U-600540, Forwards Util Current & near-term Plans for Shift Technical Advisor Program,In Response to Generic Ltr 86-04

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Forwards Util Current & near-term Plans for Shift Technical Advisor Program,In Response to Generic Ltr 86-04
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/1986
From: Spangenberg F
To: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 GL-86-04, GL-86-4, U-600540, NUDOCS 8604220212
Download: ML20203D611 (6)



- U-600540 LO8-86 (04 -18 )-L 1A.120 ILLINDIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON PCmER STATION. P.O. box 678. CLINToN, ILLINOIS 61727 April 18, 1986 Docket No. 50-461 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Dr. W. R. Butler, Director BWR Project Directorate No. 4 Division of BWR Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Clinton Power Station Generic Letter 86-04 Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift

Dear Dr. Butler:


This letter is in response to Generic Letter 86-04. Attached for your Staff's review are the Illinois Power Company current and near-term plans for etr Shift Technical Advisor program.

Please contact us if you have any questions on this matter.

Sincerely yours, J ,.

F. A. Spany ber Manager - L censi g and Safety SMK/cke Attachments (2) cc: B. L. Siegel, NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager NRC Resident Office Regional Administrator, Region III USNRC F. H. Rowsome, Division of Human Factors Technology, USNRC Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety f Q


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. Attachmsnt 1-to U-600540 4

i Shift Technical Advisor Policy '

Illinois Power Company complies with Option 2 of the Staff's Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift which states that licensees may continue to use an NRC approved Shift Technical Advisor (STA)

- program while meeting licensed operator staffing requirements.- The Clinton STA program is described in Section 13.2 and appendix D of our Final Safety Analysis Report. A copy of the appropriate pages is provided as Attachment 2. The NRC has approved this program as reflected in Section of NUREG-0853 " Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1."

Illinois Power Company does not currently have any plans to modify this program.

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Attachment 2 to U-600540 Page 1 of 4 CPS-FSAR AMENDMENT 37 MARCH 1986

'l NRC ACTION PLAN (NUREG-0660 as clarified by NUREG-0737)

I.A.1.1 Shift Technical Advisor NRC Position Each licensee shall provide an on-shift technical advisor to the shift supervisor. The shift technical advisor (STA) may serve more than one unit at a multiunit site if qualified to perform the advisor function for the various units.

The STA shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline and have received specific training in the response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents. The STA shall also receive training in plant design and layout, including the capabilitities of instrumentation and controls in the control room. The licensee shall assign normal duties to the STAS that pertain to the engine'ering aspects of assuring safe operations of the plant, including the review and evaluation of operating experience.

CPS Response STA candidates for the Clinton Power Station will possess an engineering, engineering technology or physical science degree.

The STA program will vary slightly from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) guidelines due to the previous education of the candidates. These variations are as follows:

a. The B.S. degree in engineering, engineering technology or physical science will replace the education requirements set forth in Section 6.1 of the INPO document, "Recommen-dations for the Shift Technical Advisor", April 1981, except for reactor theory. Reactor theory training will consist of the operator fundamentals reactor theory section.
b. The total hours for instruction in the noneducational topics of the INPO Guideline (Sections 6.2 through 6.8) will be a minimum of 520 hours0.00602 days <br />0.144 hours <br />8.597884e-4 weeks <br />1.9786e-4 months <br /> rather than 600 hours0.00694 days <br />0.167 hours <br />9.920635e-4 weeks <br />2.283e-4 months <br />.
c. An STA "in training" (one who has completed the pre-scribed training) shall perform STA shift responsibilities under the observation of a qualified STA. Upon success-ful completion of this on the job training, documentation on a qualification form and management approval, the STA will be fully qualified. This is in lieu of the INPO )

Guideline requirement (Section 5.2) for a STA "in train-ing" to spend three months on shift.

See Section 13.2 for additional information on the STA training program.

D-3e l

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Attachment 2 to U-600540 Page 2 of 4 CPS-FSAR AMENDMENT 33 APRIL 1985 I F. Reactor Startup This one week program is conducted by the University of Illinois Reactor Lab group. During this course, each student performs at least ten reactor startups. The program is a combination of theoretical instruction and practical experience on the following subjects:

1. Reactor kinetics
2. ' Rod calibration
3. Health physics practices
4. Reactivity coefficient experiments G. License Review Prospective license candidates will receive a license review course prior to the NRC exam. This course will be a minimum of eight weeks in length and will review CPS systems, reactor theory, radiation protection, and applicable CPS procedures. For those personnel who have completed SRO/RO certification less than twelve months prior to the NRC License Examinations, a license review course may not be administered.

