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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217D10024 September 1999Summary of 990901 Meeting with Nmpc,Nyseg & Amergen Energy Co in Rockville,Maryland Re NMPC Plans & Pending Submittal Re Transfer of NMPC Interest & Authorities Under Operating Licenses for Nine Mile Point
ML20207K38331 December 1998Summary of 981218 PRB Meeting Re 2.206 Petition Request from P Gunter to W Travers,Nrc Requesting That NRC Convene Public Hearing to Consider Revocation of Nine Mile Point,Unit 1 Operating License
ML20203H20924 February 1998Summary of 980211 Telcon W/Niagara Mohawk Power Corp on Licensee Progress in Responding to NRC Request for Addl Info Requested During 970822 Telcon Re Licensee Application for License Amend to Change Rc Chemistry Requirements in TSs
ML20141H92320 May 1997Summary of 970516 Telcon W/Niagara Mohawk Power Corp Re Licensee Plans for non-code Repair to Reactor Water Cleanup Sys Piping at Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station 1. List of Participants & Info Submitted by Licensee EnclWeld Overlay
Nondestructive Examination
Through-Wall Leak
ML20137Z40118 April 1997Summary of 970410-11 Telcon W/Util Re Licensee on Core Shroud Welds & Tie Rod Assemblies for Plant
ML20147J1277 April 1997Summary of Telcon on 970403 W/Nmpc to Discuss Licensees Observations from Insp of Weld 32-WD-050 Between Recirculation Sys Suction Piping & Isolation Valve 32-376 at PlantIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20247D5295 September 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-31 on 890830.Significant Event for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program IdentifiedLoop seal
ML20246K21724 August 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-30 on 890823 Re Reactor Trip W/Multiple Instrumentation & Equipment Failures at DC Cook Unit 2 on 890814 & Auxiliary Feedwater Flows at Hb RobinsonFuel cladding
ML20247F19924 March 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-12 on 890322.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements,Summary of Reactor Scrams & Comparison of Weekly Statistics W/Industry Averages for Wk Ending 890319 Encl
ML20196B9821 December 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-47 on 881129.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events,Two Events Suggested for long-term Followup & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl
ML20214P89725 November 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-40 on 861117.List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Events Data Sheet & Summary of Presented Events That Will Be Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program EnclScram Discharge Volume
ML20207L95718 November 1986Summary of 860909 Meeting W/Utils Re Improving Lines of Communication Between NRC & Licensees,Including Sholly Process,Interpretation of 10CFR50.59,Tech Spec Improvement Program & Discretionary Enforcement.Related Info EnclBackfit
IA-86-855, Summary of 860909 Meeting W/Utils Re Improving Lines of Communication Between NRC & Licensees,Including Sholly Process,Interpretation of 10CFR50.59,Tech Spec Improvement Program & Discretionary Enforcement.Related Info Encl18 November 1986Summary of 860909 Meeting W/Utils Re Improving Lines of Communication Between NRC & Licensees,Including Sholly Process,Interpretation of 10CFR50.59,Tech Spec Improvement Program & Discretionary Enforcement.Related Info EnclBackfit
ML20213F06410 November 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-36 on 861020.List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Events Data Sheet,Summary of Scrams W/Complications & Status of Previous & New Assignments EnclReactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
ML20215G0567 October 1986Summary of 860911 Meeting W/Bwr Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Strawman Generic Requirements for Enhancing BWR Containment Performance in Severe Accident Conditions.Second Technical Exchange Meeting in mid-Nov 1986 ProposedBackfit
Unidentified leakage
ML20140G07631 January 1986Summary of 860124 Meeting W/Consultants to Discuss Adequacy of Downcomer Design in Context of Reanalysis Performed by Util.Design Marginal.Recommends Granting OL W/Listed Condition.List of Attendees Encl
ML20141E95018 November 1985Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Reactor Operations 851104 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Discuss Recent Plant Operating Experience.Fr Notice,Schedule of Discussion & Agenda EnclFeedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
ML20136J5359 August 1985Summary of 850805 Meeting W/Util & S&W in Bethesda,Md Re Preservice & Inservice Insp Programs
ML20128N47722 May 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events 850515 Meeting.Div Directors or Representatives Briefed on Events Occurring Since 850507 Meeting.Assignment of Followup Review Responsibilities Discussed.Attendance List EnclShutdown Margin
