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Proposed Tech Specs 3.3.7 & 3.3.8 Re CR Area Ventilation Sys & Auxiliary Bldg Filtered Ventilation,Exhaust Sys Actuation Instrumentation
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Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1999
Shared Package
ML20204F650 List:
NUDOCS 9903250341
Download: ML20204F693 (20)


I-d i

l TABLE OF CONiENTS 1.0 U S E AN D AP P LI CATIO N...................................................................... 1.1 -


l 1.1 D e fi n i tio n s.................................................................................

1.2 Log ical Co n n e cto rs........................................................................ 1.2-1 1.3 Com ple tion Tim es............................................................................... 1.3-1 1.4 Freq u e n cy......................................................................................... 1. 4 - 1 2.0 S AFETY Li M ITS ( S Ls)............................................................................. 2.0-2.1 SLs.................................................................................................2.0-1 2.2 S L Violatio ns................................................................................ 2.0- 1 3.0 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) APPLICABILITY............. 3.0-1 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT (SR) APPLICABILITY........................... 3.0-4 3.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS..................................................... 3.1.1 -1 3.1.1 S H UTDOWN MARG I N (S DM)..................................................... 3.1.1 -1 3.1.2 Co re R e a ctivity............................................................................. 3.1.2-1 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC).................................... 3.1.3-1 4

3.1.4 Rod G roup Alig n me nt Limits......................................................... 3.1.4-1 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank insertion Limits................................................... 3.1.5-1 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits....................................................... 3.1.6-1 3.1.7 Rod Position Indication............................................................... 3.1.7-1 3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions..................................................... 3.1.8-1 3.2 POWER DlSTRI BUTION LIMITS........................................................ 3.2.1 -1 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fo(X,Y,Z))................................... 3.2.1 -1 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (Fe(X,Y))................ 3.2.2-1 3.2.3 AXl AL FLUX DI FFERENC E (AFD).............................................. 3.2.3-1 3.2.4 OUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO (OPTR).............................. 3.2.4-1 3.3 I N ST R U M E N TATI O N......................................................................... 3.3.1 - 1 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) InstrumentaFon................................. 3.3.1-1 3.3.2 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation Syaem (ESFAS)

I nstru m e ntatio n....................................................................... 3.3.2-1 3.3.3 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation........................... 3.3.3-1 3.3.4 Remote Shutdown System........................................................ 3.3.4-1 3.3.5 Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start I nstru m e n ta tion....................................................................... 3.3.5-1 3.3.6 Containment Purge and Exhaust isolation Instrumentation.

...................................................3.3.6-1 3.3.7 ontrol oom Area Venti)htion bystem mys)

Ae m tion lnSt ru m enj6 tion.................................................. 3.3.7-1 3.3.8 Auxiliarf Building Filterpd Ventilation tfxnaust vitem (ABFVESyActuation Instgbmentation................... 3.3.8-1 3.3.9 Boron Dilution Mitigation System (BDMS)............................... 3.3.9-1 i

8 VCk l

Catawba Units 1 and 2 i

Amendment Nos 173/ 5 9903250341 990311 PDR ADOCK 05000413 P


F l




B 2.1.1 R eacto r Co re S i s.................................................................... B 2.1.1 -1 B 2.1.2' Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure SL................................ B 2.1.2-1 B 3.0 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) APPLICABILITY....... B 3.0-1 B 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT (SR) APPLICABILITY...................... B 3.0-9 83.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS B 3.1.1 S HUTDOW N MAR GI N (S D M)..................................................... B 3.1.1 -1 B 3.1.2 Core R eactivity........................................................................ B 3.1.2-1 B 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)..................................... B 3.1.3-1 B 3.1.4 Rod Group Alignment Limits....................................................... B 3.1.4-1 B 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits.................................................... B 3.1.5-1 B 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits.......................................................... B 3.1.6-1 i

B 3.1.7 Rod Position Indication.................................................................. B 3.1.7-1 B 3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions........................................................ B 3.1.8-1 B 3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS B 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(X,Y,Z))..................................... B 3.2.1-1 B 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FAH(X,Y)).................. B 3.2.2-1 B 3.2.3 AXI AL FLUX DI FFERENC E (AFD).................................................. B 3.2.3-1 B 3.2.4 OUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO (OPTR).................................. B 3.2.4-1


B 3.3 INSTRUMENTATION B 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation................................... B 3.3.1-1 B 3.3.2 Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) i i n stru m e ntation...................................................................... B 3.3.2-1 B 3.3.3 Pos Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation........................... B 3.3.3-1 B 3.3.4 Re mote Sh utdown Syste m............................................................ B 3.3.4-1 B 3.3.5 Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation B 3.3.5-1 B 3.3.6 Containment Purge and Exhaust isolation Instrumentation............. B 3.3.6-1 B 3.3.7 Controlfioom Area Vent' ation System (CFTAVS)


Agtuation Instrum tation..


. B 3.3.7-1 B 3.3.8 Auxdipry Budding Hiterfd Ventilation Extfust System (AB ES)

Actuation Instrun/entation..

. l.....

.. B 3.3.8-1 i

B 3.3.9 Boron Dilution Mitigation System (BDMS)...................................... B 3.3.9-1 B 3.4' REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS)

B 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits............................................ B 3.4.1 -1 B 3.4.2 RCS Minimum Temperature for Criticality...................................... B 3.4.2-1 B 3.4.3 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) Limits................................. B 3.4.3-1 B 3.4.4 RCS Loops-MODES 1 and 2..................................................... B 3.4.4-1 B 3.4.5 R C S Loops-MO D E 3............................................................... B 3.4. 5-1 B 3.4.6 R C S Loops-MO D E 4................................................................. B 3.4.6-1 B 3.4.7 RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Filled.......................................... B 3.4.7-1 B 3.4.8 RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Not Filled................................. B 3.4.8-1 N0'IJ.Te Revision No.h Catawba Units 1 and 2 i


CRAVS Actuation I trumentation 3.3.7 3.3 INSTR MENTATION 3.3.7 Control com Area Ventilation System (CRAVS) Actuation Instr mentation LCO 3.3.7 he CRAVS actuation instrumentation for e ch Function in Table 3.3.7-1 s !! be OPERABLE.


MODES 2,3, and 4.


.NO Separate Condition entry is allowed fo" e hF ction.


One or more Functions A.


witn one train Place in ch rine gas inoperable.

protection m de if automatic tran fer to chlorine gas pro ction mode is inoperab Place the CRAVS trair~

7 days j

with inoperable actuatio train in operation.






l Units 1 and 2 3.3.7-1 Amendment Nos. 173/165

CRAVS Actuation Instru ntation 3.3.7 ACTIO.NS (c ntinued)



7 3


One or moreVunctions NOTE-with two trains Place in the chlorine gas

-j inoperable, protection mode if automatic transfer to chlorine gas prote ion mode is inoperable.

B.1 Verify one C Strainis immediately in operation AN B.2 nter pplicable immediately itions and Required A

ns for one CRAVS l

ain ade inoperable by inoper le CRAVS l

actuatio instrumentation.




Required Action and

.1 Be in MOD 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> i

associated Completion Time for Condition A AND or B not met.

C.2 Be in MODE 5.

36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> 9

G e

4 0

CRAVS Actuation instru entation 3.3.7

~SURVdlLLAN REQUIREMENTS NOTE-Refer to Table 3.3 1 to determine which SRs apply for each CRAVS Actu on Function.



31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS SR Perfo,-


92 days I

l l

h ttb 4

Catawb Units 1 and 2 3.3.7-3 Amendment Nos.17 165

CRAVS Actuation ins umentation i

3.3.7 Table 3.3.71 (page 1 of 1)

CRAVS Actuation instrumentation



Automatic Actuation ic and 2 trains SR 3.3.

1 NA ActJation Relays SR 3

.2 SR

.7.3 2.

Safety injection Refer to LCO 3.3.2, *ESFAS Inst ntation," Function 1, for all initiation unctions and requirements.

i i

i i

Ot C





I Catawba Upits 1 and 2 3.3.7-4 Amendment Nos. 173/165 i


CRAVS Actuation Instru entation B 3.3.7 B 3.3 INS UMENTATION B 3.3.7 Contr Room Area Ventils. tion System (CRAVS) Actuation Instrum tation BASES BACKGROUND The RAVS provides an enclosed control r m enWronment from which the u can be operated following an unc ntrolled release of radioactivity.

During rmal operation the CRAVS pr ' des filtered ventilation and pressuri tion of the control room. T system is described in the Bases for LCO 3.

10, " Control Room Are entilation System."

