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Rept on Containment Bldg Vertical Tendon Upper Bearing Plates.
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1973
PROB-730906, NUDOCS 7910150540
Download: ML19276H213 (52)


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. t TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.00 Introduction 2.00 Construction - General Description 2.01 Pour Configuration 2.01.1 Description of North 1800 2.01.2 Description of South 180 l 1

2.02 Reinforcing Details 2.0's Tendon Trumplates 2.04 Concrete Mix 3.00 Construction - Details 3.01 Pre-Placement Inspection 3.02 Concrete Placement 3.02.1 North 180 0 3.02.2 South 180 0 3.03 Construction Personnel 3.04 Summary of North (Pour #3) and South (Pour #5) 4.00 Quality Control 4.01 Inspections 4.01.1 Placement Inspections 4.01.2 Concrete Testing 4.01.3 Post Placement Inspection 4.02 Documentation 4.03 Summary _,

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. t TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 5.00 Post Tensioning System I 5.01 General System Description 5.02 Stressing Sequence 5.03 Dial Gauge Measurementt - Original 5.03.1 Purpose

.5.03.2 Set Up 5.03.3 Procedure 5.03.'4 Quality Control Personnel 5.03.5 Set Up Review 5.03.6 Su= mary 5.04 Revised Displacement Measurement Procedure 6.00 Visual Examination 6.01 Upper Vertical Tendon Bearing Plates l

6.02 Dome, Horizontal, & Lower Vertical Tendon Bearing Plates l 7.00 Design Considerations 7.01 Anchorage Zone Analysis 7.02 Prestress System Components 7.03 Bearing Stresses 7.03.1 Representative Load Conditions 7.03.2 Allowable Bearing Stress 8.00 Future Surveillance 9.00 Conclusions TA\k )hb


List of Attachments and Figures Attach. A - Summary of Vertical Tendon Displacement Readings Attach. B - Report of Evaluation of Integrity of Vertical Tendon Upper Bearing Plate for GPU Service Corp, by Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory Attach.C - Copies of Forms for Test and Inspection Reports for the Ring Girder Fig. lA - Sect. thru North Ralf Ring Beam Fig. 1B - Sect. thru South Half Ring Beam Fig. 2 - Prestressing Jack and Dial Gauge Arrangement Fig. 3A - Plan Vertical Tendon Lower Bearing Place Dial Gauge Set-up Fig. 3B - Sect. Vertical Tendon Lower Bearing Plate Dial Gauge Set-up Fig. 4 - Plan Vertical Tendon Upper Bearing Plate Dial Gauge Set-up Fig. 5 - Sect. Vertical Tendon Upper Bearing Plate Dial Gauge Set-up Fig. 6 - Reinforcing Bar under Upper Vertical Tendon Bearing Plate -

Construction Details Fig. 7 - Exterior Wall Ring Beam Reinforcement Exterior Wall Ring Beam Tendon Reinforcement - Detail Fig. 8 1414 ?65

1.00 INTRODUCTION This report describes the investigation into the post-tensioned tendon bearing place displacement measurements taken during stress-ing of the tendons in the Containment Building of Metropolitan Edison Company's Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit No. 1.

Of principle concern are several (7 cut of 332 readings) dial gauge measurements presumably in11cating that a few of the upper vertical tendon bearing plates receded into the concrete 0.1 inches to 0.14 inches. The bearing plates and surrounding concrete have been examined visually. Contrary to what would be expected consider-ing a one eighth inch (1/8") dial gauge measurement, no evidence was found of any bearing plate movement into the concrete.

This report provides complete information on the construction of the Containment Building in the area bmmediately beneath the upper bearing plates. The report includes an investigation of the dial gauge method of measuring differential displacement of the bearing plates into the concrett. It also describes a more reliable method for measuring displacements that has replaced the dial gauge method for the horizontal tendons remaining to be stressed (40% of the hori-zontals).

Finally, a commitment is made to visually inspect all the tendon bearing plates in addition to the upper tendon bearing plates for any evidence of differential displacement. Future surveillance of the bearing plates is also described.

All procedures and dc 2entatio" mentioned in this report are avail-able for review at the project wite.

2.00 Construction - General Descriotion The Containment Building Ring Girder is located between elev. 433' 2E" and 453' 6" for a full 3600 and represents the transition between the vertical wall and the dome. The dome tendon conduit layc.t is a three layer system with conduit terminating in bearing plates in the vertical face of the Ring Girder. Extending vertically through the Ring Girder are the vertical tendon conduits. The upper bearing plates for the vertical tendons are embedded at the top of the Ring Girder. In the Ring Girder area there are no horizontal (hoop) tendon conduits. The entire Ring Girder is heavily reinforced with the heaviest concentra-tion of reinforcing in the area of the dome tendon anchorage.

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2.01 Pour Configuration The plan for placing concrete called for dividing the Ring Girder into two 1800 segments later referred to as the North 1800 and South 1800 2.01.1 Description of the North 1800 This segment consisted of four pours as shown in Figure 1A. Of principle concern for this investigation was the area of pour #3 beneath the vertical tendon upper bearing plates. Pour #3 extended from Azimuchs 1080 counterclockwise to 2880 with North being 00 2.01.2 Description of South 1800 For reasons documented in the " Report on Containment Building Ring Girder Construction and Repair" dated December 1, 1971 (refer to Section 2.03.4) previously filed with the AEC, this segment consisted of five pours with construction joints as shown in Figure 1B. Of principle concern for the present investigation is pour #5 benerth the vertical tendon upper bearing plates. Pour #5 extended from AzLtuths 1080 clockwise to 288 .

2.02 Reinforcing Details The rsinforcing bar layout and general design for the ring girder are shown on Figures 7 and 8.

The details of the reinforcing in the area of the upper tendon bearing plate are shown on Figure 6 which is a composite developed for clarity.

Figure 6 also shows the temporary #8 bars which were added to maintain alignment of the bearing plate during construction and were removed just prior to the placement of the last 6" of the lift.

2.03 TENDON TRUMPLATES The upper vertical tendon trumplate consists of the bearing plate with 6 feet of attached rigid tubing.

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< 1 2.03 TENDON TRUMPLATES (Cont'd)

The bearing plate is made from 3-3/4 inch thick hot rolled plate which is flame cut to 20 inch by 20 inch with a central hole 7-1/16 inch diameter.

The tubing is 7" 0.D. x .125" wall thickness, galvanized steel inserted into the central hole of the bearing place and secured by a seal weld using a low hydrogen electrode.

2.04 CONCRETE MIX The mix was designed as 5000 psi plus 25% strength and the one cubic yard proportions are:

Cement - 7 5't lbs Type II Sand - 1090 lbs (ssd)

Stone - 1850 lbs (ssd)

Water Reducing-Retarder - 3 oz/100 lb cement Air - 4 - 6%

Water - 36.7 gallons maximum Slump - 1" minimum, 3\" maximum The sand is natural sand of medium gradation (f.m. = 2.72)

The stone is a crushed limestone conforming to the gradacion re-quirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, Mix #2 (approximately 3/4" maixmum) .

Service records and petrographic analyses indicate neither aggregate is . kali reactive.

This mix was used exclusively throughout the Containment Building shell including the Ring Girder.

3.00 CONSTRUCTION DETAIIS 3.01 Pre-Placement Inspection Prior to release of concrete from the site batch plant, a " Concrete Placement Checkout Sheet" was prepared by the UE&C Job Engineer.

The responsible UE&C Craf t Supervisor had checked each item and signed that it had been satisf actorily completed. Any item incomplete prior 4

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3.01 Pre-Place.nent Insoection (Cont'd) .

to beginning placement of concrete was noted and recorded.

Incompiece items were evaluated by the Job Engineer prior to release for placement and completion planned later but prior to embedding in the pour. Verification of the con-struction checks was made by the Assistant Job Engineer and the Checkout Sheet presented to the Ouality Control Group.

3.02 CONCRETE PLACEMENT 3.02.1 NORTH 1800 Pour 3 at the North 1800 was started at 5:30 A.M., March 30, 1971 and completed at 6:45 A.M. on March 31, 1971. The weather was partly cloudy with the ambient temperature of 300 to 500 F.

The mass of concrete comprising the pour had a=ple time to under-go its maximum initial settlement within the formed area. Approxi-mately 12"I'.rts were placed during the pour with a minimum waiting period n'

  • hour before placing the last 6"1 below the bearing plate.

In preparation of the final placement beneath the vertical tendon bearing places, concrete was brought up to approximately six inches (6") of the bottom of the plates. The metal concrete hoppers with attached tremies were removed for this final placement. For the final placement, the concrete was poured directly from the bucket in a controlled manner. Concrete was piled at one side of the bear-ing plate only (side closest to the dome) and vibrated under the entire width of the place. Placing in this manner was done to avoid entrapment of air. 1", 2" and 3" vibrators were used to consolidate the fresh concrete. The concrete field supervisor directing the concrete operation has verified that the access between the rebar and under the bearing plate was adequate to assure good consolidation.

One inch vibrators were used in an inclined position around the peri-meter of each bearing plate. Workmen and inspectors probed beneath the plate with hands and fingers at various locations to verify that the placement technique was adequate and no voiding existed.

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3.02.2 SOUTH 1800 Pour 5 of the South 1800 was started at 6:30 A.M. April 22, 1971 and complaced at 5:30 P.M. of the same day. The weather was cloudy and windy with the ambient temperature of 400 to ,

550F. l The mass of concrete comprising this pour was placed in 18"i lifts, with a minimum waiting period of one hour before placing the last 6"i below the bearing plate. l The concrete was worked under the bearing plate using the same technique as applied to the North 1800 l 3.03 Construction Personnel The following construction personnel were present during the placement of the Ring Girder:

1. Civil Superintendent - part time
2. Civil Supervisor
3. Asst. Job Engineer
4. Two (2) field engineers
5. Concrete Placement Foreman
6. 12 craft personnel (laborers)
7. Support craft - ironworker, carpenter, operating engineer and cement finisher.

The capacity of the first four listed were to bring to the attention of the concrete foreman of any deficiencies and advise him of remedial actions and to see that they are implemented.

3.04 Summarv of North (Pour #3) and South Half (Pour #5)

During final concret a placements adjacent to the bearing plates in both the North and South 180 0 areas, the following steps were taken to assure good consolidation of concrete:

a. Different size vibrators were used;
b. The last lift began 6"t under the bearing plates; 1414 ?70

t 3.04 Summarv (Cont'd)

c. Concrete was piled at one side of the bearing place closest to the dome and vibrated under the entire width of the plate;
d. Concrete set a minimum of 60 min. to allow shrinkage to occur and re-vibrated as fresh concrete was added for the final placement.

Because of the methods of placement used, shallow lifts and the cara taken to assure that concrete was consolidated beneath the bearing plate, it is the opinion of the construction personnel who were present during the placement that only norcal bleed water type voiding could have occurred beneath the bearing plate.

4.00 OUALITY CONTROL 4.01 INSPECTIONS 4.01.1 Placement Inspection All work prior to and during concrete placement of the Ring Girder was inspected by the UE&C Field Quality Control Group in accordance with detailed approved Quality Control Procedures. These inspections were conducted in addition to those checks made by Construction Super-vision and Construction Engineering personnel. All inspection and tests are thoroughly documented. Copies of test and inspection reports relating to the Ring Girder are available for review at the site for information purposes, copies of forms used are included in Attachment "C" of this report.

Concrete inspection for the Ring Girder pours consisted of the regular complete coverage afforded each placement in nuclear or safety related areas. This included complete coverage at the on-site batch plant and at the pour site.

The batch plant inspection consisted of gradation of aggregates to be used, check that proper mix was batched, verification of scale weights against mix requirements and print-out tapes, aggregate moisture con-tent, total water content, preparation and signing of batch ticket, and check that the truck revolution counters are reset to zero. A batch plant ticket was completed for each load of concrete batched and a batch plant report was completed for each pour.

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t 4.01.1 Placement Insoection (Cont'd)

Full inspection was conducted by a Quality Control Inspector located at each point of deposit to check placement, height of drop, consolidation, and finish. Just prior to and continu-ing throughout the placement the inspector (s) also re-checked For each the condition of the forms and reinforcing steel.

placement, a " Report of Concrete Placement" (See Attachment "C") was completed.

