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822 MWE 1 8110060241 811002 " PDR ADOCK 05000280 G PDR Performed By: Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station NDT Department P.O. Box 315 Surry, Va. 23883 FORM NIS*l (back) I. Examination Dates 3/ 1/ 81 to 7/5/BL 9. Inspection Interval from 12/22/72 to -12/22/82  
: 10. Abstract or F.xaminations.
    ~ P.O. BOX 315 j SURRY, VIRGINIA 23883 For Virginia Electric and Power Company P.O. Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261 REPORT DATE:   JULY 1981 COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE:   DECEMBER 22,1972 OPERATING CAPACITY:   822 MWE Performed By:
Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning starus_ of '!"ork required for curTCnt interval.
Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station NDT Department P.O. Box 315 Surry, Va. 23883
Ref ere nee Tab C ~, *~ II. Abiuact or Conditions Noted Reference Tab B -:::-* 12. Abltract of Corrective Measures Recommended*and Taken Ref ere nee Tab *e We certify that the statements m::ade in this rcpon arc correct and the examinations and corrective mca-: uk; ~";~; rul~:;; AS:::"'' S<<U:;:~ ~y~j__ . Owner ENG EERifG SUPERVISOR OF N. D. T. Certificate of Au:horization No. (if applicable)  
* 1 8110060241 811002 "
PDR ADOCK 05000280 G                  PDR
:-I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board ofi Boiler id PJ"essurc Vessel
* f (/ ' *
FORM NIS*l (back)
* 1 Tr,~ Heu*f "r,:,Sty,,r,-
I. Examination Dates 3/ 1/ 81             to   7/5/BL         9. Inspection Interval from   12/22/72   to -12/22/82
~/r, Inspectors and/or the State or Provmce o , "fr, fJ, cv and employed by~ 7::dl( f:'.-Z:NS r'o 'Qf H;;,1/i~/
: 10. Abstract or F.xaminations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning starus_ of '!"ork required for curTCnt interval. Ref ere nee Tab C                                                           ~,
cy,,,n, have in~ted the com; ~ents described in this Owners* Data Rcpon during the period , to 7~/ f I . and state that to the best of my knowicdgc and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners' Data Repon in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing rhis certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty.
expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective m~asures described in this Owners' Data Repon. Furthermore, ncidaer the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for ariy personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
II. Abiuact or Conditions Noted           Reference Tab B
I J:oitM NIS-1 OWNEl{S' DATA REl'OHT FOR INSER\'ICE INSPECTIONS As required hy chc Provi,;ioru of the ASME Clldc ll\llcs 1. Owner Virginia Electric And Power Co11_1.Q..any P.0-. Box 26666,Richmond,VA.___21261 (Name and Address of Owner) 2, rlant Surry # l , P
: 12. Abltract of Corrective Measures Recommended*and Taken                 Ref ere nee Tab     *e We certify that the statements m::ade in this rcpon arc correct and the examinations and corrective mca-
* 0
: uk;~";~;rul~:;; AS:::"'' S<<U:;:~                                                     ~y~j__ .
* Box 31 5 '* S l!_r...!:.Y..i Vi rg,..:.i _n "'-'; a::.__::2:...:::;3~8..::..83.;;._..
Owner                 ENG   EERifG SUPERVISOR OF N. D. T.
__ _..;... __________
Certificate of Au:horization No. (if applicable)             $                 Expiration Date     J"i)fr                   .
_ (N:une and Address of Plant) ,,,._ J. Plant Unit __ 1 ______ 4. Owner Certificate of Authoriz;!tion (if rcquirc;d)
__ N:..../ A ____ _ ~':-5. Commercial Service Date l 2 /22/72 6. National Bl,ard Number for Unit __ __..N~/._.A'""--------7. Components Inspected Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or National Appurtenance or Install er Serial No. Province No. Boaid ?"-.Ju. Reactor Vessel Rotterdam RCPCRV 137-1 ------R. V. RCRIUI Internals Allis-Chalmers RCRILI ------Pressurizer Westinghouse RCPCPR ---1031 St. Gen. 1 Westinghouse 2981 ---681 St. Gen. 2 Westinghouse 2982 ---682 St. Gen. 3 Westinghouse 2983 ---683 Reactor Coolan Piping Southwest Fab. CQ. ---------Class l Piping Southwest Fab. CQ. ---------vl ass 2 Piping Southwest Fab. Co. ---------R.C. Pump 1 Westinghouse 458 ------R.C. Pumo 2 Westinahouse 459 ------R.C. Pumo 3 Westinahouse 460 ------Valve 1-595 Darling ---------Valve 1-700 Copes Vulcan ---------I V.a 1 ve 1-8750 Darl ina ---j -------RJ.IR HX l A Atlas Industrial 890 ---740 , Note: Supp!cmcmal sheets in form of lisrs, sketches, rJr drawi111:s may l,c used provided ( 1) si:r.c is 8'1, i11. x 11 in., (2) informarion in irl*rns 1 rhrou,:h 6 on this .:fata reporr is .inl'ludcd ,m Cal*h sheet, anJ ( 3) eu*h shcct is numbered and the number of shc.-crs i,; n*l*orJL*J  
I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board ofi Boiler i d PJ"essurc Vessel
.11 rhc "'f' of rhis form. This form ([00029) may he c,t.,1c1i11cd frvn, thu Ordor D<<?Pt., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., Now Ycwk, N. Y. 10017 '
* f (/ '
* FORM NIS*l OWNERS' DATA REPORT FOR JNSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provi~ions of the ASM[ Code Rules 1. Owner Virginia Electric And Power Company P.O. Box 26666.Richmond.VA.
                                                      "fr, *
23261 (Name and Address of Owner) 2. Plant Surry Ill, P.O~Box 315,Surry,Virginia 23883 (N:ame and Addrci.s of Plant) :.:: !J. Plant Unit __ l ______ 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)
* 1                           Tr,~ Heu*f "r,:,Sty,,r,- ~/r, H;;,1/i~/ cy,,,n, Inspectors and/or the State or Provmce o
__ N_/_A ____ _ _ -_*s. Commercial Service Date 12/22/72 6. National Board Number for Unit __ ___.N~/c...oA..._
                                                    ,       fJ, cv     and employed b y ~ 7::dl( f:'.-Z:NS r'o have in~ted the com; ~ents described in this Owners* Data Rcpon during the period to   7~/   f I         . and state that to the best of my knowicdgc and belief, the Owner
_____ _ 7. Components Inspected  
                                                                                                                        'Qf has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners' Data Repon in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.
By signing rhis certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective m~asures described in this Owners' Data Repon. Furthermore, ncidaer the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for ariy personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
* Manufacturer I Component or Manufactur~r or Installer State or Nationai Appurtenance or Installer . Serial No. Province No . Board No. RHR HX lB Atlas Industrial 891 ---741 seal Water Heat Exch. Joseph Oats & Sons 1817-2A ---346 Regenerative 4195-A3-7 369 HX Sentrv 4195-A3-8  
---370 4195-A3-9 371 Volume Control Tank Richmond Eng. L-8554 ---57783 Lnargrng Pump lA Byron Jackson Pumps ---------. I -\ . a -Note: Supp!emC'ntal sheers in form of lists. skc:tdaes, or drawinr,s may be used provided ( J) size is 8~ in. x *1 t in., (2) inform.:nion in items 1 rhrou 6 h 6 on this .fara rC'port i~ included ,,n eai:h sheer, anJ ( 3) each sheet is numocred and the number of shC'cts i~ recorded at rhe top of rhi:-form. This form (E00029) may oo obtdinod fr.:irr, thu Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 A summary of the indications is as follows: Fro~_all inspections performed for the preservice examination of Unit one no Q1dications were found to be recordable.
J:oitM NIS-1 OWNEl{S' DATA REl'OHT FOR INSER\'ICE INSPECTIONS As required hy chc Provi,;ioru of the ASME Clldc ll\llcs I        1. Owner 2, rlant Virginia Electric And Power Co11_1.Q..any P.0-. Box 26666,Richmond,VA.___21261 (Name and Address of Owner)
Examinations Examinations were conducted to review as much of the examination zone as was practical, within geometric, metallurgical and physical limitations.
Surry #l , P*0
When the required examination volume or area could not be examined 100%, the examination was considered to be partial (PAR) and so noted. Generally, PAR's are noted at fitting-to-fitting assemblies (as explained under LIMITATIONS) and in areas where integrally welded supports, lugs, hangers, etc., preclude accesi to some part of the examination area. Ultrasonic examinations that produced greater than reference level sensitivity from reflectors that are characteristic of metallurgical structure of the I.D./0.D.
* Box 31 5'* Sl!_r...!:.Y..i Vi rg,..:.i_n"'-';a::.__::2:. .: :;3~8..: . 83.; ._. _ __..;...___________
surfaces of an item were acknowledged for information only and were noted as such on that data sheets. Examples of areas that generally produce such geometric indications include: (1) I.D. weld prep or root and or the crown overlay or toe. (2) The I.D. radius of the tube sheet on the channel head to tube sheet weld of steam generators, when examining from the tubesheet side. (3) The metallurgical structure of cast materials.  
(N:une and Address of Plant)
(4) Responses from the thread areas of bo 1 t i_ng. Geometric responses from these areas are charateristic*of the examination and are not considered relevant for reporting le_ngth or depth. Limitations Some of the arrangements and details of the p1p1ng system and components were designed and fabricated before the access and examination requirements of Section XI of the 1974 Code could be applied; consequently some examinations are limited or not practical due to geometric configuration or accessibility.
  ,,,._ J. Plant Unit _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Owner Certificate of Authoriz;!tion (if rcquirc;d) _ _                                    N:..../A
Generally these limitations exist at all fitting to fitting joints such as .e1bow to tee,. elbow to valve,-reducer to valve, etc. where geometry and tim~ surface condition preclude ultrasonic coupling or access for the required scan:length.
  ~':- 5. Commercial Service Date       l 2/22/72       6. National Bl,ard Number for Unit _ ___..N~/._.A'""--------
The limitations exist to a lesser degree at pipe fitting assemblies, particularly where the weld is not ground flush with the pipe O.D. surface. At these joints examinations can be conducted from the pipe side, however, the fitting again limits or pr~cludes examination from the opposite side. When the weld surface is flat, the fitting side examination is replaced by a calibrated straight beam examination on the weld. .,i ,,
* In most cases, examinations in these areas were accomplished as a best effort attempt to cover as much of the code required area or volume (generally, the weld and base metal for 1 11 T 11 on each side) as is possible, however, the extent of examination coverage in the base metal of the fitting or component cannot be spe~ifically qualified.
