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Transcription of Conference Call on 04/17/2005
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/17/2005
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051460241 (25)



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6 Mr. KNOKE: Hello. This is 7 The HOO. I'm here to give a briefing on 8 Millstone 3, and the notification time

.9 was 0923 this morning. At 0829 this 10 morning they had a lift of their 11 secondary safety relief valves and their 12 MSIVs. It actuated a low pressure 13 signal, which then tripped the plant.

14 All rods were in. The five 15 open SRVs were in the process of opening 16 at different times. At the present time 17 all safety relief valves are closed.

18 There's no leakage on the primary 19 system. This was all secondary system 20 .leakage.

21 Do you have any questions on 22 this?

23 MR. COLLINS: Yes. This is 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce


Page 3 1 Sam Collins.

2 MR. KNOKE: This is John Knoke 3 of The HOO.

4 MR. COLLINS: Yes, John. Can 5

you -- this is not a drill. Is that 6 correct?

7 MR. KNOKE: This is not a 8 drill, no.

9 MR. COLLINS: Has the licensee 10 declared a level of EAL T?

11 MR. KNOKE: They declared an 12 alert to us.

13 MR. COLLINS: What's the basis 14 for the alert?

15 MR. KNOKE: Basis of the alert 16 was the lifting of the safety relief 17 valves. So, it was an unisolable steam 18 leak break.

19 MR. COLLINS: Okay. But right 20 now they are closed?

21 MR. KNOKE: Right now, as of 22 about a minute ago, they all re-closed.

23 They did have five open safety relief 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70.b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

I Page 4 1 valves.

2 MR. MCGINTY: John, this is 3 McGinty. Was ther~e any type of a 4 transient that would have initiated this 5 or was there maintenance underway or --

6 A SPEAKER: Pardon me?

7 MR. MCGINTY: John Knoke, did 8 you hear my question?

9 MR. KNOKE: No, I didn't.

10 MR. MCGINTY: I'm inquiring as 11 to whether there was a transient at the 12 plant that would have initiated it or 13 whether there was on-going maintenance.

14 Is there any speculation as to the 15 cause?

16 MR. KNOKE: I didn't have that 17 question asked, but I do have the 18 licensee on the bridge if you'd like to 19 talk to him.

20 MR. COLLINS: We need to --

21 this is Sam Collins. We need to get the 22 licensee on the bridge so that we can get 23 an update directly from them.

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Page 5 1 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah, Sam. We 2 need to first make sure we ask them if 3 they can handle it, if they're not busy 4 otherwise. Right?

5 MR. COLLINS: Right.


7 Do we have projects on the line 8 that they can get a resident in?

9 MR. HOLIAN: Brian Holian's 10 on line. I haven't called yet. I'm just 11 still listening in.

12 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah. We had an 13 alert, Brian. You're going to have to 14 send them in regardless.

15 MR. KNOKE: Okay. I will put 16 the licensee in and you can -- and you 17 have the connection-with the licensee 18 now.

19 MR. HOLIAN: Yes. Headquarters 20 Ops Officer, would you call the Millstone resident 21 to see if you can get him on the bridge?

22 A SPEAKER: Okay.

23 MR. KNOKE: Licensee?

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Page 6 1 MR. SCHNEIDER: It's Max 2 Schneider.

3 A SPEAKER: Max? Okay. Is 4 the licensee on?

5 A SPEAKER: Say again?

6 A SPEAKER: Is the licensee 7 on?

8 A SPEAKER: No. This is Mike, 9 the station duty officer. I'm on the 10 line.

11 MR. KNOKE: Yes. They are 12 connected. The licensee should be on.

13 MR. MATTHEWS: Sam, why don't you 14 lead the questioning.

15 MR. COLLINS: I'm sorry. I 16 couldn't hear that.

17 MR. MATTHEWS: I was going to 18 suggest, Sam, that you lead the 19 questioning.

20 MR. COLLINS: Okay. Was that 21 you, Dave?

22 MR. MATTHEWS: Yeah. .I'm sorry.

23 MR. COLLINS: Okay. Thank you.

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Page 7 1 Who do we have on the line from the 2 licensee, please?

