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Forwards Rept of Test Results & Supporting Info Re Testing of Fasteners from Plant Inventory,In Response to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-002.One Bolt Found Slightly Out of Spec.No Further Actions Planned
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1988
From: George Thomas
To: Russell W
IEB-87-002, NYN-88004, NUDOCS 8802030048
Download: ML20148S451 (45)




Gecy 3 S. Thomas hMesht d Nuclear Pteduct6on

, NYN-88004 PLbEC S//4vice of New Hampt/Jre January 21, ife88 New Hr.mpshire Yankee Divisisn United States Auclear Regulatory Comission Region I 631 Park Avetsue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Attention: Mr. William T. Russell Regional Administrator


(a) Facility Operating License NPF-56 Constn,ction Permit CPPR-136 Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (b) NRC Compliance Bulletin No. 87-02 'Fastenor Testing to Determine Conformance with Applicable Material Specifications,' dated Nov aber 6, 1987


Response to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02 Dear Sir In response tu NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02, the Enclosure provides the report of test results and supporting information relating to testing of fasteners from Seabrook Station inventory. Based upon test results, one bolt was found to be slightly out of specification with respect to hardness: but this deviation was determined to have no significance. As a result, no further actions are planned.

We regret that this response is several days overdue: however, the delay was the result of late receipt of all necessary laboratory test reports.

Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. Warren J. Hall at (603) 474-9574, extension 4046.

Very truly yours, 8002030048 880121 gDR ADOCK 05000443 %6 PDR gyh/M eorgd S. Thomas Enclosure cc: Document Control Desk United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Victor Herses Project Manager Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. A. C. Corne NRC Senior Resident Inspector j l

Seabrook Station /

Seabrook, NH 03874 I P.O. Box 300. Seabrook. NH 03874 . Telephone (603) 474 9574 l 1


STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham, sr January 21, 1988 Then p,isonally appeared before me, the above-named George S. Thomas who, l being duly vorn, did state that he is Vice President - Nuclear Production of Public Ser ice Company of New Hampshire, that he is duly authorized to execute and file *le foregoing information in the name and on the behalf of Public Service tvapany of New Hampshiro, and that the statements therein are true to the best Jf his knowledge and belief.

l l %du E S&buu Beverly E.C%illoway, Notary fVblic l

l Hy Commission Expires- March 6, 1990 1

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l 1

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-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - --__-J

Enclosure to NYN-88004 In response to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02, a sample group of fasteners, representing to the extent possible those fastener types of interest as defined by the Bulletin, was drawn from stock. This group of fasteners was tested by an independent laboratory and the results were l evaluated. The process by which the above was accomplished is described below.

l l A list was compiled from inventory records identifying all the material specifications which pertained to the fasteners currently in Seabrook Station stock. The material types of interest identified in Bulletin 87-02 were matched to those material types available in current, in use, stock. Twenty safety class and ten non.. safety class fasteners were then selected from this stock to serve as test samples. The twenty safety class fasteners were grouped into ten pairs - each pair consisting of material procured to meet the same material specification. The ten saftty class pairs were asoigned identification numbers beginning with 'NHY-S1' and ending with 'NHY-S10'.

Each dadividual fastener of a pair was identified as either 'A' or 'B'. For exampb , e particular fastener was identified as 'NHY-S5A'. Similarly, the ten' -safety class fasteners were grouped into five pairo, each pair cos.r,19 ting of material procured to meet the same material specification and assi;ned identification numbers sequentially from 'NHY-N1' to 'NHY-N5'. The l nutd er of pairs of non-safety class fasteners was limited by the availability l of in-stock fasteners of the material type of interest as defined by the l Be.letin.

A group of thirty typical nuts (twenty rafety class and *.en non-safety class) was selected to accompany the fasteners. The nuts ve e paired and ass:gned identification numbers in a similar manner to that described above i for fasteners. Nuts procured to meet material specificatien A-194 were

, se Weted to the extent possible. The selection of the fasteners and l aerompanying nuts was made by New Hampshiye Yankee (NHY) personnel with the participation of the NRC Senior Resident Inspector.

l The seleeced f asteners and nuts were sent to Dirats Testing 1.aboratories of Westfield, Massachusetts, a NHY apprioved vendor, fo't chemical and mechanical testing. Testing was perfermed in accordance with the requirements of the fastener's matorial specification. Test reports for the fasteners and nuts were provided to NHY by the laboratory. The test results and supporting l information requested by Bulletin f/-02 are attached to this Enclosure.

! Attachment 1 surrnarises the receipt inspection requirements and the storage I 1

and issuance contcols applicable to fasteners. At.tachment 2 provides the l markings for the sample fasteners and nuts. Attr.chment 3 includes the I Factoner Testing Data Sheets in a format based r.pon that prescribed by the Bulletin. Attachment 4 provides the test data sumnary in a format based upo 4 that prescribed in the Bulletin. Attachment 5 provides special notes relevant to the data presented in Attachments 3 and 4. Attachment 6 provides a sumnary l of test results.

