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Forwards License Amend Request 91-10 to License NPF-86, Changing TSs Re Decoupling of Loss of Offsite Power/Safety Injection Test from 24 H DG Surveillance Run
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/20/1992
From: Feigenbaum T
Shared Package
ML20141M074 List:
NYN-92032, NUDOCS 9203310283
Download: ML20141M073 (2)


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. New H.ampshire Ted C. Feipenhnum hh ~ hh hendent and Ouel I sewtive OfIm NYN 92032 M arch 20,1992 United States Nuc! car Regulatory Comininior Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Det.k


Facility Operating License No. NPF h6, Docket No. 50-443


License Arre ndme nt itequest 9bl0; Decoupling of the Loss of Offsite Power / Safety injection Test From the 24 llour Diesel Genciator Suncillance Run Gentlemen; New llampshire Yantec (NilY) has enciated License Amendment Request 9b10. This License Amendment Request is subtiitted pursuant to 10CFR50.96 nnd is distributed pursuant to 10CFR50,4.

'Ibe purpose of 1.icense Amendment Request 9b10 is to propose changes to the Seabrook Station Technical Specifications. The pioposed thanges will enhance safe operation by allevluting outage related scheduling problems associated with the cuercut Technical Specificatioe Surveillance Requitement, w tiic h couples the 1.o st, of Offsite Power / Safety injection (LOP /SI) 'Icst with the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> diesel generator run.

License Amendment Request 9b10 has been reviewed and approsed by the NilY Station Operat on Review Cornmittee sud the Nuclear Safety Audit lleview Committee.

8 Ab discussed in the enclosed License Amendment Request 91 10,Section V,.the proposed changes have been determined not to involve a significant hazards consideratihn pursuant to the standards of 10CFR50.92. A copy of this letter and the entlosed License Amendment Request 9110 have been forwarded to the State of New Hampshire State Liaison Officer pursuant to 10CFR$0.91(b).

New ilampshire Yankec has scheduled the second refueling outage to begin in September 1992. Ilecause of the potential impact on the outage schedule, NilY requests WRC seriew of Licent.e Amendment Request 9bt0 and issuance of a lleense amendment by August 1,1992 (see enclosed License Arrondment Request 9b10,Section VI).

9203310203 920320 PDR


P ADDCK 05000443 PDR I


New Hampshire Yankee Division of Public Service Company of New Hampshiro

,n0031 PA b 3%

  • SmbwkMHD8?4
  • Telephone (603) 474 9521 L

United states Nuclear Rc;tulatory Commission March 20,1992 Attenticm Docuraent Control Desk Page two E

Should )ou have any qurations regarding this letter, please contact Mr. Testy L.

11arpster, Ditector of Licenslug Scavices, at (603) 474 9521 extension 2765 Vesy truly yours, ,

/ I 73;gc,Wywg-Ted C. Feigenbaum i

Enclosure -

TCl :M DOlss/act -

i ec: Mr. Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rey, ion i .

471 Allendale Road  ;

King of Prut.ala, PA .19406 Mr. Octdon E. Edison, St. Project Manager Project Directorate I 3 Division of Reactor Projects l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

Washington, DC 20555 P

Mr. Noel Dudley NRC Seulor Resident inspector P.O. Ilox 1149 -

Scabrook, Nil 03874- ,

Mr. Geo ge L ! erson, Director i New flampshire Office of Emergency Management ,

State Office Park South  :

107 Ph:asant Street Concord, Nil 03301 i

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