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{{#Wiki_filter:VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 January 12, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:
{{#Wiki_filter:VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 January 12, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                 Serial No. 95-015 Attention: Document Control Desk                                   NO/RPC:vlh Washington, D. C. 20555                                             Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:
Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of December 1994.
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Serial No. NO/RPC:vlh Docket Nos. License Nos. 95-015 50-280 50-281 DPR-32 DPR-37 Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of December 1994. Very truly yours, #-Id~ M. L. Bowling, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Programs Enclosure cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W. Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station --------. 9501230301  
Very truly yours,
-------------*-C" ,'i PDR ADOCK 941231 ti i 05000280 j R ,.,.,.:. :._'*:. : . *. . .* .. ~PDB_ --
M. L. Bowling, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Programs Enclosure cc:           U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.
Station Manager Date TABLE OF CONTENTS Section e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 2of 19 Page Operating Data Report -Unit No. 1 ......**......**.*.*.........*......*.*..............................**..................................
Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station
3 Operating Data Report -Unit No. 2 .....................................****.......*.***......*.*....*.......****...***..***................
              ---- - - --
4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions  
. 9501230301                 - --- ---- - --- -*-C" ,'i PDR ADOCK 941231 05000280            jti i R ,.,.,.:. :._'*:. : . *.   ..*.. ~PDB_ - -
-Unit No. 1 .....*...**.*..*.....*******....*..*.....................***..***...................
5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions  
-Unit No. 2 ...*...****.***.......*.**..........................*.....*......*.............**...
Station Manager Date
6 Average Daily Unit Power Level -Unit No. 1 .........................*........*.**.....****..**.*.............................*...........
7 Average Daily Unit Power Level -Unit No. 2 ..................**..**........*****....*.*........................*.........................
e   Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 2of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section                                                                                                                                  Page Operating Data Report - Unit No. 1 ......**......**.*.*.........*......*.*..............................**..................................3 Operating Data Report - Unit No. 2 .....................................****.......*.***......*.*....*.......****...***..***................ 4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 1.....*...**.*..*.....*******....*..*.....................***..***................... 5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 2 ...*...****.***.......*.**..........................*.....*......*.............**... 6 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 1.........................*........*.**.....****..**.*.............................*........... 7 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 2 ..................**..**........*****....*.*........................*......................... 8 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 1 *.......................................................*..........................***... 9 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 2 **...............*********..........*****.....*........................................ 10 Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval. .............*********...........................*...*..**....*..............* 11 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval *.*...*.................................... 14 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval .......***..*.....................**...**...**..**....*............... 15 Chemistry Report *........*.......*...**...***......***.*...............************.......*****...**........................*................ 16 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 1 ..*........*.......*.........................*.*.*******......*..**........*......................*..*..***........ 17 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 2 ......................................................................*....*...*.*.........................*....... 17 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications .........*..**.................*...*........................................**..................... 19
8 Summary of Operating Experience  
-Unit No. 1 *.......................................................*..........................***...
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 3of 19 OPERATING DATA RIEPORT Docket No.:     50-280 Date:    01-05-95 Completed By:    D. Mason Telephone:     (804) 365-2459
9 Summary of Operating Experience  
: 1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 1
-Unit No. 2 **...............*********..........*****.....*........................................
: 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . December, 1994
10 Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval.  
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... .               2441
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... .               847.5
11 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval *.*...*....................................
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. .               788
14 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval .......***..*.....................**...**...**..**....*...............
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): *.*.                         820
15 Chemistry Report *........*.......*...**...***......***.*...............************.......*****...**........................*................
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... .                     781
16 Fuel Handling -Unit No. 1 ..*........*.......*.........................*.*.*******......*..**........*......................*..*..***........
: 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
17 Fuel Handling -Unit No. 2 ......................................................................*....*...*.*.........................*.......
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
17 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications  
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month             YID                Cumulative
19 e Surry Monthly Operating Report OPERATING DATA RIEPORT Docket No.: Date: Completed By: 50-280 01-05-95 D. Mason No. 94-12 Page 3of 19 Telephone:
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... .                 744.0            8760.0              193080.0
(804) 365-2459 1 . Unit Name: .................................................. . 2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): *.*. 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... . Surry Unit 1 December, 1994 2441 847.5 788 820 781 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: This Month 11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... . 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... . 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... . 19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 20. Unit Availability Factor .............................. . 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . 744.0 215.4 0 152.3 0 331175.4 110500.0 106379.0 20.5% 20.5% 18.3% 18.1% 0.0% YID 8760.0 6662.5 0 6562.0 0 15285994.1 5074285.0 4881922.0 74.9% 74.9% 71.4% 70.7% 0.4% 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each): 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
: 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... .                     215.4            6662.5              130469.7
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. .                         0                  0                3774.5
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... .                 152.3            6562.0              128241.0
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................... .                       0                  0                3736.2
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... .                     331175.4        15285994.1            298453739.2
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... .                     110500.0          5074285.0            97613833.0
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... .                   106379.0          4881922.0            92709023.0
: 19. Unit Service Factor .................................. .               20.5%              74.9%                66.4%
: 20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. .               20.5%              74.9%                68.4%
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... .                     18.3%              71.4%                61.9%
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... .                     18.1%              70.7%                60.9%
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... .                   0.0%                0.4%                16.7%
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
: 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
Cumulative 193080.0 130469.7 3774.5 128241.0 3736.2 298453739.2 97613833.0 92709023.0 66.4% 68.4% 61.9% 60.9% 16.7% FORECAST INITIAL CRITICALITY ACHIEVED INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION e -Surry Monthly Operating Report OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: Date: Completed By: 50-281 01-05-95 D. Mason No. 94-12 Page 4of 19 Telephone:
(804) 365-2459 1. Unit Name: .................................................  
.. 2. Reporting Period: ........................................  
e                         -
.. 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): .. .. 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... .. Surry Unit 2 December, 1994 2441 847.5 788 820 781 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, H Any (Net MWe): 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: This Month 11. Hours In Reporting Period ........................  
Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 4of 19 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.:     50-281 Date:    01-05-95 Completed By:    D. Mason Telephone:     (804) 365-2459
.. 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ........ .. 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... . 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ...... .. 19. Unit Service Factor .................................  
: 1. Unit Name: ................................................. .. Surry Unit 2
.. 20. Unit Availability Factor .............................. . 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ..........................
: 2. Reporting Period: ........................................ .. December, 1994
.. 744.0 744.0 0 744.0 0 1814475.4 605405.0 584305.0 100.0% 100.0% 100.6% 99.7% 0% YTD 8760.0 8261.2 0 8251.5 0 19592721.9 6496670.0 6260966.0 94.2% 94.2% 91.5% 90.7% 0% 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each): Refueling (1 O Year ISi), February 2, 1995, 53 Days 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... .               2441
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):...................... .                847.5
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. .               788
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): .. ..                       820
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... ..                     781
: 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted, HAny (Net MWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month             YTD                Cumulative
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period ........................ ..                 744.0            8760.0              189960.0
: 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ........ ..                     744.0            8261.2              128337.5
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. .                         0                  0                  328.1
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... .                 744.0            8251.5              126467.1
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... .                     0                  0                    0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... .                     1814475.4        19592721.9            295268464.3
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... .                     605405.0          6496670.0            96442294.0
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ...... ..                   584305.0          6260966.0            91593036.0
: 19. Unit Service Factor ................................. ..             100.0%              94.2%                66.6%
: 20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. .             100.0%              94.2%                66.6%
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... .                     100.6%              91.5%                61.8%
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... .                     99.7%              90.7%                61.2%
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ............................                   0%                 0%                 13.3%
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
Refueling (1 O Year ISi), February 2, 1995, 53 Days
: 25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
: 26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
Cumulative 189960.0 128337.5 328.1 126467.1 0 295268464.3 96442294.0 91593036.0 66.6% 66.6% 61.8% 61.2% 13.3% FORECAST INITIAL CRITICALITY ACHIEVED INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION
~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 5of 19 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%) REPORT MoNTH: December, 1994 Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 01-05-95 Completed by: Craig Olsen Telephone:
(804) 365-2155 (1) (2) (3) . (4) (5) Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence 941229 F NIA (1) F: Forced S: Scheduled A (2) REASON: Down Rx NIA NIA A -Equipment Failure (Explain)
                                                                                  ~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 5of 19 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)
B Maintenance or Test C Refueling D Regulatory Restriction JD RCT E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)
REPORT MoNTH:   December, 1994 Docket No.:   50-280 Unit Name:   Surry Unit 1 Date: 01-05-95 Completed by:   Craig Olsen Telephone:     (804) 365-2155 (1)                 (2)         (3) .             (4)         (5)
(4) Exhibit G -Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161) Turbine runback initiated when IRPI K-02 failed. IRPI K-02 instrumentation cable was replaced.
Method Duration                 of     LER     System   Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date   Type       Hours     Reason     Shutting   No.     Code       Code       Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 941229       F       NIA        A        NIA      NIA       JD        RCT        Turbine runback initiated when IRPI K-02 failed. IRPI K-02 instrumentation cable was replaced.
(1)                           (2)                                                  (3)
1 -Manual 2 -Manual Scram. 3 -Automatic Scram. 4 -Other (Explain)
F:   Forced                 REASON:                                              METI-IOD:
(5) Exhibit 1 -Same Source.
S:   Scheduled               A - Equipment Failure (Explain)                     1 - Manual B     Maintenance or Test                           2 - Manual Scram.
(1) ~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 6of 19 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%) REPORT MoNTH: December, 1994 (2) (3) (4) (5) Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01-05-95 Completed by: Craig Olsen Telephone:
C     Refueling                                     3 - Automatic Scram.
(804) 365-2155 Duration Method of Reason Shutting Down Rx LER No. System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Code Code Prevent Recurrence (1) F: Forced S: Scheduled (4) (2) REASON: None During the Reporting Period A -Equipment Failure (Explain)
D     Regulatory Restriction                         4 - Other (Explain)
B Maintenance or Test C Refueling D Regulatory Restriction E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)
E     Operator Training & Licensing Examination F     Administrative G     Operational Error (Explain)
Exhibit G -Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161) (3) METHOD: 1 -Manual 2 -Manual Scram. 3 -Automatic Scram. 4 -Other (Explain)
(4)                                                                                 (5)
(5) Exhibit 1 -Same Source. 
Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets                     Exhibit 1 - Same Source.
~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 7of 19 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL MONTH: December, 1994 Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe-Net) 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 INSTRUCTIONS Day 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 01-04-95 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone:
for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
365-2790 Average Daily Power Level (MWe-Net) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 488 767 775 742 795 795 On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe -Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 8of 19 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL MONTH: December, 1994 Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe-Net) 1 787 2 787 3 789 4 790 5 783 6 783 7 789 8 790 9 790 10 789 11 790 12 785 13 782 14 786 15 786 16 787 INSTRUCTIONS Day 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01-04-95 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone:
                                                                                  ~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 6of 19 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)
365-2790 Average Daily Power Level (MWe-Net) 786 786 786 785 784 784 784 785 785 785 782 763 785 786 787 On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe -Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
REPORT MoNTH: December, 1994 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01-05-95 Completed by: Craig Olsen Telephone: (804) 365-2155 (1)                (2)        (3)                (4)        (5)
~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 9 of 19  
Method Duration               of       LER     System   Component     Cause & Corrective Action to Date     Type     Hours     Reason    Shutting    No.      Code       Code     Prevent Recurrence Down Rx None During the Reporting Period (1)                           (2)                                                  (3)
F:   Forced                 REASON:                                              METHOD:
S:   Scheduled               A - Equipment Failure (Explain)                     1 -    Manual B     Maintenance or Test                           2 -    Manual Scram.
C     Refueling                                     3 -    Automatic Scram.
D     Regulatory Restriction                         4 -    Other (Explain)
E     Operator Training & Licensing Examination F     Administrative G     Operational Error (Explain)
(4)                                                                                (5)
Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets                     Exhibit 1 - Same Source.
for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)
                                                                                      ~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 7of 19 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.:   50-280 Unit Name:   Surry Unit 1 Date: 01-04-95 Completed by:   Pat Kessler Telephone:   365-2790 MONTH:      December, 1994 Average Daily Power Level                         Average Daily Power Level Day                    (MWe-Net)                    Day                  (MWe-Net) 1                          0                       17                        0 2                          0                       18                        0 3                          0                       19                        0 4                          0                       20                        0 5                          0                      21                        0 6                          0                      22                        0 7                          0                      23                        0 8                          0                      24                        0 9                          0                      25                        70 10                          0                      26                        488 11                          0                      27                        767 12                          0                      28                        775 13                          0                      29                        742 14                          0                      30                        795 15                          0                      31                        795 16                          0 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
e   Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 8of 19 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01-04-95 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 MONTH:      December, 1994 Average Daily Power Level                         Average Daily Power Level Day                    (MWe-Net)                   Day                  (MWe-Net) 1                        787                      17                        786 2                        787                      18                        786 3                        789                      19                        786 4                        790                      20                        785 5                        783                      21                        784 6                        783                      22                        784 7                        789                      23                        784 8                        790                      24                        785 9                        790                      25                        785 10                        789                      26                        785 11                        790                      27                        782 12                        785                      28                        763 13                        782                      29                        785 14                        786                      30                        786 15                        786                      31                        787 16                        787 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
                                                                                    ~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 9 of 19

OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.
December, 1994 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.
UNIIQNE: 12/01/94 12/23/94 12/25/94 12/26/94 12/28/94 12/29/94 12/31/94 0000 0039 1544 1629 0344 0500 0834 0910 1847 2235 1115 1230 1433 1448 2217 2300 1626 1628 1650 1658 1944 2258 2400 The reporting period began with the unit shutdown for a maintenance outage (steam generator chemical cleaning).
12/01/94         0000     The reporting period began with the unit shutdown for a maintenance outage (steam generator chemical cleaning).
Reactor critical.
12/23/94          0039      Reactor critical.
Generator on line. Started power increase.
12/25/94          1544    Generator on line. Started power increase.
Stopped power increase at 33%, 210 MWe. Started power increase.
1629      Stopped power increase at 33%, 210 MWe.
Stopped power increase at 57%, 400 MWe. Started power increase.
12/26/94          0344      Started power increase.
Stopped power increase at 70"/o, 510 MWe. Started power increase.
0500      Stopped power increase at 57%, 400 MWe.
Stopped power increase at 97%, 795 MWe. Started power increase.
0834      Started power increase.
Stopped power increase at 99%, 820 MWe. Started power reduction to perform Delta T calibration.
0910      Stopped power increase at 70"/o, 510 MWe.
Stopped power reduction at 98%, 810 MWe. Started power increase.
1847      Started power increase.
Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe. Turbine runback initiated due to failed IRPI K-02. Runback stopped at 46% power, 370 MWe. Started power increase to close the main steam dump valves. Stopped power increase at 68%, 510 MWe. Started power increase.
2235      Stopped power increase at 97%, 795 MWe.
Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe. The reporting period ended with the unit operating at 100% power, 825 MWe.
12/28/94          1115      Started power increase.
UNIJJwo: 12/01/94 12/28/94 12/31/94 0000 0935 1010 1226 1323 1417 1700 2400 e Surry Monthly Operating Report  
1230      Stopped power increase at 99%, 820 MWe.
1433      Started power reduction to perform Delta T calibration.
1448      Stopped power reduction at 98%, 810 MWe.
2217      Started power increase.
2300      Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe.
12/29/94          1626      Turbine runback initiated due to failed IRPI K-02.
1628      Runback stopped at 46% power, 370 MWe.
1650      Started power increase to close the main steam dump valves.
1658      Stopped power increase at 68%, 510 MWe.
1944      Started power increase.
2258      Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe.
12/31/94          2400      The reporting period ended with the unit operating at 100% power, 825 MWe.
e   Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 10 of 19

