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O Department of Energy Washington, D.C. 20545 Docket No. 50-537 HQ:S:83:215 FEB 151983 Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Director CRBR Program Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
==Dear Dr. Grace:==
(1) Letter HQ:S:83:182, J. R. Longenecker to P. S. Check,
                            " Additional Information on MEB Items 4, 26, 64, 68, 69, and 72," dated January 11, 1983 (2) Letter HQ:S:83:192, J. R. Longenecker to P. S. Check,
                            " Additional Information on MEB Items 50 and 70,"
dated January 24, 1983 Enclosed is a revised response to MEB Question 26 previously submitted in Reference (1) and amended Preliminary Safety Analysis Report Section 3.9 (MEB Question 70) previously submitted in Reference (2). The enclosed pages provide additional information requested by the MEB in'a meeting with
,        the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant project on February 9,1983.
Any questions concerning enclosed pages may be directed to Mr. D. Robinson (FTS 626-6098) of the Project Office Oak Ridge staff.
                                                        'incerely, Jo n R. Longeneckt Acting Director, Office of Breeder Demonstration Projects Office of Nuclear Energy Enclosure cc: Service List Standard Distribution Licensing Distribution r302170180 830215 PDR ADOCK 05000
. o            .
Enclosure j        .
l I
l                    MEB Item 26:    The NRC expressed concern at the November 22-24, 1                                    1982, meeting at Waltz Mill that no specific l                                    criterion was identified for the evaluation of flow induced vibration (FIV) test results. It was suggested that a limiting valug of 50 percent of l                                    the Code endurance limit at 100 cycles would be appropriate.
Response:      The information presented at the same meeting for MEB Item 64 indicated that for load controlled conditionsthehighcycleloadgngsforCRBRP require evaluation at about 10 to 10A0 cycles.
Since the endurance limit decreases by approximately a factor of 2 in~ going from 10 6 to 105 cycles, the CRBRP procedures are equivalent to the suggested limiting value.          In any event, the l                                    FIV regults must be within the component design
-l                          l      limitror corrective action will be required as noted in PSAR Section 3.9.1.
1 l
* The component design limits are less than 1/2 the 10 6 cycle limit. Test result acceptance shall be based on observing measurement corresponding to less than the above defined design limit.
                                              . . . . _      _ . - . . . . ~ . . . . _ . . - .        .        . - . . - Analvtical Methods for ASME Code Class 1 Comoonents and ComoonentSunoortsf                                                                                g The design transients for these components are described in Appendix B of this PSAR. The analytical methods and stress Iimits wilI be discussed in the FSAR.
The evaluation of ASE Code Class 1 components a                                    component supports will comply with the requirements the ASE Boller and Pressure Vessel Code Section li t, Subsection NB (components) and NF (supports). The subsection NB requirements for components are supplanented by the following:                                                                                                                .
(1) Low Temoerature Comoonents (below 8000j _ M                                        LJ M                    4 Q m Tuff b RDT Standard E15-2tB-T, October 1975.
* MOR_.E.4-0800.u m .              c Se ,ch.on 3..m.9.3,6 A ,, o __, S,,af,E    2 sI __.
C.J, e. _Cla,s,m,,2,._ a=,
_J 3 , Camp CIY i ?IEb b5-                b-l.~,...."                    fN, &bo$                            51$rdhtt3 (2) EIevated Temoerature Comoonents ' ': : "^^^ 1M (a)  Interpretations of the ASE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case 1592, " Class I Components in Elevated Temperature Service Section Ill".**
(b) RDT Standard F9-4T, " Requirements f or Design of Nuclear System l                                      Components at elevated Tenperatures" Jan.1976.
I                              (c) RDT Standard E15-2ts-T, October 1975.
                  .                (d)  ":p l :t-, C2 ' . '"; NURs4"C800, Sedten 3.i. 3 The inelastic and limit analysis methods having the stress and deformation (limits) established by the ASE Code, Section 111, and Code Case 1592 (elevated temperature design) for normal, upset and emergency conditions may i                  be used with the component dynamic analysis.                                  For these cases, the limits are l                  suf ficiently low to assure that the dynamic elastic system analysis is not i
