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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20206U90419 May 1999Summary of 990504 Meeting with EOI in Rockville,Maryland Re Integrated Nuclear Security Plan Being Proposed by EOI for All EOI Sites.List of Meeting Attendees & Copy of Meeting Presentation Matl Encl
ML20199E10513 January 1999Summary of 981119 Meeting with Util to Discuss Pge Preliminary Plans for Final Site Radiation Surveys at Trojan Nuclear Plant.List of Attendees Encl
ML20198G55018 December 1998Summary of 981201-02 Workshop with Entergy Operations,Inc in Taft,La Re Licensing Processes,Licensing Submittals & Other Topics That May Affect Licensing Processes & Submittals. Copy of Slides Presented During Workshop EnclEnforcement Discretion
Temporary Modification
ML20198B76416 December 1998Summary of 981119 Meeting with Util & NRC Re Issues Pertaining to Portland General Electric ISFSI Emergency Plan.Attendance List Encl
ML20155H3932 November 1998Summary of 981007 Meeting with Util Re Review Status of Standard Quality Assurance Manual for All Util Sites.List of Meeting Attendees EnclCoatings
Temporary Modification
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20155C55628 October 1998Summary of 981008 Meeting with Portland General Electric in Rockville,Md Re Util 10CFR72 License Application.Attendance List,Agenda & Slide Presentation Matl,EnclCoatings
ML20151X00110 September 1998Summary of 980827 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Status of Review of Std QA Manual.List of Attendees Encl
ML20236M0508 July 1998Summary of 980702 Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc to Discuss Review Status of Std QA Manual for All Entergy Sites.List of Attendees Encl
NUREG-0782, Summary of 980318 Meeting W/Portland General Electric Re Util Plans for Disposal of Trojan Reactor Vessel.List of Attendees & Copy of Util Matls,Encl16 June 1998Summary of 980318 Meeting W/Portland General Electric Re Util Plans for Disposal of Trojan Reactor Vessel.List of Attendees & Copy of Util Matls,Encl
ML20216B8516 May 1998Summary of 980219 Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc in Rockville,Maryland Re Spent Fuel Pool Re-Rack & Spent Fuel Pool Cooling at Waterford Steam Electric Station,Unit 3
ML20217K34624 April 1998Summary of 980401 Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc Re Licensing Issues & Regulatory Performance Efficiencies.List of Attendees & Agenda for Meeting Encl
ML20217K51424 April 1998Summary of 980416 Meeting W/Entergy Corp Re Standardization of site-specific Security Plans.List of Meeting Attendees & Agenda for Meeting Encl
ML20217F48126 March 1998Summary of 980319 Meeting W/Licensee to Discuss Status of Development of Std QA Manual for All Entergy Sites.List of Attendees Encl
ML20203B57411 February 1998Summary of 980122 Meeting W/Entergy in Rockville,Maryland Re Licensing Issues & Standardization of Licensing Documents. List of Meeting Attendees & Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20212G85229 October 1997Summary of 971022 Meeting W/Entergy Svcs,Inc Re Development & Implementation of Common or Std QAP for All Sites.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20141C63624 June 1997Summary of 970321 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design & Licensing Basis of Certain Essential Containment Isolation Sys at Plant.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20141D08824 June 1997Summary of 970423 Meeting W/Licensee in Killona,La to Discuss Design & Licensing Basis of Certain Essential Containment Isolation Sys at Plant.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation EnclLoop seal
High Energy Line Break
ML20141H70519 May 1997Summary of 970508 Meeting W/Util Mgt to Provide Info to NRC Re Decommissioning Plans for Plant.List of Meeting Attendees Encl
ML20149M36111 December 1996Summary of 96111 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md to Discuss Comments Developed in Response to NRC Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors.List of Attendees Encl
ML20134M66121 November 1996Summary of 961114 Meeting W/Listed Licensees in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Self Assessment of Accuracy of Info in FSARs for Four Nuclear Reactor Sites.List of Attendees & Licensee Handout Encl
ML20129E22324 September 1996Summary of 960911 Meeting W/Licensee in Washington,Dc Re Plant SFP Debris Recovery Program.List of Attendees & Copy of Licensees Handout Encl
ML20129G25811 April 1996Summary of ACRS Fire Protection Subcommittee Meeting on 960229 in Rockville,Md to Gather Info Re Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Model for Evaluating Fire Risk During self-induced Station Blackout (Sisbo)Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Emergency Lighting
ML20059F26210 January 1994Summary of 931130 Meeting W/Util at Plant to Discuss Variety of Topics Related to Efforts by Licensee to Decommission Facility
ML20058P44915 December 1993Summary of 931206 Meeting W/Entergy Operations,Inc in Rockville,Md Re 931021 Submittal of Proposed Alternative to 10CFR50.55a(f) & (g),10-Year Inservice Insp & Inservice Testing Update. List of Attendees EnclIncorporated by reference
