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Proposed Revised Improved Tech Specs,Implementing W Fuel as Described in TRs DPC-NE-2009P & DPC-NE-2009
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, Catawba, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/1998
Shared Package
ML20138K462 List:
NUDOCS 9807290337
Download: ML20236U153 (76)


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i I

I r

I i

Attachment la Revised Improved Technical Specifications for McGuire Unit 1 I


1 l

l i

L f

9007290337 930722 DR ADOCK 05000369.

p i


I SLs 2.0 1



M-65 24 ssp e 2400 psio.

b630 2280 psio O

b O 620 C

2103 pslo 610 N

1945 i>sia 603 590 ACCEPTABLE OPERA 110N g

OD O.2 0.4 04 0.8 1D 1S Fraction of Rated 1hermot Power 9

Figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

i Four Loops in Operation McGuire Unit 1 2.0-2 5/20/97 i





Extrapolate F"q(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F"g(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"q(X,Y,Z)cxnmune 1 F (X,Y,Z)*cxnwouno, q

and (X.Y.Z)rxuwouno >


(X,Y,Z)*cxumano (X,Y,Z)*


wr@,aO IncreaseF$(X,Y,Z)gy factor &


sp.AMi,c( ;g M(X,Y,Z)geverify Fq(X,Y,Z) s and 4g Fh

or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at whigh F$(X,Y,Z) sFh(X,Y,Z) is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of Fy(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify FQ(X,Y,Z) s F (X,Y,Z)T.

Once within n

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving i

equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 1 10' RTP, the 4

THERMAL POWER at which F"q(X,Y,Z) was last verified AND 31 EFPD a

thereafter (continued)

McGuire Unit 1 3.2-4 5/20/97 L

Fe(X,Y,Z) 3.2.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) i i




Extrapolate F$(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD b yond the most recent measurement. If F (X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 E PD extrapout:on indicates:

F((X A,Z)meno 2 Fh(X,Y,Z)'"cxtwourco, and f_%(h(X,Y,Z)RPS (X.Y.Z)rxtwoutco >


F (X,Y,Z)"S F

exrwourto tk yprefrM p then:

4 a. Increase F$(X,Y,Z) gy @ factor dED verify F (X,Y,Z) s ffe 4 :n

)@3 n

Me cocA b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F (X,Y,Z) s F (X,Y,Z)RPS is extrapolated to n

not be met.


Extrapolation of FE(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify F%(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)"S.

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium l

conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F$(X,Y,Z)was last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter McGuire Unit 1 3.2-5 S/20/97

Fag (X,Y) 3.2.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIRF.MENTS (continued)




Extrapolate F$g(X,Y) using at least t

two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

IfF7H(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F$H(X,Y)muaouno 1 FkH(X,Y)"Vmauuma and i


> E gfX Y)

F n(X,Y)SURV Fhn(X,Y)"Yunnamo i

hhropriyQ then:

Increase Fh(X,Y) by @ factor @


F!n(X,Y)(reverify Fh(X,Y) s grec;0:ed in an

or 6+ CodL b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Fh(X,Y) s F!u(X,1)"Y is extrapolated to not be net.

I 2.

Extrapolation of Fh(X,Y) is not required for the initial flux map L

taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify F5(X,Y) s F[n(X,Y)SURV.

Once within 12 l

hours after achieving equilibrium conditions after I

exceeding, by 2 10*. RTP, the


l THERMAL POWER at which F1(X,Y) was last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter McGuire Unit 1 3.2-9 S/20/97 l


I Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location The McGuire Nuclear Station site is located at latitude 35 degrees, 25 minutes, 59 seconds north and longitude 80 degrees, 56 minutes, 55 seconds. west. The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid Coordinates are E 504, 669, 256, and N 3, 920, 870, 471. The site is in northwestern Mecklenburg County, North Carolina,17 miles north-northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina.

4.2 Reactor Core

Hy 7-. l R L O
  • f 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies gg40J


The reactor shall contain 19 fue1 assemblies.

ach assembly shall consist of a matrix of Zircalloy fuel r s with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched ranium dioxid 0) 2 as fuel material. Limited substitutions of irconium al y or stainless steal filler rods for fuel rods, in accordance approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

l Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlim' ting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies. The control material shall be silver indium cadmium as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality l The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be


maintained with:


McGuire Unit 1 4.0-1 5/20/97

Reporting Requirements 1


5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) 8.

DPC-NE-3002A, Through Rev. 2 "FSAR Chapter 15 System Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated April 26, 1996.


DPC-NE-3000P-A, Rev.1 " Thermal-Hydraulic Transient


Analysis Methodology," SER dated December 27, 1995.

l i


DPC-NE-1004A, Rev.1, " Nuclear Design Methodology UsingCASM0-3/ SIMULATE-3P,"SERdatedApril 26, 1996.


DPC-NE-2004P-A, Rev.1, " Duke Power Company McGuire l

and Catawba Nuclear Stations Core Thermal-Hydraulic Methodology using VIPRE-01," SER dated February 20, 1997 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2001P-A, Rev. 1. " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for Mark-BW fuel," October 1990 (DPC Proprietary)..

i 13.

DPC-NE-2005P-A, Rev.1, " Thermal Hydraulic Statistical Core Design Methodology," SER dated November 7, 1996 s

(DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2008P-A, " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology Using TACO 3," SER dated April 3,1995 (DPC Proprietary).


BAW-10183P-A, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, July,1995.

l The core operating (e.mits shall be determined such that all li c.

applicable limits g., fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transier.t analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplement';,

shall. be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle tr, the NRC.


OPc-NE - Ami - PS, " NL ho<se Fu( Tem;+;.n 3

keer t,

  • 56A dated

( OPc Proprie 3

i (continued)


McGuirebnit1 5.0-29 11/4/97



B 3.2.1 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued)

REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these regions.

This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may F5(quire that more frequent surveillance be performed.X,Y,Z) is ev!

re If transient limit, I(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the an evaluation is required to account for


any increase to F I

Fo(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required l

Fo(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its I

operational and RPS limits. Two extrapolations are i

performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to exceed its limit prior to the next performance of the SR.

l 2.

The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits.

If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken. These actions are to meet pec.*htp ' '1 the Fa(X limit with the last F5(X,Y,Z) increased by N

2 facto f 1.0 or to evaluate Fo(X,Y,Z) prior to the P/.'e/4 N g/.

projecte p int in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These m

alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fo(X,Y,Z) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data. F5(X,Y,Z) i (continued) i McGuire Unit 1 B 3.2-11 5/20/97 I

I F g(X,Y) d3.2.2





The first extrapolation determines whether the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.

I 2.

The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfanarable, i.e., if the MICg,g extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolate "N

l limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become

  • d l

larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the mea red factor is of the current limit, additiopal action mtisit be p g//"/ "k taken.

These actions are to meet the Fan (

t with Om last rp(x,T) Increased b y factor or to a X,Y) prior to the point in time when the evaluate r extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated 1imits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent F,aw(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant period l

l of time without detection using the best available data.

FE(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline measurement for future trending ~.