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The laboratory tested each pair of the safety class fasteners such that a  !

portion of the testing was performed on the 'A' fastener and the remainder of the testing was performed on the 'B' fastener. Typically, either the 'A' or the 'B' fastener was chemically tested and the remaining fastener of the pair r was mechanically tested. In a similar manner, the safety class nut pairs were subjected to chemical and hardness testing. As a result, the test data presented in Attachment 4 for safety class fasteners and nuts is a composite i result for the pair. Because of the limited number of non-safety class fastener samples, the laboratory conducted a complete test on both the 'A' and the 'B' fastener in each pair. In a similar manner, each non-safety class nut was completely tested. Attachment 4 reflects this by including the 'A' and

'B' designations as part of the sample identification numbers. These test methods were discussed with the Senior Resident Inspector.  !

t Following receipt of the laboratory test reports, the test results were compared against applicable material specifications. All fasteners and nuts met specified requirements with one exception. Bolt NHY-S6 was found to be slightly out of spect.fication with respect to hardness but this deviation was determined to have no significance. ,

The results of tests performed to date indicate that the current stock of fasteners meets requisite specifications and requirements. Therefore, the operability of plant compononts utilizing such fasteners is not adversely affected. Receipt inspection, storage and issuance practices summarized in Attachment 1 are considered adequate to assure continued quality of fasteners ,

in stock and in use. Therefore, no further actions are planned. 1 l

4 2 of 2 j



Table of Contents to NYN-88004 Identification of Attachments Attachment 1 - Receipt Inspection Requirements, Storage and Issuance Controls Attachment 2 - Head, End or Nut Markings Attachment 3 - Fastener Testing Data Sheets Attachment 4 - Hechanical and Chemical Analyses Data Summary Attachment 5 - Notes Pertaining to Attachments 3 and 4 l

, Attachment 6 - Test Results Review 1

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A Attachment 1 Receipt Inspection Requirements.

Storage and Issuance Controls Fasteners presently used at Seabrook Station were purchased under two different procurement programs: the construction procurement program and the operations procurement program.

The receipt inspection requirements, storage practices and issuance controls for each of these two procurement programs are sunnarized below.

Construction Procurement Program:

A. During receipt inspection, fasteners received a visual inspection for i


markings, workmanship, and damage. Certified material test reports or certificates of conformance as required by the purchase documents were reviewed.

B. After fasteners passed receipt inspection, they were stored in a controlled access warehouse. When fasteners are requested for issue from construction stock, an issue document is prepared. Information placed on ,

the issue document includes rafety classification, fastener description, size, type and material. This document is reviewed and signed by a b quality control inspector prior to issuance of the fasteners.

Operations Procurement Program A. During receipt inspection, fasteners receive a visual inspection for marking, workmanship, and damage. Certified material test reports or '

certificates of conformance, as required by the purchase documents, are reviewed. Samples from each lot of fasteners are tested for hardness.

Sample size and the acceptance / rejection criteria are based on HIL-STD-105 with an acceptable quality level of 1.5. Samples from rejected lots are tested off site to determine ultimate tensile strcngth.

B. After fasteners pass receipt inspection, they are stored in a controlled access warehouse. When fasteners are requested for issue from stock, an issue document is prepared. Information placed on the issue document includes safety classification, fastener description, size, type and material. This issue document is reviewed and signed by both the i requestor and the issuing clerk prior to issuance of the fasteners.

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AMcchment 2 Bolt / Stud Head /End Markings NHY S1 NHY S6 NHY N1 i I

4 B7 LE R l TB NHY S2 NHY S7 NHY N2 i DTP B7 T

, NHY S3 NHY S8 NHY N3 TB A325 \

S 1 CB8N l

) NHY S4 NHY S9 NHY N4 l 4  :

K6 %e



/ O LT/.g gbSS o l

es a I

l <! \ A2 828 i i 1 of 2 i

.l Nut Markings NHY S1 NHY S6 NHY N1 2H 2H

I O l I O i 7I O lT U V V CU 1 4

NHY S2 NHY S7 NHY N2 7I T TI O I6  !

V l l KF80 \


T 2HT '

\ Ol l O l l Ol I i \ 988N MS28 l l

L l N HY S4 NHY S9 NHY N4 l

! 2HT  !


\ T1 A 16 1 1 O 1 l

I KF64 FU47 }

i NHY S5 NHY S10 NHY N5 l

c, - og  :

o '

y,a I i l

g s .

2 of 2 ,

Attachment 3 l Fastener Testing Data Sheet i

Sample IDf NHY-S1 j Fastener


7/6' - 9 x 3-3/4' Hex Head Bolt Description of Sample Stock Location (See Attachment 5, Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 193 B7 ,

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 23 ASME Section III, 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda, NCA 3800 [

t Procurement Level Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor (

requirements defined by specification l l

General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary l; i

Vendor Texas Bolt Company. Houston, Texas QA Requirements Laposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 2) j t

Licensee Representativet Robert B. McCormack [

t Signature li t ertr<[ Date January 18, 1988 i

i 1

I 1 of 30 l

i U

l .

Fastener Testing Data Sheet l

Sample IDd NHY-S1 l



7/8' - 9 Heavy Hex Head Nut l

l Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1) l l

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 194-2H Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachuent 2)

Class: Class 2: ASME Section III, 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda, NCA 3800 Procurement Level Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor:

requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary Vendor: Cardinal Industrial Products Corporation. Las Vegas, Nevada l

QA Requirements Laposed on Vendor (Ste Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licensee Representative Robert B. McCormack Signature ,

b t,wd Date January 18. 1988 2 of 30 l

l l 1 l -_ ._ J

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDd NHY-S2 Fastener


5/16' - 18 x 2' Hex Head Bolt Description of Sample Stock Location: (See Attachment 5 Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 307 Grade B Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: ASME Section III, Subsection NF, 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda Procurement Level Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Structural (ASHE)

Vendor: Diversified Threaded Products Company, Middleburg Heights, Ohio QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5, Note 2)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature -

os,uI Date January 18. 1988 3 of 30

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDS: NHY-S2 Fastener


5/16' - 18 Hex Head Nut Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Material Specification as Docussented by Licensee Records: A 307 Grade B Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) {

i Class: ASME Section III. Subsection NF. 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda l Procurement Level: Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendort f requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Structural (ASME)

Vendor Diversified Threaded Products Company. Middleburg Heights. Ohio ,

f QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (Sce Attachment 5. Note 2)  !

l l

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack '

Signature Wsw Date January 18, 1988 l

l 4

4 of 30

, _, . . ~ .

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Scaple 'IDie NNY-S3 Pastener


5/8' - 11 x 3-1/2' Hex Head Bolt  ;

l Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5, Note 1) {

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 307 Grade B (Hot Dip Galvanizwd per ASME SA153 Class C) ,

i l

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer;): (See Attachment 2)  !

i Class: Class 2 ASME Section III,19'i7 Edition thru Vinter 1977 Addenda, i NCA 3800 Procureinent Level Safety Classi purchased from an approved vendcri  !

requirements defined by specification  !

j General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary )

Vendor Texas Bolt Company Houston, Texas i QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (Ste Attachment 5, Note 2) l l

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature s.- 4 Date January 18, 1988 1

1 5 of 30 1


4 Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDl: NHY-S3 Fastener


5/8' - 11 Hex Head Nut Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachmt.nt 5. Noto 1) daterial Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 507 Grade B (Hot Dip Galvanized per ASHE SA 153 Class C)

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class Class 23 ASME Section III 1977 Edition thru Vinter 1977 Addenda.

NCA 3800 Procurement Level: Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Pressure Bou 4dary Vendor: Texas Bolt Company, Houston. Texas t

QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors fies Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature 9 a.[ Date January 18, 1988 I

i 6 of 30

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDS: NHY-S4 i Fastener


3/4' - 10 x 4 1/2' Stud Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1) l Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 193 88 Class 1 ,

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attactment 2)

Class: Class 2: ASME Section III, 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda.

NCA 3800 l l

Procurement Level Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor requirements defined by specification l teneral Plant Application: Pressure Boundary Ve:tdor: Cardinal Industrial Products Corporation, Las Vegas, Nevada QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5, Note 2)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCor- k signature ,

W wsI Date January 18, 1988 7 of 30

Fs9tener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDd: NHY-S4 Fastener


3/4' - 10 Heavy dex Head Hut Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5, Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 194 Grade 6 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 2: ASHE Section III, 1974 Edition thru Summer 1974 Addenda Procurement Level Ssfety Classi purchased from an approved vendor requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary Vendor Texas Bolt Company Houston, Texas QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licecsee Representatives Robert B. McCormack signature j (4 .d4[ Date January 18, 1988 8 of 30

- _ .=_

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDf NHY-35 Fastener


1/4' - 20 Hex Head Nut  ;

I Description of sample stock Locations (See Attachment 5 Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 563 Grade A (Zine plated per ASTM A 563) i Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 2: ASHE Section III, Subsection NF, 1977 Edition thru Vinter l 1977 Addenda and/or Code Cases N-71 and H-225 Procurement Level Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor requirements defined by specification I