: 7. Components Inspected Manufacturer Component or                   Manufacturer                     or Installer                                 State or             National Appurtenance                     or Install er                   Serial No.                                 Province No.         Boaid ?"-.Ju.
_ :,;~-""Areas where complete examination of 100% of the required .volume or~*area could not*:be achieved are indicated by a PAR (partial) notation on the examiner's dat-~-sheet, and the 1 imiting cause is noted. The principal basis for PAR 1 s is to identify the inability to examine 100% of the required base metal volume for the 1 11 T 11 distance beyond the edge of the weld on a fitting or component, such as: ultrasonic examination of* a pipe to elbow assembly, where scanning on the intrados of the elbow causes de-coupling of the sound beam; or a pipe to flange or valve assembly, where scanning the entire volume on the fitting or component side is limited by con f i gu ration. The resultJng coverage is such that examination of the weld, heat affected zone and base metal for 1 11 T 11 on the pipe side can be achieved by scanning from the pipe side of the weld. An indeterminate coverage of the base metal on the fitting or component side may be achieved during this pipe side scan depending on the calibrated sweep length, attenuation, joint configuration, etc.; however, the volume on the fitting or component side additionally cannot be scanned completely for transverse indications as required by Code. In either case, 100% of this 1 11 T 11 volume cannot be assured, thus a PAR is required as a disclaimer to having satisfied code requirements, albeit the intent is satisfied to the extent practical.
Reactor Vessel           Rotterdam                                 RCPCRV 137-1                                 ---                 ---
Specific limitations and restrictions for all examinations are as indicated on the raw data sheets .}}
R. V.                                                               RCRIUI Internals                 Allis-Chalmers                           RCRILI                                       ---                 ---
Pressurizer               Westinghouse                             RCPCPR                                       ---                 1031 St. Gen. 1                 Westinghouse                             2981                                         ---                 681 St. Gen. 2                 Westinghouse                             2982                                         ---                 682 St. Gen. 3                 Westinghouse                             2983                                         ---                 683 Reactor Coolan Piping                   Southwest Fab. CQ.                       ---                                           ---                 - --
Class l Piping                   Southwest Fab. CQ.                       ---                                           ---                 - --
vl ass 2 Piping                   Southwest Fab. Co.                       ---                                           ---                 - --
R.C. Pump 1             Westinghouse                             458                                           ---                 - --
R.C. Pumo 2             Westinahouse                             459                                           ---                 - --
R.C. Pumo 3             Westinahouse                             460                                           ---                 - --
Valve 1-595               Darling                                 ---                                           ---                 - --
Valve 1-700               Copes Vulcan                             ---                                           ---                 - --
I V.a 1ve 1-8750 RJ.IR HX l A Darl ina Atlas Industrial                         890                                         j  ---                 740 Note: Supp!cmcmal sheets in form of lisrs, sketches, rJr drawi111:s may l,c used provided ( 1) si:r.c is 8'1, i11. x 11 in.,
(2) informarion in irl*rns 1 rhrou,:h 6 on this .:fata reporr is .inl'ludcd ,m Cal*h sheet, anJ ( 3) eu*h shcct is numbered and the number of shc.-crs i,; n*l*orJL*J .11 rhc "'f' of rhis form.
This form ([00029) may he c,t.,1c1i11cd frvn, thu Ordor D<<?Pt., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., Now Ycwk, N. Y.                         10017 '
* FORM NIS*l OWNERS' DATA REPORT FOR JNSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provi~ions of the ASM[ Code Rules
: 1. Owner     Virginia Electric And Power Company P.O. Box 26666.Richmond.VA. 23261 (Name and Address of Owner)
: 2. Plant   Surry Ill, P.O~Box 315,Surry,Virginia 23883 (N:ame and Addrci.s of Plant)
!J. Plant Unit _ _l______ 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization                       (if required) _ _  N_/_A_____
_-_*s. Commercial Service Date 12/22/72       6. National Board Number for Unit _ ____.N~/c.. oA.. _______
: 7. Components Inspected Component  or                 Manufactur~r
* Manufacturer or Installer I      State or           Nationai Appurtenance                   or Installer                     . Serial No.       Province No .         Board No.
RHR HX lB               Atlas Industrial                           891                 ---                   741 seal Water Heat Exch.             Joseph Oats &Sons                           1817-2A             ---                   346 Regenerative                                                       4195-A3-7                                 369 HX                     Sentrv                                       4195-A3-8           - --                 370 4195-A3-9                                 371 Volume Control Tank           Richmond Eng.                               L-8554               -   --               57783 Lnargrng Pump lA                 Byron Jackson Pumps                         ---                 -- -                 ---
  -.                                                                               I
    ~                                                                                                -
Note: Supp!emC'ntal sheers in form of lists. skc:tdaes, or drawinr,s may be used provided ( J) size is 8~ in. x *1 t in.,
(2) inform.:nion in items 1 rhrou 6 h 6 on this .fara rC'port i~ included ,,n eai:h sheer, anJ ( 3) each sheet is numocred and the number of shC'cts i~ recorded at rhe top of rhi:- form.
This form (E00029) may   oo obtdinod fr.:irr, thu Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
                                                                                  .,i A summary of the indications is as follows:
Fro~_all inspections performed for the preservice examination of Unit one no Q1dications were found to be recordable.
Examinations Examinations were conducted to review as much of the examination zone as was practical, within geometric, metallurgical and physical limitations. When the required examination volume or area could not be examined 100%, the examination was considered to be partial (PAR) and so noted. Generally, PAR's are noted at fitting-to-fitting assemblies (as explained under LIMITATIONS) and in areas where integrally welded supports, lugs, hangers, etc., preclude accesi to some part of the examination area.
Ultrasonic examinations that produced greater than reference level sensitivity from reflectors that are characteristic of metallurgical structure of the I.D./0.D. surfaces of an item were acknowledged for information only and were noted as such on that data sheets. Examples of areas that generally produce such geometric indications include:
(1)   I.D. weld prep or root and or the crown overlay or toe.
(2) The I.D. radius of the tube sheet on the channel head to tube sheet weld of steam generators, when examining from the tubesheet side.
(3) The metallurgical structure of cast materials.
(4) Responses from the thread areas of bo 1t i_ng.
Geometric responses from these areas are charateristic*of the examination and are not considered relevant for reporting le_ngth or depth.
Limitations Some of the arrangements and details of the p1p1ng system and components were designed and fabricated before the access and examination requirements of Section XI of the 1974 Code could be applied; consequently some examinations are limited or not practical due to geometric configuration or accessibility.
Generally these limitations exist at all fitting to fitting joints such as
.e1bow to tee,. elbow to valve,-reducer to valve, etc. where geometry and some-tim~ surface condition preclude ultrasonic coupling or access for the required scan:length.
The limitations exist to a lesser degree at pipe fitting assemblies, particularly where the weld is not ground flush with the pipe O.D. surface. At these joints examinations can be conducted from the pipe side, however, the fitting again limits or pr~cludes examination from the opposite side. When the weld surface is flat, the fitting side examination is replaced by a calibrated straight beam examination on the weld.
In most cases, examinations in these areas were accomplished as a best effort attempt to cover as much of the code required area or volume (generally, the weld and base metal for 1 11 T11 on each side) as is possible, however, the extent of examination coverage in the base metal of the fitting or component cannot be spe~ifically qualified.                                             _
  ""Areas where complete examination of 100% of the required .volume or~*area could not*:be achieved are indicated by a PAR (partial) notation on the examiner's dat-~- sheet, and the 1 imiting cause is noted.
The principal basis for PAR 1 s is to identify the inability to examine 100%
of the required base metal volume for the 1 11T11 distance beyond the edge of the weld on a fitting or component, such as: ultrasonic examination of*
a pipe to elbow assembly, where scanning on the intrados of the elbow causes de-coupling of the sound beam; or a pipe to flange or valve assembly, where scanning the entire volume on the fitting or component side is limited by con f i gu ration.
The resultJng coverage is such that examination of the weld, heat affected zone and base metal for 1 11 T11 on the pipe side can be achieved by scanning from the pipe side of the weld. An indeterminate coverage of the base metal on the fitting or component side may be achieved during this pipe side scan depending on the calibrated sweep length, attenuation, joint configuration, etc.; however, the volume on the fitting or component side additionally cannot be scanned completely for transverse indications as required by Code. In either case, 100% of this 1 11 T11 volume cannot be assured, thus a PAR is required as a disclaimer to having satisfied code requirements, albeit the intent is satisfied to the extent practical.
Specific limitations and restrictions for all examinations are as indicated on the raw data sheets .

Latest revision as of 01:03, 3 February 2020

Inservice Insp Rept on 810301-0705.Exams Conducted to Review Exam Zone within Geometric,Metallurgical & Physical Limitations.No Indications Found to Be Recordable
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1981
Shared Package
ML18139B554 List:
NUDOCS 8110060241
Download: ML18139B555 (6)


i I



~ P.O. BOX 315 j SURRY, VIRGINIA 23883 For Virginia Electric and Power Company P.O. Box 26666 Richmond, Virginia 23261 REPORT DATE: JULY 1981 COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE: DECEMBER 22,1972 OPERATING CAPACITY: 822 MWE Performed By:

Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station NDT Department P.O. Box 315 Surry, Va. 23883

  • 1 8110060241 811002 "

PDR ADOCK 05000280 G PDR

FORM NIS*l (back)

I. Examination Dates 3/ 1/ 81 to 7/5/BL 9. Inspection Interval from 12/22/72 to -12/22/82

10. Abstract or F.xaminations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning starus_ of '!"ork required for curTCnt interval. Ref ere nee Tab C ~,
  • ~

II. Abiuact or Conditions Noted Reference Tab B

12. Abltract of Corrective Measures Recommended*and Taken Ref ere nee Tab *e We certify that the statements m::ade in this rcpon arc correct and the examinations and corrective mca-
uk;~";~;rul~:;; AS:::" S<<U:;:~ ~y~j__ .


Certificate of Au:horization No. (if applicable) $ Expiration Date J"i)fr .


