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Chronological Summary of safety-related Maint & Operating Experience for 12-month Period Ending 771231
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1978
Shared Package
ML19210A091 List:
PROB-771231, NUDOCS 7910240813
Download: ML19212A476 (10)



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POST office Box 542 R EAotNG. PENNSYLVANI A 19603 TELEPHONE 215 - 929 3601 March 16, 1978 CQL 0330 Mr. B. H. Grier, Director 3, Office of Inspection and Enforcement Begion T  ! :'

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissica 2 ' ,td, r;}lf }\\ ,! l rd.

631 Park Avenue - 4 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 2 MAR 2 ?i975"

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Dear Sir:

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Three MileOperating Island Nuclear License No. Station, PPR-50 Unit 1 (TMI-1)k'[jD-~', .b-: ' ', '

Docket No. 50-289 In response to your letter of September 19, 1977, we have attached two copies of 1) Summary of Operating Experience, and 2)Sunmary of Safety Related Main-tenznce for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1.


., . ,. . . . . > J. G. Herbein Vice President-Generation JGH
DGM:cj g Attachments O g ec: Director (h0 copies) '

Ij Office of Inspection & Enforcement J c/o Distribution Services Branch, DDC, Adit U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission Washington, D. C. 20555 Director (2 copies)

Office of !?.anagement Information & Program Contro2 c/o Distribution Services Branch, DDC, ADII U. S. !!uclear Regulatory Ccr.-issi n Washin.-ten, D. C. 20555 1489 042 Aofmp 4

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SU'efARY OF SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE The following is a chronological description of the unit's safety related maintenance for the twelve-=onth period ending December 31, 1977 January There was no safety related maintenance performed during this =onth.

February There was no safety related maintenance performed during this =onth.

March / April Prior to the refueling outage, Main Steam Safety Valve testing was accomplished on MS-V1TB, ISB, 203, and 21A. Results showed that only one (1) valve failed the initial test. MS-V21A required adjustment to meet the trip testing require-ments.

During the Refueling Shutdown various safety related work vas performed.

1. Diesel Generator mechanical inspection was conducted at the request of Fairbanks Morse. The Diesel Generator inspection resulted in chang *g the cam rollers and cam shafts. Also, the diesel BF-D relays were re-placed by the Electrical Maintenance Department. Only one diesel was placed out of ser rice at a time while the above work was accomplished.

.A Upon cempletion of the diesel generator work, each diesel was operated and tested, both unloaded and leaded, before declaring them operable.

2, RC-PlA #1, #2, and #3 Seal inspection, RC-PlA motor inspection, RC-PlD

.#2, and #3 seal inspection and RC-P1D motor inspection were acecmplished during the outege. The seal inspection required prior draining of the RC System, re=cving seals, and installing blank flanges to allov flood-ing the fuel transfer canal. The seals were then inspected concurrent with the fuel shuffle. Various parts of the seal assemblies were replaced as a result of the inspection. . The motor bearings for these pumps vere inspected and resistance measurements were taken. Oil hoses for these pumps were replaced. Also, oil hoses vere inspected and replaced on RC-PD and 1C motors.

3. RC-RV1A/1B set points were increased in accordance with Technical Specification requirements and leak tested. Both valves satisfactorily passed a pop test and leakage test and were replaced on the pressurizer.
h. DH-V5A/3 vere repaired. DH-V5A/D had been leaking prior to the refueling outage. Due to cc.atallability of replacenent parts, repair of DH-V5B vas delayed while DH 'l5A vas repaired. DH-V53 sten had been bent slichtly dur-ing operatic and was replaced upon completion of DH-V5A repairs.

5 Locc1 Leak Ett e Coating resulted in repair of the following valves:

mo m A. IC 't3 9 D'9~

B. IC-V,~

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C. RB-YT D. CA-VhA/B E. AH-V1A/B F. WDG-Vk G. CA-V5A/B There were also some minor packing leaks on other contain=ent isolttion valves which required corrective action.

6. MJ-ClA developed a leak during Cycle II operation and was replaced during the refueling outage.

7 Eddy current indications in the "B" OrSG led to the stabilization and plugging of six (6) tubes. During the month of April more possible indi-cations were identified by B&W resulting in further Eddy Carrent testing.

Extensive en9hatiens of results showed that additional tube plugging was not warranted in the "B" OTSG.

8. Cire Water Pu=p and Valve operator repairs were required when the casing cracked on CW-plD while starting up the Cire Water System. This resulted in all equip =ent in the Cire Water House being submerged for approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The motors were sent out for drying, while the CV-Pump bearings vere rreoved, flushed and reinstalled, and the casing for CV-P1D was replaced.

