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{{#Wiki_filter:PMP EPP INDEX INDIANA 8, MICHIGAN    PO'djER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT N  MANA Iedev Identif cation                  Ti tie                Revision No.f          Comments Number                                                And Oat PMP 2080 EPP.001  Emergency Plan Activation            Revision    2 and Condition Classification        4-27-82 EPP.002  Unusual Event                        CAiNCELLED 10-29-81 EPP.003 Al ert                                CANCELLED 10-29-81 EPP.OO  Site  Emergency                      CANCELLED 10-29-81 EPP;00  General    Emergency                  CANCELLED 10-29-81 EPP.006  Initial  Dose Assessment            '".ev. 2 (Gaseous)                            4-27-82 EPP.007  Initial  Release Assessments        Revision  0  TP-1,2-23-82 Exp  NA
''I PMPEPPINDEXINDIANA85MICHIGAN.QHERCOMPANYDONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLA5NTPLANTMANAGERPROCEDUREIedevIdentificationNumberTitleRevisionNc.iAndDateCommentsPMP2081EPP.014EPP.015EPP.016EPP.017EPP.018EPP.019EPP.020EPP.021EPP.022EPP.023Off-SiteDoseAssessmentsSamplingandAnalysisofWaterborneReleasesCollectionandAnalysisofLiquidandGaseousSamplesInterpretationofLiquidandGaseousSamplesTransportationAccidentsInvolvingRadioactiveMaterialAEPEmergencyResponseOrganizationActivationandManagementActivationandOperationoftheTechnicalSupportCenter(TSC)ActivationandOperationoftheOperationsStagingArea(OSA)andPersonnelAccountabi1ityActivationandOperationoftheRecoveryCenter(RC)(AnEmergencyOperationsFaci1ity)ActivationandOperationoftheEmergencyControlCenter(ECC)(AnEmergencyOperationsFacility)Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81l9Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-83Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81TP-1,2-25-82ExpN/AQ/IitTP-1,11-16-81ExpN/ATP-2,3-12-82ExpN/ATP-3,3-12-82ExpN/ATP-1,11-16-81ExpN/AEPP.024.ActivationandOperationoftheJointPublicInformationCenter(JPIC)(AnEmergencyOperationsFacility)Revision04-1-813t I~w 0.ejIIIIDIAIIIA8HICHIGAIIELECTRICCOiÃPAAfVDONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTInstructionorProcedureTemporarySheetThistemporarysheetappliesto(~I.>rhiQpp'-Dug>InstructionorProcedureNo.pNpppBpEppppBRevisionNo.Thefollowingchange()newrequirement(X)shallbeinstitutedeffective(Date)TEMPORARYSHEETNO.AddtoExhibitAunder"PersonstobeCalled"bytheOperationsSuperintendent.FifthShiftSupervisorAddasectiontoExhibitAPersontoNakeCallFifthShiftSupervisorPersonToBeCalledFifthShiftPersonnelDCRMAY06l981Reason:ProvidepersonneltostafftheEmergencyControlCenterThischangeshouldbemadeapermanentrevisiontotheInstructionorProcedure:dfYESoNO0NOTKNOWN,additionalreviewrequiredExpirationDate:Originator:ManagementStaff:SeniorReactorOperator:PNSRCte3/'"'-~StandardDist.ListNo.:Distribution:FormNo.4330REVISED7/78FORMNO.PMI20104REV.2WHITE-ORIGINALCANARYORIGINATORCOPYPINK-WORKINGCOPY
                        '(Liquid)                             4-1-81 EPP.008  Calling Off-Duty Plant                Revision  1   P-1,4-30-82 Exp N/A Personnel                            4-29-82 EPP.009  Fire Emergency Guidelines            Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP.010 Toxic Gas Release      Guidelines    Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP.011  Natural Emergency Guidelines        Revision  0 4-1-81 EPP. 012  Initial Off-Site Notificatio        Revision  1 4-27-82 820b020083 820525                                                            R l. Da  5-5-7k PDR *DOCK 05000315 F                PDR
~~hA~l~IlDJAjtJA5/&#xc3;ICHlGAlIlDONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANT~~4InstructionorProcedureTemporarySheetThistemporarysheetappliestohcTw4<<o!A~oopcR4>o~of+he.Erne~<>>c.gInstructionorprocedureNo.PHP2081EPP023Ce~~RevisionNo.0TEMPORARYSHEETNO.Thefollowingchange()newrequirement(X)shallbeinstitutedeffective(Date)ADDthefollowingsentencetosection2.0AshiftsupervisorshallserveasECCMuntilrelievedbytheRadiationControlandMasteHandlingManager.Revise3.3.toread:3.3EnsureappropriateradiologicalmonitoringisperformedtoassuretheECCissafe,andthatsecurityisprovided.ADDSteps3.12and3.133.12DesignateanindividualtocommunicatedirectlywiththeTSCandrecordeventdata.3.13HakeeventdataavailabletopersonsreportingtotheECC.!1Reason:ClarifyoperationoftheEmergencyControlNewYorkarrivalon-site.OCRMAY061981ThischangeshouldbemadeapermanentrevisiontotheInstructionorProcedure:ESaNO0NOTKNOWN,addittonalreviewrequiredExpirationDate:Originator:ManagementStaff:SeniorReactcrrator:RantManagerX7StandardDist.ListNo.:Distribution:FormNo.4330REVISED7/78FORANo.PMI201&4REV.2WHITE-ORIGINALCANARY-ORIGINATORCOPYPINK-WORKINGCOPY 0~~}}
PMP EPP INDEX INDIANA 85 MICHIGAN . QHER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLA5NT PLANT MANAGER PROCEDURE Iedev Identification                    Title          Revision Nc.i          Comments Number                                          And Date PMP 2081 EPP.014  Off-Site  Dose Assessments    Revision 0    TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A 4-1-81 EPP. 015  Sampling and Analysis      of Revision 0 Waterborne Releases            4-1-81 EPP.016  Collection    and Analysis of  Revision 0 Liquid and    Gaseous Samples  4-1-81 EPP.017  Interpretation of Liquid      Revision 0 and Gaseous    Samples        4-1-81 EPP.018  Transportation Accidents      Revision 0 l9 Involving Radioactive          4-1-81 Material EPP.019  AEP Emergency Response        Revision 0        Q/I i  t Organization Activation and    4-1-83 Management EPP.020  Activation    and Operation of Revision 0    TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Technical Support Center    4-1-81        TP-2,3-12-82 Exp N/A (TSC)                                        TP-3,3-12-82 Exp N/A EPP.021    Activation    and Operation of Revision 0    TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Operations Staging Area    4-1-81 (OSA) and Personnel Accountabi  1 i ty EPP.022  Activation    and Operation of Revision 0 the Recovery Center (RC) (An 4-1-81 Emergency Operations Faci i ty) 1 EPP.023  Activation    and Operation of Revision 0 the Emergency Control Center    4-1-81 (ECC) (An Emergency Operations    Facility)
EPP.024  .Activation and Operation of Revision    0 the Joint Public Information    4-1-81 Center (JPIC) (An Emergency Operations Facility)                                t 3
I ~w 0                                 .         ej IIIIDIAIIIA8 HICHIGAII ELECTRIC        COi&#xc3;PAAfV DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet This temporary sheet applies to (~I.>rhi Qpp'-Dug>                                           TEMPORARY SHEET NO.
Instruction or Procedure No. pNp ppBp Epp ppB Revision No.
The following change (         )     new requirement (X     )     shall be instituted effective (Date)
Add  to Exhibit      A  under "Persons to be Called" by the Operations Superintendent.
Fifth Shift Supervisor Add a    section to Exhibit      A Person to Nake Call                                  Person To Be Called Fifth Shift Supervisor                                  Fifth Shift    Personnel DCR MAY 0 6 l981 Reason:     Provide personnel      to    staff the Emergency Control Center This change should be made    a permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:
dfYES          oNO            0 NOT KNOWN, additional review required Expiration Date:                                                Standard Dist. List No.:
Originator:                                                     Distribution:
Management  Staff:
Senior Reactor Operator:
PNSRC                                te 3 /'" '- ~
Form No. 4330            REVISED 7/78 ORIGINAL WHITE CANARY    ORIGINATOR COPY FORM NO. PMI 20104                                                                  PINK    WORKING COPY REV. 2
                                                                                                                        ~ ~ 4
~ ~
h  A l~IlDJAjtJA              5 /&#xc3;ICHlGAlIl DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet This temporary sheet applies        tohcTw4<<o! A~o opcR4>o~ of                                   TEMPORARY
                                                                                      +he. Erne~<>>c.g        SHEET NO.
Instruction or procedure No. PHP  2081 EPP 023 Revision No.
0 The following change (           )     new requirement (   X )     shall be instituted effective (Date)
ADD  the following sentence            to section      2.0 A  shift supervisor shall          serve    as  ECCM  until relieved      by the Radiation Control and Maste Handling Manager.
Revise 3.3.         to read:
3.3    Ensure appropriate          radiological monitoring is performed to assure the        ECC  is safe,   and that security is provided.
ADD  Steps 3.12 and 3.13 3.12    Designate an individual to communicate                directly with the    TSC and record event data.
: 3. 13    Hake    event data available to persons reporting to the                ECC.
Reason:       Clarify operation of the          Emergency Control York arrival on-site.
!                            New OCR MAY 0 6 1981 1
This change should be made        a permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:
ES          a NO            0 NOT KNOWN, addittonal review required Expiration Date:                                                   Standard Dist. List No.:
Originator:                                                         Distribution:
Management    Staff:
Senior Reactcr        rator:
Rant Manager        X7 Form No. 4330                REVISED 7/78 WHITE CANARY    ORIGINAL ORIGINATOR COPY FORA No. PMI 201&4                                                                      PINK      WORKING COPY REV. 2
  ~ ~}}

Latest revision as of 02:48, 4 February 2020

Public Version of Procedure Temporary Sheets for Plant Manager Emergency Plan Procedures PMP 2080 EPP.008 Re Calling off-duty Plant Personnel & PMP 2081 EPP.023 Re Operation of Emergency Control Ctr
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1982
Shared Package
ML17319B340 List:
PROC-820506-01, NUDOCS 8206020083
Download: ML17319B342 (7)


PMP EPP INDEX INDIANA 8, MICHIGAN PO'djER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT N MANA Iedev Identif cation Ti tie Revision No.f Comments Number And Oat PMP 2080 EPP.001 Emergency Plan Activation Revision 2 and Condition Classification 4-27-82 EPP.002 Unusual Event CAiNCELLED 10-29-81 EPP.003 Al ert CANCELLED 10-29-81 EPP.OO Site Emergency CANCELLED 10-29-81 EPP;00 General Emergency CANCELLED 10-29-81 EPP.006 Initial Dose Assessment '".ev. 2 (Gaseous) 4-27-82 EPP.007 Initial Release Assessments Revision 0 TP-1,2-23-82 Exp NA

'(Liquid) 4-1-81 EPP.008 Calling Off-Duty Plant Revision 1 P-1,4-30-82 Exp N/A Personnel 4-29-82 EPP.009 Fire Emergency Guidelines Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP.010 Toxic Gas Release Guidelines Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP.011 Natural Emergency Guidelines Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP. 012 Initial Off-Site Notificatio Revision 1 4-27-82 820b020083 820525 R l. Da 5-5-7k PDR *DOCK 05000315 F PDR


PMP EPP INDEX INDIANA 85 MICHIGAN . QHER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLA5NT PLANT MANAGER PROCEDURE Iedev Identification Title Revision Nc.i Comments Number And Date PMP 2081 EPP.014 Off-Site Dose Assessments Revision 0 TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A 4-1-81 EPP. 015 Sampling and Analysis of Revision 0 Waterborne Releases 4-1-81 EPP.016 Collection and Analysis of Revision 0 Liquid and Gaseous Samples 4-1-81 EPP.017 Interpretation of Liquid Revision 0 and Gaseous Samples 4-1-81 EPP.018 Transportation Accidents Revision 0 l9 Involving Radioactive 4-1-81 Material EPP.019 AEP Emergency Response Revision 0 Q/I i t Organization Activation and 4-1-83 Management EPP.020 Activation and Operation of Revision 0 TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Technical Support Center 4-1-81 TP-2,3-12-82 Exp N/A (TSC) TP-3,3-12-82 Exp N/A EPP.021 Activation and Operation of Revision 0 TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Operations Staging Area 4-1-81 (OSA) and Personnel Accountabi 1 i ty EPP.022 Activation and Operation of Revision 0 the Recovery Center (RC) (An 4-1-81 Emergency Operations Faci i ty) 1 EPP.023 Activation and Operation of Revision 0 the Emergency Control Center 4-1-81 (ECC) (An Emergency Operations Facility)

EPP.024 .Activation and Operation of Revision 0 the Joint Public Information 4-1-81 Center (JPIC) (An Emergency Operations Facility) t 3

I ~w 0 . ej IIIIDIAIIIA8 HICHIGAII ELECTRIC COiÃPAAfV DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet This temporary sheet applies to (~I.>rhi Qpp'-Dug> TEMPORARY SHEET NO.

Instruction or Procedure No. pNp ppBp Epp ppB Revision No.

The following change ( ) new requirement (X ) shall be instituted effective (Date)

Add to Exhibit A under "Persons to be Called" by the Operations Superintendent.

Fifth Shift Supervisor Add a section to Exhibit A Person to Nake Call Person To Be Called Fifth Shift Supervisor Fifth Shift Personnel DCR MAY 0 6 l981 Reason: Provide personnel to staff the Emergency Control Center This change should be made a permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:

dfYES oNO 0 NOT KNOWN, additional review required Expiration Date: Standard Dist. List No.:

Originator: Distribution:

Management Staff:

Senior Reactor Operator:

PNSRC te 3 /'" '- ~


~ ~ 4


~ ~

h A l~IlDJAjtJA 5 /ÃICHlGAlIl DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet This temporary sheet applies tohcTw4<<o! A~o opcR4>o~ of TEMPORARY

+he. Erne~<>>c.g SHEET NO.

Instruction or procedure No. PHP 2081 EPP 023 Revision No.


0 The following change ( ) new requirement ( X ) shall be instituted effective (Date)

ADD the following sentence to section 2.0 A shift supervisor shall serve as ECCM until relieved by the Radiation Control and Maste Handling Manager.

Revise 3.3. to read:

3.3 Ensure appropriate radiological monitoring is performed to assure the ECC is safe, and that security is provided.

ADD Steps 3.12 and 3.13 3.12 Designate an individual to communicate directly with the TSC and record event data.

3. 13 Hake event data available to persons reporting to the ECC.

Reason: Clarify operation of the Emergency Control York arrival on-site.

! New OCR MAY 0 6 1981 1

This change should be made a permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:

ES a NO 0 NOT KNOWN, addittonal review required Expiration Date: Standard Dist. List No.:

Originator: Distribution:

Management Staff:

Senior Reactcr rator:



~ ~