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Palo VERDE-2016-10 Draft Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 11/03/2016
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Arizona Public Service Co
Download: ML16321A483 (287)


2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1270010401 Operate the plant during a plant heatup from cold shutdown to hot standby TASK STANDARD: Calculated actual pressurizer levels for RCN-LI-103, RCA-LI-110X, and RCB-LI-100Y (to within +/- 1%), and determined that filling instrument reference legs IS required. K/A: G 2.1.25 RATING: RO: 3.9 SRO: 4.2 10CFR55: 45.12 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


40OP-9ZZ23, Outage GOP LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 7/8/2016 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/8/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 1. PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 40OP-9ZZ23, Outage GOP: o Appendix A, Pressurizer Indicated vs Actual Level for RCA-LI-110X and RCB-LI-110Y o Appendix B, Pressurizer Indicated vs Actual Level for RCN-LI-103 o Appendix W, Forming a Steam Bubble in Pressurizer, steps W.9.8 and W.9.9 This JPM was written using Revision 72 of 40OP-9ZZ23. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: The plant is in MODE 5, in the process of drawing a steam bubble in the pressurizer per 40OP-9ZZ23, Outage GOP. Pressurizer pressure is 50 psia Pressurizer temperature is 200°F RCN-LI-103 indicates 26% RCA-LI-110X indicates 40% RCB-LI-110Y indicates 43% INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to determine ACTUAL pressurizer level for RCN-LI-103, RCA-LI-110X, and RCB-LI-110Y, and determine whether or not filling reference legs to Pressurizer level instrumentation will be required, per 40OP-9ZZ23, Outage GOP, Appendix W, Forming a Steam Bubble in Pressurizer, steps W.9.8 and W.9.9. Round all calculations to the tenth place (i.e. xx.x%) and document on the provided answer sheet. If desired, the interpolation formula is: o y = y0 + (y1 y0)((x-x0) / (x1-x0))

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 JPM START TIME: Step: 1

  • Proc Step: W.9.8 Check RCA-LI-110X actual level indicates within 3% of each other using ANY of the following: Appendix A Pressurizer Indicated vs Acutal Level For RCA-LI-110X and RCB-LI-110Y Appendix B Pressurizer Indicated vs Acutal Level For RCN-LI-103 Standard: Determined RCA-LI-110X actual level to be 31.3% (acceptable range is 30.3% to 32.3%) Answer explanation: RCA-LI-110X: y = y0 + (y1 y0)((x-x0)/(x1-x0)) y = 30% + (34% - 30%)((200°F 70°F)/(467°F 70°F)) y = 31.3% Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 3
  • Proc Step: W.9.8 Check RCB-LI-110Y actual level indicates within 3% of each other using ANY of the following: Appendix A Pressurizer Indicated vs Acutal Level For RCA-LI-110X and RCB-LI-110Y Appendix B Pressurizer Indicated vs Acutal Level For RCN-LI-103 Standard: Determined RCB-LI-110Y to be 33.0% (acceptable range is 32.0% to 34.0%) Answer explanation: RCB-LI-110Y: y = y0 + (y1 y0)((x-x0)/(x1-x0)) y = 31.5% + (36% - 31.5%)((200°F 70°F)/(467°F 70°F)) y = 33.0% Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: W.9.8 Check RCN-LI-103 actual level indicates within 3% of each other using ANY of the following: Appendix A Pressurizer Indicated vs Acutal Level For RCA-LI-110X and RCB-LI-110Y Appendix B Pressurizer Indicated vs Acutal Level For RCN-LI-103 Standard: Determined actual level for RCN-LI-103 to be 26.8% (acceptable range is 25.8 to 27.8%) Answer explanation: RCN-LI-103: y = y0 + (y1 y0)((x-x0)/(x1-x0)) y = 26% + (28% - 26%)((200°F 60°F)/(401°F 60°F) y = 26.8% Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 Step: 4
  • Proc Step: W.9.9 IF ANY of the following Pressurizer level instruments deviated greater than 3% between each other: RCA-LI-110X RCB-LI-110Y RCN-LI-103 THEN direct I&C to fill reference legs to Pressurizer level instrumentation. Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be greater than 3% and that filling reference legs IS required. Answer explanation: RCN-LI-103 highest acceptable answer is 27.8% and lowest acceptable answer from RCB=LI-110Y is 32.0%. 32.0% - 27.8% = 4.2%, which is greater than 3%, therefore filling reference legs IS required. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A1 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 00 6/22/05 6 Initial issue 01 12/5/08 3, 6 Updated to Rev 37 of 40OP-9ZZ01, revised evaluator cues and initiating cue, updated JPM to current format template. 02 11/21/13 3, 6 Updated to Rev 43 of 40OP-9ZZ01, updated JPM to current template. 03 5/26/15 6 Revised JPM to include answer explanations, updated to current template, shortened to only require calculating each actual level one time instead of twice per instrument. 04 7/8/16 3 40OP-9ZZ01 was cancelled, changed JPM to match steps in 40OP-9ZZ23. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: The plant is in MODE 5, in the process of drawing a steam bubble in the pressurizer per 40OP-9ZZ23, Outage GOP. Pressurizer pressure is 50 psia Pressurizer temperature is 200°F RCN-LI-103 indicates 26% RCA-LI-110X indicates 40% RCB-LI-110Y indicates 43% INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to determine ACTUAL pressurizer level for RCN-LI-103, RCA-LI-110X, and RCB-LI-110Y, and determine whether or not filling reference legs to Pressurizer level instrumentation will be required, per 40OP-9ZZ23, Outage GOP, Appendix W, Forming a Steam Bubble in Pressurizer, steps W.9.8 and W.9.9. Round all calculations to the tenth place (i.e. xx.x%) and document on the provided answer sheet. If desired, the interpolation formula is: o y = y0 + (y1 y0)((x-x0) / (x1-x0)) Answers: RCN-LI-103 actual level: _________________ RCA-LI-110X actual level: ________________ RCB-LI-110Y actual level: ________________ Instrument reference leg filling IS / IS NOT required. (circle one) EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A2 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1290520004 Rack in/rack out a 480 volt load center breaker TASK STANDARD: Identified the minimum required Flash Protection Boundary and the minimum required PPE/EPE to rack out a 480 volt load center breaker K/A: G 2.1.26 RATING: RO: 3.4 SRO: 3.6 10CFR55: 45.12 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 4/19/16 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/5/16 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A2 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices o Section 4.10, PPE and EPE o Section 4.11, Barrier, Guards, and Posting Practices o Appendix A, Safe Working Distances o Appendix B, PPE/EPE Matrix 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear o Appendix B, Breaker Racking Instructions, Section B.1, Racking Out Breakers This JPM was written using Revision 12 of 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices and Revision 22 of 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A2 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: The unit is hanging a clearance on the -P01. You have been directed to rack out the breaker -L31C4, per 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear, Appendix B Breaker Racking Instructions. INITIATING CUE: Identify the required Flash Protection Boundary and the MINIMUM Personal Protective Equipment / Electrical Protection Equipment (in addition to the PPE always required inside the unit) for this evolution per 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices. Document your answers in the space provided below.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A2 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A2 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: N/A Determine the minimum Flash Protection Boundary per Appendix A. Standard: Determined the Flash Protection Boundary for this work is 10 feet. Examiner Note: Examinee may also note that the walls, floor and ceiling of the switchgear room can be used as a part of the flash protection boundary, however the JPM step only requires identifying 10 feet as the boundary. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: Determine the MINIMUM PPE/EPE for the evolution. Standard: Determined that (in addition to the always required PPE) that the following PPE/EPE is required: Hearing Protection Arc Face Shield with Balaclava FR Gloves FR Shirt FR Pants FR Coveralls Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A2 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 01 03/09/05 3 Changed EPE requirements and Flash protection boundary. 02 01/27/2009 6 Changed format. 03 07/29/2015 3, 6 Changed glove requirements to FR and new format. 04 4/19/2016 6 Modified JPM from racking a 4.16kV breaker to racking a 480V breaker. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: The unit is hanging a clearance on the -P01. Charging Pump, PGA-L31C4, per 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear, Appendix B Breaker Racking Instructions. INITIATING CUE: Identify the required Flash Protection Boundary and the MINIMUM Personal Protective Equipment / Electrical Protection Equipment (in addition to the PPE always required inside the unit) for this evolution per 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices. Document your answers in the space provided below. Flash Protection Boundary: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ PPE/EPE Required: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1280020001 Perform Mode 1 Surveillance Logs TASK STANDARD: Identified all Mode 1 Surveillance parameters that did not meet acceptance criteria K/A: G 2.2.12 RATING: RO: 3.7 SRO: 4.1 10CFR55: 45.13 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


40ST-9ZZM1, Operations Mode 1 Surveillance Logs LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 4/20/2016 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/5/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 40ST-9ZZM1, Operations Mode 1 Surveillance Logs, Section 6.1.5 and Appendix B This JPM was written using Revision 68 of 40ST-9ZZM1, Operations Mode 1 Surveillance Logs. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM. INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40ST-9ZZM1, Operations Mode 1 Surveillance Logs, Section 6.1.5, Plant Protection System (PPS) Instrument Channel Checks, step, and complete the provided data sheet from Appendix B. Another operator will perform the channel checks for Minimum Static DNBR using the CPC Cross Channel Report. Use the provided sheet of current instrument readings to complete the surveillance.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: Refueling Water Tank Level Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 1.1% and determined this DOES NOT meet the acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG1 Primary Loop Flow Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 2 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG2 Primary Loop Flow Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 3 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 JPM Step: 4
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: Pressurizer Pressure Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 25 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: Pressurizer Pressure Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 10 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 6
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: Containment Pressure Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 0.25 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 JPM Step: 7
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: Containment Pressure Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 0.5 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG1 Pressure Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 10 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 9
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG2 Pressure Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 10 psid and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 JPM Step: 10
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG1 Wide Range Level Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 4% and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 11
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG2 Wide Range Level Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 6% and determined this DOES NOT meet acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 12
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG1 Narrow Range Level Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 2% and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 JPM Step: 13
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: SG2 Narrow Range Level Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 2% and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 14
  • Proc Step: Perform a channel check of the following Plant Protection System (PPS) instrumentation and associated functions: LPD Margin Standard: Determined the maximum deviation to be 0.3 kw/ft and determined this meets acceptance criteria. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A3 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 4/20/2016 6 JPM created. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40ST-9ZZM1, Operations Mode 1 Surveillance Logs, Section 6.1.5, Plant Protection System (PPS) Instrument Channel Checks, step, and complete the provided data sheet from Appendix B. Another operator will perform the channel checks for Minimum Static DNBR using the CPC Cross Channel Report. Use the provided sheet of current instrument readings to complete the surveillance. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1290320301 Hang a Clearance TASK STANDARD: Identified the clearance requiring the lowest dose to hang K/A: G 2.3.14 RATING: RO: 3.4 SRO: 3.8 10CFR55: 45.10 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


75DP-0RP03, ALARA Program Overview LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 4/19/2016 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/5/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: Handout with valve diagram and associated equations required to determine dose rates at each valve (handout on last page of JPM). INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: There is a 5 Curie (Ci) point source in the body of HV-5. HV-5 needs to have a clearance hung to facilitate replacement of HV-5. HV-5 must be isolated on both the upstream and downstream sides. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to determine which valves (see provided drawing) should be isolated to ensure the lowest dose to the individual hanging the clearance. Document your answer on the space provided below.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Determine the dose rate at 1 meter from HV-5. Standard: Determined the dose rate 1 meter from HV-5 is 5 rem/hr. Answer Explanation: 1 Ci = 1 rem/hr @ 1 meter, therefore 5 Ci = 5 rem/hr @ 1 meter. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 2
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-4. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-4 to be 313 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(4 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (16 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 313 mrem/hr Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 Step: 3
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-1, HV-2, and HV-3. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-1, HV-2, and HV-3 to be 139 mrem/hr for a total effective dose rate of 417 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(6 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (36 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 139 mrem/hr Since 3 valves must be tagged, the effective dose rate is 417 mrem/hr Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 4
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-6. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-6 to be 200 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(5 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (25 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 200 mrem/hr Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 Step: 5
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-7 and HV-8. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-7 and HV-8 to be 156 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(8 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (64 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 78 mrem/hr Since 2 valves must be tagged, the effective dose rate is 156 mrem/hr. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 6
  • Determine the lowest dose clearance. Standard: Determined the lowest dose clearance to be HV-4, HV-7 and HV-8. Answer Explanation: Dose rate for HV-4 is 313 mrem/hr. Effective dose rate for HV-1, HV-2 and HV-3 is 417 mrem/hr, therefore isolating HV-4 will result in a lower dose than HV-1, HV-2, and HV-3. Dose rate for HV-6 is 200 mrem/hr. Effective dose rate for HV-7 and HV-8 is 156 mrem/hr, therefore isolating HV-7 and HV-8 will result in a lower dose than HV-6. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A4 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 2/24/2016 6 JPM created 1 4/19/2016 6 Numbers changed to modify the JPM. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: There is a 5 Curie (Ci) point source in the body of HV-5. HV-5 needs to have a clearance hung to facilitate replacement of HV-5. HV-5 must be isolated on both the upstream and downstream sides. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to determine which valves (see provided drawing) should be isolated to ensure the lowest dose to the individual hanging the clearance. Document your answer on the space provided below. Valves to be isolated: __________________________________ EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A5 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1290020301 Conduct of Shift Operations TASK STANDARD: Determine the active/inactive status of 3 licensed operators. K/A: G 2.1.1 RATING: RO: 3.8 SRO: 4.2 10CFR55: 45.13 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 4/20/2016 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/5/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A5 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations, Section 4.2, Licensed Operator Watchstanding Proficiency. This JPM was written using Revision 68 of 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM. INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Today is April 1, 2016. You are reviewing the license status of 3 licensed operators based on watches stood in the previous quarter. Operator # 1 received his SRO license on June 10 of 2014. Operator # 2 received her RO license on June 10 of 2014. Operator # 3 received his RO license on November 15 of 2015. All operators are current in LOCT. INITIATING CUE: Using the provided list of watches stood by each of the 3 operators in the previous quarter, determine whether or not each of their licenses is active or not as of April 1 per 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations. Document your answers below by circling the status of each operator license as of April 1.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A5 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A5 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: N/A Determine if Operator # 1 license is active on April 1. Standard: Answer Explanation: An SRO license is considered active if they stand a minimum of five 12-hour shifts in the previous quarter. Per step 4.2.2 of 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations, at least one of those shifts must be in the CRS or SM position, however the other 4 shifts can be in a TS required RO position, therefore the SRO license remains active. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: N/A Standard: active on April 1. Answer Explanation: An RO license required 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br /> in the RO or CO position in a calendar quarter, which Operator # 2 completed, however partial shifts cannot be credited (per step 4.2.2 bullet 5), therefore, even though the 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br /> were met, the requirement for five 12-hour shifts was not, making the RO license inactive as of April 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A5 JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: N/A Standard: Answer Explanation: Operator # 3 stood five 12-hour shifts, and at least one of those (4 actually) was in the RO position, however the allowance for SROs to stand an RO or lower for 4 of their 5 required shifts does not translate into an RO being able to credit a non-licensed position as one of the required five 12-hour shifts, therefore the RO license is inactive as of April 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A5 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 4/20/16 6 JPM created. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Today is April 1, 2016. You are reviewing the license status of 3 licensed operators based on watches stood in the previous quarter. Operator # 1 received his SRO license on June 10 of 2014. Operator # 2 received her RO license on June 10 of 2014. Operator # 3 received his RO license on November 15 of 2015. All operators are current in LOCT. INITIATING CUE: Using the provided list of watches stood by each of the 3 operators in the previous quarter, determine whether or not each of their licenses is active or not as of April 1 per 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations. Document your answers below by circling the status of each operator license as of April 1. Operator # 1 License: Active / Inactive Operator # 2 License: Active / Inactive Operator # 3 License: Active / Inactive EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A6 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1290520004 Rack in/rack out a 480 volt load center breaker TASK STANDARD: Identified the minimum required Flash Protection Boundary and the minimum required PPE/EPE to rack out a 480 volt load center breaker K/A: G 2.1.26 RATING: RO: 3.4 SRO: 3.6 10CFR55: 45.12 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 4/19/16 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/5/16 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A6 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices o Section 4.10, PPE and EPE o Section 4.11, Barrier, Guards, and Posting Practices o Appendix A, Safe Working Distances o Appendix B, PPE/EPE Matrix 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear o Appendix B, Breaker Racking Instructions, Section B.1, Racking Out Breakers This JPM was written using Revision 12 of 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices and Revision 22 of 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A6 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: The unit is hanging a clearance on the -P01. You have been directed to rack out the breaker -L31C4, per 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear, Appendix B Breaker Racking Instructions. INITIATING CUE: Identify the required Flash Protection Boundary and the MINIMUM Personal Protective Equipment / Electrical Protection Equipment (in addition to the PPE always required inside the unit) for this evolution per 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices. Document your answers in the space provided below.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A6 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A6 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: N/A Determine the minimum Flash Protection Boundary per Appendix A. Standard: Determined the Flash Protection Boundary for this work is 10 feet. Examiner Note: Examinee may also note that the walls, floor and ceiling of the switchgear room can be used as a part of the flash protection boundary, however the JPM step only requires identifying 10 feet as the boundary. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: Determine the MINIMUM PPE/EPE for the evolution. Standard: Determined that (in addition to the always required PPE) that the following PPE/EPE is required: Hearing Protection Arc Face Shield with Balaclava FR Gloves FR Shirt FR Pants FR Coveralls Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A6 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 01 03/09/05 3 Changed EPE requirements and Flash protection boundary. 02 01/27/2009 6 Changed format. 03 07/29/2015 3, 6 Changed glove requirements to FR and new format. 04 4/19/2016 6 Modified JPM from racking a 4.16kV breaker to racking a 480V breaker. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: The unit is hanging a clearance on the -P01. Charging Pump, PGA-L31C4, per 40OP-9PG01, 480V Class 1E Switchgear, Appendix B Breaker Racking Instructions. INITIATING CUE: Identify the required Flash Protection Boundary and the MINIMUM Personal Protective Equipment / Electrical Protection Equipment (in addition to the PPE always required inside the unit) for this evolution per 01DP-0IS13, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Electrical Safe Work Practices. Document your answers in the space provided below. Flash Protection Boundary: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ PPE/EPE Required: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1290190102 Ensure compliance with Tech Specs TASK STANDARD: Identified applicable LCO conditions and completion times. K/A: G 2.2.40 RATING: RO: 3.4 SRO: 4.7 10CFR55: 45.13 POSITION(S): SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


Technical Specifications, Technical Specification Bases, Technical Requirements Manual LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: YES APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 10/28/2015 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/05/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT/ UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Bases Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOTenter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Given the following timeline of events on Unit 1 while operating at 100% power: At time 0800, At time 1000, At time 1200, At time 1300, At time 1700, At time 1800, OPERABLE. INITIATING CUE: Your task is to determine all LCO conditions entered, the times they were entered, and, if applicable, exited, based on the provided timeline of events. Document your answers in the table below. NOTE: All provided boxes may or may not be used.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 JPM START TIME: Step: 1

  • Determine LCO condition(s) to be entered and/or exited. Standard: Determined LCO 3.5.3 condition A must be entered at 0800 due to the inoperable LPSI pump. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 2
  • Determine LCO condition(s) to be entered and/or exited. Standard: Determined LCO 3.8.1 condition B must be entered at 1000 due to the inoperable EDG. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 3
  • Determine LCO condition(s) to be entered and/or exited. Standard: Determined LCO 3.5.3 condition B must be entered at 1200 due to the inoperable HPSI pump. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 4
  • Determine LCO condition(s) to be entered and/or exited. Standard: Determined LCO 3.5.3 condition A can be exited at 1300 due to the LPSI pump being declared OPERABLE. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 Step: 5
  • Determine LCO condition(s) to be entered and/or exited. Standard: Determined LCO 3.8.1 condition B and LCO 3.0.3 can be exited at 1700 due to the EDG being declared OPERABLE. Examiner Note: Answer explanation: OPERABLE. Since LCO 3.0.3 was entered due to two HPSI pumps being inoperable, LCO 3.0.3 can now be exited. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 Step: 7
  • Determine LCO condition(s) to be entered and/or exited. Standard: being declared OPERABLE. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A7 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 10/28/15 6 JPM created REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Given the following timeline of events on Unit 1 while operating at 100% power: At time 0800, was declared inoperable. At time 1000, EDG was declared inoperable. At time 1200, was declared inoperable. At time 1300, LPSI pump was declared OPERABLE. At time 1700, At time 1800, the INITIATING CUE: Your task is to determine all LCO conditions entered, the times they were entered, and, if applicable, exited, based on the provided timeline of events. Document your answers in the table below. NOTE: All provided boxes may or may not be used. Time LCO condition entered LCO condition exited EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1290320301 - Hang a Clearance TASK STANDARD: Identified the clearance requiring the lowest dose to hang K/A: G 2.3.14 RATING: RO: 3.4 SRO: 3.8 10CFR55: 45.10 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


75DP-0RP03, ALARA Program Overview LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 4/19/2016 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/05/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: Handout with valve diagram and associated equations required to determine dose rates at each valve (handout on last page of JPM). INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: There is a 5 Curie (Ci) point source in the body of HV-5. HV-5 needs to have a clearance hung to facilitate replacement of HV-5. HV-5 must be isolated on both the upstream and downstream sides. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to determine which valves (see provided drawing) should be isolated to ensure the lowest dose to the individual hanging the clearance. Document your answer on the space provided below.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Determine the dose rate at 1 meter from HV-5. Standard: Determined the dose rate 1 meter from HV-5 is 5 rem/hr. Answer Explanation: 1 Ci = 1 rem/hr @ 1 meter, therefore 5 Ci = 5 rem/hr @ 1 meter. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 2
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-4. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-4 to be 313 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(4 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (16 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 313 mrem/hr Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 Step: 3
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-1, HV-2, and HV-3. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-1, HV-2, and HV-3 to be 139 mrem/hr for a total effective dose rate of 417 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(6 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (36 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 139 mrem/hr Since 3 valves must be tagged, the effective dose rate is 417 mrem/hr Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 4
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-6. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-6 to be 200 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(5 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (25 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 200 mrem/hr Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 Step: 5
  • Determine the dose rates at HV-7 and HV-8. Standard: Determined the dose rates at HV-7 and HV-8 to be 156 mrem/hr. Answer Explanation: (Dose Rate 1)(Distance 1)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(Distance 2)2 (5 rem/hr)(1 meter)2 = (Dose Rate 2)(8 meters)2 Dose Rate 2 = (5 rem/hr)(1 meter2) / (64 meters2) Dose Rate 2 = 78 mrem/hr Since 2 valves must be tagged, the effective dose rate is 156 mrem/hr. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 6
  • Determine the lowest dose clearance. Standard: Determined the lowest dose clearance to be HV-4, HV-7 and HV-8. Answer Explanation: Dose rate for HV-4 is 313 mrem/hr. Effective dose rate for HV-1, HV-2 and HV-3 is 417 mrem/hr, therefore isolating HV-4 will result in a lower dose than HV-1, HV-2, and HV-3. Dose rate for HV-6 is 200 mrem/hr. Effective dose rate for HV-7 and HV-8 is 156 mrem/hr, therefore isolating HV-7 and HV-8 will result in a lower dose than HV-6. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A8 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 2/24/2016 6 JPM created 1 4/19/2016 6 Numbers changed to modify the JPM. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: There is a 5 Curie (Ci) point source in the body of HV-5. HV-5 needs to have a clearance hung to facilitate replacement of HV-5. HV-5 must be isolated on both the upstream and downstream sides. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to determine which valves (see provided drawing) should be isolated to ensure the lowest dose to the individual hanging the clearance. Document your answer on the space provided below. Valves to be isolated: __________________________________ EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1240100202 Classify events requiring emergency plan implementation TASK STANDARD: Classified the event as HU2.2 within 15 minutes and completed NAN form EP-0541 within 13 minutes of the classification. K/A: G 2.4.40 RATING: RO: 2.7 SRO: 4.5 10CFR55: 45.11 POSITION(S): SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