CW-V1F body was replaced after discovering a badly worn rubber seat. The CW-Pump motors are being aligned and coJpled and vill be tested prior to being placed in service.

9 AH-VlA/lB/1C bearing inspection and lubri.:ation vere perforned as a result of an NRC consit=ent. All ber rings were found to be performing satisfactorily.


1. Further eddy current testing resulted in pluEging two {,2} tubes in the "A" OTSG due to vall thinning. The tubes were plugged as a preventive mainten-ance measure to prevent a future primary to secondary tube 4eak. Additional eddy current testing of OTSG "A" and "B" revealed no other tubes required plugging. ,
2. During the snubber test program repairs were performed on those snabbers which failed to Icek up. The repairs included replacemen hof snubbers, re-building snubbers, purging and adjusting sgubbers. All snubber verk (repairs, retests and installation) was completed prior to heating the RCS above 2000F. ,

3 OTSG "A" and "B" upper high level sensing connections, lower high level sensing connections, and the drain connections were magnetic particle tested to determine vhere there vere any veld deficiencies. Repairs were performed in accordance with section III ASE Code (1972 edition) on three (3) out of six (6) connections on the "A" OTSG and one (1) out of six (6) connections en the "3" OTSO. The repairs were performed with the secondary side of the OTSG drained below the sense connections.

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h. During the sta. cup phase of the Refueling Oui age, a vibration signal was .

discovered on the OTSG "A" loose parts and v.bration system. hirther in-vestigation of the vibration revealed a looso washer on the OTSG I4CA restraint bolts. Subsequent inspection of all OT3G LOCA restraint bolts revealed there vere several loose bolts on both OTSG's. Repairs to the loose bolts included slugging the bolts tight and velding; lock tabs in positien to prevent the bolts from vibrating loose. All work was performed with the Reactor at the Hot Shutdown Condition.

June There was no safety related maintenance performed during this scath.

July Nuclear Services-River Vater Pu=p (NR-P1C) shaft fractured at the coupling while in the process of switching control breakers for NR-PlB. The motor for NR-Plc was uncoupled and removed to repair the damaged shaft. Repairs in-cluded replacement of shaft, pu=p assembly, and alignment of pump to motor.

Vibration readings were taken before coupling of pump to motor. After the motor and pu=p were coupled, vibration readings were taken. Coupling adjust-ments vere made to mini =ize the motor running current. Both vibration readings and current measurements were satisfactory and the pump was returned to service.

August There vas no safety related maintenance performed during this month.

Sertember Decay Heat Pumes 1A and c, The Decay Heat Pu=ps lA & 13 were inspected during this month for possible shaft cefects per NEC request. The folleving vork/ inspection was performed on each pu=p:

1. IRD readings vere taken.

Pump to motor coupling removed. g oo g  ;


3. Ultrasonic test of pump shaft.

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h. Analysis of UT results.

5 Coupling of pump to motor.

6. Teeting of pump and declaring pump operable.

7 Return pump to service.

Each pump was taken out of service separately to perform the above work. Results of UT and IRD readings were satisfactory for both pumps. All work performed on each pump vas completed within the time limits set forth in the technical speci-fications.

Recetor Coolant Pu-o 1A On September 19, 1977, /.cile starting the RC-P's for plant startup, RC-P1A tripped due to loss of Inspectica of RC-PlA's motor leads re realed 1489 045

. a phase ta ground short had occurred near the local bus and cable cor.nections.

Repairs included removal of tape from cable leads and local bus bar, cleaning of cable and bus bar connections, replace =ent of cable from motor to 1ccal bus bar, tightening of all connections, retapping, disconnecting and replacing surge capacitor, =eggering of motor, replacing panel covers, testing pu=p and returning pu=p to service.

During the repairs of RC-PLA, RC-PIB and 1D =otor connectiens were also inspected.

The inspections included re= oval of tape fro = =otor leads and local bus bar connee-tions, checking connections for signs of deterioration, cleaning and tightening connections, retapping, disconnecting of surge capacitor, meggering of motor, reconnecting surge capacitor, replace =ent of pensl covers, testing of pu=ps, and returning pu=p to service. Results of inspections were satisfactory.

October The DH-P's 1A&lB vere inspected during this =cnth for possible shaft defects. Tbs following work / inspection was perfor=ed on each pu=p:

1. IRD readings were taken.
2. Pu=p to motor coupling removed.

3 Ultrasonic test of pu=p shaft.

h. Analysis of UT results.

5 coupling of pu=p to =otor.