F1(X,Y) is. verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that F5(X,Y) is i

within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor the change of power distribution with core burnup. The Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the results of Fh(X,Y) evaluations.

l 1


McGuire Unit 1 B 3.2-22 5/20/97.


Attachraent ib Revi8ed Improved Technical specifications for McGuire Unit 2 l

i i


SLs 2.0 670 00 NOT OPERATE IN THIS AREA 660 se es-2455 psio k

2400 psia b630 2280 pslo a

b t-O 620 2100 psia 610 1945 psia 600 590 ACCEPTABLE OPERA 110N 33g on 0.2 0.4 04 0.8 1a 1.2 Fraction of Roted Thermal Power l

Figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation McGuire Unit 2 2.0-2 5/20/97




H 1.

Extrapolate F (X,Y,Z) using at least g

two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If NFo(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

Fy(X,Y,Z)cxuwoun 2 F (X,Y,Z)*cxamun, 5

n and E((X.Y.Z)nnwous (X.Y.Z)

F((X,Y,Z)*cxnwous F (X,Y,Z)*



<- afpr*PrAg M

Increase F (X,Y,Z) gy$ factor 8 a.

gverify F (X,Y,Z) s Q uiQt.d la n



-%e col 2 b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F (X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)* is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of Fy(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

N Verify F [y,y,7) s p (y,y,7)@.

Once within q

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F$(X,Y,Z)was last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter (continued)

McGuire Unit 2 3.2-4 S/20/97

1 Fe(X,Y,Z) 3.2.1 l






N Extrapolate F (X,Y,Z) using at least 1.

g two measurements to 31 EFPD b yond the most recent measurement. If F (X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 E PD extrapolation indicates:

F%(X,Y,Z)namum 2 Fh(X,Y,Z)"'cxmeous, and fj(X.Y.Z)

(X.Y.Z)namurco F (X,Y,Z)RPS F (5,Y,Z)RPS EKu m uTED


  • Y then:


IcreaseFj(X,Y,Z)Mby@ factor 8 a.

F (X,Y,Z)geverify F (X,Y,Z) s and

.5fa 9.

3; or

  • '^

q 46e col ((


Repeat SR prior to the timeatwhichF$(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)RPS is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F%(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

l Verify F"g(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)RPS.

Once within j

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium i

l conditions I

after l

exceeding, by 2 10fs RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which l

l F"g(X,Y,Z) was j

l last verified l

l AND 31 EFPD thereafter McGuire Unit 2 3.2-5 5/20/97 I







Extrapolate F7g(X,Y) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD bey nd the most recent measurement.

If F g(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFP extrapolation indicates:

F$g(X,Y)anmum :t FhH(X,Y)N I

umme and j

fig (X.Y)rxmme

> fig (X.Y) es FC (X,Y)SURY Fig (X,Y)SURY

  • ffropr.*.&


Increase F5(X,Y) by Bfactor$


.seeEl n.i in Ah,"y")!uiv*.**o"r fy F (X,Y) s de (c)LR b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F1(X,Y) s F!n(X,Y)SURV is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F1(X,Y) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Yerify F1(X,Y) s Fln(X,Y)SURY.

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions I

after j

exceeding, by :t l

10% RTP, the I

THERNAL POWER at which F1(X,Y) was I

last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter McGuire Unit 2 3.2-9 5/20/97

1 l

Design f.eatures l

4.0 l

i l


4.1 Site Location The McGuire Nuclear Station site is located at latitude 35 degrees, 25 minutes, 59 seconds north and longitude 80 degrees, 56 minutes, 55 seconds west. The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid Coordinates are E 504, 669, 256, and N 3, 920, 870, 471. The site is in northwestern Mecklenburg County, North Carolina,17 miles north-northwest of I

Charlotte, North Carolina.

4.2 Reactor Core m

I 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies Z jRLO,"


The reactor shall contain 19 fuel assemblies.

ch assembly shall consist of a matrix of Zircalloy fuel r s with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched ranium dioxid UO )


2 as fuel material. Limited substitutions of zirconium all y;or stainless steel filler rods for fuel rods, in accordance approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies. The control material shall be silver indium cadmium and boron carbide as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

l l


McGuire Unit 2 4.0-1 5/20/97 i

L ___________

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) 8.

DPC-NE-3002A, Through Rev. 2 *FSAR Chapter 15 System Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated April 26, 1996.


DPC-NE-3000P-A, Rev.1 " Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated December 27, 1995.

l 10.

DPC-NE-1004A, Rev. 1, " Nuclear Design Methodology UsingCASM0-3/ SIMULATE-3P,"SERdatedApril 26, 1996.


DPC-NE-2004P-A, Rev.1, " Duke Power Company McGuire l

and Catawba Nuclear Stations Core Thermal-Hydraulic Methodology using VIPRE-01," SER dated February 20, 1997 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2001P-A, Rev.1. " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for Mark-BW fuel," October 1990 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2005P-A, Rev.1, " Thermal Hydraulic Statistical Core Design Methodology," SER dated November 7,1996 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2008P-A, " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology Using TAC 03," SER dated April 3,1995 (DPC Proprietary).


BAW-10183P-A, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, July,1995.

l The core operating (e.mits shall be determined such that all li c.

applicable limits g., fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core' Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the NRC.


9tc -NE - ; tom - P/}, " we.s G k n e Fal Te l4;m 3

&- r t, *

,$ Q dad e<(


r-& Ax1 (continued)

McGuireUnit2 5.0-29 11/4/97


B 3.2.1 BASES SURVEILLANCE 3R and (continued)

REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these regions.

This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may require that more frequent surveillance be performed.

If MFg(X,Y,Z) is evaluated and found to be within the applicable transient limit, an evaluation is required to account for any increase to F5(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the Fn(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fo(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits. Two extrapolations are performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel fat.b.- is likely to j

exceed its limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits.

If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit,

///c Of'.

additional actions must be taken. These actions are to neet the Fo(X,Y mit with the last F!(X,Y,Z) increased by gh6M factor ~ _ 1_. 02 or to evaluate Fo(X,Y,Z) prior to the M3 Y

projected point in time when the extrapolated values are 9fMN expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These l

alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fo(X,Y,Z) from l

exceeding its limit for any significant period of time M

j without detection using the best available data. Fo(X,Y,Z)


McGuire Unit 2 B 3.2-11 5/20/97

Fay (X,Y)

B 3.2.2 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


The first extrapolation determines whether the i

measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions mus

  • N


the last Fh(X,Y) increased by taken. Thaceactions are to me t the F7s X 1

i with

/,"N f

actor 1.0, or to yM evaluate Fin (X,Y) prior to the point in when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent F7s(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data.

Fan (X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline measurement for future trending.

F7n(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after l

achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that F7a(X,Y) is within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor the change of power distribution with core burnup. The Surveillance y be done more frequently if required by the results of F7u X,Y) evaluations.

