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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Util 870526 Proposed Tech Spec Change Concerning Handling & Storage of Fuel W/Increased Enrichment to 4.2 Weight % U-235
Person / Time
Site: Harris, 05000000
Issue date: 07/14/1987
From: Hodges M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20151V292 List:
FOIA-88-497 NUDOCS 8707230303
Download: ML20195G296 (2)



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MEM0CANDUM FOR: E. G. Acensa n, Project Direc tor Trojtct Directorate !!-l l Divisien of Reactor Project'. - l/11  ;

FCCM- M. W. Hodges, Chief Reactor Systems Branch ,

Division of Engir.cering & Systens Techrelegy it.EJ ECT : RECUEST FOR ADLil110NAL INF(rttATION CN $HEARON hARR15 thCREASEr, FUEL ENR!f.hMEP.1 1

The Reactor Systera 0 ranch ree,t.ests restenses to the tncloseo c,ucstions ir crder to complete the review ct the proposed Technicol Specifit.ation change tutriitted on May 26, 19C7, to allow t&ndling and storoge of fuel with an 1ecreasev trrictcent to 4.2 eight percent 11 235 for the $tc. iron H)rris l

'. clear r ewer Plant.

ar gue:.1 und 18 ,

. W W.4 i M ?ts l M. k. Hodges, Chief j Ceerter Systems Eiranch l

Divition of Engierering & Systems Tectmolngy  ;

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l Irclcsure:

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As statt1 j c c. : 5. Varga l I G. Lairas l i

l A. TFadari


E. Eyckley i C. McCrac6ect i

! Sht Merrters l l O!5'EIBUTIC$

l Centrei Files  !

S h i, P / T M. W. Fcdges  !

l T. Ccilins f l l. KCPp l t L. KcPP k/I l I

j St.peren Harris i/F i

1 Contect: L , Rpp. Shi . 224204 i l l

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I CATE :7/ /87

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'ACCCR 05000400 dg t

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1. Recent once.alles have been identified in the Quad Cities and Foiiit reach spent fuel pools cue to Boraflex shrinkage caused by tiradiation. Based on **is, provide justification to deTonstrate the continued acceptability l of Boreflex for application in the Shearon Farris spent fuel pool. l
2. Based en the recent infernation pertaining to degradaticn of Porafles, i prcvide any changes to the inservice surveillance program for Borafles ,

and descrite the frequency of examiration and acceptance criteria for continued use.

i L

3. Gescrite the corrective actions to be taken if degradeo Borafles  ;

specirens or absorber sheets are fcurri in the spent fuel pool. [

l 4 What are the ranufacturir.] tolerances fer tuel enrichrent and fuel cri,sity anc hcw tawe these been incorporated into the 95/95 protability/confiderce k ff calculation? ,


5. Otscuss the envircrecntal ef fects of transpertation of fuel enceeding the ,

4.0 veight percent U-235 enrictaent Ita>it specified in 10 CFR 51.52, f r

l I


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