6. Testing of pu=p and declaring pu=p operable.

7 Return pump to service.

Each pu=p was taken out of service separately to perform the above work. Results of UT and IRD readings were satisfactory for both pu=ps. All work performed or.

each pu=p was co=pleted within the ti=e limits set forth in the technical speci-fications.

Novenber Decay Heat Pu=ps "A" and "B" were inspected during this month for possible shaft defects. The following vork/ inspection was performed on each pump:

1. IRD readings were taken
2. Pu=p to =otor coupling re=oved
3. Ultrasonic test of pump shaft 6D D
h. Analysis of UT results ,

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5 coupling of pu=p to =otor " ' " -

6. Testing of pu=p and declaring pump operable 7 Return pump to service Each pump was taken out of service separately to perform the above work. Results All vork perfort.ted on of UT and IED readings were satisfactory for both pumps.

cach pump vas completed within the time limits set forth in the technical specifi-cations.

D?-FI A end bell ve.s replaced sf:cr diccovering a slight crack in the end bell.

"ock included:

1. Testing of redundtr.t comp r.ent P. Disasacably of punp to rc cr couplin; 1489 046


3. Disassembly me.or end bell ,
k. Replacement of end bell
5. IRD readings
6. Testing of pump and declaring pump operable 7 Returning pump to service L'ork vaa completed within ti=e specifications set forth in technical specifications.

Test results were satisfactory.

December DH-P1A and 1B vere inspected on December 5 and 6 respectively for possible shaft defects.

The folleving verk/ inspection was performed on c.ach pump:

1. IRD readings iere taken
2. Pump to motor coupling re=oved 3 Ultrasonic test of pu=p shaft
k. Analysis of UT results 5 coupling of pu=p to motor
6. Testing of pu=p and declaring pump operable 7 Return pu=p to service Each pump was taken out of service separately to perform the above work. Results of UT and IRD readings were satisfactory for both pumps. All work performed on each pump was completed within the time limits set forth in the Tech Specs.

1489 047

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StIO%RY OF OERATIfG EXERIENCE The following is a chronological description of the unit's operations for the twelve month period ending December 31, 1977.

January The unit operated at full power for the entire month.

February Except for the turbine oil trip outage, described below, the unit operated at full power for the entire month.

On February 3,1977, during the weekly performance of the Turbine 011 Trip Test, the trip device failed to actuate, to verify proper mechanical over-speed protection, and to exercise the mechanical overspeed trip linkage and oil trip valve. In order to acconplish some preliminary trouble shooting, the unit was Inter reduced to approximately 925 power for two periods of 10 and 15 minutes on February 3,1977 On February 4,1977, the generator was taken off line and a tube fitting in the oil supply line to the oil trip solenoid valve was repaired. During the repair work, the Reactor plant re=ained at approximately 107. power.

March The unit operated at essentially full power, with the exception of physics testing on Ibrch 5,1977, and main steam safety relief valves testing on March 12, 1977, until Msrch 18, 1977, at 2200 when it was shutdown to co=mence the refueling outage. The unit remained shutdown for the balance of the month.

April The unit was doun for refueling the entire month.

Ity Unit i returned to power operation following the 1977 Refueling-Maintenance Outage on 5/16/77 and attained 1007, power on 5/20/77 The unit then continued at essentially full power for the remainder of the month.

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June Except for the 50% power reduction on June 17, 1977 to conduct turbine stop valve testing, Unit 1 centinued at essentially 100% full power operation for the entire month. The monthly turbine valve testing is perfomed at 50% power to eliminate what has been sumised to be one possible mechanism of OTSG tube failures. That is, salve testing at reduced power minimizes the steam flow transient within the steam generator.

July The Unit operated at essentially full power for the entire month except for the brief power reductions experienced on 7-7 and 7-16. The unit reduced power to approximately 70% on T-7-77 in order to reduce the load on the main trans femer. An inadvertent trip of the main transformer fire service del-uge system (due to a faulty detector) caused the transformer cooling fans and oil pumps also to trip. In order to prevent exceeding temperature limitation on the transformer cooling oil, temporary load shedding was initiated. The unit was returned to full power within 22 minutes. On 7-16-77, the unit was reduced to approximately 50% to perfom the neheduled turbine stop valve testing. The unit was returned to full power within two hours and fifty minutes.

August .

The unit operated at essentially full power for the entire conth except for the planned power reduction experienced on 8-20-77 On August 20, 1977, the unit was reduced to approximately 50% Power to perfom the scheduled turbine stop valve testing. While at the reduced power, the "A" string of Feedvater Heaters was isolated to repair a leaking Heater Drain Valve (HD-V2A). With the "A" FW Heater String isolated, the unit escalated back to 1005 power at a slightly reduced load (approximately 30 MWe) after 2 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.

