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{{#Wiki_filter:e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 September 10, 1993 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:
{{#Wiki_filter:e                                 e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 September 10, 1993 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                       Serial No.      93-582 Attention: Document Control Desk                         NO/RPC:vlh Washington, D. C. 20555                                   Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:
Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of August 1993.
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Serial No. NO/RPC:vlh Docket Nos. License Nos. 93-582 50-280 50-281 DPR-32 DPR-37 Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of August 1993. Very truly yours, t~l~ W. L. Stewart Senior Vice President  
Very truly yours, t~l~
-Nuclear Enclosure cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W. Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station 170041 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT REPORT NO. 93-08 Approved:
W. L. Stewart Senior Vice President - Nuclear Enclosure cc:   U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 2of 18 Page Operating Data Report -Unit No. 1 .........................................................................................................
Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station 170041
3 Operating Data Report -Unit No. 2 .........................................................................................................
4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions  
-Unit No. 1 ....................................................................................
5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions  
e       Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 2of 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section                                                                                                                                  Page Operating Data Report - Unit No. 1 .........................................................................................................3 Operating Data Report - Unit No. 2 .........................................................................................................4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 1.................................................................................... 5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 2 .................................................................................... 6 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 1.... ~ ......................................................................................... 7 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 2 .............................................................................................. 8 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 1 ......................................................................................... 9 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 2 ....................................................................................... 1O Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval... ............................................................................ 11 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval ........................................... 14 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval ...................................................................... 15 Chemistry Report ............................................................................................................................. 16 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 1 ................................................................................................................... 17 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 2 ................................................................................................................... 17 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications ................................................................................................... 18
-Unit No. 2 ....................................................................................
6 Average Daily Unit Power Level -Unit No. 1 .... .........................................................................................
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 3of 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.:     50-280 Date:    09-03-93 Completed By:    D. Mason Telephone:     (804) 365-2459
7 Average Daily Unit Power Level -Unit No. 2 ..............................................................................................
: 1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 1
8 Summary of Operating Experience  
: 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . August, 1993
-Unit No. 1 .........................................................................................
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... .             2441
9 Summary of Operating Experience  
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... .               847.5
-Unit No. 2 .......................................................................................
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. .             788
1 O Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval...  
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... .                       820
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... ..                     781
11 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval ...........................................
: 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
14 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval ......................................................................
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
15 Chemistry Report .............................................................................................................................
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
16 Fuel Handling -Unit No. 1 ...................................................................................................................
This Month            YTD                Cumulative
17 Fuel Handling -Unit No. 2 ...................................................................................................................
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... .               744.0            5831.0              181391.0
17 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications  
: 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... .                     522.8            5503.2              120878.2
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. .                         0.0                0.0              3774.5
18 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 3of 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: Date: Completed By: 50-280 09-03-93 D. Mason Telephone:
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... .                 512.6            5474.6              118750.0
(804) 365-2459 1. Unit Name: .................................................. . 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... . 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... .. Surry Unit 1 August, 1993 2441 847.5 788 820 781 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: 11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... . 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... . 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ...... .. 19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 20. Unit Availability Factor .............................  
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................... .                       0.0                0.0              3736.2
.. 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .........  
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... .                     1206771.9        13058024.4          276677303.5
.. 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . This Month 744.0 522.8 0.0 512.6 0.0 1206771.9 391775.0 372222.0 68.9% 68.9% 64.1% 63.5% 0.0% YTD 5831.0 5503.2 0.0 5474.6 0.0 13058024.4 4346450.0 4145328.0 93.9% 93.9% 91.0% 90.2% 2.2% 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each): Refueling (1 O Year ISi), February 4, 1994, 70 Days 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... .                     391775.0          4346450.0            90364703.0
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ...... ..                   372222.0          4145328.0            85743188.0
: 19. Unit Service Factor .................................. .               68.9%              93.9%                65.5%
: 20. Unit Availability Factor............................. ..               68.9%              93.9%                67.5%
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net).......... .                       64.1%              91.0%                61.0%
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) ......... ..                     63.5%              90.2%                60.0%
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... .                   0.0%                2.2%                17.8%
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
Refueling (1 O Year ISi), February 4, 1994, 70 Days
: 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
Cumulative 181391.0 120878.2 3774.5 118750.0 3736.2 276677303.5 90364703.0 85743188.0 65.5% 67.5% 61.0% 60.0% 17.8% FORECAST INITIAL CRITICALITY ACHIEVED INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 4of 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT 1. Unit Name: .................................................. . , 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... . 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... . Surry Unit 2 August, 1993 2441 847.5 788 820 781 Docket No.: Date: Completed By: Telephone:
50-281 09-03-93 D. Mason (804) 365-2459 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: 11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical.  
........ . 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... . 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... . 19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 20. Unit Availability Factor .............................. . 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . This Month 744.0 232.3 0.0 209.4 0.0 433580.1 140225.0 133586.0 28.1 o/o 28.1% 23.0% 22.8% 71.9% YTD 5831.0 3872.4 0.0 3784.5 0.0 8417408.1 2778860.0 2645466.0 64.9% 64.9% 58.1% 57.6% 13.3% Cumulative 178271.0 117559.3 328.1 115715.5 0.0 269748481.9 87974764.0 83435879.0 64.9% 64.9% 60.0% 59.4% 14.3% 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each): None 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 4of 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.:    50-281 Date:    09-03-93 Completed By:    D. Mason Telephone:    (804) 365-2459
: 1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 2
, 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . August, 1993
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... .             2441
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... .              847.5
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. .             788
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... .                       820
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... .                     781
: 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month              YTD                Cumulative
