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{{#Wiki_filter:SFPBoronConcentration c,-t.)LCO3.7.12TheSFPboronconcentration shallbea0ppm.APPLICABILITY:
{{#Wiki_filter:SFP Boron Concentration 3.7.12 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.12 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Boron Concentration c,-t.)LCO 3.7.12 The SFP boron concentration shall be a 0 ppm.APPLICABILITY:
Whenfuelassemblies arestoredintheSFPandaSFPverification hasnotbeenperformed sincethelastmovementoffuelassemblies intheSFP.ACTIONSCONDITION RE(UIREDACTIONCOMPLETION TIME-A.SFPboronconcentration notwithinlimit.------------NOTE-------------
When fuel assemblies are stored in the SFP and a SFP verification has not been performed since the last movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.ACTIONS CONDITION RE(UIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME-A.SFP boron concentration not within limit.------------NOTE-------------
LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.
A.IANDA.2.1ORSuspendmovementoffuelassemblies intheSFP.InitiateactiontorestoreSFPboronconcentration towithinlimit.Immediately Immediately A.2.2InitiateactiontoperformSFPverification.
A.I AND A.2.1 OR Suspend movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.Initiate action to restore SFP boron concentration to within limit.Immediately Immediately A.2.2 Initiate action to perform SFP verification.
Immediately 9704070040 97033iPDRADOCK05000244PPDRR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant30727Amendment No.61 o.n<a&a33.ho.voi~i&o3~me%~~S.Wrwup~)~i~3.'7PLANTSYSTEMS~a.~+a.hi~
Immediately 9704070040 97033i PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PDR R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 307 27 Amendment No.61 o.n<a&a33.ho.vo i~i&o3~me%~~S.Wr wup~)~i~3.'7 PLANT SYSTEMS~a.~+a.hi~o.~o'3 7.13 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Storage SFP Storage 3.7.13 LCO 3.7.13 Fuel assembly storage in the spent fuel pool shall be maintained as follows: C~X~'L-:a.Fuel assemblies in Region 1 shall have a K-infinity of~1.458.and"b.Fuel assemblies in Region 2 shall have initial'enrichment and burnup within the acceptable area of the Figure 3.7.13 l.~APPLICASILITY:
o.~o'37.13SpentFuelPool(SFP)StorageSFPStorage3.7.13LCO3.7.13Fuelassemblystorageinthespentfuelpoolshallbemaintained asfollows:C~X~'L-:a.Fuelassemblies inRegion1shallhaveaK-infinity of~1.458.and"b.Fuelassemblies inRegion2shallhaveinitial'enrichment andburnupwithintheacceptable areaoftheFigure3.7.13l.~APPLICASILITY:
Whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the spent fuel pool.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME"-A.Requirements of the A.1 LCO not met for either region.--------NOTE---------
Wheneveranyfuelassemblyisstoredinthespentfuelpool.ACTIONSCONDITION REQUIREDACTIONCOMPLETION TIME"-A.Requirements oftheA.1LCOnotmetforeitherregion.--------NOTE---------
LCO 3.0.3 is not'applicable.
Q.X~1 Initiate action to move the noncomplying ue asse rom app>cable region.Immediately
Q.X~1Initiateactiontomovethenoncomplying ueasseromapp>cableregion.Immediately
+o~~~~~<X'4~QA i R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-29 Amendment No.61' SFP Storage 3.7.13 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY.SR NOTE Not required to be performed when transferring a fuel assembly from Region 2 to Region.l.Verify by administrative means the K-infinity of the fuel assembly is~1.458.Prior to.storing the fuel assembly in Region 1 SR Verify by administrative means the initial enrichment and burnup of the fuel assembly is in accordance with Figure 3.7.13~, 2.Prior to storing the fuel assembly in Region,:2 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-30 Amendment No.61 SFP Storage 3.7.13 40000 ACCEPTABLE 30000 O.=E rD-m 20000 P"f C5 CJ'.l5"E UNACCEPTABLE 10000-OFA Fuel 6 Exmn Fuel----5'1D Fuel 1.8 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.2 Nominal U Enrichment(w/o) 6.0 Figure 3.7.13~Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 2 R.f.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-31 Amendment No.61 M<58Jf+SFP Storage 3.7;13 I''!!I I~I~0~I~0 I-4 15000 I"4Q=8 1OOOO)~~;i)I i~')I 0 I I i I'I)!I I)I~I~I I!I!I I!I I'!!!I.I: I'!I~~I Ii!I~~~->>0 06 1 1$2 XS"3 3S 4 45"5 Assembly Initial'Enrichment, VA%'Figure 3.7.13-1 Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region I A~as-bX~aw~up~~oi~4r-clara~xm a.~K~~~~~i~~~gus~.A~+ra e4)QurmmP~ki~~f S I)I~g)',W~~~2~~~~9.-iv R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-a<~  
+o~~~~~<X'4~QAiR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-29Amendment No.61' SFPStorage3.7.13SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY
!I A1-Acceptab rnup domain for storage in any location in Region 2.A2.-AcceptableMurnup domain for storage.face-adjacent to ype A1 or A2 assembly, or a water cell.B-Acceptable burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a Type A1 assembly or a water cell.C-Acceptable-burnup domain for storage:face-adjacent,to a water cell only.Storage 3.7.13, Region 2.Loading,Ciuve.
.SR3.7.13.1NOTENotrequiredtobeperformed whentransferring afuelassemblyfromRegion2toRegion.l.
cate M 30000 8=CO-" K 8=-0'0000 VJ CO>>I I'!!!I;: I iI;I I~!~,:: I!I!'!!~~~~ll lI I;e!!l I!!l l I I l I l!!>>,!l!!I l I;0%Oi.LS=1~ISs 2~..sD", sW.4+.4$>>5%.Assembly Initial=.Enrichment,-.Wt%-
Verifybyadministrative meanstheK-infinity ofthefuelassemblyis~1.458.Priorto.storingthefuelassemblyinRegion1SR3.7.13.2Verifybyadministrative meanstheinitialenrichment andburnupofthefuelassemblyisinaccordance withFigure3.7.13~,2.PriortostoringthefuelassemblyinRegion,:2 R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-30Amendment No.61 SFPStorage3.7.1340000ACCEPTABLE 30000O.=ErD-m20000P"fC5CJ'.l5"EUNACCEPTABLE 10000-OFAFuel6ExmnFuel----5'1DFuel1. 6.0Figure3.7.13~FuelAssemblyBurnupLimitsinRegion2R.f.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-31Amendment No.61 M<58Jf+SFPStorage3.7;13I''!!II~I~0~I~0I-415000I"4Q=81OOOO)~~;i)Ii~')I0IIiI'I)!II)I~I~II!I!II!II'!!!I.I:I'!I~~IIi!I~~~->>00611$2XS"33S445"5AssemblyInitial'Enrichment, VA%'Figure3.7.13-1FuelAssemblyBurnupLimitsinRegionIA~as-bX~aw~up~~oi~4r-clara~xma.~K~~~~~i~~~gus~.A~+rae4)QurmmP~ki~~fSI)I~g)',W
Figure 3.7:13-2 I uel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 2" RK..Ginna.Nuclear..Power Plant 3.7-3gQ Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.2 Reactor Core (continued)
-4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 29 control rod assemblies.
!IA1-AcceptabrnupdomainforstorageinanylocationinRegion2.A2.-AcceptableMurnup domainforstorage.face-adjacent toypeA1orA2assembly, orawatercell.B-Acceptable burnupdomainforstorageface-adjacent toaTypeA1assemblyorawatercell.C-Acceptable-burnup domainforstorage:face-adjacent,to awatercellonly.Storage3.7.13,Region2.Loading,Ciuve.
The control material shall be silver indium cadmium.-4.3 Fuel Storage 4:3.1 4:3.l.I The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be-maintained with:>>a.Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05 weight percent;..b.k,<<s 0.95 if fully flooded with unborated water, which includes an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;C,a.a c~Consolidated-rod storage canisters may be stored in the spent fuel storage racks provided that the fuel assemblies from which the rods were removed meet all the requirements of LCO 3.7.13 for t e re ion in which the anister is to be store However e consol ate ro storage canister located i Region RGAF2 may ex eed these re u'.The a erage ecay ea o the ue assembly from which the rods were removed for all consolidated fuel assemblies must also be s 2150 BTU/hr. The new-fuel storage dry racks are'esigned and shall be maintained with: a.Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05 weight percent;b;-k,<<z 0.95 if fully flooded with unborated water, which allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;and c.k,<<s 0.98 if moderated by aqueous foam, which includes an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR.(continued)
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4;0-2 Amendment No.61 Design Features 4.0 (4.0 DESIGN FEATURES (continued)
Figure3.7:13-2IuelAssemblyBurnupLimitsinRegion2"RK..Ginna.Nuclear..Power Plant3.7-3gQ DesignFeatures4.04.0DESIGNFEATURES4.2ReactorCore(continued)
-4.3 Fuel Storage (continued)
-4.2.2ControlRodAssemblies Thereactorcoreshallcontain29controlrodassemblies.
.4.3.2~Dnaina e The spent fuel pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below elevation 257'0" (mean sea level)..4.3.3~Ca acit"The spent fuel pool is designed and shall be maintained with-a storage capacity limited more than Qgg fuel assemblies.
Thecontrolmaterialshallbesilverindiumcadmium.-4.3FuelStorage4:3.14:3.l.IThespentfuelstorageracksaredesignedandshallbe-maintained with:>>a.Fuelassemblies havingamaximumU-235enrichment of5.05weightpercent;..b.k,<<s0.95iffullyfloodedwithunborated water,whichincludesanallowance foruncertainties asdescribed inSection9.1oftheUFSAR;C, storagecanisters maybestoredinthespentfuelstorageracksprovidedthatthefuelassemblies fromwhichtherodswereremovedmeetalltherequirements ofLCO3.7.13fortereioninwhichtheanisteristobestoreHowevereconsolaterostoragecanisterlocatediRegionRGAF2mayexeedthesereu'.Theaerageecayeaotheueassemblyfromwhichtherodswereremovedforallconsolidated fuelassemblies mustalsobes2150BTU/hr.'esigned andshallbemaintained with:a.Fuelassemblies havingamaximumU-235enrichment of5.05weightpercent;b;-k,<<z0.95iffullyfloodedwithunborated water,whichincludes.anallowance foruncertainties asdescribed inSection9.1oftheUFSAR;andc.k,<<s0.98ifmoderated byaqueousfoam,whichincludesanallowance foruncertainties asdescribed inSection9.1oftheUFSAR.(continued)
la~a~4 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4.0-3 Amendment No.61 P Boron'oncentration B 3.7;12'ASES (continued)
R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant4;0-2Amendment No.61 DesignFeatures4.0(4.0DESIGNFEATURES(continued)
APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES The postulated accidents in the SFP can be divided into two basic categories (Ref.3 and 4).The first category are events which cause.a loss of cooling in the.SFP.Changes in the SFP temperature could result in an increase in positive reactivity.
However, the positive reactivity is ultimately limited by voiding (which would result in'the addition of negative reactivity) and the SFP geometry which is designed assuming use of unborated water even though soluble boron is available (see Specification second category is related to the movement of fuel assemblies in.the SFP (i:e , a fuel handling accident)and is the most limiting accident scenario with respect to reactivity.
.4.3.2~DnainaeThespentfuelpoolisdesignedandshallbemaintained topreventinadvertent drainingofthepoolbelowelevation 257'0"(meansealevel)..4.3.3~Caacit"Thespentfuelpoolisdesignedandshallbemaintained with-astoragecapacitylimitedto.nomorethanQggfuelassemblies.
The types of accidents within this category include an incorrectly transferred fuel assembly (e.g., transfer from Region 1 to Region 2 unirradiated or an insufficiently depleted fuel assembly)and a dropped fuel assembly.However, for both of these accidents, the negative reactivity effect of the soluble boron compensates for the increased reactivity.
la~a~4R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant4.0-3Amendment No.61 PBoron'oncentration B3.7;12'ASES(continued)
By closely controlling the movement of each assembly and by checking the location of each assembly after movement, the time period for potential accidents which credit use of the soluble boron may be limited to a small fraction of the total operating time.The concentration of dissolved boron in the SFP satisfies Criterion 2 of the NRC Policy Statement.
APPLICABLE SAFETYANALYSESThepostulated accidents intheSFPcanbedividedintotwobasiccategories (Ref.3and4).Thefirstcategoryareeventswhichcause.alossofcoolinginthe.SFP.ChangesintheSFPtemperature couldresultinanincreaseinpositivereactivity.
LCO+5~The SFP boron concentration is required to be a 00 ppm.-The specified concentration of dissolved boron in the SFP preserves the assumptions used in the analyses of the potential critical accident scenarios as described in References 3 and 4 (i.e., a fuel handling accident).
However,thepositivereactivity isultimately limitedbyvoiding(whichwouldresultin'theadditionofnegativereactivity) andtheSFPgeometrywhichisdesignedassuminguseofunborated watereventhoughsolubleboronisavailable (seeSpecification in.theSFP(i:e,afuelhandlingaccident) andisthemostlimitingaccidentscenariowithrespecttoreactivity.
This concentration.
Thetypesofaccidents withinthiscategoryincludeanincorrectly transferred fuelassembly(e.g.,transferfromRegion1toRegion2of.anunirradiated oraninsufficiently depletedfuelassembly) andadroppedfuelassembly.
of dissolved boron is the minimum required concentration for fuel assembly storage and movement within the SFP until the fuel assemblies have been verified to be stored correctly.
However,forbothoftheseaccidents, thenegativereactivity effectofthesolubleboroncompensates fortheincreased reactivity.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-'87 (continued)
Bycloselycontrolling themovementofeachassemblyandbycheckingthelocationofeachassemblyaftermovement, thetimeperiodforpotential accidents whichcredituseofthesolubleboronmaybelimitedtoasmallfractionofthetotaloperating time.Theconcentration ofdissolved boronintheSFPsatisfies Criterion 2oftheNRCPolicyStatement.
Revision 0 FP Boron Concentration B 3.7.12 BASES (continued)
LCO+5~TheSFPboronconcentration isrequiredtobea00ppm.-Thespecified concentration ofdissolved boronintheSFPpreserves theassumptions usedintheanalysesofthepotential criticalaccidentscenarios asdescribed inReferences 3and4(i.e.,afuelhandlingaccident).
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR This.SR verifies that the concentration of boron in the SFP is within the limit.-'As long as this SR is met, the analyzed accidents are fully addressed.
The 31 day.Frequency is appropriate because the volume and boron concentration in the pool is normally stable and all water level changes and boron concentration changes are controlled
ofdissolved boronistheminimumrequiredconcentration forfuelassemblystorageandmovementwithintheSFPuntilthefuelassemblies havebeenverifiedtobestoredcorrectly.
, by plant procedures.
This SR is required to be performed prior to fuel assembly movement into Region 1 or Region 2 and must continue-to;be performed.until the necessary SFP verification is accomplished (i.-e., SR and 3;7.13:2).
Revision0 FPBoronConcentration B3.7.12BASES(continued)
'EFERENCES I.ANSI N16.1-1975,"American National Standard for Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors.""2.Letter from B.K.Grimes, NRC, to All'Power Reactor Licensees,  
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR3.7.12.1This.SRverifiesthattheconcentration ofboronintheSFPiswithinthelimit.-'AslongasthisSRismet,theanalyzedaccidents arefullyaddressed.
The31day.Frequency isappropriate becausethevolumeandboronconcentration inthepoolisnormallystableandallwaterlevelchangesandboronconcentration changesarecontrolled
ThisSRisrequiredtobeperformed priortofuelassemblymovementintoRegion1orRegion2andmustcontinue-to;be performed
.untilthenecessary SFPverification isaccomplished (i.-e.,SR3.7.13.1and3;7.13:2).
'EFERENCES I.ANSIN16.1-1975, "American NationalStandardforNuclearCriticality SafetyinOperations withFissionable Materials OutsideReactors."

