NSD-NRC-97-5062, Forwards Rev 0 to WCAP-14837, AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Rept, Which Provides Evaluation Consistent W/Outline Defined in for Inclusion in Ssar

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Forwards Rev 0 to WCAP-14837, AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Rept, Which Provides Evaluation Consistent W/Outline Defined in for Inclusion in Ssar
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 04/15/1997
From: Mcintyre B
To: Quay T
Shared Package
ML20140D067 List:
NSD-NRC-97-5062, NUDOCS 9704220147
Download: ML20140D063 (3)


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r Westinghouse Energy Systems 3

$3l/e pennsvivania 15230-0355 Electric Corporation NSD-NRC-97-5062 DCP/NRC0809 Docket No.: STN-52-003

. April 15,1997 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 ATTENTION: T. R. QUAY SULUECT: AP600 SilUTDOWN EVALUATION REPOR"(WL.,P-14837) AND RESPONSE TO RAI 440.53


NSD-NRC-97-4975 (DCP/NRC0731), AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Report Outline,

. dated 2/5/97.


Dear Mr. Quay:

l Please find enclosed the AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Report, WCAP-14837 Revision 0, fc,r NRC l

review. This report provides the subject evaluation consistent with the outline defined in the referenced letter. Ilowever, Section 4.8.5 of the enclosed report is marked "later" and will be provided upon completion of the loss of normal residual heat removal (RNS) analysis. It was agn ed upon between Bill iluffman (NRC) and Robin Nydes (Westinghouse) that the report should te 'rovided i without Section 4.8.5 to utilize available NRC resources, rather than await completion of that section.

This enables the NRC to begin its review ofissues not related to Loss of RNS.

With the issuance of WCAP-14837 Revision 0, the Westinghouse status for the following Open Item Tracking System (OITS) items has been changed to " Closed" NRC should review the attached report and provide feedback to Westinghouse regarding NRC status for resolution of these OITS items. We recommend the status be changed to " Action N".

943 944 1612 2053 2255 2256 9


2293 2294 _


9704220147 970415

{DR ADOCK 05200003 PDR Mhhh

l NSD-NRC-97-5062 .

DCP/NRC0809 2- April 15,1997 l

2297 l 2298 I 2299 .

1 2300

- 2303 I' 2304 2305 2306 2308 j 2309  !

2939 j 3441 I


The Westinghouse status for OITS items 2295,2296,3007, and 4185 remains " Action W" pending completion of WCAP-14837 Revision 1 to include Section 4.8.5.

WCAP-14837 Revision 0 is considered final (not preliminary, advance, or draft).

i Also attached is the response to RAI 440.53, which references the attached report. To achieve the i schedular objectives of SECY-97-051 for Westinghouse to provide the NRC with the final SSAR and supporting documentation by May 30,1997, NRC is requested to provide any review comments to~ .

Westinghouse by May 9,1997.

if'.ou have any questions regarding tiie AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Report, please contact Robin K. Nydes at (4 ') 374-4125.



/ i  !

Brian A. McIntyre, Manager

$ P A.

Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing jml Enclosure cc: William Huffman, NRC (SL, SE)

Summer Sun, NRC (IL, IE)

Marie Pohida, NRC (ll, lE)

Gene Hsu, NRC (2L,2E) {

j Nicholas J. Liparulo, Westinghouse (w/o Enclosure) l 3

i j

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Vuestion 440.53 l

The Diablo Canyon event of April 10,1987, and the loss of ac power event at the Vogtle plant on March 20, 1990, led the stall to issue NUREG-1449, " Shutdown and Low Power Operation at Conunercial Nuclear Power Plants in the United States," providing an ev:duation of the shutdown risk issue. The scope of NUREG-1449 includes subjects such as operating experiences as documented in generic letters, operator training, technical specifications, residual heat removal capacity, temporary reactor coolant boundaries, rapid boron dilution, containment capacity, tire protection, outage planning and control, and instrumentation.

The staf f recognizes that some of the issues discussed in NUREG-1449 are the plant owners

  • responsibility because they relate to operation, maintenance, and ref ueling plans, procedures, and risk management. However, the st:ill believes that the level of defense in depth against shutdown events will be improved if clear guidance is provided to the areas discussed above by the plant designer. Therefore, perform a systematic assessment of i

the shutdown risk issue to address areas identified in NUREG-1449 (particularly Sections 5,6, and 7 of the report) as they are applicable to the AP600 design and document the results in a dedicated section in the SSAR.

For items that are not a'pplicable to the AP600 design, provide technical bases to justify their non-applicability.

This analysis should include (a) an assessment of shutdown and low power risk, identifying design specilic vulnerahiiities and weakness, and (b) a demonstration showing consideration and incorporation of t,lesign features which minimize shutdown and low power risk probability. For any deviations from the scope and guidance of NUREG-1449, provide bases to justify the technical' adequacy of these devianons (see also Q440.55. U440,56, Q440.58, Q440.71. Q440.72).


l Relerence 440.53-1 provides the systematic assessment of the shutdown risk issue and hddresses the applicable l areas identified in NUREG-1449


440.53-1 WCAP 143X7 "AP600 Shutdown Evaluation Report". NSD-NRC-97-5062 (DCP/NROSO9), April l

11,1987 t

SSAR Revision:

I l

None l


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! W Westinghouse I
