MONTHYEAR05000278/LER-1999-005-03, :on 990920,uplanned Esfas During Planned Mod Activitives in Main CR Were Noted.Caused by Inattention to Detail by Individuals Performing Work.All CR Mods Were Ceased to Allow Review of Mod Work Packages.With1999-10-20020 October 1999
- on 990920,uplanned Esfas During Planned Mod Activitives in Main CR Were Noted.Caused by Inattention to Detail by Individuals Performing Work.All CR Mods Were Ceased to Allow Review of Mod Work Packages.With
05000278/LER-1999-004-03, :on 990901,3A RPS Bus Was Inadvertently Deenergized,During Planned Mod Activities on Main CR Panel. Caused by Electrician Failing to Self Check Work.All CR Work Was Ceased Immediately & Shutdown Meeting Held1999-10-0101 October 1999
- on 990901,3A RPS Bus Was Inadvertently Deenergized,During Planned Mod Activities on Main CR Panel. Caused by Electrician Failing to Self Check Work.All CR Work Was Ceased Immediately & Shutdown Meeting Held
05000278/LER-1999-003-03, :on 990814,HPCIS Was Declared Inoperable Due to Erratic Behavior Resulting in Loss of Single High Train Safety Sys.Caused by Weakness in Procedural Guidance. Readjusted Hydraulic Governor Needle Valve.With1999-09-13013 September 1999
- on 990814,HPCIS Was Declared Inoperable Due to Erratic Behavior Resulting in Loss of Single High Train Safety Sys.Caused by Weakness in Procedural Guidance. Readjusted Hydraulic Governor Needle Valve.With
05000277/LER-1999-005-01, :on 990616,failure to Maintain Provisions of FP Program Occurred.Caused by Less than Adequate Engineering Rigor in Both Development & Review Analysis.Fire Watch Immediately Established.With1999-07-16016 July 1999
- on 990616,failure to Maintain Provisions of FP Program Occurred.Caused by Less than Adequate Engineering Rigor in Both Development & Review Analysis.Fire Watch Immediately Established.With
05000278/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990406,safeguard Sys to Unrelated Door Was Inadvertently Disabled by Security Alarm Station Operator. Caused by Noncompliance with Procedures & Less than Adequate Shift Turnover.Briefed Personnel on Event.With1999-05-0606 May 1999
- on 990406,safeguard Sys to Unrelated Door Was Inadvertently Disabled by Security Alarm Station Operator. Caused by Noncompliance with Procedures & Less than Adequate Shift Turnover.Briefed Personnel on Event.With
05000278/LER-1999-001-03, :on 990312,ESF Actuation of Rcics Occurred Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Temporary Change to Restoration Procedure Was Initiated to Open RCIC Outboard Steam Isolation Valve in Smaller Increments1999-04-0808 April 1999
- on 990312,ESF Actuation of Rcics Occurred Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Temporary Change to Restoration Procedure Was Initiated to Open RCIC Outboard Steam Isolation Valve in Smaller Increments
05000278/LER-1998-009-01, :on 981227,unplanned Esfa Were Noted.Caused by Transformer Insulator Failure.Replaced Failed Insulator. with1999-01-20020 January 1999
- on 981227,unplanned Esfa Were Noted.Caused by Transformer Insulator Failure.Replaced Failed Insulator. with
05000277/LER-1998-008-01, :on 981130,circuit Breaker SU-25 Tripped.Caused by Less than Adequate Procedural Guidance.Operators Verified Sys Integrity & Successfully Returned Sys to Svc.With1998-12-30030 December 1998
- on 981130,circuit Breaker SU-25 Tripped.Caused by Less than Adequate Procedural Guidance.Operators Verified Sys Integrity & Successfully Returned Sys to Svc.With
05000277/LER-1998-007-02, :on 981107,failure to Meet TS & Associated LCO Requirments of Absolute Difference in APRM & Calculated Power of Less than 2% Was Noted.Caused by Substitute Valves Being Used.Removed Substitute Valves.With1998-12-0404 December 1998
- on 981107,failure to Meet TS & Associated LCO Requirments of Absolute Difference in APRM & Calculated Power of Less than 2% Was Noted.Caused by Substitute Valves Being Used.Removed Substitute Valves.With
05000278/LER-1998-005-03, :on 981025,inadvertent Unit 3 Electrical Bus E33 Trip (Esfa) During Performance of Unit 2 Electrical Bus E32 Surveillance Test Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error. Sp S12M-54-E32-XXF4 Was Completed.With1998-11-20020 November 1998
- on 981025,inadvertent Unit 3 Electrical Bus E33 Trip (Esfa) During Performance of Unit 2 Electrical Bus E32 Surveillance Test Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error. Sp S12M-54-E32-XXF4 Was Completed.With
05000277/LER-1998-006-02, :on 980915,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing RWCU Sys in Svc.Caused by Unexpected Surge of Water.Procedure Change Was Initiated to Open MO-2-12-74 & RWCU Sys Was Successfully Returned to Svc.With1998-10-0909 October 1998
- on 980915,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing RWCU Sys in Svc.Caused by Unexpected Surge of Water.Procedure Change Was Initiated to Open MO-2-12-74 & RWCU Sys Was Successfully Returned to Svc.With
05000277/LER-1998-005-02, :on 980824,noted Failure to Meet TS Actions for Suppression chamber-to-drywell Vacuum Breaker Not Being Fully Seated.Caused by Personnel Failing to Take All TS Required Actions.Temporary Procedure Changes Were Made1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980824,noted Failure to Meet TS Actions for Suppression chamber-to-drywell Vacuum Breaker Not Being Fully Seated.Caused by Personnel Failing to Take All TS Required Actions.Temporary Procedure Changes Were Made
05000278/LER-1998-004-03, :on 980820,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing B RWCU Sys Demineralizer in Svc.Caused by less-than-adequate Control of Equipment.Isolated B Demineralizer & Returned RWCU Sys to Svc1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980820,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing B RWCU Sys Demineralizer in Svc.Caused by less-than-adequate Control of Equipment.Isolated B Demineralizer & Returned RWCU Sys to Svc
ML20237E6461998-08-0707 August 1998
- on 980505,loss of Both Trains of MCR Emergency Ventilation Sys Occurred.Caused by Flow Rate Not Being within Allowable Limits Per Ts.Monthly Surveillance Tests Have Been Revised.This LER Is Retraction of Original Rept
05000278/LER-1998-003-03, :on 980328,identified Failure to Meet TS for IST Stroke Timing of Msivs.Caused by Incorrect Interpretation of Required Testing Frequency.Reset Subject Surveillances to Appropriate TS Frequency1998-08-0707 August 1998
- on 980328,identified Failure to Meet TS for IST Stroke Timing of Msivs.Caused by Incorrect Interpretation of Required Testing Frequency.Reset Subject Surveillances to Appropriate TS Frequency
05000278/LER-1998-002-02, :on 980504,failure to Meet TS for Rcic,Was Revealed.Caused by Incomplete Procedural Guidance.Various Components Including Trip Tappet,Head Lever & Tappet Guide Were Replaced1998-07-22022 July 1998
- on 980504,failure to Meet TS for Rcic,Was Revealed.Caused by Incomplete Procedural Guidance.Various Components Including Trip Tappet,Head Lever & Tappet Guide Were Replaced
05000277/LER-1998-004-01, :on 980606,failure to Meet TS for off-site Source,Was Determined.Caused by Lightning Strike & No Positive Verification That Tap Changer Was operational.3SU Tap Changer Circuitry Was Repaired,Tested & Returned to Svc1998-07-22022 July 1998
- on 980606,failure to Meet TS for off-site Source,Was Determined.Caused by Lightning Strike & No Positive Verification That Tap Changer Was operational.3SU Tap Changer Circuitry Was Repaired,Tested & Returned to Svc
05000277/LER-1998-003-01, :on 980513,failure to Meet TS for Main Control Room Emergency Ventilation,Was Identified.Caused by Failure to Follow GP-25 Procedure Guidance.Main Control Room Emergency Ventilation Relays Inspected for Loose Screws1998-06-15015 June 1998
- on 980513,failure to Meet TS for Main Control Room Emergency Ventilation,Was Identified.Caused by Failure to Follow GP-25 Procedure Guidance.Main Control Room Emergency Ventilation Relays Inspected for Loose Screws
05000278/LER-1998-001-01, :on 971103,3A CS Pump Failed to Meet TS 3.5.1. Caused by Less than Adequate Focus on Foreign Matl Exclusion During 3R11 Suction Strainer replacement.3A CS Pump Was Disassembled,Matl Was Removed & Pump Was Reassembled1998-04-22022 April 1998