4.01.2 Concrete Testing In addition to inspection at the batch plant and at the point of deposit, a testing crew of Quality Control technicians were At these assigned to each point of concrete truck discharge.

locations, each truck load was checked for agitating revolutions, elapsed time, slump and tetperature. This data was entered on the lower portion of the Batch Plant Ticket. For every fifty standard (50) cubic yards of concrete placed a set of eight (8) compression test cylinders were taken and the air content checked.

In addition, but not necessarily related to this pour, at least the first two loads of concrete at the batch plant each day are


checked for slump, temperatures and air content.

For the area of concern of the Ring Girder, under the upper bear-ing plates, concrete test results indicate that the slump was held This between 2-3/4" and 3 " and air content between 4*. and 67..

design mix has an excellent record of workability.

Compression test results were all in excess of the 5000 psi minimum required at 28 days. Specifically for pour #3 - North 1800, eight (8) sets of cylinders were cast and test results were a low of 6160 psi and a high of 6880 psi with an average of 6720 psi at 28 days.

For Pour 45 South 1800, eight (8) setc of cylinders were cast and test results were a low of 5800 psi and a high of 7430 psi with an average of 6360 psi at 28 days.

4.01.3 Post Placement Insoection Following the completion of the pours , inspection and records of same were maintained for the curing and protection. This record was main-tained by the Field Cuality Control Group. This record was maintained for seven (7) days following the pour and in all cases temperatures recorded were above the minimum required.

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4.02 Documentation Following is a list of the documentation retained in the Quality Control files.

1. " Concrete Placement Checkout Sheet"
2. "in.pectors Concrete Checkout Sheet"
3. " Concrete Status Report"
4. " Report of Concrete Placement"
5. " Daily Concrete Pour Record" - Cold Weather
6. " Concrete Curing and Form Removal Record" 4.03 Summary The Quality Control personnel who inspected the placement of Four 3 North 180 0 and Pour 5 South 1800 are in agreement with the con-struction personnel that there was no voiding or consolidation problem in placing the concrete beneath the upper vertical tendon bearing plates.

5.00 POST TENSIONING SYSTEM 5.01 General Svstem Description A detailed description may be found in the FSAR for TMI Unit i filed with the AEC. (Section

The tendon system in the Containment Building consists of 3 separate zones:

a. 166 vertical wall tendons,
b. 3 layers of dome tendons each layer consisting of 49 tendons and each layer rotated 1200 from the other layers.
c. 110 rings (hoops) of horizontal vall tendons; each band consisting of 3 individual tendons.

Each tendon consists of 169 - E" dia. high strength steel wires.

The circumferential spacing of tha vertical tendons is approximately


30" at a radius of approximately 67.5".

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5.02 Stressing Secuence The stressing sequence was as follows: first the vertical wall tendons; seco:.d the 3 layers of dome tendons; and third the horizontal wall tendons.

The sequence for stressing the vertical wall tendons is listed in Attachment "A". Basically, the sequence involves simultaneous stressing of 6 tendons evenly spaced around the Containment shell.

The introduction of the pre-stress forces into che shell in a symmetrical manner precludes the possibility of unbalanced stress concentrations during pre-stress. Single end stressing of the essentially straight run vertical tendons was accomplished using six jacks at the upper end of the tendons.

Similarily, the stressing of the dome tendons was accomplished in a balanced stress fashion. Three tendons, one from each layer (i.e.

each tendon 1200 apart) were simultaneously stressed using double end stressing with a jack at each end of each tendon.

Finally, the horizontal tendons were stressed in a balanced fashion by stressing the three tendons in one hoop simultaneously and dis-tributing the order of hoop stressing over the height of the wall in such a manner to obtain an even builup of pre-stress.

It is concluded that the stressing sequence had no effect on the dial gauge displacement measureaents of the bearing plates.

5.03 Original Dial Caure Measurements 5.03.1 Purpose In order to monitor possible movement of the tendon bearing plates during the stressing operation a procedure was devised and incorporated as part of the operation. The purpose was twofold; (1) to measure the differential settlement of the bearing plates and thus give an indication of the soundness of the underlying concrete and (2) to give advance warning to the stressing personnel of any safety related situ-ations which might develop in time to stop the work.

5.03.2 Set-Uo The procedure was based on taking two Ames dial gauge readings per bearing plate. The setup of the dial gauges for the lower and upper vertical tendon bearing plates is shown in Figures 3A, 33, 4 & 5.

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5.03.2 Set-Up (Cont'd)

Initially the dial gauges were connected to the jack chair with a magnetic block with the pointer from the dial gauge touching the concrete approximately 2 inches from the edge of the bearing plate. This setup was used between May 24 and May 30, 1973.

Thirty-seven tendons were stressed during this period as indicated on Attachment "A".

Considering the seven vertical tendons (V26, V31, V70, V76, V79, V105 & V126) where displacement readings of approximately ,10 inches to 0.14 inches were recorded, four of these tendons were stressed between May 24, 1973 and May 30, 1973, while the magnetic block attachment was in use.

It was apparent to the Quality Control personnel from the beginning that keeping the magnetic block from moving would be a problem. The paint was ground off the jack chair at the point of attachment of the magnetic block in an effort to reduce possible movements.

Af ter it became apparent that the magnetic block was still not suffi-ciently stable, nuts were welded to the jack chair for the attachment of the dial gauge system. This setup appeared to give sufficient stability to the dial gauge.

5.03.3 Procedure All dial gauges were numbered and calibrated at the site laboratory when the gauges were brought on site. The gauges were assigned to specific individual Quality Control personnel who checked the gauges each day for smoothness of operation. Since the gauge operation is mechanical, this was the only check deemed necessary. If the gauge did not work smoothly, it was rejected for use.

To begin the stressing operation the jack is coupled to the anchor head and stressing is started until the hydraulic oil pressure reads 1000 psi. The inspector attaches the two (2) dial gauges to the jack as shown in Figures 4 and 5 for the upper bearing plate and in Figure 3 and Figure 3B for the lower bearing plate. The dial gauges are set at zero (0). The tendon is stressed to 4000 psi or to full extension of the ram and the inspector notes the dial gauge readings.

