ML20217Q374 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Catawba ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/03/1998 |
From: | DUKE POWER CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20217Q370 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9803120229 | |
Download: ML20217Q374 (19) | |
AA.6 e.d 1A- ( k<.1)
6.2.3 CATAWBA SAFETY REVIEW GROUP FUNCTION The Catawba Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities to improve plant safety; evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activi-ties; and, to advise management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations. The SRG shall make recommendations for revised procedures, equip-ment modifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station / corporate management.
f 2.3.2 The SRC chall be ccmpered of at leset #4'/e indi"i&:!: and:tle-"
thre se shall have a bachelor's degree in engineering or science and a 2 years professional level experi is/her field, it least 1 year of whic fence shall be
- nuclear field.
rhe remaining individuals RG shal
'ther (1) at least 5 years of luclear experie old or have held a Senior Re erator license; or (2) at years of professional level experience in his at
. 2. 5 ye:rt of " ich experience sha!' be in +ha anclear field -
RESPONSIBILITIES The SRG shall be responsible for:
Review of selected plant operating characteristics and other appro-a.
priate sources of plant design and operating experience information for awareness and incorporation into the performance of other duties.
Review of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of the evaluation of selected plant operating characteristics and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information.
Review of selected programs, procedures, and plant activities, including maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operational analysis.
9003120229 980303
DR ADOCK 050004 3 CATAWBA - UNIT 1 6-5 Amendment No.
, FUNCTION The Catawba Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities to improve plant safety; evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activi-ties; and, to advise management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations.
The SRG shall make recommendations for revised procedures, equip-ment modifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station / corporate management.
" " 3.2 The 20 ; hall Sc capc:cd of at lea:t five individ 10 and at 1~'
three e shall have a bachelor's degree in engineering or science and at ears professional level exper" n his/her field, it least 1 year of whic nce shall be
- nuclear field.
The remaining individuals SRG shall
~ her (1) at least 5 years of luclear experie cid or have held a Senior Rea erator license; or (2) a years of professional level experience in his e
at 65t ycars ;f which cxperience chall-bc in the neck:r field.
RESPONSIBILITIES The SRG shall be responsible for:
Review of selected plant operating characteristics and other appro-a.
priate sources of plant design and operating experience information c
for awareness and incorporation into the performance of other duties.
B b.
Review of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of the evaluation of selected plant operating characteristics and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information.
Review of selected programs, procedures, and plant activities, c.
including maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operational analysis.
CATAWBA - UNIT 2 6-5 Amendment No.
142 4
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'A' The SRG shall be composed of at least five individuals.
Each individucl shall have either:
A bachelor's degree in engineering or related science and at least 2 years professional level experience in his/her i
field, at least 1 year of which experience shall be in the nuclear field; or b.
At'least15yearsofprofessionallevelexpIbience'in his/her field, at least 10 years of which experience-shall be in the nuclear field, at least 3 years of which nuclear experience shall be supervisory / managerial i
experience in Engineering, and shall hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license; or
At least 5 years of nuclear experience and hold.r have held a Senior Reactor Operator license; or d.
At least 8 years of professional level experience in his/her field, at least 5 years of which experience shall-be in the nuclear field.
A minimum of two of these individuals shall have the qualifications specified in provided that at least one individual has the qualifications
Otherwise, a minimum of three of these individuals shall have the qualifications specified in
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t Attachment lb Marked Copy of Improved Technical Specifications Pages from May 27, 1997 Submittal 1
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FUNCTION The Cata a Safety Review Group review of plan esign and operating exper(SRG) shall fu tion to provide the ience for p ential opportunities to improve plan safety; evaluation of plant operatfor and maintenance activi-ties; and, o advise management on the overall q ity and safety of plant operatio The SRG shall make recommendation or revised orocedures, equip-ment no fications, or other means of improv g plant safety te appropriate stat
/ corporate management.
