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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19308A79126 April 1976Annual Financial Rept 1975
ML19309B82927 March 1980Pages 3-10 & B-1 & Table 3.1-1 of Offsite Dose Calculation ManualOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML19309C33131 October 1978316(b) Predictive Study of Impingement & Entrainment.Grab sample
ML19309C33231 March 1980Consolidated Overview,Baseline Yr 1978-79.
ML19309F9288 April 1980Supplementary Deficiency Rept Re AH90 & NH90 Series Actuators Supplied by Itt General Controls.Itt General Control Will Supply Actuator Force Values & Torque & Damper Torque Values Will Be Compared.Customer List Encl
ML19309G04923 April 1980Deficiency Rept Re Control Rod Guide Tube Support Pin Cracking.Pin Cracking Was Found in Pins Having Solution Heat Treatment at Temp Less than 1,800 F.Replacement Pins Will Be Installed Prior to OperationStress corrosion cracking
ML19309G08324 April 1980Significant Deficiency Rept SD 369-370/80-03 Re Control Rod Guide Tube Support Pins Potential for Cracking.Caused by Increasing Solution Heat Treatment Temp.Pins Will Be Replaced W/New Pins Solution Heat Treated at 2,000 FStress corrosion cracking
ML19309G7712 May 1980Significant Deficiency Rept Re Certain Weld Sockets Not Meeting Applicable Quality Stds.Deficiency Discovered in IE Insp Rept 50-370/80-01.Corrective Actions Documented in 800305,27 & 0410 Ltrs
ML19312C24022 March 1977Annual Financial Rept 1976
ML19312D51229 February 1980Significant Deficiency Rept 413-414/80-02 Re Three Relays & Trip Devices Not Meeting Relay time-current Characteristic Specs for Application.Caused by Copper Migration within Motorola Scrs.Relays & Trip Devices Will Be Changed
ML19312E5821 April 1980Significant Deficiency Repts 413/80-04 & 414/80-04 Re Improper Radiography of Containment Vessel Equipment Hatch. Hatch Mfg by Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co & Initially Radiographed by Mcmannus Testing Lab.Repairs by 800501
ML19316A46512 April 1974Annual Financial Rept 1973
ML19316A4679 February 1978Annual Financial Rept 1977
ML19316B22531 May 1980Westinghouse Multiple Aperture Small Break ECCS Analyses.Loop seal
Fuel cladding
ML19320A71218 June 1980Deficiency Rept Re Faulty Connections in Electrical Equipment.As Described in 800201 Deficiency Rept SD 413-414/80-01,all Unit 1 safety-related Motor Control Ctr Equipment Has Been Inspected & Necessary Mods Completed
ML19320C17227 June 1980Part 21 Rept Re Valcor Valve Model V52600-554-1 Not Designed for Continuous Operation in Energized Mode.Valves Installed in Diesel Generator Control Air Sys
ML19320C24511 July 1980Deficiency Rept Re Rejectable Indications in Welding of Containment Vessel Equipment Hatch.Rejectable Weld Areas Ground Out & Weld Repaired Per Approved Procedures.Repaired Areas Examined & Found Acceptable on 800611
ML19320C3297 July 1980Significant Deficiency Repts 369/80-07 & 370/80-06 Re Centrifugal Charging Pump Operation Following Secondary Side High Energy Line Rupture.Potential Exists for Inadequate Min Flow W/Damage to Pumps
ML19321A8968 July 1980Interim Part 21 Rept Re Defective Itt Actuators in Dampers. Customer Notification Encl.Jobs Classified Nonnuclear safety-related Are Not Reportable.Actuators Supplied for Other Jobs Are Considered Purchaser Responsibility
ML19321B25225 July 1980Deficiency Rept Re Improper Weld Configuration on Steam Generator Encl Stiffener Ring Connections.Cause Not Stated. Welds Have Been Modified to Meet Design Drawings.Personnel Reinstructed to Assure Compliance W/Design DrawingsNon-Destructive Examination
ML19322E85627 March 1980Significant Deficiency Rept SD 369-370/80-02 Re Failure of Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Transmitter Cables to Meet Environ Qualification Requirements.Sixteen Cables in Unit 1 Will Be Replaced & New Cables Installed in Unit 2
ML19323A16226 March 1980TMI-Plus One:Toward a Safer Nuclear Power Program.
ML19323D33315 May 1980Deficiency Rept SD 369/80-05 Re Cutler-Hammer Relay Contact Blocks W/Oversized Contact Compressions Springs.All Relays Equipped W/Type D26MF & D23MF Contact Blocks Having Date Codes 775,875,975 & 1075 Will Be Replaced
ML19323E42216 May 1980Significant Deficiency Repts 369/80-06 & 370/80-05:on 800417,notified of Valve Misapplication in Fire Protection Sys.Two Class H Valves Assigned Where Application Required Class F.Valves ReplacedLoop seal
ML19323G9772 June 1980Significant Deficiency 413-414/80-06 Re Improper Radiography on Steam Generator Enclosures Mfg by Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co.Cause Unstated.Welds Radiographed in Accordance W/Asme. Close Surveillance Instituted to Prevent Recurrence
ML19324B11420 October 1989LER 89-024-00:on 890920,safety Review Group Staff Member Identified Committed Fire Door S102A as Possibly Inadequate. Caused by Design Deficiency.Fire Watch Established & Door repaired.W/891019 LtrFire Barrier
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML19324B40920 October 1989LER 89-025-00:on 890922,13.8 Kv Auxiliary Switchgear Deenergized Resulting in Loss of Power to Condenser Circulating Water Cooling Tower Fans.Power Reduction Due to Hurricane Hugo.W/891019 LtrHigh winds
Power change
ML19324C1642 November 1989Revised Special Rept:On 890914,operations Determined That Pressurizer Level Indication in Standby Shutdown Facility Failed Low.Caused by Faulty Pressure Sensing Element.Faulty Transmitter Taken to Vendor for Repair.Transmitter Replaced
ML19324C20131 October 1989LER 88-019-02:on 880719,damper Compartment Flows Did Not Meet Flow Requirements Due to Closure of Some Sys Dampers. Caused by Defective procedure.As-found Measurements Taken While Operating Fans for Damper positions.W/891030 LtrTemporary Modification
Operability Assessment
ML19324C20310 November 1989LER 89-024-00:on 890908,MSIV Stroke Timing Periodic Test Performed W/O Air Assistance & Three MSIVs Failed to Close within 5 S.Caused by Brass Guide Screws Excessively Tightened.Set Screws Properly set.W/891106 LtrStroke time
ML19325C1964 October 1989LER 89-026-00:on 890823,tested Breaker Replaced W/Traceable Breaker in Response to Bulletin 88-010.Breaker Tripped. Caused by Mfg Deficiency.Work Request Written.Item Reportable Per Part 21.W/891003 LtrPast operability
Operability Assessment
ML19325C47318 September 1989LER 89-015-00:on 890722,discovered That Neutral Pressure Was Best That Could Be Achieved in Some Required Sys Configurations.Caused by Design Deficiency Due to Design Oversight.Outside Air Ref Point installed.W/891004 LtrOverexposure
ML19325C48728 September 1989LER 89-018-00:on 890829,both Trains of Control Area Ventilation (VC) & Chilled Water (Yc) Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Equipment/Failure Malfunction. Refrigerant Added to Vc/Yc chiller.W/890928 LtrOverexposure
ML19325C63811 October 1989LER 89-023-00:on 890915,Tech Spec 3.0.3 Entered Due to Both Trains of Control Room Area Ventilation Sys Being Inoperable.Caused by Defective pre-operational Testing Procedure.Train a Control Room Damper adjusted.W/891011 LtrFire Watch
ML19325C64011 October 1989LER 89-016-00:on 890913,four Channels of Power Range Instrumentation Showed Greater than 5% Allowable Mismatch Between Rated Thermal Power & Nuclear Power.Caused by Equipment Failure.Pneumatic Gauge replaced.W/891011 Ltr
ML19325C64411 October 1989LER 89-019-00:on 890912,capability of Switches 2CA-15A & 2CA-18B Disabled Rendering Feedwater Pumps 2A & 2B Inoperable.Caused by Defective Procedure & Inappropriate Actions.Procedure Revised & Update issued.W/891011 Ltr
ML19325D20330 September 1989Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1989 for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2
ML19325D20531 August 1989Revised Monthly Operating Rept for McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 & 2
ML19325D49916 October 1989LER 89-027-00:on 890915,preheaters Did Not Start Because Air Flow Permissive Was Not Made & Cross Connect Dampers Were Closed & Tagged & Ventilation Sys Train a Remained Logged Inoperable.Caused by Design deficiency.W/891016 LtrOverexposure
ML19325E85431 December 1988Annual Summary of Activities Performed Under 10CFR50.59 for 1988. W/891031 LtrBoric Acid
ML19325F34213 November 1989Revised Special Rept:On 890914,pressurizer Level Indication in Standby Shutdown Facility Failed Low.Caused by Faulty Pressure Sensing Element.Rept Written to Replace Pressure Transmitters
ML19326E21017 July 1980Significant Deficiency Rept Re Centrifugal Charging Pump Operation Following Secondary Side High Energy Line Rupture, Initially Reported 800617.Inadequate Min Flow May Result in Degraded Pump Performance.Westinghouse Reviewing Problem
ML19327A51531 July 1980Significant Deficiency Rept SD 413-414/80-09 Re Lack of Radiation Cure on cross-linked Polyethylene Cable Conductor. During Installation of Heat Shrinkable Seals,Insulation on One Conductor Found Melted.Caused by Lack of Radiation CureThermoset
ML19327A98610 October 1989Ro:On 890922,loss of Power to Sirens Occurred Due to Power Lines Downed by Hurricane Hugo.Ler Will Be Submitted Re EventSiren
ML19327B15119 October 1989LER 89-026-00:on 890720,both Trains of Control Area Ventilation Sys Inoperable.Caused by Design Deficiency Because of Unanticipated Interaction of Components.Original Check Damper Reinstalled in Fan on Train B.W/891019 LtrCommercial Grade
ML19327B47723 October 1989LER 89-029-00:on 890922,ESF Actuation Occurred When Diesel Generator 1A Started Due to Momentary Undervoltage Condition on Train a 4,160-volt Essential Switchgear.Cause Unknown. Offsite Power Source Returned to Normal svc.W/891023 LtrHigh winds
ML19327B56126 October 1989LER 89-030-00:on 890714,visual Insp Revealed 3/4 Inch Open Conduit Connection Which Would Have Prevented Successful Leak Test.Cause Unknown.Connection Removed & Hole Sealed. W/891026 LtrHydrostatic
Operability Assessment
ML19327B60720 September 1989LER 89-025-00:on 890922,auxiliary Switchgear Deenergized, Resulting in Loss of Power to Condenser Circulating Water Cooling Tower Fans.Caused by Inoperable power-range Instrumentation Due to Hurricane Hugo.W/890920 LtrHigh winds
Power change
ML19327B62723 October 1989Special Rept:On 890909,determined That Pressurizer Level Indication in Standby Shutdown Facility Failed Low.Caused by Faulty Pressure Sensing Element.Faulty Transmitters Taken to Vendor for Repair.Barton Transmitter Installed
ML19327B63625 October 1989Special Rept:On 890920,Unit 2 Diesel Generator 2A Declared Inoperable Due to Train a of Nuclear Svc Water Sys Being Taken Out of Svc.Diesel Generator a Tripped.Caused by Drifting of Temp Sensor.Sensor Replaced