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                        ,,                          UNITED STATES A 8 g              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
            . 5        :j                        WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655
                \      /
en u ,
Docket Nos.:    STN 50-601                                                ,
MEMORANDUM FOR:      Vincent S. Noonan, Director PWR Project Directorate #5 Division of PWr licensing-A FROM:                S. Long, Project Manager PWR Project Directorate #5 Division of PWR I.icensing-A
MEETINGS TO DISCUSS PRELIMINARY QUESTIONS ON MODULE 9 0F RESAR-SP/90 I                    DATES, TIMES          April 23 and 24,1986 AND LOCATION:          8:30 a. m.
Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Center Monroeville, Pennsylvania PURPOSE:              To discuss preliminary questions on instrumentation and control section of Module-9 of RESAR-SP/90.
Meeting agenda is enclosed.
PARTICIPANTS:        NRC                              Westinghouse S. l.on9                        M. Shannon F. Burrows                W. Shively C%              f. P b d' 9 S., Project Manager n                                                    PWR Project Directorate #5 Division of PWR licensing-A Enlosure:
As stated NOTE: Members of the public interested in attending the above meetings should call (301) 492-9784 8604170480 860410 PDR    ADOCK 05000601 A                  PDR j
ENCLOSURE RESAR SP/90 AGENDA ITEMS (1) In Section 3 of Module 2, " Regulatory Conformance," a discuss 40n of gen-eral conformance to the requirements of NUREG-0737 is provided.        Please discuss, using detailed piping diagrams, electrical elementaries, etc.
(if available), how the RESAR SP/90 design conforms (or will conform) to the requirements of NUREG-0737 for the following TMI Action Plan Items:
(a)    II.B.1 - Reactor Coolant System Vents (bl II.D.3 - Relief and Safety Valve Position Indication (c)    II.E.1.2 - Auxiliary Feedwater System Automatic Initiation and Flow Indication (d)    II.E.4.2 - Containment Isolation Dependability (Subparts 4,5, and 7)
(e) II.F.1 - Additional Accident-Monitoring Instrumentation (Subparts 4, 5, and 6)
(f) II.K.3.1 - Installation and Testing of Automatic Power -
Operated Relief Valve Isolation System (g)    II.K.3.9 - Proportional Integral Deriative Controller Modification
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(h)  II.K.3.10 - Proposed Anticipatory Trip Modification      -
(i) II.K.3.12 - Confirm Existence of Anticipatory Raactor Trip Upon Turbine Trip (2) On page 7.1-28 of Module 9 a statement is made that channels may be bypassed (one or two) for an indefinite period of time. Please discuss this in terms of system availability, component drift effects on setooints, and overall determination of surveillance intervals from a technical specifications standpoint.
(3) Discuss the statement "The aspects of the design which permit channel bypass while maintaining immunity to inadvertent initiation of a pro-tective function do not need to be applied to specific channels where improved reliability is not deemed necessary" found on page 7.1-46 of Module 9. Does this statement mean that the bypass feature will be used only for specific, selected channels and that some protection sys-tem channels will not have the voting looic? If this is the case, provide a discussion of the reliability criterion used and provide an example of a channel not selected for the votinq logic.                                l
I (4) Using detailed electrical schematics, describe how manual actuation signals, via the logic cabinets, control typical engineering safety features components? Discuss independence of manual and automatic actuation portions of the system in the context of Section C.4 of Regulatory Guide 1.62, " Manual Initiation of Protective Actions."        .
(5) Discuss the statement " Error detection will not involve error correction.
Where practical the on-line error detecting features implemented in the IPS will be desianed to automatically place the channel in which the error was detected into a trip or bypass made (either by direct bypass or reconfiguration)." found on page 7.1-36 of Module 9. Also, from a tech-nical specifications standpoint and system availability considerations discuss the statement "In the case of the automatic trip mode the opera-
)          tor shall have the option to place the channel in a byoass mode in a short period of time." found on page 7.1-36.
(6) Discuss how the statements on pages 7.1-52 and 53 of Module 9 relate to the current Westinghouse setpoint methodology and the use of " trigger values" to determine " allowable values" for technical specifications.
(7) Using detailed electrical schematics / logic diagrams, discuss-reactor trip act' ration and the use of the bypass capability. Include a discussion of 1
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the statement "If a trip of two remaining pairs occurs while one is in bypass, then that one will be tripped as well." found on page-7.1-65 of Module 9.
(8) Using functional diagrams similar to those shown in Figure 7.2-1, of Module 9, provide a discussion of the overall logic for a typical sensor channel from sensor through the reactor trip actuation and generation of
!                P-16. Discuss Note 3 shown of Sheet 3 of Figure 7.2-1.
(9) Discuss the statement "The actuation logic for ESF which is contained in the ESFAC and logic cabinets will not be bypassed for test. Instead, the output of one of the two ESF logic trains in a cabinet in test will be
;                placed in a trip condition." found on pages 7.3-10 and 11 of Module 9.
Does this statement imply that the logic will not be tested during normal plant operation?
(10) Paragraph of Module 9 lists the necessary indicators provided for hot standby. Discuss the apparent lack of necessity for T hot/Tcold  "
T,yg, source range neutron flux, emergency feedwater flow and supply I
tank level indicators as related to plant shutdown.
(11) On-line testability of RHR isolation valves is discussed on-page 7.6-4 of Module 9.      Using detailed electrical elementaries, describe the inter- !
l lock circuitry for these valves and discuss how testing will encompass all inputs (including valve position signals) to this interlock logic.
1 (12) Paragraph of Module 9 discusses the signal selector esed to meet the requirements of Section 4.7 of IEEE-STD-279. Describe in detail the signal selector and discuss hnw paragraph 4.7.3 of IEEE-STD-279 is met in light of automatic bypass logic.
(13) Describe how test procedures will independently verify operability of the undervoltage coils and shunt trip coils of the reactor trip breakers for both automatic and manual actuation.
(14) On page 7.3-4 of Module 9 the following statements are made:
o    "The safety injection signal may be manually reset after 30 to 750 seconds following initiation."
I o    "However, the operator cannot take manual control o# any safeguards component actuated by the safety injection signal, until the SI signal is first reset."
Similar statements (except with 120 secands in lieu of 750 secondsl are also found of page 7.3-21 of Module 9. Discuss if these statements imply that the operator is prevented from manual initiationas well as i          manual termination of safety-related actions. Also discuss these state-l
!          ments in light of control room evacuation with subsequent SI.
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(15) Table 1.8-1, " Standard Review Plan Deviations," in Module 9 is current-ly not filled in. Discuss any deviations from Chapter 7 of the Standard Review Plan (SRP), ilVREG-0800, known at this time.
(16) Our review revealed that conformance to only one SRP Chapter 7 Rranch Technical Position was included in Module 9. Please discuss conformance with all the BTP's listed in Chapter 7 of the SRP.
(17) Our review indicates that conformance statements relating to GDC's and RG's applicable to Chapter 7 of the SRP cannot be clearly understood and easily related to appropriate sections of Module 9. Please provide a    l matrix similar to that found in Table 7-1 of the SRP including positive conformance statements where applicable.
(18) Interlocks for various valves are mentioned in Sections and Section of Module 1. Our review indicates that most of these interlocks are not discussed in Section 7.6 of Module 9 as appropriate (see the SRP). Using detailed logic diaorams, P&ID's, and electrical schematics, provide a discussion of all interlock systems important to l
safety.                                                                    '
(19) Section in Modules 6/8 refers to two parallel overflow valves opened by two-out-of-four high water level signals. Discuss the design basis for this function. Are these the same level channels used for feedwater isolation?
(20) Section 7.5.4 in Module 9 refers to Module 15 for a description of the Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication (BISI) System. Since Module 15 has not been submitted for the staff's review at this time, discuss the design of the BISI System using detailed design drawings. Provide in-formation to describe the design philosophy used in the selection of equipment / systems to be monitored. The design philosophy should describe as a minimum the criteria to be employed in the display of inter-relation-ships and dependencies of equipment / systems and to insure that bypassing or deliberately induced inoperability of any auxiliary or support system will automatically be indicated for all safety systems affected.
l (21) Section (c) of Module 9 uses the channel availability level statement associated with Category 2 in lieu of Category 1 instrumenta-tion per R.G. 1.97 (Revision 3). Discuss these differences.
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(22) Tables 7.5-5 through 7.5-8 provide summaries of Type B through Type E variables. Discuss deviations in categorization from R.G.1.97 (Revision 3).
(23) In Section 78.5 of Module 9 the statement " Refer to ANS Standard on QA" is made. Please discuss this statement as related to software verifica-tion.
1 (24) On page 7.1-43 of Module 9 the statement " Adequacy o# the hardwara and software will be demonstrated for the RESAR-SP/90 through a prototype verification and validation (V&V) program similar to the RESAR-414" is made. Please discuss any differences between the RESAR 414 and the SP/90 V&V programs. Include a discussion for the RESAR-SP/90 design process as related to conformance to R.G. 1.152 and ANSI /
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  ,                                      O .10 m MEETING NOTICE DISTRIBUTION YOickddMITH15                                              NRC Participants NRC* PDR ~ ~~ "' """'"                                                    ,
local PDR                                                  S. Long PD#5 Reading File                                          F. Burrows, ORAS H. Denton Project Manager      S. Long OELD E. Jordan B. Grimes J. Partlow (Emergency Preparedness only)
Receptionist (Building where meeting is being held)
ACRS (10)
OPA N. Olson Resident Inspector
;    Regional Administrator M. Rushbrook I
4 4
cc: 1.icensee/ applicant & Service
                                                                                  . _.  --}}