- on 971103,3A CS Pump Failed to Meet TS 3.5.1. Caused by Less than Adequate Focus on Foreign Matl Exclusion During 3R11 Suction Strainer replacement.3A CS Pump Was Disassembled,Matl Was Removed & Pump Was Reassembled
05000277/LER-1998-001-02, :on 960118,failure to Perform SR for First Recirculation Pump Start Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Review of ITS Requirements.Revised Procedure to Include Appropriate SRs1998-04-22022 April 1998
- on 960118,failure to Perform SR for First Recirculation Pump Start Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Review of ITS Requirements.Revised Procedure to Include Appropriate SRs
05000277/LER-1997-010-02, :on 971229,2A RFPT Failed to Trip When RO Pushed CR 2A RFPT Trip push-button.Caused by Intermittent Failure Mechanism.Repaired,Reinstalled & Tested Operability of 2A RFPT1998-01-28028 January 1998
- on 971229,2A RFPT Failed to Trip When RO Pushed CR 2A RFPT Trip push-button.Caused by Intermittent Failure Mechanism.Repaired,Reinstalled & Tested Operability of 2A RFPT
05000277/LER-1997-009-02, :on 971109,generator Lockout & Subsequent Turbine Trip Occurred.Caused by Turbine Trip Resulting from Generator Lockout Signal.Appropriate PCIS & RPS Scram Logics Were Reset1997-12-0909 December 1997
- on 971109,generator Lockout & Subsequent Turbine Trip Occurred.Caused by Turbine Trip Resulting from Generator Lockout Signal.Appropriate PCIS & RPS Scram Logics Were Reset
05000277/LER-1997-008-02, :on 740705,logic Sys Functional Testing Did Not Contain All Required Testing Per TS Surveillance Requirements.Caused by Test Procedures Not Containing Required Testing.Untested Contacts Tested & Proved Operable1997-11-26026 November 1997
- on 740705,logic Sys Functional Testing Did Not Contain All Required Testing Per TS Surveillance Requirements.Caused by Test Procedures Not Containing Required Testing.Untested Contacts Tested & Proved Operable
05000277/LER-1997-007-02, :on 970821,engineering Personnel Identified Potential Suppression Chamber Steam Bypass Leakage Path Between Air Spaces of Drywell & Torus.Caused by Original Design Deficiency.Drywell Purge Supply Valve Disabled1997-11-19019 November 1997
- on 970821,engineering Personnel Identified Potential Suppression Chamber Steam Bypass Leakage Path Between Air Spaces of Drywell & Torus.Caused by Original Design Deficiency.Drywell Purge Supply Valve Disabled
05000277/LER-1997-006-02, :on 970923,DG Auto Start During 4-kV Relay Testing Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Need for Exercising Caution When Removing or Installing Relay Cover Was Discussed W/I&C Technicians1997-10-21021 October 1997
- on 970923,DG Auto Start During 4-kV Relay Testing Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Need for Exercising Caution When Removing or Installing Relay Cover Was Discussed W/I&C Technicians
05000277/LER-1997-005-02, :on 970808,discovered TS non-compliance Associated W/Rod Block Contact Testing.Caused by Rev in Oct 1989,attempted to Consolidate Testing of Rod Block Logic from Two Instrument Panels.Procedure Revised1997-09-0808 September 1997
- on 970808,discovered TS non-compliance Associated W/Rod Block Contact Testing.Caused by Rev in Oct 1989,attempted to Consolidate Testing of Rod Block Logic from Two Instrument Panels.Procedure Revised
05000277/LER-1997-004-02, :on 970710,discovered non-compliance W/Ts When TS Action Times Were Exceeded.Caused by Procedural Control Not Being Adequate to Ensure Radiation Monitor Would Be Maintained in Trip Condition.Made Rev to GP-25 App 13 & 141997-07-31031 July 1997
- on 970710,discovered non-compliance W/Ts When TS Action Times Were Exceeded.Caused by Procedural Control Not Being Adequate to Ensure Radiation Monitor Would Be Maintained in Trip Condition.Made Rev to GP-25 App 13 & 14
05000277/LER-1997-003-03, :on 970601,HPCI Was Inoperable.Caused by Lifting of Common Power Wire Lug in HPCI Electrical Power Logic as Part of GP-25 Activity.Hpci Sys Was Restored to Operable Condition1997-06-27027 June 1997
- on 970601,HPCI Was Inoperable.Caused by Lifting of Common Power Wire Lug in HPCI Electrical Power Logic as Part of GP-25 Activity.Hpci Sys Was Restored to Operable Condition
05000278/LER-1997-003-01, :on 970404,TS Noncompliance Due to Loss of 3C RFP High Water Level Trip,Occurred.Caused by Failure to Correlate Turbine/Reset Light Problem to Inoperability. Operating Shift Procedures Revised1997-05-14014 May 1997
- on 970404,TS Noncompliance Due to Loss of 3C RFP High Water Level Trip,Occurred.Caused by Failure to Correlate Turbine/Reset Light Problem to Inoperability. Operating Shift Procedures Revised
05000277/LER-1997-002-03, :on 970326,TS Violation Identified as Result of Reactor Operation Slightly in Excess of Licensed Thermal Power.Ctp Calculation Program Was Modified to Compensate for Recirculation Pump Motor Power Factor1997-04-24024 April 1997
- on 970326,TS Violation Identified as Result of Reactor Operation Slightly in Excess of Licensed Thermal Power.Ctp Calculation Program Was Modified to Compensate for Recirculation Pump Motor Power Factor
05000277/LER-1997-001-03, :on 970318,TS Violation Due to non-conservative Average Power Range Monitor Flow Bias Scram Setpoints for Single Loop Operation.Procedural Enhancements to Ensure That Single Loop Flow Conditions,Accommodated1997-04-16016 April 1997
- on 970318,TS Violation Due to non-conservative Average Power Range Monitor Flow Bias Scram Setpoints for Single Loop Operation.Procedural Enhancements to Ensure That Single Loop Flow Conditions,Accommodated
05000278/LER-1997-002-02, :on 970309,manual Scram Occurred Due to Loss of Forced Reactor Core Circulation at Power as Result of 13kv Feeder Breaker Auxiliary Switch Failure.Auxiliary Switch Assembly Was Cleaned & Lubricated1997-04-0707 April 1997
- on 970309,manual Scram Occurred Due to Loss of Forced Reactor Core Circulation at Power as Result of 13kv Feeder Breaker Auxiliary Switch Failure.Auxiliary Switch Assembly Was Cleaned & Lubricated
05000277/LER-1996-009, :on 961001,declared High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Sys Inoperable Due to Bearing Misalignment. Realigned Bearing Housing,Performed ST-O-023-200-2 Satisfactorily & Declared HPCI Sys Operable1997-03-12012 March 1997
- on 961001,declared High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Sys Inoperable Due to Bearing Misalignment. Realigned Bearing Housing,Performed ST-O-023-200-2 Satisfactorily & Declared HPCI Sys Operable
05000278/LER-1997-001, :on 970122,determined Plant Thermal Power Exceeded 100% Due to Out of Tolerance Test Equipment.Retired Test Apparatus from Future Use & Will Review and Revise Procedures for Feedwater Temp Instruments1997-02-19019 February 1997
- on 970122,determined Plant Thermal Power Exceeded 100% Due to Out of Tolerance Test Equipment.Retired Test Apparatus from Future Use & Will Review and Revise Procedures for Feedwater Temp Instruments
05000277/LER-1996-011-01, :on 961030,main Steam Line Relief Valve Actuation Occurred Due to Inadvertent Movement of Control Switch.Reactor Operator Immediately Recognized Situation & Reclosed Valve.Event Discussed W/All Crews1996-12-0202 December 1996
- on 961030,main Steam Line Relief Valve Actuation Occurred Due to Inadvertent Movement of Control Switch.Reactor Operator Immediately Recognized Situation & Reclosed Valve.Event Discussed W/All Crews
05000277/LER-1996-010-01, :on 961006 & 1015,two Automatic Reactor Shutdown Occurred as Result of Main Generator Trip & Lockout Due to Actuation of Negative Sequence Current Protective Relay.Relay Replaced W/Relay of Newer Design1996-11-0505 November 1996
- on 961006 & 1015,two Automatic Reactor Shutdown Occurred as Result of Main Generator Trip & Lockout Due to Actuation of Negative Sequence Current Protective Relay.Relay Replaced W/Relay of Newer Design
05000277/LER-1996-009-02, :on 961001,HPCI Sys Declared Inoperable Due to Bearing Misalignment.Hpci Booster Pump Procedure Will Be Revised to Provide Appropriate Guidance for Bearing Alignment1996-10-31031 October 1996
- on 961001,HPCI Sys Declared Inoperable Due to Bearing Misalignment.Hpci Booster Pump Procedure Will Be Revised to Provide Appropriate Guidance for Bearing Alignment