An integral part of the license review course is simulator refresher training. This training will cover I such topics as plant startup, off-normal evolutions, and emergency response.

H. Shift Supervisory Personnel Technical Program of Study Illinois Power has offered a program to upgrade the qualifications of its shift supervisory personnel. This program, which is listed on Table 13.2-3, utilized courses from the University of Illinois and Richland Community College. This program was completed in August 1983 and is not expected to be repeated. This course of instruction is not a requirement for shift supervisory personnel.

I. Shift Technical Advisor (STA) Training STA candidates for the Clinton Power Station (CPS) will be graduates of a 4 year college curriculum in science, engineering, or engineering technology.

The STA training program will vary slightly from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) guidelines due to the previous education of the candidates.

Appendix D,Section I.A.1.1, details the variances.


l 13.2-3 1

Attachment 2 to U-600540

  • Page 3 of 4 CPS-FSAR AMENDMENT 37 MARCH 1986 In addition to the educational requirements, training

') will be received in the following areas:


a. Applied fundamentals - BWR spec 1fic,
b. Management / supervisory skills,
c. Plant systems,
d. Administrative controls,
e. General operating procedures,
f. Transient / accident analysis and emergency procedures, and
g. Simulator exercises.

The BWR specific applied fundamentals training will include, as a minimum, Reacter Physics, Radiation Protection, and BWR Thermohydraulics. Additional fundamentals topics may be taken based upon an analysis of individual backgrounds. The fundamentals training will be further enhanced by participation in the licensed operator -

requalification training program.

All STA's will attend a supervisory course. This course is structured to enhance leadership skills and to improve the decision making process.

All STA's will actively participate in licensed operator requalification program. This will ensure that the STA's receive the required training and achieve proficient knowledge levels in the areas of plant systems, administrative controls, general operating procedures, and transient / accident analysis and emergency procedures.

As an integral part of the CPS training program, licensed operators shall participate in annual retraining at a simulator facility. The STA's will also attend this annual simulator requalification training. The initial STA simulator training should be approximately 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> in duration (50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> classroom, 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> at the panel) with emphasis placed on plant / operator response to simu-lated plant conditions and events. If an STA has been off shift for greater than 30 days, he will review procedure changes and facility modifications prior to returning to shift. STAS will participate in the licensed requalification program throughout the year. If the STA is off shift for greater than 6 months, the STA will go through STA refresher training prior to resuming STA duties.

G 13.2-4

Attachment 2 to U-600540


, OCTOBER 1985 After the CPS simulator is ready for training, STA q simulator training will be conducted by CPS training i department instructors. This course will be.

approximately three weeks in length and will provide approximately fifty hours of simulator time demonstrating plant normal and emergency response. Approximately fifty hours of classroom time will be devoted to instruction /

discussion of plant response and the supporting plant procedures initiated during simulated conditions.

J. Core Damage Mitigation Training CPS.has developed a program to ensure that the personnel designated on Figure 13.2-1 and all cold license candidates receive a minimum of eighty (80) hours of Mitigating Reactor Core Damage (MRCD) Training. Credit for forty (40) hours of MRCD training will be given for ,

Reactor Fundamentals, NSSS/ BOP systems and BWR 0)erator training (simulator). The remaining forty (40) hours is a program that was developed and initially taught by General Physics Corporation with subsequent courses being taught by NTD instructors.

The General Physics MRCD course is normally a lecture course, but may be taken on a guided self-study basis.

Satisfactory knowledge of the MRCD lecture or self study course must be demonstrated by passing an exam.


) NOTE: Reactor Fundamentals may be waived based on test results as approved by the Director - Nuclear l Training.

General Electric Corporation revised the Black Fox simulator certification course in 1983 to include one week of SRO upgrade training. The SRO upgrade includes MRCD training (General Electric version). The SRO upgrade in conjunction with training on symptom based emergency operating procedures in the simulator course, Reactor Fundamentals, and Clinton NSSS and BOP system courses satisfies the requirement of 80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> of MRCD training.

Actached is an outline of the Mitigating Reactor Core Damage training being taught to the operations, technical and training staffs-and to selected members of the maintenance, radiation protection and chemistry departments. The training will consist of approximately forty (40) hours of instruction in the areas covered in the outline. The attached outline was generated from a review of the existing training courses and compar4. son with the INPO document " Guidelines for Training to 4 Recognize and Mitigate the Consequences of Core Damage" y

and Harold Denton's letter of March 28, 1980 regarding

- " Qualification of Reactor Operators". These topics repr.esent the areas of knowle,dge where additional i


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