Latest revision as of 19:04, 17 December 2020

Notification of 860423-24 Meetings W/Westinghouse in Monroeville,Pa to Discuss Preliminary Questions on Instrumentation & Control Section of Module 9 of RESAR-SP/90.Agenda Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 04/10/1986
From: Long S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Noonan V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8604170480
Download: ML20155E009 (10)



p uroy[o


. 5 :j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655

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en u ,

Docket Nos.: STN 50-601 ,

MEMORANDUM FOR: Vincent S. Noonan, Director PWR Project Directorate #5 Division of PWr licensing-A FROM: S. Long, Project Manager PWR Project Directorate #5 Division of PWR I.icensing-A




Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Center Monroeville, Pennsylvania PURPOSE: To discuss preliminary questions on instrumentation and control section of Module-9 of RESAR-SP/90.

Meeting agenda is enclosed.

PARTICIPANTS: NRC Westinghouse S. l.on9 M. Shannon F. Burrows W. Shively C% f. P b d' 9 S., Project Manager n PWR Project Directorate #5 Division of PWR licensing-A Enlosure:

As stated NOTE: Members of the public interested in attending the above meetings should call (301) 492-9784 8604170480 860410 PDR ADOCK 05000601 A PDR j

ENCLOSURE RESAR SP/90 AGENDA ITEMS (1) In Section 3 of Module 2, " Regulatory Conformance," a discuss 40n of gen-eral conformance to the requirements of NUREG-0737 is provided. Please discuss, using detailed piping diagrams, electrical elementaries, etc.