General Plant Application: Structural Vendor: James C. White Company Greenville, South Carolina I QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: (See Attachment 5. Note 2)


Licensee Representative: Robert B. McCormack -

Signature [ d4w.[ Date January 18. 1988 1

9 of 30 l

i Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDf NHY-SS l'



1/4' - 20 x 2-1/2' Hex Head Bolt l

l Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Material Specification as Docuswnted by Licensee Records: SAE J429 Grade 5 Bead Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

I  ;

. i class: Class 1Et ANSI B18.2.1 j

Procuressent Level: Connercial Item: Verified on-site to be acceptable for use I l in IEEE Class 1E applications by receipt inspection, i I s

] General Plant Application: Structural (Non-ASME electrical and instrumen-  !

l tation panel mounting bolta) }

Vendor: Northeast Fasteners. East Hartford, Connecticut i i

QA Requiressentn Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 6) l l  !

l 1

Licensee Representative Robert B. McCormack -

1 Signature ,

_ 4se-4.[ Date January 18, 1988 l

1 l

i I

1 4

i 10 of 30 j


i Fastener Testing Data Sheet l

Sample IDf NHY-S6 Fastener


5/16' - 18 Heavy Hex Nut Descriptfan of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5 Note 1)

Material @ecification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 194 2H/ i A 563 83a Grade DH i

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)  !

l i

Class: Class 2: ASME Section III, 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda, NCA 3800  !

l Procurement Levels Safety Class purchased from an approved vendor requirements defined by specification '

ceneral Plant Application: Pressure Boundary l

Vendor: Cardinal Industrial Products Corporation Las Vegas, Nevada l 1 [

j QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 2) l

< Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack I a

t signature __ ,

t [/ u/'enne J[ Date January 18, 1988 f

f s


1 L

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I f 3

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I l I

a Fastener Testing Data Sheet  ;

Sample IDd NRY-S6 Fastener


5/16' 18 x 2' Hex Head Cap Screw l Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Nota 1) i Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 449 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)  ;

class: Class 2: ASHE Section III,1977 Edition thru Vinter 1977 Addenda, NCA 3800 t

Procurement Level Saf ety Classi purchased from ar. approved vendort i requirements defined by specification  :

e I

General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary {


Vendor Nova Machine Products Middleburg Heights, Ohio QA Requirements Luposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5, Note 2)

Licensee Representative Robert B. McCormack Signature ***I Date January 18. 1988 t

l l

12 of 30

d 4

J J .

Fastener Testing Data Sheet  :

Sample IDf NHY-S7  !

t l Fastener


7/8' - 9 Heavy Hex Nut i i

Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1) [

l I Material Specification as Doc e nted by Licensee Records: SA 194 Grade 7  !


t Bead Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)


1 i i

Class: Class 23 A$ME Section III. 1974 Edition thru Summer 1974 Addenda, i NCA 3800 a

a 4

Procurement Levels Safety Classi purchased from an approved vendors l requirements defined by specification [

j General Plant Application Pressure Boundary  !

Vendor Texas Bolt Company. Houston. Texas ,


i l 5

QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 2) t

)  !

1 l l Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack l g' l Signature -

t- WesI Date January 18. 1988 t

r l

< 1 i

i 1

i 13 of 30 e



t 4

Fastener Testing Data Sheet l

Sample IDie NHY.S7  !

j 7/8' . 9 Stud Fastener


I l

Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1) -

i Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Recorde SA 193 B7 4

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) l Class Class 2: ASME Section III.1974 Edition thru Sussner 1974 Addenda. I I NCA 3800 I  !

J l

) Procurement Level: Safety Class purchased from an approved vendor I requirements defined by specification l J

i i i  !

2 Ceneral Plant Application: Pressure Boundary j

! I i  !

Vendor Guyon Alloys. Harrison. New Jersey j i  !


) QA Requirements Imposed on Veadors (See Attachment 5. Note 2) {

i Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack 4

ii.nat.r. /@t4 ~~.t Det. - ,anuarv 1.. 1,..

l 1


i 1

4 14 of 30


~ _ - _

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDf NHY-SS Fastener


1/2' - 13 Heavy Hex Nut Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 325/SA 194 2H Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 2: ASHE Section III. Subsection NF.1977 Edition thru Vinter 1977 Addenda. NCA 3800 Procurement Level: Safety Class purchased from an approved vendor:

requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Structural Vendor Hardware Specialty Company. Long Island. New York QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licansee Representative: Robert B. McCormack signature [ h((/ zw/ Date January 18, 1988 15 of 30

4 Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDf NKY-S8 Fastener


1/2' - 13 x 4 1/2' Hex Head Bolt Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Recorde SA 325 Type 1 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 2: ASHE Section III, Subsection NF, 1977 Edition thru Vinter 1977 Addenda NCA 3800 Procurement Level Safety Class: purchased from an approved vendor:

requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Structural Vendor Hardware Specialty Company, Long Island, New York QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature C< M Date January 18, 1988 16 of 30

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDd NNY-S9 .



