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Revision 25 to the Updated Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 7, Tables 7.1-1 Through 7.7-2
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Site: River Bend  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/2017
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML17226A087 List:
RBG-47776, RBF1-17-0089
Download: ML17226A140 (86)




Systems1.Emergencycorecoolingsystem(ECCS)a.Automaticdepressurization Xsystem(ADS)b.Highpressurecorespray X(HPCS)systemc.Lowpressurecorespray X(LPCS)systemd.Residualheatremoval(RHR)system-lowpressurecool-Xantinjection(LPCI)mode2.ContainmentandreactorvesselXXisolationcontrolsystem (CRVICS)(1)3.Mainsteampositiveleakage Xcontrolsystem(MS-PLCS)4.Standbygastreatment(SGTS)

X5.Combustiblegascontrolsystema.Hydrogenrecombinersystem Xb.Hydrogenmixingsystem Xc.Hydrogenanalyzersystem X6.Reactorplantventilationsystema.Annulusmixingsystem Xb.ContainmentventilationsystemX7.Residualheatremoval(RHR)system-suppressionpoolcooling Xmode(SPCM)8.Standbyservicewater(SSW)system X9.Controlbuildingaircondi-Xtioningsystem10.Controlbuildingchilledwater X system11.StandbypowersupportsystemsXX12.Dieselgeneratorbuilding Xventilationsystem13.SSWpumphouseventilationsystem X

RBSUSAR2of2August1987TABLE7.1-1(Cont)DesignandSupplyGESWEC14.Auxiliarybuildingventilation X system15.Fuelbuildingventilationsystem XIII.SystemsRequiredForSafeShutdown1.Reactorcoreisolationcooling X(RCIC)system2.Residualheatremoval(RHR)system-reactorshutdowncoolingX mode3.Standbyliquidcontrolsystem (SLCS)X4.Remoteshutdownsystem(RSS)XXIV.Safety-RelatedDisplayInstru-XXmentation(SRDI)V.AllOtherSystemsRequiredforSafety1.Recirculationpumptrip(RPT)


X3.Neutronmonitoringsystem(NMS)a.Intermediaterangemonitors X (IRM)b.Powerrangemonitors(PRM)

X4.Radiationmonitoringsystem(RMS)XX 5.Fuelpoolcooling(FPC)system X6.Penetrationvalveleakagecontrolsystem(PVLCS)

X7.Rodpatterncontrolsystem(RPCS)X 8.Safetyreliefvalves(SRV)-relieffunction X


RBSUSAR1of2August1987TABLE7.1-2SIMILARITYTOLICENSEDREACTORS-SAFETY-RELATEDSYSTEMS (1)SimilarPlantsHavingConstruc-InstrumentationandControlstionPermitor (Systems)OperatingLicenseReactorprotection(trip)system(RPS)


PerryContainmentandreactorvessel Perryisolationcontrolsystem(CRVICS)Mainsteam-positiveleakageNewdesigncontrolsystem(MS-PLCS)Standbygastreatmentsystem(SGTS)Newdesign (2)CombustiblegascontrolsystemNewdesign (2)ReactorplantventilationsystemNewdesign (2)RHR-suppressionpoolcoolingmode Perry (SPCM)Standbyservicewater(SSW)systemNewdesign (2)Controlbuildingair-conditioningNewdesign systemControlbuildingchilledwatersystemNewdesign (2)StandbypowersupportsystemsNewdesign (2)DieselgeneratorbuildingventilationNewdesign (2)systemReactorcoreisolationcooling(RCIC)

Perry systemRHR-reactorshutdowncoolingmode Perry (RSCM)Standbyliquidcontrolsystem PerryRemoteshutdownsystem(RSS)




PerryRadiationmonitoringsystem(RMS)Newdesign (3)AuxiliarybuildingventilationsystemNewdesign (2)FuelbuildingventilationsystemNewdesign (2)SSWpumphouseventilationsystemNewdesign (2)Fuelpoolcooling(FPC)systemNewdesign (2)PenetrationvalveleakagecontrolNewdesign (2)system(PVLCS)Rodpatterncontrolsystem(RPCS)


Perry (4)relieffunction RBSUSAR2of2August1987TABLE7.1-2(Cont)


(2)Theinstrumentationandcontrolsusedonthesesystemsmarked"NewDesign"areofprovendesignbutareused inanapplicationthatisdifferentfromexistingplants (new/differentprocessdesign).Thefeaturesofthenew processdesignandeffectsonsafetycanbefoundinthe theappropriatesectionsoftheUSAR.



1 of 5 August 1987 RBS USAR TABLE 7.1-3 CODES AND STANDARDS APPLICABILITY INDEX R e a c t o rP r o t e c t i o n(T r i p)S y s t e m E m e r g e n c yC o r eC o o l i n gS y s t e m C o n t a i n m e n ta n dR e a c t o rV e s s e lI s o l a t i o nC o n t r o lS y s t e m M a i nS t e a mP o s i t i v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m S t a n d b yGa sT r e a t m e n tS y s t e m C o m b u s t i b l eG a sC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e a c t o rP l a n tVe n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m S u p p r e s s i o nP o o lC o o l i n gM o d e S t a n d b yS e r v i c eW a t e rS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u i l d i n gAi rC o n d i t i o n i n gS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u i l d i n gW a t e rS y s t e m S t a n d b yP o w e rS u p p o r tS y s t e m s D i e s e lG e n e r a t o rB u i l d i n gVe n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m S S WP u m pH o u s eV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m A u x i l i a r yB u i l d i n gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m F u e lB u i l d i n gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m R e a c t o rC o r eI s o l a t i o nC o o l i n gS y s t e m R H RS y s tem R e a c t o rS h u t d o w nC o o l i n gM o d e S t a n d b yL i q u i dC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e m o t eS h u t d o w nS y s t e m S a f e t yRe l a t e dD i s p l a yI n s t r u m e n t a t i o n R e c i r c u l a t i o nP u m pT r i p L e a kDe t e c t i o nS y s t e m N e u t r o nM o n i t o r i n gS y s t e m R a d i a t i o nM o n i t o r i n gS y s t e m F u e lP o o lC o o l i n gS y s t e m P e n e t r a t i o nV a l v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m R o dP a t t e r nC o n t r o lS y s t e mGDC1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC10XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC12X XGDC13XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC15XGDC19XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC20XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC21XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC23XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC24XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC25X XXSafetySystemsCodesandStandards 2 of 5 September 2001 RBS USAR TABLE 7.1-3 (CONT) R e a c t o rPro t e c t i o n(T r i p)S y s t e m E m e r g e n c yC o r eC o o l i n gS y s t e m C o n t a i n m e n ta n dR e act o rV ess e lIsola t i o nC o n t r o lS y s t e m M a i nS t e a mP o sit i v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m S t a n d b yG a sT r e a t m e n tSys t e m C o m b ust i b l eG a sC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e a c t o rPla n tV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m S u p p r e s s i o nP o o lC o o l i n gM o d e S t a n d b yS e r vic eW a t e rS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u ild i n gAirC o n d i tio n i n gS yst e m C o n t r o lB u ild i n gW a t e rS y s t e m S t a n d b yP o w e rS u p p o r tS y s t e m s D i e s e lG e n e r a t o rB u i l din gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m S S WP u m pH o u s eV e n t ila tio nS yst e m A u x i l i a r yB u i l d i n gV e n til a tio nS y s t e m F u e lB u i l d i n gV e n til a tio nS y s t e m R e a c t o rC o r eI s o l a t i o nC o oli n gS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m R e a c t o rS h u t d o w nC o o l i n gM o d e S t a n d b yL i q u i dC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e m o t eS h u t d o w nS y s t e m S a f e t y R e l a t e dD i s p l a yI nst r u m e n t a t i o n R e c i r c u l a tio nP u m pT r i pLe a kD e t e c t i o nS y s t e m N e u t r o nM o n i t ori n gS yst e m R a d i a t i o nM o nit o r i n gS y s t e m F u e lP o o lC o o l i n gS y s t e m P e n e t r a t i o nV a l v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m R o dP a t t e r nC o n t r o lS y s t e mGDC28 XGDC29XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC33 X XGDC34 X XXGDC35 X XGDC37 XGDC38XXX XGDC40XXX XGDC41 XXXGDC43 XXXGDC44 X XGDC45 X XGDC54XXXXXXXXXXXXXXGDC55XXXXXXGDC56XXXXXX XXXGDC57XX X XGDC60 X XGDC61 XXGDC63 XXGDC64 XXSafetySystemsCodesandStandards 3 of 5 August 1987 RBS USAR TABLE 7.1-3 (CONT)

React o rProt ection(T rip)S yst e m Emer gen c yCor eCoolingS yst e mCont a inmentandReactorVesse lIsola tio nCont r o lS y s tem M a i nS t e a mPosit i v eLeakag eCont rolS yst e m S t andbyGasT r e a tmentSystemCombust ibl eGa sCont r o lS y s temReact o rPlantV entil a tio nSystem RHRS yst e mSuppressionPoolCoolingMode S t andbyS e r viceW a terS yst e mCont r o lBuildingAirCond i tioningS yst e mCont r o lBuildingWa t e rS yst e m S t andbyPowerSuppor tS yst ems Diese lGenera torB u i ldingV ent ila t ionS yst e m S S WPumpHou s eV ent ila tio nSys tem Auxil iar yBuildingVen til a tionS y s t e m Fue lBuildingVen til a tionS yst e mRe act o rCor eIsola t ionCoolingSystemRHRS yst e mRe a c torShutdownCool ingMode S t andbyLiquidCont rolS y s temRemo t eShutdo w nSystem S a f e t y R e lat e dDisp l a yI nst rumen t a t ionRecircul a tionPumpT ripLea kDet e c t i o nS yst e mNeut ronMonit oringS yst e m R adia t ionMonit oringS yst e m Fue lPoolCoolingSystemPenet r a t ionVa lveL e a k a g eCont r o lS y s temRodPa t ter nCont rolS yst e mIEEE2791971XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3081974XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3171976XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3231974XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3341974 XIEEE3361971XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3381971XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3381977XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3441975XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3791972XXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3791977XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3841974XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIEEE3871972 XIEEE3871977 XXXXR.G.1.7REV2X XR.G.1.11REV0XR.G.1.21REV1 XXR.G.1.22REV0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSafetySystemsCodesandStandards REVISION 4 4 of 5 September 2001 RBS USAR TABLE 7.1-3 (CONT)

R e a c t o rP r o t e c t i o n(T rip)S y s t e m E m e r g e n c yC o r eC o o lin gS y s t e m C o n t a i n m e n ta n dR e a c t o rV e s s e lI s o l a tio nC o n t r o lS y s t e mMa i nS t e a mP o sit i v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m S t a n d b yG a sT r e a t m e n tS y s t e m C o m b u s t i b l eG a sC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e a c t o rP l a n tV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m S u p p r e s s i o nP o o lC o oli n gM o d e S t a n d b yS e r vic eWa t e rS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u i l d i n gAirC o n d i t i o n i n gS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u i l d i n gW a t e rS y s t e m S t a n d b yP o w e rS u p p o r tS y s t e m s D i e s e lG e n e r a t o rB u i l d i n gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m S S WP u m pH o u s eV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m A u x i l i a r yB u i l d i n gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m F u e lB u i l d i n gV e n til a t i o nS y s t e m R e a c t o rC o r eI s o l a t i o nC o o l i n gS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m R e a c t o rS h u t d o w nC o o l i n gMo d e S t a n d b yL i q uidC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e m o t eS h u t d o w nS yst e m S a f e t y R e l a t e dD i s p l a yI n s t r u m e n t a t i o n R e c i r c u l a t i o nP u m pT r i p L e a kD e t e c t i o nS y s t e m N e u t r o nMo n i t ori n gS y s t e m R a d i a t i o nM o nit o r i n gS y s t e m F u e lP o o lC o o l i n gS y s t e m P e n e t r a t i o nV a l v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m R o dP a t t e r nC o n t r o lS y s t e mR.G.1.29REV3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.30REV0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.40REV0XR.G.1.45REV0 XR.G.1.47REV0XX X 1XXXXXXXXXXXX X 2 XXR.G.1.53REV0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.62REV0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.63REV2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.68REV2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.70REV3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.73REV0XXXXX X XR.G.1.75REV2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.89REV0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.96REV1XR.G.1.97REV2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.100REV1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.105REV1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXR.G.1.118REV2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSafetySystemsCodesandStandards REVISION 6 5 of 5 August 1993 RBS USAR TABLE 7.1-3 (CONT)
