05000278/LER-1996-002-03, :on 960624,room Cooler Associated w/3C LPCI Pump Discovered Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Post Maint Testing.Room Cooler Fan Motor Wiring Corrected.Provided Staff W/Info Re Breaker Configuration Control1996-07-24024 July 1996
- on 960624,room Cooler Associated w/3C LPCI Pump Discovered Inoperable.Caused by Inadequate Post Maint Testing.Room Cooler Fan Motor Wiring Corrected.Provided Staff W/Info Re Breaker Configuration Control
05000277/LER-1996-007-01, :on 960604,ESFA Occurred Due to Loss of One off-site Electrical Source as Result of off-site Substation Activities.Reset Isolation Logics & Restored Affected Sys1996-07-0202 July 1996
- on 960604,ESFA Occurred Due to Loss of One off-site Electrical Source as Result of off-site Substation Activities.Reset Isolation Logics & Restored Affected Sys
05000278/LER-1996-001-03, :on 960529,HPCI Turbine Control Valve Failed to Open as Expected During Performance of Routine Test O-023A-450-3.Caused by Failed Solder Connection on HPCI Flow.Solder Connection Repaired1996-06-27027 June 1996
- on 960529,HPCI Turbine Control Valve Failed to Open as Expected During Performance of Routine Test O-023A-450-3.Caused by Failed Solder Connection on HPCI Flow.Solder Connection Repaired
05000277/LER-1996-006-01, :on 960522,Unit 2 RPS Power Supply Unexpectedly Lost.Caused by Human Performance.Rps Bus Supply Restored & Operator Involved in Event Coached on self-checking Practices.W/Undated Ltr1996-06-21021 June 1996
- on 960522,Unit 2 RPS Power Supply Unexpectedly Lost.Caused by Human Performance.Rps Bus Supply Restored & Operator Involved in Event Coached on self-checking Practices.W/Undated Ltr
05000277/LER-1995-006, :on 951022,offsite Electrical Power Source Lost.Caused by Momentary Deenergization of Several Electrical Distribution Panels.Isolation Logics Reset & Affected Sys Restored1996-06-17017 June 1996
- on 951022,offsite Electrical Power Source Lost.Caused by Momentary Deenergization of Several Electrical Distribution Panels.Isolation Logics Reset & Affected Sys Restored
05000277/LER-1996-005-01, :on 960508,determined Units 2 & 3 Operated in Condition Prohibited by TS 3.8.1.Caused by Result of Actuation of Load Tap Changer Surge Protection Circuitry. Alternate Source Replaced1996-06-0707 June 1996
- on 960508,determined Units 2 & 3 Operated in Condition Prohibited by TS 3.8.1.Caused by Result of Actuation of Load Tap Changer Surge Protection Circuitry. Alternate Source Replaced
05000277/LER-1996-004-01, :on 960417,HPCI Sys Declared Inoperable Due to Leak in Cooling Water Relief Valve.Caused by Igscc.Hpci Cooling Water Relief Valve Was Replaced.W/Undated Ltr1996-05-17017 May 1996
- on 960417,HPCI Sys Declared Inoperable Due to Leak in Cooling Water Relief Valve.Caused by Igscc.Hpci Cooling Water Relief Valve Was Replaced.W/Undated Ltr
05000277/LER-1996-003-01, :on 960228,ESFA Occurred Due to Loss of One off-site Power Source.Reset PCIS Group II Isolation Logics & Restored Affected Sys.W/Undated Ltr1996-03-28028 March 1996
- on 960228,ESFA Occurred Due to Loss of One off-site Power Source.Reset PCIS Group II Isolation Logics & Restored Affected Sys.W/Undated Ltr
05000277/LER-1996-002-01, :on 960126,TS Violation Occurred When Certain Emergency Bus Protection Relays Found Out of Calibr Due to Inadequate Testing Methodology.Recalibrated Affected Relays to within Appropriate TS Limits1996-02-23023 February 1996
- on 960126,TS Violation Occurred When Certain Emergency Bus Protection Relays Found Out of Calibr Due to Inadequate Testing Methodology.Recalibrated Affected Relays to within Appropriate TS Limits
05000277/LER-1996-001-01, :on 960118,licensed Thermal Power Slightly Exceeded Due to Unaccounted for CRD Water Flow.Caused by Failure to Consider Impact of Addl Flow on Core Thermal Power.Mod Design Process Will Be Enhanced.W/Undated Ltr1996-02-20020 February 1996
- on 960118,licensed Thermal Power Slightly Exceeded Due to Unaccounted for CRD Water Flow.Caused by Failure to Consider Impact of Addl Flow on Core Thermal Power.Mod Design Process Will Be Enhanced.W/Undated Ltr
05000278/LER-1995-007-02, :on 951202,main Turbine Trip Occurred Caused by Full Reactor Scram.Replaced Mechanical Trip Solenoid Valve Terminal Strip That Caused Initial Ground1995-12-26026 December 1995
- on 951202,main Turbine Trip Occurred Caused by Full Reactor Scram.Replaced Mechanical Trip Solenoid Valve Terminal Strip That Caused Initial Ground
05000278/LER-1995-005-03, :on 951108,three of Eleven MSRVs Did Not Lift within TS +1% Tolerance Due to Small Drift in Setpoint of Valves.Refurbished Valves Have Been Properly Setup at Test Facility & Install for All MSRVs & SVs1995-12-0808 December 1995
- on 951108,three of Eleven MSRVs Did Not Lift within TS +1% Tolerance Due to Small Drift in Setpoint of Valves.Refurbished Valves Have Been Properly Setup at Test Facility & Install for All MSRVs & SVs
05000278/LER-1995-004-03, :on 951028,drywell Floor Drain & Equipment Sump Pump Was in TS Violation.Caused by Both Floor & Equipment Drain Sump Pumps Not Operating in Automatic Mode.Provided Pertinent Info from Event to Personnel1995-11-27027 November 1995
- on 951028,drywell Floor Drain & Equipment Sump Pump Was in TS Violation.Caused by Both Floor & Equipment Drain Sump Pumps Not Operating in Automatic Mode.Provided Pertinent Info from Event to Personnel
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000278/LER-1999-005-03, :on 990920,uplanned Esfas During Planned Mod Activitives in Main CR Were Noted.Caused by Inattention to Detail by Individuals Performing Work.All CR Mods Were Ceased to Allow Review of Mod Work Packages.With1999-10-20020 October 1999
- on 990920,uplanned Esfas During Planned Mod Activitives in Main CR Were Noted.Caused by Inattention to Detail by Individuals Performing Work.All CR Mods Were Ceased to Allow Review of Mod Work Packages.With
ML20217K9931999-10-14014 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 234 to License DPR-56 ML20217B4331999-10-0505 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 233 to License DPR-56 05000278/LER-1999-004-03, :on 990901,3A RPS Bus Was Inadvertently Deenergized,During Planned Mod Activities on Main CR Panel. Caused by Electrician Failing to Self Check Work.All CR Work Was Ceased Immediately & Shutdown Meeting Held1999-10-0101 October 1999
- on 990901,3A RPS Bus Was Inadvertently Deenergized,During Planned Mod Activities on Main CR Panel. Caused by Electrician Failing to Self Check Work.All CR Work Was Ceased Immediately & Shutdown Meeting Held
ML20217G3541999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20216H7091999-09-24024 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 229 & 232 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML15112A7681999-09-20020 September 1999 SER Accepting Revision 25 of Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Third 10-year Interval for Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 ML20212D1281999-09-17017 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Alternatives CRR-03, 05,08,09,10 & 11 05000278/LER-1999-003-03, :on 990814,HPCIS Was Declared Inoperable Due to Erratic Behavior Resulting in Loss of Single High Train Safety Sys.Caused by Weakness in Procedural Guidance. Readjusted Hydraulic Governor Needle Valve.With1999-09-13013 September 1999
- on 990814,HPCIS Was Declared Inoperable Due to Erratic Behavior Resulting in Loss of Single High Train Safety Sys.Caused by Weakness in Procedural Guidance. Readjusted Hydraulic Governor Needle Valve.With
ML20212A5871999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Peach Bottom,Units 2 & 3.With ML20211D5501999-08-23023 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 228 & 231 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20212H6311999-08-19019 August 1999 Rev 2 to PECO-COLR-P2C13, COLR for Pbaps,Unit 2,Reload 12 Cycle 13 ML20210N7641999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1999 for PBAPS Units 2 & 3. with 05000277/LER-1999-005-01, :on 990616,failure to Maintain Provisions of FP Program Occurred.Caused by Less than Adequate Engineering Rigor in Both Development & Review Analysis.Fire Watch Immediately Established.With1999-07-16016 July 1999
- on 990616,failure to Maintain Provisions of FP Program Occurred.Caused by Less than Adequate Engineering Rigor in Both Development & Review Analysis.Fire Watch Immediately Established.With
ML20209H1121999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20195H8841999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with 05000278/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990406,safeguard Sys to Unrelated Door Was Inadvertently Disabled by Security Alarm Station Operator. Caused by Noncompliance with Procedures & Less than Adequate Shift Turnover.Briefed Personnel on Event.With1999-05-0606 May 1999
- on 990406,safeguard Sys to Unrelated Door Was Inadvertently Disabled by Security Alarm Station Operator. Caused by Noncompliance with Procedures & Less than Adequate Shift Turnover.Briefed Personnel on Event.With
ML20206N1661999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20206A2921999-04-20020 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Proposed Changes to EALs for PBAPS Are Consistent with Guidance in NUMARC/NESP-007 & Identified Deviations Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.47(b)(4) & App E to 10CFR50 05000278/LER-1999-001-03, :on 990312,ESF Actuation of Rcics Occurred Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Temporary Change to Restoration Procedure Was Initiated to Open RCIC Outboard Steam Isolation Valve in Smaller Increments1999-04-0808 April 1999
- on 990312,ESF Actuation of Rcics Occurred Due to High Steam Flow Signal During Sys Restoration.Temporary Change to Restoration Procedure Was Initiated to Open RCIC Outboard Steam Isolation Valve in Smaller Increments
ML20205K7411999-04-0707 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 227 & 230 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20205P5851999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3.With ML20207G9971999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3.With 05000278/LER-1998-009-01, :on 981227,unplanned Esfa Were Noted.Caused by Transformer Insulator Failure.Replaced Failed Insulator. with1999-01-20020 January 1999
- on 981227,unplanned Esfa Were Noted.Caused by Transformer Insulator Failure.Replaced Failed Insulator. with
ML20199E3471998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Peach Bottom,Units 1 & 2.With ML20206P1651998-12-31031 December 1998 Fire Protection for Operating Nuclear Power Plants, Section Iii.F, Automatic Fire Detection ML20205K0381998-12-31031 December 1998 PECO Energy 1998 Annual Rept. with ML20206D3651998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 PBAPS Annual 10CFR50.59 & Commitment Rev Rept. with ML20206D3591998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 PBAPS Annual 10CFR72.48 Rept. with 05000277/LER-1998-008-01, :on 981130,circuit Breaker SU-25 Tripped.Caused by Less than Adequate Procedural Guidance.Operators Verified Sys Integrity & Successfully Returned Sys to Svc.With1998-12-30030 December 1998
- on 981130,circuit Breaker SU-25 Tripped.Caused by Less than Adequate Procedural Guidance.Operators Verified Sys Integrity & Successfully Returned Sys to Svc.With
05000277/LER-1998-007-02, :on 981107,failure to Meet TS & Associated LCO Requirments of Absolute Difference in APRM & Calculated Power of Less than 2% Was Noted.Caused by Substitute Valves Being Used.Removed Substitute Valves.With1998-12-0404 December 1998
- on 981107,failure to Meet TS & Associated LCO Requirments of Absolute Difference in APRM & Calculated Power of Less than 2% Was Noted.Caused by Substitute Valves Being Used.Removed Substitute Valves.With
ML20196G7021998-12-0202 December 1998 SER Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Delay Exam of Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Circumferential Welds by Two Operating Cycles ML20196E8261998-11-30030 November 1998 Response to NRC RAI Re Reactor Pressure Vessel Structural Integrity at Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 ML20198B8591998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with 05000278/LER-1998-005-03, :on 981025,inadvertent Unit 3 Electrical Bus E33 Trip (Esfa) During Performance of Unit 2 Electrical Bus E32 Surveillance Test Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error. Sp S12M-54-E32-XXF4 Was Completed.With1998-11-20020 November 1998
- on 981025,inadvertent Unit 3 Electrical Bus E33 Trip (Esfa) During Performance of Unit 2 Electrical Bus E32 Surveillance Test Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error. Sp S12M-54-E32-XXF4 Was Completed.With
ML20206R2571998-11-17017 November 1998 PBAPS Graded Exercise Scenario Manual (Sections 1.0 - 5.0) Emergency Preparedness 981117 Scenario P84 ML20198C6751998-11-0505 November 1998 Rev 3 to COLR for PBAPS Unit 3,Reload 11,Cycle 12 ML20195E5341998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with ML20155C6071998-10-26026 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 226 to License DPR-44 ML20155C1681998-10-22022 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Alternative Plan for Exam of Reactor Pressure Vessel Shell Longitudinal Welds ML20155H7721998-10-12012 October 1998 Rev 1 to COLR for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2, Reload 12,Cycle 13 05000277/LER-1998-006-02, :on 980915,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing RWCU Sys in Svc.Caused by Unexpected Surge of Water.Procedure Change Was Initiated to Open MO-2-12-74 & RWCU Sys Was Successfully Returned to Svc.With1998-10-0909 October 1998
- on 980915,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing RWCU Sys in Svc.Caused by Unexpected Surge of Water.Procedure Change Was Initiated to Open MO-2-12-74 & RWCU Sys Was Successfully Returned to Svc.With
ML20154J2401998-10-0505 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 224 & 228 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20154H4771998-10-0505 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 225 & 229 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20154G6821998-10-0101 October 1998 SER Related to Request for Relief 01A-VRR-1 Re Inservice Testing of Automatic Depressurization Sys Safety Relief Valves at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station,Units 2 & 3 ML20154G6631998-10-0101 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 223 & 227 to Licenses DPR-44 & DPR-56,respectively ML20154H5541998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3. with 05000278/LER-1998-004-03, :on 980820,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing B RWCU Sys Demineralizer in Svc.Caused by less-than-adequate Control of Equipment.Isolated B Demineralizer & Returned RWCU Sys to Svc1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980820,automatic RWCU Isolation Occurred While Placing B RWCU Sys Demineralizer in Svc.Caused by less-than-adequate Control of Equipment.Isolated B Demineralizer & Returned RWCU Sys to Svc
05000277/LER-1998-005-02, :on 980824,noted Failure to Meet TS Actions for Suppression chamber-to-drywell Vacuum Breaker Not Being Fully Seated.Caused by Personnel Failing to Take All TS Required Actions.Temporary Procedure Changes Were Made1998-09-18018 September 1998
- on 980824,noted Failure to Meet TS Actions for Suppression chamber-to-drywell Vacuum Breaker Not Being Fully Seated.Caused by Personnel Failing to Take All TS Required Actions.Temporary Procedure Changes Were Made
ML20153B9651998-09-14014 September 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 9 to License DPR-12 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
R. D.1. Ilox 208 -
M,F Delta, IYnnsylvania 17314
- - rsuai wrnmi-tue ros tat or e nctittsc t C17) 4547014 D. B. Millet. Jr.'
vice treent June 25,1990 Docket No. 50-277 Document Control-Desk.
.U; S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
' Washington, DC 20555
Licensee Event Report Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station - Unit 2 This LER concerns the operability of the Standby Gas Treatment System as a result of circuitry containing relays which were not environmentally qualified. This revision supplements the root cause of this event and provides' planned corrective actions.
Docket No. 50-277 Report Number:
2-89-028 Revision Number:
01 Event Date:
11/08/89 Report Date:
6/25/90 facility:
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station RD 1 Box 208, Delta, PA 17314
'This LER is being submitted pursuant to the requirements-of 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v).