ML20059A6868 October 1993Discusses 931006 Operating Reactors Events Briefing 93-38 Which Informed Senior Managers from Listed Ofcs of Selected Events That Occurred Since Last Briefing on 930929.Attendees Listed in Encl 1Ultimate heat sink
Enforcement Discretion
ML20056D9882 August 1993Summary of 930715 Meeting W/Util Re Shutdown Cooling Alternatives During Next Refueling Outage.Attendance List & Handouts Encl
ML20217C5123 July 1991Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 91-12 on 910626
ML20058D5941 November 1990Summary of 900912 Meeting W/Util Re Proposed Changes in Security Plan.List of Meeting Attendees Listed
ML20055G93919 July 1990Summary of 900612 Meeting W/Util Re Reactor Protection Sys Walkdown Results & Proposed Mods.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20247J69919 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting w/C-E Owners Group in Rockville,Md Re Diverse Emergency Feedwater Actuation Sys,Per 10CFR50.62 Requirements.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclExemption Request
ML20247J70519 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting w/C-E Owners Group in Rockville,Md Re Diverse Emergency Feedwater Actuation Sys,Per 10CFR50.62 Requirements.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl. Record CopyAnticipated operational occurrence
Exemption Request
ML20245C72020 April 1989Summary of 890320 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Difference of Understanding on Intent & Operation of Plant,Per 890103 Order Imposing Civil Penalty Concerning 880512 Event
ML20196C24930 November 1988Summary of 881110 Meeting W/Util & B&W to Discuss Use of B&W Mfg Fuel at Facility.Handouts from Meeting & List of Attendees Encl
ML20155B82320 September 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-37 on 880920.Info Encl Includes rept-to-date of long-term Followup Assignments & Summary of Reactor ScramsFire Watch
ML20196L22223 June 1988Summary of 880531 Meeting on Pressurizer Surge Line Movement & Pipe Whip Restraint Program.List of Attendees & Presentation Handouts Encl
ML20153B02822 June 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-25 on 880621.List of Attendees,Discussion of Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Reactor Scrams EnclUnanalyzed Condition
ML20150E02421 June 1988Summary of 880615 Meeting W/Utils Re Proposed Establishment & Licensing of Sys Energy Resource,Inc as Operators & Licensing Agent for Plants
ML20154S03427 May 1988Summary of 880519 Meeting W/Middle South Utils Representatives Re Proposed Establishment & Licensing of Middle South Utils Nuclear Operating Co.Agenda Encl
ML20148H66215 January 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-02 on 880112 Re Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 880105.List of Attendees,Significant Elements of Events & Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments to Be Completed Encl
ML20235R36730 September 1987Summary of 870820 Meeting W/Util Re Adequacy of Support Design Verification.List of Attendees Encl
ML20235G80625 September 1987Summary of 870715 Meeting W/Util,Bechtel & Gao Re Main Steam Support Adequacy & Main Feedwater Pipe Thinning.List of Attendees & Util Presentation Encl
ML20236L34530 July 1987Summary of 870617 Meeting W/Util,Bechtel & Impell Re Results of Analyses Concerning Accumulator Fill Line Failure,Main Feedwater Failure & Main Steam Line Thin Wall at Plant.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclFinite Element Analysis
ML20245B92725 June 1987Summary of 870317-18 Meeting at Facility Re SPDS & Dcrdr. Dcrdr Discussions Centered on Certain Human Engineering Deficiencies Whose Resolution Required Addl Info &/Or in-plant Verification
ML20215J22922 June 1987Summary of Meeting W/Util on 870408 in Bethsda,Md Re Technical Issues Related to Util Amend Request for F* Steam Generator Tube Plugging Criteria.Attendees List & Meeting Viewgraphs Encl
ML20215M66328 April 1987Summary of 870414 Audit at Ebasco to Review Calculational Results Proposed by Util/Ebasco Raised at 870330 Conference. List of Attendees Encl
ML20215M19628 April 1987Summary of 870318 & 19 Mgt Conference W/Util,Ebasco & BNL in Bethesda,Md Re Final Rept of Basemat Confirmatory Analyses Program.List of Attendees Encl
ML20215M33627 April 1987Summary of 870330 & 31 Mgt Discussions W/Util,Bnl & Ebasco in Bethesda,Md Re Basemat Summary Rept.List of Attendees & Draft Outline of Summary Rept on Basemate Design & Analyses Encl
ML20204E49519 March 1987Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 87-07 on 870316. List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events Presented & Summary of Presented Events That Will Be Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program EnclInternal Flooding
ML20214P89725 November 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-40 on 861117.List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Events Data Sheet & Summary of Presented Events That Will Be Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program EnclScram Discharge Volume
ML20210L72024 September 1986Summary of 860529 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Inoperable Steam Generator Hydraulic Snubbers Relationship to Restrained Thermal Growth of Rcs.Supporting Info Encl