TO ENTERING SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE. R e a c t o rP r o t e c t i o n(T r i p)S y s t e m E m e r g e n c yC o r eC o o l i n gS y s t e m C o n t a i n m e n ta n dR e a c t o rV e s s e lI s o l a t i o nC o n t r o lS y s t e m M a i nS t e a mP o s i t i v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m S t a n d b yGa sT r e a t m e n tS y s t e m C o m b u s t i b l eG a sC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e a c t o rP l a n tVe n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m S u p p r e s s i o nP o o lC o o l i n gM o d e S t a n d b yS e r v i c eW a t e rS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u i l d i n gAi rC o n d i t i o n i n gS y s t e m C o n t r o lB u i l d i n gW a t e rS y s t e m S t a n d b yP o w e rS u p p o r tS y s t e m sDi e s e lG e n e r a t o rB u i l d i n gVe n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m S S WP u m pH o u s eV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e mAu x i l i a r yB u i l d i n gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m F u e lB u i l d i n gV e n t i l a t i o nS y s t e m R e a c t o rC o r eI s o l a t i o nC o o l i n gS y s t e m R H RS y s t e m R e a c t o rS h u t d o w nC o o l i n gM o d e S t a n d b yL i q u i dC o n t r o lS y s t e m R e m o t eS h u t d ownS y s t e m S a f e t yRe l a t e dD i s p l a yI n s t r u m e n t a t i o n R e c i r c u l a t i o nP u m pT r i p L e a kDe t e c t i o nS y s t e m N e u t r o nM o n i t o r i n gS y s t e m R a d i a t i o nM o n i t o r i n gS y s t e m F u e lP o o lC o o l i n gS y s t e m P e n e t r a t i o nV a l v eL e a k a g eC o n t r o lS y s t e m R o dP a t t e r nC o n t r o lS y s t e mBTPICSB3XX XBTPICSB21XXXXXXXXXXXXX XBTPICSB22XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSafetySystemsCodesandStandards RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 1 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-ComponentLocation Description Safe Shutdown B21-RVF051C C61-P001 Manual Reactor Blowdown X B21-RVF051D C61-P001 Manual Reactor Blowdown X B21-RVF051G C61-P001 Manual Reactor Blowdown X C61-FICR001 C61-P001 RCIC Flow Controller C61-FIR005 C61-P001 RHR Pump 2A Discharge Flow Indicator C61-FYK001 C61-P001 RCIC Flow Control Square Root Extractor C61-LIR010 C61-P001 Reactor Vessel Level Indicator C61-PIR011 C61-P001 Reactor Vessel Pressure Indicator C61-SIR003 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Speed Indicator E12-MOVF003A C61-P001 RHR Heat Exchanger Shell Side Outlet Valve X E12-MOVF004A C61-P001 RHR Pump E12-PC002A Suction Valve X E12-MOVF006A C61-P001 Shutdown Cooling Valve X E12-MOVF006B C61-P001 Shutdown Cooling Valve E12-MOVF008 C61-P001 Outboard Shutdown Isolation Valve X E12-MOVF009 C61-P001 Suction Cooling Isolation Valve E12-MOVF011A C61-P001 RHR Heat Exchanger Flow to Suppression Pool Valve X E12-MOVF024A C61-P001 RHR Test Return Valve X E12-MOVF027A C61-P001 Injection Shutoff MOV E12-MOVF037A C61-P001 Shutdown Cooling Upper Pool Valve X E12-MOVF040 C61-P001 Discharge to Radwaste Isolation Valve X E12-MOVF042A C61-P001 RHR Injection Valve X E12-MOVF047A C61-P001 Heat Exchanger Shell Side Inlet Valve E12-MOVF048A C61-P001 Heat Exchanger Shell Side Bypass Valve X E12-MOVF053A C61-P001 RHR Shutdown Cooling Isolation Valve X E12-MOVF064A C61-P001 RHR Pump Minimum Flow Bypass Valve RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 2 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-ComponentLocation Description Safe Shutdown E12-MOVF068A C61-P001 Heat Exchanger Water Discharge Valve X E12-PC002A C61-P001 RHR Pump A E51-C002C C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Gland Seal Compressor E51-MOVC002 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Trip and Throttle Valve X E51-MOVC002 C61-P001 Turbine Trip and Throttle Valve Position Monitor E51-MOVF010 C61-P001 RCIC Pump Suction from CST X E51-MOVF013 C61-P001 RCIC Injection Shutoff X E51-MOVF019 C61-P001 Minimum Flow to Suppression Pool X E51-MOVF022 C61-P001 Test Bypass to Condensate Storage Tank X E51-MOVF031 C61-P001 Pump Suction from Suppression Pool X E51-MOVF045 C61-P001 Steam to Turbine X E51-MOVF059 C61-P001 Test Bypass to Condensate Storage Tank X E51-MOVF063 C61-P001 Steam Supply Line Inboard Isolation X E51-MOVF064 C61-P001 Steam Supply Line Outboard Isolation X E51-MOVF068 C61-P001 Turbine Exhaust to Suppression Pool X E51-MOVF076 C61-P001 Steam Line Warm Up Isolation X E51-MOVF077 C61-P001 Vacuum Breaker Outboard Isolation E51-MOVF078 C61-P001 Vacuum Breaker Inboard Isolation E51-TC002 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine (Note 4)

HVC-AOD170 C61-P001 Control Room Outside Air Pressure Damper HVK-TV17A C61-P001 Standby Switchgear Room Temperature Controller 44A1 ICS-PS151 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Bearing Oil Pressure Low ICS-SOV174 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Trip Solenoid ICS-TS152 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Governor End Bearing Oil Temp High ICS-TS153 C61-P001 RCIC Turbine Coupling End Bearing Oil Temp High RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 3 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-ComponentLocation Description Safe Shutdown E51-HYVC002 C61-P001 (Note 3) RCIC Turbine Governor CMS-TR103RSS-PNL101 Recorder SWP-FI64A RSS-PNL101 RHR Heat Exchanger Service Water Inlet Header Flow Indicator SWP-MOV510A RSS-PNL101 RPCCW System Return X SWP-MOV55A RSS-PNL101 Standby Cooling Tower 1 Inlet X SWP-MOV96A RSS-PNL101 Normal Service Return Isolation Valve X SWP-P2A RSS-PNL101 Standby Service Water Pump X SWP-MOV40A RSS-PNL101 (Note 2) Standby Service Water Pump 'A' Discharge Isolation Valve CMS-LIX23B RSS-PNL102 Suppression Pool Level CMS-PI2BRSS-PNL102 Drywell Pressure CMS-TI40B RSS-PNL102 Containment Atmosphere Leak Monitor Temperature Indicator CMS-TI40D RSS-PNL102 Containment Atmosphere Leak Monitor Temperature Indicator CMS-TI41B RSS-PNL102 Containment Atmosphere Leak Monitor Temperature Indicator CMS-TI41D RSS-PNL102 Containment Atmosphere Leak Monitor Temperature Indicator E12-MOVF003B RSS-PNL102 RHR Heat Exchanger Shell Side Outlet Valve E12-MOVF004B RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump E12-PC002C Suction Valve E12-MOVF011B RSS-PNL102 RHR Heat Exchanger Flow to Suppression Pool Valve E12-MOVF024B RSS-PNL102 RHR Test Return Valve E12-MOVF027B RSS-PNL102 RHR 'B' Injection Valve E12-MOVF037B RSS-PNL102 RHR Shutdown Cooling Return to Upper Pool Isolation Valve E12-MOVF042B RSS-PNL102 RHR Injection Valve (Note 6)

E12-MOVF042C RSS-PNL102 RHR Injection Valve E12-MOVF047B RSS-PNL102 Heat Exchanger Shell Side Inlet Valve RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 4 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-ComponentLocation Description Safe Shutdown E12-MOVF048B RSS-PNL102 Heat Exchanger Shell Side Bypass Valve E12-MOVF053B RSS-PNL102 RHR Shutdown Cooling Discharge to Feedwater Mix Tee Valve E12-MOVF064B RSS-PNL102 RHR Minimum Flow Valve E12-MOVF064C RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump Minimum Flow Valve E12-MOVF068B RSS-PNL102 Heat Exchanger Service Water Discharge Valve E12-MOVF105 RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump E12-C002C Suction Valve E12-PC002B RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump B E12-PC002C RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump C ISC-PI101 RSS-PNL102 Reactor Pressure Vessel Indicator RHS-FI15B RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump 'B' Discharge Header Flow Indicator RHS-FI15C RSS-PNL102 RHR Pump 'C' Discharge Header Flow Indicator RHS-LI119 RSS-PNL102 Reactor Vessel Level Indicator (Note 5)

SWP-FI64B RSS-PNL102 RHR Heat Exchanger Service Water Inlet Header Flow Indicator SWP-MOV506A RSS-PNL102 HPCS Diesel Generator ENG Water Heat Exchanger Service X SWP-MOV510B RSS-PNL102 RPCCW System Supply (Note 7)

SWP-MOV55B RSS-PNL102 Standby Cooling Tower 1 Inlet SWP-MOV74A RSS-PNL102 Auxiliary Building Unit CLR5 Service Water Return SWP-MOV96B RSS-PNL102 Normal Service Water Return Isolation Valve SWP-P2B RSS-PNL102 Standby Service Water Pump SWP-P2D RSS-PNL102 Standby Service Water Pump E22-S001 CGR Cont. Bldg. CA-5, el. 115' 125 VDC HPCS Battery Charger No. 1 E22-S002 Controlled by E22-PNLS001 HPCS Standby Diesel Generator Motor Control Center X

RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 5 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-ComponentLocation Description Safe Shutdown E22-S004 Controlled by E22-PNLS001 4KV Breaker Control E22-PNLS001 Bus X E22-PNLS001 Diesel Gen. Bldg. el. 98' Division 3 Diesel Generator Control Panel X E22-EGS001 E22-PNLS001 HPCS Diesel Generator E22-S001BAT E22-PNLS001 125 VDC Battery Bus E22-S004 ACB1 E22-PNLS001 Division 3 Diesel Generator Output Breaker E22-S004 ACB4 E22-PNLS001 Normal Supply Source E22-S004 HVN-FN3C E22-S002 HPCS Diesel Generator Battery Room Exhaust Fan HVC-FN3F E22-S002 HPCS Diesel Generator Battery Room Exhaust Fan E22-S004 ACB3 E22-S004 480V MCC E22-S002 EGF-LIX16C EGF-PNL101 Standby Diesel Generator Fuel Day Tank 2C Level EGF-LIX16A EGS-PNL3A Standby Diesel Generator Fuel Day Tank 2A Level EGF-P1A 1 EGS-PNL4A Standby Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Control Switch X SWP-MOV40C EGS-PNL4C Standby Service Water Pump 'C' Discharge Isolation Valve X SWP-P2C EGS-PNL4C HPCS Diesel Generator Service Water Pump X EGF-P1C EGS-PNL5C HPCS Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pump X

RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 6 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-ComponentLocation Description Safe Shutdown HVY-FN1C EGS-PNL5C SSW Pump House Cooling Tower No. 1 Pump Room 'A' Ventilation Fan E22-S004 ACB5 EGS-PNL5G SSW Pump Motor Breaker HVC-ACU3A EHS-MCC14A Chiller Equipment Room Air Holding Unit 3A HVC-AOD169 EHS-MCC14A Control Room Outside Air Pressure HVC-AOD5AEHS-MCC14A Air Inlet HVC-FN2A EHS-MCC14A Standby Switchgear Return Fan X HVC-FN3A EHS-MCC14A Battery Room 1A Exhaust Fan HVC-FN3D EHS-MCC14A Battery Room 1A Exhaust Fan SWP-P3A EHS-MCC14A Control Building Chiller Recirculation Pump 3A X SWP-P3C EHS-MCC14A Chilled Water Condenser Recirculation Pump X HVC-AOD5BEHS-MCC14B Air Inlet HVC-FN2B EHS-MCC14B Standby Switchgear Return Fan HVY-FN1A EHS-MCC16A SSW Pump House Cooling Tower No. 1 Pump Room 'A' Ventilation Fan X HVY-FN2A EHS-MCC16A SSW Pump House Cooling Tower No. 1 SWGR and XFMR Room 'A' Ventilation Fan X HVY-FN2C EHS-MCC16A SSW Pump House Cooling Tower No. 1 SWGR and XFMR Room 'A' Ventilation Fan SWP-FN1A EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1C EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1E EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1G EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X

RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 7 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-Component Location Description Safe Shutdown SWP-FN1J EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1L EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1N EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1Q EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1S EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-FN1U EHS-MCC16A Standby Cooling Tower Fan X SWP-MOV501A EHS-MCC16A Normal Service Water Supply Isolation Valve X SWP-MOV511A EHS-MCC16A Normal Service Water Supply Isolation Valve X SWP-FN1B EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1D EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1F EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1H EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1K EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1M EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1P EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1R EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1T EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-FN1V EHS-MCC16B Standby Cooling Tower Fan SWP-MOV502A EHS-MCC2A Containment Unit Cooler 'A' Supply Header 1 SWP-MOV503A EHS-MCC2A Containment Unit Cooler 'A' Return Header X HVN-MOV22A EHS-MCC2C Containment Unit Cooler 1A Discharge Valve SVV-MOV1A EHS-MCC2C Containment Isolation Valve RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 8 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-Component Location Description Safe Shutdown HVR-UC7 EHS-MCC2G Auxiliary Building Unit Cooler X SWP-MOV171 EHS-MCC2G Return Valve from Auxiliary Building Unit Cooler X SWP-MOV172 EHS-MCC2G Supply Valve from Auxiliary Building Unit Cooler X SWP-MOV504A EHS-MCC2G Fuel Pool Cooler 'A' Service Water Return X SWP-MOV504B EHS-MCC2H RPCCW System Return SWP-MOV507A EHS-MCC2J DW Unit CLRS Supply Header 'A' OUTBR SWP-MOV81A EHS-MCC2J Normal Service Return from D/W and Containment HVR-UC6 EHS-MCC2L Auxiliary Building Unit Cooler X LSV-C3A EHS-MCC2L Penetration Valve Leakage Control Air Compressor SWP-AOV51A EHS-MCC2L Penetration Valve Leakage Control Air Compressor Limit Switch SWP-MOV73A EHS-MCC2L Auxiliary Building Unit CLR5 Service Water Supply SWP-MOV74B EHS-MCC2L Auxiliary Building Unit CLR5 Service Water Return HVK-CHL1APL EHS-MCC8A Chilled Compressor Lube Oil Pump X HVK-CHL1CPL EHS-MCC8A Chilled Compressor Lube Oil Pump HVK-MOV20A EHS-MCC8A Chilled Water Pump 1A Discharge Valve HVK-P1A EHS-MCC8A Control Building Chilled Water Pump X SWP-MOV506B EHS-MCC8A HPCS Diesel Generator ENG Water Heat Exchanger X SWP-MOV77A EHS-MCC8A HPCS Diesel Generator ENG Water Heat Exchanger X EJS-SWG1A ACB008 EJS-SWG1A EHS-MCC14A Feeder Breaker EJS-SWG1A ACB010 EJS-SWG1A ENB-CHGR1A Breaker EJS-SWG1A ACB014 EJS-SWG1A EHS-MCC8A Switchgear Room Breaker RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 9 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-Component Location Description Safe Shutdown EJS-SWG1A ACB017 EJS-SWG1A Standby Switchgear 1A 480V Feeder Breaker HVC-ACU2A EJS-SWG1A Control Building Air Holding Unit ACU2A X HVC-AOD12A EJS-SWG1A Air Outlet thru EJS-ACB006 HVC-AOD38A EJS-SWG1A Air Inlet thru EJS-ACB006 HVK-CHL1A EJS-SWG1A Control Building Chilled Water Compressor X HVK-CHL1C EJS-SWG1A Control Building Chilled Water Compressor thru EJS-ACB003 SWP-MOV27A EJS-SWG1A Control Building Chilled Water Chiller Control thru EJS-ACB002 (Note 1)

SWP-MOV27C EJS-SWG1A Control Building Chilled Water Chiller Control thru EJS-ACB003 HVC-AOD12B EJS-SWG1B Air Outlet thru EJS-ACB046 HVC-AOD38B EJS-SWG1B Air Inlet thru EJS-ACB006 SWP-MOV27B EJS-SWG1B Control Building Chilled Water Chiller Control thru EJS-ACB043 SWP-MOV27D EJS-SWG1B Control Building Chilled Water Chiller Control thru EJS-ACB044 EJS-SWG2A ACB027 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC2A Auxiliary Building Breaker X EJS-SWG2A ACB028 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC2C Auxiliary Building Breaker EJS-SWG2A ACB029 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC2E Auxiliary Building Breaker EJS-SWG2A ACB030 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC2G Auxiliary Building Breaker EJS-SWG2A ACB031 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC2J Auxiliary Building Breaker EJS-SWG2A ACB034 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC15A Diesel Generator Room 'A' Breaker EJS-SWG2A ACB035 EJS-SWG2A EHS-MCC2L Auxiliary Building Breaker EJS-SWG2A ACB038 EJS-SWG2A Auxiliary Building 480V Feeder Breaker HVR-UC11A EJS-SWG2A Auxiliary Building Unit Cooler X HVR-UC1A EJS-SWG2A Containment Unit Cooler RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 10 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EDB-Equipment EDB-Component Location Description Safe Shutdown ENB-SWG01A ACB560 ENB-SWG01A ENB-CHGR1A Battery Charger Supply Breaker ENB-SWG01A ACB565 ENB-SWG01A ENB-MCC1 125VDC Breaker ENS-SWG1A ACB01 ENS-SWG1A EJS-X3A Standby Cooling Tower No. 1 ENS-SWG1A ACB04 ENS-SWG1A Bus NNS-SWG1B Alternate Supply (Breaker 13)

ENS-SWG1A ACB05 ENS-SWG1A EJS-X1A Load Center Transformer ENS-SWG1A ACB06 ENS-SWG1A RTX-XSR1C Preferred Station Service Transformer ENS-SWG1A ACB07 ENS-SWG1A Trip and Lockout Generator Excitation ENS-SWG1A ACB10 ENS-SWG1A EJS-X2A Load Center Transformer HVP-FN2A ENS-SWG1A Diesel Generator Room 'A' Standby Vent Exhaust Fan thru ENS-ACB012 X ENS-SWG2A ACB11 ENS-SWG2A Diesel Generator Neutral Breaker HVP-AOD11A HVP-PNL12A Diesel Generator Room 'A' Ventilation Damper HVP-FN6A HVP-PNL12A Diesel Generator Cont. Room 'A' Vent Supply Fan X HVP-AOD11C HVP-PNL12C Diesel Generator Room 'C' Ventilation Damper HVP-FN3A HVP-PNL12C Diesel Generator Room 'C' Standby Vent Exhaust Fan X HVP-FN6C HVP-PNL12C Diesel Generator Cont. Room 'C' Vent Supply Fan X GENERAL NOTES: Locations and Descriptions are not provided for instrument loop sensors or signal conditioners since these devices do not require Operator access or manipulation while implementing plant shutdown from outside the Main Control Room. Locations and Descriptions are provided for indicators, recorders and controllers.

Common I&C components supporting the Appendix R Alternate Safe Shutdown are also identified as Safe Shutdown items in the table. The Appendix R Alternate Safe Shutdown is discussed in USAR Appendix 9A.2.

RBS USAR Revision 21 Page 11 of 11 Table 7.4-1 REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM NOTE 1: Valve SWP-MOV27A opens when the HVK-CHL1A start signal is present, and valve SWP-MOV27A closes when the HVK-CHL1A is in 'AUTOTRIP' or 'STOP' condition. NOTE 2: Valve SWP-MOV40A opens when SWP-P2A is started, and closes when SWP-P2A is stopped. NOTE 3: RCIC Governor operation is controlled through steam to turbine valve, E51-F045, logic. NOTE 4: Additional information contained in Fig. 5.4-8. NOTE 5: Additional information contained in Fig. 7.3-2. NOTE 6: Additional information contained in Fig. 5.4-12. NOTE 7: Additional information contained in Fig. 7.3-11.

RBS USAR Revision 15 1 of 12 May 2002 TABLE 7.5-1 SAFETY-RELATED DISPLAY INSTRUMENTATION System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 1 Rod Control and Information Control rod position

Control rod scram

valves Lights Lights 00-48 NA MCR MCR 2 NA No No Neutron Monitoring Power range neutron flux Recorder 0-125% MCR 1 No Source range count

rate Meter 10-1 to 10 6 CPS MCR 1 No Nuclear Boiler Reactor vessel pressure Recorder 0-1,500 psig MCR 6 Yes Reactor vessel water

level Recorder/

Meter Bottom of active fuel to steam dryer MCR 4 Yes RCIC RCIC Flow Meter 0-800 gpm MCR 29 Yes 1 RCIC discharge pressure Meter 0-1,500 psig MCR NA Yes 1 2 15 Emergency Core

Cooling HPCS flow Meter 0-7,000 gpm MCR 31 Yes 2 1 HPCS discharge pressure Meter 0-1,500 psig MCR NA Yes 1 LPCS flow Meter 0-8,000 gpm MCR 31 Yes 15 RHR flow (LPCI and

shutdown cooling)

Meter 0-8,000 gpm (RHR Hx) 0-7,000 gpm (LPCI) MCR 32 Yes 1 RHR service water

flow Meter 0-8,000 gpm MCR NA Yes ECCS Pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 8 ECCS Valves (Note 1) Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 8 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 2 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power MS-PLCS MS-PLCS steam line pressure Meter 0-100 psig MCR NA Yes 7 1 Containment


Monitoring Drywell pressure Recorder -15 to 45 psig MCR 7 Yes Containment pressure Recorder

-5 to 60 psig MCR 9 Yes 7 Drywell atmosphere temperature Recorder 40-440 o F MCR 23 Yes 1 Containment atmosphere temperature Recorder 0-200 o F MCR NA Yes 7 4 1 Suppression pool level Indicator &

Recorder 5 to 24 ft above

suppression pool level MCR 14 Yes 4 7 Suppression pool temperature Recorder 0-200 o F MCR 22 Yes Containment area gamma

radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 1-10 8 R/hr MCR 13 Yes Drywell area gamma

radiation Recorder, CRT, LED Display 1-10 8 R/hr MCR 13 Yes 1 6 6 15 Containment atmosphere particulate radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-11 to 10-5 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes Containment atmosphere gaseous radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-7 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes Drywell atmosphere particulate radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-11 to 10-5 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 3 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 15 Drywell atmosphere gaseous radiation Recorder, CRT, & LED Display 10-7 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 Drywell/containment differential pressure Recorder (-)2.0 to 0 to

(+) 3.4 psid MCR NA Yes Hydrogen sampling valves Position Lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Hydrogen analyzers containment isolation

valves Position Lights NA MCR 10 Yes Containment and drywell atmosphere

sample isolation

valves Position Lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Standby Service

Water Standby service water

flow Recorder 0-18,000 gpm MCR 38 Yes 1 Standby service water

header pressure Recorder 0-150 psig MCR NA Yes 15 Standby service water

cooling tower basin

level Recorder 69-124 ft MCR NA Yes 15 1 Standby service water

temperature Indicator 0-125 o F MCR 37 Yes 1

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 4 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 15 RHR heat exch service water effluent

radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-7 to 10-2 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 Standby service water

pump current Meter 0-300A MCR NA Yes SSW pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes SSW cooling tower fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes SSW valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 4 12 1 Standby Power Diesel generator voltage Meter 0-5250 AC-V MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 4 Diesel generator current Meter 0-800 AC-A MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 2 Diesel generator power Meter 0-5.6 MW MCR & DGCR 41 Yes Diesel generator reactive power Meter 0-5.6 MVAR MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 2 12 Diesel generator frequency Meter 55-65 Hz MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 1 Diesel generator field

voltage Meter 0-150 V DGCR NA Yes Diesel generator field

current Meter 0-400 A DGCR NA Yes Diesel generator trip/

ready to load Lights NA MCR & DGCR NA Yes RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont) Revision 15 5 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 12 2 1 4.16 kV bus voltage Meter 0-5,250 AC-V MCR 41 Yes 2 4.16 kV bus incoming breaker current Meter 0-1,200 AC-A MCR 41 Yes 1 12 4.16 kV circuit

breaker Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 480 V load center

feeder and supply

breakers Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 125 V dc bus voltage Meter 0-150 V MCR 41 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Standby Power

Support Diesel fuel oil day

tank level Indicator 0-100% level MCR & DGCR NA Yes 15 Diesel fuel oil

storage tank level Indicator 0-100% level DGCR NA No Diesel fuel oil

pressure Indicator 0-60 psig DGCR NA NA Diesel lube oil

pressure Indicator 0-100 psig DGCR NA NA Diesel fuel oil filter

differential pressure Indicator 0-30 psid DGCR NA NA Diesel fuel oil pumps Status lights NA DGCR NA Note 3 15 Diesel turbo oil

pressure Indicator 0-60 psig DGCR NA NA

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont) Revision 15 6 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Diesel lube oil filter differential pressure Indicator 0-60 psid DGCR NA NA 9 9 15 Diesel lube oil pumps Status lights NA DGCR NA No Diesel lube oil heater Status lights NA DGCR NA No Diesel air start

compressors Status lights NA DGCR NA Note 2 15 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 4 1 Combustible Gas

Control Drywell & containment

hydrogen Indicator and

Recorder 0-10% hydrogen MCR 15 Yes 1 4 Hydrogen recombiner temperature Indicator 0-2,000 o F MCR NA Yes Hydrogen recombiner power Meter 0-100 kW MCR NA Yes Hydrogen recombiner Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Hydrogen mixing valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Hydrogen mixing fan Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Hydrogen purge valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 7 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 15 Standby Gas Treatment Charcoal filter bed

inlet temperature Indicator 0-150 o F MCR NA No 15 SGTS fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 SGTS dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes 1 SGTS filter train

heater Status lights NA MCR NA Yes SGTS valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Reactor Plant

Ventilation Containment unit

cooler fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Annulus mixing fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Annulus mixing dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes Annulus pressure control system

isolation dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes 15 Main plant exhaust

duct gaseous radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-7 to 10-5 uCi/cc MCR 17 Yes Reactor building annulus ventilation

gaseous radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-6 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 1 15 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 8 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Containment / drywell purge system dampers Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 12 1 Containment / drywell

purge system isolation

valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 12 Containment purge isolation area

radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10 to 10 7 mR/hr MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 15 Control Building

Air Conditioning

and Chilled Water Control building local

outside air intake

radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-6 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes Control building remote outside air

intake radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-6 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 Control building air

handling units Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes 1 Control room air

handling unit heater Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 9 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Control building pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building compressor Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Chilled water compression tank level Indicator 0-100% MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Diesel Generator Building Ventilation Emergency ventilation

system exhaust fans Status lights NA Local NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Standby Service

Water Pumphouse

Ventilation Fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Auxiliary Building

Ventilation Unit coolers Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Auxiliary building vent system dampers Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 15 Fuel Building

Ventilation Fuel building

ventilation exhaust

gaseous radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-7 to 10 5 uCi/cc MCR 18 Yes 15 1 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 10 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Charcoal filter bed inlet temperature Indicator 0-150 o F MCR NA Yes Filter train heater

and fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Fuel building dampers Status lights NA MCR 40 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 3 7 Fuel Pool Cooling Fuel pool level Indicator 25'8 5/8" to 27'9 5/8" (feet above top of fuel) MCR NA Yes 7 15 Fuel pool temperature Indicator 100-200 o F MCR NA Yes 15 7 Reactor building fuel

storage pool level Indicator 22'8" to 24'9" (feet above top of fuel) MCR NA Yes 7 3 Fuel pool cooling

pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Fuel pool cooling

system isolation

valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Penetration Valve

Leakage Control Air compressor Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Containment penetration valve

leakage control system

valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont) 11 of 12 August 1988 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 1 Instrument Air Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Air accumulator solenoid valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Service Air Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Feedwater Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Building

Floor Drains Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Building

Equipment Drains Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Main Steam Safety

and Relief Valves Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 12 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 1 Condensate Makeup Condensate makeup system valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes Containment Cooling Containment unit cooler valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Water

Cleanup Backwash Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Turbine Plant Misc

Drains MSIV body drains

leakage control valve Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes Fire Protection Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Plant

Component Cooling

Water RPCCW isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Recirculation

Hydraulic Power

Unit Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 8 Notes:

1. E22-AOVF005, E51-AOVF065, and E51-AOVF066 do not have nor require position lights. 8 15 2. Status Lights for Div. I & II diesel air start compressors are supplied by class 1E power, those for the Div. III diesel are not. 3. Fuel oil transfer pump status lights are supplied by class 1E power. Div. III DC fuel oil booster pump status lights are supplied by class 1E power, by Div. I & II are not.
4. Recorder range is 10 1 to 10 7 counts per minute.

15 RBS USAR Revision 12 1 of 18 December 1999 TABLE 7.5-2 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.97, REVISION 3, INSTRUMENTATION PROVISIONS Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 12 1 1 Neutron Flux 1C51*JEN011 thru 14 (LPRM)

1C51*JEN002A thru H (IRM)

1C51*JEN001A,B,C,D (SRM)

B 1 3 0 to 125% RP (LPRM/APRM) 0 to 40 divisions (IRM)

0 to 125 divisions 10-1 to 10 6 cps (SRM) 3,26 12 2 Control Rod Position 1B13-ZSD124 B 3 3 00-48 (00 = rod full-in) 4 3 RCS Soluble Boron Concentration (Grab

Sample) None B 3 3 See associated note 5 4 Coolant Level in

Reactor Vessel 1B21*LTN091A,B

1B21*LTN044C,D,E A, B 1 1 +60" to -160" (wide range

-110" to -310" (fuel zone range) 6 5 BWR Core Temperature None B, C NA NA None 7 6 RCS Pressure 1B21*PTN062A,B A, B, C 1 1 0-1500 psig 7 7 Drywell Pressure 1CMS*PT2A,B A, B, C, D 1, 2 1 -15 to 45 psig 7 8 Drywell Sump Level

and Drywell Drain

Sump Level 1DER-LT105,128

1DER-LT118 B, C 1 2 0-350 gal 0-475 gal 8 1 7 9. Primary Containment Pressure 1CMS*PT4A,B A, B, C 1 1 -5 to 60 psig 7 10 Primary Containment Isolation Valve

Position (excluding

Check Valves)

See associated note B 1 1 Open-closed 9

RBS USAR Revision 7 2 of 18 January 1995 TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 11 Radioactivity Concentration or

Radiation Level in

Circulating Primary

Coolant None C 1 NA NA 10 12 Analysis of Primary Coolant (Gamma


None C 3 3 See associated note 5 13 Primary Containment Area Radiation (and

High Range) 1RMS*RE20A,B

1RMS*RE16A,B C, E 1, 3 1 1-10 8 R/hr 20 7 4 3 14 Suppression Pool Water Level 1CMS*LT23A,B (wide)

1E22*LTN055C,G (narrow)

1E51*LTN036A,E (narrow) C, D 1, 2 1 5 to 24 ft above suppression pool bottom

+18'6" to 21'0" above

suppression pool bottom

-10 to +10 in H 2 O 7 1 15 Containment and Drywell Hydrogen

Concentration 1CMS*AT25A,B A, C 1 1 0-10% 1 3 4 16 1 Containment and Drywell Oxygen

Concentration (for

inerted containment

plants) None C 1 NA See associated note 25 RBS USAR Revision 4 3 of 18 August 1991 TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory

Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 1 17 Containment Effluent Radioactivity -

Noble Gases (from

identified release

points including

standby gas

treatment system

vent) 1RMS*RE125 C 3 2 10-7 to 10 5 Ci/cc 20 4 18 4 Effluent Radioactivity -

Noble Gases (from

buildings or areas

where penetrations

and hatches are

located, e.g.,


containment and

auxiliary buildings

and fuel handling

buildings that are

in direct contact

with primary

containment) 1RMS*RE5A C 2 2 10-7 to 10 5 Ci/cc 20 19 Main Feedwater Flow 1C33-FTN002A,B D 3 3 0-8 Mlb/hr 1 20 Condensate Storage Tank Level 1CNS-LT110 D 3 3 0-40 ft 21 Suppression Chamber Spray Flow None D 2 NA See associated note 12 RBS USAR Revision 2 4 of 18 August 1989 TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory

Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 22 Suppression Pool Water Temperature 1CMS*RTD40A,B,C,D A, D 1, 2 1 0-200°F 2 23 Drywell Atmosphere Temperature 1CMS*RTD41A,B,C,D D 2 2 40-440°F 24 Drywell Spray Flow None D 2 NA See associated note 12 1 25 Main Steam Line Isolation Valve

Leakage Control

System Pressure 1E33*PTN005

1E33*PTN025 D 2 2 0-70 psig 1 26 Primary System Safety Relief Valve

Positions including

ADS or Flow Through

or Pressure in

Valve Lines 1SVV*ZE10A (typical of 16)

D 2 2 0-100% full open 14 27 Isolation Condenser System Shell-Side

Water Level None D 2 NA See associated note 12 28 Isolation Condenser System Valve

Position None D 2 NA See associated note 12 29 RCIC Flow 1E51*FTN003 D 2 2 0-800 gpm 30 HPCI Flow None D 2 NA See associated note 16 2 31 Core Spray System Flow 1E22*FTN005 (HPCS)

1E21*FTN003 (LPCS)

D D 2 2 2 2 0-7000 gpm

0-8000 gpm 2

RBS USAR 5 of 18 August 1988 TABLE 7.5-2 Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 32 LPCI System Flow 1E12*FTN015A,B,C D 2 2 0-7000 gpm 33 SLCS Flow 1C41*PTN004 D 2 2 0-1800 psig 15 34 SLCS Storage Tank Level 1C41-LTN001 D 2 2 0-5000 gal 35 RHR System Flow 1E12*FTN015A,B,C 1E12*FTN007A,B (RHR Hx Flow) D 2 2 0-7000 gpm 0-8000 gpm (RHR Hx Flow) 36 RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature 1RHS*RTD47A,B D 2 2 0-400°F 37 Cooling Water Temperature to ESF

System Components 1SWP*RTD31A,B D 2 2 0-125°F 17 1 38 Cooling Water Flow to ESF System

Components 1SWP*FT59A,B D 2 2 0-18,000 gpm 17 1 39 High Radioactivity Liquid Tank Level See associated note D 3 3 See associated note 18 40 Emergency Ventilation Damper

Position Position switch '33-'of

all dampers listed in Note

19 D 2 2 Open-closed 19

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 15 6 of 18 May 2002 Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory

Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 1 41 Status of Standby Power and Other

Energy Sources

Important to Safety (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic),


currents, pressures)

See associated note D 2 2 See associated note 13 4 15 42 15 4 Reactor Building or Secondary

Containment Area

Radiation 1RMS*RE20A,B

1RMS*RE16A,B E 1 1 1 to 10 8 R/hr 20 43 Radiation Exposure Rate (inside

buildings or areas

where access is

required to service

equipment important

to safety)

See USAR Table 12.3-1 for

a tabulation of area

radiation monitors E 3 3 See associated note 21 44 Noble Gases and Vent Flow Rate 1RMS*RE5A, *FE5A

1RMS*RE125, *FEX,Y125

1RMS-RE6A-FE6A E 2 2 10-7 to 10 5 Ci/cc 22, 24 9 45 Particulates and Halogens See associated note E 3 2 See associated note 11 1 9 46 Airborne Radiohalogens and

Particulates (portable sampling

with onsite

analysis capability)

Portable E 3 3 Calibration dependent

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 7 of 18 August 1988 Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 47 Plants and Environs Radioactivity (portable


Portable E 3 3 Calibration dependent 1 48 Plants and Environs Radioactivity (portable


Portable E 3 3 Isotopic analysis 1 49 Wind Direction 1MMS-ZY3A, B 1MMS-ZY4A, B E 3 3 0-360° 23 50 Wind Speed 1MMS-SY1A,B 1MMS-SY2A,B E 3 3 0-100 mph 23 51 Estimation of Atmospheric

Stability 1MMS-TT5, 6 E 3 3 -10 to +20°F 23 52 Primary Coolant and Sump None E 3 3 See associated note 5 1 53 Containment Air None E 3 3 See associated note 1, 5, 25 1

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 4 8 of 18 August 1991 NOTES: 4 1 1. Even though River Bend Station (RBS) does not use an inerted containment; RBS takes exception to the 0 to 30 volume percent range of the hydrogen monitoring system as described in Reg. Guide 1.97. Use of the 0 to 10 volume percent range has been technically justified as the most useful range based on all operator actions being initiated at hydrogen concentration

values below 9 volume percent. For a detailed analysis of the hydrogen

control system, see Section 6.2.5.

1 4 2. The maximum design suppression pool temperature is 185°F; therefore, the instrument range is from 0°F to 200°F.

3. Regulatory Guide 1.97 classifies as Type B those variables that provide information to indicate if plant safety functions are being accomplished.

Type B, Category 1, is intended for key variables that directly indicate the accomplishment of a safety function and its importance to safety. Backup variables are generally Category 3. Neutron flux is the key variable for

measuring reactivity control.

The degree to which this variable is important to safety is another

consideration. The large number of detectors (i.e., source-range monitors

and intermediate-range monitors) driven into the core soon after shutdown makes it highly probable that one or more of the existing NMS detectors will

be inserted. There is little probability that there would be, simultaneously, a need for this measurement (in terms of operator action to

be taken) and an accident environment in which the NMS would be rendered inoperable. Further, the operator can always actuate the SLCS upon loss of


Therefore, a rigorous Category 1 requirement is not justified when the purpose and use of the measurement are analyzed as they relate to the criterion of importance to safety. A Category 3 classification of this

variable fully meets the intent of Regulatory Guide 1.97.

4. Control rod position is indicated at latch position, full in, full out, withdrawn overtravel, inserted overtravel, and mid-position without a

specific number.

5. This capability is part of the post-accident sampling system (PASS). A description of the PASS is provided in Section This variable is

measured by

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 9 of 18 August 1988 laboratory instrumentation whose range is calibration dependent. 1 6. This plant measures reactor water level with a safety-related, wide-range detector that effectively covers the level from top of active fuel to high-level trip (L8). In addition, instrumentation meeting Regulatory

Guide 1.97, Category 1 requirements monitors the fuel zone levels.

7. The use of in-core thermocouples has been investigated, and an analysis of the heat transfer in a BWR fuel bundle during a core uncovery event was performed to determine the nature of the response of thermocouples to core

heatup. The thermocouples were assumed to be located in the in-core guide tubes and heated primarily by radiation from the fuel channels. Results of this analysis show that, for conditions typical of small break loss-of-coolant accidents, there is a delay of at least 10 minutes between

the start of core uncovery and the time when the thermocouple reads 45°F above saturation. It is also probable that operation of relief valves during a small-break LOCA would interfere with the thermocouples' operation and could render them useless. Therefore, this plant does not

use in-core thermocouples.