The control r m operator can i ' iate CRAVS trains by manual switches in the control r

m. The CRA is also actuated by a safety injection (SI) signal. The i Function discussed in LCO 3.3.2, " Engineered Safety Feature A uation S tem (ESFAS) Instrumentation."

s APPLICABLE The control room mu e kept habitable for the operators stationed SAFETY ANALYSES there during accide re very and post accident operations.

The CRAVS pro des the su ply of filtered and pressurized outside air to the control roo to ensure t control room is kept habitable for the operators stap ned there duri accident recovery and post accident operations minimizing the ra tion exposure of control room personnel.

I The C VS actuation instrumentatioqsatisfies Criterion 3 of 10 CFR 50.36 Ref.1).

LCO T e LCO requirements ensure that instrum tation necessary to initiate e CRAVS is OPERABLE.


Automatic Actuation Loaic and Actuation R Jan The LCO requires two trains of Actuation Logi and Relays OPERABLE to ensure that no single random fai re can prevent 1

automatic actuation.

J i

2 Ca wba Units 1 and 2 8 3Ji.7-1 Revision

o. 0 l

CRAVS Actuation Instrur entation BASES B 3.3.7 LCO (conti


Automatic Actuation Logic and Actuation Rela consist of the same features and operate in the same ma er as described for ESFAS Function 1.b, SI,in LCO 3.3.2. T specified conditions for the CRAVS portion of these functions te different and les; estrictive than those specified for their i roles. If one or more of Si functions becomes inoperable ' such a manner that only the t

CR S function is affected, the Co itions applicable to their SI functi need not be entered. Th ess restrictive Actions specified for inope bility of the CRAVS F ctions specify sufficient compensa ry measures for th case.


S_afety iniection Refer to LCO 3.3.2, ction 1, for al! initiating Functions and requirements.

APPLICABILITY The CRAVS Actuatio nstrumen tion Functions must be OPERABLE in MODES 1, 2, 3, and to support a tomatic actuation on Si initiation.

Since the only aut atic actuation f ction of the CRAVS is due to a SI initiation, the CR S Actuation instru entation Functions must be OPERABLE wh ever Siis required t e OPERABLE.

ACTIONS A Note has een added to the ACTIONS i icating that separate Coridition ntry is allowed for each Function. The Conditions of this Specific ion may be entered independently f r each Function listed in Table

.7-1 in the accompanying LCO. The ' ompletion Time (s) of the inoper ble channel (s)/ train (s) of a Function will e tracked separately for t

i unction starting from the time the Conditio was entered for that eac i

Fu tion.

A_d I

l Condition A applies to the actuation logic train Function of e CRAVS.

If one train is inoperable,7 days are permitted to restore it to ERABLE staturt The 7 cay Completion Time is the same as is allowed if ne train of the mechanical portin of the system is inoperable. The basis r this Completion Time is the same as provided in LCO 3.7.10. If the QstcNe


Cata a Units 1 and 2 8 3.3.7 2 Revision No. O

. \\,

CRAVS Actuation Instrum tation B 3.3.7 BASES ACTIONS ( ntinued) channet/ train canrot be restored to OPERABLE status e CRAVS train with an inoperable actuation train must be placed in eration. This accomplishes the actuation instrumentation Functi and places the unit

'n a conservative mode of operation.

l Th Required Action for Condition A is modifi d by a Note that requires pia g the CRAVS train in the chlorine gas rotection mode instead of the pr surized mode of operation if the a tomatic transfer to chlorine gas pro ction mode is inoperable. This nsures the CRAVS train is placed in e most conservative mode operation relative to the i

OPERABiL TY of the associated actu tion instrumentation.

B.1 and B.2 Condition B applie o the fail e of two CRAVS actuation trains. The first Required Action is to verify e CRAVS is in the filtered mode of operation immediately. Thi accomplishes the actuation instrumentation Function tt:at may have o n lost and ensures the unit is in a conservative mode of op tion. The applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.7.10 us Iso be entered for the other CRAVS train made inoperable by t inop able actuation instrumentation. This ensures appropriate imits are aced upon train inoperability as discussed in the B es for LCO.7.10.

The Required A ion for Condition is modified by a Note that requires placing the C VS train in the chlori gas protection mode instead of the pressuriz mode of operation if th automatic transfer to chlorine gas protecti mode is inoperable. This nsures the CRAVS train is placed in t most conservative mode of eration relative to the OPERAB ITY of the associated actuation i strumentation.

C.1 an C.2 Con ition C applies when the Required Action and ociated Co pletion Time for Condition A or B have not been et. The unit must b brought to a MODE in which the LCO requirements re not applicable.

achieve this status, the unit must be brought to MOD 3 within hours and MODE 5 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The allowed Com(pi tion Tim are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reach t equired unit conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manne and without challenging unit systems.

C~4' Catawba its 1 and 2 B 3.3.7-3 Revision No.




CRAVS Actuation Instr entation BASE B 3.3.7

' SURVEIL NCE A Note has been added to the SR Table to clarify that ble 3.3.7-1 REQUIREM TS determines which SRs apply to which CRAVS Actuat n Functions.

SR R is the perfortnance of an ACTU ION LOGIC TEST. The tr 'n being tested is placed in the bypass ndition, thus preventing ina ertent actuation. Through the sem' utomatic tester, all possible logic mbinations, with and without a licable permissives, are tested for eac rotection function. 'in additi n, the master relay coilis pulse tested to entinuity. This verifies t t the logic modules are OPERABLE and there i an intact voltage sign path to the master.elay coils. This test is perfor ed every 31 days a STAGGERED TEST BASIS. The Frequencyis j tified in WCAP 10271-P-A, Supplement 2, Rev.1 (Ref. 2).

SR SR is the perf rm nce of a MASTER RELAY TEST. The


MASTER RELAY T Tis e energizing of the master relay, verifying contact operation d a low Itage continuity check of the slave relay coil. Upon mast relay cont operation, a low voltage is injected to the slave relay coil This voltage is ufficient to pick up the slave relay, but large enough demonstrate sign path continuity. This test is performed e ery 31 days on a ST GERED TEST BASIS. The Frequency ' acceptable based on i trument reliability and industry operating xperience.

SR 3

.7.3 SR.3.7.3 is the performance of a SLAVE R Y TEST. The SLAVE R LAY TEST is the energizing o' the slave rela s. Contact operation is v rified in one of two ways. Actuation equipmen hat may be operated in he design mitigation MODE is either allowed to fu ction or is placed in a condition where the relay contact operation can be rified without operation of the equipment. Actuation equipment tha ay not be operated in the design mitigation MODE is prevented fr operation by the SLAVE RELAY TEST circuit. For this latter case, con ct operation is verified by a continuity check of the circuit containing the sl e relay.

This test is performed every 92 days. The Frequency is acce able based on instrument reliability and industry operating experienc Q

,C E

Cata Units 1 and 2 8 3.3.7-4 Revision No. O t.

CRAVS Actuation in umentation B 3.3.7 BASES-REFERSNC S 1.

10 CFR 50.36, Technical Specifications, (c)(2)(ii 2.'

WCAP-10271-P-A, Supplement 2, Rev.1, J e 1990.

l l

t 1

Mhk Cata Units 1 and 2 B 3.3.7-5 Revision No.

4 ABFVES Actuation Instru ntation 3.3.8 3.3 INSTRU -NTATION 3.3.8 Auxiliary B 'iding Filtered Ventilation Exhaust System (ABFVES) Actu son Instrumentatt n LCO 3.3.8 The FVES actuation instrumentation for each F nction in Table 3.3.8-1 shall b. PERABLE.


According to le 3.3.8-1.


Separate Condition entry is allowed for each unction.


One or more Functions A.1 store on BFVES train 7 days with one channel or train o OPERABL status.



Required Action and 1

Be in MODE 3.

6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> associated Completion Time for Condition A no AND met.

B.2 Be in MODE 5.

36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> (2

l E 4

Catawba nits 1 and 2 3.3 8-1 Amendment Nos.173/ 65

k ABFVES Actuation instrur ntation 3.3.8 SURV$1LLAN E REQUIREMENTS N O TE----------------------.

. Refer to Table 3.3.

1 to aetermine which SRs apply for each ABFVES Actuat' n Function.






92 days l

l l

) E ~C' Catawba Units and 2 3.3.8-2 Amendrnent Nos.173/1 'S

ABFVES Actuation InStrume ation 3.3.8 Table 3.3.8-1 (page 1 of 1)



Automatic Actuation Logic a 12,3.4 2 traint, SR NA Actuation Relays SR 3.3.8.

SR 3.3.


