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Response to FOIA Requests for Two Categories of Records Re Facilities.Forwards App a Documents.Portions of App B Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 6 & 7).App C Documents Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 7)
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Hunter A
Shared Package
ML20203C318 List:
FOIA-85-490, FOIA-85-548 NUDOCS 8607180391
Download: ML20203C313 (6)


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$ j 'VASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 I

%...../ JUL 14 1986 Ms. Ann Hunter, Staff Associate Government Accountability Project IN RESPONSE REFER 1555 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 202 TO F01A-85-490 AND Washington, DC 20036 TO F01A-85-548

Dear Ms. Hunter:

This is in response to your letters dated July 8, and 25, 1985, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of two categories of records related to the Farley nuclear power plant.

The documents identified on the enclosed Appendix A are subject to category 2 of your request and are already available in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) located at 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555. I have indicated the file location beside each document description.

The document identified on the enclosed Appendix B is subject to category 1 of your request and is being withheld in part. Portions of the document contain personal information the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The inf nnation is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to Exemptions (6) 4 .d (7)(C) of the F0IA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6) and (7)(C)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(6) and (a)(7)(iii) of the Commission's regulations.

The releasable portions of the document are being placed in the PDR in file folder F01A-85-490 in your name.

w The documents identified on enclosed Appendix C are subject to both categories of your request and are being withheld in their entirety. The withheld information consists of investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes the release of which would interfere with an onging enforcement proceeding. Release of this information could allow those being investigated to learn the scope, direction, and focus of investigatory efforts, and thus could possibly allow them to take action to shield potential wrongdoing or ir violation of NRC requirements from investigators. The documents are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to Exemption (7)(A) of the F0IA, (5 '

U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(A)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(7)(1) of the Conmission's regulations.

Pursuant to 9.15 of the Commission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The person responsible for this denial is Mr. Ben B. Hayes, Director, Office of Investigations.


8607180391 860714 PDR FOIA HUNTER 8S-490 PDR l

Ms. Hunter 1 This denial may be appealed to the Secretary of the Commission within 30 days-from the receipt of this letter. Any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."

Sincerely, hm.b 5 nL i Donnie H. Grimsley, Director -

Division of Rules and Records j Office of Administration


As stated 1

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- - 1r Re: F01A-65-490 and F01A-85-548 i

APPENDIX A Documents Alt eady Available in the PDR

1. Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/82-28, 50-364/82 Accession No.

! 8303210539

2. Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/83-03, 50-364/83 Accession No.

j 8304110943

3. Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/83-04, 50-364/83 Accession No.

8303210591 4 Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/83-06, 50-364/83 Accession No.


5. Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/83-24, 50-364/83 Accession No.

8405070212 t

6. Inspection Report Nos. 50-348/84-06, 50-364/84 Accession No.

! 8404170249

, 7. Inspection Report Hos. 50-348/84-14, 50-364/84 Accession No.

i 8407170504 i


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Re: F01A-85-490 and F01A-85-548 APPENDIX B Document Being Withheld in Part

1. 05/27/83 Memo from Vorse to Todd.


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i 7

Re: F01A-85-490 and F01A-85-548 l

APPENDIX C Documents Being Withheld in Their Entirety

1. Undated Official Use Only Cover Sheet i

., 2. Undated Case Chronology l- 3. 03/17/83 Memorandum from Woodard to File 4 03/23/83 Inter Department Memorandum from Woodard to WCC .

i S. 04/26/83 Menorandum from Carr to File

6. 06/05/85 Handwritten Memo from Wilkinson j 7. 07/03/85 Memorandum from Wolfe 1

l 8. 07/08/85 Inter Denartment Memorandum from Crine to Walden i 9. 06/24/85 Inter Department Memorandum from Walden


) 10. 05/04/85 Letter from Alleger to Uryc

11. 07/10/85 Letter to Alleger from Uryc 1
12. 06/03/85 Allegation Report t

i 13. 06/03/85 Allegation Report

14. 05/07/85 Memorandum to Case File
15. 05/10/85 Memorandum to Case File 1

i 16. Undated Charge-Out Record 1,

! 17. 07/15/85 Certified Return Receipt s


18. 07/16/85 Memorandum to File from Wolfe j 19. Undated Official Use Only Cover Sheet t j 20. 05/14/84 Case Chronology I

l 21. Undated Charge-Out Record i

22. 04/05/84 Review Sheet i

l 23. 05/11/84 Letter to Alleger from Lankford i

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24. 03/27/84 Report No. 50-348/84-06 and 50-364/84-06
25. 03/23/84 Memorandum from Weddington to Todd
26. 04/02/84 2-Way Memo from Uryc to Harrison
27. 03/14/84 Letter to Alleger from Lankford
28. 01/12/84 Report No. 50-348/83-32 and 50-364/83-30 '
29. 03/07/84 Memorandum to Case File
30. 01/20/84 Memorandum to Case File
31. 01/09/84 Allegation Data Form
32. 01/16/84 Memo from Todd to Gibson
33. 01/10/84 Allegation Report
34. 01/13/84 Memorandum to Case File

, 35. 01/10/84 Memorandum to Case File

36. 01/09/84 Allegation Report
37. 05/16/84 Certified Mail Receipt