8. This station has a drywell equipment drain sump that collects identified leakage and two drywell floor drain sumps that collect unidentified

leakage, in the drywell.

1 Although the level of the drain sumps can be a direct indication of breach of the reactor coolant system pressure boundary, the indication is ambiguous, because there can be water in those sumps during normal

operation. There is other instrumentation that indicates leakage in the

drywell: a. Drywell pressure - Category 1.

b. Drywell temperature - Category 2.
c. Drywell gaseous/particulate radiation -

Category 1.

The drywell sump levels signal neither initiates automatic-protection control circuitry nor informs the

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 16 10 of 18 March 2003 operator to take safety-related actions. All sumps have level detectors that provide only the following non- safety indications:

a. Continuous level indication.
b. Rate-of-rise indication.
c. High-level alarm (starts first sump pump).
d. High-high-level alarm (starts second sump pump).

Regulatory Guide 1.97 states that instrumentation should function during and after an accident. The drywell sump systems are deliberately isolated

at the primary containment penetration upon receipt of an accident signal to establish containment integrity. This fact renders the drywell-sump-level signal irrelevant. Therefore, by design, drywell-level

instrumentation serves no useful accident-monitoring function.

The Emergency Procedures use the RPV level and the drywell pressure as entry conditions for the Level Control Guideline. A small line break

causes the drywell pressure to increase before a noticeable increase in the sump level. Therefore, the drywell sumps provide a lagging versus early indication of a leak. Therefore, River Bend Station provides

Category 2 drywell drain sump level instrumentation. 16 8 9. The primary containment isolation valves are listed in Table 6.2-40; these valves have open-closed indication with the exception of E22-AOVF005, E51-AOVF065, and E51-AOVF066. Relief valves used as containment isolation

valves are not active power-operated valves and, therefore, do not have remote position indication (reference USAR Section and NRC SER

dated June 30, 1986, letter RBC-34480, Section 3.3.20).

8 16 10. The usefulness of information obtained by monitoring the radioactive concentration or radiation level in circulating primary coolant, in terms of helping the operator in his efforts to prevent and mitigate accidents, has not been substantiated. The particular planned operating action to be

taken, based on monitoring this variable, is not specified in the Emergency Procedures. The critical actions that must be taken to prevent and mitigate a gross breach of fuel cladding are 1) shut down the reactor and 2) maintain water level. Monitoring radioactivity has no influence on

either of these actions.

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 9 11 of 18 November 1997 The purpose of this monitor falls in the category of "information that the barriers to release of radioactive material are being challenged" and "identification of degraded conditions and their magnitude, so the operator

can take actions that are available to mitigate the consequences."

Additional operator actions to mitigate the consequences of fuel barriers

being challenged, other than those based on Type A and B variables, have not

been identified.

Regulatory Guide 1.97 specifies measurement of the radioactivity of the

circulating primary coolant as the key variable in monitoring fuel cladding

status during isolation of the NSSS. The words "circulating primary

coolant" are interpreted to mean coolant, or a representative sample of such coolant, that flows past the core. A basic criterion for a valid

measurement of the specified variable is that the coolant being monitored is coolant that is in active contact with the fuel, i.e., flowing past the

failed fuel. Monitoring the active coolant (or a sample thereof) is the

dominant consideration. The post-accident sampling system (PASS) provides a

representative sample which can be monitored.

The subject of concern in Regulatory Guide 1.97 is assumed to be an isolated NSSS that is shut down. This assumption is justified as current monitors in the condenser off gas and main steam lines provide reliable and accurate information on the status of fuel cladding when the plant is not isolated.

Further, the post-accident sampling system (PASS), once activated, provides

an accurate status of coolant radioactivity and, hence, cladding status. In the interim between NSSS isolation and operation of the PASS, monitoring of the primary containment radiation and containment hydrogen provides information on the status of the fuel cladding. Therefore, no Type C, Category 1 instrumentation is provided to measure the subject variable. 9 11. Wide Range Gas Monitors (WRGM) are installed at the three RBS identified release points. These monitors are identified as RMS-RE5A, -RE6A, and -

RE125 for monitoring Fuel Building Vent Exhaust, Radwaste Building, and Main

Plant Exhaust Duct respectively. The WRGM contains two sampling flow paths:

a high-flow-rate path in the low radiation range and a low-flow-rate path in

the mid/high radiation range. The particulate and charcoal filter

assemblies associated with the mid/high range have lead shielding, and are designed to be used for sampling during post-accident conditions. The WRGM

meets the requirements of NUREG 0578, NUREG 0237, and applicable standards and regulatory guides, including Reg. Guide 1.97-Post Accident Monitoring

Instrumentation. During a post-accident condition the mid/high path is used for sampling. The samples are analyzed at the laboratory for detecting

particulates and halogens including iodine. The combined detection range via sampling is 10

-11 to 10 2 Ci/cc. 9 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 12 12 of 18 December 1999 9 9 12. Not applicable to River Bend Station; system does not exist.

13. Pneumatic

Instrument ID Display Range

1LSV*PT9A, B 0-150 psig 1LSV*PT26A, B 0-150 psig

Standby Power

Display Service Instrument ID Range 12 6 4 2 DG-1A Volts V-1EGSA07 0-5250 AC-V DG-1B Volts V-1EGSB07 0-5250 AC-V DG-HPCS Volts E22-R611 0-5.25 AC-KV DG-1A Current A-1EGSA07 0-800 AC-A DG-1B Current A-1EGSB07 0-800 AC-A DG-HPCS-Current E22-R607 0-600 AC-A 4 12 1 DG-1A Power W-1EGSA07 0-5.6 MW DG-1B Power W-1EGSB07 0-5.6 MW DG-HPCS Power E22-R609 0-4200 kW DG-1A Reactive VAR-1EGSA07 0-5.6 MVAR DG-1B Reactive VAR-1EGSB07 0-5.6 MVAR DG-HPCS-Reactive E22-R608 0-4200 kVAR 1 2 DG-1A Frequency F-1EGSA07 55-65 Hz DG-1B Frequency F-1EGSB07 55-65 Hz DG-HPCS-Frequency E22-R612 55-65 Hz 12 4 DG-1A Bus Voltage V-1EGSA08 0-5250 AC-V DG-1B Bus Voltage V-1EGSB08 0-5250 AC-V DG-HPCS-Bus Voltage E22-R610 0-5.25 AC-KV 4 6 12

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 17 13 of 18 Display Service Instrument ID Range 1 12 6 2 DG-1A Incoming A-1ENSA07 0-1200 AC-A DG-1B-Incoming A-1ENSB07 0-1200 AC-A DG-HPCS-Incoming E22-R619 0-0600 AC-A 2 12 DC Bus Volts 1ENB*SWG01A ENB-SWG01A-V 0-150 V dc 1ENB*SWG01B ENB-SWG01B-V 0-150 V dc 1E22*S001 E22-S001BAT-V 0-150 V dc 1E22*S001 E22-R618 0-150 V dc 6 DC Bus Current 1ENB*SWG01A ENB-BAT01A-A -1000 to +1000 A 1ENB*SWG01B ENB-BAT01B-A -1000 to +1000 A 1E22*S001 E22-S001BAT-A 0-50 A 1 Hydraulic None 14. RBS has an acoustic monitoring system which does not provide a high resolution measurement of actual flow through an SRV. The system does provide for high resolution in detecting an open or leaking SRV. The system provides an SRV open light for flow rates in excess of 150 lbm/hr of steam leaking past an SRV and a resolution of -10 percent FS during

full flow conditions. 1 15. The standby liquid control system (SLCS) is manually initiated.

Flow-measuring devices are not provided for this system; the pump-discharge header pressure, which is indicated in the control room, indicates SLCS pump operation. Besides the discharge header pressure observation, the operator can verify the proper functioning of the SLCS by

monitoring the following:

a. Decrease in the level of the sodium pentaborate storage tank 1 b. Reactivity change in the reactor as measured by neutron flux and concentration of boron.
c. Motor contactor indicating lights; the use of these indications is believed to be a valid alternative to SLCS

flow indication.

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 14 of 18 August 1988 d. Squib valve position indicating lights.

Therefore, no direct indication of SLCS flow is provided for River Bend Station.

16. RBS is equipped with an electrically driven high-pressure core spray (HPCS) system rather than a steam-driven turbine high-pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system. Therefore, RBS does not measure this variable.
17. The cooling water temperature and flow to ESF components is interpreted as main temperature and flow at the headers. The service water system, described in Chapter 9, performs as follows: When pressure is available, the normal service water system functions. This normal service water system temperature and flow is monitored by a Category 3 instrument. Should the

pressure decrease, the standby service water system automatically begins to

operate; the temperature and flow instrumentation for this system meets Regulatory Guide 1.97, Category 2 qualification. The maximum anticipated temperature of the standby service water system at the pump discharge is

95°F. Therefore, the temperature range provided is from 0°F to 125°F.

18. Details for the high radioactivity liquid tanks to be monitored are as follows: 1 Tank Type Instrument ID Display Range Floor drain 1LWS-LT13A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT13B 0-100%

1LWS-LT13C 0-100%

Equipment drain 1LWS-LT8A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT8B 0-100%

1LWS-LT8C 0-100%

1LWS-LT8D 0-100% Regenerative 1LWS-LT26A 0-100%

waste tanks 1LWS-LT26B 0-100% Recovery sample 1LWS-LT521A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT521B 0-100%

1LWS-LT521C 0-100%

1LWS-LT521D 0-100%

Backwash tank 1LWS-LT320 0-100%

1 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 15 of 18 August 1988 Tank Type Instrument ID Display Range 1 Phase separator 1LWS-LT24A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT24B 0-100%

1 19. The emergency ventilation dampers are interpreted to mean those dampers actuated under accident conditions, whose failure could result in a

radioactive discharge to the environment. Such dampers are listed as

follows: 1 Containment Building HVAC

Damper/Valve Damper/Valve


RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 2 16 of 18 August 1989 Control Building HVAC Damper/Valve Damper/Valve 1 2 1HVC*AOD3A 1HVC*AOD51B 1HVC*AOD3B 1HVC*AOD52A 1HVC*AOD6A 1HVC*AOD52B 1HVC*AOD6B 1HVC*AOD106 1HVC*AOD8A 1HVC*AOD107 1HVC*AOD8B 1HVC*AOD108 1HVC*AOD19A 1HVC*AOD148 1HVC*AOD19B 1HVC*AOD169 1HVC*AOD19C 1HVC*AOD170 1HVC*AOD19D 1HVC*MOD7A 1HVC*AOD19E 1HVC*MOD7B 1HVC*AOD19F 1HVC*MOV1A 1HVC*AOD43A 1HVC*MOV1B



Standby Gas Treatment System







RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 17 of 18 August 1988 Fuel Building HVAC Damper/Valve Damper/Valve 1 1HVF*AOD20A 1HVF*AOD101 1HVF*AOD20B 1HVF*AOD102 1HVF*AOD31A 1HVF*AOD104 1HVF*AOD31B 1HVF*AOD112 1HVF*AOD37A 1HVF*AOD122 1HVF*AOD37B 1HVF*AOD137 1

20. The radiation monitoring system is a digital radiation monitoring system (DRMS) that is computer based. There are individual indicating recorders

in the main control room for these monitors.

21. RBS utilizes its area radiation monitors for personnel protection. The range specified in Regulatory Guide 1.97 is intended for use as trending

information to determine when operations personnel might enter an area for

equipment repair or maintenance. RBS has chosen a lower range interval

based on radiation protection considerations. Further, the 10- R/hr upper dose rate value specified by the guide will not provide the operations or support staff at RBS with information of any value with regard to

radiation-induced equipment damage.

22. Vent flow is measured and used by the offsite dose projection algorithm.

The vent flow rates are displayed via pushbutton and LED readout. The

display ranges are as follows:

Sensor Flow Rate Range (SCFM)

Nominal (SCFM) 1 1RMS*FE5A 9,000 - 10,000 10,000 1RMS*FEX, Y125 98,800 - 123,000 105,800 1RMS-FE6A 80,400 80,400 1

23. Meteorological data are supplied from the meteorological stations to the DRMS dose assessment system. This information is available in the TSC and EOF.

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 18 of 18 August 1988 24. The RBS auxiliary building vent discharges through the common plant vent.

