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Suppl 1 to Proposed Change 110 Revising Tech Spec Pages 4.6-1,4.6-3 Through 4.6-6 & 4.1-9 Re Emergency Feedwater Sys
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 12/13/1985
Maine Yankee
Shared Package
ML20138P631 List:
NUDOCS 8512260203
Download: ML20138P636 (7)


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Applicability: Applies to the safety injection system, the containment

- spray system, chemical' injection system, the containment cooling system, the emergency feedwater system, the main ]

steam excess flow check valves, and the feedwater trip system.

~0 bective:- To verify that the' subject systems will respond promptly and perform their intended functions, if required.




- 1. .. The following tests will be performed monthly whenever plant Jconditions fare as defined .in Section 3.6.A of these Specifications,

a. Emergency Core Cooling System.(ECCS) Pumps:

Both operable high pressure safety injection (PSI) pumps shall be tested by operating in the charging mode.

-Both operable low pressure safety injection (LPSI) pumps and both. operable containment spray (CS) pumps shall be tested by operating in the recirculation mode.

Acceptable performance shall be that pumps attain rated heads, operate for at least 15 minutes, and that the associated

. instrumentation and controls function properly.

b.. ECCS Valves:

All automatically operated valves that' are required to operate to assure core flooding, or containment spray shall-be exercised. The volume control tank (VCT) outlet to charging hi i pump suction valves shall be exercised through part travel and all other valves shall be visually checked to verify proper operating position.

,t9 Exception: LSI-M-ll, 21, or 31 shall not be tested when the

-!$ a

a. associated ECCS check valve barrier leakage falls .
" 'into Condition 2 or 3, as defined in Specification
4. 6. A .2. f.


2. The following tests will be performed at each refueling interval:


$- a. ECCS Pumps:

i;;5 XLL One HPSI pump shall be flow tested at 1000 psig discharge head.

4.6-1 12/13/85 6545L-SDE



'- - -i ~ MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY Check valve barriers shall be determined to be' intact through satisfaction
of the following acceptance criteria. -

-- h  ! Acceptance- Crite'ria


?6 . Condition'l z Barrier (a) less than 15 gpm and barrier (b),.


.in the.same loop, less than 5 gpm.

.o No additional action required.

. Condition 2 - Barrier (a) -less than 15' gpm and barrier _(b),

in the same. loop, greater than 5 gpm.

. The reactor may be made or remain critical for up to 30 days provided the affected ECCS line Motor Operated Valve remains closed.

Condition 3 - Barrier (a) greater than 15 gpm and barrier

(b), in the same -loop, less than-5 gpm.

The reactor may be made or remain critical for up to 30 days provided the affected ECCS

-line Motor Operated Valve remains closed.

Condition 4 - Barrier (a) greater than 15 gpm and barrier (b), in the same loop, greater than 5.gpm.

The reactor shall not be made or remain critical for more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

3.  : Containment Spray Headers:

The. containment spray flow nozzles will be tested every five years.

The-test will consist of pressurizing the headers with air and-


verifying that the nozzles are free of obstruction.

'4. Containment Isolation Valves:

.Where practicable, each containment isolation valve shall be stroked r_ ito the position required to fulfill its safety function every three months. Those valves that cannot be tested without possible adverse x effects during plant . operation shall be tested during each cold Lshittdown if not tested during the previous three months.


Prior to plant startup following an extended cold shutdown, a flow test will be performed to verify the normal flow path from the demineralized
water storage tank to the steam generators. The flow test will be

. conducted tCth the emergency feedwater system valves in their normal- ]

. alignment.-

-4.6-3 12/13/85 A


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When the reactor is in a' power. operation' condition.(Condition 7),: ))

, monthly : inspections shall. be ' performed to verify that all manual valves ))

'p. 'in the emergency and auxiliary feedwater systems 'necessary to assure ))

. emergency and-auxiliary feedwater ; flow from the primary water source to ))

-the, steam generators are locked in the proper-position.