(continued) l McGuire Unit 2 B 3.2-22 5/20/97

. c Revised Improved Technical Specifications for Catawba Unit 1 1

i l

l l

l l

SLs 2.0 l

t I

1 670 l


l AE mPs f

6s0 l

2455pdo A

640 2400 pda l

l C@



  • v a

b-l b 620 T

e l

2l00 pda 610 i945 pda l

l 6o3 590 1-t l-ACCEPTABLE OPERATK)N l

580 OD O.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ID

. 1.2 Fraction of Roted Thermal Power Figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation Catawba Unit 1 2.0-2 5/20/97.

1 a





Extrapolate F$(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F5(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

FE(X,Y,Z)criamurto 2 F((X,Y,Z)oPEx

tro, and i

E"n(X.Y.Z1 E{(X.Y.Zhxtamurto>

Fh(X,Y,Z)OP p yy OP


yopra then:

Increase FE(X,Y,Z) M(X,Y,Z) s by@ factor d2D a.

gp(X,Y,Z)OP; or and reverify Fg 6 fed &d.'A F n



Repeat SR prior to the timeatwhichFj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)OP is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F$(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)0P.

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER i

at which l

FS(X,Y,Z)was last verified ME 31 EFPD thereafter (continued)

Catawba Unit 1 3.2-4 5/20/97

4 Y







Extrapolate F"g(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement. If F"o(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD l

extrapolation indicates:


F (X,Y,Z)tramune 2 Fh(X,Y,Z)"'cxumurco, I

M g

and i

N E"n(X.Y. Z)

Eg(X.Y.Z)rramuno F (X,Y,Z)RPS f (X,Y,Z)RPS n

trumutto q


4 h T F ah l

N Increase F (X,Y,Z) byhfactorg a.

g and reverify F (X,Y,Z) s fgec1 #;ed its F X,Y,Z)RPS; or q

ne <d

b. Repeat SR prior to the 1

timeatwhichF"(X,Y,Z) l s Fh(X,Y,Z)RPS is extrapolated to not be met.

M 2.

Extrapolation of F (X,Y,Z) is not n

required for the initial flux map I

taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.


Verify F (X,Y,Z) s F((X,Y,Z)RPS.

Once within


n 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 1054 RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F"n(X,Y,Z) was last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter Catawba Unit 1 3.2-5 S/20/97

---.---_m-Fay (X,Y) 3.2.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)




Extrapolate Fjg(X,Y) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the M

most recent measurement.

IfFag(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:


F ay(X,Y)txrwourto 2 F g(X,Y)SURV 3

tuma and E"ag(X.YIrxrwourto

> Eag(X.Y)

M F ay(X,Y)SURV, pl [x,y)SURV l

4 yrepr3 then:

Increase F7u(X,Y) by @ factor $


qed-fied iA

,y)juRV an or

& caA b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F7u(X,Y) s FL(X,Y)$URV is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F7a(X,Y) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify F7u(X,Y) s FL(X,Y)SURY.

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER l

at which l

F7a(X,Y) was last verified AE 31 EFPD thereafter j

l Catawba Unit 1 3.2 9 5/20/97 j


Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location Catawba Nuclear Station is located in the north central portion of South Carolina approximately six miles north of Rock Hill and adjacent to Lake Wylie. The station center is located at latitude 35 degrees,-3 ' minutes, 5 seconds north and longitude 81 degrees, 4 minutes,10 seconds west.

The corresponding Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates are E 493, 660 and N 3, 878, 558, zone 17.

4.2 Reactor Core g

. % er 2./ M #

4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies w

Z/#LO i

The reactor shall contain 19 fuel assemblies, ch assembly shall consist of a matrix of ircalloy fuel r s with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched ranium dioxid 0) 2 as fuel material. Limited substitutions of zirconium all )or stainless steel filler rods for fuel rods, in accordance h

approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies. The control material shall be silver indium cadmium and boron carbide as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage l-4.3.1 Criticality i

l The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:


Catawba Unit 1 4.0-1

/20/97 1

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) 15.

BAW-10183P, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, May 1994.


The core operating limits shall be determined such 1 Pat all applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal mechanical ilmits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the NRC.

5.6.6 Veritilation Systems Heater Report When a report is required by LC0 3.6.10. " Annulus Ventilation System (AVS)," LCO 3.7.10. " Control Room Area Ventilation System (CRAVS)," LC0 3.7.12, Aaxiliary Building Filtered Ventilation Exhaust System (ABFVES)," LC0 3.7.13. " Fuel Handling Ventilation F:chaust System (FHVES)," or LCO 3.9.3, " Containment Penetrations,"

a report shall be submitted within the following 30 days. The report shall outline the reason for the inoperability and the planned actions to return the systems to OPERABLE status.

5.6.7 PAM Reoort When a report is required by LC0 3.3.3, " Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation," a report shall be submitted within the following 14 days. The report shall outline the preplanned alternate method of monitoring, the cause of the inoperability, and the plans and schedule for restoring the instrumentation channels of the Function to OPERABLE status.

5.6.8 Steam Generator Tube Insoection Report The number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be a.

reported to the NRC within 15 days following completion of the p 14.

PPc-rJE - ace -- Pg " wo g, f,j % 'g. Pp, S SEA daied

( pre spc;g)


Catawba Unit 1 5.0-30 5/20/97


B 3.2.1 BASES I

i l

SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued)


l l

the 'ifficulty of making a precise measurement in these re,..ns.

This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may F5(quire that more frequent surveillance be perfonned.X,Y,Z re If transient limit, an evaluation is required to account for anyincreasetoF5(X,Y,Z)thatmayoccurandcausethe F;(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fo(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits. Two extrapolations are performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to exceed its Ilmit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

f Each of these extrapolations is applied se)arately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot ciannel factor limits. If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated o

limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, 5(,# # I'1 additional actions must be taken. These actions are to see FX imit with the last F5(X,Y,Z) increased by M

j CN factor f 1.0 or to evaluate Fo(X,Y,Z) prior to the Vt,w,', h Yg projecte p int in time when the extrapolated values are Ls expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fe(X,Y,Z) from l

exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data. F5(X,Y,Z) t (continued)

Catawba Unit 1 B 3.2-11 5/20/97


i Fay (X,Y)

B 3.2.2 l



The first extrapolation detenmines whether the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likel'y to arceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation detemines whether, prior to the next perfomance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be fj taken. These actions are to meat the F%(X.Y) _ limit If** OM Ke_ cc/f4 evaluate FL(X,Y) prior to the p)oint in(6f 1.0p r to the last F)(X,Y) increased DyTg factor

/r /(c u - mien the Co4L extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent F5(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant perioJ of time without detection using the best available data.

IL(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline measurement l

for future trending.

F5(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that FL(X,Y) is within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor I

the change of power distribution with core burnup. The j

Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the results of F%(X,Y) evaluations.

l l


Catawba Unit 1 B 3.2-22 5/20/97

I d l.

Revised Improved Technical Specifications for Catawba Unit 2 t

i er l

1 l

i I

i l



660 6?SIA

.g19 650 2455 psia p

640 2400 psia b630 22aops6a t


3 620 2100 psia 610 1945 psio 6CD.

590 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION 580 O.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 OA ID

,1.2 F$cctkm of Roted Thermal Power l

Figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation Catawba Unit 2 2.0-2 5/20/97 l





Extrapolate F"n(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent meast.1!aent.