(if available), how the RESAR SP/90 design conforms (or will conform) to the requirements of NUREG-0737 for the following TMI Action Plan Items:

(a) II.B.1 - Reactor Coolant System Vents (bl II.D.3 - Relief and Safety Valve Position Indication (c) II.E.1.2 - Auxiliary Feedwater System Automatic Initiation and Flow Indication (d) II.E.4.2 - Containment Isolation Dependability (Subparts 4,5, and 7)

(e) II.F.1 - Additional Accident-Monitoring Instrumentation (Subparts 4, 5, and 6)

(f) II.K.3.1 - Installation and Testing of Automatic Power -

Operated Relief Valve Isolation System (g) II.K.3.9 - Proportional Integral Deriative Controller Modification

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(h) II.K.3.10 - Proposed Anticipatory Trip Modification -

(i) II.K.3.12 - Confirm Existence of Anticipatory Raactor Trip Upon Turbine Trip (2) On page 7.1-28 of Module 9 a statement is made that channels may be bypassed (one or two) for an indefinite period of time. Please discuss this in terms of system availability, component drift effects on setooints, and overall determination of surveillance intervals from a technical specifications standpoint.

(3) Discuss the statement "The aspects of the design which permit channel bypass while maintaining immunity to inadvertent initiation of a pro-tective function do not need to be applied to specific channels where improved reliability is not deemed necessary" found on page 7.1-46 of Module 9. Does this statement mean that the bypass feature will be used only for specific, selected channels and that some protection sys-tem channels will not have the voting looic? If this is the case, provide a discussion of the reliability criterion used and provide an example of a channel not selected for the votinq logic. l

I (4) Using detailed electrical schematics, describe how manual actuation signals, via the logic cabinets, control typical engineering safety features components? Discuss independence of manual and automatic actuation portions of the system in the context of Section C.4 of Regulatory Guide 1.62, " Manual Initiation of Protective Actions." .

(5) Discuss the statement " Error detection will not involve error correction.

Where practical the on-line error detecting features implemented in the IPS will be desianed to automatically place the channel in which the error was detected into a trip or bypass made (either by direct bypass or reconfiguration)." found on page 7.1-36 of Module 9. Also, from a tech-nical specifications standpoint and system availability considerations discuss the statement "In the case of the automatic trip mode the opera-

) tor shall have the option to place the channel in a byoass mode in a short period of time." found on page 7.1-36.

(6) Discuss how the statements on pages 7.1-52 and 53 of Module 9 relate to the current Westinghouse setpoint methodology and the use of " trigger values" to determine " allowable values" for technical specifications.

(7) Using detailed electrical schematics / logic diagrams, discuss-reactor trip act' ration and the use of the bypass capability. Include a discussion of 1

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the statement "If a trip of two remaining pairs occurs while one is in bypass, then that one will be tripped as well." found on page-7.1-65 of Module 9.

(8) Using functional diagrams similar to those shown in Figure 7.2-1, of Module 9, provide a discussion of the overall logic for a typical sensor channel from sensor through the reactor trip actuation and generation of

! P-16. Discuss Note 3 shown of Sheet 3 of Figure 7.2-1.

(9) Discuss the statement "The actuation logic for ESF which is contained in the ESFAC and logic cabinets will not be bypassed for test. Instead, the output of one of the two ESF logic trains in a cabinet in test will be

placed in a trip condition." found on pages 7.3-10 and 11 of Module 9.

Does this statement imply that the logic will not be tested during normal plant operation?

(10) Paragraph of Module 9 lists the necessary indicators provided for hot standby. Discuss the apparent lack of necessity for T hot/Tcold "

T,yg, source range neutron flux, emergency feedwater flow and supply I

tank level indicators as related to plant shutdown.

(11) On-line testability of RHR isolation valves is discussed on-page 7.6-4 of Module 9. Using detailed electrical elementaries, describe the inter- !

l lock circuitry for these valves and discuss how testing will encompass all inputs (including valve position signals) to this interlock logic.


1 (12) Paragraph of Module 9 discusses the signal selector esed to meet the requirements of Section 4.7 of IEEE-STD-279. Describe in detail the signal selector and discuss hnw paragraph 4.7.3 of IEEE-STD-279 is met in light of automatic bypass logic.

