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{{#Wiki_filter:BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND 3USTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 1.0 SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P1.1 P 1.3 The title of the ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST has been changed to delete the word"ANALOG" because, the definition is also used for testing of the radiation monitors which are digital systems.The references in subsequent specifications should all be changed to delete the word"ANALOG" from the test title.Added definitions for"Exclusion Area Boundary" and"Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System." Terms are used in the Specifications.
Alloce 85o~o BS06l g 0+61 A K 05pgpygp PSg (1554NLU/ccc
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER       3USTIFICATION P1.1                               The title of the ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST has been changed to delete the word "ANALOG"because, the definition is also used for testing of the radiation monitors which are digital systems. The references in subsequent specifications should all be changed to delete the word "ANALOG"from the test title.
P 1.3                              Added definitions for "Exclusion Area Boundary" and "Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System."
Terms are used in the Specifications.
BS06l g 0+61 Alloce  85o~o K 05pgpygp A
PSg                                                 (1554NLU/ccc )

~~SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P2.1.1 R F2.1-2 P2.1.1 R F2.1-1 P2.1.2 P2.2.1 dc T2.2-1 3USTIFICATION The change made to the Standard Technical Specifications (STS)reflects that Carolina Power R Light Company (CPdcL)is not requesting permission for N-1 loop operation.
                                                ~ ~
References to N-1 loop operation have been deleted throughout this section.Because the plant would be taking ACTION as required by the referenced Specification, the inoperability of one Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP)below P-8 and inoperability of 3 RCPs below P-7 should not invoke the ACTIONS required by a Safety Limit Violation.
Plant specific figure provided for Figure 2.1-1.Clarification added to allow reactor coolant system pressure to exceed 2735 psig during hydrostatic testing.Paragraph 2.2.1 and Table 2.2-1 were developed from the Westinghouse Setpoint Study for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP).Refer to bases for additional information.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P2.1.1 R F2.1-2             The change made to the Standard Technical Specifications (STS) reflects that Carolina Power R Light Company (CPdcL) is not requesting permission for N-1 loop operation. References to N-1 loop operation have been deleted throughout this section.
The equations in Table 2.2-1 for overpressure hT and overtemperature dT supercede the entries in FSAR Section 7.2.The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
P2.1.1 R F2.1-1              Because the plant would be taking ACTION as required by the referenced Specification, the inoperability of one Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) below P-8 and inoperability of 3 RCPs below P-7 should not invoke the ACTIONS required by a Safety Limit Violation.
Full load T for the SHNPP is currently 588.8 F as noted in%SAR Table O.l.l-l.BP2.1.2 BP2.2.1 Changes to STS based on requirements of ASME Code and design pressure of 2085 psig as noted in FSAR Section 5.2.For an explanation of changes to the"Overpower hT" text refer to Note 3 to Table 2.2-1 where it is stated that f2(hl)=0.For"Steam/Feedwater Flow Mismatch" inst, the 38%is from Table 2.2-1 and the 1.627 x 10 lbs./hour is consistent with 0096 of the full power steam flow stated in FSAR Table 5.f.0-1.(1554NLU/ccc
Plant specific figure provided for Figure 2.1-1.
P2.1.2                      Clarification added to allow reactor coolant system pressure to exceed 2735 psig during hydrostatic testing.
SECTION 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.
P2.2.1 dc T2.2-1            Paragraph 2.2.1 and Table 2.2-1 were developed from the Westinghouse Setpoint Study for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP).
FSAR SECTION SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0,,,,,,,, R P2.2 T2.2-1 Technical Specif ication provides limits on process variables used in Reactor Trip System.The equation for overpressure hT and overtemperature hT in the FSAR are superceded by the data provided in Technical Specif ication Table 2.2-1.(1554NLU/ccc
Refer to bases for additional information.
The equations in Table 2.2-1 for overpressure hT and overtemperature dT supercede the entries in FSAR Section 7.2. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
~~SECTION 3/0.0 LCO'S AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.
Full load T     for the SHNPP is currently 588.8 F as noted in%SAR Table   O.l.l-l.
FSAR SECTION SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT,,,, 6.6, R T12.0.2-0 5.2.0 P0.0.5 P0.0.5 Inservice testing program for pumps and valves conducted in accordance with ASME Section XI.RCPB and supports ISI and testing to be conducted in accordance with ASME Section XI.(1554NLU/ccc
BP2.1.2                     Changes to STS based on requirements of ASME Code and design pressure of 2085 psig as noted in FSAR Section 5.2.
BP2.2.1                      For an explanation of changes to the "Overpower hT" text refer to Note 3 to Table 2.2-1 where it is stated that f2( hl ) = 0.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 3/0.1 SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P3.1.1.1 JUSTIFICATION Percent hk/k values have been converted to pcm because the operating procedures use pcm.This change is made throughout the Technical Specif ications.The value of 1770 pcm is referenced in FSAR Table 0.3.2-3.P3.1.1.2 The values of 30 gpm and 7000 ppm boron are used throughout the Technical Specifications for emergency boration.The values are determined from a negative reactivity insertion rate approved by the NRC.Carolina Power R Light Company response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item 213 committed to maintaining a shutdown margin of 2000 pcm in cold shutdown.Lockout of one reactor water makeup pump will be controlled via administrative controls.P3.1.1.3 0 pcm/'F and-02 pcm/'F are based on moderator temperature coefficient and moderator density coefficient in FSAR Tables 0.3.2-2 and 15.0.3-2.Value set 6'F below no load T.This value has-been previously agreed to by Oe%inghouse and the NRC.P0.1.1.0.b Value set O'F above no load T.This value has been previously agreed to by Pektinghouse and the NRC.P0.1.2.l.a P3.1.2.2.P3.1.2.2 With the reduction of BAT concentration the heat tracing of lines has been dropped.Area heating will be sufficient.
For "Steam/Feedwater Flow Mismatch" inst, the 38% is from Table 2.2-1 and the 1.627 x 10 lbs./hour is consistent with 0096 of the full power steam flow stated in FSAR Table 5.f.0-1.
This follows throughout this portion of the Specifications.
(1554NLU/ccc )
Plant specific wording change.For the footnote, only one Charging/Safety Injection Pump may be operable below 250'F because of Low Temperature/Overpressure Protection.
Refer to FSAR Section
SECTION 2.0     SAFETY LIMITS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.
Expansion on inoperability is based on approved Callaway TS.(1554NLU/ccc
FSAR SECTION        FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0,             P2.2                                Technical Specif ication provides,                                               limits on process variables used,                                                 in Reactor Trip System.
e~~PO.I.2.3.1 R P0. Additional words added to permit actual operation to demonstrate OPERABILITY.,,,,, R           T2.2-1                               The equation for overpressure hT and overtemperature hT in the FSAR are superceded by the data provided in Technical Specif ication Table 2.2-1.
P3.1.2.5, P0.1.2.5, P3.1.2.6, 2 PO.I.2.6 P3.1.3.1, F3.1-2, P3.1.3.7, R F3.1-3 P3.1.3.3 P3.1.3.0 The minimum temperature of 00'F was the value used in the containment backpressure study.Refer to FSAR page 6.2.1-26d.
(1554NLU/ccc )
Full length has been deleted when referring to shutdown and control rods to avoid confusion.
The SHNPP does not utilize part-length rods.This change is made throughout this section.Figure 3.1-2 has been deleted because it is applicable to a four-loop plant.The ACTION was changed to make this ACTION similar to the ACTION in MODES 1 and 2.The surveillance interval was added and is consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specifications.
                                                      ~ ~
TS value is listed as 3.0 seconds.This has been superceded; 2.2 seconds is correct value and will be proposed via future Technical Specification submittal.
SECTION 3/0.0     LCO'S AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.
FSAR SECTION        FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT,,   P0.0.5                              Inservice testing program for,                                               pumps and valves conducted in, 6.6, R                                       accordance with ASME T12.0.2-0                                               Section XI.
5.2.0               P0.0.5                               RCPB and supports ISI and testing to be conducted in accordance with ASME Section XI.
SECTION 3/0.1 REACTIVITY CONTROLS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted'Specification.
(1554NLU/ccc )
FSAR SECTION P3.1.3.0 Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM)Drop Time.SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT R 0.6.0, R 2 P3.1.3.1 P0. P3.1.1.1 R P3.1.1.2 P3.1.3.6 k F3.1-1 P3.1.2.1, P3.1.2.2, P3.1.1.1 2 P3.1.1.2 P0. R P0.1.3.2 P3.1.2.2 R P3.1.2.3 CRDM Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO).CRDM surveillance testing.Shutdown margin.Rod Insertion Limits.LCO's for CVCS boration sources and shutdown margins.Rod position deviation monitor.LCO's for rod position indication.
~e~~BACKGROUND JUSTIFICATION AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 3/0.2 SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P3.2.1 JUSTIFICATION Change made to clarify the requirement for maintaining power less than 5096 when AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE is out of the specified target band with one hour of penalty time in the previous 20 hours.P3.2.2 P0.2.2.2 P3.2.3 T3.2-1 2.32 justified by most recent LOCA analysis submitted to the NRC on May 7, 1985.Changed to clarify that measured Fxy used without penalties for comparisons with Fxy limits.Text modified to delete reference to related" figure.LCO will be rewritten based on text in approved Byron technical specifications.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     JUSTIFICATION P3.1.1.1                         Percent hk/k values have been converted to pcm because the operating procedures use pcm. This change is made throughout the Technical Specif ications.
Uncertainties assumed in measurement include 096 for 8" and 2496 for RCS flow measurement.
The value of 1770 pcm is referenced in FSAR Table 0.3.2-3.
A specHii penalty for feedwater fouling not included.This table has been incorporated into the text of Specif ication 3.2.5.(1554NLU/ccc)
The values of 30 gpm and 7000 ppm boron are used throughout the Technical Specifications for emergency boration. The values are determined from a negative reactivity insertion rate approved by the NRC.
SECTION 3/0.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.2: SER p 0-33 SER p 0-31 SER p 0-18 SER p 0-23 DNBR penalties due to fuel rod bowing not included in Specification 3.2.3 based on the current STS provided by the NRC Staff which deletes the requirement.
P3.1.1.2                        Carolina Power R Light Company response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item 213 committed to maintaining a shutdown margin of 2000 pcm in cold shutdown. Lockout of one reactor water makeup pump will be controlled via administrative controls.
Specification is responsive to the SER item.Fq in Specification 3.2.2 is 2.32 based on revised LOCA analysis.Specification 3.2.1 addresses use of+596 and+3/-1296 target bands discussed in the SER.The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
P3.1.1.3                         0 pcm/'F and -02 pcm/'F are based on moderator temperature coefficient and moderator density coefficient in FSAR Tables 0.3.2-2 and 15.0.3-2.
FSAR SECTION SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT P3.2.1-3.2.6 Means used to maintain Power Distribution Limits. P3.2.1 P3.2.0 P0.2.3.5 Specification of Target Band for hl and surveillance required.Actions to be taken if flux tilt detected.RCS flow measurement.
Value set 6'F below no load T   . This value has-been previously agreed to by Oe%inghouse and the NRC.
P0.1.1.0.b                       Value set O'F above no load T     . This value has been previously agreed to by Pektinghouse and the NRC.
Total number of channels and channels to trip input is also in FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1.Portions of Item 7 were deleted to reflect that CPRL is not requesting permission for continuous N-1 loop operation.
P0.1.2.l.a                       With the reduction of BAT concentration the heat tracing of lines has been dropped. Area heating will be sufficient. This follows throughout this portion of the Specifications.
Item 7 also reflects the fact that SHNPP is a three-loop plant.This is reflected throughout this section.Item 17 has been changed to reflect current NRC practice approved in the McGuire and Callaway Technical Specif ications.ACTION 5 as stated in STS is not applicable to SHNPP.ACTION 5 has been revised to reflect ACTION for Item 6.c of the Table.All numbers in the ACTION STATEMENTS in the table have been revised to delete ACTIONS not applicable to SHNPP.The footnote is applicable.
P3.1.2.2.                        Plant specific wording change.
The SHNPP FSAR was docketed in 1973.Specific responses per FSAR Table 15.0.6-1.Table incorporates staggered testing on quarterly interval as justified by Westinghouse TS optimization WCAP.ESFAS logics are presented in FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1 (7 sheets).For Item 1 reference sheets 2, 0, and 6 of 7.For Item 2, reference sheet 2 of 7.For Item 3, reference sheet 2 of 7.For Item 0, reference sheets 2 and 0 of 7.For Item 5, reference sheets 2,6 and 7 of 7.In Item 6 manual initiation of Auxiliary Feedwater is via a control switch.Therefore, it was deleted from the table.For Item 6b, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 3of 7.(1554NLU/ccc)
P3.1.2.2                        For the footnote, only one Charging/Safety Injection Pump may be operable below 250'F because of Low Temperature/Overpressure Protection. Refer to FSAR Section
For Item 6d, reference sheet 3 of 7 of Figure 7.3.1-1.For Item 6e, reference sheet 3 of 7 of Figure 7.3.1-1.For Item 6f, reference Figure 7.3.1-1 sheet 5 of 7.The Technical Specification language used has been previously approved in the V.C.Summer Technical Specif ications.For Item 7, reference FSAR Figure 7.6.1-5.For Item 8, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-3 and FSAR page 6.2.2-6.For Item 9, reference CPdcL response to BTP PSB-I.For Item 10, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 2of 7.For Item 1 la, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 6 of 15.'or Item 1 lb, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 6 of 15.For Item 1 lc, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 2 of 15.T3.3-0 T3.3-5 T0.3-1 The input, except for Item 9, is from the Westinghouse Setpoint Study which is based on accident analyses.Input from Item 9 is consistent with the CPRL response to BTP PSB-I.Values being revised based on deletion of Vnit 2 and will be provided in a future submittal.
Expansion on inoperability is based on approved Callaway TS.
Table 3.3-5 was developed from the input signals used in Table 3.3-3.Main Steam and Feedwater Isolation times of five seconds are listed in FSAR Table 6.2.0-1;Table 3.3-5 lists the times as 7 seconds which allows for 2 seconds for signal processing.
(1554NLU/ccc )
Table incorporates staggered testing on quarterly interval as justified by Westinghouse TS optimization WCAP.(1554NLU/ccc
e                     ~ ~
PO.I.2.3.1 R P0.         Additional words added to permit actual operation to demonstrate OPERABILITY.
T0.3-2 T3.3-6 T0.3-3 This table duplicates Table 3.3-3 entries with surveillance requirements.
P3.1.2.5, P0.1.2.5, P3.1.2.6, 2 The minimum temperature of 00'F was the value PO.I.2.6                       used in the containment backpressure study.
Slave relay testing reflects STS requirements, but these have not been verified as implementable by CPRL.Additional information on slave relay testing will be provided as it becomes available.
Refer to FSAR page 6.2.1-26d.
For Item la, the Containment Ventilation Isolation Monitors are listed in FSAR Table 12.3.0-1.The actuation logic is shown on FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 2 of 7.For Items lb and lc, reference FSAR Table 12.3.0-2 and Specificaton Item 2, details are provided in FSAR Sections, 6.5.1, and 9.0.2.For Item 3, details are provided in FSAR Section 6.0.3, FSAR Table 12.3.0-2 and FSAR Figure 9.0.1-1.Action statements modified in accordance with SHNPP design.This table duplicates Table 3.3-6 entries.P3.3.3.2 7596 was changed to actual number of detector thimbles.T3.3-7 R T0.3-0 T3.3-8 R T0.3-5 T3.3-9 R T0.3-6 The input relects the SHNPP design.FSAR Table 3.7.0-1 conflicts with these tables.The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
P3.1.3.1, F3.1-2, P3.1.3.7, R  Full length has been deleted when referring to F3.1-3                         shutdown and control rods to avoid confusion. The SHNPP does not utilize part-length rods. This change is made throughout this section.
Reference FSAR Table 2.3.3-3.Table 3.3-9 includes instruments required for the safe shutdown scenario from Appendix R.The equipment required and subject to surveillance will be the Division 1 and 2 components that are listed in the safe shutdown analysis.CPRL proposes that the specific list will not be included directly into the Technical Specifications.
Figure 3.1-2 has been deleted because   it is applicable to a four-loop plant.
The 30 day out-of-service time is consistent with the philosophy for one-of-a-kind instruments accepted in TS Change was made to clarify ACTION that was approved in the Callaway and Byron Technical Specif ications.(1554NLU/ccc)  
P3.1.3.3                        The ACTION was changed to make this ACTION similar to the ACTION in MODES 1 and 2. The surveillance interval was added and is consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specifications.
~~~0 T0.3-7 CPRL's September 6, 1983, submittal provides a complete discussion on compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97.Table 0.3-7 includes those SHNPP items which correspond to NRC Category I.The balance of the table is either recommendations of Generic Letter 83-37 or high range plant effluent monitors.The Hydrogen Monitors are included in Specification 3/0.6.0 in accordance with Generic Letter 83-37.P3.3.3.7 Change made to reflect SHNPP design.Reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-17, sheets 1 and 9 of 02.P3.3.3.8 P0. P3.3.3.9 T3.3-12 T0.3-8 R T0.3-9 T3.3-13 R 0.3-9 P3/0.3.0 ACTION statement of Revision 0 STS used.Since it offers flexibility to specify fewer detectors in Table 3.3-11 than are included into the design.Setpoint verification will be deleted in order to allow use of NFPA functional test which does not require removal of the detectors for calibration.
P3.1.3.0                        TS value is listed as 3.0 seconds. This has been superceded; 2.2 seconds is correct value and will be proposed via future Technical Specification submittal.
Change made consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specifications.
(1554NLU/ccc )
Monitors are listed in FSAR Table 11.5.2-2."Analog" deleted from Items 1 and 2 of the Table Notations because the system is digital."Circuit" replaced with power failure to reflect SHNPP design.The Waste Processing Building stacks are identified separately because only one receives an input from the GWPS and a separate action item applies.Change made to reflect Harris terminology.
The surveillance times are based on Standard Review Plan Section 10.2.Paragraph 3.0.0 listed as not applicable since continuous power operation is not prohibited by the action statement.
~ ~
SECTION 3/0.1     REACTIVITYCONTROLS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted'Specification.
FSAR SECTION       FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT             P3.1.3.0                             Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) Drop Time.             P3.1.3.1                            CRDM Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO). R           P0.                          CRDM surveillance testing.            P3.1.1.1 R P3.1.1.2                 Shutdown margin.          P3.1.3.6  k F3.1-1                   Rod Insertion Limits.
0.6.0, R    P3.1.2.1, P3.1.2.2, P3.1.1.1 2      LCO's for CVCS boration             P3.1.1.2                             sources and shutdown margins. 2         P0. R P0.1.3.2               Rod position deviation monitor.            P3.1.2.2 R P3.1.2.3                 LCO's for rod position indication.
              ~ e                                 ~ ~
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     JUSTIFICATION P3.2.1                           Change made to   clarify the requirement for maintaining power less than 5096 when AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE is out of the specified target band with one hour of penalty time in the previous 20 hours.
P3.2.2                           2.32 justified by most recent LOCA analysis submitted to the NRC on May 7, 1985.
P0.2.2.2                        Changed to   clarify that measured Fxy used without penalties for comparisons with Fxy limits.
P3.2.3                          Text modified to delete reference to related" figure. LCO will be rewritten based on text in approved Byron technical specifications.
Uncertainties assumed in measurement include 096 for 8" and 2496 for RCS flow measurement. A specHii penalty for feedwater fouling not included.
T3.2-1                          This table has been incorporated into the text of Specif ication 3.2.5.
SECTION 3/0.2     POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.2:
SER p 0-33           DNBR penalties due to fuel rod bowing not included in Specification 3.2.3 based on the current STS provided by the NRC Staff which deletes the requirement.
SER p 0-31          Specification is responsive to the SER item.
SER p 0-18          Fq in Specification 3.2.2 is 2.32 based on revised LOCA analysis.
SER p 0-23          Specification 3.2.1 addresses use of +596 and +3/-1296 target bands discussed in the SER.
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION        FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT          P3.2.1-3.2.6                           Means used to maintain Power Distribution Limits.           P3.2.1                                 Specification of Target Band for hl and surveillance required.            P3.2.0                                Actions to be taken if flux tilt detected.            P0.2.3.5                              RCS flow measurement.
e                             ~ ~
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     3VSTIFICATION P3/0.3.1 R T3.3-1               Entries correspond to Table 2.2-1 setpoints. Total number of channels and channels to trip input is also in FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1.
T3.3-1                          Portions of Item 7 were deleted to reflect that CPRL is not requesting permission for continuous N-1 loop operation. Item 7 also reflects the fact that SHNPP is a three-loop plant. This is reflected throughout this section.
Item 17 has been changed to reflect current NRC practice approved in the McGuire and Callaway Technical Specif ications.
ACTION 5 as stated in STS is not applicable to SHNPP. ACTION 5 has been revised to reflect ACTION for Item 6.c of the Table.
All numbers in the ACTION STATEMENTS in the table have been revised to delete ACTIONS not applicable to SHNPP.
T303-2                          The footnote is applicable. The SHNPP FSAR was docketed in 1973. Specific responses per FSAR Table 15.0.6-1.
Table incorporates staggered testing on quarterly interval as justified by Westinghouse TS optimization WCAP.
T303-3                          ESFAS logics are presented in FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1 (7 sheets). For Item 1 reference sheets 2, 0, and 6 of 7.
For Item 2, reference sheet 2 of 7. For Item 3, reference sheet 2 of 7. For Item 0, reference sheets 2 and 0 of 7. For Item 5, reference sheets 2,6 and   7 of 7.
In Item 6 manual initiation of Auxiliary Feedwater is via a control switch. Therefore, it was deleted from the table.
For Item 6b, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 3of 7.
For Item 6d, reference sheet 3 of 7 of Figure 7.3.1-1.
For Item 6e, reference sheet 3 of 7 of Figure 7.3.1-1.
For Item 6f, reference Figure 7.3.1-1 sheet 5 of
: 7. The Technical Specification language used has been previously approved in the V.C. Summer Technical Specif ications.
For Item 7, reference FSAR Figure 7.6.1-5.
For Item 8, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-3 and FSAR page 6.2.2-6.
For Item 9, reference CPdcL response to BTP PSB-I.
For Item 10, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 2of 7.
For Item 1 la, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 6 of 15.
                        'or Item 1 lb, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 6 of 15.
For Item 1 lc, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 2 of 15.
T3.3-0 The input, except for Item 9, is from the Westinghouse Setpoint Study which is based on accident analyses. Input from Item 9 is consistent with the CPRL response to BTP PSB-I. Values being revised based on deletion of Vnit 2 and will be provided in a future submittal.
T3.3-5 Table 3.3-5 was developed from the input signals used in Table 3.3-3. Main Steam and Feedwater Isolation times of five seconds are listed in FSAR Table 6.2.0-1; Table 3.3-5 lists the times as 7 seconds which allows for 2 seconds for signal processing.
T0.3-1 Table incorporates staggered testing on quarterly interval as justified by Westinghouse TS optimization WCAP.
(1554NLU/ccc )
~ ~ ~ ~
T0.3-2         This table duplicates Table 3.3-3 entries with surveillance requirements. Slave relay testing reflects STS requirements, but these have not been verified as implementable by CPRL.
Additional information on slave relay testing will be provided as it becomes available.
T3.3-6          For Item la, the Containment Ventilation Isolation Monitors are listed in FSAR Table 12.3.0-1. The actuation logic is shown on FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 2 of 7.
For Items lb and lc, reference FSAR Table 12.3.0-2 and Specificaton
For Item 2, details are provided in FSAR Sections, 6.5.1, and 9.0.2.
For Item 3, details are provided in FSAR Section 6.0.3, FSAR Table 12.3.0-2 and FSAR Figure 9.0.1-1.
T0.3-3          Action statements modified in accordance with SHNPP design. This table duplicates Table 3.3-6 entries.
P3.3.3.2       7596 was changed   to actual number of detector thimbles.
T3.3-7 R T0.3-0 The input relects the SHNPP design. FSAR Table 3.7.0-1 conflicts with these tables. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
T3.3-8 R T0.3-5 Reference FSAR Table 2.3.3-3.
T3.3-9 R T0.3-6 Table 3.3-9 includes instruments required for the safe shutdown scenario from Appendix R. The equipment required and subject to surveillance will be the Division 1 and 2 components that are listed in the safe shutdown analysis. CPRL proposes that the specific list will not be included directly into the Technical Specifications. The 30 day out-of-service time is consistent with the philosophy for one-of-a-kind instruments accepted in TS
P3.3.3.6       Change was made to clarify ACTION that was approved in the Callaway and Byron Technical Specif ications.
~ ~ ~ 0 T0.3-7         CPRL's September 6, 1983, submittal provides a complete discussion on compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97. Table 0.3-7 includes those SHNPP items which correspond to NRC Category I. The balance of the table is either recommendations of Generic Letter 83-37 or high range plant effluent monitors.
The Hydrogen Monitors are included in Specification 3/0.6.0 in accordance with Generic Letter 83-37.
P3.3.3.7       Change made to reflect SHNPP design.
Reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-17, sheets     1 and 9 of 02.
P3.3.3.8       ACTION statement of Revision 0 STS used. Since it offers flexibilityto specify fewer detectors in Table 3.3-11 than are included into the design.
P0.      Setpoint verification will be deleted in order to allow use of NFPA functional test which does not require removal of the detectors for calibration.
P3.3.3.9        Change made consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specifications.
T3.3-12        Monitors are listed in FSAR Table 11.5.2-2.
T0.3-8 R T0.3-9 "Analog" deleted from Items 1 and 2 of the Table Notations because the system is digital.
                "Circuit" replaced with power failure to reflect SHNPP design.
T3.3-13 R 0.3-9 The Waste Processing Building stacks are identified separately because only one receives an input from the GWPS and a separate action item applies.
P3/0.3.0        Change made to reflect Harris terminology. The surveillance times are based on Standard Review Plan Section 10.2. Paragraph 3.0.0 listed as not applicable since continuous power operation is not prohibited by the action statement.
SECTION 3/0.3    INSTRUMENTATION Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER Commitments addressed by 3/0.3:
CPRL 11/0/85          Specification Tables 3.3-10 and 0.3-7 include Inadequate Core Ltr. to NRC            Cooling (ICC) instrumentation.
CPRL 10/28/83          Specification addresses the Metal Impact Monitoring Ltr to NRC on MIMS    System.
and SER p 0-30 CPRL 12/6/83          Specification addresses the LCO for accident monitoring Ltr. to NRC on ICC    instrumentation channels.
Instrumentation CPRL 11/22/83          Table 3.3-12, ACTION 37 addresses Service Water System (SWS)
Ltr. to NRC            sampling frequency.
CPRL 11/18/83          Table 0.3-1, note 13 covers surveillance testing of undervoltage Ltr. to NRC            and shunt trip functions for the RPS trip breakers and manual trip switch.
CPRL 9/30/83          Specification 3/0.3.0 addresses main turbine steam valve Ltr. to NRC            testing.
I SER p 7-17            Table 3.3-3, item 5 addresses initiation of turbine trip and feedwater isolation by steam generator water level signal.
SER p 6-17            The containment hi-one setpoint will be 3.0 psig. The value of 3.0 psig is considered the lowest acceptable value to preclude inadvertent actuation because of the range of the instrument used (0-55 psig), its error, and the need to allow operation up to the limit (1.9 psig) specified in Specification 3.3.0. Due to the NRC staff position that continuous purge is not allowed, the normal operating pressure band must account for accumulated pressure due to air and main steam system leakage.
SER.p 11-21            Table 3.3-13 and Table 0.3-9, Item 2 address the installation of a radiation monitor on the turbine building ventstack.
SER p 11-15            Table 3.3-13 lists the additional O~ monitor which was agreed to by CPRL. Specification 3.11.2.'5 governs ACTION to be taken when 02 levels greater than 296 are detected.
SECTION 3/0.3 INSTRUMENTATION Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER Commitments addressed by 3/0.3: CPRL 11/0/85 NRC CPRL 10/28/83 Ltr to NRC on MIMS and SER p 0-30 CPRL 12/6/83 NRC on ICC Instrumentation CPRL 11/22/83 NRC CPRL 11/18/83 NRC CPRL 9/30/83 NRC SER p 7-17 SER p 6-17 SER.p 11-21 SER p 11-15 Specification Tables 3.3-10 and 0.3-7 include Inadequate Core Cooling (ICC)instrumentation.
Specification addresses the Metal Impact Monitoring System.Specification addresses the LCO for accident monitoring instrumentation channels.Table 3.3-12, ACTION 37 addresses Service Water System (SWS)sampling frequency.
Table 0.3-1, note 13 covers surveillance testing of undervoltage and shunt trip functions for the RPS trip breakers and manual trip switch.Specification 3/0.3.0 addresses main turbine steam valve testing.I Table 3.3-3, item 5 addresses initiation of turbine trip and feedwater isolation by steam generator water level signal.The containment hi-one setpoint will be 3.0 psig.The value of 3.0 psig is considered the lowest acceptable value to preclude inadvertent actuation because of the range of the instrument used (0-55 psig), its error, and the need to allow operation up to the limit (1.9 psig)specified in Specification 3.3.0.Due to the NRC staff position that continuous purge is not allowed, the normal operating pressure band must account for accumulated pressure due to air and main steam system leakage.Table 3.3-13 and Table 0.3-9, Item 2 address the installation of a radiation monitor on the turbine building ventstack.
Table 3.3-13 lists the additional O~monitor which was agreed to by CPRL.Specification 3.11.2.'5 governs ACTION to be taken when 02 levels greater than 296 are detected.(1554NLU/ccc)
~~~4 The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.
FSAR SECTION SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0, R, 15.0.6, R 15.6.3 P3/0.3.2 T3.3-3 P3.3.2 P3.3.2 R T3.3-5 P0.3.1.1 P3.3.1 P3.3.3.6 R T3.3-10 Establishment of setpoints providing margin from nominal setpoint to Technical Specification limit accounting for drift.RWST Low-Low Level setpoint.RTS and ESFAS setpoints.
ESFAS response time periodic testing requirements.
RTS system input sensor channel checks.LCO's for ESFAS.LCO's for accident monitoring channels.(1554NLU/ccc
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND 3USTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 3/0.0 SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P3.0.1.2 4 P0. P0. P3.0.1.2 P3.0.1.3 Change was made to reflect the fact that the SHNPP is a three loop plant.This change is made throughout the section.The rod withdrawal accident is analyzed with two Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCP)running.A value was chosen that demonstrates the Steam Generator narrow range level is on scale assuming normal errors.FSAR Table 7.5.1-11 quotes the narrow range uncertainty as 0%;therefore, 1096 is used in the Specification.
This value is typical of those approved in the McGuire and Summer Technical Specifications.
This value is reflected throughout the section."""" footnote added based on TS approved for Byron.'n footnote~, the values of 250'F and 50'F are referenced in FSAR Section
These values are reflected throughout this section.P3.0.1.5 6c P3.0.1.6 P3.0.2.1 P3.0.3 SHNPP does not utilize loop isolation valves.This change is reflected throughout this section.FSAR Table 5.0.13-1 specifies a setting of 2085 psig.9296 corresponds to the pressurizer high level trip setpoint.125kw is identified in FSAR Section
P3.0.0 P0.0.3.3 R P0.0.0.3 P0.0.0.2 SHNPP design includes three PORVs.Refer to FSAR Figure 5.1.2-2.Change was made to clarify that motive power for the PORV's (instrument air)is an accumulator.
Block valve motive power and pressurizer heater power is always supplied from a non-Class 1E transformer on a Class IE 6.9 kV bus.Therefore, the STS surveillance would require no lineup changes from normal operations.
Action is included in paragraph to exempt cycling of the pressurizer block if the PORV is leaking.(1554NLU/ccc

P0.0.5.0 T0.0-2B dc P3/0.0.6 P3.0.6.1 Definition of Preservice Inspection no longer applicable once Operating License and Technical Specification are issued.Table added in accordance with NUREG-IOI0.
~ ~
The input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
Reference FSAR Section 5.2.5.RG 1.05 leak detection capability per FSAR Section P3.0.6.2"ANALOG" is deleted because the radiation monitoring system is a digital system.31 gpm identified in FSAR Section
Footnote (~)approved by NRC in several recent TS for PWRs.P0. RCS-Changes and Table 3.0-1 are consistent with CPRL's response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item No.286.A cross-reference between the valve numbers in the insert (from the Plant Operations Simplified Flow Diagram (SFD)System)and the valve numbers in the FSAR are shown in Table l.T0.0-0 Footnote to E-Bar included with definition of E-Bar.P3.0.9.1 R TS broken into two parts to specify more limiting rates when in Mode 5.P3.0.9.0 P3/0.0.11 Changes to the specification reflect the response to Safety Evaluation Report Confirmatory Item 10.The 275'F will be changed to be consistent with the final values in Figure 3.0-0.This specification was added consistent with the requirements of Generic Letter 83-37.Reference FSAR Section
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.
BP3/0.0.2 Safety valve relief capacity is provided in FSAR Table 5.0.13-1.BP3/0.0.5 BP3/0.0.10 Change based on current NRC reporting requirements.
Edition of ASME Code based CP date for SHNPP.(1554NLU/ccc)
FSAR SECTION        FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0               P3/0.3.2                            Establishment of setpoints providing margin from nominal setpoint to Technical Specification limit accounting for drift.
TABLE 1 VALVE NO.CROSS REFERENCE FOR INSERT B TABLE 3.0-1 Ebasco No.I RH-V502SB-I 1RH-V503SB-I 1RH-V500SB-I I RH-V501SA-1 1SI-V510SA-I 1SI-V511SB-1 I SI-V500SA-1 1SI-V507SA-1 1SI-V505SB-1 1SI-V508SB-1 I SI-V506SA-1 I SI-V509SA-1 2SI-V581SA-1 2SI-V580SB-I I SI-V580SA-I 1SI-V585SB-1 1SI-V586SA-1 SFD Tech.S ecs.1RH-1 1RH-2 IRH-39 IRH-00 1SI-130 ISI-135 1SI-209 ISI-250 1SI-251 1SI-252 1SI-253 ISI-250 ISI-306 ISI-307 ISI-306 ISI-357 1SI-358 FSAR Fi ure Fig.5.0.7-1 Fig.5.0.7-1 Fig.5.0.7-1 Fig.5.0.7-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-2 Fig.6.3.2-2 Fig.6.3.2-2 Fig.6.3.2-2 Fig.6.3.2-2 Fig.6.3.2-2 Fig.6.3.2-3 Fig.6.3.2-3 Fig.6.3.2-3 Fig.6.3.2-3 Fig.6.3.2-3 (1554NLU/ccc          T3.3-3                              RWST Low-Low Level setpoint.
), R        P3.3.2                               RTS and ESFAS setpoints.
SECTION 3/0.0 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letter, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.0: CPRL 12/2/83 NRC DSER Open Item 210 SRQ 210.00 DSER Open Item 07 SER p 5-23 SER p 5-12 SER p 0-35 SER p 5-23 Steam Generator Tube plugging limit addressed in Specif ication,          P3.3.2 R T3.3-5                      ESFAS response  time periodic 15.0.6, R 15.6.3                                        testing requirements.
Low Temperature overpressure setpoints will be included in Specif ication and addresses leakage testing of interface valves.A specification on high point vents is included.See Specif ication 3.0.11.Specification 3/0.0.5 addresses Steam Generator tube examination.        P0.3.1.1                            RTS system input sensor channel checks.
Specif ication addresses inter-system leakage.Specification allows only 3 loop operation in Mode l.The requirements of NUREG-1010 Section 1.3 are addressed in Specifications and following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.          P3.3.1                               LCO's for ESFAS.
FSAR SECTION SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0 5.2.0 P3/0.0.5 P3/0.0.10 P3/ P3 0.2.2 R P3.0.0 P3/0.0.5 P3.0.6.2 Steam Generator Inspection.        P3.3.3.6 R T3.3-10                  LCO's for accident monitoring channels.
Inservice Inspection (ISI)for RCS.RCS leakage detection.
(1554NLU/ccc )
Surveillance for Pressurizer SRV and PORV.ISI for Steam Generators.
RCS leakage limits.(1554NLU/ccc)
P3.0.10 ECCS test frequency, acceptability of testing, and measured pump and valve parameters.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER        3USTIFICATION P3.0.1.2  4  P0.           Change was made to reflect the fact that the SHNPP is a three loop plant. This change is made throughout the section. The rod withdrawal accident is analyzed with two Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCP) running.
P3.0.8 LCO on activity level in reactor coolant.P3.0.1.1 N-1 Loop analyses not performed for FSAR Chapter 15 accidents.
P0.                        A value was chosen that demonstrates the Steam Generator narrow range level is on scale assuming normal errors. FSAR Table 7.5.1-11 quotes the narrow range uncertainty as 0%; therefore, 1096 is used in the Specification. This value is typical of those approved in the McGuire and Summer Technical Specifications. This value is reflected throughout the section.
P3.0.8 R F3.0-1 Limits on RCS coolant activity.(1554NLU/ccc)  
P3.0.1.2                          """"footnote  added based on TS approved    for Byron.
P3.0.1.3                          'n footnote ~, the values of 250'F and 50'F are referenced in FSAR Section These values are reflected throughout this section.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P3.5.1 JUSTIFICATION Most values are not totally in agreement with FSAR Tables 6.3.2-1 and 15.6.5-2.The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
P3.0.1.5 6c P3.0.1.6              SHNPP does not utilize loop isolation valves. This change is reflected throughout this section.
196 of tank water volume is 9.25 cubic feet (Reference FSAR Table 6.3.2-1).This is equivalent to 69 gallons Changes made to item c consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specif ications and are based on the removal power from the Accumulator Isolation valves above 1000 psig.The Engineering Core Cooling System (ECCS)uses charging/safety injection pumps.Reference FSAR Section 6.3.SHNPP design does not include UHI;refer to FSAR Section 6.3.P3.5,2 Item has been deleted because the SHNPP is a three-loop plant.This change is made throughout this section.P0.5.2 Insert A is based on response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item No.308.A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR numbers are provided in Table 2.Phrases deleted in item b because the ECCS pump casings do not have vents and high pressure safety injection piping cannot be safely filled and vented when CSIP is in operation and low pressure safety injection piping is always under pressure from the RWST.The setpoints of 025 psig and 750 psig in Item D are referenced on FSAR page 5.0.7-2.In Item g, the ECCS throttle valves do not have mechanical or electrical stops.A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR numbers is given in Table 3.(1554NLUa/crs
P3.0.2.1                          FSAR Table 5.0.13-1 specifies a setting of 2085 psig.
P3.0.3                            9296 corresponds  to the pressurizer high level trip setpoint.
125kw is identified in FSAR Section
.TABLE 2 VALVE NO.CROSS REFERENCE FOR ECCS INSERT A Ebasco No.2SI-V500SA-1 2SI-V501SB-1 2SI-V502SA-1 2SI-V579SA-1 2SI-V578SB-1 2SI-V587SA-1 SFD No.In Tech.S ecs.1SI-107 1SI-86 1SI-52 ISI-300 ISI-301 1SI-359 FSAR Fi ure Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-3 Fig.6.3.2-3 Fig.6.3.2-3 (1554NLUn/crs
P3.0.0                            SHNPP design includes three PORVs. Refer to FSAR Figure 5.1.2-2.
P0.0.3.3 R P0.0.0.3                Change was made to clarify that motive power for the PORV's (instrument air) is an accumulator.
TABLE 3 VALVE NO.CROSS REFERENCE FOR SPECIFICATION 0.5.2..2 Ebasco No, 2SI-V000SA-I 2SI-V039S8-1 2SI-V033SA-1 2SI-V037SA-1 2SI-V036SB-1 2SI-V035SA-1 2SI-V030SA-1 2SI-V033SB-1 2SI-V032SA-1 2SI-V031SA-1 2SI-V030SB-1 2SI-V029SA-1
Block valve motive power and pressurizer heater power is always supplied from a non-Class 1E transformer on a Class IE 6.9 kV bus. Therefore, the STS surveillance would require no lineup changes from normal operations.
~Ebasco No.'hown in P~SR R 2SI-V16SA-1 2SI-V225SB-1 2SI-V28SA-1 2SI-V62SA-1 2SI-V68SB-1 2SI-V70SA-1 2S8-V38SA-1 2SI-V00SB-1 2SI-V50SA-I 2SI-V 83SA-1 2SI-V89SB-1 2SI-V95SA-1 SFD No.In Tech.S ecs.1SI-5 1SI-6 1SI-7 1SI-69 1SI-70 1SI-71 ISI-101 ISI-102 ISI-103 1SI-120 1SI-125 1SI-126 FSAR Fi ure Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig, 6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6;3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 Fig.6.3.2-1 (1554NLUe/crs
P0.0.0.2                          Action is included in paragraph to exempt cycling of the pressurizer block if the PORV is leaking.
(1554NLU/ccc )
~~PO;5.2 SHNPP design has semi-automatic ECCS switchover.
Sump valves auto-open but RWST valves are manually shut.Refer to FSAR Section 6.3,2.8.P3.5.3 In the footnote, the change to 250'F is based on design of Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System.Reference FSAR Section 5.2.2.'This change is made throughout this section.P0.5.3.2 STS P3/0.5.0 Surveillance modified to include time interval for the removal of one CSIP from service.Changes based on approved Callaway TS.This STS section has been deleted because the Boron Injection Tank (BIT)has been modified to contain a boron concentration consistent with the balance of Safety Injection piping.Filling and venting of the BIT is controlled by Specification
P0.0.5.0             Definition of Preservice Inspection no longer applicable once Operating License and Technical Specification are issued.
T0.0-2B  dc P3/0.0.6 Table added in accordance with NUREG-IOI0.
Also, since the BIT does not contain high concentrations of boric acid, the heaters are not required.The deletion of high boron concentration from the BIT will be reflected in a future FSAR amendment.
The input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology. Reference FSAR Section 5.2.5.
I h (1554NLUa/crs
P3.0.6.1            RG 1.05 leak detection capability per FSAR Section
P0.0.6.1            "ANALOG"is deleted because the radiation monitoring system is a digital system.
~e 0~SECTION 3/0.5.~.EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.5: DSER Open Item 213 Specification 3.5.3 identifies that only 1 CSIP can be operable'elow 250'F.The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
P3.0.6.2            31 gpm identified in FSAR Section
SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT 3.5.1 6.3.1 R P 3.5.0 P 3.5.3 P 0.5.2.c P 3.5.0 P 3.5.2 P 3.5.1 P 3.5.1 P 3.5.1-P 3.5.0 P 3.5.1-P 3.5.0 P 3/0.5 P 0.5.2e P 3/0.5 LCO for RWST.Below RCS temp.of 250'F only 1 charging pump may operate.Inspection of Containment Recirculation Sumps.Specification for RWST.LCO for ECCS.LCO for ECCS Accumulator.
Footnote (~) approved by NRC in several recent TS  for PWRs.
LCO for ECCS Accumulator isolation valve position.LCO's for ECCS.Surveillance requirements for ECCS systems.Specification 3/0.0 addresses the ISI program.Surveillance frequency for ECCS components.
P0.           RCS  Changes  and Table 3.0-1 are consistent with CPRL's response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item No. 286. A cross-reference between the valve numbers in the insert (from the Plant Operations Simplified Flow Diagram (SFD)
Compliance with GDC 37 for ECCS testing during shutdown I Action req'uired following inadvertent safety injection.
System) and the valve numbers in the FSAR are shown in Table l.
T0.0-0               Footnote to E-Bar included with definition of E-Bar.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P0.6.1.1 P3.6.1.2 P0.6.1.2 STS P3.6.1.0 P3.6.1.0 P3.6.1.5 P0.6.1.5 3USTIFICATION In Item a, the reference to Table 3.6-1 was deleted and the reference changed.FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 is referenced in Specification the Technical Specification amendment process is inordinately long, to keep this tabular data up-to-date, a reference to the FSAR table is made.Changes to the FSAR will be controlled and reported hy 10 CFR 50.59 and 50.30(b).In Item c, 01 psig based on peak accident pressure 39.1 psig from Main Steam Line Break without the Boron Injection Tank and an upper limit on normal containment operating pressure of 1.9 psig in Specification is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.1-3.Values for P and Pt disagree with values on FSAR page 82.6-1.The FSAR will be revised.Insert is base8 on NRC approval of methodology for Carolina Power R Light Company's Brunswick Plant (NRC (Vassallo) to CPRL (Utley)dated 12-9-83).STS Subitems d.3, the d.0, g, h and i are deleted based on SHNPP design.Reference FSAR Section 6.2.1.This STS is not applicable to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP)design.For bases of 1.9 psig, refer to bases page B 3/0 6-2.The-0 inches water gauge assures that the vacuum breaker system can maintain the containment greater than-2 psig for the design basis negative pressure event.120'F is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.1-5.The 5 monitors for containment temperature are to be located at Elevation 327'.The change to the text is required to delete"bad" data from the average.(1554NLUa/crs
P3.0.9.1 R   TS broken  into two parts to specify more limiting rates when in Mode 5.
P3.0.9.0             Changes to the specification  reflect the response to Safety Evaluation Report Confirmatory Item 10. The 275'F will be changed to be consistent with the final values in Figure 3.0-0.
P3.6.1.7 Changes reflect the SHNPP component terminology for the purge system.Purge line sizes are referenced on FSAR page 9.0.7-2.Tech.Spec.request unlimited purge capability for 8 in, valve. P3.6.2.1 P0.6.2.1 CPRL has performed analyses that demonstrate that continuous purge with the normal.containment purge system does not result in unacceptable consequences during accidents.
P3/0.0.11            This specification was added consistent with the requirements of Generic Letter 83-37. Reference FSAR Section
The STS recommendation to limit purge time to less than 1000 hours is not consistent with the NRC acceptance of the"leak-before-break" philosophy.
BP3/0.0.2           Safety valve relief capacity is provided in FSAR Table 5.0.13-1.
The details of a containment ventilation system penetration requires testing by a boundary defined 0 valves (2-02"and 2-8").Refer to FSAR Figure 6.2.2-3.Specification is cross-referenced to Specification because of the interface on the Limiting Condition for Operation for containment cooling.Input is referenced on FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of Containment Spray System motor operated valves actuate on either Phase A, Containment Spray, or Switchover signals.Refer to FSAR Figure 7.3.1-3.STS P3/0 6-20a P3.6.2.2 P0.6.2.2 Not applicable to the SHNPP.1 I Values for NaOH still under evaluation.
BP3/0.0.5           Change based on current NRC reporting requirements.
Valves provided in 0/85 submittal are tentative.
BP3/0.0.10          Edition of ASME Code based CP date for SHNPP.
Containment Spray and Containment Isolation Phase A signal referenced in FSAR Section
P3.6.2.3 Change made to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology for fan coolers.Reference FSAR page 6.2.2-3.This change is made throughout this section.P0.6.2.3 The flow rate of 1500 gpm per cooler provided in Item a.2 is consistent with the 3000 gpm per train that appears in FSAR Table 9.2.1-1.In Item b, the Safety Injection test signal for fan cooler start is referenced in FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.(1554NLUn/crs
TABLE 1 VALVE NO. CROSS REFERENCE FOR INSERT B TABLE 3.0-1 Ebasco No.                  SFD No. in Tech. S ecs. FSAR Fi ure I RH-V502SB-I                1RH-1                      Fig. 5.0.7-1 1RH-V503SB-I                1RH-2                      Fig. 5.0.7-1 1RH-V500SB-I                IRH-39                      Fig. 5.0.7-1 I RH-V501SA-1                IRH-00                      Fig. 5.0.7-1 1SI-V510SA- I                1SI-130                    Fig. 6.3.2-1 1SI-V511SB-1                ISI-135                    Fig. 6.3.2-1 I SI-V500SA-1               1SI-209                    Fig. 6.3.2-2 1SI-V507SA-1                ISI-250                    Fig. 6.3.2-2 1SI-V505SB-1                1SI-251                    Fig. 6.3.2-2 1SI-V508SB-1                1SI-252                    Fig. 6.3.2-2 I SI-V506SA-1                1SI-253                    Fig. 6.3.2-2 I SI-V509SA-1                ISI-250                    Fig. 6.3.2-2 2SI-V581SA-1                ISI-306                    Fig. 6.3.2-3 2SI-V580SB-I                ISI-307                    Fig. 6.3.2-3 I SI-V580SA-I                ISI-306                    Fig. 6.3.2-3 1SI-V585SB-1                ISI-357                    Fig. 6.3.2-3 1SI-V586SA-1                 1SI-358                    Fig. 6.3.2-3 (1554NLU/ccc )
P3.'6.3 P3/0.6.0 STS P3/, STS P3/, STS P3/0.6.5, R STS P3/0.6.6 P3/0.6.5 BP3/0.6.5 FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 is incorporated by referen'ce to allow flexibility in adding/deleting items.Other changes are clarifications to the Technical Specification reflecting the SHNPP design and terminology.
These changes are made throughout this section.Reference FSAR Section 6.2.5.Not applicable to SHNPP.The description and setpoints for vacuum relief are referenced in FSAR Section
SECTION 3/0.0    REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letter, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.0:
-1.93 and-2.0 psig are referenced on FSAR page 6.2.1-13.(t 554NLUa/crs
CPRL 12/2/83            Steam Generator Tube plugging    limit addressed in Ltr. to NRC              Specif ication
DSER Open Item 210      Low Temperature overpressure setpoints will be included in Specif ication
~e~~SECTION 3/0.6~~~CONTAINMENT SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.6: NRC Question 080.12 NRC Question 080.32 Specification 3/0.6.5 on vacuum relief valves and setpoints added in accordance with response to NRC Question 080.12.Specification on containment integrity addresses NRC Question 080.32.Specification 3/0,6.1.7 addresses NRC SER p.6-16 and 6-10, with regard to testing of containment purge isolation valves and verification that preentry purge valves are closed.i The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
SRQ 210.00              Specifications and addresses leakage testing of interface valves.
3.1.00 P P k P SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT Containment temperature limit.LCO's on containment temperature and pressure, P 3.6.5 P 3/0.6 P P 3.6.3 P Surveillance for Vacuum Relief System.Surveillance for containment systems.Leakage rates for containment tests.Testing of containment isolation valves.Surveillance for the hydrogen recombiners.
DSER Open Item 07        A specification on high point vents is included. See Specif ication 3.0.11. N/A Post-LOCA hydrogen purge is not an ESF and is not subject to Technical Specifications.
SER p 5-23              Specification 3/0.0.5 addresses Steam Generator tube examination.
SER p 5-12              Specif ication addresses inter-system leakage.
SER p 0-35              Specification allows only  3 loop operation in Mode    l.
SER p 5-23              The requirements of NUREG-1010 Section 1.3 are addressed in Specifications and
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION        FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0              P3/0.0.5                              Steam Generator Inspection.
5.2.0              P3/0.0.10                              Inservice Inspection (ISI) for RCS.            P3/                             RCS leakage detection.            P3 0.2.2 R P3.0.0                      Surveillance for Pressurizer SRV and PORV.             P3/0.0.5                              ISI for Steam Generators.          P3.0.6.2                               RCS leakage    limits.
P3.0.10        ECCS test frequency, acceptability of testing, and measured pump and valve parameters.
P3.0.8          LCO on activity level in reactor coolant.
P3.0.1.1       N-1 Loop analyses not performed for FSAR Chapter      15 accidents.
P3.0.8 R F3.0-1 Limits on RCS coolant activity.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER      JUSTIFICATION P3.5.1                          Most values are not totally in agreement with FSAR Tables 6.3.2-1 and 15.6.5-2. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
196 of tank water volume is 9.25 cubic feet (Reference FSAR Table 6.3.2-1). This is equivalent to 69 gallons Changes made to item c consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specif ications and are based on the removal power from the Accumulator Isolation valves above 1000 psig.
The Engineering Core Cooling System (ECCS) uses charging/safety injection pumps. Reference FSAR Section 6.3.
SHNPP design does not include UHI; refer to FSAR Section 6.3.
P3.5,2                           Item has been deleted because the SHNPP is a three-loop plant. This change is made throughout this section.
P0.5.2                           Insert A is based on response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item No. 308. A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR numbers are provided in Table 2.
Phrases deleted in item b because the ECCS pump casings do not have vents and high pressure safety injection piping cannot be safely filled and vented when CSIP is in operation and low pressure safety injection piping is always under pressure from the RWST.
The setpoints of 025 psig and 750 psig in Item D are referenced on FSAR page 5.0.7-2.
In Item g, the ECCS  throttle valves do not have mechanical or electrical stops. A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR numbers is given in Table 3.
(1554NLUa/crs )
~ ~
                                . TABLE 2 VALVE NO. CROSS REFERENCE FOR ECCS INSERT A Ebasco No.           SFD No. In Tech. S ecs.       FSAR Fi ure 2SI-V500SA-1        1SI-107                      Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V501SB-1        1SI-86                        Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V502SA-1        1SI-52                        Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V579SA-1        ISI-300                      Fig. 6.3.2-3 2SI-V578SB-1        ISI-301                      Fig. 6.3.2-3 2SI-V587SA-1        1SI-359                      Fig. 6.3.2-3 (1554NLUn/crs )
                'hown    in            SFD No. In Ebasco No,         P~SR R                Tech. S ecs.     FSAR Fi ure 2SI-V000SA-I       2SI-V16SA-1          1SI-5             Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V039S8-1      2SI-V225SB-1          1SI-6            Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V033SA-1      2SI-V28SA-1           1SI-7            Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V037SA-1      2SI-V62SA-1          1SI-69            Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V036SB-1       2SI-V68SB-1          1SI-70            Fig,  6.3.2-1 2SI-V035SA-1      2SI-V70SA-1          1SI-71            Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V030SA-1      2S8-V38SA-1          ISI-101          Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V033SB-1      2SI-V00SB-1          ISI-102          Fig. 6;3.2-1 2SI-V032SA-1      2SI-V50SA-I          ISI-103          Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V031SA-1      2SI-V 83SA-1          1SI-120          Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V030SB-1      2SI-V89SB-1          1SI-125          Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V029SA-1 ~    2SI-V95SA-1           1SI-126          Fig. 6.3.2-1 (1554NLUe/crs )
                                ~ ~
PO;5.2       SHNPP design has semi-automatic ECCS switchover. Sump valves auto-open but RWST valves are manually shut. Refer to FSAR Section 6.3,2.8.
P3.5.3       In the footnote, the change to 250'F is based on design of Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System. Reference FSAR Section 5.2.2. 'This change is made throughout this section.
P0.5.3.2    Surveillance modified to include time interval for the removal of one CSIP from service. Changes based on approved Callaway TS.
STS P3/0.5.0 This STS section has been deleted because the Boron Injection Tank (BIT) has been modified to contain a boron concentration consistent with the balance of Safety Injection piping. Filling and venting of the BIT is controlled by Specification   ~
0.5.2.b.l. Also, since the BIT does not contain high concentrations of boric acid, the heaters are not required. The deletion of high boron concentration from the BIT will be reflected in a future FSAR amendment.
I h
(1554NLUa/crs )
                    ~ e                                    0 ~
SECTION 3/0.5.  ~ . EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.5:
DSER Open              Specification 3.5.3 identifies that only 1 CSIP can be operable Item 213            'elow 250'F.
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION      FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER                          SUB3ECT 3.5.1             P 3.5.0                                LCO for RWST.          P 3.5.3                                Below RCS temp. of 250'F only 1 charging pump may operate.        P 0.5.2.c                              Inspection of Containment Recirculation Sumps.        P 3.5.0                                Specification for RWST.
6.3.1              P 3.5.2                                LCO for ECCS.         P 3.5.1                                 LCO for ECCS Accumulator.        P 3.5.1                                LCO for ECCS Accumulator isolation valve position. R          P 3.5.1 -P 3.5.0                      LCO's  for ECCS.          P 3.5.1 P 3.5.0                        Surveillance requirements for ECCS systems. Specification 3/0.0 addresses the ISI program.         P  3/0.5                                Surveillance frequency for ECCS components.      P 0.5.2e                                Compliance with GDC 37 for ECCS testing during shutdown I           P  3/0.5                               Action req'uired following inadvertent safety injection.
0 ~
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER      3USTIFICATION P0.6.1.1                          In Item a, the reference to Table 3.6-1 was deleted and the reference changed. FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 is referenced in Specification Since the Technical Specification amendment process is inordinately long, to keep this tabular data up-to-date, a reference to the FSAR table is made. Changes to the FSAR will be controlled and reported hy 10 CFR 50.59 and 50.30(b).
In Item c, 01 psig based on peak accident pressure 39.1 psig from Main Steam Line Break without the Boron Injection Tank and an upper limit on normal containment operating pressure of 1.9 psig in Specification
P3.6.1.2                         .10% value is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.1-3.
Values for P and Pt disagree with values on FSAR page 82.6-1. The FSAR will be revised.
P0.6.1.2                         Insert is base8 on NRC approval of methodology for Carolina Power R Light Company's Brunswick Plant (NRC (Vassallo) to CPRL (Utley) dated 12-9-83).
STS Subitems d.3, the d.0,  g, h and i are deleted based on SHNPP design. Reference FSAR Section 6.2.1.
STS P3.6.1.0                      This STS is not applicable to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) design.
P3.6.1.0                         For bases of 1.9 psig, refer to bases page B 3/0 6-2. The -0 inches water gauge assures that the vacuum breaker system can maintain the containment greater than -2 psig for the design basis negative pressure event.
P3.6.1.5                          120'F is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.1-5.
P0.6.1.5                          The 5 monitors for containment temperature are to be located at Elevation 327'.
The change to the text is required to delete "bad" data from the average.
(1554NLUa/crs )
P3.6.1.7      Changes    reflect the SHNPP component terminology for the purge system. Purge line sizes are referenced on FSAR page 9.0.7-2. Tech.
Spec. request unlimited purge capability for 8 in, valve.
CPRL has performed analyses that demonstrate that continuous purge with the normal .
containment purge system does not result in unacceptable consequences during accidents. The STS recommendation to limit purge time to less than 1000 hours is not consistent with the NRC acceptance of the "leak-before-break" philosophy.      The details of a containment ventilation system penetration requires testing by a boundary defined 0 valves (2-02 "and 2-8"). Refer to FSAR Figure 6.2.2-3.
P3.6.2.1       Specification is cross-referenced to Specification because of the interface on the Limiting Condition for Operation for containment cooling.
P0.6.2.1      Input is referenced on FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.
0.6.2.l.e      Containment Spray System motor operated valves actuate on either Phase A, Containment Spray, or Switchover signals. Refer to FSAR Figure 7.3.1-3.
STS P3/0 6-20a Not applicable to the SHNPP.
1      I P3.6.2.2      Values  for NaOH still under evaluation. Valves provided in 0/85 submittal are tentative.
P0.6.2.2      Containment Spray and Containment Isolation Phase A signal referenced in FSAR Section
P3.6.2.3      Change made to     reflect the SHNPP design and terminology for fan coolers. Reference FSAR page 6.2.2-3. This change is made throughout this section.
P0.6.2.3      The flow rate of 1500 gpm per cooler provided in Item a.2 is consistent with the 3000 gpm per train that appears in FSAR Table 9.2.1-1.
In Item b, the Safety Injection test signal for fan cooler start is referenced in FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.
(1554NLUn/crs )
P3.'6.3          FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 is incorporated by referen'ce to allow flexibility in adding/deleting items.
Other changes are clarifications to the Technical Specification reflecting the SHNPP design and terminology. These changes are made throughout this section.
P3/0.6.0          Reference FSAR Section 6.2.5.
STS  P3/, Not applicable to SHNPP.
STS  P3/, STS  P3/0.6.5, R STS  P3/0.6.6 P3/0.6.5          The description and setpoints for vacuum relief are referenced in FSAR Section
BP3/0.6.5        -1.93 and -2.0 psig are referenced on FSAR page 6.2.1-13.
( t 554NLUa/crs )
                      ~ e                                  ~ ~
SECTION 3/0.6  ~ ~ ~  CONTAINMENT SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.6:
NRC Question 080.12                Specification 3/0.6.5 on vacuum relief valves and setpoints added in accordance with response to NRC Question 080.12.
NRC Question 080.32                Specification on containment integrity addresses NRC Question 080.32.
Specification 3/0,6.1.7 addresses NRC SER p. 6-16 and 6-10, with regard to testing of containment purge isolation valves and verification that preentry purge valves are closed.
i The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION        FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER                        SUB3ECT 3.1.00              P                              Containment temperature limit.          P  kP                  LCO's on containment temperature and pressure,        P 3.6.5                                Surveillance for Vacuum Relief System.              P 3/0.6                                Surveillance for containment systems.          P                              Leakage rates for containment tests.              P 3.6.3                                Testing of containment isolation valves.           P                             Surveillance for the hydrogen recombiners.           N/A                                   Post-LOCA hydrogen purge is not an ESF and is not subject to Technical Specifications.
Reference should be deleted from FSAR Section
Reference should be deleted from FSAR Section P R P 0.0.0" P Surveillance for containment hydrogen monitors.Leakage rates for personnel airlocks.(1554NLUn/crs           P R P 0.0.0"                   Surveillance for containment hydrogen monitors.
)              P                             Leakage rates for personnel airlocks.
I P P R P P Leakage rates for Containment Penetration Type B and C tests, Frequency of containment Type A, B, and C tests.Minimum levels of NaOH for containment spray.The values presented in the FSAR are to be revised.P R P P 3/ Applicable Technical Specifications for Containment Yentilation Systems.Limiting containment leakage after LOCA.(1554NLUa/crs
(1554NLUn/crs )
I P             Leakage rates for Containment Penetration Type B and C tests, P R P Frequency of containment Type A, B, and C tests.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P3/ 2 T3.7-2 P3/ P3.7.1.0 T0.7-1 P3/ P3/0.7.3 P3/0.7.0 3USTIFICATION The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP)does not utilize loop isolation valves.Carolina Power R Light Company (CPdcL)is not seeking permission for N-1 loop operations.
P            Minimum levels of NaOH for containment spray. The values presented in the FSAR are to be revised.
This change is reflected throughout this section.The valve list settings for Table 3.7-2 are referenced in FSAR Table 10.3.1-1.A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR is provided in Table 0.The FSAR provides a value of 200,000 gallons.The Technical Specification value, allowing for unusable tank volume, is noted in the Technical Specification as 250,000.Text changes reflect the and terminology.
P R P Applicable Technical Specifications for Containment Yentilation Systems.
Reference FSAR Section
P 3/           Limiting containment leakage after LOCA.
Table 0.7-1 changed based on plant operation need.This ch'ange allows added flexibility if Gross Activity counting equipment is out of service.The Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV)closure time is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 and FSAR Section
(1554NLUa/crs )
Isolation of non-safety related portions of the system are referenced in FSAR Section
Independence of CCW loops is via the capability to manually isolate trains following an accident.~Added sections are in response to previous CPRL commitments to the Instrumentation and Control Systems Branch.FSAR Section describes the Emergency Service Water System response to the Safety Injection test signal.(1554NLUa/crs)
                    ~ e                             ~     y BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND
TABLE 0 VALVE NO.CROSS REFERENCE FOR TABLE 3.7-2 Ebasco No.Steam Generator A 2MS-R ISA-I 2MS-R0SA-I 2MS-R7SA-I 2MS-R I OSA-I 2M 5-R13SA-I Steam Generator B 2MS-R2SB-I 2MS-R5SB-I 2MS-R8SB-I 2MS-Rl I SB-I 2MS-R10SB-I Steam Generator C 2MS-R3SA-I 2MS-R6SA-I 2MS-R9SA-I 2MS-R I 2SA-I 2MS-R15SA-I SFD No.In Tech.S ecs.IMS-03 IMS-06 IMS-09 IMS-52 IMS-55 IMS-00 IMS-07 IMS-50 IMS-53 IMS-56 IMS-05 IMS-08 IMS-51 IMS-50 IMS-57 FSAR Fi ure Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10.1.0-1 Fig.10,1.0-1 (1554NLUa/crs)
P3/0.7.5 STS P3/0.7.6 P3/0.7.6 P3/0,7.7 Changes made to reflect the SHNPP terminology.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     3USTIFICATION P3/ 2 T3.7-2             The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) does not utilize loop isolation valves. Carolina Power R Light Company (CPdcL) is not seeking permission for N-1 loop operations. This change is reflected throughout this section.
The 35'F value is referenced in FSAR Section'F is the design bases limit for the Component Cooling Water heat exchanger.
The valve list settings for Table 3.7-2 are referenced in FSAR Table 10.3.1-1. A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR is provided in Table 0.
Specification as structured does not apply to SHNPP.The Safety Evaluation Report (SER)does contain a requirement for the Technical Specifications to have certain doors to guard against heavy rain flooding.CPRL has made submittal on October 25, 1980 justifying a change to this SER conclusion since appropriate closure is" ensured by other means.Doors which are relied upon to prevent flooding of safety-related components will be surveillanced via implementation of security measures.Changes and input reflect the SHNPP terminology.
P3/                     The FSAR provides a value of 200,000 gallons.
Temperature monitoring is addressed in Specification 3/0.7.12.Specification 0.7.6.d.1 includes pressurization test of 1/8 water gauge as specified in FSAR Section and on SER page 6-.30.A 9996 filter efficiency is assumed in the accident analysis as stated in FSAR page'15.6.5-1 le.Changes and input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology:
The Technical Specification value, allowing for unusable tank volume, is noted in the Technical Specification as 250,000. Text changes reflect the and terminology.
A 9996 filter efficiency is assumed in the accident analysis as stated on FSAR page 15.6.5-11c.
P3.7.1.0                        Reference FSAR Section
P3/0.7.8 The current Draft Rev.5 Technical Specification was used and not Generic Letter 80-13.P3/0.7.10 Changes and input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
T0.7-1                         Table 0.7-1 changed based on plant operation need. This ch'ange allows added flexibility if Gross Activity counting equipment is out of service.
FSAR page 9.5.1-21 states that individual fire pump capacities are 2500 gpm.The 1900 gpm capacity for safety related areas quoted in the FSAR will be revised.STS 0.7.10.l.l.d was deleted as being adequately covered by other tests.Paragraph 3/ does not require operability of fire hose stations in the containment because the containment isolation valve is a'anual valve.STS P3.7.11.3 P3/0.7.12 Not applicable to the SHNPP.The temperature limits specified in the Table 3.7-6 are provided in FSAR Appendix 3-11B.The laters will be addressed in a future tech.spec.submittal.
P3/                     The Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) closure time is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 and FSAR Section
P3/0.7.3                        Isolation of non-safety related portions of the system are referenced in FSAR Section
Independence of CCW loops is via the capability to manually isolate trains following an accident.   ~
P3/0.7.13 BP3/ The Essential Services Chilled Water Technical Specification has been added based upon the requirement on SER page 9-21.Values for the formula are provided in FSAR Table 10.3.1-1.BP3/ Values provided are referenced on FSAR page 10.0.9-1.BP3/ 12 hours is referenced in FSAR Section s)
Added sections are in response to previous CPRL commitments to the Instrumentation and Control Systems Branch.
SECTION 3/0.7 PLANT SYSTEMS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.7: DSER Open Items 02 R 87 NRC Generic Letter 83-37 SER p 6-30 SER p 2-25 and 2-22 SER p 2-22 SER p 10-19 SER p 9-21 SER p 9-16 SER p 9-16 SER p 9-13 Specification 3/0.7.3 addresses NRC concerns on the CCW System.Specification 3/0.7.6 addresses NUREG-0737 concern of Control Room Habitability.
P3/0.7.0                        FSAR Section describes the Emergency Service Water System response to the Safety Injection test signal.
Specification 3/0.7.6 addresses surveillance testing of Control Room pressurization flow.Specification 3.7.5 defines LCO for peak average reservoir water temperature and water levels.Specification 3.7.5 discusses start of a ESW pump at low auxiliary reservoir temperature.
Specification includes outage items for 2/3 inoperable AFW pumps.Specification addresses ESCWS surveillance testing.Specification 0.7.3 addresses CCW system surveillance.
Specification 0.7.3b provides surveillance of the safety-related portions of the CCW system.Specification 0.7.0 provides surveillance of safety-related portions of the Emergency Service Water System (ESWS).The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
TABLE 0 VALVE NO. CROSS REFERENCE FOR TABLE 3.7-2 Ebasco No.             SFD No. In Tech. S ecs.      FSAR Fi ure Steam Generator A 2MS-R ISA-I             IMS-03                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R0SA-I             IMS-06                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R7SA-I             IMS-09                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R I OSA-I           IMS-52                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2M5-R13SA-I             IMS-55                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 Steam Generator B 2MS-R2SB-I             IMS-00                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R5SB-I             IMS-07                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R8SB-I             IMS-50                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-Rl I SB-I          IMS-53                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R10SB-I            IMS-56                       Fig. 10.1.0-1 Steam Generator C 2MS-R3SA-I              IMS-05                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R6SA-I              IMS-08                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R9SA-I              IMS-51                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R I 2SA-I          IMS-50                        Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R15SA- I            IMS-57                        Fig. 10,1.0-1 (1554NLUa/crs)
SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER 2.0.10 P 3/0.7.5 SUB3ECT ESWS pump will be started if auxiliary reservoir temperature is less than 35'F. P 3.7.5 LCO and surveillance for ultimate heat sink. P P Condensate storage tank surveillance.
LCO for secondary coolant activity level.(1554NLUa/crs) P 3.7.7 P P 3.7.9 Inservice testing for RAB HVAC.The Waste Processing Building was incorrectly identified in the FSAR as requiring a Technical Specification.
P3/0.7.5      Changes made to reflect the SHNPP terminology. The 35'F value is referenced in FSAR Section 2.0.7. 95'F is the design bases limit for the Component Cooling Water heat exchanger.
The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
STS P3/0.7.6  Specification as structured does not apply to SHNPP. The Safety Evaluation Report (SER) does contain a requirement for the Technical Specifications to have certain doors to guard against heavy rain flooding. CPRL has made submittal on October 25, 1980 justifying a change to this SER conclusion since appropriate closure is" ensured by other means. Doors which are relied upon to prevent flooding of safety-related components will be surveillanced via implementation of security measures.
Auxiliary Feedwater System surveillance testing.Procedures for sealed source monitoring.
P3/0.7.6      Changes and input reflect the SHNPP terminology. Temperature monitoring is addressed in Specification 3/0.7.12. Specification 0.7.6.d. 1 includes pressurization test of 1/8 water gauge as specified in FSAR Section and on SER page 6-.30. A 9996 filter efficiency is assumed in the accident analysis as stated in FSAR page'15.6.5-1 le.
15.6.3 17.2.19 P P, P P, P, P, k P 3.7.1 1 Surveillance for Steam Generator Safety Valves.LCO's and surveillance required for fire protection systems.(1554NLUa/crs)
P3/0,7.7      Changes and input   reflect the SHNPP design and terminology: A 9996 filter efficiency is assumed in the accident analysis as stated on FSAR page 15.6.5-11c.
Sequence for Item f.l0 is referenced on FSAR page 8.3.1-11.Deletion of STS Item e.ll is based upon the Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps being dedicated to one safety train.Reference FSAR Figure 9.5.0-1.P0. Lockout features described in Item f.l2 are referenced on FSAR pages 8.3.1-17 and-18.Reference to reports changed based on 10 CFR 50.73.P3.8.1.2 The value of 2.50 square inches should be 2.05 square inches in agreement with TS P3.0.9.0.for the PORV throat area is equivalent to the operation of one PORV.TS P3.8.1.2 will be revised.P3.8.2.1 P3.8.2.2 P0.8.0.1 P3.8.0.2 Reference FSAR Figure 8.1.3-3 for an illustration of the D.C.battery systems.Changes reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
P3/0.7.8      The current Draft Rev. 5 Technical Specification was used and not Generic Letter 80-13.
Reference FSAR Figure 8.1.3-3 illustrates availability of two full capacity battery chargers per safety-related battery.The only medium voltage breakers are 6.9 kV.This specification revised to indicate that the SHNPP design does not include any"continuously bypassed and temporarily placed in force...during periodic or maintenance testing" thermal overloads.
P3/0.7.10    Changes and input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology. FSAR page 9.5.1-21 states that individual fire pump capacities are 2500 gpm. The 1900 gpm capacity for safety related areas quoted in the FSAR will be revised.
T3.8-1 R T3.8-2 To be consistent with the CPRL position adopted on the Technical Specifications table on Containment Isolation Valves, Tables 3.8-1 and-2 are not included in the Technical Specifications.
STS  0.7.10.l.l.d was deleted as being adequately covered by other tests. Paragraph 3/ does not require operability of fire hose stations in the containment because the containment isolation valve is a'anual valve.
These tables will be included in the FSAR and referenced by Specifications and
STS P3.7.11.3 Not applicable to the SHNPP.
P3/0.7.12    The temperature limits specified in the Table 3.7-6 are provided in FSAR Appendix 3-11B. The laters will be addressed in a future tech. spec.
SECTION 3/0.8 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.8: DSER Open Item 103 NRC Generic Letter 83-26 Specification requires a verification that the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power.Diesel fuel oil impurity tests are patterned after Rev.5 WSTS in lieu of Generic Letter 83-26.The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT 3.1.18 P, P, R P P P 0.8.2.l.e, Br..f P, k.d P LCO's for electrical power systems.Battery surveillance.
(1554NLUe/crs )
Battery capacity test.Diesel fuel oil quality checks.Operability of starting air system verified through required diesel start tests.(1554NLUa/crs)  
P3/0.7.13  The Essential Services Chilled Water Technical Specification has been added based upon the requirement on SER page 9-21.
BP3/ Values for the formula are provided in FSAR Table 10.3.1-1.
BP3/ Values provided are referenced on FSAR page 10.0.9-1.
BP3/ 12 hours is referenced in FSAR Section
(1554NLUn/cr s )
SECTION 3/0.7     PLANT SYSTEMS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.7:
DSER Open Items 02 R 87        Specification 3/0.7.3 addresses NRC concerns on the CCW System.
NRC Generic Letter 83-37        Specification 3/0.7.6 addresses NUREG-0737 concern of Control Room Habitability.
SER p 6-30                      Specification 3/0.7.6 addresses surveillance testing of Control Room pressurization flow.
SER p 2-25 and 2-22             Specification 3.7.5 defines LCO for peak average reservoir water temperature and water levels.
SER p 2-22                      Specification 3.7.5 discusses start of a ESW pump at low auxiliary reservoir temperature.
SER p 10-19                    Specification includes outage items for 2/3 inoperable AFW pumps.
SER p 9-21                      Specification addresses ESCWS surveillance testing.
SER p 9-16                      Specification 0.7.3 addresses CCW system surveillance.
SER p 9-16                      Specification 0.7.3b provides surveillance of the safety-related portions of the CCW system.
SER p 9-13                      Specification 0.7.0 provides surveillance of safety-related portions of the Emergency Service Water System (ESWS).
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION      FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER                        SUB3ECT 2.0.10            P 3/0.7.5                            ESWS pump will be started if auxiliary reservoir temperature is less than 35'F.           P 3.7.5                              LCO and surveillance for ultimate heat sink.          P                            Condensate storage tank surveillance.      P                            LCO for secondary coolant activity level.
(1554NLUa/crs)     P 3.7.7                  Inservice testing for RAB HVAC. The Waste Processing Building was incorrectly identified in the FSAR as requiring a Technical Specification. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.
P                Auxiliary Feedwater System surveillance testing. P 3.7.9                  Procedures for sealed source monitoring.
15.6.3       P                Surveillance for Steam Generator Safety Valves.
17.2.19      P, P LCO's and surveillance required P, P,  for fire protection systems.
P, k P 3.7.1 1 (1554NLUa/crs)
Sequence for Item  f.l0 is referenced  on FSAR page 8.3.1-11.
Deletion of STS Item e.ll is based upon the Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps being dedicated to one safety train. Reference FSAR Figure 9.5.0-1.
Lockout features described in Item f.l2 are referenced on FSAR pages 8.3.1-17 and -18.
P0.     Reference to reports changed based on 10 CFR 50.73.
P3.8.1.2        The value of 2.50 square inches should be        2.05 square inches in agreement with TS P3.0.9.0.
for the PORV throat area is equivalent to the operation of one PORV. TS P3.8.1.2 will be revised.
P3.8.2.1        Reference FSAR Figure 8.1.3-3 for an illustration of the D. C. battery systems. Changes reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
P3.8.2.2       Reference FSAR Figure 8.1.3-3 illustrates availability of two full capacity battery chargers per safety-related battery.
P0.8.0.1        The only medium voltage breakers are 6.9 kV.
P3.8.0.2        This specification revised to indicate that the SHNPP design does not include any "continuously bypassed and temporarily placed in force...
during periodic or maintenance testing" thermal overloads.
T3.8-1 R T3.8-2 To be consistent with the CPRL position adopted on the Technical Specifications table on Containment Isolation Valves, Tables 3.8-1 and -2 are not included in the Technical Specifications.
These tables will be included in the FSAR and referenced by Specifications and
(1554NLU6/crs )
SECTION 3/0.8     ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.8:
DSER Open Item 103                Specification requires a verification that the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power.
NRC Generic Letter 83-26          Diesel fuel oil impurity tests are patterned after Rev. 5 WSTS in lieu  of Generic Letter 83-26.
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION     FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER                            SUB3ECT 3.1.18          P, P, R                  LCO's for electrical power P                                 systems.       P                                Battery surveillance.         P 0.8.2.l.e, Br..f                      Battery capacity test.         P,  k .d                      Diesel fuel oil quality checks.         P                               Operability of starting air system verified through required diesel start tests.

FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P3.9.1 P3.9.3 P3/0.9.0 P3/0.9.5 P3/0.9.9 P3.9.10 2 P3.9.11 P3/0.9.12 JUSTIFICATION 30 gpm at 7000 ppm provided in the ACTION statement have the same basis as emer gency boration in Specification taken from FSAR Table 15.0.6-2.FSAR Table 15.7.0-1 states that the fuel bundle drop accident was analyzed at 08 hours after shutdown.Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology..
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     JUSTIFICATION P3.9.1                           30 gpm at 7000 ppm provided in the ACTION statement have the same basis as emer gency boration in Specification
Wording has been changed to provide clarification.                          T0.9-1 taken from FSAR Table 15.0.6-2.
Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
P3.9.3                          FSAR Table 15.7.0-1 states that the fuel bundle drop accident was analyzed at 08 hours after shutdown.
The automatic actuation of containment ventilation isolation is illustrated on FSAR Figure'7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.The accident analysis assumes a minimum of 23 feet of water above the dropped fuel assembly.Reference FSAR Table 15.7.0-1.Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
P3/0.9.0                        Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology..
A filter efficiency of 9996 is assumed in the accident analysis.Reference FSAR Table 15.7.0-1.(1554NLUa/crs
P3/0.9.5                        Wording has been changed to provide clarification.
P3/0.9.9                        Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology. The automatic actuation of containment ventilation isolation is illustrated on FSAR Figure'7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.
,~~SECTION 3/0.9 REFUELING Other Safety Related Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.9: NRC Generic Letter 83-13 Specification 3/0.9.12 addresses ESF HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.
P3.9.10  2 P3.9.11              The accident analysis assumes a minimum of 23 feet of water above the dropped fuel assembly. Reference FSAR Table 15.7.0-1.
NRC Letter 3/16/77 Specification 3/0.9.12 addresses fuel handling accident of fsite exposures.
P3/0.9.12                        Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.
A filter efficiency of 9996 is assumed in the accident analysis. Reference FSAR Table 15.7.0-1.
(1554NLUa/crs )
  ~ ~
SECTION 3/0.9     REFUELING Other Safety Related Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.9:
NRC Generic Letter 83-13         Specification 3/0.9.12 addresses ESF HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.
NRC Letter 3/16/77               Specification 3/0.9.12 addresses fuel handling accident offsite exposures.
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT R P 3.9.1 R P 3.9.2 Boron concentration for refueling, shutdown margin, and core subcriticality monitoring.
FSAR SECTION     FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER                       SUB3ECT R         P 3.9.1 R P 3.9.2                     Boron concentration for                                                refueling, shutdown margin, and core subcriticality monitoring.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P3.10.1 P3.10.3 JUSTIFICATION 30 gpm at 7000 ppm have the same basis as provided in Specification Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant does not utilize part length rods.This change is made throughout this section.Lowest T identified as no load T (551'F)less 10'F.She temporary suspension Sf the 551'F limit provides room to perform MTC measurements over a 10'F hT band.The 10'F dT is typical for Westinghouse plants.(1554NLUa/crs
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     JUSTIFICATION P3.10.1                         30 gpm   at 7000 ppm have the same basis as provided in Specification
The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant does not utilize part length rods. This change is made throughout this section.
P3.10.3                          Lowest T       identified as no load T     (551'F) less 10'F. She temporary suspension Sf the 551'F limit provides room to perform MTC measurements over a 10'F hT band. The 10'F dT is typical for Westinghouse plants.
(1554NLUa/crs )

FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER T0.11-1 P3.11.1.2 P3.11.1A P3.11.2.0 2 P3.11.2.5 3USTIFICATION This table lists sources of routine batch releases.The sources are illustrated in FSAR Figures 11.2.2-8 and 11.2.2.-0.
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     3USTIFICATION T0.11-1                         This table lists sources of routine batch releases.
Normal Service Water Systems Return to the Cooling Tower is provided with a monitor and considered a potential release source in accordance with the NRC position on SER page 11-21.The balance of release point identified for liquid effluents are provided with automatic isolation features.Reference Technical Specification.
The sources are illustrated in FSAR Figures 11.2.2-8 and 11.2.2.-0.
Table 3.3-12.Drinking water discussion deleted based on nearest downstream water supply in the receiving body of water.Note on liner added based on approved Callaway Technical Specifications.
Normal Service Water Systems Return to the Cooling Tower is provided with a monitor and considered a potential release source in accordance with the NRC position on SER page 11-21.
Value of 10 Ci based on NUREG-0133, page 18.Changes made to reflect SHNPP terminology.
The balance of release point identified for liquid effluents are provided with automatic isolation features. Reference Technical Specification.
Table 3.3-12.
P3.11.1.2                        Drinking water discussion deleted based on nearest downstream water supply in the receiving body of water.
P3.11.1A                        Note on liner added based on approved Callaway Technical Specifications. Value of 10 Ci based on NUREG-0133, page 18.
P3.11.2.0 2 P3.11.2.5            Changes made to   reflect SHNPP terminology.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND 3USTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 3/0.12 Specification 3/0.12 is based on data provided in the SHNPP Environmental Report and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).(1554NLUa/crs)
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND 3USTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 3/0.12 Specification 3/0.12 is based on data provided in the SHNPP Environmental Report and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER P5.1.1 P5.2.1 P5.2.2 F5.1-1 F5.1-2 P5.3.1 P5.3.2 P5.0.1 P5.0.2 P5.6.1 P5.6.2 P5.6.3 3USTIFICATION Wording has been changed to reflect SHNPP terminology.
Data on containment dimensions is referenced in FSAR Section containment design pressure is referenced on FSAR page 3.8.1-17.The peak temperature of 379'F is based on a Main Steam Line Break without the Boron Injection Tank and represents a change from current Technical Specification and FSAR information.
The Technical Specif ication and FSAR will be revised as necessary.
Reference FSAR Figure 2.1.2-1.Reference FSAR Figure 2.1.1-1.The LPZ distance of 3 miles is referenced in FSAR Section FSAR Table 0.1.1-1.Reference FSAR Table O.l.1-1.The Reactor Coolant System (RCS)data is referenced in FSAR Table 5.3.3-1 and FSAR Section 5.0.Reference FSAR Table 5.10-1 for the pressurizer data.The RCS volume is referenced in FSAR Table 5.1.0-1 Reference to FSAR Sections and minimum pool level is provided on FSAR page 9.1.3-6a.The fuel storage capacity is discussed in FSAR.Section  
FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER     3USTIFICATION P5.1.1                           Wording has been changed to reflect SHNPP terminology.
~(~~)BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS 6.0 Revision 5 of the Standard Technical Specifications (STS)have been customized to reflect CPRL's organizational structure, and delegation of specific responsibilities.
P5.2.1                          Data on containment dimensions is referenced in FSAR Section
As a result, Section 6.0 is presented as a total rewrite rather than a markup of the STS.The content of Section 6.0 is consistent with the STS where appropriate and with the comparable specifications, which the NRC has recently approved, for CPRL's other nuclear facilities, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant-Unit Nos.l and 2 and H.B.Robinson Steam Electric Plant.(1554NLUa/crs) ta~s-~e i  
P5.2.2                          The containment design pressure is referenced on FSAR page 3.8.1-17. The peak temperature of 379'F is based on a Main Steam Line Break without the Boron Injection Tank and represents a change from current Technical Specification and FSAR information. The Technical Specif ication and FSAR will be revised as necessary.
~~c~SECTION 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Other Safety-Related Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 6.0: NRC letter on Reporting Requirements SER p 2-26 R p 2-27 SER p 13-22 SER p.12-5 Revision of Section 6.9 and various specifications to reflect changes to 10 CFR 50.73 and 50.72.Specification 6.8.0.f added to address inspection program for dikes, dams and channels.Specification 6.2.2 addresses minimum shift crew composition.
F5.1-1                          Reference FSAR Figure 2.1.2-1.
Specification 6.12 address program for High Radiation areas.The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
F5.1-2                          Reference FSAR Figure 2.1.1-1. The LPZ distance of 3 miles is referenced in FSAR Section
SPECIFICATION PARAGRAPH (P)/FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T)NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8 (RG 1.96),, R R TMI Appendix 13.0.3 k 17.2.17 P 6.9 P 6.6.1 R P P 6.12 P 6.10 P 6.10 P 6.2.2 P P 6.5.1 R P 6.5.2 P 6.10 Reporting Requirements.
P5.3.1                          Reference FSAR Table 0.1.1-1.
Radiological Incident Reports.Control of High Radiation Area.Record retention for radiation surveys.Records of radioactive shipments.
P5.3.2                          Reference FSAR Table O.l. 1-1.
Minimum shift crew.QA Audits.Review and approval process for required procedures, modif ications and tests.Record retention.
P5.0.1                          The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) data is referenced in FSAR Table 5.3.3-1 and FSAR Section 5.0. Reference FSAR Table 5.10-1 for the pressurizer data.
(1554NLUa/crs) P 6.5.6 Frequency of QA audit of fire protection.
P5.0.2                          The RCS volume is referenced in FSAR Table 5.1.0-1 P5.6.1                          Reference to FSAR Sections and
STS allow 20-month interval.CPRL understands that STS supercedes guidance in Generic Letter 82-21 which states annual.FSAR states annual but will be revised as necessary to reflect 20-month interval.(1554NLUa/era
P5.6.2                          The minimum pool level is provided on FSAR page 9.1.3-6a.
P5.6.3                          The fuel storage capacity is discussed in FSAR     .
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BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS 6.0 Revision 5 of the Standard Technical Specifications (STS) have been customized to reflect CPRL's organizational structure, and delegation of specific responsibilities. As a result, Section 6.0 is presented as a total rewrite rather than a markup of the STS. The content of Section 6.0 is consistent with the STS where appropriate and with the comparable specifications, which the NRC has recently approved, for CPRL's other nuclear facilities, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant - Unit Nos. l and 2 and H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant.
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SECTION 6.0     ADMINISTRATIVECONTROLS Other Safety-Related Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 6.0:
NRC letter on Reporting         Revision of Section 6.9 and various specifications to Requirements                    reflect changes to 10 CFR 50.73 and 50.72.
SER p 2-26 R p 2-27              Specification 6.8.0.f added to address inspection program for dikes, dams and channels.
SER p 13-22                      Specification 6.2.2 addresses minimum shift crew composition.
SER p. 12-5                      Specification 6.12 address program for High Radiation areas.
The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.
FSAR SECTION     FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER                         SUB3ECT 1.8 (RG 1.96)     P 6.9                                  Reporting Requirements.         P 6.6.1 R P                    Radiological Incident Reports.,       P 6.12                                Control of High Radiation Area., R     P 6.10                                Record retention for radiation surveys.     P 6.10                                Records of radioactive shipments. R      P 6.2.2                                Minimum shift crew.
TMI Appendix 13.0.3          P                             QA Audits. k      P 6.5.1 R P 6.5.2                     Review and approval process for                                                required procedures, modif ications and tests.
17.2.17          P 6.10                                Record retention.
(1554NLUa/crs) P 6.5.6 Frequency of QA audit of fire protection. STS allow 20-month interval. CPRL understands that STS supercedes guidance in Generic Letter 82-21 which states annual. FSAR states annual but will be revised as necessary to reflect 20-month interval.
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Latest revision as of 19:24, 3 February 2020

Proposed Facility Tech Specs Providing cross-ref W/Certain FSAR & SER Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1985
Shared Package
ML18019A237 List:
NUDOCS 8506110461
Download: ML18019A238 (59)



FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P1.1 The title of the ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST has been changed to delete the word "ANALOG"because, the definition is also used for testing of the radiation monitors which are digital systems. The references in subsequent specifications should all be changed to delete the word "ANALOG"from the test title.

P 1.3 Added definitions for "Exclusion Area Boundary" and "Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System."

Terms are used in the Specifications.

BS06l g 0+61 Alloce 85o~o K 05pgpygp A

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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P2.1.1 R F2.1-2 The change made to the Standard Technical Specifications (STS) reflects that Carolina Power R Light Company (CPdcL) is not requesting permission for N-1 loop operation. References to N-1 loop operation have been deleted throughout this section.

P2.1.1 R F2.1-1 Because the plant would be taking ACTION as required by the referenced Specification, the inoperability of one Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) below P-8 and inoperability of 3 RCPs below P-7 should not invoke the ACTIONS required by a Safety Limit Violation.

Plant specific figure provided for Figure 2.1-1.

P2.1.2 Clarification added to allow reactor coolant system pressure to exceed 2735 psig during hydrostatic testing.

P2.2.1 dc T2.2-1 Paragraph 2.2.1 and Table 2.2-1 were developed from the Westinghouse Setpoint Study for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP).

Refer to bases for additional information.

The equations in Table 2.2-1 for overpressure hT and overtemperature dT supercede the entries in FSAR Section 7.2. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.

Full load T for the SHNPP is currently 588.8 F as noted in%SAR Table O.l.l-l.

BP2.1.2 Changes to STS based on requirements of ASME Code and design pressure of 2085 psig as noted in FSAR Section 5.2.

BP2.2.1 For an explanation of changes to the "Overpower hT" text refer to Note 3 to Table 2.2-1 where it is stated that f2( hl ) = 0.

For "Steam/Feedwater Flow Mismatch" inst, the 38% is from Table 2.2-1 and the 1.627 x 10 lbs./hour is consistent with 0096 of the full power steam flow stated in FSAR Table 5.f.0-1.

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SECTION 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0, P2.2 Technical Specif ication provides, limits on process variables used, in Reactor Trip System.,,,,, R T2.2-1 The equation for overpressure hT and overtemperature hT in the FSAR are superceded by the data provided in Technical Specif ication Table 2.2-1.

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SECTION 3/0.0 LCO'S AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT,, P0.0.5 Inservice testing program for, pumps and valves conducted in, 6.6, R accordance with ASME T12.0.2-0 Section XI.

5.2.0 P0.0.5 RCPB and supports ISI and testing to be conducted in accordance with ASME Section XI.

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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER JUSTIFICATION P3.1.1.1 Percent hk/k values have been converted to pcm because the operating procedures use pcm. This change is made throughout the Technical Specif ications.

The value of 1770 pcm is referenced in FSAR Table 0.3.2-3.

The values of 30 gpm and 7000 ppm boron are used throughout the Technical Specifications for emergency boration. The values are determined from a negative reactivity insertion rate approved by the NRC.

P3.1.1.2 Carolina Power R Light Company response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item 213 committed to maintaining a shutdown margin of 2000 pcm in cold shutdown. Lockout of one reactor water makeup pump will be controlled via administrative controls.

P3.1.1.3 0 pcm/'F and -02 pcm/'F are based on moderator temperature coefficient and moderator density coefficient in FSAR Tables 0.3.2-2 and 15.0.3-2.

Value set 6'F below no load T . This value has-been previously agreed to by Oe%inghouse and the NRC.

P0.1.1.0.b Value set O'F above no load T . This value has been previously agreed to by Pektinghouse and the NRC.

P0.1.2.l.a With the reduction of BAT concentration the heat tracing of lines has been dropped. Area heating will be sufficient. This follows throughout this portion of the Specifications.

P3.1.2.2. Plant specific wording change.

P3.1.2.2 For the footnote, only one Charging/Safety Injection Pump may be operable below 250'F because of Low Temperature/Overpressure Protection. Refer to FSAR Section

Expansion on inoperability is based on approved Callaway TS.

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PO.I.2.3.1 R P0. Additional words added to permit actual operation to demonstrate OPERABILITY.

P3.1.2.5, P0.1.2.5, P3.1.2.6, 2 The minimum temperature of 00'F was the value PO.I.2.6 used in the containment backpressure study.

Refer to FSAR page 6.2.1-26d.

P3.1.3.1, F3.1-2, P3.1.3.7, R Full length has been deleted when referring to F3.1-3 shutdown and control rods to avoid confusion. The SHNPP does not utilize part-length rods. This change is made throughout this section.

Figure 3.1-2 has been deleted because it is applicable to a four-loop plant.

P3.1.3.3 The ACTION was changed to make this ACTION similar to the ACTION in MODES 1 and 2. The surveillance interval was added and is consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specifications.

P3.1.3.0 TS value is listed as 3.0 seconds. This has been superceded; 2.2 seconds is correct value and will be proposed via future Technical Specification submittal.

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SECTION 3/0.1 REACTIVITYCONTROLS The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted'Specification.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT P3.1.3.0 Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) Drop Time. P3.1.3.1 CRDM Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO). R P0. CRDM surveillance testing. P3.1.1.1 R P3.1.1.2 Shutdown margin. P3.1.3.6 k F3.1-1 Rod Insertion Limits.

0.6.0, R P3.1.2.1, P3.1.2.2, P3.1.1.1 2 LCO's for CVCS boration P3.1.1.2 sources and shutdown margins. 2 P0. R P0.1.3.2 Rod position deviation monitor. P3.1.2.2 R P3.1.2.3 LCO's for rod position indication.


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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER JUSTIFICATION P3.2.1 Change made to clarify the requirement for maintaining power less than 5096 when AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE is out of the specified target band with one hour of penalty time in the previous 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br />.

P3.2.2 2.32 justified by most recent LOCA analysis submitted to the NRC on May 7, 1985.

P0.2.2.2 Changed to clarify that measured Fxy used without penalties for comparisons with Fxy limits.

P3.2.3 Text modified to delete reference to related" figure. LCO will be rewritten based on text in approved Byron technical specifications.

Uncertainties assumed in measurement include 096 for 8" and 2496 for RCS flow measurement. A specHii penalty for feedwater fouling not included.

T3.2-1 This table has been incorporated into the text of Specif ication 3.2.5.


SECTION 3/0.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.2:

SER p 0-33 DNBR penalties due to fuel rod bowing not included in Specification 3.2.3 based on the current STS provided by the NRC Staff which deletes the requirement.

SER p 0-31 Specification is responsive to the SER item.

SER p 0-18 Fq in Specification 3.2.2 is 2.32 based on revised LOCA analysis.

SER p 0-23 Specification 3.2.1 addresses use of +596 and +3/-1296 target bands discussed in the SER.

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT P3.2.1-3.2.6 Means used to maintain Power Distribution Limits. P3.2.1 Specification of Target Band for hl and surveillance required. P3.2.0 Actions to be taken if flux tilt detected. P0.2.3.5 RCS flow measurement.


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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3VSTIFICATION P3/0.3.1 R T3.3-1 Entries correspond to Table 2.2-1 setpoints. Total number of channels and channels to trip input is also in FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1.

T3.3-1 Portions of Item 7 were deleted to reflect that CPRL is not requesting permission for continuous N-1 loop operation. Item 7 also reflects the fact that SHNPP is a three-loop plant. This is reflected throughout this section.

Item 17 has been changed to reflect current NRC practice approved in the McGuire and Callaway Technical Specif ications.

ACTION 5 as stated in STS is not applicable to SHNPP. ACTION 5 has been revised to reflect ACTION for Item 6.c of the Table.

All numbers in the ACTION STATEMENTS in the table have been revised to delete ACTIONS not applicable to SHNPP.

T303-2 The footnote is applicable. The SHNPP FSAR was docketed in 1973. Specific responses per FSAR Table 15.0.6-1.

Table incorporates staggered testing on quarterly interval as justified by Westinghouse TS optimization WCAP.

T303-3 ESFAS logics are presented in FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1 (7 sheets). For Item 1 reference sheets 2, 0, and 6 of 7.

For Item 2, reference sheet 2 of 7. For Item 3, reference sheet 2 of 7. For Item 0, reference sheets 2 and 0 of 7. For Item 5, reference sheets 2,6 and 7 of 7.

In Item 6 manual initiation of Auxiliary Feedwater is via a control switch. Therefore, it was deleted from the table.

For Item 6b, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 3of 7.


For Item 6d, reference sheet 3 of 7 of Figure 7.3.1-1.

For Item 6e, reference sheet 3 of 7 of Figure 7.3.1-1.

For Item 6f, reference Figure 7.3.1-1 sheet 5 of

7. The Technical Specification language used has been previously approved in the V.C. Summer Technical Specif ications.

For Item 7, reference FSAR Figure 7.6.1-5.

For Item 8, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-3 and FSAR page 6.2.2-6.

For Item 9, reference CPdcL response to BTP PSB-I.

For Item 10, reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 2of 7.

For Item 1 la, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 6 of 15.

'or Item 1 lb, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 6 of 15.

For Item 1 lc, reference FSAR Figure 7.2.1-1, sheet 2 of 15.

T3.3-0 The input, except for Item 9, is from the Westinghouse Setpoint Study which is based on accident analyses. Input from Item 9 is consistent with the CPRL response to BTP PSB-I. Values being revised based on deletion of Vnit 2 and will be provided in a future submittal.

T3.3-5 Table 3.3-5 was developed from the input signals used in Table 3.3-3. Main Steam and Feedwater Isolation times of five seconds are listed in FSAR Table 6.2.0-1; Table 3.3-5 lists the times as 7 seconds which allows for 2 seconds for signal processing.

T0.3-1 Table incorporates staggered testing on quarterly interval as justified by Westinghouse TS optimization WCAP.

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T0.3-2 This table duplicates Table 3.3-3 entries with surveillance requirements. Slave relay testing reflects STS requirements, but these have not been verified as implementable by CPRL.

Additional information on slave relay testing will be provided as it becomes available.

T3.3-6 For Item la, the Containment Ventilation Isolation Monitors are listed in FSAR Table 12.3.0-1. The actuation logic is shown on FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, sheet 2 of 7.

For Items lb and lc, reference FSAR Table 12.3.0-2 and Specificaton

For Item 2, details are provided in FSAR Sections, 6.5.1, and 9.0.2.

For Item 3, details are provided in FSAR Section 6.0.3, FSAR Table 12.3.0-2 and FSAR Figure 9.0.1-1.

T0.3-3 Action statements modified in accordance with SHNPP design. This table duplicates Table 3.3-6 entries.

P3.3.3.2 7596 was changed to actual number of detector thimbles.

T3.3-7 R T0.3-0 The input relects the SHNPP design. FSAR Table 3.7.0-1 conflicts with these tables. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.

T3.3-8 R T0.3-5 Reference FSAR Table 2.3.3-3.

T3.3-9 R T0.3-6 Table 3.3-9 includes instruments required for the safe shutdown scenario from Appendix R. The equipment required and subject to surveillance will be the Division 1 and 2 components that are listed in the safe shutdown analysis. CPRL proposes that the specific list will not be included directly into the Technical Specifications. The 30 day out-of-service time is consistent with the philosophy for one-of-a-kind instruments accepted in TS

P3.3.3.6 Change was made to clarify ACTION that was approved in the Callaway and Byron Technical Specif ications.


~ ~ ~ 0 T0.3-7 CPRL's September 6, 1983, submittal provides a complete discussion on compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97. Table 0.3-7 includes those SHNPP items which correspond to NRC Category I. The balance of the table is either recommendations of Generic Letter 83-37 or high range plant effluent monitors.

The Hydrogen Monitors are included in Specification 3/0.6.0 in accordance with Generic Letter 83-37.

P3.3.3.7 Change made to reflect SHNPP design.

Reference FSAR Figure 7.3.1-17, sheets 1 and 9 of 02.

P3.3.3.8 ACTION statement of Revision 0 STS used. Since it offers flexibilityto specify fewer detectors in Table 3.3-11 than are included into the design.

P0. Setpoint verification will be deleted in order to allow use of NFPA functional test which does not require removal of the detectors for calibration.

P3.3.3.9 Change made consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specifications.

T3.3-12 Monitors are listed in FSAR Table 11.5.2-2.

T0.3-8 R T0.3-9 "Analog" deleted from Items 1 and 2 of the Table Notations because the system is digital.

"Circuit" replaced with power failure to reflect SHNPP design.

T3.3-13 R 0.3-9 The Waste Processing Building stacks are identified separately because only one receives an input from the GWPS and a separate action item applies.

P3/0.3.0 Change made to reflect Harris terminology. The surveillance times are based on Standard Review Plan Section 10.2. Paragraph 3.0.0 listed as not applicable since continuous power operation is not prohibited by the action statement.


SECTION 3/0.3 INSTRUMENTATION Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER Commitments addressed by 3/0.3:

CPRL 11/0/85 Specification Tables 3.3-10 and 0.3-7 include Inadequate Core Ltr. to NRC Cooling (ICC) instrumentation.

CPRL 10/28/83 Specification addresses the Metal Impact Monitoring Ltr to NRC on MIMS System.

and SER p 0-30 CPRL 12/6/83 Specification addresses the LCO for accident monitoring Ltr. to NRC on ICC instrumentation channels.

Instrumentation CPRL 11/22/83 Table 3.3-12, ACTION 37 addresses Service Water System (SWS)

Ltr. to NRC sampling frequency.

CPRL 11/18/83 Table 0.3-1, note 13 covers surveillance testing of undervoltage Ltr. to NRC and shunt trip functions for the RPS trip breakers and manual trip switch.

CPRL 9/30/83 Specification 3/0.3.0 addresses main turbine steam valve Ltr. to NRC testing.

I SER p 7-17 Table 3.3-3, item 5 addresses initiation of turbine trip and feedwater isolation by steam generator water level signal.

SER p 6-17 The containment hi-one setpoint will be 3.0 psig. The value of 3.0 psig is considered the lowest acceptable value to preclude inadvertent actuation because of the range of the instrument used (0-55 psig), its error, and the need to allow operation up to the limit (1.9 psig) specified in Specification 3.3.0. Due to the NRC staff position that continuous purge is not allowed, the normal operating pressure band must account for accumulated pressure due to air and main steam system leakage.

SER.p 11-21 Table 3.3-13 and Table 0.3-9, Item 2 address the installation of a radiation monitor on the turbine building ventstack.

SER p 11-15 Table 3.3-13 lists the additional O~ monitor which was agreed to by CPRL. Specification 3.11.2.'5 governs ACTION to be taken when 02 levels greater than 296 are detected.


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The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specification.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0 P3/0.3.2 Establishment of setpoints providing margin from nominal setpoint to Technical Specification limit accounting for drift. T3.3-3 RWST Low-Low Level setpoint., R P3.3.2 RTS and ESFAS setpoints., P3.3.2 R T3.3-5 ESFAS response time periodic 15.0.6, R 15.6.3 testing requirements. P0.3.1.1 RTS system input sensor channel checks. P3.3.1 LCO's for ESFAS. P3.3.3.6 R T3.3-10 LCO's for accident monitoring channels.

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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P3.0.1.2 4 P0. Change was made to reflect the fact that the SHNPP is a three loop plant. This change is made throughout the section. The rod withdrawal accident is analyzed with two Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCP) running.

P0. A value was chosen that demonstrates the Steam Generator narrow range level is on scale assuming normal errors. FSAR Table 7.5.1-11 quotes the narrow range uncertainty as 0%; therefore, 1096 is used in the Specification. This value is typical of those approved in the McGuire and Summer Technical Specifications. This value is reflected throughout the section.

P3.0.1.2 """"footnote added based on TS approved for Byron.

P3.0.1.3 'n footnote ~, the values of 250'F and 50'F are referenced in FSAR Section These values are reflected throughout this section.

P3.0.1.5 6c P3.0.1.6 SHNPP does not utilize loop isolation valves. This change is reflected throughout this section.

P3.0.2.1 FSAR Table 5.0.13-1 specifies a setting of 2085 psig.

P3.0.3 9296 corresponds to the pressurizer high level trip setpoint.

125kw is identified in FSAR Section

P3.0.0 SHNPP design includes three PORVs. Refer to FSAR Figure 5.1.2-2.

P0.0.3.3 R P0.0.0.3 Change was made to clarify that motive power for the PORV's (instrument air) is an accumulator.

Block valve motive power and pressurizer heater power is always supplied from a non-Class 1E transformer on a Class IE 6.9 kV bus. Therefore, the STS surveillance would require no lineup changes from normal operations.

P0.0.0.2 Action is included in paragraph to exempt cycling of the pressurizer block if the PORV is leaking.

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P0.0.5.0 Definition of Preservice Inspection no longer applicable once Operating License and Technical Specification are issued.

T0.0-2B dc P3/0.0.6 Table added in accordance with NUREG-IOI0.

The input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology. Reference FSAR Section 5.2.5.

P3.0.6.1 RG 1.05 leak detection capability per FSAR Section

P0.0.6.1 "ANALOG"is deleted because the radiation monitoring system is a digital system.

P3.0.6.2 31 gpm identified in FSAR Section

Footnote (~) approved by NRC in several recent TS for PWRs.

P0. RCS Changes and Table 3.0-1 are consistent with CPRL's response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item No. 286. A cross-reference between the valve numbers in the insert (from the Plant Operations Simplified Flow Diagram (SFD)

System) and the valve numbers in the FSAR are shown in Table l.

T0.0-0 Footnote to E-Bar included with definition of E-Bar.

P3.0.9.1 R TS broken into two parts to specify more limiting rates when in Mode 5.

P3.0.9.0 Changes to the specification reflect the response to Safety Evaluation Report Confirmatory Item 10. The 275'F will be changed to be consistent with the final values in Figure 3.0-0.

P3/0.0.11 This specification was added consistent with the requirements of Generic Letter 83-37. Reference FSAR Section

BP3/0.0.2 Safety valve relief capacity is provided in FSAR Table 5.0.13-1.

BP3/0.0.5 Change based on current NRC reporting requirements.

BP3/0.0.10 Edition of ASME Code based CP date for SHNPP.


TABLE 1 VALVE NO. CROSS REFERENCE FOR INSERT B TABLE 3.0-1 Ebasco No. SFD No. in Tech. S ecs. FSAR Fi ure I RH-V502SB-I 1RH-1 Fig. 5.0.7-1 1RH-V503SB-I 1RH-2 Fig. 5.0.7-1 1RH-V500SB-I IRH-39 Fig. 5.0.7-1 I RH-V501SA-1 IRH-00 Fig. 5.0.7-1 1SI-V510SA- I 1SI-130 Fig. 6.3.2-1 1SI-V511SB-1 ISI-135 Fig. 6.3.2-1 I SI-V500SA-1 1SI-209 Fig. 6.3.2-2 1SI-V507SA-1 ISI-250 Fig. 6.3.2-2 1SI-V505SB-1 1SI-251 Fig. 6.3.2-2 1SI-V508SB-1 1SI-252 Fig. 6.3.2-2 I SI-V506SA-1 1SI-253 Fig. 6.3.2-2 I SI-V509SA-1 ISI-250 Fig. 6.3.2-2 2SI-V581SA-1 ISI-306 Fig. 6.3.2-3 2SI-V580SB-I ISI-307 Fig. 6.3.2-3 I SI-V580SA-I ISI-306 Fig. 6.3.2-3 1SI-V585SB-1 ISI-357 Fig. 6.3.2-3 1SI-V586SA-1 1SI-358 Fig. 6.3.2-3 (1554NLU/ccc )

SECTION 3/0.0 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letter, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.0:

CPRL 12/2/83 Steam Generator Tube plugging limit addressed in Ltr. to NRC Specif ication

DSER Open Item 210 Low Temperature overpressure setpoints will be included in Specif ication

SRQ 210.00 Specifications and addresses leakage testing of interface valves.

DSER Open Item 07 A specification on high point vents is included. See Specif ication 3.0.11.

SER p 5-23 Specification 3/0.0.5 addresses Steam Generator tube examination.

SER p 5-12 Specif ication addresses inter-system leakage.

SER p 0-35 Specification allows only 3 loop operation in Mode l.

SER p 5-23 The requirements of NUREG-1010 Section 1.3 are addressed in Specifications and

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8.0 P3/0.0.5 Steam Generator Inspection.

5.2.0 P3/0.0.10 Inservice Inspection (ISI) for RCS. P3/ RCS leakage detection. P3 0.2.2 R P3.0.0 Surveillance for Pressurizer SRV and PORV. P3/0.0.5 ISI for Steam Generators. P3.0.6.2 RCS leakage limits.


P3.0.10 ECCS test frequency, acceptability of testing, and measured pump and valve parameters.

P3.0.8 LCO on activity level in reactor coolant.

P3.0.1.1 N-1 Loop analyses not performed for FSAR Chapter 15 accidents.

P3.0.8 R F3.0-1 Limits on RCS coolant activity.



FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER JUSTIFICATION P3.5.1 Most values are not totally in agreement with FSAR Tables 6.3.2-1 and 15.6.5-2. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.

196 of tank water volume is 9.25 cubic feet (Reference FSAR Table 6.3.2-1). This is equivalent to 69 gallons Changes made to item c consistent with the approved Callaway Technical Specif ications and are based on the removal power from the Accumulator Isolation valves above 1000 psig.

The Engineering Core Cooling System (ECCS) uses charging/safety injection pumps. Reference FSAR Section 6.3.

SHNPP design does not include UHI; refer to FSAR Section 6.3.

P3.5,2 Item has been deleted because the SHNPP is a three-loop plant. This change is made throughout this section.

P0.5.2 Insert A is based on response to Draft Safety Evaluation Report Open Item No. 308. A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR numbers are provided in Table 2.

Phrases deleted in item b because the ECCS pump casings do not have vents and high pressure safety injection piping cannot be safely filled and vented when CSIP is in operation and low pressure safety injection piping is always under pressure from the RWST.

The setpoints of 025 psig and 750 psig in Item D are referenced on FSAR page 5.0.7-2.

In Item g, the ECCS throttle valves do not have mechanical or electrical stops. A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR numbers is given in Table 3.

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. TABLE 2 VALVE NO. CROSS REFERENCE FOR ECCS INSERT A Ebasco No. SFD No. In Tech. S ecs. FSAR Fi ure 2SI-V500SA-1 1SI-107 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V501SB-1 1SI-86 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V502SA-1 1SI-52 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V579SA-1 ISI-300 Fig. 6.3.2-3 2SI-V578SB-1 ISI-301 Fig. 6.3.2-3 2SI-V587SA-1 1SI-359 Fig. 6.3.2-3 (1554NLUn/crs )


'hown in SFD No. In Ebasco No, P~SR R Tech. S ecs. FSAR Fi ure 2SI-V000SA-I 2SI-V16SA-1 1SI-5 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V039S8-1 2SI-V225SB-1 1SI-6 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V033SA-1 2SI-V28SA-1 1SI-7 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V037SA-1 2SI-V62SA-1 1SI-69 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V036SB-1 2SI-V68SB-1 1SI-70 Fig, 6.3.2-1 2SI-V035SA-1 2SI-V70SA-1 1SI-71 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V030SA-1 2S8-V38SA-1 ISI-101 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V033SB-1 2SI-V00SB-1 ISI-102 Fig. 6;3.2-1 2SI-V032SA-1 2SI-V50SA-I ISI-103 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V031SA-1 2SI-V 83SA-1 1SI-120 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V030SB-1 2SI-V89SB-1 1SI-125 Fig. 6.3.2-1 2SI-V029SA-1 ~ 2SI-V95SA-1 1SI-126 Fig. 6.3.2-1 (1554NLUe/crs )

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PO;5.2 SHNPP design has semi-automatic ECCS switchover. Sump valves auto-open but RWST valves are manually shut. Refer to FSAR Section 6.3,2.8.

P3.5.3 In the footnote, the change to 250'F is based on design of Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System. Reference FSAR Section 5.2.2. 'This change is made throughout this section.

P0.5.3.2 Surveillance modified to include time interval for the removal of one CSIP from service. Changes based on approved Callaway TS.

STS P3/0.5.0 This STS section has been deleted because the Boron Injection Tank (BIT) has been modified to contain a boron concentration consistent with the balance of Safety Injection piping. Filling and venting of the BIT is controlled by Specification ~

0.5.2.b.l. Also, since the BIT does not contain high concentrations of boric acid, the heaters are not required. The deletion of high boron concentration from the BIT will be reflected in a future FSAR amendment.

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SECTION 3/0.5. ~ . EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.5:

DSER Open Specification 3.5.3 identifies that only 1 CSIP can be operable Item 213 'elow 250'F.

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 3.5.1 P 3.5.0 LCO for RWST. P 3.5.3 Below RCS temp. of 250'F only 1 charging pump may operate. P 0.5.2.c Inspection of Containment Recirculation Sumps. P 3.5.0 Specification for RWST.

6.3.1 P 3.5.2 LCO for ECCS. P 3.5.1 LCO for ECCS Accumulator. P 3.5.1 LCO for ECCS Accumulator isolation valve position. R P 3.5.1 -P 3.5.0 LCO's for ECCS. P 3.5.1 P 3.5.0 Surveillance requirements for ECCS systems. Specification 3/0.0 addresses the ISI program. P 3/0.5 Surveillance frequency for ECCS components. P 0.5.2e Compliance with GDC 37 for ECCS testing during shutdown I P 3/0.5 Action req'uired following inadvertent safety injection.


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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P0.6.1.1 In Item a, the reference to Table 3.6-1 was deleted and the reference changed. FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 is referenced in Specification Since the Technical Specification amendment process is inordinately long, to keep this tabular data up-to-date, a reference to the FSAR table is made. Changes to the FSAR will be controlled and reported hy 10 CFR 50.59 and 50.30(b).

In Item c, 01 psig based on peak accident pressure 39.1 psig from Main Steam Line Break without the Boron Injection Tank and an upper limit on normal containment operating pressure of 1.9 psig in Specification

P3.6.1.2 .10% value is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.1-3.

Values for P and Pt disagree with values on FSAR page 82.6-1. The FSAR will be revised.

P0.6.1.2 Insert is base8 on NRC approval of methodology for Carolina Power R Light Company's Brunswick Plant (NRC (Vassallo) to CPRL (Utley) dated 12-9-83).

STS Subitems d.3, the d.0, g, h and i are deleted based on SHNPP design. Reference FSAR Section 6.2.1.

STS P3.6.1.0 This STS is not applicable to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) design.

P3.6.1.0 For bases of 1.9 psig, refer to bases page B 3/0 6-2. The -0 inches water gauge assures that the vacuum breaker system can maintain the containment greater than -2 psig for the design basis negative pressure event.

P3.6.1.5 120'F is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.1-5.

P0.6.1.5 The 5 monitors for containment temperature are to be located at Elevation 327'.

The change to the text is required to delete "bad" data from the average.

(1554NLUa/crs )

P3.6.1.7 Changes reflect the SHNPP component terminology for the purge system. Purge line sizes are referenced on FSAR page 9.0.7-2. Tech.

Spec. request unlimited purge capability for 8 in, valve.

CPRL has performed analyses that demonstrate that continuous purge with the normal .

containment purge system does not result in unacceptable consequences during accidents. The STS recommendation to limit purge time to less than 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> is not consistent with the NRC acceptance of the "leak-before-break" philosophy. The details of a containment ventilation system penetration requires testing by a boundary defined 0 valves (2-02 "and 2-8"). Refer to FSAR Figure 6.2.2-3.

P3.6.2.1 Specification is cross-referenced to Specification because of the interface on the Limiting Condition for Operation for containment cooling.

P0.6.2.1 Input is referenced on FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.

0.6.2.l.e Containment Spray System motor operated valves actuate on either Phase A, Containment Spray, or Switchover signals. Refer to FSAR Figure 7.3.1-3.

STS P3/0 6-20a Not applicable to the SHNPP.

1 I P3.6.2.2 Values for NaOH still under evaluation. Valves provided in 0/85 submittal are tentative.

P0.6.2.2 Containment Spray and Containment Isolation Phase A signal referenced in FSAR Section

P3.6.2.3 Change made to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology for fan coolers. Reference FSAR page 6.2.2-3. This change is made throughout this section.

P0.6.2.3 The flow rate of 1500 gpm per cooler provided in Item a.2 is consistent with the 3000 gpm per train that appears in FSAR Table 9.2.1-1.

In Item b, the Safety Injection test signal for fan cooler start is referenced in FSAR Figure 7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.

(1554NLUn/crs )

P3.'6.3 FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 is incorporated by referen'ce to allow flexibility in adding/deleting items.

Other changes are clarifications to the Technical Specification reflecting the SHNPP design and terminology. These changes are made throughout this section.

P3/0.6.0 Reference FSAR Section 6.2.5.

STS P3/, Not applicable to SHNPP.

STS P3/, STS P3/0.6.5, R STS P3/0.6.6 P3/0.6.5 The description and setpoints for vacuum relief are referenced in FSAR Section

BP3/0.6.5 -1.93 and -2.0 psig are referenced on FSAR page 6.2.1-13.

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SECTION 3/0.6 ~ ~ ~ CONTAINMENT SYSTEM Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.6:

NRC Question 080.12 Specification 3/0.6.5 on vacuum relief valves and setpoints added in accordance with response to NRC Question 080.12.

NRC Question 080.32 Specification on containment integrity addresses NRC Question 080.32.

Specification 3/0,6.1.7 addresses NRC SER p. 6-16 and 6-10, with regard to testing of containment purge isolation valves and verification that preentry purge valves are closed.

i The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 3.1.00 P Containment temperature limit. P kP LCO's on containment temperature and pressure, P 3.6.5 Surveillance for Vacuum Relief System. P 3/0.6 Surveillance for containment systems. P Leakage rates for containment tests. P 3.6.3 Testing of containment isolation valves. P Surveillance for the hydrogen recombiners. N/A Post-LOCA hydrogen purge is not an ESF and is not subject to Technical Specifications.

Reference should be deleted from FSAR Section P R P 0.0.0" Surveillance for containment hydrogen monitors. P Leakage rates for personnel airlocks.

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I P Leakage rates for Containment Penetration Type B and C tests, P R P Frequency of containment Type A, B, and C tests.

P Minimum levels of NaOH for containment spray. The values presented in the FSAR are to be revised.

P R P Applicable Technical Specifications for Containment Yentilation Systems.

P 3/ Limiting containment leakage after LOCA.

(1554NLUa/crs )



FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P3/ 2 T3.7-2 The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) does not utilize loop isolation valves. Carolina Power R Light Company (CPdcL) is not seeking permission for N-1 loop operations. This change is reflected throughout this section.

The valve list settings for Table 3.7-2 are referenced in FSAR Table 10.3.1-1. A cross-reference between SFD numbers and the FSAR is provided in Table 0.

P3/ The FSAR provides a value of 200,000 gallons.

The Technical Specification value, allowing for unusable tank volume, is noted in the Technical Specification as 250,000. Text changes reflect the and terminology.

P3.7.1.0 Reference FSAR Section

T0.7-1 Table 0.7-1 changed based on plant operation need. This ch'ange allows added flexibility if Gross Activity counting equipment is out of service.

P3/ The Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) closure time is referenced in FSAR Table 6.2.0-1 and FSAR Section

P3/0.7.3 Isolation of non-safety related portions of the system are referenced in FSAR Section

Independence of CCW loops is via the capability to manually isolate trains following an accident. ~

Added sections are in response to previous CPRL commitments to the Instrumentation and Control Systems Branch.

P3/0.7.0 FSAR Section describes the Emergency Service Water System response to the Safety Injection test signal.


TABLE 0 VALVE NO. CROSS REFERENCE FOR TABLE 3.7-2 Ebasco No. SFD No. In Tech. S ecs. FSAR Fi ure Steam Generator A 2MS-R ISA-I IMS-03 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R0SA-I IMS-06 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R7SA-I IMS-09 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R I OSA-I IMS-52 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2M5-R13SA-I IMS-55 Fig. 10.1.0-1 Steam Generator B 2MS-R2SB-I IMS-00 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R5SB-I IMS-07 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R8SB-I IMS-50 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-Rl I SB-I IMS-53 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R10SB-I IMS-56 Fig. 10.1.0-1 Steam Generator C 2MS-R3SA-I IMS-05 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R6SA-I IMS-08 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R9SA-I IMS-51 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R I 2SA-I IMS-50 Fig. 10.1.0-1 2MS-R15SA- I IMS-57 Fig. 10,1.0-1 (1554NLUa/crs)

P3/0.7.5 Changes made to reflect the SHNPP terminology. The 35'F value is referenced in FSAR Section 2.0.7. 95'F is the design bases limit for the Component Cooling Water heat exchanger.

STS P3/0.7.6 Specification as structured does not apply to SHNPP. The Safety Evaluation Report (SER) does contain a requirement for the Technical Specifications to have certain doors to guard against heavy rain flooding. CPRL has made submittal on October 25, 1980 justifying a change to this SER conclusion since appropriate closure is" ensured by other means. Doors which are relied upon to prevent flooding of safety-related components will be surveillanced via implementation of security measures.

P3/0.7.6 Changes and input reflect the SHNPP terminology. Temperature monitoring is addressed in Specification 3/0.7.12. Specification 0.7.6.d. 1 includes pressurization test of 1/8 water gauge as specified in FSAR Section and on SER page 6-.30. A 9996 filter efficiency is assumed in the accident analysis as stated in FSAR page'15.6.5-1 le.

P3/0,7.7 Changes and input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology: A 9996 filter efficiency is assumed in the accident analysis as stated on FSAR page 15.6.5-11c.

P3/0.7.8 The current Draft Rev. 5 Technical Specification was used and not Generic Letter 80-13.

P3/0.7.10 Changes and input reflect the SHNPP design and terminology. FSAR page 9.5.1-21 states that individual fire pump capacities are 2500 gpm. The 1900 gpm capacity for safety related areas quoted in the FSAR will be revised.

STS 0.7.10.l.l.d was deleted as being adequately covered by other tests. Paragraph 3/ does not require operability of fire hose stations in the containment because the containment isolation valve is a'anual valve.

STS P3.7.11.3 Not applicable to the SHNPP.

P3/0.7.12 The temperature limits specified in the Table 3.7-6 are provided in FSAR Appendix 3-11B. The laters will be addressed in a future tech. spec.


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P3/0.7.13 The Essential Services Chilled Water Technical Specification has been added based upon the requirement on SER page 9-21.

BP3/ Values for the formula are provided in FSAR Table 10.3.1-1.

BP3/ Values provided are referenced on FSAR page 10.0.9-1.

BP3/ 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> is referenced in FSAR Section

(1554NLUn/cr s )

SECTION 3/0.7 PLANT SYSTEMS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.7:

DSER Open Items 02 R 87 Specification 3/0.7.3 addresses NRC concerns on the CCW System.

NRC Generic Letter 83-37 Specification 3/0.7.6 addresses NUREG-0737 concern of Control Room Habitability.

SER p 6-30 Specification 3/0.7.6 addresses surveillance testing of Control Room pressurization flow.

SER p 2-25 and 2-22 Specification 3.7.5 defines LCO for peak average reservoir water temperature and water levels.

SER p 2-22 Specification 3.7.5 discusses start of a ESW pump at low auxiliary reservoir temperature.

SER p 10-19 Specification includes outage items for 2/3 inoperable AFW pumps.

SER p 9-21 Specification addresses ESCWS surveillance testing.

SER p 9-16 Specification 0.7.3 addresses CCW system surveillance.

SER p 9-16 Specification 0.7.3b provides surveillance of the safety-related portions of the CCW system.

SER p 9-13 Specification 0.7.0 provides surveillance of safety-related portions of the Emergency Service Water System (ESWS).

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 2.0.10 P 3/0.7.5 ESWS pump will be started if auxiliary reservoir temperature is less than 35'F. P 3.7.5 LCO and surveillance for ultimate heat sink. P Condensate storage tank surveillance. P LCO for secondary coolant activity level.

(1554NLUa/crs) P 3.7.7 Inservice testing for RAB HVAC. The Waste Processing Building was incorrectly identified in the FSAR as requiring a Technical Specification. The FSAR will be revised as necessary.

P Auxiliary Feedwater System surveillance testing. P 3.7.9 Procedures for sealed source monitoring.

15.6.3 P Surveillance for Steam Generator Safety Valves.

17.2.19 P, P LCO's and surveillance required P, P, for fire protection systems.

P, k P 3.7.1 1 (1554NLUa/crs)

Sequence for Item f.l0 is referenced on FSAR page 8.3.1-11.

Deletion of STS Item e.ll is based upon the Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps being dedicated to one safety train. Reference FSAR Figure 9.5.0-1.

Lockout features described in Item f.l2 are referenced on FSAR pages 8.3.1-17 and -18.

P0. Reference to reports changed based on 10 CFR 50.73.

P3.8.1.2 The value of 2.50 square inches should be 2.05 square inches in agreement with TS P3.0.9.0.

for the PORV throat area is equivalent to the operation of one PORV. TS P3.8.1.2 will be revised.

P3.8.2.1 Reference FSAR Figure 8.1.3-3 for an illustration of the D. C. battery systems. Changes reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.

P3.8.2.2 Reference FSAR Figure 8.1.3-3 illustrates availability of two full capacity battery chargers per safety-related battery.

P0.8.0.1 The only medium voltage breakers are 6.9 kV.

P3.8.0.2 This specification revised to indicate that the SHNPP design does not include any "continuously bypassed and temporarily placed in force...

during periodic or maintenance testing" thermal overloads.

T3.8-1 R T3.8-2 To be consistent with the CPRL position adopted on the Technical Specifications table on Containment Isolation Valves, Tables 3.8-1 and -2 are not included in the Technical Specifications.

These tables will be included in the FSAR and referenced by Specifications and

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SECTION 3/0.8 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Other Safety Review Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.8:

DSER Open Item 103 Specification requires a verification that the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power.

NRC Generic Letter 83-26 Diesel fuel oil impurity tests are patterned after Rev. 5 WSTS in lieu of Generic Letter 83-26.

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 3.1.18 P, P, R LCO's for electrical power P systems. P Battery surveillance. P 0.8.2.l.e, Br..f Battery capacity test. P, k .d Diesel fuel oil quality checks. P Operability of starting air system verified through required diesel start tests.



FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER JUSTIFICATION P3.9.1 30 gpm at 7000 ppm provided in the ACTION statement have the same basis as emer gency boration in Specification T0.9-1 taken from FSAR Table 15.0.6-2.

P3.9.3 FSAR Table 15.7.0-1 states that the fuel bundle drop accident was analyzed at 08 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> after shutdown.

P3/0.9.0 Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology..

P3/0.9.5 Wording has been changed to provide clarification.

P3/0.9.9 Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology. The automatic actuation of containment ventilation isolation is illustrated on FSAR Figure'7.3.1-1, Sheet 2 of 7.

P3.9.10 2 P3.9.11 The accident analysis assumes a minimum of 23 feet of water above the dropped fuel assembly. Reference FSAR Table 15.7.0-1.

P3/0.9.12 Wording has been changed to reflect the SHNPP design and terminology.

A filter efficiency of 9996 is assumed in the accident analysis. Reference FSAR Table 15.7.0-1.

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SECTION 3/0.9 REFUELING Other Safety Related Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 3/0.9:

NRC Generic Letter 83-13 Specification 3/0.9.12 addresses ESF HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.

NRC Letter 3/16/77 Specification 3/0.9.12 addresses fuel handling accident offsite exposures.

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT R P 3.9.1 R P 3.9.2 Boron concentration for refueling, shutdown margin, and core subcriticality monitoring.



FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER JUSTIFICATION P3.10.1 30 gpm at 7000 ppm have the same basis as provided in Specification

The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant does not utilize part length rods. This change is made throughout this section.

P3.10.3 Lowest T identified as no load T (551'F) less 10'F. She temporary suspension Sf the 551'F limit provides room to perform MTC measurements over a 10'F hT band. The 10'F dT is typical for Westinghouse plants.

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FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION T0.11-1 This table lists sources of routine batch releases.

The sources are illustrated in FSAR Figures 11.2.2-8 and 11.2.2.-0.

Normal Service Water Systems Return to the Cooling Tower is provided with a monitor and considered a potential release source in accordance with the NRC position on SER page 11-21.

The balance of release point identified for liquid effluents are provided with automatic isolation features. Reference Technical Specification.

Table 3.3-12.

P3.11.1.2 Drinking water discussion deleted based on nearest downstream water supply in the receiving body of water.

P3.11.1A Note on liner added based on approved Callaway Technical Specifications. Value of 10 Ci based on NUREG-0133, page 18.

P3.11.2.0 2 P3.11.2.5 Changes made to reflect SHNPP terminology.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND 3USTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS SECTION 3/0.12 Specification 3/0.12 is based on data provided in the SHNPP Environmental Report and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).



FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER 3USTIFICATION P5.1.1 Wording has been changed to reflect SHNPP terminology.

P5.2.1 Data on containment dimensions is referenced in FSAR Section

P5.2.2 The containment design pressure is referenced on FSAR page 3.8.1-17. The peak temperature of 379'F is based on a Main Steam Line Break without the Boron Injection Tank and represents a change from current Technical Specification and FSAR information. The Technical Specif ication and FSAR will be revised as necessary.

F5.1-1 Reference FSAR Figure 2.1.2-1.

F5.1-2 Reference FSAR Figure 2.1.1-1. The LPZ distance of 3 miles is referenced in FSAR Section

P5.3.1 Reference FSAR Table 0.1.1-1.

P5.3.2 Reference FSAR Table O.l. 1-1.

P5.0.1 The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) data is referenced in FSAR Table 5.3.3-1 and FSAR Section 5.0. Reference FSAR Table 5.10-1 for the pressurizer data.

P5.0.2 The RCS volume is referenced in FSAR Table 5.1.0-1 P5.6.1 Reference to FSAR Sections and

P5.6.2 The minimum pool level is provided on FSAR page 9.1.3-6a.

P5.6.3 The fuel storage capacity is discussed in FSAR .



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BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR INPUT AND CHANGES TO STS 6.0 Revision 5 of the Standard Technical Specifications (STS) have been customized to reflect CPRL's organizational structure, and delegation of specific responsibilities. As a result, Section 6.0 is presented as a total rewrite rather than a markup of the STS. The content of Section 6.0 is consistent with the STS where appropriate and with the comparable specifications, which the NRC has recently approved, for CPRL's other nuclear facilities, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant - Unit Nos. l and 2 and H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant.



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SECTION 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVECONTROLS Other Safety-Related Questions, Generic Letters, DSER Open Items, and SER commitments addressed by 6.0:

NRC letter on Reporting Revision of Section 6.9 and various specifications to Requirements reflect changes to 10 CFR 50.73 and 50.72.

SER p 2-26 R p 2-27 Specification 6.8.0.f added to address inspection program for dikes, dams and channels.

SER p 13-22 Specification 6.2.2 addresses minimum shift crew composition.

SER p. 12-5 Specification 6.12 address program for High Radiation areas.

The following commitments in the FSAR with regard to the Technical Specifications have been reviewed and addressed in the noted Specifications.


FSAR SECTION FIGURE (F)/TABLE (T) NUMBER SUB3ECT 1.8 (RG 1.96) P 6.9 Reporting Requirements. P 6.6.1 R P Radiological Incident Reports., P 6.12 Control of High Radiation Area., R P 6.10 Record retention for radiation surveys. P 6.10 Records of radioactive shipments. R P 6.2.2 Minimum shift crew.

TMI Appendix 13.0.3 P QA Audits. k P 6.5.1 R P 6.5.2 Review and approval process for required procedures, modif ications and tests.

17.2.17 P 6.10 Record retention.

(1554NLUa/crs) P 6.5.6 Frequency of QA audit of fire protection. STS allow 20-month interval. CPRL understands that STS supercedes guidance in Generic Letter 82-21 which states annual. FSAR states annual but will be revised as necessary to reflect 20-month interval.

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