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{{#Wiki_filter:1 Pre-Application Meeting License Amendment for TSTF-425 Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program Xcel Energy (XE)Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 02-20-2018 1
{{#Wiki_filter:Pre-Application Meeting License Amendment for TSTF-425 Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program Xcel Energy (XE)
2 Agenda*Background & Schedule
Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 02-20-2018 1
*Discuss-Variations from TSTF-425
-Site-specific TSSR 3.0.2
-Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)
*Fire Model
*Questions and Feedback 2
3Background & Schedule
*TSTF-425-Risk-Informed Justification for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program (Initiative 5b)
-Licensee controlled program called the Surveillance Frequency Control Program (SFCP) and is in accordance with NEI04-10
-Planned submittal first quarter 2018
-Requesting approval by April 2019
-Implement prior to Fall 2019 Refueling Outage (RFO) 3 4Variations
*Variations for the application include
:-Revised (clean) TSpages not included
-TSBases insert consistent with the April 14, 2010 NRC letter removing the frequency basis
-Cross-reference list for TSTF-425 (NUREG-1431) markups to PINGPsite specific TSSRs provided
-Administrative changes
*An expired one-time frequency extension is deleted
*Two minor formatting changes 4
5PINGP'sTSSR 3.0.2
*PINGPSR 3.0.2 contains a restriction not in NUREG-1431:
-NUREG-1431 SR 3.0.2 permits a 25% extension of the interval specified in the Frequency
-PINGPSR 3.0.2 also permits a 25% extension of the specified interval, except for Frequencies specified as 24

months*Not a variation to the TSTF
*Applies to50TSSR
* Background & Schedule
*One exception -TSSR amended in 2010 to allow the application of the 25% extension to its 24 month surveillance
* Discuss
  - Variations from TSTF-425
  - Site-specific TS SR 3.0.2
  - Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)
* Fire Model
* Questions and Feedback 2

requirement 5
Background & Schedule
6PINGP'sTSSR 3.0.2
* TSTF-425
*PINGPTSSR 3.0.2 does not affect application of TSTF-425 nor does it affect implementation of the  
  - Risk-Informed Justification for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program (Initiative 5b)
  - Licensee controlled program called the Surveillance Frequency Control Program (SFCP) and is in accordance with NEI 04-10
  - Planned submittal first quarter 2018
  - Requesting approval by April 2019
  - Implement prior to Fall 2019 Refueling Outage (RFO) 3

SFCP-Site specific SR 3.0.2 is applied to the SFCPas described in TSTF-425
*SFCPAdministrative Controls maintained (TS5.5.17)
* Variations for the application include:
*Current Licensing Basis (CLB) maintained (TSSR 3.0.2)
  - Revised (clean) TS pages not included
-No affect on TSTF-425
  - TS Bases insert consistent with the April 14, 2010 NRC letter removing the frequency basis
*Model License Amendment Request (LAR) unchanged
  - Cross-reference list for TSTF-425 (NUREG-1431) markups to PINGP site specific TS SRs provided
*Model No Significant Hazards Consideration determination unchanged*NRC Model Safety Evaluation (SE) unchanged
  - Administrative changes
*Not considered a variation to the TSTF 6
* An expired one-time frequency extension is deleted
7PRA Technical Adequacy
* Two minor formatting changes 4
*Internal Events including internal flooding
-RG1.200 peer reviewed with Appendix X to NEI05-04 finding closure review complete
PINGPs TS SR 3.0.2
*Seismic-IPEEESeismic Margins Analysis (SMA)
* PINGP SR 3.0.2 contains a restriction not in NUREG-1431:
*Other External Hazards
  - NUREG-1431 SR 3.0.2 permits a 25% extension of the interval specified in the Frequency
-PINGPIPEEEconcluded other exter nal hazards to be negligible contributors to overall plant risk
  - PINGP SR 3.0.2 also permits a 25% extension of the specified interval, except for Frequencies specified as 24 months
*Shutdown Events
* Not a variation to the TSTF
-Shutdown risk management program consistent with NUMARC 91-06 7 8PRA Technical Adequacy
* Applies to 50 TS SR
*Fire -Fire PRA developed for NFPA-805  
* One exception - TS SR amended in 2010 to allow the application of the 25% extension to its 24 month surveillance requirement 5
*NFPA-805 LAR approved August 8, 2017
*Fire PRA reflects future state of the as-built/as-operated plant following NFPA-805 modifications
PINGPs TS SR 3.0.2
-Unit 1 -Fall 2020 RFO, Unit 2 -Fall 2019 RFO
* PINGP TS SR 3.0.2 does not affect application of TSTF-425 nor does it affect implementation of the SFCP
*Fire PRA is RG1.200 peer reviewed with an Appendix X closure review*Fire PRA Open F&Osprovided in the Technical Adequacy Section of the SFCPLAR
  - Site specific SR 3.0.2 is applied to the SFCP as described in TSTF-425
-During transition, the SFCPevaluations use IPEEEFIVE results supplemented by sensitivities from Fire PRA in accordance with NEI04-10-Following implementation of NFPA-805, evaluations use the Fire PRA in accordance with NEI04-10 8
* SFCP Administrative Controls maintained (TS 5.5.17)
9PRA Technical Adequacy
* Current Licensing Basis (CLB) maintained (TS SR 3.0.2)
  - No affect on TSTF-425
-PINGPPRA models sufficiently robust and suitable for SFCP 9 10 Questions and Feedback 10?
* Model License Amendment Request (LAR) unchanged
11 Acronyms*CLB-Current Licensing Basis
* Model No Significant Hazards Consideration determination unchanged
*F&O-Finding and Observations
* NRC Model Safety Evaluation (SE) unchanged
*FIVE -Fire Induced Vulnerability Evaluation  
* Not considered a variation to the TSTF 6
*LAR -License Amendment Request  
*IPEEE-Individual Plant Examination of External Events  
PRA Technical Adequacy
*NEI-Nuclear Energy Institute
* Internal Events including internal flooding
*NSHC-No Significant Hazards Determination
    - RG 1.200 peer reviewed with Appendix X to NEI 05-04 finding closure review complete
*NSPM-Northern States Power Minnesota
* Seismic
*PINGP-Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
    - IPEEE Seismic Margins Analysis (SMA)
*PRA -Probabilistic Risk Assessment
* Other External Hazards
*RFO-Refueling Outage
    - PINGP IPEEE concluded other external hazards to be negligible contributors to overall plant risk
*SE -Safety Evaluation 11 12 Acronyms*SFCP-Surveillance Frequency Control Program
* Shutdown Events
*SMA-Seismic Margins Analysis
    - Shutdown risk management program consistent with NUMARC 91-06 7
*TS-Technical Specification
*TSSR -Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement
PRA Technical Adequacy
*TSTF-Technical Specification Task Force
* Fire
*XE-Xcel Energy 12}}
    - Fire PRA developed for NFPA-805
* NFPA-805 LAR approved August 8, 2017
* Fire PRA reflects future state of the as-built/as-operated plant following NFPA-805 modifications
            - Unit 1 - Fall 2020 RFO, Unit 2 - Fall 2019 RFO
* Fire PRA is RG 1.200 peer reviewed with an Appendix X closure review
* Fire PRA Open F&Os provided in the Technical Adequacy Section of the SFCP LAR
    - During transition, the SFCP evaluations use IPEEE FIVE results supplemented by sensitivities from Fire PRA in accordance with NEI 04-10
    - Following implementation of NFPA-805, evaluations use the Fire PRA in accordance with NEI 04-10 8
PRA Technical Adequacy
* Conclusion
  - PINGP PRA models sufficiently robust and suitable for SFCP 9
Questions and Feedback
* CLB - Current Licensing Basis
* F&O - Finding and Observations
* FIVE - Fire Induced Vulnerability Evaluation
* LAR - License Amendment Request
* IPEEE - Individual Plant Examination of External Events
* NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute
* NSHC - No Significant Hazards Determination
* NSPM - Northern States Power Minnesota
* PINGP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
* PRA - Probabilistic Risk Assessment
* RFO - Refueling Outage
* SE - Safety Evaluation 11
* SFCP - Surveillance Frequency Control Program
* SMA - Seismic Margins Analysis
* TS - Technical Specification
* TS SR - Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement
* TSTF - Technical Specification Task Force
* XE - Xcel Energy 12}}

Latest revision as of 21:04, 21 October 2019

Pre-Application Meeting License Amendment for TSTF-425 Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program Xcel Energy 2/20/2018
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/2018
Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
To: Robert Kuntz
Plant Licensing Branch III
Kuntz R
Download: ML18051A175 (12)


Pre-Application Meeting License Amendment for TSTF-425 Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program Xcel Energy (XE)

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 02-20-2018 1


  • Background & Schedule
  • Discuss

- Variations from TSTF-425

- Site-specific TS SR 3.0.2

- Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)

  • Fire Model
  • Questions and Feedback 2

Background & Schedule

- Risk-Informed Justification for the Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency Requirements to a Licensee Controlled Program (Initiative 5b)

- Licensee controlled program called the Surveillance Frequency Control Program (SFCP) and is in accordance with NEI 04-10

- Planned submittal first quarter 2018

- Requesting approval by April 2019

- Implement prior to Fall 2019 Refueling Outage (RFO) 3


  • Variations for the application include:

- Revised (clean) TS pages not included

- TS Bases insert consistent with the April 14, 2010 NRC letter removing the frequency basis

- Cross-reference list for TSTF-425 (NUREG-1431) markups to PINGP site specific TS SRs provided

- Administrative changes

  • An expired one-time frequency extension is deleted
  • Two minor formatting changes 4

PINGPs TS SR 3.0.2

- NUREG-1431 SR 3.0.2 permits a 25% extension of the interval specified in the Frequency

- PINGP SR 3.0.2 also permits a 25% extension of the specified interval, except for Frequencies specified as 24 months

  • Not a variation to the TSTF
  • Applies to 50 TS SR
  • One exception - TS SR amended in 2010 to allow the application of the 25% extension to its 24 month surveillance requirement 5

PINGPs TS SR 3.0.2

- Site specific SR 3.0.2 is applied to the SFCP as described in TSTF-425

- No affect on TSTF-425

  • Model License Amendment Request (LAR) unchanged
  • Model No Significant Hazards Consideration determination unchanged
  • NRC Model Safety Evaluation (SE) unchanged
  • Not considered a variation to the TSTF 6

PRA Technical Adequacy

- RG 1.200 peer reviewed with Appendix X to NEI 05-04 finding closure review complete

  • Seismic

- IPEEE Seismic Margins Analysis (SMA)

  • Other External Hazards

- PINGP IPEEE concluded other external hazards to be negligible contributors to overall plant risk

  • Shutdown Events

- Shutdown risk management program consistent with NUMARC 91-06 7

PRA Technical Adequacy

  • Fire

- Fire PRA developed for NFPA-805

  • Fire PRA reflects future state of the as-built/as-operated plant following NFPA-805 modifications

- Unit 1 - Fall 2020 RFO, Unit 2 - Fall 2019 RFO

  • Fire PRA is RG 1.200 peer reviewed with an Appendix X closure review
  • Fire PRA Open F&Os provided in the Technical Adequacy Section of the SFCP LAR

- During transition, the SFCP evaluations use IPEEE FIVE results supplemented by sensitivities from Fire PRA in accordance with NEI 04-10

- Following implementation of NFPA-805, evaluations use the Fire PRA in accordance with NEI 04-10 8

PRA Technical Adequacy

  • Conclusion

- PINGP PRA models sufficiently robust and suitable for SFCP 9

Questions and Feedback




  • CLB - Current Licensing Basis
  • F&O - Finding and Observations
  • FIVE - Fire Induced Vulnerability Evaluation
  • LAR - License Amendment Request
  • IPEEE - Individual Plant Examination of External Events
  • NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute
  • NSHC - No Significant Hazards Determination
  • PINGP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
  • RFO - Refueling Outage
  • SE - Safety Evaluation 11


  • SMA - Seismic Margins Analysis
  • TS - Technical Specification
  • TS SR - Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement
  • TSTF - Technical Specification Task Force
  • XE - Xcel Energy 12