Completion of the valve repair work required an additional 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, at which time the unit returned to full load.

September full power until September 14, 1977 at 2320, when TMI-1 operated at essentially the unit reduced power to 50  % in order to investigate the cause of what appeared to be condenser tube fouling. While operating at 50%, inspection of the condenser revealed some tube blockage and significant screen blockage of the "Amertap" Condenser Cleaning System.

As a result of the contamination of the condensate and feedvater systems on 9-16-77 with I.W.T. Regeneration Acid, OTSG's Chemistry vent out of specifica-tion in conductivity and pH, and forced the unit to be immediately shutdown.

, 1489 049

. . 9 On 9/19/77, after comencing plant heat-up, the "A" Reactor Coolant Pump tripped on overload when started. Plant heat-up was delayed to inspect and repair RC-P-1A. Approxir.ately six inches of one phase of the RC-P-1A motor lead had been destroyed due to a loose connector -t the motor. Repair of RC-P-1A and subsequent inspection of the connectors in RC-P-1B and RC-P-lD further delayed plant startup. .

On 9/24/77 while increasing the generator field voltage in preparation for the main generator breakers, the generator and turbine tripped due to a generator ground within the Isolated Phase Bus Duct Cooling System. The Bus Duct had collected moisture while the unit was off the line and once this moisture was re-moved, the ground was corrected. Op 9/27/77 the unit was brought back on line and remained at full power for the remainder of the month.

October The unit operated at essentially full power for the entire month except for the planned power reduction on 10/22/77 to conduct the turbine stop valve testing.

2.'onthly inspections of the Decay Heat Removal Pump shafts were initiated in September 1977, per our dommitment to the NRC. These inspections which include both vibration and ultrasonic testing are intended to provide additional assurance of the pump shaft reliability.


0**D f November ee "D @d}\

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The unit operated at essentially 100% power for the entire month except for the two brief unplanned forced reductions of Ifovember 14, 1977 and November 17, 1977 Monthly inspections of the Decay Heat Removal Pump shafts continue. In addition, the recirculation orifice on both Decay Heat Removal Pumps was reinoved in order to increase the minimum recirculation flow.

The unit tripped from 100% power at 0757 on November 14, 1977, due to a module failure within the Integrated Control System (ICS). The actual generated megavatt signal feedback to the IC3 failed low causing the ICS to increase reactor power, steam, and feedflow to correct for the seemingly large error between the megawatt demand and actual generated megawatts. The Reactor Protection System tripped the reactor approximately one minute after the ICS module failure. The module was rep 2 ired and the unit was brought back on line by lo2O hours, November 14, and the unit attained full power by 232o hours, trovember 15, 1977

';hile operating it 100', power, the unit experienced an ICS rt.mi::ck to 555 power ac to an erroneous Group One "in-limi+" indication. The rutfocc'e occurred at

_:- 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> on .otemtcr 17, 1977 The erroneous Group One in-li !t ind: cation O'ccred by itscif an'l the unit returned to full poter by lhM hours, Ho.erber 17, or the nffected i";77 Subsequen. trouble shooting,revenled ex cr 've moisture c.ntrol rod po:i . ion cable trays due to n ic?. king roof.

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December The unit operated at essentially 100% power for the entire month of December with the exception of the following two events.

On 12/3/TI, a nor=al reactor shutdown was started because of a violation of containment integrity at the Personnel Access Door. Because of failure of the door actuating cam roller, the inside door equalizing valve did not fully close, causing the containment integrity violation. The door was repaired, containment integrity re-established, and full power operation restored after reducing to about 86% full power. Total elapsed time at a reduced power level was about one hour.

On12/11/77, the unit was reduced to about 50% to conduct the monthly turbine stop valve testing. The unit returned to full power within 3.3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

O 1489 051

I bec:

Mr. W. R. Gibson I Babcock & Wilcox P. O. Box '

Lynchburg,1260 VA 214505.

R. S. Harbin E. V. Kellogg* J. L. Seelinger R. M. Klinga J. L. Shirk L. L. Lawyer =an C. W. S:syth*

G. P. Miller R. J. Stevens*

D. G. Mitchell* GRC Secretuy C. A. Nixdorf G. J. Troffer J. P. O'Hanlon Chairman GORB THI-l R. H. Prabhakar# Chair =an , PORC TMI-1 Chairman,, PORC TMI-2 File: Secretary, GORB TMI-1 02.0016.0001.0001.02 61.0050.0002 i

1489 052