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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML18066A68719 October 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990908 RAI Re Inservice Insp Program Relief Request 14.Ltr Contains No New Commitments & No Revs to Existing Commitments
ML18066A68819 October 1999Forwards Rev 5 to Palisades Nuclear Plant COLR, Per Requirements of TS 6.6.5.Ltr Contains No New Commitments & No Revs to Existing Commitments
ML20217G41112 October 1999Informs of Changes to Big Rock Point Defueled Emergency Plan, That Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q) & Can Be Made Without NRC Approval.Changes to Plan Are Listed
ML18066A6742 October 1999Forwards MOR for Sept 1999 for Palisades Nuclear Plant & Operating Data Rept Sheet for Month of Aug 1999.MOR for Aug 1999 Inadvertently Had Copy of Ref Data Sheet for Apr 1999 Data
ML18066A6791 October 1999Provides Response to RAI Re Draft Rept, Study of Air- Operated Valves in Us Nuclear Power Plants.
ML18066A66230 September 1999Notifies NRC That Util Will Implement ITS at Plant on or Before Oct 31,2000 & Attachments 1 & 2 Contains Request for License Condition Which Relates First Performance of New or Revised Surveillance Requirements to Implementation of ITSFire Protection Program
ML20217C27630 September 1999Forwards Big Rock Point Plant Annual Rept of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments,Iaw 10CFR50.59(b)(2).Rept Provides Summary of Changes to Facility Performed Since 981001.No Activities Classified as Tests or Experiments
ML20217C51130 September 1999Forwards Info Re Management & Funding of Irradiated Fuel Notification,Per 10CFR50.54(bb),in Response to NRC Telcon Rai.Revs to Original 990811 Submittal Are Indicated by Redline/Strikeout Method
ML18066A66029 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536,in Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations.Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML18066A64717 September 1999Forwards Final Clean Copies of ITS & Bases Pages Which Incorporate All Changes Proposed in Listed Ltrs.Clean Copies Also Incorporate Some Editorial Changes & Bases Clarifications as Result of Ongoing Reviews to LCOsHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Post Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Qualified Offsite Circuit
High Energy Line Break
Stress corrosion cracking
Battery sizing
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Offsite Circuit
Power change
Unidentified leakage
Overspeed trip
Manual Operator Action
Operational leakage
ML18066A6332 September 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 & Revised Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Palisades Nuclear Plant
ML18066A62626 August 1999Forwards Addl New Valve Relief Request as Alternative to Code Requirements That Will Provide Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety.Request Would Allow Use of App II, Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program, of ASME OM Code-1995
ML20211D56617 August 1999Forwards semi-annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Rept for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d).Attachments 1 & 2 Summarize Test Results at Palisades Plant,Big Rock Point Plant & Corporate OfcFitness for Duty
ML18066A61113 August 1999Requests Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App R, Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to 790101. Request Concerns Oil Collection Sys Requirements for PCP MotorsSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20210S62911 August 1999Forwards Notification to NRC for Review & Approval of Program Intending to Manage & Provide Funding for Mgt of All Irradiated Fuel at Big Rock Point Until Title of Fuel Is Transferred to Secretary of Energy for Disposal
ML18066A59730 July 1999Forwards Markup of Draft NRC SE Re Util Proposal to Convert to Its.Ltr Contains No New Commitments & No Revs to Existing CommitmentsBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Post Accident Monitoring
High Energy Line Break
Local Leak Rate Testing
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Offsite Circuit
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
ML18066A59230 July 1999Forwards Results of Review by Consumers Energy of Two NRC Draft Repts Entitled, Evaluation of Air-Operated Valves at Light-Water Reactors & Study of Air-Operated Valves in Us Nuclear Power Plants.Power Operated Valves
ML18066A58830 July 1999Provides Rev to Instrument Channel Drift Measurement Submitted on 990611,in Response to NRC Comments on Util RAI Response for Sections 3.3,3.5 & 3.6 & Editorial Changes Revs Necessary for Consistency within ITS
ML20210H27028 July 1999Informs That Big Rock Point Commits to Listed Actions with Regard to 990511 Amend Request to Delete Definition of Site Boundary & Remove Site Map,Based on Discussion with NRC on 990728
ML18066A56519 July 1999Forwards Corrections to Previously Submitted TS Section 3.7, Plant Systems, Converting to Its,Per NUREG-1432.Licensee Realized That Certain Provisions of CTS Had Been Inappropriately Replaced with Provisions from STS
ML20210L04930 June 1999Partially Deleted Request for FOIA Documents Re Source of High Alarms Generated by Radiation Effluent Detector or Detectors in Discharge Canal at Big Rock Point on 980314,15 & 25.Partially Deleted Info EnclHigh winds
ML18066A51129 June 1999Provides Voluntary Confirmation of Facility Readiness as Outlined in GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Disclosure & Response EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20210G87923 June 1999FOIA Request for All Document Communications Between NRC & Region III Involving R Landsman,B Jorgensen & R Caniano & NRC Staff Under Their Supervision & All Communications in Their Possession to & from Consumers Power Re Plant
ML20209D70121 June 1999Requests That NRC Reconsider Decision to Move Resident Inspector from Big Rock Point NPP
ML18066A50617 June 1999Forwards Responses to NRC Questions for ITS LCOs 3.6.3 & 3.6.6 of 990126 Submittal.One Editorial Change in Addition to Those Made in Response to NRC Comments & Conforming Changes Made to Associated Bases,EnclBoric Acid
Time of Discovery
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Stroke time
Integrated leak rate test
Power-Operated Valves
ML18066A49911 June 1999Forwards Responses to NRC Comments Re ITS Section 3.3 & Associated Revs to ITS Sections 1.0,3.3,3.4 & 3.9 of 990126 ITS Conversion Submittal.One Technical Change & Several Editorial Changes Unrelated to NRC Comments,Also Provided
ML18066A4929 June 1999Discusses Response of 980226 Violation Re Insp Rept 50-255/97-18 Re Failure to Take Adequate Corrective Action. Ltr Contains New Commitments & No Rev
IR 05000255/19970189 June 1999Discusses Response of 980226 Violation Re Insp Rept 50-255/97-18 Re Failure to Take Adequate Corrective Action. Ltr Contains New Commitments & No Rev
ML18068A6018 June 1999Forwards Description of Recent Changes Made to Palisades Site Emergency Plan,Excluding Minor & Editorial Changes Not Requiring Further Explanation
ML18066A4884 June 1999Provides Responses to NRC Questions & Associated Editorial Revs for ITS LCOs 3.6.1,3.6.2,3.6.4,3.6.5 & 3.6.7 of 980126 Submittal.Responses to Comments on Remaining Section 3.6 LCOs Will Be Submitted Separately
ML20207F6633 June 1999Forwards Rev 33 of Big Rock Point Plant Security Plan,Which Incorporates Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR73 That Reflect Permanent Shutdown & Defueled Condition of Facility.Encl Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21(c)
ML20195D0373 June 1999Forwards Revised Defueled Ts,Per 990511 Util Request.Page Format in Attachments 1 & 2 of Submittal Do Not Agree with Current Facility Defueled TS Format.Replacement of Encl Pages Requested
ML18066A48024 May 1999Forwards Copy of Rev to NPDES Permit Number MI0001457 Renewal Application as Submitted to Mi Dept of Environ Quality on 990513
ML18066A47218 May 1999Informs That During Period from 981101-990430,there Were No NPDES Permit Violations & No Repts of Oil,Salt or Polluting Matl Losses Were Made to Govt Agencies
ML18066A46517 May 1999Forwards ISI Program Relief Request 14 for NRC Approval in Accordance with 10CFR50.55(a)(3) as Requirement for Which Proposed Alternative Provide Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety.Rev 0 to SIR-99-032 Rept Also EnclSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Temporary Modification
Finite Element Analysis
Stress corrosion cracking
Fuel cladding
ML18066A46114 May 1999Requests Approval to Use Alternative Requirements IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i),proposing to Follow Requirements of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Case N-566-1.IST Program Relief Request 6 for NRC Approval Encl
ML20206P45011 May 1999Requests Transcript of 990413 Public Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Decommissioning of Big Rock
ML18068A5833 May 1999Forwards Proposed TS Section 3.5,in Response to NRC 990317 RAI Re Util 980126 TS Change Request Re Conversion to Improved Ts,Per NUREG-1432
ML20206J24130 April 1999Submits Corrected Copy of Ltr Forwarding 1998 Consumers Energy Co Annual Rept. Ltr Contains Corrected Docket & License Number for Big Rock Point.With One Oversize Encl
ML20206E78229 April 1999Forwards Annual Radioactive Environ Rept for 1998 for Big Rock Point Plant. Rept Includes Summaries,Interpretations & Statistical Evaluation of Results of Radiological Environ Monitoring ProgramOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20217A81929 April 1999Forwards Listed Matls Related to Palisades Plant June 1999 Initial License ExamSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Job Performance Measure
Operability Determination
Fuel cladding
Power change
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20206E82728 April 1999Forwards Palisades Plant Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1998. There Were No Reportable Events During This PeriodAnnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
05000155/LER-1992-008, Advises That Util Terminated Corrective Actions Re LER 92-008 of Loss of Station Power 125 Volt Dc sys.SOP-28 Has Been Deleted in Entirety.Commitments No Longer Applicable26 April 1999Advises That Util Terminated Corrective Actions Re LER 92-008 of Loss of Station Power 125 Volt Dc sys.SOP-28 Has Been Deleted in Entirety.Commitments No Longer Applicable
ML20207B46623 April 1999Forwards Copy of Final Exercise Rept for Biennial Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Conducted on 981201 for Palisades Npp.No Deficiencies Noted.Seven New Arcas Identified
ML18066A4537 April 1999Forwards ITS Pages 3.1.4-2 & 3.1.4-8,revising Completion Time for Action D.1,as Requested by NRC 990406 Telcon,Per TS Change Request Submitted 980126.Change Submitted Does Not Alter Conclusions of No Signficant Hazards Considerations
ML18066A4482 April 1999Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-255/98-06. Corrective Actions:Nuclear Performance Assessment Dept Has Reviewed Observations & Agrees That Field Observations by Qualified Personnel Are Important Aspect of Program
ML18066A44130 March 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990126 RAI Re TS Section 3.7 of Util 980126 LAR Request for Conversion to Its.Licensee Received Permission to Delay TS Section 3.6 Response to Allow for Addl Time for Preparation & Internal ReviewUltimate heat sink
ML18066A44730 March 1999Confirms Completion of Util Review of Design Engineering Contractor Cable Ampacity Evaluation.Evaluation Available at Plant for NRC Review
ML20196K78829 March 1999Forwards Rept on Certification of Financial Assurance for Decommissioning for Big Rock Plant,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Copy of Trust Agreement Between Consumers Energy & State Bank & Trust Co,Included in Rept
ML18066A44426 March 1999Submits Certification of Financial Assurance for Decommissioning of Palisades Nuclear Plant.Certified Rept of Status of Consumers Energy Co Decommissioning Funding & Trust Agreement Encl as Attachments 1 & 2