If F"o(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"q(X,Y,Z)anwoue 2 Fh(X,Y,Z)*anwoue, and

$(X.Y.Z)rrnwoue f"n(X.Y.7)



anwoun q



  • - T M F Increase F$(X,Y,Z) "by # factor g a.

pF (X,Y,Z)*; or and reverify F (X,Y,Z) s q

ac 4,d 5(b q

b. Repeat SR prior to the timeatwhichF"q(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)* is extrapolated to I

not be met.


Extrapolation of F"q(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Yerify F"q(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)#.

Once within J

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F"n(X,Y,Z) was l

l hst verified l

AND 31 EFPD thereafter (continued)

Catawba Unit 2 3.2_4 5/20/97 D

Fe(X,Y,Z) 3.2.1 i





Extrapolate F"q(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD be most recent measurement. If F$ yond the (X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"g ;X,Y,Z)anmun 2 F((X,Y,Z)"'anmum, ar d L"q(X.Y.Z)nnwun E"e (X.Y.Z) f F((X,Y,Z)"S F (X,Y,Z)"5 anmun then:


  • - TfcfM ase Fj(X,Y,Z) bygfactor8 a.

4 and reverify F"q(X,Y,Z) s


3 fe c' D

  • d 'A F X,Y,Z)"S; or 1
4. cole-
b. Repeat SR prior to the 1

time at which F"q(X,Y,Z)

I not(bemet.s F (X,Y,Z)"5 is extrapolated to 2.

Extrapolation of F$(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux lap taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

i Verify F (X,Y,Z) s F((X,Y,Z)"S.

Once within q

l 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after l

achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 l

10% RTP, the l

THERMAL POWER at which F"n(X,Y,Z) was last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter Catawba Unit 2 3.2-5 5/20/97 A





ExtrapolateFjg(X,Y)usingatleast two measurements to 31 EFPD b nd the most recent measurement.

.If g(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFP extrapolation indicates:

Fjg(X,Y)mwoue 2 FhH(X'y)sURV and Ejg(X.Y)rnwous


Fhg(X,Y)sURV pt (x,y)SURV then:

  • YP Increase F1(X,Y) by factor $


" and reverify F1(X,Y) s geJ,4 A '

Fm(X,Y) URy; or

.% e coLR b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F1(X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)SURV is extrapolated to not be met.



Extrapolation of F,(X,Y) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify F1(X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)SURV.

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 1 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F1(X,Y) was last verified AND I

31 EFPD l

thereafter I

l Catawba Unit 2 3.2-9 5/20/97 i

Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location Catawba Nuclear Station is located in the north central portion of South Carolina approximately six miles north of Rock Hill and adjacent to Lake Wylie. The station center is located at latitude 35 degrees, 3 minutes, 5 seconds north and longitude 81 degrees, 4 minutes, 10 seconds west.

The corresponding Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates are E 493, 660 and N 3, 878, 558, zone 17.

4.2 Reactor Core TM h;4ker Z l A L D 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies 2.lR[

The reactor shall contain 19 fuel assemblies. Each a l

shall consist of a matrix of f rcalloy fuel ro an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched anium dioxi


as fuel material. Limite.d substitutions of frconium a oyjor l

stainless steel filler rods for fuel rods, in accordan approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be with(

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have r


been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods l

and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A Ilmited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies. The control material shall be silver indium cadmium and boron carbide as approved by the NRC.

1 4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be i

maintained with:


Catawba Unit 2 4.0-1 5/20/97 i

l Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) i 15.

WI-10183P, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, May 1994.

The core operating (e.mits shall be detemined such that all li c.

applicable limits g., fuel thermai mechanical limits, core themal h (ECCS)ydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling limits, nuclear lisits such as SDM, transient I

analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety I

analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the



5.6.6 Ventilation Systems Heater ReDort


l When a report is required by LCO 3.6.10. " Annulus Ventilation System (AVS)," LCO 3.7.10. " Control Room Area Ventilation System (CRAVS) " LCO 3.7.12. Auxiliary Building Filtered Ventilation Exhaust System (ABFVES)," LCO 3.7.13. " Fuel Handling Ventilation Exhaust System (FHVES)," or LC0 3.9.3, " Containment Penetrations,"

a report shall be submitted within the following 30 days. The report shall outline the reason for the inoperability and the planned actions to return the systems to OPERABLE status.

5.6.7 PAM ReDort When a report is required by LCO 3.3.3, " Post Accident Monitoring (PAM)

Instrumentation," a report shall be submitted within the following 14 days. The report shall outline the preplanned alternate method of monitoring, the cause of the inoperability, f

and the plans and schedule for restoring the instrumentation channels of the Function to OPERABLE status.

5.6.8 Steam Generator Tube InsDection ReDort a.

The number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the NRC within 15 days following completion of the program; l(,.

PPc - rJE 300'1 VA, %%%}wre Ful %,, s:,;,,

L peri l M R clcCGid (DK Lpde g N-Mcodti11ued Catawba Unit 2 5.0-30 5/2v/97 l


B 3.2.1 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued)

REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these l


i This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may F5(quire that more frequent surveillance be perfomed.X,Y,Z) is re If J

I an evaluation is required to account for I

transient limit, 5(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the any increase to F


Fe(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fe(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux


hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement i

is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits. Two extrapolations are perfomed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation detemines whether the l

measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to l

exceed its limit prior to the next perfomance of the SR.


The second extrapolation detemines whether, prior to j

the next perfomance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits. If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, 5 d red M additional actions must be taken. These actions are to meet i k the Fe(X,Y,2L limit with the last F$(X,Y,Z) increased by apup4 l

. cc4 factor f 1.0 or to evaluate Fo(X,Y,Z) prior to the l

project int in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These l

alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fe(X,Y,Z) from t

exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data. F5(X,Y,Z)

I (continued)

Catawba Unit 2 B 3.2-11 5/20/97

1 Fg(X,Y) iB 3.2.2 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


The first extrapolation detemines whether the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next perfomance of the SR.


The second extrapolation detemines whether, prior to the next perfomance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a d"-

larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current if ait, additional actions must b W

taken. Thaa ac+ianc are to meet the F"JX.Y) limi CcL8 O cfffMS last F" X,Y prior to the@ point in increased tiy facto of 1.02 or to evaluate

,X,Y en the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated 1

limits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent


F"a(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data.

F"u(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline measurement for future trending.

F",(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that F"(X,Y) is within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frecuency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor the change of power distribution with core burnup. The Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the l

results of F",(X,Y) evaluations.

I l

l (continued) l Catawba Unit 2 B 3.2-22 5/20/97 a

Reprinted Improved Technical Specifications for McGuire Unit 1 1

l l


l l

l l

l i

1 1

1 I

i l

I i

i i


SLs 2.0 670 DO NOT OPERATE IN THIS AREA 660 650 640 2400 psia b630 2280 pslo a

b en O 620 2100 psic; 610 1945 pslo 600 i

l 4

590 l



g 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Fraction of Roted Thermal Power figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation McGuire Unit 1 2.0-2 l





Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F"(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 nEFPD extrapolation indicates:

F5(X,Y,Z)tarR4potarto a Fh(X,Y,Z) PEXTRAP0 TARED,

and F5(X.Y.Zirxia4potarco

> EMX.Y.Z)

Fh(X, Y,Z) "mpe FMX,Y,Z) '



Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) "; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F5(X,Y,Z) s F4(X,Y,Z) " is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F5(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) P.

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the J

THERMAL POWER at which l

l-F5(X,Y,Z) was l

last verified i



31 EFPD thereafter (continued)

McGuire Unit 1 3.2-4





Extrapolate Fl(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement. If Fl(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

Fl( X, Y, Z ) tx1a4potarto 2 Fh ( X, Y, Z)'"ExinApotAtco,

and fj(X.Y. Z)rxinApotArto Ej f X.Y.Z)

Fh (X, Y, Z)""S Fh(X, Y, Z)""5 cxrn4potarto then:

i a.

Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the


appropriate factor specified in j

the COLR and reverify Fj(X,Y,Z) s


Fh(X, Y, Z)""5; e b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)RPS is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F5(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

l Once within l

Verify Fl(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""5 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after I

achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which Fl(X,Y,Z) was last verified bD 31 EFPD thereafter l

McGuire Unit 1 3.2-5

F n(X,Y) j i

3.2.2 l




Extrapolate F",(X,Y) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F"n(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"n(X,Y)cxia4potArco 2 Fin (X,Y) sunEXTRAP0tATED and ap (X. Y ) rxrnagotArco

> fin (X.Y)

Fin ( X, Y) sun,,,,,gL,,L, ptin (X, Y) 5""

E then:


Increase Ffn(X,Y) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify Ffn(X,Y) s Fin (X,Y) sun; op b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Ffn(X,Y) s Fin (X,Y) sun is extrapolated to not be met.

1 2.

Extrapolation of fin (X,Y) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify Ffn(X,Y) s F}n(X,Y)su".

Or.ce within 12 tours after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which Ffn(X,Y) was last verified MQ 31 EFPD thereafter 1

McGuire Unit 1 3.2-9


i I

l 1

Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location i

The McGuire Nuclear Station site is located at latitude 35 degrees, 25 l

minutes, 59 seconds north and longitude 80 degrees, 56 minutes, 55 l

seconds west. The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid Coordinates are E l

504, 669, 256, and N 3, 920, 870, 471. The site is in northwestern Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 17 miles north-northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina.

l 4.2 Reactor Core 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies The reactor shall contain 193 fuel assemblies. Each assembly shall consist of a matrix of either ZIRLO* or Zircalloy fuel rods l

f with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched uranium dioxide (U0 ) as fuel material. Limited substitutions of 2

ZIRLO*, zirconium alloy, or stainless steel filler rods for fuel l

rods, in accordance with approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuei designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies.

The control material shall be silver indium cadmium as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

(continued) l McGuire Unit 1 4.0-1

Repcrting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) 8.

DPC-NE-3002A, Through Rev. 2 "FSAR Chapter 15 System Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated April 26,1996.


DPC-NE-3000P-A, Rev.1 " Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated December 27, 1995.


DPC-NE-1004A, Rev.1, " Nuclear Design Methodology Using CASM0-3/ SIMULATE-3P," SER dated April 26, 1996.


DPC-NE-2004P-A, Rev. 1, " Duke Power Company McGuire and Catawba Nuclear Stations Core Thermal-Hydraulic Methodo'ogy using VIPRE-01," SER dated February 20, 1997 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2001P-A, Rev.1, " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for Mark-BW fuel," October 1990 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2005P-A, Rev.1, " Thermal Hydraulic Statistical Core Design Methodology," SER dated November 7,1996 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2008P-A, " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology Using TAC 03," SER dated April 3,1995 (DPC Proprietary).


BAW-10183P-A, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, July, 1995.


DPC-NE-2009-PA, " Westinghouse Fuel Transition Report," SER dated

, (DPC Proprietary).


The core operating limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits (e.g. ' fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the NRC.

(continued) l McGuire Unit 1 5.0-29 l

f Fa(X,Y,Z)

B 3.2.1 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued)

REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these regions.

This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may require that more frequent surveillance be performed.

If F5(X,Y,Z) is evaluated and found to be within the applicable j

transient limit, an evaluation is required to account for l

any increase to F5(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the j

Fn(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fn(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

l In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux 1

hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement l

is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits.

Two extrapolations are performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to exceed its limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to j

the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the j

measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is 1

likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when I

the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits.

If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is


expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken.

These actions are to meet j

the Fo(X,Y,Z) limit with the last F5(X,Y,Z) increased by the


appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate j

Fn(X,Y,Z) prior to the projected point in time when the i

extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated l


These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fo(X,Y,Z) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data.


(continued) l McGuire Unit 1 B 3.2-11 j

t i


B 3.2.2 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken.

These actions are to meet the Ffn(X,Y) limit with the last Fyn(X,Y) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Ffn(X,Y) prior to the point in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits.

These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Ffn(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data.

Ffn(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline measurement for future trending.

Fyn(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that Ffn(X,Y) is within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor the change of power distribution with core burnup.

The l

Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the results of Ffn(X,Y) evaluations.

1 (continued)

McGuire Unit 1 B 3.2-22 i

Reprinted Improved Technical s ocifications for McGuire Unit 2 4


SLs i

2.0 l

l 670 00 NOT OPERATE IN THIS AREA 660 650 640 2400 psio b630 2280 pslo o

8 U 620 2100 psio


610 1945 psia 600 590 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION g

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Fraction of Roted Therrnal Power Figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation McGuire Unit 2 2.0-2 l





Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least i

two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F5(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F5(X,Y, Z)txtaApotAtto a Fh(X,Y,Z)0"tXrRAP0tATro, and I

FN X. Y. Z )<xinApotArco

> FMX.Y.Z)

Fh(X,Y,Z) "exraApotArto Fh(X,Y,Z) "



Increase Fl(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) "; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fb(X,Y,Z) " is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F5(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) ".

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER i

at which Fy(X,Y,Z) was last verified BE 31 EFPD thereafter (continued)

McGuire Unit 2 3.2-4 i


Fo(XcY,Z) l 3.2.1 j



i SR


j 1.

Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the l

most recent measurement. If F5(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F5 ( X, Y, Z ) tx1RApotArto 2 Fh ( X, Y, Z)" EXTRAPOLATED,

and Fj f X. Y. Z) rxTRApotAtto Ej(X.Y.Z) l Fh(X, Y, Z)""S qp,y,ORPS





Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X, Y, Z)""5 ; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""5 is M m # d d M not be met.


Extrapolation of F5(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""S.

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F5(X,Y,Z) was last verified h@

31 EFPD thereafter 1

McGuire Unit 2 3.2-5

t I

F n(X,Y) i i





l 1.

Extrapolate F"n(X,Y) using at least two I

measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F"n(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"a ( X, Y ) t xrnApotait o a Fin ( X, Y ) 5""'cxtexpotAre o and E"n (X. Y ) f xTRAPOUTro

> b"n(X.Y) l Fin (X,Y)suavex m po o

F (X,Y)suav then:


Increase Ffn(X,Y) by the j

appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify Ffn(X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)3uav; op

.j b.