inval Idated.
For the case of elevated temperature components designed in accordance with Code Case 1592, conservative deformation (or strain) limits have been f ormulated to help ensure the applicability of the other rules of the Code Case; i.e. the strain Iimits in Code Case 1592 are set conservatively low such that they ef fectively ensure that small deformation theory is applicable for most structural analyses of elevated temperature components. The small def ormation assumptions, which have been the cornerstone for analyses of structures at low temperatures, are retained by the majority of current t                  computer structural models being used for elevated temperature ar.alysis.
                    **There are no deviations at present.                                All supplanental criteria will be l                              fully identified and justified in the FSAR.
Ida N MkS A*d MM arc Mest sf4.g ,( -)She 3.M L 4.egryrua e                                gs, Amend. 75 3*9-3                                          Feb. 1983
The elevated temperature Code Case places the following limits on the maximum l Case 1592): accumulated inelastic strain for component parent material (Section T-1310 of
: 1. Strains averaged through the thickness,1%
: 2. Strains at the surf ace due to an equivalent linear distribution of strain through the thickness, 2%
These Iimits are consistent with the NRC Standard Review Plan, Section 3.9.1, which states that small deformation methods of analysis typically tend to have acceptable ef fective strain limits in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 percent.
For components designed in accordance with the low temperature rules of Section lll of the ASE Code, the 3 Sm limit on primary-plus-secondary stress ensure the appl icabil ity of small def ormation theory: I . e. , the 3 S,n l im i t ensures shakedown and precludes ratchetting.                                                                                                                  - '
For f aulted conditions, the plastic and limit analysis stress and deformation limits are specified in Appendix F of the ASE Cods, Secticn Ill. These limits are established in terms of an equivalent acbpted elastic limit which can be used with a dynamic elastic system analysis. Particul ar cases of concern will be checked by use of simulated inelastic internals properties in the elastic system analysis.
At the component level, use of plastic or inelastic stress analysis or l((..      application of inelastic stress and deformation limits may be used with the elastical ly calcul ated dynamic external loads provided that shakedown occurs (as opposed to continuing def ormation) or deformations do not exceed specified Iimits.      OtherwIse, readjustment to the elestic system analysis wIlI be required. A list of components for which inelastic analysis has been perf ormed or is pl anned is shown in Tabie 3.9-11.                                                                                                          -
Complete system inelastic methods of flexibility analysis combined with inelastic stress techniques may be used if there is justification.
Design loading combinations to be used f or ASE Section ill Class I components are those as given in Appendix 3.7-A with the additional combinations given beIow.
Normal and Emergency Conditions: Dead + Live + Operating
                                                                                                .    + Thermal + Transients
            % cmpl:4e sdof /mJ cwkmdkas Sr 4Sats Code ekss lAa J3 um ,,Jsisrummm.                                                                                              ..
Active components wilI be qualifled for operability on a component by 4 TeWes component bast,s in accordance with Reference 12. PSAR Section 1.6.          '
M-5 W 8E.
T* pido aeJ sdellhfe aM ASE Class 1 Component Supports will be designed and analyzed lto the rules arfa requiranents of ASME Section lli Subsection NF. The methods f or analysis and associated allowable limits that are used in the evaluation of linear supports f or f aulted conditions are those def ined in ASEySection lil, Appendix F.
                            .J sL                                                                                  c.h.,
The load combinations f or ASE Class 1 Component Supports are given in Table
3.9-5a or normal, upset, emergency and f aul ted plant conditions. Tle. 34ress Mm'b N s art k aged mMa hsg's #f 4dt Clan i myperts                                                        l'  9e A Arsas service                /eahap%
Pewa4  is 7% 1.9-Sc.
Y b3fd                                                                          3.9-3a                                  Amend. 75 I
Feb. 1983
1 INSERT B For Page 3.9-3a Component supports may be designed using the following three
;                  design procedures:        (1) Design by Analysis, (2) Experimental Stress Analysis, and (3) Load Rating. Plate and shell type supports shall be designed and analyzed in accordance with the rules of paragraph NF-3220 of Subsection NF. Elastic analysis based on maximum stress theory in accordance with the rules of NF-3230 and Appendix XVII-2000 (Section III) shall be used for the design of linear type supports.                                                            For component support configurations where compressive stresses occur, the critical buckling stress shall be taken into account. To avoid column buckling in compression members, local instability associated                                                                  ,
with compression in flexual members and web / flange buckling in plate members, the allowable stress shall be limited to one-half of the critical buckling stress for plate and shell type supports and to two-thirds of the critical buckling stress for linear type supports. The calculation of the critical buckling stress shall account for the member slenderness ratio, width-to-thickness ratio of member flange, depth-to-thickness ratio of the member web and laterally unsupported length. Dynamic buckling as well as static buckling shall be considered when calculating critical buckling stress.
l i
i I
l l
l t
t I
    , - , _ .- -.    -_ ~ - . . _ , .- - , _
                                                - - _ _ - _ . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ , . _ - _ , - - . _ . . - _ _ , , -          . . -  - - _ - - - ~ _
The design of bolts for ASE Class 1 Component Supports f or . normal and upset plant conditions will be in accordance with paragraph NF-3280 of ASE. Section                                              c.
Ii1, Subsection NF. For energency and f aulted plant conditions, bolts wilI be                                              ''
treated as iInear supports, and the methods for analysis and associated allowable limits are those defined in paragraph NF-3230, Su>section NF and paragraph F-1370, Appendix F of ASEgSection ill, res                            vel g.
3.9.2 cak, ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Comoonents and Comoonent Suonort e          -
e}&        Comoonent Ooerating conditions and Desion Loading Combinations Design pressure, temperature, and other loading conditions that provide the                                    '
design basis for fluid system Code Class 2 and 3 components are described in Appendix B of this PSAR and referenced in the sections that describe the system f unctional requirements.        Design Loading Combinatfans Design loading combinations for ASE Code Class 2 and 3 components, and piping, are given in Appendix 3.7-A which are the same as f or Class 1 components. Corresponding stress and pressure Iimits for each case are specif led in Section
For ASME Section 111 Class 2 and 3 components which are not sodium-containing i              and high temperature, the CRBRP will fully conform with the requirements of l              ASME Section til Code. The load combination given in Appendix 3.7-A plus the l
j additional L ...;l      ;.d wil l be util ized.
load combinatg f orIgiven gth Tame.s J.f-Sa e uf E'&
                                  " Cunui . i vnu Dwou m;m
* C,, . . c t ' r;; ' ' " .. . ... .
                                                              -Tar. k t ,
                                                                                                            .-                            (
A3E Class 2 and 3 Component Supports will be designed and analyzed to the rules and requirements of Ast Section lli Subsection NF.                          The methods for l              analysis and associated allowable limits that are used in the evaluation of p/ak aaJ dd linear supports for f aulted cond tions are those defined in ASE Section lli Appendix F. 7Ae.fe y* a 4 maa s/s a# cAss 2.WJ campecest su erfs Nf" "M Mall be a.s ehscufsed eh S* 'e n F.f. /. 6 4r c/sss / .h The load combinations for ASE Class 2 and 3 Component                                    Suppo/puh, rts are given in Table 3.9-Sa{or"Anormal,    SL upset, emergency and f aulted plant conditions. 4 The design of bolts for ASE Class 2 and 3 Component Supporis for normal and upset plant conditions will be in accordance with paragraph NF-3280 of ASME Section t il Subsection NF. For emergency and f aulted plant conditions, bolts will be treated as linear supports, and the methods f or analysis and associated allowable limits are those defined in paragraph NF-3230, Subsection NF and paragraph F-1370, A)pendix F of ASE Section Ill. h no case slal(Me.e//Mab suceak ' tar f dl<.0 s+ req % of %
fer m +.      sa.a.
cal sEusegeQ.
4        Jm e. .p%ubsk cadfiks d> yr                34r.s. /,bA ,L 6. umJ k A Arp of M class 2/s sqvh                                        U art.      .
                  -            idee % TALI. s.9-arc.Sd.
Tka, cede *M% s ud ademis                                %se. s6 ,*, 4.A 2.g.( f. r-              Me aprepa+= <. ego. A.s ,
3.9-3b                                  gd
INSERT A For Page 3.9-3b The stress limits for the Emergency Conditions may be increased by one-third over the values for the normal / upset conditions.
For the Faulted Conditions, the allowable stresses obtained for i
the normal conditions may be increased by a factor of 1.2 (Sy/Ft). In no case shall the allowables for the Emergency / Faulted Conditions exceed the yield strength of the material at temperature.
a l
Table 3 9-Sa Load Combinations for Seismic Category I Vessles, Piping and Non-Active Pumps and Valves and Associated Component Supports (Class 1,                2 and 3)
ASME Plant                                                                Service Stress Operating Condition        Load Combination                            Limits Normal                      Dead + Live + Operating +                Normal Thermal + Transients Upset                      Dead + Live + Operating +                Upset Thermal + Transients (le
                                + OBE Emergency                  Dead + Live + Operating +                Emergency i
Theragl + Transients +
l                              DSL(21 l  Faulted                    (a) Dead + Live +                        Faulted Operating + Thermal +
Transients (3) + DSL(3)
                                + SSE (b) Dead + Live +                        Faulted Operating +(Thermal +
Transients 4) + SSE (c) Dead + Live +                        Faulted Operating + Thermal +
Transients (1)    Includes worst normal operation transient with four OBE's and worst upset operation transient with one OB3, independently.
l (2)    Includes only those dynamic system loadings associated with sodium water reactions.
(3)    Dynamic system loadings and transients associated with ex-containment IHTS design basis leaks and water / steam pipe l          rupture events.
(4)    Includes only normal operating transients 3.9-9ba l
t                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. __ . _ .
l l
Table 3.9-5b Load Combinations For Seismic Category I            l Active-Pumps and Valves and Associated Component Supports (Class 1, 2,-and 3)
ASME Plant                                                    Service Stress Onerating Condition        Load Combination                Limits Normal                      Dead + Live + Operating      Normal
                                  + Thermal + Transients Upset                                                    Upset Dead  + Live+ +Transientstl
                                  + Thermal        Operating )
                                  + OBE Emergency                  Dead + Live + Operating      Upset
                                  + DSL Transients l
Faulted                    (a) Dead + Live +            Upset Operating Transients+(2Jhermal(+)
                                                    + DSL 2
                                  + SSE (b)  Dead + Live +          Upset Operating + Thermal +
Transients (3) + SSE (c) Dead + Live +            Upset Operating + Thermal +
,                                Transients
j    (1)    Includes worst normal opreation transient with four OBE's and worst upset operation transient with one OBE, independently.
(2)  Dynamic system loadings and transients associated with ex-containment IHTS design basis leaks and water / steam pipe rupture events.
;    (3)    Includes worst nominal operation transient with the SSE.
l (4)    Includes only those dynamic system loadings associated with sodium water reactions.
M le. 3.1 - Sc.
5+<ess    CeMecis. A, A.smE Cocle Cicas /
Cowpened SpeeYs Midth                                  g, z, ;f. C0 00 i
Desthw                                Pm 6%
1 Pm +Pg A /5 5 %
I Asm\          ?
Pm + %
,                                            Pm 4 :!.!s %                      '
Pe. A 3 Sm                      ;
Pm el's+ P., 6 3 Sm                ;
i g      ,g                              Pm s le sm                        ;
pgp    g  a f I 8 Sm l                                                            J oB c_c i                                                                                ,
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* l                                      .+ u ,- u - g . ..s.
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Tak\e. 3.9 S A S+ress Coderia. for    ASME Coal <. Class    2./3 Campanenf sypets
                                                                    %ims3    [gege*kg CowAN}bh 65i" S                              ei
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  --- - _ _ _______ __ _____ _ -}}

