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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20212K86730 September 1999Summaries of 971111,980317,980505,980623,980707,980806, 980917,981023,981110,981217,990114,990205,990318,990325, 990416 & 990714 Meetings with Licensee Re Implementation of plan-for-excellence Restart Issues.With Minutes & HandoutsHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Temporary Modification
ML20210P95110 August 1999Summary of 990722 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md Re Recently Signed Asset Purchase Agreement Between Licensee & Amergen Energy Co & Proposed Transfer of CPS License to Be Submitted to Nrc.List Meeting Attendees & Handout Encl
ML20210P1614 August 1999Summary of 990415 Meeting with Utils in Knoxville,Tn Re Status of Mark 3 Program Designed to Determine & Validate Submerged Structure Drag Loads of Newley Installed ECCS Strainers at Perry,Grand Gulf & Clinton Facilities
ML20203C2378 February 1999Summary of 990121 Meeting with Illinois Power Company in Rockville,Maryland Re Proposed Changes to Degraded Voltage Relay Setpoints as Described in License Amend Submittal .List of Meeting Participants & Meeting Handouts Encl
ML20196B03719 November 1998Summary of 980917 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Progress of Plant Toward Restart.List of Meeting Participants & Handouts EnclSafe Shutdown
Met Tower
ML20195D8673 November 1998Summary of 981027 Meeting with Illinois Power Co in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Feedwater Leakage Control Sys as Described in License Amend Submittal .List of Attendees & Meeting Handout Encl
ML20154C4772 October 1998Summary of 980908 Meeting with Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co,Entergy Operations,Inc & Illinois Power Co Re Joint Effort to Propose TSs to Reduce Requirements on Secondary Containment Integrity During RefuelingAnticipated operational occurrence
Recently irradiated fuel
ML20236R36614 July 1998Summary of 980625 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Testing Program for ECCS Suction Strainers,Recently Installed at Perry & Grand Gulf Facilities & Will Soon Be Installed at Clinton Facility.Attendees List Encl
ML20217H34031 March 1998Summary of 970717 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Issue of Degraded Grid Voltage at Plant.List of Participants & Meeting Handouts EnclOffsite Circuit
ML20217C83624 March 1998Summary of 980319 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Potential Fix for Issues of Degraded Voltage at Plant.List of Meeting Participants & Meeting Handout EnclOffsite Circuit
ML20203B3005 February 1998Summary of 971211 Meeting W/Illinois Power Co in Clinton, Illinois Re Findings of NRC Special Evaluation Team.List of Meeting Attendees & Copy of Meeting Handout Encl
ML20203A2643 February 1998Summary of 980127 Meeting W/Illinois Power Co in Rockville, Maryland Re Potential Fix for Issue of Degraded Voltage at Clinton Power Station.List of Meeting Attendees & Copy of Meeting Handout Encl
ML20138G48229 April 1997Summary of 970421 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee long-term Plans for Resolution of Thermo-lag Related Issues.List of Participants & Copy of Meeting Handout EnclSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
ML20147J2089 April 1997Summary of 970403 Meeting W/Illinois Power Co in Rockville, MD Re Licensee Amend Application on Degraded Voltage Instrumentation for Clinton Power Station.List of Attendees & Copy of Handouts Encl
ML20135C4784 December 1996Summary of 961121 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Transfer of Minority Ownership Interest in Plant. W/List of Attendees
ML20149D60515 September 1993Summary of 930708 Region III Annual Training Managers Conference in Glen Ellyn,Il.Purpose of Meeting to Provide Forum for Discussion on Rev 7 of Operator Licensing Examiner Stds & to Discuss Operator Licensing IssuesGeneric Fundamentals Examination
License Renewal
ML20056E9739 August 1993Summary of 930728 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Mods to Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation, Per NRC Bulletin 93-03.List of Attendees EnclReactor Vessel Water Level
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20206L98325 November 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-45 on 881115.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20151R5398 August 1988Summary of 880623 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Emergency Procedure Guidelines. Resolution of Issues Listed
ML20153G5484 May 1988Summary of 880427 Telcon W/Utils in Region III Re Personnel Changes,Follow Up on Previous Items,Items of Interest from Sites & New Items
ML20236J22930 October 1987Summary of 871007 Meeting W/Hydrogen Control Owners Group (Hcog) Re Hcog Submittals on Methods for Calculating Equipment Temp Based on Quarter Scale Test Data & Impact of Station Blackout Considerations on Hcog Programs.W/Encl