25. RBS utilizes a Mark III containment structure without an inerted atmosphere. Instrumentation to continuously measure the containment/drywell oxygen concentration is not furnished. RBS will rely upon its post-accident sampling system and onsite laboratory facilities to furnish control room operators and support staff with the subject

information in a timely fashion. 1 26. Total IRM range corresponds to a neutron flux range of 1x10 8 to 1.5x10 13 nV or to a range of 5x10

-4 to 10% RP. SRM range corresponds to a neutron flux range of 1x10 3 to 1x10 9 nV or to a range of 10

-7 to 10-3% RP. 1


Support Systems HPCS LPCS RHR RCIC III I & II EGS E22 EJS ENS GTS III I & II III I & II III I & II HVY LSV SFC SWP ADS HVF HVK 1 15 SWP A A A A -- -- A A K K -- -- A -- -- A A -- A A -- -- -- A EGA -- -- -- -- -- -- A A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EGF -- -- -- -- -- -- A A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVC -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- HVK -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVP -- -- -- -- E E A A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVR A A A A -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- HVY -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- --

15 1 Legend:

ADS - Automatic depressurization HPCS - High pressure core spray LSV - Penetration valve leakage E22 - HPCS diesel generator (Division III) HVC - Control building air-conditioning control (compressor)

EGA - Diesel generator air start HVF - Fuel building ventilation RCIC - Reactor core isolation cooling EGF - Diesel generator fuel oil transfer HVK - Control building chilled water RHR - Residual heat removal EGS - Standby diesel generator HVP - Diesel generator building ventilation SFC - Spent fuel cooling (Divisions I & II) HVR - Reactor building ventilation SWP - Service water (standby)

EJS - 480-V ac electrical distribution HVY - Yard structures ventilation ENS - 4160-V ac electrical distribution LPCS - Low pressure core spray

GTS - Standby gas treatment

Notes: 15 A - Yes, bypass/inoperability of auxiliary/support systems is automatically indicated.

E - Inoperability of HVAC systems does not automatically render the supported system inoperable. Potential inoperability of the ESF systems is automatically indicated to the operator.

K - Inoperability of the standby service water system does not automatically render the supported system inoperable. Potential

inoperability of the ESF systems is automatically indicated to the operator.

15 RBS USAR Revision 15 1 of 12 May 2002 TABLE 7.5-1 SAFETY-RELATED DISPLAY INSTRUMENTATION System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 1 Rod Control and Information Control rod position

Control rod scram

valves Lights Lights 00-48 NA MCR MCR 2 NA No No Neutron Monitoring Power range neutron flux Recorder 0-125% MCR 1 No Source range count

rate Meter 10-1 to 10 6 CPS MCR 1 No Nuclear Boiler Reactor vessel pressure Recorder 0-1,500 psig MCR 6 Yes Reactor vessel water

level Recorder/

Meter Bottom of active fuel to steam dryer MCR 4 Yes RCIC RCIC Flow Meter 0-800 gpm MCR 29 Yes 1 RCIC discharge pressure Meter 0-1,500 psig MCR NA Yes 1 2 15 Emergency Core

Cooling HPCS flow Meter 0-7,000 gpm MCR 31 Yes 2 1 HPCS discharge pressure Meter 0-1,500 psig MCR NA Yes 1 LPCS flow Meter 0-8,000 gpm MCR 31 Yes 15 RHR flow (LPCI and

shutdown cooling)

Meter 0-8,000 gpm (RHR Hx) 0-7,000 gpm (LPCI) MCR 32 Yes 1 RHR service water

flow Meter 0-8,000 gpm MCR NA Yes ECCS Pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 8 ECCS Valves (Note 1) Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 8 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 2 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power MS-PLCS MS-PLCS steam line pressure Meter 0-100 psig MCR NA Yes 7 1 Containment


Monitoring Drywell pressure Recorder -15 to 45 psig MCR 7 Yes Containment pressure Recorder

-5 to 60 psig MCR 9 Yes 7 Drywell atmosphere temperature Recorder 40-440 o F MCR 23 Yes 1 Containment atmosphere temperature Recorder 0-200 o F MCR NA Yes 7 4 1 Suppression pool level Indicator &

Recorder 5 to 24 ft above

suppression pool level MCR 14 Yes 4 7 Suppression pool temperature Recorder 0-200 o F MCR 22 Yes Containment area gamma

radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 1-10 8 R/hr MCR 13 Yes Drywell area gamma

radiation Recorder, CRT, LED Display 1-10 8 R/hr MCR 13 Yes 1 6 6 15 Containment atmosphere particulate radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-11 to 10-5 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes Containment atmosphere gaseous radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-7 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes Drywell atmosphere particulate radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-11 to 10-5 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 3 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 15 Drywell atmosphere gaseous radiation Recorder, CRT, & LED Display 10-7 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 Drywell/containment differential pressure Recorder (-)2.0 to 0 to

(+) 3.4 psid MCR NA Yes Hydrogen sampling valves Position Lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Hydrogen analyzers containment isolation

valves Position Lights NA MCR 10 Yes Containment and drywell atmosphere

sample isolation

valves Position Lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Standby Service

Water Standby service water

flow Recorder 0-18,000 gpm MCR 38 Yes 1 Standby service water

header pressure Recorder 0-150 psig MCR NA Yes 15 Standby service water

cooling tower basin

level Recorder 69-124 ft MCR NA Yes 15 1 Standby service water

temperature Indicator 0-125 o F MCR 37 Yes 1

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 4 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 15 RHR heat exch service water effluent

radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10-7 to 10-2 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 Standby service water

pump current Meter 0-300A MCR NA Yes SSW pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes SSW cooling tower fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes SSW valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 4 12 1 Standby Power Diesel generator voltage Meter 0-5250 AC-V MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 4 Diesel generator current Meter 0-800 AC-A MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 2 Diesel generator power Meter 0-5.6 MW MCR & DGCR 41 Yes Diesel generator reactive power Meter 0-5.6 MVAR MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 2 12 Diesel generator frequency Meter 55-65 Hz MCR & DGCR 41 Yes 1 Diesel generator field

voltage Meter 0-150 V DGCR NA Yes Diesel generator field

current Meter 0-400 A DGCR NA Yes Diesel generator trip/

ready to load Lights NA MCR & DGCR NA Yes RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont) Revision 15 5 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 12 2 1 4.16 kV bus voltage Meter 0-5,250 AC-V MCR 41 Yes 2 4.16 kV bus incoming breaker current Meter 0-1,200 AC-A MCR 41 Yes 1 12 4.16 kV circuit

breaker Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 480 V load center

feeder and supply

breakers Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 125 V dc bus voltage Meter 0-150 V MCR 41 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Standby Power

Support Diesel fuel oil day

tank level Indicator 0-100% level MCR & DGCR NA Yes 15 Diesel fuel oil

storage tank level Indicator 0-100% level DGCR NA No Diesel fuel oil

pressure Indicator 0-60 psig DGCR NA NA Diesel lube oil

pressure Indicator 0-100 psig DGCR NA NA Diesel fuel oil filter

differential pressure Indicator 0-30 psid DGCR NA NA Diesel fuel oil pumps Status lights NA DGCR NA Note 3 15 Diesel turbo oil

pressure Indicator 0-60 psig DGCR NA NA

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont) Revision 15 6 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Diesel lube oil filter differential pressure Indicator 0-60 psid DGCR NA NA 9 9 15 Diesel lube oil pumps Status lights NA DGCR NA No Diesel lube oil heater Status lights NA DGCR NA No Diesel air start

compressors Status lights NA DGCR NA Note 2 15 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 4 1 Combustible Gas

Control Drywell & containment

hydrogen Indicator and

Recorder 0-10% hydrogen MCR 15 Yes 1 4 Hydrogen recombiner temperature Indicator 0-2,000 o F MCR NA Yes Hydrogen recombiner power Meter 0-100 kW MCR NA Yes Hydrogen recombiner Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Hydrogen mixing valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Hydrogen mixing fan Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Hydrogen purge valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 7 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 15 Standby Gas Treatment Charcoal filter bed

inlet temperature Indicator 0-150 o F MCR NA No 15 SGTS fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 SGTS dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes 1 SGTS filter train

heater Status lights NA MCR NA Yes SGTS valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Reactor Plant

Ventilation Containment unit

cooler fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Annulus mixing fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Annulus mixing dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes Annulus pressure control system

isolation dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes 15 Main plant exhaust

duct gaseous radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-7 to 10-5 uCi/cc MCR 17 Yes Reactor building annulus ventilation

gaseous radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-6 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 1 15 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 8 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Containment / drywell purge system dampers Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 12 1 Containment / drywell

purge system isolation

valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 12 Containment purge isolation area

radiation Recorder, CRT,

& LED Display 10 to 10 7 mR/hr MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 15 Control Building

Air Conditioning

and Chilled Water Control building local

outside air intake

radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-6 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes Control building remote outside air

intake radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-6 to 10-1 uCi/cc Note 4 MCR NA Yes 15 Control building air

handling units Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building dampers Position lights NA MCR 40 Yes 1 Control room air

handling unit heater Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 9 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Control building pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Control building compressor Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Chilled water compression tank level Indicator 0-100% MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Diesel Generator Building Ventilation Emergency ventilation

system exhaust fans Status lights NA Local NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Standby Service

Water Pumphouse

Ventilation Fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Auxiliary Building

Ventilation Unit coolers Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Auxiliary building vent system dampers Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 15 Fuel Building

Ventilation Fuel building

ventilation exhaust

gaseous radiation Recorder, LED

display & CRT 10-7 to 10 5 uCi/cc MCR 18 Yes 15 1 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 10 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power Charcoal filter bed inlet temperature Indicator 0-150 o F MCR NA Yes Filter train heater

and fans Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Fuel building dampers Status lights NA MCR 40 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 3 7 Fuel Pool Cooling Fuel pool level Indicator 25'8 5/8" to 27'9 5/8" (feet above top of fuel) MCR NA Yes 7 15 Fuel pool temperature Indicator 100-200 o F MCR NA Yes 15 7 Reactor building fuel

storage pool level Indicator 22'8" to 24'9" (feet above top of fuel) MCR NA Yes 7 3 Fuel pool cooling

pumps Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Fuel pool cooling

system isolation

valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Penetration Valve

Leakage Control Air compressor Status lights NA MCR NA Yes Containment penetration valve

leakage control system

valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont) 11 of 12 August 1988 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 1 Instrument Air Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Air accumulator solenoid valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Service Air Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Feedwater Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Building

Floor Drains Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Building

Equipment Drains Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Main Steam Safety

and Relief Valves Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-1 (Cont)

Revision 15 12 of 12 May 2002 System Parameter Readout Type of Range Readout Location RG 1.97 Item No.

Class 1E Power 1 Condensate Makeup Condensate makeup system valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes Containment Cooling Containment unit cooler valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Water

Cleanup Backwash Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Turbine Plant Misc

Drains MSIV body drains

leakage control valve Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes Fire Protection Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Inoperability indication Status lights NA MCR NA Yes 1 Reactor Plant

Component Cooling

Water RPCCW isolation valves Position lights NA MCR 10 Yes 1 Recirculation

Hydraulic Power

Unit Isolation valves Position lights NA MCR NA Yes 8 Notes:

1. E22-AOVF005, E51-AOVF065, and E51-AOVF066 do not have nor require position lights. 8 15 2. Status Lights for Div. I & II diesel air start compressors are supplied by class 1E power, those for the Div. III diesel are not. 3. Fuel oil transfer pump status lights are supplied by class 1E power. Div. III DC fuel oil booster pump status lights are supplied by class 1E power, by Div. I & II are not.
4. Recorder range is 10 1 to 10 7 counts per minute.

15 RBS USAR Revision 12 1 of 18 December 1999 TABLE 7.5-2 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.97, REVISION 3, INSTRUMENTATION PROVISIONS Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 12 1 1 Neutron Flux 1C51*JEN011 thru 14 (LPRM)

1C51*JEN002A thru H (IRM)

1C51*JEN001A,B,C,D (SRM)

B 1 3 0 to 125% RP (LPRM/APRM) 0 to 40 divisions (IRM)

0 to 125 divisions 10-1 to 10 6 cps (SRM) 3,26 12 2 Control Rod Position 1B13-ZSD124 B 3 3 00-48 (00 = rod full-in) 4 3 RCS Soluble Boron Concentration (Grab

Sample) None B 3 3 See associated note 5 4 Coolant Level in

Reactor Vessel 1B21*LTN091A,B

1B21*LTN044C,D,E A, B 1 1 +60" to -160" (wide range

-110" to -310" (fuel zone range) 6 5 BWR Core Temperature None B, C NA NA None 7 6 RCS Pressure 1B21*PTN062A,B A, B, C 1 1 0-1500 psig 7 7 Drywell Pressure 1CMS*PT2A,B A, B, C, D 1, 2 1 -15 to 45 psig 7 8 Drywell Sump Level

and Drywell Drain

Sump Level 1DER-LT105,128

1DER-LT118 B, C 1 2 0-350 gal 0-475 gal 8 1 7 9. Primary Containment Pressure 1CMS*PT4A,B A, B, C 1 1 -5 to 60 psig 7 10 Primary Containment Isolation Valve

Position (excluding

Check Valves)

See associated note B 1 1 Open-closed 9

RBS USAR Revision 7 2 of 18 January 1995 TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 11 Radioactivity Concentration or

Radiation Level in

Circulating Primary

Coolant None C 1 NA NA 10 12 Analysis of Primary Coolant (Gamma


None C 3 3 See associated note 5 13 Primary Containment Area Radiation (and

High Range) 1RMS*RE20A,B

1RMS*RE16A,B C, E 1, 3 1 1-10 8 R/hr 20 7 4 3 14 Suppression Pool Water Level 1CMS*LT23A,B (wide)