Latest revision as of 11:50, 6 January 2021

Forwards Revised Response to Mechanical Engineering Branch Question 26 & Amended PSAR Section 3.9 (Question 70) Re Low Temp Components,Providing Addl Info Requested at 830209 Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 02/15/1983
From: Longenecker J
To: Grace J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
HQ:S:83:215, NUDOCS 8302170180
Download: ML20064P086 (11)



O Department of Energy Washington, D.C. 20545 Docket No. 50-537 HQ:S:83:215 FEB 151983 Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Director CRBR Program Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Dr. Grace:



(1) Letter HQ:S:83:182, J. R. Longenecker to P. S. Check,

" Additional Information on MEB Items 4, 26, 64, 68, 69, and 72," dated January 11, 1983 (2) Letter HQ:S:83:192, J. R. Longenecker to P. S. Check,

" Additional Information on MEB Items 50 and 70,"

dated January 24, 1983 Enclosed is a revised response to MEB Question 26 previously submitted in Reference (1) and amended Preliminary Safety Analysis Report Section 3.9 (MEB Question 70) previously submitted in Reference (2). The enclosed pages provide additional information requested by the MEB in'a meeting with

, the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant project on February 9,1983.

Any questions concerning enclosed pages may be directed to Mr. D. Robinson (FTS 626-6098) of the Project Office Oak Ridge staff.

'incerely, Jo n R. Longeneckt Acting Director, Office of Breeder Demonstration Projects Office of Nuclear Energy Enclosure cc: Service List Standard Distribution Licensing Distribution r302170180 830215 PDR ADOCK 05000

. o .

Enclosure j .

l I

l MEB Item 26: The NRC expressed concern at the November 22-24, 1 1982, meeting at Waltz Mill that no specific l criterion was identified for the evaluation of flow induced vibration (FIV) test results. It was suggested that a limiting valug of 50 percent of l the Code endurance limit at 100 cycles would be appropriate.

Response: The information presented at the same meeting for MEB Item 64 indicated that for load controlled conditionsthehighcycleloadgngsforCRBRP require evaluation at about 10 to 10A0 cycles.

Since the endurance limit decreases by approximately a factor of 2 in~ going from 10 6 to 105 cycles, the CRBRP procedures are equivalent to the suggested limiting value. In any event, the l FIV regults must be within the component design

-l l limitror corrective action will be required as noted in PSAR Section 3.9.1.

1 l

  • The component design limits are less than 1/2 the 10 6 cycle limit. Test result acceptance shall be based on observing measurement corresponding to less than the above defined design limit.

. . . . _ _ . - . . . . ~ . . . . _ . . - . . . - . . - Analvtical Methods for ASME Code Class 1 Comoonents and ComoonentSunoortsf g The design transients for these components are described in Appendix B of this PSAR. The analytical methods and stress Iimits wilI be discussed in the FSAR.

The evaluation of ASE Code Class 1 components a component supports will comply with the requirements the ASE Boller and Pressure Vessel Code Section li t, Subsection NB (components) and NF (supports). The subsection NB requirements for components are supplanented by the following: .

(1) Low Temoerature Comoonents (below 8000j _ M LJ M 4 Q m Tuff b RDT Standard E15-2tB-T, October 1975.

  • MOR_.E.4-0800.u m . c Se ,ch.on 3..m.9.3,6 A ,, o __, S,,af,E 2 sI __.

C.J, e. _Cla,s,m,,2,._ a=,

_J 3 , Camp CIY i ?IEb b5- b-l.~,...." fN, &bo$ 51$rdhtt3 (2) EIevated Temoerature Comoonents ' ': : "^^^ 1M (a) Interpretations of the ASE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case 1592, " Class I Components in Elevated Temperature Service Section Ill".**

(b) RDT Standard F9-4T, " Requirements f or Design of Nuclear System l Components at elevated Tenperatures" Jan.1976.

I (c) RDT Standard E15-2ts-T, October 1975.

