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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24192A22611 July 2024Mtg to Exchange Technical Information Regarding Farley, Units 1 & 2, Proposed License Amendment Request to Increase TS 3.6.5 Containment Temperature Limit Completion Using Risk-Informed Process for Evaluation (EPID L-2024-LRM-0086) - Slides
ML24190A1088 July 2024NRC Slides-07/11/2024 Mtg to Exchange Technical Information Regarding Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Proposed License Amendment Request to Increase TS 3.6.5 Containment Temperature Limit Completion Using Risk-Informed ProcessGOTHIC
ML24134A10613 May 20242023 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation Slides
ML23361A0818 January 2024SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Public Meeting on January 8, 2024 Related to Fleet QATRIncorporated by reference
Condition Adverse to Quality
Control of Heavy Loads
ML23139A24619 May 2023Annual Assessment Public Meeting Slides (May 23, 2023)
ML22080A01918 March 2022Annual Assessment Meeting PresentationCyber Security
ML21306A02430 November 2021SNC Pre-Submittal Meeting for LAR to Relocate Augmented Piping Inspection Program Details from TSs to a Licensee Controlled Document for Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2; and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 (EPID L-2021-LRM-0Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML21280A00131 October 2021Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation from SNC to Discuss a Future LAR Regarding Change TS to Increase Containment Peak Pressure to Address Several NSALsGOTHIC
ML21173A06324 June 2021Pre-Application SNC Presentation Slides - Removal of Encapsulations from Recirculation Suction Valves
ML21057A01826 February 2021Pre-Submittal Meeting Revise Technical Specification 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fq(Z)) (EPID L-2021-LRM-0023) (Slides)
ML21036A1175 February 2021SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting on February 16, 2021 - Beacon LAR
ML20318A10312 November 2020SNC ERO Staffing LAR RAI ResponsesPandemic
ML20217L43113 August 2020Edwin I Hatch, Units 1 and 2; and Vogtle Electric Plant, Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Meeting Slides a License Amendment Request for the Emergency Plan (EPID Nos L-2020-LLA-0150 and L-2020-LLA-051
ML20101K65810 April 2020Annual AssessmentEnforcement Discretion
ML20022A02622 January 2020NEI Presentation Status Update for Ropte Short Term Action Plan: Removed Planned Unavailability for Mitigating Systems Performance IndexMaintenance Rule Program
ML19149A42229 May 2019Summary of Public Meeting Concerning Annual Assessment of the Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 05000348 and 05000361Open House
ML19057A4767 March 2019Presentation Slides Related to Pre-Application Public Meeting Regarding to Technical Specification 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 (L-2019-LRM-0010)
ML19025A02425 January 2019SNC License Amendment Request for Proposed Changes to Emergency Response Organization Staffing and AugmentationMinimum staff
NL-18-1412, Presentation Material for the Measurement Uncertainty Recovery and Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis Pre-Submittal Meeting8 November 2018Presentation Material for the Measurement Uncertainty Recovery and Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis Pre-Submittal MeetingAffidavit
ML18311A1827 November 2018November 13, 2018, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant, Public Meeting Slides Regarding Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analyses and Measurement Uncertainty Recovery (Mur) Pre-Application Meeting
ML18290B09416 October 2018October 16, 2018, Public Meeting Presentation Slides Related to July 27, 2018, License Amendment Request to Implement NEI 06-09, Revision 0-A, Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Initiative 4b.
ML18234A47123 August 2018NRC-Pre Submittal Meeting TSTF-51 for Hatch and TSTF-51 and -471 for Farley - August 23, 2018
ML18136A89016 May 2018May 21, 2018 Slides for Public Teleconference Regarding Changes to Hatch, Farley, and Vogtle TS 5.2.2.gMinimum staff
ML18065A02012 March 2018March 12, 2018, Public Meeting PresentationInternal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML18065A0226 March 2018March 12, 2018, Public Meeting - Draft 4b ApplicationStroke time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
High Energy Line Break
Offsite Circuit
Manual Operator Action
ML18065A0256 March 2018Joseph M Farley March 12, 2018, Public Meeting - Draft 4b Application EnclosuresHot Short
Safe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Mission time
Fire Barrier
Stroke time
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Temporary Modification
Zebra Mussel
Tornado Missile Protection
Large early release frequency
Operability Determination
Turbine Missile
Offsite Circuit
Fire Protection Program
NL-16-0388, September 22, 2016, Public Meeting Presentation Slides22 September 2016September 22, 2016, Public Meeting Presentation SlidesManual Operator Action
ML16260A11622 September 2016September 22, 2016, Public Meeting Presentation SlidesManual Operator Action
ML15106A20422 April 2015April 22, 2015, Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company, Slide Presentation
ML14115A40525 April 20142013 End of Cycle Farley Public Meeting Summary Memo
ML14108A00523 April 2014April 23, 2014, Public Meeting Presentation Slides, Southern Nuclear Company, SNC Degraded Grid Design Criteria.
ML14120A22523 April 2014April 23, 2014, Category 1 Public Meeting, J.M. Farley Presentation Slides, Residual Heat Removal Autoclosure Interlock Deletion.
ML14135A17326 February 2014May 16, 2014, J.M. Farley Category 1 Meeting Handout, Duration for Completion of the Flood Hazard Re-evaluation.
ML13079A15020 March 2013Summary of Public Meeting with Joseph M. FarleyMoisture barrier
ML13078A24619 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 2 (3/19)Fire Protection Program
ML13078A25519 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 10Thermoset
ML13078A25419 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 9Fire Protection Program
ML13078A25319 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 8
ML13078A25219 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 6
ML13078A25119 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 5 (3/19)Fire Protection Program
ML13078A25019 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 4
ML13078A24819 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 3 (3/19)Hot Short
ML13078A24719 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 2 (3/20)Large early release frequency
Very Early Warning Fire Detection
ML13078A24519 March 201303/21/2013 Licensee Meeting Slides Re Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant NFPA 805 Fire Modeling LAR Submittal - Session 1 (3/19)Safe Shutdown
Multiple Spurious Operation
ML1016705488 June 2010Farley Nuclear Plant, NRC Screening Criteria ResponseSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML1009805928 April 2010Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Nrc'S Reactor Oversight Process and Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Plant Safety Performance for Period of January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009 - Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
ML09092103519 March 2009Annual Assessment Meeting PresentationB.5.b
ML08149009022 May 2008List of Attendees - Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Annual Public Assessment Meeting
ML07298067024 October 2007Meeting Presentation on GEH Chemical Effects Testing Update
ML07159020931 May 2007Enclosure 7 - Definitions: SSE (Safe Shutdown Earthquake) & OBE (Operating Basis Earthquake)Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake