PY-CEI-NRR-2256, Forwards fitness-for-duty Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1997

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Forwards fitness-for-duty Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1997
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1998
From: Myers L
PY-CEI-NRR-2256, NUDOCS 9803030237
Download: ML20203H464 (4)


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Perty Nuclear Powr hant E"- -@ 10 Cen er Roact gW@V PO Bca 97 m Perry One 44091 Lew W. Myers 440 00 5915 Mce nostlent fan 4402806029 February 26, 1!98 PY CEI/NRR-2256L United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440 Semiannual Fitness-Fov-Duty Report Gentlemen In accordance with the requirements of 10CFR26.71(d),

"Recordkeeping Requirements," the Semiannual Fitness-For-Duty Report is being submitted for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. This report covers the time period of July 1, through December 31, 1997.

Attachment 1 provides the Fitress-For-Duty program performance data regarding testing results. Attachment 2 provides additional information regarding reported events and management actions taken in response to positive results. The provisions of the Fitness-For-Duty program apply to persons granted unescorted access to protected areas and to licensee, vendor, and contractor personnel required to physically report to the Technical Support Center or the Emergency Operations Facility in accordance with the Emergency Plan and associated implementing procedures.

-If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Henry L. Hegrat, Manager - Regulatory Affairs at (216) 280-5606.

Very truly yours, p3 HMC:s t

Attachments hi l cc NRC project Manager g NRC Resident Inspector Office NRC Region III 9803030237 980226 PDR ADOCK 05000440i

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PY-CEI/NRR-2256L FitnCss f2r Duty PrEgram An acament i

""" r2 Performance Data i Personnel Subject to 10CFR26 PfvPP No. 8800 Rev 6/92 5 4 0010

~ The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co nany December 31, 1997 company 6 Months Ending Perry Nuclear Power Plant-10 Center Road-Perry. 011 44081 location Joseph F. Silke, Access Authorizat ion Supervisor (440) 280-5850 contact Name Phone tinclude arca Codel Cutoffs: Screen / Confirmation (ng/ml) O Appendix A l010CFR 26 Marijuana 50 / 15 Amphetamines Append. A IAppend. A /

Cocaine Append. A / Append. APhencyclidine Appene. A / Append. A /

Oplates Append. A / Append. A Alcohol (%BAC) Append. A /

Testing Results 1.lcensee Employees Contrac 0 P onnel Cont c or Personnel Average Number with linescorted Access 1,064 442 Categ v "* i I i \ l i I Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive PreAccess is7 4 i,689 44 Q Post accident 2 0 0 0 D

g Observed behavior 2 i 14 5 Random 326 0 123 i S Follow up 22 0 12 0 Other - 0 0 0 0 Total 539 5 1,838 50 4

Breakdown of Confirmed Positive Tests for Specific Substances Amphe- Phacy- Refusal Marijuana Cocaine opiates C0"UI 4 tamines cfidine to Test 1 2 3 5 Licensee Employees +' o o o o I o

[ +4 Long-Term Contractors Short-Term Contractors

+16 12 o o o 4 4 A 3,

5' Total 35 12 o o 0 5 4 o : # of NRC cut off positive / # of Company cut off positive.

Note: Total number of positives indicated under the " Testing Results" section, pages I of 2, reflects the number of individuals having positive results. The total number of positives indicated in the section above reflects the types of positive drugs detected. When the total number in the se:* ion above is greater than the total number reflected under the " Testing Results" section, this represents an individual (s) testing positive for more than one type of drug. The one reported event concerned a senior reactor operator, licensed in accordance with 10 CFR Part 35, who was determined to have exceeded blood alcohol limits. The four licensee employees, who tested positive for marijuana,were temporary employces being processed in support of Perry's refueling outage.

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PY CEl/NRR.2256L Attachment 2 Page: 1 of1 Mananemertt Actions Taken Drug and alcohol'.esting results for the reporting period are described in Attachment 1.

The licensee employees testing positive for illegal drugs / alcohol were denied access to the Protected Area. Four licensee emplo>ces, who tested positive for illegal drugs, were temporary

, employees being proemJ in support of the recent refueling outage. Pur ,sant to Plant Administrative Proce w c fAP 0224)" Fitness for Duty" requirements, individuals and/or their company representative ere informed of the right to appeal, and of the procedural requirements in order to re establish unescorted access to the Protected Area. To date, one employee hrs initiated steps regarding this matter; however, unesconed access has not been restored.

All contractor employees testing positive for illegal drugs / alcohol were denied access to the Protected Area. Pursuant to Plant Administrative Procedure (par .0224)" Fitness For Duty" requirements, individuals and/or their company representative were informed of the right to appeal, and of the procedural requirements in order to re-establish unescorted access to the Protected Area. To date, none have initiated steps to restore unescorted access.

Fourteen contractor employees requested that their split specimen be sent for testing. The Medical Review Officer (MRO) has determined that the fourteen split specimens submitted for testing were confirmed positive, which substantiates the initial drug screon result.

Fificen individuals were subjected to unannounced follow up testing during this reporting period as a result of a Fitness For Duty Prograrn concern.

l l Initiatives Takca Site Protection Section assumed responsibility for Fitness for Duty Supervisory Training. The purpose of this initiative was to reinforce at the appropriate Iv.cis in the organization, the requirements of 10 CFR Part 26, as well as management's expectations in response to fitness for duty issues. This effort has received positive feedback from senior management.

E.eported Events l On December 20,1997, a significant Fitness for Duty event was reported in accordance with l

10 CFR 26.73 (a)(2); a senior reactor operator, licensed in accordance with 10 CFR Part 55, exceeded blood alcohol limits resulting in a determination of unfitness due to the consumption of l alcohol.