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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML09349114416 December 2009Summary of Category 2 Public Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute to Discuss Health Physics Issues for New ReactorsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML10025127727 January 2010Summary of Meeting with Florida Power and Light, to Discuss the Fall 2009 Steam Generator Inspections
ML10060117026 February 2010Meeting Summary - Category 1 Public Meeting - Regulatory Conference with St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Regarding Issues with the Component Cooling Water - Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389
ML10074071828 July 2010February 3, 2010, Turkey Point, Unit 3 & 4, Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light, on Generic Letter 2004-02
ML10074072023 July 2010Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light, on the Proposed License Amendment Request Regarding Taking Credit for Boraflex in the Spent Fuel Pool
ML10117004127 April 2010Public Meeting Summary - Regulatory & Pre-Decision Enforcement Conference Mtg. - Turkey Point Unit 3, 05000250
ML10132007812 May 2010Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company Annual Performance Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant with the Public for the Period of January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009Open House
ML10167042817 June 2010Meeting Summary NoticeFire Protection Program
ML10238023921 September 2010Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light, on Turkey Point'S Proposed Extended Power Uprate Application (TAC Nos. ME1167 and ME1168)
ML10238046826 August 201008/18/10 Summary of Meeting NRC Initial Exam Writer'S WorkshopJob Performance Measure
ML10239003519 November 2010Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) Regarding Forthcoming Submittal of the St. Lucie Unit 1 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)
ML10259027417 December 2010Summary of Teleconference Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company, on Generic Letter 2004-02
ML10267018319 November 2010Summary of Category 1 Public Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) to Discuss Forthcoming Submittal of the St. Lucie and Turkey Point Extended Power Uprates
ML10287102316 December 2010Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company to Discuss Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Alternative Source Term License Amendment Request
ML10355003019 January 2011Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company, Regarding Turkey Point, Units 3 & 4, Spent Fuel Criticality Analysis License Amendment Request
ML11003000519 January 2011October 12, 2010, Turkey Point, Unit 3 - Summary of Conference Call Regarding the Fall 2010 Steam Generator Inspections
ML11026039026 January 2011Public Meeting Summary - FPL - St. Lucie & Turkey Point Nuclear Plants
ML11082082721 April 2011Summary of Pre-application Meeting with NextEra Energy, Inc., and Florida Power & Light Company, on Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, St. Lucie, Units 1 & 2, Point Beach, Units 1 & 2, Duane Arnold Transition to NFPA-805Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
ML11095A01221 April 2011Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company, on Turkey Points, Units 2 and 4 Extended Power Uprate License Amendment Request Currently Under Review (TAC Nos. ME4907 and ME4908)Code Reconciliation
Flow Induced Vibration
ML11145073125 May 2011Letter - Turkey Point Public Meeting Summary - Category 3 - Annual Assessment Meeting
ML11195A15222 July 2011Summary Public Meeting Florida Power & Light Company, on Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Extended Power Uprate License Amendment Request Currently Under ReviewBoric Acid
Power Uprate
ML12150A2995 June 2012May 17, 2012, Summary of Teleconference Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Florida Power & Light Co. to Discuss the Terms of the Biological Opinion at the St. Lucie Plant, Units 1 and 2
ML12171A19323 May 20125/16/2012 - Public Meeting Summary - Category 3- Annual Assessment Meeting - St. Lucie Nuclear Plant
ML12171A19823 May 2012Summary of Category 3 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment, Turkey Point
ML12171A30818 June 2012E-mail Re Draft Summary of 05-31-12 Phone Call
ML12258A08014 September 2012NRC Conference Call St. Lucie Unit 2 Steam Generator Inspection September 13, 2012
ML12326A81621 November 201211/9/2012 - Summary of Meeting with the Florida Power and Light Company Regarding the St. Lucie Nuclear Plant
ML13077A44827 March 20137/27/11 Summary of Conference Call with Florida Power and Light Co. Re Findings of the Spring 2011 SG Tube Inspections for St. Lucie Unit 2Nondestructive Examination
ML13084A0304 April 20139/13/2012 - Summary of Conference Call with Florida Power & Light Co. Re. the Findings of the Fall 2012 Steam Generator Tube Inspections at Saint Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2
ML13095A34711 April 20133/14/2013 - Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Co., to Discuss Insights About the Performance of the Steam Generators at St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2 After Three Operating CyclesNondestructive Examination
ML13107B40017 April 2013Summary of Public Meeting, Florida Power & Light, St. Lucie Nuclear Plant
ML13164A31213 June 2013Summary of Category 3 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment - Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 3 and 4
ML13225A29312 August 20137/23-24/2013, Summary of Meeting 2013 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Exam Writers' Workshop
ML14156A2214 June 2014Public Meeting Summary - Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251
ML14163A65219 June 2014Summary of May 29, 2014, Public Meeting with NextEra Energy, Inc. and Florida Power & Light Company Regarding Proposed Amendment to Transition Fuel Type at St. Lucie Unit 2
ML15086A22327 March 2015Summary of Meeting Concerning the Annual Assessment of St. Lucie Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
ML15086A33927 March 2015Summary of Meeting Concerning Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 & 4
ML15188A34013 July 2015Summary of Closed Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company and Areva Regarding Request for Additional Information for the License Amendment and Exemption Requests Re. the Transitioning to Areva FuelExemption Request
ML15316A25219 November 2015October 20, 2015, Millstone, Units 2 and 3, Surry, Units 1 and 2, North Anna, Units 1 and 2 - Summary of Pre-submittal Conference Call Regarding Emergency Action Level Scheme Changes
ML16097A1304 April 2016March 29, 2016 Summary of Public Meeting - 2015 Annual Assessment Regarding Saint Lucie
ML16097A1404 April 2016March 30, 2016, Summary of Public Meeting Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
ML17216A1737 September 2017Notice of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company and NextEra Energy to Discuss Closing Out Generic Safety Issue-191 and Generic Letter 2004-02
ML17252A11530 October 1972Summary of Meeting with Commonwealth Edison Company on Reporting and Organization of Information - Dresden Units 2 and 3
ML17291A0456 November 2017Summary of Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company, Regarding Planned License Amendment Requests for St. Lucie Plants, Units 1 and 2 and Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4Safe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fukushima Dai-Ichi
ML17310B20620 November 2017Summary of September 20, 2017, Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company and NextEra Energy Regarding Closure of NRC Generic Safety Issue 191/NRC Generic Letter 2004-02
ML18122A19517 May 2018Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company Regarding a Planned License Amendment Request for St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Unit 2
ML18123A40218 May 2018Summary of April 24, 2018, Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company Regarding a Planned License Amendment Request for Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4 (EPID-L-2018-LRM-0026)
ML18135A24631 May 2018Summary of April 24, 2018, Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company/Nextera Energy Regarding Planned Submittal of License Amendment Request to Adopt Standard Technical Specification 3.0.6
ML18136A90531 May 2018Summary of April 25, 2017, Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company/Nextera Energy Regarding Planned Submittal of Exemption Requests to Support Closure of NRC Generic Safety Issue 191/NRC Generic Letter 2004-02Exemption Request
ML18144A12424 May 2018Summary of Public Meeting Concerning Annual Assessment of Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station Unit 3 and Unit 4, for Period of January 1, 2017 December 31, 2017