Shims are added and the pressure is released. Pressure is then re-ap;11ed up to the previous pressure readings. Dial gauges are set at zero, and the tendon is stressed to overstress pressure. The in-spector notes the dial gauge readings. He then adds the two dial gauge readings to get the final bearing place displacement measurement.

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5.03.4 Ouality Control Personnel All Quality Control inspectors were trained at the site and on tha job for a period of 5 working days. The days for the inspector training were May 24, 29, 30, 31 and June 1, 1973.

It must be pointed out that 6 of the tendons with measurements recorded between .1 inches to .14 inches occurred during the period of inspector training. The seventh measurement of concern occurred on the sixth day of work - or the first day following the training period. ,

In addition to taking readings from two dial gauges located on opposite sides of the stressing jack the inspector also was responsible for 7easuring and recording tendon elongation and monitoring the pressure gauge used for measurements of force in the tendon. Because of :he number of check points the inspectors were responsfale for, it was not possible for the inspector to centinuely r.onitor the dial gauges to see that they were not dis-turbed throughout the stressing. Figure 2 shows the various points oi inspection with relation to each other.

In add: :tua the physical congestion of men and equipment in the tendon stressing area contributed substantially to the likelihood that i. smr.11 pe' cent of the measurements were incorrect. Figure 4 shova ' hat t'.e dial gauges are located Lanediately adjacent to the openin.: in the jack chair through which the shims are placed under the anchor head. The weight of the shims varied up to 40 pounds for each 4 inch thick split shim plate. Each anchorage has 2 of these 40 pound split shim plates compromising the first shim immediately adjacent to the bearing plate. The shim plates were lifted over at least one of the dial gauges in each case and placed through the opening and under the anchor head by the ironworkers.

Due to the weight of the shtms, the tight working area, and proximity of the dial gauges to the opening, the ironworkers may have unintentionally disturbed the dial gauge set up as they placed the shtms.

5.03.5 Set-Up Review In addition to the possibility of accidental or personnel related errors in the reading. A review of the dial gauge set-up reveals another probable source of error inherent in the basic arrangement.

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5.03.5 Set-Up Review (Cont'd)

Errors could be introduced through the plastic deformation of the system which in some case could include bending in addition to compression.

The bearing plates are in the as rolled condition which means the jack chair may be resting on an uneven surface which might subject the jack to minor rotation that could be amplified by the arms of the gauge.

It appears that it was inappropriate to attach the gauges to members which are subject to snall unpredictable strains due to possible flexure as well as compression.

5.03.6 Summarv The Quality Control inspectors have stated that they saw no evidence of receding of the bearing plate into the concrete during and tendon stressing.

The inspectors and craft personnel noticed no tilting of the stress-ing jack nor abrupt movement of the pressure indicator, which invari-ably accompany differential movement of the bearing pitce iato the concrete as attested to by records of experience on another project.

This conclusion is based on the facts that all seven of the worst cases occurred during the first six working days of stressing, five of which were considered as training periods for the inspectors.

Secondly, the inspectors were responsible for monitoring four points during the stressing and could not watch the gauges at all times. It is evident that there are 2 major sources of error in the dial gauge readings, (a) accidental error (b) inherent arrangement error,

a. accidental error The tight working conditions and close proximity of the dial gauges to the shira opening in the jack chair indicates a strong possibility that a few of the set-ups might have been disturbed during stressing.
b. inhetent Arrangement error Because the dial gauges were directly attached to the jack chair the readings thus obtained are all subject to unpredictable elastic deformation errors.

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5.04 Revised Displacement Measurement Procedure Due to the lack of credibility of the measurements taken using the dial gauge method Field Change Number 21 to the Construction Procedure fo. installation of the post-tensioned tendon system was effected on August 29, 1973.

This change elbsinates use of the dial gauges to measure possible bearing plate displacement for the remainder of the horizontal tendons (40%).

The new method for measuring possible displacement of the bearing plate into the concrete is based on visual observation at the junction of the bearing plates and concrete. Observations will be taken on two adjacent sides of the plate. Each of the two areas for observation are approximately 2 inches long along the side of the plate by 1 inch wide. The concrete is ground flush with the surface of the plate in each area to facilitate detection of any movement. All observations are recorded by Quality Control per-sonnel and displacements are measured and recorded.

6.00 VISUAL EXAMINATION 6.01 Uooer Vertical Tendon Bearing Plates After close visual examination of the upper bearing plates and surrounding concrete by representatives of the engineer and con-structor disclosed no evidence of movement of any plates into the concrete, an independent consultant was brought to the site to examine the concrete in complete detail.

In summary, the consultants examination found no measurable differ-ential movement of the upper ber. ring plates into the concrete. The complete report of his findings is included herewith as Attachment 3.

6.02 Dome, Horizontal, and Lower Vertical Tendon Bearing Plates The complete lack ot' correlation between the few dial gauge measure-ments of concern indicating displacements in the order of 1/8" and the absence of any visual evidence of movement removes all confidence in the credibility of any dial gauge measurement.

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6.02 Dome. Merizontal & Louer Vertical Tendon Bearine Plates (Cont'd)

It is unreasonable to suggest that only those measurements in-dicating displacements of concern are erroneous while the others are correct.

A complete visual e: Amination of the dome, horizontal, and lower vertical tendon bearing plates and surrounding concrete similar co the upper vertical tendon examination will be carried out and documented. This examination will be completed by Oct. 1, 1973 and documentation will be available for review at the site.

7.00 Desien Considerations 7.01 Anchorage Zone Analysis A complete description of the considerations used in the design of the tendon anchorage zones is included as Appendix SD of the Three Mile Island Unit 1 FSAR. As described therein, the factors considered in the design of the anchorage zones are:

a. Bearing stresses
b. Spalling stresses
c. Transverse tensile splitting stresses in vertical and horizontal direction.
d. Transfer of unbalanced tendon forces The reinforcement in the anchorage zone was designed for the most unfavorable condition to control possible cracks in the concrete.