? When the reactor' is ~in' a power operation condition (Condition 7), -))

.each motor' driven emergency feed pump and the turbine driven auxiliary' _))

feedwater. pump and
systems valves-shall be tested at monthly intervals- ))

Lto demonstrate operability. Bistable actuation setpoints:of the motor -))l

driven emergency feed pumps shall be tested monthly in accordance.with ))-
Table 4;1-2, number 21a.. -))

-During each refueling shutdown, a verification test shall be conducted .

o ))

to assure that each motor driven emergency feed pump auto-start circuitry ))

. actuates uponLreceipt of an emergency feedwater actuation test signal in ))-

t accordance with Table 4.1-2, number 21b.- ))


< )The main steam exces's flow check' valves shall be tested once every 6= weeks for movement: of the . valve _ disc through a distance of approximately one and one-half inches. These valves will be tested through full travel distance during. each refueling -interval.


_ 0. FEEDWATER-TRIP-SYSTEM lh :The.following . tests will be performed at each refueling interval:

a.' Main Feedwater Pumps

. Each main feedwater pump, condensate pump, and heater drain pump trip' system'shall be tested by tripping the actuation circuitry with a safety injection sipal coincident with steam generator low pressure signal.

-b. Feedwater Valves.

Each main-feedwater regulating valve, main feedwater. regulating

-bypass valve, and auxiliary feedwater control and isolation valve trip system shall be tested by tripping the valves with a'

< low pressure signal from their respective steam generators.


The safety injection system and the containment spray system are principal plant safeguards systems that are normally operable during reactor- ,

Complete system tests cannot be' performed when the reactor is operating because of their inter-relation with operating systems. The method of assuring operability of these systems is a combination of complete system

_ tests' performed during refueling shutdowns and monthly tests of active system components (pumps and valves) which can be performed during reactor

= operation. The test interval is based on the judgement that more frequent testing would not simificantly -increase the reliability (i.e., the probability that the component would operate when required), yet more frequent tests would result in increased wear over a long period of time.

4.6 12/13/85


. MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY The_ monthly part travel exercising of the VCT outlet to charging pump suction valves, in lieu of the full travel exercise, is conducted to preclude an interruption of normal plant operations. Redundant valves have been used to assure proper lineup in the event of ECCS actuation.

Other ECCS valves whose operation is not required to assure core flooding or

. containment spray shall be tested during each refueling shutdown period in accordance with 2.b.

The three check valves in the ECCS line to each loop provide assurance that a valve failure will not result in unrestricted flow of pressurized reactor coolant into lower pressure connecting piping outside. the containment. The valve integrity testing required by Technical Specification 4.6.A.2.f assures that the rate of flow under a valve failure condition will not exceed the pressure relief capacity of the line. It further provides periodic assurance that the check valves are intact.

The two check valves closest to the loop are grouped together as a single check valve ~ barrier for test purposes. The first valve provides a thermal barrier preventing thermal distortion from affecting the tightness of the second valve. The third valve alone consti'tutes a check valve barrier.

The check valves are hard seated swing checks designed to withstand the rigors of long term RHR operation without damage and the greatest assurace of integrity and dependability. ,

In addition to the check valves the ECCS line to each loop contains a Motor Operated Valve (MOV) which is closed except for periodic monthly testing. The MOV and reactor side piping is designed for full system pressure and is also capable of preventing an overpressure condition of connecting piping.

.The leakage criteria provide an acceptable balance between the need to maintain a degree of tightness as a criterion of integrity on one hand and ALARA and power dependability considerations on the other giving due credit to the unique design feature of and protection provided by the four valves in series.

Verification that the spray piping and nozzles are open will be made initially by a suitably sensitive method, and at least every five years thereafter.

Since all piping material is all stainless steel, normally in a dry conditions, and with no plugging mechanism available, the retest every five years is considered to be more than adequate.

Other. systems that are important to the emergency cooling function are the SI

. tanks, the component cooling. system and the service water system. The SI tanks are a passive safety feature. In accordance with Specification 4.1 (Table 4.1-2, Item 11), the water volume and pressure in the SI tanks are checked periodically. The component cooling and service water systems operate when the reactor is in operation and are continuously monitored for satisfactory performance.