ML20214J49915 May 1987Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-09 on 870330 Re Events Which Occurred Since 870316 Meeting.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Events Presented Encl
ML20211M97624 February 1987Summary of 870203 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re CLASIX-3 Computer Code Validation & Emergency Procedure Guidelines.List of Attendees Encl
ML20213F06410 November 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-36 on 861020.List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Events Data Sheet,Summary of Scrams W/Complications & Status of Previous & New Assignments EnclReactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
ML20207B01431 October 1986Summary of 861022 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Emergency Procedure Guidelines for Hydrogen Generation Event & Validation of Methods for Calculating Heat Transfer.Viewgraphs Encl
ML20203G69225 July 1986Summary of 860619 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Mods of Clasix-3 Computer Code & Secondary Burning in Quarter Scale Test.List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20203G49624 July 1986Summary of 860715 Telcon W/Util Re Siumulator Exercise During NRR Mgt Assessment 860709 Meeting.Observation Made Re Difficulty in Determining Actions for Event Resulting in Loss of Hpis
ML20202B1812 July 1986Summary of Allegation Review Board 860625 Meeting at Region III Re Drug Use by Us Testing Personnel,Urine Sampling Program,Defective Relays & Inadequate Experience in Radwaste Dept
ML20210R84713 May 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-16 on 860512 Re Events Occurring Since Last Meeting.List of Attendees & Related Info EnclShutdown Margin
Scram Discharge Volume
ML20141G2907 April 1986Summary of 860313 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group in Bethesda,Md Re Heat Loss Analysis. List of Attendees,Handout & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20154N83111 March 1986Summary of 860128-29 Meetings W/Util,Sargent & Lundy & BNL in Chicago,Il Re Test Vs Analysis Concern for Active Valve Qualification Identified During Sqrt & Pvort AuditsAnchor Darling
ML20137L10217 January 1986Summary of 860113 Meeting W/Util & Region III in Bethesda,Md Re Fuel Load Readiness & Definition of Approach for Completing Remaining Tasks.List of Attendees & Supporting Documentation EnclSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Post Accident Monitoring
Integrated leak rate test
ML20140B35017 January 1986Summary of 851219 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Heat Sink Modeling.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20137K54717 January 1986Summary of 851218 Meeting W/Mark III Containment Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Combustible Gas Control Emergency Procedure Guideline.Attendees List,Draft Emergency Procedure Guideline & Viewgraphs EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20151M71024 December 1985Summary of 851216 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Accelerated Power Ascension Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20138N55217 December 1985Summary of 851120 Meeting W/Hydrogen Control Owners Group Re Status & Results of Hydrogen Combustion Tests in quarter- Scale Test Facility (Mark Iii).Attendee List & Handouts Encl
ML20138S10513 November 1985Summary of 851106-07 Meetings W/Util & Sargent & Lundy in Bethesda,Md Re Fire Protection.List of Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Safe Shutdown Analysis Deviation Requests EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20136E97713 November 1985Summary of 851106 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Status of Hydrogen Control Program,Overview of Hydrogen Control Preliminary Analysis & Schedule for Staff Review of Analysis.Meeting Handouts & Attendees List Encl
ML20138P72230 October 1985Summary of 851021 Meeting W/Util,Sargent & Lundy,Bnl & S&W in Bethesda,Md to Demonstrate That Pump & Valve Operability Program in Compliance W/Nrc Reg Guide.Viewgraphs Encl
ML20133H2449 October 1985Summary of 850926 Meeting W/Util & BNL in Bethesda,Md Re Util Recovery Program Following Unsatisfactory Pvort Audit on 850826.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclHydrostatic
ML20134N05927 August 1985Summary of Caseload Forecast Panel 850723-24 Meetings W/Util at Plant Re Const Progress Review & Estimation of Resource Needs for Licensing Activities.Fuel Load Date of Jan 1986 Appears Achievable.Viewgraphs Encl
ML17276A1762 November 1981Forwards Minutes from Mechanical Engineering Branch 810929-30 & 1001 Meetings in Woodbury,Ny & 811016 Preservice Insp Meeting in Washington,Dc.Agenda Items from Both Meetings & Subsequent Resolution Encl
ML20214G87111 January 1978Summary of 771202 Meeting W/Ge Re Rev 1 to NEDO-10466, Power Generation Control Complex Design Criteria & Safety Evaluation. List of Meeting Attendees EnclExclusive Use
ML20198F56022 January 1974Summary of 740115 Site Visit to Inspect Onsite Meteorological Monitoring Program