7.02 Prestress Svstem comoonents The stress analysis and test results of the prestress system compon-ents including the bearing plates is included as Appendix 5B of the Three Mile Island Unit 1 FSAR.

7.03 Bearing Stresses 7.03.1 Reoresentative Load Conditions The bearing stresses beneath the upper vertical tendon bearing plates under various loading conditons are as follows:

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7.03.1 Representative load Conditions (Cont'd)

A. Maximum Initial Prestress (807. of Ultimate)

Bearing stress = 4205 psi B. Initial Prestress at Tendon Lockoff (707, of Ultimate)

Bearing stress = 3678 psi C. Structural Integrity Test _ Condition Prestress + 1.15 Accident Pressure (707. of ultimate + 63.3 psig internal pressure)

Bearing stress = 3779 esi D. Accident Condition Prestress + 1.25 accident pressure + accident temperature

+ design basis earthquake Eearing stress = 3820 psi NOTE: Dead load is insignificant with regard to bearing stress and is not included.

7.03.2 Allowable Bearing Stress The allowable bearing stress under the tendon bearing places is determined using Section 2605 of ACI-318-63 Code which is considered to be a conservative approach for this application:

Eqn. 26-1 fcp = 0.6 fci y Ab'/g3 ,

but not greater than fci fcp = allowable hearing stress fe'i = compressive strength of the concrete at the time of initial prestress. Assumed to be 5000 psi. Although test results indicate an averagle of 6360 psi at 28 days.

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7.03.2 Allowable Bearine Stress (Cont'd)

I Ab = Maixmum area of the portion of the ancherage surface that is geometri-cally similar to and concentric with

- the area of the anchor plate of the post tensioning steel.

Ab = Bearing area of anchor plate of post-tensioning steel.

e For fci = 5000 psi, the allowable bearing stress value by equation 26-1 is 5220 psi which is greater than 5000 psi.

Therefore, 5000 psi is the allowable bearing stress. The greatest bearing stress occurs under maximum initial pre-stress (80% of ultimate) and is 4205 psi. Clearly, the bear-ing stresses are conservatively accounted for in the design.

8.00 FUTURE SURVEILIANCE Although there is no evidence of movement of the upper bearing plates into the concrete nor cracking or spalling of adjacent concreta, a complete examination of these plates and the adja-cent concrete will be done at the time of the Structural Integrity Test.

This inspection will be done according to the procedure -that has previously been committed for inspection of the dome tendon area at that time.

Results of this inspection will be included in the Structural Integrity Test Report.

Further surveillance is considered unnecessary since the concrete under the bearing plates has already been exposed to the worst stress condition it will experience throughout the life of the plant; i.e., maximum initial prestress (80% of ultimate),

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9.00 CONCLUSIONS The upper vertical tendon bearing plates and surrounding concrete have been carefully examined by the Engineer, Constructor, Quality Control personnel, and an independent consultant from Pittsburgh Testing Laboratories. No measure-able movement of the bearing plates into the concrete nor spalling or cracking of the surrounding concete was detected by any of these examinations.

4 Having found no evidence of physical depression of bearing plates into the concrete, and having found sufficient cause to discount dial gauge readings, it is concluded that the bearing plate installation is sound and that no valid evidence exists to warrant removal of any bearing plates for the purpose of investige':ing underlying . concrete.

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1. DAY - Represents from Day #1, which day the tendon was stressed.
2. DATE - Self Explanatory

4 DEFLECTION READING - " TOP" represents those readings located at the shop end of the vertical tendons; 2nd " BOT" represents those readings located se the field end of the vertical tendons.

5. SEOUENCE NO. - Indicated which sequence group thre particular tendon had been stressed.
6. 0.C. INSPECTOR - Individual Q.C. Inspectors are indicated by initialJ.
7. METHOD OF ATTACHHENT - Represents the type of dial gauge instrument used to achieve the readings indicated with each tendon; i.e., ("kr.G" - indicated Magnetic Type Fastner) (" Weld Nut" - indicated the dial

- gauge arm was screwed into a nut that was welded to the jacking instrument chcir) .


ATTACHMEhT A Tendon Deflection Reading Sequence Q.C. Method of Day Date No. Top Bot. No. Insp. A t tachment 5-24 11 .030 .024 .004 .004 1 DW Mag.

5-24 14 .010 .028 .004 .005 2 DW Mag.

5-24 20 .007 058 .002 .003 4 DW Mag.

5-24 23 .025 .036 .003 .002 5 DW Mag.

5-24 39 .059 .041 .004 .003 1 JK Mag.

5-24 42 .044 .034 .000 .005 2 JK Mag.

5-24 51 .094 .022 .003 .003 5 JK Mag.

5-24 54 .018 .018 .003 .004 6 TW Mag.

1 I .023 Mag.

5-24 67 .028 .002 .004 1 TW 5-24 70 .140 .057 .005 .002 2 TW Mag.

5-24 73 .022 .061 .003 .002 3 TW Mag.

p 5-24 79 .132 .029 .002 .003 5 TW Mag.

~5-24 82 .032 .051 .002 .003 6 TW Mag.

{ 5-24 94 .034 .027 .001 .003 1 GP Mag.

5-24 122 .095 .030 .002 .004 1 DG Mag.

5-24 128 .015 .052 .005 .003 3 DG Mag.

5-24 131 .042 .044 .004 .004 4 DG Mag.

5-24 134 .077 .028 .005 .004 5 DG Mag.

5-24 137 .033 .040 .004 .003 6 DG Mag.

5-24 150 .005 .018 .000 .004 1 JK Mag.

5-24 153 .027 .045 .002 .003 2 DG Sb g .

5-24 156 .003 .005 .004 .005 3 RG Mag.

j 5-24 159 .005 .004 .004 .004 + RG Mag.

5-24 162 .073 .034 .005 .007 5 RG Mag.

1 5-24 165 .070 .090 .007 .005 6 PF Mag.

1414 ?84

ATTACHMENI A Page 2 Tendon Deflection Reading Sequence Q.C. Method of Day Date No. Top Bot. No. Insp. Attachment A .050 .024 .003 .004 3 DW Mag.

5-29 17

.033 .015 .001 .001 3 JK >b g .