EP-0900, ERO Position Checklists, Appendix L, EP-0901, Classifications, EP-0902, Notifications, EP-0905, Protective Actions, ODP-31, Operations Emergency Plan Implementation, and EAL Charts LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT CLASSROOM X TIME CRITICAL: YES ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/25/2015 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 7/05/2016 TECH REVIEW: OPERATIONS APPROVAL: E-PLAN REVIEW: TRAINING APPROVAL: Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT/ UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 1. PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: EP-0900, ERO Position Checklists, Appendix L EP-0901, Classifications EP-0902, Notifications EP-0905, Protective Actions ODP-31, Operations Emergency Plan Implementation EAL Charts A-G4-001 Met Tower Data File This JPM was written using Revision 14 of EP-0900, Revision 9 of EP-0901, Revision 8 of EP-0902, Revision 8 of EP-0905, and Revision 1 of ODP-31. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are the Unit 1 Shift Manager. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when Unit Aux Transformer, 1-E-MAN-X02, faulted. SPTAs are in progress. Area 1 has just reported massive bulging and scorching on the UAT. The CRS will complete 14DP-0FP32, Emergency Notification and Response, as required. INITIATING CUE: Your task is to classify the event per EP-0901, Classifications. Inform the examiner of your classification when you have completed the classification and document in the space provided below. After you have informed the examiner of the classification, complete NAN Form EP-0541, through step 6 and hand to the examiner. For the purposes of filling out EP-0541, you can assume: o This is a drill o Authenticator Code is Tango Mike For the purpose of this JPM, all steps other than determining the correct EAL and filling out EP-0541 have been or will be performed by another EC qualified person. This is a TIME CRITICAL JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1* Classify the event using the appropriate E-Plan procedures and charts. Standard: Classified the event as HU2.2 within 15 minutes. Examiner Note: Document the time to classify below : JPM Start Time: ____________ Classification Time: _____________ Time to classify: ______________ minutes Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: The following steps are sub-steps of filling out NAN Form EP-0541. Step: 2* Determine if this is a drill or an actual event and check the correct box. Standard: box on EP-0541. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 3* Check event level box and filled out the event declaration time, date and driving current classification level. Standard: Checked the Unusual Event box, filled out the current time and date, and listed HU2.2 as the current classification level. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 Step: 4* Fill out the 35 foot elevation 15 minute average wind speed and direction. Standard: Filled in 3.2 mph for wind speed and 285° for wind direction (data from the provided Met Data Tower sheet). Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 5* Fill in the Authenticator Code. Standard: cue). Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 6 Check the correct communicator box. Standard: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 7* Determined the radioactive release status and check the appropriate box. Standard: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 Step: 8* Determine protective actions, if any, and check the appropriate box. Standard: Checked Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Step: 9* Sign the approval line and enter the current time and date. Standard: Signed the approval line and entered the current time and date. Examiner Note: Document the time to complete NAN Form EP-0541 minutes): Classification Time: ______________ Time NAN Form EP-0541 turned in: _______________ Time to complete NAN Form EP-0541: ______________ minutes Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM A9 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 01 9/25/07 6 Changed from EP040 to EP030 02 12/7/07 6 Revised cue for step 15 03 7/27/10 3 Modified JPM to rev 34 of EPIP-01 04 6/21/11 6 New JPM format and procedure revision 05 6/25/15 6 New JPM format REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are the Unit 1 Shift Manager. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when Unit Aux Transformer, 1-E-MAN-X02, faulted. SPTAs are in progress. Area 1 has just reported massive bulging and scorching on the UAT. The CRS will complete 14DP-0FP32 as required. INITIATING CUE: Your task is to classify the event per EP-0901, Classifications. Inform the examiner of your classification when you have completed the classification and document in the space provided below. After you have informed the examiner of the classification, complete NAN Form EP-0541, through step 6 and hand to the examiner. For the purposes of filling out EP-0541, you can assume: o This is a drill o Authenticator Code is Tango Mike For the purpose of this JPM, all steps other than determining the correct EAL and filling out EP-0541 have been or will be performed by another EC qualified person. This is a TIME CRITICAL JPM. Event Classification: ________________ EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1100030401 - Perform CEA Exercising TASK STANDARD: Inserted CEA 66 a minimum of 7 steps (5.25 inches), and a maximum of 8 steps (6 inches), then withdrew CEA 66 to the UEL in MANUAL INDIVIDUAL. K/A: 001 A4.03 RATING: RO: 4.0 SRO: 3.7 10CFR55: 45.6 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40ST-9SF01, CEA Operability Checks LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 5/16/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-601 or Reset to IC-20 and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: N/A COMMAND DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or additional information. Acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. After the cue has been read, GO TO RUN. PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 35 of 40ST-9SF01, Section 6.1 and Appendix A CEA Exercising at Power. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. An ACTM card for CEA 66 has just been replaced. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40ST-9SF01, CEA Operability Checks, Section 6.1, Exercising CEAs at Power, for CEA 66 only. Section 6.1, Exercising CEAs at Power, is complete through step 6.1.4. Start on step 6.1.5.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: 6.1.5 Monitor ALL of the following parameters during CEA movement: Reactor Power (Plant Computer) CEA individual and group positions (CEAPDS Video Display, CEDMCS Control Panel, CEA Position Meter, CEA Group Position Meter) RCS temperature and Reactor power (CPC Remote Operators Module) CEA positions and deviations (CEAC Remote Operators Module) Reactor power, RCS temperature, Turbine first stage pressure, ASI (ERFDADS) Standard: Monitored the appropriate parameters during CEA movement. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Procedure Note: RSPTs are located 1.5 inches apart. Moving a CEA 0.75 inches (one step) may result in a 1.5 inch change in CEA position as seen by the CPCs and the CEACs. Proc Caution: Some ASI perturbations will result due to performance of this procedure at power. JPM Step: 2 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Ensure Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power is used for place keeping. Standard: Place-kept in Appendix A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 JPM Step: 3 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Select position indication for CEA to be exercised on at least one available CPC CEAC Operator Module digital display. Standard: Selected CEAC CEA COMPARISON, then selected GROUP 1/2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4

  • Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Place GROUP SELECT switch to group containing CEA to be exercised. Standard: Placed GROUP SELECT switch to 2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5
  • Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Place INDIVIDUAL CEA SELECT switches to CEA to be exercised. Standard: Placed the TENS switch to 6, and the UNITS switch to 6 (for CEA 66). Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 6
  • Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Place MODE SELECT switch to MI (MANUAL INDIVIDUAL) position. Standard: Placed the MODE SELECT switch to MANUAL INDIVIDUAL. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 JPM Step: 7 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Ensure CEA to be exercised is at the UEL position. Procedure Note: CEA position from CEACs may be used if SFN-JI-17 is not available for any or all CEAs; however both initial and final CEA positions must be determined from the same source. Standard: Ensured CEA 66 in at the UEL Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: IF the CEA pulse count indication is less than 150 inches withdrawn, THEN perform Appendix B - PMS Resetting of CEA Positions, to reset pulse counters to 150 inches withdrawn. Standard: Verified the pulse counter for CEA 66 read 150 inches withdrawn and marked this step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 JPM Step: 9
  • Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Insert the CEA being exercised seven steps (greater than or equal to five inches). Standard: Inserted CEA 66 seven or eight steps (5.25 to 6.5 inches) Examiner Note: Seven steps will insert the CEA 5.25 inches, 8 steps will insert the CEA 6 inches, and 9 steps will insert the CEA 6.75 inches. If the examinee inserts CEA 66 less than seven steps but then inserts CEA 66 additional steps to achieve a total insertion of 7 or 8 steps, this Critical Task is satisfied. If the examinee inserts CEA 66 a total of 9 steps or more using any combination of insertions, this will constitute an entry into LCO 3.1.5 Condition A, and therefore the Critical Step would be UNSAT. Examiner Cue: The CEA TECH SPEC VIOLATION alarm is expected during this evolution since to perform the ARP actions: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 10 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: IF a CWP alarm has annunciated on window 4A09B during the CEA insertion, THEN press and hold the CWP BYPASS (CWP/B) pushbutton until the alarm is clear to withdraw the CEA being exercised. Standard: IF window 4A09B (CWP - CEA WITHDRAWL PROHIBIT) alarmed, the examinee pressed and held the CWP BYPASS (CWP/B) pushbutton until the alarm cleared. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 JPM Step: 11
  • Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Withdraw the CEA being exercised to the UEL position. Standard: Withdrew CEA 66 to the UEL. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 12 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Ensure the CEA being exercised is restored to the As-Left Guide Tube Wear position from Step 6.1.3: (circle) UEL / UEL-1 Examiner Note: UEL already circled since step 6.1.3 is already completed per the initial conditions and initiating cue. Standard: Ensured CEA 66 is at the UEL Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 13 Proc Step: Perform the following to exercise all full strength CEAs listed in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power: Record the results of the exercise test in Appendix A - CEA Exercising at Power. Standard: Recorded the results in Appendix A. Examiner Cue: After the Examinee recorded the results in Appendix A: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S1 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 5/16/16 6 New JPM REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. An ACTM card for CEA 66 has just been replaced. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40ST-9SF01, CEA Operability Checks, Section 6.1, Exercising CEAs at Power, for CEA 66 only. Section 6.1, Exercising CEAs at Power, is complete through step 6.1.4. Start on step 6.1.5. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1240040201 - Implement LOCA instructions and contingencies TASK STANDARD: Stopped the HPSI and CS pumps on loop with failed containment sump suction valve, and closed CHA-HV-531 and CHB-HV-530 within 5 minutes of starting the JPM. K/A: 006 A3.08 RATING: RO: 4.2 SRO: 4.3 10CFR55: 45.7 POSITION(S): RO VALIDATION TIME: 7 minutes


40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: YES ALTERNATE PATH: YES PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/18/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-602 or IC-20 and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: COMMAND DESCRIPTION mfTH01A f:100 LOOP 1A LOCA COLD LEG at 100% severity cmMVRH04SIBUV675_6 Mechanical seizure of Containment Sump Isolation Valve SIB-UV-675 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure the control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or additional information . Insert a Large Break LOCA (mfTH01A f:100). Insert a seizure of SIB-UV-675 in the closed position (cmMVRH04SIBUV675_6). Allow the reactor to automatically trip or manually trip the reactor. Trip all 4 RCPs and ensure ADVs are throttled open. Allow Refueling Water Tank level to lower to Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) setpoint (9.4%). NOTE: You will receive a RAS in approximately 20-30 minutes. When RAS initiates, GO TO FREEZE. After the cue has been read, GO TO RU


S/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 38 of 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: A large break LOCA has occurred in Unit 1. The CRS has entered 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident. A Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) has just actuated and Step 57 of 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident has just been completed. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident, Step 58, THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 JPM START TIME: Examiner Note When the cue is read to the examinee, they have 5 minutes to complete JPM step 5 (close CHA-HV-531 and CHB-HV-530). Start Time:____________ JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: 58.a IF a RAS has actuated, THEN perform the following: Ensure that both LPSI Pumps are stopped. Standard: Verified both LPSI pumps have stopped . Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: The following step represents the alternate path portion of the JPM. JPM Step: 2 Proc Step: 58.b IF a RAS has actuated, THEN perform the following: Ensure that the ESF pump suction has shifted to the containment. Standard: Determined ith the exception of SIB-UV-675, and transitioned to contingency step 58.b.1. Examiner Note: The examinee should attempt to open SIB-UV-675 on B02, but the valve will not open. Failing to attempt to open SIB-UV-675 does NOT constitute a Critical Step failure. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 JPM Step: 3* Proc Step: 58.b.1 IF any ESF pump suctions can NOT be shifted to the containment sump, THEN perform the following: IF ANY HPSI Pump is running with its associated Containment suction closed, THEN stop the affected HPSI Pump. Standard: Stopped HPSI pump B by taking the handswitch SIB-HS- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4* Proc Step: 58.b.2 IF any ESF pump suctions can NOT be shifted to the containment sump, THEN perform the following: IF ANY CS Pump is running with its associated Containment suction closed, THEN stop the affected CS Pump. Standard: Stopped CS pump B by taking the handswitch SIB-HS-pick up the to stop the pump. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5* Proc Step: 58.c Close BOTH of the following valves: CHA-HV-531, RWT to Train A Safety Injection Valve CHB-HV-530, RWT to Train B Safety Injection Valve Standard: Closed both CHA-HV-531, and CHB-HV-530 within 5 minutes of the start of the JPM. Examiner Note Both CHB-HV-530 and CHA-HV-531 are closed at time : _____________ Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 JPM Step: 6 Proc Step: 58.d Ensure ALL of the following valves are closed: SIA-UV-666, HPSI A Pump Recirc Valve SIA-UV-664, Containment Spray Pump A Recirc Valve SIA-UV-669, LPSI Pump A Recirc Valve SIB-UV-667, HPSI B Pump Recirc Valve SIB-UV-665, CS Pump B Recirc Valve SIB-UV-668, LPSI Pump B Recirc Valve Standard: Ensured all of the above valves are closed. Examiner Cue When the examinee has ensured all the above valves are closed: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S2 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 01 4/18/2016 3 Changes to procedure numbering and order of actions in step 58; changes to JPM format. REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: A large break LOCA has occurred in Unit 1. The CRS has entered 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident. A Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) has just actuated and Step 57 of 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident has just been completed. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform 40EP-9EO03, Loss THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 120020601 Pressurize a Safety Injection Tank TASK STANDARD: Safety Injection Tank 1A pressure raised to between 615 psig and 625 psig. K/A: 006 A4.02 RATING: RO: 4.0 SRO: 3.8 10CFR55: 45.6 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


40OP-9SI03, Safety Injection Tank Operations LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/18/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-603 or Reset to any IC and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below (This JPM can be run on any IC in MODES 1, 2, and 3, and MODE 4 with Pressurizer Pressure greater than 1837 psig. SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: COMMAND DESCRIPTION mfSI03C f:5 SIT-1A Gas Leak INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure the control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or writing. GO TO RUN. Insert SIT-1A Gas leak (mfSI03C f:5) until SIT-1A pressure lowers to 605 psig. Acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. DELETE the SIT-1A Gas Leak malfunction. After the cue has been read, GO TO RU


S/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 37 of 40OP-9SI03, Safety Injection Tank Operations. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: A nitrogen leak from Safety Injection Tank (SIT) 1A has caused pressure to lower to 605 psig. The source of the leak has been located and repaired INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to raise pressure in SIT 1A to between 615 psig and 625 psig, per 40OP-9SI03, Section 6.1, Pressurizing the Safety Injection Tanks to Establish or Maintain Normal Pressure. Steps 6.1.1 through are complete. Start on step

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: Open GAA-UV-1 using GAA-HS-1, HP N2 TO SI TANKS. Standard: Opened GAA-UV-1 using GAA-HS-1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: Open the nitrogen supply valve for the SIT to be pressurized: SIB-HV-612 using SIB-HS-612, NITROGEN TO SIT 2A VLV SIB-HV-622 using SIB-HS-622, NITROGEN TO SIT 2B VLV SIB-HV-632 using SIB-HS-632, NITROGEN TO SIT 1A VLV SIB-HV-642 using SIB-HS-642, NITROGEN TO SIT 1B VLV Standard: Opened SIB-HV-632 using SIB-HS-632. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: Open the nitrogen supply valve for the SIT to be pressurized to commence pressurization: SIA-HV-619 using SIA-HS-619, NITROGEN TO SIT 2A VLV SIA-HV-629 using SIA-HS-629, NITROGEN TO SIT 2B VLV SIA-HV-639 using SIA-HS-639, NITROGEN TO SIT 1A VLV SIA-HV-649 using SIA-HS-649, NITROGEN TO SIT 1B VLV Standard: Opened SIA-HV-639 using SIA-HS-639. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 JPM Step: 4
  • Proc Step: WHEN SIT pressure is at the desired pressure, THEN close the nitrogen supply valve opened in Step to stop pressurization: SIA-HV-619 using SIA-HS-619, NITROGEN TO SIT 2A VLV SIA-HV-629 using SIA-HS-629, NITROGEN TO SIT 2B VLV SIA-HV-639 using SIA-HS-639, NITROGEN TO SIT 1A VLV SIA-HV-649 using SIA-HS-649, NITROGEN TO SIT 1B VLV Standard: Closed SIA-HV-639 using SIA-HS-639 when SIT 1A pressure is between 615 psig and 625 psig. Examiner Note If SIT-1A pressure reaches 625 psig, this will constitute a Critical Step failure. If SIA-HV-639 is closed prior to reaching 615 psig, the examinee may reopen until the desired pressure is reached. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5 Proc Step: Close the nitrogen supply valve opened in Step SIB-HV-612 using SIB-HS-612, NITROGEN TO SIT 2A VLV SIB-HV-622 using SIB-HS-622, NITROGEN TO SIT 2B VLV SIB-HV-632 using SIB-HS-632, NITROGEN TO SIT 1A VLV SIB-HV-642 using SIB-HS-642, NITROGEN TO SIT 1B VLV Standard: Closed SIB-HV-632 . Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 6 Proc Step: Repeat Steps through until desired SIT pressure is reached. Standard: Either repeated steps through if needed, or marked step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 JPM Step: 7 Proc Step: WHEN pressurization of SITs is complete, THEN close GAA-UV-1 using GAA-HS-1, HP N2 TO SI TANKS. Standard: Closed GAA-UV-1. Examiner Cue When the examinee closes GAA-UV-1: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S3 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 00 4/18/2016 6 New JPM REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: A nitrogen leak from Safety Injection Tank (SIT) 1A has caused pressure to lower to 605 psig. The source of the leak has been located and repaired INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to raise pressure in SIT 1A to between 615 psig and 625 psig, per 40OP-9SI03, Section 6.1, Pressurizing the Safety Injection Tanks to Establish or Maintain Normal Pressure. Steps 6.1.1 through are complete. Start on step EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1250030401 Respond to a Loss of Nuclear Cooling Water TASK STANDARD: Reactor tripped, all RCPs secured, and seal bleedoff isolated by closing CHB-UV-505, CHA-UV-506, and CHA-UV-507. K/A: 003 A1.08 RATING: RO: 2.5 SRO: 2.6 10CFR55: 45.3 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Section 4.0, Nuclear Cooling Water LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: YES ALTERNATE PATH: YES PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 5/02/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-604 or Reset to IC-20 and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: COMMAND DESCRIPTION cmMVCC04NCBUV403_3 Spurious Nuclear Cooling containment isolation valve closure (NCB-UV-403) cmMVCC04NCBUV403_6 d:12 Mechanical seizure of Nuclear Cooling containment isolation valve (NCB-UV-403) cmMVCV14RCEHV431_6 Mechanical Seizure of RCP 1B Controller Bleedoff Valve INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or additional information. Go to RUN. Insert the following malfunctions from the table above: o cmMVCC04NCBUV403_3 o cmMVCC04NCBUV403_6 d:12 o cmMVCV14RCEHV431_6 WAIT 15 seconds then acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. After the cue has been read, GO TO RUN. PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 10 of 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Section 4.0, Nuclear Cooling Water. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is 100% power and you have just received low flow alarms on NCW to the RCPs. The CRS has entered 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Section 4.0, Nuclear Cooling Water. THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 JPM START TIME: Examiner Note: After the cue is read to the examinee, if Nuclear Cooling Water is not restored to the RCPs within 10 minutes, the Reactor must be tripped, all RCPs must be stopped, and seal bleedoff must be isolated. JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: 1 Enter AOP Entry Time and Date. Standard: Entered entry time and date. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2 Proc Step: 2 IF seal injection is NOT in service, AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within three minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped. Stop all of the RCPs. Isolate controlled bleedoff. Standard: Marked step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 3 Proc Step: 3 IF seal injection is in service, AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within 10 minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped. Stop all of the RCPs. Isolate controlled bleedoff. Standard: Acknowledged step and continued with the procedure. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 JPM Step: 4 Proc Step: 4.a IF no Nuclear Cooling Water pumps are running, THEN perform the following: IF at least one Nuclear Cooling Water pump is available, THEN start the Nuclear Cooling Water Pump. Standard: Determined that a NCW pump is operating and marked this step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5 Proc Step: 4.b IF no Nuclear Cooling Water pumps are running, THEN perform the following: IF electrical power must be restored to start a Nuclear Cooling Water Pump, THEN perform the following: o Place both NC Pump handswitches in o PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power. Standard: Marked this step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 6 Proc Step: 5 DSCH HDR PRESS HI-perform the following: Start the standby NC Pump. Standard: Determined that the operating NCW Pump is operating normally with NO low discharge pressure alarm and marked this step N/A. Examiner Note: Window 7A07B may be in alarm, but the alarm would be due to high discharge pressure due to part of the system being isolated. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 JPM Step: 7 Proc Step: 5 IF at least one Nuclear Cooling DSCH HDR PRESS HI-perform the following: Check that no NC system leaks exist by performing the following: o Direct an operator(s) to walkdown NC system piping. o Evaluate indications and alarms on the control boards. Standard: Determined that no low discharge pressure alarm existed and marked this step N/A. Examiner Note: Window 7A07B may be in alarm, but the alarm would be due to high discharge pressure due to part of the system being isolated. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8 Proc Step: 6.a IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves have failed closed, AND there is NOT a valid CSAS signal present, THEN perform the following: Open ANY closed isolation valves. Standard: Examinee recognized that valve NCB-UV-403 has closed and attempted to open NCB-UV-403. Examinee may contact an Area Operator to enter containment and open NCB-UV-403 locally. Examiner Cue: If examinee requests an AO to manually open NCB-UV-403, respond: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 Examiner Note The following step represents the first alternate path portion of the JPM. JPM Step: 9

  • Proc Step: 6.a.1.1 IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves will NOT open, THEN perform the following: Close all NC CTMT Isolation Valves Standard: Closed remaining NCW CTMT isolation valves by rotating handswitches NCA-HS-402 and NCB-HS-401 to the CLOSE position. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 10
  • Proc Step: 6.a.1.2 IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves will NOT open, THEN perform the following: Ensure that the Reactor is tripped. Standard: Manually tripped the reactor by depressing reactor trip pushbuttons on Board B05. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 11
  • Proc Step: 6.a.1.3 IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves will NOT open, THEN perform the following: Stop all of the RCPs. Standard: Secured all four RCPs. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 Examiner Note The following step represents the second alternate path portion of the JPM. JPM Step: 12
  • Proc Step: 6.a.1.4 IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves will NOT open, THEN perform the following: Isolate seal bleedoff. Standard: Due to RCE-UV-431 failing to close, the examinee isolated seal bleedoff by closing CHB-UV-505, CHA-UV-506, and CHA-UV-507. Examiner Cue: After the RCPs are secured and seal bleedoff is secured: is Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S4 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 5/2/16 6 New JPM REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is 100% power and - INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40A-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Section 4.0 Nuclear Cooling Water. THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1250030501 Respond to a loss of turbine cooling water TASK STANDARD: Blowdown stopped, Auxiliary Feed Water aligned to the SGs using AFA-P01, and the Main Feed Pumps, Condensate Pumps, and Heater Drain Pumps are all stopped. K/A: 062 AA1.02 RATING: RO: 3.2 SRO: 3.3 10CFR55: 45.7 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Appendix B, Minimize Cooling Load on TC LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: YES PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/11/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-605 or Reset to IC-20 and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: COMMAND DESCRIPTION Out of Service File AFB Tagout AFB diMC_ZDCTAHS1 f: AS IS Override HV-1 in the closed position doMC_ZDCTAHS1_R1 f: AS IS Override HV-1 in the closed position cmCPTP04TCNP01A_6 86 LO of TC Pump A cmCPTP04TCNP01B_6 86 LO of TC Pump B INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or additional information. GO TO RUN. RUN Scenario Out of Service Files AFB. Hang tags on the associated components on AFB-P01. Insert the following malfunctions from the table above: o diMC_ZDCTAHS1 f: AS IS o doMC_ZDCTAHS1_R1 f: AS IS o cmCPTP04TCNP01A_6 o cmCPTP04TCNP01B_6 Place both TC Pumps in Pull to Lock. Manually trip the reactor. Acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. After the cue has been read, GO TO RUN. REQUIRED CONDITIONS: AFB-P01 tagged out with tags hung on control board. Both TC pumps tripped. Reactor tripped. Aux feed NOT aligned to the SGs. PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 10 of 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Appendix B, Minimize Cooling Load on TC. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: The reactor was manually tripped from 100% power due to a complete loss of Turbine Cooling Water. AFB-P01 is tagged out for emergent corrective maintenance. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Appendix B, Minimize Cooling Loads on TC. The CRS has directed using AFN-P01 for feeding the SGs.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: 1 Enter Appendix Entry Time and Date. Standard: Entered Appendix entry time and date. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2* Proc Step: 2 Ensure that S/G Blowdown is stopped. Standard: Ensured blowdown is stopped by ANY of the following sets of manipulations: SG1 Path Selector Valves handswitch SCN-HS-1 to OFF SG2 Path Selector Valves handswitch SCN-HS-2 to OFF OR SG1 Downcomer Blowdown Valve HV-47 to CLOSE SG1 Cold Leg Isolation Valve HV-41 to CLOSE SG1 Hot Leg Isolation Valve HV-43 to CLOSE SG2 Downcomer Blowdown Valve HV-48 to CLOSE SG2 Cold Leg Isolation Valve HV-44 to CLOSE SG2 Hot Leg Isolation Valve HV-42 to CLOSE OR SG1 Common Upstream Isolation Valve UV-500P to CLOSE SG1 Common Downstream Isolation Valve UV-500Q to CLOSE SG2 Common Upstream Isolation Valve UV-500R to CLOSE SG2 Common Downstream Isolation Valve UV-500S to CLOSE Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 JPM Step: 3 Proc Step: 3 Ensure that the Steam Generators are being fed by Auxiliary Feedwater. Standard: Attempted to open Pump Suction From CST Valves HV-1 and HV-4, identified that HV-1 will not open, and determined that AFA-P01 should be used to feed the SGs. Examiner Cue: If asked as the CRS how the examinee should proceed: , then concur with whatever the examinee recommends. If called as the Area Operator to manually open CST valve HV-1, report: - Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: The following step represents the alternate path portion of the JPM. JPM Step: 4

  • Proc Step: 3 Ensure that the Steam Generators are being fed by Auxiliary Feedwater. Standard: Aligned AFA-P01 to feed SGs as follows: Open SG1 Steam Supply to Pump Bypass Valve UV-134 Open SG2 Steam Supply to Pump Bypass Valve UV-138 Open AFW to SG1 Downstream Valve UV-36 Open AFW to SG2 Downstream Valve UV-37 Throttle open AFW to SG1 Upstream Valve HV-32 Throttle open AFW to SG2 Upstream Valve HV-33 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 JPM Step: 5
  • Proc Step: 5 Ensure both Main Feedwater Pump turning ge Standard: Placed both Main Feedwater Pump turning gear handswitches in PULL TO LOCK. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 7
  • Proc Step: 6 WHEN both Main Feedwater Pumps are tripped, THEN ensure that all Condensate Pumps are stopped. Standard: Stopped all Condensate Pumps. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 JPM Step: 8
  • Proc Step: 7 Ensure that both Heater Drain Pumps are stopped. Standard: Stopped both Heater Drain Pumps. Examiner Cue: Once the examinee stops both Heater Drain Pumps, Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S5 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 00 7/9/15 6 New JPM 01 4/11/16 6 Revised for 2016 LOIT NRC Exam REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: The reactor was manually tripped from 100% power due to a complete loss of Turbine Cooling Water. AFB-P01 is tagged out for emergent corrective maintenance. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Appendix B, Minimize Cooling Loads on TC. The CRS has directed using AFN-P01 for feeding the SGs. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1240021501 Restoration of Containment Cooling following a SIAS TASK STANDARD: Started Train CEDM ACUs and ormal ACUs K/A: 022 A4.01 RATING: RO: 3.6 SRO: 3.6 10CFR55: 45.5 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendices, Appendix 17 LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/19/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-606 or Reset to IC-20 and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: COMMAND DESCRIPTION mfTH06A f:50 Steam Generator Tube Rupture in S/G #1 Resets SIAS load shed panels INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure the control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or writing. GO TO RUN. Insert SGTR in #1 SG (mfTH06A). Manually trip the reactor and stabilize the plant. Allow a SIAS/CIAS to automatically actuate. -shed panels. Acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. After the cue has been read, GO TO RUN. PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 96 of 40EO-9EP10, Standard Appendices, Appendix 17. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 has tripped due to a Steam Generator Tube Rupture. SIAS and CIAS were actuated. The CRS is directing actions in 40EP-9EO04, Steam Generator Tube Rupture. CEDM ACUs and Containment Normal ACUs were running before the SIAS/CIAS. SIAS Load-shed panels have been re-energized. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to restore Containment Cooling per 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendix 17.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: 1 Check that ALL of the following are operating: PW pump NC pump At least one Normal Chiller Standard: Checked power available/running indications for PW, NC, and at least one normal chiller. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Procedure Note: Step 2 actions are sequenced to provide an added measure for maintaining the pressure of the in-containment piping above the saturation pressure and further minimize the development of water hammer conditions upon system restoration. JPM Step: 2 Proc Step: 2 WHEN a NC pump is running, THEN perform the following: Ensure NCB-UV-401, NC Containment Upstream Supply Isolation, is open. Ensure NCB-UV-403, NC Containment Upstream Return Isolation, is open. Ensure NCA-UV-402, NC Containment Downstream Return Isolation, is open. Standard: Verified the valves open in the order indicated: NCA-UV-401 NCB-UV-403 NCB-UV-402 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 Procedure Note: Step 3 actions are sequenced to provide an added measure for maintaining the pressure of the in-containment piping above the saturation pressure and further minimize the development of water hammer conditions upon system restoration. JPM Step: 3