Safety injection R r to LCO 3.3.2, 'ESFAS instrumentation' Function 1, for all initiation functions and uirements, t

E Cat a Units 1 and 2 3.3.8-3 Amendment Nos.173/ 5


i ABFVES Actuation in rumentation B 3.3.8 B 3.3 INSTRU NTATION B 3.3.8 Auxiliary ilding Filtered Ventilation Exhaust System (ABFVE Actuation i

instrument 'on i


BACKGROUND The ABFV ensures that radioactive m erials in the ECCS pump rooms atmo here following a loss of lant accident (LOCA) are filtered and a rbed prior to exhausti to the environment. The system j

is described in t Bases for LCO 3.712, " Auxiliary Building Filtered Ventilation Exhau System." The s stem initiates filtered ventilation of i

the ECCS pump r s automati y following receipt of a safety injection (SI) signal.

These actions function prevent exfiltration of contaminated air by initiating filtered vcntilati, w ich imposes a negative pressure on the ECCS pump rooms.

The ABFVES ensures / \\

APPLICABLE at radioactive materials in the ECCS SAFETY ANALYSES pump rooms atmosph re follokng a LOCA are filtered and adsorbed prior to being exhauy ed to the environment. This action reduces the radioactive content that offsite doses /n the auxiliary building exhaust following a LOCA so emain within thh imits specified in 10 CFR 100 (Ref.1).

The ABFVE actuation instrumentatic satisfies Criterion 3 of 10 CFR 50.36 (Ref. ).

LCO The LC requirements ensure that instru nteNn necessary to initiate the A ES is OPERABLE.


Automatic Actuation Loaic and Actuatio elavs The LCO requires two trains of Actuation L ic and Relays OPERABLE to ensure that no single random ailure cari prevent 1

automatic actuation.


Catawba nits 1 and 2 8 3.3.8 1 Revicio 0




ABFVES Actuation Inst entation BASES B 3.3.8 l


LCO (Sontin d)

Automatic Actuation Logic and Actuation Relay consist of the same features and operate in the same man r as described for ESFAS Function 1.b., Si, in LCO 3.3.2. Th applicable MODES and specified conditions for the ABFVES niion of these functions are different and less restrictive than tho e specified for their Si les. If one or mnre of the Si function becomes inoperable in s gh a manner that only the ABFVE unction is affected, the Con 'tions applicable to their Si fun tion need not be entered. The less re trictive Actions specified f inoperabilityof the ABFVES function pecify sufficient comp.nsatory measures for this case.

APPLICABILITY The automatic ABFV e actuation nstrumentation is required in MODES 1,2,3, and 4 to remov ission oducts caused by post LOCA Emergency Core Cooling yst s leakage.

While in MODES 5 and 6 th BFVES instrumentation need not be OPERABLE since unit te era and pressure are very low.

ACTIONS A Note has been add

.o the ACT S to clarify the application of Completion Time rui s. The Condition of this Specification may be entered independe tly for each Function isted in Table 3.3.8-1 in the accompanying L

. The Completion Tim (s) of the inoperable channel (s)/ train) ) of a Function will be trac d separately for each Function startirig from the time the Condition ' as entered for that Function.

b:1 Cond' ion A applies to the failure of an actuation logic rain function of the Soli State Protection System (SSPS). If one channel r train is ino erable, a period of 7 days is allowed to restore it to ERABLE st tus. The 7 day Completion Time is the same as is allo ed if one train the mechanical portion of the system is inoperable. The asis for this ime is the same as that provided in LCO 3.7.12.

R f


Catawb Units 1 and 2 8 3.3.8-2 Revision No. 0 l

ABFVES Actuation instru entation B 3.3.8 BASESs ACTIONS continued)

B.1 and B.2 Condition B applies when the Required Action and sociated Completion Time for Condition A have not been

t. The unit must be ought to a MODE in which the LCO requireme ts are not applicable.

To chieve this status, the unit must be broug to MODE 3 withir 6 ho s and MODE 5 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The owed Completion Times are re onable, based on operating experi ce, to reach the required unit con ' ions from full power conditions ' an orderly manner and without ch enging unit systems.

SURVEILLANCE A Note has been dded to the SR able to clarify that Table 3.3.8-1 REQUIREMENTS determines which s apply to ich ABFVES Actuation Functions.

SR SR is the perfor n e of an ACTUATION LOGIC TEST. The actuation logic is teste eve 1 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS.

