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{{#Wiki_filter:Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. A D *
* 5000 Dominion Boulevard, Glen Allen, VA 23060 DominionWeb Address: March 2, 201510 CFR 2.202EA-12-049Attention: Document Control Desk Serial No.: 14-393BU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL&OS/MAE: R4Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Docket No.: 50-336License No.: DPR-65DOMINION NUCLEAR CONNECTICUT, INC.MILLSTONE POWER STATION UNIT 2SIX-MONTH STATUS REPORT IN RESPONSE TO MARCH 12, 2012 COMMISSIONORDER MODIFYING LICENSES WITH REGARD TO REQUIREMENTS FORMITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR BEYOND-DESIGN-BASIS EXTERNAL EVENTS(ORDER NUMBER EA-12-049)
: 1. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12, 20122. Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., Overall Integrated Plan in Response toMarch 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049), dated February 28, 2013 (Serial No. 12-1611B)3. Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., Six Month Status Report in Response toMarch 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049), dated August 28, 2014 (Serial No. 14-393)On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued an order(Reference 1) to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC). Reference 1 wasimmediately effective and directed DNC to develop, implement, and maintain guidanceand strategies to maintain core cooling, containment, and spent fuel pool coolingcapabilities in the event of a beyond-design-basis external event.Reference I required submission of an Overall Integrated Plan (OIP) (Reference 2)pursuant to Section IV, Condition C. Reference 1 also required submission of a statusreport at six-month intervals following submittal of the OIP.Attachment 1 to this letter provides the fourth six-month status report and an update ofmilestone accomplishments since the submittal of the previous six-month status report Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Page 2 of 3(Reference 3), including any changes to the compliance method, schedule, or need forrelief and the basis.If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Margaret Earle at (804) 273-2768.Sincerely,Mark D. SartainVice President -Nuclear EngineeringAttachments (2)Commitments made by this letter: No new Regulatory CommitmentsCOMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA)COUNTY OF HENRICOThe foregoing document was acknowledged before me, in and for the County and Commonwealthaforesaid, today by Mark D. Sartain who is Vice President -Nuclear Engineering of Dominion NuclearConnecticut, Inc. He has affirmed before me that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoingdocument in behalf of the Company, and that the statements in the document are true to the best of hisknowledge and belief.Acknowledged before me this ,, of MaVrck' 2015.My Commission Expires: Lre..t4er 310,,/W.I Notary Public NCommonwealth of Virginia(SEAL) Reg. # 7518653(SEAL) IMy Commission Expires December 31, 2O.ei a Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Page 3 of 3cc: Director of Office of Nuclear Reactor RegulationU. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint NorthMail Stop 13H16M11555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IRegional Administrator2100 Renaissance Blvd.Suite 100King of Prussia, PA 19406-2713Mr. M. C. ThadaniNRC Senior Project Manager Millstone Units 2 and 3U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint NorthMail Stop 08 B111555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738NRC Senior Resident InspectorMillstone Power Station Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049, OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External EventsFebruary 2015Millstone Power Station Unit 2Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 1 of 22Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-1 2-049, OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events1 IntroductionDominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC) developed an Overall Integrated Plan (OIP)(Reference 1), documenting the diverse and flexible strategies (FLEX) for MillstonePower Station Unit 2 (MPS2), in response to NRC Order Number EA-12-049(Reference 2). This attachment provides an update of milestone accomplishments andopen items since the last status report (Reference 3), including changes to thecompliance method, schedule, or need for relief/relaxation and the basis, if any.2 Milestone AccomplishmentsThe following milestones have been completed since the development of the OIP, andare current as of January 31, 2015." Submit Integrated Plan" Develop Strategies" Develop Training Plan* Develop Strategies/Contract with NSRC* Purchase Equipment" Receive Equipment* Create Maintenance Procedures3 Milestone Schedule StatusThe following table provides an update to Attachment 2A of the OIP. It provides theactivity status of each item as of January 31, 2015, and whether the expectedcompletion date has changed. The dates are planning dates subject to change asdesign and implementation details are developed.The revised milestone target completion dates for 'Develop Modifications,' 'ImplementModifications,' 'Implement Training,' 'Issue FSGs and Associated Procedure Revisions,''Validation Walk-throughs or Demonstrations of FLEX Strategies and Procedures,' and'Outage Implementation' do not impact the Order implementation date.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment IPage 2 of 22Target RevisedMilestone Completion Activity Status TargetDate CompletionDateSubmit Integrated Plan February 2013 CompleteDevelop Strategies April 2014 CompleteDevelop Modifications December 2014 Started March 2015*Implement Modifications October 2015 StartedDevelop Training Plan April 2014 CompleteImplement Training April 2015 Started September2015*Issue FSGs and Associated July 2015 Started SeptemberProcedure Revisions July_2015 Started 2015*Develop Strategies/Contract with August 2014 CompleteNSRC**Purchase Equipment February 2014 CompleteReceive Equipment September 2014 CompleteValidation Walk-throughs orDemonstrations of FLEX December 2014 Started February 2015*Strategies and ProceduresCreate Maintenance August 2014 CompleteProcedures* August_2014 CompleteOutage Implementation October 2015 Not Started* Refer to Section 8, Supplemental Information, for an explanation of the change to thisMilestone.** NSRC is the National SAFER Response Center.4 Changes to Compliance MethodBy letter dated February 28, 2013, (Reference 1), DNC provided an OIP to addressBeyond-Design-Basis (BDB) events at MPS2 and MPS Unit 3 (MPS3) as required byOrder Number EA-12-049, dated March 12, 2012. The first Six-Month Status Update ofthe OIP for MPS2 and MPS3 was provided by letter dated August 23, 2013 (Reference4). The second and third Six-Month Status Updates for MPS2 were provided by lettersdated February 28, 2014 (Reference 3) and August 28, 2014 (Reference 5),respectively. Listed below are changes to the compliance method information providedin the MPS2 OIP and subsequent updates. These changes continue to meet NuclearEnergy Institute (NEI) 12-06 guidance (Reference 6):
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 3 of 22a. An alternate location for the 120 VAC and 480 VAC Diesel Generators (DGs) hasbeen identified in the event that the "Courtyard" area at the west end of the MPSUnit 1 (MPS1) Radwaste Building is not accessible. The alternate area for the 480VAC DG is in the alleyway just south of the MPS1 Radwaste Building. The alternatearea for the 120/240 VAC DG is in the area east of the MPS2 Auxiliary Building atthe Health Physics entrance. The available cables for both DGs are of sufficientlength for either their primary or alternate locations. The alternate areas wereidentified in response to concerns for blockage of the haul route to the primary"courtyard" location due to failure of the MPS stack structure.The tie-in location for the NSRC High Capacity / Low Pressure pump that is used tosupply cooling water from Long Island Sound for either the primary or the alternateContainment cooling strategy was incorrectly identified in OIP Figures 10 and 11provided in the February 2014 Six Month Status Update (Reference 3). Thesefigures have been revised and included at the end of this attachment.5 Need for Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/RelaxationDNC expects to comply with the order implementation date and no relief/relaxation isrequired at this time.6 Open ItemsThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established an audit process to allowthe exchange of information between the licensees and the NRC Staff (Reference 7).Between July 21, 2014 and July 25, 2014, MPS2 and MPS3 were the subject of anNRC onsite audit where the site specific aspects of DNC's proposed FLEX MitigatingStrategies were reviewed. During this NRC onsite audit, the staff reviewed site specificdocumentation and upon completion of the audit, indicated that further review of severalitems was not anticipated as DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orders EA-12-049and EA-12-051. These items are identified in the following tables in Section 6. Notethat the tables provided in Sections 6.4 and 6.5 are new and are the result of theongoing NRC audit process.6.1. Open Items from Overall Integrated PlanThe following table provides a summary of the status of Open Items (01) identified byDNC and documented in Attachment 2B of the MPS2 OIP submitted on February 28,2013 and the status of each item.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 4 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusVerify response times listed in See Milestone Schedule above for completiontimeline and perform staffing schedule.assessment.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Preliminary analyses have been Complete. (Reference 9)performed to determine the time tosteam generator (SG) overfill In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014without operator action to reduce NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated that2 Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) flow, further review of this item was not anticipated astime to SG dryout without AFW DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orderflow, and time to depletion of the EA-12-049. (Reference 8)Condensate Storage Tank (CST).Final durations will be providedwhen the analyses are completed.Analyses will be performed to Complete.develop fluid componentsperformance requirements and The hydraulic calculations for the FLEX pumpsconfirm fluid hydraulic-related deployed using their associated hose networksstrategy objectives can be met. have confirmed that the primary and thealternate connections for core cooling/decayheat removal, RCS Inventory, and reactivitycontrol (RCS Injection), and Spent Fuel Pool(SFP) make-up strategies can be satisfactorilyaccomplished in response to an extended lossof alternating current (ac) power (ELAP)/Loss of3 Ultimate Heat Sink (LUHS) event. (Reference10)Hydraulic calculations have confirmed that theservice water (SW) flows for the Containmentcooling options are adequate. (Reference 10)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 5 of 22Overall Intearated Plan Onen Items01 # Description StatusA study is in progress to determine Complete.the design features, sitelocation(s), and number of A single 10,000 sq. ft. Type 1 building has beenequipment storage facilities. The constructed at MPS for storage of BDBfinal design for BDB equipment equipment. The building is designed to meetstorage will be based on the the plant's design basis for the Safe Shutdownguidance contained in NEI 12-06, Earthquake, high wind hazards, snow, ice andSection 11.3, Equipment Storage. cold conditions, and is located above the flood4 A supplement to this submittal will elevation from the most recent site floodbe provided with the results of the storage study.The BDB Storage Building is sited south of therailroad bridge, on the west side of the MPSaccess road, adjacent to the existing northeastcontractor parking lot. (References 11 and 12)FLEX Support Guidelines (FSGs) Started.will be developed in accordance5 with PWROG guidance. Existing Scheduled completion date is revised from Julyprocedures will be revised as 2015 to September 2015*necessary to implement FSGs.Electric Power Research Institute Complete.(EPRI) guidance documents willbe used to develop periodic testing EPRI guidance documents have been used,and preventative maintenance where available, to develop the testing andprocedures for BDB equipment. preventative maintenance strategies for theProcedures will be developed to sites. Fleet-wide templates have beenmanage unavailability of developed and input into the individual siteequipment such that risk to maintenance strategies. Specific Preventativemitigating strategy capability is Maintenance (PM) procedures based on theseminimized, strategies will be implemented prior to the6 required MPS2 compliance date for Order EA-12-049.A fleet-wide FLEX Strategy Program Documenthas been developed (Refer to Open Item 7).The program includes the requirement tomanage unavailability of equipment such thatrisk to mitigating strategy capability isminimized. A fleet-wide procedure has beendeveloped to specifically address equipmentunavailability. (Reference 13)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 6 of 22Overall Intearated Plan Onen Items01 # Description StatusIn the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)An overall program document will developed to maintain theFLEX strategies and their bases, In the Final Audit Report from the July 20147 and provide configuration control NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatand change management for the further review of this item was not anticipated asFLEX Program. DNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)The DNC Nuclear Training Complete.Program will be revised to assurepersonnel proficiency in the In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014mitigation of BDB events is NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatdeveloped and maintained. These further review of this item was not anticipated as8 programs and controls will be DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orderdeveloped and implemented in EA-12-049. (Reference 8)accordance with the SystematicApproach to Training (SAT).Complete.The Combustion Engineering (CE) OwnersGroup has issued generic guidelines to addressplant response for post-loss of all AC power forCE plants. Based on these guidelines, DNChas developed plant specific FSGs for MPS2 toConfirm consistency of the FLEX address plant response for post-loss of all ACstrategies with the PWROG power. Specifically, MPS2 will depressurize the9 evaluation of post-loss of all AC steam generators (SGs) to a plant specificpower plant response for target SG pressure to prevent Safety InjectionCombustion Engineering plants. Tank (SIT) nitrogen injection. (Reference 14)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 7 of 22Overall Intearated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusDevelop strategy for use of the Complete.BDB AFW Pump to provide SGinjection in the unlikely event of A modification to the storm preparationloss of TDAFW pump due to procedure has been developed which requireshurricane related storm surge the early deployment of one BDB auxiliaryflooding of the Turbine Building. feedwater (AFW) pump to the MPS2 TurbineBuilding Truck Bay. The modification will go into10 effect upon implementation of the MPS2 FSGs.(Reference 12)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Plant modifications will be See Milestone Schedule above for completioncompleted for permanent plant schedule.changes required forimplementation of FLEX In the Final Audit Report from the July 201411 strategies. NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Complete.The evaluation identified the need for a plantmodification to the ADV outlet lines. Theidentified modification is included in Open ItemComplete the engineering 11.12 evaluation of the main steam (MS) (Reference 15)atmospheric dump valve (ADV)outlet lines. In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 8 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusComplete.Complete the evaluation of Turbine driven auxiliary feedwater (TDAFW)TDAFW pump long term operation pump operation and adequate AFW flow to thewith < 120 psig inlet steam SGs at SG pressures < 120 psig has beenpressure. confirmed. (References 15 and 16)The Phase 3 coping strategy to Complete.maintain Containment integrity isunder development. Methods to In the Final Audit Report from the July 201414 monitor and evaluate Containment NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatconditions and depressurize/cool further review of this item was not anticipated asContainment, if necessary, will be DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orderprovided in a future update. EA-12-049. (Reference 8)Analyses will be performed to Complete.develop electrical componentsperformance requirements and Calculations have been completed for the sizingconfirm electrical loading-related and loading analysis of the 120VAC, 480VAC,strategy objectives can be met. and 4160 VAC generators and confirm theelectrical loading-related strategy objectives canbe met (Reference 17).15In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Complete.An evaluation of the BDB equipment fuelconsumption and required refill strategies hasbeen completed and provided as part of theAn evaluation of all BDB ongoing NRC audit process.16 equipment fuel consumption and (Reference 12)required re-fill strategies will bedeveloped. In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 9 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusA lighting study will be performed validate the adequacy ofsupplemental lighting and the A lighting study has been completed validatingadequacy and practicality of using the adequacy of supplemental lighting and theportable lighting to perform FLEX adequacy and practicality of using portablestrategy actions. lighting to perform FLEX Strategy actions. Thiswas provided as part of the ongoing NRC audit17 process.(Reference 12)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)A comprehensive study of Complete.communication capabilities isbeing performed in accordance A study documenting the communicationswith the commitments made in strategy has been completed. The studyDNC letter S/N 12-205F dated concludes that effective implementation of theOctober 29, 2012 in response to FLEX strategies will include the use of satelliteRecommendation 9.3 of the 10 phones and hand-held radios. The studyCFR 50.54(f) letter dated March acknowledges that MPS2 does not have a12, 2012. The results of this study sound-powered phone system or equivalentwill identify the communication and that radio usage has limitations in a fewmeans available or needed to remote plant locations. These remoteimplement command and control locations are, however, associated only with18 of the FLEX strategies at alternate BDB connections. (Reference 18).Millstone. Validation of The tabletop assessment of the FLEXcommunications required to strategies performed as part of the Phase 2implement FLEX strategies will be Staffing study has identified that theperformed as part of Open Item coordination of command and control of theNo. 1. FLEX strategies will require the use ofdispatched personnel.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 10 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusDetails of the ventilation strategy Complete.are under development and willconform to the guidance given in See Attachment 2, OIP Section F5 -SafetyNEI 12-06. The details of this Functions Support (Ventilation).strategy will be provided at a later19 date. In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Preferred travel pathways will be Complete.determined using the guidancecontained in NEI 12-06. The The soil liquefaction study has been completedpathways will attempt to avoid (Reference 19), which supports the location ofareas with trees, power lines, and the storage building and the haul routes. Theother potential obstructions and results have been included with the final designwill consider the potential for soil package for the storage building (Reference20 liquefaction. 11).In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)The equipment listed in Table 1 Complete.will be received on site.In the Final Audit Report from the July 201421 NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 11 of 226.2. Open Items from Interim Staff Evaluation (ISE)The following table provides a summary of the Open Items (01) from the MPS2 ISE(Reference 20) and the status of each item.Interim Staff Evaluation Open Items01 # Description Status3.2.1.8.A Core Subcriticality and Boron Mixing: The Complete.PWROG submitted to NRC a position paper,dated August 15, 2013, which provides test In the Final Audit Report fromdata regarding boric acid mixing under single- the July 2014 NRC Onsitephase natural circulation conditions and Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedoutlined applicability conditions intended to that further review of this itemensure that boric acid addition and mixing was not anticipated as DNCwould occur under conditions similar to those proceeds towards compliancefor which boric acid mixing data is available, for Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8)During the audit process, the licenseeinformed the NRC staff of its intent to abideby the generic approach discussed above.The licensee should address the clarificationsin the NRC endorsement letter dated January8, 2014. The licensee did not provide sufficient This ISE 01 has beeninformation regarding cooling functions addressed as follows:provided by such systems as auxiliarybuilding cooling water, service water, or Permanently installed plantcomponent cooling water cooling when ac equipment used to supportpower is lost during the ELAP for Phase 1 FLEX strategies does notand 2. For example, the potential need for require cooling supportcooling water for the TDAFW pump bearings systems, such as componentwas not discussed. Additional analysis by thE cooling water and servicelicensee is required to determine the water, to perform their requiredacceptability of the licensee's plans to provide functions. Therefore, nosupplemental cooling to the subject additional analysis is requiredcomponents when normal cooling will not be to confirm the acceptability ofavailable during the ELAP. supplemental cooling to plantequipment supporting Phase 1or 2 strategies.(Reference 12)This ISE Confirmatory Item (CIis being addressed through theongoing NRC audit process.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 12 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Open Items01 # Description Status(Reference 7)6.3. Confirmatory Items from Interim Staff EvaluationThe following table provides a summary of the Confirmatory Items (CI) from the MPS2ISE and the status of each item.Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.1.1.2.A Confirm that the preferred travel pathways This ISE Cl is being addressedare determined using the guidance contained through the ongoing NRC auditin NEI 12-06. The pathways will attempt to process.avoid areas with trees, power lines, and other (References 12 and 7)potential obstructions and will consider thepotential for soil liquefaction. This isscheduled to be completed in June 2014. Confirm that a review is completed to In the Final Audit Report fromdetermine impacts from large internal floodin, the July 2014 NRC Onsitesources that are not seismically robust and Audit, the NRC Staff indicateddo not require ac power. that further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8) The licensee's plan for implementing the use This ISE Cl is being addressedof off-site resources is not complete. The through the ongoing NRC auditlocal assembly areas have not been process.identified. The licensee is also evaluating the (References 12 and 7)possibility of boat transport for personnel.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 13 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.1.2.2.A The licensee has identified open items In the Final Audit Report fromrelated to deployment of equipment during the July 2014 NRC Onsiteflooding conditions resulting from a hurricane; Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedto verify response times listed in the timeline that further review of this itemand perform staffing assessment, and to was not anticipated as DNCperform an evaluation of all BDB equipment proceeds towards compliancefuel consumption and required re-fill for Order EA-12-049.strategies, and to determine preferred travel (Reference 8)pathways using the guidance contained inNEI 12- 06. The pathways will attempt toavoid areas with trees, power lines, and otherpotential obstructions.3.2.1.A Confirm that Combustion Engineering Case In the Final Audit Report from21 in WCAP-17601-P, as evaluated in MPS2 the July 2014 NRC Onsitedocument ETE-NAF-2012-0150, Section 6.1, Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedis representative for MPS2 and appropriate that further review of this itemfor simulating the ELAP transient. was not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-1 2-049.(Reference 8) Confirm that Westinghouse letter LTR-TDA- In the Final Audit Report from13-31, Rev. 0-B, Attachment 1, shows that the July 2014 NRC Onsitethe CENTS code used in the ELAP analysis Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedfor Combustion Engineering (CE) plants is that further review of this itemlimited to analyzing the flow conditions before was not anticipated as DNCreflux boiling initiates. This review should proceeds towards complianceconfirm an acceptable definition for the for Order EA-12-049.initiation of reflux boiling. (Reference 8) The RCP seal initial maximum leakage rate In the Final Audit Report fromshould be greater than or equal to the upper the July 2014 NRC Onsitebound expectation for the seal leakage rate Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedfor the ELAP event discussed in the PWROG that further review of this itemposition paper addressing the RCP seal was not anticipated as DNCleakage for CE plants (ADAMS Accession proceeds towards complianceNo. ML13235A151 (Non-Publicly Available)) for Order EA-12-049.or justification should be provided for use of a (Reference 8)lower value.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 14 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.2.1.6.A Sequence of Event (SOE) action Item 5 In the Final Audit Report fromindicates that the ELAP is declared at 45 the July 2014 NRC Onsiteminutes, and Action Item 6 indicates that at Audit, the NRC Staff indicated50 minutes (5 minutes after the declaration of that further review of this itemthe ELAP), the operator controls SG was not anticipated as DNICatmospheric dump valves (ADVs) and AFW proceeds towards complianceflow locally as an on-going action for for Order EA-12-049.cooldown and decay heat removal. On page (Reference 8)105 of the integrated plan in Attachment 1BNSSS Significant Reference AnalysisDeviation Table, the licensee notes in item 6that cooldown starts at 2 hours at 75 degreesF/hr. to a SG pressure of 135 psia.Clarification is needed to correct thisapparent inconsistency. The licensee did not provide a discussion In the Final Audit Report fromregarding the operator actions required to the July 2014 NRC Onsitecontrol SG ADVs and AFW flow and Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedjustification is needed to determine that all that further review of this itemthe required operator actions are reasonably was not anticipated as DNCachievable within the required time constraint proceeds towards complianceof 50 minutes during the ELAP conditions, or for Order EA-1 2-049.a discussion regarding the required cooldown (Reference 8)completion time that is supportable byanalysis. C Confirm that response times listed in the SOE In the Final Audit Report fromtimeline are verified and that staffing the July 2014 NRC Onsiteassessment has been performed. Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedthat further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNICproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-1 2-049.(Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 15 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCI # Description Status3.2.2.A Following a BDB event, a vent pathway would In the Final Audit Report frombe required in the event of SFP bulk boiling the July 2014 NRC Onsiteand can be established by opening the Fuel Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedBuilding roll-up doors for inlet and outlet air that further review of this itemflow. However the licensee's strategy for was not anticipated as DNCproviding air flow to remove steam generated proceeds towards compliancefrom pool boiling is not clear. The path for for Order EA-1 2-049.inlet and exhaust air is apparently the same (Reference 8)i.e., the fuel building rollup doors. It is notclear from the discussion provided how thiswill enable a flow path to vent the steam andcondensate from the Fuel Building.3.2.3.A During the audit process the licensee stated In the Final Audit Report fromthat the details of the long term Containment the July 2014 NRC Onsitecooldown and depressurization strategies for Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedMPS2 are still under development. Upon that further review of this itemselection of the preferred strategy, detailed was not anticipated as DNCGOTHIC analysis will be performed to proceeds towards compliancedocument and validate the strategy and also to for Order EA-1 2-049.provide operators with timelines and guidelines (Reference 8)for actions to ensure the long term integrity ofthe Containment throughout the Phase 3 of thepostulated ELAP/LUHS scenario. Confirm thatthe revised analyses and the selected strategyare acceptable. The ventilation evaluation will be completed In the Final Audit Report fromlater this year and the results will be provided the July 2014 NRC Onsitein the February 2014 6-Month update. Confirm Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedthat the evaluation and results are acceptable. that further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8) Confirm the adequacy of existing lighting and In the Final Audit Report fromthe adequacy of portable lighting to perform the July 2014 NRC OnsiteFLEX strategy actions. Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedthat further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8)
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 16 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.2.4.4.B Confirm that upgrades to the site's This ISE Cl is being addressedcommunications systems have been through the ongoing NRC auditcompleted. process. (Reference 7) Additional information is needed to confirm This ISE Cl is being addressedhabitability of the Main Control Room during through the ongoing NRC auditthe ELAP. process. (Reference 7) Westinghouse is currently performing an In the Final Audit Report fromanalysis to determine the consequences of the July 2014 NRC Onsiteusage of impure water sources in the steam Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedgenerators. The results of the analysis are that further review of this itemexpected to provide the allowed time limits on was not anticipated as DNCusage of these sources. The NSRC will proceeds towards complianceprovide equipment to initiate residual heat for Order EA-1 2-049.removal and water treatment equipment such (Reference 8)that heat removal can be ensured for extendeddurations. Confirm that the analysis resultsand resultant strategies are acceptable. A secondary source for fuel oil will be the In the Final Audit Report fromMPS3 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks. These the July 2014 NRC Onsiteunderground tanks contain a minimum of Audit, the NRC Staff indicated32,670 gallons of fuel oil. They are seismic that further review of this itemand missile protected. Confirm the ability to was not anticipated as DNCtransfer this fuel, and complete an evaluation o proceeds towards complianceall BDB equipment fuel consumption and for Order EA-1 2-049.required re-fill strategies, including any (Reference 8)gasoline required for small miscellaneousequipment. The licensee has completed an analysis of the This ISE Cl is being addressedbattery capability regarding expected time through the ongoing NRC auditavailable with ac power. Site specific process. (Reference 7)procedural guidance governing load strippingwill be developed. Confirm electricalcomponents performance requirements andelectrical loading-related strategy objectivescan be met.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 17 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.4.A The licensee's plans for the use of off-site In the Final Audit Report fromresources conform to the minimum capabilities the July 2014 NRC Onsitespecified in NEI12-06 Section 12.2, with regard Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedto the capability to obtain equipment and that further review of this itemcommodities to sustain and backup the site's was not anticipated as DNCcoping strategies (item 1). Confirm the proceeds towards compliancelicensee addresses the remaining items (2 for Order EA-12-049.through 10), or provides an appropriate (Reference 8)alternative.6.4. Audit Questions Reviewed During the MPS2 NRC Onsite AuditVarious MPS2 Audit Questions (AQs) were evaluated during the MPS NRC OnsiteAudit.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014 NRC Onsite Audit (Reference 8), the NRCStaff indicated that for the majority of the AQs items, further review was not anticipatedas DNC proceeds towards compliance for Order EA-12-049. However, the followingAQs are still under review by the NRC Staff:AQ #s: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 32, 33, 35, 44, 58, 64, and 80The responses to the above AQs are being addressed through the ongoing NRC auditprocess (Reference 7).6.5. Additional Items Reviewed During the MPS2 NRC Onsite AuditAdditional Safety Evaluation (SE) Review items were identified and evaluated during theMPS NRC Onsite Audit.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014 NRC Onsite Audit (Reference 8), the NRCStaff indicated that for the majority of these SE items, further review was not anticipatedas DNC proceeds towards compliance for Order EA-12-049. However, the followingSEs are still under review by the NRC Staff:SE #s: 7, 8, and 9The responses to the above SEs are being addressed through the ongoing NRC auditprocess (Reference 7).
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 18 of 227 Potential Safety Evaluation ImpactsSection 6.5 addresses the additional Safety Evaluation (SE) Review items identified andevaluated during the MPS NRC Onsite Audit.Additionally, DNC is participating in the ongoing industry effort to develop guidance forthe Final Integrated Plan that will support NRC preparation of the Safety Evaluationdocumenting MPS2 compliance with Order EA-12-049. The format of the FinalIntegrated Plan is consistent with the Safety Evaluation Template provided with the July1, 2014 Jack Davis memorandum (ML14161A643)(Reference 21).8 Supplemental InformationThis supplemental information provides details of the changes identified in the statusupdates above and addresses the following topics: a) a revision to Milestone Task'Develop Modifications', b) a revision to Milestone Task 'Implement Training', c) 'IssueFSGs and Associated Procedure Revisions', d) a revision to Milestone Task 'ValidationWalk-throughs or Demonstrations of FLEX Strategies and Procedures', and e) arevision to Open Item No. 5.a) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Develop Modifications': The revision to the scheduled targetcompletion date is needed to obtain final design change approval of the MPS2modifications to the ADV outlet piping and the Turbine Driven AFW pump exhaustsupports.b) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Implement Training': The revision to the scheduled targetcompletion date reflects the current MPS2 scheduled training cycles necessary tocomplete training on the final approved FSGs.c) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Issue FSGs and Associated Procedure Revisions': Therevision to the scheduled milestone target completion date allows for completion oftraining on finalized MPS2 FSGs.d) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Validation Walk-throughs or Demonstrations of FLEXStrategies and Procedures': The revision to the scheduled milestone targetcompletion date allows for completion of the validation of the MPS2 FSGs based onthe availability of required resources.e) MPS2, Open Item 5: The Open Item completion date is revised to September 2015.The revision corresponds to the scheduled milestone target completion date and allowsfor completion of the MPS2 FSGs prior to the beginning of the currently scheduledMPS2 fall 2015 refueling outage.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 19 of 229 ReferencesThe following references support the updates to the Overall Integrated Plan described inthis attachment and are available in ADAMS or have been provided to the staff for theirreview.1. DNC's Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated February28, 2013 (Serial No. 12-161B).2. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, "Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,"dated March 12, 2012.3. DNC's Six Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated February28, 2014 (Serial No. 12-161E).4. DNC's Six Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated August23, 2013 (Serial No. 12-161D).5. DNC's Six Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated August28, 2014 (Serial No. 14-393).6. NEI 12-06, "Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide,"Revision 0, dated August 2012.7. NRC letter from Jack R. Davis, Director Mitigating Strategies Directorate to AllOperating Reactor Licensees and Holders of Construction Permits, "NuclearRegulatory Commission Audits of Licensee Responses to Mitigating StrategiesOrder EA-12-049," dated August 28, 2013 (ML13234A503).8. Letter from Mr. Stephen Monarque (NRC) to Mr. Dave Heacock (Dominion) titled"Millstone Power Station, Units 1 and 2 -Report for the Onsite Audit RegardingImplementation of Mitigating Strategies and Reliable Spent Fuel PoolInstrumentation Related to Orders EA-12-049 and EA 12-051," dated November 17,2014 (ML14275A017).9. DNC's Supplement to Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 21, 2012Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for MitigationStrategies for Beyond-Design-Basis Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated April30, 2013 (Serial No. 12-161C).10. Calculation 13-015, "MP2 & MP3 FLEX Strategy Hydraulic Calculations," Rev. 0.
Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 20 of 2211.Design Change MPG-13-00010, "BDB Storage Building/Millstone PowerStation/Units 2&3."12.ETE-CPR-12-0009, Rev. 3 "Beyond Design Basis -FLEX Strategy OverallIntegrated Plan Basis Document."13.Procedure CM-AA-BDB-102, Rev. 001, "Beyond Design Basis FLEX EquipmentUnavailability Tracking."14.PWROG letter, OG-13-197, Transmittal of PA-PSC-0965 Final CE-NSSS SpecificELAP Response (FLEX) Guidelines, May 17, 2013.15. Calculation 13-024, "Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (TDAFW) Pump DeliveredFlow at Reduced Steam Generator Pressure," Rev. 0, April 22, 2013.16.Engineering Technical Evaluation ETE-MP-2013-1034, "MP2 Turbine Driven AuxFeedwater Pump Minimum Continuous Operating Speed," Rev. 0, dated March 12,2013.17.Calculation 2013-ENG-04383E2, "Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Beyond DesignBasis -FLEX Electrical 4160V, 480V and 120VAC System Loading Analysis," Rev.0.18. ETE-CPR-2013-0003, "Beyond Design Basis Communications Strategy/Plan," Rev.2.19. URS Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Report, FLEX Storage BuildingProject, Millstone Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut, dated January 27, 2014.20. Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3 -Interim Staff Evaluation Relating to OverallIntegrated Plan in Response to Order EA-12-049 (Mitigating Strategies), datedJanuary 31, 2014.21.Memorandum from Jack R. Davis, JLD, Office of NRR, to Stewart N. Bailey,Sheena A, Whaley, and Jeremy S. Bowen, "Supplemental Staff Guidance for theSafety Evaluations for Order EA-12-049 on Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events and Order EA-12-051 on Spent Fuel PoolInstrumentation," dated July 1, 2014 (ML14161A643).

Revision as of 13:01, 14 June 2018

Millstone, Unit 2 - Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049)
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/2015
From: Sartain M D
Dominion, Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
14-393B, EA-12-049
Download: ML15069A231 (26)


Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. A D *

  • 5000 Dominion Boulevard, Glen Allen, VA 23060 DominionWeb Address: March 2, 201510 CFR 2.202EA-12-049Attention: Document Control Desk Serial No.: 14-393BU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL&OS/MAE: R4Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Docket No.: 50-336License No.: DPR-65DOMINION NUCLEAR CONNECTICUT, INC.MILLSTONE POWER STATION UNIT 2SIX-MONTH STATUS REPORT IN RESPONSE TO MARCH 12, 2012 COMMISSIONORDER MODIFYING LICENSES WITH REGARD TO REQUIREMENTS FORMITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR BEYOND-DESIGN-BASIS EXTERNAL EVENTS(ORDER NUMBER EA-12-049)


1. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12, 20122. Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., Overall Integrated Plan in Response toMarch 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049), dated February 28, 2013 (Serial No. 12-1611B)3. Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., Six Month Status Report in Response toMarch 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049), dated August 28, 2014 (Serial No.14-393)On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued an order(Reference 1) to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC). Reference 1 wasimmediately effective and directed DNC to develop, implement, and maintain guidanceand strategies to maintain core cooling, containment, and spent fuel pool coolingcapabilities in the event of a beyond-design-basis external event.Reference I required submission of an Overall Integrated Plan (OIP) (Reference 2)pursuant to Section IV, Condition C. Reference 1 also required submission of a statusreport at six-month intervals following submittal of the OIP.Attachment 1 to this letter provides the fourth six-month status report and an update ofmilestone accomplishments since the submittal of the previous six-month status report Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Page 2 of 3(Reference 3), including any changes to the compliance method, schedule, or need forrelief and the basis.If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Margaret Earle at (804) 273-2768.Sincerely,Mark D. SartainVice President -Nuclear EngineeringAttachments (2)Commitments made by this letter: No new Regulatory CommitmentsCOMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA)COUNTY OF HENRICOThe foregoing document was acknowledged before me, in and for the County and Commonwealthaforesaid, today by Mark D. Sartain who is Vice President -Nuclear Engineering of Dominion NuclearConnecticut, Inc. He has affirmed before me that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoingdocument in behalf of the Company, and that the statements in the document are true to the best of hisknowledge and belief.Acknowledged before me this ,, of MaVrck' 2015.My Commission Expires: Lre..t4er 310,,/W.I Notary Public NCommonwealth of Virginia(SEAL) Reg. # 7518653(SEAL) IMy Commission Expires December 31, 2O.ei a Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Page 3 of 3cc: Director of Office of Nuclear Reactor RegulationU. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint NorthMail Stop 13H16M11555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IRegional Administrator2100 Renaissance Blvd.Suite 100King of Prussia, PA 19406-2713Mr. M. C. ThadaniNRC Senior Project Manager Millstone Units 2 and 3U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint NorthMail Stop 08 B111555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738NRC Senior Resident InspectorMillstone Power Station Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049, OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External EventsFebruary 2015Millstone Power Station Unit 2Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 1 of 22Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-1 2-049, OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events1 IntroductionDominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC) developed an Overall Integrated Plan (OIP)(Reference 1), documenting the diverse and flexible strategies (FLEX) for MillstonePower Station Unit 2 (MPS2), in response to NRC Order Number EA-12-049(Reference 2). This attachment provides an update of milestone accomplishments andopen items since the last status report (Reference 3), including changes to thecompliance method, schedule, or need for relief/relaxation and the basis, if any.2 Milestone AccomplishmentsThe following milestones have been completed since the development of the OIP, andare current as of January 31, 2015." Submit Integrated Plan" Develop Strategies" Develop Training Plan* Develop Strategies/Contract with NSRC* Purchase Equipment" Receive Equipment* Create Maintenance Procedures3 Milestone Schedule StatusThe following table provides an update to Attachment 2A of the OIP. It provides theactivity status of each item as of January 31, 2015, and whether the expectedcompletion date has changed. The dates are planning dates subject to change asdesign and implementation details are developed.The revised milestone target completion dates for 'Develop Modifications,' 'ImplementModifications,' 'Implement Training,' 'Issue FSGs and Associated Procedure Revisions,Validation Walk-throughs or Demonstrations of FLEX Strategies and Procedures,' and'Outage Implementation' do not impact the Order implementation date.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment IPage 2 of 22Target RevisedMilestone Completion Activity Status TargetDate CompletionDateSubmit Integrated Plan February 2013 CompleteDevelop Strategies April 2014 CompleteDevelop Modifications December 2014 Started March 2015*Implement Modifications October 2015 StartedDevelop Training Plan April 2014 CompleteImplement Training April 2015 Started September2015*Issue FSGs and Associated July 2015 Started SeptemberProcedure Revisions July_2015 Started 2015*Develop Strategies/Contract with August 2014 CompleteNSRC**Purchase Equipment February 2014 CompleteReceive Equipment September 2014 CompleteValidation Walk-throughs orDemonstrations of FLEX December 2014 Started February 2015*Strategies and ProceduresCreate Maintenance August 2014 CompleteProcedures* August_2014 CompleteOutage Implementation October 2015 Not Started* Refer to Section 8, Supplemental Information, for an explanation of the change to thisMilestone.** NSRC is the National SAFER Response Center.4 Changes to Compliance MethodBy letter dated February 28, 2013, (Reference 1), DNC provided an OIP to addressBeyond-Design-Basis (BDB) events at MPS2 and MPS Unit 3 (MPS3) as required byOrder Number EA-12-049, dated March 12, 2012. The first Six-Month Status Update ofthe OIP for MPS2 and MPS3 was provided by letter dated August 23, 2013 (Reference4). The second and third Six-Month Status Updates for MPS2 were provided by lettersdated February 28, 2014 (Reference 3) and August 28, 2014 (Reference 5),respectively. Listed below are changes to the compliance method information providedin the MPS2 OIP and subsequent updates. These changes continue to meet NuclearEnergy Institute (NEI) 12-06 guidance (Reference 6):

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 3 of 22a. An alternate location for the 120 VAC and 480 VAC Diesel Generators (DGs) hasbeen identified in the event that the "Courtyard" area at the west end of the MPSUnit 1 (MPS1) Radwaste Building is not accessible. The alternate area for the 480VAC DG is in the alleyway just south of the MPS1 Radwaste Building. The alternatearea for the 120/240 VAC DG is in the area east of the MPS2 Auxiliary Building atthe Health Physics entrance. The available cables for both DGs are of sufficientlength for either their primary or alternate locations. The alternate areas wereidentified in response to concerns for blockage of the haul route to the primary"courtyard" location due to failure of the MPS stack structure.The tie-in location for the NSRC High Capacity / Low Pressure pump that is used tosupply cooling water from Long Island Sound for either the primary or the alternateContainment cooling strategy was incorrectly identified in OIP Figures 10 and 11provided in the February 2014 Six Month Status Update (Reference 3). Thesefigures have been revised and included at the end of this attachment.5 Need for Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/RelaxationDNC expects to comply with the order implementation date and no relief/relaxation isrequired at this time.6 Open ItemsThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established an audit process to allowthe exchange of information between the licensees and the NRC Staff (Reference 7).Between July 21, 2014 and July 25, 2014, MPS2 and MPS3 were the subject of anNRC onsite audit where the site specific aspects of DNC's proposed FLEX MitigatingStrategies were reviewed. During this NRC onsite audit, the staff reviewed site specificdocumentation and upon completion of the audit, indicated that further review of severalitems was not anticipated as DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orders EA-12-049and EA-12-051. These items are identified in the following tables in Section 6. Notethat the tables provided in Sections 6.4 and 6.5 are new and are the result of theongoing NRC audit process.6.1. Open Items from Overall Integrated PlanThe following table provides a summary of the status of Open Items (01) identified byDNC and documented in Attachment 2B of the MPS2 OIP submitted on February 28,2013 and the status of each item.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 4 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusVerify response times listed in See Milestone Schedule above for completiontimeline and perform staffing schedule.assessment.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Preliminary analyses have been Complete. (Reference 9)performed to determine the time tosteam generator (SG) overfill In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014without operator action to reduce NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated that2 Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) flow, further review of this item was not anticipated astime to SG dryout without AFW DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orderflow, and time to depletion of the EA-12-049. (Reference 8)Condensate Storage Tank (CST).Final durations will be providedwhen the analyses are completed.Analyses will be performed to Complete.develop fluid componentsperformance requirements and The hydraulic calculations for the FLEX pumpsconfirm fluid hydraulic-related deployed using their associated hose networksstrategy objectives can be met. have confirmed that the primary and thealternate connections for core cooling/decayheat removal, RCS Inventory, and reactivitycontrol (RCS Injection), and Spent Fuel Pool(SFP) make-up strategies can be satisfactorilyaccomplished in response to an extended lossof alternating current (ac) power (ELAP)/Loss of3 Ultimate Heat Sink (LUHS) event. (Reference10)Hydraulic calculations have confirmed that theservice water (SW) flows for the Containmentcooling options are adequate. (Reference 10)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 5 of 22Overall Intearated Plan Onen Items01 # Description StatusA study is in progress to determine Complete.the design features, sitelocation(s), and number of A single 10,000 sq. ft. Type 1 building has beenequipment storage facilities. The constructed at MPS for storage of BDBfinal design for BDB equipment equipment. The building is designed to meetstorage will be based on the the plant's design basis for the Safe Shutdownguidance contained in NEI 12-06, Earthquake, high wind hazards, snow, ice andSection 11.3, Equipment Storage. cold conditions, and is located above the flood4 A supplement to this submittal will elevation from the most recent site floodbe provided with the results of the storage study.The BDB Storage Building is sited south of therailroad bridge, on the west side of the MPSaccess road, adjacent to the existing northeastcontractor parking lot. (References 11 and 12)FLEX Support Guidelines (FSGs) Started.will be developed in accordance5 with PWROG guidance. Existing Scheduled completion date is revised from Julyprocedures will be revised as 2015 to September 2015*necessary to implement FSGs.Electric Power Research Institute Complete.(EPRI) guidance documents willbe used to develop periodic testing EPRI guidance documents have been used,and preventative maintenance where available, to develop the testing andprocedures for BDB equipment. preventative maintenance strategies for theProcedures will be developed to sites. Fleet-wide templates have beenmanage unavailability of developed and input into the individual siteequipment such that risk to maintenance strategies. Specific Preventativemitigating strategy capability is Maintenance (PM) procedures based on theseminimized, strategies will be implemented prior to the6 required MPS2 compliance date for Order EA-12-049.A fleet-wide FLEX Strategy Program Documenthas been developed (Refer to Open Item 7).The program includes the requirement tomanage unavailability of equipment such thatrisk to mitigating strategy capability isminimized. A fleet-wide procedure has beendeveloped to specifically address equipmentunavailability. (Reference 13)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 6 of 22Overall Intearated Plan Onen Items01 # Description StatusIn the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)An overall program document will developed to maintain theFLEX strategies and their bases, In the Final Audit Report from the July 20147 and provide configuration control NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatand change management for the further review of this item was not anticipated asFLEX Program. DNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)The DNC Nuclear Training Complete.Program will be revised to assurepersonnel proficiency in the In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014mitigation of BDB events is NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatdeveloped and maintained. These further review of this item was not anticipated as8 programs and controls will be DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orderdeveloped and implemented in EA-12-049. (Reference 8)accordance with the SystematicApproach to Training (SAT).Complete.The Combustion Engineering (CE) OwnersGroup has issued generic guidelines to addressplant response for post-loss of all AC power forCE plants. Based on these guidelines, DNChas developed plant specific FSGs for MPS2 toConfirm consistency of the FLEX address plant response for post-loss of all ACstrategies with the PWROG power. Specifically, MPS2 will depressurize the9 evaluation of post-loss of all AC steam generators (SGs) to a plant specificpower plant response for target SG pressure to prevent Safety InjectionCombustion Engineering plants. Tank (SIT) nitrogen injection. (Reference 14)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 7 of 22Overall Intearated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusDevelop strategy for use of the Complete.BDB AFW Pump to provide SGinjection in the unlikely event of A modification to the storm preparationloss of TDAFW pump due to procedure has been developed which requireshurricane related storm surge the early deployment of one BDB auxiliaryflooding of the Turbine Building. feedwater (AFW) pump to the MPS2 TurbineBuilding Truck Bay. The modification will go into10 effect upon implementation of the MPS2 FSGs.(Reference 12)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Plant modifications will be See Milestone Schedule above for completioncompleted for permanent plant schedule.changes required forimplementation of FLEX In the Final Audit Report from the July 201411 strategies. NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Complete.The evaluation identified the need for a plantmodification to the ADV outlet lines. Theidentified modification is included in Open ItemComplete the engineering 11.12 evaluation of the main steam (MS) (Reference 15)atmospheric dump valve (ADV)outlet lines. In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 8 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusComplete.Complete the evaluation of Turbine driven auxiliary feedwater (TDAFW)TDAFW pump long term operation pump operation and adequate AFW flow to thewith < 120 psig inlet steam SGs at SG pressures < 120 psig has beenpressure. confirmed. (References 15 and 16)The Phase 3 coping strategy to Complete.maintain Containment integrity isunder development. Methods to In the Final Audit Report from the July 201414 monitor and evaluate Containment NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatconditions and depressurize/cool further review of this item was not anticipated asContainment, if necessary, will be DNC proceeds towards compliance for Orderprovided in a future update. EA-12-049. (Reference 8)Analyses will be performed to Complete.develop electrical componentsperformance requirements and Calculations have been completed for the sizingconfirm electrical loading-related and loading analysis of the 120VAC, 480VAC,strategy objectives can be met. and 4160 VAC generators and confirm theelectrical loading-related strategy objectives canbe met (Reference 17).15In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Complete.An evaluation of the BDB equipment fuelconsumption and required refill strategies hasbeen completed and provided as part of theAn evaluation of all BDB ongoing NRC audit process.16 equipment fuel consumption and (Reference 12)required re-fill strategies will bedeveloped. In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 9 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusA lighting study will be performed validate the adequacy ofsupplemental lighting and the A lighting study has been completed validatingadequacy and practicality of using the adequacy of supplemental lighting and theportable lighting to perform FLEX adequacy and practicality of using portablestrategy actions. lighting to perform FLEX Strategy actions. Thiswas provided as part of the ongoing NRC audit17 process.(Reference 12)In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)A comprehensive study of Complete.communication capabilities isbeing performed in accordance A study documenting the communicationswith the commitments made in strategy has been completed. The studyDNC letter S/N 12-205F dated concludes that effective implementation of theOctober 29, 2012 in response to FLEX strategies will include the use of satelliteRecommendation 9.3 of the 10 phones and hand-held radios. The studyCFR 50.54(f) letter dated March acknowledges that MPS2 does not have a12, 2012. The results of this study sound-powered phone system or equivalentwill identify the communication and that radio usage has limitations in a fewmeans available or needed to remote plant locations. These remoteimplement command and control locations are, however, associated only with18 of the FLEX strategies at alternate BDB connections. (Reference 18).Millstone. Validation of The tabletop assessment of the FLEXcommunications required to strategies performed as part of the Phase 2implement FLEX strategies will be Staffing study has identified that theperformed as part of Open Item coordination of command and control of theNo. 1. FLEX strategies will require the use ofdispatched personnel.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 10 of 22Overall Integrated Plan Open Items01 # Description StatusDetails of the ventilation strategy Complete.are under development and willconform to the guidance given in See Attachment 2, OIP Section F5 -SafetyNEI 12-06. The details of this Functions Support (Ventilation).strategy will be provided at a later19 date. In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)Preferred travel pathways will be Complete.determined using the guidancecontained in NEI 12-06. The The soil liquefaction study has been completedpathways will attempt to avoid (Reference 19), which supports the location ofareas with trees, power lines, and the storage building and the haul routes. Theother potential obstructions and results have been included with the final designwill consider the potential for soil package for the storage building (Reference20 liquefaction. 11).In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)The equipment listed in Table 1 Complete.will be received on site.In the Final Audit Report from the July 201421 NRC Onsite Audit, the NRC Staff indicated thatfurther review of this item was not anticipated asDNC proceeds towards compliance for OrderEA-12-049. (Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 11 of 226.2. Open Items from Interim Staff Evaluation (ISE)The following table provides a summary of the Open Items (01) from the MPS2 ISE(Reference 20) and the status of each item.Interim Staff Evaluation Open Items01 # Description Status3.2.1.8.A Core Subcriticality and Boron Mixing: The Complete.PWROG submitted to NRC a position paper,dated August 15, 2013, which provides test In the Final Audit Report fromdata regarding boric acid mixing under single- the July 2014 NRC Onsitephase natural circulation conditions and Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedoutlined applicability conditions intended to that further review of this itemensure that boric acid addition and mixing was not anticipated as DNCwould occur under conditions similar to those proceeds towards compliancefor which boric acid mixing data is available, for Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8)During the audit process, the licenseeinformed the NRC staff of its intent to abideby the generic approach discussed above.The licensee should address the clarificationsin the NRC endorsement letter dated January8, 2014. The licensee did not provide sufficient This ISE 01 has beeninformation regarding cooling functions addressed as follows:provided by such systems as auxiliarybuilding cooling water, service water, or Permanently installed plantcomponent cooling water cooling when ac equipment used to supportpower is lost during the ELAP for Phase 1 FLEX strategies does notand 2. For example, the potential need for require cooling supportcooling water for the TDAFW pump bearings systems, such as componentwas not discussed. Additional analysis by thE cooling water and servicelicensee is required to determine the water, to perform their requiredacceptability of the licensee's plans to provide functions. Therefore, nosupplemental cooling to the subject additional analysis is requiredcomponents when normal cooling will not be to confirm the acceptability ofavailable during the ELAP. supplemental cooling to plantequipment supporting Phase 1or 2 strategies.(Reference 12)This ISE Confirmatory Item (CIis being addressed through theongoing NRC audit process.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 12 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Open Items01 # Description Status(Reference 7)6.3. Confirmatory Items from Interim Staff EvaluationThe following table provides a summary of the Confirmatory Items (CI) from the MPS2ISE and the status of each item.Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.1.1.2.A Confirm that the preferred travel pathways This ISE Cl is being addressedare determined using the guidance contained through the ongoing NRC auditin NEI 12-06. The pathways will attempt to process.avoid areas with trees, power lines, and other (References 12 and 7)potential obstructions and will consider thepotential for soil liquefaction. This isscheduled to be completed in June 2014. Confirm that a review is completed to In the Final Audit Report fromdetermine impacts from large internal floodin, the July 2014 NRC Onsitesources that are not seismically robust and Audit, the NRC Staff indicateddo not require ac power. that further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8) The licensee's plan for implementing the use This ISE Cl is being addressedof off-site resources is not complete. The through the ongoing NRC auditlocal assembly areas have not been process.identified. The licensee is also evaluating the (References 12 and 7)possibility of boat transport for personnel.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 13 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.1.2.2.A The licensee has identified open items In the Final Audit Report fromrelated to deployment of equipment during the July 2014 NRC Onsiteflooding conditions resulting from a hurricane; Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedto verify response times listed in the timeline that further review of this itemand perform staffing assessment, and to was not anticipated as DNCperform an evaluation of all BDB equipment proceeds towards compliancefuel consumption and required re-fill for Order EA-12-049.strategies, and to determine preferred travel (Reference 8)pathways using the guidance contained inNEI 12- 06. The pathways will attempt toavoid areas with trees, power lines, and otherpotential obstructions.3.2.1.A Confirm that Combustion Engineering Case In the Final Audit Report from21 in WCAP-17601-P, as evaluated in MPS2 the July 2014 NRC Onsitedocument ETE-NAF-2012-0150, Section 6.1, Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedis representative for MPS2 and appropriate that further review of this itemfor simulating the ELAP transient. was not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-1 2-049.(Reference 8) Confirm that Westinghouse letter LTR-TDA- In the Final Audit Report from13-31, Rev. 0-B, Attachment 1, shows that the July 2014 NRC Onsitethe CENTS code used in the ELAP analysis Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedfor Combustion Engineering (CE) plants is that further review of this itemlimited to analyzing the flow conditions before was not anticipated as DNCreflux boiling initiates. This review should proceeds towards complianceconfirm an acceptable definition for the for Order EA-12-049.initiation of reflux boiling. (Reference 8) The RCP seal initial maximum leakage rate In the Final Audit Report fromshould be greater than or equal to the upper the July 2014 NRC Onsitebound expectation for the seal leakage rate Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedfor the ELAP event discussed in the PWROG that further review of this itemposition paper addressing the RCP seal was not anticipated as DNCleakage for CE plants (ADAMS Accession proceeds towards complianceNo. ML13235A151 (Non-Publicly Available)) for Order EA-12-049.or justification should be provided for use of a (Reference 8)lower value.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 14 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.2.1.6.A Sequence of Event (SOE) action Item 5 In the Final Audit Report fromindicates that the ELAP is declared at 45 the July 2014 NRC Onsiteminutes, and Action Item 6 indicates that at Audit, the NRC Staff indicated50 minutes (5 minutes after the declaration of that further review of this itemthe ELAP), the operator controls SG was not anticipated as DNICatmospheric dump valves (ADVs) and AFW proceeds towards complianceflow locally as an on-going action for for Order EA-12-049.cooldown and decay heat removal. On page (Reference 8)105 of the integrated plan in Attachment 1BNSSS Significant Reference AnalysisDeviation Table, the licensee notes in item 6that cooldown starts at 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 75 degreesF/hr. to a SG pressure of 135 psia.Clarification is needed to correct thisapparent inconsistency. The licensee did not provide a discussion In the Final Audit Report fromregarding the operator actions required to the July 2014 NRC Onsitecontrol SG ADVs and AFW flow and Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedjustification is needed to determine that all that further review of this itemthe required operator actions are reasonably was not anticipated as DNCachievable within the required time constraint proceeds towards complianceof 50 minutes during the ELAP conditions, or for Order EA-1 2-049.a discussion regarding the required cooldown (Reference 8)completion time that is supportable byanalysis. C Confirm that response times listed in the SOE In the Final Audit Report fromtimeline are verified and that staffing the July 2014 NRC Onsiteassessment has been performed. Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedthat further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNICproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-1 2-049.(Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 15 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCI # Description Status3.2.2.A Following a BDB event, a vent pathway would In the Final Audit Report frombe required in the event of SFP bulk boiling the July 2014 NRC Onsiteand can be established by opening the Fuel Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedBuilding roll-up doors for inlet and outlet air that further review of this itemflow. However the licensee's strategy for was not anticipated as DNCproviding air flow to remove steam generated proceeds towards compliancefrom pool boiling is not clear. The path for for Order EA-1 2-049.inlet and exhaust air is apparently the same (Reference 8)i.e., the fuel building rollup doors. It is notclear from the discussion provided how thiswill enable a flow path to vent the steam andcondensate from the Fuel Building.3.2.3.A During the audit process the licensee stated In the Final Audit Report fromthat the details of the long term Containment the July 2014 NRC Onsitecooldown and depressurization strategies for Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedMPS2 are still under development. Upon that further review of this itemselection of the preferred strategy, detailed was not anticipated as DNCGOTHIC analysis will be performed to proceeds towards compliancedocument and validate the strategy and also to for Order EA-1 2-049.provide operators with timelines and guidelines (Reference 8)for actions to ensure the long term integrity ofthe Containment throughout the Phase 3 of thepostulated ELAP/LUHS scenario. Confirm thatthe revised analyses and the selected strategyare acceptable. The ventilation evaluation will be completed In the Final Audit Report fromlater this year and the results will be provided the July 2014 NRC Onsitein the February 2014 6-Month update. Confirm Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedthat the evaluation and results are acceptable. that further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8) Confirm the adequacy of existing lighting and In the Final Audit Report fromthe adequacy of portable lighting to perform the July 2014 NRC OnsiteFLEX strategy actions. Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedthat further review of this itemwas not anticipated as DNCproceeds towards compliancefor Order EA-12-049.(Reference 8)

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 16 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.2.4.4.B Confirm that upgrades to the site's This ISE Cl is being addressedcommunications systems have been through the ongoing NRC auditcompleted. process. (Reference 7) Additional information is needed to confirm This ISE Cl is being addressedhabitability of the Main Control Room during through the ongoing NRC auditthe ELAP. process. (Reference 7) Westinghouse is currently performing an In the Final Audit Report fromanalysis to determine the consequences of the July 2014 NRC Onsiteusage of impure water sources in the steam Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedgenerators. The results of the analysis are that further review of this itemexpected to provide the allowed time limits on was not anticipated as DNCusage of these sources. The NSRC will proceeds towards complianceprovide equipment to initiate residual heat for Order EA-1 2-049.removal and water treatment equipment such (Reference 8)that heat removal can be ensured for extendeddurations. Confirm that the analysis resultsand resultant strategies are acceptable. A secondary source for fuel oil will be the In the Final Audit Report fromMPS3 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks. These the July 2014 NRC Onsiteunderground tanks contain a minimum of Audit, the NRC Staff indicated32,670 gallons of fuel oil. They are seismic that further review of this itemand missile protected. Confirm the ability to was not anticipated as DNCtransfer this fuel, and complete an evaluation o proceeds towards complianceall BDB equipment fuel consumption and for Order EA-1 2-049.required re-fill strategies, including any (Reference 8)gasoline required for small miscellaneousequipment. The licensee has completed an analysis of the This ISE Cl is being addressedbattery capability regarding expected time through the ongoing NRC auditavailable with ac power. Site specific process. (Reference 7)procedural guidance governing load strippingwill be developed. Confirm electricalcomponents performance requirements andelectrical loading-related strategy objectivescan be met.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 17 of 22Interim Staff Evaluation Confirmatory ItemsCl # Description Status3.4.A The licensee's plans for the use of off-site In the Final Audit Report fromresources conform to the minimum capabilities the July 2014 NRC Onsitespecified in NEI12-06 Section 12.2, with regard Audit, the NRC Staff indicatedto the capability to obtain equipment and that further review of this itemcommodities to sustain and backup the site's was not anticipated as DNCcoping strategies (item 1). Confirm the proceeds towards compliancelicensee addresses the remaining items (2 for Order EA-12-049.through 10), or provides an appropriate (Reference 8)alternative.6.4. Audit Questions Reviewed During the MPS2 NRC Onsite AuditVarious MPS2 Audit Questions (AQs) were evaluated during the MPS NRC OnsiteAudit.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014 NRC Onsite Audit (Reference 8), the NRCStaff indicated that for the majority of the AQs items, further review was not anticipatedas DNC proceeds towards compliance for Order EA-12-049. However, the followingAQs are still under review by the NRC Staff:AQ #s: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 32, 33, 35, 44, 58, 64, and 80The responses to the above AQs are being addressed through the ongoing NRC auditprocess (Reference 7).6.5. Additional Items Reviewed During the MPS2 NRC Onsite AuditAdditional Safety Evaluation (SE) Review items were identified and evaluated during theMPS NRC Onsite Audit.In the Final Audit Report from the July 2014 NRC Onsite Audit (Reference 8), the NRCStaff indicated that for the majority of these SE items, further review was not anticipatedas DNC proceeds towards compliance for Order EA-12-049. However, the followingSEs are still under review by the NRC Staff:SE #s: 7, 8, and 9The responses to the above SEs are being addressed through the ongoing NRC auditprocess (Reference 7).

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 18 of 227 Potential Safety Evaluation ImpactsSection 6.5 addresses the additional Safety Evaluation (SE) Review items identified andevaluated during the MPS NRC Onsite Audit.Additionally, DNC is participating in the ongoing industry effort to develop guidance forthe Final Integrated Plan that will support NRC preparation of the Safety Evaluationdocumenting MPS2 compliance with Order EA-12-049. The format of the FinalIntegrated Plan is consistent with the Safety Evaluation Template provided with the July1, 2014 Jack Davis memorandum (ML14161A643)(Reference 21).8 Supplemental InformationThis supplemental information provides details of the changes identified in the statusupdates above and addresses the following topics: a) a revision to Milestone Task'Develop Modifications', b) a revision to Milestone Task 'Implement Training', c) 'IssueFSGs and Associated Procedure Revisions', d) a revision to Milestone Task 'ValidationWalk-throughs or Demonstrations of FLEX Strategies and Procedures', and e) arevision to Open Item No. 5.a) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Develop Modifications': The revision to the scheduled targetcompletion date is needed to obtain final design change approval of the MPS2modifications to the ADV outlet piping and the Turbine Driven AFW pump exhaustsupports.b) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Implement Training': The revision to the scheduled targetcompletion date reflects the current MPS2 scheduled training cycles necessary tocomplete training on the final approved FSGs.c) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Issue FSGs and Associated Procedure Revisions': Therevision to the scheduled milestone target completion date allows for completion oftraining on finalized MPS2 FSGs.d) MPS2, Milestone Task 'Validation Walk-throughs or Demonstrations of FLEXStrategies and Procedures': The revision to the scheduled milestone targetcompletion date allows for completion of the validation of the MPS2 FSGs based onthe availability of required resources.e) MPS2, Open Item 5: The Open Item completion date is revised to September 2015.The revision corresponds to the scheduled milestone target completion date and allowsfor completion of the MPS2 FSGs prior to the beginning of the currently scheduledMPS2 fall 2015 refueling outage.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 19 of 229 ReferencesThe following references support the updates to the Overall Integrated Plan described inthis attachment and are available in ADAMS or have been provided to the staff for theirreview.1. DNC's Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated February28, 2013 (Serial No. 12-161B).2. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, "Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,"dated March 12, 2012.3. DNC's Six Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated February28, 2014 (Serial No. 12-161E).4. DNC's Six Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated August23, 2013 (Serial No. 12-161D).5. DNC's Six Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated August28, 2014 (Serial No.14-393).6. NEI 12-06, "Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide,"Revision 0, dated August 2012.7. NRC letter from Jack R. Davis, Director Mitigating Strategies Directorate to AllOperating Reactor Licensees and Holders of Construction Permits, "NuclearRegulatory Commission Audits of Licensee Responses to Mitigating StrategiesOrder EA-12-049," dated August 28, 2013 (ML13234A503).8. Letter from Mr. Stephen Monarque (NRC) to Mr. Dave Heacock (Dominion) titled"Millstone Power Station, Units 1 and 2 -Report for the Onsite Audit RegardingImplementation of Mitigating Strategies and Reliable Spent Fuel PoolInstrumentation Related to Orders EA-12-049 and EA 12-051," dated November 17,2014 (ML14275A017).9. DNC's Supplement to Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 21, 2012Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for MitigationStrategies for Beyond-Design-Basis Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated April30, 2013 (Serial No. 12-161C).10. Calculation 13-015, "MP2 & MP3 FLEX Strategy Hydraulic Calculations," Rev. 0.

Serial No. 14-393BDocket No. 50-336Order EA-12-049Attachment 1Page 20 of 2211.Design Change MPG-13-00010, "BDB Storage Building/Millstone PowerStation/Units 2&3."12.ETE-CPR-12-0009, Rev. 3 "Beyond Design Basis -FLEX Strategy OverallIntegrated Plan Basis Document."13.Procedure CM-AA-BDB-102, Rev. 001, "Beyond Design Basis FLEX EquipmentUnavailability Tracking."14.PWROG letter, OG-13-197, Transmittal of PA-PSC-0965 Final CE-NSSS SpecificELAP Response (FLEX) Guidelines, May 17, 2013.15. Calculation 13-024, "Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (TDAFW) Pump DeliveredFlow at Reduced Steam Generator Pressure," Rev. 0, April 22, 2013.16.Engineering Technical Evaluation ETE-MP-2013-1034, "MP2 Turbine Driven AuxFeedwater Pump Minimum Continuous Operating Speed," Rev. 0, dated March 12,2013.17.Calculation 2013-ENG-04383E2, "Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Beyond DesignBasis -FLEX Electrical 4160V, 480V and 120VAC System Loading Analysis," Rev.0.18. ETE-CPR-2013-0003, "Beyond Design Basis Communications Strategy/Plan," Rev.2.19. URS Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Report, FLEX Storage BuildingProject, Millstone Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut, dated January 27, 2014.20. Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3 -Interim Staff Evaluation Relating to OverallIntegrated Plan in Response to Order EA-12-049 (Mitigating Strategies), datedJanuary 31, 2014.21.Memorandum from Jack R. Davis, JLD, Office of NRR, to Stewart N. Bailey,Sheena A, Whaley, and Jeremy S. Bowen, "Supplemental Staff Guidance for theSafety Evaluations for Order EA-12-049 on Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events and Order EA-12-051 on Spent Fuel PoolInstrumentation," dated July 1, 2014 (ML14161A643).