • Verify SG blowdown valves closed unless open for sampling
  • 1SD002A
  • 1SD002B


  • Close MSIV and MSIV bypass valves for 1A SG (critical
  • Check ruptured SG level
  • Narrow Range >10%
  • Verify/Close AF isol valves (should have been closed earlier in 1BEP-0)
  • 1AF013A
  • 1AF013E
  • 1AF005A
  • 1AF005E BOP Check ruptured SG pressure o Ruptured SG pressure greater than 330 psig Crew
  • Initiate RCS cooldown
  • Determine required CETC from table (step 6a)


  • Check PZR Pressure >1930 #


  • When < 1930#, block Steamline Isol SI BOP
  • Dump steam to condenser from intact SGs at maximum rate using steam dumps or SG PORVs o Check steam dumps available
  • Place MS controller in Manual, reduce demand to 0
  • Select Steam Pressure Mode
  • Adjust MS controller to initiate cooldown o When necessary, bypass P-12 interlock using Bypass Interlock Switches A&B o Dump steam at maximum rate using SG PORVs RO/
  • Dispatch an operator with keys to standby 1SI101A/B BOP Crew
  • Check average of 10 highest CETC - < required temperature from step 6a Crew
  • Continue with step 7; come back to step 6f when cooldown target temperature is achieved.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9__



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm (continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP

  • Check intact SG levels > 10%
  • Control feed flow to maintain NR levels 30 - 50%


  • Check PZR PORVs and isolation valves
  • PORV isolation valves ENERGIZED
  • PORV isolation valves BOTH OPEN RO/
  • Verify SI actuated permissive light NOT LIT
  • Verify Auto SI blocked light LIT RO/
  • Reset Phase A isolation BOP BOP
  • Establish IA to containment
  • Check SACs (Station Air Compressors)- any running
  • Open 1IA065 and 1IA066 CREW
  • Check if RH pumps should be stopped
  • Any RH pump running and aligned to RWST
  • RCS pressure >325#
  • Stop both RH pumps CREW
  • Check if RCS Cooldown should be stopped
  • Ave of 10 highest CETC < required temperature in Step 6
  • When met, stop cooldown and maintain temperature < required temperature CREW
  • Check ruptured SG pressure - stable or rising CREW
  • Check RCS subcooling - acceptable per figure 1BEP 3-2 and Attachment A RO/
  • Normal Spray -available
  • 1D RCP available
  • 1RY455B available 21

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 10__



____ Pressurizer Spray Valves fail to operate__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RO

  • Depressurize RCS using PZR spray valves until:

o RCS Pressure < Ruptured SG pressure and PZR level > 12%

o PZR level > 69%

o RCS subcooling NOT acceptable

  • Identify PZR spray valves NOT ADEQUATE US


o RCS Pressure < Ruptured SG pressure and PZR level > 12%

o PZR level > 69%

o RCS subcooling NOT acceptable

  • Check PZR spray valves closed
  • Check Aux spray valve closed CREW
  • Check RCS pressure RISING CREW
  • Check if ECCS flow should be terminated
  • RCS subcooling - Acceptable
  • Secondary heat sink o > 500 gpm feed flow to SGs - available o At least 1 intact SG > 10% NR
  • RCS pressure - rising
  • PZR level > 12%


  • Stop both SI pumps and 1 CV pump BOP EVALUATOR NOTE: When the CREW determines SI should be terminated, conclude the scenario.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9__



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm (continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: Beginning of 1BEP-0 Attachment B actions BOP

  • Verify ECCS pumps running:
  • Verify ECCS valve alignment - required Group 2 lights LIT
  • RCS pressure > 1700 psig
  • Verify RCFCs running in accident mode
  • Group 2 RCFC Accident Mode lights - ALL LIT
  • Verify Phase A isolation
  • Group 3 Cnmt Isol monitor lights - all LIT
  • Verify CNMT Vent isolation
  • Group 6 Cnmt Vent Isol monitor lights - ALL LIT
  • Verify CC pumps - BOTH RUNNING
  • Verify SX pumps - BOTH RUNNING
  • Check if Main Steamlines should be isolated - NOT required
  • All SG pressure > 640 psig (at 1PM04J)
  • CNMT pressure < 8.2 psig
  • Check if CS is required
  • CNMT pressure has NOT risen to .20 psig
  • Verify FW isolated at 1PM04J:
  • FW pumps - TRIPPED.
  • Isolation monitor lights - LIT.
  • FW pumps discharge valves - CLOSED (or going closed) 1FW002A-C.
  • Trip running HD pumps
  • Verify DGs running at 1PM01J:
  • 1SX169A & B OPEN.
  • Dispatch operator locally to check operation
  • Verify Generator Trip at 1PM01J:
  • OCB 3-4 and 4-5 open.
  • PMG output breaker open.
  • Verify Control Room ventilation aligned for emergency operations at 0PM02J:
  • Operating VC train equipment - RUNNING.
  • Supply fan
  • Return fan
  • M/U fan
  • Chilled water pump
  • Chiller 23