5-29 45 5-29 97 .031 .053 .003 .004 2 RR Mag.

.028 .020 .005 .004 3 RR Mag.

c 5-29 100 Z

N 5-29 103 .039 .020 .003 .004 4 RR Mag.

5-29 125 .027 .049 .009 .004 2 DG Mag.

y n DW Mag.

5-30 26 .176 .017 .006 .004 6

.004 .06R. .003 .005 7 DW Mag.

5-30 29 5-30 48 .025 .015 .003 .004 4 JK Mag.

.116 .134 .004 .000 4 TW Mag.

5-30 76 S

N 5-30 85 .035 .047 .002 .003 7 TW Mag.

5-30 106 .040 .004 .003 .002 5 RR Mag.

A 5-31 2 .080 .025 .007 .007 7 RG Weld Nut 5-31 5 .015 .045 .006 .005 8 GP Weld Nut 5-31 6 .021 .029 .003 .005 12 RR Weld Nut 5-31 8 .098 .008 .004 .002 9 GP Weld Nut 5-31 .039 .053 .004 .003 11 RR Weld Nut y 9

<C .003 .005 10 GP ,Jeld Nut 5-31 10 .020 .005 Q

5-31 32 .019 .040 .003 .003 8 DW Weld Nut E

7 .002 .030 .001 .004 12 DW Weld Nut 5-31 34 5-31 35 .028 .068 .006 .008 9 DW Weld Nut 5-31 37 .040 .087 .003 .005 11 DW Weld Nut 5-31 38 .033 .045 .002 .004 10 DW Weld Nut 5-31 57 .042 .027 .003 .001 7 JK Weld Nut 5-31 60 .065 .035 .003 .002 8 JK Weld Nut 5-31 63 .003 .042 .003 .005 9 JK Weld Nut V 5-31 65 .003 .050 .003 .001 11 JK Weld Nut 1414 185

ATTACHMEhi A Page 3 Day Date Tendon Deflection Raading Sequence Q.C. Method of No. Top Bot. No. Inso. Attachment 5-31 66 .005 .045 .002 .002 10 JK Weld Nut JL 5-31 88 .060 .015 .003 .001 8 TW Weld Nut 5-31 91 .050 .030 .005 .004 9 TW Weld Nut 5-31 92 .032 .028 .002 .002 11 TW Weld Nut 5-31 93 .012 .018 .002 .003 10 TW Weld Nut 5-31 112 .004 .025 .004 .005 7 PP Weld Nut 5-31 115 .005 .050 .000 .002 8 PP Weld Nut 5-31 118 .085 .035 .003 .005 9 PP Weld Nut 5-31 120 .042 .012 .003 .004 11 PP Weld Nut 5-31 121 .047 .053 .003 .004 10 PP Weld Nut Tg-5-31 140 .030 .045 .005 .007 7 DG Weld Nut 5-31 143 .080 .030 .002 .002 8 DG Weld Nut 31 145 .056 .068 .004 .004 9 DG Weld Nut 5-31 145 .056 .068 .004 .004 12 DG Weld Nut 5-31 148 .045 .063 .005 .005 9 DG Weld Nut 5-31 149 .024 .042 .002 .005 10 DG Weld Nur v

d 6-1 3 .008 .007 .005 .004 13 RG Weld Nut 6-1 16 .022 .055 .002 .002 18 GP Weld Nut 6-1 19 .023 .024 .002 .003 17 GP Weld Nut 6-1 22 .049 .038 .005 .004 16 GP Weld Nut 6-1 25 .047 .034 .004 .004 15 GP Weld Nut


6-1 28 .055 .028 .007 .005 14 GP Weld Nut

{~g )

6-1 31 .034 .140 .001 .004 13 GP Weld Nut 6-1 44 .022 .039 .004 .006 18 JK Weld Nut 6-1 47 .003 .012 .006 .007 17 JK Weld Nut 3r

)kkk O

ATTAC1 DENT A Page 4 Tendon Deflection Reading Sequence Q.C. Method of Day Date No. Top Bot. No. Inso. A t ta dr.ent sg 6-1 50 .038 .055 .005 .003 16 JK Weld Nut 6-1 53 .018 .024 .002 .001 15 JK Weld Nut 6-1 56 .038 .056 .002 .004 14 JK Weld Nut 6-1 59 .015 .065 .004 .003 14 JK Weld Nut 6-1 62 .027 .042 .002 .005 12 JK Weld Nut 6-1 74 .031 .035 .006 .004 17 TW Weld Nut 6-1 77 .038 .030 .004 .005 16 TW Weld Nut 6-1 80 .045 .028 .004 .004 15 TW Weld Nut 6-1 83 .053 .040 .004 .003 14 TW Weld Nut 6-1 86 .016 .030 .004 .004 13 TW Weld Nut 6-1 89 .016 .030 .004 .004 12 TW Weld Nut 6-1 102 .029 .020 .003 .004 17 1R Weld Nut 6-1 105 .000 .120 .006 .004 16 RR Weld Nut

" ~

6-1 108 .029 .074 .004 .006 15 RR We ld Nut 6-1 111 .045 .078 .000 .001 14 RR Weld Nut I

(f) 6-1 114 .027 .048 .003 .003 13 RR Weld Nut 6-1 117 .018 .071 .003 .002 12 RR Weld Nut 6-1 127 .028 .064 .003 .004 18 DG Weld Nut 6-1 130 .038 .042 .004 .005 17 DG Weld Nut 6-1 133 .060 .025 .003 .005 16 DG Weld Nut 6-1 136 .032 .096 .003 .004 15 EG Weld Nut 6-1 139 .042 .043 .005 .006 14 DG Weld Nut 6-1 142 .040 .101 .003 .005 13 DG Weld Nut 6-1 154 .044 .037 .003 .004 18 EO Weld Nut 6-1 157 .012 .023 .003 .002 17 R; Weld Nut 6-1 160 .015 .019 .003 .004 16 RG Weld Nut 6-1 163 .063 .042 .004 .004 15 J.G Weld Nut