Scram Discharge Volume
ML20127M5991 May 1985Summary of ACRS Subcommittee 850220-21 Meetings w/util,C-E & S&W in Syracuse,Ny Re Application for License.Schedule of meeting,sign-in Sheets of Attendees & List of Meeting Handouts EnclSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Emergency Lighting
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Fire Protection Program
Control Room Habitability
ML20148C13120 December 1979Summary of Meeting W/Mark II Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Status of Several long-term Program Tasks in Advance of Final Documentation.Agenda,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20213D03322 August 1979Summary of 790717-18 Meeting W/Mark II Owners Group Re long-term Program Tasks
ML20213C89114 March 1979Summary of 790213-14 Meeting W/Mark II Owners Group Re Lead Plant Acceptance Criteria & Intermediate Plant Program Tasks
ML20062A9745 October 1978Summary of 780921 Meeting Re Proposed Installation of Radwaste Incinerator at Facility.Agenda Encl
ML20125C5621 May 1978Summary of 780309-10 Meeting W/Mark I Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Changes in Long Term Program as Reflected in Rev 3 to Mark I Owners Group Program Action Plan
ML20127A4681 March 1978Summary of 771129 Meeting W/Mark I Owners Group & GE in San Franciso,Ca Re Listed Topics,Including Results & Bases for long-term Program Decision Point 3.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G87111 January 1978Summary of 771202 Meeting W/Ge Re Rev 1 to NEDO-10466, Power Generation Control Complex Design Criteria & Safety Evaluation. List of Meeting Attendees EnclExclusive Use
ML20214G86910 January 1978Summary of 770518-19 Meetings W/Mark II Owners & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads Program
ML20214G8452 December 1977Summary of 770510 Meeting W/Mark II Owners Executive Committee Re Mark II Containment Dynamic Loads Program.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G83529 November 1977Summary of 770401 & 0707 Meetings W/Mark II Owners & GE Re Methods for Combining Dynamic Loads for Structural Design of Mark II Containment.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20214G7952 August 1977Summary of 770729 Meeting W/Utils & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Load Program
ML20214G78423 June 1977Summary of 770615 Meeting W/Utils & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads.List of Attendees Encl
ML20214G7748 June 1977Summary of 770526 Meeting W/Mark II Owners & GE Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Loads.List of Meeting Attendees Encl
ML20141N34720 May 1977Summary of 770411 Meeting W/Mark I Owners Group & GE to Discuss Structural Acceptance Criteria for Mark I Containment long-term Program.List of Attendees Encl
ML20214G69518 April 1977Summary of 770216-17 Meeting W/Mark II Owners,Ge & BNL Re Mark II Containment Pool Dynamic Load Support Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G42729 December 1976Summary of 761202 Meeting W/Mark II Owners & GE Re Mark II Containment Structural Design & Pool Dynamic Loads Supporting Program.Attendee List & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214G4377 December 1976Summary of 761027-28 Meetings W/Mark II Owners,Ge & BNL Re Pool Dynamic Loads Analytical Model & Test Program.Lists of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20125C5719 September 1976Summary of 760812 Meeting W/Mark I Owners Group,Ge,Epri & Techncial Consultants Re Listed Long Term Program Tasks
ML20125C5729 September 1976Summary of 760819 Meeting W/Mark I Owners Group,(Ge) in Bethesda,Md Re Discussions on Mark I Containment Ltp.List of Attendees Encl
ML20125D65818 August 1976Summary of 760717-08 Meeting W/Representatives of Mark I Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Discussions on Reassessed Content of Mark I Containment LTP & Recently Submitted Responses to Questions on STP Final Rept
ML20214G4508 June 1976Summary of 760429 Meeting W/Ge,Mark II Owners & Respective Aes Re GE 751105 Design Basis Document NEDE-21061, Mark II Containment Dynamic Forcing Function Info Rept (Dffr)
ML20214G60326 August 1975Summary of 750821 Meeting W/Mark II Owners,Sargent & Lundy, Bechtel,S&W & B&R in Bethesda,Md Re Load Factors & Load Combinations for Assessing Capability of Mark II Containments to Accommodate Safety/Relief Valve LoadsSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20235E9646 August 1975Summary of 750717 Meeting W/Mark I Owners Group Re Role of Mark I Owners Group Program & Schedule for Determining Mark I Safety/Relief Valve & LOCA Dynamic Loads & Impact of Loads on Operating Mark I Plants.List of Attendees EnclEarthquake
ML20214G7793 July 1975Summary of 750630 Meeting W/Mark II Owners,Aes & GE in Bethesda,Md Re Role of Mark II Owners,Status of Const of Various Mark II Units & Program for Determining Mark II LOCA & Safety/Relief Valve LoadsSafe Shutdown
Operating Basis Earthquake