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LER 89-011-00:on 891213,discovered That Two Surveillance Tests of Turbine Stop & Control Valve Encl Not Performed Per Tech Specs.Caused by Incorrect Std Practice of Surveillance Testing.Programmatic Controls established.W/900116 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/1990
From: Cribbe T, Danni Smith
LER-89-011-03, NUDOCS 9001250195
Download: ML19354E009 (4)


-CCN-90-14011 c- ..

l PHILADELPHIA EI.ECI'RIC COMPANY PLACil lKJrIOM ATOMIC POWI.R STATION R. D. 1.Ik a 208 DeIta, lYnnsykanta 1*,414 PtAC:IKff1DAl-4981 P(75 iR Of I MIL 18 =ct (717) 4$(> 7014 D M. Smith Ykr President January 16, 1990 Docket No. 50-278 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Licensee Event Report Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station - Unit 3 This LER concerns two missed surveillances that resulted'in a Technical.

Specification violation.


Docket No. 50-278 Report Number: 3-89-011 Revision Number: 00 Event Date: 12/13/89 Discovery Date 12/14/89 Report Date: 1/16/90 Facility: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station RD 1. Box 208 Delta, PA 17314 This LER is being submitted pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v).

Sincerely, cc: J. J. Lyash, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector W. T. Russell, USNRC, Region I 9001250195 900116 ' ~

'(DR ADOCK 05000278 PDC /

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, t esa f.tre 3e6 U 6. LL8CLL&A RE1ULATORY COMMIS$60N Af PROVID OMS 8 0 31600104 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) *"'5S

B ACILif T NAME til DOCRti Nk8M9th (2) I'06 4 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station - Unit 3 016 l 0 l 010 [ 2 ] 718 1lOFlol3 Missed Surveillances Resulting in Technical Specification Violation Due to Incorrect standard Practice of Surveillance Timing iVENT DATt (6) Lt R NUMath '6i REPORT DATI (7a OTHth f ACBLillil INVOLVlO let DO(e(E t NvMat utsi MONTH DAY YEAR vt A84 * $M b fjf,$ MONTH DAY YE Ap; 8 acitiYv %awts 016101010 1 1 I


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,,,,,,,,, tHis atPont es susMiTYtD PUnsVANT to THE atousatMtNts or 10 Con i rCa-a eae e, more er ami reise.+,i oil Moot sei N 20 402m 20 mm so. ts.fim to 4064.H1Hil 60 asielpl to 73 eH2iM 78 ti tel H01 of 3 I o 20 *0sieHiHel 603*i.H2' 60 73init2H***

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COMPLif t ONE LINE FOR L ACH COMPONENT f AILunt DracmistD IN THit REPORT l131 CAust $vsttM nt* TA Lt sesttM roMPostNT MA C t COMPONENT Ma%c caust nt,P0mt 9 pp A i l i i i l l I 1 l l 1 i f I I I i 1 1 I I I I I I I I  ;

$UPPLEMENT AL REPORT tXPECTED (14: MONTH DAY VIAR 4t$ 419 ses camp,ere iMPfCTED $vgetISSION DA TE) ev0 l l l l ,

A.t i t. AC1 ,o,~, ,e .. , . ,,,,e. < . .y. . .,-,.,,.. . n .1 On 12/14/89, 1053 hours0.0122 days <br />0.293 hours <br />0.00174 weeks <br />4.006665e-4 months <br />, an Operations Support Engineer discovered that two surveillance tests (ST) ST 9.4, " Turbine Stop Valve Closure functional" and ST 9.14,

" Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Functional" were not performed as required by Technical Specifications. These tests were required to be performed prior to '

reaching 30% rated thermal power which was reached 12/13/89. The surveillances were performed satisfactorily on 12/14/89, 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br />. The root cause of this event was an incorrect standard practice of performing these surveillances after reaching 30%

power. No actual safety consequences occurred as a result of this event.

Appropriate General Plant procedure (s) will be revised to ensure ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 are performed prior to being required operable. ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 will be revised as needed to allow performance prior to 30% power. A review of similar surveillances associated with reaching operational milestones will be performed. Appropriate revisions-to these surveillances will be performed and programmatic controls will be established to ensure these surveillances are performed prior to reaching the cilestones. Corrective actions will be complete by 6/1/90. There were no previous similar LERs.

I C h e,N


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"! UCENSEE EVENT CEPORT (LER) TEXT C2NTINUAT60N  : enRovto ove wo mo-oios EXPlRES: $'31C f ACluf y faaAtt (U DOCEti NUMBla (Il LER WUMSER tSi PAOL (3)

.P2ach Bottom Atomic Power Station vsaa -

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> Unit 3 O l5 l0 l0 l0 l 2 l 7l8 8l9 -

ol1l1 -

ol 0 ol 2 oF ol2 TEXT U anore ansee 4 roedoef, ese seWeenet MC Form 354's> 11h i Requirements for the' Report This report is required per 10 CFR50.73(a)(2)(1)(B) due to two surveillances not being performed when required by Technical Specifications.

Unit Conditions at Time of Discovery i Unit 3wasintheRUNmodeat34%ofratedthermalreactor(EIIS:RPV) power.

There were no systems, structures, or components that were inoperable that  !

contributed to this event.

Description of Event- l 7

On 12/14/89, 1053 hours0.0122 days <br />0.293 hours <br />0.00174 weeks <br />4.006665e-4 months <br />, an Operations Support Engineer discovered that two surveillances were not performed as required by Tech Spec Table 4.1.1. The i surveillance tests (STs) not performed were ST 9.4, " Turbine Stop Valvo Closure  ;

Functional" and ST 9.14. " Turbine Control Valve fast Closure Scram functional". The '

instruments that are tested in these surveillances provide trip inputs for the- ,

Reactor Protection System (RPS) (EIIS:SC) to initiate a reactor scram. Tech Spec  :

Table 4.1.1 requires that these instruments (EIIS:PS) be functionally' tested prior to returning the instruments to an operable status if the previous surveillar.ce had been omitted because the instruments were not required to be operable. These instruments '

are required to be operable when the reactor is in the RUN mode and the instruments are not bypassed (30% rated thermal power).

The reactor had been shutdown since 3/31/87 and these instruments were not required to be operable until 12/13/89 when the reactor achieved 30% rated thermal power and was subsequently being held between 30-34% power for power ascension testing. These surveillance tests had been issued through the Surveillance Test Program and were due to be performed 12/10/89 with a grace date of 12/17/89.


' In accordance with the power ascension program, the two surveillances were performed .

and completed satisfactorily on 12/14/89 at approximately 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br />.

Analysis of the Event '

No actual safety consequences occurred as a result of this event. ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 perform functional tests of the ability of a Main Turbine Stop Valve (EIIS:SHV)'or a l Main Turbine Control Valve (EIIS:FCV) Fast Closure signal to actuate the RPS and 1 associated alarms (EIIS: ANN). Tech Spec Table 3.1.1 requires these functions to be operable in the RUN mode when the signals are not bypassed (i.e., above 30% rated -

thermal power). '

This f. vent is considered to be of minimal safety significance. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 87-09 states that it is overly-conservative to assume that systems or components are inoperable when a surveillance has not been performed.

Satisfactory performance of ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 on 12/14/89 verified that these  ?

signals to the RPS were operable.

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, EXPtRES: ht310 -

JActuty esaast its 90cetti sogneta gap , Lin NUMet416) PA04 (31 Paach Bottom Atomic Power Station tsaa " L't@e "'#.#

Unit 3 0 l5 l0 l0 l0 l 2l 7l8 8l 9 -

0l1l1 -

0lo 0 l3 0F ol3 ftXT (1messe apose t supusver, use sesshmenet NAC Fonn W11(17)

Cause of the Event The root cause of this event was an incorrect standard practice of performing these surveillances'after reaching 30% rated thermal power. Heretofore. it was believed that performing these surveillances just after reaching 30% rated thermal power met the intent of the surveillance requirement and provided a simpler method of testing because of alarm indication availability. A contributing cause of this incorrect practice was the fact that ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 has prerequisites in the procedure that were more. accurately obtained after reaching 30% rated thermal power.

Ctrrective Actions Appropriate General Plant procedure (s) will be revised to ensure that ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 are performed prior to applicable instruments being required to be operable during plant power escalations. ST 9.4 and ST 9.14 will be reviewed and revised as needed to ensure tests are capable of being performed prior to 30%l rated thermal -

power (bypasssetpoint)._Areviewofsimilarsurveillancesassociatedwithreaching reactor operational milestones will be performed. Revisions to these surveillances to allow them to be performed prior to the milestone. if applicable, will be performed as well as establishing programmatic controls to ensure surveillances will be performed prior to reaching milestones. The above corrective actions will 5e completed by 6/1/90.

PreviousSimjlarEvents No previous LERs were identified in which a surveillance ~was missed due to an incorrect standard practice of performing a surveillance just after a milestone was reached.

l 1


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