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{{#Wiki_filter:TSg TECHNICAL NOTE 80581 THERMO-TAG 330 CONFORK4BLE STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR PIRE WALL SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCEDURES FEBRUARY 1982 84062i0367 8406j5 PDR ADQCK 050003i5 F PDR t)THERMAL SCIENCE, INC.~3260 BRANNON AVE.~ST.LOUIS, MO 63139~(314)352-8422 Telex: Domestic 44-2384~Overseos 209901~Telecopier (314)352-5626 I I TSX TECHNICAL NOTE 80581 T)KRHO-LAG 330 CONFORMABLE STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE MQL SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCEDURES FEBRUARY 1982 le0 INTRODUCTION This procedure sets forth the sequential steps involved in applying the THERMO-LAG 330 Conformable Stress Skin Three Hour Pire Va11 System to fire valls The TliERMO-LAG 330 Conformable Stress Skin Three Hour Pire Mall System consists of THElNO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating, THERM-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 aad THZ1QC-LAG 351 Series Primer.2.0 PRE-APPLICATION PRACTICES'.1 alification of Contractor The application shall be performed by a qualified contractor vho has had prior training in applying the materials and who has the equipment required to perform the application.
{{#Wiki_filter:TSg TECHNICAL NOTE 80581 THERMO-TAG 330 CONFORK4BLE STRESS           SKIN THREE HOUR PIRE WALL SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCEDURES FEBRUARY   1982 84062i0367 8406j5 PDR ADQCK   050003i5 F                   PDR         t )
2.2 Safet Precautions 3 The contractor shall follov staadard industrial safety practices.
THERMAL SCIENCE, INC. ~ 3260 BRANNON AVE. ~ ST. LOUIS, MO 63139 ~ (314) 352-8422 Telex: Domestic 44-2384 ~ Overseos 209901 ~ Telecopier (314) 352-5626
established for the handling of chemical coatings aad shall conform to'applicable OSHA and ovaer safety rules in all respects.'Delive The coating materials shall be delivered to the Jobsite in originally sealed containers vhich sbov the product name, batch or lot number, color, name of the manufacturer and the expiration date.
2.4~Stora e'he coating materials shall be stored off the ground when not in use in an area provided for that purpose.The materials in storage shall be protected against freezing and from t'emperatures above 100'F.2.5 Tem erature and Preci itation The coating materials shall be applied only to dry surfaces.The temperature of the coating material and surfaces to be coated shall be above 40'F during the material application and curing periods.The contractor shall furnish and install any protective covers required to protect the newly applied coating from rainfall, hard freeze or contaminants during its initial curing period 2.6 Protection of Ad scent Surfaces e mat i 1 s dri 3 0 EXPANDED METAL OR OTHER STEEL SUPPORT MATERIAL SURFACE PREPARATION The contractor shall maks off or otherwise protection all adjacent areas and"in place equipmeat" from receiving aay material overspray during the coating application.
Any spilled material and overspray shal1 be removed promptly using~~ter wet rags or sponges er a ha ed 3.1 Prepare'the surface on both sides of the expanded meta1 or other steel support materiaL for application of the THERMO-LAG 351 Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contamiaants.
Never apply the primer directly over'any bard or'lossy painted surfaces without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.
342 P~e sure that the surfaces on both sides of the cleaned expanded metal or other steel support material are compatible with the THER-'%-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating by making cross hatch adhesion tests AD~ys apply a barrier coat of THERMO-LAG 351 Primer over steel surfaces which have been previously primed with a zinc based primer-All doubtfull painted surfaces should be removed using mechanical metho'ds, Apply the THERM)-LAG 351 Primer to both sides of the properly prepared expanded metal or other steel support material using spray equipment or a roller The minimum acceptable dry primer thickness shall be 0.002 inches, which is normally achieved by applying at a spread rate of circa 200 sq.f t.per gallon.

3.3 Measure primer thickness using an approved direct readiag gauge, 3.4 Make cross hatch adhesion tests, as per Federal Standard 141a, on the primed surface on each side of the expanded metal or other steel suppor't material to assure proper adhesioa betveen the primer aad~the steel surface exists-prior to proceeding with the application of the TREZHO-LAG 330-1 Sub1imiag Coating.3.5 Make at least one cross hatch adhesion teat every 100 aqaure feet of primed steel surface area.Any primed surface area vhich fails the cross hatch adhesion test shall be removed using.mechanical cleaning methods aad shall be reprimed with THERMD-LAG 351 Primer~3.6 Surfaces are ready to receive the application of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating after successful cross hatch adhesion tests have been established.
4 0'PPLICATION OF THERHD-LAG 330-1 SUBLIMING COATING AND THERMO-LAG STRESS SKIN TXPE 330-69/4.1 Coat both primed sides of the expanded metal or other steel support.material with THHRO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating.Use absorbent material such as plyvood or particle board as a backing for the expanded metal when sprayiag the first side of the expanded metal.The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in, Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI's Technical Note 80181-Revision II-dated December 1981~shown herein as Appeadix A, 4.2 Apply THE/QQ-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 to the vet surfaces on each side after the final pass and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.Then apply sufficieat THHQQ-LAG 330-1.Subliming Coating to cover the embedded THERHO-LAG Stress Skin OR RKN COATING PRIOR TO?QUNTING 4;3 Cut four.identical sections of TH1UQX)-LAG Stress Skin large enough to comprise a portion of the fire wall 4.4 Coat two sections of the THERM)-LAG Stress Skia vith THERM-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating.The coating shall be applied i'n accordance with instructions given in Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI's Technical Note 80181-Revision II-dated December 1981, shcr~herein as Appendix h.
4.5 Apply ape of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the first pass with THERM-LAG 330-1 Subliadng Coating.Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.4.6 Mount the two sections of coated Stress Skia on the expanded metal or other steel support material using 410 bolts, washers and nuts.The holes and counterbore for the 410 bolt assemblies are to be drilled on 12 inch centers with the two coated sections being held in place.4.7 Apply sufficient amounts of THERHO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating to fill the counterbore holes and to cover the embedded Stress Skin.OR AS AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 4.8 4.9 Cut four identical sections of Stress Skin together with an identical section of expanded metal large enough to mount oa the installed rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities.Fasten one section of Stress Skin to each side of the expanded metal section using mechanical fasteners.
~4.10 Coat both attached Stress Skin sections with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating.The coating shall be applied ia accordance with instructions givea in Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI s Technical Rote 80181-Revision II, dated December 1981 and I shown herein as Appendix h 4.11 Apply one of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the final pass of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating.Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely 4.12 Mount the coated section on the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities usiag long bolts, wasbers and nuts.Apply sufficient amounts of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sub1iming Coating to cover the.bolt beads and the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities 5.0 POST APPLICATION PRACTICES f 5.1 h clean and orderly condition shall be maintained in the application area.Following the application, all overspray, debris and equipment shall be removed and the area left in a condition acceptable to the ewer.6.0 E UIPMENT SUGGESTIONS 6.1 The most economical and satisfactory method of applying THERMO-LAC 330-1 Sub1iming Y~terial is by either airless or air type spray equipment 6.2 Suggested complement of spray equipment for both types are shown in Appendix B to this procedure 6.3 k schematic of Suggested Penetraing Y~asuring Devices is shown in Appendix C to this procedure APPENDIX h TSI'S TECHNICAL NOTE 80181-REVISION Il-DATED DECEHBER 1981 I SECTION 4 0 COATING APPLICATION TECHNIQUES 4.0 COATING APPLICATION TECHNT UES 80581-ir''i3-1.AG 330 CONii STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE VA1.1.SYSTEM-FEBRUARY 3982 4.1 S ra h lication 4.1.1 Apply the THERHO-LhC 330-1 Subliming Coating over a properly prepared surface.Make sure that the surface to be coated is clean, dry, above 40'F and free from scale, rust or other contaminants.
4.1.3 U Apply the material in as many passes as required to provide the required Film build of the coating thickness, taking care to avoid slumping or sagging of the coating.Normally, a required 0.500 inch dry coating thickness is accomplished by applying three wet coats of 0.225 inches.Bowever, the thickness vhich can be safely applied in a single pass vi11.depend on the temperature, humidity and other factors that are best determined on the gob site h 1 the material in smooth even passes, taking care to keep the spray pp y gun fan patern at a 90'ngle whenever possible.Reaching with a spray gun vill cause the spray pattern to vary from the 90 angle and vill result in a rougher surface than norma3.~4.1.4 I'ake frequent wet thickness measurements during the application using a penetration measuring device such as shown in Appends h to ensure that the coating is being applied uniformly and at'the required vet film thickness These vet thickness checks sha11 be made every five square feet or every two running feet of coated surface area.(hote:%hen taking measurements aller for a shrinkage rate of circa 25X between the vet and the desired dry film coating thickness.)
Remove excess build up of coating material at edges and points by brushing or rolling the surface vith a damp sponge roller.S r edges of the substrate from each side to cause the material to ed wrap around the edge.If the edge coating is not completed close use a wet roller or trowel to seal the edge surface 4.1.7.Ap 1 Fiberglass'rmoring to the wet surface after the final'as's
'and p y use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the fiberglass securely~Ihen apply sufficient material to cover the embedded fiberglass 4.1-8 Remove all runs, sage, drips or other surface imperfections before the material cures using wet sponge rollers, brushes or hand trowels.Ri.VISION II

A: E!iDIX A TO TSl S 80581-THERHO-LAG 330 CONFORyhSI, STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE MALL SYSTEM-FEBRUARY 19824.2.1 Hand h lication r Trovel the material to a uniform thickness using moderate pressure and avoid overvorking.
TSX TECHNICAL NOTE 80581 T)KRHO-LAG 330 CONFORMABLE STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE MQL  SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCEDURES FEBRUARY 1982 le0  INTRODUCTION This procedure sets forth the sequential steps involved in applying the THERMO-LAG 330 Conformable Stress Skin Three Hour Pire Va11 System  to fire valls The TliERMO-LAG 330 Conformable Stress Skin Three Hour Pire                  Mall System consists of THElNO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating, THERM-LAG                     Stress Skin Type 330-69 aad THZ1QC-LAG 351 Series Primer.
The trovel should be vetted vith vater vhen a smooth finish is required.4.2.2 Glove the material to cables and small pipes using standard vork gloves.Pork small areas and keep the gloves vet to insure a relatively uniform thIckness.
2.0 PRE-APPLICATION    PRACTICES'.1 alification of Contractor The application shall be performed by a qualified contractor vho has had prior training in applying the materials and who has the equipment required to perform the application.
4.3 D Film Thickness?feasuremeats 4.3.1 Take dry film thickness measurements after the applied material has cured Measuremeats shall be made using electrical, peaetratiag or magnetic measuring Instruments, 4,4 Re air Procedures
2.2   Safet    Precautions The   contractor shall follov staadard industrial safety practices.
-D~e 4.4.1 Removed damaged and loose material using a knife and scrapper Cut back until sound adhering reached 4.4-2 The edge should be undercut to form a beveled edge as Xn plaster repair 4.4.3 Remove all foreign matter from the substrate using a vire brush.4.4.4., Spray or trovel THERM-LAG 330-1 onto patch'area.
established for the handling of chemical coatings aad shall conform to'applicable OSHA and ovaer safety rules in all respects.'Delive 3
Several coats of the material can be applied to achieve the de'sired film thickness..
The coating materials shall be delivered to the Jobsite in originally sealed containers vhich sbov the product name, batch or lot number, color, name of the manufacturer and the expiration date.
Be sure to allov for'shrinkage of repair patch by building up a slight dome shape vith the patch.REVISION II 9.0 DIRECT SPRAY OVER EXPANDED METAL THREE HOUR FIRE WALL DESIGN Installation of the Direct Spray over Stress Skin Three Hour Design to form a Fire Wall involves coating both sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade, and then applying THERMO-LAG Str'ess Skin Type 330-69 to the wet surfaces on each side.The sequential steps involved in installing this fire barrier design on the fire, wall support material are described in the following paragraphs.
9.1 Installation of Three Hour Fire Barrier Desi n 9.1.1 Attach the expanded metal to the structural steel framing in those cases where expanded metal is'required.
9.1.2 Prepare the surface on both sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material for application of the THERMO-LAG, 351-2 Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contaminants.
Never apply the primer directly over any hard or glossy painted surfaces without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.
9.13 Apply the THERMO-LAG 351-2 Primer to both sides of the properly prepared expanded metal or other steel support material using spray equipment or a roller.The Primer shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.9.1.4 Coat both primed sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade.The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.Apply THERMO-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 to the wet surfaces on each side after the final pass and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.Then apply sufficient
~THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade, to cover the embedded THERMO-LAG Stress Skin.2-32 OR WHEN COATING PRIOR TO MOUNTING.9.1.5 Cut two identical sections of THERMO-LAG Stress Skin large enough to comprise a portion of the fire wall.Coat two sections of the THERMO-LAG Stress Skin with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade, in the required dry film coating thickness of 0.625"+/-0.125".The material shall be applied in accordance with instruction given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.9.1.7 Mount the two sections of coated Stress Skin on the expanded metal or other steel support material using approved 810 bolts, washers and nuts.The holes and counterbore for the approved 810 bolt assemblies are to be drilled on 12 inch centers with the two coated sections being held in place.9.1.8 Apply sufficient amounts of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade, in the required dry film thickness to fill the counterbore holes.OR AS AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 9.1.'9 Cut two identical sections of Stress Skin together with an identical section of expanded metal large enough to mount on the installed rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities.9.1.10 Coating the expanded metal with a dry film thickness of 0.625"+/-0.125" of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade.The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.2-33 9.1.1 Apply one of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the final pass'of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade.Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.!I'.1.2: Mount the coated section on the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entity using approved long bolts, washers and nuts.9.1.3 Apply sufficient amounts of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade to cover the bolt heads.  

12.0 COATING APPLICATION TECHNI VES 12.1 THERMO-LAG 351 Primer A lication 12.1.1 Prepare the surface of the steel entity for application of the THERMO-LAG 351 Type Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contaminants.
2.4 ~Stora e coating materials shall be stored off the ground when not in use
Never apply the primer directly over any hard or glossy painted surface without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.
                  'he in an area provided for that purpose. The materials in storage shall be protected against freezing and from t'emperatures above 100'F.
12.1.2 Make sure that the cleaned steel surace is compatible with the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material by making cross hatch adhesion tests as follows:.Cross Hatch Adhesion Test.The primer is cut over an area approximately 4" by 4" in a square matrix, each square being approximately 1/2" by 1/2".A high quality tape is'applied the square.Upon completion of the tape application, it is rubbed in~firmly to assure good adhesion.With one complete perking motion, the tape is removed.If more than 3 percent of the Primer is removed from the surface, the application is faulty.This test should be performed in areas which are deemed critical and in as many places as required by the specification.
2.5  Tem  erature      and  Preci itation The coating materials shall be applied only to dry surfaces. The temperature of the coating material and surfaces to be coated shall be above 40'F during the material application and curing periods.
Upon completion of the Cross Hatch Adhesion Test, the test areas should be again with the THERMO-LAG 351-2 Primer by either brushing or light spray.r 2-43
The contractor shall furnish and install any protective covers required to protect the newly applied coating from rainfall, hard freeze or contaminants during its initial curing period 2.6 Protection of Ad scent Surfaces The  contractor shall        maks off or  otherwise protection all adjacent areas and      "in place    equipmeat" from receiving aay material overspray during the coating application. Any spilled material and overspray shal1 be removed promptly using ~~ter wet rags or sponges before .
th e mat er    ia 1 ha s  dried 3 0  EXPANDED METAL OR OTHER STEEL SUPPORT MATERIAL SURFACE PREPARATION 3.1 Prepare'the surface on both sides of the expanded meta1 or other steel support materiaL for application of the THERMO-LAG 351 Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contamiaants.           Never apply the primer directly over 'any bard or'lossy painted surfaces without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.
P~e sure that the surfaces on both sides of the cleaned expanded metal or other steel support material are compatible with the THER-'%-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating by making cross hatch adhesion tests       AD~ys apply a barrier coat of THERMO-LAG 351 Primer over steel surfaces which have been previously primed with a zinc based primer- All doubtfull painted surfaces should be removed using mechanical metho'ds, 342  Apply the       THERM)-LAG 351 Primer to both sides of the properly prepared expanded metal or other steel support material using spray equipment or a roller The minimum acceptable dry primer thickness shall be 0.002 inches, which is normally achieved by applying at a spread rate f
of circa 200 sq. t. per gallon.

Always apply a barrier coat of THERMO-LAG 351 Type Primer over steel surfaces which have been previously primed with a zinc based primer.All doubtful surfaces should be removed using mechanical cleaning methods.12.1.3 Apply the Primer to the properly prepared steel surface in one continuous coat using spray equipment or a roller.The minimum acceptable dry primer thickness should be 0.002 inches which is normally achieved by applying at a spread rate of circa 200 sq.ft.per gallon.12.1.4 Measure Primer thickness using an approved magnetic direct reading gauge.12.1.5 Make cross hatch adhesion tests on the primed surface to assure~proper adhesion between the primer and the surface of the steel item prior to proceeding with the application of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material.12.1.5 Coat the primed steel surface area with the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material.The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.2 or 12.3 herein.12.2 THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sublimin Material-S ra A lication 12.2.1 Apply the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material-Spray Grade over a properly prepared surface.Make sure that the surface to be coated is clean, dry, above 40 F and free from scale, rust or other contaminants.
3.3 Measure primer thickness using an approved direct readiag gauge, 3.4    Make  cross hatch adhesion tests, as per Federal Standard 141a, on the primed surface on each side of the expanded metal or other steel suppor't material to assure proper adhesioa betveen the primer aad
12.2.2 Apply the material in as many passes as required to provide the required dry film build of'he coating thickness, taking care to avoid slumping or sagging of the coating.Normally, a required 0.500 inch dry film coating thickness is accomplished by applying three wet coats of 0.255 inches.However, the thickness which can be safely applied in a single pass will depend on the temperature, humidity and other factors that determined.
on the jobsite.12.'2.3 Apply the material in smooth even passes, taking care to keep the spray gun fan pattern at a 90 degree angle whenever possible.Reaching with a spray gun will cause the spray pattern to vary from the 90 degree angle and will result in a rougher surface than normal.2-44  
the steel surface exists - prior to proceeding with the application of the TREZHO-LAG 330-1 Sub1imiag Coating.
3.5  Make  at least one cross hatch adhesion teat every 100 aqaure feet of primed steel surface area. Any primed surface area vhich fails the cross hatch adhesion test shall be removed using.mechanical cleaning methods aad shall be reprimed with THERMD-LAG 351 Primer ~
3.6  Surfaces are ready to receive the application of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating after successful cross hatch adhesion tests have  been  established.
4.1 Coat both primed sides of the expanded metal or other steel support.
material with THHRO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. Use absorbent material such as plyvood or particle board as a backing for the expanded metal when sprayiag the first side of the expanded metal.
The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in, Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI's Technical Note 80181  Revision    II  dated December 1981 ~ shown herein as Appeadix A, 4.2 Apply THE/QQ-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 to the vet surfaces on each side after the final pass and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely. Then apply sufficieat THHQQ-LAG 330-1. Subliming Coating to cover the embedded THERHO-LAG Stress Skin OR RKN COATING PRIOR    TO ?QUNTING 4;3 Cut four .identical sections of TH1UQX)-LAG Stress Skin large enough to comprise a portion of the fire wall 4.4  Coat two sections of the THERM)-LAG Stress Skia vith THERM-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. The coating shall be applied i'n accordance with instructions given in Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI's Technical Note 80181  Revision      II - dated December 1981, shcr~ herein as Appendix h.
4.5 Apply ape of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the first pass with THERM-LAG 330-1 Subliadng Coating. Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.
4.6 Mount the two sections of coated Stress  Skia on the expanded metal or other steel support material using 410  bolts,  washers and nuts. The holes and counterbore for the 410 bolt  assemblies are to be drilled on 12 inch centers with the two coated  sections being held in place.
4.7 Apply sufficient amounts of THERHO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating to fill  the counterbore holes and to cover the embedded Stress Skin.
OR AS AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 4.8 Cut four identical sections of Stress Skin together with an identical section of expanded metal large enough to mount oa the installed rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities.
4.9 Fasten one section of Stress Skin to each side of the expanded metal section using mechanical fasteners.
: 4. 10 Coat both attached Stress Skin sections with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. The coating shall be applied ia accordance with instructions givea in Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI s Technical Rote 80181  Revision  II,  dated December 1981 and shown herein as Appendix h                                      I 4.11 Apply one of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the final pass of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely 4.12 Mount the coated section on the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities usiag long bolts, wasbers and nuts.
Apply sufficient amounts of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sub1iming Coating to cover the. bolt beads and the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities
5.1 h clean and orderly condition shall be maintained in the application area. Following the application, all overspray, debris and equipment shall be removed and the area left in a condition acceptable to the ewer.
6.0 E UIPMENT SUGGESTIONS 6.1 The most economical and satisfactory method of applying THERMO-LAC 330-1 Sub1iming Y~terial is by either airless or air type spray equipment 6.2  Suggested  complement of spray  equipment for both types are  shown in Appendix  B to this procedure 6.3 k schematic of Suggested Penetraing Y~asuring Devices    is shown in Appendix C to this procedure
80581  - ir ''i3-1.AG 330 CONii STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE    VA1.1.
SYSTEM  FEBRUARY 3982 4.0      COATING APPLICATION TECHNT UES 4.1      S  ra  h    lication 4.1.1    Apply the THERHO-LhC 330-1 Subliming Coating over a properly prepared surface. Make sure that the surface to be coated is clean, dry, above 40'F and free from scale, rust or other contaminants.
U Apply the material in as many passes as required to provide the required Film build of the coating thickness, taking care to avoid slumping or sagging of the coating. Normally, a required 0.500 inch dry coating thickness is accomplished by applying three wet coats of 0.225 inches. Bowever, the thickness vhich can be safely applied in a single pass vi11.depend on the temperature, humidity and other factors that are best determined on the gob site 4.1.3  hpp 1y the    material in smooth even passes, taking care to keep the spray gun  fan  patern at a 90'ngle whenever possible. Reaching with a spray gun    vill  cause the spray pattern to vary from the 90 angle and vill result in a rougher surface than norma3. ~
4.1.4    I'ake frequent wet thickness measurements during the application using a penetration measuring device such as shown in Appends h to ensure that the coating is being applied uniformly and at 'the required vet film thickness These vet thickness checks sha11 be made every five square feet or every two running feet of coated surface area.
(hote: %hen taking measurements aller for a shrinkage rate of circa 25X between the vet and the desired dry film coating thickness.)
Remove    excess  build up of coating material at edges and points by brushing or      rolling the surface vith a damp sponge roller.
S  r    edges  of the substrate from  each side  to cause the material to wrap around the edge.        If  the edge coating is not completed closeed use a wet roller or trowel to seal the edge surface 4.1.7. App 1 y  Fiberglass'rmoring to the wet surface after the final'as's 'and use a    roller to flatten    out any wrinkles and to embed the fiberglass securely~ Ihen apply sufficient material to cover the embedded fiberglass 4.1-8  Remove all runs, sage, drips or other surface imperfections before the material cures using wet sponge rollers, brushes or hand trowels.
4.2.1    Trovel the material to a uniform thickness using moderate pressure and avoid overvorking. The trovel should be vetted vith vater vhen a smooth finish is required.
4.2.2  Glove the material to cables and small pipes using standard vork gloves. Pork small areas and keep the gloves vet to insure a relatively uniform thIckness.
4.3      D    Film Thickness ?feasuremeats 4.3.1    Take dry film thickness measurements after the applied material has cured      Measuremeats shall be made using electrical, peaetratiag or magnetic measuring Instruments, 4,4    Re  air  Procedures D~ e 4.4.1    Removed damaged and loose material using a knife and scrapper Cut back until sound adhering material. is  reached 4.4-2    The edge should be undercut      to form a beveled  edge as Xn  plaster repair 4.4.3  Remove      all foreign matter from the substrate using    a vire  brush.
4.4.4., Spray or trovel THERM-LAG 330-1 onto patch'area.          Several coats of the material can be applied to achieve the de'sired film thickness..
Be sure to allov for 'shrinkage of repair patch by building up a slight dome shape vith the patch.
9.0      DIRECT SPRAY OVER EXPANDED METAL THREE HOUR FIRE WALL DESIGN Installation of the Direct  Spray over Stress Skin Three Hour Design to form  a Fire Wall involves coating both sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material  Spray Grade, and then applying THERMO-LAG Str'ess Skin Type 330-69 to the wet surfaces on each side. The sequential steps involved in installing this fire barrier design on the fire, wall support material are described in the following paragraphs.
9.1      Installation of  Three Hour Fire Barrier Desi n 9.1.1    Attach the expanded metal to the structural steel framing in those cases where expanded metal is 'required.
9.1. 2  Prepare the surface on both sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material for application of the THERMO-LAG, 351-2 Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contaminants. Never apply the primer directly over any hard or glossy painted surfaces without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.
9.13    Apply the THERMO-LAG 351-2 Primer to both sides of the properly prepared expanded metal or other steel support material using spray equipment or a roller. The Primer shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.
9.1.4  Coat both primed sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material  Spray Grade.
The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.
Apply THERMO-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 to the wet surfaces on each side after the final pass and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely. Then apply sufficient
THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material  Spray Grade, to cover the embedded THERMO-LAG Stress Skin.
.9.1.5  Cut two  identical sections of    THERMO-LAG  Stress Skin large enough to comprise a portion of the    fire wall.
Coat two sections    of the THERMO-LAG Stress Skin with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material    Spray Grade, in the required dry    film coating thickness of 0.625"    +/- 0.125".      The material shall be applied  in accordance with  instruction given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.
9.1.7  Mount the two    sections of coated Stress Skin on the expanded metal or other steel support material using approved 810 bolts, washers and nuts. The holes and counterbore for the approved 810 bolt assemblies are to be drilled on 12 inch centers with the two coated sections being held in place.
9.1.8  Apply  sufficient  amounts  of  THERMO-LAG  330-1 Subliming  Material Spray Grade, holes.
in the required dry film thickness to    fill the  counterbore OR AS AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 9.1.'9 Cut two  identical sections of Stress Skin together with an identical section of expanded metal large enough to mount on the installed rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities.
9.1.10 Coating the expanded metal with a dry film thickness of 0.625" +/-
0.125" of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material - Spray Grade. The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.
9.1. 1 Apply one of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the final pass'of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material  Spray Grade. Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.
Mount the coated section on the  rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entity using approved long bolts, washers and nuts.
9.1.3  Apply sufficient amounts of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming  Material Spray Grade to cover the bolt heads.
12.0      COATING APPLICATION TECHNI VES 12.1      THERMO-LAG 351  Primer  A  lication 12.1.1    Prepare the surface of the steel entity for application of the THERMO-LAG 351 Type Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contaminants. Never apply the primer directly over any hard or glossy painted surface without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.
12.1.2  Make sure  that the cleaned steel surace is compatible with the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material by making cross hatch adhesion tests as follows:
                          .Cross Hatch Adhesion Test.
The primer  is cut over an area approximately 4" by 4" in a square matrix, each square being approximately 1/2" by 1/2".
A high quality tape is 'applied the square.
Upon completion of the tape application,    it is rubbed in ~
firmly to assure good adhesion. With one complete perking motion, the tape is removed. If more than 3 percent of the Primer is removed from the surface, the application is faulty. This test should be performed in areas which are deemed critical and in as many places as required by the specification. Upon completion of the Cross Hatch Adhesion Test, the test areas should be again with the THERMO-LAG 351-2 Primer by either brushing or light spray.
r 2-43
Always apply a   barrier coat of   THERMO-LAG 351 Type Primer over steel surfaces which have been previously primed with a zinc based primer. All doubtful surfaces should be removed using mechanical cleaning methods.
12.1.3   Apply the Primer to the properly prepared steel surface in one continuous coat using spray equipment or a roller. The minimum acceptable dry primer thickness should be 0.002 inches which is normally achieved by applying at a spread rate of circa 200 sq.
ft. per gallon.
12.1.4   Measure Primer thickness using an approved magnetic     direct reading gauge.
12.1.5   Make cross hatch adhesion tests on the primed surface to assure
proper adhesion between the primer and the surface of the steel item prior to proceeding with the application of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material.
12.1.5   Coat the primed   steel surface area with the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material. The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.2 or 12.3 herein.
12.2     THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sublimin   Material   S ra A lication 12.2.1   Apply the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade over a properly prepared   surface. Make sure that the surface to be coated is clean, dry, above 40 F and   free from scale, rust or other contaminants.
12.2.2   Apply the material in as many passes as required to provide the required dry film build of'he coating thickness, taking care to avoid slumping or sagging of the coating. Normally, a required 0.500 inch dry film coating thickness is accomplished by applying three wet coats of 0.255 inches. However, the thickness which can be safely applied in a single pass will depend on the temperature, humidity and other factors that are .best determined. on the jobsite.
12.'2. 3 Apply the material in smooth even passes, taking care to keep the spray gun fan pattern at a 90 degree angle whenever possible.
Reaching with a spray gun will cause the spray pattern to vary from the 90 degree angle and will result in a rougher surface than normal.
12.2.4 Take frequent, wet  thickness measurements  during the application using a penetration measuring device as shown in Figure 15 to ensure that the coating is being applied uniformly and at the required wet film thickness. These wet thickness checks shall be made every five (5) square feet or every two (2) running feet of coated surface area.
(Note: When taking measurements, allow for a shrinkage rate of circa 25X between the wet and the desired dry film coating thickness.)
12.2.5  Remove excess  build up  of coating material at edges and joints by brushing or  rolling  the surface with a damp sponge roller.
12.2.6  Spray edges of the substrate from each side'o cause the material to wrap around the edge. If the edge coating is not completely closed, use a wet roller or trowel to seal the edge surface.
12.2.7  Remove all runs, sags, drips or other surface imperfections before the material cures, using wet sponge rollers, brushes or hand trowels.
12.3    THERMO-LAG  330-1 Sublimin  Material Trowel  A  lication 12.3.1  Trowel the material to a uniform thickness using moderate pressure and avoid overworking. The trowel should be wetted with water when a smooth  finish is required.
12.4'. Dr  Film Thickness Measurements 12.4.1  Take  dry film thickness measurements after the applied material has cured. Measurement shall be made using electrical, penetrating or magnetic measuring instruments.
l3.0      REPAIR PROCEDURES The  repair of  a damaged  section in a THERMO-LAG 330 Fire Barrier is easily accomplished by cutting out and removing the damaged material and then filling in the cut out section with new material.
The  first  step in this procedures is to remove the damaged and loose material using  a knife  and scraper. Care should be exercised that the damaged material is cut back    until sound adhering material is reached.
The  next step  is to undercut the edges around the cut out section to form a beveled edge. All foreign matter is then removed from the exposed substrate surface in the cut out section.
Finally, the THERMO-LAG 330 Subliming Material is sprayed or troweled into the cut out section. If necessary, several coats can be applied to achieve the desired film thickness. Care should be taken to allow for shrinkage of the repair patch by building up a slight dome shape on the surface of the patch.
  ~AVTIIT                  DESCRIPTION OP K UXPMENT 1 Each                    @dra Spray    ~    45:1 1 Each                  hir Povered    Eaa 1 Each                  Hydra    istic  Spray Cua 1 Each                  Special    ~    Valve 2 Each                  RAG  Illvith 0.55    Tips 1 Each                    Air Agitator 1E h                      Air EeguIator Kit 1 Each                  Air Regulator Only vfth Caugc 1 Each                  Air Line Filter 1 Each                  Air Line Lubricator f Each
                          ~      Repair Parts Kata Each                  Extra Tips    vith  SeaIs 100 Feet                  1  inch          I.D    Ki Pressure Fluid Bose 75 Feet                1/2 inch        I.D    Hi Pressure Fluid Hose 25 Feet                3/e  r  c        X.D. Hi Pressure Fluid  Bose
FAIR APE  SPRhY E ULPMEC'A'i7ITT DESCRIPTION OF                  UZBKhT I Each        10:1 President Spray                Pu"-p 1 Each        Air Pevared                RanL 1 Each        Heavy  Kastic Spray              Cue 1 Each        Special Ikey Valve 2 Each        1I4 Inch or 1(4 Inch "E" Spray Tip 1 Each.        Air Agitator 1 tach        LQ'egu1atar                  Lit 1 Each        Air ReguIator Oaly Mth Cause 1 Each        kSr  I inc t.ubricator 1 Each        her Lfae Fi1ter 5 Each        ~    Repair Parts Kits 75 Feet        lI2 Inch    X.D. Hi-Pressure FIuid Hose 25 Feet        3/5 Inch    X.D. Hi-Pressure Fluid Hose B-2

12.2.4 Take frequent, wet thickness measurements during the application using a penetration measuring device as shown in Figure 15 to ensure that the coating is being applied uniformly and at the required wet film thickness.
These wet thickness checks shall be made every five (5)square feet or every two (2)running feet of coated surface area.(Note: When taking measurements, allow for a shrinkage rate of circa 25X between the wet and the desired dry film coating thickness.)
12.2.5 Remove excess build up of coating material at edges and joints by brushing or rolling the surface with a damp sponge roller.12.2.6 Spray edges of the substrate from each side'o cause the material to wrap around the edge.If the edge coating is not completely closed, use a wet roller or trowel to seal the edge surface.12.2.7 Remove all runs, sags, drips or other surface imperfections before the material cures, using wet sponge rollers, brushes or hand trowels.12.3 THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sublimin Material Trowel A lication 12.3.1 Trowel the material to a uniform thickness using moderate pressure and avoid overworking.
The trowel should be wetted with water when a smooth finish is required.12.4'.Dr Film Thickness Measurements 12.4.1 Take dry film thickness measurements after the applied material has cured.Measurement shall be made using electrical, penetrating or magnetic measuring instruments.
2-45 l3.0 REPAIR PROCEDURES The repair of a damaged section in a THERMO-LAG 330 Fire Barrier is easily accomplished by cutting out and removing the damaged material and then filling in the cut out section with new material.The first step in this procedures is to remove the damaged and loose material using a knife and scraper.Care should be exercised that the damaged material is cut back until sound adhering material is reached.The next step is to undercut the edges around the cut out section to form a beveled edge.All foreign matter is then removed from the exposed substrate surface in the cut out section.Finally, the THERMO-LAG 330 Subliming Material is sprayed or troweled into the cut out section.If necessary, several coats can be applied to achieve the desired film thickness.
Care should be taken to allow for shrinkage of the repair patch by building up a slight dome shape on the surface of the patch.2-47 APPENDIX I SDGCESTED COMPLE262Z OF REQUIRED SPRAY EQV~X FOR TEER.'0-LAC 330-1 SUBLIMNC COATINC APPLXCATIOH hX3GZSS SPRAT EQVXPHEHT~AVTIIT 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each 2 Each 1 Each 1E h 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each f Each'6 Each DESCRIPTION OP K UXPMENT@dra Spray~45:1 hir Povered Eaa Hydra istic Spray Cua Special~Valve RAG Ill vith 0.55 Tips Air Agitator Air EeguIator Kit Air Regulator Only vfth Caugc Air Line Filter Air Line Lubricator
~Repair Parts Kata Extra Tips vith SeaIs 100 Feet 75 Feet 25 Feet 1 inch 1/2 inch 3/e r c I.D Ki Pressure Fluid Bose I.D Hi Pressure Fluid Hose X.D.Hi Pressure Fluid Bose APPENDIX I (COmINUED)
FAIR APE SPRhY E ULPMEC'A'i7ITT DESCRIPTION OF UZBKhT I Each 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each 2 Each 1 Each.1 tach 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each 5 Each 10:1 President Spray Pu"-p Air Pevared RanL Heavy Kastic Spray Cue Special Ikey Valve 1I4 Inch or 1(4 Inch"E" Spray Tip Air Agitator LQ'egu1atar Lit Air ReguIator Oaly Mth Cause kSr I inc t.ubricator her Lfae Fi1ter~Repair Parts Kits 75 Feet 25 Feet lI2 Inch X.D.Hi-Pressure FIuid Hose 3/5 Inch X.D.Hi-Pressure Fluid Hose B-2
(+I 51IMBLSaaa%k
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                      ~ a ~ I
''KFi'j III S I.0 IQS~/J/pgyl/r r r r February 3, 1984 American Electric Power I/1 Riverside Plaza P.0.Box 16631 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6631 Attention:
                  ~ t
Mr.Vic DelFavio  
                        ~ r YWX~~A.pMW~~WWi 8 i g       WWY~~MA~~
  . Pl@ i9@7rlT<~ .'r7ixrm+~SS7~77~< ''KFi'j III t J S     I.
    ~ /
                / r r r r
February 3, 1984 American   Electric   Power I/1 Riverside Plaza P. 0. Box 16631 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6631 Attention: Mr. Vic DelFavio

Hatch Cover Requirements For THERMO-LAG 330 Fire Barrier System For 3 Hour's Protection From An ASTM E119 Type Fire Environment RE: 1)Wesson&Associates Report entitled"Effectiveness of Fire Resistant Coatings Applied to Structural Steels Exposed To ,Direct Flames Contact, Radiant Heat Fluxes, and Mechanical and Cryogenic Thermal Shock" 2)Underwriter's Laboratoried Report No.R6802-6A, File No.X611"Mastic Coating Applied To A W14X228 Steel Column"  
Hatch Cover Requirements For THERMO-LAG 330 Fire Barrier System For 3 Hour's Protection From An ASTM E119 Type Fire Environment RE:         1)   Wesson   & Associates Report entitled "Effectiveness of Fire Resistant Coatings Applied to Structural Steels Exposed To
                ,Direct Flames Contact, Radiant Heat Fluxes, and Mechanical and Cryogenic Thermal Shock"
: 2)   Underwriter's Laboratoried Report No. R6802-6A, File             No. X611 "Mastic Coating Applied To A W14X228 Steel Column"
==Dear Mr. Del Favio:==
We recommend that a minimum thickness of 0.5 inches dry of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material be used on both sides          of this cover to limit the maximum termperature rise of the 'steel to 1000 0 F when exposed to an incipent ASTM E119 type fire environment.        If  direct spray methods are employed, please use the procedures contained in TSI's Technical Note 80181 entitled: "THERMO-LAG 330 Subliming Fire Barrier Systems Application Procedures", Revision IV, dated June 1983. This minimum thickness recommendation can also be provided by the use of THERMO-LAG Prefabricated Panels in a 3 hour fire rated design.
If you  have any questions,    do  not hesitate to contact        me.
Yours    truly, R. A. Lohman-Manager-Quality Assurance RAL/mls THERMAL SCIENCE, INC. ~ 3260 BRANNON AVE. ~ ST. LOUIS, MO 63139 ~ (314) 352-8422 Telex: Domestic 44-2384 ~ Overseas 209901 ~ Telecopier (314) 352-5626

==Dear Mr.Del Favio:==
We recommend that a minimum thickness of 0.5 inches dry of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material be used on both sides of this cover to limit the maximum termperature rise of the'steel to 1000 F when exposed to an incipent ASTM E119 0 type fire environment.
333 PflhCFEEh ROAD NORTIIIIROOK.II.Ul'OlctKO62 an independent, not;for-p~ oj7t organization testing for public safety R6802 Northbrook, IL January 9, 1979 TSI, Inc.
If direct spray methods are employed, please use the procedures contained in TSI's Technical Note 80181 entitled: "THERMO-LAG 330 Subliming Fire Barrier Systems Application Procedures", Revision IV, dated June 1983.This minimum thickness recommendation can also be provided by the use of THERMO-LAG Prefabricated Panels in a 3 hour fire rated design.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.Yours truly, R.A.Lohman-Manager-Quality Assurance RAL/mlsTHERMAL SCIENCE, INC.~3260 BRANNON AVE.~ST.LOUIS, MO 63139~(314)352-8422 Telex: Domestic 44-2384~Overseas 209901~Telecopier (314)352-5626 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.333 PflhCFEEh ROAD NORTIIIIROOK.II.Ul'Olc tKO62 an independent, not;for-p~
3260 Brannon Ave.
oj7t organization testing for public safety R6802 Northbrook, IL January 9, 1979 TSI, Inc.3260 Brannon Ave.St.Louis, NO 63139 Attention:
St. Louis,   NO   63139 Attention:   R. Feldman

MASTIC COATINGS               (CDWZ)
We are enclosing one copy of the Report revision covering the above subject.The revision consists of the following:
Revised illustration,6 for report issued 6-5-78, dated 1-8-79.Very truly yours, 4.8.Pd'.D.Pal iki j Fire Protection Dept.GP:pg encl.
We are enclosing one copy                 of the Report revision covering the above subject. The revision consists of the following:
I~~~PLOT OF BEST FIT EQUATION FOR 3 HR, RATING~~~~~~~~~I~~~~1 I~!I~ill!i~t'".I!i iiiii:: iiil iiii i!i iiii I:ii I.:il:ii!II II~I.~II~~I I~~le::~:~~\~~~~~~~~~~e I!'::j": I:::-: ':-:.i-::::l:i::
Revised illustration,6 for report issued 6-5-78, dated 1-8-79.
I ,~~~~iiii!!jj!I;I!:~I~'I~I''l;II"" iil}I:Iil:.i)l i i!!I!!!:!!!>1'~Ie~it~~~~I'.Is!i i!I'!!:!I!~I~~~~~~~~~~-<<I e~~~~~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~e~~I~~~~I~~~~I I<<~J>>~~I~~~i~~~~~~~~~I~~I~~~~~I~l I~I'8%I I~r~I~I'a~~~::il~~I.<<>I~I~I te~e~~e~I J>>tl t~~~~~~e la~lel<<I~~~~~e~~~I I I~I I~I~I I~~~I~~~L.I~~~~~~I~~~e 0.50 J al~"'ll"-II iiiil=-.~ll~:---I:::II:::I::::
Very truly yours, 4.8.
~~~Wn%II~0.493-1/2 in.~Y=0.000471 X 1.32~~~T mNN LLJ I--qI e~'>>t t'~a~I~l~<<I 0 25 LLJ 1~~!!l 0.1-~I~~~~>t~~~~>>.I IJ ti I e J t~~~~~~I~\+I~$~>>>Ia ti>tall i<<I Ii~~J, I>>~<<<<~e~~~~~I~~lle~~Itl,~lt~~~I~~e~I:II't~'II~e te~~~te~~I~~t~~~\I~>~~I>I!le ttl~~~I~'>I::I'I Iij!Ie>e:li!I.I:lli~t~>>t~I I~la)J I-'.~~::I:~~~~I J"TM-]CATE'I>>Jag I~a'~~~>-I'I'e~'~a ,J'eeJt~I~I ,i>e 10 100 200 I~e I~,'.I~'I.'0 TIHE, HINUTES ILL.6 R 6802.-6A UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.CHCACO~HORTHSROOK, ILL XKLVILLK.KY~SA,hTA C' independent, not-for-projit organuatimt testing for puhhc safety File R6802-6A Project 77NK422 June 5, 1978 REPORT on MASTIC COATING APPLIED TO A M14X228 STEEL COLUMN TSI, Inc.St.Louis, Missouri Copyright C 1978 Under writers 1.aboratories Inc.Underwriters Laboratories Inc.authorizes the above named company to reproduce this Report provided it is reproduced in its entirety.
D. Pal ikij Pd'.
File R6802-6A Page G1 Issued: 6-5-78 GENERAL The subject of this Report is the fire resistance Classification of a W14X228 steel column protected, with Type 330 mastic subliming coating applied to a dry film thickness of 15/32 described in the section entitled"Protection of Test Assembly," and as shown in ILL.1.The object, of this investigation was to establish a fire resistance Classification for the column described herein by means of a fire endurance test conducted in accordance with the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction Materials, UL263 (ASTM E119, NFPA No.251).In addition to the fire endurance test, the submittor requested that we conduct an engineering evaluation of the tests described in this Report and their column tests described in Reports R6802-3 and R6802-4, to determine the minimum dry film t,hickness of the Type 330 mastic coating necessary to afford a 3 hr fire resistance rating when applied to a W14X228 steel column.The fire test was supplemented by other tests and examinations to furnish information regarding the composition and physical properties of the materials used and to determine the practicability of handling and applying the coating.GDP/RMB:plh  
Fire Protection Dept.
GP:pg encl.
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e TIHE, HINUTES ILL.6 R      6802.-6A
an independent, not-for-projit organuatimt testing for puhhc safety File    R6802-6A Project      77NK422 June 5, 1978 REPORT on MASTIC COATING APPLIED TO A M14X228 STEEL COLUMN TSI, Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri Copyright C 1978 Under writers 1.aboratories Inc.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. authorizes the above named company to reproduce this Report provided its entirety.
it is reproduced in
File  R6802-6A                Page  G1            Issued:  6-5-78 GENERAL The subject of this Report is the fire resistance Classification of a W14X228 steel column protected, with Type 330 mastic subliming coating applied to a dry film thickness of 15/32 in. as described in the section entitled "Protection of Test Assembly," and as shown in ILL. 1.
The object, of this investigation was to establish a fire resistance Classification for the column described herein by means of a fire endurance test conducted in accordance with the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction Materials, UL263 (ASTM E119,  NFPA No. 251).
In addition to the  fire endurance test, the submittor requested that we conduct an engineering evaluation of the tests described in this Report and their column tests described in Reports R6802-3 and R6802-4, to determine the minimum dry film t,hickness of the Type 330 mastic coating necessary to afford a 3  hr fire resistance rating  when  applied to a W14X228 steel column.
The fire test was supplemented by other tests and examinations to furnish information regarding the composition and physical properties of the materials used and to determine the practicability of handling and applying the coating.
File  R6802-6A                  Page 1              Issued: 6-5-78
The  materials used in the test assembly are described below.
Column - The column used in the test assembly was a M10X228 steel section measur ing 8 ft, 3 in. long bet.ween the top and bottom concrete caps.
Primer  The primer was a corrosion  inhibiting modified alkyd primer manufactur ed by TSI, Inc.
Glass Fiber Gauze  The glass fiber gauze was embedded in the mastic coating to provide reinforcement. The gauze was 12 in.
wide and weighed 1.70 oz per sq yd.
Mastic Sublimin  Coatin  The mastic subliming coating material was manufactur ed by TSI, Inc. and designated Thermo Lag Type 330. The coating material was supplied in 55 gal steel drums. The mastic coating is presently Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. under Follow-Up Service. The composition and other propei ties of the mastic coating are considered proprietary and are on file at, the Laboratories.
The  steel column  was protected by workmen in the employ of the submittor under the observation of members    of the Laboratories'taff.
The column surfaces were wiped with a solvent to remove surface contaminates. The primer was sprayed onto the column using an air gun.
7he mastic coating, which was supplied in steel drums, was spray-applied to the column surfaces using equipment designed for such purposes.
File  R6802-6A                    Page 2            Issued:  6-5-78 The  masts coating was applied to the column in several coats at thicknesses of approximately 1/32 to 1/16 in. Each coat was allowed to become tacky before the following coat was applied.
After the coating had been sprayed to an approximate thickness of 13/32 in., the glass fiber gauze was pressed into the coating over the entire column with adjacent sections of the gauze overlapped              1 to 3 in. The gauze was lightly rolled with a paint roller.
Approximately 3/32 in. of additional coating was then applied to the column.
The  coating was applied to a wet'ilm thickness of approximately 1/2 in. as determined by several measurements taken after spraying had been completed.
The wet and dry densities of the mastic subliming coating were determined by applying the material at a 'representative.
thickness to a 2 by 2 ft steel plate. The wet density was obtained by weighing the plate immediately after spraying and the dry density was.determined using the air dried constant weight of the steel plate and coating. The average wet and dry 'densities of the mastic coating were 85.8 and 61.2 pcf, respectively.
While the mastic coating material was curing, several in width from hairline to 1/8 in. formed at the        crack'arying intersection of webs and flanges of the column. These cracks were                ~
repaired nine days after the spraying had been completed.
The final dry film thickness of 15/32 in. was determined on the basis of 108 measurements taken on the column 40 days after the spraying had been completed and the material had dried at room temperature to a constant weight condition. Individual thickness readings varied from 11/32 to 19/32 in.
The  appearance  of the column assembly before the  fire endurance    test is  shown on ILL. 2.
File R6802-6A                    Page Tl-'1          Issued: 6-5-78 TEST        RECORD      N01 FIRE ENDURANCE TEST:
This  test was  conducted in accordance with the Standard  of Under writers Laboratories Inc. for Fire .Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263 (NFPA No. 251, ASTM E119)-
DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE, Prior to- placing the column assembly in the furance, several cracks were observed in the mastic coating at each web and flange intersection. These varied in width from hairline to 1/16 in. and were 1 to 2 in. long.
METHOD The  column was placed    in the furnace and exposed to flames of controlled extent    and  severity in accordance with the Standard Time-Temperature Curve. Eight thermocouples, distributed around the column in two levels as shown on ILL. 3, measured the temperatures in the fur ance chamber.
The temperatures of the steel column were measured by 14 thermocouples located as shown on ILL. 4. Throughout the test, observations wre made to note the character of the fire, the condition .of the exposed surface of the column, and all other data pertinent to the fire resistance per formance of the column.
Character and Distribution of the Fire  The furnace fire was luminous and well distributed during the test, and the temperatures recorded in the furance chamber followed the Standard Time-Temperature Curve as defined in the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263, and as shown on ILL. 3.
File  R6802-6A                  Page  Tl-2            Issued:    6-5-78 Observations Durin Test - The following observations were made during the fire test.      All references to dimensions are approximate.
: Time, Min                              Observations The mastic coating on the column flanges        is'urning black and developing blisters.
The  color of the mastic coating on the column flanges is black. The mastic coating on the column web is turning black and developing small blisters...
                                                'I The mastic coating is black in color and contains numerous    blisters  over the  entire column.
Surface cracks are forming around      blisters located    on the column flanges.
Light flames    ar e emitting from the fissures in the coating.
Flaming has stopped.
6.5      Coating is flaming again.      The cracks ar  e  1/8 to 1/4  in.
          'The  mastic coating is bowing out 1/8 to 1/4 in. from the cracks.
10        Small areas of the coating are turning .tan in color.
The mastic coating is mostly tan in color.          The'coating continues to emit flames.
A triangular shaped area of the mastic coating i's delaminating from the north flange 2 ft below the column cap.'The affected area measures 12 in. in length,: 3 to 6  in. wide and 1/4  in. thick.
File  R6802-6A                    Page Tl-3            Issued:    6-5-78 Test Time ~
Min                                  Observations 25          The coating surface continues to flame and the cracks are now 1/8 to 1/2 in. wide.
The    coating is delaminating at several areas      on the web area.
30        Small pieces of the coating material are falling from the center area of the north flange. Flames continue to emanate from the cracks.
35        The coating has delaminated from several areas on both flanges. Average depth of the delaminated material is 1/8  in.
The sur face of the coating material continues        to flame.
The material has bowed out 2 to 0 in. from the          south flange.
,              The coating material is mostly rust colored with tan areas adjacent to the cracks.
60        The  coating is    no longer delaminating from the north flange,but continues to flame.
70          The  coating is becoming white in color .
85        Light flames continue to enamate from the cracks in the coating.
100        Light flaming continues.        The  cracks ar e now  1/8 to 1  in. wide.
110        The depth    of the swelling  on  both flanges  is 1-1/2 to 2 3.n ~
120        The  col'or of the mastic coating is mostly white and continues to emit flames. Host cracks ar e 1/8 to 1-1/2 in. wide.
File  R6802-6A                Page Tl;4                        Issued: 6-5-78 Test Time p
  'Min                              Observations 130      Light lazy flames continue from the column web areas.
140      Light flaroes continue to emit from the coating at the intersection of the column web and both flanges.
150      The cracks in coating are closing due to swelling of the material. The fiberglass mesh is visible on several areas of the coating. All flaroing has stopped and the coating is white in color.
I 160      Width of the cracks at the intersection of the coluron 4eb and both flanges is 1 to 1-1/2 in.
170      Cracks at web and flange intersection ar e 1 to 2 in.
188        Fire test terminated.
Tem eratures Of The Column - The temperatur es that developed during the fire test and the location of the ther mocouples at the various levels are shown on ILL. 4.
Limiting teroperatures are reached when the average temperature at any one level exceeds 1000 F or any individual temperature reading exceeds 1200 F. The limiting average temperature was reached at 172 rain by the three at Level B. The individual temperature was reached at thermocouples'ocated 187 min.
As discussed in the Section General of this Report, the submittor requested that an engineering evaluation be performed to determine the minimum dry film thickness of mastic coating required to afford a 3 hr rating when applied to a W14X228 structural steel    column.
File  R6802-SA                    page T1-5        Issued:        6-5-78 I
A summary of the column test results included in          this engineering evaluation is shown below:
Hater ial              Occurrence Of Thickness,            Limiting Temperature,
~Re  ort                    In.                      Min +
R6802-3                    5/32                          77 R6802-4                    1/4                        127 R6802-6A                  15/32                        172
      +  Limiting average cross-sectional temperature F  used.                                  of'000 To determine the thickness of the mastic coating required for the 3 hr rating, a computer analysis of the above material thicknesses and time to reach the limiting temperatures was obtained. Based upon the resulting equation, Y = 0.000471 x it  was determined that a minimum thickness of 1/2 in. would afford a 3 hr rating.      The test data and the plot of the equation are shown on ILL. 6.
A safety factory of 8 percent ( 14 min) was used to determine the above thickness since the equation is an extrapolation of test data.
File  R6802-6A                      Page  C1            Issued:  6-5-78 C ~
CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions represent the judgement of Underwriter s Laboratories Inc. based upon the results of the examination and tests conducted in the Report, as they relate to established principles and previously recorded data.
It is judged that a 1/2 in. thickness of mastic coating, applied as described in this Report will afford a 3 hr rating when applied to a str uctural steel column whose size is equal to or great'er than a M14X228 with a min'imum flange thickness of 1-1 1/16 in., a minimum web thickness of 't-1/16 in., and a minimum cross sectional area of 67.06 sq in.
The  assembly,      in summarized  form as shown .on the  individual design illustration included in this Report, will be illustrated in the Fire Resistance Directory as Column Design No. X611.
This  Classification is based on the temperature limitations of  1000 F average      and 1200 F maximum allowable as described under the "Conditions of Acceptance" for structural steel columns of the Standard of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for Fir e Tests of Building Construction and Materials, Standard          UL263 (ASTM E119, NFPA No. 251) .
The  mastic coating and glass fiber gauze of the type used for this investigation        can be readily applied to steel columns by experienced workmen using proper equipment.            Materials and spraying procedures in accordance with those described in this Report are significant factors in the fire resistance of this constr uction.
construction was tested in accordance with the Standard l'his for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263 {ASTM E119,  NFPA  No. 251)    ~
File  R6802-6A                  Page  C2            Issued:                      6-5-78 FOLLOM-UP PROGRAM:
The  mastic coating as described herein is currently covered under the Classification and Follow-Up Service of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Under the Service, the manufacturer is authorized to use the Laboratories'lassification Marking on such products which comply with the Follow-Up Service Procedure and any other applicable requirements of Underwriters. Laboratories Inc. Only those products which properly bear the Marking are considered as Classified by Laboratories'lassification Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
The  Classification Marking  used on, the mastic                    coating is illustr ated  below:
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ILL.1 R5802-6A
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The materials used in the test assembly are described below.Column-The column used in the test assembly was a M10X228 steel section measur ing 8 ft, 3 in.long bet.ween the top and bottom concrete caps.Primer-The primer was a corrosion inhibiting modified alkyd primer manufactur ed by TSI, Inc.Glass Fiber Gauze-The glass fiber gauze was embedded in the mastic coating to provide reinforcement.
The gauze was 12 in.wide and weighed 1.70 oz per sq yd.Mastic Sublimin Coatin-The mastic subliming coating material was manufactur ed by TSI, Inc.and designated Thermo Lag Type 330.The coating material was supplied in 55 gal steel drums.The mastic coating is presently Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.under Follow-Up Service.The composition and other propei ties of the mastic coating are considered proprietary and are on file at, the Laboratories.
J ~
PROTECTION OF TEST ASSEMBLY: The steel column was protected by workmen in the employ of the submittor under the observation of members of the Laboratories'taff.
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The column surfaces were wiped with a solvent to remove surface contaminates.
The primer was sprayed onto the column using an air gun.7he mastic coating, which was supplied in steel drums, was spray-applied to the column surfaces using equipment designed for such purposes.
                                                    ~  ~,'li
File R6802-6A Page 2 Issued: 6-5-78 The masts coating was applied to the column in several coats at thicknesses of approximately 1/32 to 1/16 in.Each coat was allowed to become tacky before the following coat was applied.After the coating had been sprayed to an approximate thickness of 13/32 in., the glass fiber gauze was pressed into the coating over the entire column with adjacent sections of the gauze overlapped 1 to 3 in.The gauze was lightly rolled with a paint roller.Approximately 3/32 in.of additional coating was then applied to the column.The coating was applied to a wet'ilm thickness of approximately 1/2 determined by several measurements taken after spraying had been completed.
                                                      ~ ~ ~ ~
The wet and dry densities of the mastic subliming coating were determined by applying the material at a'representative.
                                                                  ~  ~
thickness to a 2 by 2 ft steel plate.The wet density was obtained by weighing the plate immediately after spraying and the dry density was.determined using the air dried constant weight of the steel plate and coating.The average wet and dry'densities of the mastic coating were 85.8 and 61.2 pcf, respectively.
                                                                      ~~ ~ ~ ~~ -.~
While the mastic coating material was curing, several crack'arying in width from hairline to 1/8 in.formed at the intersection of webs and flanges of the column.These cracks were~repaired nine days after the spraying had been completed.
The final dry film thickness of 15/32 in.was determined on the basis of 108 measurements taken on the column 40 days after the spraying had been completed and the material had dried at room temperature to a constant weight condition.
Individual thickness readings varied from 11/32 to 19/32 in.The appearance of the column assembly before the fire endurance test is shown on ILL.2.GDP/RMB:plh File R6802-6A Page Tl-'1 Issued: 6-5-78 TEST RECORD N01 FIRE ENDURANCE TEST: This test was conducted in accordance with the Standard of Under writers Laboratories Inc.for Fire.Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263 (NFPA No.251, ASTM E119)-DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE, Prior to-placing the column assembly in the furance, several cracks were observed in the mastic coating at each web and flange intersection.
i- ~ ~ ~
These varied in width from hairline to 1/16 in.and were 1 to 2 in.long.METHOD The column was placed in the furnace and exposed to flames of controlled extent and severity in accordance with the Standard Time-Temperature Curve.Eight thermocouples, distributed around the column in two levels as shown on ILL.3, measured the temperatures in the fur ance chamber.The temperatures of the steel column were measured by 14 thermocouples located as shown on ILL.4.Throughout the test, observations wre made to note the character of the fire, the condition.of the exposed surface of the column, and all other data pertinent to the fire resistance per formance of the column.Character and Distribution of the Fire-The furnace fire was luminous and well distributed during the test, and the temperatures recorded in the furance chamber followed the Standard Time-Temperature Curve as defined in the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263, and as shown on ILL.3.
                                                                                        ~ ~
File R6802-6A Page Tl-2 Issued: 6-5-78 Observations Durin Test-The following observations were made during the fire test.All references to dimensions are approximate.
Test Time, Min Observations The mastic coating on the column flanges is'urning black and developing blisters.The color of the mastic coating on the column flanges is black.The mastic coating on the column web is turning black and developing small blisters...
                                                                                                ~ - ' t.
'I The mastic coating is black in color and contains numerous blisters over the entire column.Surface cracks are forming around blisters located on the column flanges.Light flames ar e emitting from the fissures in the coating.6.5 Flaming has stopped.Coating is flaming again.wide.The cracks ar e 1/8 to 1/4 in.10'The mastic coating is bowing out 1/8 to 1/4 in.from the cracks.Small areas of the coating are turning.tan in color.The mastic coating is mostly tan in color.The'coating continues to emit flames.A triangular shaped area of the mastic coating i's delaminating from the north flange 2 ft below the column cap.'The affected area measures 12 length,: 3 to 6 in.wide and 1/4 in.thick.
File R6802-6A Page Tl-3 Issued: 6-5-78 Test Time~Min Observations 25 The coating surface continues to flame and the cracks are now 1/8 to 1/2 in.wide.The coating is delaminating at several areas on the web area.30 Small pieces of the coating material are falling from the center area of the north flange.Flames continue to emanate from the cracks.35 The coating has delaminated from several areas on both flanges.Average depth of the delaminated material is 1/8 in., 60 The sur face of the coating material continues to flame.The material has bowed out 2 to 0 in.from the south flange.The coating material is mostly rust colored with tan areas adjacent to the cracks.The coating is no longer delaminating from the north flange,but continues to flame.70 85 100 The coating is becoming white in color.Light flames continue to enamate from the cracks in the coating.Light flaming continues.
                                                  ~  ~
The cracks ar e now 1/8 to 1 in.wide.110 The depth of the swelling on both flanges is 1-1/2 to 2 3.n~120 The col'or of the mastic coating is mostly white and continues to emit flames.Host cracks ar e 1/8 to 1-1/2 in.wide.
I ~
File R6802-6A Page Tl;4 Issued: 6-5-78 Test Time p'Min Observations 130 Light lazy flames continue from the column web areas.140 Light flaroes continue to emit from the coating at the intersection of the column web and both flanges.150 160 The cracks in coating are closing due to swelling of the material.The fiberglass mesh is visible on several areas of the coating.All flaroing has stopped and the coating is white in color.I Width of the cracks at the intersection of the coluron 4eb and both flanges is 1 to 1-1/2 in.170 Cracks at web and flange intersection ar e 1 to 2 in.wide.188 Fire test terminated.
Tem eratures Of The Column-The temperatur es that developed during the fire test and the location of the ther mocouples at the various levels are shown on ILL.4.Limiting teroperatures are reached when the average temperature at any one level exceeds 1000 F or any individual temperature reading exceeds 1200 F.The limiting average temperature was reached at 172 rain by the three thermocouples'ocated at Level B.The individual temperature was reached at 187 min.STUDY FOR CLASSIFICATION PURPOSES: As discussed in the Section General of this Report, the submittor requested that an engineering evaluation be performed to determine the minimum dry film thickness of mastic coating required to afford a 3 hr rating when applied to a W14X228 structural steel column.
File R6802-SA page T1-5 Issued: 6-5-78 I A summary of the column test results included in this engineering evaluation is shown below:~Re ort R6802-3 R6802-4 R6802-6A Hater ial Thickness, In.5/32 1/4 15/32 Occurrence Of Limiting Temperature, Min+77 127 172+-Limiting average cross-sectional temperature of'000 F used.To determine the thickness of the mastic coating required for the 3 hr rating, a computer analysis of the above material thicknesses and time to reach the limiting temperatures was obtained.Based upon the resulting equation, Y=0.000471 x it was determined that a minimum thickness of 1/2 in.would afford a 3 hr rating.The test data and the plot of the equation are shown on ILL.6.A safety factory of 8 percent (14 min)was used to determine the above thickness since the equation is an extrapolation of test data.GDP/RMB File R6802-6A Page C1 Issued: 6-5-78 C~CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions represent the judgement of Underwriter s Laboratories Inc.based upon the results of the examination and tests conducted in the Report, as they relate to established principles and previously recorded data.FIRE RESISTANCE
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It is judged that a 1/2 in.thickness of mastic coating, applied as described in this Report will afford a 3 hr rating when applied to a str uctural steel column whose size is equal to or great'er than a M14X228 with a min'imum flange thickness of 1-1 1/16 in., a minimum web thickness of't-1/16 in., and a minimum cross sectional area of 67.06 sq in.The assembly, in summarized form as shown.on the individual design illustration included in this Report, will be illustrated in the Fire Resistance Directory as Column Design No.X611.This Classification is based on the temperature limitations of 1000 F average and 1200 F maximum allowable as described under the"Conditions of Acceptance" for structural steel columns of the Standard of Underwriters Laboratories Inc.for Fir e Tests of Building Construction and Materials, Standard UL263 (ASTM E119, NFPA No.251).PRACTICABILITY:
The mastic coating and glass fiber gauze of the type used for this investigation can be readily applied to steel columns by experienced workmen using proper equipment.
                                              ~ ~ r.               J
Materials and spraying procedures in accordance with those described in this Report are significant factors in the fire resistance of this constr uction..CONFORMITY:
                                    ~ ~  ~  ~
l'his construction was tested in accordance with the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263{ASTM E119, NFPA No.251)~
File R6802-6A Page C2 Issued: 6-5-78 FOLLOM-UP PROGRAM: The mastic coating as described herein is currently covered under the Classification and Follow-Up Service of Underwriters Laboratories Inc.Under the Service, the manufacturer is authorized to use the Laboratories'lassification Marking on such products which comply with the Follow-Up Service Procedure and any other applicable requirements of Underwriters.
Laboratories Inc.Only those products which properly bear the Laboratories'lassification Marking are considered as Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.The Classification Marking used on, the mastic coating is illustr ated below: VNDERMRITERS LABORATORIES INC.R CLASSIFIED MASTIC COATINGS FIRE RESISTANCE CLASSIFICATION DESIGN NO.X61 1 SEE UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY
R 6802-6A

I'hh.J.Ji f (Jj I I('h)J I~'I g I t I J)I I I I((Jl ((, I~~~~"fll li'iif f'I f jj!"'I fffillllfiril!
File  R6802-6A Guide  BXUV                                              June 5, 1978 Fire Resistance Ratings                                  (X611-B Card)
(Continued From X611-A Card)
lljrfff fjjjrfjrjriljl~jjj'I i'i'"''""'" t!rr I,jl,'.,Ijj!((li"'(I'i llfj Iri'iljri,l ljillf'rlil'I'I'lI''!'~"Ii""': ,i'"r!I i,i...JJf(rj~i: i(I ii,:~I ii(, f.r iiiiri'lir-'ih'," llf,(:I((J'Ii' I''''r Il f(jj jiliiljj rl jr''gjjjj'rpjr''((ilr ll(fl'ij lj r~jjl'fj-'if'j
Mastic.Coatin s>> - Coating mixed thoroughly and spray applied in several coats for a dry film thickness of 1/2 in. to column surfaces which, must be free of dirt, loose scale and oil. Column surfaces to be primed with a modified alkyd primer. Glass fiber gauze (Item 2) pressed into roating prior to application of final coat and lightly rolled in place with a paint roller. Coating may shrink causing cracks during curing. These cracks shall be filled with additional mastic coating.
'i'"ll'ihfj'I hajj ('-rji r4(I I'I'!ri" I'i'r"i I" J h h",J~,,'., JI II J'i'h.'!fr, Il f,;f'!<I r li llfr i','(i,'r i:., I'irl,:,.((''." hh.4.,': ir'ri, I'I jrl, i''',, e'e'r.I'r I r r h, ('r, (r.'r i ('r.''I;>~I r(~O 1 r'Ir Ilr(i,'i',Ir r g h'j lrtjrjp i I I lj i Ij irl[Iljj jjlfijfl'fjjr'Ii'"ii fi'i'ljjjj!rjj<(I(r'jli'I (jr'(rlfl'r!(rl;jljjfriljlrrj'i(jr!<'l!(,;err!
TSI    Inc. Type 330. Investigated for exterior and interior use. For exterior use, Type 350 top coat to be applied over mastic coating at a rate of approximately 150 sq      ft per gal.
I(~Ill!'."jfl Iil!II III'ill II'*"jill!illlr"jj'if!!lljr II jj!l'!'(l';7'l'!l".I'!'-;.-"!le f Ii I ii ((i I i i r.r!,r(I Ii I ('ll I ii I llf'!" I'ij'" ll['ifli,ir jj'jf'jjij'jjil!'!(I'i!''fJ'!Jlr
: 2. Glass Fiber Gauze    Nominally  12  in. wide, 1.70 oz per sq yd.
'f"""""'"f I'r'll fh""jill''jr(i'i(j'f'jf(,',:
,       Embedded  in mastic coating around entire column.
jfjl~rljlr, f'Il,f',"I" jjrr'ji ffrf" i'jj"'f (if lljjjj~j'I'fl fiji(If'i'rI'i'll'frill(i!I!",rI('(r'.
Steel Column  Minimum size of column a W14X228, with outside dimensions of 16 by 15-7/8 in., a flange thickness of 1-11/16 in., a web thickness pf 1-1/16 in., and a cr oss-sectional area of 67.06 sq in.
>>ir'ri rjjjj j,,riir!((j'rj""r jr'rlrrf fl r: ';,."li: 'r%(rrr>f jf p J I)',pf('I)f rI'w iii'jso'f f J f(r,'aqJ l(rf 3(J(rJi~fJ('nsj(j;iigf
        >>  Bearing the  UL  Classification Marking.
'(Jitff('~'pel(,si.'aol(lta1(,,(aa (f Jff'1J(" I IJ"f)ff',ili'Ilfi ffli(J'Jlf'ffJlfff,"f(."J'f.',I ifl.'"':',jlf"'ll"':.
"":;.:.!!f (f J fj f I f'[f J fly<~'.".'flJ fJff fffl j((I fl'lj(f'.I(Jff'JJ'tff JJJ IJf'--4 jp-I--II J:r (h.'h'qi r'r.'h~I(!f I'()III, ifl,.I irl'fi(ilfiJIII 4(j LI'f''I'jj,"fan&(-"" ii~",[!.,IlJI(f (if]'f,)I!jj'lljfjjij'frffjjlj'j(~ilillj!ijfj''ij'jr!llji jljitr)rrf!
i!j,"'ll lr'lr il)ill'lilr'rf,." rjl'ilail!g'

~~+~~~'~~~~~I~l M14X228 STEEL COLUYg~i GLASS FIBER GAUZE'r~~~~~~TYPE 330 ISTIC COATING APPLIED TO A DRY FIICK THICKNESS OF 19/32 IN.ILL.1 R5802-6A R 6802-6A ILL.2 pg~m'.ffZP+4~age-Ci.-.~+Wv.%M"''a'P7.~~f/'Pj+Q gwhrS gk~, g pig>P QH~+<Q>~~~P i~>QN)r'Pg~IFogl gg~i S''i~'i , I~~S''},v l~r.S QJ v S.CPw~i'~~~f giSL>>.:JW c~:~~: i,>~<JiL.r'g+~~~>~rJ<<M~+M~M~~~r~~~
File R6802-6A                 Page C3             Issued: 6-5-78 Report by:                         Reviewed by:
5~s~.~s.>~bS i xv l.J rl yg'j,":-g i i'r~~~~'L~r 4~'7 , I S~I'P$L~ff h~kg 0
G. D. PALIKIJ Engineering Assistant Fire Protection Department R. M. BERHINIG Engineering Group Leader Fire Protection Department SUBMITTED BY:
R 6802-6A ILL.5..$., i jg.'y 1,'i~.,i,~" a'L'g~i~yw jl I.l 2 l~': gtA,~'r'l',\L~~~
G. T. CASTINO Managing Engineer Fire Protection GDP/RMB:plh}}
~~~~~~~I o I III g~)ply~p.c<llll gl I e I e I
>)GUIDE BXUV FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS X611 A CARD DESIGN NO.X611 RATING-3 HR.~~~,~~~~~~~~~'J~'i~I 00'~~~~~'li~~~~-.~i-~~~-t.~~~~I~'~a~g~y~~~r.~~~~yO~~J 0~~g f~=R 6802-6A File R6802-6A Guide BXUV Fire Resistance Ratings June 5, 1978 (X611-B Card)(Continued From X611-A Card)Mastic.Coatin s>>-Coating mixed thoroughly and spray applied in several coats for a dry film thickness of 1/2 column surfaces which, must be free of dirt, loose scale and oil.Column surfaces to be primed with a modified alkyd primer.Glass fiber gauze (Item 2)pressed into roating prior to application of final coat and lightly rolled in place with a paint roller.Coating may shrink causing cracks during curing.These cracks shall be filled with additional mastic coating.TSI Inc.-Type 330.Investigated for exterior and interior use.For exterior use, Type 350 top coat to be applied over mastic coating at a rate of approximately 150 sq ft per gal.2., Glass Fiber Gauze-Nominally 12 in.wide, 1.70 oz per sq yd.Embedded in mastic coating around entire column.Steel Column-Minimum size of column a W14X228, with outside dimensions of 16 by 15-7/8 in., a flange thickness of 1-11/16 in., a web thickness pf 1-1/16 in., and a cr oss-sectional area of 67.06 sq in.>>-Bearing the UL Classification Marking.
File R6802-6A Page C3 Issued: 6-5-78 Report by: G.D.PALIKI J Engineering Assistant Fire Protection Department Reviewed by: R.M.BERHINIG Engineering Group Leader Fire Protection Department SUBMITTED BY: GDP/RMB:plh G.T.CASTINO Managing Engineer Fire Protection}}

Latest revision as of 02:37, 4 February 2020

Technical Note 80581, Thermo-Lag 330 Conformable Stress Skin 3 H Fire Wall Sys Application Procedures.
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Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1982
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THERMAL SCIENCE, INC. ~ 3260 BRANNON AVE. ~ ST. LOUIS, MO 63139 ~ (314) 352-8422 Telex: Domestic 44-2384 ~ Overseos 209901 ~ Telecopier (314) 352-5626


TSX TECHNICAL NOTE 80581 T)KRHO-LAG 330 CONFORMABLE STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE MQL SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCEDURES FEBRUARY 1982 le0 INTRODUCTION This procedure sets forth the sequential steps involved in applying the THERMO-LAG 330 Conformable Stress Skin Three Hour Pire Va11 System to fire valls The TliERMO-LAG 330 Conformable Stress Skin Three Hour Pire Mall System consists of THElNO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating, THERM-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 aad THZ1QC-LAG 351 Series Primer.

2.0 PRE-APPLICATION PRACTICES'.1 alification of Contractor The application shall be performed by a qualified contractor vho has had prior training in applying the materials and who has the equipment required to perform the application.

2.2 Safet Precautions The contractor shall follov staadard industrial safety practices.

established for the handling of chemical coatings aad shall conform to'applicable OSHA and ovaer safety rules in all respects.'Delive 3

The coating materials shall be delivered to the Jobsite in originally sealed containers vhich sbov the product name, batch or lot number, color, name of the manufacturer and the expiration date.

2.4 ~Stora e coating materials shall be stored off the ground when not in use

'he in an area provided for that purpose. The materials in storage shall be protected against freezing and from t'emperatures above 100'F.

2.5 Tem erature and Preci itation The coating materials shall be applied only to dry surfaces. The temperature of the coating material and surfaces to be coated shall be above 40'F during the material application and curing periods.

The contractor shall furnish and install any protective covers required to protect the newly applied coating from rainfall, hard freeze or contaminants during its initial curing period 2.6 Protection of Ad scent Surfaces The contractor shall maks off or otherwise protection all adjacent areas and "in place equipmeat" from receiving aay material overspray during the coating application. Any spilled material and overspray shal1 be removed promptly using ~~ter wet rags or sponges before .

th e mat er ia 1 ha s dried 3 0 EXPANDED METAL OR OTHER STEEL SUPPORT MATERIAL SURFACE PREPARATION 3.1 Prepare'the surface on both sides of the expanded meta1 or other steel support materiaL for application of the THERMO-LAG 351 Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contamiaants. Never apply the primer directly over 'any bard or'lossy painted surfaces without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.

P~e sure that the surfaces on both sides of the cleaned expanded metal or other steel support material are compatible with the THER-'%-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating by making cross hatch adhesion tests AD~ys apply a barrier coat of THERMO-LAG 351 Primer over steel surfaces which have been previously primed with a zinc based primer- All doubtfull painted surfaces should be removed using mechanical metho'ds, 342 Apply the THERM)-LAG 351 Primer to both sides of the properly prepared expanded metal or other steel support material using spray equipment or a roller The minimum acceptable dry primer thickness shall be 0.002 inches, which is normally achieved by applying at a spread rate f

of circa 200 sq. t. per gallon.

3.3 Measure primer thickness using an approved direct readiag gauge, 3.4 Make cross hatch adhesion tests, as per Federal Standard 141a, on the primed surface on each side of the expanded metal or other steel suppor't material to assure proper adhesioa betveen the primer aad


the steel surface exists - prior to proceeding with the application of the TREZHO-LAG 330-1 Sub1imiag Coating.

3.5 Make at least one cross hatch adhesion teat every 100 aqaure feet of primed steel surface area. Any primed surface area vhich fails the cross hatch adhesion test shall be removed using.mechanical cleaning methods aad shall be reprimed with THERMD-LAG 351 Primer ~

3.6 Surfaces are ready to receive the application of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating after successful cross hatch adhesion tests have been established.



4.1 Coat both primed sides of the expanded metal or other steel support.

material with THHRO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. Use absorbent material such as plyvood or particle board as a backing for the expanded metal when sprayiag the first side of the expanded metal.

The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in, Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI's Technical Note 80181 Revision II dated December 1981 ~ shown herein as Appeadix A, 4.2 Apply THE/QQ-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 to the vet surfaces on each side after the final pass and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely. Then apply sufficieat THHQQ-LAG 330-1. Subliming Coating to cover the embedded THERHO-LAG Stress Skin OR RKN COATING PRIOR TO ?QUNTING 4;3 Cut four .identical sections of TH1UQX)-LAG Stress Skin large enough to comprise a portion of the fire wall 4.4 Coat two sections of the THERM)-LAG Stress Skia vith THERM-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. The coating shall be applied i'n accordance with instructions given in Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI's Technical Note 80181 Revision II - dated December 1981, shcr~ herein as Appendix h.

4.5 Apply ape of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the first pass with THERM-LAG 330-1 Subliadng Coating. Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.

4.6 Mount the two sections of coated Stress Skia on the expanded metal or other steel support material using 410 bolts, washers and nuts. The holes and counterbore for the 410 bolt assemblies are to be drilled on 12 inch centers with the two coated sections being held in place.

4.7 Apply sufficient amounts of THERHO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating to fill the counterbore holes and to cover the embedded Stress Skin.

OR AS AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 4.8 Cut four identical sections of Stress Skin together with an identical section of expanded metal large enough to mount oa the installed rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities.

4.9 Fasten one section of Stress Skin to each side of the expanded metal section using mechanical fasteners.


4. 10 Coat both attached Stress Skin sections with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. The coating shall be applied ia accordance with instructions givea in Section 4.0, Paragraph 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 of TSI s Technical Rote 80181 Revision II, dated December 1981 and shown herein as Appendix h I 4.11 Apply one of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the final pass of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Coating. Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely 4.12 Mount the coated section on the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities usiag long bolts, wasbers and nuts.

Apply sufficient amounts of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sub1iming Coating to cover the. bolt beads and the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities


5.1 h clean and orderly condition shall be maintained in the application area. Following the application, all overspray, debris and equipment shall be removed and the area left in a condition acceptable to the ewer.

6.0 E UIPMENT SUGGESTIONS 6.1 The most economical and satisfactory method of applying THERMO-LAC 330-1 Sub1iming Y~terial is by either airless or air type spray equipment 6.2 Suggested complement of spray equipment for both types are shown in Appendix B to this procedure 6.3 k schematic of Suggested Penetraing Y~asuring Devices is shown in Appendix C to this procedure



80581 - ir i3-1.AG 330 CONii STRESS SKIN THREE HOUR FIRE VA1.1.

SYSTEM FEBRUARY 3982 4.0 COATING APPLICATION TECHNT UES 4.1 S ra h lication 4.1.1 Apply the THERHO-LhC 330-1 Subliming Coating over a properly prepared surface. Make sure that the surface to be coated is clean, dry, above 40'F and free from scale, rust or other contaminants.

U Apply the material in as many passes as required to provide the required Film build of the coating thickness, taking care to avoid slumping or sagging of the coating. Normally, a required 0.500 inch dry coating thickness is accomplished by applying three wet coats of 0.225 inches. Bowever, the thickness vhich can be safely applied in a single pass vi11.depend on the temperature, humidity and other factors that are best determined on the gob site 4.1.3 hpp 1y the material in smooth even passes, taking care to keep the spray gun fan patern at a 90'ngle whenever possible. Reaching with a spray gun vill cause the spray pattern to vary from the 90 angle and vill result in a rougher surface than norma3. ~

4.1.4 I'ake frequent wet thickness measurements during the application using a penetration measuring device such as shown in Appends h to ensure that the coating is being applied uniformly and at 'the required vet film thickness These vet thickness checks sha11 be made every five square feet or every two running feet of coated surface area.

(hote: %hen taking measurements aller for a shrinkage rate of circa 25X between the vet and the desired dry film coating thickness.)

Remove excess build up of coating material at edges and points by brushing or rolling the surface vith a damp sponge roller.

S r edges of the substrate from each side to cause the material to wrap around the edge. If the edge coating is not completed closeed use a wet roller or trowel to seal the edge surface 4.1.7. App 1 y Fiberglass'rmoring to the wet surface after the final'as's 'and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the fiberglass securely~ Ihen apply sufficient material to cover the embedded fiberglass 4.1-8 Remove all runs, sage, drips or other surface imperfections before the material cures using wet sponge rollers, brushes or hand trowels.



4.2.1 Trovel the material to a uniform thickness using moderate pressure and avoid overvorking. The trovel should be vetted vith vater vhen a smooth finish is required.

4.2.2 Glove the material to cables and small pipes using standard vork gloves. Pork small areas and keep the gloves vet to insure a relatively uniform thIckness.

4.3 D Film Thickness ?feasuremeats 4.3.1 Take dry film thickness measurements after the applied material has cured Measuremeats shall be made using electrical, peaetratiag or magnetic measuring Instruments, 4,4 Re air Procedures D~ e 4.4.1 Removed damaged and loose material using a knife and scrapper Cut back until sound adhering material. is reached 4.4-2 The edge should be undercut to form a beveled edge as Xn plaster repair 4.4.3 Remove all foreign matter from the substrate using a vire brush.

4.4.4., Spray or trovel THERM-LAG 330-1 onto patch'area. Several coats of the material can be applied to achieve the de'sired film thickness..

Be sure to allov for 'shrinkage of repair patch by building up a slight dome shape vith the patch.


9.0 DIRECT SPRAY OVER EXPANDED METAL THREE HOUR FIRE WALL DESIGN Installation of the Direct Spray over Stress Skin Three Hour Design to form a Fire Wall involves coating both sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade, and then applying THERMO-LAG Str'ess Skin Type 330-69 to the wet surfaces on each side. The sequential steps involved in installing this fire barrier design on the fire, wall support material are described in the following paragraphs.

9.1 Installation of Three Hour Fire Barrier Desi n 9.1.1 Attach the expanded metal to the structural steel framing in those cases where expanded metal is 'required.

9.1. 2 Prepare the surface on both sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material for application of the THERMO-LAG, 351-2 Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contaminants. Never apply the primer directly over any hard or glossy painted surfaces without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.

9.13 Apply the THERMO-LAG 351-2 Primer to both sides of the properly prepared expanded metal or other steel support material using spray equipment or a roller. The Primer shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.

9.1.4 Coat both primed sides of the expanded metal or other steel support material with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade.

The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.

Apply THERMO-LAG Stress Skin Type 330-69 to the wet surfaces on each side after the final pass and use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely. Then apply sufficient


THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade, to cover the embedded THERMO-LAG Stress Skin.



.9.1.5 Cut two identical sections of THERMO-LAG Stress Skin large enough to comprise a portion of the fire wall.

Coat two sections of the THERMO-LAG Stress Skin with THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade, in the required dry film coating thickness of 0.625" +/- 0.125". The material shall be applied in accordance with instruction given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.

9.1.7 Mount the two sections of coated Stress Skin on the expanded metal or other steel support material using approved 810 bolts, washers and nuts. The holes and counterbore for the approved 810 bolt assemblies are to be drilled on 12 inch centers with the two coated sections being held in place.

9.1.8 Apply sufficient amounts of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade, holes.

in the required dry film thickness to fill the counterbore OR AS AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION 9.1.'9 Cut two identical sections of Stress Skin together with an identical section of expanded metal large enough to mount on the installed rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entities.

9.1.10 Coating the expanded metal with a dry film thickness of 0.625" +/-

0.125" of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material - Spray Grade. The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.0 herein.


9.1. 1 Apply one of the previously cut sections of Stress Skin to each of the two coated sections after the final pass'of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade. Use a roller to flatten out any wrinkles and to embed the Stress Skin securely.


Mount the coated section on the rectangular steel tubing or other structural steel entity using approved long bolts, washers and nuts.

9.1.3 Apply sufficient amounts of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade to cover the bolt heads.

12.0 COATING APPLICATION TECHNI VES 12.1 THERMO-LAG 351 Primer A lication 12.1.1 Prepare the surface of the steel entity for application of the THERMO-LAG 351 Type Primer by removing any dirt, scale, rust or other contaminants. Never apply the primer directly over any hard or glossy painted surface without roughening the surface in accordance with standard painting practices.

12.1.2 Make sure that the cleaned steel surace is compatible with the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material by making cross hatch adhesion tests as follows:

.Cross Hatch Adhesion Test.

The primer is cut over an area approximately 4" by 4" in a square matrix, each square being approximately 1/2" by 1/2".

A high quality tape is 'applied the square.

Upon completion of the tape application, it is rubbed in ~

firmly to assure good adhesion. With one complete perking motion, the tape is removed. If more than 3 percent of the Primer is removed from the surface, the application is faulty. This test should be performed in areas which are deemed critical and in as many places as required by the specification. Upon completion of the Cross Hatch Adhesion Test, the test areas should be again with the THERMO-LAG 351-2 Primer by either brushing or light spray.

r 2-43

Always apply a barrier coat of THERMO-LAG 351 Type Primer over steel surfaces which have been previously primed with a zinc based primer. All doubtful surfaces should be removed using mechanical cleaning methods.

12.1.3 Apply the Primer to the properly prepared steel surface in one continuous coat using spray equipment or a roller. The minimum acceptable dry primer thickness should be 0.002 inches which is normally achieved by applying at a spread rate of circa 200 sq.

ft. per gallon.

12.1.4 Measure Primer thickness using an approved magnetic direct reading gauge.

12.1.5 Make cross hatch adhesion tests on the primed surface to assure


proper adhesion between the primer and the surface of the steel item prior to proceeding with the application of the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material.

12.1.5 Coat the primed steel surface area with the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material. The coating shall be applied in accordance with instructions given in Paragraph 12.2 or 12.3 herein.

12.2 THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sublimin Material S ra A lication 12.2.1 Apply the THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material Spray Grade over a properly prepared surface. Make sure that the surface to be coated is clean, dry, above 40 F and free from scale, rust or other contaminants.

12.2.2 Apply the material in as many passes as required to provide the required dry film build of'he coating thickness, taking care to avoid slumping or sagging of the coating. Normally, a required 0.500 inch dry film coating thickness is accomplished by applying three wet coats of 0.255 inches. However, the thickness which can be safely applied in a single pass will depend on the temperature, humidity and other factors that are .best determined. on the jobsite.

12.'2. 3 Apply the material in smooth even passes, taking care to keep the spray gun fan pattern at a 90 degree angle whenever possible.

Reaching with a spray gun will cause the spray pattern to vary from the 90 degree angle and will result in a rougher surface than normal.


12.2.4 Take frequent, wet thickness measurements during the application using a penetration measuring device as shown in Figure 15 to ensure that the coating is being applied uniformly and at the required wet film thickness. These wet thickness checks shall be made every five (5) square feet or every two (2) running feet of coated surface area.

(Note: When taking measurements, allow for a shrinkage rate of circa 25X between the wet and the desired dry film coating thickness.)

12.2.5 Remove excess build up of coating material at edges and joints by brushing or rolling the surface with a damp sponge roller.

12.2.6 Spray edges of the substrate from each side'o cause the material to wrap around the edge. If the edge coating is not completely closed, use a wet roller or trowel to seal the edge surface.

12.2.7 Remove all runs, sags, drips or other surface imperfections before the material cures, using wet sponge rollers, brushes or hand trowels.

12.3 THERMO-LAG 330-1 Sublimin Material Trowel A lication 12.3.1 Trowel the material to a uniform thickness using moderate pressure and avoid overworking. The trowel should be wetted with water when a smooth finish is required.

12.4'. Dr Film Thickness Measurements 12.4.1 Take dry film thickness measurements after the applied material has cured. Measurement shall be made using electrical, penetrating or magnetic measuring instruments.


l3.0 REPAIR PROCEDURES The repair of a damaged section in a THERMO-LAG 330 Fire Barrier is easily accomplished by cutting out and removing the damaged material and then filling in the cut out section with new material.

The first step in this procedures is to remove the damaged and loose material using a knife and scraper. Care should be exercised that the damaged material is cut back until sound adhering material is reached.

The next step is to undercut the edges around the cut out section to form a beveled edge. All foreign matter is then removed from the exposed substrate surface in the cut out section.

Finally, the THERMO-LAG 330 Subliming Material is sprayed or troweled into the cut out section. If necessary, several coats can be applied to achieve the desired film thickness. Care should be taken to allow for shrinkage of the repair patch by building up a slight dome shape on the surface of the patch.



~AVTIIT DESCRIPTION OP K UXPMENT 1 Each @dra Spray ~ 45:1 1 Each hir Povered Eaa 1 Each Hydra istic Spray Cua 1 Each Special ~ Valve 2 Each RAG Illvith 0.55 Tips 1 Each Air Agitator 1E h Air EeguIator Kit 1 Each Air Regulator Only vfth Caugc 1 Each Air Line Filter 1 Each Air Line Lubricator f Each


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February 3, 1984 American Electric Power I/1 Riverside Plaza P. 0. Box 16631 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6631 Attention: Mr. Vic DelFavio


Hatch Cover Requirements For THERMO-LAG 330 Fire Barrier System For 3 Hour's Protection From An ASTM E119 Type Fire Environment RE: 1) Wesson & Associates Report entitled "Effectiveness of Fire Resistant Coatings Applied to Structural Steels Exposed To

,Direct Flames Contact, Radiant Heat Fluxes, and Mechanical and Cryogenic Thermal Shock"

2) Underwriter's Laboratoried Report No. R6802-6A, File No. X611 "Mastic Coating Applied To A W14X228 Steel Column"

Dear Mr. Del Favio:

We recommend that a minimum thickness of 0.5 inches dry of THERMO-LAG 330-1 Subliming Material be used on both sides of this cover to limit the maximum termperature rise of the 'steel to 1000 0 F when exposed to an incipent ASTM E119 type fire environment. If direct spray methods are employed, please use the procedures contained in TSI's Technical Note 80181 entitled: "THERMO-LAG 330 Subliming Fire Barrier Systems Application Procedures", Revision IV, dated June 1983. This minimum thickness recommendation can also be provided by the use of THERMO-LAG Prefabricated Panels in a 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> fire rated design.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours truly, R. A. Lohman-Manager-Quality Assurance RAL/mls THERMAL SCIENCE, INC. ~ 3260 BRANNON AVE. ~ ST. LOUIS, MO 63139 ~ (314) 352-8422 Telex: Domestic 44-2384 ~ Overseas 209901 ~ Telecopier (314) 352-5626


333 PflhCFEEh ROAD NORTIIIIROOK.II.Ul'OlctKO62 an independent, not;for-p~ oj7t organization testing for public safety R6802 Northbrook, IL January 9, 1979 TSI, Inc.

3260 Brannon Ave.

St. Louis, NO 63139 Attention: R. Feldman




We are enclosing one copy of the Report revision covering the above subject. The revision consists of the following:

Revised illustration,6 for report issued 6-5-78, dated 1-8-79.

Very truly yours, 4.8.

D. Pal ikij Pd'.

Fire Protection Dept.

GP:pg encl.

I ~



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an independent, not-for-projit organuatimt testing for puhhc safety File R6802-6A Project 77NK422 June 5, 1978 REPORT on MASTIC COATING APPLIED TO A M14X228 STEEL COLUMN TSI, Inc.

St. Louis, Missouri Copyright C 1978 Under writers 1.aboratories Inc.

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. authorizes the above named company to reproduce this Report provided its entirety.

it is reproduced in

File R6802-6A Page G1 Issued: 6-5-78 GENERAL The subject of this Report is the fire resistance Classification of a W14X228 steel column protected, with Type 330 mastic subliming coating applied to a dry film thickness of 15/32 in. as described in the section entitled "Protection of Test Assembly," and as shown in ILL. 1.

The object, of this investigation was to establish a fire resistance Classification for the column described herein by means of a fire endurance test conducted in accordance with the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction Materials, UL263 (ASTM E119, NFPA No. 251).

In addition to the fire endurance test, the submittor requested that we conduct an engineering evaluation of the tests described in this Report and their column tests described in Reports R6802-3 and R6802-4, to determine the minimum dry film t,hickness of the Type 330 mastic coating necessary to afford a 3 hr fire resistance rating when applied to a W14X228 steel column.

The fire test was supplemented by other tests and examinations to furnish information regarding the composition and physical properties of the materials used and to determine the practicability of handling and applying the coating.


File R6802-6A Page 1 Issued: 6-5-78


The materials used in the test assembly are described below.

Column - The column used in the test assembly was a M10X228 steel section measur ing 8 ft, 3 in. long bet.ween the top and bottom concrete caps.

Primer The primer was a corrosion inhibiting modified alkyd primer manufactur ed by TSI, Inc.

Glass Fiber Gauze The glass fiber gauze was embedded in the mastic coating to provide reinforcement. The gauze was 12 in.

wide and weighed 1.70 oz per sq yd.

Mastic Sublimin Coatin The mastic subliming coating material was manufactur ed by TSI, Inc. and designated Thermo Lag Type 330. The coating material was supplied in 55 gal steel drums. The mastic coating is presently Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. under Follow-Up Service. The composition and other propei ties of the mastic coating are considered proprietary and are on file at, the Laboratories.


The steel column was protected by workmen in the employ of the submittor under the observation of members of the Laboratories'taff.

The column surfaces were wiped with a solvent to remove surface contaminates. The primer was sprayed onto the column using an air gun.

7he mastic coating, which was supplied in steel drums, was spray-applied to the column surfaces using equipment designed for such purposes.

File R6802-6A Page 2 Issued: 6-5-78 The masts coating was applied to the column in several coats at thicknesses of approximately 1/32 to 1/16 in. Each coat was allowed to become tacky before the following coat was applied.

After the coating had been sprayed to an approximate thickness of 13/32 in., the glass fiber gauze was pressed into the coating over the entire column with adjacent sections of the gauze overlapped 1 to 3 in. The gauze was lightly rolled with a paint roller.

Approximately 3/32 in. of additional coating was then applied to the column.

The coating was applied to a wet'ilm thickness of approximately 1/2 in. as determined by several measurements taken after spraying had been completed.

The wet and dry densities of the mastic subliming coating were determined by applying the material at a 'representative.

thickness to a 2 by 2 ft steel plate. The wet density was obtained by weighing the plate immediately after spraying and the dry density was.determined using the air dried constant weight of the steel plate and coating. The average wet and dry 'densities of the mastic coating were 85.8 and 61.2 pcf, respectively.

While the mastic coating material was curing, several in width from hairline to 1/8 in. formed at the crack'arying intersection of webs and flanges of the column. These cracks were ~

repaired nine days after the spraying had been completed.

The final dry film thickness of 15/32 in. was determined on the basis of 108 measurements taken on the column 40 days after the spraying had been completed and the material had dried at room temperature to a constant weight condition. Individual thickness readings varied from 11/32 to 19/32 in.

The appearance of the column assembly before the fire endurance test is shown on ILL. 2.


File R6802-6A Page Tl-'1 Issued: 6-5-78 TEST RECORD N01 FIRE ENDURANCE TEST:

This test was conducted in accordance with the Standard of Under writers Laboratories Inc. for Fire .Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263 (NFPA No. 251, ASTM E119)-

DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE, Prior to- placing the column assembly in the furance, several cracks were observed in the mastic coating at each web and flange intersection. These varied in width from hairline to 1/16 in. and were 1 to 2 in. long.

METHOD The column was placed in the furnace and exposed to flames of controlled extent and severity in accordance with the Standard Time-Temperature Curve. Eight thermocouples, distributed around the column in two levels as shown on ILL. 3, measured the temperatures in the fur ance chamber.

The temperatures of the steel column were measured by 14 thermocouples located as shown on ILL. 4. Throughout the test, observations wre made to note the character of the fire, the condition .of the exposed surface of the column, and all other data pertinent to the fire resistance per formance of the column.

Character and Distribution of the Fire The furnace fire was luminous and well distributed during the test, and the temperatures recorded in the furance chamber followed the Standard Time-Temperature Curve as defined in the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263, and as shown on ILL. 3.

File R6802-6A Page Tl-2 Issued: 6-5-78 Observations Durin Test - The following observations were made during the fire test. All references to dimensions are approximate.


Time, Min Observations The mastic coating on the column flanges is'urning black and developing blisters.

The color of the mastic coating on the column flanges is black. The mastic coating on the column web is turning black and developing small blisters...

'I The mastic coating is black in color and contains numerous blisters over the entire column.

Surface cracks are forming around blisters located on the column flanges.

Light flames ar e emitting from the fissures in the coating.

Flaming has stopped.

6.5 Coating is flaming again. The cracks ar e 1/8 to 1/4 in.


'The mastic coating is bowing out 1/8 to 1/4 in. from the cracks.

10 Small areas of the coating are turning .tan in color.

The mastic coating is mostly tan in color. The'coating continues to emit flames.

A triangular shaped area of the mastic coating i's delaminating from the north flange 2 ft below the column cap.'The affected area measures 12 in. in length,: 3 to 6 in. wide and 1/4 in. thick.

File R6802-6A Page Tl-3 Issued: 6-5-78 Test Time ~

Min Observations 25 The coating surface continues to flame and the cracks are now 1/8 to 1/2 in. wide.

The coating is delaminating at several areas on the web area.

30 Small pieces of the coating material are falling from the center area of the north flange. Flames continue to emanate from the cracks.

35 The coating has delaminated from several areas on both flanges. Average depth of the delaminated material is 1/8 in.

The sur face of the coating material continues to flame.

The material has bowed out 2 to 0 in. from the south flange.

, The coating material is mostly rust colored with tan areas adjacent to the cracks.

60 The coating is no longer delaminating from the north flange,but continues to flame.

70 The coating is becoming white in color .

85 Light flames continue to enamate from the cracks in the coating.

100 Light flaming continues. The cracks ar e now 1/8 to 1 in. wide.

110 The depth of the swelling on both flanges is 1-1/2 to 2 3.n ~

120 The col'or of the mastic coating is mostly white and continues to emit flames. Host cracks ar e 1/8 to 1-1/2 in. wide.

File R6802-6A Page Tl;4 Issued: 6-5-78 Test Time p

'Min Observations 130 Light lazy flames continue from the column web areas.

140 Light flaroes continue to emit from the coating at the intersection of the column web and both flanges.

150 The cracks in coating are closing due to swelling of the material. The fiberglass mesh is visible on several areas of the coating. All flaroing has stopped and the coating is white in color.

I 160 Width of the cracks at the intersection of the coluron 4eb and both flanges is 1 to 1-1/2 in.

170 Cracks at web and flange intersection ar e 1 to 2 in.


188 Fire test terminated.

Tem eratures Of The Column - The temperatur es that developed during the fire test and the location of the ther mocouples at the various levels are shown on ILL. 4.

Limiting teroperatures are reached when the average temperature at any one level exceeds 1000 F or any individual temperature reading exceeds 1200 F. The limiting average temperature was reached at 172 rain by the three at Level B. The individual temperature was reached at thermocouples'ocated 187 min.


As discussed in the Section General of this Report, the submittor requested that an engineering evaluation be performed to determine the minimum dry film thickness of mastic coating required to afford a 3 hr rating when applied to a W14X228 structural steel column.

File R6802-SA page T1-5 Issued: 6-5-78 I

A summary of the column test results included in this engineering evaluation is shown below:

Hater ial Occurrence Of Thickness, Limiting Temperature,

~Re ort In. Min +

R6802-3 5/32 77 R6802-4 1/4 127 R6802-6A 15/32 172

+ Limiting average cross-sectional temperature F used. of'000 To determine the thickness of the mastic coating required for the 3 hr rating, a computer analysis of the above material thicknesses and time to reach the limiting temperatures was obtained. Based upon the resulting equation, Y = 0.000471 x it was determined that a minimum thickness of 1/2 in. would afford a 3 hr rating. The test data and the plot of the equation are shown on ILL. 6.

A safety factory of 8 percent ( 14 min) was used to determine the above thickness since the equation is an extrapolation of test data.


File R6802-6A Page C1 Issued: 6-5-78 C ~

CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions represent the judgement of Underwriter s Laboratories Inc. based upon the results of the examination and tests conducted in the Report, as they relate to established principles and previously recorded data.



It is judged that a 1/2 in. thickness of mastic coating, applied as described in this Report will afford a 3 hr rating when applied to a str uctural steel column whose size is equal to or great'er than a M14X228 with a min'imum flange thickness of 1-1 1/16 in., a minimum web thickness of 't-1/16 in., and a minimum cross sectional area of 67.06 sq in.

The assembly, in summarized form as shown .on the individual design illustration included in this Report, will be illustrated in the Fire Resistance Directory as Column Design No. X611.

This Classification is based on the temperature limitations of 1000 F average and 1200 F maximum allowable as described under the "Conditions of Acceptance" for structural steel columns of the Standard of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for Fir e Tests of Building Construction and Materials, Standard UL263 (ASTM E119, NFPA No. 251) .


The mastic coating and glass fiber gauze of the type used for this investigation can be readily applied to steel columns by experienced workmen using proper equipment. Materials and spraying procedures in accordance with those described in this Report are significant factors in the fire resistance of this constr uction.


construction was tested in accordance with the Standard l'his for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL263 {ASTM E119, NFPA No. 251) ~

File R6802-6A Page C2 Issued: 6-5-78 FOLLOM-UP PROGRAM:

The mastic coating as described herein is currently covered under the Classification and Follow-Up Service of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Under the Service, the manufacturer is authorized to use the Laboratories'lassification Marking on such products which comply with the Follow-Up Service Procedure and any other applicable requirements of Underwriters. Laboratories Inc. Only those products which properly bear the Marking are considered as Classified by Laboratories'lassification Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

The Classification Marking used on, the mastic coating is illustr ated below:


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R 6802-6A

File R6802-6A Guide BXUV June 5, 1978 Fire Resistance Ratings (X611-B Card)

(Continued From X611-A Card)

Mastic.Coatin s>> - Coating mixed thoroughly and spray applied in several coats for a dry film thickness of 1/2 in. to column surfaces which, must be free of dirt, loose scale and oil. Column surfaces to be primed with a modified alkyd primer. Glass fiber gauze (Item 2) pressed into roating prior to application of final coat and lightly rolled in place with a paint roller. Coating may shrink causing cracks during curing. These cracks shall be filled with additional mastic coating.

TSI Inc. Type 330. Investigated for exterior and interior use. For exterior use, Type 350 top coat to be applied over mastic coating at a rate of approximately 150 sq ft per gal.

2. Glass Fiber Gauze Nominally 12 in. wide, 1.70 oz per sq yd.

, Embedded in mastic coating around entire column.

Steel Column Minimum size of column a W14X228, with outside dimensions of 16 by 15-7/8 in., a flange thickness of 1-11/16 in., a web thickness pf 1-1/16 in., and a cr oss-sectional area of 67.06 sq in.

>> Bearing the UL Classification Marking.

File R6802-6A Page C3 Issued: 6-5-78 Report by: Reviewed by:

G. D. PALIKIJ Engineering Assistant Fire Protection Department R. M. BERHINIG Engineering Group Leader Fire Protection Department SUBMITTED BY:

G. T. CASTINO Managing Engineer Fire Protection GDP/RMB:plh