December, 1994 , No. 94-12 Page 10 of 19 The reporting period began with the unit operating at 1 OOo/o power, 820 MWe. Started power reduction to perform Operations Surveillance Test, 2-0SP-TM-001, ''Turbine Inlet Valve Freedom Test." Stopped power reduction at 94%, 775 MWe. Started power reduction.
Stopped power reduction at 85%, 700 MWe. Started power increase.
12/01/94 0000 The reporting period began with the unit operating at 1OOo/o power, 820 MWe.
Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe. The reporting period ended with the unit operating at 1 OOo/o power, 825 MWe.
12/28/94 0935 Started power reduction to perform Operations Surveillance Test, 2-0SP-TM-001,
DR S-94-2132 DR S-94-2138 TM S1-94-038 DR S-94-2248
              ''Turbine Inlet Valve Freedom Test."
1010 Stopped power reduction at 94%, 775 MWe.
December, 1994 Deviation Reports (Safety Evaluation No. 94-208) tlurry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 11 of 19 12-06-94 Safety Evaluation 94-208 assessed the condition addressed by Deviation Reports S-94-2132 and S-94-2138 concerning the operation of Unit 1 with hot leg loop stop valve MOV-1594 fixed on its backseat with the disc assembly wedged between the seat ring and the backseat.
1226 Started power reduction.
A UT examination was performed on the hot leg loop stop valve to ensure the stem' was free of cracks. The valve manufacturer was contacted and concurred that no additional valve damage would result from leaving the valve in the fixed position during unit heat-up and operation.
1323 Stopped power reduction at 85%, 700 MWe.
The subject configuration was determined to be acceptable since the loop stop valves are used for maintenance isolation and are not required for accident mitigation.
1417 Started power increase.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Temporary Modification (Safety Evaluation No. 94-210) 12-06-94 Temporary Modification (TM) S1-94-038 failed Primary Drains Transfer Tank (POTT) pressure control valve, 1-DG-PCV-100, in the open position to eliminate spurious High Flux at Shutdown alarms caused from electrical noise generated when 1-DG-SOV-100 energizes to open 1-DG-PCV-100.
1700 Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe.
The TM was in place while the unit was at Cold Shutdown (CSD) with the containment at atmospheric conditions.
12/31/94 2400 The reporting period ended with the unit operating at 1OOo/o power, 825 MWe.
At these conditions, the Primary Drains System functioned normally.
* FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT tlurry  Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 11 of 19 REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 DR S-94-2132 Deviation Reports                                                               12-06-94 DR S-94-2138 (Safety Evaluation No. 94-208)
Containment isolation capability was maintained and unaffected by this TM. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist. Deviation Report 12-16-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 94-211) Safety Evaluation 94-211 assessed the condition identified by Deviation Report S-94-2248 concerning the induction of pieces of 1.5 inch rubber hose six inches per steam generator) into the secondary side of the Unit 1 steam generators (SG) during the SG chemical cleaning process. An evaluation of Unit 1 operation with the SGs containing the foreign objects was performed by Westinghouse Nuclear Safety. The evaluation concluded that the presence of the objects is not expected to have an adverse effect on the primary pressure boundary integrity of the SGs. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
Safety Evaluation 94-208 assessed the condition addressed by Deviation Reports S             2132 and S-94-2138 concerning the operation of Unit 1 with hot leg loop stop valve 1-RC-MOV-1594 fixed on its backseat with the disc assembly wedged between the seat ring and the backseat.
A UT examination was performed on the hot leg loop stop valve to ensure the stem' was free of cracks. The valve manufacturer was contacted and concurred that no additional valve damage would result from leaving the valve in the fixed position during unit heat-up and operation. The subject configuration was determined to be acceptable since the loop stop valves are used for maintenance isolation and are not required for accident mitigation. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
December, 1994 tlurry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 12 of 19 Updated Flnal Safety Analysls Report Change (Safety Evaluation No. 93-212) 12-19-94 UFSAR Change 94-01 revised Section 6.3, "Consequence-Limiting Safeguards,n to identify the types of fibrous material used inside containment and added a section to discuss how the containment design reduces the potential for significant debris buildup on the containment sump screens during a loss of coolant accident or high energy line break. This change was administrative in nature and did not involve any physical changes to the plant. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Design Change Package (Safety Evaluation No. 93-182) 12-23-94 Design Change Package 94-56 connected the compensating lead to one of the two normal leads for Unit 2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) "Cn hot leg wide range temperature indication spare element, 2-RC-TE-2433-2.
TM S1-94-038 Temporary Modification                                                          12-06-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 94-210)
This configuration allows the compensating lead to be used in lieu of a failed normal lead, enabling 2-RC-TE-2433-2 to be returned to service. The associated transmitter was adjusted, based on previous measurements, to offset the change in lead resistance and ensure the accuracy of the subject temperature indicator.
Temporary Modification (TM) S1-94-038 failed Primary Drains Transfer Tank (POTT) pressure control valve, 1-DG-PCV-100, in the open position to eliminate spurious High Flux at Shutdown alarms caused from electrical noise generated when 1-DG-SOV-100 energizes to open 1-DG-PCV-100.
This modification did not affect other RCS temperature indication.
The TM was in place while the unit was at Cold Shutdown (CSD) with the containment at atmospheric conditions. At these conditions, the Primary Drains System functioned normally. Containment isolation capability was maintained and unaffected by this TM.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Design Change Package 12-30-94 Design Change Package 88-24 modified or replaced various indicators, recorders, and controllers in the Main Control Room and Emergency Switchgear Room to correct Human Engineering Deficiencies (HED). These modifications correct HEDs identified during the Control Room Design Review that was required by NUREG-0737.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.
Implementation of these modifications did not affect the operation of safety-related equipment or systems or the availability of safety-related power sources. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist. Design Change Package (Safety Evaluation No. 94-142) 12-30-94 Design Change Package 93-53 corrected Human Engineering Deficiencies (HED) including the labeling of the auxiliary shutdown panel, certain heat tracing, and emergency diesel generator switches and indicators and respective panels. The titles of certain control room status tiles were also changed to improve clarity. These modifications correct HEDs identified in the Control Room Design Review Reassessment Report that was required by NUREG-0737.
DR S-94-2248 Deviation Report                                                                 12-16-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 94-211)
Implementation of these modifications did not affect the operation of safety-related equipment or systems or the availability of safety-related power sources. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
Safety Evaluation 94-211 assessed the condition identified by Deviation Report S             2248 concerning the induction of pieces of 1.5 inch rubber hose ~ six inches per steam generator) into the secondary side of the Unit 1 steam generators (SG) during the SG chemical cleaning process.
An evaluation of Unit 1 operation with the SGs containing the foreign objects was performed by Westinghouse Nuclear Safety. The evaluation concluded that the presence of the objects is not expected to have an adverse effect on the primary pressure boundary integrity of the SGs. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
December, 1994 Temporary Modification (Safety Evaluation No. 94-214) e . Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 13 of 19 12-31-94 Temporary Modification (TM) S1-94-39 installed an individual rod position indication (IRPI) rod bottom bistable module with a soldered jumper which defeats the IRPI dropped control rod turbine runback and rod stop for Unit 1 control rod K-2. This modification will prevent a spurious turbine runback and allow continued operation of Unit 1. Other IRPI turbine runback and rod stop circuits, as well as nuclear instrument, pressure delta temperature and over-temperature delta temperature turbine runback and rod stop circuitry remain operable while this modification is installed.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
tlurry  Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 12 of 19 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 FS 94-01 Updated Flnal Safety Analysls Report Change                                         12-19-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 93-212)
1-0PT-Sl-005 2-0PT-Sl-005 .urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 14of 19 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR:
UFSAR Change 94-01 revised Section 6.3, "Consequence-Limiting Safeguards,n to identify the types of fibrous material used inside containment and added a section to discuss how the containment design reduces the potential for significant debris buildup on the containment sump screens during a loss of coolant accident or high energy line break.
December, 1994 Operations Periodic Test Procedures (Safety Evaluation No. 94-209) 12-06-94 Operations Periodic Test Procedures 1-0PT-Sl-005 and 2-0PT-Sl-005, "LHSI Pump Test" were temporarily revised to permit the use of temporary transmitters to enable the measurement of low head safety injection pump discharge pressure during the few seconds following pump start. The use of the temporary safety-related transmitters does not affect the operation of the subject pumps or the ability of the safety injection system to perform its required safety function.