'I 6-1 166 .021 .021 .004 .005 14 RJ Weld Nut 1414 287

ATTACHMENT A Page 5 Tendon Deflection Reading Sequence Q.C. Method of Dav D ate No. Too Bot. No. Insp. Attachment At 6-4 1 .046 .092 .006 .004 25 GP Weld Nut 6-4 4 .050 .Cao .003 .004 26 GP Weld Nut 6-4 13 .030 .082 .004 .003 19 DW Weld Nut 6-4 15 .095 .086 .003 .001 21 DW Weld Nut 6-4 18 .062 .088 .003 .002 22 DW Weld Nut 6-4 21 .056 .048 .002 .004 23 DW Weld Nut 6-4 24 .082 .058 .006 .004 24 DW Weld Nut 6-4 27 .027 .060 .001 .004 25 DW Weld Nut 6-4 30 .056 .095 .002 .003 26 DW Weld Nut 6-4 40 .045 .052 .002 .005 20 JK Weld Nut 6-4 41 .020 .046 .001 .003 19 JK Weld Nut 6-4 43 .012 .072 .002 .002 21 JK Weld Nut "UI 6-4 46 .033 .042 .001 .002 22 JK Weld Nut O

3; 6-4 49 .025 .065 .003 .006 23 JK Weld Nut e-

55) 6-4 52 .031 .052 .003 .002 24 JK Weld Nut 6-4 55 .027 .067 .003 .005 25 JK Weld Nut 6-4 58 .023 .054 .002 .006 26 JK Weld Nut 6-4 68 .021 .029 .004 .005 19 TW Weld Nut 6-4 69 .029 .035 .003 .005 20 TW Weld Nut

, 6-4 71 .033 .030 .005 .005 18 TW Weld Nut l

l 6-4 72 .024 .033 .004 .005 21 TW Weld Nut 6-4 75 .062 .057 .0s3 .004 22 TW Weld Nut 6-4 78 .023 .050 .005 .004 23 TW Weld Nut f

6-4 81 .030 .053 .005 .003 24 TW Weld Nut 6-4 84 .062 .033 .002 .002 25 TW Weld Nut

'F 6-4 S7 .032 .036 .002 .003 26 TW Weld Nut 1414 ?88

ATTACHMENT A Page 6 Tendon Deflection Reading Sequence Q.C. Method of Attachment Day Date No. Top Bot. No. Insp.

AL 6-4 95 .032 .050 .003 .004 20 RR Weld Nut 6-4 96 .037 .054 .006 .004 19 RR Weld Nut 6-4 98 .033 .040 .005 .005 21 RR Weld Nut 6-4 99 .042 .033 .003 .005 18 RR Weld Nut 6-4 101 .034 .047 .005 .0'07 22 RR Weld Nut 6-4 104 .028 .041 .005 .003 23 RR Weld Nut 6-4 107 .036 .031 .000 .000 24 RR Weld Nut 6-4 110 .031 .048 .002 .004 25 RR Weld Nut 6-4 113 .045 .088 .002 .003 26 RR Weld Nut 6-4 123 .046 .040 .003 .003 20 DG Weld Nut

)*- 6-4 124 .058 .033 .003 .005 19 DG Weld Nut

<C C) 6-4 126 .110 .046 .003 .004 21 DG Weld Nut


$]? 6-4 129 .015 .058 .004 .005 22 DG Weld Nut 6-4 132 .041 .049 .003 .004 23 DG Weld Nut 6-4 135 .030 .045 .003 .002 24 DG Weld Nut 6-4 138 .034 .046 .005 .004 25 DG Weld Nut l

6-4 141 .033 .047 .004 .005 26 DG Weld Nut 6-4 151 .020 .012 .004 .003 19 GP Weld Nut 6-4 152 .038 .060 .005 .004 20 GP Weld Nut 6-4 155 .034 .040 .003 .004 21 GP Weld Nut 6-4 158 .060 .020 .003 .004 22 GP Weld Nut 6-4 161 .055 .065 .005 .005 23 GP Weld Nut 6-4 164 .012 .040 .004 .004 24 GP Weld Nut A

6-5 7 .033 .050 .003 .005 27 FP Weld Nut 6-5 12 .038 .078 .005 .004 20 DW Weld Nut 1414 ?89

ATTACHMENT A Page 7 Tendon Deflection Reading Sequence Q.C. Method of Day - Date No. Top Bot. No. Insp. Attachment A 6-5 33 .026 .010 .004 .003 27 DW Weld Nut 6-5 36 .090 .063 .003 .007 28 DW Weld Nut 6-5 61 .049 .072 .002 .003 27 JK Weld Nut p 6-5 64 .010 .012 .005 .004 28 JK Weld Nut

<C g 6-5 90 .022 .032 .003 .005 27 W Weld Nut 5 6-5 116 .034 .057 .002 .002 27 RR Weld Nut 6-5 119 .040 .052 .002 .001 28 RR Weld Nut 6-5 144 .048 .035 .005 .005 27 DG Weld Nut Y 6-3 147 .043 .033 .005 .004 28 DG Weld Nut

)h\ -


,df ,, EsTAsusMEo isei



850 poplar STREET

~ ,;, i Irrsnenon, m. i.,uuo  ;'; :: "",";; 'o AREA CCCE di2 TELE AMONE 922 4000 piTT$ eU RGM. DA IS230 as a EUf9at F90ftCtr04 f0 Cute's. TME Pv8bic ah0 OuesELugg. aLL esposts att suemoff te at August 29, 1973 ful C0efiesanat Pe0Psaff 08 Cusats. ano aut=0aization roe pusucatiO= OF stafgessfs com-CLV51045 OR EETRACf 5 FROM Os aEssasins Que etPosf5 II GESERvt0 PEM9tes Okt selffts aPPeonaL ATTACHMENT "B" Reoort of Evaluation of Integrity of Vertical Tendon Upper Bearing Plate For GPU Service Corporation PROJECT: Three Mile Island Unit #1 Containment Building SCOPE: Evaluate the integrity tendon upper bearing plates to determine if the bearing plates beared properly without significant differ-ential displacement into the concrete. The plates which should be specifically evaluated were V26, 31, 70, 76, 79, 105 & 126.