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have a ba elor's degree in engine e ated
.clence and at leas rs rofessional level ce in his/her fis1d it least 1 year of which ce shall e nuclear field, he r-maining individu G sha ither (1) at least 5 years of/
oclear experi o d or have held a Senio Operator license; tr
- 2) a ye of professional level experience in
- ield,
' " ' '- '" anelea r field.
RESPONSIBILI he SRG.sball be responsible..for:
Review of selected plant operating characteristics d other appro-priate sources of plant design and operating exper' nce information for awareness and incorporation into the perfo ce of other duties.
Review of the effectiveness of corrective ac ons taken as a result of the evaluation of selected plant operat g characteristics and other appropriate sources of plant desig and operating experience infomation.
Review of selected programs, proce es, and plant activities, including maintenance, modificati, operational problems, and operational analysis.
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CATAWBA - UNIT 1 6-5 Amendment No.
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F1JNCT;0!i The Catawb afety Review Group review of plant ign and operating exper(SRG) shall function to providee ience for potential op improve p)a afety; evaluation of plant operations and mal @ port les to s
activf-ties; and to advise management on the overall quality and sJf',1 of plant The SRG shall make recommendations for revise opera ns.
rocedures, equip-modifications, or other means of improving plant ty to appropriate station / corporate manageneat.
I hree shall have a bec or's degree in engineering or
,cience and 2 yea fessional level exper er field, st least 1 year o erience shall b uc ear field.
rhe remainir; i duals i have either (1) at least 5 years o
iuclear expe ne or have hel actor Operator license; o
- 2) a rs of professional level experie r field, at ESPONSIBILITIES
[ 14..$
. The SRG shall be responsible for:
1 Review of selected plant operating characterist and other appro-a.
priate sources of plant desi n and operatin perience information for awareness and incorporat on into the, rformance of other duties.
Review of the effectiveness of ective actions taken as a result of the evaluation of selecte ant operating characteristics and other appropriate source plant design and operating experience information.
Review of se ed programs, procedures, and plant activities, ucludin intenance, modification, operational problems, and nal analysis.
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Ce4Q CATAWBA - UNIT 2 6-5 Amendment No. 142
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'A' sL2--2 7 Tho SRG shall h; mumpused vf at lcart f4um indifiduals
- ac ndividual shall have either:
A achelor's degree in engineering or related sc' nce an< i
at st 2 years professional level experienc n his/he2
- field, t least 1 year of which experience all be in i
the nuc r field; or b.
At least 15 rs of professional el experience in his/her field, least 10 years which experience shall be in the nu ear field, t least 3 years of which nuclear experience s 11 be upervisory/ managerial experience in Engineer 1 and shall hold or have held a g'h Senior Reactor Operato
.nse; or c.
At least 5 years o uclear e erience and hold or have held a Senior Re or Operator 1 nse; or d.
At least 8 y rs of professional lev experience in his/her f d, at least 5 years of whic xperience shall b-in the nuclear field.
a minimum o wo of these individuals shall have the qualific ons specified in provided that at lea one
.ndivi al has the qualifications
Otherwise, a mi ur t of ree of these individuals shall have the qualifications
u cified in c 9 7 9a-I l
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i Proposed Technical Specifications New Pages t
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6~2.3 CATAWBA SAFETY REVIEW GROUP FUNCTION The Catawba Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities to improve plant safety; evaluation of plant operations and maintenance'activi-ties; and, to advise management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations.. The SRG shall make reconnendations for revised procedures, equip-ment modifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station /corporatemanagement.
COMPOSITION The SRG shall lo composed of at least five individuals.
Each individual shall have eitner:
A bachelor's degree in engineering or related science and at least 2 years professional level experience in his/her field, at least 1 year of which experience shall be in the nuclear field; or b.
At least 15 years of professional level er.9rience in his/her field, at least 10 years of which experience sht be in the nuclear field, at least 3 years of which nuclear experience shall be supervisory / managerial experience in Engineering, and shall hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license: or c.
At least 5 years of nuclear experience and hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license or d.
At least 8 years of pro #
anal level experience in Hs/her fiel'd, at least 5 years of which perience shall be in the nuclear field.
