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Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Util 870526 Application for Amend to License NPF-63,increasing Max Allowed Enrichment of Reload Fuel to 4.2% Weight U-235.Changes Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: Harris, 05000000
Issue date: 08/21/1987
From: Hodges M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20151V292 List:
FOIA-88-497 TAC-65447, NUDOCS 8709080453
Download: ML20195G389 (1)


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MEMORAN0l'M FOR: E. G. Adensan, Project Director Project Directorate 11-1 Division of Reactor Projects . I/l!

tROM: M. W. Ilodges , Chie f Reactor Systems Branch Division of Engineering & Systems Technology

$UBJECT: SER FOR SHEARON HARRIS INCREA5fD FUEt. ENRICHMENT Plant Name: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Occket No.: 50 400 TAC No.: 65447 Project Directnrate: Project Directorate 11 1 Project Manager: B. Buckley Rcview Branch: SRIB/ DEST Review Status: Cocplete The Reactor Systems Dranch has reviewed the preposed change to the Shearon Harris Technical Specifications to increase the maximum allcwed enrichment of reload fuel to 4.2 weight percent tJ.235 and finds it acceptable. The scope of this review 15 limited to the bandling ar.d storage of these higher enriched asserh11es. 0;cration with the increased enrichnent will be addressed in subsequent reload evaluaticns.

Recently, ar.cmalics have been identified in the Quad Citics spent fuel pool due to Boraflex shrinkage caused by irractatien ard subsecuent gap formation.

This, of course, reduces the neutron absorption ef f ectheness of the foraflei ard causes a decrease in the margin of subtriticality of the fuel pool. If as a result of ongoing Doraflex studies, the staf f finds that gaps could develop in the Boreflex installed at the $bearon Harris fuel storage facility. the licensee hay be required to perform additional analyses to verify thet the required shutdown margin can be maintained.

This completes the staff's effort on TAC No, f,$44'/. A $ ALP input is also enclosed.

h709000453070001 My M. V. Hodges, Chief PEF.~AMIC K 03000400 Reacter systems Prsnch

  1. Division of Engineering 5 Systers Technology inclosures: As stateo 015T018U110%

cc: A. Thadant Dodet File

5. varga $DID s/F C. lainas M. V. Hodges Y, folling B. Buckley

$DIB Mmbers t, Lupp

l. F00p 5/ f torp. 5fth, t?4?Ui Shearon Heret., rf f Contact
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