5/8' . 11 x 3" Hex Head Bolt Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Recorde SA 325 Bead Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 2: ASME Section III. Subsection NF. 1977 Edition thru Winter 1977 Addenda. NCA 3800 Procurament Levels Safety classi purchased from an approved vendor:

requirements defined by specification General Plant Application: Structural Vendor Guyon Alloys. Harrison, New Jersey QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licensee Representative Robert B. McCormack 6

Signatus'e . L,Le s,4m o/ # Date January 18, 1988 17 of 30

. t Fastener Testing Data Sheet '

a Sample IDf NHY-S9




5/8' - 11 Hex Head Nut Description of Sample Stock Location (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

I l

Naterial Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: SA 325/SA 194 2H i Head Marking (Specif { cation and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) l

) I

I l Class
Class 2: ASME Section III. Subsection NF, 1977 Edition thru Vinter i 1977 Addenda, NCA 3800  !

l i

, Procurement Levels Safety Classi purchased from an approved vendort  ;

requirements defined by specification I


i i General Plant Application: Structural l l

I Vendor Guyon Alloys. Harrisen, New Jersey l i I QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5, Note 2)

I a

i i q

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack  :

Signature - 7N *Lo v e$ Date January 18. 1984

~1 i

4 18 of 50 l

Fastener Testing Data Sheet i

E sample IDf NHY-S10 Fastener


5/8* - 11 Heavy Hex Head Nut r

i Description of sample stock Locations 4 (See Attachment 5, Note 1) ,


l j Mhterial 8perification as Documented by Licensee Records
SA 194 2H l 4

L i Need Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

I Class Class 2: ASKE Section III, 1977 Edition thru Vinter 1977 Addenda, '

NCA 3800 1

i Procurement Level Safety Classt purchased from au approved vendor: i requirements defined by specification 1

i General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary l l

l 1 Vendora Cardinal Industrial Products Corporation. Lhs Vegas, Nevada

! i 1 -

QA Requirements Imposed en Vendor (See Attachment 5. Note 2)

I I Licenses Representatives Robert B. McCormack i Signature emu [ Date January 19. 1980 i

l I i 4 ,

19 of 30 f I

i L

l .

l Fastener Testing Data Sheet l

l l

Sample IDie NHY-S10 l



5/8' . 11 x 4' Hex Head Bolt l Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: AMHH.* Alloy Steel Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Class 1: ASME Section III, 1983 Edition thru Vinter 1985 Addenda Procurement Level Safety Classi purchased from an approved vendors requirements defined by specificatiott General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary Vendor: Cardinal Iridustrial Products Corposation, Las Vegas, Nevada QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 2)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature k W _ Date January 18. 1988

  • Cardinal Industrial Products Specification l

l 20 of 30

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDie NNY N1A. NHY-N1B Fastener


7/8' - 9 Heavy Hex Nut Deecription of sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1)

Naterial Specification as Documented by Licensee Fecords: A 194 Grade 7 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class Non-safety Procurement Levels Purchased as safety class from an approved ventor with requirements defined by specification.

General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary Vendor: Dravo corporation, Marietta, Ohio QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5. Note 4)

Licensee Representative Robert B. McCormack Signature / " ,n Date _ January 20. 1988 i

r I

i I

l 21 of 3D

1 b

i .

l 4

i l Fastener Testing Data Sheet i


! Sample ID#: NNY-NIA. NNY-N1B i

I I 3 Fastener


7/8' - 9 x 5-1/2' Stud l '

l Description of sample Stock Locations (See Attachtaent 5. Note 1)  !

1 j Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Recordes A 193 Grade 87 [

1 f A I l Mead Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) l l i 1  !

j Class: Non-safety [

}  !

?  !


Frocurement Level: Purchased as safety class from an approved vendor with I i requirements defined by specification.  !

Ceneral Plant Application: Pressure Boundary  !

i Vendor Dravo Corporation. Marietta. Chio l 3 l

! QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (see Attachment 5. Note 4) i 2

l t j Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack  ;

Sisaature / 8e .* + Date January to. 1988 j -

f i


'l 1 i I

l d

22 of 30 1

k 1



Fastener Testing Dats Sheet Sample IDf: NKY.N2A, NHY.N2B Fastener


3/4' 10 Heavy Hex Nut l Description of sample stock Location (See Attachment S. Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 194 Grade 6 Head Marking (specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Non. safety Procurement Level Purchased as safety class from an approved vendor with requirements defined by specification.