.The monthly-testing interval of the steam generator motor driven emergency ]

feed pumps and the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater cump verifies their ))

operability by recirculating water to the demineralized water tank. ]

4 6-5 12/13/85 6545L-SDE

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. The' bistable actuation setpoints Ifor the motor . driven emergency feed pumps. are ))

checked monthly ~1n accordance'with #21 of Table 4.1-2 to verify that the. ))

setpoints have not drifted. .


iPrior to plantistartup' extended cold shutdown, a flow test is.

performed on the Auxiliary Feedwater System to. functionally verify the system

. alignment-from the demineralized water storage tank to the steam generators.~

MonthlyLinspectilons are perfortred to veEify that ~all ' manual valves in the

-: Auxiliary Feedwater System from'the primary: water source to the steam .

-generators are. locked-in the proper position.

Proper- functioning.of.the steam turbine admission valve and starting of the -

auxiliary feed pump will demonstrate the operability. of the steem driven

_ pump.3 Verification of correct operation will be made both from instrumentation ~ in the Main Control Room and direct visual observation of the

. pumps.-

The main steam, excess. flow. check valves serve to limit an excessive reactor coolant-system cooldown rate and resultant reactivity insertion following a main steam. break incident. .'Their freedom' to move will be verified periodically.-

-The feedwater. trip system acts to' limit excessive reactor coolant system cooldown and the_ resultant: reactivity insertion produced by' excessive m feedwater flow to the steam generators in the event of a main steam line break.- The. system-acts' to trip _ feedwater pumps, condensate pumps, and heater drain pumps, and close the main feedwater-regulating valve, feedwater-regulating ~ valve bypass valve, and emergency feedwater control and isolation valves to the affected . steam generator. . Signals activating the system are

. developed.byzinstrumentation, logic, and relaying associated with the safety injection actuation system and the excess flow check valve actuation system.


The circuitry which develops these signals is subject to surveillance

< requirements of Tables 4.1-1 and 4.1-2 which assure their- reliability.


The main feedwater pumps, condensate pumps, and heater drain pumps trip upon coincidence of SIAS and a low steam generator pressure. The valves close on


the low steam generator pressure in the associated steam generator. The

reliability of the coincidence logic is assured by testing in accordance with
#20 of . Table 4.1-2. -

t 4

4.6-6 12/13/85 6545L-SDE'


, . 1. ,

- Tabl7 4.1-2 (Continued) 4

' Channel Description Surveillance Function Frequency Surveillance Method g

15. .High Pressure' Safety Injection a. ' Check ~M (3)(4): a. Verify pump ammeter' indication during JPump Current


pump test. '

.b.- Known Current applidd to meterh


Calibrate: R: b. .

16.L Low Pressure Safety. Injection a. Check M (3)(4)' a. Verify pump ammeter ~ indication during Indication System pump. test..

b. Calibrate R b Known current. applied to meter.
47. Containment spray Header a.- Check _M (3)(4) a._ ' Verify header pressure' indication-l Pressure during pump test. .
b. Calibrate R . b. Known pressure applied to sensors.
18. Containment Spray Pump a. Check. M (3)(4) a. Verify pump ammeter' indication during-Current pump _ test.
b. Calibrate R b. Known current applied to meter.


!. 19. Refueling Water Tank Level a. Check S (3) a. Verify level indication.

b. Calibrate R b. Known pressure applied to sensor.
20. Feedwater Trip System a. Test R a. Simulate initiation signal and
verify logic operation;
j b. Test R b. Simulate logic operation and verify .

j valve closure and actuation of main and j auxiliary feedwater pump trip controls.

i I

i l 4.1-9 12/13/85




--4 ,

,z .if ' Table:4.1-2 (Continued)~:

.4 ,,

Chamel Descriph[on- Survtillance Function' Frequency Sury lllance Method-'

21.. Emergency Fmdwater nitiation ' a.- Check' 'M'(3)(4); 'a. ' Verify bistable, actuation setpoints.;:']'

s b.- Test R b. - Simulate initiatilon' signal and verify-l-]

logic operation. 'T

\: #

v l

(1) Not required unless the reactor is in the power operating condition.

(2) Not required during plant startup and shutdown periods.

(3) Not required when plant is in the cold shutdown condition...

(4) Must be performed within 30 days prior to attaining a power operating condition.

4.1-9a 12/13/85