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-3_ Event No.: _ 9__



____ 1A SG Tube Rupture - 400 gpm (continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

  • M/U fan outlet damper - NOT FULLY CLOSED.
  • VC train M/U filter light - LIT.
  • Operating VC train Charcoal Absorber aligned
  • Operating VC train M/U filter aligned
  • Aligned to Turb Bldg
  • Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038.
  • Verify Auxiliary Building ventilation aligned at 0PM02J:
  • Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned.
  • Plenum A or B or C:
  • Fan - RUNNING
  • Flow Control damper - NOT FULLY CLOSED
  • Bypass Isolation damper - CLOSED
  • Plenum A or B or C:
  • Fan - RUNNING
  • Flow Control damper - NOT FULLY CLOSED
  • Bypass Isolation damper - CLOSED
  • Aux Bldg Exhaust fans running
  • One exhaust fan running for every supply fan running
  • Verify FHB ventilation aligned at 0PM02J:
  • Fan - RUNNING
  • Flow Control damper - NOT FULLY CLOSED
  • Bypass Isolation damper - CLOSED
  • Maintain UHS basin level >80%
  • Check outside air temp - NOT less than freezing
  • Initiate periodic checking of SFP
  • Direct EO to locally verify SFP level and temperature and report status to STA
  • Notify US of the following:
  • Manual actions taken
  • Failed equipment status
  • Ownership of continuous actions
  • Attachment B completed
  • Shutdown unnecessary plant equipment
  • Refer to 1BGP 100-4T4 and 1BGP 100-5 as time allows EVALUATOR NOTE: end of 1BEP-0 Attachment B actions 24

Facility: Byron_______ Scenario No.: N17-4__________ Op-Test No.: 2017-301__

Examiners: __________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is at 90% power per Generation Dispatch orders, MOL,877ppm boron, equilibrium xenon, Online risk is green Turnover: Crew is to perform a partial surveillance 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2, AF Valves Stroke Test, for 1B AF train as a PMT for 1AF013E. 1BOL 7.5 Condition A (One AF train inoperable) has been initiated. Protected Equipment 1A AF Pump.

Event Malf. No. Event Type* Event No. Description RF RP34 OUT Preload Slave K623 MS ISOL TRN A RF RP35 OUT Slave K616 MS ISOL TRN A RF RP60 OUT Slave K623 MS ISOL TRN B RF RP61 OUT Slave K616 MS ISOL TRN B 1 None N (BOP, SRO) AF stroke test; the BOP will perform the stroke test for 1B AF train, 1AF013E.

2 MF CV17 100 C, (ATC, VCT level transmitter 1LI-185 fails high; causing 1CV112A to SRO) divert to the HUT. The RO will perform actions of BAR 1-9-A2 and realign 1CV112A to restore letdown flow to the VCT.

3 IOR ZDI0CW03PA C (BOP, SRO) 0A CW Makeup Pump will spuriously trip; The BOP will refer TRIP to BAR 0-38-A11 and start the standby 0B CW Makeup Pump per BOP CW-9, Circulating Makeup Pump Start-up. The crew may also enter 0BOA SEC-11, Inadequate Circulating Water Makeup.

4 MF PA0005 TS (SRO) MSIV pressure alarm; Alarm 1-1-B5 alarms. Local report will be low accumulator pressure on the 1A MSIV. US will determine TS 3.7.2 applies for the MSIV.

5 MF TH10A 100 C (ATC, SRO) PZR spray valve 1RY455B fails open; PZR spray valve 1RY455B slowly fails open. RO will take manual control per BHC 1-RY-P to close the spray valve.

6 MF FW35B C (BOP, SRO) 1B HD Pump spuriously trips; The BOP will perform actions of BAR 1-17-D2 to start standby HD pump and enter 1BOA SEC-1 to verify plant is stable.

