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Kewaunee Power Station - Issuance of Amendment Steam Generator Tube Integrity
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/2006
From: Jaffe D H
To: Christian D A
Dominion, Dominion Energy Kewaunee
D. Jaffe LPL3-1
Shared Package
ML061700091 List:
TAC MC9581
Download: ML061700208 (10)


July 17, 2006 Mr. Dav id A. Chri stian Senior Vi ce President and Chief Nucl ear Officer Innsbrook Technical Center 5000 D omini on Bou leva rd Glen Alle n, VA 2306 0-6711 SUBJE CT: KEW AUNEE POW ER ST ATI ON - I SSUAN CE OF AMENDMEN T RE: STEA M GENERATOR TUBE IN TEGRITY (TAC NO. MC 9581)Dear Mr. C hristian: The U.S. Nucle ar Regulatory Commission (N RC) has iss ued the encl osed Amendment N o.188 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-43 for the Kewaunee Power Station. This amendment revi ses the Technic al Specifica tions (TSs) in response to y our applica tion dated Janua ry 12 , 2006 , as su ppleme nted b y le tter da ted Ju ne 2, 2 006. The amendment rev ises the ex isting steam generato r (SG) tube surv eillance program to be consistent w ith TS Task Force (TSTF) Ch ange TSTF-449, Rev ision 4, "S team Generator Tube Integrity," and th e model safety evaluati on prepared b y the NRC and publi shed in the Federal Register on March 2, 2005 (70 FR 10298) un der the consol idated li ne item improv ement proces s. A copy of the Safety Eval uation is also enclo sed. The Notic e of Issuance w ill be i ncluded i n the Commis sion's ne xt regu lar biweek ly Federal Reg ister notice.Since rely , /RA/David H. Jaffe, Senior Project Manager Plant Lice nsing B ranch III-1 Divisi on of Operating Reac tor Licensin g Office of Nuclear Reacto r Regulation Docket No. 50-305 Enclo sures: 1. Ame ndment No. 18 8 to Li cense No. DP R-43 2. Safety Ev aluation cc w/enc ls: See nex t pag e July 17, 2006 Mr. Dav id A. Chri stian Senior Vi ce President and Chief Nucl ear Officer Innsbrook Technical Center 5000 D omini on Bou leva rd Glen Alle n, VA 2306 0-6711 SUBJE CT: KEW AUNEE POW ER ST ATI ON - I SSUAN CE OF AMENDMEN T RE: STEA M GENERATOR TUBE IN TEGRITY (TAC NO. MC 9581)Dear Mr. C hristian: The U.S. Nucle ar Regulatory Commission (N RC) has iss ued the encl osed Amendment N

o. 188 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-43 f or the Kewaunee Power Station. This amendment revi ses the Technic al Specifica tions (TSs) in response to y our applica tion dated Janua ry 12 , 2006 , as su ppleme nted b y le tter da ted Ju ne 2, 2 006. The amendment rev ises the ex isting steam generato r (SG) tube surv eillance program to be consistent w ith TS Task Force (TSTF) Ch ange TSTF-449, Rev ision 4, "S team Generator Tube Integrity," and th e model safety evaluati on prepared b y the NRC and publi shed in the Federal Register on March 2, 2005 (70 FR 10298) un der the consol idated li ne item improv ement proces s. A copy of the Safety Eval uation is also enclo sed. The Notic e of Issuance w ill be i ncluded i n the Commis sion's ne xt regu lar biweek ly Federal Reg ister notice.Since rely , /RA/David H. Jaffe, Senior Project Manager Plant Lice nsing B ranch III-1 Divisi on of Operating Reac tor Licensin g Office of Nuclear Reacto r Regulation Docket No. 50-305


1. Amendment No

.188 to Li cense No. DP R-43 2. Safety Ev aluation cc w/enc ls: See nex t pag e DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC LPL3-1 R/F RidsNrrDor lLple RidsNr rPMDJa ffe RidsNrrLATHa rris RidsOgcRp RidsAcrsAcnwMai lCenter RidsNr rDirs ltsb G. Hil l, OIS RidsRgn3Ma ilCenter RidsNrrDor lDpr ADAMS ACCESSION NUM BER: ML06170 0208 - PACKAGE: ML061 700091 - TS:ML0 61720131 OFFICE NRR/L PL3-1/PM NRR/LPL3-1/L A NRR/TS B/BC OGC NRR/L PL3-1/BC NAME DJaffe THarris TKobetz*APH P. Tam for LRag havan DATE 6/30/06 6/30/06 6/15 /0 6 7/6/06 7/17/06 OFFICE NRR/C SGB/BC NRR/TS B/BC NAME A.Hetser ACH CSchul ten fo r TKob etz DATE 7/13/06 7/17/06 OFF ICIAL R ECORD COPY *SE I nput vi a memora ndum wi th minor changes.

Kewaunee Power S tation cc: Resident Insp ectors Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C ommission N490 Highw ay 42 Kewaunee , WI 54216-9510 Region al Ad minis trator, Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C ommission Suite 210 2443 Warrenville R oad Lisle, IL 60532-4351 David Z ellner Chairman - Tow n of Carlton N2164 Cou nty B Kewaunee , WI 54216 Mr. Jeffery Kitse mbel Electric Di vision Public Service Commission of W isconsin PO Box 785 4 Madison , WI 53707-7854 Mr. Mi chael G. Gaffney Dominion E nergy Kew aunee, Inc.

Kewaunee Power S tation N490 Highw ay 42 Kewaunee , WI 54216 Mr. C hris L. Fund erburk Director, Nucl ear Licensi ng and Operat ions Suppo rt Innsbrook Technical Center 5000 D omini on Bou leva rd Glen Alle n, VA 2306 0-6711 Mr. Thomas L. B reene Domin ion E nergy Kewa unee, Inc. Kewaunee Power S tation N490 Highw ay 42 Kewaunee , WI 54216 Ms. Lil lia n M. Cu oco, Esq.Senior Cou nsel Dominion R esources Serv ices, Inc.

Mills tone Powe r Station Building 4 75, 5th Floo r Rope Ferry Road Waterf ord, CT 06385 Plant M anager Kewaunee Power S tation N490 Highw ay 42 Kewaunee , WI 54216-9511 DOMINION ENERGY KEW AUNEE, INC.


Amendment No. 1 88

License N

o. DPR-43 1.The U.S. Nucl ear Re gulato ry Co mmissi on (the Commis sion) has fou nd tha t: A.The applicati on for amendment by Dominion Energy Kew aunee, Inc. date d January 12, 2006, as supp lemented by letter dated J une 2, 2006, complies w ith the standards and requirements of the Atomi c Energy Act o f 1954, as amended (the Act), a nd the Commis sion's rule s and regula tions set forth in 10 CFR C hapter I;B.The faci lity wil l ope rate i n confor mity w ith th e appl icati on, the prov isio ns of the Act, and the rule s and regulati ons of the Commissi on;C.There is reasona ble assuranc e (I) that the acti vities a uthorized by this a mendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that su ch acti viti es wi ll be condu cted i n compl iance wit h the C ommissi on's regulations; D.The issuance o f this amendment w ill not b e inimical to the common de fense and security or to the health and safety of the p ublic; and E.The issuance o f this amendment is in accordan ce with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commis sion's regul ation s and all a ppli cable requir ements have been satisfi ed. 2.Accordingly , the licens e is amended by changes to the Technical Specificatio ns as indi cated in the attach ment to this l icens e amend ment, an d para graph 2.C.(2) of Faci lity Operati ng Lice nse No. DPR-43 is hereb y amen ded to read a s follo ws: (2)Technical Sp ecifications The Te chni cal Spe cifi cati ons cont ain ed i n Ap pend ix A, a s rev ise d thr ough Amendment No. 188, are here by incorporated in the license. The licensees shall operat e the fa cili ty in accord ance w ith th e Techn ical Speci ficatio ns. 3.This license amendment is e ffective as of its da te of issuance a nd shall be implemented with in 90 days of the d ate of i ssuanc e. FOR THE NUCL EAR R EGULA TORY COM MISS ION/RA/L. Raghavan, Chief Plant Lice nsing B ranch III-1 Divisi on of Operating Reac tor Licensin g Office of Nuclear Reacto r Regulation


Chan ges to the Facil ity Operatin g License

and Techn ical Spec ifications Date of Issuance:

July 17, 2006 ATTACHMENT TO LICE NSE AM ENDMEN T NO. 188 FACILITY OPERATING L ICENSE NO. D PR-43 DOCKET NO. 50-305 Replace the followin g page of Facility Operating Licen se No. DPR-4 3 with th e attached rev ised page. Th e chan ged are a is i denti fied by a margi nal l ine.


INSERT Page 3 Page 3 Replace the followin g pages of the Append ix A Techn ical Spec ifications w ith the attache d revised p ages. The revi sed pages are i dentified by amendment number a nd contain ma rginal line s ind icati ng the a reas o f change.


INSERT TS i TS i TS ii TS ii TS iii TS iii TS iv TS iv TS v TS v-TS 1.0-7 TS 3.1-8 TS 3.1-8-TS 3.1-11 TS 4.2-2 TS 4.2-2 TABLE TS 4.2-2 TABLE TS 4.2-2-TS 4.18-1-TS 4.19-1 C.This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the condit ions specified in the followi ng Commission re gulations in 10 CFR, Ch apter 1: (1) Pa rt 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, S ection 40.41 of Part 40, Sectio n 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, a nd Section 70.32 of Part 70, (2) is subject to al l applic able prov isions of the Act and to the rules, regul ations, and o rders of the Commissi on now o r hereafter in effect, and (3) is sub ject to th e addi tion al con ditio ns sp ecif ied or incor pora ted b elow: (1) Maximu m Power Lev el The li censee is au thoriz ed to o perate the faci lity at ste ady-s tate re actor c ore powe r lev els n ot in exce ss of 17 72 megaw atts (th ermal).(2) Technical Sp ecifications The Te chni cal Spe cifi cati ons cont ain ed i n Ap pend ix A, a s rev ise d thr ough Amendment No. 18 8, are hereby incorporated in the li cense. The li censee shall ope rate the facili ty In accorda nce with the Technical Specification s.(3) Fire Protecti on The licensee shall i mplement and mai ntain in e ffect all provis ions of the approved F ire Protection Program as descri bed in the licensee's Fire Plan, and as referenced in the Updated S afety Analy sis Report, an d as approv ed in the Safety Eval uation Repo rts, dated Nov ember 25, 1977, and December 1 2, 1978 (and suppleme nt dated Februa ry 13, 1981) subject to the fol lowing pro vision: The licensee may make changes to the approv ed Fire Prote ction Program without p rior approv al of the Commiss ion, only if those changes would n ot adversely affect the ability to achiev e and maintai n safe shutdow n in the ev ent of a fire.

(4) Physical Protection The licensee shall full y implemen t and maintai n in effect all p rovision s of the Commission-app roved phy sical secu rity, traini ng and qualificati on, and safeguard s conti ngency plan s incl uding amendme nts mad e purs uant to provi sions of the M iscel laneo us Ame ndments and S earch Requir ements revision s to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 2 7822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). The combined set of plans, which contain Safeguards Information protec ted under 10 CFR 73.21, i s entitled:

"Nuclear Management Co mpany Kew aunee Nucl ear Power Plant Phy sical Secu rity Plan (Revisio n 0)" submitted b y letter da ted October 18, as supplemented by letter dated October 21, 2004.(5) Fuel Burnup The m axi mum r od a ver age b urnu p for any rod shal l be lim ited to 6 0 GWD/M TU until compl etion of an NR C environ mental assessmen t supporting an increased limit.Amendment No. 18 8 3 ENCLOSURE SAFETY EVAL UATION B Y THE OF FICE OF NUCL EAR R EACTOR REGUL ATION RELATING TO AME NDMENT N O. 188 TO FACILITY OPER ATING LICENSE N O. DPR-43 DOMINION ENERGY KEW AUNEE, INC.



CTION By l etter d ated J anuary 12, 20 06, as suppl emented on Ju ne 2, 2 006 (A gencyw ide D ocumen ts Access and M anagement System Accession N os. ML060 250524 and ML061560 144, respec tive ly), Domin ion E nergy Kewa unee (the li censee) submi tted a request for chan ges to the Kewaunee Power Station Technical Specifications (T Ss). The request ed changes would rev ise the exi stin g ste am ge nera tor (SG) t ube surv eil lan ce p rogra m to b e co nsi sten t wi th TS Task Force (TSTF) Change TSTF-449 , Revisi on 4, "Steam Genera tor Tube Integrity," a nd the model safety ev aluation p repared by the U.S. Nucl ear Regulatory Commission (N RC) and published in the Federal Reg ister on March 2, 2005 (70 FR 10298) un der the consol idated li ne item improveme nt process (CLIIP

). In this regard, th e scope of the ap plication includes chan ges t o the defi niti on o f lea kage, cha nges to th e pri mary-to-seco ndar y l eaka ge requirements, changes to the SG tube su rveilla nce program (SG tube i ntegrity), changes to the SG reporting requiremen ts, and associ ated changes to th e TS Bases.

The June 2, 200 6, letter prov ided addi tional in formation that clari fied the appli cation, did not expand the scope of the application as originally noticed, and did not chang e the NRC staff's original prop osed no signi ficant hazards consideratio n determinatio n as publi shed in the Federa l Reg ister on Feb ruary 14, 20 06 (71 FR 78 06).2.0 REGUL ATORY E VALUA TION The background, descrip tion, and ap plicabil ity of the prop osed changes as sociated w ith the SG tube integrity issue and the applicable regulat ory requirements were included in the NRC staff's model safety ev aluation (S E) publish ed in the Federal Reg ister on March 2, 2005 (70 FR 10298

). The "Notice o f Availabi lity of M odel Appl ication Co ncerning Technic al Specification

Improvement To M odify Requiremen ts Regarding Steam Gen erator Tube Integrity; Usi ng the Consoli dated Line Item Improvement Proc ess," publis hed in the Federal Register on May 6, 2005 (70 FR 24126), made the model S E avail able to li censees for use. 3.0 TECHNI CAL E VALUA TION 3.1 Overview In its January 12, 2006, ap plication, as supplemente d by a l etter dated June 2, 2006, the licensee p roposed changes to the TSs that are consistent, w ith one ex ception, w ith the proposed chan ges approved in TSTF-449. The N RC model S E provide s a detail ed evalu ation of the proposed ch anges that are requeste d based upon the NRC's Standard Techni cal Specification s (STS) as contai ned NUREGs 1 430 - 1432.

Since the l icensee use s TS that do not conform to t he STS, the TS section number s in its application do not reflect those listed in TSTF-449. Cons isten t wi th TSTF-4 49, the propo sed TS changes incl ude: (1) new TS 1.0.t,"LEAKAGE," (2) a revised TS 3.1.d, "RCS Ope rational LE AKAGE," (3) a ne w TS 3.1.g, "Steam Gene rato r (SG) Tub e Int egri ty," (4) a ne w TS 4.18 , "RC S Ope rati onal Lea kage," (5) a ne w TS 4.19, "Steam Generato r (SG) Tube Integrity" which rep laces exi sting TS 4.2.b, "Steam Generator Tubes," (6) a new TS 6.9.b.3 , "Steam Generator Tube Inspection Re port,", (7) a new TS 6.22, "Steam Genera tor (SG) Program," and (8) revised Tabl e of Content pages to reflect the pro posed change s. The NRC staff revie wed the l icensee's applicatio n for consistency with TSTF-449 to ensure the generic safety ev aluation w as bounding.

The NRC staff made the foll owing obse rvations as a resu lt of its re view.In TSTF-449, the li mit on normal o perating primary-to-secondary leakage rate through an y one SG was si gnificantly l ess than that a ssumed in the Kewaunee safety analy sis. How ever, for Kewaunee , the normal op erational p rimary-to-second ary leakage l imit (150 gall ons per day per steam generator) is i dentical to the accident induced pri mary-to-secondary leakage limit for design basis accidents (DB As) other than a steam generator tube rupture. Give n this situa tion, the NRC staff eval uated the acce ptability of this difference betw een TSTF-449 and the licensee's submittal. S ince the l eakage rate observ ed during opera tion may i ncrease durin g a design-basis a ccident, in order to meet both limits, it may be necessary to ensure that the operat ional leak ra te is kept w ell b elow the op eratio nal l eak rate limi t. This incre ase i n lea k rate can be a resu lt of either: (1) the higher differential pressure betw een the primary coolant syst em an d the seco ndar y syste m ass ocia ted wit h a DBA caus ing t he lea k ra te f rom flaws leaking during no rmal operation to leak at hi gher rates; or (2) the higher loadi ngs associated with a D BA causing a flaw that w as not leakin g during normal op eration to l eak during the accid ent.Responding to the NRC staff's questi on on this issue, the l icensee, in its letter da ted June 2, 2 006, des crib ed c ontr ols and proc edur es to ens ure t hat t he a cci dent-ind uced lea kage limit is no t exc eeded as a r esult of oper ation al le akage. Th ese co ntrols and p rocedu res are intended to ensure that the accident-ind uced leakage li mit (and operati onal leakage l imit) is not exceeded.

These controls a nd procedures include co mbinations o f monitoring, notificati ons, setpoint ve rifications, and shutdown preparations w hen the primary-to-secondary steam generator tube le ak rate reaches ce rtain val ues. The NRC staff reviewed the adequacy of the proposed TS cri teria for operatio nal and ac cident-induc ed leakage. The TS cri teria on operational and accident-induced leakag e are consistent with TSTF-449 and the licensee's accident ana lysis; the refore, the NRC sta ff finds the licensee

's proposed TS criteria on these valu es acc eptabl e. As a re sult o f adopti ng TSTF-4 49, the lice nsee a lso p ropose d chan ges to th e requi rements pertai ning to reacto r cool ant sy stem op eratio nal l eakage (e.g., add ing de finiti ons to TS 1.0.t, modify ing act ion s tatemen ts in TS 3.1.d , and a dding surve illa nce re quireme nts in TS 4.18). These TS change s wer e nece ssary to faci litat e adop ting th e prop osed c hanges in TSTF-449. Sin ce th ese prop osed TS ch ange s pe rtai nin g to r eact or co ola nt sy stem ope rati onal lea kage we re g ene ral ly con sis ten t w ith the STS an d th e p la nt's l ice nsi ng b asi s, t he NRC sta ff determined that the proposed c hanges were acceptable.

3.2 Conclusio

n The pro posed TS cha nges es tabli sh a p rogrammat ic, l argely performa nce-ba sed re gulato ry framework for ensuring SG tub e integrity i s maintained. The NRC staff finds tha t it addresses key shortcomings o f the current framework by ensuring that S G programs are focused on accomplishi ng the overal l objectiv e of maintainin g tube integrity.

It incorporates performance criteria for ev aluating tube integrity that the NRC staff finds con sistent wi th the structural margins and th e degre e of le ak tightn ess as sumed i n the c urrent plant lice nsing b asis. The NRC staff finds that mai ntaining these performance criteria provides reasonable assurance that the SGs c an b e op erat ed s afel y w itho ut i ncre ase in r isk.The proposed TSs chang es contain limited specific details concerning how the SG Program is to achiev e the required o bjective of mai ntaining tube integrity; the intent bein g that the lice nsee wil l hav e the fl exib ilit y to d etermi ne the speci fic stra tegy for meetin g this o bjecti ve. Howeve r, the NRC staff finds tha t the revise d TSs includ e sufficient regulatory constraints on the establishment and implement ation of the SG Progr am such as to provide reasonable assurance that tu be integrity will be maintaine d.Failure to meet the perfo rmance criteria will be reportable pursuant to the requirements in 10 CFR Parts 50.72 and 5 0.73. The NRC reactor oversi ght process prov ides a proce ss by which the NRC staff can ve rify that the l icensee has identified a ny SG Program de ficiencies tha t may have contributed to such an occurre nce and that a ppropriate corre ctive acti ons have been implemented.

In conclusi on, the NRC staff finds that the TS changes proposed by the licen see in its January 12, 2006, appli cation, as su pplemented by a letter dated June 2, 2006 , conform to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36 and establish a TS framework that will provide reasonable assura nce that SG tube in tegr ity is maint ained witho ut undue risk to public heal th and saf ety.4.0 ENVIR ONME NTAL C ONSIDE RATION This am endmen t chan ges a re quireme nt wi th resp ect to insta llati on or u se of a fa cili ty component loca ted withi n the restricted area as define d in 10 C FR Part 20.

The NRC staff has determined that the amendment in volves no significant increase in the amounts, and no significant change in the typ es, of any effluent tha t may be rel eased offsite and tha t there is no signifi cant i ncreas e in i ndiv idual or cumu lativ e occu patio nal ra diati on ex posure. The Commission has previ ously i ssued a propo sed finding that th is amendment i nvolve s no sign ific ant h aza rds c onsi dera tion and ther e ha s be en n o pu bli c co mmen t on such find ing (71 FR 7806).

Accordingly , this amendment meets the eli gibility criteria for categori cal exclusio n set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9

). Pursuant to 1 0 CFR 51.22 (b) no envi ronmental impact statement or environmenta l assessment n eed be prepa red in conne ction wi th the issua nce of th is ame ndment. 5.0 CONCL USION The NRC staff has concluded, based on the considerations discussed above, th at: (1) there is reasonable a ssurance that the health and safety of the publ ic wil l not be en dangered by operation i n the proposed manner, (2) such activiti es wil l be condu cted in compl iance w ith the Commission's re gulations, and (3) the issua nce of this amend ment will not be ini mical to the common defense and s ecuri ty or to the healt h and safety of the p ubli c. Princ ipal Contri butor: Eric M. Tho mas Date: July 17, 2006