  • Proc Step: 3 WHEN a WC pump is running, THEN perform the following: Ensure WCB-UV-63, WC Supply Header Outside Containment Isolation, is open. Ensure WCB-UV-61, WC Return Header Inside Containment Isolation, is open. Ensure WCA-UV-62, WC Return Header Outside Containment Isolation, is open. Standard: Overrode and opened the valves in the order indicated: WCB-UV-63 WCB-UV-61 WCA-UV-62 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4 Proc Step: 4 Ensure IAA-UV-2, Instrument Air Containment Isolation, is open. Standard: Verified IAA-UV-2 is open. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5 Proc Step: 5.a If PBA-S03 or PBB-S04 is being supplied by offsite power, then perform all of the following: Ensure at least one Normal Chiller is running. Standard: Verified at least one Normal Chiller is running. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 JPM Step: 6
  • Proc Step: 5.b IF SIAS has initiated THEN place the handswitch to for ALL of the following to the Auto After Stop (green flag) position: Train A CEDM ACUs Train B CEDM ACUs Train A Containment Normal ACUs Train B Containment Normal ACUs Standard: Placed the handswitches for the CEDM ACUs and the Containment Normal ACUs Examiner Note: The critical portion of this step is that at least the Train A handswitches are taken to STOP then AUTO. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 7
  • Proc Step: 5.c Ensure at least one train of CEDM ACUs is running. Standard: Started CEDM ACUs per Initiating CUE Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8
  • Proc Step: 5.d Ensure at least one train of Containment Normal ACUs is running. Standard: Examinee started Containment Normal ACUs per Initiating CUE Examiner Note: After the Examinee started Containment Normal ACUs: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S6 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 01 4/19/16 6 JPM Format Change REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 has tripped due to a Steam Generator Tube Rupture. SIAS and CIAS were actuated. The CRS is directing actions in 40EP-9EO04, Steam Generator Tube Rupture. Normal ACUs were running before the SIAS/CIAS. SIAS Load-shed panels have been re-energized. INITIATING CUE: The CRS Cooling per 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendix 17. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1240010101 Implement the Standard Post Trip Actions TASK STANDARD: PBB- K/A: 062 A4.01 RATING: RO: 3.3 SRO: 3.1 10CFR55: 45.5 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions, 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendices, Appendix 115, SPTA Supplement Actions LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: YES PRA/SRA RELATED: YES APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 10/28/2015 VALIDATED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 06/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-605 or Reset to IC-20 and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: COMMAND DESCRIPTION cmBKED06PBBS04K_1 PBB-S04 Normal Supply Breaker fails to auto open cmCPCC09SPBP01_5 mfED10B NBN-X04 transformer fault INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or additional information. ENSURE the SPTA and Appendix 115 hardcards are clean and available for use at B01. GO TO RUN. Insert the following malfunctions from the table above: o cmBKED06PBBS04K_1 o cmCPCC09SPBP01_5 o mfED10B Manually trip the reactor. Acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. After the initiating cue is read, GO TO RU


S/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 21 of 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions, and Revision 96 of 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendices, Appendix 115, SPTA Supplement Actions. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 has just tripped from 100% power. The reactivity report and verification of turbine trip and generator output breakers being open have been completed. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to continue SPTAs, per 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions. Start on step 3.b.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 JPM START TIME: Examiner Note: The examinee will use the SPTA hard card to continue SPTAs. JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: 3.b Check that station loads have transferred to offsite electrical power such that BOTH of the following conditions are met: All vital and non-vital AC buses are powered All vital and non-vital DC buses are powered Standard: Identified PBB-S04 is de-energized and addressed the contingency actions. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2 Proc Step: 3.b.1.1 If PBA-S03 or PBB-S04 is NOT powered from offsite, THEN perform the following: Ensure the associated DG has started Standard: Checked that the Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 Examiner Note: The following steps represent the alternate path portion of the JPM. JPM Step: 3 Proc Step: 3.b.1.2 If PBA-S03 or PBB-S04 is NOT powered from offsite, THEN perform the following: Ensure that the associated DG output breaker is closed. REFER TO Supplemental SPTA Actions (DG Running With Output Breaker Open) Hard Card Standard: Referred to the DG Running With Output Breaker Open hard card for actions to re-energize PBB-S04. Examiner Note: At this point, the examinee should transition to the Appendix 115 hard card. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4 Proc Step: 1.a If PBA-S03 or PBB-S04 is NOT powered from offsite power, AND the associated DG is running with its output breaker open, THEN perform the following: Check BOTH of the following: o DG frequency between 59.9 60.5 Hz. o DG voltage between 4080 4300 V Standard: Verified DG frequency between 59.9 60.5 Hz and DG voltage between 4080 4300 V Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 JPM Step: 5

  • Proc Step: 1.b Ensure BOTH of the following supply breakers on the affected bus are open (B01): Normal supply breaker Alternate supply breaker Standard: Identified the normal supply breaker is closed and opened the normal supply breaker. Examiner Note: When the normal supply breaker is opened, the DG output breaker will close and re-energize PBB-S04. At this point, the examinee should continue on in 40EO-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: The examinee should continue in SPTAs starting with step 3.b contingency action b.1.3. JPM Step: 6 Proc Step: 3.b.1.3 Standard: Marked step N/A Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 JPM Step: 7
  • Proc Step: 3.b.2.1 If a DG is running THEN perform the following: IF the associated Spray Pond Pump is NOT running, THEN start the associated Spray Pond Pump. Standard: Pond Pump. Examiner Cue: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S7 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 10/28/15 6 JPM created 1 4/11/16 6 Updated to new procedure revision for use on 2016 NRC Initial Exam REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 has just tripped from 100% power. The reactivity report and verification of turbine trip and generator output breakers being open have been completed. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to continue SPTAs, per 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions. Start on step 3.b. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1270030401 - Operate the plant during a reactor startup TASK STANDARD: Startup Channels have been de-energized, Control Channels have been energized, Boron Dilution Alarm System has been removed from service. K/A: 015 A4.02 RATING: RO: 3.9 SRO: 3.9 10CFR55: 45.2 POSITION(S): RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix D, Section D.2 LOCATION: SIMULATOR X PLANT CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/19/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 SIMULATOR SETUP: Reset to IC-603 or Reset to any Reactor Start-up IC and perform the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP below SIMULATOR SCENARIO FILES, MALFUNCTIONS, REMOTE FUNCTIONS, ETC. FOR SETUP: N/A COMMAND DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETUP: Ensure control boards and pertinent procedures are free of marks or writing. GO TO RUN. Withdraw control rods per 40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, until overlap is observed between Start-up Channels and Log Safety Channels. Acknowledge alarms. GO TO FREEZE. After the cue has been read, GO TO RU


S/MATERIALS: This JPM was written using Revision 63 of 40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix D, Section D.2. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is performing a reactor startup after a refueling outage. The unit is currently in MODE 2 and proper NI overlap has just been verified. 40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix D is complete through step D.2.1.3. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to de-energize Startup Channels per 40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix D, Checking NI Overlap and Turning Off Startup Channels, Section D.2, Turning Off Startup Channels. Start on Step D.2.2.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1 Proc Step: D.2.2.1 Perform the following in preparation for de-energizing the Startup Channels: Position SEN-HS-5A, SU CH 1 Volt Cutoff, to CONTROL CHANNEL 1. Standard: Placed SEN-HS-5A, SU CH 1 Volt Cutoff, to CONTROL CHANNEL 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2 Proc Step: D.2.2.2 Perform the following in preparation for de-energizing the Startup Channels: Position SEN-HS-6A, SU CH 2 Volt Cutoff, to CONTROL CHANNEL 2. Standard: Placed SEN-HS-5A, SU CH 1 Volt Cutoff, to CONTROL CHANNEL 2 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 3

  • Proc Step: D.2.2.3 Perform the following in preparation for de-energizing the Startup Channels: Shift SEN-JR-005, Startup/Control Flux Lvl, to CONTROL, using the right or left arrow on the circular selector on the face. Standard: Pushed the right or left arrow on the circular selector on the front of SEN-JR-005, Startup/Control Flux Lvl, and shifted to CONTROL. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM Step: 4
  • Proc Step: D.2.3.1 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to turn off High Voltage: Press the H.V. PERMIT push-button on Startup Channel 1. Standard: Depressed the H.V. PERMIT push-button on Startup Channel 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5 Proc Step: D.2.3.2 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to turn off High Voltage: Observe the amber H.V. PERMIT light is off, at Startup Channel 1. Standard: Observed the amber H.V. PERMIT light is off, at Startup Channel 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 6
  • Proc Step: D.2.3.3 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to turn off High Voltage: Press the H.V. PERMIT push-button on Startup Channel 2. Standard: Depressed the H.V. PERMIT push-button on Startup Channel 2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM Step: 7 Proc Step: D.2.3.4 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to turn off High Voltage: Observe the amber H.V. PERMIT light is off, at Startup Channel 2. Standard: Observed the amber H.V. PERMIT light is off, at Startup Channel 2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8
  • Proc Step: D.2.4.1 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to shift indication to the Control Channels: Press the STARTUP/CONTROL push-button for Startup and Control Channel 1. Standard: Depresses the STARTUP/CONTROL push-button for Startup and Control Channel 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 9 Proc Step: D.2.4.2 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to shift indication to the Control Channels Observe the red backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 1. Standard: Observed the red backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM Step: 10 Proc Step: D.2.4.3 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to shift indication to the Control Channels Observe the green backlight CONTROL portion is on, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 1. Standard: Observed the green backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 1. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 11
  • Proc Step: D.2.4.4 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to shift indication to the Control Channels: Press the STARTUP/CONTROL push-button for Startup and Control Channel 2. Standard: Depresses the STARTUP/CONTROL pushbutton for Startup and Control Channel 2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 12 Proc Step: D.2.4.5 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to shift indication to the Control Channels: Observe the red backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 2. Standard: Observes the red backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM Step: 13 Proc Step: D.2.4.6 Perform the following at the Startup and Control Channel Drawer, to shift indication to the Control Channels: Observe the green backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 2 Standard: Observes the green backlight STARTUP portion is off, at the pushbuttons for Startup and Control Channel 2. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 14 Proc Step: D.2.4.7 IF any TROUBLE light is on, THEN reset the light by pressing the TROUBLE pushbutton for ANY affected channel: Startup and Control Channel 1 Startup and Control Channel 2 Standard: If any TROUBLE light was lit, then the Examinee reset the light by pressing the TROUBLE pushbutton for the affected channel. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 15 Proc Step: D.2.4.8 IF any HIGH CPS light is on, THEN reset the light by pressing the HIGH CPS pushbutton for ANY affected channel: Startup and Control Channel 1 Startup and Control Channel 2 Standard: If any HIGH CPS light was lit, the Examinee reset the light by pressing the HIGH CPS pushbutton for any affected channel. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 JPM Step: 16
  • Proc Step: D.2.5 Reset the Inadvertent Boron Dilution alarms, as follows:(Located behind B04, in cabinet J-ZJN-C06) Press the RESET pushbutton, on JSEN-NI-005, BDAS Display Module. Press the RESET pushbutton, on JSEN-NI-006, BDAS Display Module Standard: Reset the Inadvertent Boron Dilution alarms by pressing the RESET pushbutton for both BDAS channels Examiner Cue Once the examinee resets the Inadvertent Boron Dilution alarms, Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM S8 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 00 4/19/2016 6 New JPM REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is performing a reactor startup after a refueling outage. The unit is currently in MODE 2 and proper NI overlap has just been verified. 40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix D is complete through step D.2.1.3. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to de-energize Startup Channels per 40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix D Start on Step D.2.2. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1250440201 Respond to a Control Room Fire TASK STANDARD: Aligned Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Tank and completed all time critical actions within the allotted time standards. K/A: 068 AA1.08 RATING: RO: 4.2 SRO: 4.2 10CFR55: 41.7 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 15 minutes


40AO-9ZZ19, Control Room Fire LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT X CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: YES ALTERNATE PATH: YES PRA/SRA RELATED: YES APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/19/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 40AO-9ZZ19, Control Room Fire, Appendix G, steps 1-7 Attached pictures of disconnect switch. This JPM was written using Revision 33 of 40AO-9ZZ19. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM. The time critical nature of this JPM is based on actions identified in Appendix D of 40DP-9ZZ04, Time Critical Action Program. Due to the alternate portion of this JPM extending the completion time by ~ 5 minutes (validated via operator walkdown), the first three steps of 40AO-9ZZ19, Control Room Fire, Appendix G, are cued as being completed and the JPM is started upon entry to the RCA. The first three steps of Appendix G and transit time to the RCA was also validated to take ~ 5 minutes. Since not performing the first three steps or transiting to the RCA is approximately equal to the extra time to perform the time critical actions, the JPM is still treated as time critical with an initial time critical action of 30 minutes.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: The Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire. One Charging Pump is running. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to realign charging pump suction to the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) per 40AO-9ZZ19, Control Room Fire, Appendix G, Upper Auxiliary Building Actions, steps 4-7. Steps 1-3 of Appendix G have been completed. Assume you have obtained a lantern. THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 JPM START TIME: Examiner Note: The cue should be provided to the examinee upon entry into the RCA. When the cue is read to the examinee, document the start time below. Start time: ____________ JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: 4.a Perform the following at NHN-M7209, RWT Gravity Feed Line to Charging Pump Suction CHE-HV-536: (120 ft. Hallway East) Place CS- Standard: Simulated placing CS-3 in LOCAL. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates placing CS-3 in LOCAL: - Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: The following step represents the alternate path portion of the JPM. JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: 4.b Perform the following at NHN-M7209, RWT Gravity Feed Line to Charging Pump Suction CHE-HV-536: (120 ft. Hallway East) Open CHE-HV-536, RWT Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction, using the local control switch. Standard: Simulated opening CHE-HV-536 and recognized that CHE-HV-536 did not open, requiring local manual operation per the contingency action. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening CHE-HV-536: -HV- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: 4.b.1 Manually open CHE-HV-536. (BAMP Room) Standard: Simulated engaging the clutch and opening CHE-HV-536 locally. This step must be completed within 30 minutes of the start of the JPM (based on TCA-31) RWT flow established at time: _____________ Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening CHE-HV-536: -HV-536 stem is up and the handwheel has rotated to the fully Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4
  • Proc Step: 5.a Perform the following at NHN-M7208, Volume Control Tank Outlet CHN-UV-501: Place CS-3 in the Standard: Simulated placing CS-3 to LOCAL. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates placing CS-3 in LOCAL: - Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 JPM Step: 5
  • Proc Step: 5.b Perform the following at NHN-M7208, Volume Control Tank Outlet CHN-UV-501: WHEN CHE-HV-536 is open, THEN close CHN-UV-501, VCT Outlet using the local control switch. Standard: Simulated closing CHN-UV-501. This step must be completed within 44 minutes of the start of the JPM (based on TCA-32) VCT isolated at time: ____________ Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHN-UV-501: -UV- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 JPM Step: 6
  • Proc Step: 6 Open ALL of the following disconnects in ZAN-C01: (120 ft. Aux Bldg Hallway East) DS 26-07, CHE-FV-241, RCP 1A Seal Injection Inlet (Fails Open) DS 24-17, CHE-FV-242, RCP 1B Seal Injection Inlet (Fails Open) DS 22-13, CHE-FV-244, RCP 2B Seal Injection Inlet (Fails Open) DS 22-14, CHE-HV-532, RWT to BAMPs Suction (Fails Open) Standard: Simulated opening DS 26-07, 24-17, 22-13, and 22-14. This step must be completed within 60 minutes of the start of the JPM (based on TCA-33) Disconnect switches open at time: ___________ Examiner Cue: When ZAN-C01 is located, give the examinee the attached pictures and have them describe how to open the disconnect switches. When the examinee describes how to open the disconnect switches: -07, 24-17, 22-13, and 22-14 knife switches are in the fully down Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 7 Proc Step: 7 Inform the CRS that charging pump suction has been shifted to the RWT. Standard: Simulated informing the CRS that charging pump suction has been shifted to the RWT. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates informing the CRS: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P1 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 02 12/3/09 6 New JPM format 03 7/18/12 3, 6 Procedure change and new JPM format 04 7/17/15 6 New JPM format 05 11/5/15 6 Modified JPM by removing steps 1-3 to facilitate starting the JPM in the RCA REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: The Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire. One Charging Pump is running. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to swap charging pump suction to the RWT per 40AO-9ZZ19, Control Room Fire, Appendix G, Upper Auxiliary Building Actions, steps 4-7. Steps 1-3 of Appendix G have been completed. Assume you have obtained a lantern. THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 0150090401 Perform Charging Pump Pulsation Dampener Operations TASK STANDARD: bladder, and isolated . K/A: 004 A4.08 RATING: RO: 3.8 SRO: 3.4 10CFR55: 45.6 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging and Letdown, Appendix I LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT X CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 5/27/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 7/7/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown, Appendix I, Steps 1-7. This JPM was written using Revision 29 of 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM. INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 has experienced a Loss of Letdown. The CRS has entered 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown. is running with standby. Subsequently: became air-bound. The CRS transitioned to Appendix G, Responding to Gas Binding of Charging Pumps. All Charging Pumps handswitches have been placed in Pull-To-Lock. VCT level is 40%. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown, Appendix I, Venting Charging Pumps and Header to the Recycle Drain Header, steps 1-7.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1 Proc Steps: 1.a through 1.e IF CHA-P01, Charging Pump A, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Open CHN-VZ02, CHN-PI-Pump Room) Open CHA-VZ05, CHA-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHA-X07 N2 Inlet Isol Check CHN-PI-1010, CHA-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHA-X07 N2 Supply Press Indic, indicates less than 100 psig. Close CHA-VZ05, CHA-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHA-X07 N2 Inlet Isol Close CHN-VZ02, CHN-PI-Pump Room) Standard: Marked these steps and substeps N/A since time of failure. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2

  • Proc Step: 2.a IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Open CHN-VZ03, CHN-PI-Pump Room) Standard: Simulated opening CHN-VZ03. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening CHN-VZ03: wheel for CHN-VZ03 is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: 2.b IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Open CHB-VZ06, CHB-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHB-X07 N2 Inlet Isol Standard: Simulated opening CHN-VZ06. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening CHN-VZ06: wheel for CHN-VZ06 is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4
  • Proc Step: 2.c IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Check CHN-PI-1020, CHB-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHB-X07 N2 Supply Press Indic, indicates less than 100 psig. Standard: Checked Pulsation Dampener supply pressure at CHN-PI-1020. Examiner Cue: When the examinee checks CHN-PI-1010: Use a pen to simulate CHN-PI-1020 indicating 1500 psig. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 5 Proc Step: 2.c.1 IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: IF CHN-PI-1020 indicates approximately 1500 psig, THEN notify the SM/CRS that the CHB-P01 pulsation dampener bladder is NOT failed. Standard: Simulated notifying the SM/CRS that CHB-P01 pulsation dampener bladder is NOT failed. Examiner Cue: When the Examinee simulates notifying the SM/CRS that CHB-P01 pulsation dampener bladder is NOT failed: Control Room has been informed Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 6
  • Proc Step: 2.d IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Close CHB-VZ06, CHB-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHB-X07 N2 Inlet Isol Standard: Simulated closing CHN-VZ06. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHN-VZ06: wheel for CHN-VZ06 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 7
  • Proc Step: 2.e IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Close CHN-VZ03, CHN-PI-Pump Room) Standard: Simulated closing CHN-VZ03. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHN-VZ03: wheel for CHN-VZ03 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8
  • Proc Step: 3.a IF CHE-P01, Charging Pump E, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Open CHN-VZ04, CHN-PI-1033 Charging Pump Room) Standard: Simulated opening CHN-VZ04. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening CHN-VZ04: wheel for CHN-VZ04 is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 9
  • Proc Step: 3.b IF CHE-P01, Charging Pump E, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Open CHN-VZ07, CHN-PI-1033 Charging Pump Room) Standard: Simulated opening CHN-VZ07. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening CHN-VZ07: wheel for CHN-VZ07 is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 10
  • Proc Step: 3.c IF CHE-P01, Charging Pump E, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Check CHN-PI-1030, CHE-P01 Pulsation Dampener CHE-X07 N2 Supply Press Indic, indicates less than 100 psig. Standard: Identified Pulsation Dampener supply pressure at CHN-PI-1030 is 0 psig. Examiner Cue: When the examinee checks CHN-PI-1030: Use a pen to simulate CHN-PI-1030 indicating 0 psig. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 11
  • Proc Step: 3.d IF CHE-P01, Charging Pump E, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Close CHN-VZ07, CHN-PI-1033 Charging Pump Room) Standard: Simulated closing CHN-VZ07. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHN-VZ07: wheel for CHN-VZ07 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 12
  • Proc Step: 3.e IF CHE-P01, Charging Pump E, was the standby pump at the time of the failure, THEN perform the following: Close CHN-VZ04, CHN-PI-1033 Charging Pump Room) Standard: Simulated closing CHN-VZ04 Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHN-VZ04: wheel for CHN-VZ04 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 13 Proc Step: 4.a and 4.b IF CHA-P01, Charging Pump A, has the failed discharge pulsation dampener bladder, THEN perform the following to isolate CHA-P01, Charging Pump A: Close CHA-V316, Charging Pump CHA-P01 Suction Isolation Valve. Close CHA-V339, Charging Pump CHA-P01 Discharge Valve. Standard: Marked steps N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 14 Proc Step: 5.a and 5.b IF CHA-B01, Charging Pump B, has the failed discharge pulsation dampener bladder, THEN perform the following to isolate CHB-P01, Charging Pump B: #2 Charging Pump Room) Close CHB-V319, Charging Pump CHB-P01 Suction Isolation Valve. Close CHB-V337, Charging Pump CHB-P01 Discharge Valve. Standard: Marked steps N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 15
  • Proc Step: 6.a IF CHA-P01, Charging Pump E, has the failed discharge pulsation dampener bladder, THEN perform the following to isolate CHE-P01, Charging Pump E: 3 Charging Pump Room) Close CHE-V322, Charging Pump CHE-P01 Suction Isolation Valve. Standard: Simulated closing CHE-V322 Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHE-V322: wheel for CHE-V322 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 JPM Step: 16
  • Proc Step: 6.b IF CHA-P01, Charging Pump A, has the failed discharge pulsation dampener bladder, THEN perform the following to isolate CHA-P01, Charging Pump A: Close CHE-V335, Charging Pump CHE-P01 Discharge Valve. Standard: Simulated closing CHE-V335 Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing CHE-V335: wheel for CHN-V335 Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT Procedure Note: Per CRDR 4648070, the impact on the charging pump and connected system components while operating with a failed pulsation dampener has not been analyzed for any specific time period. JPM Step: 17 Proc Step: 7 Notify the SM/CRS that the charging pump with the failed discharge pulsation dampener bladder is unavailable for use. Standard: Simulated notifying the SM/CRS that CHE-for use due to a failed pulsation dampener bladder. Examiner Cue: When the Examinee simulates informing the SM/CRS that CHE-P01, Charging a failed pulsation dampener bladder: is complete Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P2 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 0 5/27/2016 6 New JPM REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: Unit 1 has experienced a Loss of Letdown. The CRS has entered 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown. Pumps in standby. Subsequently: -bound. The CRS transitioned to Appendix G, Responding to Gas Binding of Charging Pumps. All Charging Pumps handswitches have been placed in Pull-To-Lock. VCT level is 40%. INITIATING CUE: The CRS directs you to perform 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown, Appendix I, Venting Charging Pumps and Header to the Recycle Drain Header, steps 1-7. EXAMINEE EXAMINEE 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 JPM INFORMATION TASK: 1240021701 Direct Containment Hydrogen Control TASK STANDARD: K/A: 028 A4.01 RATING: RO: 4.0 SRO: 4.0 10CFR55: 45.8 POSITION(S): AO/RO/SRO VALIDATION TIME: 10 minutes


40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendix 19, Attachment 19-J LOCATION: SIMULATOR PLANT X CLASSROOM TIME CRITICAL: NO ALTERNATE PATH: NO PRA/SRA RELATED: NO APPROVALS DEVELOPED/REVISED BY: Joseph Stevens DATE: 4/20/2016 VALIDATED BY: John Rodgers DATE: 6/27/2016 TECH REVIEW: N/A OPERATIONS APPROVAL: N/A E-PLAN REVIEW: N/A TRAINING APPROVAL: N/A Only required for E-Plan JPMs EVALUATION EXAMINEE: DATE: EVALUATOR: GRADE (circle): SAT / UNSAT* START: STOP: TOTAL TIME: minutes *A grade of UNSAT for E-Plan JPMs requires a PVAR to be written, remediation, and re-evaluation. PVAR # Issues identified on E-Plan JPMs during performance will be documented with a formal post-critique using Form EP-0800 and forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness organization for resolution.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 PROCEDURES/MATERIALS: 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendices, Appendix 19, Containment Hydrogen Control, Attachment 19-J, Placing Purge Exhaust in Service. This JPM was written using Revision 96 of 40EP-9EO10. This JPM may be used with later revisions if it is verified that the later revision does not affect the Steps/Standards of the JPM.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 INFORMATION PRESENTED TO EXAMINEE: ALL JPMS: You may use any source of information normally available (procedures, prints, OAPs, etc.). Classroom instruction materials (Lesson Plans, System Training Manuals, PowerPoint presentations, classroom notes, etc.) are not permitted to be used. If there is a question regarding reference material desired to be used, ask evaluator prior to seeking reference. IN-PLANT JPMS ONLY: Operation of in-plant equipment is to be SIMULATED ONLY. DO NOT operate any equipment. Notify the Shift Manager when in-plant JPMs are being performed. Inform the Control Room staff of any discovered deficiencies Comply with the REP. If it is not possible to enter an area it may be permissible to discuss the equipment and operation with evaluator. DO NOT enter Contaminated Areas or High Radiation Areas. INITIAL CONDITIONS: A Large-break LOCA has occurred in Unit 1. The CRS has entered 40EP-9EO10, LOCA. Due to hydrogen concentration concerns inside containment, the CRS has decided to place the Train Hydrogen Recombiner Purge Exhaust Unit in service. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendix 19, Attachment 19-J, to place the Train Hydrogen Recombiner Purge Exhaust Unit in service.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR USE: An asterisk (*) denotes a Critical Step. Failure of a Critical Step will result in an UNSAT evaluation. At the discretion of the Evaluator, this JPM may be terminated when the Task Standard is met or adequate time has been allowed to complete the JPM. Any step marked UNSAT requires comments. If this is the first JPM of the set, then ensure the examinee has been briefed. Step sequence is not critical unless noted or will prevent the Task Standard from being met.