Repeat SR prior to the j

time at which fin (X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)suav is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of Ffn(X,Y) is not I

required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify fin (X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)SU"'.

Once within 12 l

hours after I

achieving equilibrium conditions after i

exceeding, by 2 l


at which l

Ffn(X,Y) was last verified AND 31 EFPD thereafter l

McGuire Unit 2 3.2-9

Design Features 4.0 l

l 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location The McGuire Nuclear Station site is located at latitude 35 degrees, 25 minutes, 59 seconds north and longitude 80 degrees, 56 minutes, 55 seconds west.

The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid Coordinates are E 504, 669, 256, and N 3, 920, 870, 471.

The site is in northwestern i

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina,17 miles north-northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina.

l 4.2 Reactor Core 4.2.1 Evel Assemblies The reactor shall contain 193 fuel assemblies. Each assembly shall consist of a matrix of either ZIRLO" or Zircalloy fuel rods l

with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched uranium dioxide (U0,) as fuel material.

Limited substitutions of ZIRLO*, zirconium alloy, or stainless steel filler rods for fuel l

rods, in accordance with approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

2 4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies.

The control material shall be silver indium cadmium and boron carbide as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be naintained with:

(continued) l l-McGuire Unit 2 4.0-1

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) 8.

DPC-NE-3002A, Through Rev. 2 "FSAR Chapter 15 System Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated April 26,1996.


DPC-NE-3000P-A, Rev. 1 " Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis Methodology," SER dated December 27, 1995.


DPC-NE-1004A, Rev. 1, " Nuclear Design Methodology Using CASM0-3/ SIMULATE-3P," SER dated April 26, 1996.


DPC-NE-2004P-A, Rev. 1, " Duke Power Company McGuire and Catawba Nuclear Stations Core Thermal-Hydraulic Methodology using VIPRE-01," SER dated February 20, 1997 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2001P-A, Rev.1, " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for Mark-BW fuel," October 1990 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2005P-A, Rev.1, " Thermal Hydraulic Statistical Core Design Methodology," SER dated November 7,1996 (DPC Proprietary).


DPC-NE-2008P-A, " Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology Using TAC 03," SER dated April 3,1995 (DPC Proprietary).


BAW-10183P-A, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, July,1995.


DPC-NE-2009-PA, " Westinghouse Fuel Transition Report," SER dated

, (DPC Proprietary).


The core operating limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the NRC.

l (continued)

McGuire Unit 2 5.0-29


B 3.2.1 l


SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued) l REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these regions.

This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may require that more frequent surveillance be performed.

If F5(X,Y,Z) is evaluated and found to be within the applicable transient limit, an evaluation is required to account for any increase to F5(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the Fn(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fn(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits. Two extrapolations are performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to exceed its limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits.

If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken.

These actions are to meet the Fn(X,Y,Z) limit with the last F5(X,Y,Z) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Fn(X,Y,Z) prior to the projected point in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fn(X,Y,Z) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data. F5(X,Y,Z)


McGuire Unit 2 B 3.2-11


B 3.2.2 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured enthalpy risc hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot cnannel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each c' these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the erarapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken.

These actions are to meet the Ffu(X,Y) limit with the last Ffn(X,Y) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Ffn(X,Y) prior to the point in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits.

These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Ffn(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data. Ffn(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map i

establishes the baseline measurement for future trending.



Ffn(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that Ffn(X,Y) is within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor I

the change of power distribution with core burnup. The Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the l

l results of Ffn(X,Y) evaluations.


McGuire Unit 2 B 3.2-22

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c Reprinted Improved Technical Specifications for Catawba Unit 1 t


SLs 2.0 670 00 NOT OPERATE IN THIS AREA 660 650 640 2400 psio C@

L 2280 psio 9=

2100 psia 610 1945 psia 600 590 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION 580 O.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Fraction of Roted Thermal Power Figure 2.1.1-1


Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation Catawba Unit 1 2.0-2 l






Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If Fn(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

Fj(X,Y,Z)txtaapotarco a Fh(X,Y,Z) "NPMW and F" f X.Y. Z) rxianpotatto

> F"( X. Y. Z )

Fh(X,Y,Z) "tx1,,potarco Fh(X,Y,Z)0" then:


Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) P or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) " is ema#Med 2 not be nwt.


Extrapolation of F5(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) ".

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER I

at which F5(X,Y,Z) was last verified 8_NE 31 EFPD thereafter (continued)

Catawba Unit 1 3.2-4






Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement. If F"(X,Y,Z) n

.is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F5(X,Y,Z)txtaapotArco 2 Fh(X,Y,Z)'"txmpotarco, and E"(X.Y.Z)rxia4potarto

> F"(X. Y. Z)

Fh(X,Y,Z)"txtampotarto Fh(X,Y,Z)RPS then:


Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify F5(X,7,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)RP5; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""5 is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of Fj(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify Fj(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""5 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after i

exceeding, by a 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F5(X,Y,Z) was last verified e.El 31 EFPD i

thereafter I

Catawba Unit 1 3.2-5





Extrapolate FL(X,Y) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F",(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"n(X,Y)cxin4potarto 2 FL(X,Y)S""cxinapotarto and E",(X. Y ),xraxpotarco

> E"g (X. Y )

FL(X,Y)*"cxinapotArco FL(X,Y) sun then:


Increase Ffn(X,Y) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify Ffn(X,Y) s Fin (X,Y)""; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Ffn(X,Y) s Fin (X,Y)S""

is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of Ffn(X,Y) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify Ffn(X,Y) s Fin (X,Y)S"".

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by a 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER i

at which Ffn(X,Y) was last verified 31 EFPD thereafter l

Catawba Unit 1 3.2-9

Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATUkcS 4.1 Site Location Catawba Nuclear Station is located in the north central portion of South Carolina approximately six miles north of Rock Hill and adjacent to Lake Wylie.

The station center is located at latitude 35 degrees, 3 minutes, 5 seconds north and longitude 81 degrees, 4 minutes,10 seconds west.

The corresponding Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates are E 493, 660 and N 3, 878, 558, zone 17.

4.2 Reactor Core 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies The reactor shall contain 193 fuel assemblies. Each assembly shall consist of a matrix of either ZIRL0* or Zircalloy fuel rods l

with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched uranium dioxide (U0 ) as fuel material. Limited substitutions of 2

ZIRLO", zirconium alloy, or stainless steel filler rods for fuel l

rods, in accordance with approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies. The control material shall be silver indium cadmium and boron carbide as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be I

maintained with:




Catawba Unit 1 4.0-1 a

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR1 (continued) 15.

BAW-10183P-A, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, July, 1995.


DPC-NE-2009-PA, " Westinghouse Fuel Transition Report," SER dated

, (DPC Proprietary).


The core operating limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.

1 d.

The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the NRC.