All possible logic com inations, with and without applicable permissives, are tested for each piotection fu tion. The Frequency is based on the known reliability of le.elays and ntrols and the multichannel redundancy avait le, and has bee shown to be acceptable through operating exper' nee.

l SR SR 3.3.8. is the performance of a MASTE RELAY TEST. The g

MACTE RELAY TEST is the energizing of I e master relay, verifying contac operation and a low voltage continui heck of the slave relay coil.

pon master relay contact operation, a lo voltage is injected to the i

slav relay coil. This voltage is insufficient to pic up the slave relay, but j

lar enough to demonstrate signal path continui This test is I

p.forrned every 31 days on a STAGGERED TES ASIS. The equency is acceptable based on instrument reliabi ~ and industry perating experience.

1t C

i Catawba nits 1 and 2 E 'l 3.8-3 Revision

o. O l

1 L


E-i ABFVES Actuation instr entation B 3.3.8 BASES SURVdlLLANC REQUIREMENTS (continued)

SR bq is the performance of a SLAVE RELAY EST. The SLAVE RE Y TEST is the energizing of the slave relay Contact operation is verifi in one of two ways. Actuation equipme that may be operated in j

the des n mitigation MODE is either allowed t function or is placed in a condition here the relay contact operation n be verified without operation the equipment. Actuation eq ment that may not be operated in t e design mitigation MODE ' prevented from operation by the SLAVE R Y TEST circuit. For t s latter case, contact operation is verified by a co tinuity check of the ci uit containing the slave relay.

This test is perfo ed every 92 day The Frequency is acceptable based on instrum t reliability and ' dustry operating experience.


10 CFR 100.11.


10 CFR 50.36, Tec lical Specifications, (c)(2)(ii).


.O O



3.7.10 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.10 Control Room Area Ventilation System (CRAVS) g

(....... NOTU - - ;

LCO 3.7.10 Two CRAVS trains shall be OPERABLE.

b yafec % mo$C N-autv a %. trO & r % % l


dl&g protecties m$e 'r.t APPLICABILITY:

MODES 1,2,3,4,5, and 6, Nd During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, 1



r A.

One CRAVS train U1 Restore CRAVS train to 7 days inoperable.

OPERABLE status.


Required Action and B.1 Be in MODE 3.

6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> associated Completion Time of Condition A not AND met in MODE 1,2,3, or 4.

B.2 Be in MODE 5.

36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> C.

Required Action and C.1

---NOTE -

associated Completion Place in high chlorine Time of Condition A not protection mode if l

met 'in MODE 5 or 6, or automatic transfer to high during movement of chlorine protection mode is irradiated fuel inoperable.

assemblies, or during CORE ALTERATIONS.

Place OPERABLE CRAVS Immediately train in operation.

e 38 (continued) l Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.7.10 1 Amendment Nos.

I i


B 3.7.10


BASEi.S ACTIONS (continued)

CRAVS function. The 7 day Completion Time is based on the low


1 probability of a DBA occurring during this time period, and abi'ity of the remaining train to provide the required capability.

8cgv$md, A "ho^ b I )>

B.1 and B.2 meAMO-h4 Mdic 6 big -h glm. He, in MODE 1,2,3, or 4, if the inoperable CRAVS train cannot be restored 54 w -de, calor.h to OPERABLE status within the required Completion Time, the unit must pgm yole. @ Jwik be placed in a MODE that minimizes accident risis. To achieve this

  • b*

h "'

  • status, the unit rnust be placed in at least MODE 3 within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and in


MODE 5 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The allowed Completion Times are reasonable,

%*'O^ # '"

Fd I

based on operating experience, to reach the required unit conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without challenging unit systems.

C.1. C.2.1. and C.2.2 in MODE 5 or 6, or during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, or i

dunng CORE ALTERATIONS, if the inoperable CRAVS train cannot be restored to OPERABLE status within the required Completion Time, action must be taken to immediately place the OPERABLE CRAVS train in operation. This action ensures that the remaining train is OPERABLE, that no failures preventing automatic actuation will occur, and that any active failure would be readily detected.

An altemative to Required Action C.1 is to immediately suspend activities that could result in a release of radioactivity that might require isolation of the control room. This places the unit in a condition that minimizes risk.

This does not preclude the movement of fuel to a safe position.

j Required Action C.1 is modified by a Note indicating to place the system in the chlorine protection mode if automatic transfer to high chlorine protection mode is inoperable.

D.1 and D.2 In MODE 5 or 6, or during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, or during CORE ALTERATIONS, with two CRAVS trains inoperable, action must be taken immediately to suspend activities that could result in a Catawba Units 1 and 2 B 3.7.10-4 Revision No.@