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 JPM START TIME: JPM Step: 1

  • Proc Step: 1 IF THEN open ALL of the following valves: HPA-Recombiner Area) Standard: Simulated opening HPA-V005. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening HPA-V005: -V005 handwheel is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 2
  • Proc Step: 1 IF THEN open ALL of the following valves: HPA- Recombiner Area) Standard: Simulated opening HPA-V001. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening HPA-V001: -V001 handwheel is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 JPM Step: 3
  • Proc Step: 1 IF THEN open ALL of the following valves: IAN-(100 ft. Aux Bldg Purge Exh Unit) Standard: Simulated opening IAN-V061. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates opening IAN-V061: -V061 handwheel is in the fully counter- Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 4
  • Proc Step: 2 IF THEN close HPA- Standard: Simulated closing HPA-V013. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates closing HPA-V013: - Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 5 Proc Step: 3 IF THEN open ALL of the following valves: HPB- HPB- Recombiner Area) IAN- (100 ft. Aux Bldg Purge Exh Unit) Standard: Marked step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT 2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 JPM Step: 6 Proc Step: 4 IF THEN close HPB- Standard: Marked step N/A. Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 7
  • Proc Step: 5 Place HPN- (100 ft. Aux Bldg Purge Exh Unit) Standard: Examinee simulated placing the HPN-HS35 handswitch to the ON position. Examiner Cue: When the examinee simulates placing handswitch HPN-HS35 to ON: - Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM Step: 8 Proc Step: 6 Inform the responsible operator of BOTH of the following: Attachment 19-J is completed The Purge Exhaust Unit is in service Standard: Examinee simulated informing the control room that Attachment 19-J is complete and the Train Hydrogen Recombiner Purge Exhaust Unit is in service. Examiner Cue: When the Examinee simulates informing the control room that Attachment 19-J is complete and the is in service: Comments (required for UNSAT): SAT UNSAT JPM STOP TIME:

2016 PVNGS NRC Initial Exam JPM P3 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION # REVISION DATE REASON COMMENTS 00 4/20/2016 6 New JPM REASON REVISED Enter the numbers corresponding to the reason revised in the Reason Revised column and brief description of changes in Comments Column. Comments are to be numbered consecutively in each revision. 1. Vendor reference document upgrade 2. Plant modification (include number) 3. Procedure upgrade 4. Internal or External Agency Commitment (indicate item number) 5. Technical Specification Change (indicate amendment number) 6. Other (explain in comments)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: A Large-break LOCA has occurred in Unit 1. The CRS has entered 40EP-9EO10, LOCA. Due to hydrogen concentration concerns inside Hydrogen Recombiner Purge Exhaust Unit in service. INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform 40EP-9EO10, Standard Appendix 19, Attachment 19-J, to place the Train EXAMINEE EXAMINEE Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Facility: PVNGS Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: 2016 NRC Exam Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: 2% power, MOC, AFA-P01 OOS Turnover: vice. Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 N (BOP) 2 I (ATC) TS (SRO) Pressurizer Level Transmitter RCA-LI-110X fails to 100% 3 C (SRO, BOP) Plant Cooling Water Pump shaft shear, standby pump fails to auto start 4 I (SRO, ATC, BOP) Reactor Regulating System THOT fails high 5 I (SRO, BOP) TS (SRO) Inadvertent MSIS 6 M (ALL) Loss of Off-Site Power (trip initiator) 7 C (ATC, SRO) Full Strength CEA fails to insert on trip emergency boration 8 C (BOP, SRO) 9 M (ALL) Aux Feed Pump AFN-P01 overcurrent trip * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS)Technical Specifications Actual Target Quantitative Attributes 8 Total malfunctions (5-8) 3 Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 4 Abnormal events (2-4) 2 Major transients (1-2) 1 EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 1 EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 3 Critical tasks (2-3)

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 2016 NRC Exam Scenario 1 Overview Event 1 The BOP will transfer from EHC (Electro-40OP-9CO01, Electro-Hydraulic Control System, Section 6.7, Shifting from Hydraulic Fluid Pump B to Hydraulic Fluid Pump A. Event 2 Pressurizer level transmitter RCA-LI-110X will fail to 100%. The ATC will address the ARP due to level being ~ 70% higher than setpoint and letdown will isolate in ~ 45 seconds. The ARP will direct selecting the unaffected channel of level control. If letdown isolates, the CRS will direct the restoration of letdown after the unaffected channel has been selected. The CRS will also address TS due to LT-110X being a PAMI indication. Event 3 The running PW pump will experience a sheared shaft. The standby pump will fail to auto start. The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, and direct starting the standby pump manually. Event 4 A THOT input to the RRS System will fail high. The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ16, RRS Malfunctions, and direct the BOP to determine the failed transmitter at the RRS cabinet and select the unaffected channel. The CRS will also direct the ATC to take either MANUAL or LOCAL / AUTO control of pressurizer level since the remote setpoint will be failed high as a result of the THOT failure. Event 5 A TBenter 40AO-9ZZ17, Inadvertent PPS-ESFAS Actuations, and direct the BOP to restore Feedwater using Aux Feedwater. Event 6 When feed has been restored, a loss of off-site power will occur. This will result in a reactor trip. The CRS will enter 40EP-9EO01, SPTAs. Event 7 The CRS will direct the ATC to commence emergency borating to the RCS. The ATC will have to use an alternate boration path due to the loss of power on the trip. Event 8 The T-to close. The BOP will attempt to close the output breaker but will not be successful. As a result, he will have to direct an AO to emergency stop the EDG within 15 minutes due to running with no cooling water. Event 9 8 minutes after the reactor trip, AFW pump AFN-P01 will trip on 86 lockout (overcurrent trip) putting the crew in a EDG and restoring Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Critical Task # 1: Commence borating to the RCS at a rate of 26 gpm within 15 minutes of the reactor trip due to less than all full-strength CEAs being fully inserted. Safety Significance: Per the Time Critical Action Program, commence emergency boration (MODES 3 5) within 15 minutes due to minimum shutdown margin less than limit in COLR. With less than all full strength CEAs fully inserted, the SDM is assumed to be less than minimum required. Justification for the 15 minutes is from 40DP-9ZZ04, Time Critical Action Program. Justification for the 26 gpm limit is from Technical Specification Bases for LCO 3.1.1, SDM Reactor Trip Breakers Open. Cueing: The crew will have indication of the stuck CEA from the Rod Bottom Light for the CEA failing to illuminate on the trip as well as the CPDS (CEA Position Display System) indicating one CEA failed to insert on the reactor trip. Measurable Performance Indicator: The crew will align Charging Pump suction from the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) and ensure adequate Charging Pump flow of greater than or equal to 26 gpm. Adequate boration flow can also be seen using the CVCS System Diagram using an ERFDADS computer display. Performance Feedback: The crew will have indication of boration flow by ensuring the Charging Pump suction has been aligned to the Refueling Water Tank and Charging Pump flow is 26 gpm. Critical Task # 2: Operate Auxiliary Spray and/or ADVs as necessary to prevent lifting primary safety valves. Safety Significance: Due to the loss of all feedwater and the requirement to maintain boration flow to ensure the reactivity safety function is satisfied, auxiliary spray and/or ADVs will be required to maintain RCS pressure less than the lift setpoint for primary safeties. Lifting of the primary safety valves would unnecessarily complicate the event, challenging the RCS inventory and pressure control safety functions. Cueing: The crew will have indication of a loss of all feed water as well as the running Charging Pump (which they cannot secure due to the requirement to maintain a boration to satisfy the reactivity control safety function), and PZR level and pressure rising. The crew should recognize that action is needed to prevent lifting a primary safety valve. Measureable Performance Indicator: The crew will operate controls for the Pressurizer Auxiliary Spray and/or Steam Generator ADVs as necessary while observing board indications for pressurizer level and pressure. Performance Feedback: Board and computer indications of RCS pressure (primary safety valve lift setting of 2475 psig) as well as Primary Safety Valve position indicators on B04. The crew will demonstrate satisfactory performance by maintaining primary pressure less than the lift setpoint of the Primary Safety Valves (2475 psig).

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Critical Task # 3: s 4kV bus PBB-S04 and restore feed to at least one SG prior to reaching 0% wide range in both SGs. Safety Significance: The crew will have to restore feed water to at least one SG to ensure adequate inventory in the SG(s) to remove decay heat from the core. Cueing: The crew will have indication of a complete loss of feed water due to the MSIS stopping both Main Feedwater Pumps, AFA-P01 is OOS, AFN-P01 will experience a sheared shaft ~ 8 minutes after the reactor trip, and the loss of power to AFB-P01. There will also be indication provided by all feed water flow indicators indicating 0 gpm to each SG. -P01, and open flow control valves to commence feeding at least one SG. Performance Feedback: When the crew has restored power to AFB-P01, started AFB-P01 and aligned a feed path to at least one SG, the crew will have indication of feed flow to at least one SG as well as a rising trend on SG level(s), and depending on feed flow rate, a lowering trend on RCS temperature.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Turnover Plant Conditions: 2% power, MOC, 250 EFPD. AFN-P01 supplying feed to both SGs. SG levels are being controlled using Downcomer Bypass valves. CEDMCS Mode Selector Switch is in Manual Sequential. Main Generator output breakers are closed to re-ring the bus, the MOD is open. Pressurizer is in boron equalization. PC Cleanup is NOT recirculating the RWT. Unit 2 is supplying the Aux Steam cross-tie header. Equipment Out of Service: AFA-P01 is OOS for bearing replacement. Expected return to service in the next 12 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. LCO 3.7.5, Auxiliary Feedwater System, Conditions A and B were entered 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> ago. Risk Management Action Level is ORANGE. Planned Shift Activities: Transfer from EHC (Electro-Hy -9CO01, Electro-Hydraulic Control System, Section 6.7, Shifting from Hydraulic Fluid Pump B to Hydraulic Fluid Pump A, in preparation for maintena An area operator is standing by in the field to support the EHC Pump swap. Maintain power stable as final preparations are being made for placing a MFW Pump in service and resuming the power ascension to 12% power.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS for SIMULATOR SETUP RESET to IC-10 and run Scenario EVENT TYPE MALF # DESCRIPTION DEMAND VALUE INITIATOR 1 None None Transfer None None 2 MF CV14A RCA-LI-110X fails to 100% 100 Key 2 3 CM CPSW01PWNP01B_1 shaft shear Sheared Key 3 3 CM CPSW01PWNP01A_5 FTAS Key 3 4 CM TRRX05RCNTT111X_1 RCS Thot transmitter TT-111X fails to 650°F 650 Key 4 5 MF RP06B1 Train Actuate Key 5 5 MF RP06B2 Actuate Key 5 6 MF ED02 Loss of Offsite Power Loss Key 6 7 MF RD03K CEA 57 fails to insert on trip As-Is Setup 8 MF EG09B As-Is Setup 9 MF FW21A AFN-P01 overcurrent trip (8 minute time delay) Trip Rx Trip N/A RF EG21 Stop Key 31 Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Driver Setup: RESET to IC-10 Ensure SG levels are stable between 45 and 50% NR. Run 2016 NRC Scenario 1 event file Run AFA-P01 Scenario file Place OOS tags on AFA-P01 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 1 Page 8 of 33 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Procedure Caution: If EHC fluid pressure drops to 1100 psig, the Main Turbine will trip. BOP 1. Start Hydraulic Fluid Pump A by momentarily placing handswitch CON-HS-4, Hydraulic Fluid Pump A P01A, to START. BOP 2. Check ALL the following for Hydraulic Fluid Pump A: The red START light at handswitch CON-HS-4, Hydraulic Fluid Pump A P01A, is on. Motor amps are less than 219 amps. Pump discharge pressure is between 1500 psig and 1750 psig, indicated locally on CON-PI-Indicator. wait 15 seconds and report discharge pressure is 1650 psig and stable. Procedure Note: In the following step, the handswitch will return to the center AUTO position when released. BOP 3. Perform the following for Hydraulic Fluid Pump B: Stop Hydraulic Fluid Pump B by momentarily placing handswitch CON-HS-5, HYDRAULIC FLUID PUMP B P01B, to STOP. Check the green STOP light is on at handswitch CON-HS-5, HYDRAULIC FLUID PUMP B P01B. Examiner Note: proceed to Event 2, Pressurizer Level Transmitter RCA-LI-110X fails to 100%.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 2, Pressurizer Level Transmitter RCA-LI-110X fails to 100% Indications Available: 4A02B PZR LVL HI-LO Rising letdown flow Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AL-9RK4A, window 4A02B, PZR LVL HI-LO Examiner Note: The CRS may direct the RO to start a second Charging Pump prior to addressing the ARP (allowed as a Prompt and Prudent action). If the second Charging Pump is started prior to addressing the ARP, letdown will likely not auto isolate. ATC 1. Check BOTH of the following level indications: RCA-LI-110X, Level Control Channel X RCB-LI-110Y, Level Control Channel Y ATC 2. Check ALL of the following Pressurizer backup heaters are energized: RCA-HS-100-4, Backup Heaters Bank RCB-HS-100-5, Backup Heaters Bank RCN-HS-100-6, Backup Heaters Bank RCN-HS-100-7, Backup Heaters Bank RCN-HS-100-8, Backup Heaters Bank RCN-HS-100-9, Backup Heaters Bank ATC 3. IF ONE of the following level control channels has failed: RCA-LI-110X, Level Control Channel X RCB-LI-110Y, Level Control Channel Y THEN perform the following: Place RCN-HS-110, Level Control Selector Channel X/Y, to ONE of the following unaffected level instruments: CH-X CH-Y Place RCN-HS-100-3, Heater Control Selector Level Trip Channel X/Y, to ONE of the following unaffected level instruments: CH-X CH-Y Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 10 of 33 Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC 4. IF BOTH of the following conditions exist: RCN-LIC-110, Level Setpoint Control, is in REMOTE and AUTOMATIC Pressurizer level is NOT recovering THEN perform the following: Place RCN-LIC-110, Level Setpoint Control, in ONE of the following at direction of the SM/CRS: o LOCAL AUTOMATIC (REFER TO the Shifting RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, Modes appendix in 40OP-9CH01, CVCS Normal Operations) o MANUAL Adjust RCN-LIC-110, Level Setpoint Control, to maintain Pressurizer level between 33% and 52.5%. 5. IF BOTH of the following conditions exist: The standby charging pump is operating The SM/CRS directs stopping the standby charging pump THEN stop the standby charging pump per 40OP-9CH01, CVCS Normal Operations. CRS 6. IF a level channel failure is the cause of the alarm condition, THEN perform the following: REFER TO LCO 3.3.10, Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation. REFER TO LCO 3.3.11, Remote Shutdown System. Initiate a Condition Report for Maintenance to troubleshoot and repair the failed instrument. Technical Specifications: Due to the failure of RCA-LI-110X, LCO 3.3.10, Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, Condition A LCO 3.3.11, Remote Shutdown System, Condition A 7. IF Pressurizer steady state level exceeded 56%, THEN REFER TO LCO 3.4.9, Pressurizer. Examiner Note: If letdown isolated as a result of RCA-LI-110X failing to 100%, the crew will perform 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown. The following steps are from the AOP: CRS 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 11 of 33 Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 2. IF BOTH of the following occur at any time during this procedure: Pressurizer level lowers to 33% Restoration of charging is NOT impending THEN trip the reactor. Procedure Note: Multiple indications and SM/CRS discretion should be applied to diagnosing Charging Pump gas binding. 3. IF Charging Pump gas binding is indicated by ANY of the following: Charging header flow fluctuations Charging header pressure fluctuations Charging header flow less than expected for running charging pumps Charging suction source (VCT, RWT) level lost THEN perform Appendix G, Responding to Gas Binding of Charging Pumps. 4. IF a Charging line rupture has occurred, THEN perform the following: Close CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve, to isolate letdown flow. Place ALL of the following handswitches in PULL-TO-LOCK: CHA-HS-216, Charging Pump 1 P01 CHB-HS-217, Charging Pump 2 P01 CHA-HS-218A, Charging Pump 3 P01 CHB-HS-218, Charging Pump 3 P01 Perform the following to close CHN-UV-501, VCT Outlet: CHN-HS-501, Volume Control Tank Outlet Vlv, in CLOSE. Direct an operator to open NHN-M7208, Cktbrk for Volume Control Tk Outlet Vlv CHN-UV-501. WHEN NHN-M7208 is open, THEN release CHN-HS-501. 5. IF Charging Flow can NOT be restored through the normal Charging Pump discharge flowpath, THEN perform Appendix J, Charging Thru HPSI Cold Leg Injection via SIE-V508. ATC 6. Place RCN-LIC-110, PLCS Master Controller, in MAN with 0% output. ATC 7. Check that letdown backpressure is less than setpoint. ATC 8. If pressurizer level is 33% or more AND rising, THEN ensure no more than one Charging Pump is running.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 9. IF ANY of the following: Pressurizer level is 56% or more and rising Pressurizer level is 27% or less and lowering THEN perform the following: Ensure LCO 3.4.9, Pressurizer, has been declared not met AND Condition A has been entered. Initiate actions to place the Unit in Mode 3 with Reactor Trip Breakers open within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Initiate actions to place the Unit in Mode 4 within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. CREW 10. IF letdown was NOT manually isolated, THEN determine the cause of the loss of letdown (REFER TO Appendix E, Supplementary Information) by evaluating ANY of the following: PLCS failures NC flow to Letdown Heat Exchanger SIAS/CIAS CVCS component failures Loss of IA Loss of power 11. IF the selected Letdown Control or Backpressure Control Valve(s) has failed, AND it is desired to place the standby valve in service, THEN PERFORM Appendix F, Aligning Letdown Control And Backpressure Valves. 12. IF ALL of the following conditions exist: CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve, closed due to an invalid high temperature interlock CHN-TI-221, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature, indication is available Letdown is desired THEN direct maintenance to PERFORM 81DP-0DC17, Temporary Modification Control, to install a jumper across relay63X-T221, points 19 and 20 in cabinet E-ZJB-C03.(REFER TO drawing E-CHB-031) 13. IF CHB-UV-523, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Outlet Isolation Valve, is closed due to an invalid high temperature alarm, AND letdown is desired, THEN place CHB-HS-523, LETDOWN CTMT ISOL, to CRS 14. IF letdown can be restored, THEN perform the following: PERFORM Appendix A, Restoration of Letdown With A Pressurizer Steam Bubble.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from Appendix A, Restoration of Letdown with a Pressurizer Steam Bubble ATC 1. Enter Appendix Entry Time and Date ATC 2. Ensure at least ONE of the following valves are closed: CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve CHA-UV-516, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve CHB-UV-523, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Outlet Isolation Valve ATC 3. Ensure BOTH of the following Letdown Control Valves are closed: CHE-LV-110P, Letdown Control Valve CHE-LV-110Q, Letdown Control Valve ATC 4. Ensure BOTH of the following ERFDADS points associated with Letdown are set to alarm at the appropriate setpoint: CHT221, Regen Hx Outlet Temperature, at a high alarm of 380°F CHP201, Letdown Intermediate Press / Backpressure, at a low alarm of 205 psig ATC 5. Perform the following: Place CHN-PIC- Open the selected Letdown Backpressure Valve(s) to 60% output. Procedure Note: RCP HP seal cooler inlet temperature is expected to rise to between 200°F and 220°F when seal injection is stopped. All other seal temperatures are expected to remain normal. 6. IF ANY of the following: NO Charging Pumps are running ONLY one Charging Pump is available THEN perform the following: Ensure controlled bleedoff is isolated on all standby Seal 2 Outlet Temperature exceeding 250°F. Isolate RCP seal injection by closing ONE of the following: o Seal Injection Flow Control Valves o CHB-HV-255, Seal Injection Supply Header Isolation Valve Ensure CHN-HS-240, Charging Line to RC Loop 2A VLV PDV-240, is in OPEN MOD. IF NO Charging Pump is running, THEN start one Charging Pump.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC 7. WHEN the selected Letdown Control Valve(s) is closed, THEN ensure ALL of the following isolation valves are open: CHB-UV-523, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Outlet Isolation Valve CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve CHA-UV-516, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve 8. IF ANY isolation valve is open in override or manual, THEN ensure compliance with LCO 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves. 9. IF letdown flow has been lost for 22 minutes or more, AND RCS temperature is greater than 130°F,THEN perform the following: Open CHN-HV-526, Letdown Control Valves Bypass Valve. WHEN flow has been maintained through CHN-HV-526 for at least four minutes, THEN close CHN-HV-526. Procedure Note: Saturation temperature for 220 psig is 395°F and saturation temperature for 300 psig is 421°F. Procedure Caution: Insufficient letdown backpressure will cause flashing in the letdown system. ATC 10. Slowly adjust the Letdown Control Valve(s) AND Backpressure Control Valve(s) to establish ALL of the following: Letdown flow approximately 25 - 35 gpm Letdown backpressure 220 to 300 psig Regenerative Heat Exchange Letdown Temperature less than saturation temperature for the existing backpressure, as indicated on CHN-TI-221, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature. ATC 11. WHEN letdown flow is indicated, THEN maintain Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature less than 135°F.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 12. IF a second charging pump will NOT be started, THEN perform the following: Place CHN-HS-4, Charging Pump Mode Selector, in a position Slowly adjust the Letdown Control Valve(s) AND Backpressure Control Valve(s) to establish ALL of the following: o The desired pressurizer level o Letdown backpressure 220 to 300 psig o Regenerative Heat Exchange Letdown Temperature less than saturation temperature for the existing backpressure, as indicated on CHN-TI-221, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature o Letdown Heat Exchanger temperature less than 135°F GO TO step 20. ATC 13. IF a second charging pump will be started, THEN ensure ALL of the following are in manual: RCN-LIC-110, PLCS Master Controller CHN-PDIC-240, Charging Header Backpressure Control Valve CHN-PIC-201, Letdown Backpressure Control Procedure Note: LD HDR SYS TRBL (3A10A) will alarm and remain locked in as long as PTID CHPS201, Letdown Heat Exchanger to LD Back Press Valve Press Hi - Lo is 308 psig or less. This alarm is used to diagnosis a letdown line break in the Aux Building and to ensure subcooling. This alarm will not be available once backpressure is reduced to less than 308 psig. ATC 14. Ensure CHN-PIC-201 is adjusted to maintain 220 - 300 psig and as close to 220 psig as possible. Procedure Note: With one charging pump running, the nominal, steady-state regen heat exchanger outlet temperature is approximately 265° as indicated on CHN-TI-221. This temperature will decrease when the second charging pump is started. Subsequent manual increases in letdown flow rate may cause transient temperature increases up to 380°F or higher if not properly controlled. ATC 15. Start the second Charging Pump. Procedure Caution: Any increase in letdown flow rate may produce relatively large increases in intermediate letdown pressure as indicated by CHN-PIC-201. These pressure spikes may result in the lifting of CHN-PSV-345, Regen Hx to Letdown Hx Relief.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC 16. Perform the following: Slowly adjust RCN-LIC-110 to establish ALL the following: o Appropriate letdown flow for two charging pumps o Letdown flow less than 150 gpm o Letdown Heat Exchanger temperature less than 135°F IF CHT221 reaches 380°F or more, THEN reduce the letdown flow to drop temperature to less than 380°F. Slowly adjust CHN-PIC-201 to maintain backpressure 220 to 300 psig. ATC 17. IF a third charging pump will NOT be started, THEN perform the following: Slowly adjust RCN-LIC-110 to establish ALL of the following: o The desired pressurizer level o Letdown flow less than 150 gpm o Letdown Heat Exchanger temperature less than 135°F Slowly adjust CHN-PIC-201 to maintain backpressure 220 to 300 psig. GO TO step 20. ATC 20. WHEN pressurizer level is at the desired setpoint, THEN perform the following: Ensure RCN-LIC- Transfer RCN-LIC-110 to ONE of the following: o Remote Automatic o Local Automatic ATC 21. IF CHN-PDIC-240, Charging Header Backpressure Control Valve, is in THEN perform the following: Slowly adjust CHN-PDIC-240 to 90-135 psid. Place CHN-PDIC- ATC 22. Perform the following: Slowly adjust CHN-PIC-201 setpoint to 375 psig. Place CHN-PIC- 23. IF CHN-TIC-223, Letdown Hx Outlet Temperature Controller, is in AND plant conditions will allow, THEN transfer CHN-TIC-223 ATC 24. IF the Pressurizer Level Control System is automatically controlling pressurizer level, THEN ensure ALL available Charging Pumps are green flagged for automatic control.

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Pressurizer Level Transmitter LT-110X fails high Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 25. IF letdown has been restored with BOTH of the following: Only one charging pump available Seal injection isolated THEN perform the following: IF BOTH of the following: o Pressurizer level is NOT at the desired setpoint o The SM/CRS directs THEN place RCN-LIC-restore pressurizer level to the desired setpoint. WHEN pressurizer level is at the desired setpoint, THEN transfer RCN-LIC-110 to ONE of the following: o Remote Automatic o Local Automatic ATC 26. IF RCP seal injection is in operation, THEN ensure flow is 6.0 to 7.5 gpm. Examiner Note: When RCN-HS-ATC operator has commenced restoring letdowns discretion, proceed to Event 3, .

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ls to auto start Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 3, shaft shear Indications Available: 7A05B PCW DSCH PRESS HI-LO Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water CRS 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date 2. IF no Plant Cooling Water pumps are running, THEN perform the following: a. IF at least one Plant Cooling Water Pump is available, THEN start the Plant Cooling Water Pump. b. IF electrical power must be restored to start a Plant Cooling Water Pump, THEN perform the following: 2) PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power. Driver Cue: and report that the motor is running but the pump does not appear to be turning. report that the pump is not running and there are no abnormal indications locally. If called to perform post--start checks are sat. If called to walkdown the PW system to look for leaks, wait 5 minutes and report no indication of leaks on the PW system. BOP 3. IF at least one Plant Cooling Water pump is running, AND supply pressure is 40 psig or less, THEN perform the following: a. Start the standby pump. b. Direct an operator(s) to walkdown PW system piping to check that no leaks exist. c. Direct an operator to check the suction screen for the operating pump is NOT clogged. CRS 4. IF the PW system has been restored, THEN GO TO the appropriate procedure for current plant conditions.

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ls to auto start Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Examiner Note: When proceed to Event 3, RRS THOT fails high. *If letdown isolated during Event 2, do not proceed to Event 4 until letdown has been restored.

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RRS THOT fails high Time Position Actions or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 4, RRS THOT fails high Indications Available: RCN-TT-111X indicating off-scale high Pressurizer level setpoint rises to 53% Lowering letdown flow Examiner Note: The following steps are from 440AO-9ZZ16, RRS Malfunctions CRS 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date ATC 2. Ensure that CEDMCS is NOT in Auto Sequential ATC 3. Check that pressurizer level is trending to the proper setpoint for reactor power: REFER TO Appendix A, Pressurizer Level Setpoint Program Examiner Note: Pressurizer level setpoint at 2% power should be 33%, however the setpoint is now 53% due to the high Thot failure. Based on the crew interpretation of the step, they may or may not take the contingency actions listed below (step 3.1) ATC 3.1 Perform all of the following: a. IF RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, is in Remote Automatic, THEN transfer RCN-LIC- b. Ensure RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, is in ONE of the following: c. Maintain pressurizer level 33 to 53%. REFER TO Appendix A, Pressurizer Level Setpoint Program. d. Ensure adequate charging flow for present plant conditions. e. IF letdown isolates, THEN PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown. CREW 4. Determine the failed instrument by observing ALL of the following: -TT-111Y, Tcold -TT-121Y, Tcold -TT-111X, Thot (failed instrument) -TT-121X, Thot -TR-100 (sum / avg circuit)

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RRS THOT fails high Time Position Actions or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 BOP 5. IF RCN-TR-100 indicates a failed instrument in the TAVG circuit, THEN perform Attachment C-2, Determining the Failed TAVG Instrument, to determine the failed instrument. Examiner Note: Attachment C-2 is performed outside of the control room. Steps from Attachment C-2 are located at the end of this section. Procedure Note: Failure of a temperature instrument could affect COLSS if the failed instrument is still reading within its normal range. CRS 6. Determine the impact of the failure. REFER TO Appendix B, Control System Response to Instrument Failures. ATC 7. IF RRS is selected to ONE of the following: THEN perform the following: a. IF RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, is in Remote Automatic, THEN transfer RCN-LIC- b. Ensure RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, is in ONE of the following: c. Perform Appendix C, Operation of the Reactor Regulation System, to select the unaffected instrument at the RRS Test Panel. Examiner Note: Appendix C is performed outside of the control room. Steps from Appendix C are located at the end of this section. BOP 8. Check that Tavg/Tref mismatch is 3°F or less. 9. Place CEDMCS in the desired mode of operation. ATC 10. IF Remote Automatic operation of the PLCS is desired, THEN perform the following: a. Ensure RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, is in MANUAL. b. Transfer RCN-LIC-110, Pressurizer Level Control, to Remote Automatic. CRS 11. GO TO the appropriate procedure for the current plant conditions. Examiner Note: When the unaffected Tavg channel has been selected and PLCS has either been returned to Remote Automatic or the crew decides to leave PLCS in Local Automatic, or at 5, Inadvertent MSIS.

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RRS THOT fails high Time Position Actions or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from Attachment C-2, Determining the Failed Tavg Instrument. BOP 1. REFER TO Attachment C-3, Reactor Regulation System Test Drawer Pushbutton Description, for descriptions of the Reactor Regulation System Test Drawer pushbuttons. Procedure Note: DVM voltage going to zero when the TEST PROBE pushbutton is depressed indicates that all the other pushbutton inputs are disconnected. BOP 2. Press the TEST PROBE pushbutton. BOP 3. Check that DVM voltage indicates zero volts. BOP 4. Press the DVM pushbutton that corresponds to TAVG1 (Reactor Coolant Average Temperature 1). BOP 5. Record voltage indicated on the DVM for TAVG1 in the table in step 16. BOP 6. Press the TEST PROBE pushbutton. BOP 7. Check that DVM voltage indicates zero volts. BOP 8. Press the DVM pushbutton that corresponds to TAVG2 (Reactor Coolant Average Temperature 2). BOP 9. Record voltage indicated on the DVM for TAVG2 in the table in step 16. BOP 10. Press the TEST PROBE pushbutton. BOP 11. Check that DVM voltage indicates zero volts. BOP 12. Press the DVM pushbutton that corresponds to TAVG (Reactor Coolant Average Temperature). BOP 13. Record voltage indicated on the DVM for TAVG in the table in step 16. BOP 14. Press the TEST PROBE pushbutton. BOP 15. Check that DVM voltage indicates zero volts. BOP 16. Record voltage indicated on the DVM for the selected TAVG in the table below. BOP 17. Determine which instrument is failed by comparing the voltages recorded in step 16. To the normal TLI for the current power per Attachment C-4, DVM Voltage and Associated Approximate Input Value. BOP 18. Notify the SM/CRS of the failed instrument.

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RRS THOT fails high Time Position Actions or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from Appendix C, Operation of the Reactor Regulating System BOP IF a temperature instrument has failed, THEN perform the following: a. REFER TO Attachment C-3, Reactor Regulation System Test Drawer Pushbutton Description, for descriptions of the Reactor Regulation System Test Drawer pushbuttons. Procedure Note: DVM voltage going to zero when the TEST PROBE pushbutton is depressed indicates that all the other pushbutton inputs are disconnected. BOP b. Press the TEST PROBE pushbutton. BOP c. Check that DVM voltage indicates zero volts. BOP d. Press the DVM pushbutton that corresponds to the TAVG to be selected: TAVG1 (RCS Average Temperature Loop 1) TAVG2 (RCS Average Temperature Loop 2) TAVG (RCS Average Temperature) BOP e. Record voltage indicated on the DVM for the selected TAVG in the table below: BOP f. Check that DVM voltage recorded in step 1.e. represents the normal TAVG for the current power per Attachment C-4, DVM Voltage and Associated Approximate Input Value. BOP g. WHEN evaluation of DVM voltage is complete, THEN press the TEST PROBE pushbutton to disconnect the DVM from the input. Procedure Caution: Selecting AVG while the Tavg Deviation light is lit will generate an AMI. BOP h. Place the TAVG INPUT selector switch to the selected input: TAVG1 (RCS Average Temperature Loop 1) TAVG2 (RCS Average Temperature Loop 2) TAVG (RCS Average Temperature) BOP i. Inform the CRS of the status of the RRS panel.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 5, Inadvertent MSIS Indications Available: MSIS alarm on B05 MSIVs closing Rising SG pressures Loss of feed flow Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ17, Inadvertent PPS-ESFAS Actuations Driver Note: If the crew decides to manually trip the reactor, or the reactor automatically trips, immediately INITIATE Key 6, Loss of Offsite Power. CRS 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date 2. IF Reactor Power is greater than 5%, AND ANY of the following conditions exist: MSIVs close FWIVs close THEN perform the following: a. Trip the reactor. b. GO TO 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions. 2.1 IF Shutdown Cooling is in service, THEN perform the following: a. IF ANY Wet Lay-up Recirc Pump(s) are running, THEN direct an operator to open ANY of the following breakers for the running pump(s). SGN-P01A NHN-M1311, Wet Layup Recirc Pump SGN-P01A SGN-P01B NHN-M1006, Wet Layup Recirc Pump SGN-P01B b. GO TO step 6. BOP 3. IF both MSIVs closed on any Steam Generator, THEN operate ADVs as needed to maintain Steam Generator pressures within the desired band. BOP 4. IF feedwater is isolated to any Steam Generator, THEN ensure SG feed is established using ANY of the following: AFB-P01 AFA-P01 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5 Page 25 of 33 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 5. IF the Condenser Reheat Tray level is in the indicating range locally (CDN-LG-88 & 89),THEN override and open BOTH of the following: SGA-HS-1133, Steam Trap SGN-M23 Inlet Isolation Valve UV-1133 SGA-HS-1134, Steam Trap SGN-M24 Inlet Isolation Valve UV-1134 ATC 6. Perform the following: a. PERFORM Appendix C, PPS-ESFAS Check, steps 2. and 3. to check that equipment actuated as expected. b. Document components that failed to actuate in the Control Room Log. c. Ensure compliance with Technical Specifications for components that failed to actuate or were overridden. CRS 7. Ensure compliance with BOTH of the following: LCO 3.3.5, ESFAS Instrumentation LCO 3.3.6, ESFAS Logic & Manual Trip Technical Specifications: Due to the inadvertent MSIS, LCO 3.3.6, ESFAS Logic and Manual Trip, Condition D Examiner Note: When the crew has restored feed water to at least one SG, commenced steaming with ADVs, proceed to Event 6, Loss of Offsite Power.

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-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 6, Loss of Offsite Power Indications Available: Loss of non-class loads Reactor trip Loss of RCPs Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions CRS 1. Open the placekeeper and enter the EOP entry time. 2. Determine if Reactivity Control acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that reactor power is dropping. BOP Check that start-up rate is negative. BOP (check CEAs inserted) ATC (Emergency borate) Check that ALL full strength CEAs are inserted. (CA) Borate the RCS until adequate SDM as required by Tech Specs is established using ANY of the following: Appendix 103, RCS Makeup/Emergency Boration Appendix 10, Charging Pump Alternate Suction to the RWT / Restoration Appendix 11, Charging Pump Alternate Suction to the SFP / Restoration SI flow Critical Task # 1: Commence borating to the RCS at a rate of 26 gpm within 15 minutes of the reactor trip due to less than all full-strength CEAs being fully inserted. Time of Trip (start time): __________ Boration commenced: ___________ SAT / UNSAT Examiner Note: Normally, the emergency boration would be completed using Appendix 103-A, however since the Boric Acid Flow Controller is de-energized, the RO will use another section of Appendix 103. Most likely choice will be Appendix 103-D. The steps from 103-D are listed below: ATC 1. Ensure that CHE-HV-532, RWT to Boric Acid Makeup Pumps, is open. ATC 2. Place CHN-HS-527, VCT Bypass, in the CLOSE position. ATC 3. Ensure CHN-FIC-210X, Reactor Makeup Water to VCT Flow Control, is in manual with 0% output.

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-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC 4. Place CHN-HS-210, Makeup Mode Select Switch, in MANUAL. ATC 5. Ensure the BAMPs are stopped. ATC 6. Open CHE-HV-536, RWT to Charging Pumps. ATC 7. Close CHN-UV-501, Volume Control Tank Outlet. ATC 8. IF one Charging Pump is running, AND the second pump will be started, THEN perform the following: Ensure at least 20 seconds since last pump start or suction valve manipulation. Start the second Charging Pump. 9. When it is desired to restore charging pump suction to the VCT, THEN perform the following: Open CHN-UV-501. Close CHE-HV-536. Examiner Note: The step below is the continuation of verifying Reactivity Control acceptance criteria is satisfied. Check that the Main Turbine is tripped. 3. Determine if Maintenance of Vital Auxiliaries acceptance criteria is met: Check that the Main Generator output breakers are open. Examiner Note: The Main Generator breakers are closed, however since the Motor Operator Disconnect (MOD) is open, the Main Generator Output breakers do not need to be opened. The -ility when the main generator is not online. BOP Check that station loads have transferred to offsite electrical power such that BOTH of the following conditions are met: All vital and non-vital AC buses are powered All vital and non-vital DC buses are powered (CA) IF PBA-S03 or PBB-S04 is NOT powered from offsite, THEN perform the following: Ensure that the associated DG has started. Ensure that the associated DG output breaker is closed. Refer to Supplemental SPTA Actions (DG Running With Output Breaker Open) Hard Card. Examiner Note: The following steps are from the Supplemental SPTA Actions Hard Card Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 28 of 33 Event


-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 BOP Check BOTH of the following: DG frequency between 59.9 60.5 Hz DG voltage between 4080 4300 V BOP Ensure BOTH of the following supply breakers on the affected bus are open (B01): Normal supply breaker Alternate supply breaker BOP Check all three supply breaker 86-lockout relays on the affected bus are reset. BOP (Local action to stop EDG) IF the associated DG is at rated speed and voltage, AND its output breaker is still open, THEN perform the following: Place the associated synchronizing switch to ON. Close the associated DG output breaker (CA) IF the associated DG output breaker can NOT be closed, THEN direct an operator to emergency stop the associated DG. Place the associated synchronizing switch to OFF. Examiner Note: The following steps are the continuation of SPTAs 4. Determine if RCS Inventory Control acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that pressurizer level meets BOTH of the following: 10 65% Trending as expected to 33 53% ATC Check that the RCS is 24°F or more subcooled. ATC Check that BOTH of the following are in service to all RCPs: Seal injection Nuclear Cooling Water (CA) Isolate controlled bleedoff from ANY RCP(s) as appropriate. REFER TO 40AO-9ZZ04, Reactor Coolant Pump Emergencies, Appendix E, Control Board B04 Label. Examiner Note: The ATC should close CHB-UV-505, CHA-UV-506, and CHA-HV-507 to isolate controlled bleedoff. 5. Determine if RCS Pressure Control acceptance criteria is met:

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-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC Check BOTH of the following: Pressurizer pressure is 1837 2285 psia Pressurizer pressure is trending as expected to 2225 2275 psia (CA) Restore and maintain pressurizer pressure to the normal control band by any of the following: Operation of PPCS Manual operation of pressurizer heaters and spray valves Critical Task # 2: Operate Auxiliary Spray and/or ADVs as necessary to prevent lifting primary safety valves. No start or stop time since this step is continually applicable. SAT / UNSAT 6. Determine if Core Heat Removal acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check ALL of the following: At least one RCP is operating Loop T is less than 10°F RCS is 24°F or more subcooled 7. Determine if RCS Heat Removal acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that at least one SG meets BOTH of the following conditions: Level is 35% WR or more Feedwater is restoring or maintaining level 45 60% NR (CA) Restore and maintain level in at least one SG 45 60% NR Examiner Note: AFN-P01 will trip 8 minutes after the reactor trip. This may or may not happen prior to addressing RCS Heat Removal. If the pump has not yet tripped, this step may be revisited, however the crew will not be able to restore feed until transitioning to the Functional Recovery procedure. BOP Check that Tcold is 560 570°F (CA) IF Tcold is greater than 570°F, then perform the following: Ensure that feedwater is being restored to at least one SG Restore Tcold to 560 570°F using SBCS or ADVs Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 30 of 33 Event


-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 BOP Check that SG pressure is 1140 1200 psia (CA) IF SG pressure drops to the MSIS setpoint, THEN ensure MSIS has actuated (CA) IF SG pressure is less than 1140 psia, THEN perform the following: Ensure the SBCS valves are closed Ensure the ADVs are closed IF SG pressure is greater than 1200 psia, THEN restore and maintain SG pressure to less than 1200 psia using SBCS or ADVs 8. Determine if Containment Isolation acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that containment pressure is less than 2.5 psig ATC Check BOTH of the following conditions: No valid containment area radiation monitor alarms or unexplained rise in activity No valid steam plant activity monitor alarms or unexplained rise in activity 9. Determine if Containment Temperature and Pressure Control acceptance criteria are met: ATC Check that containment temperature is less than 117°F (CA) IF containment temperature is 117°F or more, AND a SIAS has NOT actuated, THEN ensure that ALL of the available systems are in operation: Containment Normal ACUs CEDM ACUs Reactor Cavity Fans PZR Cooling Fans ATC Check that containment pressure is less than 2.5 psig Examiner Note: The CRS should diagnose a Loss of Feedwater event is in progress with the success path being to cross-tie class power in order to restore feedwater. This requires entry into the Functional Recovery procedure. The following steps are from 40EP-9EO09, Functional Recovery CRS 1. Ensure the event is being classified. CRS 2. Enter the EOP entry time.

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-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 3. IF pressurizer pressure remains below the SIAS setpoint, THEN perform the following: Ensure ONE RCP is stopped in each loop. IF RCS subcooling is less than 24°F, THEN ensure all RCPs are stopped. 4. IF any RCPs are operating, THEN perform Appendix 16, RCP Trip Criteria and check RCP operating limits satisfied. BOP 5. Perform the following: Ensure that the Steam Generator Sample Valves are open. Direct Chemistry to perform 74DP-9ZZ05, Abnormal Occurrence Checklist. ATC 6. Place the Hydrogen Analyzers in service. Examiner Note: Only the TPBB-S04. CRS 7. Identify the success path(s) to be used to satisfy each safety function. REFER to BOTH of the following: Section 4.0, Safety Function Tracking Section 6.0, Resource Assessment Trees Examiner Note: The CRS should jeopardize MVAC-2, DGs, and HR-1, SG with no SI CRS 8. Perform Section 5.0, Safety Function Status Check for those success paths in use. CRS 9. Perform ALL of the following in the order listed: Success path instructions for those safety functions that are in jeopardy Success path instructions for those safety functions that are challenged Success path instructions for all other non-shaded paths in use Examiner Note: The following steps are from MVAC-2, DGs CRS 1. Open the placekeeper 2. IF at least one vital 4.16 kV AC bus is energized from a SBOG, THEN GO TO step 9 CRS 3. IF one vital 4.16 kV AC bus is energized from a Diesel Generator, AND the equipment needed to maintain Safety Functions is NOT available on the energized bus, THEN GO TO step 11.

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-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC 11. IF one vital 4.16 kV AC bus is energized by its Diesel Generator, AND vital AC powered equipment needed to maintain Safety Functions is NOT available on the energized bus, THEN perform ONE of the following: Appendix 58, Cross-Tie DG B to PBA-S03 Appendix 59, Cross-Tie DG A to PBB-S04 Examiner Note: The following steps are from Appendix 59, Cross-Tie DG A to PBB-S04 ATC 1. Direct an operator to perform Attachment 59-A, Disable PBB-S04 Breakers Driver Action: When directed to perform Attachment 59-A, run the 59-A scenario and pause the scenario when all of the 125 VDC control power breakers are open. After notifying the control room that the breakers are disabled, continue the 59-A scenario. Report that attachment 59-A is complete when the scenario has finished executing. ATC 2. Ensure that ALL of the following breakers are open: NAN-S03A PBA-S03K PBA-S03L NAN-S04A PBB-S04L PBB-S04K ATC 3. Ensure that PBB-S04B, Diesel Generator B 4.16 kV Breaker, is open ATC 4. Place ALL of the following in PULL TO LOCK: Train B Containment Normal ACUs Train B CEDM ACUs ATC 5. Perform the following: Place synchronizing switch PBA-SS-S03L, 4.16 kV Bus S03 Normal Supply, to ON Close breaker PBA-S03L, 4.16 kV Bus S03 Normal Supply Place synchronizing switch PBA-SS-S03L to OFF Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 33 of 33 Event


-S04, AFN-P01 Shaft Shear Loss of Feedwater/Functional Recovery Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 1 Rev 2 ATC 6. When informed by the area operator that the PBB-S04 breakers are disabled, THEN perform the following to close PBB-S04L from the Control Room: Place synchronizing switch PBB-SS-S04L, 4.16 kV Bus S04 Alternate Supply, to ON Close breaker PBB-S04L, 4.16 kV Bus S04 Alternate Supply Place synchronizing switch PBB-SS-S04L to OFF ATC 7. WHEN PBB-S04 is energized, THEN direct an operator to ensure that ANY of the breakers for the battery chargers that were initially aligned to the Train B 125 V DC buses are ON and that the main contactors are closed: PHB--PKB-H12 PHB--PKD-H14 PHB-M3425, Battery Char-PKB-H16 ATC/BOP 8. Perform the following: Stop non-essential loads on PBA-S03 Reset and start loads on PBB-S04 as required Critical Task # 3: -S04 and restore feed to at least one SG prior to reaching 0% wide range in both SGs. SAT / UNSAT Examiner Note: In order to restart AFB-P01, the operator will have to take the handswitch to the STOP position to reset the 86 lockout on the breaker, and then start the pump by taking the handswitch to START. Scenario Termination: When the crew has restarted AFB-P01 and reinitiated feed flow to at Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Facility: PVNGS Scenario No.: 2 Op Test No.: 2016 NRC Exam Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: 100% power, MOC, AFA-P01 OOS Turnover: Maintain steady state operations, transfer house loads from the unit aux transformers to the startup transformers. Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 N (ATC) Transfer of House Loads from Unit Aux Xfmr to S/U Xfmrs 2 I (CRS, BOP) SG level transmitter fails to 53% 3 C (CRS, BOP, ATC) TS (CRS) 4 R (BOP, ATC) C (CRS) TS (CRS) CEA 66 drop 5 M (ALL) ESD inside containment 6 C (BOP) SIAS/CIAS/MSIS fail to auto actuate 7 C (ALL) -UV-672 seized closed 8 M (ALL) * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS)Technical Specifications Actual Target Quantitative Attributes 7 Total malfunctions (5-8) 3 Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 3 Abnormal events (2-4) 2 Major transients (1-2) 2 EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 1 EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 3 Critical tasks (2-3)

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 2 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 2016 NRC Exam Scenario 2 Overview Event 1 To support maintenance, transfer house loads from the Unit Aux Transformer to the Start-up Transformers. This is accomplished by energizing NAN-S01 from NAN-S03, and NAN-S02 from NAN-S04. Event 2 SG #2 level transmitter LT-1122 will fail to 53%. The DWFCS will respond by reducing feed flow to SG #2 in an effort to lower level to the setpoint of 50%. The crew will take action per the ARP to place the faulty transmitter in maintenance, and restore SG level to the normal program band. Event 3 -9ZZ17, Inadvertent PPS-ESFAS Actuations, to stop the CS pump, close the CS flow control valve and restore NC flow to containment. The CRS will address TS for the actuation and the containment isolation valves which were overridden and opened in response to this event. Event 4 CEA 66 will fall to the bottom of the core. The crew will enter 40AO-9ZZ11, CEA Malfunctions, and commence a power reduction within 10 minutes. The crew will continue the power reduction to comply with the Core Operating Limits Report by reducing turbine load and commencing a boration. Event 5 An ESD will occur inside containment. The crew will trip the reactor and enter 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions. Event 6 SIAS/CIAS/MSIS will all fail to auto actuate at either 3.1 psig in containment or 960 psia SG pressure. The crew will manually actuate all 3 ESFAS actuations (unless SIAS and CIAS auto actuate at 1837 psig RCS pressure before the manual actuations are performed) which will result in the BOP having to transition to AFB-P01 for feeding and ADVs for steaming. SIAS and CIAS will auto actuate if RCS pressure lowers to 1837 psig, which will occur after 3 psig in the containment is reached. The main event here is the complete failure of MSIS to actuate. Event 7 When containment pressure reaches 8.5 psig, CSAS will actuate. The crew will have to not auto start due to actions taken in the earlier inadvertent CSAS. The crew will have to manually s which were overridden open in during the inadvertent CSAS earlier in the scenario. Event 8 5 minutes recognize that they no longer meet the safety function for containment temperature and pressure control. The CRS will transition to the Functional Recovery procedure due to no header to regain spray flow into containment.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 2 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Critical Task # 1: When the Main Steam Isolation setpoints are exceeded, ensure Main Steam Isolation has actuated prior to automatic AFAS actuation. Safety Significance: MSIS ensures acceptable consequences during an MSLB or FWLB (between the steam generator and the main feedwater check valve) either inside or outside containment. If the AFAS actuates prior to the MSIS, the inventory of the Condensate Storage Tank may also begin to flow out the steam break. MSIS isolates both steam generators if either generator indicates a low pressure condition or a high level condition or if a high containment pressure condition exists. This prevents an excessive rate of heat extraction and subsequent cooldown of the RCS during these events. Cueing: The crew should recognize the failure of MSIS to actuate when containment pressure exceeds 3.1 psig OR when either SG pressure lowers to less than 960 psia (both are setpoints for MSIS). Measurable Performance Indicator: The crew will have to manually actuate MSIS by taking the four handswitches for each ESFAS channel actuation (on B05) to the actuate position. This can be confirmed by the red MSIS lights on the vertical section of B05 as well as the actuation logic lights for each actuation extinguishing on the horizontal section of B05. The AFAS actuation will occur at 25.2% wide range in either SG and will be indicated by the red AFAS-1 (or AFAS-2) light on the vertical section of B05. Performance Feedback: The crew will have indication of successful actuations by observing the red SIAS/CIAS/MSIS lights on the vertical section of B05 as well as the actuation logic lights for each actuation extinguishing on the horizontal section of B05, as well as by observing the actuated equipment for each ESFAS actuation going to its actuated position. Critical Task # 2: Following a plant overcooling event, stabilize RCS Temperature and operate Safety Injection to prevent lifting the primary safeties. Safety Significance: Following an ESD and subsequent SI injection into the RCS, if RCS temperature is not stabilized when the affected SG reaches dryout conditions, the subsequent heat up and repressurization will create a potential for PTS as well as raise RCS pressure to the point where primary safety valves lift, challenging the RCS inventory and pressure control safety functions. Cueing: SG dryout will be indicated by a rise in affected loop Tcold and pressure in the affected SG approaching containment pressure. At this point, the crew should set and maintain a pressure band in the unaffected SG corresponding to the lowest Tcold reached in the affected RCS loop, +/- 50 psig. Measurable Performance Indicator: When the crew identifies dryout in the affected SG, they will lower and maintain pressure in the unaffected SG at saturation pressure for the lowest Tcold observed in the affected loop, and/or by throttling SI flow to minimize the addition of inventory to the RCS. This critical task is satisfactory if pressure is controlled in the unaffected SG such that primary safeties remain closed. Performance Feedback: The crew will have indication of RCS Tcold and pressurizer pressure being Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 2 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 stabilized and under control. SG dryout will be indicated primarily based on Tcold starting to rise in the affected loop as well as affected SG pressure approaching containment pressure. The status of primary safety valves can be observed using the safety valve position indicators on B04 as well as by observing primary pressure < 2475 psig. Critical Task # 3: Align LPSI for CS to restore the CTPC safety function within 30 minutes of entering 40EP-9EO09, Functional Recovery. Safety Significance: Failure to maintain containment temperature and pressure control reduces margin to the design of the containment building, which provides a barrier to fission product release to the general public. Cueing: The crew will recognize the failure of th Measurable Performance Indicator: The crew will align start the LPSI Pump to initiate CS flow. Flow will not be indicated on the CS flow transmitter and will be verified using trends on containment pressure to validate adequate flow. Performance Feedback: The crew will validate LPSI is providing adequate CS flow by observing a lowering trend of containment pressure using the ERFDADS computer terminal.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 2 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Turnover Plant Conditions: 100% power, MOC, 250 EFPD. PC Cleanup is NOT recirculating the RWT. Unit 2 is supplying the Aux Steam cross-tie header. Equipment Out of Service: AFA-P01 is OOS for bearing replacement. Expected return to service is 12-16 hours. LCO 3.7.5, Auxiliary Feedwater System, Conditions A and B were entered 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> ago. Risk Management Action Level is ORANGE. Planned Shift Activities: Transfer NAN-S01 to NAN-S03 per 40OP-9NA03, Section 6.19, Transferring NAN-S01 to NAN-S03, and transfer NAN-S02 to NAN-S04 per 40OP-9NA03, Section 6.24, Transferring NAN-S02 to NAN-S04. Prerequisites have been completed for both sections and the procedures have been filled out accordingly. Maintain steady state conditions for the remainder of the shift.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 2 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS for SIMULATOR SETUP RESET to IC-20 and run Scenario 2 EVENT TYPE MALF # DESCRIPTION DEMAND VALUE INITIATOR 1 None None Transfer NAN-S01 and NAN-S02 to Offsite power None None 2 CM TRFW04SGNLT1122_1 SG Level Transmitter LT-1122 fails to 53% 53 Key 2 3 MF RP06H1 Inadvertent Train B CSAS Actuate Key 3 RP06H2 4 MF RD02I CEA 66 Drops to bottom of core 100 Key 4 5 MF MS01B ESD inside containment (5 minute ramp) 10 Key 5 6 CM BSRP01BSSG1PRLOAT_1 SIAS/CIAS/MSIS fail to auto actuate Fail to auto actuate Setup CM BSRP01BSSG1PRLOBT_1 CM BSRP01BSSG1PRLOCT_1 CM BSRP01BSSG1PRLODT_1 CM BSRP01BSSG2PRLOAT_1 CM BSRP01BSSG2PRLOBT_1 CM BSRP01BSSG2PRLOCT_1 CM BSRP01BSSG2PRLODT_1 CM BSRP01BSCNTPRHIAT_1 CM BSRP01BSCNTPRHIBT_1 CM BSRP01BSCNTPRHICT_1 CM BSRP01BSCNTPRHIDT_1 7 CM MVRH03SIAUV672_6 SIA-UV-672 seized closed Seized Rx trip 8 CM CPRH05SIBP03_1 Sheared Rx trip (5 minute delay)

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 2 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Driver Setup: RESET to IC-20 Run 2016 NRC Scenario 2 event file Run AFA-P01 OOS Scenario file Place OOS tags on AFA-P01 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 8 of 31 Event


Transfer NAN-S01 and NAN-S02 to Off-Site Power Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40OP-9NA03, 13.8kV Electrical System (NA), starting on step 6.19.8. ATC 8. Place Synch Switch NAN-SS-S03B, 13.8 kV Bus S03 S01 Tie, in ON ATC 9. Check for proper synchronization by observing the Synchroscope needle ATC 10. Take handswitch NAN-HS-S03B, 13.8 kV Bus S03 - S01 Tie, to CLOSE. ATC 11. Check NAN-S01A, 4.16 kV S01 Supply Breaker, automatically opens. ATC 12. Check NAN-S01, 13.8 kV Bus S01, voltage is between 12.42 kV and 14.49 kV. ATC 13. Place Synch Switch NAN-SS-S03B, 13.8 kV Bus S03 - S01 Tie, in OFF. ATC 14. Remove the key from Synch Switch NAN-SS-S03B. Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40OP-9NA03, 13.8kV Electrical System (NA), starting on step 6.24.8. ATC 8. Place Synch Switch NAN-SS-S04B, 13.8 kV Bus S04 - S02 Tie, in ON. ATC 9. Check for proper synchronization by observing the Synchroscope needle ATC 10. Take handswitch NAN-HS-S04B, 13.8 kV Bus S04 - S02 Tie, to CLOSE. ATC 11. Check NAN-S02A, 4.16 kV S02 Supply Breaker, automatically opens. ATC 12. Check NAN-S02, 13.8 kV Bus S02, voltage is between 12.42 kV and 14.49 kV. ATC 13. Place Synch Switch NAN-SS-S04B, 13.8 kV Bus S04 - S02 Tie, in OFF. Examiner Note: Once NAN-S01 and NAN-S02 have been transferred, proceed to Event 2, SG2 Level transmitter LT-1122 fails to 53%.

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SG 2 Level Transmitter LT-1122 fails to 53% Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 2, LT-1122 fails to 53% Indications Available: Lowering level in SG # 2 Annunciator 6A06A, FWCS PROCESS TRBL alarm Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AL-9RK6A, window 6A06A 1. Check BOTH of the following for SG 1 at DFWCS to validate the alarm: LT-1111, SG 1 Level Transmitter LT-1112, SG 1 Level Transmitter 2. Check BOTH of the following for SG 2 at DFWCS to validate the alarm: LT-1121, SG 2 Level Transmitter LT-1122, SG 2 Level Transmitter 3. IF BOTH of the following conditions exist: SG level deviation is NOT attributed to a failed instrument SG high rate blowdowns are in progress THEN exit this alarm response Procedure Caution: When actual SG level is less than the controlling setpoint, placing the faulty level transmitter in Maintenance may result in an overpower event 4. IF BOTH of the following conditions exist: The deviation is the result of an actual low SG level The SM/CRS determines the low level condition may result in an overpower event THEN perform the following at DFWCS: Place the faulty level transmitter in Maintenance Lower the affected SG level setpoint to match the actual indicated level on the valid level transmitter for the affected SG Raise the affected SG level slowly to the setpoint for the unaffected SG Reset the DFWCS alarm on the Process Alarm page Procedure Note: Raising the affected SG level in a controlled slow manner will minimize the potential for an overpower transient 5. Place the faulty level transmitter in Maintenance 6. Reset the DFWCS alarm on the Process Alarm page 7. Initiate a PVAR for I&C to troubleshoot and correct the problem.

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SG 2 Level Transmitter LT-1122 fails to 53% Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 8. WHEN the faulted instrument has been restored, THEN restore all DFWCS in the correct selection for the current plant conditions as directed by the SM/CRS Examiner Note: When the failed transmitter has been placed in maintenance and the crew is re3, Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 3 Page 11 of 31 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 3, Indications Available: CSAS alarm on B05 ent Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ17, Inadvertent PPS-ESFAS Actuations 1. Enter AOP entry time and date 2. Record the time of the CSAS actuation Procedure Note: Overriding or antipumping equipment disables automatic operation of the equipment on a valid PPS-ESFAS actuation. Depending on plant conditions, this action may make the equipment inoperable. 3. IF ANY Containment Spray Pump is running, AND BOTH of the following conditions exist: Containment Spray Pump is NOT being used for SDC SIAS has NOT actuated THEN place the Containment Spray Pump hand switch in STOP to anti-pump the CS Pump 4. IF ANY Containment Spray Pump is running, AND BOTH of the following conditions exist: Containment Spray Pump is NOT being used for SDC SIAS has actuated THEN override and stop the Containment Spray Pump Procedure Caution: Attempting to close the Containment Spray Header Isolation Valves while the valves are stroking to their actuated position may trip the valve breaker on overload and allow continued spray flow by gravity drain. 5. Override and close all open Containment Spray Header Isolation Valves Procedure Note: Opening the NC Containment Supply Isolation Valve prior to opening the NC Containment Return Isolation Valves may result in lifting the NC reliefs in Containment. 6. Open ANY of the following as needed to restore Nuclear Cooling Water to Containment: NCA-UV-402, NCW Containment Downstream Return Isolation Valve NCB-UV-403, NCW Containment Upstream Return Isolation Valve NCB-UV-401, NCW Containment Upstream Supply Isolation Valve Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 3 Page 12 of 31 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 7. IF seal injection is NOT in service, AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within three minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff B04 and stops when both alarms are clear. 8. IF seal injection is in service AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within 10 minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff 9. IF IAA-UV-2, Outside Containment Isolation Valve, has closed, THEN perform the following: IF ANY of the following valves have failed closed, THEN place their hand switches to CLOSE: Letdown to Regen HX Isolation Valves CHA-UV-516 CHB-UV-515 Blowdown Containment Isolation Valves SGA-UV-500P SGB-UV-500R Override and open IAA-UV-2 Ensure PZR Sprays are operating to control PZR pressure 10. IF letdown is isolated, THEN perform the following: Ensure no more than one Charging Pump is running Perform 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown 11. If Containment is accessible, THEN perform the following: Direct RP/Containment Coordinator to evacuate Containment Announce the following over the plant communications systems:

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 12. IF BOTH of the following conditions exist: ANY Control Room Essential AHUs started It is desired to stop the running Control Room AHUs THEN override and stop the running fans 13. IF RCP Seal Bleedoff isolated to the VCT, THEN override and open the closed RCP Seal Bleedoff Isolation Valves 14. IF Steam Generator Blowdown is isolated, THEN perform the following: Inform Chemistry that Blowdown is isolated Perform 40OP-9SG03, Operating the Steam Generator Blowdown System to restore Blowdown 15. IF a CS Pump needs to be started and a SIAS has NOT actuated, THEN perform the following: Inform an operator that the CS Pump breaker will close upon restoration of control power Direct the operator to cycle control power to the CS Pump breaker 16. IF a CS Pump needs to be started AND a SIAS actuated while the CS Pumps were stopped, THEN perform the following: Place the CS Pump handswitch to START and release the switch Place the CS Pump handswitch to START 17. Perform the following: Perform Appendix C, PPS-ESFAS Check, steps 2 and 3 to check that equipment actuated as expected Document components that failed to actuate in the Control Room Log Ensure compliance with Technical Specifications for components that failed to actuate or were overridden 18. Ensure compliance with BOTH of the following: LCO 3.3.5, ESFAS Instrumentation LCO 3.3.6, ESFAS Logic & Manual Trip Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 3 Page 14 of 31 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Technical Specifications: Due to the inadvertent CSAS, LCO 3.3.6, ESFAS Logic and Manual Trip, Condition D Due to overriding CSAS actuated containment isolation valves, LCO 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves, Condition A Due to overriding and stopping the Containment Spray Pump and closing the Spray Flow Isolation valve, LCO 3.6.6, Containment Spray System, Condition A IF the CTMT SUMP EXCESS LEAKAGE alarm comes in (likely), LCO 3.4.16, Leakage Detection Instrumentation, Condition A IF the Control Room Essential AHU is overridden and stopped, LCO 3.7.11, Control Room Essential Filtration, Condition A IF the Control Room Essential AHU is overridden and stopped, LCO 3.7.12, Control Room Emergency Air, Condition A IF the LCO 3.5.3, ECCS Operating, Condition B LCO 3.5.3, ECCS Operating, Condition A Examiner Note: When the crew has stopped the CS Pump, closed the CS flow control valve, reinitiated NC flow to containment, and the CRS has addressed Technical Specifications, or at 4, CEA 66 drop Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 15 of 31 Event


CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 4, CEA 66 Drop Indications Available: CEA 66 fully inserted in core CEA Rod Bottom Light illuminated Lowering power level Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ11, CEA Malfunctions 1. Enter AOP entry time and date 2. Check that at least on CEA is deviating from its group by greater than 6.6 inches. 3. If the reactor was NOT critical prior to the CEA deviation, THEN GO TO Appendix F, CEA Deviation Prior To Criticality 4. IF one CEA is deviating from its group by greater than 6.6 inches, AND any CEA Reg Group is below the Transient Insertion Limit, THEN perform the following: Trip the reactor GO TO 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions 5. IF two or more CEAs are deviating by greater than 9.9 inches from their associated group, THEN perform the following: Trip the reactor GO TO 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions 6. IF reactor power was less than 1% prior to the CEA deviation, THEN GO TO Appendix G, CEA Deviation Prior to 1% Power 7. Ensure CEDMCS is in STANDBY 8. Direct an operator to perform Appendix E, Initial Actions Driver Cue: If sent to the CEDMCS room to investigate the CEA drop, wait 1 minute and report that the breaker for CEA 66 is tripped-free and a CWP alarm is in on the local alarm panel. Examiner Note: Appendix E steps are at the end of this section of the scenario guide. 9. Record BOTH of the following: CEA deviation time Initial (pre-deviation) power level Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 16 of 31 Event


CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Procedure Note: If the reason for the CEA deviation is known (e.g. ACTM actuation), an attempt to realign the CEA can be made. However due to the time limitations for a power reduction, continuing with the procedure is required until the CEA deviation is less than 6.6 inches. 10. IF the CEA deviation is less than 9.9 inches, AND is can be realigned quickly without requiring troubleshooting, THEN concurrently perform BOTH of the following: Align the deviated CEA with its group Continue with this procedure until the CEA is aligned 11. IF reactor power is 35% or less, THEN GO TO step 25 Procedure Note: The intent of step 12 is to not require a power reduction if only one CEA has slipped and remains in the top ten inches of the core. If this is the case, the conditions in step 12 are required to be met continuously throughout the event. 12. IF only ONE CEA is misaligned from its group by greater than 6.6 inches, AND ALL of the following conditions are continuously met from the time of the deviation: All CEAs remain above Reactor power is > 95% rated thermal power COLSS is in service All CEACs in service COLSS Azimuthal Power Tilt is less than 3% THEN GO TO step 25 Procedure Note: The effects of a boration to the RCS may take 4 to 6 minutes to be seen, therefore initiating a boration (step 16) should be done as soon as possible. 13. Perform the following to start a power reduction within 10 minutes of the initial CEA deviation: Log the start time for power reduction Lower the turbine load to raise Tave 3°F greater than Tref Examiner Note: During the turbine load reduction, Pressurizer level may exceed 56%. If so, entry into LCO 3.4.9, Pressurizer, Condition A, is required.

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CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 14. Determine the required power reduction based on initial power from ONE of the following: Greater than 80% requires a 20% power reduction Greater than 70% to 80% requires a 15% power reduction Greater than 45% to 70% requires a 10% power reduction Greater than 35% to 45% requires a 5% power reduction 15. Calculate the number of gallons of boric acid needed (STA reactivity worksheet) for the downpower _____ % X _____ gal/% = _____ gal Examiner Note: The CRS should direct a boration for a 20% power reduction. The STA reactivity worksheet indicates 60 gallons / 1% for a total of 1200 gallons of boric acid. The steps for the boration from 40OP-9CH01, CVCS Normal Operations, are located at the end of this section. 16. Commence borating to the charging pump suction using BOTH of the following criteria: Minimum rate of 35 gpm Amount determined in step 15 17. Reduce reactor power to comply with the power reduction requirements of Appendix B, Core Power Reduction After a CEA Deviation 18. WHEN the requirements of Appendix B, Core Power Reduction After a CEA Deviation, allow temperature to be lowered, THEN adjust turbine load to maintain Tave 3°F (+ 0.5 / - 0.0) greater than Tref 19. When CEA realignment can occur, THEN perform Appendix I, CEA realignment Procedure Note: Appendix J, LCO Required Action Tracker, is reference use, and may be performed by the CRS, but should be provided to the SM or STA to be used as a guide to the LCO required actions. 20. Initiate Appendix J, LCO Required Action Tracker Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 18 of 31 Event


CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Technical Specifications: LCO 3.1.5, CEA Alignment, Condition A Due to LPD being above limits, LCO 3.2.1, Linear Heat Rate, Condition A Due to DNBR being above limits, LCO 3.2.4, Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ration (DNBR), Condition A Examiner Note: When the crew has commenced the boration and the CRS has address nt 5, ESD Inside Containment.

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CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ11, CEA Malfunctions, Appendix E, Initial Actions 1. Enter Appendix entry time and date 2. Direct an operator to go to the CEDM Control Room and perform the following: Report all abnormal indications on the CEDM Control Cabinets Perform 40AL-9SF01, Local Alarm Panel J-SFN-C01D Responses for existing alarms Report all abnormal indications on the MG set control panels Driver Cue: If sent to the CEDMCS room to investigate the CEA drop, wait 1 minute and report that the breaker for CEA 66 is tripped-free and a CWP alarm is in on the local alarm panel. 3. IF the affected control rod is a twelve fingered CEA (REFER TO Appendix A, CEA Information), THEN perform the following: Monitor the CPC DNBR and LPD margins to trip by using ANY of the following: Pt IDs 0107 & 0172 Group Display (Dropped/Slipped CEA) Inform the CRS if a trip value is being approached 4. Inform ALL of the following of the CEA malfunction and obtain assistance as needed: I&C Maintenance Reactor Engineering SM Procedure Note: The starting point for the subsequent maneuvering plan will be the end point of the COLR driven power reduction (for example, the subsequent downpower plan would start at 80% for a CEA misalignment occurring at full power).

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CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 5. Request from Reactor Engineering situation-specific maneuvering plan(s) to perform a subsequent power reduction required in the event the CEA cannot be restored. The plan(s) will encompass ALL of the following: The subsequent power reduction will commence no later than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from the initial CEA misalignment. IF the subsequent power reduction begins above 50%, THEN power reduction rate will be a minimum of 15% per hour to 50% power. WHEN power level is less than 50%, THEN power reduction rate will be a minimum of 10% per hour to 20% power. 6. IF reactor power is greater than 35%, AND a downpower will be performed, THEN initiate pressurizer boron equalization: Override and energize all pressurizer backup heaters Lower the setpoint on RCN-PIC-100, Pressurizer Pressure Controller, to 2220 psia 7. IF the affected control rod is a Reg Group CEA, THEN perform section 8.4 (PDIL Alarm Circuit) of 40ST-9ZZ23, CEA Position Data Log within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 21 of 31 Event


CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40OP-9CH01, CVCS Normal Operations, Section 6.33, Makeup Borate Mode 1. Prerequisite The CVCS is operating per Section 6.1, Establishing Charging and Letdown System Operations 2. Initial Action IF an active BAC release permit is in effect for the HUT, THEN notify the Effluent Technician to update the permit Ensure a Reactivity Brief has been conducted Ensure Chemistry has been notified of the intended boration 3. IF the reactor is critical, THEN perform the following: Determine the gallons of boric acid to be added using ANY of the following: STA Reactivity Worksheet Reactor Engineering Game Plan Power Change Worksheet Boron OAP Core Data Book Record the required gallons of boric acid 4. IF the reactor is NOT critical, THEN perform the following: Determine the difference between the desired boron concentration and the actual boron concentration Determine the gallons of boric acid required to obtain the desired boron concentration, using the difference in boron concentration and ONE of the following: Boron OAP STA Reactivity Worksheet Record the required gallons of boric acid. 5. IF at any time, letdown is diverted to the HUT, THEN notify RP to evaluated the impact on current radiation levels near the HUT Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 22 of 31 Event


CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 6. WHEN diverting CVCS letdown, THEN perform the following: IF ANY of the following conditions exist: The SM/CRS directs CHN-E03, Gas Stripper, operation Chemistry directs CHN-E03, Gas Stripper, operation THEN direct CVCS letdown to ONE of the following: CHN-E03, Gas Stripper The EDT IF CVCS letdown will NOT be diverted to CHN-E03, Gas Stripper, OR CVCS letdown will NOT be diverted to the EDT, THEN bypass CHN-E03, Gas Stripper per 40OP-9CH04, Gas Stripper 7. IF automatic makeup to the VCT was disabled in step 6.6.2, AND directed by the SM/CRS, THEN perform the following: Place CHN-HS-210, Makeup Mode Selector, to AUTO Place CHN-HS-527, Makeup to CHRG PMPS (VCT BYP) VLV UV-527, in OPEN/AUTO Place CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up to VCT Flow Control, to AUTO per Appendix H Operation of the Digital Makeup Controllers and Totalizers Procedure Notes: CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control, will operate with flow rates as low as 2 gpm. Digital makeup will operate satisfactorily at flow rates less than 2 gpm. The threshold for actuation of 3A04B, CVCS MAKEUP FLOW, is 3 gpm. The alarm will not activate until flow is greater than or equal to 3 gpm. The function of 3A04B, CVCS MAKEUP FLOW, is to alert the Control Room Operator that flow exists through CHN-FQIS-210X, Reactor Make-up Water Totalized Flow Control, and/or CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control, and is an indication that reactivity management may be in jeopardy. CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up to VCT Flow Control, is tuned to provide optimal system response for flows in the 5 gpm to 40 gpm range.

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CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Procedure Cautions: Failure to maintain flow greater than or equal to 3 gpm will prevent 3A04B, CVCS MAKEUP FLOW, from alerting the Control Room Operator that reactivity management is in jeopardy. Operation of CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up to VCT Flow Control, in AUTO with an initial controller setpoint of greater than 40 gpm will cause controller instability. 8. Perform the following: IF the boric acid makeup flow rate is less than 40 gpm, THEN set CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up to VCT Flow Control, to the boric acid makeup flow rate IF the boric acid makeup flow rate is greater than or equal to 40 gpm, THEN set CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Flow Control, to no more than 40 gpm Procedure Note: A 299 second timer exists. If flow is not achieved within 299 seconds, CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control, will receive a Timer Alarm. 9. Set CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control, to the required gallons of boric acid as determined in step 6.33.3 or step 6.33.4 10. IF the reactor is critical, THEN ensure CEDMCS is in the mode of operation per SM/CRS direction 11. IF borating directly to the VCT, THEN place CHN-HS-512, Makeup Inlet to VCT VLV UV-512, in OPEN Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 24 of 31 Event


CEA 66 Drop Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 12. Perform the following: Place CHN-HS-210, Makeup Mode Selector, in BORATE Check one BAMP is running IF borating directly to the suction of the Charging Pumps, THEN ensure CHN-UV-527, Makeup to CHRG PMPS (VCT BYP), is open IF END is displayed in the lower left corner, THEN press the END pushbutton on CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control Press the RESET pushbutton on CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control, Totalizer/Counter module Press the START pushbutton on CHN-FQIS-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up Totalized Flow Control, Totalizer/Counter module 13. Check CHN-FIC-210X, Reactor Make-up Water to VCT Flow Control, indicates no reactor makeup water flow 14. Check the following occurs on CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up to VCT Flow Control, Process Flow bar graph: Flow rises toward the auto setpoint Flow overshoots the auto setpoint Flow stabilizes at the auto setpoint 15. IF the required boric acid makeup flow is greater than or equal to 40 gpm, THEN perform the following: Ensure CHN-FIC-210Y, Boric Acid Make-up to VCT Flow Control, is selected to AUTO SETPOINT Press the up arrow to raise the setpoint to the required makeup flow valve 16. Monitor ANY of the following for indication of a reactivity change: Axial Shape Index CEA motion RCS temperature Reactor power Turbine first state pressure Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, 8 Page 25 of 31 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 5, ESD Inside Containment Indications Available: Rising power level Rising Containment pressure and temperature Rising Containment sump levels Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions CRS 1. Open the placekeeper and enter the EOP entry time. 2. Determine if Reactivity Control acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that reactor power is dropping. BOP Check that start-up rate is negative. BOP Check that ALL full strength CEAs are inserted. BOP Check that the Main Turbine is tripped. 3. Determine if Maintenance of Vital Auxiliaries acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that the Main Generator output breakers are open. ATC Check that station loads have transferred to offsite electrical power such that BOTH of the following conditions are met: All vital and non-vital AC buses are powered All vital and non-vital DC buses are powered 4. Determine if RCS Inventory Control acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that pressurizer level meets BOTH of the following: 10 65% Trending as expected to 33 53% (CA) Restore and maintain pressurizer level to 33 53% by ANY of the following: Operation of PLCS Manual operation of Charging Pumps and Letdown Control Valves ATC Check that the RCS is 24°F or more subcooled.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 ATC Check that BOTH of the following are in service to all RCPs: Seal injection Nuclear Cooling Water (CA) Isolate controlled bleedoff from ANY RCP(s) as appropriate. REFER TO 40AO-9ZZ04, Reactor Coolant Pump Emergencies, Appendix E, Control Board B04 Label. 5. Determine if RCS Pressure Control acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check BOTH of the following: Pressurizer pressure is 1837 2285 psia Pressurizer pressure is trending as expected to 2225 2275 psia (CA) Restore and maintain pressurizer pressure to the normal control band by ANY of the following: Operation of PPCS Manual operation of pressurizer heaters and spray valves (CA) If pressurizer pressure drops to the SIAS setpoint, THEN ensure that SIAS is actuated (CA) IF pressurizer pressure remains below the SIAS setpoint, THEN stop one RCP in each loop (CA) IF pressurizer pressure drops below the RCP NPSH limits, THEN stop all RCPs. REFER TO Appendix 2, Figures 6. Determine if Core Heat Removal acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check ALL of the following: At least one RCP is operating Loop T is less than 10°F RCS is 24°F or more subcooled 7. Determine if RCS Heat Removal acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that at least one SG meets BOTH of the following conditions: Level is 35% WR or more Feedwater is restoring or maintaining level 45 60% NR (CA) Restore and maintain level in at least one SG 45 60% NR Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, 8 Page 27 of 31 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 BOP Check that Tcold is 560 570°F (CA) IF Tcold is less than 560°F, then perform the following: Ensure feed flow is not excessive Ensure SG Blowdown is isolated Restore Tcold to 560 570°F using SBCS or ADVs IF MSIS has actuated and the cooldown terminates, THEN stabilize Tcold using ADVs IF AFAS has actuated, AND at least one SG level is 10% WR or more, THEN override and throttle Auxiliary Feedwater to maintain Tcold 560 570°F BOP Check that SG pressure is 1140 1200 psia (CA) IF SG pressure drops to the MSIS setpoint, THEN ensure MSIS has actuated (CA) IF SG pressure is less than 1140 psia, THEN perform the following: Ensure the SBCS valves are closed Ensure the ADVs are closed (CA) IF SG pressure is greater than 1200 psia, THEN restore and maintain SG pressure to less than 1200 psia using SBCS or ADVs Critical Task # 1: When the Main Steam Isolation setpoints are exceeded, ensure Main Steam Isolation has actuated prior to automatic AFAS actuation. SAT / UNSAT Critical Task # 2: Following a plant overcooling event, stabilize RCS Temperature and operate Safety Injection to prevent lifting the primary safeties. SAT / UNSAT 8. Determine if Containment Isolation acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that containment pressure is less than 2.5 psig (CA) IF containment pressure is 3 psig or more, THEN ensure CIAS has been initiated Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, 8 Page 28 of 31 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 ATC Check BOTH of the following conditions: No valid containment area radiation monitor alarms or unexplained rise in activity No valid steam plant activity monitor alarms or unexplained rise in activity 9. Determine if Containment Temperature and Pressure Control acceptance criteria are met: ATC Check that containment temperature is less than 117°F (CA) IF containment temperature is 117°F or more, AND a SIAS has NOT actuated, THEN ensure that ALL of the available systems are in operation: Containment Normal ACUs CEDM ACUs Reactor Cavity Fans PZR Cooling Fans ATC Check that containment pressure is less than 2.5 psig (CA) If containment pressure is 3 psig or more, THEN ensure that CIAS has been initiated (CA) IF containment pressure is 8.5 psig or more, THEN perform the following: Ensure CSAS is actuated Ensure at least one Containment Spray header flow is greater than 4350 gpm Stop all of the operating RCPs Ensure RCP controlled bleedoff flow is isolated Examiner Note: The CRS should diagnose an ESD inside containment with the CSAS setpoint exceeded and no Containment Spray flow available due to the sheare The following steps are from 40EP-9EO09, Functional Recovery.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 Critical Task # 3: Align LPSI for CS to restore the CTPC safety function within 30 minutes of entering 40EP-9EO09, Functional Recovery. Functional Recovery Entry Time (Start Time): _________ LPSI aligned for Containment Spray (Stop Time): _________ SAT / UNSAT CRS 1. Ensure the event is being classified. CRS 2. Enter the EOP entry time. 3. IF pressurizer pressure remains below the SIAS setpoint, THEN perform the following: Ensure ONE RCP is stopped in each loop. IF RCS subcooling is less than 24°F, THEN ensure all RCPs are stopped. 4. IF any RCPs are operating, THEN perform Appendix 16, RCP Trip Criteria and check RCP operating limits satisfied. BOP 5. Perform the following: Ensure that the Steam Generator Sample Valves are open. Direct Chemistry to perform 74DP-9ZZ05, Abnormal Occurrence Checklist. ATC 6. Place the Hydrogen Analyzers in service. CRS 7. Identify the success path(s) to be used to satisfy each safety function. REFER to BOTH of the following: Section 4.0, Safety Function Tracking Section 6.0, Resource Assessment Trees Examiner Note: The CRS should jeopardize CTPC-2, Containment Temperature and Pressure CRS 8. Perform Section 5.0, Safety Function Status Check for those success paths in use.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 CRS 9. Perform ALL of the following in the order listed: Success path instructions for those safety functions that are in jeopardy Success path instructions for those safety functions that are challenged Success path instructions for all other non-shaded paths in use Examiner Note: The following steps are from CTPC-2, Containment Temperature and Pressure Control 1. Open the placekeeper 2. IF containment pressure is 8.5 psig or more, THEN check that CSAS is actuated Examiner Note (from FR procedure): There is no indication of CS flow when using a LPSI pump for CS.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 2 Rev 2 3. IF CSAS actuated, THEN check at least one CS header is delivering 4350 gpm or more (CA) IF it is desired to use LPSI Pump A to supply CS A train, AND LPSI Pump A is NOT needed to support any RC, IC, or HR success path, THEN perform the following: Ensure that LPSI Pump A is running Ensure that SIA-HV-306, LPSI Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger A Bypass Valve, is closed Ensure that SIA-HV-687, LPSI-Containment Spray From Shutdown Heat Exchanger A Cross-Tie Valve, is open Ensure that SIA-UV-672, Containment Spray A Discharge to Spray Header 1 Valve, is open Ensure SIA-HV-685, LPSI-Containment Spray To Shutdown Heat Exchanger A Cross-Tie Valve, is open Check that the LPSI Pump is running at less than 60 amps (CA) IF it is desired to use LPSI Pump B to supply CS B train, AND LPSI Pump B is NOT needed to support any RC, IC, or HR success path, THEN perform the following: Ensure that LPSI Pump B is running Ensure that SIB-HV-307, LPSI Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger B Bypass Valve, is closed Ensure that SIB-HV-695, LPSI-Containment Spray From Shutdown Heat Exchanger B Cross-Tie Valve, is open Ensure that SIB-UV-671, Containment Spray B Discharge to Spray Header 2 Valve, is open Ensure SIB-HV-694, LPSI-Containment Spray To Shutdown Heat Exchanger B Cross-Tie Valve, is open Check that the LPSI Pump is running at less than 60 amps Scenario Termination: Containment Spray, or at lead evalu Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Facility: PVNGS Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: 2016 NRC Exam Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: 100% power, MOC, AFA-P01 OOS Turnover: Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 C (CRS, ATC, BOP) TS (CRS) , also causes a loss of letdown and a loss of normal chillers 2 I (CRS, ATC, BOP) Loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 3 C (CRS, ATC) e suction stabilizer 4 C (CRS, ATC, BOP) TS (CRS) -Tie NC and EW 5 M (CRS, BOP, ATC) TS (CRS) 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler Leak (trip initiator) 6 C (ATC, BOP) All actions to trip the Reactor from the Control Room fail 7 I (CRS, BOP) RRS Tavg fails low 8 C (CRS, ATC or BOP) -S03 fault 9 C (CRS, ATC, BOP) Train BOP-ESFAS Sequencer failure * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS)Technical Specifications Actual Target Quantitative Attributes 9 Total malfunctions (5-8) 3 Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 4 Abnormal events (2-4) 1 Major transients (1-2) 1 EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) 0 EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) 3 Critical tasks (2-3)

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 2016 NRC Exam Scenario 3 Overview Event 1 Pump will fail to auto start. The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, and The temporary loss of NC flow will result in a loss of letdown as well as a loss of the normal chillers. The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown and 40AO-9ZZ20, Loss of HVAC to address these issues. 40AO-9ZZ05 will likely be given to the ATC operator to restore letdown and the BOP will address restoring a normal chiller to service. Event 2 A loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 will occur. The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ14, Loss of Non-Class Instrument or Control Power. As a result of the loss of NNN-D15, the . Event 3 binding is due The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown, and take action to determine the cause of the reduction in charging flow and when the cause is determined, Event 4 Cooling Water. The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, and direct cross-to the Nuclear Cooling Water essential loads. The crew will have 10 minutes to complete the cross-tie, and if this time requirement is not met, the crew will trip the reactor. As a result of the loss of NC, letdown will isolate and cannot be restored, requiring entry into 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown, and the ATC will perform actions for extended operation without letdown. Event 5 A HPSC leak will develop on the 2B RCP. The CRS will initially enter 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate and 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies, but when trip criteria is exceeded due to RCP 2B seal temperatures, the crew will trip the reactor and enter Standard Post Trip Actions. Event 6 On the manual reactor trip, the reactor trip pushbuttons will fail to trip the reactor and actions at B01 (opening breakers for Load Centers L03 and L10) will be unsuccessful in tripping the reactor. The crew will dispatch an Area Operator to manually open RTCBs, which will successfully trip the reactor. Event 7 On the reactor trip, RRS Tave will fail low, which will generate a Quick Open Block in the Steam Bypass system. Also, the Low Tave signal from RRS to DFWCS RTO Refill Demand will result in the SGs not being fed until manual operator action is taken to restore feed. Feed can be restored either by taking manual control of downcomer valves, or manually starting AFB-P01 and aligning feed flow valves to restore feed water. Event 8 -S03, de-energizing it and also leaving only one charging pump running. Event 9 Once a SIAS occurs (-ESFAS sequencer will fail to sequence the require loads onto the bus. The CRS will direct manually starting Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Critical Task # 1: Trip the 2B RCP within 30 minutes of the RCP 2B TRBL alarm due to the 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler Leak. *NOTE: The reactor must be tripped prior to tripping the 2B RCP, and due to the failure of the reactor to trip from the control room, local breaker operation will be required to trip the reactor. Safety Significance: Failure to trip the RCP within 30 minutes of a loss of cooling to the RCP will result in seal degradation and a maximum RCS leak rate of ~ 17 gpm from the degraded seal. Cueing: The RCP 2B TRBL alarm on B04, 2B RCP HP Cooler Inlet Temperature > 250°F, procedural direction from 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies. Measurable Performance Indicator: The crew must take the 2B RCP handswitch to the STOP position. T=0 will start when the RCP 2B TRBL alarm comes in due to the HP Seal Cooler Leak. Performance Feedback: The 2B RCP handswitch taken to the STOP position, red START light extinguished, green STOP light illuminated. Critical Task # 2: Restore feed water flow to at least one SG prior to reaching 0% wide range in both SGs. Safety Significance: Failure to restore feed water to at least one SG will result in degradation to the RCS barrier due to the loss of heat removal. Cueing: The crew should recognize the loss of all feed water flow due to RRS Tave failing low (MFPs (AFN-P01 loss of power), AFA-auto start of AFB-P01 in the event the AFAS setpoint is reached. The total loss of feed water is also indicated by feed flow transmitters indicating 0 gpm on all available indications. Measurable Performance Indicator: The crew can restore feed by either taking manual control of downcomer valves and manually feeding the SGs using Main Feedwater Pumps, or manually starting AFB- Verification of SG level can be made using SG level board indications or a SG level trend on ERFDADS. Performance Feedback: The crew will have indication that they have restored feed water flow by observing feed flow indicators as well as observing a lowering trend in RCS temperature and rising trend in SG levels. Critical Task # 3: Stop the intersystem LOCA from releasing to the environment by closing EITHER the NC containment isolation valves OR isolating the 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler within 30 minutes of entry into 40EP-9EO03, LOCA. Safety Significance: The longer the loss of coolant is not isolated, the greater the magnitude of the unmonitored release of radioactivity to the external plant atmosphere. 30 minutes is based on the 15 Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 minute requirement for Safety Function Status Checks in the ORP, one pass of SFSCs to identify the condition and one pass to correct it. Cueing: The crew will have indications of an unmonitored release in progress due to radiation monitor alarms on RU-2 () and the NC Surge Tank Relief Valve will be lifting due to the in-leakage of RCS coolant. Measurable Performance Indicator: The crew will close NC Containment Upstream Supply Isolation Valve NCB-UV-401, NC Containment Downstream Return Isolation Valve NCA-UV-402, and NC Containment Upstream Return Isolation Valve NCB-UV-403 to isolate the RCS leak from external atmosphere, OR will energize and close the 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler Isolation Valves to stop the leak at the cooler itself. Performance Feedback: The crew will see the green CLOSE lights illuminate for NCB-UV-401 and NCB-UV-403, and will receive a report from the field when NCA-UV-402 is closed (no control room indication due to the loss of PBA-S03) as well as indication that the NC Surge Tank Relief Valve has stopped lifting OR will close the 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler Isolation Valves in the control room. Crew will have indication after isolating the leak of stable/rising Pressurizer pressure and level.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Turnover Plant Conditions: 100% power, MOC, 250 EFPD. PC Cleanup is NOT recirculating the RWT. Unit 2 is supplying the Aux Steam cross-tie header. Equipment Out of Service: AFA-P01 is OOS for bearing replacement. Expected return to service in the next 12 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. LCO 3.7.5, Auxiliary Feedwater System, Conditions A and B were entered 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> ago. Risk Management Action Level is ORANGE. Planned Shift Activities: Maintain steady state power operations.

Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS for SIMULATOR SETUP RESET to IC-20 and run Scenario 3 EVENT TYPE MALF # DESCRIPTION DEMAND VALUE INITIATOR 1 MF CC01A Trip Key 1 CM PCC01NCNP01B_5 -start FTAS Key 1 2 MF ED13C Loss of NNN-D15 Loss Key 2 3 CM DPCV06CHBP01_3 33 Key 3 RF CV35 0 Key 11 RF CV33 Discharge Valve Close Key 11 4 MF CC01B Loss Key 4 RF CC34 Throttles closed EWA-HV-53 to 90% open 90 Key 13 5 CM HXCV16RCEE05D_2 RCP 2B HPSC Leak (1 minute ramp) 100 Key 5 6 MF RP04A ATWS Fail In Setup MF RP04C ATWS Fail In Setup MF RD12 ATWS Fail In Setup RF RP06A Open RTCB A Trip Key 40 RF RP06B Open RTCB B Trip Key 40 RF RP06C Open RTCB C Trip Key 40 RF RP06D Open RTCB D Trip Key 40 7 MF RX01 RRS Tavg Instrument Fails Low 0 Rx Trip 8 MF ED11A 86LO Fault on PBA-S03 (1 minute delay) Loss Rx Trip RF EG04 Trip Key 31 9 MF RP07B -ESFAS Sequencer Failure Fail SIAS OR diED_ZDNGNHSL03B2 L03 Feeder Breaker fails to trip Close In Setup CR B4CV16RCNHV449_1 Energizes the RCP 2B HPSC Inlet Isolation Valve Close Key 32 Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 CR B4CV16RCNHV453_1 Energizes the RCP 2B HPSC Outlet Isolation Valve Close Key 33 RF SW26 Normal Chiller B Panel Reset Depressed Key 12 RF SW27 Normal Chiller B Panel Local Depressed Key 12 RF SW28 Normal Chiller C Panel Reset Depressed Key 12 RF SW29 Normal Chiller C Panel Local Depressed Key 12 CR MVCC04NCAUV402_9 Manually Closes NCA-UV-402 0 Key 14 CR MVCC06EWAUV145_9 Manually Closes EWA-UV-145 0 Key 15 CR MVCC06EWAUV65_9 Manually Closes EWA-UV-65 0 Key 16 Scenario Event Description NRC Exam Scenario # 3 PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Driver Setup: RESET to IC-20 Run 2016 NRC Scenario 3 event file Run ATWS Scenario file Run AFA-P01 Out of Service Scenario file Place OOS tags on AFA-P01 Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 9 of 37 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 1, Indications Available: Annunciator 7A07B, NCWS PMPS DSCH HDR PRESS HI-LO alarm Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water CRS 1. Enter AOP entry time and date 2. IF seal injection is NOT in service AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within 3 minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff 3. IF seal injection is in service AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within 10 minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff BOP 4. IF no Nuclear Cooling Water Pumps are running, THEN perform the following: IF at least one Nuclear Cooling Water Pump is available, THEN start the Nuclear Cooling Water Pump IF electrical power must be restored to start a Nuclear Cooling Water Pump, THEN perform the following: Place both NC Pump handswitches in PULL TO LOCK PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 10 of 37 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 and INITIATE Key 12. is not running and there is a smell of burnt insulation. d report the breaker has an 86 lockout and a slight acrid odor. 5. IF at least one Nuclear Cooling Water Pump is running AND NCWS PMPS DSCH HDR PRESS HI-LO (7A07B) is in alarm due to low pressure, THEN perform the following: Start the standby NC Pump Check that no NC system leaks exits by performing the following: Direct an operator to walkdown NC system piping Evaluate indications and alarms on the control boards 6. IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves have failed closed, AND there is NOT a valid CSAS signal present, THEN perform the following: Open ANY closed isolation valves Evaluate Tech Spec 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves CRS 7. IF the NC system has been restored, THEN GO TO the appropriate procedure for current plant conditions. Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown. CRS 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date 2. IF BOTH of the following occur at any time during this procedure: Pressurizer level lowers to 33% Restoration of charging is NOT impending THEN trip the reactor. Procedure Note: Multiple indications and SM/CRS discretion should be applied to diagnosing Charging Pump gas binding.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 3. IF Charging Pump gas binding is indicated by ANY of the following: Charging header flow fluctuations Charging header pressure fluctuations Charging header flow less than expected for running charging pumps Charging suction source (VCT, RWT) level lost THEN perform Appendix G, Responding to Gas Binding of Charging Pumps. 4. IF a Charging line rupture has occurred, THEN perform the following: Close CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve, to isolate letdown flow. Place ALL of the following handswitches in PULL-TO-LOCK: CHA-HS-216, Charging Pump 1 P01 CHB-HS-217, Charging Pump 2 P01 CHA-HS-218A, Charging Pump 3 P01 CHB-HS-218, Charging Pump 3 P01 Perform the following to close CHN-UV-501, VCT Outlet: CHN-HS-501, Volume Control Tank Outlet Vlv, in CLOSE. Direct an operator to open NHN-M7208, Cktbrk for Volume Control Tk Outlet Vlv CHN-UV-501. WHEN NHN-M7208 is open, THEN release CHN-HS-501. 5. IF Charging Flow can NOT be restored through the normal Charging Pump discharge flowpath, THEN perform Appendix J, Charging Thru HPSI Cold Leg Injection via SIE-V508. ATC 6. Place RCN-LIC-110, PLCS Master Controller, in MAN with 0% output. ATC 7. Check that letdown backpressure is less than setpoint. ATC 8. If pressurizer level is 33% or more AND rising, THEN ensure no more than one Charging Pump is running. Technical Specification: Due to letdown isolating, it is likely Pressurizer level will exceed 56% prior to letdown flow being restored. If so, LCO 3.4.9, Pressurizer, Condition A Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 12 of 37 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 CRS 9. IF ANY of the following: Pressurizer level is 56% or more and rising Pressurizer level is 27% or less and lowering THEN perform the following: Ensure LCO 3.4.9, Pressurizer, has been declared not met AND Condition A has been entered. Initiate actions to place the Unit in Mode 3 with Reactor Trip Breakers open within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Initiate actions to place the Unit in Mode 4 within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. CREW 10. IF letdown was NOT manually isolated, THEN determine the cause of the loss of letdown (REFER TO Appendix E, Supplementary Information) by evaluating ANY of the following: PLCS failures NC flow to Letdown Heat Exchanger SIAS/CIAS CVCS component failures Loss of IA Loss of power 11. IF the selected Letdown Control or Backpressure Control Valve(s) has failed, AND it is desired to place the standby valve in service, THEN PERFORM Appendix F, Aligning Letdown Control And Backpressure Valves. 12. IF ALL of the following conditions exist: CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve, closed due to an invalid high temperature interlock CHN-TI-221, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature, indication is available Letdown is desired THEN direct maintenance to PERFORM 81DP-0DC17, Temporary Modification Control, to install a jumper across relay63X-T221, points 19 and 20 in cabinet E-ZJB-C03.(REFER TO drawing E-CHB-031) 13. IF CHB-UV-523, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Outlet Isolation Valve, is closed due to an invalid high temperature alarm, AND letdown is desired, THEN place CHB-HS-523, LETDOWN CTMT ISOL, to CRS 14. IF letdown can be restored, THEN perform the following: PERFORM Appendix A, Restoration of Letdown With A Pressurizer Steam Bubble.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from Appendix A, Restoration of Letdown with a Pressurizer Steam Bubble ATC 1. Enter Appendix Entry Time and Date ATC 2. Ensure at least ONE of the following valves are closed: CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve CHA-UV-516, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve CHB-UV-523, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Outlet Isolation Valve ATC 3. Ensure BOTH of the following Letdown Control Valves are closed: CHE-LV-110P, Letdown Control Valve CHE-LV-110Q, Letdown Control Valve ATC 4. Ensure BOTH of the following ERFDADS points associated with Letdown are set to alarm at the appropriate setpoint: CHT221, Regen Hx Outlet Temperature, at a high alarm of 380°F CHP201, Letdown Intermediate Press / Backpressure, at a low alarm of 205 psig ATC 5. Perform the following: Place CHN-PIC- Open the selected Letdown Backpressure Valve(s) to 60% output. Procedure Note: RCP HP seal cooler inlet temperature is expected to rise to between 200°F and 220°F when seal injection is stopped. All other seal temperatures are expected to remain normal. 6. IF ANY of the following: NO Charging Pumps are running ONLY one Charging Pump is available THEN perform the following: Ensure controlled bleedoff is isolated on all standby Seal 2 Outlet Temperature exceeding 250°F. Isolate RCP seal injection by closing ONE of the following: o Seal Injection Flow Control Valves o CHB-HV-255, Seal Injection Supply Header Isolation Valve Ensure CHN-HS-240, Charging Line to RC Loop 2A VLV PDV-240, is in OPEN MOD. IF NO Charging Pump is running, THEN start one Charging Pump.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC 7. WHEN the selected Letdown Control Valve(s) is closed, THEN ensure ALL of the following isolation valves are open: CHB-UV-523, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Outlet Isolation Valve CHB-UV-515, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve CHA-UV-516, Letdown To Regen HX Isolation Valve 8. IF ANY isolation valve is open in override or manual, THEN ensure compliance with LCO 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves. 9. IF letdown flow has been lost for 22 minutes or more, AND RCS temperature is greater than 130°F,THEN perform the following: Open CHN-HV-526, Letdown Control Valves Bypass Valve. WHEN flow has been maintained through CHN-HV-526 for at least four minutes, THEN close CHN-HV-526. Procedure Note: Saturation temperature for 220 psig is 395°F and saturation temperature for 300 psig is 421°F. Procedure Caution: Insufficient letdown backpressure will cause flashing in the letdown system. ATC 10. Slowly adjust the Letdown Control Valve(s) AND Backpressure Control Valve(s) to establish ALL of the following: Letdown flow approximately 25 - 35 gpm Letdown backpressure 220 to 300 psig Regenerative Heat Exchange Letdown Temperature less than saturation temperature for the existing backpressure, as indicated on CHN-TI-221, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature. ATC 11. WHEN letdown flow is indicated, THEN maintain Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature less than 135°F.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 12. IF a second charging pump will NOT be started, THEN perform the following: Place CHN-HS-4, Charging Pump Mode Selector, in a position Slowly adjust the Letdown Control Valve(s) AND Backpressure Control Valve(s) to establish ALL of the following: o The desired pressurizer level o Letdown backpressure 220 to 300 psig o Regenerative Heat Exchange Letdown Temperature less than saturation temperature for the existing backpressure, as indicated on CHN-TI-221, Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature o Letdown Heat Exchanger temperature less than 135°F GO TO step 20. ATC 13. IF a second charging pump will be started, THEN ensure ALL of the following are in manual: RCN-LIC-110, PLCS Master Controller CHN-PDIC-240, Charging Header Backpressure Control Valve CHN-PIC-201, Letdown Backpressure Control Procedure Note: LD HDR SYS TRBL (3A10A) will alarm and remain locked in as long as PTID CHPS201, Letdown Heat Exchanger to LD Back Press Valve Press Hi - Lo is 308 psig or less. This alarm is used to diagnosis a letdown line break in the Aux Building and to ensure subcooling. This alarm will not be available once backpressure is reduced to less than 308 psig. ATC 14. Ensure CHN-PIC-201 is adjusted to maintain 220 - 300 psig and as close to 220 psig as possible. Procedure Note: With one charging pump running, the nominal, steady-state regen heat exchanger outlet temperature is approximately 265° as indicated on CHN-TI-221. This temperature will decrease when the second charging pump is started. Subsequent manual increases in letdown flow rate may cause transient temperature increases up to 380°F or higher if not properly controlled. ATC 15. Start the second Charging Pump. Procedure Caution: Any increase in letdown flow rate may produce relatively large increases in intermediate letdown pressure as indicated by CHN-PIC-201. These pressure spikes may result in the lifting of CHN-PSV-345, Regen Hx to Letdown Hx Relief.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC 16. Perform the following: Slowly adjust RCN-LIC-110 to establish ALL the following: o Appropriate letdown flow for two charging pumps o Letdown flow less than 150 gpm o Letdown Heat Exchanger temperature less than 135°F IF CHT221 reaches 380°F or more, THEN reduce the letdown flow to drop temperature to less than 380°F. Slowly adjust CHN-PIC-201 to maintain backpressure 220 to 300 psig. ATC 17. IF a third charging pump will NOT be started, THEN perform the following: Slowly adjust RCN-LIC-110 to establish ALL of the following: o The desired pressurizer level o Letdown flow less than 150 gpm o Letdown Heat Exchanger temperature less than 135°F Slowly adjust CHN-PIC-201 to maintain backpressure 220 to 300 psig. GO TO step 20. ATC 20. WHEN pressurizer level is at the desired setpoint, THEN perform the following: Ensure RCN-LIC- Transfer RCN-LIC-110 to ONE of the following: o Remote Automatic o Local Automatic ATC 21. IF CHN-PDIC-240, Charging Header Backpressure Control Valve, is in THEN perform the following: Slowly adjust CHN-PDIC-240 to 90-135 psid. Place CHN-PDIC- ATC 22. Perform the following: Slowly adjust CHN-PIC-201 setpoint to 375 psig. Place CHN-PIC- 23. IF CHN-TIC-223, Letdown Hx Outlet Temperature Controller, is in AND plant conditions will allow, THEN transfer CHN-TIC-223 ATC 24. IF the Pressurizer Level Control System is automatically controlling pressurizer level, THEN ensure ALL available Charging Pumps are green flagged for automatic control.

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 25. IF letdown has been restored with BOTH of the following: Only one charging pump available Seal injection isolated THEN perform the following: IF BOTH of the following: o Pressurizer level is NOT at the desired setpoint o The SM/CRS directs THEN place RCN-LIC-restore pressurizer level to the desired setpoint. WHEN pressurizer level is at the desired setpoint, THEN transfer RCN-LIC-110 to ONE of the following: o Remote Automatic o Local Automatic ATC 26. IF RCP seal injection is in operation, THEN ensure flow is 6.0 to 7.5 gpm. Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ20, Loss of HVAC. 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date. 2. IF any normal chiller is available, THEN start at least one normal chiller. Examiner Note: When the crew has restored NC flow, restored letdown flow, and restored Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15.

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Loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 Time Position ns or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 2, Loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 Indications Available: Multiple alarms indicative of a loss of NNN-D15 Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ14, Loss of Non-Class Instrument or Control Power CRS 1. Enter AOP entry time and date Procedure Note: A loss of power to the Main Feedwater Pump A Turbine Control Cabinet causes the FWPT Control Valves to close resulting in a loss of the A Main Feedwater Pump without a Reactor Power Cutback Actuation. BOP 2. Ensure Main Feedwater Pump Turbine A is tripped BOP 3. IF reactor power was 75% or more, THEN perform the following: Check that a Reactor Power Cutback Loss of Feedpump has actuated. Check that CEA subgroups 4, 5, and 22 have inserted Check Turbine Setback-Runback initiation PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ09, Reactor Power Cutback (Loss of Feed Pump) Examiner Note: Steps from 40AO-9ZZ09, Reactor Power Cutback (Loss of Feed Pump) are located at the end of this section 4. IF Main Feed Pump A was the only operating feed pump THEN perform the following: IF it is desired to use auxiliary feed, THEN establish steam generator feed using at least one Auxiliary Feed Pump IF it is desired to use Main Feed Pump B, THEN PERFORM 40OP-9FT02, Feedwater Pump Turbine B IF it is desired to trip the reactor, THEN perform the following: Trip the reactor PERFORM 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions Driver Cue: If an AO is sent to inspect NNN-D15, wait 1 minute and report that NNN-D15 is de-energized and there is a slight acrid odor in the area. ANY 5. REFER TO 40OP-9NN01, 120V AC Non-Class 1E Instrument Power (NN), for a complete list of indication and controls lost CRS 6. IF NNN-D15 can NOT be energized, THEN GO TO the appropriate procedure for the current plant conditions Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 19 of 37 Event


Loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 Time Position ns or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ09, Reactor Power Cutback (Loss of Feed Pump) CRS 1. Enter AOP entry time and date BOP 2. IF reactor power was 74% or more, THEN perform the following: Check that a Reactor Power Cutback Loss of Feedpump has actuated Check that CEA subgroups 4, 5, and 22 have inserted 3. IF reactor power was less than 74% THEN check that CEAs are inserting as needed to match reactor and turbine power BOP 4. Check Main Turbine Setback-Runback has lowered Main Turbine load to 65% or less (~890 MW) 5. IF any CEA deviates from its subgroup by greater than 6.6 inches, AND ANY CEA Reg Groups are below the transient insertion limits, THEN perform the following: Trip the reactor GO TO 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions CRS 6. Direct the STA to PERFORM Appendix D, Status Check RPCB Loss of Feedwater Pump 7. IF BOTH Feed Pumps trip, THEN perform the following: Trip the reactor GO TO 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions BOP 8. Raise the Speed Bias on the operating Main Feedwater Pump to zero or more BOP 9. Restore and maintain SG levels 45 60% NR Procedure Caution: Manually withdrawing CEAs during a reactor power transient may result in a Variable Over Power Trip (VOPT) BOP 10. Check that BOTH of the following are being maintained in automatic: RRS is adjusting CEAs to restore Tave/Tref +/- 3°F SBCS opens if required to control main steam pressure at setpoint BOP 11. IF steaming to atmosphere, THEN inform Radiation Protection and the RMS Technician Procedure Note: Condensate Pumps trip at 30 inches hotwell level Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 20 of 37 Event


Loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 Time Position ns or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 BOP 12. IF condenser hotwell level is less than 41 inches, THEN direct an operator to maintain the condenser hotwell 41 inches or more using ANY of the following: Hotwell makeup and reject controllers CDN-HCV-154, 1A Hotwell Half Manual Makeup Isolation Valve CDN-HCV-155, 2A Hotwell Half Manual Makeup Isolation Valve BOP 13. IF reactor power is 70% or less and stable, THEN perform the following: pushbutton Procedure Note: The LOAD LIMIT LIMITING light may be on if a load setback has been initiated and the setback is controlling. If the Load Set motor is controlling, then the light will be out. BOP 14. illuminates BOP 15. Reduce the load limit potentiometer until the potentiometer has positive control of the Main Turbine control valves. Procedure Note: When the CEAs are place in Manual Sequential, the RCS temperature will begin to slowly drop due to the buildup of xenon. If a power reduction is NOT required due to equipment issues or core age, the CRS should move without delay throughout the procedure to step 31. This is where the Reg Group CEA overlap is restored which will help to restore the RCS temperature. ATC 16. IF a RPCB has dropped CEA subgroups, AND BOTH of the following conditions are met: CEA motion is only required to compensate for Xenon buildup Main Turbine load limiting light is on THEN place CEDMCS in Manual Sequential (MS) ATC 17. Monitor CPC Point ID 0187 CPC ASI Aux Trip Procedure Notes: the summed value of excores, Pt ID 0125, DKSUM value of the upper, middle, and lower excores is greater than 45%

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Loss of Non-Class Instrument Bus NNN-D15 Time Position ns or Behavior PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 CRS 18. IF ALL of the following conditions are met: CPC Pt ID 0187 indicates greater than +/- 0.45 CPC Pt ID 0187 is trending to +/- 0.5 CPC Aux Trip on ASI is still possible (above the Rule of 45) using Pt ID 0125 THEN perform the following: Trip the reactor GO TO 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions ATC 19. Start boron equalization of the pressurizer by performing the following: Energize pressurizer backup heaters as necessary Lower the setpoint on RCN-PIC-100, Pressurizer Pressure Controller, to 2220 psia Examiner Note: When the crew has lowered the load limit potentiometer to regain control of proceed to Event 3, Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 22 of 37 Event


Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 , modify malfunction to a severity of 66%, and 30 seconds after that, modify malfunction to a severity of 100%. Indications Available: Charging flow reduced by ~ 15 gpm every 30 seconds (3 increments for the 3 plungers in a Charging Pump). Seal injection flow low alarms in and clear based on the charging flow reductions. Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown: 1. Enter AOP entry time and date. 2. IF BOTH of the following occur at any time during the procedure: Pressurizer level lowers to 33% Restoration of charging is NOT impending THEN trip the reactor. 3. IF Charging Pump gas binding is indicated by ANY of the following: Charging header flow fluctuations Charging header pressure fluctuations Charging header flow less than expected for running charging pumps Charging suction source (VCT, RWT) level lost THEN perform Appendix G, Responding to Gas Binding of Charging Pumps Examiner Note: The following steps are from Appendix G, Responding to Gas Binding of Charging Pumps: 1. Enter Appendix Entry Time and Date. 2. IF CHB-FI-212, Charging Pump to Regen HX, indicates greater than 40 gpm, THEN GO TO Step 8. Procedure Note: With two charging pumps operating while one of the pumps is gas bound, the primary indication of the gas bound pump will be the sound. A charging pump that is partly gas bound will initially have much louder cavitation noises than a filled pump. As the pump becomes fully gas bound, the plate valves will make much less noise than those in a pump that is filled with fluid. 8. Determine which Charging Pump has been gas bound using local observation. Driver Cue: If called to locally determine which Charging Pump has been gas bound, wait 30 ump is gas bound. 9. Place the handswitch for the gas bound Charging Pump in PULL TO LOCK:

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Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 CHA-HS-216, Charging Pump 1 P01 CHB-HS-217, Charging Pump 2 P01 CHA-HS-218A, Charging Pump 3 P01 CHB-HS-218, Charging Pump 3 P01 10. IF CHA-P01, Charging Pump A, is gas bound, THEN perform the following to isolate CHA-P01, Charging Pump A: Close CHA-V316, Charging Pump CHA-P01 Suction Isolation Valve Close CHA-V339, Charging Pump CHA-P01 Discharge Valve 11. IF CHB-P01, Charging Pump B, is gas bound, THEN perform the following to isolate CHB-P01, Charging Pump B: Close CHB-V319, Charging Pump CHB-P01 Suction Isolation Valve Close CHB-V337, Charging Pump CHB-P01 Discharge Valve Driver Cue: When directed to close CHB-V319 and CHB-V337, initiate Key 11, wait 30 seconds and report both valves closed. 12. IF CHE-P01, Charging Pump E, is gas bound, THEN perform the following to isolate CHE-P01, Charging Pump E: Close CHE-V322, Charging Pump CHE-P01 Suction Isolation Valve Close CHE-V335, Charging Pump CHE-P01 Discharge Valve ECooling Water Pump Trip.

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Loss of Nuclear Cooling Water Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 3, clear Cooling Water Pump Trip Indications Available: RCP Low NC Flow alarms on B04 Annunciator 7A07B, NCWS PMPS DSCH HDR PRESS HI-LO Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water CRS 1. Enter AOP entry time and date 2. IF seal injection is NOT in service AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within 3 minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff ATC 3. IF seal injection is in service AND cooling water is NOT restored to ANY operating RCP within 10 minutes of the initial loss, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff 4. IF no Nuclear Cooling Water Pumps are running, THEN perform the following: IF at least one Nuclear Cooling Water Pump is available, THEN start the Nuclear Cooling Water Pump IF electrical power must be restored to start a Nuclear Cooling Water Pump, THEN perform the following: Place both NC Pump handswitches in PULL TO LOCK PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power 5. IF at least one Nuclear Cooling Water Pump is running AND NCWS PMPS DSCH HDR PRESS HI-LO (7A07B) is in alarm due to low pressure, THEN perform the following: Start the standby NC Pump Check that no NC system leaks exits by performing the following: Direct an operator to walkdown NC system piping Evaluate indications and alarms on the control boards Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 25 of 37 Event


Loss of Nuclear Cooling Water Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 6. IF ANY of the NC Containment Isolation Valves have failed closed, AND there is NOT a valid CSAS signal present, THEN perform the following: Open ANY closed isolation valves Evaluate Tech Spec 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves 7. IF the NC system has been restored, THEN GO TO the appropriate procedure for current plant conditions. CRS 8. IF ANY RCPs are operating, THEN PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ04, Reactor Coolant Pump Emergencies Examiner Note: The CRS will enter 40AO-9ZZ04 but will continue taking actions from 40AO-9ZZ03 due to the emergent actions required to recover from the complete loss of NC CRS 9. IF the CRS directs cross-connecting EW to NC, AND ANY of the following conditions exist: Any leak in the NC system piping will be isolated when cross-connected No NC system leakage exists THEN PERFORM Appendix A, Cross-connect EW to NC Examiner Note: The steps from Appendix A, Cross-connect EW to NC, are at the end of this section 10. IF a leak in the Nuclear Cooling Water System piping can NOT be isolated when cross-connecting EW and NC, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop all of the RCPs Isolate controlled bleedoff GO TO the appropriate procedure for the current plant conditions ATC 11. IF letdown is isolated, THEN PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Charging or Letdown Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 26 of 37 Event


Loss of Nuclear Cooling Water Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Examiner Note: The following steps are from Appendix A, Cross-connect EW to NC BOP 1. Enter Appendix Entry Time and Date Procedure Note: Cross-connecting EW and NC renders the EW Train inoperable per LCO 3.7.7, Essential Cooling Water (EW) System. Refer to 40ST-9EC03 and 40DP-9OP37 for impacts on supported system operability. Procedure Note: The cross-connect of Essential Cooling Water Train A with Nuclear Cooling Water will be lost on a SIAS or Essential Cooling Water surge tank A low level. BOP 2. IF cross-connecting Train A EW to NC, THEN ensure BOTH of the following pumps are operating: Spray Pond Pump A Essential Cooling Water Pump A BOP 3. IF cross-connecting Train B EW to NC, THEN ensure BOTH of the following pumps are operating: Spray Pond Pump B Essential Cooling Water Pump B BOP 4. Ensure Procedure Note: NCN-UV-99 must be fully closed before opening the EW cross-tie to NC valve in step 6 or step 7. If NCN-UV-99 is not fully closed, an uncontrolled transfer of water will occur between NC and EW BOP 5. Close NCN-UV-99, Nuclear Cooling Water Containment Header Return Valve. BOP 6. IF cross-connecting Train A EW to NC, THEN open BOTH of the following valves: EWA-UV-145, Cross-Tie Valve to Nuclear Cooling Water EWA-UV-65, Cross-Tie Valve from Nuclear Cooling Water 7. IF cross-connecting Train B EW to NC, THEN direct an operator to unlock and open BOTH of the following valves: EWB-HCV-- EWB-HCV-- BOP 8. Ensure that no more than one Normal Chiller NC outlet valve is open. Procedure Caution: When EWA-HCV-53, SDCHX A Outlet Isolation Valve, is throttled closed, EW pump discharge pressure may exceed the alarm setpoint and possibly lift the thermal relief valve PSV-0047 on the Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger.

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Loss of Nuclear Cooling Water Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 BOP 9. IF cross-connecting Train A EW to NC, THEN direct an operator to unlock and throttle EWA-HCV-53, SDCHX A OUTLET ISOLATION, until ONE of the following conditions exists: All of the RCP low NC flow alarms are clear. EW system flow lowers to 8500 gpm on EWN-FI-13. Driver Cue: When directed to unlock and throttle EWA-HCV-53, initiate Key 13. 10. IF cross-connecting Train B EW to NC, THEN direct an operator to unlock and throttle EWB-HCV-54, SDCHX B OUTLET ISOLATION, until ONE of the following conditions exists: All of the RCP low NC flow alarms are clear. EW system flow lowers to 8500 gpm on EWN-FI-14. BOP 11. Perform the following: Ensure that all Normal Chiller NC outlet valves are closed. Start a Normal Chiller. BOP 12. PERFORM 40ST-9EC03, Essential Chilled Water and Ventilation Systems Inoperable Action Surveillance, within one hour of cross-connecting EW and NC. Examiner Note: When the NC to RCP Low Flow Alarms are clear and Cooling water is restored 5, RCP 2B HPSC Leak.

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RCP 2B HP Seal Cooler Leak Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Driver: When directed, INITIATE Key 4, RCP 2B HPSC Leak. Indications Available: RCP 2B TRBL alarm Lowering letdown flow and pressurizer level Examiner Note: The CRS may enter either 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate or 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies first. 40AO-9ZZ04 steps are located after the 40AO-9ZZ02 steps in case they enter ZZ04 first. The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate: CRS 1. Enter AOP Entry Time and Date: 2. IF pressurizer level is lowering, AND additional makeup is required, THEN ensure all available Charging Pumps are running. 3. IF all available Charging Pumps are running, AND pressurizer level is lowering, THEN isolate letdown. 4. IF ALL of the following conditions exist: All available Charging Pumps are operating Letdown is isolated Pressurizer level is lowering THEN perform the following: Ensure that the Reactor is tripped. GO TO ONE of the following: 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery CRS 5. Ensure the event is being classified. CRS 6. Initiate Appendix I, LCO Required Action Tracker. CRS 7. IF the unit is in Mode 1 - 4, THEN ensure compliance with LCO 3.4.14, RCS Operational Leakage (Refer to Appendix I, LCO Required Action Tracker) CRS 8. Direct Chemistry to perform 74DP-9ZZ05, Abnormal Occurrence Checklist. CRS 9. Notify Radiation Protection that an RCS leak exists.

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RCP 2B HP Seal Cooler Leak Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC 10. Determine the leakrate using ANY of the following: Appendix A, 15 Minute Leak Rate Calculation Appendix B, ERFDADS Leak Rate Determination 40ST-9RC02, ERFDADS (Preferred) Calculation of RCS Water Inventory 40ST-9RC05, Manual Calculation of RCS Water Inventory 40ST-9RC08, OAP (Backup) Calculation of RCS Water Inventory CRS 11. Direct an operator to monitor the Nuclear Cooling Water Surge Tank level and pressure. pressure are high, and the r 12. IF a leak in the Letdown Heat Exchanger is indicated, THEN perform the following: IF the leak rate is such that letdown temperature can be lowered prior to isolation, THEN perform the following: o Reduce letdown flow using RCN-LIC-110 in manual to lower letdown temperature. o WHEN Regenerative Heat Exchanger Letdown Temperature is less than 180°F as indicated on CHN-TI-221, THEN isolate letdown IF the leak rate is such that letdown should be isolated as quickly as possible, THEN isolate letdown. PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Letdown. Direct an operator to close ALL of the following valves: (110 ft. Aux Bldg above LDHX) o NCN- o NCN- o NCN- CRS annunciator (4A02A/3A/4A/5A) is in alarm, THEN PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ04, Reactor Coolant Pump Emergencies.

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RCP 2B HP Seal Cooler Leak Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC 14. IF a leak from a RCP Seal Cooler is indicated, THEN perform the following to isolate the leak: Ensure the Reactor is tripped. Stop the affected RCP. Isolate seal bleedoff from the affected RCP. PERFORM Appendix G, Isolating RCP HPSC. Examiner Note: The crew will receive various RCP 2B seal alarms and will trip the reactor based on exceeding RCP seal temperature trip criteria. After SPTAs, the CRS will enter 40EP-9EO03, LOCA, where he will direct an operator to close the appropriate breakers for the RCP 2B HP Seal Cooler located in Appendix 36 RCP HP Seal Cooler Breaker List and isolate the RCP HP Seal Cooler. Appendix G is not performed in initial license training due to only having a crew of 3 people, two of which are performing verifications and taking contingency actions in SPTAs. Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies: 1. Enter AOP entry time and date. 2. IF any RCP NC low flow annunciators are in alarm, THEN PERFORM 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water, Section 4.0. 3. IF any RCP Upper Thrust Bearing temperature is 245°F or more OR motor amps is 520 amps or more, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop the affected RCP GO TO the appropriate procedure for the current plant conditions 4. IF any RCP Upper Thrust Bearing temperature is trending to 245° F, THEN consider starting the Hydraulic Oil Lift Pump to slow the rate of temperature rise. 5. IF the RCP parameters indicated on RMN-TJR-2 points 1-32 exceed any of the trip setpoints listed in Appendix A, RCP Motor or Bearing Trip Setpoints, THEN perform the following: Ensure the reactor is tripped Stop the affected RCP GO TO the appropriate procedure for the current plant conditions Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 31 of 37 Event


-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 Driver: When directed by the crew, insert Key 40 to open RTCB due to the ATWS Indications Available: Reactor did not trip when the RTCB pushbuttons were depressed L03 feeder breaker did not open when the handswitch was taken to the open position Examiner Note: The following steps are from 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions Examiner Note: When the crew attempts to trip the reactor, the reactor will fail to trip. When they take the contingency action to open the feeder breakers for L03 and L10, the L03 breaker will not open requiring the crew to dispatch an operator to locally open RTCBs. Examiner Note: On the reactor trip, RRS Tave will fail low, which will generate a Quick Open Block in the Steam Bypass system. Also, the Low Tave signal from RRS to DFWCS RTO Refill Demand will result in the SGs not being fed. Examiner Note: One m-S03, de-energizing it and resulting in no available charging pumps. CRS 1. Open the placekeeper and enter the EOP entry time. 2. Determine if Reactivity Control acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that reactor power is dropping. (CA) Manually trip the Reactor (CA) IF the Reactor is NOT tripped, THEN open BOTH of the following supply breakers: NGN-L03B2 NGN-L10B2 (CA) IF the Reactor is NOT tripped, THEN direct an operator to open the reactor trip breakers Critical Task # 1: Trip the 2B RCP within 30 minutes of the RCP 2B TRBL alarm due to the 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler Leak. RCP 2B TRBL alarm (Start Time): ________ RCP 2B Tripped (Stop Time): __________ SAT / UNSAT BOP Check that start-up rate is negative.

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-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 BOP ATC (Boration) Check that ALL full strength CEAs are inserted. (CA) Borate the RCS until adequate SDM as required by Tech Specs is established using ANY of the following: Appendix 103, RCS Makeup/Emergency Boration Appendix 10, Charging Pump Alternate Suction to the RWT / Restoration Appendix 11, Charging Pump Alternate Suction to the SFP / Restoration SI flow BOP Check that the Main Turbine is tripped. (CA) Manually trip the Main Turbine. (CA) IF the Main Turbine is NOT tripped, THEN stop the EHC pump(s). (CA) IF the Main Turbine is NOT tripped, THEN close the MSIV(s). 3. Determine if Maintenance of Vital Auxiliaries acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that the Main Generator output breakers are open. BOP Check that station loads have transferred to offsite electrical power such that BOTH of the following conditions are met: All vital and non-vital AC buses are powered All vital and non-vital DC buses are powered (CA) IF PBA-S03 or PBB-S04 is NOT powered from offsite, THEN perform the following: Ensure that the associated DG has started. Ensure that the associated DG output breaker is closed. Refer to Supplemental SPTA Actions (DG Running With Output Breaker Open) Hard Card. Examiner Note: The following steps are from the Supplemental SPTA Actions Hard Card BOP Check BOTH of the following: DG frequency between 59.9 60.5 Hz DG voltage between 4080 4300 V BOP Ensure BOTH of the following supply breakers on the affected bus are open (B01): Normal supply breaker Alternate supply breaker Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 33 of 37 Event


-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 BOP Check all three supply breaker 86-lockout relays on the affected bus are reset. (CA) IF any supply breaker 86-lockout relay on the affected bus actuated, THEN direct an operator to emergency stop the associated DG. Key 31. Examiner Note: PBA-S03 will be faulted and will be de-energized. running unloaded without Essential Spray Pond support, the crew will direct an Area Operator Examiner Note: The following steps are the continuation of SPTAs 4. Determine if RCS Inventory Control acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that pressurizer level meets BOTH of the following: 10 65% Trending as expected to 33 53% ATC Check that the RCS is 24°F or more subcooled. ATC Check that BOTH of the following are in service to all RCPs: Seal injection Nuclear Cooling Water (CA) Isolate controlled bleedoff from ANY RCP(s) as appropriate. REFER TO 40AO-9ZZ04, Reactor Coolant Pump Emergencies, Appendix E, Control Board B04 Label. 5. Determine if RCS Pressure Control acceptance criteria is met: Examiner Note: Once a SIAS occurs (either manually or aut-ESFAS sequencer will fail to sequence the require loads onto the bus. The CRS will direct ATC Check BOTH of the following: Pressurizer pressure is 1837 2285 psia Pressurizer pressure is trending as expected to 2225 2275 psia (CA) IF pressurizer pressure drops to the SIAS setpoint, THEN ensure that a SIAS is actuated. (CA) IF pressurizer pressure remains below the SIAS setpoint, THEN stop ONE RCP in each loop.

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-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 6. Determine if Core Heat Removal acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check ALL of the following: At least one RCP is operating RCS is 24°F or more subcooled 7. Determine if RCS Heat Removal acceptance criteria is met: BOP Check that at least one SG meets BOTH of the following conditions: Level is 35% WR or more Feedwater is restoring or maintaining level 45 60% NR (CA) Restore and maintain level in at least one SG 45 60% NR Critical Task # 2: Restore feed water flow to at least one SG prior to reaching 0% wide range in both SGs. SAT / UNSAT BOP Check that Tcold is 560 570°F (CA) IF Tcold is greater than 570°F, then perform the following: Ensure that feedwater is being restored to at least one SG Restore Tcold to 560 570°F using SBCS or ADVs BOP Check that SG pressure is 1140 1200 psia (CA) IF SG pressure drops to the MSIS setpoint, THEN ensure MSIS has actuated (CA) IF SG pressure is less than 1140 psia, THEN perform the following: Ensure the SBCS valves are closed Ensure the ADVs are closed IF SG pressure is greater than 1200 psia, THEN restore and maintain SG pressure to less than 1200 psia using SBCS or ADVs 8. Determine if Containment Isolation acceptance criteria is met: ATC Check that containment pressure is less than 2.5 psig Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 35 of 37 Event


-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC Check BOTH of the following conditions: No valid containment area radiation monitor alarms or unexplained rise in activity No valid steam plant activity monitor alarms or unexplained rise in activity 9. Determine if Containment Temperature and Pressure Control acceptance criteria are met: ATC Check that containment temperature is less than 117°F (CA) IF containment temperature is 117°F or more, AND a SIAS has NOT actuated, THEN ensure that ALL of the available systems are in operation: Containment Normal ACUs CEDM ACUs Reactor Cavity Fans PZR Cooling Fans ATC Check that containment pressure is less than 2.5 psig Examiner Note: The CRS should diagnose a Loss of Coolant Accident and enter 40EP-9EO03, LOCA. Critical Task # 3: Stop the intersystem LOCA from releasing to the environment by closing EITHER the NC containment isolation valves OR isolating the 2B RCP HP Seal Cooler within 30 minutes of entry into 40EP-9EO03, LOCA. SAT / UNSAT CRS BOP (SG Sample Valves) 1. Monitor the SFSCs by performing the following: Check that the Safety Function Status Check acceptance criteria are satisfied. Ensure that the Steam Generator Sample Valves are open. Direct Chemistry to PERFORM 74DP-9ZZ05, Abnormal Occurrence Checklist. CRS 2. Ensure the event is being classified. CRS 3. Open the Placekeeper and enter the EOP entry time. ATC 4. IF pressurizer pressure drops to the SIAS setpoint, THEN check that SIAS is actuated Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 36 of 37 Event


-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC 5. IF SIAS has actuated, THEN perform the following: Check that the HPSI and LPSI Pumps have started. Check that the safety injection flow is adequate. REFER TO Appendix 2, Figures. ATC 6. IF SIAS has actuated, THEN perform the following: IF it is determined that RWT level may lower to less than 73% during the event, OR it is desired to align charging pump suction through an alternate suction path, THEN PERFORM ONE of the following: o Appendix 10, Charging Pump Alternate Suction to the RWT/ Restoration o Appendix 11, Charging Pump Alternate Suction to the SFP/ Restoration If RWT level is above 73%, AND it is desired to align charging pump suction though CHE-HV-536 or CHN-UV-514, THEN PERFORM Appendix 103, RCS Makeup / Emergency Boration. ATC 7. IF pressurizer pressure remains below the SIAS setpoint, THEN perform the following: Ensure ONE RCP is stopped in each loop. IF RCS subcooling is less than 24°F [44°F], THEN ensure all RCPs are stopped. ATC 8. IF ANY RCPs are operating, THEN PERFORM Appendix 16, RCP Trip Criteria and check the RCP operating limits are satisfied. ATC 9. Attempt to isolate the LOCA by performing the following: a. Ensure that the letdown line is isolated. b. Ensure that the RCS sample lines are isolated.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, 8, 9 Page 37 of 37 Event


-sequencer failure Time Position PVNGS 2016 NRC Exam Scenario # 3 Rev 2 ATC IF ANY of the following conditions exist: RU-6, Nuclear Cooling Water Radiation Monitor alarming An abnormal rise in Nuclear Cooling Water surge tank level THEN perform the following: Stop all RCPs. Close the Nuclear Cooling Water Containment Isolation Valves. Isolate controlled bleedoff from the RCPs. Energize the RCP HP Cooler Isolation Valves for ANY leaking RCP High Pressure Cooler(s). REFER TO Appendix 36, RCP HP Seal Cooler Breaker List. Close the RCP HP Cooler Isolation Valves for ANY leaking High Pressure Cooler(s). Direct Chemistry to sample the Nuclear Cooling Water System for activity. IF the LOCA has been isolated by the isolation of any RCP HP Cooler, AND restoration of Nuclear Cooling Water to CTMT is desired, THEN open the Nuclear Cooling Water Containment Isolation Valves. Examiner Note: The ATC will direct an operator to close the appropriate breakers for the RCP 2B HPSC located in Appendix 36 RCP HP Seal Cooler Breaker List. Examiner Note: If the crew failed to reclose the feeder breaker for L10 (opened when attempting to trip the reactor from the control room), RCP 2B HPSC Outlet Isolation Valve, HV-453, will not be able to be energized. Crew may realize this and reclose the L10 feeder breaker in order to energize HV-453. Scenario Termination: When the HPSC for RCP 2B is isolated, or at the discretion of the lead Evaluator, the scenario may be terminated.