"OTPositionforReview.andAcceptance ofSpentFuelStorageandHandlingApplications,"
"OT Position for Review.and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Storage and Handling Applications," dated April 14, 1978..3.Westinghouse,"Criticality Analysis of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Fresh and Spent Fuel Racks, and Consolidated Rod Storage Canisters," dated June 1994.4.UFSAR, Section Technologies, Inc.,""R:E.
datedApril14,1978..3.Westinghouse, "Criticality AnalysisoftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantFreshandSpentFuelRacks,andConsolidated RodStorageCanisters,"
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant,~Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking Licensing Report," Section 4, February 1997.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-89 Revision 0 SFP Storage B 3.7.13 B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3.7.13 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Storage&h'L R8.CLh~hss4cS MmQ wsrt AQtM, L~w M~o,'g-t~h,z,~~~
datedJune1994.4.UFSAR,Section15.7.3.3.Framatome Technologies, Inc.,""R:E.
GinnaNuclearPowerPlant,~SpentFuelPoolRe-racking Licensing Report,"Section4,February1997.R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantB3.7-89Revision0 SFPStorageB3.7.13B3.7PLANTSYSTEMSB3.7.13SpentFuelPool(SFP)Storage&h'LR8.CLh~hss4cS MmQwsrtAQtM,L~wM~o,'g-t~h,z,~~~
~hdup 4 ches~~.'K-a~Wet~%t'Nhast-1 0'1'7'The spent fuel pool (SFP)is divided into two separate and distinct regions (see Figure B 3.7.13-1)which, for the purpose of criticality considerations, are considered as separate pools (Ref.I).Region 1, with gsWagstora e positions, is d'o accommodate new or spen fuel utilizing a checkerboard arran ement fuel.assem i an enric~-.w.can be stored at any available location in Region 1 since the accident analyses were performed assuming that Region 1 was filled , with fuel assemblies of this enrichment.
A fuel assembly with an enrichment
~hdup4ches~~.'K-a~Wet~%t'Nhast-10'1'7'Thespentfuelpool(SFP)isdividedintotwoseparateanddistinctregions(seeFigureB3.7.13-1) which,forthepurposeofcriticality considerations, areconsidered asseparatepools(Ref.I).Region1,withgsWagstora epositions, isd'oaccommodate neworspenfuelutilizing acheckerboard arranementfuel.assemianenric~-.w.canbestoredatanyavailable locationinRegion1sincetheaccidentanalyseswereperformed assumingthatRegion1wasfilled,withfuelassemblies ofthisenrichment.
>4.05 wt%U-235 can also be stored-in Region 1 provided that integral burnable poisons are resent in the assemblies such that k-infinity is.s 1.458.he exis ing esign uses ntegra ue Burna e sorbers IFBAs the poison for fuel assemblies with enrichments
>4.05 wt%.IFBAs consist of neutron absorbing material which provides equivalencing reactivity holddown (i:e., neutron poison)that allows storage of higher enrichment fuel.The neutron absorbing material is a non-removable or integral part of'he fuel assembly once it is applied.The infinite multiplication factor, K-infinity, is a reference criticality point of each fuel assembly that if maintained s 1.458, will result in a k,<<z 0.95 for Region 1.'The K-infinity limit is derived for constant conditions of normal reactor core configuration (i.e., typical geometry of fuel assemblies in vertical position arranged in an infinite array)at cold conditions (i.e., 68'F and 14.7-psia).egion 2, wi 840 s orage positions, is designed to accommodate fue of various initial enrichments which have accumulated minimum burnups i hin the acceptable domain according to Figure 3.7.1 , in the accompanying LCO..The~$~s orage o ue hich are within the acceptab e ran e of Figure 3.7.13 in Region 2 ensures a K,<<s 0.95 in this region.F~aQ a.S~%4m~i~nntesaaWW~
>4.05wt%U-235canalsobestored-in Region1providedthatintegralburnablepoisonsareresentintheassemblies suchthatk-infinity is.s1.458.heexisingesignusesntegraueBurnaesorbersIFBAsthepoisonforfuelassemblies withenrichments
~~~('4~40~~R~~~3.7.t3-L (~a-~)h O~Owes.m t~&~~~Fm@th.C~MGW 3,~tR t<~4 s~~Q,~~s~'~NmQ.-'w~~o~.(continued)
>4.05wt%.IFBAsconsistofneutronabsorbing materialwhichprovidesequivalencing reactivity holddown(i:e.,neutronpoison)thatallowsstorageofhigherenrichment fuel.Theneutronabsorbing materialisanon-removable orintegralpartof'hefuelassemblyonceitisapplied.Theinfinitemultiplication factor,K-infinity, isareference criticality pointofeachfuelassemblythatifmaintained s1.458,willresultinak,<<z0.95forRegion1.'TheK-infinity limitisderivedforconstantconditions ofnormalreactorcoreconfiguration (i.e.,typicalgeometryoffuelassemblies inverticalpositionarrangedinaninfinitearray)atcoldconditions (i.e.,68'Fand14.7-psia).egion2,wi840soragepositions, isdesignedtoaccommodate fueofvariousinitialenrichments whichhaveaccumulated minimumburnupsihintheacceptable domainaccording toFigure3.7.1,intheaccompanying LCO..The~$~sorageouehicharewithintheacceptaberaneofFigure3.7.13inRegion2ensuresaK,<<s0.95inthisregion.F~aQa.S~%4m~i~nntesaaWW~
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-90 Revision 0
'Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain A1.of Figure 3.7.13-2 may be stored in any location in Region.2.Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain A2 of Figure 3.7.13-2 shall be stored face-adjacent to a'Type A1 or A2 assembly, or a water cell (empty cell).Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain B of Figure'.7.13-2 shall be stored face-adjacent to a'Type A1 assembly or a water cell (empty cell).Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain C of Figure 3.7.13-2 shall be stored face-adjacent to a water cell (empty cell)only.'The word"face-adjacent" on Figure 3.7.13-2 is defined to mean that the flat surface of a fuel assembly in one cell faces the Bat surface of the assembly in the next cell.///40!:caeno.vp;
/IS/&#xc3; SFP Storage B 3.7:13 BASES BACKGROUND (continued)
'Fuelassemblies withinitialenrichments andburnupswithindomainA1.ofFigure3.7.13-2maybestoredinanylocationinRegion.2.
O Consolidated rod tor ge nisters can also be stored in either-region i t rovi burnu of Figure 3:7.13-1 et.In addition, all canisters p ace n o service a er 1994 must have-z 144 rods or a 256 ro (Ref.'.2).e canis ers.are s a n ess s ee con ainers contain the fuel rods of a maximum-of two fuel assemblies (i;e., 358 rods).All bowed, broken, or otherwise.
Fuelassemblies withinitialenrichments andburnupswithindomainA2ofFigure3.7.13-2shallbestoredface-adjacent toa'TypeA1orA2assembly, orawatercell(emptycell).Fuelassemblies withinitialenrichments andburnupswithindomainBofFigure'.7.13-2shallbestoredface-adjacent toa'TypeA1assemblyorawatercell(emptycell).Fuelassemblies withinitialenrichments andburnupswithindomainCofFigure3.7.13-2shallbestoredface-adjacent toawatercell(emptycell)only.'Theword"face-adjacent" onFigure3.7.13-2isdefinedtomeanthattheflatsurfaceofafuelassemblyinonecellfacestheBatsurfaceoftheassemblyinthenextcell.///40!:caeno.vp;
failed fuel rods.are first stored in;a.stainless steel tube of 0.75 inch outer diameter before being placed in:a canister.Each canister will accommodate 110 failed fuel rod~tubes.
/IS/&#xc3; SFPStorageB3.7:13BASESBACKGROUND (continued)
The water in the'SFP normally contains soluble boron, which" results in large subcriticality margins under actual operating conditions.
OConsolidated rodtorgenisterscanalsobestoredineither-region itroviburnuofFigure3:7.13-1et.Inaddition, allcanisters pacenoserviceaer1994musthave-z144rodsora256ro(Ref.'.2).ecanisers.aresanessseeconainerscontainthefuelrodsofamaximum-of twofuelassemblies (i;e.,358rods).Allbowed,broken,orotherwise.
However, the NRC guidelines, based upon the accident.condition in which all.soluble poison is assumed to have been lost, specify that.a limiting k,<<of 0;95 be maintained in the abs'ence of soluble boron.Hence, the design of both regions is based on the use of unborated water.such that configuration control (i..e., controlling the movement.of the fuel'ssembly and checking the location.of.each assembly after movement)maintains each region in.a subcritical condition during normal operation with the regions fully loaded.The double contingency principle discussed in ANSI N16.1-1975 (Ref.,3)and Reference 4 allows credit for soluble boron under abnormal or accident conditions, since only a single accident need be considered at one time.For example, the most severe accident scenarios are associated with the movement of'fuel from Region 1 to Region 2, and accidental misloading of a fuel assembly in Region 2.Either scenario could potentially increase the reactivity of Region'2.To-mitigate these postulated criticality related accidents, boron is dissolved in the pool water.Safe operation of the storage.racks with no movement of-assemblies may therefore be achieved by controlling the location of each assembly in-accordance with this LCO.Within 7 days prior-to movement of an assembly into a SFP region, it is necessary to perform SR to moving an assembly into a SFP region, it is also necessary to perform SR or as applicable.
failedfuelrods.arefirststoredin;a.stainless steeltubeof0.75inchouterdiameterbeforebeingplacedin:acanister.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B:3.7-91 (continued)
Eachcanisterwillaccommodate 110failedfuelrod~tubes.
ReVision 0 SFP Stor'age B 3.7.13 BASES (continued)
Thewaterinthe'SFPnormallycontainssolubleboron,which"resultsinlargesubcriticality marginsunderactualoperating conditions.
APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES The postulated accidents in the SFP can be divided into two basic categories (Refs.2 and 5).The first category are events-which cause a loss of cooling in the SFP.Changes in the SFP temperature could result in an increase in positive reactivity.
However,theNRCguidelines, basedupontheaccident.condition inwhichall.solublepoisonisassumedtohavebeenlost,specifythat.alimitingk,<<of0;95bemaintained intheabs'enceofsolubleboron.Hence,thedesignofbothregionsisbasedontheuseofunborated water.suchthatconfiguration control(i..e.,controlling themovement.ofthefuel'ssembly andcheckingthelocation.
However,-the positive reactivity is ultimately limited-by voiding (which would result in the addition of negative reactivity) and the SFP geometry which is designed assuming use of unborated water even though soluble..boron is available (see Specification 4.'3.1.1).The second category i's the movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP (i;e , a fuel handling accident)and is the most limiting.accident scenario with respect to reactivity.
of.eachassemblyaftermovement) maintains eachregionin.asubcritical condition duringnormaloperation withtheregionsfullyloaded.Thedoublecontingency principle discussed inANSIN16.1-1975 (Ref.,3)andReference 4allowscreditforsolubleboronunderabnormaloraccidentconditions, sinceonlyasingleaccidentneedbeconsidered atonetime.Forexample,themostsevereaccidentscenarios areassociated withthemovementof'fuelfromRegion1toRegion2,andaccidental misloading ofafuelassemblyinRegion2.Eitherscenariocouldpotentially increasethereactivity ofRegion'2.
The types.of accidents-within this category include an incorrectly transferred fuel assembly (e.g., transfer from Region 1 to Region 2 of an unirradiated or an insufficiently depleted fuel assembly)and a dropped fuel assembly.However, for both of these accidents,"the negative-reactivity effect of the soluble boron compensates for the increased reactivity.
To-mitigate thesepostulated criticality relatedaccidents, boronisdissolved inthepoolwater.Safeoperation ofthestorage.rackswithnomovementof-assemblies maytherefore beachievedbycontrolling thelocationofeachassemblyin-accordance withthisLCO.Within7daysprior-tomovementofanassemblyintoaSFPregion,itisnecessary toperformSR3.7.12.1.
By closely controlling the movement of each assembly and by checking'the location of each assembly after movement, the time period for potential accidents which credit use of the soluble boron may be limited to a small fraction of the total operating time.The configuration, of fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool satisfies Criterion 2 of the NRC Policy Statement.
PriortomovinganassemblyintoaSFPregion,itisalsonecessary toperformSR3.7.13.1or3.7.13.2asapplicable.
LCO The restrictions on the placement of fuel assemblie's within the SFP ensure the k,<<of the SFP will always remain<0.95, assuming the pool to be flooded with unborated.water (Specification fuel assemblies stored in Re ion 1, each assembl must have a K-infinity, of s 1.458.or fuel assemblies stored in Region 2, ins sa enric men and burnu shall be within the acce tab e h~3.7.-.he x-axles o is the nominal enrichment wt%whic does not include the+0.05 wt%tolerance that is allowed for fuel manufacturing and listed in Specification aug asst~'ah a.~&4Aa~O>Q W~~>>a<3-L.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-92 Revision 0 SFP Storage B 3.7.13.BASES (continued)
APPLICABILITY This LCO applies whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the SFP.ACTIONS A.l When the configuration of fuel assemblies stored in.either Region 1 or Region 2 of the SFP is not within the LCO limits, the immediate action is to initiate action to make the necessary fuel assembly movement(s) to bring t~r~P Hc configuration into compliance with Specif n- compliance can be made by rel in the fuel assembl to a different regio~+Required Action A.l is modified by a Note indicating that LCO 3.0.3'does not apply since if the LCO is not met while moving irradiated fuel assemblies in MODE 5 or-6, LCO 3.0.3 would not be applicable.
ReVision0 SFPStor'ageB3.7.13BASES(continued)
If moving irradiated fuel assemblies while in MODE 1, 2, 3, or-4, the action is independent of'reactor operation.
APPLICABLE SAFETYANALYSESThepostulated accidents intheSFPcanbedividedintotwobasiccategories (Refs.2and5).Thefirstcategoryareevents-which causealossofcoolingintheSFP.ChangesintheSFPtemperature couldresultinanincreaseinpositivereactivity.
Therefore, inability to move fuel assemblies is not sufficient reason to require.a reactor shutdown.'SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR 3.7~13.1 This SR verifies by administrative means that the K-infinity of each fuel assembly is~1.458 prior to storage in Region l.If the initial enrichment of a fuel assembly is~4.05 wtl, a K-infinity of s 1.458 is always maintained.
However,-the positivereactivity isultimately limited-by voiding(whichwouldresultintheadditionofnegativereactivity) andtheSFPgeometrywhichisdesignedassuminguseofunborated watereventhoughsoluble..boron isavailable (seeSpecification 4.'3.1.1).Thesecondcategoryi'srelated.tothemovementoffuelassemblies intheSFP(i;e,afuelhandlingaccident) andisthemostlimiting.accident scenariowithrespecttoreactivity.
For fuel as'semblies.with enrichment
Thetypes.ofaccidents-within thiscategoryincludeanincorrectly transferred fuelassembly(e.g.,transferfromRegion1toRegion2ofanunirradiated oraninsufficiently depletedfuelassembly) andadroppedfuelassembly.
>4.05 wt%, a minimum number of IFBAs must be present in each fuel assembly such that k-infinity z 1.458 prior to storage in Region 1.This verification is only required once for each fuel assembly since the burnable poisons, if required, are an integral part of the fuel assembly and will not be removed.The initial enrichment of each assembly will also not change (i.e., increase)while partially burned assemblies are less reactive than when they were new (i.e., fresh).Performance of this SR ensures compliance with Specification
However,forbothoftheseaccidents,"the negative-reactivity effectofthesolubleboroncompensates fortheincreased reactivity.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-93 Revision 0 SFP Storage 8 3.7.13 BASES SURVEILLANCE RE(UIREHENTS SR (continued)
Bycloselycontrolling themovementofeachassemblyandbychecking'thelocationofeachassemblyaftermovement, thetimeperiodforpotential accidents whichcredituseofthesolubleboronmaybelimitedtoasmallfractionofthetotaloperating time.Theconfiguration, offuelassemblies inthespentfuelpoolsatisfies Criterion 2oftheNRCPolicyStatement.
Though not required for this LCO, this.SR mu also be performed after completion of fuel movement-HAe Region:exit the Applicability of I.CO 3.7.12,"SFP Boron~~'ta~Concentration." This SR is modified by a Note which states that, this verification is not required when transferring a fuel assembly from Region 2 to Region 1.The verification is not required since Region the limiting SFP region, and as such, the fuel has already been verified to be acceptable for storage in Region.l..SR This SR verifies by administrative means that the initial enrichment and burnup of the fuel assembly is in accordance with Fi ure 3.7.13-in the accompanying LCO s orage in Region,.Once a fuel assembly has been ver~fied to be within the acceptable range of Figure 3.7.13~further verifications are no longer required since the'initial enrichment or burnup will not,adversely change.For fuel assemblies in the unacceptable r'ange of Figure 3.7.13-1, performance of this SR will ensure compliance with.Specification not required for this LCO, this SR mu iso be performed after completion of fuel movement'egion 2 to exit the Applicability of LCO 3.7.12.REFERENCES
LCOTherestrictions ontheplacement offuelassemblie's withintheSFPensurethek,<<oftheSFPwillalwaysremain<0.95,assumingthepooltobefloodedwithunborated.water (Specification storedinReion1,eachassemblmusthaveaK-infinity, ofs1.458.orfuelassemblies storedinRegion2,inssaenricmenandburnushallbewithintheaccetabeh~3.7.-.hex-axlesoisthenominalenrichment wt%whicdoesnotincludethe+0.05wt%tolerance thatisallowedforfuelmanufacturing andlistedinSpecification'aha.~&4Aa~O>QW~~>>a<3-L.R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantB3.7-92Revision0 SFPStorageB3.7.13.BASES(continued)
,1.UFSAR, Section,"Criticality Analysis of the R.E.Ginna.Nuclear Power Plant Fresh and Spent Fuel Racks, and Consolidated Rod Storage Canisters," dated June 1994.3.ANSI N16.1-1975,"American National Standard for Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fispionable Haterials Outside Reactors.":2.Framatome Technologies, Inc.,"R.E.Ginna Nudear Power Plant, Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking.
APPLICABILITY ThisLCOapplieswheneveranyfuelassemblyisstoredintheSFP.ACTIONSA.lWhentheconfiguration offuelassemblies storedin.eitherRegion1orRegion2oftheSFPisnotwithintheLCOlimits,theimmediate actionistoinitiateactiontomakethenecessary fuelassemblymovement(s) tobringt~r~PHcconfiguration intocompliance withSpecifn- canbemadebyrelinthefuelassembltoadifferent regio~+RequiredActionA.lismodifiedbyaNoteindicating thatLCO3.0.3'doesnotapplysinceiftheLCOisnotmetwhilemovingirradiated fuelassemblies inMODE5or-6,LCO3.0.3wouldnotbeapplicable.
Licensing Report," Section 4, February 1997.(continued)
Ifmovingirradiated fuelassemblies whileinMODE1,2,3,or-4,theactionisindependent of'reactor operation.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 8 3.7-94 Revision 0
Therefore, inability tomovefuelassemblies isnotsufficient reasontorequire.a reactorshutdown.
,SFP Storage B 3.7.13 Spent Fuel Storage Racks 3'wA1ERBOXEs Q rroaNmczus RCKORAQS CAPhCtTYSN
'SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR3.7~13.1ThisSRverifiesbyadministrative meansthattheK-infinity ofeachfuelassemblyis~1.458priortostorageinRegionl.Iftheinitialenrichment ofafuelassemblyis~4.05wtl,aK-infinity ofs1.458isalwaysmaintained.
~TOTALCAPACflYCN6FUELARKMBUES R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Figure B 3.7.13-1 Spent Fuel Pool B 3.7-96 Revision 0 SFP Storage B 3.7.13 Norfh-.Fuel Elevator Area Reciion.2 1,075'Spent Fuel Cells Receion-1 294'Spent'Fuel Cells Cas Area figure B 3;7.13-1 Spent Fuel Pool R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-96a Revision XX Included Pages: Attachment III Proposed Technical Specifications 3.7-.27 3.7-'29 3.7-30 3.7-31 3.7-31a 4.0-2 4.0-3 P Boron Concentration 3.7.12 3."7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.12 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Boron Concentration LCO.3:7.12 The SFP boron concentration shall be a 450 ppm.APPLICABILITY:
Forfuelas'semblies.with enrichment
When fuel assemblies are stored in the.SFP and a SFP verification has not been performed since the last movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.-ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME~A..SFP boron concentration not-within limit.------------NOTE-------------
>4.05wt%,aminimumnumberofIFBAsmustbepresentineachfuelassemblysuchthatk-infinity z1.458priortostorageinRegion1.Thisverification isonlyrequiredonceforeachfuelassemblysincetheburnablepoisons,ifrequired, areanintegralpartofthefuelassemblyandwillnotberemoved.Theinitialenrichment ofeachassemblywillalsonotchange(i.e.,increase) whilepartially burnedassemblies arelessreactivethanwhentheywerenew(i.e.,fresh).Performance ofthisSRensurescompliance withSpecification
LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable."A.'.1 Suspend movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.AND Immedi ately.A.2..1 Initiate action to restore SFP boron concentration to within limit.Immediately
R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantB3.7-93Revision0 SFPStorage83.7.13BASESSURVEILLANCE RE(UIREHENTS SR3.7.13.1(continued)
'OR A.2".2 Initiate action,to perform SFP verification.
ThoughnotrequiredforthisLCO,this.SRmualsobeperformed aftercompletion offuelmovement-HAeRegion:exittheApplicability ofI.CO3.7.12,"SFPBoron~~'ta~Concentration."
Immediately R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-27 Amendment No.Q (g a ,.SFP Storage 3.7.13 3'".7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.13 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Storage LCO.3.7.13 Fuel assembly storage in the spent fuel pool shall be maintained as follows:-a.Fuel assemblies in Region 1 shall have.a K-infinity of~s 1.458-and shall have initial enrichment'and burnup within the acceptable area.of Figure 3.7.13-1;and-.b.Fuel assemblies in Region 2 shall have initial enrichment and burnup within the acceptable area of the Figure 3";7.13=2.
ThisSRismodifiedbyaNotewhichstatesthat,thisverification isnotrequiredwhentransferring afuelassemblyfromRegion2toRegion1.Theverification isnotrequiredsinceRegion2.isthelimitingSFPregion,andassuch,thefuelhasalreadybeenverifiedtobeacceptable forstorageinRegion.l..SR3.7.13.2ThisSRverifiesbyadministrative meansthattheinitialenrichment andburnupofthefuelassemblyisinaccordance withFiure3.7.13-intheaccompanying LCOprior.tosorageinRegion,.Onceafuelassemblyhasbeenver~fiedtobewithintheacceptable rangeofFigure3.7.13~furtherverifications arenolongerrequiredsincethe'initialenrichment orburnupwillnot,adversely change.Forfuelassemblies intheunacceptable r'angeofFigure3.7.13-1, performance ofthisSRwillensurecompliance with.Specification,thisSRmuisobeperformed aftercompletion offuelmovement'egion2toexittheApplicability ofLCO3.7.12.REFERENCES
,1.UFSAR,Section9.1.2.2.Westinghouse, "Criticality AnalysisoftheR.E.Ginna.NuclearPowerPlantFreshandSpentFuelRacks,andConsolidated RodStorageCanisters,"
datedJune1994.3.ANSIN16.1-1975, "American NationalStandardforNuclearCriticality SafetyinOperations withFispionable Haterials OutsideReactors."
:2.Framatome Technologies, Inc.,"R.E.GinnaNudearPowerPlant,SpentFuelPoolRe-racking.
Licensing Report,"Section4,February1997.(continued)
,SFPStorageB3.7.13SpentFuelStorageRacks3'wA1ERBOXEs QrroaNmczus RCKORAQSCAPhCtTYSN
~TOTALCAPACflYCN6FUELARKMBUES R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantFigureB3.7.13-1SpentFuelPoolB3.7-96Revision0 SFPStorageB3.7.13Norfh-.FuelElevatorAreaReciion.2 1,075'Spent FuelCellsReceion-1 294'Spent'Fuel CellsCasAreafigureB3;7.13-1SpentFuelPoolR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantB3.7-96aRevisionXX IncludedPages:Attachment IIIProposedTechnical Specifications 3.7-.273.7-'293.7-303.7-313.7-31a4.0-24.0-3 PBoronConcentration 3.7.123."7PLANTSYSTEMS3.7.12SpentFuelPool(SFP)BoronConcentration LCO.3:7.12TheSFPboronconcentration shallbea450ppm.APPLICABILITY:
Whenfuelassemblies arestoredinthe.SFPandaSFPverification hasnotbeenperformed sincethelastmovementoffuelassemblies intheSFP.-ACTIONSCONDITION REQUIREDACTIONCOMPLETION TIME~A..SFPboronconcentration not-withinlimit.------------NOTE-------------
"A.'.1Suspendmovementoffuelassemblies intheSFP.ANDImmediately.A.2..1InitiateactiontorestoreSFPboronconcentration towithinlimit.Immediately
'ORA.2".2Initiateaction,to performSFPverification.
Immediately R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-27Amendment No.Q (ga,.SFPStorage3.7.133'".7PLANTSYSTEMS3.7.13SpentFuelPool(SFP)StorageLCO.3.7.13Fuelassemblystorageinthespentfuelpoolshallbemaintained asfollows:-a.Fuelassemblies inRegion1shallhave.aK-infinity of~s1.458-and shallhaveinitialenrichment'and burnupwithintheacceptable area.ofFigure3.7.13-1; and-.b.Fuelassemblies inRegion2shallhaveinitialenrichment andburnupwithintheacceptable areaoftheFigure3";7.13=2.
Wheneveranyfuelassemblyisstoredinthespentfuelpool.ACTIONSCONDITION REQUIREDACTIONCOMPLETION TIME4A.Requirements oftheLCOnotmet-foreitherregion.-A:1--------NOTE---------
Whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the spent fuel pool.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME 4A.Requirements of the LCO not met-for either region.-A:1--------NOTE---------
LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.
Initiateactionto.movethenoncomplying an.acceptable storagelocation.
Initiate action to.move the noncomplying fuel an.acceptable storage location.Immedi ately R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-29 Amendment No.Q V  
ImmediatelyR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-29Amendment No.Q V  
(4 SFP Storage 3.7.13 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify by administrative means the K-infinity-of the fuel assembly is~1.458 and that the initial enrichment and burnup is in accordance with Figure 3.7.13-1.Prior to storing the fuel assembly in Region.1 SR'3.7.13:2 Verify by administrative means the initial enrichment and burnup of the fuel assembly is in accordance with Figure'3;7.13=2.
(4SFPStorage3.7.13SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR3.7.13.1Verifybyadministrative meanstheK-infinity
Prior to storing the fuel assembly in Region.2 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-30 Amendment No.Q SFP Storage 3.7.13 30000 t I~I I,~I~I~~I g 20000'A I I~I~'.: I i I~~I;I'II 15000 4el Ih g9 10000 A SM~;;'~..'I I i I III ji i I: IIllj I~ii I'I I~~I~~~~~0 0$1 18 2, 25 3.3S 4 4S 5 Assembly Initial Enrichment, Wt%A-Acceptable burnup domain for storage in any location within Region 1.B-Acceptable burnup domain for storage in cells with lead-in funnels only.Figure 3.7.13-1 Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 1 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-31 Amendment No.Q SFP Storage 3.7..13;j A-g4 50000 CO+le+4 20000~I!ii II (I I I~!!I II!!~~I II'!l: 'I I!I!''ll Il'i,'I!1'.,'';, I I!!I~I: 'I I i0!.I8 1 iS 2~.5 5$~h 45~5 Assembly Initial Enrichment, YVt%Al-Acceptable burnup domain for storage in, any location-within Region 2.-A2-Acceptable burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a Type Al or A2 assembly,-
-ofthefuelassemblyis~1.458andthattheinitialenrichment andburnupisinaccordance withFigure3.7.13-1.
or-a water cell.B-Assembly burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a Type Al assembly or a water cell.C-Acceptable burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a water cell only.Figure 3.7.13-2 Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 2 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-3la Amendment No.Q o.Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES'-4:2 Reactor Core (continued) 4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain.29 control rod assemblies.
PriortostoringthefuelassemblyinRegion.1SR'3.7.13:2 Verifybyadministrative meanstheinitialenrichment andburnupofthefuelassemblyisinaccordance withFigure'3;7.13=2.
The control material shall be silver indium cadmium.~4".3 Fuel Storage-4:3.1~CHti 4;3.1.1 The spent fuel storage racks are designed.and shall be maintained-with: a.Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05-weight percent;.b..k,<<s 0;95 if fully flooded with unborated water,-which allowance for uncertainties as described in.Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;-"c~Consolidated rod storage canisters stored in the spent fuel storage racks provided that the fuel assemblies from which the rods were removed meet.all the requirements of LCO 3;7.13 for the region in which the canister is to be stored.The average decay heat, of the fuel assembly from which the rods were removed for all consolidated fuel assemblies must also be-~2150 BTU/hr.- The new fuel storage dry racks are:designed and shall;be-maintained with: 'a."Fuel, assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05 weight percent;-b.k.<<w 0;95 if fully flooded-with unborated water,*which includes an allowance for uncertainties as.described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;and c.k,c 0.98 if moderated by aqueous foam,=which includes-an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR.(continued)
PriortostoringthefuelassemblyinRegion.2R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-30Amendment No.Q SFPStorage3.7.1330000tI~II,~I~I~~Ig20000'AII~I~'.:IiI~~I;I'II150004elIhg910000ASM~;;'~..'IIiIIIIjiiI:IIlljI~iiI'II~~I~~~~~00$1182,253.3S44S5AssemblyInitialEnrichment, Wt%A-Acceptable burnupdomainforstorageinanylocationwithinRegion1.B-Acceptable burnupdomainforstorageincellswithlead-infunnelsonly.Figure3.7.13-1FuelAssemblyBurnupLimitsinRegion1R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-31Amendment No.Q SFPStorage3.7..13;jA-g450000CO+le+420000~I!iiII(III~!!III!!~~III'!l:'II!I!''llIl'i,'I!1'.,
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4.0-2 Amendment No.Pf Design Features 4.0 3'>-4.0 DESIGN FEATURES (continued)
'';,II!!I~I:'IIi0!.I81iS2~.55$~h45~5AssemblyInitialEnrichment, YVt%Al-Acceptable burnupdomainforstoragein,anylocation-within Region2.-A2-Acceptable burnupdomainforstorageface-adjacent toaTypeAlorA2assembly,-
-4.'3 Fuel Storage (continued)
or-awatercell.B-Assemblyburnupdomainforstorageface-adjacent toaTypeAlassemblyorawatercell.C-Acceptable burnupdomainforstorageface-adjacent toawatercellonly.Figure3.7.13-2FuelAssemblyBurnupLimitsinRegion2R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant3.7-3laAmendment No.Q o.DesignFeatures4.04.0DESIGNFEATURES'-4:2ReactorCore(continued) 4.2.2ControlRodAssemblies Thereactorcoreshallcontain.29controlrodassemblies.
.4;3.2~Draiea e The spent fuel pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below elevation 257'0" (mean sea level).-4.3."3~Ca acct The spent fuel pool is designed and.shall be-maintained with.a storage capacity limited than 1879 fuel assemblies and 1369 storage'locations.
R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4.0-3 Amendment No.g Attachment IV R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking Licensing Report February 1997 0}}
-with:a.Fuelassemblies havingamaximumU-235enrichment of5.05-weightpercent;.b..k,<<s0;95iffullyfloodedwithunborated water,-whichincludes.
anallowance foruncertainties asdescribed in.Section9.1oftheUFSAR;-"c~Consolidated rodstoragecanisters may.bestoredinthespentfuelstorageracksprovidedthatthefuelassemblies fromwhichtherodswereremovedmeet.alltherequirements ofLCO3;7.13fortheregioninwhichthecanisteristobestored.Theaveragedecayheat,ofthefuelassemblyfromwhichtherodswereremovedforallconsolidated fuelassemblies mustalsobe-~2150BTU/hr.- andshall;be-maintained with:'a."Fuel,assemblies havingamaximumU-235enrichment of5.05weightpercent;-b.k.<<w0;95iffullyflooded-with unborated water,*whichincludesanallowance foruncertainties as.described inSection9.1oftheUFSAR;andc.k,c0.98ifmoderated byaqueousfoam,=whichincludes-an allowance foruncertainties asdescribed inSection9.1oftheUFSAR.(continued)
R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant4.0-2Amendment No.Pf DesignFeatures4.03'>-4.0DESIGNFEATURES(continued)
.4;3.2~DraieaeThespentfuelpoolisdesignedandshallbemaintained topreventinadvertent drainingofthepoolbelowelevation 257'0"(meansealevel).-4.3."3~CaacctThespentfuelpoolisdesignedand.shallbe-maintained than1879fuelassemblies and1369storage'locations.
R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant4.0-3Amendment No.g Attachment IVR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlantSpentFuelPoolRe-racking Licensing ReportFebruary1997 0}}

Revision as of 13:45, 7 July 2018

Proposed Tech Specs 3.7.12 Re Spent Fuel Pool Boron Concentration
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1997
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SFP Boron Concentration 3.7.12 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.12 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Boron Concentration c,-t.)LCO 3.7.12 The SFP boron concentration shall be a 0 ppm.APPLICABILITY:

When fuel assemblies are stored in the SFP and a SFP verification has not been performed since the last movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.ACTIONS CONDITION RE(UIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME-A.SFP boron concentration not within limit.------------NOTE-------------

LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

A.I AND A.2.1 OR Suspend movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.Initiate action to restore SFP boron concentration to within limit.Immediately Immediately A.2.2 Initiate action to perform SFP verification.

Immediately 9704070040 97033i PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PDR R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 307 27 Amendment No.61 o.n<a&a33.ho.vo i~i&o3~me%~~S.Wr wup~)~i~3.'7 PLANT SYSTEMS~a.~+a.hi~o.~o'3 7.13 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Storage SFP Storage 3.7.13 LCO 3.7.13 Fuel assembly storage in the spent fuel pool shall be maintained as follows: C~X~'L-:a.Fuel assemblies in Region 1 shall have a K-infinity of~1.458.and"b.Fuel assemblies in Region 2 shall have initial'enrichment and burnup within the acceptable area of the Figure 3.7.13 l.~APPLICASILITY:

Whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the spent fuel pool.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME"-A.Requirements of the A.1 LCO not met for either region.--------NOTE---------

LCO 3.0.3 is not'applicable.

Q.X~1 Initiate action to move the noncomplying ue asse rom app>cable region.Immediately

+o~~~~~<X'4~QA i R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-29 Amendment No.61' SFP Storage 3.7.13 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY.SR NOTE Not required to be performed when transferring a fuel assembly from Region 2 to Region.l.Verify by administrative means the K-infinity of the fuel assembly is~1.458.Prior to.storing the fuel assembly in Region 1 SR Verify by administrative means the initial enrichment and burnup of the fuel assembly is in accordance with Figure 3.7.13~, 2.Prior to storing the fuel assembly in Region,:2 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-30 Amendment No.61 SFP Storage 3.7.13 40000 ACCEPTABLE 30000 O.=E rD-m 20000 P"f C5 CJ'.l5"E UNACCEPTABLE 10000-OFA Fuel 6 Exmn Fuel----5'1D Fuel 1.8 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.2 Nominal U Enrichment(w/o) 6.0 Figure 3.7.13~Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 2 R.f.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-31 Amendment No.61 M<58Jf+SFP Storage 3.7;13 I!!I I~I~0~I~0 I-4 15000 I"4Q=8 1OOOO)~~;i)I i~')I 0 I I i I'I)!I I)I~I~I I!I!I I!I I'!!!I.I: I'!I~~I Ii!I~~~->>0 06 1 1$2 XS"3 3S 4 45"5 Assembly Initial'Enrichment, VA%'Figure 3.7.13-1 Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region I A~as-bX~aw~up~~oi~4r-clara~xm a.~K~~~~~i~~~gus~.A~+ra e4)QurmmP~ki~~f S I)I~g)',W~~~2~~~~9.-iv R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-a<~

!I A1-Acceptab rnup domain for storage in any location in Region 2.A2.-AcceptableMurnup domain for storage.face-adjacent to ype A1 or A2 assembly, or a water cell.B-Acceptable burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a Type A1 assembly or a water cell.C-Acceptable-burnup domain for storage:face-adjacent,to a water cell only.Storage 3.7.13, Region 2.Loading,Ciuve.

cate M 30000 8=CO-" K 8=-0'0000 VJ CO>>I I'!!!I;: I iI;I I~!~,:: I!I!'!!~~~~ll lI I;e!!l I!!l l I I l I l!!>>,!l!!I l I;0%Oi.LS=1~ISs 2~..sD", sW.4+.4$>>5%.Assembly Initial=.Enrichment,-.Wt%-

Figure 3.7:13-2 I uel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 2" RK..Ginna.Nuclear..Power Plant 3.7-3gQ Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.2 Reactor Core (continued)

-4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 29 control rod assemblies.

The control material shall be silver indium cadmium.-4.3 Fuel Storage 4:3.1 4:3.l.I The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be-maintained with:>>a.Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05 weight percent;..b.k,<<s 0.95 if fully flooded with unborated water, which includes an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;C,a.a c~Consolidated-rod storage canisters may be stored in the spent fuel storage racks provided that the fuel assemblies from which the rods were removed meet all the requirements of LCO 3.7.13 for t e re ion in which the anister is to be store However e consol ate ro storage canister located i Region RGAF2 may ex eed these re u'.The a erage ecay ea o the ue assembly from which the rods were removed for all consolidated fuel assemblies must also be s 2150 BTU/hr. The new-fuel storage dry racks are'esigned and shall be maintained with: a.Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05 weight percent;b;-k,<<z 0.95 if fully flooded with unborated water, which allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;and c.k,<<s 0.98 if moderated by aqueous foam, which includes an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR.(continued)

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4;0-2 Amendment No.61 Design Features 4.0 (4.0 DESIGN FEATURES (continued)

-4.3 Fuel Storage (continued)

.4.3.2~Dnaina e The spent fuel pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below elevation 257'0" (mean sea level)..4.3.3~Ca acit"The spent fuel pool is designed and shall be maintained with-a storage capacity limited more than Qgg fuel assemblies.

la~a~4 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4.0-3 Amendment No.61 P Boron'oncentration B 3.7;12'ASES (continued)

APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES The postulated accidents in the SFP can be divided into two basic categories (Ref.3 and 4).The first category are events which cause.a loss of cooling in the.SFP.Changes in the SFP temperature could result in an increase in positive reactivity.

However, the positive reactivity is ultimately limited by voiding (which would result in'the addition of negative reactivity) and the SFP geometry which is designed assuming use of unborated water even though soluble boron is available (see Specification second category is related to the movement of fuel assemblies in.the SFP (i:e , a fuel handling accident)and is the most limiting accident scenario with respect to reactivity.

The types of accidents within this category include an incorrectly transferred fuel assembly (e.g., transfer from Region 1 to Region 2 unirradiated or an insufficiently depleted fuel assembly)and a dropped fuel assembly.However, for both of these accidents, the negative reactivity effect of the soluble boron compensates for the increased reactivity.

By closely controlling the movement of each assembly and by checking the location of each assembly after movement, the time period for potential accidents which credit use of the soluble boron may be limited to a small fraction of the total operating time.The concentration of dissolved boron in the SFP satisfies Criterion 2 of the NRC Policy Statement.

LCO+5~The SFP boron concentration is required to be a 00 ppm.-The specified concentration of dissolved boron in the SFP preserves the assumptions used in the analyses of the potential critical accident scenarios as described in References 3 and 4 (i.e., a fuel handling accident).

This concentration.

of dissolved boron is the minimum required concentration for fuel assembly storage and movement within the SFP until the fuel assemblies have been verified to be stored correctly.

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-'87 (continued)

Revision 0 FP Boron Concentration B 3.7.12 BASES (continued)

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR This.SR verifies that the concentration of boron in the SFP is within the limit.-'As long as this SR is met, the analyzed accidents are fully addressed.

The 31 day.Frequency is appropriate because the volume and boron concentration in the pool is normally stable and all water level changes and boron concentration changes are controlled

, by plant procedures.

This SR is required to be performed prior to fuel assembly movement into Region 1 or Region 2 and must continue-to;be performed.until the necessary SFP verification is accomplished (i.-e., SR and 3;7.13:2).

'EFERENCES I.ANSI N16.1-1975,"American National Standard for Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors.""2.Letter from B.K.Grimes, NRC, to All'Power Reactor Licensees,


"OT Position for Review.and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Storage and Handling Applications," dated April 14, 1978..3.Westinghouse,"Criticality Analysis of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Fresh and Spent Fuel Racks, and Consolidated Rod Storage Canisters," dated June 1994.4.UFSAR, Section Technologies, Inc.,""R:E.

Ginna Nuclear Power Plant,~Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking Licensing Report," Section 4, February 1997.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-89 Revision 0 SFP Storage B 3.7.13 B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS B 3.7.13 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Storage&h'L R8.CLh~hss4cS MmQ wsrt AQtM, L~w M~o,'g-t~h,z,~~~


~hdup 4 ches~~.'K-a~Wet~%t'Nhast-1 0'1'7'The spent fuel pool (SFP)is divided into two separate and distinct regions (see Figure B 3.7.13-1)which, for the purpose of criticality considerations, are considered as separate pools (Ref.I).Region 1, with gsWagstora e positions, is d'o accommodate new or spen fuel utilizing a checkerboard arran ement fuel.assem i an enric~-.w.can be stored at any available location in Region 1 since the accident analyses were performed assuming that Region 1 was filled , with fuel assemblies of this enrichment.

A fuel assembly with an enrichment

>4.05 wt%U-235 can also be stored-in Region 1 provided that integral burnable poisons are resent in the assemblies such that k-infinity is.s 1.458.he exis ing esign uses ntegra ue Burna e sorbers IFBAs the poison for fuel assemblies with enrichments

>4.05 wt%.IFBAs consist of neutron absorbing material which provides equivalencing reactivity holddown (i:e., neutron poison)that allows storage of higher enrichment fuel.The neutron absorbing material is a non-removable or integral part of'he fuel assembly once it is applied.The infinite multiplication factor, K-infinity, is a reference criticality point of each fuel assembly that if maintained s 1.458, will result in a k,<<z 0.95 for Region 1.'The K-infinity limit is derived for constant conditions of normal reactor core configuration (i.e., typical geometry of fuel assemblies in vertical position arranged in an infinite array)at cold conditions (i.e., 68'F and 14.7-psia).egion 2, wi 840 s orage positions, is designed to accommodate fue of various initial enrichments which have accumulated minimum burnups i hin the acceptable domain according to Figure 3.7.1 , in the accompanying LCO..The~$~s orage o ue hich are within the acceptab e ran e of Figure 3.7.13 in Region 2 ensures a K,<<s 0.95 in this region.F~aQ a.S~%4m~i~nntesaaWW~

~~~('4~40~~R~~~3.7.t3-L (~a-~)h O~Owes.m t~&~~~Fm@th.C~MGW 3,~tR t<~4 s~~Q,~~s~'~NmQ.-'w~~o~.(continued)

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-90 Revision 0

'Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain A1.of Figure 3.7.13-2 may be stored in any location in Region.2.Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain A2 of Figure 3.7.13-2 shall be stored face-adjacent to a'Type A1 or A2 assembly, or a water cell (empty cell).Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain B of Figure'.7.13-2 shall be stored face-adjacent to a'Type A1 assembly or a water cell (empty cell).Fuel assemblies with initial enrichments and burnups within domain C of Figure 3.7.13-2 shall be stored face-adjacent to a water cell (empty cell)only.'The word"face-adjacent" on Figure 3.7.13-2 is defined to mean that the flat surface of a fuel assembly in one cell faces the Bat surface of the assembly in the next cell.///40!:caeno.vp;

/IS/Ã SFP Storage B 3.7:13 BASES BACKGROUND (continued)

O Consolidated rod tor ge nisters can also be stored in either-region i t rovi burnu of Figure 3:7.13-1 et.In addition, all canisters p ace n o service a er 1994 must have-z 144 rods or a 256 ro (Ref.'.2).e canis ers.are s a n ess s ee con ainers contain the fuel rods of a maximum-of two fuel assemblies (i;e., 358 rods).All bowed, broken, or otherwise.

failed fuel rods.are first stored in;a.stainless steel tube of 0.75 inch outer diameter before being placed in:a canister.Each canister will accommodate 110 failed fuel rod~tubes.

The water in the'SFP normally contains soluble boron, which" results in large subcriticality margins under actual operating conditions.

However, the NRC guidelines, based upon the accident.condition in which all.soluble poison is assumed to have been lost, specify that.a limiting k,<<of 0;95 be maintained in the abs'ence of soluble boron.Hence, the design of both regions is based on the use of unborated water.such that configuration control (i..e., controlling the movement.of the fuel'ssembly and checking the location.of.each assembly after movement)maintains each region in.a subcritical condition during normal operation with the regions fully loaded.The double contingency principle discussed in ANSI N16.1-1975 (Ref.,3)and Reference 4 allows credit for soluble boron under abnormal or accident conditions, since only a single accident need be considered at one time.For example, the most severe accident scenarios are associated with the movement of'fuel from Region 1 to Region 2, and accidental misloading of a fuel assembly in Region 2.Either scenario could potentially increase the reactivity of Region'2.To-mitigate these postulated criticality related accidents, boron is dissolved in the pool water.Safe operation of the storage.racks with no movement of-assemblies may therefore be achieved by controlling the location of each assembly in-accordance with this LCO.Within 7 days prior-to movement of an assembly into a SFP region, it is necessary to perform SR to moving an assembly into a SFP region, it is also necessary to perform SR or as applicable.

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B:3.7-91 (continued)

ReVision 0 SFP Stor'age B 3.7.13 BASES (continued)

APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES The postulated accidents in the SFP can be divided into two basic categories (Refs.2 and 5).The first category are events-which cause a loss of cooling in the SFP.Changes in the SFP temperature could result in an increase in positive reactivity.

However,-the positive reactivity is ultimately limited-by voiding (which would result in the addition of negative reactivity) and the SFP geometry which is designed assuming use of unborated water even though soluble..boron is available (see Specification 4.'3.1.1).The second category i's the movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP (i;e , a fuel handling accident)and is the most limiting.accident scenario with respect to reactivity.

The types.of accidents-within this category include an incorrectly transferred fuel assembly (e.g., transfer from Region 1 to Region 2 of an unirradiated or an insufficiently depleted fuel assembly)and a dropped fuel assembly.However, for both of these accidents,"the negative-reactivity effect of the soluble boron compensates for the increased reactivity.

By closely controlling the movement of each assembly and by checking'the location of each assembly after movement, the time period for potential accidents which credit use of the soluble boron may be limited to a small fraction of the total operating time.The configuration, of fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool satisfies Criterion 2 of the NRC Policy Statement.

LCO The restrictions on the placement of fuel assemblie's within the SFP ensure the k,<<of the SFP will always remain<0.95, assuming the pool to be flooded with unborated.water (Specification fuel assemblies stored in Re ion 1, each assembl must have a K-infinity, of s 1.458.or fuel assemblies stored in Region 2, ins sa enric men and burnu shall be within the acce tab e h~3.7.-.he x-axles o is the nominal enrichment wt%whic does not include the+0.05 wt%tolerance that is allowed for fuel manufacturing and listed in Specification aug asst~'ah a.~&4Aa~O>Q W~~>>a<3-L.R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-92 Revision 0 SFP Storage B 3.7.13.BASES (continued)

APPLICABILITY This LCO applies whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the SFP.ACTIONS A.l When the configuration of fuel assemblies stored in.either Region 1 or Region 2 of the SFP is not within the LCO limits, the immediate action is to initiate action to make the necessary fuel assembly movement(s) to bring t~r~P Hc configuration into compliance with Specif n- compliance can be made by rel in the fuel assembl to a different regio~+Required Action A.l is modified by a Note indicating that LCO 3.0.3'does not apply since if the LCO is not met while moving irradiated fuel assemblies in MODE 5 or-6, LCO 3.0.3 would not be applicable.

If moving irradiated fuel assemblies while in MODE 1, 2, 3, or-4, the action is independent of'reactor operation.

Therefore, inability to move fuel assemblies is not sufficient reason to require.a reactor shutdown.'SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR 3.7~13.1 This SR verifies by administrative means that the K-infinity of each fuel assembly is~1.458 prior to storage in Region l.If the initial enrichment of a fuel assembly is~4.05 wtl, a K-infinity of s 1.458 is always maintained.

For fuel as'semblies.with enrichment

>4.05 wt%, a minimum number of IFBAs must be present in each fuel assembly such that k-infinity z 1.458 prior to storage in Region 1.This verification is only required once for each fuel assembly since the burnable poisons, if required, are an integral part of the fuel assembly and will not be removed.The initial enrichment of each assembly will also not change (i.e., increase)while partially burned assemblies are less reactive than when they were new (i.e., fresh).Performance of this SR ensures compliance with Specification

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-93 Revision 0 SFP Storage 8 3.7.13 BASES SURVEILLANCE RE(UIREHENTS SR (continued)

Though not required for this LCO, this.SR mu also be performed after completion of fuel movement-HAe Region:exit the Applicability of I.CO 3.7.12,"SFP Boron~~'ta~Concentration." This SR is modified by a Note which states that, this verification is not required when transferring a fuel assembly from Region 2 to Region 1.The verification is not required since Region the limiting SFP region, and as such, the fuel has already been verified to be acceptable for storage in Region.l..SR This SR verifies by administrative means that the initial enrichment and burnup of the fuel assembly is in accordance with Fi ure 3.7.13-in the accompanying LCO s orage in Region,.Once a fuel assembly has been ver~fied to be within the acceptable range of Figure 3.7.13~further verifications are no longer required since the'initial enrichment or burnup will not,adversely change.For fuel assemblies in the unacceptable r'ange of Figure 3.7.13-1, performance of this SR will ensure compliance with.Specification not required for this LCO, this SR mu iso be performed after completion of fuel movement'egion 2 to exit the Applicability of LCO 3.7.12.REFERENCES

,1.UFSAR, Section,"Criticality Analysis of the R.E.Ginna.Nuclear Power Plant Fresh and Spent Fuel Racks, and Consolidated Rod Storage Canisters," dated June 1994.3.ANSI N16.1-1975,"American National Standard for Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fispionable Haterials Outside Reactors.":2.Framatome Technologies, Inc.,"R.E.Ginna Nudear Power Plant, Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking.

Licensing Report," Section 4, February 1997.(continued)

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 8 3.7-94 Revision 0

,SFP Storage B 3.7.13 Spent Fuel Storage Racks 3'wA1ERBOXEs Q rroaNmczus RCKORAQS CAPhCtTYSN

~TOTALCAPACflYCN6FUELARKMBUES R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Figure B 3.7.13-1 Spent Fuel Pool B 3.7-96 Revision 0 SFP Storage B 3.7.13 Norfh-.Fuel Elevator Area Reciion.2 1,075'Spent Fuel Cells Receion-1 294'Spent'Fuel Cells Cas Area figure B 3;7.13-1 Spent Fuel Pool R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant B 3.7-96a Revision XX Included Pages: Attachment III Proposed Technical Specifications 3.7-.27 3.7-'29 3.7-30 3.7-31 3.7-31a 4.0-2 4.0-3 P Boron Concentration 3.7.12 3."7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.12 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Boron Concentration LCO.3:7.12 The SFP boron concentration shall be a 450 ppm.APPLICABILITY:

When fuel assemblies are stored in the.SFP and a SFP verification has not been performed since the last movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.-ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME~A..SFP boron concentration not-within limit.------------NOTE-------------

LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable."A.'.1 Suspend movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP.AND Immedi ately.A.2..1 Initiate action to restore SFP boron concentration to within limit.Immediately

'OR A.2".2 Initiate action,to perform SFP verification.

Immediately R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-27 Amendment No.Q (g a ,.SFP Storage 3.7.13 3'".7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.13 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)Storage LCO.3.7.13 Fuel assembly storage in the spent fuel pool shall be maintained as follows:-a.Fuel assemblies in Region 1 shall have.a K-infinity of~s 1.458-and shall have initial enrichment'and burnup within the acceptable area.of Figure 3.7.13-1;and-.b.Fuel assemblies in Region 2 shall have initial enrichment and burnup within the acceptable area of the Figure 3";7.13=2.


Whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the spent fuel pool.ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME 4A.Requirements of the LCO not met-for either region.-A:1--------NOTE---------

LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

Initiate action to.move the noncomplying fuel an.acceptable storage location.Immedi ately R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-29 Amendment No.Q V

(4 SFP Storage 3.7.13 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify by administrative means the K-infinity-of the fuel assembly is~1.458 and that the initial enrichment and burnup is in accordance with Figure 3.7.13-1.Prior to storing the fuel assembly in Region.1 SR'3.7.13:2 Verify by administrative means the initial enrichment and burnup of the fuel assembly is in accordance with Figure'3;7.13=2.

Prior to storing the fuel assembly in Region.2 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-30 Amendment No.Q SFP Storage 3.7.13 30000 t I~I I,~I~I~~I g 20000'A I I~I~'.: I i I~~I;I'II 15000 4el Ih g9 10000 A SM~;;'~..'I I i I III ji i I: IIllj I~ii I'I I~~I~~~~~0 0$1 18 2, 25 3.3S 4 4S 5 Assembly Initial Enrichment, Wt%A-Acceptable burnup domain for storage in any location within Region 1.B-Acceptable burnup domain for storage in cells with lead-in funnels only.Figure 3.7.13-1 Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 1 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-31 Amendment No.Q SFP Storage 3.7..13;j A-g4 50000 CO+le+4 20000~I!ii II (I I I~!!I II!!~~I II'!l: 'I I!I!ll Il'i,'I!1'.,;, I I!!I~I: 'I I i0!.I8 1 iS 2~.5 5$~h 45~5 Assembly Initial Enrichment, YVt%Al-Acceptable burnup domain for storage in, any location-within Region 2.-A2-Acceptable burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a Type Al or A2 assembly,-

or-a water cell.B-Assembly burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a Type Al assembly or a water cell.C-Acceptable burnup domain for storage face-adjacent to a water cell only.Figure 3.7.13-2 Fuel Assembly Burnup Limits in Region 2 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 3.7-3la Amendment No.Q o.Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES'-4:2 Reactor Core (continued) 4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain.29 control rod assemblies.

The control material shall be silver indium cadmium.~4".3 Fuel Storage-4:3.1~CHti 4;3.1.1 The spent fuel storage racks are designed.and shall be maintained-with: a.Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05-weight percent;.b..k,<<s 0;95 if fully flooded with unborated water,-which allowance for uncertainties as described in.Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;-"c~Consolidated rod storage canisters stored in the spent fuel storage racks provided that the fuel assemblies from which the rods were removed meet.all the requirements of LCO 3;7.13 for the region in which the canister is to be stored.The average decay heat, of the fuel assembly from which the rods were removed for all consolidated fuel assemblies must also be-~2150 BTU/hr.- The new fuel storage dry racks are:designed and shall;be-maintained with: 'a."Fuel, assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of 5.05 weight percent;-b.k.<<w 0;95 if fully flooded-with unborated water,*which includes an allowance for uncertainties as.described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR;and c.k,c 0.98 if moderated by aqueous foam,=which includes-an allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.1 of the UFSAR.(continued)

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4.0-2 Amendment No.Pf Design Features 4.0 3'>-4.0 DESIGN FEATURES (continued)

-4.'3 Fuel Storage (continued)

.4;3.2~Draiea e The spent fuel pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below elevation 257'0" (mean sea level).-4.3."3~Ca acct The spent fuel pool is designed and.shall be-maintained with.a storage capacity limited than 1879 fuel assemblies and 1369 storage'locations.

R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 4.0-3 Amendment No.g Attachment IV R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Spent Fuel Pool Re-racking Licensing Report February 1997 0