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                                                                    --                              EPP Appendix B Q*-                                                    INDIANA AND MICHIGAN ELECTRJC COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE plan I
1.0    GENERAL All Company safety policies and procedures applicable to conventional generating plant operations apply to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
In addition, special rules and procedures govern work involving radio-active material . Although measures have been taken to control radio-active c:ntamination, its presence will require the implementation of special procedures governing the treatment of a person injured in a contaminated area. First, the person must be decontaminated unless the nature and/or extent of the injury makes immediate removal from the 5                                  area and treatment necessary or requires treatment in the area.
Second, if a wound is involved, it may become contaminated with radio-
  ,                                active material and complete decontamination may not be possible with-out aggravating the injury.
All D. C. Cook Plant Operating Department personnel, appropriate tech-nicians and the staff have a working knowledge of decontamination pro-cedures and all Shift Operating Engineers, Chemical and Radiation Pro-tection Supervisors and Chemical and Radiation Protection Technicians i
have completed courses of instruction in First Aid. Nomally one or J~)                      more of these employees will be available to administer first aid while decontamination procedures are completed.
In the event the injury endagers life or limb, immediate medical treat-ment shall always precede decontamination procedures. Consequently, provisions have been made for contamination control at Memorial Hospial in St. Joseph and 11ercy Hospital in Benton Harbor.
In cooperation with Indiana & Michigan Electric Company, the partici-pating hospitals will have a staff of physicians and hospital personnel trained to implement the proper methods of contamination control.
Indiana & Michigan Electric Company will ensure that training courses are conducted to provide hospital pe.rsonnel with basic knowledge of radiation and contamination, as well as control methods. Annual con-ferences and refresher classes will be conducted. Also, periodic tests i
runs to ensure the operability of the Hos01tal Assistance P1an wilI be performed.                      **
l                                  Indiana & Mithigan Electric Company will ensure the following contami-nation control supplies will be furnished to the hospitals:
: 1. Disposable Gowns                                                    24 pair
: 2.      Surgical Gloves                                                    24 pair i
: 3.      Surgeon Caps                                                        12 kh                                                                                          Page 1 of 6
* Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3 h0gO          O                                                    .
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EPP Appendix B C) ~
: 4.      Plastic Shoe Covers                                  ,                    24 pair
: 5.      Sufficient Blotting o
Controlled Area Boun, dry            Paper andto  Cover Pathway Treatment  Room
  !                                  6.      Plastic Bags (23" x 36")                                                    6 i                                    7.      Plastic Water Containers (5 gallon)                                        10
)                                    8.      Plastic Bags (6" x 6")                                                    10
: 9.      Gray Duct Tape                                                              2 rolls
  !                                10. Radiation Tape                                                                    1 roll i                                11. Radiation Marking Signs,                                                          6
: 12. Plastic Aprons                                                                  24
: 13. Portable Lead Container                                                            1 7                                  14. A Mobile Cart or Appropriate Container in which the Above Supplies Can be Stored
: 15. Portable Air Sampler with Filters / Cartridges                                    1
: 16. Surgical Masks                                                                  12 I
NOTE: Twelve clear plastic bags are made up containing: 2 disposable gowns; 2 plastic aprons; 2 pair gloves; 2 pair plastic shoe covers; 1 surgical mask; 1 surgical cap.
2.0            PROCEDURE FOR PLANT PERSONNEL The procedure to be followed by plant personnel shall be detennined by where the accident occurs in the plant, as well as the nature and ex-7,                      tent of the injury.
N 2.1          Injury Occurring Within Radioactive Clean Section- -
An injury substained in a radioactive clean section of the plant will require no decontamination procedures or precautions. Nec-essary first aid treatment shall be administered by a qualified person and the injured person shall receive any additional medi-cal treatment needed from a medical doctor.
2.2          Injury Occurring Within Potentially Radioactive Contaminc.ted Section If an injury is substained in a potentially radioactive contcmi-nated section, precautionary measures must be taken in case radioactive contamination exists. In addition to administering necessary, first aid, the following measures must be taken:
2.2.1*        The injured person must be surveyed by use of a- survey meter. Particular attention should be directed to the vicinity of the injury.
2.2.2        In the event the injury is a wound and the object causing injury might be contaminated, the object must be surveyed with a survey meter and a smear obtained if possible.
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    @I) 2.2.3        If ~bither survey results in a detectable increase in the
.                                              signal and/or a reading no'ticeably above background on the smear, decontaminatin procedures compatible with the
',                                              nature of the injury shall be followed.
2.3    Injury Occurrina Within A Radioactive Contaminated Area
  !                                Any person working within a radioactive contaminated area shall I                                wear protective clothing. If protective clothing is removed in
]                                    accordance with established procedures governing egress from a contaminated area, the probability of the area ousite the con-trolled area becoming contaminated is extremely small. The nature and extent of an injury, however, shall detemine the