J 5.6.6 Ventilation Systems Heater Reoort When a report is required by LC0 3.6.10, " Annulus Ventilation System (AVS)," LC0 3.7.10. " Control Room Area Ventilation System (CRAVS)," LC0 3.7.12 Auxiliary Building Filtered Ventilation Exhaust System (ABFVES)," LC0 3.7.13. " Fuel Handling Ventilation Exhaust System (FHVES)," or LC0 3.9.3, " Containment Penetrations,"

a report shall be submitted within the following 30 days.. The report shall outline the reason for the inoperability and the planned actions to return the systems to OPERABLE status.

1 l

5.6.7 PAM Reoort I

When a report is required by LC0 3.3.3, " Post Accident Monitoring i


Instrumentation," a report shall be submitted within the I

following 14 days.

The report shall outline the preplanned l

alternate method of monitoring, the cause of the inoperability, l

and the plans and schedule for restoring the instrumentation channels of the Function to OPERABLE status.

l 5.6.8 Steam Generator Tube Insoection Reoort a.

The number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the NRC within 15 days following completion of the program; (continued)

Catawba Unit 1 5.0-30 I


l Fo(X,Y,Z)

B 3.2.1 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued) i REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these regions.

t This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may require that more frequent surveillance be performed.

If F5(X,Y,Z) is evaluated and found to be within the applicable tr6nsient limit, an evaluation is required to account for any increase to F5(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the Fn(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fn(X,Y Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits. Two extrapolations are performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to exceed its limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits.

If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction'of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken.

These actions are to meet i

the Fn(X,Y,Z) limit with the last F5(X,Y,Z) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Fn(X,Y,Z) prior to the projected point in time when the l

extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated l


These alternative requirements attempt to prevent l

Fo(X,Y,Z) from exceeding its limit for any significant I

period of time without detection using the best available I




Catawba Unit 1 B 3.2-11


B 3.2.2 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken.

These actions are to meet the Ffu(X,Y) limit with the last Ffn(X,Y) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Ffn(X,Y) prior to the point in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits.

These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fyn(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for. any significant period of time without detection using the best available data.

Ffw(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline meas'.rient for future trending.

Ffu(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that Ffu(X,Y) is within its limit at high power levels.

The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor the change of power distribution with core burnup. The Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the results of Ffn(X,Y) evaluations.

(continued) l Catawba Unit 1 B 3.2-22 L

d Reprinted Improved Technical Specifications for Catawba Unit 2 l

1 i

1 l

l l

l h-----------







640 2<)0peo q

C nmmb tt,630 o



2100 pda I

610 1945 pda l


i i

i g

j 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 i

Eroctkx) of Roted Thermal Power l

Figure 2.1.1-1 Reactor Core Safety Limits -

Four Loops in Operation k

l Catawba Unit 2 2.0-2 u _ __







Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F"(X,Y,Z) is within limits and the 31 nEFPD extrapolation indicates:

F5(X,Y,Z)txa;,pouno 2 Fh(X,Y,Z) "NPMb and l

FM X.Y.Z) rxmpouno

> F"(X.Y.Z)

Fh(X,Y,Z) "mpum FMX,Y, Z) "



Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) "; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the I

time at which F5(X,Y,Z) s F4(X,Y,Z) " is augdMM M not be met.


Extrapolation of Fj(X,Y,Z) is not


required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z) P.

12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by 2 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which FE(X,Y,Z) was last verified l

m l

31 EFPD thereafter I

(continued) i Catawba Unit 2 3.2-4 l





Extrapolate F5(X,Y,Z) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement. If F"(X,Y,Z) q is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F5(X,Y,Z)cxiRAP0tArto 2 Fh(X,Y,Z)"'EATRAPOLAffD, and F"(X. Y. Z) rxrRAPOLArED> FMX. Y.Z)

Fh(X, Y, Z)""5 FMX,YZRP5 mpaw thei;-


Increase F5(X,Y,Z) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X, Y, Z)""5 ; or b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""5 is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of F5(X,Y,Z) is not required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Once within Verify F5(X,Y,Z) s Fh(X,Y,Z)""5 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by >

10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which F5(X,Y,Z) was last verified 1

hM 31 EFPD thereafter Catawba Unit 2 3.2-5

F n(X,Y) i 3.2.2 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)




Extrapolate F"n(X,Y) using at least two measurements to 31 EFPD beyond the most recent measurement.

If F"n(X,Y) is within limits and the 31 EFPD extrapolation indicates:

F"n(X,Y)cxraApotArco 2 Fin (X,Y)5""cirnagotArco and EL(X.Y ) EXTRAPOLATED > E g(X.Y)

Fin (X,Y) sun Fin (X, Y)5""



Increase Ffn(X,Y) by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR and reverify Ffn(X,Y) s Fh(X,Y) sun; op b.

Repeat SR prior to the time at which Ffn(X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)5""

is extrapolated to not be met.


Extrapolation of Ffn(X,Y) is not i

required for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions.

Verify Ffn(X,Y) s Fh(X,Y)su".

Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after achieving equilibrium conditions after exceeding, by a 10% RTP, the THERMAL POWER at which fin (X,Y) was last verified E

l 31 EFPD thereafter l

Catawba Unit 2 3.2-9 l

Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location Catawba Nuclear Station is located in the north central portion of South Carolina approximately six miles north of Rock Hill and adjacent to Lake Wylie. The station center is located at latitude 35 degrees, 3 minutes, 5 seconds north and longitude 81 degrees, 4 minutes, 10 seconds west.

The corresponding Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates are E 493, 660 and N 3, 878, 558, zone 17.

4.2 Reactor Cora 4.2.1 Fuel Assemblies The reactor shall contain 193 fuel assemblics.

Each assembly shall consist of a matrix of either ZIRLO" or Zircalloy fuel rods l

with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched uranium dioxide (U0 ) as fuel material.

Limited substitutions of 2

ZIRLO", zirconium alloy, or stainless steel filler rods for fuel l

rods, in accordance with approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used.

Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs that have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff approved codes and methods and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in nonlimiting core regions.

4.2.2 Control Rod Assemblies The reactor core shall contain 53 control rod assemblies.

The control material shall be silver indium cadmium and boron carbide as approved by the NRC.

4.3 Fuel Storage i

4.3.1 Criticality

{ The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:


Catawba Unit 2 4.0-1 l




Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)

(continued) 15.

BAW-10183P-A, Fuel Rod Gas Pressure Criterion, B&W Fuel Company, July, 1995.


DPC-NE-2009-PA, " Westinghouse Fuel Transition Report," SER dated

, (DPC Proprietary).


The core operating limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SDM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met.


The COLR, including any midcycle revisions or supplements, shall be provided upon issuance for each reload cycle to the NRC.

5.6.6 Ventilation Systems Heater Reoort When a report is required by LC0 3.6.10, " Annulus Ventilation System (AVS)," LC0 3.7.10 " Control Room Area Ventilation System (CRAVS)," LC0 3.7.12 Auxiliary Building Filtered Ventilation Exhaust System (ABFVES)," LC0 3.7.13. " Fuel Handling Ventilation Exhaust System.(FHVES)," or LC0 3.9.3, " Containment Penetrations,"

a report shall be submitted within the following 30 days. The l

report shall outline the reason for the inoperability and the planned actions to return the systems to OPERABLE status.