3 MR. KNOKE: Michael Globaly.

4 Are you there?

5 MR. GLOBALY: That's correct.

6 MR. COLLINS: Okay. Mike, 7

this is Sam Collins, the Regional 8

Administrator. We have a number of 9 people on the line here from NRC Region 1 10 Headquarters.

11 MR. GLOBALY: Okay. We're on a 12 conference call with Region 1 13 Headquarters.

14 MR. COLLINS: And this call is 15 being bridged through the Headquarters 16 Operations Officer and I believe it's 17 being recorded, which is a normal course 18 at this time.

19 MR. GLOBALY: I understand we're 20 on a conference call that's being 21 recorded.

22 MR. COLLINS: So, could you 23 brief us on the status of the plant and 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 8 1 the status of your declaration of

2. emergency, please?

3 MR. GLOBALY: Millstone Unit 3 4 is in mode three at zero percent reactor s power. We were operating a hundred 6 percent reactor power in mode one at 7 0829. We had a main steam safety lift on 8 the Bravo steam generator, low pressure 9 reactor trip with a safety injection. We 10 classified that as an alert at 0842.

11 The Bravo steam generator 12 safety subsequently reseated. The 13 operating crew entered procedure E-0 and worked 14 through that. The safety injection was terminated.

15 Subsequent to that, Bravo 16 steam --

17 - - - - -

18 ATTACHMENT II 19- - - - -

20 A SPEAKER: Generator safety 21 reseat and we had Bravo and Charlie 22 steam generators have safeties lifted. At 23 one point it was reported we had five 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 9 1 main steam safeties open. Current state,'

2 all the safeties have been reseated. And 3 we're sitting here-in mode three and I faxed the notification form down.

5 Other than the safeies 6 lifting, nothing was unusual. All 7 systems did function as required. And 8 that's all I have right now.

9 MR. HOLIAN: Brian Holian,Region 1.

10 What's RCS pressure and temperature?

11 MR. GLOBALY: RCS pressure and 12 temperature. RCS pressure, let's see, 13 1955 and stable. RCS temperature --

14 MR. GLOBALY: I'm trying to read 15 the monitor. It's about five feet away.

16 T(AVE)appears to be 555 degrees and stable.

17 MR. COLLINS: Okay. This is 18 Sam Collins again. Thank you for that.

19 Are you still in the alert declaration 20 at this time?

21 MR. GLOBALY: Yeah. We 22 activated our station emergency response 23 organization and we cannot terminate that 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e57186a84ce

Page 10 1 until they terminate that from the 2 emergency operations facility. So, yes.

3 That is correct. We are still in the 4 alert declaration at this time.

5 MR. COLLINS: Okay.

6 MR. LANNING: Is your safety 7 injection system still operating?

8 MR. GLOBALY: We -- we secured 9 safety injection. That's correct.

10 Right?

.11 MR. GLOBALY: Hang on. We'll 12 give you an update on that, Sam.

13 14 Attachment III 15 - - - - -

16 MR. GLOBALY: Normal safety 17 injection has been secured. We have one 18 charging pump running. All -- normal 19 charging? Normal charging and let-down 20 on the primary side.

21 I think John had asked me 22 earlier, the reactor trip functioned 23 normally. All the rods were in. All 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

. Page' 11 rods tripped in. No rods stuck. So, we 2 secured the safety injection and we're in 3 normal charging let-down now.

4 MR. COLLINS: Okay. Jim, are 5 you on the line? Jim Wiggins?

6 MR. WIGGINS: Yes, Sam. I'm 7 Jim Wiggins. Yeah. I am.

8 MR. COLLINS: Okay. And Brian, 9 I would suggest that we get Bob Bores and Diane Screnci bridged on the line here.

11 MR. WIGGINS: Right.

12 MR. MCGINTY: Right. Yeah, 13 Sam. This is McGinty. We'll need to --

14 once we get enough information from the 15 licensee we should probably separate 16 ourselves once again, understand -- and 17 then we need to discuss quickly whether 18 or not we need to activate or not. We 19 have 30 minutes to do that.

20 MR. COLLINS: Right.

21 MR. MCGINTY: I'd like to 22 understand -- it appears that they have 23 most of the conditions that would allow 39ee57a6-1 dOa.4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 12 1 them to secure -- to not be in an alert 2 state. I'd like to understand what 3 conditions were clear.

4 Licensee, could you tell me

5. what status the plant needs to be in in 6 order for you to no longer be in a
  • 7 declared emergency?

8 . MR. GLOBALY: You'd like to know what conditions we need to be in to 10 terminate from the alert?


12 MR. GLOBALY: Please stand by.

13 MR. HOLIAN: Ops Officer, are 14 you on the line?

15 MR. KNOKE: Yes, I am.

16 MR. HOLIAN: Would you get Bob 17 Bores from Region 1 and Diane Screnci on 18 the bridge?

19 MR. MCGINTY: And Sam, the other 20 thing that I --

21 MR. KNOKE: Diane and Bob who?

22 MR. HOLIAN: Bores, B-O-R-E-S.

23 MS. MCNAMARA: Brian, Nancy 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 13 1 McNamara is on the line. Is there 2 something you'd like me to do?

3 MR. HOLIAN: Not right now.

4 Just listen in.


6 MR. TRAPP: Okay, Brian. This 7 is Jim Trapp. Just a question. Since we 8 don't know the cause for those five 9 safeties opening, what confidence do we 10 have that that's not going to occur 11 again?

12 MR. HOLIAN: Right. That's the right 13 question.

14 A SPEAKER: If you have an 15 opportunity, I'd like you to explain to 16 me real quickly if there has been any 17 radiological release.

18 MR. WIGGINS: Sam, this is Jim.

19 I presume they're talking about safety 20 reliefs?

21 MR. COLLINS: SRVs on the 22 secondary side.

23 A SPEAKER: That's what they 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 14 1 said, an SRV. There must be a relief 2 function, meaning some ability to command 3 the valves to open because either that 4 or, you know, there's no indication, I 5 presume, that they had any high pressure 6 to safety function or a function of a 7 safety valve needed to be executed in 8 this? It sounds like it was a relief 9 valve kind of thing.

10 MR. TRAPP: They have four 11 ADVs at Millstone. And the rest of the 12 things that he's talking about are 13 safeties with no function to open, no 14 operator function to open.

15 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah. Then what 16 opened?

17 MR. LANNING: Didn't he say the 18 MSIV's closed, or not?

19 MR. WIGGINS: Sam, this is Jim.

20 I think whatever this is, it's going to 21 take a bit'to sort it out. And I 22 would -- we ought to consider getting 23 residents in'there and getting a core 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 15 1 group of people in the Incident Response 2

Center and Region 1 just to sort this 3


4 MR. COLLINS: Yeah. I agree.

5 MR. WIGGINS: Okay. And I think 6 that, Brian, you need tc gather a staff.

7 Okay?

8 MR. HOLIAN: Yeah. I 9 understand.

10 MR. WIGGINS: You need to 11 assign, you know, you go yourself 12 and get a branch chief in there, and get a 13 tech guy to handle phones, and we need to 14 straighten this out. Have you had any 15 luck raising a resident yet, getting a 16 resident in?

17 MR. WIGGINS: Yes.

18 MR. SCHNEIDER: Jim, this is 19 Max. I'm on line.

20 MR. WIGGINS: Okay. Where are 21 you, Max? Are you at the station?

22 MR. SCHNEIDER: No. Actually, 23 I'm in a truck on a cell phone, and I 39ee57a6-ldOa-4d70-b4bb-2e57186a84ce


Page 16 1 could turn around and go back toward the 2 station. I just came from Home Depot, so 3 that's kind of more toward New London.