1E22*LTN055C,G (narrow)

1E51*LTN036A,E (narrow) C, D 1, 2 1 5 to 24 ft above suppression pool bottom

+18'6" to 21'0" above

suppression pool bottom

-10 to +10 in H 2 O 7 1 15 Containment and Drywell Hydrogen

Concentration 1CMS*AT25A,B A, C 1 1 0-10% 1 3 4 16 1 Containment and Drywell Oxygen

Concentration (for

inerted containment

plants) None C 1 NA See associated note 25 RBS USAR Revision 4 3 of 18 August 1991 TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory

Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 1 17 Containment Effluent Radioactivity -

Noble Gases (from

identified release

points including

standby gas

treatment system

vent) 1RMS*RE125 C 3 2 10-7 to 10 5 Ci/cc 20 4 18 4 Effluent Radioactivity -

Noble Gases (from

buildings or areas

where penetrations

and hatches are

located, e.g.,


containment and

auxiliary buildings

and fuel handling

buildings that are

in direct contact

with primary

containment) 1RMS*RE5A C 2 2 10-7 to 10 5 Ci/cc 20 19 Main Feedwater Flow 1C33-FTN002A,B D 3 3 0-8 Mlb/hr 1 20 Condensate Storage Tank Level 1CNS-LT110 D 3 3 0-40 ft 21 Suppression Chamber Spray Flow None D 2 NA See associated note 12 RBS USAR Revision 2 4 of 18 August 1989 TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory

Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 22 Suppression Pool Water Temperature 1CMS*RTD40A,B,C,D A, D 1, 2 1 0-200°F 2 23 Drywell Atmosphere Temperature 1CMS*RTD41A,B,C,D D 2 2 40-440°F 24 Drywell Spray Flow None D 2 NA See associated note 12 1 25 Main Steam Line Isolation Valve

Leakage Control

System Pressure 1E33*PTN005

1E33*PTN025 D 2 2 0-70 psig 1 26 Primary System Safety Relief Valve

Positions including

ADS or Flow Through

or Pressure in

Valve Lines 1SVV*ZE10A (typical of 16)

D 2 2 0-100% full open 14 27 Isolation Condenser System Shell-Side

Water Level None D 2 NA See associated note 12 28 Isolation Condenser System Valve

Position None D 2 NA See associated note 12 29 RCIC Flow 1E51*FTN003 D 2 2 0-800 gpm 30 HPCI Flow None D 2 NA See associated note 16 2 31 Core Spray System Flow 1E22*FTN005 (HPCS)

1E21*FTN003 (LPCS)

D D 2 2 2 2 0-7000 gpm

0-8000 gpm 2

RBS USAR 5 of 18 August 1988 TABLE 7.5-2 Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 32 LPCI System Flow 1E12*FTN015A,B,C D 2 2 0-7000 gpm 33 SLCS Flow 1C41*PTN004 D 2 2 0-1800 psig 15 34 SLCS Storage Tank Level 1C41-LTN001 D 2 2 0-5000 gal 35 RHR System Flow 1E12*FTN015A,B,C 1E12*FTN007A,B (RHR Hx Flow) D 2 2 0-7000 gpm 0-8000 gpm (RHR Hx Flow) 36 RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature 1RHS*RTD47A,B D 2 2 0-400°F 37 Cooling Water Temperature to ESF

System Components 1SWP*RTD31A,B D 2 2 0-125°F 17 1 38 Cooling Water Flow to ESF System

Components 1SWP*FT59A,B D 2 2 0-18,000 gpm 17 1 39 High Radioactivity Liquid Tank Level See associated note D 3 3 See associated note 18 40 Emergency Ventilation Damper

Position Position switch '33-'of

all dampers listed in Note

19 D 2 2 Open-closed 19

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 15 6 of 18 May 2002 Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory

Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 1 41 Status of Standby Power and Other

Energy Sources

Important to Safety (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic),


currents, pressures)

See associated note D 2 2 See associated note 13 4 15 42 15 4 Reactor Building or Secondary

Containment Area

Radiation 1RMS*RE20A,B

1RMS*RE16A,B E 1 1 1 to 10 8 R/hr 20 43 Radiation Exposure Rate (inside

buildings or areas

where access is

required to service

equipment important

to safety)

See USAR Table 12.3-1 for

a tabulation of area

radiation monitors E 3 3 See associated note 21 44 Noble Gases and Vent Flow Rate 1RMS*RE5A, *FE5A

1RMS*RE125, *FEX,Y125

1RMS-RE6A-FE6A E 2 2 10-7 to 10 5 Ci/cc 22, 24 9 45 Particulates and Halogens See associated note E 3 2 See associated note 11 1 9 46 Airborne Radiohalogens and

Particulates (portable sampling

with onsite

analysis capability)

Portable E 3 3 Calibration dependent

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 7 of 18 August 1988 Item Parameter Instrument ID Variable Type Regulatory Guide 1.97 Category Plant Category Range Notes 47 Plants and Environs Radioactivity (portable


Portable E 3 3 Calibration dependent 1 48 Plants and Environs Radioactivity (portable


Portable E 3 3 Isotopic analysis 1 49 Wind Direction 1MMS-ZY3A, B 1MMS-ZY4A, B E 3 3 0-360° 23 50 Wind Speed 1MMS-SY1A,B 1MMS-SY2A,B E 3 3 0-100 mph 23 51 Estimation of Atmospheric

Stability 1MMS-TT5, 6 E 3 3 -10 to +20°F 23 52 Primary Coolant and Sump None E 3 3 See associated note 5 1 53 Containment Air None E 3 3 See associated note 1, 5, 25 1

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 4 8 of 18 August 1991 NOTES: 4 1 1. Even though River Bend Station (RBS) does not use an inerted containment; RBS takes exception to the 0 to 30 volume percent range of the hydrogen monitoring system as described in Reg. Guide 1.97. Use of the 0 to 10 volume percent range has been technically justified as the most useful range based on all operator actions being initiated at hydrogen concentration

values below 9 volume percent. For a detailed analysis of the hydrogen

control system, see Section 6.2.5.

1 4 2. The maximum design suppression pool temperature is 185°F; therefore, the instrument range is from 0°F to 200°F.

3. Regulatory Guide 1.97 classifies as Type B those variables that provide information to indicate if plant safety functions are being accomplished.

Type B, Category 1, is intended for key variables that directly indicate the accomplishment of a safety function and its importance to safety. Backup variables are generally Category 3. Neutron flux is the key variable for

measuring reactivity control.

The degree to which this variable is important to safety is another

consideration. The large number of detectors (i.e., source-range monitors

and intermediate-range monitors) driven into the core soon after shutdown makes it highly probable that one or more of the existing NMS detectors will

be inserted. There is little probability that there would be, simultaneously, a need for this measurement (in terms of operator action to

be taken) and an accident environment in which the NMS would be rendered inoperable. Further, the operator can always actuate the SLCS upon loss of


Therefore, a rigorous Category 1 requirement is not justified when the purpose and use of the measurement are analyzed as they relate to the criterion of importance to safety. A Category 3 classification of this

variable fully meets the intent of Regulatory Guide 1.97.

4. Control rod position is indicated at latch position, full in, full out, withdrawn overtravel, inserted overtravel, and mid-position without a

specific number.

5. This capability is part of the post-accident sampling system (PASS). A description of the PASS is provided in Section This variable is

measured by

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 9 of 18 August 1988 laboratory instrumentation whose range is calibration dependent. 1 6. This plant measures reactor water level with a safety-related, wide-range detector that effectively covers the level from top of active fuel to high-level trip (L8). In addition, instrumentation meeting Regulatory

Guide 1.97, Category 1 requirements monitors the fuel zone levels.

7. The use of in-core thermocouples has been investigated, and an analysis of the heat transfer in a BWR fuel bundle during a core uncovery event was performed to determine the nature of the response of thermocouples to core

heatup. The thermocouples were assumed to be located in the in-core guide tubes and heated primarily by radiation from the fuel channels. Results of this analysis show that, for conditions typical of small break loss-of-coolant accidents, there is a delay of at least 10 minutes between

the start of core uncovery and the time when the thermocouple reads 45°F above saturation. It is also probable that operation of relief valves during a small-break LOCA would interfere with the thermocouples' operation and could render them useless. Therefore, this plant does not

use in-core thermocouples.

8. This station has a drywell equipment drain sump that collects identified leakage and two drywell floor drain sumps that collect unidentified

leakage, in the drywell.

1 Although the level of the drain sumps can be a direct indication of breach of the reactor coolant system pressure boundary, the indication is ambiguous, because there can be water in those sumps during normal

operation. There is other instrumentation that indicates leakage in the

drywell: a. Drywell pressure - Category 1.

b. Drywell temperature - Category 2.
c. Drywell gaseous/particulate radiation -

Category 1.

The drywell sump levels signal neither initiates automatic-protection control circuitry nor informs the

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 16 10 of 18 March 2003 operator to take safety-related actions. All sumps have level detectors that provide only the following non- safety indications:

a. Continuous level indication.
b. Rate-of-rise indication.
c. High-level alarm (starts first sump pump).
d. High-high-level alarm (starts second sump pump).

Regulatory Guide 1.97 states that instrumentation should function during and after an accident. The drywell sump systems are deliberately isolated

at the primary containment penetration upon receipt of an accident signal to establish containment integrity. This fact renders the drywell-sump-level signal irrelevant. Therefore, by design, drywell-level

instrumentation serves no useful accident-monitoring function.

The Emergency Procedures use the RPV level and the drywell pressure as entry conditions for the Level Control Guideline. A small line break

causes the drywell pressure to increase before a noticeable increase in the sump level. Therefore, the drywell sumps provide a lagging versus early indication of a leak. Therefore, River Bend Station provides

Category 2 drywell drain sump level instrumentation. 16 8 9. The primary containment isolation valves are listed in Table 6.2-40; these valves have open-closed indication with the exception of E22-AOVF005, E51-AOVF065, and E51-AOVF066. Relief valves used as containment isolation

valves are not active power-operated valves and, therefore, do not have remote position indication (reference USAR Section and NRC SER

dated June 30, 1986, letter RBC-34480, Section 3.3.20).

8 16 10. The usefulness of information obtained by monitoring the radioactive concentration or radiation level in circulating primary coolant, in terms of helping the operator in his efforts to prevent and mitigate accidents, has not been substantiated. The particular planned operating action to be

taken, based on monitoring this variable, is not specified in the Emergency Procedures. The critical actions that must be taken to prevent and mitigate a gross breach of fuel cladding are 1) shut down the reactor and 2) maintain water level. Monitoring radioactivity has no influence on

either of these actions.

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 9 11 of 18 November 1997 The purpose of this monitor falls in the category of "information that the barriers to release of radioactive material are being challenged" and "identification of degraded conditions and their magnitude, so the operator

can take actions that are available to mitigate the consequences."

Additional operator actions to mitigate the consequences of fuel barriers

being challenged, other than those based on Type A and B variables, have not

been identified.

Regulatory Guide 1.97 specifies measurement of the radioactivity of the

circulating primary coolant as the key variable in monitoring fuel cladding

status during isolation of the NSSS. The words "circulating primary

coolant" are interpreted to mean coolant, or a representative sample of such coolant, that flows past the core. A basic criterion for a valid

measurement of the specified variable is that the coolant being monitored is coolant that is in active contact with the fuel, i.e., flowing past the

failed fuel. Monitoring the active coolant (or a sample thereof) is the

dominant consideration. The post-accident sampling system (PASS) provides a

representative sample which can be monitored.

The subject of concern in Regulatory Guide 1.97 is assumed to be an isolated NSSS that is shut down. This assumption is justified as current monitors in the condenser off gas and main steam lines provide reliable and accurate information on the status of fuel cladding when the plant is not isolated.

Further, the post-accident sampling system (PASS), once activated, provides

an accurate status of coolant radioactivity and, hence, cladding status. In the interim between NSSS isolation and operation of the PASS, monitoring of the primary containment radiation and containment hydrogen provides information on the status of the fuel cladding. Therefore, no Type C, Category 1 instrumentation is provided to measure the subject variable. 9 11. Wide Range Gas Monitors (WRGM) are installed at the three RBS identified release points. These monitors are identified as RMS-RE5A, -RE6A, and -

RE125 for monitoring Fuel Building Vent Exhaust, Radwaste Building, and Main

Plant Exhaust Duct respectively. The WRGM contains two sampling flow paths:

a high-flow-rate path in the low radiation range and a low-flow-rate path in

the mid/high radiation range. The particulate and charcoal filter

assemblies associated with the mid/high range have lead shielding, and are designed to be used for sampling during post-accident conditions. The WRGM

meets the requirements of NUREG 0578, NUREG 0237, and applicable standards and regulatory guides, including Reg. Guide 1.97-Post Accident Monitoring

Instrumentation. During a post-accident condition the mid/high path is used for sampling. The samples are analyzed at the laboratory for detecting

particulates and halogens including iodine. The combined detection range via sampling is 10

-11 to 10 2 Ci/cc. 9 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 12 12 of 18 December 1999 9 9 12. Not applicable to River Bend Station; system does not exist.

13. Pneumatic

Instrument ID Display Range

1LSV*PT9A, B 0-150 psig 1LSV*PT26A, B 0-150 psig

Standby Power

Display Service Instrument ID Range 12 6 4 2 DG-1A Volts V-1EGSA07 0-5250 AC-V DG-1B Volts V-1EGSB07 0-5250 AC-V DG-HPCS Volts E22-R611 0-5.25 AC-KV DG-1A Current A-1EGSA07 0-800 AC-A DG-1B Current A-1EGSB07 0-800 AC-A DG-HPCS-Current E22-R607 0-600 AC-A 4 12 1 DG-1A Power W-1EGSA07 0-5.6 MW DG-1B Power W-1EGSB07 0-5.6 MW DG-HPCS Power E22-R609 0-4200 kW DG-1A Reactive VAR-1EGSA07 0-5.6 MVAR DG-1B Reactive VAR-1EGSB07 0-5.6 MVAR DG-HPCS-Reactive E22-R608 0-4200 kVAR 1 2 DG-1A Frequency F-1EGSA07 55-65 Hz DG-1B Frequency F-1EGSB07 55-65 Hz DG-HPCS-Frequency E22-R612 55-65 Hz 12 4 DG-1A Bus Voltage V-1EGSA08 0-5250 AC-V DG-1B Bus Voltage V-1EGSB08 0-5250 AC-V DG-HPCS-Bus Voltage E22-R610 0-5.25 AC-KV 4 6 12

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 17 13 of 18 Display Service Instrument ID Range 1 12 6 2 DG-1A Incoming A-1ENSA07 0-1200 AC-A DG-1B-Incoming A-1ENSB07 0-1200 AC-A DG-HPCS-Incoming E22-R619 0-0600 AC-A 2 12 DC Bus Volts 1ENB*SWG01A ENB-SWG01A-V 0-150 V dc 1ENB*SWG01B ENB-SWG01B-V 0-150 V dc 1E22*S001 E22-S001BAT-V 0-150 V dc 1E22*S001 E22-R618 0-150 V dc 6 DC Bus Current 1ENB*SWG01A ENB-BAT01A-A -1000 to +1000 A 1ENB*SWG01B ENB-BAT01B-A -1000 to +1000 A 1E22*S001 E22-S001BAT-A 0-50 A 1 Hydraulic None 14. RBS has an acoustic monitoring system which does not provide a high resolution measurement of actual flow through an SRV. The system does provide for high resolution in detecting an open or leaking SRV. The system provides an SRV open light for flow rates in excess of 150 lbm/hr of steam leaking past an SRV and a resolution of -10 percent FS during

full flow conditions. 1 15. The standby liquid control system (SLCS) is manually initiated.

Flow-measuring devices are not provided for this system; the pump-discharge header pressure, which is indicated in the control room, indicates SLCS pump operation. Besides the discharge header pressure observation, the operator can verify the proper functioning of the SLCS by

monitoring the following:

a. Decrease in the level of the sodium pentaborate storage tank 1 b. Reactivity change in the reactor as measured by neutron flux and concentration of boron.
c. Motor contactor indicating lights; the use of these indications is believed to be a valid alternative to SLCS

flow indication.

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 14 of 18 August 1988 d. Squib valve position indicating lights.

Therefore, no direct indication of SLCS flow is provided for River Bend Station.

16. RBS is equipped with an electrically driven high-pressure core spray (HPCS) system rather than a steam-driven turbine high-pressure coolant injection (HPCI) system. Therefore, RBS does not measure this variable.
17. The cooling water temperature and flow to ESF components is interpreted as main temperature and flow at the headers. The service water system, described in Chapter 9, performs as follows: When pressure is available, the normal service water system functions. This normal service water system temperature and flow is monitored by a Category 3 instrument. Should the

pressure decrease, the standby service water system automatically begins to

operate; the temperature and flow instrumentation for this system meets Regulatory Guide 1.97, Category 2 qualification. The maximum anticipated temperature of the standby service water system at the pump discharge is

95°F. Therefore, the temperature range provided is from 0°F to 125°F.

18. Details for the high radioactivity liquid tanks to be monitored are as follows: 1 Tank Type Instrument ID Display Range Floor drain 1LWS-LT13A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT13B 0-100%

1LWS-LT13C 0-100%

Equipment drain 1LWS-LT8A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT8B 0-100%

1LWS-LT8C 0-100%

1LWS-LT8D 0-100% Regenerative 1LWS-LT26A 0-100%

waste tanks 1LWS-LT26B 0-100% Recovery sample 1LWS-LT521A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT521B 0-100%

1LWS-LT521C 0-100%

1LWS-LT521D 0-100%

Backwash tank 1LWS-LT320 0-100%

1 RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 15 of 18 August 1988 Tank Type Instrument ID Display Range 1 Phase separator 1LWS-LT24A 0-100%

tanks 1LWS-LT24B 0-100%

1 19. The emergency ventilation dampers are interpreted to mean those dampers actuated under accident conditions, whose failure could result in a

radioactive discharge to the environment. Such dampers are listed as

follows: 1 Containment Building HVAC

Damper/Valve Damper/Valve


RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont)

Revision 2 16 of 18 August 1989 Control Building HVAC Damper/Valve Damper/Valve 1 2 1HVC*AOD3A 1HVC*AOD51B 1HVC*AOD3B 1HVC*AOD52A 1HVC*AOD6A 1HVC*AOD52B 1HVC*AOD6B 1HVC*AOD106 1HVC*AOD8A 1HVC*AOD107 1HVC*AOD8B 1HVC*AOD108 1HVC*AOD19A 1HVC*AOD148 1HVC*AOD19B 1HVC*AOD169 1HVC*AOD19C 1HVC*AOD170 1HVC*AOD19D 1HVC*MOD7A 1HVC*AOD19E 1HVC*MOD7B 1HVC*AOD19F 1HVC*MOV1A 1HVC*AOD43A 1HVC*MOV1B



Standby Gas Treatment System







RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 17 of 18 August 1988 Fuel Building HVAC Damper/Valve Damper/Valve 1 1HVF*AOD20A 1HVF*AOD101 1HVF*AOD20B 1HVF*AOD102 1HVF*AOD31A 1HVF*AOD104 1HVF*AOD31B 1HVF*AOD112 1HVF*AOD37A 1HVF*AOD122 1HVF*AOD37B 1HVF*AOD137 1

20. The radiation monitoring system is a digital radiation monitoring system (DRMS) that is computer based. There are individual indicating recorders

in the main control room for these monitors.

21. RBS utilizes its area radiation monitors for personnel protection. The range specified in Regulatory Guide 1.97 is intended for use as trending

information to determine when operations personnel might enter an area for

equipment repair or maintenance. RBS has chosen a lower range interval

based on radiation protection considerations. Further, the 10- R/hr upper dose rate value specified by the guide will not provide the operations or support staff at RBS with information of any value with regard to

radiation-induced equipment damage.

22. Vent flow is measured and used by the offsite dose projection algorithm.

The vent flow rates are displayed via pushbutton and LED readout. The

display ranges are as follows:

Sensor Flow Rate Range (SCFM)

Nominal (SCFM) 1 1RMS*FE5A 9,000 - 10,000 10,000 1RMS*FEX, Y125 98,800 - 123,000 105,800 1RMS-FE6A 80,400 80,400 1

23. Meteorological data are supplied from the meteorological stations to the DRMS dose assessment system. This information is available in the TSC and EOF.

RBS USAR TABLE 7.5-2 (Cont) 18 of 18 August 1988 24. The RBS auxiliary building vent discharges through the common plant vent.

25. RBS utilizes a Mark III containment structure without an inerted atmosphere. Instrumentation to continuously measure the containment/drywell oxygen concentration is not furnished. RBS will rely upon its post-accident sampling system and onsite laboratory facilities to furnish control room operators and support staff with the subject

information in a timely fashion. 1 26. Total IRM range corresponds to a neutron flux range of 1x10 8 to 1.5x10 13 nV or to a range of 5x10

-4 to 10% RP. SRM range corresponds to a neutron flux range of 1x10 3 to 1x10 9 nV or to a range of 10

-7 to 10-3% RP. 1


Support Systems HPCS LPCS RHR RCIC III I & II EGS E22 EJS ENS GTS III I & II III I & II III I & II HVY LSV SFC SWP ADS HVF HVK 1 15 SWP A A A A -- -- A A K K -- -- A -- -- A A -- A A -- -- -- A EGA -- -- -- -- -- -- A A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EGF -- -- -- -- -- -- A A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVC -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- HVK -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVP -- -- -- -- E E A A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HVR A A A A -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- HVY -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- --

15 1 Legend:

ADS - Automatic depressurization HPCS - High pressure core spray LSV - Penetration valve leakage E22 - HPCS diesel generator (Division III) HVC - Control building air-conditioning control (compressor)

EGA - Diesel generator air start HVF - Fuel building ventilation RCIC - Reactor core isolation cooling EGF - Diesel generator fuel oil transfer HVK - Control building chilled water RHR - Residual heat removal EGS - Standby diesel generator HVP - Diesel generator building ventilation SFC - Spent fuel cooling (Divisions I & II) HVR - Reactor building ventilation SWP - Service water (standby)

EJS - 480-V ac electrical distribution HVY - Yard structures ventilation ENS - 4160-V ac electrical distribution LPCS - Low pressure core spray

GTS - Standby gas treatment

Notes: 15 A - Yes, bypass/inoperability of auxiliary/support systems is automatically indicated.

E - Inoperability of HVAC systems does not automatically render the supported system inoperable. Potential inoperability of the ESF systems is automatically indicated to the operator.

K - Inoperability of the standby service water system does not automatically render the supported system inoperable. Potential

inoperability of the ESF systems is automatically indicated to the operator.

15 RBSUSAR1of1August1987TABLE7.6-1SUPPRESSIONPOOLTEMPERATUREMONITORSMarkNumberAzimuth ElevationDivision1 1CMS*RTD40A32°0'86'-0" 1CMS*RTD40C325°36'86'-0" 1CMS*RTD24A180°0'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24C107°30'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24E29°0'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24G322°50'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24J255°30'89'-3"Division2 1CMS*RTD40B218°0'86'-0" 1CMS*RTD40D144°30'86'-0" 1CMS*RTD24B147°30'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24D74°0'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24F358°30'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24H291°0'89'-3" 1CMS*RTD24K215°0'89'-3" NOTE:S uppressionP oolNormalLowWaterLevelEl89'-6"El70'-0" Suppressio nPoolFloor Post-LOCAECCSDrawdownLe velEl86'-13/8" RBS USAR TABLE 7.7-1 REFUELING INTERLOCK EFFECTIVENESS 16 _________________________________________

  • Legend: TMH - Trolley-Mounted Hoist FMH - Frame-Mounted Hoist FG - Fuel Grapple

UL - Unloaded L - Fuel Loaded

Revision 16 1 of 2 March 2003 Situation Refueling Platform Position Hoists FG* Control Rods Mode Switch Attempt Result 1 Not near core UL* All rods in Refuel Move refueling platform over core No restrictions 2 Not near core UL All rods in Refuel Withdraw rods Cannot withdraw more than one rod 3 Not near core UL One rod withdrawn Refuel Move refueling platform over core No restrictions 4 Not near core L One or more rods withdrawn Refuel Move refueling platform over core Platform stopped

before over core 5 Not near core UL More than one rod withdrawn Refuel Move refueling platform over core Platform stopped

before over core 6 Over core UL All rods in Refuel Withdraw rods Cannot withdraw more than one

rod 7 Over core L All rods in Refuel Withdraw rods Rod block 16 RBS USAR TABLE 7.7-1 (Cont) 16 _________________________________________

  • Legend: TMH - Trolley-Mounted Hoist FMH - Frame-Mounted Hoist FG - Fuel Grapple

UL - Unloaded L - Fuel Loaded

Revision 16 2 of 2 March 2003 Situation Refueling Platform Position Hoists FG* Control Rods Mode Switch Attempt Result 11 Not near core UL All rods in Startup Move refueling platform over core Platform stopped before over core 15 Not near core UL All rods in Startup Withdraw rods No restrictions 16 Over core UL All rods in Startup Withdraw rods Rod block 16 RBSUSARTABLE7.7-2SIMILARITYTOLICENSEDREACTORS-NONSAFETY-RELATEDSYSTEMS


(1)Numberofcontrolrodsdifferent (2)Capacitydifferencetoaccommodatevesselsizedifference (3)All-electricfeedwaterpumpsonRBS (4)Perryhasredundantpressurecontrolchannelsand35%bypasscapacity1of1August1987SimilarPlantsHavingInstrumentationandControlsConstructionPermit(System)orOperatingLicense1.RodcontrolandinformationPerry (1)2.Recirculationflow-controlPerry (2)3.FeedwatercontrolPerry(2,3)4.SteambypassandpressureregulationPerry (4)5.ProcesscomputersystemPerry