5.6.7 PAM Reoort When a report is required by LC0 3.3.3, " Post Accident Monitoring (PAM)

Instrumentation," a report shall be submitted within the following 14 days.

The report shall outline the preplanned alternate method of monitoring, the cause of the inoperability, and the plans and schedule for restoring the instrumentation I

channels of the Function to OPERABLE status.

l 5.6.8 Steam Generator Tube Insoection Reoort a.

The number of tubes plugged in each steam generator shall be reported to the NRC within 15 days following completion of the program; i


Catawba Unit 2 5.0-30

I Fn(X,Y,Z)

B 3.2.1 l


l SURVEILLANCE SR and (continued)

REQUIREMENTS the difficulty of making a precise measurement in these regions.

This Surveillance has been modified by a Note that may require that more frequent surveillance be performed.

If F5(X,Y,Z) is evaluated and found to be within the applicable transient limit, an evaluation is required to account for any increase to F5(X,Y,Z) that may occur and cause the Fo(X,Y,Z) limit to be exceeded before the next required Fo(X,Y,Z) evaluation.

In addition to ensuring via surveillance that the heat flux hot channel factor is within its limits when a measurement is taken, there are also requirements to extrapolate trends in both the measured hot channel factor and in its operational and RPS limits.

Two extrapolations are performed for each of these two limits:


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured heat flux hot channel factor is likely to t

exceed its limit prior to the next performance of *the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured heat flux hot channel factor to the limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.


Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to each of the operational and RPS heat flux hot channel factor limits.

If both of the extrapolations for a given limit are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is j

expected to become a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken. These actions are to meet i

the Fa(X,Y,Z) limit with the last F5(X,Y,Z) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Fn(X,Y,Z) prior to the projected point in time when the extrapolated values are expected to exceed the extrapolated limits.

These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Fn(X,Y,Z) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data. F5(X,Y,Z) l (continued)


Catawba Unit 2 B 3.2-11 l


Fan (X,Y)

B 3.2.2 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


The first extrapolation determines whether the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor is likely to exceed its surveillance limit prior to the next performance of the SR.


The second extrapolation determines whether, prior to the next performance of the SR, the ratio of the measured enthalpy rise hot channel factor to the surveillance limit is likely to decrease below the value of that ratio when the measurement was taken.

Each of these extrapolations is applied separately to the enthalpy rise hot channel factor surveillance limit.

If both of the extrapolations are unfavorable, i.e., if the extrapolated factor is expected to exceed the extrapolated limit and the extrapolated factor is expected to beconn a larger fraction of the extrapolated limit then the measured factor is of the current limit, additional actions must be taken. These actions are to meet the Ffn(X,Y) limit with the last Ffn(X,Y) increased by the appropriate factor specified in the COLR, or to evaluate Ffn(X,Y) prior to the point in time when the extrapolated values are expected to i

exceed the extrapolated limits. These alternative requirements attempt to prevent Ffn(X,Y) from exceeding its limit for any significant period of time without detection using the best available data.

Ffn(X,Y) is not required to be extrapolated for the initial flux map taken after reaching equilibrium conditions since the initial flux map establishes the baseline measurement for future trending.

Ffn(X,Y) is verified at power levels 10% RTP above the


THERMAL POWER of its last verification,12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after z

achieving equilibrium conditions to ensure that Ffn(X,Y) is 1

within its limit at high power levels.


The Surveillance Frequency of 31 EFPD is adequate to monitor the change of power distribution with core burnup. The Surveillance may be done more frequently if required by the results of Fyn(X,Y) evaluations.

l (continued) l Catawba Unit 2 B 3.2-22 e_


4 l

i i

Attaclament 3a Description of Proposed Changes and Technical Justification Duke Power Company Westinghouse Fuel Transition Repcrt Topical Report DPC-NE-2009 (Non-Proprietary Version)


Attachinent 3b Description of Proposed Changes and Technical Justification i

Duke Power Company Westinghouse Fuel Transition Report Topical Report DPC-NE-2009P (Proprietary Version) l

c No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination The following discussion is a summary of the evaluation of this LAR against the 10CFR50.92(c) requirements to demonstrate l

that all three standards are satisfied.

A no significant hazards consideration is indicated if operation of the facility in accordance with the changes proposed in this LAR would not:


Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated, or 2.

Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, or 3.

Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

First Standard Implementation of this LAR would not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The revised Reactor Core Safety Limits Figure further restricts acceptable operation. Moving an uncertainty factor from the Improved Technical Specifications to the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) does not exempt this factor from regulatory restrictions.

COLR parameters are generated by NRC approved methods with the intent of ensuring that previously evaluated accidents remain bounding.

The COLR is submitted to the NRC upon implementation of each fuel cycle or when the document is otherwise revised.

No accident probabilities or consequences will be impacted by this LAR.

Second Standard Implementation of this LAR would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

The revised Reactor Core Safety Limits Figure further restricts acceptable operation.

Moving an uncertainty factor from the Improved Technical Specifications to the COLR does not exempt this factor from regulatory restrictions.

Since the parameter in question is not being deleted, the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated does not exist.

i 1


T No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination Third Standard Implementation of this LAR would not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Margin of safety is related to the confidence in the ability of the fission product-barriers to perform their design functions during and following an accident situation.

These barriers include the fuel cladding, the reactor coolant system, and the containment system.

Use of the ZIRLO" cladding material has' been reviewed and approved in Reference 1 (as listed in Chapter 2.1 of Topical Report DPC-NE-2009/DPC-NE-2009P, Duke Power Company W stinghouse Fuel - Transition Report). ZIRLO" cladding has been e

extensively used in Westinghouse nuclear reactors. The changes proposed in this LAR are necessary to ensure that the performance of the fission product barriers (cladding) will not be impacted following the replacement of one fuel design for another.

No safety margin will be significantly impacted.

Based upon the preceding evaluation, Duke has concluded that implementation of this LAR at McGuire and Catawba Nuclear Stations will not involve a significant hazards consideration.

l 2

i Environmental Assessment / Impact Statement Pursuant to 10CFR51.22(b), an evaluation of this LAR has been performed to determine whether or not it meets the criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10CFR51.22(c)(9) of l

the regulations.

This LAR for the McGuire Units 1 and 2 and Catawba Units 1 and 2 ITS proposes conservative changes to allow implementation of Westinghouse fuel as described in Topical Report DPC-NE-2009/DPC-NE-2009P, Duke Power Company W stinghouse Fuel e

Transition Report. The proposed changes contained in this LAR provide no contribution to any additional quantity or type of effluent being available for adversa environmental impact or personnel exposure.

It has been determined there is:

1) No significant hazards consideration (see Attachment 4);
2) No significant change in the types, or significant j

increase in the amounts, of any effluents that may be


released offsite; and i

3) No significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposures involved.

Therefore, this LAR for the McGuire and Catawba ITS meets the criteria of 10CFR51.22 (c) (9) for categorical exclusion from an environmental assessment / impact statement.

l l

i 4

l i



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M Duke EdPower.

A Duke Energy Company l

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