This change was administrative in nature and did not involve any physical changes to the plant. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
DCP94-56 Design Change Package                                                               12-23-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 93-182)
~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 15 of 19 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR:
Design Change Package 94-56 connected the compensating lead to one of the two normal leads for Unit 2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) "Cn hot leg wide range temperature indication spare element, 2-RC-TE-2433-2. This configuration allows the compensating lead to be used in lieu of a failed normal lead, enabling 2-RC-TE-2433-2 to be returned to service.
December, 1994 None During the Reporting Period CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTH/YEAR:
The associated transmitter was adjusted, based on previous measurements, to offset the change in lead resistance and ensure the accuracy of the subject temperature indicator.
December, 1994 Unit No.1 Primary Coolant Analysis Max. Min. Ava. Gross Radioactivity, J.LCi/ml 4.01E-1 4.18E-3 9.09E-2 Suspended Solids, ppm _s0.1 _s0.1 _s0.1 Gross Tritium uCi/ml 1.94E-2 1.94E-2 1.94E-2 1131, J.LCilml 4.55E-4 5.28E-5 2.66E-4 113111133 0.06 0.06 0.06 Hydroaen, cc/ka 43.7 3.2 28.1 Lithium oom 2.33 0.57 1.50 Boron -10, oom* 332.6 122.7 278.1 Oxygen, (DO), ppm 8.0 _s0.005 1.2 Chloride, ppm s0.050 so.001 0.006 oH at 25 dearee Celsius 7.08 5.76 6.24
This modification did not affect other RCS temperature indication. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
* Boron -10 = Total Boron x 0.196 Comments:
DCP88-24 Design Change Package                                                               12-30-94 Design Change Package 88-24 modified or replaced various indicators, recorders, and controllers in the Main Control Room and Emergency Switchgear Room to correct Human Engineering Deficiencies (HED).
None -Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 16 of 19 Unit No. 2 Max. Min. Ava. 1.54E-1 8.89E-2 1.17E-1 _s0.1 _s0.1 _s0.1 1.52E-1 8.49E-2 1.23E-1 1.35E-4 6.00E-5 9.83E-5 0.10 0.05 0.07 45.4 36.5 41.5 1.41 0.89 1.14 25.3 5.9 15.6 s0.005 s0.005 s0.005 <0.050 so.001 0.003 7.96 7.51 7.65 New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Number Received ISFSI CASTORX/33 12/14/94 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR:
These modifications correct HEDs identified during the Control Room Design Review that was required by NUREG-0737. Implementation of these modifications did not affect the operation of safety-related equipment or systems or the availability of safety-related power sources. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
December, 1994 Number of Assemblies Assembly ANSI eer Shiement Number Number 33 B01 NOANSI B06 NOANSI 807 NOANSI B09 NOANSI B14 NOANSI B15 NOANSI B17 NOANSI B19 NOANSI B21 NOANSI 822 NOANSI B25 NOANSI B26 NOANSI B27 NOANSI B29 NOANSI B30 NOANSI B33 NOANSI B34 NOANSI B35 NOANSI B36 NOANSI B38 NOANSI B39 NOANSI B42 NOANSI B43 NOANSI -' Surry Monthly Operating Report Initial Enrichment 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.573 No. 94-12 Page 17 of 19 New or Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Activi~ NIA New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Number Received ISFSI CASTORX/33 (Continued) 12/14/94 e FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR:
DCP93-53 Design Change Package                                                               12-30-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 94-142)
December, 1994 Numberof
Design Change Package 93-53 corrected Human Engineering Deficiencies (HED) including the labeling of the auxiliary shutdown panel, certain heat tracing, and emergency diesel generator switches and indicators and respective panels. The titles of certain control room status tiles were also changed to improve clarity.
* Assemblies Assembly ANSI e!r Shiement Number Number 33 845 NOANSI 848 NOANSI 849 NOANSI 852 NOANSI S02 LMOOTG S04 LMOOTJ sos LMOOlZ S07 LMOOTP sos LMOOlX S09 LMOOTT -urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 18 of 19 New or Spent Initial Fuel Shipping Enrichment Cask Activi!X 2.573 NIA 2.573 2.573 2.573 2.606 2.606 2.606 2.606 2.606 2.606 
These modifications correct HEDs identified in the Control Room Design Review Reassessment Report that was required by NUREG-0737. Implementation of these modifications did not affect the operation of safety-related equipment or systems or the availability of safety-related power sources. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
December, 1994 None During the Reporting Period}}
e                        .
Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 13 of 19 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 TM S1-94-39 Temporary Modification                                                           12-31-94 (Safety Evaluation No. 94-214)
Temporary Modification (TM) S1-94-39 installed an individual rod position indication (IRPI) rod bottom bistable module with a soldered jumper which defeats the IRPI dropped control rod turbine runback and rod stop for Unit 1 control rod K-2. This modification will prevent a spurious turbine runback and allow continued operation of Unit 1.
Other IRPI turbine runback and rod stop circuits, as well as nuclear instrument, over-pressure delta temperature and over-temperature delta temperature turbine runback and rod stop circuitry remain operable while this modification is installed. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
                                                                    .urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 14of 19 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 1-0PT-Sl-005  Operations Periodic Test Procedures                                               12-06-94 2-0PT-Sl-005  (Safety Evaluation No. 94-209)
Operations Periodic Test Procedures 1-0PT-Sl-005 and 2-0PT-Sl-005, "LHSI Pump Test" were temporarily revised to permit the use of temporary transmitters to enable the measurement of low head safety injection pump discharge pressure during the few seconds following pump start.
The use of the temporary safety-related transmitters does not affect the operation of the subject pumps or the ability of the safety injection system to perform its required safety function. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.
                                                  ~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 15 of 19 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 None During the Reporting Period
                                                                      -Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 16 of 19 CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 Unit No.1                   Unit No. 2 Primary Coolant Analysis         Max.        Min. Ava. Max.       Min.         Ava.
Gross Radioactivity, J.LCi/ml         4.01E-1     4.18E-3 9.09E-2 1.54E-1  8.89E-2      1.17E-1 Suspended Solids, ppm                   _s0.1        _s0.1    _s0.1  _s0.1     _s0.1       _s0.1 Gross Tritium uCi/ml                 1.94E-2     1.94E-2 1.94E-2 1.52E-1  8.49E-2      1.23E-1 1131, J.LCilml                       4.55E-4     5.28E-5 2.66E-4 1.35E-4  6.00E-5      9.83E-5 113111133                              0.06        0.06    0.06     0.10      0.05        0.07 Hydroaen, cc/ka                         43.7         3.2     28.1     45.4      36.5        41.5 Lithium oom                             2.33         0.57     1.50     1.41      0.89        1.14 Boron - 10, oom*                       332.6       122.7   278.1     25.3      5.9        15.6 Oxygen, (DO), ppm                       8.0       _s0.005     1.2   s0.005    s0.005      s0.005 Chloride, ppm                         s0.050       so.001   0.006   <0.050    so.001      0.003 oH at 25 dearee Celsius                 7.08         5.76     6.24     7.96      7.51        7.65
* Boron - 10 = Total Boron x 0.196 Comments:
                                                                  -                     '
Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 17 of 19 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 New or Spent                  Number of                                          New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or  Assemblies    Assembly        ANSI    Initial      Fuel Shipping Number      Received    eer Shiement    Number        Number  Enrichment    Cask Activi~
ISFSI CASTORX/33 12/14/94          33          B01        NOANSI    2.573            NIA B06        NOANSI    2.573 807        NOANSI    2.573 B09        NOANSI    2.573 B14        NOANSI    2.573 B15        NOANSI    2.573 B17        NOANSI    2.573 B19        NOANSI    2.573 B21        NOANSI    2.573 822        NOANSI    2.573 B25        NOANSI    2.573 B26        NOANSI    2.573 B27        NOANSI    2.573 B29        NOANSI    2.573 B30        NOANSI    2.573 B33        NOANSI    2.573 B34        NOANSI    2.573 B35        NOANSI    2.573 B36        NOANSI    2.573 B38        NOANSI    2.573 B39        NOANSI    2.573 B42        NOANSI    2.573 B43        NOANSI    2.573
e                                    -urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 18 of 19 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 New or Spent                  Numberof
* New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or  Assemblies    Assembly        ANSI      Initial    Fuel Shipping Number      Received    e!r Shiement     Number       Number   Enrichment  Cask Activi!X ISFSI CASTORX/33 (Continued) 12/14/94          33          845        NOANSI     2.573          NIA 848        NOANSI     2.573 849        NOANSI     2.573 852        NOANSI     2.573 S02        LMOOTG      2.606 S04          LMOOTJ    2.606 sos          LMOOlZ    2.606 S07          LMOOTP    2.606 sos          LMOOlX    2.606 S09          LMOOTT    2.606
.             *                                        -Surry Monthly Operating Report DESCRIPTION OF PERIODIC TEST(S) WHICH WERE NOT COMPLETED No. 94-12 Page 19 of 19 WITHIN THE TIME LIMITS SPECIFIED IN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 None During the Reporting Period}}

Revision as of 00:37, 21 October 2019

Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1994 for Surry Power Station.W/950112 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1994
From: Bowling M, Kessler P, Olsen C
95-015, 95-15, NUDOCS 9501230301
Download: ML18153B207 (20)


VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 January 12, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.95-015 Attention: Document Control Desk NO/RPC:vlh Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Enclosed is the Monthly Operating Report for Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 for the month of December 1994.

Very truly yours,

  1. -Id~

M. L. Bowling, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Programs Enclosure cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.

Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station

- - --

. 9501230301 - --- ---- - --- -*-C" ,'i PDR ADOCK 941231 05000280 jti i R ,.,.,.:. :._'*:. : . *. ..*.. ~PDB_ - -


Station Manager Date

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 2of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Operating Data Report - Unit No. 1 ......**......**.*.*.........*......*.*..............................**..................................3 Operating Data Report - Unit No. 2 .....................................****.......*.***......*.*....*.......****...***..***................ 4 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 1.....*...**.*..*.....*******....*..*.....................***..***................... 5 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions - Unit No. 2 ...*...****.***.......*.**..........................*.....*......*.............**... 6 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 1.........................*........*.**.....****..**.*.............................*........... 7 Average Daily Unit Power Level - Unit No. 2 ..................**..**........*****....*.*........................*......................... 8 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 1 *.......................................................*..........................***... 9 Summary of Operating Experience - Unit No. 2 **...............*********..........*****.....*........................................ 10 Facility Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval. .............*********...........................*...*..**....*..............* 11 Procedure or Method of Operation Changes That Did Not Require NRC Approval *.*...*.................................... 14 Tests and Experiments That Did Not Require NRC Approval .......***..*.....................**...**...**..**....*............... 15 Chemistry Report *........*.......*...**...***......***.*...............************.......*****...**........................*................ 16 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 1 ..*........*.......*.........................*.*.*******......*..**........*......................*..*..***........ 17 Fuel Handling - Unit No. 2 ......................................................................*....*...*.*.........................*....... 17 Description of Periodic Test(s) Which Were Not Completed Within the Time Limits Specified in Technical Specifications .........*..**.................*...*........................................**..................... 19

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 3of 19 OPERATING DATA RIEPORT Docket No.: 50-280 Date: 01-05-95 Completed By: D. Mason Telephone: (804) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: .................................................. . Surry Unit 1
2. Reporting Period: ......................................... . December, 1994
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 2441
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ...................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): *.*. 820
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ....... . 781
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month YID Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period ......................... . 744.0 8760.0 193080.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ......... . 215.4 6662.5 130469.7
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 0 0 3774.5
14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 152.3 6562.0 128241.0
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................... . 0 0 3736.2
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 331175.4 15285994.1 298453739.2
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 110500.0 5074285.0 97613833.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ....... . 106379.0 4881922.0 92709023.0
19. Unit Service Factor .................................. . 20.5% 74.9% 66.4%
20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. . 20.5% 74.9% 68.4%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 18.3% 71.4% 61.9%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 18.1% 70.7% 60.9%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ........................... . 0.0% 0.4% 16.7%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


e -

Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 4of 19 OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: 50-281 Date: 01-05-95 Completed By: D. Mason Telephone: (804) 365-2459

1. Unit Name: ................................................. .. Surry Unit 2
2. Reporting Period: ........................................ .. December, 1994
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ...................... . 2441
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):...................... . 847.5
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): ................. . 788
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): .. .. 820
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): ...... .. 781
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, HAny (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month YTD Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period ........................ .. 744.0 8760.0 189960.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical ........ .. 744.0 8261.2 128337.5
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours .............. . 0 0 328.1
14. Hours Generator On-Line .......................... . 744.0 8251.5 126467.1
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .................... . 0 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) ..... . 1814475.4 19592721.9 295268464.3
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ... . 605405.0 6496670.0 96442294.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) ...... .. 584305.0 6260966.0 91593036.0
19. Unit Service Factor ................................. .. 100.0% 94.2% 66.6%
20. Unit Availability Factor.............................. . 100.0% 94.2% 66.6%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) .......... . 100.6% 91.5% 61.8%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .......... . 99.7% 90.7% 61.2%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate ............................ 0% 0% 13.3%
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):

Refueling (1 O Year ISi), February 2, 1995, 53 Days

25. If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Start-up:
26. Unit In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 5of 19 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MoNTH: December, 1994 Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 01-05-95 Completed by: Craig Olsen Telephone: (804) 365-2155 (1) (2) (3) . (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence Down Rx 941229 F NIA A NIA NIA JD RCT Turbine runback initiated when IRPI K-02 failed. IRPI K-02 instrumentation cable was replaced.