A minimum of two of these individuals shall have the qualifications specified in provided that at least one individual has the qualifications
Otherwise, a minimum of three of these individuals shall have the qualifications specified in
RESPONSIBILITIES SRG shall be responsible for:
Review of selected plant operating characteristics and other appro-priate sources of plant design and operating experience information
- for awareness and incorporation into the performance of other duties.
Review of the efStiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of the evaluation of selected plant operating characteristics and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information.
Review of selected programs, procedures, and plant activities, including maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operational analysis.
CATAWBA - UNIT 1 6-5 Amendment No.
ADMfNISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.2.3 CATAWBA SAFETY REVIEW GROUP FUNCTION The Catawba Safety Review Group (SRG) shall function to provide the review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities to improve plant safety; evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activi-ties; and, to advise management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations. The SRG shall make reconmendations for revised procedures, equip-ment modifications, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station /corporatemanagement.
COMPOSITION The SRG shall be composed of at least five individuals. Each individual shall have either:
A bachelor's degree in engineering or related science and at least 2 years professional level experience in his/her field, at least 1 year of which experience shall be in the nuclear field; or b.
At least 15 years of professional level experience in his/her field, at least 10 years of which experience shall be in the nuclear field, at least 3 years of which nuclear experience shall be supervisory / managerial experience in Engineering, and shall hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license: or c.
At least 5 years of nuclear experience and hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license; or d.
At least 8 years of professional level experience in his/her field, at least 5 years of which experience shall be in the nuclear field.
A minimum of two of these individuals shall have the qualifications specified in provided that at least one individual has the qualifications
Otherwise, a minimum of three of these individuals shall have the qualifications specified in
RESPONSIBILI_iES The SRG shall be responsible for:
Review of selected plant operating characteristics and other appro-priate sources of plant design and operating experience information for awareness and incorporation into the performance of other duties.
Review of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of the evaluation of selected plant operating characteristics and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience information.
Review of selected programs, procedures, and plant activities, including maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operational analysis.
CATAWBA - UNIT 2 6-5 Amendment No.
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Discussion and Technical Justification i
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S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 3, 1998 Page 1 l
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Discussion and Technical Justification Discussion The Catawba Nuclear Station Safety Review Group (SRG) was initially established in part to meet the requirements of NUREG 0737, Item I.B.1.2.
The qualification requirements for the members of the SRG were specified in Technical Specification (TS) as part of the original TS issued with the Operating Licenses.
These requirements were modified via license amendments dated August 20, 1990 (Facility Operating License (FOL) Amendments 77/71 for Unit 1/ Unit 2) and May 7, 1992 (FOL Amendments 96/90 for Unit 1/ Unit 2).
In each case these changes were made primarily because of organizational changes that affected the composition of the SRG.
This proposed amendment would allow an individual with additional experience and qualifications to serve as part of the SRG in lieu of an individual with a bachelor's degree in engineering or related science.
Technical Justification The requirements in TS on SRG personnel training and experience have helped to assure that the assigned individuals are knowledgeable and capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of the SRG as stated in TS
The current TS states, in part:
i "The SRG composed of at least 5 individuals'and at least
3 of these shall have a bachelor's degree in engineering or
related science and at least 2 years professional level experience in his/her field, at least 1 year of which experience shall be in the nuclear field."
l The current qualification requirements for personnc L in the SRG fall into one of three categories:
- 1) Bachelor's degree in engineering or related science and at least 2 years professional level experience, with at l
least 1 year of this experience in the nuclear field;
.N. S. Nucl@ar Regulatory Commission-March'3, 1998 Page 2
- 2) At least 5 years of nuclear experience and hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license;
- 3) At least'8. years of professional experience with at least 5 years of this experience in the nuclear field.
It is add a fourth set of. personnel qualification requirements.