Sincerely, Vice President cc:
J. J. Lyash, USNRC Senior. Resident Inspector
.T. T. Martin, USHRC, Region I 9007020040 900625 i
NRC Perm att U S tuCLE AR a.400Lif aY COMMISSION i
5 $ ma' $ ' '8'
F 2.CILif Y NAMS til DOCEl f NUMSS R (71 P AGE i38 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station - Unit 2 0 ]5 l 0 l0 l o l2 l7 !7 1 loFl ol 3
"' Standby Cas Treatment System Heater Control Relays Installed Without Environmental cuallflention Due To Unknown Cause IVENT DAlt lll Lin NUMBER ISI REPORY DAf f (76 OTHE R F ACILITit S INVDLVf D ($1 MO81H DAV YEAR YEAR
N h* '
MONTH DAi v t ast
. Acatif v hauts DOCAt1 NUMBt M Si 4
PBAPS - Unit 3 015 l o l 0 l 0 l 21718 1l1 ol8189 8l9 ol2 l8 ol1 ol 6 2l5 9l o oistol0l0l l l
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NAMF TE LEPHONE NUMStR AHE A CODE A. A. Fulvio, Regulatory Engineer 711 17 41516 l-171 01114 COMPLitt ONE LING FOR 4 ACH COMPONINT F AILURE DESCRISED IN THl0 RSPORY (131 C-rip ' '
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On November 8, 1989, following a review of safety related relay applications it was determined that the Standby Gas Treatment System (SBGT) heater control relays were not qualified for the analyzed post loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) radiation environment. At.1335 hours0.0155 days <br />0.371 hours <br />0.00221 weeks <br />5.079675e-4 months <br />, the SBGT was declared inoperable and a Unit 2 plant shutdown was-initiated in accordance with Technical Specifications.
By 0100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />, on November 9 temporary radiation shielding was installed around the relays, the l SBGT declared operable and Unit 2 restored to full power. The relays were I:~
l subsequently relocated to an area in which the calculated Post LOCA Radiation Levels l
l do not exceed their 2.0E5 rad rating. The root cause of this event was a lack of procedural guidance to control the Environmental Qualification aspects of the l modification design process (CIRCA 1980). An assessment of the Peach Bottom EQ l Program-will be performed to ensure that required components have been included.
No l previous similar LERs were identified, u.C f orm 366 00D1
nc,. a v s. wuctimuutavony commession LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) TEXT CONTINUATION Am;ovto ous wo. mo-oios tress: arc raciuty waus on pocut wuussa m ten avusen m paan m Piach Bottom Atomic Power Station "E'#nEl' "UsU r
. Unit 2 ol2 l8 o ll ol2 oF ol3
0 l6 l0 l0 l0 l 2l7 l7 8 l9 TEXT M asse esose a recured, see asumene' MC # wen mi(17)
Requirements for the Report This report is required per 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v) due to a condition which could have prevented fulfillment of the safety function of the Standby Gas Treatment System (Ells:BD) (SBGT).
Unit Status at Time of Event Unit 2 was in the Run Mode at 100 percent power. Unit 3 was in the Refuel Mode.
Description of Event
On November 8, 1989, following a review of safety related relay applications, a procurement engineer (contract non-licensed) determined that both the "A" and "B" trainSBGTSystemheater(Ells:EHTR)controlrelays(Ells:RLY)ipmentQualification had been omitted from the Environmental Qualification Report. Evaluation by the Equ (EQ)Branchdeterminedthattimedelayrelays 62-5944and62-6023-(AgastatmodelETR)
- - were not qualified for the analyzed post Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)-high 1
radiation environment in the SBGT fan and filter room. The relays are in the heater actuation circuit to provide a time delay to allow SBGT system flow to be established. At 1335 hours0.0155 days <br />0.371 hours <br />0.00221 weeks <br />5.079675e-4 months <br />, both trains of the SBGT System were declared inopei Ale and a Unit 2 plant shutdown initiated in accordance with 51chnical Specification 3.7.B.4.
At 2105 hours0.0244 days <br />0.585 hours <br />0.00348 weeks <br />8.009525e-4 months <br /> the "B" train SBGT neater relay es provided with temporary shielding-and declared operable and at 2150 hours0.0249 days <br />0.597 hours <br />0.00355 weeks <br />8.18075e-4 months <br /> Unit 2 was restored to full power.
On November 9,.at 0100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> the "A" train SBGT heater relay was provided with temporary shielding and declared operable.
Cause of the Event
The SBGT heater actuation time delay relays were installed in November 1980 as a modificationtotheheatercontrolsystem(Modification 648). At the time of this modification the PBAPS equipment environmental qualification program controls and criteria were under the early stages of development.
In June 1985 the. environmental qualification report for electrical equipment was completed.
During implementation of the equipment environmental qualification program in accordance with IE Bulletin 79-018 " Environmental Qualification of Class
- - 1E Equipment", and 10 CFR50.49, these relays were excluded from the qualification list of equipment important to safety which has the potential to be subject to a i
harsh environment.-
l The root cause of this exclusion has been determined to have been a lack of 1
procedural guidance to control Environmental Qualification aspects of the i
modification process.during the time modification 648 was being implemented.
At the time this modification was being implemented Philadelphia Electric Company was in the process of developing its response to Bulletin 79-018.
To accomplish this, an l Environmental Qualification task force was established by the Nuclear Engineering l Department (NED).
The task force was separated from the main body of NED to allow l full dedication to Bulletin 79-018.
Because there was no procedural requirement to
.l notify the EQ task force of modifications being installed, the task force was not l made aware of modification 648 and newly installed relays 6P-5944 and 62-6023.
NPC 80AM 366A
- 11. 3. UPos 1958d.e20 459-UW N t
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OshC-teem 3364.
m aovioouewo mo-om ExNRES: 8'31/06 FAcettiv hAME lu DOCOLE1 NUMDth (29 LER hUMGER 161 PA04 (3)
IE***N P;ach Bottom Atomic Power Station.
Unit 2-o12l8 oli ol 3 oF o l3 0 16 l 0 0 l 0 l 217 l7 8l9 f tXT f# more apoco e regurest use scheepnet 44C Form JAE4 W (1h Consequently, an evaluation of the EQ requirements for these relays was not performed thus leading to their exclusion from the list of environmentally qualified electrical i
h equipment.
A procedural requirement to perform an Environmental Qualification review as part of the modification det,ign process was implemented approximately one year later (mid 1981).
Analysis of the Event
No safety consequences occurred as a result of this event.
The heater control relays used in the SBGT fan and filter room were purchased as nuclear safety related equipment and could withstand the analyzed post LOCA heat and humidity conditions. They were also qualified to withstand an integrated dose of 2.0 E5 rads. However, the worst case analyzed radiation exposure to the relays is j
approximately-3.7 E6 rads.
i SBGT is comprised of two full flow trains which may be used by either-plant.
The SBGT heaters reduce humidity of air entering the filters (EIIS:FLT) to less than 70 percent. This protects the filters from moisture which would reduce their efficiency.
Reduced efficiency of the filters due to failure of the heater control relays during a design basis LOCA in either unit could have resulted in offsite doses in excess of that-analyzed.-
Corrective Actions
i A Unit 2 plant s'hutdown was initiated until temporary radiation shielding was in place.
- - l The relays were relocated on 5/1/90 to an area in which the calculated post LOCA I radiation levels do not exceed their 2.0E5 rad rating.
- - l Philadelphia-Electric Company will perform an assessment of the Peach Bottom EQ l Program to provide additional assurance that required items are included.
Previous Similar Events
- io previous similar Licensee Event Reports were identified.
I PORM 364A.
'U.S. GPCs 1988*SJ0*S89,000fd
k ethC Poem attA.'
' EKPIRts. S/31C FACluTY 8s4444 tu DOCILET NUhlBLR (2)
LER OdUhtetR (gl PAGE (3)
"NUl' "OnN
'Paach Bottom: Atomic Power Station Unit 2.
ol2 l8 o l1 o l2 oF ol3 0 l5 l0 l0 l0 l 2l7 l7 8 l9 TFXT M more apses 4 requesd, ens ashetenst 44C 7enn NKaJ (17)
Requirements for thi Report-This report is required per 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v) due to a condition which-could have prevented fulfillment of the safety function of the Standby Gas Treatment System (Ells:BD) (SBGT).
Unit ~ Status at Time of Event Unit 2 was in the Run Mode at 100 percent power.
Unit 3 was in tim Refuel Mode.
Description of Event
On November 8, 1989, following a review of safety related relay applications, a-i procurement engineer (contract non-licensed) determined that both the "A" and "B" train SBGT System heater'(EIIS:EHTR) control relays (EIIS:RLY) had been'omitted from the Environmental Qualification Report. Evaluation by the Equipment Qualification (EQ) Branch determined that time delay relays 62-5944 and 62-6023-(Agastat model ETR)'
were not qualified for the analyzed post loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) high radiation environment in the SBGT fan and filter room. 'The relays are in the heater actuation circuit to provide a time delay to allow SBGT system flow to be established. At 1335 hours0.0155 days <br />0.371 hours <br />0.00221 weeks <br />5.079675e-4 months <br />, both trains of the SBGT System were declared inoperable and.a Unit 2 plant shutdown initiated in accordance with Technical Specification 3.7.B.4.
