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| issue date = 12/22/2010
| issue date = 12/22/2010
| title = IR 07201014-10-202, on 12/6-9/2010, Holtec International, Marlton, Nj, Form 591S Part 1
| title = IR 07201014-10-202, on 12/6-9/2010, Holtec International, Marlton, Nj, Form 591S Part 1
| author name = Temps R R
| author name = Temps R
| author affiliation = NRC/NMSS/SFST/LID/RIOB
| author affiliation = NRC/NMSS/SFST/LID/RIOB
| addressee name = Soler M
| addressee name = Soler M
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{{#Wiki_filter:NRCFORM591S PART 1 (8-2002)10 CFR2.201 U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT AND COMPLIANCE INSPECTION 1.LICENSEE/CERTIFICATE HOLOER 2.NRC/REGIONAL OFFICE Holtec Intemational555LincolnDrive WestMarlton,NJ 08053Divisionof Spent Fuel Storage and TransportationU.S.NRC MIS EBB-3D-02M Washington, DC REPORT NUMBER(S)72-1014/2010-202 20555-0001 3.LICENSEE/CERTIFICATE NUMBER(S)14.INSPECTIONLOCATION 1 5.*DATEIS1OF INSPECTION 72-1014HMD,TurtleCreek,PATheinspectionwasanexaminationoftheactivitiesconductedunderyourNRC-approved10CFRPartapprovalastheyrelateto safely and compliancewiththeNuclearRegulatory Commission(NRC)rulesandregulationsandtheconditionsofyourCertifICateof Compliance(CoC).Theinspectionconsistedofselectiveexaminationsofproceduresand representative records,interviewswithpersonnel,andobservationsbytheinspectors.Theinspectionfindingsareasfollows:1.Basedontheinspectionfindings,noviolationor nonconformanceswereidentified.
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 591S PART 1 (8-2002)       U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 10 CFR2.201 SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT AND COMPLIANCE INSPECTION 1. LICENSEE/CERTIFICATE HOLOER 2. NRC/REGIONAL OFFICE Holtec Intemational Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation 555 Lincoln Drive West    U. S. NRC Marlton, NJ 08053    MIS EBB-3D-02M Washington, DC REPORT NUMBER(S) 72-1014/2010-202   20555-0001 3. LICENSEE/CERTIFICATE NUMBER(S) 1 INSPECTION LOCATION  1 5.* DATEIS1 OF INSPECTION 72-1014  HMD, Turtle Creek, PA  Ia./~ -~/2c/r; The inspection was an examination of the activities conducted under your NRC-approved 10 CFR Part 71'au~a~II"""'ly:::Ass~:::u::"ra-n-ce-"'p-ro-g-ra-m---4 approval as they relate to safely and compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules and regulations and the conditions of your CertifICate of Compliance (CoC). The inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors. The inspection findings are as follows:
~ Based on the inspection findings, no violation or nonconformances were identifie o Previous violatlons(s) or nonconformance{s) close o The v1olation(s). specifically described to you by the Inspector as non-cited violations. are not being cited because they were self-identified non-repetitive, and corrective aetion was or Is being taken, and the remaining criteria in the NRC Enforcement Polic NUREG-1600. to exercise discretion. were satisfie _ _ Non-Cited Violation(s) waslwere discussed involving the following requirement(s) and Correctlve Actions(s):
o 4 During this inspection certain of your activities, as described below and/or attached. were in violation or nonconformance with NRC requirements and are being cited. This is a NOTICE OF VIOLATION which ma)l"be subject to posting In accordance with 10 CFR19.1 .
STATEMENT OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS o I hereby state that, within 30 days. the actlcns described by me to the inspector'wlll be taken to correct the violations Identified. Thi statement of corrective actions' made in accordance with the reqUirements of 10 CRF 2.201 (correctlye steps already taken. c:orrectrve steps which will be taken date when full compliance will be achieved). I understand that no further written response to NRC Will be required. unless specifically requested; OR o Written Response requested in 30 days 0 Yes 0 No TITLE  PRINTED NAME  .A~ SIGNATURE  DATE LICENSEE  Ma r k.. Sole'"
NRC INSPECTOR  Robert Temps NRCFORM591S PART1 (8-2002)

o2.Previous violatlons(s)
INSPECTOR NOTES COVER SHEET Licensee/Certificate Holder Holtec International (name and address) 555 Lincoln Drive West Marlton, NJ 08053 Licensee/Certificate Holder Greg Miller, Quality Manager - Holtec Manufacturing Division contacts Mark Soler, Holtec Corporate Quality Assurance (QA) Manager Docket N Inspection Report N Inspection Date(s) December 6 - 9, 2010 Inspection Location(s) Holtec Manufacturing Division (HMD)
or nonconformance{s)
Inspectors  Robert Temps Earl Love Clyde Morell NRC Observers: Jon Woodfield Juan Montesinos Summary of Findings and This inspection involved a review of Holtec's wholly owned Actions  fabrication facility, HMD, located in Turtle Creek, PA. At the time of the inspection, cask storage system fabrication activities were ongoing for multiple 10 CFR Part 50 licensee Overall, HMD's fabrication activities, and Holtec's oversight of the fabrication activities, were assessed to be adequate in meeting their QA Program requirements as well as NRC QA requirements. Overall quality of welding and other fabrication activities was assessed to be good. No cited violations of NRC requirements were identified. Several observations with regard to fabrication activities were noted by the team and discussed with Holtec/HMD personnel for their consideration and action.

specificallydescribedtoyoubytheInspectorasnon-citedviolations.arenotbeingcited becausetheywere identifiednon-repetitive,andcorrectiveaetion wasorIsbeingtaken,andtheremainingcriteriaintheNRC Enforcement Policy.NUREG-1600.
Lead Inspector  Robert R. TemPt:;Z./~
Signature/Date /11:)]. /10  'J . /.>>
  . -J Dafl:;;::t~~
Inspector Notes Approval Branch Chief )
Signature/Date i'2-/73 10 Page 1 of 10

to exercisediscretion.weresatisfied.
02.01: Determine whether the fabrication specifications are consistent with the design commitments and requirements documented in the SAR, and, as applicable, the CoC or the site-specific license and technical specifications.

-__Non-Cited Violation(s)
The team's focus in addressing this inspection element was on the process HMD uses 1) to control procedure distribution and 2) to translate vendor supplied design information into controlled HMD procedures and drawings for fabrication activities.
waslwerediscussedinvolvingthefollowing requirement(s)andCorrectlve Actions(s):
o 4Duringthisinspectioncertainofyouractivities,asdescribedbelowand/orattached.wereinviolationor nonconformancewithNRC requirementsandarebeingcited.ThisisaNOTICEOFVIOLATIONwhich ma)l"besubjecttopostingIn accordancewith10 CFR19.11...STATEMENT OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS oIherebystatethat,within30days.theactlcnsdescribedbymetothe inspector'wlll betakento correcttheviolationsIdentified.This.

statement of corrective actions'madeinaccordancewiththereqUirementsof10CRF2.201 (correctlyestepsalreadytaken.
Document Control The team reviewed the documentation control process to verify it was being properly implemented at HMD. The following procedures were reviewed:
Holtec Quality Procedure # Revision Title Document Control Project Document Transmittal and Control HMD personnel showed the team how new project documents or changes to ongoing project documents are generated at the Corporate Division and transmitted to the manufacturing division (HMD) via a Document Transmittal Form (DTF). These documents, namely reports, procedures, specifications, drawings, etc... , are reviewed and approved by the designated Project Manager (PM). After review, the PM approves the distribution of the documents to locations within the HMD facility where needed. When changes/revision to drawings are made, the PM issues a DTF to a designated HMD employee to physically replace the paper drawings, located at documentation areas in each fabrication shop, with the latest revision. The team reviewed several DTFs used to replace existing drawings in the fabrication shop and verified that the process had been properly implemented.

c:orrectrvestepswhichwill betakendatewhenfullcompliancewillbeachieved).Iunderstandthatno further writtenresponsetoNRCWillberequired.unless specificallyrequested;OR oWrittenResponse requestedin30days 0 Yes 0 No TITLE PRINTED NAME LICENSEE Ma r k..Sole'" DATESIGNATURERobertTemps NRC INSPECTORNRCFORM591S PART 1 (8-2002)
HMD uses a computerized system for all its projects to archive, distribute, process and track revisions for all associated projects. The system is effectively implemented at the document areas within each fabrication shop by having paper copies of drawings available and a computer terminal available that allows HMD personnel to retrieve the most updated document information. The team spot verified that the revision number of paper fabrication drawings provided at the document area in the North fabrication shop were current, and verified that travelers being used on the fabrication shop floor were incorporated into the computerized system.
INSPECTOR NOTES COVER SHEET Licensee/Certificate Holder Holtec International (name and address)555LincolnDrive WestMarlton,NJ 08053 Licensee/Certificate HolderGregMiller, Quality Manager-Holtec Manufacturing Division contactsMarkSoler, Holtec Corporate Quality Assurance (QA)Manager Docket No.72-1014 InspectionReportNo.2010-202 Inspection Date(s)December6-9,2010 Inspection Location(s)
Holtec ManufacturingDivision(HMD)
Inspectors Robert TempsEarlLoveClydeMorell NRC Observers:
Jon Woodfield Juan Montesinos Summary of Findings and This inspectioninvolvedareviewof Holtec'swhollyowned Actions fabricationfacility,HMD,locatedin TurtleCreek,PA.Atthetimeofthe inspection, cask storage system fabrication activities were ongoingformultiple10CFRPart50licensees.

Overall, HMD's fabricationactivities,and Holtec's oversight of the fabricationactivities,were assessedtobe adequate in meeting theirQAProgram requirementsaswellasNRCQA requirements.Overallqualityofweldingand other fabrication activities was assessedtobegood.Nocited violationsofNRC requirementswereidentified.Several observationswithregard to fabrication activitieswerenotedbytheteamand discussed with Holtec/HMD personnel for their considerationandaction.
Control of Design Information The team noted that the design development process for Holtec occurs at their corporate offices in New Jersey. The translation of the intended design at the fabrication level and from the corporate design drawings was verified by the team. The team used samples of materials from the shop floor and traced them back to their associated purchase orders and applicable design drawings. In each case, the team verified that the material samples conformed to the requirements of the associated design drawlnq Page 2 of 10

Lead InspectorRobertR.
The team also reviewed various statements made in Section 9 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for the HI-STORM system (CoC 72-1014) to verify they were properly implemented in appropriate fabrication or test procedures used at HMD. The results of this review are discussed below.

The team reviewed the following relevant design parameters and verified that they were appropriately translated from the FSAR licensing drawings to the HMD fabrication drawings:
/11:)]./10'J./.>>.A-J Inspector Notes ApprovalBranchChief
Requirement  FSAR Location  HMO Document/drawing Fuel cell pitch CoC #1014 Appendix B 3. DWG 3752 MPC-32 FUEL DWG 3927 Sheet 3 Rev 16 BASKET ASSEMBLY Rev 13 MPC Lifting Holes Mi DWG 3923 Sheet 7 Rev 25 DWG 3753 MPC SHELL Rev 28 Depth Overpack Shielding DWG 4116 sheet 2 Rev 19 DWG 3996 HI-STORM 100S Thickness    VERSION B Rev 33 FSAR Section 9.1.1 [Fabrication and Nondestructive Examination (NDE)], paragraph 4, states that the MPC, HI-STORM Overpack, and HI-TRAC cask welds shall be visually examined in accordance with ASME Code, Section V, Article 9 with acceptance criteria per ASME Code, Section III, Subsection NF, Article NF-5360, except the MPC fuel basket cell plate-to-cell plate welds and fuel basket support-to-canister welds which shall have acceptance criteria to ASME Code Section III, Subsection NG, Article NG-5360. It is further stated in paragraph 4 that FSAR Table 9.1.4 identifies additional nondestructive examination (NDE) requirements to be performed on specific welds, and the applicable codes and acceptance criteria to be used in order to meet the inspection requirements of the applicable ASME Code, Section III.
)Signature/Date i'2-/73 10Page1of10 INSPECTOR NOTES: APPLICABLE PORTIONSOF02.01 THROUGH02.07OFIP60852 WERE PERFORMED DURING THE INSPECTIONWITHRESULTS DOCUMENTED BELOW: 02.01: Determine whether the fabrication specifications are consistent with the design commitments and requirements documented in theSAR,and,as applicable, the CoC or the site-specific license and technical specifications.

The team'sfocusin addressingthisinspection elementwasontheprocessHMDuses1)to control procedure distributionand2)to translate vendorsupplieddesign information into controlled HMD procedures and drawingsforfabricationactivities.
Acceptance criteria for NDE shall be in accordance with the applicable Code for which the item was fabricated. These additional NDE criteria are also specified on the design drawings for the specific welds.

Document ControlTheteamreviewedthe documentationcontrolprocesstoverifyitwasbeingproperly implementedatHMD.Thefollowing procedureswerereviewed:
The team requested copies of the MPC and HI-TRAC fabrication drawings to determine if the NDE requirements for specific welds were properly incorporated from FSAR Table 9.1.4 to the fabrication drawings. Drawing 4838, Sheets1-9, revision 16 (Standard MPC-Shell and Details for MPC-24, 32, & 68) and drawing 7464, Sheets 1-3, revision 1 (Sub-assembly, HI-TRAC 125D Version A) were provided. The team reviewed the drawings and determined that the NDE requirements for specific welds shown in FSAR Table 9.1.4 had been properly incorporated into the fabrication drawing FSAR Section (Lifting Trunnions) requires that the HI-TRAC lifting trunnions be tested at 300% of the maximum design (service) lifting load and that the load shall be applied for a minimum of 10 minutes. The accessible parts of the trunnions and the adjacent HI-TRAC cask trunnion attachment area shall then be visually examined to verify no deformation. The team reviewed procedure HSP-113, revision 8, "Trunnion Load Test Procedure for HI-TRAC 100 and 125 Systems," and determined that the FSAR requirements for a 300% load test, 10 minute minimum hold period, and post test inspections, had been properly incorporate FSAR Section (Shielding Effectiveness Tests) requires that effectiveness of the lead plates in the HI-TRAC pool lid (all transfer cask designs) and transfer lid (HI-TRAC 125 and 100 only) shall be verified during fabrication by performing an ultrasonic test (UT) on the lead plate The UT is performed before the installation of the plates. The team reviewed procedure Page 3 of 10
Holtec Quality Procedure#Revision Title 6.0 10 Document Control 6.1 8 Project Document TransmittalandControl HMD personnelshowedtheteamhownewproject documentsorchangestoongoingproject documents are generatedatthe CorporateDivisionand transmittedtothe manufacturingdivision(HMD)viaa Document TransmittalForm(DTF).Thesedocuments,namelyreports, procedures, specifications,drawings,etc...,arereviewedandapprovedbythe designated Project Manager (PM).Afterreview,thePM approves the distributionofthe documents to locationswithintheHMDfacilitywhereneeded.When changes/revision to drawingsaremade,thePMissuesaDTFtoa designated HMD employee to physicallyreplacethepaperdrawings,locatedat documentationareasineachfabricationshop,withthelatestrevision.TheteamreviewedseveralDTFsusedtoreplaceexisting drawingsinthe fabricationshopandverifiedthattheprocesshadbeenproperly implemented.HMDusesa computerizedsystemforallitsprojectstoarchive,distribute,processandtrackrevisionsforall associatedprojects.Thesystemis effectively implementedatthe documentareaswithineach fabricationshopbyhavingpapercopiesof drawingsavailableanda computerterminalavailablethatallowsHMDpersonneltoretrievethemostupdated document information.Theteamspotverifiedthattherevisionnumberofpaperfabricationdrawingsprovidedatthe documentareaintheNorthfabricationshopwerecurrent,andverifiedthat travelersbeingusedonthe fabricationshopfloorwere incorporatedintothe computerized system.ControlofDesign InformationTheteamnotedthatthedesign developmentprocessforHoltecoccursat theircorporateofficesinNewJersey.The translationoftheintendeddesignatthe fabricationlevelandfromthe corporate design drawingswasverifiedbytheteam.Theteamusedsamplesofmaterialsfromtheshopfloorandtracedthembacktotheirassociatedpurchaseordersand applicable designdrawings.Ineachcase,theteamverifiedthatthematerialsamplesconformedtothe requirementsofthe associateddesigndrawlnqs.Page2of10 Theteamalso reviewed various statements made in Section9oftheFinal Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)forthe HI-STORM system (CoC 72-1014)to verify they were properly implemented in appropriate fabricationortest proceduresusedatHMD.The resultsofthis review are discussed below.The team reviewed the following relevant design parameters and verified thattheywere appropriately translatedfromthe FSAR licensing drawingstotheHMD fabrication drawings: Requirement FSAR Location HMO Document/drawingFuelcellpitch CoC#1014 AppendixB3.2.5DWG3752 MPC-32 FUELDWG3927 Sheet3Rev16 BASKET ASSEMBLYRev13MPCLifting Holes Min.DWG 3923 Sheet7Rev25DWG3753MPC SHELLRev28 Depth Overpack Shielding DWG 4116 sheet2Rev19 DWG 3996 HI-STORM 100S Thickness VERSIONBRev33 FSAR Section 9.1.1[Fabrication and Nondestructive Examination (NDE)], paragraph 4, states thattheMPC, HI-STORM Overpack, and HI-TRAC cask weldsshallbe visually examined in accordance with ASME Code, Section V, Article9with acceptance criteria per ASME Code, Section III, Subsection NF, Article NF-5360, excepttheMPCfuel basket cell plate-to-cell plate weldsandfuel basket support-to-canisterweldswhichshallhave acceptance criteria to ASME Code Section III, Subsection NG, Article NG-5360.Itis further stated in paragraph4that FSAR Table 9.1.4 identifies additional nondestructive examination (NDE)requirementstobe performed on specificwelds,andthe applicable codes and acceptance criteriatobeusedin order to meet the inspection requirementsofthe applicable ASME Code, Section III.Acceptance criteriaforNDEshallbein accordancewiththe applicableCodefor whichtheitem was fabricated.

These additional NDE criteriaarealso specifiedonthe design drawingsforthe specific welds.The team requested copiesoftheMPCand HI-TRAC fabrication drawings to determineifthe NDE requirements for specific welds were properly incorporated from FSAR Table 9.1.4tothe fabrication drawings.Drawing 4838, Sheets1-9,revision16 (Standard MPC-Shell and Details for MPC-24,32,&68)and drawing 7464, Sheets 1-3, revision 1 (Sub-assembly, HI-TRAC 125D VersionA)were provided.Theteam reviewed the drawings and determinedthattheNDE requirements for specific welds shown in FSAR Table 9.1.4hadbeen properly incorporated into the fabrication drawings.FSAR Section (Lifting Trunnions)
SC-240, revision 0, "Ultrasonic Examination of Lead Based Plate," and a material dedication report for lead plate to be used in a HI-TRAC Pool lid. The team determined that UT thickness testing on lead plates prior to installation in HI-TRAC pool lids was being performed as stated in the FSAR.
requires thattheHI-TRAC lifting trunnions be tested at 300%ofthe maximum design (service)liftingloadand thattheloadshallbe appliedfora minimumof10 minutes.The accessiblepartsofthe trunnionsandthe adjacent HI-TRAC cask trunnion attachmentareashallthenbe visually examined to verify no deformation.

The team reviewed procedure HSP-113, revision 8,"Trunnion Load Test Procedure for HI-TRAC100and 125 Systems," and determined that the FSAR requirements fora300%loadtest,10 minute minimumholdperiod,and post test inspections,hadbeen properly incorporated.
FSAR Section (Shielding Effectiveness Tests) permits, as an alternative to poured lead in the HI-TRAC 125D transfer cask body, the use of individual lead sheets layered together.

FSAR Section (Shielding Effectiveness Tests)requires that effectivenessofthelead platesinthe HI-TRACpoollid(all transfer cask designs)and transfer lid (HI-TRAC125and100only)shallbe verified during fabrication by performing an ultrasonic test(UT)ontheleadplates.TheUTis performed before the installationoftheplates.Theteam reviewed procedure Page3of10 SC-240, revision 0,"Ultrasonic ExaminationofLeadBasedPlate,"anda material dedication reportforleadplatetobeusedina HI-TRACPoollid.Theteam determinedthatUT thickness testingonleadplates prior to installation in HI-TRACpoollidswasbeing performedasstatedintheFSAR.FSAR Section (Shielding Effectiveness Tests)permits,asan alternativetopouredleadinthe HI-TRAC 125D transfercaskbody,theuseof individual lead sheets layered together.FSAR Section specifiesthat,"All sheets regardless of thicknessshallbe measured for thicknessinatleast four corner locations,ata minimumoftwo inchesfromanyedge."The team reviewed procedure HSP-336,revision9,"Lead Installation Procedure for HI-TRAC." While there were detailed instructionsinthe procedure for inspecting and installingthelead sheets, therewasno specificstepfor measuring the thicknessofthe individual lead sheets at their fourcorners.The discrepancy betweentheFSAR statementandthe fabrication procedure was broughttothe attentionoftheHMDQA Managerandtheissuewas documented in Quality Program Violation(QPV)854.Further discussion with Holtec/HMD personnel indicatedthatthe intent of these measurementswasforuseon thicker lead sheetsandthatthe thinner sheetsbeinguseddidnot require this measurement.
FSAR Section specifies that, "All sheets regardless of thickness shall be measured for thickness in at least four corner locations, at a minimum of two inches from any edge." The team reviewed procedure HSP-336, revision 9, "Lead Installation Procedure for HI-TRAC."

FSAR Section (HI-TRAC Transfer Cask Water Jacket)provides hydrostatic pressure requirements for testing the HI-TRAC transfer cask water jacket.The section statesthatthe testingshallbein accordance with written and approved procedureswiththe test pressure gauge installedonthe water jackethavingan upperlimitof approximately twice thatofthe test pressure.Theteam reviewed procedure HSP-112, revision 6,"Hydro-test Procedurefor TRAC100and125 TransferCasks,"and determinedthatthe procedure step addressing pressure gaugesstatedthat,"Analogtype gaugesshallbe graduatedoverarangenotlessthan 1.5 timesnormorethan4 times the required test pressure." Therefore, the procedure requirement for pressure gaugesdidnotmatchtheFSAR statement.
While there were detailed instructions in the procedure for inspecting and installing the lead sheets, there was no specific step for measuring the thickness of the individual lead sheets at their four corners. The discrepancy between the FSAR statement and the fabrication procedure was brought to the attention of the HMD QA Manager and the issue was documented in Quality Program Violation (QPV) 854. Further discussion with Holtec/HMD personnel indicated that the intent of these measurements was for use on thicker lead sheets and that the thinner sheets being used did not require this measurement.

This discrepancy was broughttothe attentionoftheHMDQA Manageranditwas includedonQPV854, written for the previous issue discussed above.Thetwo issues documentedintheQPV were discussedwiththe Holtec CorporateQAManager.Theteamwas informedthatthe FSAR Section 9 discrepancieswouldbe addressed through the10CFR 72.48 processandthatafull reviewofFSAR Section9wouldbe undertaken by Holtec to ensure therewereno other statements that werenotbeing implementedinHMD fabrication or testing procedures.Theteam assessed that therewasno safety significancetothe differences betweentheFSAR statementsandtheactual fabrication and testing procedures.Thisfailureto complywith10CFR72.146,"Design control," constituted a violation of minor significancethatisnot subject to enforcementactionin accordancewiththe NRC's Enforcement Policy.02.02: Determine whether corrective actions for identified fabrication deficiencies have been implementedina time frame commensurate with their significance, and whether nonconformance reports documenting the deficiencieshavebeen initiated and resolved.Theteam reviewed Holtec Quality Procedure(HQP)15.2,"Nonconformances," the procedure thatispartofthe problem identification and corrective action program,usedby HMD/Holtec, applicable to nonconformances.Theteam reviewed a representative sampling of nonconformance reports.Resolutionofthe issues documentedinthe various reports was assessedtobe appropriatewiththereports closedina timeframe commensuratetotheir importance.Inthefewcases where human performance or programmatic issues appeared asPage4of10 contributorycausestoanNCR,theteamnotedthattheseissueswere appropriately documentedthroughthe higherlevelQualityProgramViolation correctiveactionprogramprocess.TheteamalsoverifiedthatforNCRsthatwereinopenstatus,theaffected componentsintheshophadbeentaggedasrequiredbyHQP15.2.TheteamnotedthattheQuality Manager(QM)isrequiredtoperformtrackingandtrendingofallNCRs.Theteam discussedwiththeCorporateQA ManagerhowtrendingisperformedandtheresultspresentedtoHoltec management.Theteamwasprovidedcopiesofthelasttwo HMO QuarterlyNCRReports(2ndand3rd Quarter-2010)fromwhichtheteamverified appropriatetrendingofNCRswasoccurring,asrequiredbyHQP15.2,andthatthis information was presentedforHoltec management review.Overall,noconcernswereidentifiedinthe mannerinwhichHMOresolves nonconformances.
FSAR Section (HI-TRAC Transfer Cask Water Jacket) provides hydrostatic pressure requirements for testing the HI-TRAC transfer cask water jacket. The section states that the testing shall be in accordance with written and approved procedures with the test pressure gauge installed on the water jacket having an upper limit of approximately twice that of the test pressure. The team reviewed procedure HSP-112, revision 6, "Hydro-test Procedure for HI-TRAC 100 and 125 Transfer Casks," and determined that the procedure step addressing pressure gauges stated that, "Analog type gauges shall be graduated over a range not less than 1.5 times nor more than 4 times the required test pressure." Therefore, the procedure requirement for pressure gauges did not match the FSAR statement. This discrepancy was brought to the attention of the HMD QA Manager and it was included on QPV 854, written for the previous issue discussed above.

02.03: Determine whether individuals performing quality-related activities are trained and certified where required.TheteamreviewedNOEpersonnel certificationrecordstoascertainthattheywerecertifiedin accordance with ASNT-TC-1a-1992editionsandHoltec procedureHQP-9.1,revision11,"WrittenPracticefor QualificationofNOEPersonnel."Theteamreviewed qualification recordsofaPTLevelII InspectorandanRTLevelII Inspector and determinedtheywerebothqualifiedandcertifiedin accordancewithHMOHCP-9-1.
The two issues documented in the QPV were discussed with the Holtec Corporate QA Manager.

02.05a: Determine whether materials, components, and other equipment received by the fabricator meet DCSS (dry cask storage system)design procurement specifications.
The team was informed that the FSAR Section 9 discrepancies would be addressed through the 10 CFR 72.48 process and that a full review of FSAR Section 9 would be undertaken by Holtec to ensure there were no other statements that were not being implemented in HMD fabrication or testing procedures. The team assessed that there was no safety significance to the differences between the FSAR statements and the actual fabrication and testing procedures.
This failure to comply with 10 CFR 72.146, "Design control," constituted a violation of minor significance that is not subject to enforcement action in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy.
02.02: Determine whether corrective actions for identified fabrication deficiencies have been implemented in a time frame commensurate with their significance, and whether nonconformance reports documenting the deficiencies have been initiated and resolved.
The team reviewed Holtec Quality Procedure (HQP) 15.2, "Nonconformances," the procedure that is part of the problem identification and corrective action program, used by HMD/Holtec, applicable to nonconformances. The team reviewed a representative sampling of nonconformance reports. Resolution of the issues documented in the various reports was assessed to be appropriate with the reports closed in a timeframe commensurate to their importance. In the few cases where human performance or programmatic issues appeared as Page 4 of 10
contributory causes to an NCR, the team noted that these issues were appropriately documented through the higher level Quality Program Violation corrective action program process. The team also verified that for NCRs that were in open status, the affected components in the shop had been tagged as required by HQP 15.2.
The team noted that the Quality Manager (QM) is required to perform tracking and trending of all NCRs. The team discussed with the Corporate QA Manager how trending is performed and the results presented to Holtec management. The team was provided copies of the last two HMO Quarterly NCR Reports (2nd and 3rd Quarter - 2010) from which the team verified appropriate trending of NCRs was occurring, as required by HQP 15.2, and that this information was presented for Holtec management review.
Overall, no concerns were identified in the manner in which HMO resolves nonconformances.
02.03: Determine whether individuals performing quality-related activities are trained and certified where required.
The team reviewed NOE personnel certification records to ascertain that they were certified in accordance with ASNT-TC-1a -1992 editions and Holtec procedure HQP-9.1, revision 11,
"Written Practice for Qualification of NOE Personnel." The team reviewed qualification records of a PT Level II Inspector and an RT Level II Inspector and determined they were both qualified and certified in accordance with HMO HCP-9-1.
02.05a: Determine whether materials, components, and other equipment received by the fabricator meet DCSS (dry cask storage system) design procurement specifications.

02.05b: Determine whether the procurement specifications conform to the design commitments and requirements contained in the SAR and, as applicable, the CoC or the site-specific license and technical specifications.
02.05b: Determine whether the procurement specifications conform to the design commitments and requirements contained in the SAR and, as applicable, the CoC or the site-specific license and technical specifications.

ProcurementTheteamreviewed procurementprocedures,reviewedvariousapproved vendorauditsand surveillances,andtracedthe procurementhistoryof components undergoing fabrication toverifythattheywereprocuredfromqualifiedsuppliersandmet specifications.
Procurement The team reviewed procurement procedures, reviewed various approved vendor audits and surveillances, and traced the procurement history of components undergoing fabrication to verify that they were procured from qualified suppliers and met specifications.
As discussed in 02.01 above, the team obtained a sampling of materials in use on the shop floor for use in evaluating HMO's material procurement process. HMO staff demonstrated traceability for each of the materials selected back to the applicable purchase order and the associated heat/lot numbers.
The team also noted that 10 CFR Part 21 (Part 21) requirements were included, when required, on the purchase orders reviewed. An observation was noted in that one procurement order required a foreign supplier to take on Part 21 reporting responsibility and a copy of the Part 21 regulation was included with the purchase order; however, the purchase order also required that all NCRs generated by the supplier and their sub-suppliers be submitted to Holtec for their review, so that in actuality, Holtec was maintaining Part 21 reportability responsibility. Given that a review of the supplier's audit report indicated that the supplier did not have a formal Part 21 program or procedures in effect, Holtec's action in the purchase order to require submittal of NCRs for review was the correct and appropriate method for meeting Part 21 reportability requirements, although the purchase order made it appear that the supplier was responsible for Page 5 of 10
Part 21 reportability. The team discussed this observation with the Corporate QA Manager and requested that Holtec review their practice for how Part 21 reportability is imposed on suppliers to ensure that purchase orders clearly reflect when Holtec is maintaining reporting responsibility.
Receipt Inspection The team verified, for those items that had been received by HMO for fabrication, that the appropriate green tag associated with an acceptable completion of a receipt inspection was affixed to the materials.
Approved Vendors List The team reviewed a sample of vendor audits/surveillances performed by or for HMO for procured materials. All materials sampled were verified to have been procured from companies listed on Holtec's Approved Vendor List (AVL) , also used by HMO, and audit or surveillance reports were within their required periodicity for maintaining the subject companies on the AVL.
Audit findings were documented in the reports along with corrective actions taken by those audited. No concerns were identified in this review.
Control of Consumable Materials The team reviewed the following procedures that establish methods for consumable materials to be used in cleaning components during fabrication and prior to final packagin HMO Procedure # Revision Title HSP-314 5 Cleaning of Fabricated Components and Finished Products QCP-1 Cleaning QCP-1 Detrimental Material Control The team determined that all consumables other than water were controlled by the tool room in each fabrication shop. Personnel retrieve consumables such as tape, markers, and solvent cleaners from the tool room. The chemical certifications of markers used in the shops and certified as nuclear grade with low halogen content were reviewed by the team and found acceptable. Fresh water is an accepted cleaning agent with a maximum concentration allowance of chloride, fluoride, sulfide and total dissolved solids. HMO personnel explained that water from the public supply goes through filters in each fabrication shop before it is made available for self service use at a dipping station in each shop. Personnel in each shop are trained in what available water can be used for cleaning and made aware of the location of the dipping station filtered water. Use of non-filtrated water for cleaning is not allowed, and the filtered water is chemically analyzed every year. The results of the water analysis performed on November 2,2010 for the three workshops were found to be satisfactory. Overall, no concerns were identified with HMO's control of consumable materials.
Conclusion Overall, the team concluded that HMO's procurement activities were being performed in accordance with their controlling procedures. Methods used to approve addition of suppliers to the AVL were appropriate and the audits and surveillances used to qualify and maintain suppliers on the AVL were adequate. Where issues identified in the audits required response Page 6 of 10
by the supplier, documentation of supplier corrective action was included in the audit files. An observation with regard to the imposition of Part 21 reporting requirements on suppliers was discussed with Holtec/HMD for their consideration.
02.06: Determine whether DCSS components are being fabricated per approved QA and 10 CFR Part 21 implementing procedures and fabrication specifications.
The team examined a sample of manufacturing drawings, work control procedures, and job travelers to determine that fabrication of cask storage systems met the requirements of the CoCo The team observed fabrication activities, special processes, and applicable personnel qualification and certification records to determine that fabrication satisfied requirements and was accomplished by qualified personnel. Further, the team reviewed a sample of in-process job travelers and examination reports to assess work that had been completed prior to the inspection. The team noted that in all cases manufacturing drawings job travelers and inspection and welding procedures were adequately identified and at various work locations and the documents reflected the correct revisions, as applicable.
The team reviewed the following Holtec fabrication-related procedures and no concerns were identified:
Procedure # Revision Title HQP- Written Practice for Qualification of NDE Personnel HQP- Welder Qualification Requirements HQP- Qualification and Performance of Welding Activities HQP- Control and Qualification of NDE Procedures QCP- Control and Issuance of Weld Filler for GTAW and GMAW/FCAW Weld Processes QCP- 9.2A  8 Control and Issuance of SMAW and SAW Weld Filler Metal and Flux The team reviewed the following Holtec procedures for compliance to ASME Section V, Article 1, and no concerns were identified:
Procedure #  Revision Title QCP- Liquid Penetration Examination (Water Washable)
QCP- Magnetic Particle Examination (Dry Particle Method)
QCP-10.5 H  15 Visual Weld Examination for Holtec Product Lines Control of Special Processes The team witnessed welding of basket support plates to the inside of the shell wall for the Hatch project in accordance with Job Traveler No. 2200-369, Revision 22, "MPC-68 Basket Support Structure Assembly" and manufacturing drawing no. 1402, revision 51, dated 05/17/10, "MPC-68 Enclosure Vessel Construction." The team noted proper issuance and control of the weld wire through use of Weld Wire Release Form (WWRF) 9905-188, assigned to Welder No. 432.
The team noted that the release form contained pertinent information such as the weld procedure (WPS-47) and flux/wire (WS-313) in use at the time and verified by observation Page 7 of 10
compliance to those documents. The team verified that the weld equipment used was calibrated and that the filler wire diameter and electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage)
and the type of weld (fillet) were compliant to the weld procedure and manufacturing drawing.
The team witnessed welding of basket support plates to the inside of the shell wall for the Byron project in accordance with Job Traveler No. 3252-129, Revision 13, "MPC-32 Basket Support Structure Assembly" and manufacturing drawing no. 3753, revision 28, dated 05/13/2010,
"MPC-32 Enclosure Vessel Construction Coversheet." The team noted proper issuance and control of the weld wire through use of VV\NRF 9905-183, assigned to Welder No. 739. The team noted that the release form contained pertinent information such as the weld procedure (WPS-77) and flux/wire (WS-308) in use at the time and verified by observation compliance to those documents. Further the team verified that the weld equipment used was calibrated and that the filler wire diameter and electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage) and the type of weld (fillet) were compliant to the weld procedure and manufacturing drawing.
The team witnessed welding of a Braidwood (serial No.7) MPC standard shell sub-assembly.
Specifically the team witnessed welding of a top shell to bottom shell segment (weld no. 2)
according to Weld Procedure Specification No. 227, Revision 4, "Submerged Arc Welding." The team noted the use of VV\NRF- 9905-156 that controlled the use of ER308/ER308L coil wire (WS-284) and flux (FS-284). The team verified that the weld equipment used was calibrated and that the filler wire diameter, electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage), and weld type (groove) were compliant with the weld procedure and manufacturing drawing.
The team reviewed various welding Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) and Welding Procedure Specification (WPSs) to verify compliance with Section IX of the ASME Code. The team noted an observation with regard to WPS 77 with regard to the listing of amps/volts for various filler wire diameters in that the same diameter filler wires had two separate amp/volt ranges. The HMO QC Engineer stated the different amps/volts for the same filler wire diameters were meant to differentiate between the globular and spray arc mode of welding.
However, the WPS did not clearly differentiate this nor was it clear to several welders who were questioned as to which range applied to globular mode versus spray arc mode. The HMO QC supervisor initiated QPV 855 to address the observation that the WPS was not clear and HMO's planned corrective action was to rewrite the WPS to prevent any confusion. The team noted that the WPS as written was not in violation of ASME Code Section IX requirements. No concerns were identified with the other WPSs and PQRs reviewed by the team.

As discussedin02.01above,theteamobtainedasamplingofmaterialsinuseontheshopfloorforusein evaluatingHMO'smaterial procurementprocess.HMO staff demonstrated traceabilityforeachofthematerialsselectedbacktotheapplicablepurchaseorderandtheassociatedheat/lotnumbers.Theteamalsonotedthat10CFRPart21(Part21)
The team observed an HMO NOE subcontractor Level II RT inspector performing radiographic testing (RT) on fabrication welds in the radiography area pit. During setup for the RT, the team reviewed the work request for the activity and noted that it specified the use of Revision 20 of the applicable RT procedure; however, the technician was using Revision 17 of the procedure.
requirementswereincluded,whenrequired,onthe purchaseordersreviewed.An observationwasnotedinthatone procurement orderrequiredaforeign suppliertotakeonPart21reporting responsibilityandacopyofthePart21regulationwasincludedwiththe purchaseorder;however,the purchaseorderalsorequiredthatallNCRs generatedbythe supplier and their sub-suppliers be submittedtoHoltecfortheirreview,sothatinactuality,Holtecwas maintainingPart21 reportabilityresponsibility.Giventhatareviewofthe supplier'sauditreportindicatedthatthe supplierdidnothaveaformalPart21programor proceduresineffect, Holtec'sactioninthepurchaseordertorequiresubmittalofNCRsforreviewwasthecorrectand appropriatemethodformeetingPart21 reportability requirements,althoughthepurchaseordermadeitappearthatthe supplierwasresponsibleforPage5of10 Part21reportability.Theteam discussed this observationwiththe Corporate QA Manager and requested that Holtec review their practiceforhowPart21 reportability is imposed on suppliers to ensure that purchaseordersclearlyreflectwhen Holtec is maintaining reporting responsibility.

Receipt InspectionTheteamverified,for thoseitemsthathadbeenreceivedbyHMOfor fabrication,thatthe appropriategreentag associatedwithan acceptable completionofareceipt inspection wasaffixedtothematerials.
This issue was brought to the attention of the HMO QC Supervisor and Vendor Nonconformance Report (VNCR) No. 190 was issued to document the issue. A reconciliation of the two revisions was performed and did not reveal any significant technical differences between the two revisions; therefore, had Revision 17 been used for the entire RT, the results would not have been adversely affected. However, this issue revealed a lack of attention by the RT contractor. The Inspector reviewed the completed RT report and verified that the RT process was documented in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section V, Articles 1 and 2. The team assessed that there was no safety significance to the initial use of the incorrect procedure revision and that this failure to comply with 10 CFR 72.150, "Instructions, procedures and drawings," constituted a violation of minor significance that is not subject to Page 8 of 10

Approved Vendors ListTheteam reviewed a sample of vendor audits/surveillances performedbyorforHMOfor procured materials.
enforcement action in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy.

All materials sampled were verifiedtohavebeen procured from companieslistedon Holtec's Approved VendorList(AVL),alsousedbyHMO,andauditor surveillancereportswerewithin their required periodicity for maintaining the subject companiesontheAVL.Audit findings were documentedinthereportsalongwith corrective actionstakenbythoseaudited.No concerns were identifiedinthisreview.
Test Control The team witnessed a trial-fit of an MPC Lid Assembly (Serial No. 2532-55) with the drain line attached in a Byron MPC shell (Serial No. 14). Prior to the insertion, the team observed inspection of the MPC at the enclosure vessel opening while unconstrained (enclosure vessel out of rounding fixture). The team noted that six straight line tape measurement diameters were mapped with the MPC unit in the vertical position and out of the rounding fixture. The inspection was performed in accordance with manufacturing drawing No. 3753, revision 28, 05/13/2010,
"MPC-32 Enclosure Vessel Construction Coversheet" and Sequence Nos. 150 and 160 as defined within HMD Job Traveler No. 3250-128, Revision 12, "MPC-32 Final Assembly."

Control of Consumable MaterialsTheteamreviewedthe following procedures that establish methods for consumable materials tobeusedin cleaning components during fabricationandpriortofinal packaging.
Concerning the trial-fit of the lid, the team noted recording of as-built measurements between the edge of the lid and shell wall as well as any vertical mismatch between surface of lid at the weld prep and top edge of the shell. Results of both inspections were acceptable with measurements recorded on an Inspection Report Data Sheet (IRDS) specific to Traveler No.

HMO Procedure#RevisionTitle HSP-314 5 Cleaning of Fabricated Components and Finished Products QCP-13.2 7 Cleaning QCP-13.4 4 Detrimental Material ControlTheteam determinedthatall consumables other than water were controlledbythetoolroomin each fabrication shop.Personnel retrieve consumablessuchastape,markers,and solvent cleanersfromthetoolroom.The chemical certifications of markersusedintheshopsand certified as nucleargradewithlow halogen contentwerereviewedbytheteamandfound acceptable.
3250-128 and Project No. 0176 (Byron). Afterwards, the team observed the performance of a fit verification of the MPC with installed basket into a HI-TRAC Mock-up Fixture. The test determined that the MPC fit unobstructed into the HI-TRAC system. No deficiencies were noted.

Fresh waterisan acceptedcleaningagentwitha maximum concentration allowanceofchloride,fluoride,sulfideandtotal dissolvedsolids.HMO personnel explained that waterfromthepublicsupplygoes throughfiltersineach fabricationshopbeforeitismade availableforselfserviceuseata dippingstationineachshop.
The team witnessed a helium leak test of a Hatch MPC-68 shell assembly (serial no. 51)
according to Job traveler No. 2700-443, Revision 21, "MPC Standard Shell Sub-Assembly,"
Sequence No. 100 and manufacturing drawing No. 1402, Revision 51, "MPC-68 Enclosure Vessel Construction." The test was performed by a contracted Levell! ASNT certified leak test technician in accordance with Industrial Testing Laboratory Services, LLC (ILTS) Procedure No.

Personnelineachshopare trained in what available watercanbeusedforcleaningandmadeawareofthelocationofthe dipping station filteredwater.Useof non-filtrated waterforcleaningisnotallowed,andthe filtered water is chemically analyzedeveryyear.Theresultsofthe water analysis performed on November 2,2010forthethree workshopswerefoundtobe satisfactory.Overall,no concerns were identifiedwithHMO'scontrolof consumable materials.
204, Revision 13, and witnessed by the Licensee's (Hatch) on-site inspector. The team noted the use of a pre-test set-up check sheet and the wrapping of the shell in plastic with minimal free space between the MPC outer surface and noted that the extent of the test was to the MPC shell and MPC shell to baseplate welds. The team observed pre/post-test instrument calibration checks as required by procedure and noted the equipment (Le., calibrated leak standard, temperature gauge, and oxygen analyzer) used to perform the leak test was appropriately calibrated. The team reviewed the test results as documented in MPC Helium Leak Test Report No. 9925-2700-443 and noted that the MPC test satisfied the acceptance criteria of equal to or less than 2.0x1O-7 std-ccvsec He with an actual result of 7.08x10-9 std- cc 3/sec He.

ConclusionOverall,theteam concludedthatHMO's procurement activitieswerebeing performed in accordance with their controlling procedures.
Control of Measuring and Test Equipment The team verified that appropriate procedures were implemented for control of measuring and test equipment (M&TE). The team reviewed various M&TE used on both current and completed work to assess the control and traceability of measuring and test equipment. Specifically, the team reviewed calibration records of a densitometer, thread plug gauges, pi tape, caliper, ultrasonic thickness gauge, various welding equipment, oxygen analyzer, calibrated helium leak standard, and various other mechanical measuring devices. The team noted appropriate labeling and identification of M&TE, including the person who performed calibration, calibration of M&TE at periodic intervals, use of reference standards traceable to a national standard, and documented "As-Found" /"As-Left" information. No concerns were identifie Page 9 of 10

Methodsusedto approveadditionof suppliers totheAVLwere appropriateandtheauditsand surveillancesusedto qualify and maintain suppliersontheAVLwere adequate.Where issues identifiedintheaudits required responsePage6of10 bythesupplier, documentation of suppliercorrectiveactionwasincludedintheauditfiles.An observationwithregardtotheimpositionofPart21reporting requirements on suppliers was discussed with Holtec/HMD for their consideration.
Inspection, Test and Operating Status The team observed the use of markings such as tags and routing cards indicating the status of inspections and tests performed on numerous items in various production stages. Specifically, the team noted the inspection status of MPC top and bottom 'Y2 shell segments, baseplates, fuel basket, lid, and shell assemblies. The team noted the assemblies and components satisfactorily passed their required inspections and tests, where required, and that inadvertent bypassing of the inspections of tests had not occurred. No concerns were identified.

02.06: Determine whether DCSS components are being fabricated per approved QA and10CFR Part 21 implementing procedures and fabrication specifications.Theteam examinedasampleof manufacturingdrawings,workcontrolprocedures,andjob travelers to determine that fabricationofcaskstorage systemsmetthe requirementsofthe CoCoTheteam observed fabricationactivities,specialprocesses,and applicable personnel qualification and certificationrecordsto determine that fabrication satisfied requirements and was accomplished by qualifiedpersonnel.Further,theteamreviewedasampleofin-process job travelers and examinationreportstoassessworkthathadbeencompletedpriortotheinspection.Theteamnotedthatinallcases manufacturing drawings job travelers andinspectionandwelding procedures were adequatelyidentifiedandatvariouswork locations and the documentsreflectedthecorrectrevisions,asapplicable.TheteamreviewedthefollowingHoltec fabrication-related proceduresandnoconcernswere identified:
02.07a: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether they are conducted under an NRC-approved QA program (10 CFR 72.140).
Procedure#Revision Title HQP-9.113WrittenPracticefor QualificationofNDEPersonnel HQP-9.2 6 Welder Qualification Requirements HQP-9.4 7 Qualification and Performance of Welding Activities HQP-9.61Controland QualificationofNDE Procedures QCP-9.220Controland IssuanceofWeldFillerfor GTAW and GMAW/FCAW Weld ProcessesQCP-9.2A8Controland Issuance of SMAWandSAWWeldFillerMetalandFluxTheteamreviewedthefollowingHoltec procedures for compliancetoASMESectionV,Article1,andnoconcernswereidentified:
Procedure#Revision Title QCP-9.615LiquidPenetration Examination (Water Washable)QCP-9.7 8 Magnetic Particle Examination(DryParticle Method)QCP-10.5 H 15VisualWeld ExaminationforHoltecProductLinesControlofSpecial ProcessesTheteam witnessedweldingofbasket supportplatestotheinsideoftheshellwallfortheHatchprojectin accordancewithJob TravelerNo.2200-369,Revision22,"MPC-68BasketSupport Structure Assembly" and manufacturingdrawingno.1402,revision51,dated 05/17/10,68 Enclosure Vessel Construction."Theteamnoted properissuanceandcontroloftheweld wire throughuseofWeldWireReleaseForm(WWRF)9905-188, assigned to WelderNo.432.Theteamnotedthatthereleaseformcontained pertinent informationsuchastheweld procedure(WPS-47)andflux/wire(WS-313)inuseatthetimeandverifiedby observationPage7of10 compliancetothose documents.Theteamverifiedthattheweld equipmentusedwas calibratedandthatthefillerwire diameterandelectrical characteristics(voltageand amperage)andthetypeofweld(fillet)were complianttotheweld procedure and manufacturing drawing.Theteam witnessedweldingofbasketsupportplatestotheinsideoftheshellwallfortheByronprojectin accordancewithJob TravelerNo.3252-129,Revision13,"MPC-32BasketSupport Structure Assembly" and manufacturingdrawingno.3753,revision28,dated05/13/2010,"MPC-32 Enclosure Vessel Construction Coversheet."Theteamnotedproperissuanceandcontroloftheweldwirethroughuseof VV\NRF 9905-183, assigned to WelderNo.739.Theteamnotedthatthereleaseform contained pertinent informationsuchastheweld procedure (WPS-77)and flux/wire(WS-308)inuseatthetimeandverifiedby observation compliance to those documents.

Furthertheteamverifiedthattheweld equipmentusedwascalibratedandthatthefillerwire diameter and electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage)andthetypeofweld(fillet)were complianttotheweld procedure and manufacturing drawing.Theteam witnessedweldingofaBraidwood(serial No.7)MPCstandardshell sub-assembly.
HMD, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Holtec, uses Holtec's OA Program which is an NRC-approved program.

Specificallytheteam witnessedweldingofatopshelltobottomshell segment(weldno.2)
02.07b: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether the provisions of 10 CFR Part 21, "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance," for reporting defects that could cause a substantial safety hazard have been implemented.
accordingtoWeld Procedure SpecificationNo.227,Revision4,"SubmergedArcWelding."Theteamnotedtheuseof VV\NRF-9905-156thatcontrolledtheuseof ER308/ER308Lcoilwire (WS-284)andflux(FS-284).Theteamverifiedthattheweld equipmentusedwascalibratedandthatthefillerwirediameter, electrical characteristics(voltageandamperage),andweldtype(groove)were compliantwiththeweld procedure and manufacturing drawing.Theteamreviewed various welding Procedure QualificationRecords(PQRs)andWelding Procedure Specification(WPSs)toverify compliancewithSectionIXoftheASMECode.Theteamnotedan observationwithregardtoWPS77withregardtothelistingof amps/volts forvariousfillerwire diametersinthatthesame diameterfillerwireshadtwoseparateamp/voltranges.TheHMOQC Engineerstatedthe different amps/voltsforthesamefillerwire diametersweremeantto differentiatebetweenthe globularandsprayarcmodeofwelding.However,theWPSdidnotclearly differentiatethisnorwasitcleartoseveralwelderswhowere questionedastowhichrangeappliedto globularmodeversussprayarcmode.TheHMOQC supervisorinitiatedQPV855toaddresstheobservationthattheWPSwasnotclearandHMO's planned correctiveactionwastorewritetheWPStopreventanyconfusion.TheteamnotedthattheWPSaswrittenwasnotinviolationofASMECodeSectionIXrequirements.No concernswereidentifiedwiththeother WPSsandPQRsreviewedbytheteam.TheteamobservedanHMONOE subcontractorLevelIIRT inspector performing radiographictesting(RT)on fabricationweldsinthe radiographyareapit.DuringsetupfortheRT,theteamreviewedthework requestfortheactivityandnotedthatitspecifiedtheuseofRevision20of the applicableRTprocedure;however,the technicianwasusingRevision17oftheprocedure.ThisissuewasbroughttotheattentionoftheHMOQC Supervisor and Vendor NonconformanceReport(VNCR)No.190wasissuedto documenttheissue.Areconciliationofthetworevisionswas performedanddidnotrevealany significant technical differencesbetweenthetworevisions;therefore,hadRevision17beenusedfortheentireRT,theresultswouldnothavebeenadverselyaffected.However,thisissuerevealedalackofattentionbytheRTcontractor.The InspectorreviewedthecompletedRTreportandverifiedthattheRTprocesswas documented in accordancewiththe requirementsofASMESectionV,Articles1and2.Theteamassessedthattherewasnosafety significancetotheinitialuseofthe incorrect procedurerevisionandthatthisfailuretocomplywith10CFR72.150,"Instructions, procedures and drawings," constitutedaviolationof minor significancethatisnotsubjecttoPage8of10 enforcementactionin accordancewiththeNRC's Enforcement Policy.TestControlTheteam witnessed a trial-fitofanMPCLid Assembly(SerialNo.2532-55)withthedrainline attachedinaByronMPCshell(SerialNo.14).Priortotheinsertion,theteamobserved inspectionoftheMPCatthe enclosurevesselopeningwhile unconstrained(enclosurevesseloutofroundingfixture).Theteamnotedthatsix straightlinetape measurement diameters weremappedwiththeMPCunitintheverticalpositionandoutoftheroundingfixture.Theinspection was performed in accordance with manufacturingdrawingNo.3753,revision28,05/13/2010,"MPC-32 Enclosure Vessel ConstructionCoversheet"and SequenceNos.150and160asdefinedwithinHMDJob TravelerNo.3250-128,Revision12,"MPC-32Final Assembly." Concerning the trial-fitofthelid,theteamnotedrecordingofas-built measurements betweentheedgeofthelidandshellwallaswellasanyvertical mismatchbetweensurfaceoflidattheweldprepandtopedgeoftheshell.Resultsofboth inspections were acceptable with measurements recordedonanInspectionReportDataSheet(IRDS)
specific to Traveler No.3250-128andProjectNo.0176(Byron).

Afterwards,theteamobservedthe performanceofafit verificationoftheMPCwithinstalledbasketintoaHI-TRAC Mock-upFixture.Thetest determinedthattheMPCfit unobstructedintotheHI-TRACsystem.No deficiencies were noted.Theteam witnessedaheliumleaktestofaHatchMPC-68shell assembly(serialno.51)accordingtoJob travelerNo.2700-443,Revision21,"MPCStandardShell Sub-Assembly," SequenceNo.100and manufacturingdrawingNo.1402,Revision51,"MPC-68Enclosure Vessel Construction."Thetestwas performedbya contracted Levell!ASNTcertifiedleaktest technician in accordancewithIndustrialTesting LaboratoryServices,LLC(ILTS)ProcedureNo.204,Revision13,and witnessedbythe Licensee's(Hatch)on-siteinspector.Theteamnotedtheuseofapre-testset-upchecksheetandthewrappingoftheshellinplasticwithminimalfreespacebetweentheMPC outersurfaceandnotedthattheextentofthetestwastotheMPCshellandMPCshellto baseplatewelds.Theteamobserved pre/post-test instrument calibrationchecksasrequiredby procedureandnotedthe equipment (Le., calibratedleakstandard, temperaturegauge,andoxygenanalyzer)usedtoperformtheleaktestwas appropriatelycalibrated.Theteamreviewedthetestresultsas documentedinMPCHeliumLeakTestReport No.9925-2700-443andnotedthattheMPCtestsatisfiedthe acceptancecriteriaofequaltoorlessthan 2.0x1O-7 std-ccvsecHewithanactualresultof7.08x10-
The team determined that HMD uses procedure HOP 15.1, "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliances per 10 CFR 21," that governs the reporting of defects.
9std-cc 3/sec He.Controlof MeasuringandTest EquipmentTheteamverifiedthat appropriate procedures were implementedforcontrolofmeasuringand test equipment(M&TE).TheteamreviewedvariousM&TEusedonbothcurrentandcompletedworktoassessthecontroland traceability of measuringandtestequipment.Specifically,theteamreviewed calibrationrecordsofa densitometer,threadpluggauges,pitape,caliper, ultrasonic thicknessgauge,variousweldingequipment,oxygenanalyzer,calibratedheliumleakstandard,andvariousother mechanical measuringdevices.Theteamnoted appropriatelabelingandidentificationofM&TE,includingthepersonwhoperformedcalibration,calibrationofM&TEatperiodicintervals,useofreferencestandardstraceabletoanationalstandard,and documented"As-Found"/"As-Left"information.Noconcernswereidentified.Page9of10 Inspection,TestandOperatingStatusTheteamobservedtheuseofmarkingssuchastagsandroutingcardsindicatingthestatusofinspectionsandtestsperformedonnumerousitemsinvariousproductionstages.Specifically,theteamnotedtheinspectionstatusofMPCtopandbottom
'Y2shellsegments,baseplates,fuelbasket,lid,andshellassemblies.Theteamnotedtheassembliesand components satisfactorilypassedtheirrequiredinspectionsandtests,whererequired,andthat inadvertentbypassingoftheinspectionsoftestshadnotoccurred.Noconcernswereidentified.

02.07a: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether they are conducted under an NRC-approved QA program(10CFR72.140).HMD,asa wholly owned subsidiaryofHoltec,uses Holtec'sOAProgramwhichisan approved program.02.07b: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether the provisions of10CFR Part 21,"Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance," for reporting defects that could cause a substantial safety hazardhavebeen implemented.Theteam determinedthatHMDuses procedureHOP15.1,"ReportingofDefectsand Noncompliancesper10CFR21,"that governsthereportingofdefects.
02.07d: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether the fabricator has complied with 10 CFR 21.6, "Posting requirements."

02.07d: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether the fabricator has complied with10CFR21.6,"Posting requirements."TheteamverifiedthatthePart21 requirementswerepostedinmultiple accessible locations at the various fabricationshopsthat comprisetheHMD fabrication facility.Page10of10
The team verified that the Part 21 requirements were posted in multiple accessible locations at the various fabrication shops that comprise the HMD fabrication facilit Page 10 of 10

Latest revision as of 06:01, 13 November 2019

IR 07201014-10-202, on 12/6-9/2010, Holtec International, Marlton, Nj, Form 591S Part 1
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island, Holtec
Issue date: 12/22/2010
From: Temps R
To: Soler M
Download: ML103630482 (11)


NRC FORM 591S PART 1 (8-2002) U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 10 CFR2.201 SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT AND COMPLIANCE INSPECTION 1. LICENSEE/CERTIFICATE HOLOER 2. NRC/REGIONAL OFFICE Holtec Intemational Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation 555 Lincoln Drive West U. S. NRC Marlton, NJ 08053 MIS EBB-3D-02M Washington, DC REPORT NUMBER(S) 72-1014/2010-202 20555-0001 3. LICENSEE/CERTIFICATE NUMBER(S) 1 INSPECTION LOCATION 1 5.* DATEIS1 OF INSPECTION 72-1014 HMD, Turtle Creek, PA Ia./~ -~/2c/r; The inspection was an examination of the activities conducted under your NRC-approved 10 CFR Part 71'au~a~II"""'ly:::Ass~:::u::"ra-n-ce-"'p-ro-g-ra-m---4 approval as they relate to safely and compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules and regulations and the conditions of your CertifICate of Compliance (CoC). The inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors. The inspection findings are as follows:

~ Based on the inspection findings, no violation or nonconformances were identifie o Previous violatlons(s) or nonconformance{s) close o The v1olation(s). specifically described to you by the Inspector as non-cited violations. are not being cited because they were self-identified non-repetitive, and corrective aetion was or Is being taken, and the remaining criteria in the NRC Enforcement Polic NUREG-1600. to exercise discretion. were satisfie _ _ Non-Cited Violation(s) waslwere discussed involving the following requirement(s) and Correctlve Actions(s):

o 4 During this inspection certain of your activities, as described below and/or attached. were in violation or nonconformance with NRC requirements and are being cited. This is a NOTICE OF VIOLATION which ma)l"be subject to posting In accordance with 10 CFR19.1 .

STATEMENT OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS o I hereby state that, within 30 days. the actlcns described by me to the inspector'wlll be taken to correct the violations Identified. Thi statement of corrective actions' made in accordance with the reqUirements of 10 CRF 2.201 (correctlye steps already taken. c:orrectrve steps which will be taken date when full compliance will be achieved). I understand that no further written response to NRC Will be required. unless specifically requested; OR o Written Response requested in 30 days 0 Yes 0 No TITLE PRINTED NAME .A~ SIGNATURE DATE LICENSEE Ma r k.. Sole'"

NRC INSPECTOR Robert Temps NRCFORM591S PART1 (8-2002)

INSPECTOR NOTES COVER SHEET Licensee/Certificate Holder Holtec International (name and address) 555 Lincoln Drive West Marlton, NJ 08053 Licensee/Certificate Holder Greg Miller, Quality Manager - Holtec Manufacturing Division contacts Mark Soler, Holtec Corporate Quality Assurance (QA) Manager Docket N Inspection Report N Inspection Date(s) December 6 - 9, 2010 Inspection Location(s) Holtec Manufacturing Division (HMD)

Inspectors Robert Temps Earl Love Clyde Morell NRC Observers: Jon Woodfield Juan Montesinos Summary of Findings and This inspection involved a review of Holtec's wholly owned Actions fabrication facility, HMD, located in Turtle Creek, PA. At the time of the inspection, cask storage system fabrication activities were ongoing for multiple 10 CFR Part 50 licensee Overall, HMD's fabrication activities, and Holtec's oversight of the fabrication activities, were assessed to be adequate in meeting their QA Program requirements as well as NRC QA requirements. Overall quality of welding and other fabrication activities was assessed to be good. No cited violations of NRC requirements were identified. Several observations with regard to fabrication activities were noted by the team and discussed with Holtec/HMD personnel for their consideration and action.

Lead Inspector Robert R. TemPt:;Z./~

Signature/Date /11:)]. /10 'J . /.>>

. A -J Dafl:;;::t~~

Inspector Notes Approval Branch Chief )

Signature/Date i'2-/73 10 Page 1 of 10


02.01: Determine whether the fabrication specifications are consistent with the design commitments and requirements documented in the SAR, and, as applicable, the CoC or the site-specific license and technical specifications.

The team's focus in addressing this inspection element was on the process HMD uses 1) to control procedure distribution and 2) to translate vendor supplied design information into controlled HMD procedures and drawings for fabrication activities.

Document Control The team reviewed the documentation control process to verify it was being properly implemented at HMD. The following procedures were reviewed:

Holtec Quality Procedure # Revision Title Document Control Project Document Transmittal and Control HMD personnel showed the team how new project documents or changes to ongoing project documents are generated at the Corporate Division and transmitted to the manufacturing division (HMD) via a Document Transmittal Form (DTF). These documents, namely reports, procedures, specifications, drawings, etc... , are reviewed and approved by the designated Project Manager (PM). After review, the PM approves the distribution of the documents to locations within the HMD facility where needed. When changes/revision to drawings are made, the PM issues a DTF to a designated HMD employee to physically replace the paper drawings, located at documentation areas in each fabrication shop, with the latest revision. The team reviewed several DTFs used to replace existing drawings in the fabrication shop and verified that the process had been properly implemented.

HMD uses a computerized system for all its projects to archive, distribute, process and track revisions for all associated projects. The system is effectively implemented at the document areas within each fabrication shop by having paper copies of drawings available and a computer terminal available that allows HMD personnel to retrieve the most updated document information. The team spot verified that the revision number of paper fabrication drawings provided at the document area in the North fabrication shop were current, and verified that travelers being used on the fabrication shop floor were incorporated into the computerized system.

Control of Design Information The team noted that the design development process for Holtec occurs at their corporate offices in New Jersey. The translation of the intended design at the fabrication level and from the corporate design drawings was verified by the team. The team used samples of materials from the shop floor and traced them back to their associated purchase orders and applicable design drawings. In each case, the team verified that the material samples conformed to the requirements of the associated design drawlnq Page 2 of 10

The team also reviewed various statements made in Section 9 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for the HI-STORM system (CoC 72-1014) to verify they were properly implemented in appropriate fabrication or test procedures used at HMD. The results of this review are discussed below.

The team reviewed the following relevant design parameters and verified that they were appropriately translated from the FSAR licensing drawings to the HMD fabrication drawings:

Requirement FSAR Location HMO Document/drawing Fuel cell pitch CoC #1014 Appendix B 3. DWG 3752 MPC-32 FUEL DWG 3927 Sheet 3 Rev 16 BASKET ASSEMBLY Rev 13 MPC Lifting Holes Mi DWG 3923 Sheet 7 Rev 25 DWG 3753 MPC SHELL Rev 28 Depth Overpack Shielding DWG 4116 sheet 2 Rev 19 DWG 3996 HI-STORM 100S Thickness VERSION B Rev 33 FSAR Section 9.1.1 [Fabrication and Nondestructive Examination (NDE)], paragraph 4, states that the MPC, HI-STORM Overpack, and HI-TRAC cask welds shall be visually examined in accordance with ASME Code,Section V, Article 9 with acceptance criteria per ASME Code,Section III, Subsection NF, Article NF-5360, except the MPC fuel basket cell plate-to-cell plate welds and fuel basket support-to-canister welds which shall have acceptance criteria to ASME Code Section III, Subsection NG, Article NG-5360. It is further stated in paragraph 4 that FSAR Table 9.1.4 identifies additional nondestructive examination (NDE) requirements to be performed on specific welds, and the applicable codes and acceptance criteria to be used in order to meet the inspection requirements of the applicable ASME Code,Section III.

Acceptance criteria for NDE shall be in accordance with the applicable Code for which the item was fabricated. These additional NDE criteria are also specified on the design drawings for the specific welds.

The team requested copies of the MPC and HI-TRAC fabrication drawings to determine if the NDE requirements for specific welds were properly incorporated from FSAR Table 9.1.4 to the fabrication drawings. Drawing 4838, Sheets1-9, revision 16 (Standard MPC-Shell and Details for MPC-24, 32, & 68) and drawing 7464, Sheets 1-3, revision 1 (Sub-assembly, HI-TRAC 125D Version A) were provided. The team reviewed the drawings and determined that the NDE requirements for specific welds shown in FSAR Table 9.1.4 had been properly incorporated into the fabrication drawing FSAR Section (Lifting Trunnions) requires that the HI-TRAC lifting trunnions be tested at 300% of the maximum design (service) lifting load and that the load shall be applied for a minimum of 10 minutes. The accessible parts of the trunnions and the adjacent HI-TRAC cask trunnion attachment area shall then be visually examined to verify no deformation. The team reviewed procedure HSP-113, revision 8, "Trunnion Load Test Procedure for HI-TRAC 100 and 125 Systems," and determined that the FSAR requirements for a 300% load test, 10 minute minimum hold period, and post test inspections, had been properly incorporate FSAR Section (Shielding Effectiveness Tests) requires that effectiveness of the lead plates in the HI-TRAC pool lid (all transfer cask designs) and transfer lid (HI-TRAC 125 and 100 only) shall be verified during fabrication by performing an ultrasonic test (UT) on the lead plate The UT is performed before the installation of the plates. The team reviewed procedure Page 3 of 10

SC-240, revision 0, "Ultrasonic Examination of Lead Based Plate," and a material dedication report for lead plate to be used in a HI-TRAC Pool lid. The team determined that UT thickness testing on lead plates prior to installation in HI-TRAC pool lids was being performed as stated in the FSAR.

FSAR Section (Shielding Effectiveness Tests) permits, as an alternative to poured lead in the HI-TRAC 125D transfer cask body, the use of individual lead sheets layered together.

FSAR Section specifies that, "All sheets regardless of thickness shall be measured for thickness in at least four corner locations, at a minimum of two inches from any edge." The team reviewed procedure HSP-336, revision 9, "Lead Installation Procedure for HI-TRAC."

While there were detailed instructions in the procedure for inspecting and installing the lead sheets, there was no specific step for measuring the thickness of the individual lead sheets at their four corners. The discrepancy between the FSAR statement and the fabrication procedure was brought to the attention of the HMD QA Manager and the issue was documented in Quality Program Violation (QPV) 854. Further discussion with Holtec/HMD personnel indicated that the intent of these measurements was for use on thicker lead sheets and that the thinner sheets being used did not require this measurement.

FSAR Section (HI-TRAC Transfer Cask Water Jacket) provides hydrostatic pressure requirements for testing the HI-TRAC transfer cask water jacket. The section states that the testing shall be in accordance with written and approved procedures with the test pressure gauge installed on the water jacket having an upper limit of approximately twice that of the test pressure. The team reviewed procedure HSP-112, revision 6, "Hydro-test Procedure for HI-TRAC 100 and 125 Transfer Casks," and determined that the procedure step addressing pressure gauges stated that, "Analog type gauges shall be graduated over a range not less than 1.5 times nor more than 4 times the required test pressure." Therefore, the procedure requirement for pressure gauges did not match the FSAR statement. This discrepancy was brought to the attention of the HMD QA Manager and it was included on QPV 854, written for the previous issue discussed above.

The two issues documented in the QPV were discussed with the Holtec Corporate QA Manager.

The team was informed that the FSAR Section 9 discrepancies would be addressed through the 10 CFR 72.48 process and that a full review of FSAR Section 9 would be undertaken by Holtec to ensure there were no other statements that were not being implemented in HMD fabrication or testing procedures. The team assessed that there was no safety significance to the differences between the FSAR statements and the actual fabrication and testing procedures.

This failure to comply with 10 CFR 72.146, "Design control," constituted a violation of minor significance that is not subject to enforcement action in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy.

02.02: Determine whether corrective actions for identified fabrication deficiencies have been implemented in a time frame commensurate with their significance, and whether nonconformance reports documenting the deficiencies have been initiated and resolved.

The team reviewed Holtec Quality Procedure (HQP) 15.2, "Nonconformances," the procedure that is part of the problem identification and corrective action program, used by HMD/Holtec, applicable to nonconformances. The team reviewed a representative sampling of nonconformance reports. Resolution of the issues documented in the various reports was assessed to be appropriate with the reports closed in a timeframe commensurate to their importance. In the few cases where human performance or programmatic issues appeared as Page 4 of 10

contributory causes to an NCR, the team noted that these issues were appropriately documented through the higher level Quality Program Violation corrective action program process. The team also verified that for NCRs that were in open status, the affected components in the shop had been tagged as required by HQP 15.2.

The team noted that the Quality Manager (QM) is required to perform tracking and trending of all NCRs. The team discussed with the Corporate QA Manager how trending is performed and the results presented to Holtec management. The team was provided copies of the last two HMO Quarterly NCR Reports (2nd and 3rd Quarter - 2010) from which the team verified appropriate trending of NCRs was occurring, as required by HQP 15.2, and that this information was presented for Holtec management review.

Overall, no concerns were identified in the manner in which HMO resolves nonconformances.

02.03: Determine whether individuals performing quality-related activities are trained and certified where required.

The team reviewed NOE personnel certification records to ascertain that they were certified in accordance with ASNT-TC-1a -1992 editions and Holtec procedure HQP-9.1, revision 11,

"Written Practice for Qualification of NOE Personnel." The team reviewed qualification records of a PT Level II Inspector and an RT Level II Inspector and determined they were both qualified and certified in accordance with HMO HCP-9-1.

02.05a: Determine whether materials, components, and other equipment received by the fabricator meet DCSS (dry cask storage system) design procurement specifications.

02.05b: Determine whether the procurement specifications conform to the design commitments and requirements contained in the SAR and, as applicable, the CoC or the site-specific license and technical specifications.

Procurement The team reviewed procurement procedures, reviewed various approved vendor audits and surveillances, and traced the procurement history of components undergoing fabrication to verify that they were procured from qualified suppliers and met specifications.

As discussed in 02.01 above, the team obtained a sampling of materials in use on the shop floor for use in evaluating HMO's material procurement process. HMO staff demonstrated traceability for each of the materials selected back to the applicable purchase order and the associated heat/lot numbers.

The team also noted that 10 CFR Part 21 (Part 21) requirements were included, when required, on the purchase orders reviewed. An observation was noted in that one procurement order required a foreign supplier to take on Part 21 reporting responsibility and a copy of the Part 21 regulation was included with the purchase order; however, the purchase order also required that all NCRs generated by the supplier and their sub-suppliers be submitted to Holtec for their review, so that in actuality, Holtec was maintaining Part 21 reportability responsibility. Given that a review of the supplier's audit report indicated that the supplier did not have a formal Part 21 program or procedures in effect, Holtec's action in the purchase order to require submittal of NCRs for review was the correct and appropriate method for meeting Part 21 reportability requirements, although the purchase order made it appear that the supplier was responsible for Page 5 of 10

Part 21 reportability. The team discussed this observation with the Corporate QA Manager and requested that Holtec review their practice for how Part 21 reportability is imposed on suppliers to ensure that purchase orders clearly reflect when Holtec is maintaining reporting responsibility.

Receipt Inspection The team verified, for those items that had been received by HMO for fabrication, that the appropriate green tag associated with an acceptable completion of a receipt inspection was affixed to the materials.

Approved Vendors List The team reviewed a sample of vendor audits/surveillances performed by or for HMO for procured materials. All materials sampled were verified to have been procured from companies listed on Holtec's Approved Vendor List (AVL) , also used by HMO, and audit or surveillance reports were within their required periodicity for maintaining the subject companies on the AVL.

Audit findings were documented in the reports along with corrective actions taken by those audited. No concerns were identified in this review.

Control of Consumable Materials The team reviewed the following procedures that establish methods for consumable materials to be used in cleaning components during fabrication and prior to final packagin HMO Procedure # Revision Title HSP-314 5 Cleaning of Fabricated Components and Finished Products QCP-1 Cleaning QCP-1 Detrimental Material Control The team determined that all consumables other than water were controlled by the tool room in each fabrication shop. Personnel retrieve consumables such as tape, markers, and solvent cleaners from the tool room. The chemical certifications of markers used in the shops and certified as nuclear grade with low halogen content were reviewed by the team and found acceptable. Fresh water is an accepted cleaning agent with a maximum concentration allowance of chloride, fluoride, sulfide and total dissolved solids. HMO personnel explained that water from the public supply goes through filters in each fabrication shop before it is made available for self service use at a dipping station in each shop. Personnel in each shop are trained in what available water can be used for cleaning and made aware of the location of the dipping station filtered water. Use of non-filtrated water for cleaning is not allowed, and the filtered water is chemically analyzed every year. The results of the water analysis performed on November 2,2010 for the three workshops were found to be satisfactory. Overall, no concerns were identified with HMO's control of consumable materials.

Conclusion Overall, the team concluded that HMO's procurement activities were being performed in accordance with their controlling procedures. Methods used to approve addition of suppliers to the AVL were appropriate and the audits and surveillances used to qualify and maintain suppliers on the AVL were adequate. Where issues identified in the audits required response Page 6 of 10

by the supplier, documentation of supplier corrective action was included in the audit files. An observation with regard to the imposition of Part 21 reporting requirements on suppliers was discussed with Holtec/HMD for their consideration.

02.06: Determine whether DCSS components are being fabricated per approved QA and 10 CFR Part 21 implementing procedures and fabrication specifications.

The team examined a sample of manufacturing drawings, work control procedures, and job travelers to determine that fabrication of cask storage systems met the requirements of the CoCo The team observed fabrication activities, special processes, and applicable personnel qualification and certification records to determine that fabrication satisfied requirements and was accomplished by qualified personnel. Further, the team reviewed a sample of in-process job travelers and examination reports to assess work that had been completed prior to the inspection. The team noted that in all cases manufacturing drawings job travelers and inspection and welding procedures were adequately identified and at various work locations and the documents reflected the correct revisions, as applicable.

The team reviewed the following Holtec fabrication-related procedures and no concerns were identified:

Procedure # Revision Title HQP- Written Practice for Qualification of NDE Personnel HQP- Welder Qualification Requirements HQP- Qualification and Performance of Welding Activities HQP- Control and Qualification of NDE Procedures QCP- Control and Issuance of Weld Filler for GTAW and GMAW/FCAW Weld Processes QCP- 9.2A 8 Control and Issuance of SMAW and SAW Weld Filler Metal and Flux The team reviewed the following Holtec procedures for compliance to ASME Section V, Article 1, and no concerns were identified:

Procedure # Revision Title QCP- Liquid Penetration Examination (Water Washable)

QCP- Magnetic Particle Examination (Dry Particle Method)

QCP-10.5 H 15 Visual Weld Examination for Holtec Product Lines Control of Special Processes The team witnessed welding of basket support plates to the inside of the shell wall for the Hatch project in accordance with Job Traveler No. 2200-369, Revision 22, "MPC-68 Basket Support Structure Assembly" and manufacturing drawing no. 1402, revision 51, dated 05/17/10, "MPC-68 Enclosure Vessel Construction." The team noted proper issuance and control of the weld wire through use of Weld Wire Release Form (WWRF) 9905-188, assigned to Welder No. 432.

The team noted that the release form contained pertinent information such as the weld procedure (WPS-47) and flux/wire (WS-313) in use at the time and verified by observation Page 7 of 10

compliance to those documents. The team verified that the weld equipment used was calibrated and that the filler wire diameter and electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage)

and the type of weld (fillet) were compliant to the weld procedure and manufacturing drawing.

The team witnessed welding of basket support plates to the inside of the shell wall for the Byron project in accordance with Job Traveler No. 3252-129, Revision 13, "MPC-32 Basket Support Structure Assembly" and manufacturing drawing no. 3753, revision 28, dated 05/13/2010,

"MPC-32 Enclosure Vessel Construction Coversheet." The team noted proper issuance and control of the weld wire through use of VV\NRF 9905-183, assigned to Welder No. 739. The team noted that the release form contained pertinent information such as the weld procedure (WPS-77) and flux/wire (WS-308) in use at the time and verified by observation compliance to those documents. Further the team verified that the weld equipment used was calibrated and that the filler wire diameter and electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage) and the type of weld (fillet) were compliant to the weld procedure and manufacturing drawing.

The team witnessed welding of a Braidwood (serial No.7) MPC standard shell sub-assembly.

Specifically the team witnessed welding of a top shell to bottom shell segment (weld no. 2)

according to Weld Procedure Specification No. 227, Revision 4, "Submerged Arc Welding." The team noted the use of VV\NRF- 9905-156 that controlled the use of ER308/ER308L coil wire (WS-284) and flux (FS-284). The team verified that the weld equipment used was calibrated and that the filler wire diameter, electrical characteristics (voltage and amperage), and weld type (groove) were compliant with the weld procedure and manufacturing drawing.

The team reviewed various welding Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) and Welding Procedure Specification (WPSs) to verify compliance with Section IX of the ASME Code. The team noted an observation with regard to WPS 77 with regard to the listing of amps/volts for various filler wire diameters in that the same diameter filler wires had two separate amp/volt ranges. The HMO QC Engineer stated the different amps/volts for the same filler wire diameters were meant to differentiate between the globular and spray arc mode of welding.

However, the WPS did not clearly differentiate this nor was it clear to several welders who were questioned as to which range applied to globular mode versus spray arc mode. The HMO QC supervisor initiated QPV 855 to address the observation that the WPS was not clear and HMO's planned corrective action was to rewrite the WPS to prevent any confusion. The team noted that the WPS as written was not in violation of ASME Code Section IX requirements. No concerns were identified with the other WPSs and PQRs reviewed by the team.

The team observed an HMO NOE subcontractor Level II RT inspector performing radiographic testing (RT) on fabrication welds in the radiography area pit. During setup for the RT, the team reviewed the work request for the activity and noted that it specified the use of Revision 20 of the applicable RT procedure; however, the technician was using Revision 17 of the procedure.

This issue was brought to the attention of the HMO QC Supervisor and Vendor Nonconformance Report (VNCR) No. 190 was issued to document the issue. A reconciliation of the two revisions was performed and did not reveal any significant technical differences between the two revisions; therefore, had Revision 17 been used for the entire RT, the results would not have been adversely affected. However, this issue revealed a lack of attention by the RT contractor. The Inspector reviewed the completed RT report and verified that the RT process was documented in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section V, Articles 1 and 2. The team assessed that there was no safety significance to the initial use of the incorrect procedure revision and that this failure to comply with 10 CFR 72.150, "Instructions, procedures and drawings," constituted a violation of minor significance that is not subject to Page 8 of 10

enforcement action in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy.

Test Control The team witnessed a trial-fit of an MPC Lid Assembly (Serial No. 2532-55) with the drain line attached in a Byron MPC shell (Serial No. 14). Prior to the insertion, the team observed inspection of the MPC at the enclosure vessel opening while unconstrained (enclosure vessel out of rounding fixture). The team noted that six straight line tape measurement diameters were mapped with the MPC unit in the vertical position and out of the rounding fixture. The inspection was performed in accordance with manufacturing drawing No. 3753, revision 28, 05/13/2010,

"MPC-32 Enclosure Vessel Construction Coversheet" and Sequence Nos. 150 and 160 as defined within HMD Job Traveler No. 3250-128, Revision 12, "MPC-32 Final Assembly."

Concerning the trial-fit of the lid, the team noted recording of as-built measurements between the edge of the lid and shell wall as well as any vertical mismatch between surface of lid at the weld prep and top edge of the shell. Results of both inspections were acceptable with measurements recorded on an Inspection Report Data Sheet (IRDS) specific to Traveler No.

3250-128 and Project No. 0176 (Byron). Afterwards, the team observed the performance of a fit verification of the MPC with installed basket into a HI-TRAC Mock-up Fixture. The test determined that the MPC fit unobstructed into the HI-TRAC system. No deficiencies were noted.

The team witnessed a helium leak test of a Hatch MPC-68 shell assembly (serial no. 51)

according to Job traveler No. 2700-443, Revision 21, "MPC Standard Shell Sub-Assembly,"

Sequence No. 100 and manufacturing drawing No. 1402, Revision 51, "MPC-68 Enclosure Vessel Construction." The test was performed by a contracted Levell! ASNT certified leak test technician in accordance with Industrial Testing Laboratory Services, LLC (ILTS) Procedure No.

204, Revision 13, and witnessed by the Licensee's (Hatch) on-site inspector. The team noted the use of a pre-test set-up check sheet and the wrapping of the shell in plastic with minimal free space between the MPC outer surface and noted that the extent of the test was to the MPC shell and MPC shell to baseplate welds. The team observed pre/post-test instrument calibration checks as required by procedure and noted the equipment (Le., calibrated leak standard, temperature gauge, and oxygen analyzer) used to perform the leak test was appropriately calibrated. The team reviewed the test results as documented in MPC Helium Leak Test Report No. 9925-2700-443 and noted that the MPC test satisfied the acceptance criteria of equal to or less than 2.0x1O-7 std-ccvsec He with an actual result of 7.08x10-9 std- cc 3/sec He.

Control of Measuring and Test Equipment The team verified that appropriate procedures were implemented for control of measuring and test equipment (M&TE). The team reviewed various M&TE used on both current and completed work to assess the control and traceability of measuring and test equipment. Specifically, the team reviewed calibration records of a densitometer, thread plug gauges, pi tape, caliper, ultrasonic thickness gauge, various welding equipment, oxygen analyzer, calibrated helium leak standard, and various other mechanical measuring devices. The team noted appropriate labeling and identification of M&TE, including the person who performed calibration, calibration of M&TE at periodic intervals, use of reference standards traceable to a national standard, and documented "As-Found" /"As-Left" information. No concerns were identifie Page 9 of 10

Inspection, Test and Operating Status The team observed the use of markings such as tags and routing cards indicating the status of inspections and tests performed on numerous items in various production stages. Specifically, the team noted the inspection status of MPC top and bottom 'Y2 shell segments, baseplates, fuel basket, lid, and shell assemblies. The team noted the assemblies and components satisfactorily passed their required inspections and tests, where required, and that inadvertent bypassing of the inspections of tests had not occurred. No concerns were identified.

02.07a: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether they are conducted under an NRC-approved QA program (10 CFR 72.140).

HMD, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Holtec, uses Holtec's OA Program which is an NRC-approved program.

02.07b: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether the provisions of 10 CFR Part 21, "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance," for reporting defects that could cause a substantial safety hazard have been implemented.

The team determined that HMD uses procedure HOP 15.1, "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliances per 10 CFR 21," that governs the reporting of defects.

02.07d: With regard to fabrication activities, determine whether the fabricator has complied with 10 CFR 21.6, "Posting requirements."

The team verified that the Part 21 requirements were posted in multiple accessible locations at the various fabrication shops that comprise the HMD fabrication facilit Page 10 of 10