A person with these qualifications.could be
. assigned to the SRG in place of one of the individuals in the first category. The proposed qualifications are:
L At least 15 years of professional level' experience with at least 10 years of this experience as nuclear power plant experience, at least 3 years of which nuclear experience shall be as a supervisor / manager in Engineering, and shall hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license.
An individual with the'above requirements would have the depth of L
knowledge and insight into all facets of station operation to effectively implement the mission of the SRG.
In particular, by requiring previous supervisory / managerial experience in Engineering, this individual would have had first hand experience in overseeing a broad range of design and operational programs, procedures,,and plant activities that the SRG is responsible for reviewing.
This individual would also have a good understanding of the design control process and associated programs.
This requirement for engineering experience will also result in a person with management experience who can evaluate the " big picture" of an issue or concern.
At the same time, by having or having held an SRO license, this individual will also have a good understanding of the technical intricacies in various a eas of plant operation.
An individual who has at least 15 years of professional l
experience and 10 years of nuclear experience will likely have L
held several different positions, in addition to the required Engineering position, within a nuclear organization that will enhance his/her ability to understand the various programs and l
procedures that govern plant operation.
This understanding will l
facilitate his/her ability to review station programs for L
effectiveness, investigate events or other occurrences, identify 1
opportunities for improvement and make appropriate corrective action recommendations.
This proposed amendment will require that the SRG be staffed with at least.3 individuals with bachelor's degrees or at least 2 4
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S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
. March 3, 1998 Page 3 individuals with bachelor's degrees in addition to a person with the above qualifications.
The meanings of the terms ' professional level experience' and
' nuclear ~ experienceare equivalent to the terms ' experience' and
' nuclear power plant-experience, respectively,-as defined in ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978 as applied to the qualifications of the SRG personnel.
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i No Significant Hazards Considerations l
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S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 3, 1998 Page 1 No Significant Hazards Considerations As required by 10CFR 50.91, this analysis is provided to determine whether the requested amendment involves significant hazards considerations, as defined by 10CFR 50.92.
An amendment request involves no significant hazards considerations if operation of the facility in accordance with the requested amendment would not: 1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or 2) Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or 3) Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.
Criterion 1 - Would operation of the facility in accordance with the requested amendment involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?
The proposed amendment only changes administrative requirements related to personnel qualifications in the SRG, an oversight group.
The expectation is that any activities performed by an individual who meets the new qualification requirements would be performed at the same level of quality as an individual who meets the current qualifications.
Additionally, changing qualification requirements for an individual who primarily performs an oversight function will not have any direct effect on the design or operation of any plant structures, systems or components.
Consequently, this proposed amendment would not have any effect on the probability or consequences of any previously evaluated accidents.
Criterion 2 - Will operation of the facility in accordance with the requested amendment create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated?
The proposed amendment only changes administrative requirements related to personnel qualifications in the SRG, an oversight group.
The expectation is that any activities performed by an individual who meets the new qualification requirements would be performed at the same level of quality as an individual who meets the current qualifications.
Additionally, changing qualification requirements for an individual who primarily performs an oversight function will not have any direct effect on the design or operation of any plant structures, systems or components.
Consequently, this proposed amendment would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
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S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 3, 1998 Page 2 Criterion 3 - Will operation of the facility in accordance with the requested amendment involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety?
The changes contained in the requested amendments are administrative in nature.
These changes only impact requirements on personnel qualifications for one of the required five individuals in the SRG which is an oversight group.
As such, changes to the personnel qualification requirements will have no impact on the design or operation of any plant structures, systems or components.
Thus, implementing these new personnel qualifications will have no effect on the margin of safety.
Environmental Assessment s
d.S.hiuclearRegulatoryCommission March 3, 1998 Page 1 Environmental Assessment Pursuant _to 10CFR 51.22(b), an evaluation of this license amendment request has been performed to determine whether or not it meets the criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10CFR 51.22 of the regulations.
Since the provisions of the requested amendment only involve changes to administrative procedures or requirements, the requested mmendment meets the criteria contained in 10CFR 51.22 (c) (10) (ii) for categorical exclusion and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not required.
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