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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT ARevisetheTechnical Specification pagesasfollows:Remove3~1314.14-14.14-24..14-34.14-44.14-54..14-64.14-74.14-8Insert3%1314.14-14.14-24.14-34.14-44.14-54.14-64.14-74.14-84-.14-94.14-10'9205060110 920423PDRADOCK05000244PPDR 3.13SnubbersLimitinCondition for0eration3..13.1WithRCSconditions abovecoldshutdown, allsafety-related 3.13.2snubbersshallbeoperable.
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT A Revise the Technical Specification pages as follows:
Thisspecification doesnotapplytothosesnubbersinstalled onnonsafety-related systemsifthesnubberfailure,and,aresulting failureofthesupported.
Remove                  Insert 3 ~ 13 1                3 13
                                                %    1 4.14-1                  4. 14-1 4.14-2                 4.14-2 4.. 14-3                4.14-3 4.14-4                  4.14-4 4.14-5                  4.14-5 4.. 14-6                4.14-6 4.14-7                  4.14-7 4.14-8                  4.14-8 4-. 14-9 4.14-10
systemshowntobecausedbythatsnubberfailure,wouldhavenoadverseeffectonanysafety-related system.ActionWithoneormoresnubbersinoperable, within72hoursreplaceorrestoretheinoperable snubber(s) tooperablestatusand,performanengineering evaluation perSpecification 4.14.1fonthesupported.
'9205060110 920423 PDR  ADOCK 05000244 P              PDR
component ordeclarethesupported systeminoperable and.followtheappropriate actionstatement forthatsystem.BasisSnubbersarerequiredtobeoperabletoensurethatthestructural integrity ofthereactorcoolantsystemandallothersafety-related systemsismaintained duringand.following aseismicorothereventinitiating dynamicloads.Snubbersmaybereplacedbyrigidstructural supports(bumpers) providedananalysisisperformed todemonstrate thatappropriate acceptance criteriaaresatisfied fordesignbasisseismicand.pipebreakeventsandprovidedthatthebumpersareinspected.
periodically inamannerappropriate forrigidstructural supports.
Amendment No.3~131Proposed ReirementsEachsnubberrequiredbySpecification 3.13tobeOPERABLEshallbedemonstrated.
OPERABLEbytheperformance ofthefollowing inservice inspection programinadditiontotherequirements ofSpecification 4.2.a~Insection.esAsusedinthisspecification, "typeofsnubber"shallmeansnubbersofthesamedesignandmanufacturer.,
irrespective ofcapacity.
b.VisualInsectionscSnubbersarecategorized asinaccessible oraccessible duringreactoroperation.
Eachofthesecategories (inaccessible andaccessible) maybeinspected independently according tothescheduledetermine byTable4.14-1.Thevisualinspection intervalforeachtypeofsnubbershallbedetermined baseduponthecriteriaprovided.
inTable4.14-1.VisualXnsectionAccetanceCriteriaVisualinspections shallverifythat(1)thesnubberhasnovisibleindications ofdamageorimpairedOPERABILITY, (2)attachments tothefoundation orAmendment No.4.14-1Proposed supporting structure arefunctional, and(3)fasteners fortheattachment ofthesnubbertothecomponent andtothesnubberanchorage arefunctional.
Snubberswhichappearinoperable asaresultofvisualinspections shallbeclassified asunacceptable andmaybereclassified acceptable forthepurposeofestablishing thenextvisualinspection
: interval, providedthat:(1)thecauseoftherejection isclearlyestablished andremediedforthatparticular snubberandforothersnubbers, irrespective oftypethatmaybegenerically susceptible; or(2)theaffectedsnubberisfunctionally tested.intheas-foundcondition anddetermined OPERABLEperSpecification 4.14.1e.Allsnubbersfoundconnected toaninoper-able commonhydraulic fluidreservoir shallbecountedasunacceptable fordetermining thenextinspection interval.
Areviewandevaluation shallbeperformed anddocumented tojustifycontinued operation withanunacceptable snubber.Ifcontinued operation cannotbejustified, thesnubbershallbedeclaredinoperable and.theACTIONrequirement shallbemet.Amendment No.374.14-2Proposed TABLE4.14-1SNUBBERVISUALINSPECTION INTERVALPopulation orCategoryNUMBEROFUNACCEPTABLE SNUBBERS(Ref.Note7)ColumnAColumnBColumnCExtendIntervalRepeatIntervalReduceInterval(Notes1and2)(Notes3and6)(Notes4and6)(Notes5and6)801001502003004005007501000orgreater122.029244056364878109Note1:Thenextvisualinspection intervalforasnubberpopulation orcategorysizeshallbedetermined baseduponthepreviousinspection intervalandthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringthatinterval.
Snubbersmaybecategorized, basedupontheiraccessibility'uring poweroperation, asaccessible orinaccessible.
Thesecategories maybeexaminedseparately orjointly.However,thisdecisionmustbeAmendment No.4.14-3Proposed f
Note2:Note3:Note4:Note5:Note6:Note7:documented beforeanyinspection andshallbeusedasthebasisuponwhichtodetermine thenextinspection intervalforthatcategory.
Interpolation betweenpopulation orcategorysizesandthenumberofunacceptable snubbersispermissible.
UsenextlowerintegerforthevalueofthelimitforColumnsA,B,orCifthatintegerincludesafractional valueofunacceptable snubbersasdetermined byinterpolation.
Ifthenumberofunacceptable snubbersisequaltoorlessthanthenumberinColumnA,thenextinspection intervalmaybetwicethepreviousintervalbutnotgreaterthan48months.Ifthenumberofacceptable snubbersisequaltoorlessthanthenumberinColumnBbutgreaterthanthenumberinColumnA,thenextinspection intervalshallbethesameasthepreviousinterval.
Ifthenumberofunacceptable snubbersisequaltoorgreaterthanthenumberinColumnC,thenextinspection intervalshallbetwo-thirds ofthepreviousinterval.
However,ifthenumberofunacceptable snubbersislessthanthenumberinColumnCbutgreaterthanthenumberinColumnB,thenextintervalshallbereducedproportionally byinterpolation, thatis,thepreviousintervalshallbereducedbyafactorthatisone-third oftheratioofthedifference betweenthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringthepreviousintervalandthenumberinColumnBtothedifference inthenumbersinColumnBandC.Theprovisions ofSpecification Section4.0areapplicable forallinspection intervals uptoandincluding 48months.Todetermine thenextsurveillance
: interval, anunacceptable snubbermaybereclassified asacceptable ifitcanbedemonstrated thatthesnubberisoperableinitsas-foundcondition byperformance ifafunctional testandifitsatisfies theacceptance criteriaforfunctional testing.Amendment No.4.14-4Proposed 04 4.14.1.dFunctional TestsAtleastonceper18monthsduringshutdown, arepresentative sample(atleast10-oofthesnubbersrequiredbySpecification 3.13)shallbefunctionally tested.eitherinplaceorinabenchtest.Foreachsnubberthatdoesnotmeetthefunctional testacceptance criteriaof.Specification 4.14.1e,anadditional 10%ofthesnubbersshallbefunctionally testeduntilnomorefailuresarefoundoruntilallsnubbershavebeenfunctionally tested.Therepresentative sampleselectedforfunctional testingshall,asfaraspractical, includethevariousconfigurations, operating environments, rangeofsizesandcapacities ofsnubbers.
Inadditiontotheregularsample,snubbersplacedinthesamelocations assnubberswhichfailedthepreviousfunctional testshallberetestedatthetimeofthenextfunctional test.Additionally, ifafailedsnubberhasbeenrepairedandreinstalled inanotherlocation, thatfailedsnubbershallalsoberetested.
Thesesnubbersshallnotbeincludedintheregularsample.Ifduringthefunctional testing,additional samplingisrequireddueto,failureofonlyonetypeofsnubber,thefunctional testingresultsshallbereviewedatthattimetodetermine ifadditional samplesshouldbelimitedtothetypeofsnubberwhichhasfailedthefunctional testing.Amendment No.4.14-5Proposed 4.14.1.e.
Functional TestAccetanceCriteriaThesnubberfunctional testshallverifythat:1)Activation (restraining action)isachievedwithinthespecified rangeinbothtensionandcompression; 2)Snubberbleed,orreleaseratewhererequired.,
ispresentinbothtensionand,compression, withinthespecified range;3)Whererequired, theforcerequiredtoinitiateormaintainmotionofthesnubberiswithinthespecified rangeinbothdirections oftravel;and4)Forsnubbersspecifically requirednottodisplaceundercontinuous load,theabilityofthesnubbertowithstand loadwithoutdisplacement isverified.
Testingmethodsmaybeusedtomeasureparameters indirectly orparameters otherthanthosespecified ifthoseresultscanbecorrelated tothespecified parameters throughestablished methods.Functional TestFailureAnalsisAnanalysisshallbemadeofeachfailuretomeetthefunctional testacceptance criteriatodetermine thecauseofthefailure.TheresultsofthisanalysisAmendment No.34.14-6Proposed shallbeused,ifapplicable, inselecting snubberstobetestedinanefforttodetermine theoperability ofothersnubbers, irrespective oftype,whichmaybesubjecttothesamefailuremode.Forthespecificcaseofasnubberselectedforfunctional testingwhicheitherfailstoactivateorfailstomove,i.e.,frozen-in-place,the.causewillbeevaluated and,ifcausedbymanufacturer ordesigndeficiency, allsnubbersofthesametypesubjecttothesamedefectshallbefunctionally testedorevaluated inamannertoensuretheiroperability.
Anytestingperformed aspartofthisrequirement shallbeindependent oftherequirements statedinSpecification 4.14.1dforsnubbersnotmeetingthefunctional testacceptance criteria.
Foranysnubbersfoundinoperable, anengineering evaluation shallbeperformed onthecomponents towhichtheinoperable snubbersareattached.
Thepurposeofthisengineering evaluation shallbetodetermine ifthecomponents towhichtheinoperable snubbersareattachedwereadversely affectedbytheinoperability ofthesnubbersinordertoensurethatthecomponent remainscapableofmeetingthedesignedservice.Amendment No.4.14-7Proposed 4.14.1.gSnubberSealServiceLifeMonitorin Thesealservicelifeofhydraulic snubbersshallbemonitored.
andsealsreplacedasrequiredtoensurethattheservicelifeisnotexceededbetweensurveillance inspections duringaperiodwhenthesnubberisrequiredtobeoperable.
Thesealreplacements shallbedocumented andthedocumentation shallberetainedinaccordance withTechnical Specification 6.10.2.BasisSnubbersareprovidedtoensurethatthestructural integrity ofthereactorcoolantsystemandallothersafetyrelatedsystemsismaintained duringandfollowing aseismicorothereventinitiating dynamicloads.Thevisualinspection frequency isbasedonthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringtheprevious'nspection inproportion tothesizesofthevarioussnubberpopulations orcategories.
Asnubberis-considered unacceptable ifitfailstheacceptance criteriadelineated bySpecification 4.14.1.c.
Thevisualinspection intervalisbaseduponthepreviousinspection intervalandmaybeaslongastwofuelcycles,nottoexceed48months,depending onthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringthepreviousvisualinspection.
Amendment No.4.14-8Proposed

ttUnacceptable snubbersshallbeevaluated todetermine iftheyareinoperable.
3.13      Snubbers Limitin Condition for      0  eration 3..13.1    With RCS conditions above cold shutdown, all safety-related snubbers shall be operable.      This specification does not apply to those snubbers installed on non safety-related systems if the snubber failure, and, a resulting failure of the supported. non safety-related. system shown to be caused by that snubber failure, would have no adverse effect on any safety-related system.
Forinoperable snubberstheapplicable actionrequirements shallbemet.Whenasnubberisfoundinoperable, anengineering evaluation ofthesupported component isperformed inordertodetermine ifanysafety-related component orsystemhasbeenadversely affected.
Action 3.13.2    With one or more snubbers inoperable, within 72 hours replace or restore the inoperable snubber(s) to operable status and, perform an engineering evaluation per Specification 4.14.1f on the supported. component or declare the supported system inoperable and. follow the appropriate action statement for that system.
bytheinoperability ofthesnubber.Thisevaluation isinadditiontothedetermination ofthesnubbermodeoffailure.Theengineering evaluation shalldetermine whetherornotthesnubberfailurehasimpartedasignificant effectonorcauseddegradation ofthesupported component orsystem,toensuretheyremaincapableofmeetingthedesigned, service.Whenthecauseoftherejection ofasnubberisclearlyestablished..
Basis Snubbers  are required to be operable to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety-related systems is maintained during and. following a seismic or other event initiating  dynamic loads.
and,remediedforthatsnubberandforanyothersnubbersthatmaybegenerically susceptible, andverifiedbyinservice functional testing,thatsnubbermaybeexemptedfrombeingcountedasinoperable.
Snubbers  may be  replaced by rigid structural supports (bumpers) provided an analysis is performed to demonstrate that appropriate acceptance criteria are satisfied for design basis seismic and. pipe break events and provided that the bumpers are inspected. periodically in  a manner  appropriate for  rigid structural supports.
Generically susceptible snubbersarethosewhichareofaspecificmakeormodelandhavethesamedesignfeaturesdirectlyrelatedtothesnubberrejectedorarethosewhicharesimilarly locatedorexposedtothesameenvironmental conditions suchastemperature, radiation, and.vibration.
Amendment No.                    3 ~ 13 1                      Proposed
Todetermine thenextsurveillance
: interval, anunacceptable snubbermaybereclassified asacceptable ifitcanbedemonstrated thatthesnubberisoperableinitsas-foundcondition byperformance ofafunctional testandifitsatisfies theacceptance criteriaforfunctional testing.Amendment No.4.14-9Proposed Toprovideassurance ofsnubberfunctional reliability, arepresentative sampleoftheinstalled snubberswillbefunctionally testedduringplantshutdowns atlessthanorequalto18monthintervals.
4.14      Snubber Surveillance Re      irements 4.14.1    Each snubber  required by Specification 3.13 to be    OPERABLE shall be demonstrated. OPERABLE by the performance of the following inservice inspection program in addition to the requirements of Specification 4.2.
Observedfailuresofthesesamplesnubbersshallrequirefunctional testingofadditional units.Hydraulic snubbersandmechanical snubbersmayeachbetreatedasadifferent entityfortheabovesurveillance programs.
a ~  Ins ection. es As used in this specification, "type of    snubber" shall mean  snubbers  of the same design and manufacturer.,
Theservicelifeofasnubberisevaluated viamanufacturer inputandengineering information throughconsideration ofthesnubberserviceconditions andfunctional designrequirements.
irrespective of capacity.
Theonly'snubbercomponents withservicelivesnotexpectedtoexceedplantlifearesealsand,o-ringsfabricated fromcertainsealmaterials.
: b. Visual Ins ections Snubbers are categorized as inaccessible or accessible during reactor operation. Each of these categories (inaccessible and accessible)          may be  inspected independently according to the schedule determine by Table 4.14-1. The visual inspection interval for each type of snubber shall be determined based upon the criteria  provided. in Table 4.14-1.
Therefore, asealreplacement programisrequiredtomonitorsnubbersealando-ringservicelifetoassuresnubberoperability isnotdegradedduetoexceeding component servicelife.Amendment No.4.14-10Proposed ATTACHMENT BDESCRIPTION Theproposedamendment redefines thesnubbervisualinspection schedulepursuanttoguidancecontained inGenericLetter90-09.ThecurrentformatofSpecification 4.14.1willalsobemodifiedtoparalleltheformatdelineated inthemodelcontained.
c    Visual Xns ection Acce tance Criteria Visual inspections shall verify that (1) the snubber has no visible indications of damage or impaired OPERABILITY, (2) attachments to the foundation or Amendment No.                      4.14-1                        Proposed
inGenericLetter90-09.Therefore, someeditorial changes,inadditiontochangestothebasis,weremadetoensureconsistency.
Thecurrentschedule, described inTechnical Specification 4.14.1a,isbasedonlyonthenumberofinoperable snubbersfoundduringthepreviousinspection, irrespective ofthesizeofthesnubberpopulation.
supporting structure are functional, and (3) fasteners for the attachment of the snubber to the component and to the snubber anchorage are functional.          Snubbers which  appear  inoperable    as  a  result of visual inspections shall be classified as unacceptable and may be reclassified acceptable        for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection interval, provided that: (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for that particular snubber and for other snubbers, irrespective of type that may be generically susceptible; or (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested. in the as-found    condition and determined          OPERABLE    per Specification 4.14.1e. All snubbers found connected to an inoper-able common hydraulic fluid reservoir shall  be counted as unacceptable    for determining the next inspection interval. A review and evaluation shall be performed and documented to justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber.      If continued operation cannot be    justified, the  snubber  shall be declared inoperable    and. the  ACTION requirement shall be met.
Thecurrentinspection intervalisbasedonafuelcycleofupto18months,withamaximumallowable extension nottoexceed25percentofthespecified surveillance interval.
Amendment No. 37                4.14-2                          Proposed
Theinspection intervaldependsonthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringthepreviousvisualinspection.
Thealternative inspection
: schedule, described inGenericLetter90-09,isbasedonthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringthepreviousinspection inproportion tothesizesofvarioussnubberpopulations orcategories.
Population            Column A                Column B              Column  C or Category      Extend  Interval        Repeat  Interval    Reduce  Interval (Notes  1 and 2)    (Notes  3    and 6)    (Notes  4  and 6)    (Notes  5  and 6) 80 100 150 200 300 400                                                                    36 500                    12                      24                    48 750                    2.0                    40                    78 1000  or greater        29                      56                  109 Note 1:    The  next visual inspection interval for a snubber population or category size shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that        interval. Snubbers  may be  categorized, based upon their accessibility'uring power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly. However, this decision must be Amendment No.                          4.14-3                            Proposed
Asnubberisconsidered unacceptable, inbothcases,ifitfailstheacceptance criteriaofthevisualinspection.
Thealternative inspection intervalisbasedonafuelcycleofupto24monthsand.maybeaslongastwofuelcycles,or48monthsforplantswithotherfuelcyclesdepending onthenumberofunacceptable snubbersfoundduringtheprevious.
f documented before any inspection and shall be used as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category.
Note 2:  Interpolation    between population or category sizes and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissible.          Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if that  integer includes  a fractional value of unacceptable snubbers as determined by interpolation.
SYSTEMSANDCOMPONENTS AFFECTEDSafety-Related Hydraulic andMechanical SnubbersSAFETYFUNCTIONOFAFFECTEDSYSTEMSANDCOMPONENTS ThesafetyfunctionofSurveillance Requirement 4.14.1a(visualinspection reguirement),
Note 3:  If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval but not greater than 48 months.
istoensurethatnoobservable deficiencies existwithanysnubberinstallation thatwouldrenderasnubberinoperable.
Note 4:  If the number of acceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column B but greater than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.
Snubbersarerequiredtoensurethatthestructural integrity ofthereactorcoolantsystemandallothersafetyrelatedsystemsismaintained duringandfollowing aseismicevent.Snubbers, ordynamicrestraints, areusedtorestrainpipingorequipment duringseismiceventsortransient loads,yettheyallowrelatively unrestrained.
Note 5:  If the  number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall be two-thirds of the previous interval. However,      if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column C but greater than the number in Column B, the next interval shall be reduced proportionally by interpolation, that is, the previous interval shall be reduced by a factor that is one-third of the ratio of the difference      between the number  of unacceptable    snubbers  found during the previous interval  and the number in  Column B to the difference in the numbers in Column B and C.
movementofthepiping/component duringnormalheatuporcooldownoperations.
Note 6:  The provisions of Specification Section 4.0 are applicable for all  inspection intervals up to and including 48 months.
EFFECTSONSAFETYSnubberinservice inspection requirements consistofvisualinspection andfunctional testing.Visualinspection isintendedtodetectpotential impairedoperability causedbyleakage,corrosion ordegradation duetoenvironmental exposure.
Note 7:  To determine the next surveillance interval, an unacceptable snubber may be reclassified as acceptable          if it  can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as-found condition by performance      if  a functional test and    if it satisfies the acceptance criteria for functional testing.
Functional testingtypically involvesremovingthesnubberandtestingonaspecifically-designed teststandtoverifyitsabilitytooperatewithinspecified performance limits.Ingeneral,functional testingisintendedtoprovidea95-oconfidence level,that90to100percentofthesnubbersareoperablewithinacceptable limits.Theperformance ofthevisualinspection isaseparateprocesswhichiscomplimentary tothefunctional testingprogramandprovidesadditional confidence insnubberoperability.
Amendment No.                      4.14-4                          Proposed
Rochester GasandElectricCorporation hascompareddatagathered.
onGinnaStation's hydraulic andmechanical snubberstothatreportedbyBrookhaven NationalLaboratory (BNL).TheBNLreportwaspreparedfortheCommission, "Development ofAlternative SnubberSurveillance Requirements:
0 4
Recommended InterimSnubberSurveillance Plan,"datedJune12,1989insupportofGenericLetter90-09.Themethodology presented intheBNLreportisthebasisforGenericLetter90-09.TheresultsofthedatagatheredonGinnaNuclearPowerStationcomparedfavorably tothedataevaluated byBNL.Theresults,forbothGinnaandBNL,showedthatthepercentfailureratesfoundforvisuallyexaminedandfunctionally testedsnubbersarelow.ThefailureratesforGinna'svisualexaminations alsocomparedfavorably tofunctionally testedsnubbers.
Thevisualinspections hadfailureratesof6.0%and4.0%forthehydraulic andmechanical snubbersrespectively.
4.14.1.d Functional Tests At least once per 18 months during shutdown, a representative sample (at least 10-o of the snubbers required by Specification 3.13) shall be functionally tested. either in place or in a bench test.      For each snubber that does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria of. Specification 4.14.1e, an additional 10% of the snubbers shall be functionally tested until no more failures are found or until all snubbers have been functionally tested. The representative sample selected for functional testing shall, as far as practical, include    the    various    configurations,  operating environments, range of sizes and capacities of snubbers.
Thecorresponding failureratewhensnubbersweresubjected toanactualtestwas2.2%.Theresultsdescribed abovearedocumented inGinnaSafetyEvaluation numberNSL-0000-SE004.
In addition to the regular sample, snubbers placed in the same locations as snubbers which failed the previous functional test shall be retested at the time of the next functional test. Additionally, if a failed snubber has been repaired and reinstalled in another location, that failed snubber shall also be retested. These snubbers shall not be included in the regular sample.
Thissafetyevaluation wasreviewedandapprovedbyGinna'sPlantOperations ReviewCommittee (PORC).Itisapparent, fromtheresultsforGinna,thatextending thevisualinspection intervalpursuanttotheguidancecontained inGenericLetter90-09isreasonable.
If during  the functional testing, additional sampling is required due to, failure of only one type of snubber, the functional testing results shall be reviewed at that time to determine  if additional samples should be limited to the type of snubber which has failed the functional testing.
Itisemphasized that,basedonthereliability analysisforextension ofthevisualinspection intervalpresented intheBNLstudy,themaximumpermissible numberofinoperable snubberssatisfying thereliability criterion dependsonthegroupsizeandthefutureinspection period.Thus,thereduction inmarginofsafetyisconsidered tobeinsignificant.
Amendment No.                    4.14-5                        Proposed
amendment complieswiththesnubberreliability criterion thataminimumof90%ofthesnubbers(inthegroup)beoperableinthenextinspection period.Further,theproposedchangecomplieswiththeguidancecontained.
4.14.1.e.      Functional Test Acce tance Criteria The snubber  functional test shall verify that:
: 1)    Activation (restraining action) is achieved within the  specified range in both tension and compression;
10CFR50.92 EVALUATION TheproposedchangeintheGinnaTechnical Specifications doesnotinvolveasignificant hazardconsideration.
: 2) Snubber  bleed, or release rate where required., is present in both tension and, compression, within the specified range;
Thebasisforthisdetermination isdocumented inGinnaSafetyEvaluation numberNSL-0000-SE004.Thissafetyevaluation wasreviewedandapprovedbyGinna'sPlantOperations ReviewCommittee (PORC).Thisevaluation confirmed.
: 3) Where required, the force required to initiate or maintain motion of the snubber is within the specified range in both directions of travel; and
thathistorical maintenance andsurveillance dataforsnubbersatGinnadoesnotinvalidate anextension totheexistinginspection
: 4) For snubbers specifically required not to displace under continuous load, the ability of the snubber to withstand load without displacement is verified.
: interval, i.e.RGGE'sexperience isconsistent withindustryexperience.
Testing methods may be used to measure parameters indirectly or parameters other than those specified    if those results can be correlated to the specified parameters through established methods.
Furthersupportforthebasisfortheabovedetermination isasfollows:Thereisnosignificant increaseintheprobability orconsequences ofanaccidentpreviously evaluated becauseaccidentconditions andassumptions arenotaffectedbytheproposedTechnical Specification change.Theeffectontheavailability ofthesnubbersduetoanincreaseinthevisualinspection intervalhasbeenshowntobenegligible.
Functional Test Failure Anal sis An analysis shall be made of each failure to meet the functional test acceptance criteria to determine the cause of the failure. The results of this analysis Amendment No. 3                    4.14-6                        Proposed
Further,functional testingaloneassures,witha95-oconfidence level,thatatleast90-oofthesnubbersareoperablewithoutanyvisualinspection, asassuredbyTechnical Specification 4.14.1c(changedto4.14.1dpertheproposed.
shall  be used,  if applicable,  in selecting snubbers to be tested in an effort to determine the operability of other snubbers, irrespective of type, which may be subject to the same failure mode.        For the specific case of a snubber selected for functional testing which either fails to activate or fails to move, i.e., frozen-in-place, the. cause will be evaluated and,      if caused by manufacturer or design deficiency, all snubbers of the same    type subject to the same defect shall be functionally tested or evaluated in a manner to ensure their operability. Any testing performed as part of this requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated in Specification 4.14.1d for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteria.
Thiswillensurethatsystemreliability remainsessentially unchanged.
For  any  snubbers  found  inoperable, an engineering evaluation shall be performed on the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached.        The purpose of this engineering evaluation shall be to determine    if  the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached were adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubbers in order to ensure that the component remains capable of meeting the designed service.
Amendment No.                    4.14-7                          Proposed
theproposedchangewillreducefutureoccupational radiation exposure.
Thepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccidentfromanyaccidentpreviously evaluated isnotcreated,.
4.14.1.g    Snubber Seal Service  Life Monitorin The  seal service life of hydraulic snubbers shall be monitored.
Inmattersrelated.tonuclearsafety,allaccidents areboundedbypreviousanalysis.
and seals replaced as required to ensure that the service life is not exceeded between surveillance inspections during a period when the snubber is required to be operable. The seal replacements shall be documented and the documentation shall be retained in accordance with Technical Specification 6.10.2.
Theproposedchangedoesnotadd.toormodifyanyequipment orsystemdesignnordoesitinvolveanychangesintheoperation of-anyplantsystem.Theabsenceofahardwarechangemeansthattheaccidentinitiators remainunaffected, sonouniqueaccidentprobability iscreated.Theproposedamendment doesnotinvolveasignificant reduction inthemarginofsafetyasdefined.inthebasisforanyTechnical Specification becausetheproposed:
Basis Snubbers  are provided to ensure that the    structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety related systems is maintained during and following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads. The visual inspection frequency is based on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous'nspection in proportion to the sizes of the various snubber populations or categories.      A  snubber  is- considered unacceptable  if it  fails  the acceptance    criteria delineated  by Specification 4.14.1.c. The  visual inspection interval is based upon the previous inspection interval and may be as long as two fuel cycles, not to exceed 48 months, depending on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous visual inspection.
amendment willcontinuetoensure,with95-oconfidence, thatatleast90percentofthesnubbersareoperable, asassuredbythecalculations reportedintheBNLreportwhichisthebasisforGenericLetter90-09.Therefore, thefunctionofthetotalpopulation ofsnubbersisreasonably assured.Equipment reliability willbemaintained.
Amendment No.                        4.14-8                        Proposed
andnoLimitingCondition forOperation (LCO)orLimitingSafetySystemSetpoint(LSSS)wouldbeaffected.
Thus,thereduction inmarginofsafetyisconsidered tobeinsignificant.
t Unacceptable snubbers    shall be evaluated t
CONCLUSION Onthebasisoftheabove,RG&Ehasdetermined thattheamendment requestdoesnotinvolveasignificant hazardsconsideration.}}
to determine if they are inoperable. For inoperable snubbers the applicable action requirements shall be met. When a snubber is found inoperable, an engineering evaluation of the supported component is performed in order to determine if any safety-related component or system has been adversely affected. by the inoperability of the snubber. This evaluation is in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of failure.            The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber failure has imparted a significant effect on or caused degradation of the supported component or system, to ensure they remain capable of meeting the designed, service.
When  the cause of the rejection of  a snubber  is clearly established.. and, remedied  for that  snubber  and  for any  other snubbers that may be generically susceptible, and  verified by  inservice functional testing, that snubber may be exempted from being counted            as  inoperable.
Generically susceptible snubbers are those which are of    a  specific make or model and have the same design features directly related to the snubber rejected or are those which are similarly located or exposed to the same environmental conditions such as temperature, radiation, and.
vibration. To determine the next surveillance interval, an unacceptable snubber may be reclassified as acceptable if it can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as-found condition by performance of a functional test and    if it  satisfies the acceptance criteria for functional testing.
Amendment No.                     4.14-9                            Proposed
To provide assurance of snubber functional  reliability, a representative sample  of the installed snubbers will be    functionally tested during plant shutdowns at less than or equal to 18 month intervals. Observed failures of these sample snubbers shall require functional testing of additional units.
Hydraulic snubbers  and mechanical  snubbers may each be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs. The service  life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input        and  engineering information through consideration of the snubber service conditions and functional design requirements.     The only 'snubber components with service lives not expected to exceed plant life are seals and, o-rings fabricated from certain seal materials. Therefore, a seal replacement program is required to monitor snubber seal and o-ring service life to assure snubber operability is not degraded due to exceeding component service  life.
Amendment No.                   4.14-10                        Proposed
ATTACHMENT B DESCRIPTION The proposed amendment  redefines the snubber visual inspection schedule pursuant to guidance contained in Generic Letter 90-09. The current format of Specification 4.14.1 will also be modified to parallel the format delineated in the model contained. in Generic Letter 90-09.
Therefore, some editorial changes, in addition to changes to the basis, were made to ensure consistency.
The current schedule, described in Technical Specification 4.14.1a, is based only on the number of inoperable snubbers found during the previous inspection, irrespective of the size of the snubber population.
The current inspection interval is based on a fuel cycle of up to 18 months, with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified surveillance interval. The inspection interval depends on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous visual inspection.
The alternative inspection schedule, described in Generic Letter 90-09, is based on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous inspection in proportion to the sizes of various snubber populations or categories. A snubber is considered unacceptable,   in both cases, inspection.
if it  fails the acceptance criteria    of  the visual The alternative inspection interval is based on a fuel cycle of up to 24 months and. may be as long as two fuel cycles, or 48 months for plants with other fuel cycles depending on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous. visual inspection.
SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS AFFECTED Safety-Related Hydraulic and Mechanical Snubbers SAFETY FUNCTION OF AFFECTED SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS The  safety function of Surveillance Requirement 4.14.1a (visual inspection reguirement), is to ensure that no observable deficiencies exist with any snubber installation that would render a snubber inoperable. Snubbers are required to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety related systems is maintained during and following a seismic event. Snubbers, or dynamic restraints, are used to restrain piping or equipment during seismic events or transient loads, yet they allow relatively unrestrained. movement of the piping/component during normal heatup or cooldown operations.
EFFECTS ON SAFETY Snubber inservice inspection requirements consist of visual inspection and functional testing.         Visual inspection is intended to detect potential impaired operability caused by leakage, corrosion or degradation due to environmental exposure. Functional testing typically involves removing the snubber and testing on a specifically-designed test stand to verify its ability to operate within specified performance limits. In general, functional testing is intended to provide a 95-o confidence level, that 90 to 100 percent of the snubbers are operable within acceptable limits. The performance of the visual inspection is a separate process which is complimentary to the functional testing program and provides additional confidence in snubber operability.
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation has compared data gathered. on Ginna Station's hydraulic and mechanical snubbers to that reported by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The BNL report was prepared for the Commission, "Development of Alternative Snubber Surveillance Requirements:   Recommended Interim Snubber Surveillance Plan," dated June 12, 1989 in support of Generic Letter 90-09.         The methodology presented in the BNL report is the basis for Generic Letter 90-09. The results of the data gathered on Ginna Nuclear Power Station compared favorably to the data evaluated by BNL. The results, for both Ginna and BNL, showed that the percent failure rates found for visually examined and functionally tested snubbers are low. The failure rates for Ginna's visual examinations also compared favorably to functionally tested snubbers. The visual inspections had failure rates of 6.0% and 4.0% for the hydraulic and mechanical snubbers respectively. The corresponding failure rate when snubbers were subjected to an actual test was 2.2%.
The results described above are documented in Ginna Safety Evaluation number NSL-0000-SE004. This safety evaluation was reviewed and approved by Ginna's Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC).
It  is apparent, from the results for Ginna, that extending the visual inspection interval pursuant to the guidance contained in Generic Letter 90-09 is reasonable.
analysis  for  extension It of is emphasized that, based on the reliability the visual inspection interval presented in the  BNL study, the maximum permissible number of inoperable snubbers satisfying the reliability criterion depends on the group size and the future inspection period. Thus, the reduction in margin of safety is considered to be insignificant.
This proposed. amendment complies with the snubber reliability criterion that a minimum of 90% of the snubbers (in the group) be operable in the next inspection period. Further, the proposed change complies with the guidance contained. in Generic Letter 90-09.
10CFR50.92 EVALUATION The proposed    change    in the Ginna Technical Specifications does not involve a significant hazard consideration.                   The basis for this determination is documented in Ginna Safety Evaluation number NSL-0000-SE004. This safety evaluation was reviewed and approved by Ginna's Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC). This evaluation confirmed.
that historical maintenance and surveillance data for snubbers at Ginna does not invalidate an extension to the existing inspection interval, i.e. RGGE's experience is consistent with industry experience.
Further support for the basis for the above determination is as follows:
There  is no  significant increase in the probability or        consequences of an accident previously evaluated because accident conditions and assumptions      are not affected by the proposed                    Technical Specification change.         The  effect    on the  availability    of the snubbers due    to  an  increase  in  the  visual  inspection  interval  has been shown    to  be  negligible.     Further,   functional   testing  alone assures, with a 95-o confidence level, that at least 90-o of the snubbers are operable without any visual inspection, as assured by Technical Specification 4.14.1c (changed to 4.14.1d per the proposed. amendment).         This will ensure that system reliability remains essentially unchanged.           Furthermore,. the proposed change will  reduce  future  occupational    radiation exposure.
The  possibility of      a new  or different kind of accident from any accident previously      evaluated   is not created,. In matters related.
to nuclear safety, all accidents are bounded by previous analysis.
The proposed change does not add. to or modify any equipment or system design nor does any  plant  system. The it involve any changes in the operation of-absence  of a hardware change means that the accident initiators remain unaffected, so no unique accident probability is created.
The proposed amendment does not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety as defined. in the basis for any Technical Specification because the proposed: amendment will continue to ensure, with 95-o confidence, that at least 90 percent of the snubbers are operable, as assured by the calculations reported in the BNL report which is the basis for Generic Letter 90-09.
Therefore, the function of the total population of snubbers is reasonably assured.       Equipment reliability will be maintained. and no Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) or Limiting Safety System Setpoint (LSSS) would be affected. Thus, the reduction in margin of safety is considered to be insignificant.
CONCLUSION On  the basis of the above, RG&E has determined that the amendment request does not involve a significant hazards consideration.}}

Latest revision as of 18:35, 29 October 2019

Proposed Tech Specs Re Snubber Visual Insp Schedule
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/1992
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ML17262A830 List:
NUDOCS 9205060110
Download: ML17262A832 (18)


ATTACHMENT A Revise the Technical Specification pages as follows:

Remove Insert 3 ~ 13 1 3 13

% 1 4.14-1 4. 14-1 4.14-2 4.14-2 4.. 14-3 4.14-3 4.14-4 4.14-4 4.14-5 4.14-5 4.. 14-6 4.14-6 4.14-7 4.14-7 4.14-8 4.14-8 4-. 14-9 4.14-10

'9205060110 920423 PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PDR

3.13 Snubbers Limitin Condition for 0 eration 3..13.1 With RCS conditions above cold shutdown, all safety-related snubbers shall be operable. This specification does not apply to those snubbers installed on non safety-related systems if the snubber failure, and, a resulting failure of the supported. non safety-related. system shown to be caused by that snubber failure, would have no adverse effect on any safety-related system.

Action 3.13.2 With one or more snubbers inoperable, within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> replace or restore the inoperable snubber(s) to operable status and, perform an engineering evaluation per Specification 4.14.1f on the supported. component or declare the supported system inoperable and. follow the appropriate action statement for that system.

Basis Snubbers are required to be operable to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety-related systems is maintained during and. following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.

Snubbers may be replaced by rigid structural supports (bumpers) provided an analysis is performed to demonstrate that appropriate acceptance criteria are satisfied for design basis seismic and. pipe break events and provided that the bumpers are inspected. periodically in a manner appropriate for rigid structural supports.

Amendment No. 3 ~ 13 1 Proposed

4.14 Snubber Surveillance Re irements 4.14.1 Each snubber required by Specification 3.13 to be OPERABLE shall be demonstrated. OPERABLE by the performance of the following inservice inspection program in addition to the requirements of Specification 4.2.

a ~ Ins ection. es As used in this specification, "type of snubber" shall mean snubbers of the same design and manufacturer.,

irrespective of capacity.

b. Visual Ins ections Snubbers are categorized as inaccessible or accessible during reactor operation. Each of these categories (inaccessible and accessible) may be inspected independently according to the schedule determine by Table 4.14-1. The visual inspection interval for each type of snubber shall be determined based upon the criteria provided. in Table 4.14-1.

c Visual Xns ection Acce tance Criteria Visual inspections shall verify that (1) the snubber has no visible indications of damage or impaired OPERABILITY, (2) attachments to the foundation or Amendment No. 4.14-1 Proposed

supporting structure are functional, and (3) fasteners for the attachment of the snubber to the component and to the snubber anchorage are functional. Snubbers which appear inoperable as a result of visual inspections shall be classified as unacceptable and may be reclassified acceptable for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection interval, provided that: (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for that particular snubber and for other snubbers, irrespective of type that may be generically susceptible; or (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested. in the as-found condition and determined OPERABLE per Specification 4.14.1e. All snubbers found connected to an inoper-able common hydraulic fluid reservoir shall be counted as unacceptable for determining the next inspection interval. A review and evaluation shall be performed and documented to justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber. If continued operation cannot be justified, the snubber shall be declared inoperable and. the ACTION requirement shall be met.

Amendment No. 37 4.14-2 Proposed


Population Column A Column B Column C or Category Extend Interval Repeat Interval Reduce Interval (Notes 1 and 2) (Notes 3 and 6) (Notes 4 and 6) (Notes 5 and 6) 80 100 150 200 300 400 36 500 12 24 48 750 2.0 40 78 1000 or greater 29 56 109 Note 1: The next visual inspection interval for a snubber population or category size shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that interval. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility'uring power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly. However, this decision must be Amendment No. 4.14-3 Proposed

f documented before any inspection and shall be used as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category.

Note 2: Interpolation between population or category sizes and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if that integer includes a fractional value of unacceptable snubbers as determined by interpolation.

Note 3: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval but not greater than 48 months.

Note 4: If the number of acceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column B but greater than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.

Note 5: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall be two-thirds of the previous interval. However, if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column C but greater than the number in Column B, the next interval shall be reduced proportionally by interpolation, that is, the previous interval shall be reduced by a factor that is one-third of the ratio of the difference between the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous interval and the number in Column B to the difference in the numbers in Column B and C.

Note 6: The provisions of Specification Section 4.0 are applicable for all inspection intervals up to and including 48 months.

Note 7: To determine the next surveillance interval, an unacceptable snubber may be reclassified as acceptable if it can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as-found condition by performance if a functional test and if it satisfies the acceptance criteria for functional testing.

Amendment No. 4.14-4 Proposed

0 4

4.14.1.d Functional Tests At least once per 18 months during shutdown, a representative sample (at least 10-o of the snubbers required by Specification 3.13) shall be functionally tested. either in place or in a bench test. For each snubber that does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria of. Specification 4.14.1e, an additional 10% of the snubbers shall be functionally tested until no more failures are found or until all snubbers have been functionally tested. The representative sample selected for functional testing shall, as far as practical, include the various configurations, operating environments, range of sizes and capacities of snubbers.

In addition to the regular sample, snubbers placed in the same locations as snubbers which failed the previous functional test shall be retested at the time of the next functional test. Additionally, if a failed snubber has been repaired and reinstalled in another location, that failed snubber shall also be retested. These snubbers shall not be included in the regular sample.

If during the functional testing, additional sampling is required due to, failure of only one type of snubber, the functional testing results shall be reviewed at that time to determine if additional samples should be limited to the type of snubber which has failed the functional testing.

Amendment No. 4.14-5 Proposed

4.14.1.e. Functional Test Acce tance Criteria The snubber functional test shall verify that:

1) Activation (restraining action) is achieved within the specified range in both tension and compression;
2) Snubber bleed, or release rate where required., is present in both tension and, compression, within the specified range;
3) Where required, the force required to initiate or maintain motion of the snubber is within the specified range in both directions of travel; and
4) For snubbers specifically required not to displace under continuous load, the ability of the snubber to withstand load without displacement is verified.

Testing methods may be used to measure parameters indirectly or parameters other than those specified if those results can be correlated to the specified parameters through established methods.

Functional Test Failure Anal sis An analysis shall be made of each failure to meet the functional test acceptance criteria to determine the cause of the failure. The results of this analysis Amendment No. 3 4.14-6 Proposed

shall be used, if applicable, in selecting snubbers to be tested in an effort to determine the operability of other snubbers, irrespective of type, which may be subject to the same failure mode. For the specific case of a snubber selected for functional testing which either fails to activate or fails to move, i.e., frozen-in-place, the. cause will be evaluated and, if caused by manufacturer or design deficiency, all snubbers of the same type subject to the same defect shall be functionally tested or evaluated in a manner to ensure their operability. Any testing performed as part of this requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated in Specification 4.14.1d for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteria.

For any snubbers found inoperable, an engineering evaluation shall be performed on the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached. The purpose of this engineering evaluation shall be to determine if the components to which the inoperable snubbers are attached were adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubbers in order to ensure that the component remains capable of meeting the designed service.

Amendment No. 4.14-7 Proposed

4.14.1.g Snubber Seal Service Life Monitorin The seal service life of hydraulic snubbers shall be monitored.

and seals replaced as required to ensure that the service life is not exceeded between surveillance inspections during a period when the snubber is required to be operable. The seal replacements shall be documented and the documentation shall be retained in accordance with Technical Specification 6.10.2.

Basis Snubbers are provided to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety related systems is maintained during and following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads. The visual inspection frequency is based on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous'nspection in proportion to the sizes of the various snubber populations or categories. A snubber is- considered unacceptable if it fails the acceptance criteria delineated by Specification 4.14.1.c. The visual inspection interval is based upon the previous inspection interval and may be as long as two fuel cycles, not to exceed 48 months, depending on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous visual inspection.

Amendment No. 4.14-8 Proposed

t Unacceptable snubbers shall be evaluated t

to determine if they are inoperable. For inoperable snubbers the applicable action requirements shall be met. When a snubber is found inoperable, an engineering evaluation of the supported component is performed in order to determine if any safety-related component or system has been adversely affected. by the inoperability of the snubber. This evaluation is in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of failure. The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber failure has imparted a significant effect on or caused degradation of the supported component or system, to ensure they remain capable of meeting the designed, service.

When the cause of the rejection of a snubber is clearly established.. and, remedied for that snubber and for any other snubbers that may be generically susceptible, and verified by inservice functional testing, that snubber may be exempted from being counted as inoperable.

Generically susceptible snubbers are those which are of a specific make or model and have the same design features directly related to the snubber rejected or are those which are similarly located or exposed to the same environmental conditions such as temperature, radiation, and.

vibration. To determine the next surveillance interval, an unacceptable snubber may be reclassified as acceptable if it can be demonstrated that the snubber is operable in its as-found condition by performance of a functional test and if it satisfies the acceptance criteria for functional testing.

Amendment No. 4.14-9 Proposed

To provide assurance of snubber functional reliability, a representative sample of the installed snubbers will be functionally tested during plant shutdowns at less than or equal to 18 month intervals. Observed failures of these sample snubbers shall require functional testing of additional units.

Hydraulic snubbers and mechanical snubbers may each be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs. The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input and engineering information through consideration of the snubber service conditions and functional design requirements. The only 'snubber components with service lives not expected to exceed plant life are seals and, o-rings fabricated from certain seal materials. Therefore, a seal replacement program is required to monitor snubber seal and o-ring service life to assure snubber operability is not degraded due to exceeding component service life.

Amendment No. 4.14-10 Proposed

ATTACHMENT B DESCRIPTION The proposed amendment redefines the snubber visual inspection schedule pursuant to guidance contained in Generic Letter 90-09. The current format of Specification 4.14.1 will also be modified to parallel the format delineated in the model contained. in Generic Letter 90-09.

Therefore, some editorial changes, in addition to changes to the basis, were made to ensure consistency.

The current schedule, described in Technical Specification 4.14.1a, is based only on the number of inoperable snubbers found during the previous inspection, irrespective of the size of the snubber population.

The current inspection interval is based on a fuel cycle of up to 18 months, with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified surveillance interval. The inspection interval depends on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous visual inspection.

The alternative inspection schedule, described in Generic Letter 90-09, is based on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous inspection in proportion to the sizes of various snubber populations or categories. A snubber is considered unacceptable, in both cases, inspection.

if it fails the acceptance criteria of the visual The alternative inspection interval is based on a fuel cycle of up to 24 months and. may be as long as two fuel cycles, or 48 months for plants with other fuel cycles depending on the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous. visual inspection.

SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS AFFECTED Safety-Related Hydraulic and Mechanical Snubbers SAFETY FUNCTION OF AFFECTED SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS The safety function of Surveillance Requirement 4.14.1a (visual inspection reguirement), is to ensure that no observable deficiencies exist with any snubber installation that would render a snubber inoperable. Snubbers are required to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety related systems is maintained during and following a seismic event. Snubbers, or dynamic restraints, are used to restrain piping or equipment during seismic events or transient loads, yet they allow relatively unrestrained. movement of the piping/component during normal heatup or cooldown operations.

EFFECTS ON SAFETY Snubber inservice inspection requirements consist of visual inspection and functional testing. Visual inspection is intended to detect potential impaired operability caused by leakage, corrosion or degradation due to environmental exposure. Functional testing typically involves removing the snubber and testing on a specifically-designed test stand to verify its ability to operate within specified performance limits. In general, functional testing is intended to provide a 95-o confidence level, that 90 to 100 percent of the snubbers are operable within acceptable limits. The performance of the visual inspection is a separate process which is complimentary to the functional testing program and provides additional confidence in snubber operability.

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation has compared data gathered. on Ginna Station's hydraulic and mechanical snubbers to that reported by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The BNL report was prepared for the Commission, "Development of Alternative Snubber Surveillance Requirements: Recommended Interim Snubber Surveillance Plan," dated June 12, 1989 in support of Generic Letter 90-09. The methodology presented in the BNL report is the basis for Generic Letter 90-09. The results of the data gathered on Ginna Nuclear Power Station compared favorably to the data evaluated by BNL. The results, for both Ginna and BNL, showed that the percent failure rates found for visually examined and functionally tested snubbers are low. The failure rates for Ginna's visual examinations also compared favorably to functionally tested snubbers. The visual inspections had failure rates of 6.0% and 4.0% for the hydraulic and mechanical snubbers respectively. The corresponding failure rate when snubbers were subjected to an actual test was 2.2%.

The results described above are documented in Ginna Safety Evaluation number NSL-0000-SE004. This safety evaluation was reviewed and approved by Ginna's Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC).

It is apparent, from the results for Ginna, that extending the visual inspection interval pursuant to the guidance contained in Generic Letter 90-09 is reasonable.

analysis for extension It of is emphasized that, based on the reliability the visual inspection interval presented in the BNL study, the maximum permissible number of inoperable snubbers satisfying the reliability criterion depends on the group size and the future inspection period. Thus, the reduction in margin of safety is considered to be insignificant.

This proposed. amendment complies with the snubber reliability criterion that a minimum of 90% of the snubbers (in the group) be operable in the next inspection period. Further, the proposed change complies with the guidance contained. in Generic Letter 90-09.

10CFR50.92 EVALUATION The proposed change in the Ginna Technical Specifications does not involve a significant hazard consideration. The basis for this determination is documented in Ginna Safety Evaluation number NSL-0000-SE004. This safety evaluation was reviewed and approved by Ginna's Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC). This evaluation confirmed.

that historical maintenance and surveillance data for snubbers at Ginna does not invalidate an extension to the existing inspection interval, i.e. RGGE's experience is consistent with industry experience.

Further support for the basis for the above determination is as follows:

There is no significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated because accident conditions and assumptions are not affected by the proposed Technical Specification change. The effect on the availability of the snubbers due to an increase in the visual inspection interval has been shown to be negligible. Further, functional testing alone assures, with a 95-o confidence level, that at least 90-o of the snubbers are operable without any visual inspection, as assured by Technical Specification 4.14.1c (changed to 4.14.1d per the proposed. amendment). This will ensure that system reliability remains essentially unchanged. Furthermore,. the proposed change will reduce future occupational radiation exposure.

The possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated is not created,. In matters related.

to nuclear safety, all accidents are bounded by previous analysis.

The proposed change does not add. to or modify any equipment or system design nor does any plant system. The it involve any changes in the operation of-absence of a hardware change means that the accident initiators remain unaffected, so no unique accident probability is created.

The proposed amendment does not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety as defined. in the basis for any Technical Specification because the proposed: amendment will continue to ensure, with 95-o confidence, that at least 90 percent of the snubbers are operable, as assured by the calculations reported in the BNL report which is the basis for Generic Letter 90-09.

Therefore, the function of the total population of snubbers is reasonably assured. Equipment reliability will be maintained. and no Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) or Limiting Safety System Setpoint (LSSS) would be affected. Thus, the reduction in margin of safety is considered to be insignificant.

CONCLUSION On the basis of the above, RG&E has determined that the amendment request does not involve a significant hazards consideration.