  !                                extent to which decontamination procedures are completed prior
!                                    to departure from a contaminated area.
i I-                                    If the injury is minor and the injured person is ambulatory, he shall remove his protective clothing in accordance with proce-
  ,                                dures governing egress from the area. The nature and extent of l                                injury shall be reported promptly to the Shift Supervisor by the injured person. The injured person shall proceed to the decon-tamination room for first aid and further decontamination if necessa ry.
If the injured person is unconscious or immobilized, the first Gp.                            person who becmes aware of the accident shall:
2.3.1      Notify the Shift Supervisor and report the-location-of--~~-                  -
the injured person and the apparent nature and extent of the injury.
!                                    2.3.2      Remain with the injured person if possible until the
!                                                stretcher. team arrives.
!                              2.4  The Shift Supervisor shall dispatch a stretcher team to the
:                                    scene of the accident. At lease one member of the team shall be
!                                    qualified to administer first aid.
The stretcher team's equipment shall include a stretcher, first aid kit and survey meter. Before the team enters the area in which the injured person is located, each member of the team
,                                    should put on necessary protective clothing to avoid contami-t nation of"his7ersonal clothing and use all nomal entrance procedures.
Under the direction of the person qualified to administer first                            )
aid, the stretcher team shall remove as much of the protective                            I clothing from the injured person as the nature and extent of injury permit, provided further contamination will not result before he is placed on the stretcher. Appropriate first aid Page 3 of 6
* Memorial Hospital t
Agreement Revision 3
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shall be administered to the maximum extent possible during this and other phases of operation. The injured person shall be transported by stretcher to the exit from the contaminated area or to a location where the level of radiation will permit a contamination survey to be perfonned. If the survey reveals the presence of significant contamination on the injured person and/or the stretcher, and the nature and extent of injury is such that decontamination procedures, or the time required to complete them, might, aggravate the injured person's condition or injury, the following action shall be taken:
2.4.1      A member of the stretacher team shall promptly notify the Shift Supervisor and advise him to place the hospital phase of the plan into effect.
2.4.2      The Shift Supervisor s, hall:
2.4.2-1            If the emergency has ,n_o radiological compli-cations, notify tiemorial Hospital as per Attachment 1.
2.4.2-2            If the emergency has radiological complica-tions, notify Memorial Hospital as per Attach-ment 2.
  . *.                                    2.4.2-3            If treatment cannot be provided at !!emorial
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Hospital , notify:              -
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tiercy Hospital 960 Agard Street (Corner of Pipestone)
Benton Harbor,111chigan Telephone: 925-8811 Request the Emergency Room charge nurse and provide infonnation as per Attachment 1 (No Radiological Complications) and/or Attachment 2 (Radiological Complications) for Memorial Hospital.
2.4.2-4            Designate a person to arrange transportation for the injured.              If ambulance service is re-quired, contact the appropriate ambulance a -          service.
                                      . 2.4.2-5            Notify the Plant Radiation Protection Super-visor (or the Technical Superintendent, if the Plant Radiation Protection Supervisor is                                        '
unavailable) and the Plant Manager (or the Assistant Plant itanager, if the Plant flanager is unavailable).
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                                        .,                                                          Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3
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2.4.3      The person designated to obtain suitable transportation (O.                                            shall also be responsible'for providing suitable material to protect the vehicle interior from contamination by 1'
the injured person or the stretcher. Plastic, paper or other material which will provide reasonable protection against contamination may be used.
2.4.4      The stretcher team shall carry the injured person to the vehicle.        ,
2.4.5      At least one member of the Radiation Protection Section shall accampany the injured person to the hospital.
2.4.6      The driver of the vehicle shall deliver the injured person to the receiving desk at the rear of flemorial Hospital (See Figure 1, Attachment 3).
3.0      PROCEDURE FOR HOSPITAL PERSONNEL 3.1        Prior to Arrival of the Injured 3.1.1      The Treatment Room (florgue) will be evacuated and all material or equipment not needed for treatment of the injured will be covered or removed.
Q~                              3.1. 2    The Shift Maintenance Man shall carry out the procedure outlined in Part 1 of Attachment 4 of this Plan.
3.1.3      All personnel to be directly involved in handling the injured or providing treatment shall wear protective clothing as per Attachment 5 of this Plan. If special precautions are needed, they will be explained during the initial call by the Shift Supervisor.
3.2        After the Injured Person is in the Treatment Room (Morgue) 3.2.1      The Maintenance Department shall be responsible for carrying out Part II of Attachment 4.
3.2.2      All persons entering the Morgue must wear appropriate protective clothing and observe all radiation control procedures.
3.2.3      All persons leaving the florgue must remove protective clothing in the prescribed manner to avoid contamination of personal clothing, equipment, etc.
3.2.4    All persons must be monitored by Indiana & Michigan Electric Company personnel to confim removal of contami-
                                  .                nation after protective clothing is removed.            Survey h                                            s Page 5 of 6 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3
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(,])                                              instruments will be furnished by Indiana & tiichigan Electric Company.
3.2.5        All items removed fran the Morgue must either be moni-
'                                                      tored and ' released as uncontaminated or sealed and marked " RADIATION - C0NTAMINATED".
3.2.6        If, in the opinion of the treating physician, the patient must-pe moved to a location other than the designated florgue, reasonable precautions must be taken to control contamination.
3.3    Decontamination and Waste Disposal After &nergency Treatment is Completed 3.3.1      After energency treatment is caapleted, the patient shall be thoroughly decontaminated under the direction of the treating physician and Indiana & Michigan Electric Company Radiation Protection personnel . Liquid wastes fran solution utilized during the decontamination process will be monitored and released if uncontaminated or sealed and marked " RADIATION - CONTAMINATION".
3.3.2      All solid and liquid waste will be sealed and trans-ported to the Cook Plant for disposal by Cook Plant
  .                                                  personnel .
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                                                .,                                      EPP Appendix B h                                            Hospital Call - Industrial Accident NO RADIOLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS Call MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' EMERGENCY ROOM - 983-8262 When the EMERGENCY ROOM personnel an,swer, say:
: 1.    "My name is                                . I am the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant in Bridgman.          (I am calling for                              who is the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant in Bridgman.)"
: 2.    "We have had an industrial injury which does not involve any radiationi I repeat, the injury does not involve any radiation."
: 3.    "We have                  patients with the following injuries:"
4                          Patient No.                                    Injury 1.
: 4.      "The (first) ambulance should be leaving in about                        minutes a'nd will be brought to the EMERGENCY ROOM entrance."
: 5.      "Are there any questions?"
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i G
>    Ny                                          HOSPITAL CALL - RADIOLOGICAk HAZARDS 5
Call MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 983-8262 When the telephone is answered, say:
                                "This is a radiation emergency call from the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Please connect me with the Emergency Room Charge Nurse."
When the Charge Nurse answers, say:
: 1.    "My name is                              . I am the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant. (I am calling for                                    who is the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant.)"
: 2.    " Initiate the Donald C. Cook Plant Hospital Assistance Plan and pre-pare to receive radiation patients."
: 3.    "We have                    patients. Of these                are contaminated and                involve radiation hazards."
      ;                  4.    "Can you receive these patients?" Answer
      'u/              5.    "They will be transported in                    ambulances. The first of which will leave in approximately                    minutes. The travel time to the hospital is estimated to be 20 minutes."
: 6.    "The following information is available on the patients."
Patient                                              Contaminated?    Deconned?    Radiation    Radiation No.                            Injury                    (Yes/No)      (Yes/No)                    Level (Yes/No) 1.
: 3.            -
                                  .'                                                        Page 1 of 2 Attachment 2 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2
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i Q            7.  "The following precautions should be observed (as recommended by Radia-tion Protection)."          .
: a.          No special precautions beyond those normally provided in the t
Hospi-tal Assistance Plan.
: b.          Treatment personnel should wear respiratory protection.
c                    c.          Radiation levels may create special problems. Be sure to wait for dosimetr,y equipment.
: d.          (Other as given by Radiation Protection.)
: 8.  "Are there any questions?"
At the conclusion of the report, the Charge Nurse will telephone the Shift Supervisor at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (465-5901) to confirm the report.
: 9. The Charge Nurse will notify the hospital switchboard to initiate the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Assistance Plan.
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([)                                D. C. COOK hUCLEAR PLANT HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE PLAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT ASSISTANCE PLAN Upon notification to initiate the Assistance Plan:
Notify the following departments that the Cook Nuclear Plant Hospital Assistance Plan is to be initiated:
Administration (off shifts and holidays, page theAdministrativeNursingSupervisor)                    Ext. 301 Laboratory                                              Ext. 311 Plant Operations (after 4:30 p.m. page 'the shift maintenance man)                                      Ext. 280 Housekeeping (4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., page the hauskeeping supervisor; 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. , contact the executive housekeeper)        Ext. 282
Page 1 of 2
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                        .                                D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT HOSPITAL EMERGENCY PLAN                                                                                                            !
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Agreement Revision 1
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EPP Appendix B i3                          D. C. COOK' NUCLEAR PLANT HOSPITAL, ASSISTANCE PLAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURE PART I l                                                  -
Upon notification by the House Supervisor, the Shift Maintenance Man shall carry out the following procedure:
: 1. Unlock the door to the Nuclear Contamination Control Supplies and j                        remove the cart (A)* containing supplies, j                2.      Set up rope barrier, using stanchions and radiation rope (B). Hang
  ,                        " Radiation Marking Signs" (C) on rope barrier as shown on attached j                        sketch.
: 3.      Tape " Caution - Radiation" (C) sign over " MORGUE" plaque on Morgue en-l                        trance, using 2" duct tape (located in cart). Unlock Morgue door.
l                4.      Lay out a path with yellow herculite (X)~from inside of the Morgue (approximately 12" inside of doorway) to receiving dock, and down the ramp, as shown on attached sketch. Tape the herculite in place with
  !'                      duct tape. Herculite is marked with the letters AA BB and CC to identify it's proper location.                                    -
: 5.      Block open the double acting doors at the receiving dock entrance with locking pins attached to bottom door pivots. Hook open the outside j                        door on the receiving dock.
LE -            6.-    Secure ventilation supply to the-MorgtTe:and shrrounding' area. ~ Verify          ^ * ' "
that the ventilation exhaust remains in operation. Do not cover the exhaust grill.
: 7.      Install metal cover (E) over sink in Morgue.
: 8. Tape over floor drain in. Morgue using Radiation Tape (F).
: 9. Tape over drain in Autopsy Table, using Radiation Tape (F).
: 10.      Attach hose and shower spray head to Autopsy Table Faucet,
: 11.      Set 5 gallon plastic container (G) under exposed drain on Autopsy Table
,                        and remove plug from drain.
I                12.      Tape large (23" x 36") olastic bags (H) to walls in Morgue for disposal of contaminated materials, as shown on sketch.
: 13.      Put stretcher Autopsy Table.
: 14.      Remove all equipment'from cabinet tops.'
: 15.      Don protecti've clothing (shoe covers, dispcaable lab coat, and yellow gloves). Station yourself on the receiving dock to insure unauthorized traffic (other than D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant amublance personnel) do i
not enter the controlled area.
: 16.      When clean transport cart is to be brought into Morgue, roll out brown craft paper (J) from outside the controlled area into the Morgue, then I                        roll in cart.
* Letters refer to ident'ification on the attached figure.
Page 1 of 4 Attachment 4 1
Memorial Hospi.ta] .Agreefient        l
                                                                                , Revision 3                            .
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EPP Appendix B i
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D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT HOSPITAL, ASSISTANCE PLAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURE PART II After arrival of personnel and patient (s) from Cook Nuclear Plant, and patient (s) i                        has been moved into the Morgue:
I                                                          .
NOTE: If there are two patients, both shall be moved into the Morgue with the patient to be treated second to be stationed along one i
wall. If there are more than two patients, the remaining pa-tients shall remain within the ambulance until they may be ac-commodated within the Morgue.
,                          1.          Roll up and remove
;                                      yellow trash bag (s) yellow herculite (K)* pathway and place inside
: 2.          Change gloves and shoe covers after removing herculite. Put on new e
pair of gloves and shoe covers before proceeding with Step 3.
      ,                    3.          Remain within the controlled area, and insure that non-essential per-sonnel do not enter the area.                                        -
,                          4          Assist the personnel within the controlled area as necessary. Do not i-                                leave the controlled area before being monitored and cleared by Cook
,    ?)                                Plant personnel. _ _ ,                          __
NOTE: All supplies and items mentioned are located in the Contamination
              .                                Control Supply Cart and Storage Room.
* Letters refer to identification on the attached figure.
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PART II      ,
{y                      After arrival of personnel and patient (s) from Cook Nuclear Plant, and patient (s) has been moved into the Morgue:
a NOTE:    If there are two patients, both shall be moved into the Morgue with the patient to be treated,second to be stationed along one wall. If
/                                    there are more than two patients, the remaining patients snall remain k
within the ambulance until they may be acconnodated within the Morgue.
: 1. Roll up and remove yellow herculite (K) pathway and place inside yellow trash bag (s).
4                      2. Change gloves and shoe covers after removing herculite. Put on new pair of j                        gloves and shoe covers before proceeding with Step 3.
: 3. Remain within the controlled area, and insure that non-essential personnel do not enter the area.
J                      4. Assist the personnel within the controlled area as necessary. Do r.ot leave d
the controlled area before being monitored and cleared by Cook Plant personnel.
NOTE: All supplies and items mentioned are located in the Contamination j        .                        Control Supply Cart and Storage Room.
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          "A" Supply Cart                          ' *
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            "B" Radiation Rope "C" Radiation Sign              *
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          "E" tietal Cover                                                  g "F" Radiation Tape "G" 5 gal. Plastic Container "H" Plastic Bag "I" Stretcher Insert Gh
    'C' "K" Plastic Covering
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: 1. Put on one disposable gown.
: 2. Put on one yellow, ' plastic shoe cover on each foot.
: 3. Put on one pair of gloves.
!                4. Put on one plastic apron.            e
: 5. Second disposabic gown should be donned, followed by second pair of yellow plastic shoe covers, plastic apron and gloves.
: 6. Put on surgeons cap and surgical mask.
: 7. Dosimetry will be issued by a Radiation' Protection Technician upon arrival at the hospital.
: 1. Remove outer glove.
: 2. Remove surgical mask.
: 3. Remove yellow shoe covers, b  ~                                                                      ~  -        _
: 4. Remove plastic apron.
: 5. Remove outer disposable gown.
: 6. Remove surgeons cap.
: 7. Put all material in appropriate yellow bag.
: 1. Remove gloves.
: 2. Remove dosimetry and place in clean area.
: 3. Remove disposable og''wn,* remove one shoe cover, step onto step-off pad, then remove other shoe cover and step onto step-off pad.
ify                    -
Page 1 of 1
                                            ,,                                      Attachment 5 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3
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Latest revision as of 05:01, 6 January 2021

Public Version of Revision 3 to Emergency Plan Procedure App B Re Hosp Assistance Plan
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1982
Shared Package
ML17319B609 List:
PROC-821001-01, NUDOCS 8210280383
Download: ML20065Q856 (17)


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1.0 GENERAL All Company safety policies and procedures applicable to conventional generating plant operations apply to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

In addition, special rules and procedures govern work involving radio-active material . Although measures have been taken to control radio-active c:ntamination, its presence will require the implementation of special procedures governing the treatment of a person injured in a contaminated area. First, the person must be decontaminated unless the nature and/or extent of the injury makes immediate removal from the 5 area and treatment necessary or requires treatment in the area.

Second, if a wound is involved, it may become contaminated with radio-

, active material and complete decontamination may not be possible with-out aggravating the injury.

All D. C. Cook Plant Operating Department personnel, appropriate tech-nicians and the staff have a working knowledge of decontamination pro-cedures and all Shift Operating Engineers, Chemical and Radiation Pro-tection Supervisors and Chemical and Radiation Protection Technicians i

have completed courses of instruction in First Aid. Nomally one or J~) more of these employees will be available to administer first aid while decontamination procedures are completed.

In the event the injury endagers life or limb, immediate medical treat-ment shall always precede decontamination procedures. Consequently, provisions have been made for contamination control at Memorial Hospial in St. Joseph and 11ercy Hospital in Benton Harbor.

In cooperation with Indiana & Michigan Electric Company, the partici-pating hospitals will have a staff of physicians and hospital personnel trained to implement the proper methods of contamination control.

Indiana & Michigan Electric Company will ensure that training courses are conducted to provide hospital pe.rsonnel with basic knowledge of radiation and contamination, as well as control methods. Annual con-ferences and refresher classes will be conducted. Also, periodic tests i

runs to ensure the operability of the Hos01tal Assistance P1an wilI be performed. **

l Indiana & Mithigan Electric Company will ensure the following contami-nation control supplies will be furnished to the hospitals:

1. Disposable Gowns 24 pair
2. Surgical Gloves 24 pair i
3. Surgeon Caps 12 kh Page 1 of 6
  • Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3 h0gO O .

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EPP Appendix B C) ~

4. Plastic Shoe Covers , 24 pair
5. Sufficient Blotting o

Controlled Area Boun, dry Paper andto Cover Pathway Treatment Room

! 6. Plastic Bags (23" x 36") 6 i 7. Plastic Water Containers (5 gallon) 10

) 8. Plastic Bags (6" x 6") 10

9. Gray Duct Tape 2 rolls

! 10. Radiation Tape 1 roll i 11. Radiation Marking Signs, 6

12. Plastic Aprons 24
13. Portable Lead Container 1 7 14. A Mobile Cart or Appropriate Container in which the Above Supplies Can be Stored
15. Portable Air Sampler with Filters / Cartridges 1
16. Surgical Masks 12 I

NOTE: Twelve clear plastic bags are made up containing: 2 disposable gowns; 2 plastic aprons; 2 pair gloves; 2 pair plastic shoe covers; 1 surgical mask; 1 surgical cap.

2.0 PROCEDURE FOR PLANT PERSONNEL The procedure to be followed by plant personnel shall be detennined by where the accident occurs in the plant, as well as the nature and ex-7, tent of the injury.

N 2.1 Injury Occurring Within Radioactive Clean Section- -

An injury substained in a radioactive clean section of the plant will require no decontamination procedures or precautions. Nec-essary first aid treatment shall be administered by a qualified person and the injured person shall receive any additional medi-cal treatment needed from a medical doctor.

2.2 Injury Occurring Within Potentially Radioactive Contaminc.ted Section If an injury is substained in a potentially radioactive contcmi-nated section, precautionary measures must be taken in case radioactive contamination exists. In addition to administering necessary, first aid, the following measures must be taken:

2.2.1* The injured person must be surveyed by use of a- survey meter. Particular attention should be directed to the vicinity of the injury.

2.2.2 In the event the injury is a wound and the object causing injury might be contaminated, the object must be surveyed with a survey meter and a smear obtained if possible.

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@I) 2.2.3 If ~bither survey results in a detectable increase in the

. signal and/or a reading no'ticeably above background on the smear, decontaminatin procedures compatible with the

', nature of the injury shall be followed.

2.3 Injury Occurrina Within A Radioactive Contaminated Area

! Any person working within a radioactive contaminated area shall I wear protective clothing. If protective clothing is removed in

] accordance with established procedures governing egress from a contaminated area, the probability of the area ousite the con-trolled area becoming contaminated is extremely small. The nature and extent of an injury, however, shall detemine the

! extent to which decontamination procedures are completed prior

! to departure from a contaminated area.

i I- If the injury is minor and the injured person is ambulatory, he shall remove his protective clothing in accordance with proce-

, dures governing egress from the area. The nature and extent of l injury shall be reported promptly to the Shift Supervisor by the injured person. The injured person shall proceed to the decon-tamination room for first aid and further decontamination if necessa ry.

If the injured person is unconscious or immobilized, the first Gp. person who becmes aware of the accident shall:

2.3.1 Notify the Shift Supervisor and report the-location-of--~~- -

the injured person and the apparent nature and extent of the injury.

! 2.3.2 Remain with the injured person if possible until the

! stretcher. team arrives.

! 2.4 The Shift Supervisor shall dispatch a stretcher team to the

scene of the accident. At lease one member of the team shall be

! qualified to administer first aid.

The stretcher team's equipment shall include a stretcher, first aid kit and survey meter. Before the team enters the area in which the injured person is located, each member of the team

, should put on necessary protective clothing to avoid contami-t nation of"his7ersonal clothing and use all nomal entrance procedures.

Under the direction of the person qualified to administer first )

aid, the stretcher team shall remove as much of the protective I clothing from the injured person as the nature and extent of injury permit, provided further contamination will not result before he is placed on the stretcher. Appropriate first aid Page 3 of 6

  • Memorial Hospital t

Agreement Revision 3

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., EPP Appendix B 17}

shall be administered to the maximum extent possible during this and other phases of operation. The injured person shall be transported by stretcher to the exit from the contaminated area or to a location where the level of radiation will permit a contamination survey to be perfonned. If the survey reveals the presence of significant contamination on the injured person and/or the stretcher, and the nature and extent of injury is such that decontamination procedures, or the time required to complete them, might, aggravate the injured person's condition or injury, the following action shall be taken:

2.4.1 A member of the stretacher team shall promptly notify the Shift Supervisor and advise him to place the hospital phase of the plan into effect.

2.4.2 The Shift Supervisor s, hall:

2.4.2-1 If the emergency has ,n_o radiological compli-cations, notify tiemorial Hospital as per Attachment 1.

2.4.2-2 If the emergency has radiological complica-tions, notify Memorial Hospital as per Attach-ment 2.

. *. 2.4.2-3 If treatment cannot be provided at !!emorial

,j -

Hospital , notify: -

= .

.m .

tiercy Hospital 960 Agard Street (Corner of Pipestone)

Benton Harbor,111chigan Telephone: 925-8811 Request the Emergency Room charge nurse and provide infonnation as per Attachment 1 (No Radiological Complications) and/or Attachment 2 (Radiological Complications) for Memorial Hospital.

2.4.2-4 Designate a person to arrange transportation for the injured. If ambulance service is re-quired, contact the appropriate ambulance a - service.

. 2.4.2-5 Notify the Plant Radiation Protection Super-visor (or the Technical Superintendent, if the Plant Radiation Protection Supervisor is '

unavailable) and the Plant Manager (or the Assistant Plant itanager, if the Plant flanager is unavailable).

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. EPP Appendix B l

2.4.3 The person designated to obtain suitable transportation (O. shall also be responsible'for providing suitable material to protect the vehicle interior from contamination by 1'

the injured person or the stretcher. Plastic, paper or other material which will provide reasonable protection against contamination may be used.

2.4.4 The stretcher team shall carry the injured person to the vehicle. ,

2.4.5 At least one member of the Radiation Protection Section shall accampany the injured person to the hospital.

2.4.6 The driver of the vehicle shall deliver the injured person to the receiving desk at the rear of flemorial Hospital (See Figure 1, Attachment 3).

3.0 PROCEDURE FOR HOSPITAL PERSONNEL 3.1 Prior to Arrival of the Injured 3.1.1 The Treatment Room (florgue) will be evacuated and all material or equipment not needed for treatment of the injured will be covered or removed.

Q~ 3.1. 2 The Shift Maintenance Man shall carry out the procedure outlined in Part 1 of Attachment 4 of this Plan.

3.1.3 All personnel to be directly involved in handling the injured or providing treatment shall wear protective clothing as per Attachment 5 of this Plan. If special precautions are needed, they will be explained during the initial call by the Shift Supervisor.

3.2 After the Injured Person is in the Treatment Room (Morgue) 3.2.1 The Maintenance Department shall be responsible for carrying out Part II of Attachment 4.

3.2.2 All persons entering the Morgue must wear appropriate protective clothing and observe all radiation control procedures.

3.2.3 All persons leaving the florgue must remove protective clothing in the prescribed manner to avoid contamination of personal clothing, equipment, etc.

3.2.4 All persons must be monitored by Indiana & Michigan Electric Company personnel to confim removal of contami-

. nation after protective clothing is removed. Survey h s Page 5 of 6 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3

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. EPP Appendix B i

(,]) instruments will be furnished by Indiana & tiichigan Electric Company.

3.2.5 All items removed fran the Morgue must either be moni-

' tored and ' released as uncontaminated or sealed and marked " RADIATION - C0NTAMINATED".

3.2.6 If, in the opinion of the treating physician, the patient must-pe moved to a location other than the designated florgue, reasonable precautions must be taken to control contamination.

3.3 Decontamination and Waste Disposal After &nergency Treatment is Completed 3.3.1 After energency treatment is caapleted, the patient shall be thoroughly decontaminated under the direction of the treating physician and Indiana & Michigan Electric Company Radiation Protection personnel . Liquid wastes fran solution utilized during the decontamination process will be monitored and released if uncontaminated or sealed and marked " RADIATION - CONTAMINATION".

3.3.2 All solid and liquid waste will be sealed and trans-ported to the Cook Plant for disposal by Cook Plant

. personnel .

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., EPP Appendix B h Hospital Call - Industrial Accident NO RADIOLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS Call MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' EMERGENCY ROOM - 983-8262 When the EMERGENCY ROOM personnel an,swer, say:

1. "My name is . I am the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant in Bridgman. (I am calling for who is the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant in Bridgman.)"
2. "We have had an industrial injury which does not involve any radiationi I repeat, the injury does not involve any radiation."
3. "We have patients with the following injuries:"

4 Patient No. Injury 1.





4. "The (first) ambulance should be leaving in about minutes a'nd will be brought to the EMERGENCY ROOM entrance."
5. "Are there any questions?"

b Page 1 of 1 Attachment 1 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2 e *e e

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., EPP Appendix B l i

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Call MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 983-8262 When the telephone is answered, say:

"This is a radiation emergency call from the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Please connect me with the Emergency Room Charge Nurse."

When the Charge Nurse answers, say:

1. "My name is . I am the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant. (I am calling for who is the Shift Supervisor at the Cook Plant.)"
2. " Initiate the Donald C. Cook Plant Hospital Assistance Plan and pre-pare to receive radiation patients."
3. "We have patients. Of these are contaminated and involve radiation hazards."
4. "Can you receive these patients?" Answer

'u/ 5. "They will be transported in ambulances. The first of which will leave in approximately minutes. The travel time to the hospital is estimated to be 20 minutes."

6. "The following information is available on the patients."

Patient Contaminated? Deconned? Radiation Radiation No. Injury (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Level (Yes/No) 1.


3. -





.' Page 1 of 2 Attachment 2 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2

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i Q 7. "The following precautions should be observed (as recommended by Radia-tion Protection)." .

a. No special precautions beyond those normally provided in the t

Hospi-tal Assistance Plan.

b. Treatment personnel should wear respiratory protection.

c c. Radiation levels may create special problems. Be sure to wait for dosimetr,y equipment.

d. (Other as given by Radiation Protection.)
8. "Are there any questions?"

At the conclusion of the report, the Charge Nurse will telephone the Shift Supervisor at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (465-5901) to confirm the report.

9. The Charge Nurse will notify the hospital switchboard to initiate the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Assistance Plan.

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'40 Attachment 2 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2

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-- EPP Appendix B 4


Notify the following departments that the Cook Nuclear Plant Hospital Assistance Plan is to be initiated:

Administration (off shifts and holidays, page theAdministrativeNursingSupervisor) Ext. 301 Laboratory Ext. 311 Plant Operations (after 4:30 p.m. page 'the shift maintenance man) Ext. 280 Housekeeping (4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., page the hauskeeping supervisor; 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. , contact the executive housekeeper) Ext. 282



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Attachment 3 Memorial Hospital l Agreement Revision 2

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%' Attachment 3 Memorial Hospital -

Agreement Revision 1

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Upon notification by the House Supervisor, the Shift Maintenance Man shall carry out the following procedure:

1. Unlock the door to the Nuclear Contamination Control Supplies and j remove the cart (A)* containing supplies, j 2. Set up rope barrier, using stanchions and radiation rope (B). Hang

, " Radiation Marking Signs" (C) on rope barrier as shown on attached j sketch.


3. Tape " Caution - Radiation" (C) sign over " MORGUE" plaque on Morgue en-l trance, using 2" duct tape (located in cart). Unlock Morgue door.

l 4. Lay out a path with yellow herculite (X)~from inside of the Morgue (approximately 12" inside of doorway) to receiving dock, and down the ramp, as shown on attached sketch. Tape the herculite in place with

!' duct tape. Herculite is marked with the letters AA BB and CC to identify it's proper location. -

5. Block open the double acting doors at the receiving dock entrance with locking pins attached to bottom door pivots. Hook open the outside j door on the receiving dock.

LE - 6.- Secure ventilation supply to the-MorgtTe:and shrrounding' area. ~ Verify ^ * ' "

that the ventilation exhaust remains in operation. Do not cover the exhaust grill.

7. Install metal cover (E) over sink in Morgue.


8. Tape over floor drain in. Morgue using Radiation Tape (F).
9. Tape over drain in Autopsy Table, using Radiation Tape (F).
10. Attach hose and shower spray head to Autopsy Table Faucet,
11. Set 5 gallon plastic container (G) under exposed drain on Autopsy Table

, and remove plug from drain.

I 12. Tape large (23" x 36") olastic bags (H) to walls in Morgue for disposal of contaminated materials, as shown on sketch.

13. Put stretcher Autopsy Table.
14. Remove all equipment'from cabinet tops.'
15. Don protecti've clothing (shoe covers, dispcaable lab coat, and yellow gloves). Station yourself on the receiving dock to insure unauthorized traffic (other than D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant amublance personnel) do i

not enter the controlled area.

16. When clean transport cart is to be brought into Morgue, roll out brown craft paper (J) from outside the controlled area into the Morgue, then I roll in cart.


  • Letters refer to ident'ification on the attached figure.

Page 1 of 4 Attachment 4 1

Memorial Hospi.ta] .Agreefient l

, Revision 3 .

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EPP Appendix B i

L h ~

D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT HOSPITAL, ASSISTANCE PLAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURE PART II After arrival of personnel and patient (s) from Cook Nuclear Plant, and patient (s) i has been moved into the Morgue:

I .

NOTE: If there are two patients, both shall be moved into the Morgue with the patient to be treated second to be stationed along one i

wall. If there are more than two patients, the remaining pa-tients shall remain within the ambulance until they may be ac-commodated within the Morgue.

, 1. Roll up and remove

yellow trash bag (s) yellow herculite (K)* pathway and place inside
2. Change gloves and shoe covers after removing herculite. Put on new e

pair of gloves and shoe covers before proceeding with Step 3.

, 3. Remain within the controlled area, and insure that non-essential per-sonnel do not enter the area. -

, 4 Assist the personnel within the controlled area as necessary. Do not i- leave the controlled area before being monitored and cleared by Cook

,  ?) Plant personnel. _ _ , __

NOTE: All supplies and items mentioned are located in the Contamination

. Control Supply Cart and Storage Room.

  • Letters refer to identification on the attached figure.

1 2

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, Attachment 4 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2



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PMP 2080.EPP.020 g -



{y After arrival of personnel and patient (s) from Cook Nuclear Plant, and patient (s) has been moved into the Morgue:

a NOTE: If there are two patients, both shall be moved into the Morgue with the patient to be treated,second to be stationed along one wall. If

/ there are more than two patients, the remaining patients snall remain k

within the ambulance until they may be acconnodated within the Morgue.

1. Roll up and remove yellow herculite (K) pathway and place inside yellow trash bag (s).

4 2. Change gloves and shoe covers after removing herculite. Put on new pair of j gloves and shoe covers before proceeding with Step 3.

3. Remain within the controlled area, and insure that non-essential personnel do not enter the area.

J 4. Assist the personnel within the controlled area as necessary. Do r.ot leave d

the controlled area before being monitored and cleared by Cook Plant personnel.

NOTE: All supplies and items mentioned are located in the Contamination j . Control Supply Cart and Storage Room.

h 1

) -



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4 t.


y .

4 t .

  • Letters refer to identifications on the attached figure.

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Page 3 of 4 Attachment 4 h ,

Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2 n .

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, PitP 2080.EPP.020 V





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t-Q G fftatAL Z17:9Pff G

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q ,

t,p '

"A" Supply Cart ' *

  • b '

e k ;'

"B" Radiation Rope "C" Radiation Sign *

[ f,y' 4

i "D" Step-off Pad '

"E" tietal Cover g "F" Radiation Tape "G" 5 gal. Plastic Container "H" Plastic Bag "I" Stretcher Insert Gh

'C' "K" Plastic Covering

- \ Page 4 of 4 Attachment 4 s Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 2

  • @ e

. g 8

^ * '

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. EPP Appendix B t

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1. Put on one disposable gown.
2. Put on one yellow, ' plastic shoe cover on each foot.
3. Put on one pair of gloves.

! 4. Put on one plastic apron. e

5. Second disposabic gown should be donned, followed by second pair of yellow plastic shoe covers, plastic apron and gloves.


6. Put on surgeons cap and surgical mask.
7. Dosimetry will be issued by a Radiation' Protection Technician upon arrival at the hospital.


1. Remove outer glove.
2. Remove surgical mask.
3. Remove yellow shoe covers, b ~ ~ - _
4. Remove plastic apron.
5. Remove outer disposable gown.
6. Remove surgeons cap.
7. Put all material in appropriate yellow bag.


1. Remove gloves.
2. Remove dosimetry and place in clean area.
3. Remove disposable ogwn,* remove one shoe cover, step onto step-off pad, then remove other shoe cover and step onto step-off pad.

ify -

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,, Attachment 5 Memorial Hospital Agreement Revision 3

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