7 MF FW35C C (BOP) 1C HD Pump spuriously trips; The crew will perform actions of 1BOA SEC-1 and initiate a turbine runback to 780MW at 20 R (ATC, SRO)



8 MF RP09A M (ALL) Inadvertent Train A Feedwater Isolation / ATWS; Feedwater flow to all steam generators is lost requiring a Reactor Trip.

MF RP02A The reactor will fail to automatically and manually trip from the MF RP02B main control room. The crew will enter 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip /

Safety Injection, and transition to 1BFR S.1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWS.

MF RD09 8 C (ATC) ATWS, Rod speed is failed at 8 steps/min; the RO will place Rod Bank Select Switch to manual per Immediate Action of 1BFR-S.1 step 1 RNO and insert control rods at 48spm.

9 MF TC03 C(BOP) Main turbine fails to trip automatically or manually via the Turbine Trip pushbutton. The BOP will then close the IOR governor valves at the DEHC panel per Immediate Action of ZDI1HSTG010 1BFR-S.1 step 2 RNO to isolate main turbine from steam NORM generators.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor 2

SCENARIO OVERVIEW Unit 1 is at 90% power per Generation Dispatch orders, MOL,877ppm boron, steady state, equilibrium xenon, Online risk is green. Crew is to perform a partial surveillance 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2, AF Valves Stroke Test, for 1B AF train as a PMT for 1AF013E. 1BOL 7.5 Condition A (One AF train inoperable) has been initiated. Protected Equipment 1A AF Pump..

AF stroke test The BOP will perform the stroke test on 1B AF train 1AF013E.

VCT level transmitter 1LI-185 fails high 1CV112A will divert to the HUT. The RO will perform actions of BAR 1-9-A2 and realign 1CV112A to restore letdown flow to the VCT.

0A CW Makeup Pump will spuriously trip. The BOP will refer to BAR 0-38-A11 and start the standby 0B CW Makeup Pump per BOP CW-9, Circulating Makeup Pump Start-up. The crew may also enter 0BOA SEC-11, Inadequate Circulating Water Makeup.

MSIV accumulator pressure alarm Alarm 1-1-B5 alarms. Local report will be low accumulator pressure on the 1A MSIV. US will determine TS 3.7.2 applies for the MSIV PZR spray valve 1RY455B fails open.

PZR spray valve 1RY455B slowly fails open. RO will take manual control per BHC 1-RY-P to close the spray valve.

1B HD Pump spuriously trips The BOP will perform actions of BAR 1-17-D2 to start standby HD pump and enter 1BOA SEC-1 to verify plant is stable.

1C HD Pump spuriously trips The crew will perform actions of 1BOA SEC-1 and initiate a turbine runback to 780MW at 20 MW/min.

Inadvertent Train A Feedwater Isolation / ATWS; Feedwater flow to all steam generators is lost requiring a Reactor Trip. The reactor will fail to automatically and manually trip from the main control room. The crew will enter 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip /

Safety Injection, and transition to 1BFR S.1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWS.

ATWS, Rod speed is failed at 8 steps/min The RO will place Rod Bank Select Switch to manual per Immediate Action of 1BFR-S.1 step 1 RNO and insert control rods at 48 steps per minute minimizing the needless continuation of an extreme or a severe challenge to the subcriticality CSF.

Main turbine fails to trip automatically or manually via the Turbine Trip pushbutton The BOP will then close the governor valves at the DEHC panel per Immediate Action of 1BFR-S.1 step 2 RNO to isolate main turbine from steam generators.

Completion criterion is transition from 1BFR S.1 back to 1BEP 0.

Critical Tasks

1. Insert negative reactivity into the core prior to dispatching operators to locally trip the reactor and/or the turbine (ERG Critical Task number - CT-52) (K/A: EPE 029EA1.09; importance - 4.0/3.6)
2. Isolate main turbine from SGs during ATWS prior to re-entering 1BEP-0 (ERG Critical Task number - CT-50) (K/A: EPE 029EA1.13; importance - 4.1/3.9) 3


  • Verify/perform TQ-BY-201-0113, Appendix A, Simulator Ready for Training Checklist.
  • Establish the conditions of IC 174, 90% power, MOL, steady state, equilibrium xenon.
  • Online risk placard is GREEN
  • Place Protected Equipment placard on 1A AF Pump
  • Verify VCT level channel 1LT-112 is displayed on VCT level recorder
  • Verify 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 is available for the crew
  • Open SimView file s:\opensim\Monitor\NRC.uvl and collect data
  • Open and run caep file N17-4.cae
  • Ensure the following are inserted: (on summary page)

Malfunctions Event Delay Initial Ramp Final Current RP02A REACTOR TRIP BREAKER FAILS TO OPEN RTA None 00:00:00 True True RP02B REACTOR TRIP BREAKER FAILS TO OPEN RTB None 00:00:00 True True TC03 TURBINE AUTO TRIP FAILURE None 00:00:00 True True Switches & Buttons ZDI1HSTG010 None 00:00:00 NORM NORM Remote Functions RP34 K623 MS ISOL TRN A None 00:00:00 OUT OUT RP35 K616 MS ISOL TRN A None 00:00:00 OUT OUT RP60 K623 MS ISOL TRN B None 00:00:00 OUT OUT RP61 K616 MS ISOL TRN B None 00:00:00 OUT OUT 4

Turnover Information:

  • Unit 1 is at 90% power per Generation Dispatch orders, MOL, equilibrium xenon
  • Control bank D is at 195 steps
  • 1106 MWe
  • No equipment is tagged out
  • Protected Equipment: 1A AF Pump
  • Online risk is green
  • Crew is to perform a surveillance 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2, AF Valves Stroke Test, for 1B AF train as a PMT for 1AF013E. 1BOL 7.5 Condition A (One AF train inoperable) has been initiated. Protected Equipment 1A AF Pump.


INSTRUCTOR/SIMULATOR RUN AID GUIDE Event 1: AF stroke test Event 2: VCT level transmitter 1LI-185 fails high IMF CV17 100 to fail VCT level transmitter 1LT-185 high As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests.

Event 3: 0A CW Makeup Pump will spuriously trip IOR ZDI0PBCW03PA TRIP to cause a trip of 0A CW makeup pump As EO, acknowledge order to investigate cause of pump trip. Report you are at the RSH doing rounds, and that the overcurrent target flag is up.

Respond as necessary for local steps to start the 0B CW Makeup pump per BOP CW-9. Report local steps of BOP CW-9 steps 1-8 are complete.

As SM Acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations.

As SM Acknowledge request for writing IR, performing risk assessment and making appropriate notifications.

Event 4: MSIV accumulator pressure alarm IMF PA0005 ON to cause 1A MSIV low accumulator pressure alarm When dispatched to investigate 1A MSIV pressure alarm report 1A MSIV active accumulator pressure is 4600 psig, standby accumulator pressure is 4925 psig.

If directed to adjust 1A MSIV pressure using BOP MS-5 or 1BOSR MS-W1:

DMF PA0005 And report 1A MSIV pressure has been adjusted to 4950 psig.

As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests Event 5: PZR spray valve 1RY455B fails open IMF TH10A 100 to cause PZR spray valve 1RY455B to fail open.

As SM acknowledge the failure, on line risk assessment, request for maintenance support, and IR requests 6

Event 6: 1B HD Pump spuriously trips IMF FW35B to cause a trip of 1B HD pump As SM, acknowledge the 1B HD pump trip, 1BOA SEC-1 entry, request for E Plan evaluation, and requests for on line risk assessment, maintenance support, and IR initiation.

If dispatched as EO, report 1B Heater Drain pump has ground overcurrent flag at breaker cubicle (Bus 156 Cub 3)

Event 7: 1C HD Pump spuriously trips IMF FW35C to cause a trip of 1C HD pump Note: If crew determines a reactor trip is required, insert next event As SM, acknowledge the 1C HD pump trip, 1BOA SEC-1 entry, request for E Plan evaluation, and requests for on line risk assessment, maintenance support, and IR initiation.

If dispatched as EO, report 1C Heater Drain pump breaker ground overcurrent relay has a target on it.

As Generation Dispatch acknowledge report of load reduction.

Event 8: Inadvertent Train A Feedwater Isolation / ATWS / ATWS, Rod speed is failed at 8 steps/min IMF RP09A to cause an inadvertent FW isolation and IMF RD09 8 to fail rod speed to 8 spm IMF RP02A and RP02B (in preload) to cause a failure of reactor to trip As SM Acknowledge procedure entry and request for Emergency Plan evaluations.

After transition to 1BFR-S.1, Acknowledge request for STA and begin monitoring BSTs.