At 2105 hours0.0244 days <br />0.585 hours <br />0.00348 weeks <br />8.009525e-4 months <br /> the "B" train SBGT heater relay was-provided with temporary shielding and declared operable and at 2150 hours0.0249 days <br />0.597 hours <br />0.00355 weeks <br />8.18075e-4 months <br /> Unit 2 was restored to full power.
On November 9, at 0100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> the "A" train SBGT heater relay was provided with temporary shielding and declared operable.
Cause of the Event
The'SBGT heater actuation time delay relays were installed-in November 1980 as a modificationtotheheatercontrolsystem(Modification 648). At the time of'this modification the PBAPS equipment environmental qualification program controls and criteria were under the early stages of development.
In June 1985 the environmental qualification report for electrical equipment was completed.
During implementation of the equipment environmental cualification program in accordance with IE Bulletin 79-018, " Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment", and 10 CFR50.49, these relays were excluded from the qualification list of. equipment important to safety which has the potential to be subject to a harsh environment.
l The root cause of this exclusion has been determined to have been a lack of procedural guidance to control Environmental Qualification aspects of the
- modification process during the time modification 648 was being implementeri. At the time this modification was being implemented, Philadelphia Electric Company was in l the process of developing its response to Bulletin 79-018.
To accomplish this, an l-Environmental Qualification task force was established by the Nuclear Engineering l-Department (NED).
The task force was separated from the main body of NED to allow l full dedication to Bulletin 79-018.
Because there was no procedural requirement to notify the EQ task force of modifications being installed, the task force was not made aware of modification 648 and newly installed relays 62-5944 and 62-6023.
.v...cm m.e s.+ -
' 19 $h l
LER NUMetM (61 PAGt 131
' " Na" U*U Piach Bottom Atomic Powe Station o l2 l 8 0 lb l0 l0 l0 l 2 l 7l7 8l9 oli ol 3 0F o l3 rw w ma..u..
m wrc w anu v nn
.l Consequently, an evaluation of the EQ requirt.ments for these relays was not performed l
I equipment.
j A procedural requirement to perform an Environmental Quelitication review as part of
- the modification design process was implemented approximately one year later (mid
Analysis of the Event
No safety consequences occurred as'a result of this event.
The heater control relays used in the SBGT fan and filter room were purchased as nuclear sa.fety related equipment and-could withstand the analyzed post LOCA heat and humidity conditions.
They were also qualified to withstand an integrated dose of'2.0 E5 rads.
However, the worst case analyzed radiation exposure to the relays is approximately 3.7 E6 rads.
- - l SBGT is comprised of two full flow trains which may be uscd by either plant.. The SBGT heaters reduce humidity of air entering the filters (Ells:FLT) to less than 70 percent. This protects the filters from moisture which would reduce their efficiency.
Reduced efficiency of the filters due to failure of the heater control relays during a design basis LOCA in either unit could have resulted in offsite doses j
in excess of that analyzed.
Corrective Actions
A Unit 2 plant shutdown was initiated until temporary radiation shielding was in place.
9 L
l The relays were relocated on 5/1/90 to an area in which the calculated post LOCA.
l l radiation levels do not exceed their 2.0E5 rad rating, i
l l Philadelphia Electric Company will perform an assessment of the Peach Bottom EQ l Program.to provide additional assurance that required items are included.'
Previous Similar Events
No' previous similar Licensee Event Reports were identified.
i N2C FOXM 306A.
su,s. Gros 1998+S20 569,00010
' G431
05000277/LER-1989-001-01, :on 890120,discovered That Instrument Calibr Requirements Associated w/intermediate-range Monitor Input Into Rod Block Instrumentation Not Satisfied by Existing Procedures.Caused by Personnel Inadequacies |
- on 890120,discovered That Instrument Calibr Requirements Associated w/intermediate-range Monitor Input Into Rod Block Instrumentation Not Satisfied by Existing Procedures.Caused by Personnel Inadequacies
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000278/LER-1989-001-03, :on 890720,flow Estimate Not Performed When Reactor Bldg Exhaust Flow Recorder Made Inoperable.Caused by Procedure Not Requiring That Flow Rate Be Estimated within 4 H of Removing Recorder.Personnel Counseled |
- on 890720,flow Estimate Not Performed When Reactor Bldg Exhaust Flow Recorder Made Inoperable.Caused by Procedure Not Requiring That Flow Rate Be Estimated within 4 H of Removing Recorder.Personnel Counseled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000278/LER-1989-002-03, :on 890829,reactor Vessel lo-lo-lo Level Signal Generated Resulting in Unit 2 RHR Pump Trip Signal.Caused by Combination of Personnel Error & Degraded Equipment.Trip Alarms Cleared & Isolation Valve Replaced |
- on 890829,reactor Vessel lo-lo-lo Level Signal Generated Resulting in Unit 2 RHR Pump Trip Signal.Caused by Combination of Personnel Error & Degraded Equipment.Trip Alarms Cleared & Isolation Valve Replaced
| | 05000277/LER-1989-002-01, :on 890202,determined That Several Conditions Found During Analysis of Unsuccessful Special Test of Emergency Cooling Sys May Inhibit Function of Sys Needed to Maintain Safe Shutdown |
- on 890202,determined That Several Conditions Found During Analysis of Unsuccessful Special Test of Emergency Cooling Sys May Inhibit Function of Sys Needed to Maintain Safe Shutdown
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000277/LER-1989-003-01, :on 890207,group 2C Primary Containment Isolation Sys Valve Isolation Occurred Resulting in motor- Operated Feedwater Flush Valves Receiving Signals to Close. Caused by Stated Inadvertent Signals |
- on 890207,group 2C Primary Containment Isolation Sys Valve Isolation Occurred Resulting in motor- Operated Feedwater Flush Valves Receiving Signals to Close. Caused by Stated Inadvertent Signals
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-003, :on 890207,Group 2C Primary Containment Isolation Sys Valve Isolation Occurred & Reactor Scrammed. Caused by Inadvertent Reactor Vessel Pressure Signals. Scram Reset & Isolation Valve Replaced |
- on 890207,Group 2C Primary Containment Isolation Sys Valve Isolation Occurred & Reactor Scrammed. Caused by Inadvertent Reactor Vessel Pressure Signals. Scram Reset & Isolation Valve Replaced
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000278/LER-1989-003-03, :on 890808,subsequent Sys Walkdown & Analysis Revealed That as-found Configuration Would Result in Piping Stresses Adjacent to Valves Exceeding Code Limits.Caused by Design & Installation Error |
- on 890808,subsequent Sys Walkdown & Analysis Revealed That as-found Configuration Would Result in Piping Stresses Adjacent to Valves Exceeding Code Limits.Caused by Design & Installation Error
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000278/LER-1989-004-03, :on 890926,Group Iia Primary Containment Isolation Actuated Closing of RWCU Sys Isolation Valve & Tripping RWCU Pump 3B.Caused by Personnel Error.Isolation Logic Reset & Individual Counselled |
- on 890926,Group Iia Primary Containment Isolation Actuated Closing of RWCU Sys Isolation Valve & Tripping RWCU Pump 3B.Caused by Personnel Error.Isolation Logic Reset & Individual Counselled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-004-01, :on 890320,HPCI Sys Unable to Fulfill Safety Function During Postulated Design Basis Events.Caused by Design Deficiency.On 890330,step Starting Resistors Removed from Power Circuits |
- on 890320,HPCI Sys Unable to Fulfill Safety Function During Postulated Design Basis Events.Caused by Design Deficiency.On 890330,step Starting Resistors Removed from Power Circuits
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000278/LER-1989-005-03, :on 891020,reactor Protection Sys Actuation & Primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred Due to False High Reactor Pressure Signal & lo-lo Reactor Vessel Level Signal,Respectively.Caused by Spike |
- on 891020,reactor Protection Sys Actuation & Primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred Due to False High Reactor Pressure Signal & lo-lo Reactor Vessel Level Signal,Respectively.Caused by Spike
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-005-01, :on 890406,determined That Numerous Pull Apart Terminal Blocks Found Not to Be Securely Fastened Causing Failure of Safety Function.Caused by Deficiency Inadequacy. Pull Apart Terminal Blocks Refastened |
- on 890406,determined That Numerous Pull Apart Terminal Blocks Found Not to Be Securely Fastened Causing Failure of Safety Function.Caused by Deficiency Inadequacy. Pull Apart Terminal Blocks Refastened
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-006-01, :on 890209,NRC Inspector Discovered That Tubing to Torus Air & Nitrogen Purge 18 Inch Containment Isolation Valve Installed W/Inadequate Support.Caused by Deficient Installation & Maint Instructions |
- on 890209,NRC Inspector Discovered That Tubing to Torus Air & Nitrogen Purge 18 Inch Containment Isolation Valve Installed W/Inadequate Support.Caused by Deficient Installation & Maint Instructions
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000278/LER-1989-006-04, :on 891023,during Reactor Temp Adjustment, Reactor High Pressure Scram Occurred.Caused by Improper Planning & Coordination of Multiple Evolutions.Surveillance & Hydrostatic Test Revised |
- on 891023,during Reactor Temp Adjustment, Reactor High Pressure Scram Occurred.Caused by Improper Planning & Coordination of Multiple Evolutions.Surveillance & Hydrostatic Test Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-006, Corrected LER 89-006-00:on 890209 & 25,determined That Tubing to Containment Isolation Valve Installed W/Inadequate Support & Containment Atmosphere Control & Dilution Sys Not Per Applicable Installation Criteria.Controls Estab | Corrected LER 89-006-00:on 890209 & 25,determined That Tubing to Containment Isolation Valve Installed W/Inadequate Support & Containment Atmosphere Control & Dilution Sys Not Per Applicable Installation Criteria.Controls Established | 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-007-01, :on 890401,green Discoloration Discovered in Grease on Stabs of Several Control Fuses in 4 Kv Switchgear. Cause Under Investigation.Switchgear Fuse Boxes Inspected & Cleaned as Necessary |
- on 890401,green Discoloration Discovered in Grease on Stabs of Several Control Fuses in 4 Kv Switchgear. Cause Under Investigation.Switchgear Fuse Boxes Inspected & Cleaned as Necessary
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-007, :on 890411,green Discoloration Discovered in Grease on Stabs of Several Control Fuses in 4 Kv Switchgear. Probably Caused by Incomplete Procedure.Maint Procedure M-054.004 Revised to Include Fuse Insp |
- on 890411,green Discoloration Discovered in Grease on Stabs of Several Control Fuses in 4 Kv Switchgear. Probably Caused by Incomplete Procedure.Maint Procedure M-054.004 Revised to Include Fuse Insp
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000278/LER-1989-007-04, :on 891026,reactor Vessel Temp & Reactor Coolant Pressure Not Logged Every 15 Minutes as Required by Tech Spec 4.6.A.2 During Performance Integrated Leak Rate Testing.Caused by Procedure Deficiency |
- on 891026,reactor Vessel Temp & Reactor Coolant Pressure Not Logged Every 15 Minutes as Required by Tech Spec 4.6.A.2 During Performance Integrated Leak Rate Testing.Caused by Procedure Deficiency
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-008-01, :on 890415,incorrect Undervoltage Trip Fuses Placement by Operator Occurred Due to Inadequacy of Training Resulting in Isolation of RWCU Sys.Caused by Administrative Deficiency.Training Ltr Will Be Issued |
- on 890415,incorrect Undervoltage Trip Fuses Placement by Operator Occurred Due to Inadequacy of Training Resulting in Isolation of RWCU Sys.Caused by Administrative Deficiency.Training Ltr Will Be Issued
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000278/LER-1989-008-03, :on 891027,primary Containment Isolation Sys Group II & III Isolations Occurred When Spurious Reactor Low Level Signal Sensed by Instruments.Possibly Caused by Air Bubble in Sensing Lines.Line Backfilled |
- on 891027,primary Containment Isolation Sys Group II & III Isolations Occurred When Spurious Reactor Low Level Signal Sensed by Instruments.Possibly Caused by Air Bubble in Sensing Lines.Line Backfilled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000278/LER-1989-009-03, :on 891207,HPCI Sys Declared Inoperable When Sys Failed to Start During Pump,Valve & Flow Surveillance Test.Caused by Loose Lock Nut on HPCI Oil Sys Relief Valve. Lead Seal Wire to Be Placed on Valve Caps |
- on 891207,HPCI Sys Declared Inoperable When Sys Failed to Start During Pump,Valve & Flow Surveillance Test.Caused by Loose Lock Nut on HPCI Oil Sys Relief Valve. Lead Seal Wire to Be Placed on Valve Caps
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-009-01, :on 890505,while Performing HPCI Operability Testing,Hpci Sys Did Not Respond Properly to Flow Control Signals.Caused by Failure to Follow Installation Instructions.Mod Process Enhancements Planned |
- on 890505,while Performing HPCI Operability Testing,Hpci Sys Did Not Respond Properly to Flow Control Signals.Caused by Failure to Follow Installation Instructions.Mod Process Enhancements Planned
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-010-01, :on 890514,50% Control Rod Density Exceeded W/O Demonstrating Operability of Rod Sequence Control Sys.Caused by Personnel Error.Shift Manager Counseled & Control Rod Pull Sheet Revised |
- on 890514,50% Control Rod Density Exceeded W/O Demonstrating Operability of Rod Sequence Control Sys.Caused by Personnel Error.Shift Manager Counseled & Control Rod Pull Sheet Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000278/LER-1989-010-03, :on 891211,monthly Surveillance Test ST 9.7 Not Performed within Surveillance Interval Established by Tech Spec Table 4.1.1.Caused by Combination of Programmatic Weaknesses.Review Performed |
- on 891211,monthly Surveillance Test ST 9.7 Not Performed within Surveillance Interval Established by Tech Spec Table 4.1.1.Caused by Combination of Programmatic Weaknesses.Review Performed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000278/LER-1989-011-03, :on 891213,discovered That Two Surveillance Tests of Turbine Stop & Control Valve Encl Not Performed Per Tech Specs.Caused by Incorrect Std Practice of Surveillance Testing.Programmatic Controls Established |
- on 891213,discovered That Two Surveillance Tests of Turbine Stop & Control Valve Encl Not Performed Per Tech Specs.Caused by Incorrect Std Practice of Surveillance Testing.Programmatic Controls Established
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-011, :on 890424,scram Discharge Vol Drain & Vent Valve Stroking Surveillance Test Not Performed.Caused by Procedural Deficiency & Scheduling Error.Surveillance Test Completed Satisfactorily on 890429 |
- on 890424,scram Discharge Vol Drain & Vent Valve Stroking Surveillance Test Not Performed.Caused by Procedural Deficiency & Scheduling Error.Surveillance Test Completed Satisfactorily on 890429
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-012-01, :on 890519,feedwater Control Malfunction Occurred Resulting in Low Level Reactor Scram.Caused by Failure of Feedwater Level Control Selector Switch.Failed Switch Replaced & Procedures Enhanced |
- on 890519,feedwater Control Malfunction Occurred Resulting in Low Level Reactor Scram.Caused by Failure of Feedwater Level Control Selector Switch.Failed Switch Replaced & Procedures Enhanced
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000278/LER-1989-012-01, :on 891222,determination Made That Potential Existed for Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory Beyond Makeup Capability of RCIC Sys Relied Upon in Fire Protection Program Analysis for Fire in Fire Area 13N |
- on 891222,determination Made That Potential Existed for Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory Beyond Makeup Capability of RCIC Sys Relied Upon in Fire Protection Program Analysis for Fire in Fire Area 13N
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000277/LER-1989-012, :on 890519,reactor Hi Lo Level Alarm Sounded & Reactor Feed Pumps B & C Tripped Simultaneously.Caused by Failure of Feedwater Level Control Switch.Switch Replaced, Amplifier Replaced & Procedures Revised |
- on 890519,reactor Hi Lo Level Alarm Sounded & Reactor Feed Pumps B & C Tripped Simultaneously.Caused by Failure of Feedwater Level Control Switch.Switch Replaced, Amplifier Replaced & Procedures Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-013-01, :on 890603,required Test for Diesel Generator Cardox Room Smoke Detectors Was Not Performed.Caused by Lack of Effective Method for Communicating Surveillance Test Status to Shift Manager |
- on 890603,required Test for Diesel Generator Cardox Room Smoke Detectors Was Not Performed.Caused by Lack of Effective Method for Communicating Surveillance Test Status to Shift Manager
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-014-01, :on 890517,noted That Required Surveillance Test for Radwaste Bldg 116 Ft Elevation Chemical Addition & Laundry Room Smoke Detectors Overdue. Caused by Procedural Deficiency |
- on 890517,noted That Required Surveillance Test for Radwaste Bldg 116 Ft Elevation Chemical Addition & Laundry Room Smoke Detectors Overdue. Caused by Procedural Deficiency
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-015-01, :on 890721,main Turbine Bypass & Control Valves Opened,Causing Main Steam Line Pressure to Decrease to Approx 480 Psig & Full Reactor Scram.Caused by Malfunction of Pressure Regulator Set.Component Replaced |
- on 890721,main Turbine Bypass & Control Valves Opened,Causing Main Steam Line Pressure to Decrease to Approx 480 Psig & Full Reactor Scram.Caused by Malfunction of Pressure Regulator Set.Component Replaced
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-015, :on 890721,while Attempting to Remove Malfunctioning Reactor Pressure Vessel Regulator Set,Bypass & Control Valves Opened,Causing Steam Line Pressure to Increase to 480 Psig.Components Replaced |
- on 890721,while Attempting to Remove Malfunctioning Reactor Pressure Vessel Regulator Set,Bypass & Control Valves Opened,Causing Steam Line Pressure to Increase to 480 Psig.Components Replaced
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-016, :on 890720 & 22,LPRM Detector 4B-40-33 Spiked High,Resulting in Full Reactor Scram Signal While in Cold Shutdown.Caused by Design/Mfg Defect in GE Detector. Detector Placed in Bypass Position |
- on 890720 & 22,LPRM Detector 4B-40-33 Spiked High,Resulting in Full Reactor Scram Signal While in Cold Shutdown.Caused by Design/Mfg Defect in GE Detector. Detector Placed in Bypass Position
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-016-01, :on 890722,APRM hi-hi Signal Caused LPRM Detector 4B-40-33 to Spike Upscale.Caused by Output Signal of LPRM Detector Spiking High.Detector Placed in Bypass Position & Scram Signal Reset |
- on 890722,APRM hi-hi Signal Caused LPRM Detector 4B-40-33 to Spike Upscale.Caused by Output Signal of LPRM Detector Spiking High.Detector Placed in Bypass Position & Scram Signal Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-017-01, :on 890815,failure to Establish Continuous Fire Watch Occurred Due to Inoperable Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Ineffective Fire Protection Sys Training.Event Reviewed W/Personnel |
- on 890815,failure to Establish Continuous Fire Watch Occurred Due to Inoperable Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Ineffective Fire Protection Sys Training.Event Reviewed W/Personnel
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-018-01, :on 890818,personnel Failed to Place APRM Rod Block Settings in Tripped Condition within 1 H of Determining Nonconservative Settings.Total Core Flow Calibr & APRM Sys Calibr Revised Re Personnel Actions |
- on 890818,personnel Failed to Place APRM Rod Block Settings in Tripped Condition within 1 H of Determining Nonconservative Settings.Total Core Flow Calibr & APRM Sys Calibr Revised Re Personnel Actions
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-019-01, :on 890830,discovered That Five Doors Requiring Monthly Functional Tests,Per Tech Specs,Not Included on Surveillance Test.Caused by Deficiency in Methodology & Refs Used During Surveillance |
- on 890830,discovered That Five Doors Requiring Monthly Functional Tests,Per Tech Specs,Not Included on Surveillance Test.Caused by Deficiency in Methodology & Refs Used During Surveillance
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-020-02, :on 890915,discovered That RHR Pump Motors & Core Spray Pump Motors Had Nonconforming Boot Installation Configuration.Caused by Less than Adequate or Incomplete Procedures.Splice Configurations Restored |
- on 890915,discovered That RHR Pump Motors & Core Spray Pump Motors Had Nonconforming Boot Installation Configuration.Caused by Less than Adequate or Incomplete Procedures.Splice Configurations Restored
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-021-01, :on 890920,control Room Emergency Ventilation Actuation Occurred Due to False High Radiation Signal.Cause Unknown.Wire Connections to Terminal Strip Verified to Be Tight |
- on 890920,control Room Emergency Ventilation Actuation Occurred Due to False High Radiation Signal.Cause Unknown.Wire Connections to Terminal Strip Verified to Be Tight
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-022-01, :on 891003,unterminated Lead in Circuit to HPCI Trip Solenoid Rendered HPCI Stop Valve Trip Functions Inoperable.Caused by Leads Loosely Hanging Inside Door Panel.Hanging Leads Secured & Panel Inspected |
- on 891003,unterminated Lead in Circuit to HPCI Trip Solenoid Rendered HPCI Stop Valve Trip Functions Inoperable.Caused by Leads Loosely Hanging Inside Door Panel.Hanging Leads Secured & Panel Inspected
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-023-01, :on 891005,outboard MSIV Ac Solenoid Pilot Valves de-energized,resulting in Expected Closure of Outboard MSIV D & Automatic Reactor Scram.Caused by Incomplete Guidance.Procedure Revised |
- on 891005,outboard MSIV Ac Solenoid Pilot Valves de-energized,resulting in Expected Closure of Outboard MSIV D & Automatic Reactor Scram.Caused by Incomplete Guidance.Procedure Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-024-01, :on 891006,reactor Protection Sys Initiated Full Reactor Scram Signal.Caused by Output Signal for LPRM 40-33A Spiking High.Lprm Detector Placed in Bypass Position & Scram Signal Reset |
- on 891006,reactor Protection Sys Initiated Full Reactor Scram Signal.Caused by Output Signal for LPRM 40-33A Spiking High.Lprm Detector Placed in Bypass Position & Scram Signal Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-024, :on 891006,local Power Range Monitor Spike Caused Reactor Scram Signal While in Hot Shutdown.Caused by Design &/Or Mfg Process as Identified by Ge.Detector Placed in Bypass Position & Scram Signal Reset |
- on 891006,local Power Range Monitor Spike Caused Reactor Scram Signal While in Hot Shutdown.Caused by Design &/Or Mfg Process as Identified by Ge.Detector Placed in Bypass Position & Scram Signal Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-025-01, :on 891007,determined That nonsafety-related Bellows Leak Detecting Pressure Switches Installed on Main Steam Relief Valves Could Prevent Opening During Design Basis Condition.Plant Alteration Installed |
- on 891007,determined That nonsafety-related Bellows Leak Detecting Pressure Switches Installed on Main Steam Relief Valves Could Prevent Opening During Design Basis Condition.Plant Alteration Installed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-026-01, :on 891012,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Actuation Occurred Due to Momentary False High Radiation Signal from Control Room Radiation Monitor B.Caused by Sensitivity of Thumbwheel Switch |
- on 891012,control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Actuation Occurred Due to Momentary False High Radiation Signal from Control Room Radiation Monitor B.Caused by Sensitivity of Thumbwheel Switch
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-027-01, :on 891016,observation & Logging of Suppression Pool Temp as Required by Tech Spec 4.7.2 Not Met.Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Shift Team Counseled |
- on 891016,observation & Logging of Suppression Pool Temp as Required by Tech Spec 4.7.2 Not Met.Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Shift Team Counseled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000277/LER-1989-028-01, :on 891108,review Determined That Standby Gas Treatment Sys Heater Control Relays Unqualified for post-LOCA Radiation Environ & Declared Inoperable.Cause Undetermined.Radiation Shielding Installed |
- on 891108,review Determined That Standby Gas Treatment Sys Heater Control Relays Unqualified for post-LOCA Radiation Environ & Declared Inoperable.Cause Undetermined.Radiation Shielding Installed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-028, :on 891108,determined That Standby Gas Treatment Sys Heater Control Relays Installed W/O Environ Qualification.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Relays Relocated |
- on 891108,determined That Standby Gas Treatment Sys Heater Control Relays Installed W/O Environ Qualification.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Relays Relocated
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000277/LER-1989-029-01, :on 891117,Group III Primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred During Refueling Floor Ventilation Exhaust Radiation Monitor Testing.Cause Unknown. Test Procedure to Be Revised |
- on 891117,Group III Primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred During Refueling Floor Ventilation Exhaust Radiation Monitor Testing.Cause Unknown. Test Procedure to Be Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000277/LER-1989-029, :on 891117,primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred During Performance of Refueling Floor Ventilation Exhaust Radiation Monitor Testing.Cause Unknown. Selector Switch & Relay Contacts Cleaned |
- on 891117,primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred During Performance of Refueling Floor Ventilation Exhaust Radiation Monitor Testing.Cause Unknown. Selector Switch & Relay Contacts Cleaned
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation |