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| number = ML20062L468
| number = ML20062L468
| issue date = 02/28/1977
| issue date = 02/28/1977
| title = Vibratory Compaction in Const of Roads,Airfields,Dams & Other Projects.
| title = Vibratory Compaction in Const of Roads,Airfields,Dams & Other Projects
| author name = Forssblad L
| author name = Forssblad L
| author affiliation = DYNAPAC,INC.
| author affiliation = DYNAPAC,INC.

Latest revision as of 18:50, 6 January 2021

Vibratory Compaction in Const of Roads,Airfields,Dams & Other Projects
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1977
From: Forssblad L
Shared Package
ML20062L457 List:
8222, NUDOCS 8101300182
Download: ML20062L468 (25)


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.E. - . 'f; ' DAMS AND OTHER PROJ '3

- L;. ., jk

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a.e. no. 3222 Eng. eu. Fe: ra ry Ic77 l



Some fundamental rules and :heories of vibra:Or/ soi! ::mcac:fon are first discussec.

Availacle types of vibrater/ 00meac: ors anc : heir use On cifferen: ty:es Of emoankment materials from ecck fill :o clay are :nen describec. A :acle giving recemmenced max.

layer thicknesses for Dynacac rollers at emeankment ::mcac:Icn is included.

3ase and suecase comcaction is also deal: wi-h, including ccmcac:icn of soil cement.

Tne ::mcac:icn of aschal: surfacings is anotner im or: ant sec:icn. The recor: is ended witn shcr: descrictions Of :wo new acclications - coller ::mcac:icn of no-sleo

ncre:e anc underaater :cmcac:icn.

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1. Introduction 2
2. Comcac:Icn theory 2 3 Different types of vibratory c moactors 4 3.1 Vibrating rollers 4 3.2 Vibrating place compac: ors 5 33 Vibrating camoers 5
4. Comoaction effect of vibraccry c moac:ces 5 5 Comoac:f on of emeankpents 6 5.1 Soil classification system 6 5.2 Rock fill 7 5.3 Sand and gravel 3 5.h Sil:. sil:y soils 10 55 Clay la 5.6 Recommended layer thicknesses anc cacaci:y 11
6. Base and subbase ecmcaction il 6.1 Granular bases and su cases  !!

6.2 Soils stabili:ed with cement 12

7. Vibratory comeaction of asenal
3. Roller c eeac:ed no-stumo concret. t; 5 Unce rwater ccmcac:icn ik i


'. f1T1COUC7fCN Vi: rat:ry ::mcac:icn is newacays usec In numerous ::nstaucticns sucn as:

  • teacs, ni;nways, s:ise:3. site =alks
  • Air'itics

!arin anc rock 'll! cams, enannel linings

  • wartcur : nstrue: fens
  • 4allway amoankments, ballas =ecs
  • 8arting areas, incustrial yarcs
  • #* ll s '=r building ?:unca:icas e

lacx 'llis a wal l s , bri:ge acut=ents, s::.

  • Trenca 'i!!s 1atural soil layers wi tn Icw :ensi ty The na ts r f a l s :: : mcac: say vary frem : lays ni:n :ar:Icles smaller : an 3.002 nn 2: := r:ck /T ll wi:M st:nes naving a diametse of 1 5 m =r tors. I: can aisc de scits stacili:sd wien : ament, llee Or bi tumiecus crecucts. The ::mcactico :/

as:na l : surd acings is anc:ner ie:ce ant secticn.

The use / vibra: ry cemeac:Icn has racidly incesssac anc :: cay :ne sales :/

vibrat:ry ::m ac::es escrasan; ic := 30 % =f :ne :::ai sales =f ::meacti:n eeui: ment.

I.  ::.984CTICN T* DECRY T'e :i'#sesn: =rincicles !:r ::mcac:icn can simel**!ed as in fi: f :e :escri:e as s:a:ic messsues, imeae: anc gibes:icn.

irati: secc:n .nesi r:IIses anc ru::er-tiese c:llers woes i:n a ,ign 5:ati:

n :ne soil surfacs. 3ecause :! :ne in:senal friction :? scils a sta:i: :ressurs as a I:mi:ac : mcaction anc es=:n sffect.
ac: :r: vices ':e a ;rsa:sr #:r:s anc a :e::sr :e::n s?d se:. VI:ra:! g tames 1

..c e 4

  • i :n :. t ineac: :rinci:le anc -ave a very ; ce ::m:ac:!:n sse:.

t '/ :est:rr ::m ac:=rs work -i :n a rici: suc:sssion ? cac:s agains: :ne s r-i

  • acs :? :ne ir:une. : :m :ne sur'acs :esssues aves ars ; i ; ::wn im : e sci' i

>e scii : articles are sa: in c:icn anc :ne 9:sraal '-!::.':n :etween :e

! :ar !:!es is <i rtual ly sl imica:se. Ouring :ne s:::s :? ::icn :st :ar:i:les

an 'Inc swen ::si ti:ns :34: :re ve l ame .i ; ! :e as i:w as :cssi:ie.

3 Vibration without a simul:aneous pressure can in some cases resul: in good ccm-paction - sucn as for concrete or fully water-saturated sand - in wnich cases the material is censolidacec due :o :ne effect of gravi:y when internal fric: ion is eliminated by vibration. However, for normal soils it is necessary to comoine vibration with pressure and shear forces to overceme :ne adhesion or eenesion betaeen the soil par:Icles whien would otherwise prevent :Me reset:lement of the soil. In all soils the water, wnich is bound to the particles by cacillarity,

! creates " elastic :les" which hold the particles : gether and causes an accarent conesion, which increases with reducad particle si:e. In clay there is also a large real cohesion due :o molecular forces acting between :ne very small clay particles.

Thus in vibratory soil compac: ion :he result acnieved is determinec :y two fac: ors:

5:ste of motion of :he soil particles. The in:ernal fric: ion is eliminated and c ndi:icns are created for an effective cemoaction of :he soil.

Pressure and shear stresses generatec in the soil by :ne vibratory ccmcac:or The stresses are partly static due to :Me static weignt of Me vibrator and partly dynamic in :ne form of pressure waves. A diagram wl:M the resul:s of pressure measurements made witn special types of memorane cells at various deoths in the soil below vibratory comoac: ors of various types anc si:ss is shown in Fic 2.

The lightes: :ype of machine, a vibracing place : mcac:or weigning 135 kg, ccm-pac:s sand and gravel effec:ively in 20 cm layers. Vibrating : ameers exer:

greater pressure : nan :ne small plate comoactors and can be used also for : nesive soils. Tcwed vibrating rollers of 3.3 ten weign: can : moac sanc and gravel in 50-60 cm layers. Clay mus: be comoacted in consideraoly thinner layers. The neavies: machine in :ne :est, a : wee vibrating roller weigning 13 ::ns, exerts ressure of qui:e a different orcer :: :ne otner macnines and can c:ecac: c:ck fill, sand anc gravel in layers u: :o 2 m in :nickness.

The greater :ne ::nesion, :ne grea:er :ne :ressure recuirec : ensure gecc ::m-Jac:lon of soil. In sanc and gravelr wnere :nere is a rela:!vely !cw a==aren:

cenesion, :ne s: ace of otien during vieratien mus: be ::ccinec i:n cressure


stresses of :ne Order of 0.5 - 1.0 kg/cm' i? gccc ::m ac:icn is :: result. In clay consiceraely greater ressure - accu: 3 kg/:m' is recuires. :ue :: :re grea:er

nesion. In totn cases :ne minimum cegree of ::ecac:icn cas been :aken as 30 i

. oci fiec Proctor.



}. S l FTTT ENT :"4TT *7 V f 1 RAT"7Ry 00.$8P4C"'*R$

3.f 'librielse rel f ers

'libracing reifers nave frame ani n is Tsciates f en :ne crum(s) :v means Of runoer siements. The stac!c eigne Of a roller is ::cocsec :/ :ne ?-sme mass anc :ne crum tass, ife 3.

'librations are ecreally genera:sc by a r:tating accant.-ic, :ne scoed Of .nlen l ci rectly estermines :ne f etcuency. The mass ans si:e / :ne secan:ri: .eigne

ectemines :ne amcil:uce of :ne grum, Tic 1 T wec vises f ro - !!ers are standar: scui: ment 'er :ne : mcac:itn f secanuments ,

su :ases anc =ases in reac :*ns true:Icn. They are also asec n air disi:s.

ams anc :ener ajor ::nstrue:Icns. A ::mmen -eign: class 'Or : wed si:ra:iag rellers is 4-5 : ns, 8'ce: 1 Also neavier ty es us : li : ns in -eign: nave
een :eveiccee ?:e large ::ns tructions , 8'ces 1.

Tewee vitri:!ag sneses/cce reilers .ers intr:cucac :y "ynacac ar:unc !!60 ':e

ne ::mcac:icn :/ clay anc cener ::nesive soils. La:ar en also :: wee vibri:Ing
acf:ct rei f ers nave :een :evelocec anc usec := an incesasing ex:snc. A :ac nas Icwer neign and t arger area : nan a sneess f:ct.

In Tacle ! : age ly, rec:mmended si:ss ! trac::rs f:e :: wee si:rs: icy ellers of :isetnc weign:s art ;fven.

ieid-teceeilec visentire *:lfers ni:n 0,c ruccer-;irsc griving anesis 9avt :e :me l

l very ::mmen in encan: years. This type :/ r ller is fastar anc tasier :: *anoe uv et

Nan r:lfers. The usual neign: cf c:llers of : Mis :y*e is ? :: I S ::ns . -a l '

of .nien en :ne vi: rating crum anc tensequently :na ::meac:icn ef dec: is s*milar

a '* -3 ::n ::wec vi:rs tf ag reiler, 8'et: 3  : Iso II;ntsP anc eavier versions of sel d- r:cellac :l'ers ! Mis :y e nave :een develecec, 2*c:: - an: i.
  • n 1:c34 sci!s in :ni:x ! avers tre :rsc:icn :! :Pe u::er-:i ts av :e i9so?'i::ent.

1:n :ne in:r:cucti:n f grum-crive :n :nis ;y:e :/ el*er :ne : Pac:!:n i s < e .~e I


a uen i?creasec. A :ac!:c: eersi:n i:n cr' m-crive i s ai se avai: ael s. 8'c 6.

i I

'li:rati9g :anaam *:i*ers art iactsasiegly usec, us : w *aimiy 'n Ps:J,- ac:

  • ns *r'. :i:n aC r4 On *Ijnwavs. s:Psets arc ai"#Itits. T'" e si:2 Of !Nesc *acni*es nas alsO incesasec Or*gressively. Newacavs vi:r3:ing *ancem ** i I e
  • s i nt -e * ;n t s

.: := a:cu: li ::ns art asec. are:ner :ste: is :.e ircesasis; .se :? <::rs:i g i

5 tancem rollers with vibration and drive on botn drums. These features resul t in leproved comcac:fon effect, :raction and gracabili ty. An interesting line of develecment is :ne use of vibrating tancem rollers for ccmcac:icn of asenal:

sur#acings, see section 7 and Phote 3-10.

The main steps in the develecment fr0m : wed rollers up to : cay's mccern vibrating rollers are shown in Fig. 4 l

32 Vibratinc slate ecmeactors Vibrating place comoac:ces are used for small-scale ork and :o sucplement larger machines. A vibrating plate compac:or censists of a bot: m plate wi:h one or two eccentric elements driven by a motor. By making use of the vibra-

icnal motion, the machine is self-procelled. The delve motor anc coerating handle are mountec on a base plate wnich is isolated fecm :ne bottom picts. The macnines may move in a forward direc:f on only or be cacaele of botn forward anc reverse motion, Photo II.

33 Vibratine tamcers Also vibrating :amcers are used for small-scale work. The :amoing ac:icn of :ne machines produces large c:mpressive forces and :ne ccmoaction efficiency i s ve ry

ced on prac
ically all types of soils, even oa clay and clayey soils, Pheto 12.
a. CCMPACTION EFFECT OF VISRATORY COMPACTCRS The choice of technical data is very imcortant for the c:mcac:icn effec of vibra-
ory ccmcac:ces. The following factors are of significance fer :ne effec: of v ibrating coilers:

e 5:atic weignt (s:a:ic linear lead) e Frecuency anc amo!I ude o Roller scesc e Ra tio be tweer frame aeign: and drum weign:

e 3r'm. ciameter If :ne static weignt of a vibrating roller is increasec, wi:n 0 Ner fic: Ors

! (!*equency, ame l i :uce , e:c) uncnangec, :ne sta:ic anc cynamic ressures in :ne soil will i-creace more =r less precor:!cnat :: :ne weign:. Com:ac:icn tes:s have confirmec :nat :ne cec:n effec: of a vi:ra:Ing P ller is ac:P:x ima :e i v 3roccetional :o :ne ect ier weign:. Th e static II ear 10ad is :nerefore of:er given as a clier parame:er also for vibra:Ing c:l:ers, ri; 3.


  • 'e in?!uence On
ne ::moae:lon efd ec of ' equency anc amelit uce 9as :een :is-sussac as Icoq as ei: rating rollers nave :een en :ne servet.
ac:ico effec: As a ais :ne ::m-nas a neximum value at !*scuencies :e:-een liGO sec 3000 r
u: :ne 8 ecuency "a ;tves in :ne :urves

.noleart 'a

mcarativel y 81ac.  : . a??:
n i-c.sase scuency inge a crs Or:rcune c iacrease is
mcac:ica anc :sota e!'sc:.

volumes of soil onc r:cx .'lli For vi: racing llers nien snail : mcac: !arge in :nica layers a ::mcina:len of nign ameli:uce anc a d scuency :/ !!00-l*00 vibr/ min is :ne sos: suitacle.

i ce vibracing r:ilers :ssignec f:r as:nal:

9igner, see sec:Icn 7.  ::mcacti:n :ne Oc:Imum ? scuency is On rock

!ill anc grsnular soils ne roller s eec *as a narsec i /f

meac:icn ef'act, es:ecial!y On : nick lavers.
  • n uencs :n r
n ;ranular soils :ne Oc ! mum scese is in :ne ange 3-5 .

cn/hsi:rsti99 r: liers 0:era

e : lay ::m-
ac:ica i:n :mcarati <ely nin lif ts :na ec:ncmic scese i s nigner : an 8:e 7:cx 'ift anc granular soils, also _ne sl4:!cmsni: *er.een 8 tme anc er*;m ass as a :er ai
ne :: cac:ica s/d sc . n in'!uenca :n 8-inciselly a neavy frame is 'evouracie an . :er limi: . :ut :ners is accve .nien :ne mass of :ne ? ame :egins ::

sxcassivelv. :am en :ne vi:rteiens T e er.m ei ameter as :: :e es t a tec ::

s :a :i: :ne static linear icac. 4: 19 rsasirg linear Icac also :ne rum diameter mus: :s increasec.

~. 0*M9"**'

N OT iM9ANwMEN?i 11 foif classi8':a:!:n svs em Encanweea:

fi t is ay range frem very :: arse . :ck

Arti:!as. 'il! :: :! av s wi :n < e ry s.?a l l

~ e ,sua! svs:sms :p scii l

!assi?ica:ica are 9c: elatec :i?se:!y :: : e ::::ac-
n : arse: set s :i:s :? :ne soi' .

? :nis sasen r larg: 3r:es. :; se::r :'

tes i.eci sa :ac a:nni:s! l.95 *1:

S.;;es*S a sci 2: . arc Or '.ars : es s l ac Of Ov a a :gsare-

  • ave
assi#' atica svi'sm :asac *F ::m*acti:* Orarsc s i

"' 4 * :::1et sys*sm **nsil's sti:1.

? Ist ?:I !:'wi *g !:gr 2 * ' c i ga l ge:L:s.

!. 8.ccx *i*f l'.

arc ;ranular seits .i:n'!ar;e s: Ores ae:  ::wi:e 1 Ian: an* *r3 vel .i ts less Inan j* :% *! #i'es 1 **ei' grtee

3. ;ni':rmly  ; rice:


Ill. Silt, silty soils, etc.

A. Sil ty sand, silty gravel, moraines S. Silt, sancy silt, clayey sand and clayey gravel IV. Clay A. Clay wi:M low or medium s treng:n

3. Clay wi:n hign streng:n 5.2 Rock fill Road cuttings :nrough rock are get:Ing more and more c mmen, and rock fill is in many counteles used to an increasing extent as emeankment fill. Maximum s:ene si:e and gradation of rock fill is decernined my the :ype and quality of the rock and of the blasting prececure. 3rimary rocks as granite anc neiss have a high streng:n and the blastec rock fill will contain only a small amount of fines. Normal clasting for cu::ings will peccuce a coarse rock fill wi:n a max stone size of 1.5 m and more. When :ne rock consists of lime, sancs:ene, slate, etc., the blasted rock fill will obtain a smaller eax st:ne si:e anc a larger conten: of fines. Due to :he origin of the rock, :ne stones are of:en flat wi-h weak end surf aces.

In rock fill cemeaction :ne me: nod wnich is usec :o screac :ne ma:erial is very im ortant. Trac:or screading in layers between 0.5 and 2.0 m resul:s in a c mparatively hemogeneous fill ue :o :Me screading recedure wi:n :ne :c:er lade. A ccmoaratively cense and even surface for :ne rollers :o work on is ce:ained. Normally a maximum stone si:e of 2/3 of :ne layer :Mickness is allowed.

Vibracien has since many years proved :o be -se most e?ficien: me:nce :=

comcac: rock fill. Loac-Oearing :ss:s en unc:meac:ec rock fill ::mearec wi:n tests on vibrated c ck ff!1 have indicated :nac :he Icac-eearing acaci:y is increasec ue :o 10 times :ncougn efficien: cemeac:icn. In -ell ::meac:ec recx fill of goce quali:y :ne se::!emen:s are Orac:ically nil.

Necium-neavy anc in mos: cases neavy vibra:Ing rollers are :ne yces of macnines unica wi:n few excec:icns are usec for rock ?ill cemeac:!cn. Cniv :nreugn neavy vibra:icn I: is :cssible :o move and releca:e :ne large s::nes in :ne fi!! wnien results in :ne necessary censi:y and s:acili:y. Since :ne vi:estices are : ans-mi::sc :nreugn :ne con:ac: :oin:s Oe: ween :ne : articles :ne :amoing ef #e : ni!: :e larger in fire grained rock fill Ocmeared wi:n carse rock fit!. I: is :reref:re Ocssible :o ::meac: Ocarse rock fill in : nicker lavers : nan c :k fi!! :ontainir; more fire ;ar:i:les.

2 s

tecx fill is nowecays witn few exce::icns vi:ra sc witscut sluicing Of :ne 'Ti!.

An eldf elent ::mcac:ico :/ ecck !Ill .9ermally *esul:s in a sa::lemen: :/ '4 :: 8%

/ :ne faver :ni:xness. :s a Pssui: :! ::mcac:icn :ss:s a -ax !ayer :ni:xness

/ .: :: 1-1.5 m can :e Pse:mmencac ':e :ne :: wee sidra:i g *:!!se :yce vna-
ac 03 it, mi:n a s:ati .ei gn: / li ::ns . *be:: 2.

fn c:ck ?Ill c:mcaction :ne reilers are su:jectec :: great s . asses. toi!ars

ssignet nly ?:r scil ::meac:fon nave no: :ne ecassarf steseg:n anc li's:ime
::erats :n 7:ck fiff.

'mecetant acclica:lons 8:e r:ck 8(if ::m:acti:n ars:

e teac emeanaments e tecx fi!! :ams d

e :ir ieles e secus: rial areas

  • 1 .

!ane ar 1 19e6 li: rat:ry ::m:ac: rs are ef'se:ive anc sc:ncmical aisc #:e sanc an: gravel.

Wi:n lign: vi': ra: ry ::meac::es gece ::mcaction rssul:s :an :e acnievec, i f

ne layer :Mickness is limitse. nocium anc naavy wei;n: vi:rsting c:llers ars aQie :: ::meaC: sanc anc gravel in inick layers, ::mcars II: 1.

is *Certan: : serie One ifferent :mcac;ian 3* :er*ies Of .8 se-t aini*g sar anc j.*svel *:mears

  • i :N *ner :Y:es / sciIs, *I: 5. Ianc anc - sve! *saca
e -ignes: censi y at:senatively in a :: mole:siv : y Or in a ::meie:siy ~4:se-s a : ara ts: s: ate. !1 :ne range :ee-een, a: :ss 9er a! -a :ura l wa:er ::stants . .

tower tensi ties ars :::ainee. The 3rce::r :uries :? sane anc gravel are. :w-sver, :f an ::meara:ively flat, 'anica eans :na: s??icien: vi:ca:Ory ::meacti:n sis: a: :Ne na:;ral 4a:sr ::ntants :!:an resui:s in ::meara-ivelv 9i;n :n si:ias.

saec :r ; ravel ::n: aims a :se:ain amcun: :? 8: Pas, :re sci; s c: :: gs-

' se-training anc -i'! :ee: e elas:i: an: seer gy <nen :Ne -a:ar ::n=en: :s

  • i y

, anc ln :nis s:ats tre "atarial wit? *e *0rs Zi##i:u!! " *m act.


  • s :a s e O ! .n i ?:r91 v ;rsce: ; ravel arc sanc 't 's :: ##i:al: :: :: 2
  • a
  • i n :sgres :? ::m:actice :':sa :: :.e surdaca :? :. s 'is: Ocwn := a :e::=

? I

I f 05 NS ::m ac I:n acniavec wi:N sc i .m :P
  • s a v's vi:Pa:f?g *r sta:i: :IIses ;s i:wer :. an a : ;rsi:sr :::: s,  :: -

-' e sasen ; s : e ':- sesa-s: ses:n :/ tre .ni":rniv ; sce: atariais. -' s a :s e : a l s a

rsssa: .: :em :

9 the roller drum and tne surface layer then occains a comparatively lew cen-sity. This is usually not of great significance in prac: ice. When a fill is placed in seversi layers, :ne former :00 surf ace is : mcac:ed anen :ne nex; layer is rolled. Hewever, the dif!Iculty of comoac:ing :ne surface layer should be kact in mind, for examcle, wnen carrying out ::mcac:icn tes:.


- -. f o_n _o.f_sa.n.d.

New areas for industrial plants and harbour Oevelocments are sometimes built en hydraulic fills of sand dredged fecm :ne sea bottem. The densi ty and ne : earing i

cacaci:y can be improved by efficient dynamie : mcac: ion. The same advantage can be cocained :hrougn e mcaction of natural layers of sand wi:n low densi:y, for examole to imcreve the ground condi:icns for buildings and roads. Cn a numcer of sucn sites neavy vibrating rollers from 3ynacac nave curing recen: years been usec for ef ficient desc- Ompaction.

Deep-comcac:fon wi:h heavy vibrating rollers is primarily suitable for : mcac-

icn of sanc and gravel wi:5 a max content of sil: of 5 to 10 %. A t desc-c m-pac:icn ene water level is often nign wnich means :nat :Me soil is water-satur-aced, comcare Fic 6. In a water-saturated sand there is no accarent :enesien anc this creates condi: ions for a gecd ecen ef fect. It is also ;cssible :o in-crease the decch effec: by using a large nuccer of : asses - in :nis case seme-
imes ue :o 15-20 = asses. A sui:acle rolling sceed at :eec-::meac:icn is 2-4 km/h.

Investiga:icns and follow um of :ne ccmcaction results at desc-: meac:icn is l normally mace by means of soundings weign: scuncings or s:a:i pene:reme:er l

soundings wnere :ne resistance to :he penetration of a cene neac is au::ma:ically l

anc continuously regis:ered. The presen; exceriences regar:ing ;cssi:le dectn effec:s at deec-::mcaction of sand have been summari:ec in Tacle 2, page 15 .

$.0208 CII 9.n_,0f, 30molelely,,@,,s a ng The diagram Fic 6 :learly snows :ha; sand anc gravel :::ain :he nignes: :egree Of ccmcac:icn ei:ner : moletely dry or : mole:siy sa:ura:e . Nc e-a l l y na tura l sanc or gravel ma:erials nave mois:ure ::n ents scmewnere te: ween :ncse twc


In cry :limates, newever, :mcletely dry sancs are seme:imes 3 unc anc :Nis gives a cs si:iii:y :o Octain very ;ced c:meac:icn results wi:- vibra:Ing rollers.

1 l


8esul:s :/ :sses .i:n a sel f-cr=cellec 3 :en vibracing c:ller incicates :nat ::meac-

icn :P a ::moletaiy :ry saac is even sore 'avouraole : nan ::mcac:f cn at a .acer saturstec s: :s, ??: 3. Al so :ne :e:tn s/dsc: is incesasec in :ne ::molessly c ri scii. .ha: i s saic nere 9as :een ::nflemec sy 'isla ex:er'encas at varicua ::n-strue:i:ns. Tel'-:re:elled vi:esting :lters, rf:e Ovnacac :A !! anc A !! 3, 94ve esacaec <er/ ;ccc ssul ts :n ::moletely :ry sancs. Iceci'i ec tensi:i ss nave :een :otainec niin layer :nicxnesses uo := accut i m. Jensi:les ar:unc f *0 % ?ca 2-:c::e nave :een measurse in :ne u :er : arts f :ne 8Ill.

3.* SII:. s I ! *v soils Ouring escant years :ne :cssi:ili:les :: ::meac: sil:, : lay anc OcNec 'i e-

rainec - Of ten very
:nesive soil s 4i:n vi: rating : liers ave :ec:.?e cre anc acre ::vious. Referencas can :e ace :: assear:n .orx as nelt as :: :rac-
:al ex erisness.

reci'.m-meavy and Meavy vibra:ing r:llers nave :een usec .its ;:cc resul:s.

  • ne examels is cerainic soils .nica f:en ::ntain s::nes wi:n a large aximum si:s. Of :ni s esasen i t is secassar/ :: :e sole :: ::.meac: suca a:srials in
mearscivolv :sicx layers .nien :an :e mace ui:n aeavy ei:esting c:llers. Ve rs
cc ex
eriences ni:n :ne ::meaction :( mornini: scils save :een ::cairec a:
i s esn t 5.ecisn :am :uilcing r:Jec:2. The .'ill ,as :esn ::meac:sc in lavers
/ aceut 73 cm wi:n 10 ::n :: wee vibracing rollari.

tavv eibrating r:ller1 349e also :een usec :n si!:v sanc as -ell as :n Ours sil:. Sven soits aave :een suc:sssfulty ::m:4c:sc ii !ayers 2: := accu:

Ti-I:0 05 in :nicxness i:n 13 :: 13 ::n vicrating r:ifers.

F.i *fav The ::mcac:i:n :naracteristles of :!ay ars 9ignty :e:encing :n :t .acer ::ntsc:.

1 een :.e -4:ar : nten: is icw :ne clay i s 34r: an: ' i -9 , :u: a:cvs :ss :::i: ?

l .acer ::m:an: : s ::nsi s:sney :ec:mes vers :!as:ic. :: :::! um .a car ::n:sn:

!av scui ss a :ar;e ::::acticn s?d:rt,  ::mcacti:n cus: :s :ar-iec :u: .. i : a

':'ee iaver :si:xness ::mearse i:n en-::nesive sci ? s acc tre ::m:ac::rs us:

exaa: s l a :i it i y lar;s ::merssaive are snese 8:r:as. '. i :? snee:s?ss: anc :acs is :cssi:le :: ::mese:ra:s :.e .':r:ss acti9g :r :ss surdaca.


~ e e i:Ps t:re ::*:act'cn :? : nesive 4:s-i si s : tes ars T.c ai- a t :3- a ; ees .

, ,- sc e :2s.s savv ,i:rs :i,g :n ers i : a s =c:- :.-. , ave =e,c .sec ..:-


ce ssai
s. r  ::nse ai:se 4:ive is visea:i ; inee:s?::: :r :acd :e: :: e i.


76ote 6. Vi th this 10 ton vibrating padfcot roller it is cessible :s ccmcac: dry clays in layers up to 30 cm In hickness :o aneut 100 % 5:ancard Prec:ce.

A vibrating =adfoot roller can esmeac: :hicker layers : nan a static version.

It is also much more versatile with regard :o the tyce of soil due :o the comoination of :ne static and dynamic forces.

Wet clays can be comcacted in considerably :hicker layers enan dry clays, and in the field the water content of:en considerably exceeds the cotimum. Clay of this nature, which is more or less plastic, can be ecmcac:ed wi:3 a limited compac:fon effort into a homogeneous mass having an airvoid centene of not more than 5 :o 10 %. But the water centent of :he :tay cannot be reduced more :han marginally, even by intensive extended cemoae: ion. When :ne water content is sucstantially higner : Man the optimum, the degree of : m: action will be ccmcaratively Icw, even thougn the airvoid content may be Icw.


- _s t.a.b.i.l.l.:.a.t.i_on Lime stabilization is one way :o imcrove :ne bearing caoacity anc other quality ,

properties of wet clays which is used :o an increasing extent. Cemoaction of time-

-stabili:ed clay is another sui:aale application of a vibrating padfcot roller.

5.6 Recommendec laver thicknesses and caeacity Recommended max layer thicknesses for Dynapac rollers at cemoaction of emeankments, dam fills, etc. are given in Table 3, cage 16. On cage 16 also a formula is given to calculate c=moac: ion cacacity.


6.I 'iranular bases and subeases For granular bases, vibra
ory e ecac:icn is since many years :re s:ancar: :Or:ac:icn method.

77 e scecified densi:y usually is 95 :o 100 '; Mcc ? Oc:Or, wnien eans

Nat :ne max layer *nickness nas :: :e icwer : nan in emeankt en: ::m:ac:icn. seei;m-reavy vibrating rollers are nor ally used. '4i:n a s:sti: crum weign: cf a:cu:

3 : ns (s:ati linear 10ac accut 25 k,;/:m)

ase ma:erials :an -ce ai!v :e vibrated in layers ue :o 25 cm :: tre s:ecie;e :ensi:y, 7:e gese ::,.:ac:icn se!!-

P elled vi:ra:itg rollers are use :g;jn inef33stng ,x ,3 , =%e 7, i .4 Succase : meac:fon Pe resen:s an in:er edia:e range e: ween e : ark. en: anc :ase


7'e succase c:nsis:s of nainiv granular :y:es of soil, Ou: a relatively nign er:entage Of fi es is alicwee in many : un Pies. The s:ecifice ens:.y ;5

asually signer : nan 'Or :ne encantesn: anc meavv vibesting r:1 ers ?ay of'er ;cca acvantages 8:e ::meac:icn / suca semic:nesive ty es Of su::ase ma:sef als. !w: case a:sefals ::nsis !*g :/ sanc Or gravel (wi :n a ve rt sma i ! 9ax :er:antage :/ # es)

an :e ef'ic! ant! / ::meac:sc in :nicx li8:3. say accut 30 03 .i:n eci . m-*tavv si rati9g
  • llers.

5.2 Soils staoiti:te i:" seeat The vi:ra:iag r:llers :eveicced #:r asanal: ::meac:icn (see sec:icn 71 Mave Orovec :: :e vers offielent ai se f r scils s:aci f i:sc i:n : ament. Os #:r

. er wa:arlai s :/ similar tyce - Orcinar/ :eeen: ::ncrtes, as:nal : ::ncetts. 5::.*
ne :egree Of ::m action *as a :ecisive in/fuence :n :. e :ca l i :y . an i creasa in
ensity of i % ill incesase :.9e s:rtng:n .i:n say 10 :: 15 i. #ce scii :Aren:
e : anger ? sneinxage Isacing :: eracks Is a ;enersi ::ncar*. :l so ers :st
sgets :/ ::meac:len is of geta: im:ce anca. **  ?.

'litrating r:Ilers / Ty e :yeaoac *A ;5 C* 20 anc :: Lt. ace ally *eec 3 := '-

as ses :: etaca 35 :: 100 % rec 7 :c::e (100-105 ) 5:ancar: 2 :c: r) en scii
trent. 7:e :cssi:ifi:y acjus: ene viaratica id:ensi:y is <ere asafui at
ne ::meac:icn of sci! tament. As n as:nal: sur'acings *.::er-tirse *:ifers
e'!nitsly Icwer censi:les : nan vibrating r:llers.

'/ttR:7*RY :*woac fC.'s *F !PwALT

'l i : e s

  • Fi ::m Acti0n */ as:nal: surfacings "tectsants a ::mcars:iveiv *tw aP: 't e ry in* Sets:Ing evSIO: ment line.

'/ia*3:i g la*3 mcacters anc small *yces / vi:ra:iag *:litas we 3 .34: a;*tacy

  • uriMg Int 30's f:e as:nal* et:4ir anc fer smal! *avi.*g j cs. I'*e I:ta :: *avtIO*

r; *ati*g *: lites i:5 a s !!icient :acaci ty a i sc # * *1gu'ar anc lar*t :av'*;

, **s On

  • acs. *i;P%avs. air #It i *s. 3 . =as a 940'arti ::e s a c'aera t :' 234 j:c:

"ts.. s 00:3I*e . i :N sma i l er *V e s 3 / iidr3*Pt

  • m act ~s *n as:Pai!. 3-**  !

'353 lvaa*ac i*:r:cu 30 aI* *:P ei*as*I*g tantem *:l tr 'vi!? v;*rl '** ac:

r ee :n :c: :aums. y*acac ** '4.

The r:I!se *ac ar:::i a:a: s:se-i g ac:

!* * '4;N a 9v*r:s:3 i: *riv e sy1:Em !?e 1:420 *41* :t /ar t: " *'!*ittv #**9

s** .: *: t Sax s*tte. e svs!SS :/ /I:ra: I*N S :: * :**.ms "as ~3saitt:
I* *tase
  • mcac *i:n 34:4Ci ty. Or3vt M :::3
  • r bms y : 'e t s v t **/ j 00 *3C ':P an: also :ess :tecaneits ':e :st :ese :: :use ane :rs:x : s :: as:.a.: -i a .

13 Tocay the Dynegac range includes :nree si:ss of this tyce of roller:

CC 20, static weign: 6 tons, suitaole for work on streets, reacs, parking lots, f actory yercs, etc., wnere botn capacity and manoeuvrabili ty are requi red f rom ne roller, 8bote 9 CC kl, static weight 10 tons, sui:able der work on roads , motorways ,

airdleics and otner large projec:s, 75cto 10.

- CC 50 A, static weigne 14 : ens, suitable for very large saving Joo: on motorways and airfields.

The choice of vibration parameters is, as for soi! ::meac:ces, a very imcor: ant d

actor for vibrating aspnalt rollers. Modern :yces of vibrating rollers ocera:e witn frequencies in the range 2 500 - 3 000 vibr/ min and wi:n accli: aces in :ne range 0.4-0.3 mm. The Dynapac CC-rollers anu :~e :yce of CA-roller nave 4 :ual amelituce svs:em nien makes it possible :o adjust :ne c:meaction ef fect to different conditions.

Comoarative :es ts be tween di f ferent types of asonalt rollers clearly inoicate

nat rollers wi tn two vibrating crums uo :o new are tne :yces of macnines wnich have tne best compac:f on ef fect on aspnal: mixes of different types.

Vibracing rollers wi:n one vibrating drum, comoination rollers as well as static smootn wneel rollers and rubber-tired rollers have ac:ording o available test resul:s given lower censities inan vibrating rollers witn :wo vibrating crums.

One example of comoarative :ss: resul:s is given in Fic 10.

Rubbar tirec rollers give a tign: anc smoots surface and ars : nsleerec :o pr:cuce an asonalt cavement wi:n low permeaoili:y. Recent inves tiga tions eace v :ne Cali-fornia Ce:ar: men: of Transcortation in :ne USA nave snown. newever, :nat :ne :er-meabili:y of an asonal: pavensn: was Icwer af:er viaratory comcac: ion : nan af ter static rolling.

l i

The advantages of viers:ory ecmpaction of as:nal: surfacings as : moarec :o s:stic rolling can :e summarized as fol!0ws:

Vibra:ory ::meac: ion gives a nign :ensi:y resulting in ni;n s:reng:n acc s:acili:y, nign searing streng:n and Icw cermeamili;y in :re as:nai: sur-facing.

The num:er of casses can te sues:antially recucee :0 carec :: s:a:i: el! lag.

It is of:en :ossible to reolace two s:aci: ro!!ers or ore wi:n a siagle visracing roller, in :nis way :ne ecs:s can :e sa:stantially recucec.

e A vibrating :andem oller norss in a sicole ro!!ing cat:ern giving a uni #ce9

egree of :Omcac:icn over :ne wnole wi::n Of :ne ser dace.


VI:rsting tancem rellers wi ta cual amoli:'.ca art very versatile i ta egar:

Si'#sesnt :yces anc Micknesses of as:nal: surdacings.

VI:ra:len akes i: =cssiste :: : stain a veer ; ce ::meac:ica anc :! sing af'ac: :n i:ngi:ucinal an :ransversal joints.

3. *CL Lt **P9:C?it NC-5LUP9

_ "NC.t t?!

As a resui: of : -cetina:sc essaar:n activi:les of Tannessee Valley aut.9eri :V (TVA) and 'J.$. Ar y 0:r:s cf ~. gineers a e:nce :: ::mcac: no-slue: :ences:s ni:n sel f-:r:cel t ed vi rating cellers 9as :een :evelocec. Roller ::meacti:n ensoles uca '9 igner cacaci:V : nan : mcacti:n ai:n ::nces: vibrat:es. The ller ::mesc:sc ::nc.s:s is intanced f r large :am ::nstrue: Ices - :rimarily as lean mass ::nces:s #:e :na inner : arts :f :ne :ams. :nc: se a:Cli:2:::n is in large 'Ouncatien structuras # r examole i.9 Suc!sar :cwer :lan.s.

The no-sium: :nces:s Is :lacac in layers :e: ween say 13 anc 30 en :acencing

n :ne siz :/ :ne r:Iler. Vibrating e:llers wi:n crum :r!ve nave :enavec stry el f al so :n :nis tyce of ta ttelal .
a. UNCt9uA7t? C*Pa:CTran .

A 'tw vears age Oynacac :avel: cec anc celiverse i:s ' irs: uncarwa:ar ::m:ac::e

:ne Iwecisa Acminis:rstien Of ihiccing anc Navi;a:icn. f: i s a crane ::e-a:sc vibra:Ing :lats ai:n a 1:2:i: neign: Of 1.3 ::n, :.9s :c:::m :i?snsicas 234 I.] 7 anc a :sneri'agai 'Orta / }.6 ::ns. The ' scuency is ! a30 -si:r/9fn arc :ne vi:rati:ns ars geners:sc :v rwc sel f-svnene:ni:i g electri: c::e ,i:ra::es.

This vi:est:r -as suc:sssively been wrec f:P uncemaa:ar ::meacti:n 4: T*c li;n:- cuse ::nstrue:i:ns an: a num:er :/ -ar: cur ::nstru::icas. a: 4 ar: ur

ns:.uction in Nor-ay :ne vibes::e was usec :: ::meac: 13 000 9 3 :f :rus.9ec aggrega:s re lacing a layer :/ elay woien was Ortegec Ou:. A ::nces:s :uay
ns: ac::en was :iacs: :n :ne ::meac:sc -a:eri al . :?: !I. The e?*?:ier: :s::n s?'s:: c' tes s;:est:r is 2.73 :: I.3 9 :u: a :se:si., ::m:ac:::n es : Ts :::a e
u:., ar;s :se:ns.

la ircreasi,9 inm:er :f .9:sewa:ar ::ns:. u::icas ars w .n=er<av ;  ::erte:

arts :? :.9s wor': an ::meacti:n .ncer .,atar s :9 anv :asas e:assarv. ~.a r;s e
v:ss :? -<i:rt::ev .ncarwa ter ::meac::es ars :resen:iy s:.:;s: :v lv-acac.

ici-a. Januame. :37*

15 Tatie i Recommended sizes of tractors for towed vibrating rollers i

i4 tian antattats eira scoo s. ituriveu :est. -arteia ss verw c. .:ost *ransats verw Nca reactica ::noiriens toiva ructi:= ::noiricas ruc7 ten c:moltt =s f,se sf N***


. ell grocee Fim *eterials. w rael fist *eterials of gravel. 3ry sene. .es slav ett ro6ter e 3 sese g terials sane. Sit t, slav etc

. ..t.,..  :, .e, . eeer-ti,e. e, .e, . e.e, t.. .

e,s..e, trusse tractor tractor tru tor tractor trutor Ca 13 f.; f.3*'.5 ton . 2.1*I.I tos- e6 tua e 4 c.a 13 30 ** 64 10 *= she ==

e nc ==

g, 33 3,g 2.3 2.$ ton ** ton 3-$ on

+4 55 *= ==4 as

, 6-4 tea 40 53 == $=

C4 h2 52 2.1 J.3 esa 46 esa f.9 64 10 == , 4 4 ton 3.,g g a e64 ==

  • lCM +7 .o.15 as 60 630 as Il la 6 toa'I 4 6 con 6 . r3 con lC1 10 '03 *= ke 55 **

f IJ 40 -a

, ig.11 tan i

125 123 an i


  • I 88"

l '*I**

Ca 6e it 'Cl 12" I:0 150 *= $3 'S a4

. '3*10 t8a

!Q s*4 *= '60 !!3 **

ti ane w .e are,e Table 2 Death effect at deeo-comcaction of sand s

Oepth for mecium-dense t'ax deoch for SOII'# EYP' relative densi ty I) l

, densi:y increase 1

. . i 5-:en : owed roller i 1 5 - 2.0 m i aceut 2.5 m 4 10-ton " "

2.0 - 2.5 m "

3.5 m I

13-:en 3.0 - 4.0 m 1 i m

' l 15-:en 3 5 - 4.5 m i 6 m t

I I i l) Ceteriined by soundings


  • aole } tec:erneceed ex. laver sf oness in -m f af ter ::meaction) der Ovnaeae asilers a: ::r.cae:ren or cac anc a. m eet e eann:em:s. een-- :am fi!is e::.

Iceci.*re e :ensi:y :f if-!cc % 5:ancars : :c:sr 3r 30-95 li *cc. 7- c:sr i i,.... ..

u.i. .. n .... .... ,. ::..

.i ,

. ,....., .s.

j . . : seu..  ;.,,,,,,,,.i. sr s . . <.- . 4 son ar , .. i n

i. sn i . .-. ...

4. ., s . .. a

... .u,..



, i i ,.,.. . . si

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j i i.: i i 1

. ..- t ...

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.g i

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. 4s ) :ta

.a g .: 4 I


. i .

44 144 :14 i

. 6. . 'l 6  !  ! I *8 11 *. +

.' 4. .., i '

fj8 .


( - ,

t.l 6 ...

w 8

p :3
p .7 l . I6 8


144  ; f48 ,

14 -


, i 4,

, 6 6 I 144 . 448

  • l4 *" '

l  ;;;,, 4,

r 9 - s : i .

t t ::s . t .se ,' 7:s :a s.

t..s., e.. ., ' i i

. ,. ... i  !

' :2 , . f .as ..v'  ::s :ss Ita ta

:s e, .i '
2 :$ g .:

. .a

! iTT M , E  ; :g i :54 :ta 3:s i4, 44 4e .13 3 }l i . . . i

s n
2 i .5, -

i ; i i.: i 6 -

"T w. . ., "t ITT

.o ige !53

2 is l l i .


. 64 : . 54 -


.s 4

.a l i 6 i -

l *

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.i :.,*


, I .+ . e.-


s '. Isa :ss  ::s
52 r. . s.


i l g[' l  ;

Q m,

43 i4a


.ae ,


.a t

, :54 22:

to s : gacerf inec aster to most sui:amle roller tyces ?:r :.7e sci; *actri al


! .i.eIe e :stae;tv :sleu?a: 7--

Tme ::-cac:icn :acaci:i -F a .1 ! I4- 's:

i =

Ce '4 . 1 0  : M*

3 l .:.tre ' =  ::t;3c:i e :::aci* -; -

. = :r.c it:n. 9 4 r: l ' i .y s s ec . <: .-

= :2ver :.-!:X ess

. = .e::e  : 3 : asses

= e?!i:i erev !ac::e = *

  • j a sci'
.t:ac:ica la 1."*S i t :
  • la *3 a 03. a c ! i : *' .' IJ":

. . 1.'1 -

i e i ' ;?/M

. 2.* m  : Ses  :.:!t ;)


  • . i 'ses :acle !! '
  • ** g

~I  ! * ****

g g I . ,,

, = - e  ; , -J'-


  • l l




,ich t l l i y

renure wave rapid succession of stenure waves Fig. 1 Olfferent principles of soil comoaction verticas cynamec pressure. 40/cm 3 to 2.0 3.0 40 10 60 70 ae-
}, / /Q' al s

j #-

40 # T' .'- Fig. 2 Oynamic pressures at varicus deo:ns during 50

,; j

.s /

[ 't ','d ccmpac:icn by vibra tory


cemoactors of di fferen:

3o ,[ / ,' 3." " tyces and sices

_d:v / u-

'00 / * -

g ,, , , , , .

.a '-

'2 A5" l/ _ * '


1. Vibrateg oiste compactor Cs kg
  • 400kg 3, Vibrettrug tameer 50 kg
4. V6bratarug ros6er 1.4 tian
s. - 3.3 ton
6. -

13.0 ton 0 r l

/ // / / / // / / / / / / / / / / /s l

5:a:ic weign: (frame mass - crum mass) kg Crum wic:h m '

5 atic -eien:

l lead 3

( cr:um wic:n j N /-.m e r k g / cm


-recuencY a Mc or vibr/mi, 1

i hcentric acmen 1 . e kgm Centrifugal force m r .

L TT. 2 . n 2 y l Ncm .nal amoli:yde ( c"r u'm.

mast n-~. en"

~' '

) , or m Rolling sceed km/h


CH/CX l i CG



_] P h '


- ^

r  %

( ) .

c v

"J .

CA - &

( ~\ _

F '~

A I R '""~~


4 .- y CAO ^A V

W_'p CC m *]

  • ?m n r h '

l y (>

I i

3, Q

. !r\ F '\

c3- >

= ,

4 4 4

    • g.

4 3evelo: men: Of sitracing llers u

2  ?> '

35 .y '


- .?.

ir . .::

' Amol. 23 * . ,

"I T 3 i ,

N telatiensnic ter,.een ::meac:!:n

= 31 Amcl. s efdtet, !Pequency arc amel i::::s

.j i

- ! -- A ::meinacien :/ lar;e ameli:uce and frequency jus: Over :re

-  !' tso-nanca 3 20uefic / ':) *c t"'a i ' s Pt-sul:s in :e::er ::meae::en are

-1500 -3CCO :e::n ef'se:  :. an :re :: mci a:f =n

-4500 Of sign frecuency sac smaii Frecuer :y, vibr/ min amel : aces (3) i 2.2 Sc c :t \


,+ v, T p;.

, c ., ,

l f .

%:t 3! U

- i 1 m

E SM I - 1 :. !(

j i

\-es j

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