. (d) ":p l :t-, C2 ' . '"; NURs4"C800, Sedten 3.i. 3 The inelastic and limit analysis methods having the stress and deformation (limits) established by the ASE Code, Section 111, and Code Case 1592 (elevated temperature design) for normal, upset and emergency conditions may i be used with the component dynamic analysis. For these cases, the limits are l suf ficiently low to assure that the dynamic elastic system analysis is not i

inval Idated.

For the case of elevated temperature components designed in accordance with Code Case 1592, conservative deformation (or strain) limits have been f ormulated to help ensure the applicability of the other rules of the Code Case; i.e. the strain Iimits in Code Case 1592 are set conservatively low such that they ef fectively ensure that small deformation theory is applicable for most structural analyses of elevated temperature components. The small def ormation assumptions, which have been the cornerstone for analyses of structures at low temperatures, are retained by the majority of current t computer structural models being used for elevated temperature ar.alysis.

    • There are no deviations at present. All supplanental criteria will be l fully identified and justified in the FSAR.

Ida N MkS A*d MM arc Mest sf4.g ,( -)She 3.M L 4.egryrua e gs, Amend. 75 3*9-3 Feb. 1983

The elevated temperature Code Case places the following limits on the maximum l Case 1592): accumulated inelastic strain for component parent material (Section T-1310 of

1. Strains averaged through the thickness,1%
2. Strains at the surf ace due to an equivalent linear distribution of strain through the thickness, 2%

These Iimits are consistent with the NRC Standard Review Plan, Section 3.9.1, which states that small deformation methods of analysis typically tend to have acceptable ef fective strain limits in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 percent.

For components designed in accordance with the low temperature rules of Section lll of the ASE Code, the 3 Sm limit on primary-plus-secondary stress ensure the appl icabil ity of small def ormation theory: I . e. , the 3 S,n l im i t ensures shakedown and precludes ratchetting. - '

For f aulted conditions, the plastic and limit analysis stress and deformation limits are specified in Appendix F of the ASE Cods, Secticn Ill. These limits are established in terms of an equivalent acbpted elastic limit which can be used with a dynamic elastic system analysis. Particul ar cases of concern will be checked by use of simulated inelastic internals properties in the elastic system analysis.

At the component level, use of plastic or inelastic stress analysis or l((.. application of inelastic stress and deformation limits may be used with the elastical ly calcul ated dynamic external loads provided that shakedown occurs (as opposed to continuing def ormation) or deformations do not exceed specified Iimits. OtherwIse, readjustment to the elestic system analysis wIlI be required. A list of components for which inelastic analysis has been perf ormed or is pl anned is shown in Tabie 3.9-11. -

Complete system inelastic methods of flexibility analysis combined with inelastic stress techniques may be used if there is justification.

Design loading combinations to be used f or ASE Section ill Class I components are those as given in Appendix 3.7-A with the additional combinations given beIow.

Normal and Emergency Conditions: Dead + Live + Operating

. + Thermal + Transients

% cmpl:4e sdof /mJ cwkmdkas Sr 4Sats Code ekss lAa J3 um ,,Jsisrummm. ..

Active components wilI be qualifled for operability on a component by 4 TeWes component bast,s in accordance with Reference 12. PSAR Section 1.6. '

M-5 W 8E.

T* pido aeJ sdellhfe aM ASE Class 1 Component Supports will be designed and analyzed lto the rules arfa requiranents of ASME Section lli Subsection NF. The methods f or analysis and associated allowable limits that are used in the evaluation of linear supports f or f aulted conditions are those def ined in ASEySection lil, Appendix F.

.J sL c.h.,

The load combinations f or ASE Class 1 Component Supports are given in Table


3.9-5a or normal, upset, emergency and f aul ted plant conditions. Tle. 34ress Mm'b N s art k aged mMa hsg's #f 4dt Clan i myperts l' 9e A Arsas service /eahap%

Pewa4 is 7% 1.9-Sc.

Y b3fd 3.9-3a Amend. 75 I

Feb. 1983

1 INSERT B For Page 3.9-3a Component supports may be designed using the following three

design procedures
(1) Design by Analysis, (2) Experimental Stress Analysis, and (3) Load Rating. Plate and shell type supports shall be designed and analyzed in accordance with the rules of paragraph NF-3220 of Subsection NF. Elastic analysis based on maximum stress theory in accordance with the rules of NF-3230 and Appendix XVII-2000 (Section III) shall be used for the design of linear type supports. For component support configurations where compressive stresses occur, the critical buckling stress shall be taken into account. To avoid column buckling in compression members, local instability associated ,

with compression in flexual members and web / flange buckling in plate members, the allowable stress shall be limited to one-half of the critical buckling stress for plate and shell type supports and to two-thirds of the critical buckling stress for linear type supports. The calculation of the critical buckling stress shall account for the member slenderness ratio, width-to-thickness ratio of member flange, depth-to-thickness ratio of the member web and laterally unsupported length. Dynamic buckling as well as static buckling shall be considered when calculating critical buckling stress.

l i

i I

l l

l t

t I


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- - _ _ - _ . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ , . _ - _ , - - . _ . . - _ _ , , - . . - - - _ - - - ~ _

The design of bolts for ASE Class 1 Component Supports f or . normal and upset plant conditions will be in accordance with paragraph NF-3280 of ASE. Section c.

Ii1, Subsection NF. For energency and f aulted plant conditions, bolts wilI be

treated as iInear supports, and the methods for analysis and associated allowable limits are those defined in paragraph NF-3230, Su>section NF and paragraph F-1370, Appendix F of ASEgSection ill, res vel g.

3.9.2 cak, ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Comoonents and Comoonent Suonort e -

e}& Comoonent Ooerating conditions and Desion Loading Combinations Design pressure, temperature, and other loading conditions that provide the '

design basis for fluid system Code Class 2 and 3 components are described in Appendix B of this PSAR and referenced in the sections that describe the system f unctional requirements. Design Loading Combinatfans Design loading combinations for ASE Code Class 2 and 3 components, and piping, are given in Appendix 3.7-A which are the same as f or Class 1 components. Corresponding stress and pressure Iimits for each case are specif led in Section

For ASME Section 111 Class 2 and 3 components which are not sodium-containing i and high temperature, the CRBRP will fully conform with the requirements of l ASME Section til Code. The load combination given in Appendix 3.7-A plus the l

j additional L ...;l  ;.d wil l be util ized.

load combinatg f orIgiven gth Tame.s J.f-Sa e uf E'&

" Cunui . i vnu Dwou m;m

  • C,, . . c t ' r;; ' ' " .. . ... .


-Tar. k t ,

.- (

A3E Class 2 and 3 Component Supports will be designed and analyzed to the rules and requirements of Ast Section lli Subsection NF. The methods for l analysis and associated allowable limits that are used in the evaluation of p/ak aaJ dd linear supports for f aulted cond tions are those defined in ASE Section lli Appendix F. 7Ae.fe y* a 4 maa s/s a# cAss 2.WJ campecest su erfs Nf" "M Mall be a.s ehscufsed eh S* 'e n F.f. /. 6 4r c/sss / .h The load combinations for ASE Class 2 and 3 Component Suppo/puh, rts are given in Table 3.9-Sa{or"Anormal, SL upset, emergency and f aulted plant conditions. 4 The design of bolts for ASE Class 2 and 3 Component Supporis for normal and upset plant conditions will be in accordance with paragraph NF-3280 of ASME Section t il Subsection NF. For emergency and f aulted plant conditions, bolts will be treated as linear supports, and the methods f or analysis and associated allowable limits are those defined in paragraph NF-3230, Subsection NF and paragraph F-1370, A)pendix F of ASE Section Ill. h no case slal(Me.e//Mab suceak ' tar f dl<.0 s+ req % of %

fer m +. sa.a.

cal sEusegeQ.

4 Jm e. .p%ubsk cadfiks d> yr 34r.s. /,bA ,L 6. umJ k A Arp of M class 2/s sqvh U art. .


- idee % TALI. s.9-arc.Sd.