General Plant Application Pressure Boundary Vendor Dravo Corporation. Marietta. Chio QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor: (See Attachment 5. Note 4)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature '

  • d<! Date __Januar? 20. 1988 I

i 23 of 30

1 l

l Fastener Testing Data sheet t t

i Sample IDS: NNY.N2A. NHY.N2B  !

l Fastener


3/4' 10 x 4 1/4' Stud  !

Description of sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1) i l

Material specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 193 Grade 38H Head Marking (specification and Manufacturer): (see Attachment 2)

Class: Non.safsty  ;

I Procurement Levels Purchased as safety class from an approved vendor with requirements defined by specification. l General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary f Vendor Dravo Corporation. Marietta. Chio l

l QA Requirements luposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5. Note 4) l h

LicenseeRepresentativej Robert B. McCormack l Signature / < ^- [

Date .7anuary 20, 1988 I

24 of 30

l L

Fastener Testing Data Sheet ,

l Sample IDf NH1. /,3 A, NEY-N35 l l


Fastener Descr/iption: 1/2' - 13 Nex Nut i

Description of sample stock Locations (See Attachment 5. Note 1) L Material specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 307 Cadmiva ,

Plated i Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) l t

i I

Class Non-safety i

Procurement Levels Procured as non-safety class l General Flant Application: Structural h

Vendor New England Bolt Corporation. Everett Massachusetts l t

QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5, Note 3)


l Licensee Representatives Robert 5. McCormack


.7 ,

Signature / - Date January 20 1988 25 of 30

I l l

j .

l 1

Fastener Testing Data Sheet l

s i

sample IDd NHY.N3A. NHY.N33


J j Fastener Descriptior, 1/2' - 13 x 3' Stud i l i a ,

J Description of sam 6 a stock Locations (see Attachment 3. Note 1) {

i t



l Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: # 307 Cadmium i i

Flated 1 Nead Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) }

Class Non. safety l F

l J  !

I Frocurement Levels Procured as non.ssfety class i i

i  !

) General Plant Application: Structural {

1 i

Vendor New tngland Bolt Corporation. Everett Massachusetts [


] QA Requiremente Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 3. Note 3) i f


) f j Licensee Representatives Robert 3. McCormack i j '2 i j Signature [ es[ Date Janusry 20. 1988 l

4 J


I J l

! i i

I '

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) l 1

I 1

l  !

i i



9 h'astener Testing Data Sheet


k Sample IDf NHY-N4A, NRY-N4B Fastenor


7/8' - 8 Heavy Hex Nut Description of Sample Stock Location (See Attachmant 5, Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 307 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Non-safety Procurement Levels Purchss;d as safety class from an approved vendor with requirements defined by specification.

General Plant Applications Pressure Boundary Vendor Dravo Corporation, Marietta, Ohio QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5, Note 5)

Licensee Representative Robert B. PaCormack Signature / o ,w [ Dater January 20, 1988 h

27 of 30 l

4 Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDS: NHY-N4A, NHY-N4B Fastener


7/8" - 8 x 4-1/2' Stud Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5, Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 307 Grade B ,

Galvanized i

Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Non-safety Procuremr- Levels Purchased as safety class from an approved vendor with req- cents defined by specification.

General Plant Application: Pressure Boundary  ;

I Vendor Dravo Corporation, Marietta, Ohio QA Requirements Imposed on Vendors (See Attachment 5 Note 5)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature (, a Date January 20. 1988 i

28 of 30 l

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDS: NHY-N5A, NHY-N5B Fastener


3/4' - 10 Heavy Hex Nut Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5 Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 325 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2)

Class: Non-safety

. Procurement Level Procured as non-safety class General Plant Application: Structural ,

Vendor: New England Bolt Corporation, Everett, Massachusetts QA Requirements Imposed on Vendor (See Attachment 5, Note 3)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack Signature / n<s/ Date _ January 20, 1988 1

l l

l l

.i 29 of 30

Fastener Testing Data Sheet Sample IDf: NHY-N5A, NHY-NSB Fastener


3/4" - 10 x 2-3/4' Hex Head Bolt Description of Sample Stock Locations (See Attachment 5, Note 1)

Material Specification as Documented by Licensee Records: A 325 Head Marking (Specification and Manufacturer): (See Attachment 2) 1 Class: Ton-safety Procurement Level: Precured as non-safety class General Plant Application: Structural Vendor: New England Bolt Corporation Everett, Massachusetts QA Requirements Imposed on Vendore (See Attachment 5, Note 3)

Licensee Representatives Robert B. McCormack l Signature  : "we Date January 20, 1988 i

I l

30 of 30 1

_ _ - . . - - .. .- . - - - -.- . ~ . ~ - . - .- _ - .- , -_. . _ - . - .- - -

Attachment 4

  • Data Summary 1 (Studs / Bolts)