(13) Describe how test procedures will independently verify operability of the undervoltage coils and shunt trip coils of the reactor trip breakers for both automatic and manual actuation.

(14) On page 7.3-4 of Module 9 the following statements are made:

o "The safety injection signal may be manually reset after 30 to 750 seconds following initiation."

I o "However, the operator cannot take manual control o# any safeguards component actuated by the safety injection signal, until the SI signal is first reset."



Similar statements (except with 120 secands in lieu of 750 secondsl are also found of page 7.3-21 of Module 9. Discuss if these statements imply that the operator is prevented from manual initiationas well as i manual termination of safety-related actions. Also discuss these state-l

! ments in light of control room evacuation with subsequent SI.

I l

(15) Table 1.8-1, " Standard Review Plan Deviations," in Module 9 is current-ly not filled in. Discuss any deviations from Chapter 7 of the Standard Review Plan (SRP), ilVREG-0800, known at this time.

(16) Our review revealed that conformance to only one SRP Chapter 7 Rranch Technical Position was included in Module 9. Please discuss conformance with all the BTP's listed in Chapter 7 of the SRP.

(17) Our review indicates that conformance statements relating to GDC's and RG's applicable to Chapter 7 of the SRP cannot be clearly understood and easily related to appropriate sections of Module 9. Please provide a l matrix similar to that found in Table 7-1 of the SRP including positive conformance statements where applicable.

(18) Interlocks for various valves are mentioned in Sections and Section of Module 1. Our review indicates that most of these interlocks are not discussed in Section 7.6 of Module 9 as appropriate (see the SRP). Using detailed logic diaorams, P&ID's, and electrical schematics, provide a discussion of all interlock systems important to l

safety. '


(19) Section in Modules 6/8 refers to two parallel overflow valves opened by two-out-of-four high water level signals. Discuss the design basis for this function. Are these the same level channels used for feedwater isolation?

(20) Section 7.5.4 in Module 9 refers to Module 15 for a description of the Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication (BISI) System. Since Module 15 has not been submitted for the staff's review at this time, discuss the design of the BISI System using detailed design drawings. Provide in-formation to describe the design philosophy used in the selection of equipment / systems to be monitored. The design philosophy should describe as a minimum the criteria to be employed in the display of inter-relation-ships and dependencies of equipment / systems and to insure that bypassing or deliberately induced inoperability of any auxiliary or support system will automatically be indicated for all safety systems affected.

l (21) Section (c) of Module 9 uses the channel availability level statement associated with Category 2 in lieu of Category 1 instrumenta-tion per R.G. 1.97 (Revision 3). Discuss these differences.

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(22) Tables 7.5-5 through 7.5-8 provide summaries of Type B through Type E variables. Discuss deviations in categorization from R.G.1.97 (Revision 3).

(23) In Section 78.5 of Module 9 the statement " Refer to ANS Standard on QA" is made. Please discuss this statement as related to software verifica-tion.

1 (24) On page 7.1-43 of Module 9 the statement " Adequacy o# the hardwara and software will be demonstrated for the RESAR-SP/90 through a prototype verification and validation (V&V) program similar to the RESAR-414" is made. Please discuss any differences between the RESAR 414 and the SP/90 V&V programs. Include a discussion for the RESAR-SP/90 design process as related to conformance to R.G. 1.152 and ANSI /




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, O .10 m MEETING NOTICE DISTRIBUTION YOickddMITH15 NRC Participants NRC* PDR ~ ~~ "' """'" ,

local PDR S. Long PD#5 Reading File F. Burrows, ORAS H. Denton Project Manager S. Long OELD E. Jordan B. Grimes J. Partlow (Emergency Preparedness only)

Receptionist (Building where meeting is being held)

ACRS (10)

OPA N. Olson Resident Inspector

Regional Administrator M. Rushbrook I

4 4

cc: 1.icensee/ applicant & Service


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