Tka, cede *M% s ud ademis %se. s6 ,*, 4.A 2.g.( f. r- Me aprepa+= <. ego. A.s ,

3.9-3b gd

INSERT A For Page 3.9-3b The stress limits for the Emergency Conditions may be increased by one-third over the values for the normal / upset conditions.

For the Faulted Conditions, the allowable stresses obtained for i

the normal conditions may be increased by a factor of 1.2 (Sy/Ft). In no case shall the allowables for the Emergency / Faulted Conditions exceed the yield strength of the material at temperature.


a l

Table 3 9-Sa Load Combinations for Seismic Category I Vessles, Piping and Non-Active Pumps and Valves and Associated Component Supports (Class 1, 2 and 3)

ASME Plant Service Stress Operating Condition Load Combination Limits Normal Dead + Live + Operating + Normal Thermal + Transients Upset Dead + Live + Operating + Upset Thermal + Transients (le

+ OBE Emergency Dead + Live + Operating + Emergency i

Theragl + Transients +

l DSL(21 l Faulted (a) Dead + Live + Faulted Operating + Thermal +

Transients (3) + DSL(3)

+ SSE (b) Dead + Live + Faulted Operating +(Thermal +

Transients 4) + SSE (c) Dead + Live + Faulted Operating + Thermal +

Transients (1) Includes worst normal operation transient with four OBE's and worst upset operation transient with one OB3, independently.

l (2) Includes only those dynamic system loadings associated with sodium water reactions.

(3) Dynamic system loadings and transients associated with ex-containment IHTS design basis leaks and water / steam pipe l rupture events.

(4) Includes only normal operating transients 3.9-9ba l

t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. __ . _ .

l l

Table 3.9-5b Load Combinations For Seismic Category I l Active-Pumps and Valves and Associated Component Supports (Class 1, 2,-and 3)

ASME Plant Service Stress Onerating Condition Load Combination Limits Normal Dead + Live + Operating Normal

+ Thermal + Transients Upset Upset Dead + Live+ +Transientstl

+ Thermal Operating )

+ OBE Emergency Dead + Live + Operating Upset


+ DSL Transients l

Faulted (a) Dead + Live + Upset Operating Transients+(2Jhermal(+)

+ DSL 2

+ SSE (b) Dead + Live + Upset Operating + Thermal +

Transients (3) + SSE (c) Dead + Live + Upset Operating + Thermal +

, Transients


j (1) Includes worst normal opreation transient with four OBE's and worst upset operation transient with one OBE, independently.

(2) Dynamic system loadings and transients associated with ex-containment IHTS design basis leaks and water / steam pipe rupture events.

(3) Includes worst nominal operation transient with the SSE.

l (4) Includes only those dynamic system loadings associated with sodium water reactions.




M le. 3.1 - Sc.

5+<ess CeMecis. A, A.smE Cocle Cicas /

Cowpened SpeeYs Midth g, z, ;f. C0 00 i

Desthw Pm 6%

1 Pm +Pg A /5 5 %

I Asm\  ?

Pm + %

, Pm 4 :!.!s % '

Pe. A 3 Sm  ;

Pm el's+ P., 6 3 Sm  ;

i g ,g Pm s le sm  ;

pgp g a f I 8 Sm l J oB c_c i ,

M F= We& A *

  • L t z. %

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  • d 'SS /'"'Y# 4' "

l 4 N F- 32.31 ,, s,J.,,ch h N N A

  • l .+ u ,- u - g . ..s.

u -

Tak\e. 3.9 S A S+ress Coderia. for ASME Coal <. Class 2./3 Campanenf sypets

%ims3 [gege*kg CowAN}bh 65i" S ei

  • 5


GT +Gg. & L5 l

Nor=\/ apse a; 4s ,

Gi +6s. k l.5 l

    • "fD l.2 x #eems.{ %ddsk limits F-Ret f.s ,; u.r J e. J / 4 n iits l

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  • TereslsssWts n af as h%D on Asms l

to s,f,g ,3 9.,* s. x. u ., &

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