As EO, acknowledge request for local trip of Reactor Trip Breakers. After crew has gone past step 4 of 1BFR S.1, report you are at U-1 reactor trip switchgear.

When requested to trip U-1 reactor:

DMF RP02A DMF RP02B MRF RP01 OPEN MRF RP02 OPEN And report reactor trip and bypass breakers are open Event 9: Main turbine fails to trip automatically or manually via the Turbine Trip pushbutton IMF TC03 (in preload) to cause a failure of turbine to auto trip IOR ZDI1HSTG010 NORM (in preload) to fail main turbine trip pushbutton 7

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 1__



____ AF stroke test__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • From turnover, perform a partial 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 for 1AF013E as a PMT US
  • Direct BOP to perform a partial 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2 for 1AF013E EVALUATOR NOTE: Scenario may be continued after completion of stroke test of 1 valve.


  • Refer to 1BOSR 0.5-2.AF.1-2
  • Record As Found condition of 1AF013E as OPEN
  • Exercise 1AF013E CLOSED
  • Exercise 1AF013E OPEN o Return 1AF013E, to its "As Found" condition RO
  • Assist BOP with procedure as a peer check for valve stroke
  • Monitor primary and secondary panels EVALUATOR NOTE: When valve stroke test is complete, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 2__



____ VCT level transmitter 1LI-185 fails high__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Refer to BAR 1-9-A2
  • Determine 1LT-185 is failed HIGH o Determine Auto switchover at <5% is unavailable RO
  • Place 1CV112A to VCT position
  • Monitor VCT level US
  • Notify SM of failure, request IR BOP
  • Monitor primary and secondary panels
  • Assist with BAR response EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions for the VCT level failure are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 3__



____ 0A CW Makeup Pump will spuriously trip __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Amber trip light LIT for 0A CW Makeup Pump US
  • Direct operator to respond to alarm BOP
  • Refer to BAR 0-38-A11
  • Dispatch an operator to investigate tripped pump
  • Monitor CW flume level o Adjust 0CW220, CW Intake Bay Level Control Valve
  • Start the standby CW Makeup pump using BOP CW-9 RO
  • Monitor primary and secondary parameters while BOP is involved in the pump trip EVALUATORS NOTE: The crew may refer to or enter 0BOA SEC-11 for inadequate makeup flow. Actions of 0BOA SEC-11 follow in italics.


  • Enter 0BOA SEC-11, In Adequate CW Makeup, and direct operator to perfrom actions
  • Notify SM of procedure entry and request EAL evaluation BOP
  • Perform actions of 0BOA SEC-11
  • Check at least 2 pumps running - Only one running
  • Using BOP CW-9:
  • Direct EO to perform local actions of procedure or direct the EOs actions
  • F.1 blowdown oil cooler cooling line
  • F.2 Verify open sliding gate suction valve
  • F.3 Verify open recirc valve
  • F.4 Verify closed discharge valve
  • F.8 Throttle open 0CW217B
  • Start 0B CW Makeup pump
  • Direct EO to lineup oil cooling water
  • Throttle open 0CW220
  • Verify 0B CW MU discharge valve 0CW216B opens
  • Verify 0B CW MU recirc valve closes
  • Verify open 0B CW MU Pump discharge isolation valve 0CW217B
  • Throttle open 0CW278B, recirc valve locally
  • Verify pump current of 300 to 343 amps
  • Adjust 0CW220
  • Direct EO to Locally check motor and bearing temperatures o Check outside air temperature > 40°F o Dispatch operator to investigate cause of trip o Verify adequate Makeup capability EVALUATOR NOTE: After the actions to control CW makeup pump trip are complete and with lead examiners concurrence, insert the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 4__



____ MSIV accumulator pressure alarm __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Dispatch an operator to investigate low pressure alarm
  • Direct an operator to restore 1A MSIV pressure using BOP MS-5 US
  • Determine applicable Tech Spec
  • Notify SM of plant status, tech spec entry, request IR and maintenance notification and risk evaluation
  • Direct restoration of MSIV pressure EVALUATOR NOTE: After MSIV accumulator pressure has been addressed and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 5__