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... .               744.0              5831.0              178271.0
: 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical. ........ .                     232.3              3872.4              117559.3
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. .                       0.0                  0.0                328.1
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... .                 209.4              3784.5              115715.5
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... .                     0.0                  0.0                  0.0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... .                     433580.1            8417408.1          269748481.9
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... .                   140225.0            2778860.0            87974764.0
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... .                 133586.0            2645466.0            83435879.0
: 19. Unit Service Factor .................................. .             28.1 o/o            64.9%                64.9%
: 20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. .             28.1%                64.9%                64.9%
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net).......... .                     23.0%                58.1%                60.0%
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... .                     22.8%                57.6%                59.4%
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... .                 71.9%               13.3%                 14.3%
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
: 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:                         September 3, 1993
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION FORECAST September 3, 1993 ACHIEVED (1) Date Type 930821 s (1) F: Forced S: Scheduled (4) e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 5of 18 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%) REPORT MONTH: August, 1993 (2) (3) (4) Method (5) Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 09-01-93 Completed by: Anthony Xenakis Telephone:
(804) 365-2145 Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Hours 231.4 Reason B (2) REASON: Shutting No. Down Rx 1 A -Equipment Failure (Explain)
B Maintenance or Test C Refueling D Regulatory Restriction Code Code AB SG E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)
e                                               e   Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 5of 18 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)
Prevent Recurrence
REPORT MONTH: August, 1993 Docket No.:   50-280 Unit Name:   Surry Unit 1 Date: 09-01-93 Completed by:   Anthony Xenakis Telephone:   (804) 365-2145 (1)                  (2)        (3)                (4)      (5)
* Leak on primary side of "B" steam generator channel head; repaired channel head drain line. (3) METHOD: 1 -Manual 2 -Manual Scram. 3 -Automatic Scram. 4 -Other (Explain)
Method Duration                 of       LER     System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date    Type      Hours     Reason     Shutting     No.     Code      Code    Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 930821        s      231.4        B          1                 AB       SG   *Leak on primary side of "B" steam generator channel head; repaired channel head drain line.
(5) Exhibit G -Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161) Exhibit 1 -Same Source.
(1)                            (2)                                                (3)
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 6of 18 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%) REPORT MONTH: August, 1993 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 09-01-93 Completed by: Anthony Xenakis Tele~hone:
F:  Forced                  REASON:                                            METHOD:
(804} 365-2145 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours 930803 F 39.2 930806 F 323.8 930823 F 69.3 930827 F 102.3 (1) F: Forced S: Scheduled Reason A A A A (2) REASON: Shutting Down Rx 3 1 3 3 No. 2-93-003-00 2-93-004-00 2-93-005-00 A -Equipment Failure (Explain) 8 Maintenance or Test C Refueling D Regulatory Restriction Code Code SJ FCV AB RV EL EXC JE RLY E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)
S:  Scheduled              A - Equipment Failure (Explain)                    1 - Manual B      Maintenance or Test                        2 - Manual Scram.
(4) Exhibit G -Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161) Prevent Recurrence Power supply to auto/manual control station failed; replaced eower sueel~. Pressurizer safety valves leaking at seat; repaired valves. Loss of field excitation on main generator; replaced phase shifter card. Safety injection system relay failed; replaced relay. (3) METHOD: 1 -Manual 2 -Manual Scram. 3 -Automatic Scram. 4 -Other (Explain)
C      Refueling                                  3 - Automatic Scram.
(5) Exhibit 1 -Same Source.
D      Regulatory Restriction                      4 - Other (Explain)
Month: August, 1993 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 INSTRUCTIONS e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 7 of 18 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 09-03-93 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone:
E      Operator Training & Licensing Examination F      Administrative G      Operational Error (Explain)
365-2790 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level (MWe-Net} Day (MWe-Net} 650 17 744 653 18 747 665 19 748 737 20 741 757 21 13 765 22 0 769 23 0 770 24 0 769 25 0 763 26 0 767 27 0 767 28 0 767 29 0 763 30 84 758 31 560 753 On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe -Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
(4)                                                                                (5)
Month: August, 1993 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 INSTRUCTIONS e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page Bot 18 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 09-03-93 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone:
Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets                   Exhibit 1 - Same Source.
365-2790 . Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level (MWe-Net) Day (MWe-Net) 740 17 0 742 18 0 625 19 15 0 20 692 85 21 739 68 22 740 0 23 153 0 24 0 0 25 0 0 26 454 0 27 512 0 28 0 0 29 0 0 30 0 0 31 0 0 On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe -Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 9of 18  
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 6of 18 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)
REPORT MONTH: August, 1993 Docket No.:     50-281 Unit Name:     Surry Unit 2 Date:   09-01-93 Completed by:     Anthony Xenakis Tele~hone:     (804} 365-2145 (1)                 (2)         (3)               (4)       (5)
Method Duration                 of       LER     System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date     Type     Hours     Reason    Shutting    No.      Code      Code    Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 930803       F     39.2         A           3     2     SJ       FCV     Power supply to auto/manual 003-00                        control station failed; replaced eower sueel~.
930806        F      323.8        A          1                AB        RV      Pressurizer safety valves leaking at seat; repaired valves.
930823        F      69.3        A          3      2      EL      EXC      Loss of field excitation on main 004-00                        generator; replaced phase shifter card.
930827        F      102.3        A          3      2      JE      RLY      Safety injection system relay 005-00                      failed; replaced relay.
(1)                          (2)                                                (3)
F:  Forced                  REASON:                                            METHOD:
S:  Scheduled              A - Equipment Failure (Explain)                    1 - Manual 8    Maintenance or Test                          2 - Manual Scram.
C    Refueling                                  3 - Automatic Scram.
D    Regulatory Restriction                      4 - Other (Explain)
E    Operator Training & Licensing Examination F    Administrative G    Operational Error (Explain)
(4)                                                                              (5)
Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets                  Exhibit 1 - Same Source.
for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
e       Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 7 of 18 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 09-03-93 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 Month:    August, 1993 Average Daily Power Level                         Average Daily Power Level Day                    (MWe- Net}                   Day                   (MWe- Net}
1                        650                       17                       744 2                        653                     18                       747 3                        665                     19                       748 4                        737                       20                       741 5                        757                       21                         13 6                        765                       22                         0 7                        769                       23                         0 8                        770                       24                         0 9                        769                       25                         0 10                        763                       26                         0 11                        767                       27                         0 12                        767                       28                         0 13                        767                       29                         0 14                        763                       30                       84 15                        758                       31                       560 16                        753 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page Bot 18 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 09-03-93 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 Month:    August, 1993
                            . Average Daily Power Level                       Average Daily Power Level Day                    (MWe- Net)                 Day                   (MWe- Net) 1                        740                     17                         0 2                        742                     18                         0 3                        625                       19                         15 4                          0                       20                       692 5                          85                     21                       739 6                          68                     22                       740 7                          0                       23                       153 8                          0                       24                         0 9                          0                       25                         0 10                          0                       26                       454 11                          0                       27                       512 12                          0                       28                         0 13                          0                       29                         0 14                          0                       30                         0 15                          0                       31                         0 16                          0 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 9of 18

OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.
August, 1993 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.
UNIT ONE: 08/01/93 08/02/93 08/04/93 08/20/93 08/21/93 08/30/93 08/31/93 0000 The reporting period began with the Unit operating at 91% power, 700 MWe with the "B" water box out of service for maintenance.
08/01/93       0000       The reporting period began with the Unit operating at 91% power, 700 MWe with the "B" water box out of service for maintenance.
1558 Started power reduction to maintain condenser vacuum while cleaning water boxes. 1730 Unit at 82%, 635 MWe. 0611 Started power increase after cleaning water boxes. 0739 Stopped power increase at 91 %, 71 O MWe. Water box cleaning continuing.
1558       Started power reduction to maintain condenser vacuum while cleaning water boxes.
0327 Started power increase after cleaning water boxes. 0402 Stopped power increase at 100%, 805 MWe. 2100 0202 1724 Started power reduction to repair leak on primary side of "B" steam generator channel head (manway was suspected source). Unit off-line.
1730       Unit at 82%, 635 MWe.
Unit on-line following repairs to "B" steam generator channel head drain line. 1811 Unit at 30%, 240 MWe, stopped power increase for chemistry hold. 1921 Started power increase.
08/02/93      0611       Started power increase after cleaning water boxes.
2344 Stopped power increase at 78%, 624 MWe. 0949 Started power reduction due to condensate polishing differential pressure.
0739       Stopped power increase at 91 %, 71 O MWe. Water box cleaning continuing.
1005 Stopped power reduction at 73%, 520 MWe. 1225 Started power increase; all condensate polishers in service. 1253 Stopped power increase at 81%, 600 MWe; high pressure heater drain pump level control valve inoperable.
08/04/93      0327       Started power increase after cleaning water boxes.
2400 The reporting period ended with the Unit at 81% power, 600 MWe.
0402       Stopped power increase at 100%, 805 MWe.
UNJT TWO: 08/01/93 08/03/93 08/05/93 08/06/93 08/19/93 08/20/93 08/23/93 08/26/93 08/27/93 08/31/93 0000 2005 1118 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 10 of 18  
08/20/93      2100       Started power reduction to repair leak on primary side of "B" steam generator channel head (manway was suspected source).
08/21/93      0202        Unit off-line.
08/30/93      1724        Unit on-line following repairs to "B" steam generator channel head drain line.
1811       Unit at 30%, 240 MWe, stopped power increase for chemistry hold.
1921       Started power increase.
2344       Stopped power increase at 78%, 624 MWe.
08/31/93      0949       Started power reduction due to condensate polishing differential pressure.
1005       Stopped power reduction at 73%, 520 MWe.
1225       Started power increase; all condensate polishers in service.
1253       Stopped power increase at 81%, 600 MWe; high pressure heater drain pump level control valve inoperable.
2400       The reporting period ended with the Unit at 81% power, 600 MWe.
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 10 of 18

August, 1993 The reporting period began with the Unit operating at 98% power, 780 MWe due to "C" main feedwater regulating valve (MFRV) oscillations.
08/01/93  0000 The reporting period began with the Unit operating at 98% power, 780 MWe due to "C" main feedwater regulating valve (MFRV) oscillations.
Reactor tripped as a result of the "A" MFRV failing closed. Unit on-line. 1145 Started power increase.
08/03/93  2005 Reactor tripped as a result of the "A" MFRV failing closed.
1318 Stopped power increase at 28%, 200 MWe due to high temperatures on pressurizer safety valves. 0911 Started power reduction to seat pressurizer safety valves. 1023 Unit off-line.
08/05/93  1118 Unit on-line.
2208 0615 Unit on-line following repair of pressurizer safety valves. Started power increase.
1145 Started power increase.
Unit at 100%, 800 MWe following stops for calorimetrics and individual rod position indication (IRPI) adjustments.
1318 Stopped power increase at 28%, 200 MWe due to high temperatures on pressurizer safety valves.
08/06/93  0911 Started power reduction to seat pressurizer safety valves.
1023 Unit off-line.
08/19/93  2208 Unit on-line following repair of pressurizer safety valves. Started power increase.
08/20/93  0615 Unit at 100%, 800 MWe following stops for calorimetrics and individual rod position indication (IRPI) adjustments.
1149 Started power reduction due to "C" steam generator level oscillations.
1149 Started power reduction due to "C" steam generator level oscillations.
1155 Stopped power reduction at 97.5%, 780 MWe. 0519 0235 Reactor tripped due to loss of field excitation on main generator.
1155 Stopped power reduction at 97.5%, 780 MWe.
Unit on-line after troubleshooting.
08/23/93  0519 Reactor tripped due to loss of field excitation on main generator.
Started power increase.
08/26/93  0235 Unit on-line after troubleshooting. Started power increase.
0300 Stopped power increase at 30%, 240 MWe for chemistry hold. 0444 Started power increase.
0300 Stopped power increase at 30%, 240 MWe for chemistry hold.
0552 Stopped power increase at 40%, 285 MWe for engineering tests on "C" MFRV. 1204 Started power increase.
0444 Started power increase.
1325 Stopped power increase at 70%, 555 MWe for engineering tests on "C" MFRV. 1537 Started power increase.
0552 Stopped power increase at 40%, 285 MWe for engineering tests on "C" MFRV.
1604 Stopped power increase at 97%, 775 MWe. 1741 2400 Reactor tripped due to safety injection relay failure. The reporting period ended with the Unit heating up in preparation for start-up.
1204 Started power increase.
* . I DCP92-75 EWR 89-741 EWR91-032 TM S2-93-41 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 11 of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR:
1325 Stopped power increase at 70%, 555 MWe for engineering tests on "C" MFRV.
August, 1993 Design Change Package (Safety Evaluation No. 92-263) 08-03-93 Design Change Package 92-75 installed quick disconnects in the Unit 1 and 2 piping to the pressure indicators on the suction side of the boric acid transfer pumps. This modification was implemented to facilitate sampling the boric acid solution in the boric acid storage tanks and to reduce personnel radiation exposure.
1537 Started power increase.
The change did not affect the normal operation of the chemical and volume control system. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Engineering Work Request (Safety Evaluation No. 89-052) 08-05-93 Engineering Work Request 89-741 evaluated the basis for sizing thermal overloads for safety-related motor operated valves (MOVs). The EWR also installed new thermal overloads, of like design, for certain Unit 1 and 2 valves. The new thermal overloads were sized, using the guidance of NUREG-1296, to provide for better protection of valve operator motors. The new thermal overloads and respective MOVs were tested to verify proper operation.
1604 Stopped power increase at 97%, 775 MWe.
MOV performance or system operating characteristics were not affected by these changes. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Engineering Work Request (Safety Evaluation No. 91-126) 08-05-93 Engineering Work Request 91-032 increased the thrust rating of certain feedwater and safety injection system valve Limitorque operators.
08/27/93  1741 Reactor tripped due to safety injection relay failure.
These changes were made to improve the capability of the subject valves to overcome maximum differential system pressure.
08/31/93  2400 The reporting period ended with the Unit heating up in preparation for start-up.
The changes did not exceed the allowable torque ratings or other design limitations of the valves. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Temporary Modification (Safety Evaluation No. 93-162) 08-05-93 Temporary Modification S2-93-41 installed a portable air blower in the Unit 2 pressurizer cubicle to lower ambient temperatures in order to reestablish the loop seal on the "A" pressurizer safety valve. The blower was powered from a non-class 1 E source and was secured with a chain to prevent any interaction with other systems. The operation of other systems and components was not affected.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
*. I e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 11 of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 DCP92-75          Design Change Package                                                               08-03-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 92-263)
.. TSR93-058 TSR93-055 DR S-93-1102 DR S-93-1103 DCP 90-19 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 12of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR:
Design Change Package 92-75 installed quick disconnects in the Unit 1 and 2 piping to the pressure indicators on the suction side of the boric acid transfer pumps.
August, 1993 Temporary Shielding Request (Safety Evaluation 93-163) 08-10-93 Temporary Shielding Request 93-058 installed temporary lead shielding on pressurizer spray and pressurizer spray safety valve piping in the Unit 2 containment to reduce the radiation dose received by personnel while performing work in the area. Installation of the shielding while the subject lines remained "operable" was determined to be acceptable through the performance of seismic and deadweight piping analyses, provided the pressure and temperature did not exceed 385 psi and 400° F. The shielding did not adversely affect the design functions of the affected system and was removed prior to exceeding the specified operating conditions.
This modification was implemented to facilitate sampling the boric acid solution in the boric acid storage tanks and to reduce personnel radiation exposure. The change did not affect the normal operation of the chemical and volume control system. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist. Temporary Shielding Request (Safety Evaluation 93-145, Revision 1) 08-23-93 Temporary Shielding Request 93-055 installed temporary lead shielding on pressurizer spray and pressurizer spray safety valve piping in the Unit 1 containment to reduce the radiation dose received by personnel while performing work in the area. Installation of the shielding while the subject lines remained "operable" was determined to be acceptable through the performance of seismic and deadweight piping analyses, provided the pressure and temperature did not exceed 385 psi and 200° F. The shielding did not adversely affect the design functions of the affected system and was removed prior to exceeding the specified operating conditions.
EWR 89-741        Engineering Work Request                                                           08-05-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 89-052)
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist. Deviation Report 08-25-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 93-168) Safety Evaluation 93-168 assessed the condition reported by Deviation Report S-93-0174 concerning the continued operation of Unit 1 with no position indication for the reactor coolant loops "A" and "C" hot leg sample valves. The assessment concluded that it is acceptable to continue Unit 1 operation until the next refueling outage since the subject valves do not serve a containment isolation function and can be operated without position indication.
Engineering Work Request 89-741 evaluated the basis for sizing thermal overloads for safety-related motor operated valves (MOVs). The EWR also installed new thermal overloads, of like design, for certain Unit 1 and 2 valves. The new thermal overloads were sized, using the guidance of NUREG-1296, to provide for better protection of valve operator motors.
Redundant sampling capabilities are provided by additional hot leg sample valves. In addition, a potential failure of these valves is bounded by the existing UFSAR accident analyses.
The new thermal overloads and respective MOVs were tested to verify proper operation.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Design Change Package (Safety Evaluation No. 90-190) 08-26-93 Design Change Package 90-19 added four Unit 1 refueling water storage tank (RWST) level channel trip annunciators to allow control room monitoring of RWST level channel tripping.
MOV performance or system operating characteristics were not affected by these changes. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
Corresponding test points were also installed to provide local test capabilities of the process equipment in the emergency switchgear relay room. This nonsafety-related modification was implemented to comply with the requirements of IEEE 279-1971, Section 4.19. No plant performance characteristics or parameters were altered by this modification.
EWR91-032        Engineering Work Request                                                           08-05-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 91-126)
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
Engineering Work Request 91-032 increased the thrust rating of certain feedwater and safety injection system valve Limitorque operators.
, *, AC S1-92-1112 EWR89-682 QLCR S91-188 TMS2-93-42 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 13 of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR:
These changes were made to improve the capability of the subject valves to overcome maximum differential system pressure. The changes did not exceed the allowable torque ratings or other design limitations of the valves. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
August, 1993 Administrative Control 08-27-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 92-229, Revision 1) Administrative control of service water valves 1-SW-263, 1-SW-265, and 1-SW-303 was established to permit strainer 1-VS-S-1A to be removed from service for maintenance.
TM S2-93-41      Temporary Modification                                                             08-05-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 93-162)
The administrative controls maintained service water flow to control room chillers and charging pump service water pumps and ensured compliance with Appendix R fire protection requirements.
Temporary Modification S2-93-41 installed a portable air blower in the Unit 2 pressurizer cubicle to lower ambient temperatures in order to reestablish the loop seal on the "A" pressurizer safety valve.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist. Engineering Work Request Q-Llst Change Request (Safety Evaluation No. 91-231) 08-30-93 Engineering Work Request 89-682 and Q-List Change Request S91-188 changed the classification of selected components in the Units 1 and 2 containment spray (CS) systems from "Safety-Related" (SR) to "Nonsafety-Related with Special Quality/Regulatory Requirements" (NSQ). The subject components are normally isolated from the active portions of the CS system and are only used for testing the CS pumps. An evaluation of this change determined that the reclassification of the these components does not impact the design functions of the CS system. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Temporary Modification (Safety Evaluation No. 93-170) 08-30-93 Temporary Modification S2-93-42 installed electrical jumpers to maintain electrical circuit continuity to certain Unit 2 safety injection (SI) train RBR relays during the replacement of failed safety injection master relay, SIA-8. The SI train "A8 logic was not affected by this activity and the safety injection and containment isolation functions were not required since Unit 2 was below 200 °F. Double verification of the jumper installation/removal and post maintenance testing were performed.
The blower was powered from a non-class 1E source and was secured with a chain to prevent any interaction with other systems. The operation of other systems and components was not affected. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
e    Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 12of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 TSR93-058          Temporary Shielding Request                                                       08-10-93 (Safety Evaluation 93-163)
August, 1993 Operations Periodic Test Procedure (Safety Evaluation No. 93-173) 08-30-93 Operations Periodic Test Procedure 2-0PT-ZZ-002, "ESF Actuation with Undervoltage and Degraded Voltage -2J Bus" was temporarily changed to provide instructions for performing testing to verify proper operation of Unit 2 safety injection master relay, SIA-8, after replacement.
Temporary Shielding Request 93-058 installed temporary lead shielding on pressurizer spray and pressurizer spray safety valve piping in the Unit 2 containment to reduce the radiation dose received by personnel while performing work in the area.
The testing was performed with the Unit at cold shutdown, at which time the safety injection system was not required.
Installation of the shielding while the subject lines remained "operable" was determined to be acceptable through the performance of seismic and deadweight piping analyses, provided the pressure and temperature did not exceed 385 psi and 400° F. The shielding did not adversely affect the design functions of the affected system and was removed prior to exceeding the specified operating conditions. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
One loop of the residual heat removal system was operating.
TSR93-055          Temporary Shielding Request                                                         08-23-93 (Safety Evaluation 93-145, Revision 1)
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Temporary Shielding Request 93-055 installed temporary lead shielding on pressurizer spray and pressurizer spray safety valve piping in the Unit 1 containment to reduce the radiation dose received by personnel while performing work in the area.
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 15 of 18 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR:
Installation of the shielding while the subject lines remained "operable" was determined to be acceptable through the performance of seismic and deadweight piping analyses, provided the pressure and temperature did not exceed 385 psi and 200° F. The shielding did not adversely affect the design functions of the affected system and was removed prior to exceeding the specified operating conditions. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
August, 1993 None during this reporting period.
DR S-93-1102        Deviation Report                                                                   08-25-93 DR S-93-1103        (Safety Evaluation No. 93-168)
' . . . Primary Coolant Analysis Gross Radioactivity, u.Ci/ml Susoended Solids, oom Gross Tritium, uCi/ml 1 1 31, uCi/ml 113111133 Hvdroaen, cc/ka Lithium, oom Boron -10, oom* Oxygen, (DO), oom Chloride, oom oH at 25 demee Celsius
Safety Evaluation 93-168 assessed the condition reported by Deviation Report S-93-0174 concerning the continued operation of Unit 1 with no position indication for the reactor coolant loops "A" and "C" hot leg sample valves.
* Boron -1 O = Total Boron x 0.196 Comments:
The assessment concluded that it is acceptable to continue Unit 1 operation until the next refueling outage since the subject valves do not serve a containment isolation function and can be operated without position indication. Redundant sampling capabilities are provided by additional hot leg sample valves. In addition, a potential failure of these valves is bounded by the existing UFSAR accident analyses. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
DCP 90-19          Design Change Package                                                             08-26-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 90-190)
August, 1993 Unit No.1 Max. Min. Avo. 4.22E-1 2.22E-2 2.21 E-1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 1.43E-1 1.70E-2 1.06E-1 1.32E-3 1.04E-4 8.61 E-4 0.11 0.07 0.09 34.3 3.8 20.6 2.21 0.83 1.66 366.9 38.8 150.0 0.080 <0.005 0.015 0.006 <0.001 0.002 7.31 5.97 6.88 e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 16 of 18 Unit No. 2 Max. Min. Avo. 1.92E-1 1.43E-3 4.01E-2 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 6.16E-1 6.16E-1 6.16E-1 1.56E-4 1.06E-5 6.80E-5 0.10 0.06 0.08 38.3 3.6 17.5 3.00 1.37 2.12 398.9 246.6 339.6 0.040 <0.005 0.007 0.015 0.002 0.012 6.39 5.80 6.05 
Design Change Package 90-19 added four Unit 1 refueling water storage tank (RWST) level channel trip annunciators to allow control room monitoring of RWST level channel tripping. Corresponding test points were also installed to provide local test capabilities of the process equipment in the emergency switchgear relay room.
* . e New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Number Received FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR:
This nonsafety-related modification was implemented to comply with the requirements of IEEE 279-1971, Section 4.19. No plant performance characteristics or parameters were altered by this modification. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
August, 1993 Number of Assemblies per Shipment Assembly Number ANSI Number e No fuel received or stored during this reporting period. Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 17of 18 Initial Enrichment New or Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Activity 
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 13 of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 AC S1-92-1112        Administrative Control                                                             08-27-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 92-229, Revision 1)
August, 1993 None during this reporting period.}}
Administrative control of service water valves 1-SW-263, 1-SW-265, and 1-SW-303 was established to permit strainer 1-VS-S-1A to be removed from service for maintenance.
The administrative controls maintained service water flow to control room chillers and charging pump service water pumps and ensured compliance with Appendix R fire protection requirements. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
EWR89-682          Engineering Work Request                                                             08-30-93 QLCR S91-188        Q-Llst Change Request (Safety Evaluation No. 91-231)
Engineering Work Request 89-682 and Q-List Change Request S91-188 changed the classification of selected components in the Units 1 and 2 containment spray (CS) systems from "Safety-Related" (SR) to "Nonsafety-Related with Special Quality/Regulatory Requirements" (NSQ).
The subject components are normally isolated from the active portions of the CS system and are only used for testing the CS pumps. An evaluation of this change determined that the reclassification of the these components does not impact the design functions of the CS system. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
TMS2-93-42          Temporary Modification                                                               08-30-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 93-170)
Temporary Modification S2-93-42 installed electrical jumpers to maintain electrical circuit continuity to certain Unit 2 safety injection (SI) train RBR relays during the replacement of failed safety injection master relay, SIA-8.
The SI train "A8 logic was not affected by this activity and the safety injection and containment isolation functions were not required since Unit 2 was below 200 &deg;F. Double verification of the jumper installation/removal and post maintenance testing were performed. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
e     Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 14of 18 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 2-0PT-ZZ-002  Operations Periodic Test Procedure                                                 08-30-93 (Safety Evaluation No. 93-173)
Operations Periodic Test Procedure 2-0PT-ZZ-002, "ESF Actuation with Undervoltage and Degraded Voltage - 2J Bus" was temporarily changed to provide instructions for performing testing to verify proper operation of Unit 2 safety injection master relay, SIA-8, after replacement.
The testing was performed with the Unit at cold shutdown, at which time the safety injection system was not required. One loop of the residual heat removal system was operating. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 15 of 18 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 None during this reporting period.
e      Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 16 of 18 CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 Unit No.1                       Unit No. 2 Primary Coolant Analysis          Max.        Min. Avo. Max.          Min.        Avo.
Gross Radioactivity, u.Ci/ml         4.22E-1      2.22E-2  2.21 E-1 1.92E-1        1.43E-3    4.01E-2 Susoended Solids, oom                   < 0.1       < 0.1    < 0.1   < 0.1          < 0.1        < 0.1 Gross Tritium, uCi/ml                1.43E-1     1.70E-2 1.06E-1 6.16E-1       6.16E-1     6.16E-1 1131, uCi/ml                          1.32E-3     1.04E-4 8.61 E-4 1.56E-4        1.06E-5    6.80E-5 113111133                              0.11        0.07    0.09     0.10          0.06        0.08 Hvdroaen, cc/ka                        34.3         3.8     20.6     38.3            3.6        17.5 Lithium, oom                            2.21        0.83     1.66     3.00          1.37        2.12 Boron - 10, oom*                      366.9         38.8   150.0   398.9          246.6        339.6 Oxygen, (DO), oom                      0.080      <0.005   0.015   0.040        <0.005        0.007 Chloride, oom                          0.006       <0.001   0.002   0.015          0.002        0.012 oH at 25 demee Celsius                  7.31         5.97     6.88     6.39          5.80        6.05
* Boron - 1O = Total Boron x 0.196 Comments:
e                                                    e      Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 17of 18 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 New or Spent                    Number of                                                          New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or    Assemblies        Assembly            ANSI            Initial      Fuel Shipping Number      Received      per Shipment        Number            Number          Enrichment    Cask Activity No fuel received or stored during this reporting period.
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 18 of 18 DESCRIPTION OF PERIODIC TEST(S) WHICH WERE NOT COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME LIMITS SPECIFIED IN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 None during this reporting period.}}

Latest revision as of 23:04, 2 February 2020

Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1993 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.W/930910 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1993
From: Mason D, Stewart W
93-582, NUDOCS 9309170189
Download: ML18153B318 (19)


e e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 September 10, 1993 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.93-582 Attention: Document Control Desk NO/RPC:vlh Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of August 1993.

Very truly yours, t~l~

W. L. Stewart Senior Vice President - Nuclear Enclosure cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.

Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station 170041


e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 2of 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Operating Data Report - Unit No. 1 .........................................................................................................3 Operating Data Report - Unit No. 2 .........................................................................................................4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 1.................................................................................... 5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 2 .................................................................................... 6 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 1.... ~ ......................................................................................... 7 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 2 .............................................................................................. 8 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 1 ......................................................................................... 9 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 2 ....................................................................................... 1O Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval... ............................................................................ 11 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval ........................................... 14 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval ...................................................................... 15 Chemistry Report ............................................................................................................................. 16 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 1 ................................................................................................................... 17 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 2 ................................................................................................................... 17 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications ................................................................................................... 18

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 3of 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: 50-280 Date: 09-03-93 Completed By: D. Mason Telephone: (804) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 1
2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . August, 1993
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 2441
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... . 820
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... .. 781
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month YTD Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 744.0 5831.0 181391.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... . 522.8 5503.2 120878.2
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 0.0 0.0 3774.5
14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 512.6 5474.6 118750.0
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................... . 0.0 0.0 3736.2
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 1206771.9 13058024.4 276677303.5
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 391775.0 4346450.0 90364703.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ...... .. 372222.0 4145328.0 85743188.0
19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 68.9% 93.9% 65.5%
20. Unit Availability Factor............................. .. 68.9% 93.9% 67.5%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net).......... . 64.1% 91.0% 61.0%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) ......... .. 63.5% 90.2% 60.0%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . 0.0% 2.2% 17.8%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):

Refueling (1 O Year ISi), February 4, 1994, 70 Days

25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 4of 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: 50-281 Date: 09-03-93 Completed By: D. Mason Telephone: (804) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 2

, 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . August, 1993

3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 2441
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): ... . 820
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... . 781
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month YTD Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 744.0 5831.0 178271.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical. ........ . 232.3 3872.4 117559.3
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 0.0 0.0 328.1
14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 209.4 3784.5 115715.5
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... . 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 433580.1 8417408.1 269748481.9
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 140225.0 2778860.0 87974764.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... . 133586.0 2645466.0 83435879.0
19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 28.1 o/o 64.9% 64.9%
20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. . 28.1% 64.9% 64.9%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net).......... . 23.0% 58.1% 60.0%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 22.8% 57.6% 59.4%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . 71.9% 13.3% 14.3%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):


25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up: September 3, 1993
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 5of 18 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MONTH: August, 1993 Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 09-01-93 Completed by: Anthony Xenakis Telephone: (804) 365-2145 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 930821 s 231.4 B 1 AB SG *Leak on primary side of "B" steam generator channel head; repaired channel head drain line.

(1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram.

C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram.

D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source.

for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 6of 18 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MONTH: August, 1993 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 09-01-93 Completed by: Anthony Xenakis Tele~hone: (804} 365-2145 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 930803 F 39.2 A 3 2 SJ FCV Power supply to auto/manual 003-00 control station failed; replaced eower sueel~.

930806 F 323.8 A 1 AB RV Pressurizer safety valves leaking at seat; repaired valves.

930823 F 69.3 A 3 2 EL EXC Loss of field excitation on main 004-00 generator; replaced phase shifter card.

930827 F 102.3 A 3 2 JE RLY Safety injection system relay 005-00 failed; replaced relay.

(1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual 8 Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram.

C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram.

D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source.

for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 7 of 18 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 09-03-93 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 Month: August, 1993 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe- Net} Day (MWe- Net}

1 650 17 744 2 653 18 747 3 665 19 748 4 737 20 741 5 757 21 13 6 765 22 0 7 769 23 0 8 770 24 0 9 769 25 0 10 763 26 0 11 767 27 0 12 767 28 0 13 767 29 0 14 763 30 84 15 758 31 560 16 753 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page Bot 18 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 09-03-93 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 Month: August, 1993

. Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe- Net) Day (MWe- Net) 1 740 17 0 2 742 18 0 3 625 19 15 4 0 20 692 5 85 21 739 6 68 22 740 7 0 23 153 8 0 24 0 9 0 25 0 10 0 26 454 11 0 27 512 12 0 28 0 13 0 29 0 14 0 30 0 15 0 31 0 16 0 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 9of 18


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.


08/01/93 0000 The reporting period began with the Unit operating at 91% power, 700 MWe with the "B" water box out of service for maintenance.

1558 Started power reduction to maintain condenser vacuum while cleaning water boxes.

1730 Unit at 82%, 635 MWe.

08/02/93 0611 Started power increase after cleaning water boxes.

0739 Stopped power increase at 91 %, 71 O MWe. Water box cleaning continuing.

08/04/93 0327 Started power increase after cleaning water boxes.

0402 Stopped power increase at 100%, 805 MWe.

08/20/93 2100 Started power reduction to repair leak on primary side of "B" steam generator channel head (manway was suspected source).

08/21/93 0202 Unit off-line.

08/30/93 1724 Unit on-line following repairs to "B" steam generator channel head drain line.

1811 Unit at 30%, 240 MWe, stopped power increase for chemistry hold.

1921 Started power increase.

2344 Stopped power increase at 78%, 624 MWe.

08/31/93 0949 Started power reduction due to condensate polishing differential pressure.

1005 Stopped power reduction at 73%, 520 MWe.

1225 Started power increase; all condensate polishers in service.

1253 Stopped power increase at 81%, 600 MWe; high pressure heater drain pump level control valve inoperable.

2400 The reporting period ended with the Unit at 81% power, 600 MWe.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 10 of 18



08/01/93 0000 The reporting period began with the Unit operating at 98% power, 780 MWe due to "C" main feedwater regulating valve (MFRV) oscillations.

08/03/93 2005 Reactor tripped as a result of the "A" MFRV failing closed.

08/05/93 1118 Unit on-line.

1145 Started power increase.

1318 Stopped power increase at 28%, 200 MWe due to high temperatures on pressurizer safety valves.

08/06/93 0911 Started power reduction to seat pressurizer safety valves.

1023 Unit off-line.

08/19/93 2208 Unit on-line following repair of pressurizer safety valves. Started power increase.

08/20/93 0615 Unit at 100%, 800 MWe following stops for calorimetrics and individual rod position indication (IRPI) adjustments.

1149 Started power reduction due to "C" steam generator level oscillations.

1155 Stopped power reduction at 97.5%, 780 MWe.

08/23/93 0519 Reactor tripped due to loss of field excitation on main generator.

08/26/93 0235 Unit on-line after troubleshooting. Started power increase.

0300 Stopped power increase at 30%, 240 MWe for chemistry hold.

0444 Started power increase.

0552 Stopped power increase at 40%, 285 MWe for engineering tests on "C" MFRV.

1204 Started power increase.

1325 Stopped power increase at 70%, 555 MWe for engineering tests on "C" MFRV.

1537 Started power increase.

1604 Stopped power increase at 97%, 775 MWe.

08/27/93 1741 Reactor tripped due to safety injection relay failure.

08/31/93 2400 The reporting period ended with the Unit heating up in preparation for start-up.

  • . I e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 11 of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 DCP92-75 Design Change Package 08-03-93 (Safety Evaluation No.92-263)

Design Change Package 92-75 installed quick disconnects in the Unit 1 and 2 piping to the pressure indicators on the suction side of the boric acid transfer pumps.

This modification was implemented to facilitate sampling the boric acid solution in the boric acid storage tanks and to reduce personnel radiation exposure. The change did not affect the normal operation of the chemical and volume control system. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

EWR 89-741 Engineering Work Request 08-05-93 (Safety Evaluation No.89-052)

Engineering Work Request 89-741 evaluated the basis for sizing thermal overloads for safety-related motor operated valves (MOVs). The EWR also installed new thermal overloads, of like design, for certain Unit 1 and 2 valves. The new thermal overloads were sized, using the guidance of NUREG-1296, to provide for better protection of valve operator motors.

The new thermal overloads and respective MOVs were tested to verify proper operation.

MOV performance or system operating characteristics were not affected by these changes. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

EWR91-032 Engineering Work Request 08-05-93 (Safety Evaluation No.91-126)

Engineering Work Request 91-032 increased the thrust rating of certain feedwater and safety injection system valve Limitorque operators.

These changes were made to improve the capability of the subject valves to overcome maximum differential system pressure. The changes did not exceed the allowable torque ratings or other design limitations of the valves. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

TM S2-93-41 Temporary Modification 08-05-93 (Safety Evaluation No.93-162)

Temporary Modification S2-93-41 installed a portable air blower in the Unit 2 pressurizer cubicle to lower ambient temperatures in order to reestablish the loop seal on the "A" pressurizer safety valve.

The blower was powered from a non-class 1E source and was secured with a chain to prevent any interaction with other systems. The operation of other systems and components was not affected. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 12of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 TSR93-058 Temporary Shielding Request 08-10-93 (Safety Evaluation 93-163)

Temporary Shielding Request 93-058 installed temporary lead shielding on pressurizer spray and pressurizer spray safety valve piping in the Unit 2 containment to reduce the radiation dose received by personnel while performing work in the area.

Installation of the shielding while the subject lines remained "operable" was determined to be acceptable through the performance of seismic and deadweight piping analyses, provided the pressure and temperature did not exceed 385 psi and 400° F. The shielding did not adversely affect the design functions of the affected system and was removed prior to exceeding the specified operating conditions. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

TSR93-055 Temporary Shielding Request 08-23-93 (Safety Evaluation 93-145, Revision 1)

Temporary Shielding Request 93-055 installed temporary lead shielding on pressurizer spray and pressurizer spray safety valve piping in the Unit 1 containment to reduce the radiation dose received by personnel while performing work in the area.

Installation of the shielding while the subject lines remained "operable" was determined to be acceptable through the performance of seismic and deadweight piping analyses, provided the pressure and temperature did not exceed 385 psi and 200° F. The shielding did not adversely affect the design functions of the affected system and was removed prior to exceeding the specified operating conditions. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

DR S-93-1102 Deviation Report 08-25-93 DR S-93-1103 (Safety Evaluation No.93-168)

Safety Evaluation 93-168 assessed the condition reported by Deviation Report S-93-0174 concerning the continued operation of Unit 1 with no position indication for the reactor coolant loops "A" and "C" hot leg sample valves.

The assessment concluded that it is acceptable to continue Unit 1 operation until the next refueling outage since the subject valves do not serve a containment isolation function and can be operated without position indication. Redundant sampling capabilities are provided by additional hot leg sample valves. In addition, a potential failure of these valves is bounded by the existing UFSAR accident analyses. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

DCP 90-19 Design Change Package 08-26-93 (Safety Evaluation No.90-190)

Design Change Package 90-19 added four Unit 1 refueling water storage tank (RWST) level channel trip annunciators to allow control room monitoring of RWST level channel tripping. Corresponding test points were also installed to provide local test capabilities of the process equipment in the emergency switchgear relay room.

This nonsafety-related modification was implemented to comply with the requirements of IEEE 279-1971, Section 4.19. No plant performance characteristics or parameters were altered by this modification. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 13 of 18 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 AC S1-92-1112 Administrative Control 08-27-93 (Safety Evaluation No.92-229, Revision 1)

Administrative control of service water valves 1-SW-263, 1-SW-265, and 1-SW-303 was established to permit strainer 1-VS-S-1A to be removed from service for maintenance.

The administrative controls maintained service water flow to control room chillers and charging pump service water pumps and ensured compliance with Appendix R fire protection requirements. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

EWR89-682 Engineering Work Request 08-30-93 QLCR S91-188 Q-Llst Change Request (Safety Evaluation No.91-231)

Engineering Work Request 89-682 and Q-List Change Request S91-188 changed the classification of selected components in the Units 1 and 2 containment spray (CS) systems from "Safety-Related" (SR) to "Nonsafety-Related with Special Quality/Regulatory Requirements" (NSQ).

The subject components are normally isolated from the active portions of the CS system and are only used for testing the CS pumps. An evaluation of this change determined that the reclassification of the these components does not impact the design functions of the CS system. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

TMS2-93-42 Temporary Modification 08-30-93 (Safety Evaluation No.93-170)

Temporary Modification S2-93-42 installed electrical jumpers to maintain electrical circuit continuity to certain Unit 2 safety injection (SI) train RBR relays during the replacement of failed safety injection master relay, SIA-8.

The SI train "A8 logic was not affected by this activity and the safety injection and containment isolation functions were not required since Unit 2 was below 200 °F. Double verification of the jumper installation/removal and post maintenance testing were performed. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 14of 18 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 2-0PT-ZZ-002 Operations Periodic Test Procedure 08-30-93 (Safety Evaluation No.93-173)

Operations Periodic Test Procedure 2-0PT-ZZ-002, "ESF Actuation with Undervoltage and Degraded Voltage - 2J Bus" was temporarily changed to provide instructions for performing testing to verify proper operation of Unit 2 safety injection master relay, SIA-8, after replacement.

The testing was performed with the Unit at cold shutdown, at which time the safety injection system was not required. One loop of the residual heat removal system was operating. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 15 of 18 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 None during this reporting period.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 16 of 18 CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 Unit No.1 Unit No. 2 Primary Coolant Analysis Max. Min. Avo. Max. Min. Avo.

Gross Radioactivity, u.Ci/ml 4.22E-1 2.22E-2 2.21 E-1 1.92E-1 1.43E-3 4.01E-2 Susoended Solids, oom < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 Gross Tritium, uCi/ml 1.43E-1 1.70E-2 1.06E-1 6.16E-1 6.16E-1 6.16E-1 1131, uCi/ml 1.32E-3 1.04E-4 8.61 E-4 1.56E-4 1.06E-5 6.80E-5 113111133 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.06 0.08 Hvdroaen, cc/ka 34.3 3.8 20.6 38.3 3.6 17.5 Lithium, oom 2.21 0.83 1.66 3.00 1.37 2.12 Boron - 10, oom* 366.9 38.8 150.0 398.9 246.6 339.6 Oxygen, (DO), oom 0.080 <0.005 0.015 0.040 <0.005 0.007 Chloride, oom 0.006 <0.001 0.002 0.015 0.002 0.012 oH at 25 demee Celsius 7.31 5.97 6.88 6.39 5.80 6.05


e e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 17of 18 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 New or Spent Number of New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Assemblies Assembly ANSI Initial Fuel Shipping Number Received per Shipment Number Number Enrichment Cask Activity No fuel received or stored during this reporting period.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 93-08 Page 18 of 18 DESCRIPTION OF PERIODIC TEST(S) WHICH WERE NOT COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME LIMITS SPECIFIED IN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MONTH/YEAR: August, 1993 None during this reporting period.