The evaluation shall include the following:

a. Whether concrete adjacent to the bearing plates consisted of original concrete - (no patching).
b. Whether there was evidence of any differential displacement between the bearing plate and adjacent concrete.
c. Can the bush hammered surface adjacent to the bearing plate mask any differential displacement. (The bush ha=mering was perform-ed to improve the drainage of water around the bearing plate) .
d. Document visual evaluation of the concrete condition at the bear-ing plate for evidence of differential displacement as indicated by cracks, spalling, etc.

\4\4 W

...... ... s. .c.. 7 . _ . . ..........~.........L.. ..._.. .......m., . . , . , .


... =...... . . . _ . . . . . . . . .. ._._ ...=s..... ......... _..

. ..E. . . , . . = . . ......,s = .... ..._.....~..=.

.;... SveaC.S. *.L..=.55.E ...EN. N . S a . %. . 4..%.a. O_.".%C.3 Oav'.wa C #..%C Q 9.C=.S*E4 S*.sa%.

as5006.?.S .f .05 .%....A 'O*CN'. s0%fe..L .0%;.% .%..a%0

Discussion &


A thorough examination was made of the subject bearing plates and adjacent ones to develop evaluation regard-ing above items. This was concluded by the writer on 8/27/73 using visual examination both the naked eye and 5 power magnification.

The following evaluation was gleaned from the examination in regards to the above items,

a. There was no evidence of any patching adjacent to the bearing plates. This was evidenced by the integrity of the concrete and specifically by the consistent texture, surface trowel marks, hydration coloration and uniform distribution of the coarse aggregate at the concrete surface.
b. There was no evidence of differential displacement of the bearing plate with relation to the adjacent concrete. This was evidenced by the sound bond developed between the concrete to the edges of the bearing plates. An adjunct to the evalua-tion was the presence of lapped concrete over the edges of the bsaring plates at various locations. Since concrete cracks at about 0.3 percent tensile strain any displacement of less than 0.001" would create a visible crack in the lapped concrete.

There were none, and therefore there could not be any differen-tial displacement.


c. The bush hammered surface could not mask any differential movement. In f act the bush hammered condition would more easily expose any signs of displacement. It enables evalua-tion of the adjacent concrete to determine existence of any patching as noted in item (a) above.
d. The examination reve .<d a complete absence of cracks and spalling which would be indicative of differential dis-placement. An area of minor spalls <t one edge of bearing plate (V79) was attributed to localized line tr shrinkage.

There was no perceptible depth of shrinkage at this point.

(See photo of V79). The sound bond of the other three edges precluded any differential movement of the bearing plate.

e. Any significant differential displacement of the bearing plate and adjacent concrete would be characteri-ed by a shear failure exhibited by cracks near the edge of the bearing plate. The pre-stressing load would compress the bearing plate and take up any settlement of the concrete beneath the plate that would have occurred during migration of air and water during setting of the concrete. Apparently, the placement technique minimized this phenomena to the extent that no significant differential displacement occurred. It is estimated that the maximum settle-ment of the concrete would be in the magnitude of several thousandths of an inch. This esti=ation is based on an n

an evaluation of the condition of concrete placement and concrete mix characteristics. The sound bond of the concrete to the edge of the plate indicated the praper transfer of stress to the concreta and reinforce-ment beneath the bearing plate without significant differential displacement.

. W Joseph T. Artuso JTA /j f Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory




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_ 1. Completeness. , b. Proper location

2. Craft cert. of readiness '
c. All threads wrapped

_3 . Updated & avail. of designed plans d. Secured for cencrc:e placemen:

_4 . . 2. Misec11ancous s:cci: *

3. SU T.CR AD E: , , a. Proper location

_ 1. Compaction . . ._; . b..Sscw:r.d er prept.rly Suppc M --

~~~ ~Z2

  • Viporbarri'crTiii2ta lled . . . ' . _ . . _ c. Check drawings f or type 6 nun 6cr


3. Perireter insulation
4. Condition of materials used 'H. f.EIN FO'lCINC STEEL:

.. Proper spacing C. CO.S T*WCTIC:: JOIFTS:  :. Number & si:c of bars

_ 1. t.aitance renoved [5 Length of laps

_ 2. Proper location _ . Length of dowcls & alignment

_ 3. Expansion joint materials ,

.s. Caducids -

_4. Cont rac:f on joints & filler G. Tics

_ 5. Spalling . 7. Form clearance

8. Supports D. F0;U:S :


1. Form surface I. FINAL CLF.AN-UP:
2. Panel joints
1. Check all forms & fixturcs for dis-

[3.1 Eracing ~


_ 4. Tic spacing 2. Cleanliness of surfaces, le d; e s , f o rr s ,

j .

i. Make-na ar r e a. anac3. emnennone. si-w~.- . :-.- > pacing e. sizc subgrades, water stops, chutes, etc.


7. Spreaders 3. Proper scaffolding
8. Creut Icaks *
4. Concrete chute arrangements

]9. Form coatin;; 5. Proper type & length of tremic:

_IO. ':hamfer where necessary

_ 11. Grade strip properly installed J. MISCELLAMEOUS:

- 12. Plamb bob lines installed 1.

_13. Hor.z onta l f ctm liner ins:alled

14. Morizen:a1 & vertical alignnent of 2.

forns D 9 l f

_ 15. Installation of keyways on previous concrete

_3 . l ag u j g j'*(,I u,,,

- 16. Metal lath bulkheads have 1" clear-

  • _4 ance frca forr. surface K. ADDITICMAL REMARKS:


_ l. Prcrer size

_ 2'. Preper 1ccati:n

_ 3. Internal bracing & shoring

_4 Vibra:ces hair.s top & bet:cm

_ 5. Crect tight L . (REACTC2 PCU."15 C;:;.Y):

1. Have tendons been tested and apptoved'

?. 'JNiiR ST?PS:

_ 1. Propc 1ccation Pour Area:

2. Joint ;.c tds

-_3 . s.up,cr:c: fer concrc:c placenent Loca: ion:

_ 4. '.later s:cp ucdqcd into kcy'. rays

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Conc r et s- .. ' x Desien: Type of Cc:nent Time c! P':ce-ent: 3egin E r.d .

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