Mechanical and Chemical Analyses ID# Hardness U7S 0.2Z YS C Mn _P_ S Si Mo Cr Ni NHY-S1 HRC 33.0 154.2 KSI 136.3 KSI .42 .92 .014 .024 .21 .20 1.08 NHY-S2 HRB 89.0 4960 lbF N/A .012 .020 NHY-S3 HRB 95.0 20850 lbF N/A .014 .036 NHY-S4 HRB 93.0 93.7 KSI 63.2 KSI .02 1.69 .032 .002 .47 18.07 9.07 2 .015 NHY-SS HRC 33.0 4488 lbF 2700 lbF .35 .008 NHY-S6 HRC 34.0* 8399 lbF 4450 lbF2 .38 1.43 .017 .018 NHY-S7 HRC 33.0 142.9 KSI 126.8 KSI .40 .85 .019 .030 .21 .21 1.03 NHY-S8 HRC 31.5 21110 lbF N/A .45 .79 .016 .037 NHY-S9 HRC 32.0 31500 lbF N/A .46 .82 .030 .013 NHY-S10 HRC 28.5 135.5 KSI 23,730 lbF 2 .40 .96 .023 .027 .18 .18 1.03 Note: UTS-Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS-Yield Strength; C-Carbon; Mn-Manganese; P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon; Mo-Molybdenum; Cr-Chroatium; Ni-Nickel 1 The elements reported for materials tested are those specified in the applicable material specification. Properties-found out of specification are noted with an asterisk. Refer to Attachment 5. Note 7. for additional test results for the NHY-S10 bolt.

2 Results reported are for proof load tests.

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.- ~ _ - _ . . . ~ _ . . .- -. .- -- _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ - .. . -- . . - . - . _ - . . -

Data Summary 1 (Studs / Bolts)


Mechanical and Chemical Analyses ID# Hardness UTS 0.2Z YS C Mn P S Si Mo Cr Ni NHY-NIA HRC 32.0 N/A N/A .44 .92 .013 .021 .24 .18 1.03 NHY-N1B HRC 34.0 N/A N/A .42 .92 .015 .022 .28 .18 1.03 NHY-N2A HRB 98.0 N/t. N/A .06 1.66 .027 .002 .65 2.27 17.09 12.08 NHY-N2B HRB 102.0 N/A N/A .06 1.66 .024 .002 .64 2.28 17.12 12.09 l

NHY-N3A HRB 83.4 N/A N/A .013 .022 l

.002 NHY-N3B HRB 87.0 N/A N/A .023 NHY-N4A HRB 82.0 N/A N/A .017 .014 NHY-N45 HRB 90.0 N/A N/A 015 .014 NHY-NSA HRC 30.5 N/A N/A .50 .81 .006 .037 i NHY-N5'a HRC 35.0 N/A N/A .48 .82 .025 .035 Note: UTS-Ultimate Yensile Strength; YS-Yield Strength; C-Carbon; Mn-Manganese; P-Phosphorous; S. Sulfur; Si-Silicon; Mo-Molybdenum; Cr-Chromium; Ni-Nickel 1

, Yhe elements reported for materials tested are those specified in the applicable material specification. Properties l found out of specification are noted with an asterisk.

l l

l t

2 of 4


Data Sunmaryl (Nuts) ,

Mechanical and Chemical Analyses ID# Hardness UTS 0.2Z YS C Mn _P S Si Mo Cr Ni NHY-S1 HRC 29.0 N/A N/A .42 .022 .015 NHY-S2 HRB 74.0 N/A N/A .004 .028 NHY-S3 HRB 90.0 N/A N/A .008 .014 NHY-S4 HRC 25.5 N/A N/A .12 .52 .018 .004 .18 11.88 NHY-S5 HRB 87.0 N/A N/A .07 .28 .01 .018 NHY-S6 HRC 30.0 N/A N/A .42 .72 .026 .023 NHY-S7 HRC 30.5 N/A N/A .41 .90 .011 .032 .23 .24 1.09 NHY-S8 HRC 32.0 N/A N/A .42 .008 NHY-S9 HRC 31.0 N/A N/A .41 .027 NCY-SIO HRC 29.5 N/A N/A .39 .026 .022 Note: UTS-Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS-Yield Strength; C-Carboa; Mn-Manganese; P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon;-

Mo-Molybdenum; Cr-Chromium; Ni-Nickel IThe elements reported for materials tested are those specified in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification are noted with an asterisk.

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. ~ ~ _ . . - . . - . . _ _ . . . .- . . - - - - . - . - - . . , - - . . -. . - _ _ . . . - . . -. . _ _ .. .

Data Summary 1 (Nuts) ,

(continued) i Mechanical and Chemical Analyses .

t ID# Hardness UTS 0.2I YS C Mn P S Si Mo Cr Ni

[HY-NIA HRC 29.0 N/A N/A .38 .94 .011 .026 .25 .17 1.02 NHY-NIB HRC 28.0 N/A N/A .39 .94 .010 .024 .25 .17 1.02 I

l NHY-N2A HRC 27.0 N/A N/A .13 .53 .018 .004 .18 11.92 l I NHY-N2B HRC 27.5 N/A N/A .12 .53 .020 .004 .19 11.86 NHY-N3A HRB 92.0 N/A N/A .009 .014 NHY-N38 HRB 91.0 N/A N/A .004- .018 NHY-N4A HRB 88.0 N/A N/A .013 .027 NHY-N48 HRB 87.0 N/A N/A .013 .027 NHY-NSA HRB 93.0 N/A N/A .14 .002 NHY-N5B HRB 93.0 N/A N/A .14 .007 l

Note: UTS-Ultimate Tensile Strength; YS-Yield Strength; C-Carbon; Mn-Manganese; P-Phosphorous; S-Sulfur; Si-Silicon; l Mo-Molybdenum; Cr-Chromium; Ni-Nickel l

l 1 The elements reported for materials tested are those specified in the applicable material specification. Properties found out of specification are noted with an asterisk.

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  • l Attachment 5 Notes l

NOTE 1: Sample stock was maintained in controlled access, Level B storage location.

NOTE 2: Safety Class bolting was subject to the following quality assurance requir9ments, except for the sample bolt designated as NHY-SS. ,

The vendor was required to: f

a. maintain a quality assurance program in accordance with the ASME Code,Section III, paragraph NCA 3800, f

b.providedocumentatior.inaccgrdancewiththeASMECode,Section l III, paragraphs NCA 3860, NX 2130 and NX 2610, and c.performproducttgstinginaccordancewiththeASMECode,Section III, paragraph NX 2580.

(1) .X' denotes either B, C D, or F for Safety Class 1, 2, 3 or Structural (ASME) respectively.

NOTE h This sample of non-safety class bolting was subject to quality assurance requirements which are summarized as follows:

a. material shall conform to the referenced material specification,
b. mill test reports shall be supplied,
c. compliance with U.S. codes, regulations and standards applicable to the work shall be supplied in writing, and
d. controls on repair of defective materials were imposed.

NOTE 4: This sample of non-safety class bolting was subject to quality assurance requirements which are sumarized as follows:

a. the supplier shall maintain a quality assurance program which includes programatic requirements similar to selected criteria of 10 CPR 50, Appendix B.
b. material shall conform to the referenced material specification,
c. mill test reports shall be supplied,
d. visual testing and additional inspections were specified to be performed and documented, and
e. controls on repair of defective material were imposed.

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Notes (continued)

NOTE 5: This sample of non-safety class bolting was subject to quality assurance requirements which are summarized as follows:

a. the supplier shall maintain a quality assurance program which includes programmatic requirements similar to selected criteria of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B,
b. material shall conform to the referenced material specification,
c. mill test reports shall be supplied,
d. visual testing and additional inspections were sp3cified to be ,

performed and documented, -

e. controls on repair of defective material were imposed, and
f. magnetic particle testing was required.

NOTE 6: This sample of non-safety class bolting was subject to quality assurance requirements which are summarized as follows:

a. material shall conform to the referenced material specification with no substitutions.

NOTE 7: Additional test results fcr the NHY-S10 bolt are as follows. These tests were required by the Cardinal Industrial Products Spec!.fication AMHH.

Point of Yield: 124.0 KSI Elongation: 17.4%

Reduction of Area: 61.8%

Wedge Tensile Strength: 29,500 lbF t

l 2 of 2

Attachment 6 Test Results Review Test results were within the allowable limits as defined by the governing material specifications except for bolt NHY-S6. The evaluation of test results for bolt NHY-S6 is as follows.

All chemical composition requirements of material specification SA 44) are satisfied. Tensile and proof load tests are also satisfactory.

The hardness test result is very slightly outside the specification limit of the ASME Code, 1977 Edition.

Test Result - HRC 34.0 Allowable < HRC 32.0 The hardness test is qualitative only and is not directly utilized in design. Hardness readings provide an indication of material tensile strength and are useful where tensile tests have not been or cannot be performed. An upper limit on hardness, when a tensile limit is not specified, provides a degree of protection from susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC).

Two points on the Rockwell (C) scale above the specification limit is insignificant to degree of susceptibility to SCC.

This conclusion is supported by the fact that later ASME Code Editions, starting with the Winter 1979 Addenda, increased the upper hardness limit for SA 449 to HRC 34.

Thus, bolt NHY-S6 meets all requirements of Code Editions following the Vinter 1979 Addenda.

This minor deviation from 1977 Code limit has no safety impact or significance. l 1

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