4 MR. HOLIAN: Brian Holian.

5 I'd head into the station and get Silas, 6 or who's the other resident there now?

7 MR. SCHNEIDER: Kevin Mangan.

8 Silas was actually thinking of coming in 9 today for the drain down on Unit 2. So, 10 we need somebody to be in there, but I'll 11 check.

12 MR. KNOKE: This is The HOO.

13 We tried to contact the other- two RI's 14 and they were not responsive to the call, 15 so we left messages.

16 MR. HOLIAN: Okay. Is Randy 17 Blough on the phone? Also try to get 18 Randy Blough on the phone, Headquarters 19 Ops Officer.

20 21 ATTACHMENT IV 22 23 MR. LANNING: Is Felicia on the 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 17 1

phone still?

2 MR. KNOKE: I understand.

3 Randy Blauer.

4 MS. HINSON: Yes. Felicia's 5 here.

6 MR. LANNING: Felicia, are you 7


8 MR. FLOREK: And I'm here.

9 This is Don Florek, and I'm also here.

10 MR. LANNING: All right. Is 11 Felicia on the line?

12 MR. HINSON: Yes. Felicia's 13 here.

14 MR. LANNING: Felicia, it's 15 Are you in a position to go into Wayne.

16 the IRC?

17 MR. HINSON: Yes, I am.

18 MR. LANNING: All right. I'll 19 meet you there.

20 MR. HOLIAN: Okay. Yeah, 21 Wayne. Thank you. I'm about an hour 22 away. Headquarters Ops Officer, one 23 other person, Paul Krohn, if you could 39ee57a8-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 18 1 get him on the bridge.

2 MR. KNOKE: Paul Krohn?


4 MR. KNOKE: K-R-O-H --


6 MR. KNOKE: Bob Bores is on 7 the line also.

8 MR. WIGGINS: Yes, Sam. This is 9 Jim.

10 MR. COLLINS: Yeah, Jim?

11 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah. One of the 12 lessons learned from a prior thing I was 13 involved in here, when we get the 14 let's find out what licensee guy back on, 15 position he is in and what's his -- you 16 know, is he an SRO on shift? Is he a 17 That kind of fell out of communicator?

18 Let's find the Indian Point exercise.

19 out --

20 MR. COLLINS: I remember that.

21 MR. WIGGINS: Let's find out, 22 you know, what position he's in and where 23 he's located.

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Page 19 1 A SPEAKER: Sam, are you 2 there?

3 MR. COLLINS: Yeah. That's 4 fine, Jim. I'm on a cell phone and I'm 5 having a little difficulty hearing, but 6 I'm keeping up with most of it.

7 SO --

8 MR. WIGGINS: all right. If we have the 9 licensee on we'll just ask him. Is the 10 licensee still on the line?

11 MR. GLOBALY: That's correct.

12 MR. KNOKE: Licensee, are you 13 still on the line?

14 MR. GLOBALY: Yes.

15 MR. KNOKE: Yes, he is.

16 MR. WIGGINS: Just so we know 17 who we're talking to, can you identify 18 yourself? What's your position on the 19 shift and where are you located?

20 MR. GLOBALY: All right. This 21 is Mike Globaly. I'm station duty officer, 22 Millstone Unit 3. I'm a shift 23 technical advisor on Millstone Unit 2 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 20 1 reporting to the affected unit. I'm in 2 the control room at Millstone Unit 3 right now.

4 MR. WIGGINS: -Okay. Thank you.

5 MR. MATTHEWS: Jim and Sam, 6 this is Dave Matthews. We need to keep 7 on track with regard to -- and I'll trust 8 Tim McGinty will keep us on track with 9 regard to a decision on activation.

10 MR. MCGINTY: Yeah. I

11. think -- this is McGinty. I believe that 12 most of the activities are, in fact, 13 underway. Sam, would you agree that we 14 should declare a monitoring mode per a 15 response mode?

16 MR. COLLINS: Yes, I do.

17 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah. Jim 18 Wiggins. That seems the smart thing to 19 do, considering where we are with this.

20 MR. MATTHEWS: Okay. NRR concurs 21 in that. I will call Jim Dwyer 22 separately this morning on my cell phone 23 and see if he wants to get involved, 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 21 1 Sam.

2 MR. COLLINS: Okay. David, 3 would you also be sure that Ellis 4 Merschoff is aware?

5 MR. MATTHEWS: Yeah. I'll do 6 both.

7 MR. COLLINS: He's not on the 8 bridge now?

9 MR. MATTHEWS: No. And I don't 10 know that I need to get him there, but 11 let me make sure --

12 MR. WIGGINS: No. Ellis needs a 13 phone call from the RA or someone. So, 14 we need to get him up.

15 MR. COLLINS: We can do that, 16 Jim. We can do that when we're in the 17 position of doing it, but --

18 MR. MATTHEWS: Yeah. Let me --

19 let me please call Jim Dwyer and Ellis.

20 I'll let them know what going on. To the 21 degree they need to get on the bridge, 22 they will, or if you have to have 23 separate communication, we can make that 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 22 1 happen.

2 MR. COLLINS: Right.


4 MR. MCGINTY: Sam, this is 5 McGinty. The next thing I'd like to do 6 is have The HOO's do their procedure 7 where they would establish a person -- a 8 few individuals to maintain 9 communications with the licensee, but 10 separate from most of the folks that are 11 currently monitoring this call. Then we 12 can have discussions on NRC activity.

13 MR. COLLINS: Right.

14 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah. That makees 15 sense.

16 MR. COLLINS: Brian, are you 17 going to head into the Incident Response 18 Center?

19 MR. HOLIAN: This is Brian 20 Holian, Sam. I'm about an hour away, so 21 I'm holding on right now. I'd have to 22 borrow a car. I'm out in Reading at a 23 Little League game. I'm can head in --

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Page 23 1 I'm just checking on Randy.

2 MR. LANNING: Sam, it's Lanning.

3 I'm on my way in.

4 MR. COLLINS: Wayne's on his 5 way? Okay. Wayne, you can head up to 6 the Incident Response Center?

7 MR. LANNING: Yeah. I'm going 8 to drop off the phone and hit the road.

9 MR. COLLINS: All right. And 10 you have Felicia, who is going to meet 11 you in there?

12 MR. LANNING: Yes.

13 MR. MATTHEWS: This is Dave 14 Matthews --

15 MR. COLLINS: Jim, can you 16 coordinate from your end as far as 17 continuity on the phone because I'm a 18 ways away and on the cell phone. I'm not 19 sure I can stay in constant contact. Are 20 you at home?

21 MR. WIGGINS: Yeah. I'm at 22 home.

23 MR. COLLINS: Okay. So, you can 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 24 1 maintain continuity until Wayne makes it 2 in?

3 MR. WIGGINS: Absolutely, until 4 we get somebody in.

5 MR. KNOKE: This is The HOO.

6 We've tried to contact Randy Blough and 7 he has no response to his cell phone or a 8 pager.

9 MR. HOLIAN: Did you get Paul 10 Krohn?

11 MR. KNOKE: We're in the 12 process of -- we're trying to get him, 13 but we haven't got him yet.

14 MR. COLLINS: All right. So, 15 my understanding -- let's just recap. My 16 understanding is we're in the monitoring 17 mode. Wayne is responding to the 18 Incident Response Center with Felicia.

19 Diane, are you on the line?

20 Diane Screnci? Do you have anybody from 21 Public Affairs on the line?

22 MR. HOLIAN: We've asked her to 23 join, Sam. We haven't heard from her 39ee57a6-1 dOa-4d70-b4bb-2e571 86a84ce

Page 25 1


2 MR. COLLINS: Okay. That's an 3 IOU. We need to loop back to --


7 8

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