(1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram.

C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram.

D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source.

for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 6of 19 UNIT SHUTDOWN AND POWER REDUCTION (EQUAL To OR GREATER THAN 20%)

REPORT MoNTH: December, 1994 Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01-05-95 Completed by: Craig Olsen Telephone: (804) 365-2155 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Method Duration of LER System Component Cause & Corrective Action to Date Type Hours Reason Shutting No. Code Code Prevent Recurrence Down Rx None During the Reporting Period (1) (2) (3)


S: Scheduled A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Scram.

C Refueling 3 - Automatic Scram.

D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Other (Explain)

E Operator Training & Licensing Examination F Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)

(4) (5)

Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Exhibit 1 - Same Source.

for Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161)

~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 7of 19 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-280 Unit Name: Surry Unit 1 Date: 01-04-95 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 MONTH: December, 1994 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe-Net) Day (MWe-Net) 1 0 17 0 2 0 18 0 3 0 19 0 4 0 20 0 5 0 21 0 6 0 22 0 7 0 23 0 8 0 24 0 9 0 25 70 10 0 26 488 11 0 27 767 12 0 28 775 13 0 29 742 14 0 30 795 15 0 31 795 16 0 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 8of 19 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No.: 50-281 Unit Name: Surry Unit 2 Date: 01-04-95 Completed by: Pat Kessler Telephone: 365-2790 MONTH: December, 1994 Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power Level Day (MWe-Net) Day (MWe-Net) 1 787 17 786 2 787 18 786 3 789 19 786 4 790 20 785 5 783 21 784 6 783 22 784 7 789 23 784 8 790 24 785 9 790 25 785 10 789 26 785 11 790 27 782 12 785 28 763 13 782 29 785 14 786 30 786 15 786 31 787 16 787 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe - Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 9 of 19


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 The following chronological sequence by unit is a summary of operating experiences for this month which required load reductions or resulted in significant non-load related incidents.


12/01/94 0000 The reporting period began with the unit shutdown for a maintenance outage (steam generator chemical cleaning).

12/23/94 0039 Reactor critical.

12/25/94 1544 Generator on line. Started power increase.

1629 Stopped power increase at 33%, 210 MWe.

12/26/94 0344 Started power increase.

0500 Stopped power increase at 57%, 400 MWe.

0834 Started power increase.

0910 Stopped power increase at 70"/o, 510 MWe.

1847 Started power increase.

2235 Stopped power increase at 97%, 795 MWe.

12/28/94 1115 Started power increase.

1230 Stopped power increase at 99%, 820 MWe.

1433 Started power reduction to perform Delta T calibration.

1448 Stopped power reduction at 98%, 810 MWe.

2217 Started power increase.

2300 Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe.

12/29/94 1626 Turbine runback initiated due to failed IRPI K-02.

1628 Runback stopped at 46% power, 370 MWe.

1650 Started power increase to close the main steam dump valves.

1658 Stopped power increase at 68%, 510 MWe.

1944 Started power increase.

2258 Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe.

12/31/94 2400 The reporting period ended with the unit operating at 100% power, 825 MWe.

e Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 10 of 19




12/01/94 0000 The reporting period began with the unit operating at 1OOo/o power, 820 MWe.

12/28/94 0935 Started power reduction to perform Operations Surveillance Test, 2-0SP-TM-001,

Turbine Inlet Valve Freedom Test."

1010 Stopped power reduction at 94%, 775 MWe.

1226 Started power reduction.

1323 Stopped power reduction at 85%, 700 MWe.

1417 Started power increase.

1700 Stopped power increase at 100%, 825 MWe.

12/31/94 2400 The reporting period ended with the unit operating at 1OOo/o power, 825 MWe.

  • FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT tlurry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 11 of 19 REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 DR S-94-2132 Deviation Reports 12-06-94 DR S-94-2138 (Safety Evaluation No.94-208)

Safety Evaluation 94-208 assessed the condition addressed by Deviation Reports S 2132 and S-94-2138 concerning the operation of Unit 1 with hot leg loop stop valve 1-RC-MOV-1594 fixed on its backseat with the disc assembly wedged between the seat ring and the backseat.

A UT examination was performed on the hot leg loop stop valve to ensure the stem' was free of cracks. The valve manufacturer was contacted and concurred that no additional valve damage would result from leaving the valve in the fixed position during unit heat-up and operation. The subject configuration was determined to be acceptable since the loop stop valves are used for maintenance isolation and are not required for accident mitigation. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

TM S1-94-038 Temporary Modification 12-06-94 (Safety Evaluation No.94-210)

Temporary Modification (TM) S1-94-038 failed Primary Drains Transfer Tank (POTT) pressure control valve, 1-DG-PCV-100, in the open position to eliminate spurious High Flux at Shutdown alarms caused from electrical noise generated when 1-DG-SOV-100 energizes to open 1-DG-PCV-100.

The TM was in place while the unit was at Cold Shutdown (CSD) with the containment at atmospheric conditions. At these conditions, the Primary Drains System functioned normally. Containment isolation capability was maintained and unaffected by this TM.

Therefore, an unreviewed safety question did not exist.

DR S-94-2248 Deviation Report 12-16-94 (Safety Evaluation No.94-211)

Safety Evaluation 94-211 assessed the condition identified by Deviation Report S 2248 concerning the induction of pieces of 1.5 inch rubber hose ~ six inches per steam generator) into the secondary side of the Unit 1 steam generators (SG) during the SG chemical cleaning process.

An evaluation of Unit 1 operation with the SGs containing the foreign objects was performed by Westinghouse Nuclear Safety. The evaluation concluded that the presence of the objects is not expected to have an adverse effect on the primary pressure boundary integrity of the SGs. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

tlurry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 12 of 19 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 FS 94-01 Updated Flnal Safety Analysls Report Change 12-19-94 (Safety Evaluation No.93-212)

UFSAR Change 94-01 revised Section 6.3, "Consequence-Limiting Safeguards,n to identify the types of fibrous material used inside containment and added a section to discuss how the containment design reduces the potential for significant debris buildup on the containment sump screens during a loss of coolant accident or high energy line break.

This change was administrative in nature and did not involve any physical changes to the plant. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

DCP94-56 Design Change Package 12-23-94 (Safety Evaluation No.93-182)

Design Change Package 94-56 connected the compensating lead to one of the two normal leads for Unit 2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) "Cn hot leg wide range temperature indication spare element, 2-RC-TE-2433-2. This configuration allows the compensating lead to be used in lieu of a failed normal lead, enabling 2-RC-TE-2433-2 to be returned to service.

The associated transmitter was adjusted, based on previous measurements, to offset the change in lead resistance and ensure the accuracy of the subject temperature indicator.

This modification did not affect other RCS temperature indication. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

DCP88-24 Design Change Package 12-30-94 Design Change Package 88-24 modified or replaced various indicators, recorders, and controllers in the Main Control Room and Emergency Switchgear Room to correct Human Engineering Deficiencies (HED).

These modifications correct HEDs identified during the Control Room Design Review that was required by NUREG-0737. Implementation of these modifications did not affect the operation of safety-related equipment or systems or the availability of safety-related power sources. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

DCP93-53 Design Change Package 12-30-94 (Safety Evaluation No.94-142)

Design Change Package 93-53 corrected Human Engineering Deficiencies (HED) including the labeling of the auxiliary shutdown panel, certain heat tracing, and emergency diesel generator switches and indicators and respective panels. The titles of certain control room status tiles were also changed to improve clarity.

These modifications correct HEDs identified in the Control Room Design Review Reassessment Report that was required by NUREG-0737. Implementation of these modifications did not affect the operation of safety-related equipment or systems or the availability of safety-related power sources. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

e .

Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 13 of 19 FACILITY CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 TM S1-94-39 Temporary Modification 12-31-94 (Safety Evaluation No.94-214)

Temporary Modification (TM) S1-94-39 installed an individual rod position indication (IRPI) rod bottom bistable module with a soldered jumper which defeats the IRPI dropped control rod turbine runback and rod stop for Unit 1 control rod K-2. This modification will prevent a spurious turbine runback and allow continued operation of Unit 1.

Other IRPI turbine runback and rod stop circuits, as well as nuclear instrument, over-pressure delta temperature and over-temperature delta temperature turbine runback and rod stop circuitry remain operable while this modification is installed. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

.urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 14of 19 PROCEDURE OR METHOD OF OPERATION CHANGES THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 1-0PT-Sl-005 Operations Periodic Test Procedures 12-06-94 2-0PT-Sl-005 (Safety Evaluation No.94-209)

Operations Periodic Test Procedures 1-0PT-Sl-005 and 2-0PT-Sl-005, "LHSI Pump Test" were temporarily revised to permit the use of temporary transmitters to enable the measurement of low head safety injection pump discharge pressure during the few seconds following pump start.

The use of the temporary safety-related transmitters does not affect the operation of the subject pumps or the ability of the safety injection system to perform its required safety function. Therefore, an unreviewed safety question does not exist.

~urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 15 of 19 TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS THAT DID NOT REQUIRE NRC APPROVAL MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 None During the Reporting Period

-Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 16 of 19 CHEMISTRY REPORT MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 Unit No.1 Unit No. 2 Primary Coolant Analysis Max. Min. Ava. Max. Min. Ava.

Gross Radioactivity, J.LCi/ml 4.01E-1 4.18E-3 9.09E-2 1.54E-1 8.89E-2 1.17E-1 Suspended Solids, ppm _s0.1 _s0.1 _s0.1 _s0.1 _s0.1 _s0.1 Gross Tritium uCi/ml 1.94E-2 1.94E-2 1.94E-2 1.52E-1 8.49E-2 1.23E-1 1131, J.LCilml 4.55E-4 5.28E-5 2.66E-4 1.35E-4 6.00E-5 9.83E-5 113111133 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.07 Hydroaen, cc/ka 43.7 3.2 28.1 45.4 36.5 41.5 Lithium oom 2.33 0.57 1.50 1.41 0.89 1.14 Boron - 10, oom* 332.6 122.7 278.1 25.3 5.9 15.6 Oxygen, (DO), ppm 8.0 _s0.005 1.2 s0.005 s0.005 s0.005 Chloride, ppm s0.050 so.001 0.006 <0.050 so.001 0.003 oH at 25 dearee Celsius 7.08 5.76 6.24 7.96 7.51 7.65


- '

Surry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 17 of 19 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 New or Spent Number of New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Assemblies Assembly ANSI Initial Fuel Shipping Number Received eer Shiement Number Number Enrichment Cask Activi~

ISFSI CASTORX/33 12/14/94 33 B01 NOANSI 2.573 NIA B06 NOANSI 2.573 807 NOANSI 2.573 B09 NOANSI 2.573 B14 NOANSI 2.573 B15 NOANSI 2.573 B17 NOANSI 2.573 B19 NOANSI 2.573 B21 NOANSI 2.573 822 NOANSI 2.573 B25 NOANSI 2.573 B26 NOANSI 2.573 B27 NOANSI 2.573 B29 NOANSI 2.573 B30 NOANSI 2.573 B33 NOANSI 2.573 B34 NOANSI 2.573 B35 NOANSI 2.573 B36 NOANSI 2.573 B38 NOANSI 2.573 B39 NOANSI 2.573 B42 NOANSI 2.573 B43 NOANSI 2.573

e -urry Monthly Operating Report No. 94-12 Page 18 of 19 FUEL HANDLING UNITS 1 & 2 MONTH/YEAR: December, 1994 New or Spent Numberof

  • New or Spent Fuel Shipment Date Stored or Assemblies Assembly ANSI Initial Fuel Shipping Number Received e!r Shiement Number Number Enrichment Cask Activi!X ISFSI CASTORX/33 (Continued) 12/14/94 33 845 NOANSI 2.573 NIA 848 NOANSI 2.573 849 NOANSI 2.573 852 NOANSI 2.573 S02 LMOOTG 2.606 S04 LMOOTJ 2.606 sos LMOOlZ 2.606 S07 LMOOTP 2.606 sos LMOOlX 2.606 S09 LMOOTT 2.606