____ PZR spray valve 1RY455B fails open __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • PZR pressure is lowering
  • 1RY455B OPEN light is LIT o Annunciator PZR PRESS CONT DEV LOW HTRS ON (1-12-C1) is LIT RO
  • Identify 1RY455B is OPEN
  • Perform action of Hard Card BHC 1-RY-P
  • Place 1PK-455B in manual and reduce demand to 0
  • Adjust PZR pressure to prefailed value
  • Monitor PZR pressure EVALUATOR NOTE: Tech Spec 3.4.1 only applicable if pressure lowers to

<DNB limits of 2209 psig)


  • Monitor NSO prompt actions using BHC 1-Summary
  • Evaluate Tech Spec 3.4.1 (if pressure reduced to <DNB limits) for applicability
  • LCO 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits
  • CONDITION A, RA A.1 (restore parameter to within limit), CT 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />
  • Notify SM of plant status, request IR and maintenance notification and risk evaluation BOP
  • Assist with BAR response
  • Monitor panels with failure in progress EVALUATOR NOTE: After response to PZR spray valve failure is complete and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 6__



____ 1B HD Pump spuriously trips __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • HD Tank level rising.
  • HD Pump discharge valves opening.
  • 1B HD pump amber trip light LIT BOP
  • Recognizes 1B HD pump tripped.
  • Refer to BAR 1-17-D2.
  • Reports failure to US.
  • Recognizes one Heater Drain Pump running.
  • Perform actions of BAR 1-17-D2
  • Start Standby HD pump
  • Inform US to enter 1BOA SEC-1
  • Direct EO to investigate cause of HD pump trip
  • Complete shutdown of tripped pump per BOP HD-2 US
  • Acknowledge 1B HD pump trip.
  • Acknowledge start of standby HD pump per BAR
  • Contact SM of procedure entry, EAL evaluation, perform risk assessment, initiate IR, and contact maintenance to investigate/correct failure
  • Implement 1BOA SEC-1, SECONDARY PUMP TRIP Attachment C HD PUMP TRIP and direct operator actions of 1BOA SEC-1
  • Notify Chemistry to monitor secondary chemistry.


  • VERIFY/START standby HD pump
  • Verify HD pumps running - TWO running
  • Check HD tank level stable and <72%
  • Restore plant conditions
  • HD tank overflow closed in AUTO
  • Running HD pumps parameters acceptable RO
  • Control Delta I near target EVALUATOR NOTE: After standby HD pump has been started and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 7__



____ 1C HD Pump spuriously trips __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • HD Tank level rising.
  • HD Pump discharge valves opening.
  • 1C HD pump amber trip light LIT BOP
  • Recognizes 1C HD pump tripped.
  • Refer to BAR 1-17-D2.
  • Reports failure to US.
  • Recognizes one Heater Drain Pump running.
  • Recognizes standby HD pump is unavailable CREW
  • Identify entry conditions for 1BOA SEC-1, SECONDARY PUMP TRIP.


  • Acknowledge 1C HD pump trip.
  • Contact SM of procedure entry, EAL evaluation, perform risk assessment, initiate IR, and contact maintenance to investigate/correct failure.
  • Implement 1BOA SEC-1, SECONDARY PUMP TRIP Attachment C "HD PUMP TRIP" and direct operator actions of 1BOA SEC-1 BOP
  • Recognizes standby HD pump NOT AVAILABLE.
  • Check HD pump status at 1PM03J.
  • ONLY 1A HD pump running.
  • Initiate HD runback on OWS graphic 5512 at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210.
  • Verify turbine load lowering.
  • Check HD Tank level at 1PM03J:
  • Level > 72% and rising.
  • Maintain HD tank level.

o Verify 1HD046A &B in AUTO.

o Open 1CB113A-D as needed.

o Manually open 1HD117, HD tank overflow valve.

o Lower turbine load as necessary to maintain HD tank level <72%.

  • Check 1HD117, HD tank overflow valve in auto and closed at 1PM03J.

o Lower turbine load as necessary to close 1HD117.

  • Check 1A HD pump parameters at 1PM03J.
  • 1A HD pump amps < 168 amps.
  • 1A HD pump flow < 2950 KLB/HR.

o Lower turbine load as necessary to restore 1C HD pump parameters.

  • Deactivate turbine runback:
  • Depress STOP HD RUNBACK softkey at OWS graphic 5512 at 1PM02J or OWS drop 210.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 7__



____ 1C HD Pump spuriously trips(continued)__________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior US/RO

  • 1BOL 3.h not implemented.


  • Control I near target.
  • Operate control rods in manual as necessary to restore I to desired value at 1PM05J.
  • Monitor RCS parameters.

o If RCS pressure lowers < 2209 psig, notify US to enter TS 3.4.1, RCS DNB Limits.

o If control rods < low - 2 rod insertion limit, notify US to enter TS 3.1.6, Control Bank Insertion Limits.


  • Initiate RCS boration at 1PM05J:

o Determine from Rema.

  • Set 1FK-110 BA Flow Control to desired boration rate.
  • Set 1FY-0110 BA Blender Predet Counter to desired volume.
  • Place MAKE-UP MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Place MODE SELECT SWITCH to BORATE position.
  • Verify proper operation of valves and BA transfer pump (1CV110B open, Boric Acid Transfer Pump running, 1CV110A throttles open, proper BA flow indicated on recorder).

o Turn on PZR backup heaters.


  • Verify running CB pump recirc valves in auto.
  • 1CB113A-D on running pumps.
  • Dispatch operators to perform BOP HD-2 for 1B HD pump.
  • Shutdown CD/CB pump (if started during procedure performance).


  • Notify chemistry to monitor secondary plant chemistry.
  • Notify SM to perform risk assessment.

o Notify chemistry to perform TS 3.4.16 sampling.

o Notify rad protection to perform TS sampling.

  • Contact Generation Dispatch to inform of of load reduction and estimated duration of power derate.

EVALUATOR NOTE: After boration is in progress in response to HD pump trip and with lead examiners concurrence, continue with the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 8__



____ Inadvertent Train A Feedwater Isolation / ATWS __________

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • FW Monitor lights all LIT
  • FW flow reduced to 0 on 1FI-510/521/531/541 CREW
  • Perform immediate actions of 1BEP 0
  • Rod bottom lights - NOT LIT
  • Neutron flux - NOT DROPPING
  • Check PR channels - >5%
  • Inform US failure of reactor to trip US
  • Transition to 1BFR S.1, ATWS
  • Notify SM of plant status and procedure entry
  • Request evaluation of Emergency Plan conditions EVALUATOR NOTE: The scenario will continue to the next event.


Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 8 / 9__



____ ATWS, Rod speed is failed at 8 steps/min__________

____Main turbine fails to trip automatically or manually via the Turbine Trip pushbutton Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE

  • Verify/ensure Control Rods inserting in Manual or Auto at least 48 steps per

[CT-52] minute

  • Manually trip the Turbine using trip pushbutton on 1PM02J or OWS Panel 5512


  • Select Turbine Manual
  • Select Rapid
  • Select and hold GV Lower BOP
  • Check at least 1 CV pump running


  • Initiate emergency boration by
  • Open 1CV8104
  • Check emergency boration and charging flows >30 gpm
  • Check PZR pressure <2335 psig
  • Verify Group 6 CNMT Vent monitor lights LIT CREW
  • Dispatch EO to locally open Rx Trip Breakers
  • Check if Reactor is subcritical
  • PR channels <5%
  • IR channels - negative SUR EVALUATOR NOTE: Depending on timeframe, the crew may go to either step 8 or step 16 at this point. Steps 8-15 are in italics.


  • Check SG NR levels > 1 SG >10%
  • Control feed flow to maintain SG NR level 10% - 50%
  • Check 1SD002A-H closed
  • Check 1CV111A & B closed
  • Dispatch operator to verify dilution paths are isolated
  • Check for RCS temperature NOT dropping uncontrollably
  • Check for any SG pressure NOT dropping uncontrollably 17

Op-Test No.: _2017-301___Scenario No.: _N17-4_ Event No.: _ 8 / 9 (continued)



____ ATWS, Rod speed is failed at 8 steps/min__________

____Main turbine fails to trip automatically or manually via the Turbine Trip pushbutton Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EVALUATOR NOTE: If RCS is cooling down or SG are depressurizing, the crew will perform steps 11-13 CREW

  • Step 11: Check/close MSIVs and bypass valves closed
  • Step 12: Check SG pressure NOT dropping uncontrollably or depressurized
  • Step 13: Isolate faulted SG CREW
  • Step 14: Check CETC < 1200°F
  • Step 15: Verify reactor subcritical
  • PR channels < 5%
  • IR channels - negative SUR Crew
  • Return to procedure and step in effect US
  • Announces transition to 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection EVALUATOR NOTE: EVALUATOR NOTE: The scenario can be terminated after the transition to 1BEP-0 is announced or at lead examiners discretion 18