I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board ofi Boiler i d PJ"essurc Vessel

  • f (/ '

"fr, *

  • 1 Tr,~ Heu*f "r,:,Sty,,r,- ~/r, H;;,1/i~/ cy,,,n, Inspectors and/or the State or Provmce o

, fJ, cv and employed b y ~ 7::dl( f:'.-Z:NS r'o have in~ted the com; ~ents described in this Owners* Data Rcpon during the period to 7~/ f I . and state that to the best of my knowicdgc and belief, the Owner

'Qf has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners' Data Repon in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing rhis certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective m~asures described in this Owners' Data Repon. Furthermore, ncidaer the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for ariy personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

J:oitM NIS-1 OWNEl{S' DATA REl'OHT FOR INSER\'ICE INSPECTIONS As required hy chc Provi,;ioru of the ASME Clldc ll\llcs I 1. Owner 2, rlant Virginia Electric And Power Co11_1.Q..any P.0-. Box 26666,Richmond,VA.___21261 (Name and Address of Owner)

Surry #l , P*0

  • Box 31 5'* Sl!_r...!:.Y..i Vi rg,..:.i_n"'-';a::.__::2:. .: :;3~8..: . 83.; ._. _ __..;...___________

(N:une and Address of Plant)

,,,._ J. Plant Unit _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Owner Certificate of Authoriz;!tion (if rcquirc;d) _ _ N:..../A

~':- 5. Commercial Service Date l 2/22/72 6. National Bl,ard Number for Unit _ ___..N~/._.A'""--------


7. Components Inspected Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or Installer State or National Appurtenance or Install er Serial No. Province No. Boaid ?"-.Ju.

Reactor Vessel Rotterdam RCPCRV 137-1 --- ---

R. V. RCRIUI Internals Allis-Chalmers RCRILI --- ---

Pressurizer Westinghouse RCPCPR --- 1031 St. Gen. 1 Westinghouse 2981 --- 681 St. Gen. 2 Westinghouse 2982 --- 682 St. Gen. 3 Westinghouse 2983 --- 683 Reactor Coolan Piping Southwest Fab. CQ. --- --- - --

Class l Piping Southwest Fab. CQ. --- --- - --

vl ass 2 Piping Southwest Fab. Co. --- --- - --

R.C. Pump 1 Westinghouse 458 --- - --

R.C. Pumo 2 Westinahouse 459 --- - --

R.C. Pumo 3 Westinahouse 460 --- - --

Valve 1-595 Darling --- --- - --

Valve 1-700 Copes Vulcan --- --- - --

I V.a 1ve 1-8750 RJ.IR HX l A Darl ina Atlas Industrial 890 j --- 740 Note: Supp!cmcmal sheets in form of lisrs, sketches, rJr drawi111:s may l,c used provided ( 1) si:r.c is 8'1, i11. x 11 in.,

(2) informarion in irl*rns 1 rhrou,:h 6 on this .:fata reporr is .inl'ludcd ,m Cal*h sheet, anJ ( 3) eu*h shcct is numbered and the number of shc.-crs i,; n*l*orJL*J .11 rhc "'f' of rhis form.

This form ([00029) may he c,t.,1c1i11cd frvn, thu Ordor D<<?Pt., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., Now Ycwk, N. Y. 10017 '

  • FORM NIS*l OWNERS' DATA REPORT FOR JNSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provi~ions of the ASM[ Code Rules
1. Owner Virginia Electric And Power Company P.O. Box 26666.Richmond.VA. 23261 (Name and Address of Owner)
2. Plant Surry Ill, P.O~Box 315,Surry,Virginia 23883 (N:ame and Addrci.s of Plant)

!J. Plant Unit _ _l______ 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) _ _ N_/_A_____

_-_*s. Commercial Service Date 12/22/72 6. National Board Number for Unit _ ____.N~/c.. oA.. _______

7. Components Inspected Component or Manufactur~r
  • Manufacturer or Installer I State or Nationai Appurtenance or Installer . Serial No. Province No . Board No.

RHR HX lB Atlas Industrial 891 --- 741 seal Water Heat Exch. Joseph Oats &Sons 1817-2A --- 346 Regenerative 4195-A3-7 369 HX Sentrv 4195-A3-8 - -- 370 4195-A3-9 371 Volume Control Tank Richmond Eng. L-8554 - -- 57783 Lnargrng Pump lA Byron Jackson Pumps --- -- - ---

-. I




~ -

Note: Supp!emC'ntal sheers in form of lists. skc:tdaes, or drawinr,s may be used provided ( J) size is 8~ in. x *1 t in.,

(2) inform.:nion in items 1 rhrou 6 h 6 on this .fara rC'port i~ included ,,n eai:h sheer, anJ ( 3) each sheet is numocred and the number of shC'cts i~ recorded at rhe top of rhi:- form.

This form (E00029) may oo obtdinod fr.:irr, thu Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017

.,i A summary of the indications is as follows:

Fro~_all inspections performed for the preservice examination of Unit one no Q1dications were found to be recordable.

Examinations Examinations were conducted to review as much of the examination zone as was practical, within geometric, metallurgical and physical limitations. When the required examination volume or area could not be examined 100%, the examination was considered to be partial (PAR) and so noted. Generally, PAR's are noted at fitting-to-fitting assemblies (as explained under LIMITATIONS) and in areas where integrally welded supports, lugs, hangers, etc., preclude accesi to some part of the examination area.

Ultrasonic examinations that produced greater than reference level sensitivity from reflectors that are characteristic of metallurgical structure of the I.D./0.D. surfaces of an item were acknowledged for information only and were noted as such on that data sheets. Examples of areas that generally produce such geometric indications include:

(1) I.D. weld prep or root and or the crown overlay or toe.

(2) The I.D. radius of the tube sheet on the channel head to tube sheet weld of steam generators, when examining from the tubesheet side.

(3) The metallurgical structure of cast materials.

(4) Responses from the thread areas of bo 1t i_ng.

Geometric responses from these areas are charateristic*of the examination and are not considered relevant for reporting le_ngth or depth.

Limitations Some of the arrangements and details of the p1p1ng system and components were designed and fabricated before the access and examination requirements of Section XI of the 1974 Code could be applied; consequently some examinations are limited or not practical due to geometric configuration or accessibility.

Generally these limitations exist at all fitting to fitting joints such as

.e1bow to tee,. elbow to valve,-reducer to valve, etc. where geometry and some-tim~ surface condition preclude ultrasonic coupling or access for the required scan:length.

The limitations exist to a lesser degree at pipe fitting assemblies, particularly where the weld is not ground flush with the pipe O.D. surface. At these joints examinations can be conducted from the pipe side, however, the fitting again limits or pr~cludes examination from the opposite side. When the weld surface is flat, the fitting side examination is replaced by a calibrated straight beam examination on the weld.

In most cases, examinations in these areas were accomplished as a best effort attempt to cover as much of the code required area or volume (generally, the weld and base metal for 1 11 T11 on each side) as is possible, however, the extent of examination coverage in the base metal of the fitting or component cannot be spe~ifically qualified. _


""Areas where complete examination of 100% of the required .volume or~*area could not*:be achieved are indicated by a PAR (partial) notation on the examiner's dat-~- sheet, and the 1 imiting cause is noted.

The principal basis for PAR 1 s is to identify the inability to examine 100%

of the required base metal volume for the 1 11T11 distance beyond the edge of the weld on a fitting or component, such as: ultrasonic examination of*

a pipe to elbow assembly, where scanning on the intrados of the elbow causes de-coupling of the sound beam; or a pipe to flange or valve assembly, where scanning the entire volume on the fitting or component side is limited by con f i gu ration.

The resultJng coverage is such that examination of the weld, heat affected zone and base metal for 1 11 T11 on the pipe side can be achieved by scanning from the pipe side of the weld. An indeterminate coverage of the base metal on the fitting or component side may be achieved during this pipe side scan depending on the calibrated sweep length, attenuation, joint configuration, etc.; however, the volume on the fitting or component side additionally cannot be scanned completely for transverse indications as required by Code. In either case, 100% of this 1 11 T11 volume cannot be assured, thus a PAR is required as a disclaimer to having satisfied code requirements, albeit the intent is satisfied to the extent practical.

Specific limitations and restrictions for all examinations are as indicated on the raw data sheets .